WHEREAS the County Council of Cumbria (hereinafter referred to as “the Council”) being the highway authority for the roads specified in Schedules 1, 2 and 3 hereto and in Articles 3, 4 and 5 hereto in the Borough of Allerdale, the District of South Lakeland and the Borough of Barrow-in- Furness, respectively, is satisfied that traffic in the said roads should be restricted and derestricted, respectively, as specified therein, during the Tour of Britain Cycle Race (“the Event”) for the purpose of facilitating the holding of the Event and to enable members of the public to watch the Event.

NOW THEREFORE the Council in exercise of its powers under Section 16A of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 as amended by the Road Traffic (Temporary Restrictions) Act 1991 and of all other powers them enabling in that behalf with the approval of the Secretary of State for Transport under Section 16(B)(6) hereby make the following Order.

1. No person shall cause or permit any motor vehicle to proceed in the lengths of road specified in Schedule 1 to this Order during the hours and on the days specified in Schedules 1 (or earlier if required by a police constable in uniform) and the time when normal traffic operation can be resumed at the direction of a police constable.

2. No person shall cause or permit any motor vehicle to wait or to load/unload (including for the purpose of delivering or collecting goods) during the hours and on the days specified in the lengths of road detailed in Schedule 2 to this Order.

3. Article 31, Schedule 22 (“One-Way Traffic”) of The County of Cumbria (Various Roads, and Surrounding Area) (Traffic Regulation) Order 2014 is hereby temporarily suspended but only insofar as it relates to that section of the B5292 Station Street, from its junction with Main Street to its junction with South Street and only to facilitate the alternative routes during the Event or until normal traffic operation can be resumed at the direction of a police constable.

4. Article 150, Schedule 109 Part 3 (Ulverston), (One Way Traffic), of The County of Cumbria (Various Roads, South Lakeland Area) (Consolidation of Traffic Regulations) Order 2002 is hereby temporarily suspended but only insofar as it relates to the following lengths of road and only for the duration of the Event or until normal traffic operation can be resumed at the direction of a police constable: - (i) King Street, Ulverston – from its junction with Soutergate to its junction with Market Place; and (ii) Market Place, Ulverston – from its eastern extent with New Market Street to its western extent King Street; and (iii) Market Street, Ulverston – from its western extent with New Market Street to its south eastern extent with the A590 County Road.

5. Article 66, Schedule XXXVII One-way (At All Times) of the County of Cumbria (Various Roads, Barrow-in-Furness) (Consolidation and Minor Amendment of Traffic Regulations) Order 2001 is hereby temporarily suspended but only insofar as it relates to Slater Street, Barrow-in-Furness from its junction with Forshaw Street towards its junction with Cavendish Street, and only for the duration of the Event or until normal traffic operation can be resumed at the direction of a police constable.

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6. Nothing in Article 2 above shall apply so as to prevent any vehicle making deliveries to business premises in the roads detailed in Schedule 2 (“No Waiting and No Loading/Unloading” in the Borough of Allerdale) but only insofar as it relates to South Street, Station Street, Main Street and Lorton Street, Cockermouth and providing that the waiting time for those deliveries is limited to a maximum of 30 minutes duration.

7. Nothing in this Order shall: (i) Apply to any motor vehicle being used for police, fire brigade or ambulance purposes, or the purpose of an undertaker in an emergency, such as the loss of supplies of gas, electricity or water to premises in the area, which necessitates the bringing of motor vehicles into the section of road to which the order applies; and (ii) Apply to anything done with the permission or at the direction of a police constable in uniform; and (iii) Have the effect of preventing at any time access for pedestrians to any premises situated on or adjacent to the roads, or to any other premises accessible for pedestrians from, and only from the roads; and (iv) Apply to motor vehicles being used in connection with the Event; and (v) Apply to motor vehicles displaying a permit issued by the Forestry Commission for parking/access to Pass; and (vi) Apply other than at such times and to such extent as is indicated by the appropriate traffic signs.

8. Whilst this Order continues in force and without prejudice to the validity of anything done or to any liability incurred in respect of any act or omission before the coming into operation of this Order, no person shall cause any motor vehicle to stop or wait (including waiting for the purpose of delivering or collecting goods to load or unload any motor vehicle) in the lengths of road specified in Schedule 1 hereto.

9. Additional roads and lengths of roads may also be restricted at the direction of a police constable in uniform, to facilitate alternative routes.

10. This Order shall continue in force for a maximum of 3 days or until normal traffic operation can be resumed at the direction of a police constable whichever is the sooner.

11. This Order is made because Cumbria County Council is satisfied that traffic on the roads specified in Schedules 1, 2 and 3 hereto should be restricted and in Articles 3, 4 and 5 above should be derestricted, as specified therein, to enable the Event to take place.

12. To the extent that the provisions of this Order are inconsistent with, or incompatible with, the provisions of any other Order, Byelaws or enactment relating to traffic regulation in the lengths of road referred to in the Articles hereto, the provisions of this Order shall prevail for the duration of the Event.

13. The Interpretation Act 1978 shall apply for the interpretation of this Order as it applies for the interpretation of an Act of Parliament.

14. This Order shall come into operation on the fifth day September 2018 and may be cited as The County of Cumbria (Various Roads in the County of Cumbria) (Tour of Britain Cycle Race) (Temporary Traffic Regulation) Order 2018.

Dated the 28th day of August 2018 trc/order/tour of Britain 2018

THE COMMON SEAL of ) ) CUMBRIA COUNTY COUNCIL ) ) was hereunto affixed in the ) ) presence of:- )

Authorised Signatory ……………………………………


ROLLING ROAD CLOSURES (in the Borough of Allerdale) Between 1200 hours and 1600 hours on Friday 7 September 2018:- A591 Dunmail Raise – From a point approx. 2km north west of its junction with the U5519, extending in a north westerly direction to its junction with Penrith Road (via Castlerigg Brow and Chestnut Hill) Penrith Road, Keswick – From its junction with Chestnut Hill to its junction with Bank Street; Bank Street, Keswick – From its junction with Penrith Road to its junction with Main Street; Main Street, Keswick – From its junction with Bank street to its junction with High Hill; High Hill, Keswick – From its junction with Main Street to its junction with the A66; A66, Keswick – From its junction with High Hill to its junction with The B5292 (); B5292 Braithwaite – From its junction with the A66 to its junction with Whinlatter Pass; B5289 Lorton – From its junction with Whinlatter Pass to its junction with the C2030 ; C2030 Loweswater – From its junction with the B5289 to its junction with the C2031Branthwaite via Mockerkin and Ullock; C2031 Branthwaite – From its junction with the C2030 Ullock to its junction with the C2054 Winscales; C2054 Winscales – From its junction with the C2031 Branthwaite to its junction with the A596; A596 Workington – From its junction with the C2054 Winscales to its junction with Jane Street along High Street, Guard Stree and Washington Street; Jane Street, Workington – From its junction with Washington Street to its junction with Oxford Street; Oxford Street, Workington – From its junction with Jane Street to its junction with Station Road; Station Road, Workington – From its junction with Oxford Street to its junction with the A597; A597, Workington – from its junction with Station Road to its junction with A596 Northside Road; A596 Northside Road – From its junction with the A597 to its junction with Calva Brow; A594, Broughton Moor – From its junction with Seaton Road to its junction with A5086 Cockermouth; A5086 Cockermouth – From its junction with the A594 to its junction with Main Street, along Gote Road and Crown Street; Main Street, Cockermouth – From its junction with Crown Street to its junction with Market Place; Market Place, Cockermouth – From its junction with Main Street to its junction with Castlegate Drive; Castlegate Drive, Cockermouth – From its junction with Market Place to its junction with the B5291Dubwath; B5291 Dubwath – From its junction with Castlegate Drive to its junction with the A591; A591 Keswick – From its junction with the B5291 Dubwath to its junction with the A66; A66, Keswick – From its junction with the A591 to its junction with B5292 Braithwaite; The entire lengths of the following:- Calva Brow, Seaton; trc/order/tour of Britain 2018

Main Road, Seaton; Seaton Road, Broughton Moor; Whinlatter Pass, Keswick.

ROAD CLOSURES (in the Borough of Allerdale) From 1800 hours on Wednesday 5 September 2018 to 1700 hours on Thursday 6 September 2018; Main Street, Cockermouth – From its junction with Sullart Street to its junction with Station Street; The right hand lane of the B5292 Station Street, Cockermouth, from its junction with the U2375 South Street, extending in a southerly direction for a distance of approx. 28 metres; Main Street, Cockermouth (westbound lane) – From its junction with Station Street to its junction with Market Place.

Between 0500 hours and 1530 hours on Thursday 6 September 2018 Whinlatter Pass, Keswick – From its junction with the A66 to its junction with the B5289 Lorton.

Between 1000 hours and 1445 hours on Thursday 6 September 2018; Crown Street Cockermouth – From its junction with Gote Road to its junction with Sullart Street; Sullart Street, Cockermouth – From its junction with Main Street to its junction with South Street.

Between 1130 hours and 1445 hours on Thursday 6 September 2018 South Street Cockermouth – From its junction with Main Street to its junction with Lorton Street; Lorton Street, Cockermouth – From its junction with South Street to its junction with Strawberry How Road; Strawberry How Road, Cockermouth – From is junction with Lorton street to its junction with Hudith Hill Road; Hundith Hill Road, Cockermouth – From its junction with Strawberry How Road to its junction with Lorton Road; Lorton Road, Cockermouth – From its junction with Hundith Hill Road to its junction with Whinlatter Pass;

Between 0500 hours and 1900 hours on Friday 7 September 2018 Whinlatter Pass, Keswick – From its junction with the A66 to its junction with the B5289 Lorton.

ROLLING ROAD CLOSURES - (in Borough of Barrow-in-Furness) Between 1000 hours and Midday on Friday 7 September 2018:- Duke Street, Barrow – From its junction with Cornwallis Street to its junction with Abbey Road; Abbey Road, Barrow – From its junction with Duke Street to its junction with Park Drive; Park Drive, Barrow – From its junction with Abbey Road to its junction with Greengate Street; Greengate Street, Barrow – From its junction with Park Drive to its junction with Schneider Square roundabout; Michaelson Road, Barrow – From its junction with Schneider Square roundabout to its junction with Bridge Road; Bridge Road, Barrow – From its junction with Michaelson Road to its junction with North Road; North Road, Barrrow – From its junction with Bridge Road to its junction with Hindpool Road; Hindpool Road, Barrow – From its junction with North Road to The Strand; The Strand, Barrow – From Hindpool Road to Salthouse Road; Salthouse Road, Barrow – From The Strand to Roose Road; Roose Road, Barrow – From Salthouse Road to its junction with Rampside Road Rampside Road, Barrow – From its junction with Roose Road to the A5087 A5087, Barrow – From its junction with Rampside Road, extending in a north-easterly direction for approx. 900m.

ROAD CLOSURES - (in the Borough of Barrow-in-Furness) trc/order/tour of Britain 2018

Between 0400 hours and 1400 hours on Friday 7 September 2018:- Duke Street, Barrow – From its junction with Abbey Road to its junction with Schneider Square; Cornwallis Street, Barrow – From its junction with Duke Street to its junction with Hindpool Road; Lawson Street, Barrow – From its junction with Cornwallis Street to its junction with Market Street; Market Street, Barrow – From its junction with Duke Street to its junction with Hindpool Road; Wesley Place, Barrow – From its junction with Lawson Street to its junction with Hindpool Road; Forshaw Street, Barrow – From its junction with Duke Street to its junction with Slater Street.

ROLLING ROAD CLOSURES (in the District of South Lakeland) Between 1000 hours and 1400 hours on Friday 7 September 2018 :- A5087 – from a point approx. 900m from its junction with the A5087 Rampside Road, extending in a north easterly direction for approx. 14.4km to its junction with the A590. A590 – From its junction with the A5087 to its junction with the U5714 Market Street; U5714 Market Street, Ulverston – From its junction with the A590 to its junction with the C5017 Market Place; C5107 Market Place, Ulverston – From its junction with the C5017 to its junction with the B5281 King Street; B5281 King Street, Ulverston –From its junction with the C5107 Market Place to its junction with the B5284 Soutergate; B5281 Soutergate, Ulverston – From its junction with the B5281 Market Place to its junction with the A5092 at Gawthwaite; A5092 Gawthwaite – From its junction with the B5281 to its junction with the A5084 at Lowick; A5084 Lowick – From its junction with the A5092 to its junction with the A593 Torver; A593 Torver – From its junction with the A5084 to its junction with the B5285 Coniston B5285 Coniston – From its junction with the A593 to its junction with the B5286 at Hawkshead Hill; B5286, Hawkshead Hill – From its junction with the B5286 to its junction with the A593 Clappersgate; A593 Clappersgate – From its junction with the B5286 to its junction with the A593 Rothay Road, Ambleside; A591 Ambleside – From its junction with the A593 Compston Road to its junction with the B5287 Stock Lane, Grasmere A591 Grasmere – From the junction with the B5287 Broadgate, extending in a north westerly direction for approx. 3.7km.

The entire lengths of the following:- A593 Rothay Road, Ambleside; A593 Compston Road, Ambleside; B5287 Stock Lane, Grasmere; B5284 Church Stile, Grasmere; B5287 Red Lion Square, Grasmere; B5287 Broadgate, Grasmere.


NO WAITING AND NO LOADING/UNLOADING - (in the Borough of Allerdale) From 1800 hours on Wednesday 5 September 2018 to 1700 hours on Thursday 6 September 2018 ; South Street, Cockermouth (both sides) – For its entire length; Station Street, Cockermouth (both sides) – For its entire length; Lorton Street, Cockermouth (both sides) – From its junction with Station street to its junction with Strawberry How Road; B5292 Braithwaite (both sides) – From its junction with the A66 to its junction with the B5289. trc/order/tour of Britain 2018

Between 1030 hours and 1700 hours on Friday 7 September 2018 B5292 Main Street, Cockermouth (both sides) – For its entire length; C2064 Main Street, Cockermouth (both sides) – For its entire length; Whinlatter Pass, Keswick (both sides) – For its entire length; B5292 Braithwaite (both sides) – From its junction with the A66 to its junction with the B5289; Main Road, Seaton (both sides) – From its junction with Lowca Lane to its junction with Hunters Drive.

NO WAITING AND NO LOADING /UNLOADING - (in the Borough of Barrow-in-Furness) From midday on Thursday 6 September 2018 to 1400 hours on Friday 7 September 2018:- Duke Street, Barrow (both sides) – From its junction with Ramsden Square up to and including its junction with Schneider Square; Cornwallis Street, Barrow (both sides) – From its junction with Duke Street to its junction with Hindpool Road; Lawson Street, Barrow (both sides) – From its junction with Cornwallis Street to its junction with Market Street; Market Street, Barrow (both sides) – From its junction with Duke Street to its junction with Hindpool Road.

SCHEDULE 3 ONE-WAY TRAFFIC RESTRICTION – (in the Borough of Allerdale) From 1800 hours on Wednesday 5 September 2018 to 0930 hours on Thursday 6 September 2018; South Street, Cockermouth - Vehicles are prohibited from proceeding other than in a south-easterly direction, between its junctions with Sullart Street and the B5292 Station Street.

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