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ThE OUTON STAR ThE OUq|iTON STAR While tl able tha Volume 76. Number 3 September 30.1983 the riva

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rival Ch WJSL: does not But befo not yet 1 proache Have Students Been Cheated? ment on Muslim. sue will itself, tb anferm Thep WISL is no longer a student radio station. The current campus controversy precedent? WISL, as it now stands, represents a tradeoff: to gain tEnual vil concerns not only the validity of that assertion. but the desirability of quality. students had to relinquish control. What, if any, effort was made The nee removing student authority at both administrative and practical levels. to obtain both? If a consultant with a background in radio were which w Collegians who consider the relationship between the student body and available to lend expertise and suggestions, perhaps students could widenin; the administration to be adversarial automatically assume that student have obtained autonomy. Students deserve a chance to experiment need to 1 interests have been intentionally thwarted, but the new WJSL offers in the medium of radio: and if creativity leads to a product that is hope thi improved opportunities for student learning and experience. Improved less than perfect. that experience is doubly educational because the withdra and rebuilt equipment allows for a wider potential audience (approximately student conceived it on his own. Elizabeth Sperry 10,000), upgraded sound quality. and superior workmanship. The overhauled WISL gives the student a more realistic simulation of "real Conimiti world" radio with 24-hour year-round broadcasting, content guidelines, nonalign and a continuity of management. Walt Pickut. this year's station manager, ThE STAR STAff Reaga stresses that these innovations indicate improved educational benefit higher o for the student. According to Pickul, those who complain about peen lan Editor·in-Chief Elizabeth A. Sperry his status as a part-time student or the changes at WISL are to co[laid unaware that the station narrowly escaped a shut down brought Managing Editor Jennifer Thirsk overall 8 on by "quality control" problems and a lack of qualified student interest in Photo Editor Eric A. Dohner minAgerial positions. News Editor Glenn McKnight *ling wi Further administrative infiltration is scheduled for the upcoming Sports Editor Sally Parker because year with the creation of a broadcasting minor and a faculty Literary Editor Kathy Readyoff Reagan k Music Editor Steve Breneman position that will approximate the General Manager position. All allies, al lesser authorities will hail from the student body. The Board of Control, Arts Editor Steve Earl Reaga a committee subordinate to the real power, the Board of Directors, Circulation Manager Jean Kephart is now defunct: only the BOC had Student Senate representation. Business Manager Meredith Rapp majority WISL will no longer receive student money via the student activity Advisor Paul Young one anal fee. Under Pickut the station will become entirely listener supported. No student administrative authority remains; no student managerial in the we authority remains: no student purchasing power remains: WJSL is no longer Roponon Gerry Szymansky Maurice Sutlono lies in tb a student radio station. Renee Basehore Heather Toth Holly Winters Charles Beach violating Nor is it exclusively student oriented. The latest demographic Tim Valdez Peggy Wraight Peter Breen Sarah Verser these tw survey indicates that of the station's potential listening audience, Ned Farnsworth Melissa Waits Production tremely i only ten percent are Houghton students. Accordingly, WISL should cater to Tashna Hendnks Dedra Allaton on the rc Thea Hurd student's interests ten percent of the time. Pickut is being generous Pholograpii,s Beth Emmons to board with 5-hour nightly Christian Contemporary Music (CCM] programming, Tjmothy Histetter Jeff Crocker Sharon Regal Cynthia Kinard Vincent Coniglio Pam Ring they can thirty percent of airtime: doubly generous considering the constant Dawn Pedersen Joel Hecht Karen Shey This p community pressure to abolish CCM entirely. The former student run station Aenee Potter Rob Holz Michele Staley vaved a i David Shoemaker now has more community listeners and more community programming. Syndy Humphrey Susan Winter national WISL is evolving into an odd hybrid: curriculum radio station meets Jim Splropoulos Hope Kunkle cies in th commercial radio station But it most certainly is not a student radio station. Therefore. the plans to transplant WISL to the campus center basement formula seem incongruous. The sneak shop, game area. and student offices The Houghton Star is a weekly publication representing the voice nally rea are all part of a student area in the student center. Several years of the students of Houghton College. The Star encourages thought, the accm ago the basement phonathon center and television studio overwhelmed a t.v. discussion and the free exchange of opinion; but opinions and ideas cess kep area and a student coffee house. Now it appears tht a commercial expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of the Star which mt radio station (albeit of a quasi-educational nature) will overwhelm or of Houghton College. The Star encourages signed letters to the of nation a large portion of the student recreation area. editor; however, the editor reserves the right to edit att contributions. wanted c More disturbing still loorns the loss of student control in governance All letters must be submitted by 9:00 am Tuesday. The Star sub- that borr positions and in the practical realms of daily station work. The scribes to the Washington Post Writers Group. consider, General Manager position has doubtless been invaluable training for tive coun many. Does a brief lapse in student interest justify establishing a Cover Credit: Steve Earl 2 NEWS

by Glenn McKnight n» I/bans= L 1 la ce,I,flm Ab paEk=layn¥lt While this giant step towards peace has been duly noted, it is unquestion- able that the next step, reconciliation. will be even harder to achieve. Now the rival Lebanese political factions, the Syrians, and the Saudis must work out a framework for power sharing ina Mw L t framework. This reconciliation will have to be a negotiated settlement between the rival Christian. Druze, and Muslim factions. The Lebanese government does not plan to participate directly in the talks, but will play a host role. But before these talks begin. ceagefire questions must be answered. It has not yet been determined who will police the ceasefire. The Lebanese ap- proached Italy. France. and the United Nations. but it will take an agree- ment on the part of the Lebanese army and representatives of the Druze, Muslim. and Christian forces to decide. Reaching an agreement on this is- sue will be a feat itself and could take weeks. Concerning the conference itself. there has been no date or time length stipulated. and a preliminary 0 anfermoe to decide these and other *88,28 offidals say could take mallha Thepast eight years of civil violence in Lebanon are marked by a con- Hn.wl vidaticm Of Ceasefires, tbrowing doubt on the 1 of this one. The need to keep Lebanon from dividing into provinces, the failure of which would escalate violent factional clashes; the need to span the ever- 11 r widening ChristiaDMuslim gap which partially caused the Shout war; the need to unite behind the multkanfessional Lebanese t. and the hope that a united front will press strongly for Syrian and Israeli troup withdrawals are pressing reasons to retain the ceasefire. ' 04 the United Dorm Authority Delays Nalloos Gemmi As=nb on Monday. He stated that the U.S. is gninlindy committed to reaching an arms agreement with Russia, that it supports Renovation nonalignment, and thatthe U.S. believes in the UN. Reagan made new proposals concerning arms controL He suggested a by David Shoemaker the project. The Dormitory Authority higher ceiling on warheads, accepted the Soviet proposal to include Euro Houghton has drawn up the plans also demanded that every room have pean land-based aircraft capable of carrying nuclear weapons, and agreed ona project that will chAnge the look proper ventilation. the duct work for to consider cutting back on the number of Pershing II's to be deployed if an o,f the camfs center recreation room. which is very expensive. overall agreement is reached at Geneva. Financially, the project may take Tkie US., says Reagan. supports nonalignment of nations in order to avoid Ddgned by Bearchiey andBean¥ey, longer to finish. The college is shoot- s£ling with either the West or the East But this has to be true nonatignaimt the project may start during Christmas ing for Christmas as a starting date. because some "nonaligned" states are really client states of the Soviets. break and includes chAnges that will Reagan hinted stnxiy that the West and third worki nations were natural bring an atmosphere of privacy and but as Ken Nielsen, the college allies, and implicated the USSR as the real troublemaker. innovation to the basement. Some of treasurer, said, -It'11 take from now to Christmas to put the package Reagan also pledged US support for the UN and praised it for work it the additions and changes include a together." bas dona Reagan's speech was dearly trying to push a wedge between the new coffee shop with high-backed Dean Danner also expressed a majority of members on one side. and the USSR on the other. According to booths, a carpeted, soundproof T.V. desire to have complete commitment one analyst. "it was probably effective in [this] sense." room. a snack bar with a buffet table of money for the entire project Si,ick I *V in ilm mocnt So¥E Wh lo maed bogdm 12* cciuies and stage for "coffee-house" perfor- before the first hammer is swung. in the wake of Russia's explanation for downing the Korean 747. The irony mances. a separate pool and video That way, the student body will not lies in the fact that submarines, presumably Soviet. have regularly been game room, and a complete WISL have to wait through variow"stages" violating Swedish territorial waters for almost two years. In response to studio. of development that might last these two developments, the Scandinavians have labeled the Soviets ex- The studio is the first priority and several years. tremely inconsistent One official Bald. "When their submarine was caught will hopefully be completed in the Ideas for the renovation have been on the rocks near Karlskrona in October 1981. they said we had no right spring. Of course many people ex- kicked around for several years, but to board it But. when a civilian airliner flies into their airspace, they Bay pected to find the studio completed last year was the first time anything they can shoot it down." this falL Unfortunately. that was not serious had been done. A committee This parallel affirms the idea that shooting down the Korean night in- to be the case. headed by Rick Lee started the dved a mistake somewhere on the Soviet chain of command. causing inter- Tom Britton, Director of Student research and the plans. Tom Britton national embarassment and loss of prestige, and highlighting inconsisten- Activities and New Student Orienta- is excited about the progress thus cies in their international dealings. tion, mentioned that the college was far. Enmatio,1,1 Mo=*4 Fhand mcmbem have =tabli,lied a bard-won new going to start on the radio station "The college is committed to work- formula for aiding financially-strapped countries. The agreement was fi- at the beginning of the summer. ing with the plan." he said. According nally reached at 1:30 Monday morning. The contentious issue concerned However. the plan was snubbed by to Britton, tentative predictions for the access countries have to IMF funds in time of need. The US wanted ac- the Dormitory Authority who insisted the renovated recreation room call cms kept at the 102% of quotas (deposits by contributing nations) level. on steel studs, rather than the kimber for completion by spring of 1985. which meant that because of changes in the distribution of quotas. dazens a donator had given the college for of nations would have less access in a pinch. Thus the developing nations wanted access raised to 125% of quotas. The IMF reached a compromise Regrettably. we goofed In STAR 01. In the articie to speak at graduatior. They werp only lust in· that borrowing would initially be stayed at the 102% level. but that upon ·'Senate Votes CID." we mentioned that Dr. vited and it ts not denniu that they am coming. Frnnk Young. Dean of the School of Medidne at Sodoo't believi ever,thing you Med·cium you consideration of a country's balance»of-payment needs by the IMF execu- the U of R. andNorman Marmhall. National (cm- n,vu bmw how many dido„,it pwple t»re are tive council the 12594 level could be invoked. mander of the Salvalion Army were coming here in New York. 3 Marine Band 1 Undercuts Houghton by David Shoemaker that some money 13 better than no Despite their bravura perform- money and played there anyway. said anoe here last Wednesday. the United Ganoway States Marine Band received criti- Speculation has surfaced con- cism from several people for their cerning why the band would lack of professional murtesy offstage schedule a concert 80 close to 7:30 pi The band booked a concert in Olean Houghton. Galloway talked to both movies? 7 for the following night and under- the band touring director and the review? i sold the Houghton prices for the con- music director at Olean to find the it... cert, possibly drawing away several answer. Evidently, the band did Actuall potential corners. have a scheduled concert somewhere as the la Robert Galloway, head of the outside the "back door" perimeter the dum music dept., mentioned that it is a for Thursday night but it fell through. cials? [He professional courtesy for a touring So they had to find an audience for tion as P Senate Argues Student Motions band not to book a concert on the that night. hair was "back door" of another concert The touring director said that they bucks wa Senate's September 27 meeting funds would go to. The proposition was area. For example, the Phillip's had tried Jamestown without suc- be seen a moved quickly through Committee re- defeated. Brass, coming next spring. called cess, and in desperation tried some head. wcn ports to a heated discussion on stu- Harvey Shephard's idea to insti- ahead and asked permission to play connections in Olean at the last min- Anywa dent-initiated motions. Nancy Haven. tute a "consistent and periodical fast a concert in Buffalo. Yet the Marine ute {2e weeks before the concert). seen it. Vk reporting for the Student Development to raise money for World Relief" re- Band, for some reason, scheduled a There they found a place to play. but a billionaiI Committee. stated that the basket- suited in a new ad hoc committee to concert only thirty-five miles away. ran into the aforementioned finan- everyone ball team's homerun hitting contest investigate the possibilities. The distance might not have made cial difficulties. Some p had initially been denied since they The Gao intersection and other col- too much difference, but the Olean One reason. said Galloway, that to the laul receive funds already from the school lege intersectiohs were the focus of concert cost only $3.00, while Houghton had to charge so much for bucks to h Coach ]ack decided to use the funds Ron Whiteford's motion. He moved Houghton charged $7.50. Many tickets was that the U.S. Marine girlwhost for a spiritual emphasis retreat and that student development "work with people took that as a sign that band is not part of government ex- another o A few the fund-raiser passed. local government to alleviate ambiguity Houghton purposely overprices its penditure. That is why they origin Tle Athle#c Committee Voted against at certain college intersections to in- tickets in order to build up a music ally tried to get the Air Force Band, Kning the NCAA this year. According crease safety." The motion passed. fund. But, as Galloway explained. because it is supported by the the subjec Here's to NCAA Standards, scholarship The final topic of debate centered those prices are calculated so the government and could have played awards must be based on financial on Heather Toth's motion to move Artist's Series can break even. a free concert here. that? She want a di need; however. according to NAIA lunch time on Sundays from 12:00 to But Olean could not charge the The fifty member marine band 1 gne it a l sund.rds, scholarship awards may 12:30. She mentioned that students prices necenary to pay off the band. has now moved on to complete their be based solely on performance. Due bolt from church and Pioneer workers so the marines obviously figured tour of the east. thing and to our past record in awarding Presi- have to leave church early. Vicld Ford say to Dec d,mtial scholarships, the NCAA would added that the motion. if passed, waild with no k automatically place Houghton on pro. promote fellowship in the church. Phi Alpha Theta Airs Vietnam Series Wd, u bation for two years. Therefore, the jamie Wiener then remiI;Jed every- because i frmmittee decided to bring Houghton's one to consider the desires of the stu- by Peter Breen to nnirnArous sclic,IArs, more than sixty policies into compliance with tha polk dents and as a result Rob Lamberts Phi Alpha Theta is presenting a cies of the NCAA, aiming for admit- amended the change to 12:15. The special television series, Vietnam: archives, and over 150 personal tarlce in 1985-86. ammen{led motion carried. A Television History, to be aired interviews. The extensive film foot- Rob Lamberts reported that the weekly by the Public Broadcasting age offers several shots never seen Cultural Affairs Committee "objected BSC Pioneers System beginning Tuesday, October 4 before by the public. strongly" to a proposal that a Star re- at 9:00 pm. [*note: Program 2 will be Dr. Katherine Lindley and Ion About porter be allowed in meetings of the shown Wednesday, October 5 at Balsan gathered the information from the page Bin mview committee The idea passed Program 9.00 pm. Other programs to be shown PBS on the series. The Social Science Bo'clock to Film Review Committee. which de- weekly.) department is now working out details Brookside cided to allow Heather Toth. already by Cloy MacTarnaghon The educanonal sequence of thir- in hopes of building a May term a Star reporter, to review each movie. The Buffalo Suburban Campus is teen one hour programs deal with course around the series. Then 1 induding giving it a rating, mentioning pioneering an International Student the varied experiences, viewpoints, Local President Glenn McKnight the shelf who might object to the movie. and Language program under Claudia and complex issues of the "Living says, "Our aim for Phi Alpha Theta found thr offering a rationale explaining why Harbaugh to give international shamts room war." Beginning with a brief at Houghton is to promote historical dialer's fi the movie was or was not approved. extra tutelage in English. background on the Vietnamese peo- scholarship. The whole subject of I met D At present the committee is working The Houghton language program ple. the history proceeds to the the Vietnam war and the U.S. involve- "Look i on a film review policy. leads the Christian College Consor- August revolution of 1945 in ment in it is just now beginning to be about the The Info Committee plans to publish tium and secular colleges and univer- Vietnam, surveying the war in depth broached and we feel it's an area the 1983-84 Info by November 1. sities in the area. up to the surrender of the South worthy of study." McKnight went on When t] The student proposals began with Harbaugh is a graduate of the Uni- Vietnamese and the departure of the to say that this series is open to any- his neighl Clein Rutland's GraIp Dynamics pro versity of Ekiffalo with a B.A. in Croes- American mission from Saigon in one in the community that is inter- hood. Oh ject: selling 400 painter's caps with Cultural Perspectives on Language and April of 1975. The last episode ested. Next. t the words -Sunday's comin- to raise focuses on the aftermath of the war, Camnunity. She was a migginr,Ary for Our apologies to Heather Toth end Cia, Tibbles, a money for Haitian children. four years with the Slavic Gospel especially in Vietnam and the United MacTarnagahan for forgetting their byline, Cor a version Rm Whiteford objected, mentioning Association. Two of these years she States. their articies ··Students intern in DC" and "BSC Steve'B sc the "very tight budget" of student The comprehensive and chrono- Embark, on New Program.'· Forgive us. we know cheers. S spent in South Korea broadcasting not what wedo. senate. Dale Hursh asked what group radio programs in Russian. logical presentation owes its content 4 ARTS

"Ill bet that's just a recording." Dave said. as Freshman Sharon Combes played the piano while wearing a pair of mittens. Nate Dates Red Pate -No. she's really playing that" I countered. "I'dglove to be able todo that," Dave said with a smirk. I should have stuck with the bed. by Nate Trail Dave at least had the good taste to remain quiet while Tom Bookhout played 7:30 pm. No movie. Why did I ever volunteer to review Annie-of all his moving song "Where Did The Goodbye Come From?" movies? 7:36. Still no movie. I wonder if I could skip the movie and fake the After some comic relief from Keith-Nate Trail-the Maniac and his review? Would anyone notice? 7:38. Finally. Well. here goes. Grin and bear hypnotized bricks, Cathy Rhoades sang "Through the Eyes of Ime" with piano it... backup from Tim Sidebothom. Then Mr. Rogers was back to remind us of Actually, the movie was alright Carol Burnett was hilarious--as always- our chapel vocabulary lesson of a couple weeks ago. as the lady who ran the orphanage. And Bernadette Peters was great as Dave Shoemaker and Nate Trail. with help from receptionist Heather Toth, the dumb blonde. Remember that guy who does the 7-up commer- cials? (Ha Ha Ha of course you do.) I thought he did an excellent Tonto imita- the always abusive Jon Bradley, and the head-hitting Rob Lamberts, gave everyone a taste of Monty Python's finest with their version of the Argument tion as Punjab-the strong. silent type. Oh yeah, the little girl with the red Clinic. hair was pretty cute. too, I guess. Someone even suggested that Daddy War- "That was great," I said through tears of laughter. bucks was cute. I think that's carrying it a bit far. Now, Telly Savalas might "I don't mean to be contrary," Dave said. "but it wasn't that good. be seen as cute, but this guy shaved his head for the movie. If I shaved my "Was too," I stammered. head. would girls fall all over me? ...Case closed. Anyway, maybe I should give an outline of the story for those who've never "Was not." I don't know your name, but a very special thank you goes to the girl who took that opportunity to slam her fist on Dave's head. seen it. Well, there's this girl, see. and she's an orphan. and she gets to go to Brian Earl blew everyone away with his trumpet playing, and may have a billionaire's house for a week, and he ends up adopting her. And in between. even hit some high notes that only Houghton's canine members could enjoy. everyone sings a lot. Brother Steve Earl was the envy of all applied piano majors as his fingers Some people's favorite lines follow. "See you next month. Mr. Bundles:" flew through some wild jazz runs. Even drummer Pat Tibbles showed us that to the laundry man at the orphanage. "Your teeth are crooked:" Daddy War- Campolo's dehonkytizing can work. with some wild drum. stand. floor. and bucks to his secretary."You're never fully dressed without a smile;" the little chair playing. Dave swore he'd throw away his rock records and switch to girl whostamped on Carol Burnett's toes. "Oh my goodness. Oh my goodness;" jazz. another orphan. A few people 1 spoke with felt there were some inappropriate camera To wrap up the show, Rob Lamberts took the stage in a Lisa Johnson de- angles whenever there were ladies dancing. 1 think I'll decline to comment on signer suitcoat. His songs, "Ill Get You Back for Murdering My Gerbil" and the subject, as I'd rather not stir up some bad memories about Dumbo. "I Owe My Life to My Suspenders," which even made professor Arnold Cook Here's what some of you thought, during and after the movie. "Did you see smile. are being considered for the Freshman class hymn. that? She stepped on her face!" -I hate this song. "" I love it.- -How cute." -I Mr. Rogers dismissed us with his promise to come back to the Houghton want a dog like that." -Carol Burnett is a riot." "On a scale of 1 to 10, neighborhood again- 1 glve it a 10." "I hate musicals: just when everything's going gimt they drop every- "Dan. there's the homecoming spot coming up in a couple weeks." Dave thing and sing dumb song." "Definitely corny." "What would Tony Campolo said as we left. "If you start calling now. maybe you can find a date." He say to Daddy Warbudas?" Perhaps my favorite comment was "It's cute, but.." ducked my left. "But Dave. isn't that Canfield's spot?" with no further comment. Well, that's all I can think of to say, except don't believe all of the above, "Oh yeah," Dave said disappointed. "Who knows? Maybe it'11 be good because you never know how many dishonest people there are in New York. anyways." He headed home...

(Anyone wishing to appear in a spot should see Heather Toth or Rob Lam- berts. Spots are open to all regardless of race, religion, or major, and acts On The Spot are needed.}

by Dan Gettman About the time the Benzene rings sprouted hairy legs and crawled from SPOi the page of my organic book. I decided to quit studying for the night. It was 8 0'clock on a Saturday night-in Houghton. I had two options: I could go to Brookside open house-or I could go to bed. I chose the bed. After all, it would be warmer. Then 1 remembered the spot. I'd need a date. I grabbed the Boulder from the shelf and thumbed through its pages looking for a cute girl to ask out. I found three. They all had boyfriends. An hour and a half later I had phone dialer's finger, and a date for the spot. I met Dave in the chapel and we found a seat. "Look at all the couples," I said. staring at the pairs of heads scattered about the chapel. "Yeah," Dave said. "And way over there is a guy and girl sitting together." When the spot began, with Mr. Bill Mirola Rogers leading a sing-alog about his neighborhood, Dave said. "This takes me way back. Oh youth. Oh child- hood. Oh freshman year." Next, the Doobie Brothers-Tom Raff, Maurice Sutiono, Steve Earl, Pat Tibbles, and Dave Vautin-made their first ever Houghton appearance with a version of their '70's hit "China Grove". Dave seemed to like Tom's and Steve's solos. I had to cram my handkerchief down his throat to stop his cheers. Sorry it was dirty, Dave. don't knc

suppositio is dwellii

not worr ETTERS Iohn 16: Holy Spii truth. AL

work mor Some final comments on the question for "style" looks pretty foolish, il proposals: Dear Editor, ually subi of dress and "style": you think about it. Skinny little pants 1. All upperclassmen are ugly As a group of concerned Christian students it is our wish to make that barely reach the shins, shape- because "beauty is in the eye of the more imp 1. After reading and rereading the less skirts with sneakers and ankle beholder." public the possible undermining be minis original letter included in September socks (very flattering!). baggy pants 2. "All have sinned and fallen effect of our most recent Senate Spot Spirit? 16th's Star, 1 still could not be sure with "twinky shoes" (ala. topsidersk shirt of the glory of God" Rom. 3:23 upon the witness and reputation of Perhaps if the author was serious. Clearly. sweaters draped around shoulders 3. David Shoemacher [sic] and this institution. It would be preeum/d we should there area lot more important things when it's 80 degrees out, upturned Gnat [sic] Trail should be required that we as Christians must segre- being ope to be concerned about than clothes collars (a particularly pointless prao- to memorize the pledge as a gate our Christianity from our enter- Holy Spir and "styliehnss." Surely the letter tice that few seem to question). requisite for graduation. tainmenL This is a groes miscon- rather tha was a tongue-in•cheek contribution athletic clothing worn by persons 4. The above mentioned should ception. Believe it or not Houghton. speaker a Bent in by someone who had some who haven't worked up to a legiumate receive an "F" in Critical Thinbng. there is such a thing as good clean extra time on her hands-or was it? sweat in years-the list is endless 5. Tar. feathers and chastisement fun. It is this form of humor that seems to be relished the most. 2. Joke or not, the letter prompted and so is the race towards "stylish- would not be inappropriate and severai replies in the following week's ness." People who dress neatly and would be lots of fun Showing slides of face cards and Star. t'In not in agreement with the sensibly, who maintain well-cared-for David Broden beer bottles seems funny to ug, but general thrust of a couple of the re- bodies in unpretentious, unaffected should be looked at for what it is, a clothing, communicate a sense of valiant effort to make a mockery sponses, i.e. basing one's opinion of Dear Tin Dear Beth the school's pledge. Though we may another primarily on clothing and security and self-value frequently Ultimal absent from those who are slaves to not agree with all that the pledge "stylishness" is completely out of the After discussing Dr. Campolo's pretation entails, we all signed iL Therefore question for Christians. The Scrip- "style.' messages of Christian Life Emphasis in last wi tures are clear enough on the fool- Week with many of my friends. I we are morally and contractily [sic] r-mIA. made it dear enaigh: we've bound to its precepts. Besides, those ishness of judging other persons by found their major complaint to be his own intel jokes are as old as the institution external appearances-no further got a lot more important things to be use of guilL I do not believe that he blind acc concerned about than "style." I'd itself. We're not saying that poking comment is necessary. was wrong to "lay a guilt trip" on us. Jones' fol 3.While we are not allowed to add that this is especially true when fun at legalism and laughing at our- Guilt is not necessarily wrong or bad; opinions 1 selves is wrong. Simply that there is judge or evaluate others by their involves wearing or unfounded guilt may be, however, I ham i appearance, especially by some- doing things that comm. sense shld do not believe that all guilt is bad. a time and a place. The spot is Given. Gu tell us are dumb. A strong sense of thing as bogus as whether or not they If guilt compels us to change, that is, neither. The person who inspired But it B n self-worth based on God's care for are in "style". a person should give m.hng right what we feel guilty for, the writing of this letter was plannbg at biblica] to have a non-Christian friend come consideration to his or her own each of us, coupled with a well-con- and thus alleviating the guilt. there ble.

appearance. But I'm not referring ditioned, fit body, is the basis for is nothing bad about it I am not say- to visit Houghton an the weekend of You wi

primarily to clothes at this point self-respect Style: who cares? ing that we should feel guilty for the homecoming spot. Needless to a ministe being born and raised in an affluent say, he has had second thoughtB. We Rather, a personal fitness...Personal Mark Cerbone vinely ini fitness should concern a lot more society. We should feel guilty if we shudder at the thought of the

people in Houghton than is currently Star Editor, are content to only consider our own in*preasion r slide show would give a Berman- non-believer. Where is our witness? the case. The college community has I would like to take this oppor- needs and wants, without taking care same cri an embarrassingly high percentage tunity to humbly decimate and of the needs of those less fortunate Do you really think Mister Rodgers than us. of persons who are overweight and/or pu=tel repeatedly the arguments would be proud? talks in a Don Haingmy poorly conditioned. This situation is ou•i;-0 by Mr. Shoemacher [sic] and "What good is it my brothers if a I agrel man claims to have faith but has no Brian Earl something that should legitimately Mr. Trail in your last issue. i= tha Rich Rose concern us as Christians. A person To suggest that all freshmen are deeds? Can such faith save him? Wilson E.P. Jones can dress "stylishly" everyday and ugly is seM-incriminating and stupid. Suppose a brother or sister is with- Meeting, simply be coverg up an oukifihape, The proposition is purely subjective. out clothes and daily food. If one of That met poorly cared·for body. Responsible Therefore, it cannot supported or you says to him, 'Go. I wish you well dividuals care for the body through exercise, refuted. Besides, Brooke Shields keep warm and well fed' but does believe ui rest and proper eating is as impor- begins Princeton this year. nothing about his physical needs. To the editor: ers need 1 tant as "stylishness" is inconse- Since all the following arguments what good is it? In the same way, We would like to pose a few lim 101 quential depend on the first contention being faith by itself if it is not accompanied questions concerning your editorial that may 4. Anyone who feels better about true, there is no need to further by action is dead" Jimi 2:14-17 (NIV) last week. submiBBii him/herself because they dress destroy the pathetic contentions that Sincerely, Fiat of all, what is wrong with "stylishly" has an underdeveloped follow except to fulfill Badistic Kathy J Peterson accepting an interpretation of the most of 1 or easly.infiumced sense of self-worth tendencies. An example of their divinely inspired? We readily accept Christian A person with a healthy self-image sophomoric logic is irresitable to a Sunday morning Berman. But a dict one , which is based primarily on an un- confront Betting is not only against Dear Editor, Berman is really a mininter's bothbec derstanding of the value of each the pledge but doesn't do tiddlywinks For the record, my graduate interpretation of the divinely in- entirely I person in God's eyes aI]d to a much to support the contention that "inter- degrees were both earned at the spired. But what's so different and mistt heer extt on deanlies and phys- '*If the national strife leads to nuclear war." University of North Carolina about what Tony Campolo said? ical conditioning can wear anything This is too fun. ... The pledge does (Chapel Hill), and not at the Perhaps it's because he talked inus. we i from designer jeans to a toga and not restrict bedlam {read it and weep institution reported by M. Walts about issues which some would misled." still feel fine about his/herself. If boys). In the interest of their self- in the September 16 issue of the rather not hear abouL ment dis your self-worth meter is tied into respect (whatever's left that is), 1 Star. Secondly, what's so wrong with fect tain! what you wear. something's wrong. will cease fire. However, I would Cordially, being spiritually submissive to a righteout 5. A lot of what currently passes You off like to suggest a few ideas and lon Balson speaker's views even though you 6 don't know his values and pre- tenuen that "the Holy Spirit can work suppositions? If the Holy Spirit more effectively in a spiritually sub- is dwelling within us. we need missive individual than a questioning not worry about being misled. one." We should be spiritually sub- exteniporanea Tohn 16:13 tells us that the missive to the Holy Spirit, not to man Holy Spirit will guide us to 811 and certainly not to every idea we hear. truth. Also the Holy Spirit can God can work through questioning. by David Shoemaker work more effectively in a spirit- Such "cross-examination" can func- Irecently contemplated suicide, knowing full well I would regret it after- ually submissive individual rather tion as a guide to "all truth"_ wards. My Mom would have blamed it on herself due to the time when she 1 than a questioning one. Which is especially if there is an untruth we accidentally pummeled my boa constrictor to a bloody pulp; my father would 3 more important: to question or to med to isolate before digesting a ser- probably mutter saiiething polysyllabic including the words "generation" and be mini.tered to by the Holy mon. The dilemmA you presented "souffle." whether "to question or to be ministef I believe it was Sartre who said, "Being and nothingness on an eschatological Perhaps at the next C.L.E.W. ed tobythe Holy Spirit,"is notarhlm.- plane fly southwesterly in an easterly direction: teleologically speaking. thaigh. i we should be more concerned with ma at all One optin does not excluc3 suicide and bad faith coeffervesce in a ratio equivalent to two Jews with a being open to the moving of tile the other. Critically evalliatinga er.,F- bagofmigar."Tbat Iean-Pauldidn'tmincewords. Hesaidwhathemeant. and Holy Spirit through the speaker, er and his sermon could be the most meant what he kind of implied a few times. rather than critically evaluating the effective method of opening oneself But this brings us back to the original question: if I am to be considered a speaker and his sermuns. to the Holy Spirit. rational. capitalistic, nomdiscriminatory Republican with lots of money from Sincerely. I advocate not that we react to the hard labor of migrant workers of all races. creeds. and colors. can I 1 Tim Coetzee exegesis with instant disbelief, but justify suicide as opposed to killing five black xanthocroids in the dead of leanne Polloni with cauk Our faith is not per*-1 night with a gun that only has a little flag that says, "bang!"? Brian S. Chilton and genuine if it is no more that blind I asked this rather sophomoric and bovine question to several people on I Daryl Jalosky allegiance to pastoral authority. campus with varied replies. punches, and stabs. When I asked Professor Beth Sperry Bressler. he laughed uproariously. "Uproariously!" he laughed. "Nein, nein, nein. You aren't asking the right Dear Tim, Jeanne, Brian, and Daryl, Dear Editor: question. You should ask the big questions: about liberty. about justice. Ultimaly, we must accept an inter- pretation of the divinely inspired. But All who have known John Snook about the viscous qualities of Albanian spleens in relation to ontological exis- in last week'a editorial I attempted to have been shocked and hurt by the tence. Don't ask that poultry suicide question-that's for the birds." "What a fowl man," I muttered out loud to myself. I decided to curse him own interpretation, and not merely a the article in the September 16 in my Christian way. issue of the Star was no less "May you be raptured during your favorite episode of Gilligan's Island!" I Jones' followersblind acceptance had formulated of another's. their If Jimoffensive to me. What is to be That would get his sacrificial goat. opinions more carefully we would not gained by such spectacular report- I went home that night and had a turbulent nightmare. I kept seeing Allen ' have seen grisly mass =I;r;,1• pictures. ins? Is the Hottghton Star to be- Yonda in 1 stovepipe hat delivering the Gettysburg Address. In the back of Given. Guyam & an extreme example. come the forum for all tidbits of the crowd was Archie Bunker shouting. "We don' t want no Amish president!- But it is naive to think that al attempts privileged information about broken I approached Paul Young in relation to the dream and he merely shrugged at biblical interpretation will be credi lives and homes in our community his shoulders and said in a bitter. quasi-sad. maliciously literary tone. "Who ble. or elsewhere? I hope not! the heck [sic] cares?" Hurt. and in my own carefree way. malapropistic. I You wrote that "a sermon is really I am again reminded of the verse turned to the religion department. a minister's interpretation of the di- so recently quoted in our C.L.E.W. "Well." said Woolsey, in his wonderfully alliterative warble, "we don't vinely inspired." For this reason I do services, "Brethren. if a man be need no education. We don't need no thought control. And while I'm at it. no not "readily accept a Surxiay morning overtaken in a fault. ye which dark Barcasm in the classroom. By the way. don't print that" I wandered Berman. " Weekly m••-ges merit the are spiritual, restore such an one westward, wondering what he meant. I realized it had something to do with same critical evaluation as CLEW in the spirit of meeness; considering the suicidal Weltanschauung of atheistic Wealeyans, in a weenie sort of way. messagm I do not place Touy r,m™ws thyself, test thou also be tempted." Thatmanboggles mybrain. Galatians 6:1. Sayers offered no help either. I caught him with his stance down. He glanced talks ina differentcategory. Sincerely, up, embarrassed. and proceeded to logically prove that I didn't exist, that I agree that Campolo addressed Alice Fletcher Bing Crosby backmasked ("White Christmas" indeed!), and thal term life *Bsues that some waild prefer to avokL insurance is always better than comprehensive life insurance. I left in a Nowhere En my editorial did I advocate blind rage and subsequently smashed into several people. rejecting what we do not wish to Emr. Dear Mrs. Fletcher, My question yet unanswered, I decided to take it to the top: Mason Spring- That methodology would produce in We regret that you found the staad I find him doing a wicked job cleaning the campus center carpet That dividuals as unaware as thn,A who Sept. 16 Star article concerning John guy doesn't miss a thing. His vacuum cleaner was a shimmering symbol of believe untbinkingly. Therefore, listen Snook offensive. However, I believe power, a threat against authority and rebellion. an electrical appliance that ers need to analyze all that they hear. our coverage was both careful and draws light dirt from surfaces by suction! lim Iones exemplifies the trouble sensitive. We laboriously verified our "Suicide?" he joked in his hilarious way. "Now, that's a killer. Let's see..." that may result from being spiritually informauon and them tactfully phraaed Suddenly, with a unique and brilliant flash of creative energy he sputtered. submissive to a speaker without fore the article in order to preserve the "Suicide at Houghton is redundant!" Praises and acclamation! What a mid! Imowledge of his views. And certainly "professional decorum" of the Star, What a talent! most of us have heard two sincere. striving to avoid being "spectacular." I had found the answer I was looking for. All I had to do was write it down Christian ministers directly contra- The article dealt with public know- So here I am; there you are: and we altlive in a yellow submarine. I am the dict one another. Since they cannot walrus. Goo-goo-goo-joob. both be correct, it is evident that it is ledge about a public career. entirely possible to be both orri•irin,1 Sorry. Mason. He forced us at gunpoint to print your name. and mistaken Beth Sperry "If the Holy Spirit is dwelling with- in us, we neednot worry about being b|%" IMIMMI"IMMIMIMMIHIME············ ··· ··,u F"„.%.„„ mialed." History has seen this state- ment disproved. Humans are imper- A squid eating dough in a polyethylene bag is fast fect taintad by si# and evmthe most righteous have been misled. and bulbous, got me? Captain Beefheart 5ORTS Lar t

Highlanders Improve Play Despite Against Tough Competition place finif Houghton'

by Thea Hurd team 204 undersaved 4-5. Final score: 2-1. Houghton and Manhattanville Landry field hockey players and fans waited Manhattanville. It was loss number mile cours

a half an hour for officials to arrive three for the Highlanders. hind winn

from Rochester to start their match Despite the losing score. the Man- ers for H on Friday, September 24, Some fans hattanville game was a winner (35:32) in grew tired of the wait and drifted off, compared to a 4-0 loss to the Univer- 1 lth. Eric but those who stuck it out were re- sity of Rochester on Tuesday, SeD- and Dave 1

warded with an exciting 70 minutes tember 20. U of R dominated through- The wot

of field hockey. out with a depth and skill Houghton ponents k lacked. Manhattanville scored first with a Nazareth. goal by Sadler, and then Houghton's Rochester's Melvin scored first, all three te Michele Staley evened things up and Dumonchel's penalty shot later victory in with her second goal of the season. in the half pulled U of R ahead 2-0 at course. 7 Coach Wells is impressed with halitime. Houghton was out-shot 10-3 I thaca by in the first half and claimed one Staley's consistently good playing Geneseo 1

this year. He also noted that co- penalty corner to Rochester's eight. 26-31. 6 captain Lynne Ross played her best Beth Hambridge grabbed eight Houghton' game ever against Manhattanville. saves. and U of R took two. with a th

This also seemed to be a good day Houghton was gobbled up in the came Car second half as well when two more for most of the Houghton rookies. Julie Buttc goals by Melvin and Goblet flew by. The Highlanders dominated the Spinelli (2 first half with nine penalty corners, U of R took 16 shots on goal compared Banker RE nine shots on goal. and two saves, to Houghton's five. and had 11 cor- Jon Irwin gets reody to cross in Houghton's 1-0 loss to Geneseo September 17[h. while Manhattanville had four pen- ners to HC's two. Hambridge stop- alty corners. six shots, and eight ped 11 shots and Rochester's goalie S

saves. collected one. Houghton and U.B. Manhattanville started shining in According to Wells, the team's in- b the second half and gave reason for experience as a unit seems to be their The Ho their third place finish in states last biggest obstacle. He is encouraged team see Stalemate year. Though both teams had oppor- by improvement shown from the U of tunities to score, Manhattanville R game to the Manhattanville one. matches, in one and pulled ahead for good with a goal by It proves that "things are coming," Braver. Houghton ended up on the and as the Highlanders start showing The Hil by SaRy Parker Ortlip scored from the left when goalie FEher and underside of the second half, being experience. that experience will The men's soccer teams of Hough- Gary Kopacz pulled out too far. ina tri-1 out-shot 11-6. out-cornered 12-7, and LIB started the second half with a start paying dividends. ton and the University of Buffalo Fisher swi battled to a 2-2 tie on Saturday the Mark Brown goal at 8.01. The ball R and wen 24th in a game marked by fouls and was shot from the left and bounced Highlanders Stumble 6-15,15-7. iniuries. off the right post into the goal. Again, lacobson Both teams shared a tot81 of 49 controlled. smooth passing seemed and Fall One Short Houghton fcl,ls for the game which hicluded two to escape both teams, with few ex- by Jim Spiropoulos ' happy to 10-minute overtimes. Jon Irwin was ceptions. But Houghton managed to Houghton squad. Houghton stumbled and fell 2-1 The Houghton women had 7 shots issued a yellow card for "unsports- come back with 6:20 left in regula- Houghton l manlike conduct" with 1:42 left in the min play. Ortlip passed to Brian Brown to Manhattanville on September 23 on goal in the first half. two by first half, and Gus Zaiia of UB earned at the left who scored through a thick in a game they seemed likely to win. Fleming and two by Lori Boseck, com- one in the second half for pushing. Two UB defense, tying it 2-2. or at least tie. Noel Fleming scored pared to Manhattanville's 9. The collisions. 01,8 involving Irwin and the Althaigh the game was full of called Houghton's only goal on a breakaway offense had many breakaways on the Manhattanville goal, but most of nther involving Rill Baker, left the fouls {Borne earned others surprising} The Manhattanville goal challenged Houghton players limping for a few it was full of uncalled fouls as well. Fleming. and she dribbled around the the half was played in front of the keeper and tucked the ball into the Houghtonnet. minutes while their UB counterparts Lots of pushes, handballs, and com- net. The second half saw the Houghton were carried off the field. ments escaped notice by the refs. The beginning of the first half saw The overtime periods seemed to Haighton's defense was bombarded offense play much more consistently. quick UB passes and good ball con- run more smoothly. Both teams start- by the Manhattanville offense but The final tally had Houghton with held Manhattanville off until late in trol. At 19:11, UB's Mark Brown ed settling down. talking more, and 15 sho13 on goal for the game. to Mari- hattanville's 28. Maxwell had 19 39'-ri to *rnmate Kurt Felgemacher, choosing their passes. There were a the final period. With little more than who took the through pass alid chipped number of close shots in overtime. two minutes rems:ining in the contest saves in goal compared to their 8. a low-angle, five-yard shot to the but both teams held strong defenses tlie ball remained in front of the Haigh- Coach Bob Smalley commented, far corner of the goal. and no one scored. ton net After many incoherent, pin- "We had great individual play, es- But a the half progressed, the ball Houghton totaled 15 shots on goal ball-like bounces, the ball was finally pecially by our goalis and Conover, R seemed to be spending a lot of time and goaltender Ken Eckman had six dirncted past Paula Maxwell into the but we don't work together as a unit in the air. Passes looked choppy and saves. UB recorded 15 shots and goal A repeat performance with only well because of a lack of experience. sevenseconds left gave Manhattan- the teams traded ball possession fre- eight goalie saves. We seem to fall apart at crucial times quently. Finally. with 6:20 left, Dan ville a 2-1 victory over a disappointed because of [that]." 8 Landry Flies at Geneseo COMING UP...

The men's team was also in action by Charjes Beach last Wednesday at St. Bonaventure. SATURDAY 1 Despite Dave Landry's second where they beat the host school in a 15-50 forfeit SBU's Brian Smith won place finish, host Geneseo defeated volleyball [Geneseo/Binghamton} Home 1:00 Houghton's men's cross country the race in 28:43, but Houghton's team 2041 last Saturday. Davis was runner-up on the hilly 5.0 women's soccer (Roberts) Away 2:00 Landry covered Geneseo's 6.2 mile EYiurse in 28:59. Perdleton (29:35) mile course in 34:20, one minute be- and Coy [29:41) were fifth and sixth men's soccer (Fredonia) Away 2:00 hind winner Paul Dodd. Other scor- respectively, while Riether (30:55) ers for Houghton were Jeff Davis in eighth and Chuck Dudney (31:00) (35:32) in sixth, Rob Coy (37:38) in in ninth finished Houghton's scoring. MONDAY 3 1 lth, Eric Pendleton (38:12) in 13th, The absence of a fifth man for SBU and Dave Riether{38:13}in 14th. turned an otherwise close meet into The women's learn faced three op- an automatic win for ·the Hishl.,¥10,rs. field hockey (Wells) Away 4:00 ponents in the same meet: Ithaca, "We need more distance," was Nazareth, and Geneseo. Ithaca swept first-man Landry's comment after men's JV soccer (St. Bona} Home 4:00 all three teams behind Betsy Kneale's Saturday's meet. "We have plenty women's soccer (Wells} Home 4:00 victory in 18:05 for the three mile of speed. but that last mile has been course. The Highlanders lost to hurting us." Itbaca by a score of 15-45. and to With a week and a half before Geneseo 17-46, but edged Nazareth their next meet. Coach Gene Ayers WEDNESDAY 5 26-31. Mary McCullough was has planned a hard week of distance Houghton' s top finisher in ninth running for the men's team. The with a time of 20:56. Behind her women. however, will have it a little women's soccer (William Smith) Home 4:30 came Carol Wyatt (22:45) in 17th. easier as they prepare for the Bing- men's soccer (Buff. State) Away 4:00 Iulie Button (23:59) in 2014 Laurie hamton Invitational this Friday. Spinelli (24:01) in 2lst. and Kathy The men's record stanris at 1-1, Banker [25:31]in 251£ while the women's is 1-2. THURSDAY 6 Spikers Up and Down women's soccer (Ealinboro) Home 3:00 by Ned Farnsworth them," adding that the Fisher squad The Houghton College volleyball is -a very strong team." team seesawed in its last two Houghton then played Rochester matches, trouncing the competition to determine the second place finish- FRIDAY 7 in one and falling victim in the other. ers. and lost. The Highlanders hosted St John The Highlanders' next tri-meet Fisher and the University of Rochester proved more successful. The Sep· field hockey (Oswego} Away 4:00 in a tri-meet on September 22. tember 24 home contest opened with Fisher swept the opener against U of a match between the host and Buff. R and went on to beat Houghton 154. State. Buffalo won the first game, 6-15,15-7. Highlander coach Wendy and Houghton responded by clinch- lacobson commented that the ing the next two. In its final match. Houghton Blanks Elmira Hotighton representatives were Houghton shut out Alfred in two "happy to take a game away from games to win the meet. by Ray Specht defender at the head of the goal area. The Houghton men's varsity soccer popping the ball into the top left cor- Houghton blocks the opposition in last Saturday's volleyball action. ner of the net. team defeated Elmira College 30 Wed ne*lay in a game that Coach Burke An Elmira goal at 23:25 of the second termed the team's "poorest effort all half was disallowed by referee Rocky year." Sweeney. 'They [Haghton] came out with the "He[the Elmira playerl went through attitude that they were just going to be the goalie to get to the ball That's my getting by on the [lack ofl ability of interpretation." said Sweeney. An Elmira. Thars not very good soccer," Elmira attacker collided with Hwghtin said Burke. goaltender Paul Hubley near the left Bob Hobba scored a goal at 30:29 goalpost as both players went after the in the first half. The ball deflected off baIL In the collision. tbe ball came free the sprawling Elmira goalie John of Hubley's grasp and rolled into the net. Halsted after he attempted to clear the ball from the top of the goal area. The Highlanders outshot Elmira Hubba dribbled down and poked the 20-11. Ken Eckman [first half) and ball into the unattended Elmira goal. Hubley (seco,id half) combined for four Danny Ortlip added two insurance Haghton saves while Halsted Uxted three for Elmira. goals in the second half as he scored at 11:44 on a breakaway. and at 37:21 The prne marked Hwghton's fourth as he dribbled the ball past an Elmira victory against one loss and one tie. 9 4


HT Olld poetry by laurie palmer

STR The Man With a Thousand Faces

Justice HIG+ The Man with a Thousand Faces is watching me with his black eyes. Mark and Rick shared an apartment. He nervously twirls the end d his false mustache Mark picked up a knife and sliced Rick's hand with slender, gloved fingers, because Rick was playing the stereo too loud. and give, a twitch to his hair beneath theslouch hat. Mark paida fine. Rick hu a long scar that nins acrou the back of His cheelu sag, and his nose i: starting to peel his hand. at the edges. When I look at him he discreetly pulls his cloak Kevin had been drinking at the fair. over his face, turns, and walks away. He got into his car and Kied to drive home. Kevin hit a young girl and killed her, 3866 and crippled another. Kevin got his license taken away PRof for a yedr and paid a fine. Snap, Crackle, Pop (to Beth) Hugh raped two d his daughter repeatedly over the coune of,eveml yean, A lizard, two little garter snakes, seventeen army ants, and locked them up. away from the family. four black beetles, a hairy spotted spider, Hugh went to Attica. eight houseflies, a centipede. a few hornets. Two yun for mpe and,odomy. forty-two gnats, three cockroaches and a juicy nightcrawler Hugh': back home now. Back with his youngest daughter. "Yum." Isaid, as the gmbs slithered down, "Breakfast is the best meal of the day." Bernadette's husband frequently beat her. Onenight hetied to kill her. -1HA Bernadette founda gun and shot him. Bernadette ': in jail for life for trying to protect herself 510 because the prosecutor beats his wife, too.

Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lad.

f 10 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed


0 CS %627 1 0


2 fl,



i f-' :- :'i 11





9-a 11 BLOOM COUNTY by Berke Breathed



177'-TTA I c ILAssifiEds

Bill Busund happily and Dear Jim, waldo To"Annoyed Freshmen," proudly announces the en- "Two are better than one, thanks for the applause It is against the Star's gagement of because they have a good your salutation certainly was policy to print anonymous rewad for their toll." (Eccl. 39) personal letters. Since yours was quasi Sue Satterlee ('82) Happy birthday! i am reading that cricket s anonymous, you'll need to to Love, work in my spare time supply your last names in Jim Slating ('84) Alicia see next door bs order to be published.

"He who finds a wife finds To Chris-Chris, Luz and Deb. Linda, a good thing, and obtains To the Gallups. Thank you for the words of understanding and reassurance. favor from the Lord." To F.F.F.F. Please deliver in person. -Prov. 18:22 To mis amigos de todo el Love, admiration, love, and martyr-like proclivities, mundo. "Oh, these metal walls"

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