
New Kings and Kingdoms

Fill in the blanks:

(a) Existing kings often acknowledged the big landlords and warrior chiefs as ______. (b) In the mid-eight century ______, a Rashtrakuta chief overthrew his Chalukya overlord and performed a ritual called ______. (c) The ______and ______were Brahmans who gave up their traditional professions and took to arms. (d) ______contains details that may not be literally true. (e) ______composed the Sanskrit poem containing the history of kings who ruled over Kashmir. (f) Brahmans were granted ______as a reward by the king. (g) Kannauj was situated in the ______. (h) Much of the wealth Mahmud carried away was used to create a splendid city at ______. (i) Mahmud of Ghazni extended control over parts of ______and ______. (j) ______entrusted Al-Baruni with the work of writing an account of the sub-continent. (k) The best known chahamana ruler was ______. (l) Mutlaraiyar were sub-ordinates to the Pallava kings of ______. Vijayalaya built the town of ______and a temple for goddess ______there. (m) ______was considered as the most powerful Chola ruler. (n) The ______and the ______territories to the south and north were made part of the cholaKingdoms.


(o) The big temples of ______and ______were built by ______and ______. (p) Temples were the hub of ______, ______, ______as well. (q) ______are considered amongst the finest in the world. (r) ______branches off into several small channels before emptying into the ______. (s) Water from the ______also provides the necessary moisture for ______, particularly the ______. (t) Associations of traders known as ______occasionally performed administrative functions in towns. (u) Rich peasants of the ______exercised considerable control over the affairs of the ______under the supervision of the central chola government.

(w)A large number of ______emerged in the kaveri valley as in other parts of south India.

(x)Inscriptions from ______district, Tamil Nadu provide details of the way in which Sabha was organized.

2. Name the following –

(a) The founder of the Rashtrakuta dynasty. (b) The parties in tripartite struggle. (c) The great lord of a circle or region. (d) The golden womb. (e) Overlord of kings. (f) Lord of the three worlds. (g) An Arabic term meaning ruler. (h) Arabic work by Al-Baruni, (i) Regions controlled by Chauhan’s. (j) Prithviraj III defeated by. (k) The rulers who opposed chahamanas when they attempted to expand their control to the west and the east. (l) Son of the most powerful chola ruler. (m) The sources used by kalhana to compose his account.


(n) Mutlaraiyars were defeated by. (o) Nuclei of settlements. (p) Peasant serving three kings (q) Chief (r) Land grants received by Brahmans (s) Settlements of peasants (t) Functions performed by Nadu.

3. Match the following

a) Raj raja 1 1. Afghan ruler b) Kadamba mayurasharman 2. Rajasthan c) Gurjara Pratihara Harichandra 3. Rashtrakutas d) Deccan 4. Prashasties e) Copper plates 5. Bengal f) Palas 6. Karnataka g) Muhammad Ghori 7. Influential families h) Danti Durga 8. administration i) Functionaries for collecting revenue 9. 985 j) Prashasti 10. Rashtrakutas k) Learned Brahmans 11. Valiant victorious warriors.

4. Define the followings: (a) Nadu (b) Muvendavelan (c) Prashasti

5. State whether true or false

a. Very few dynasties emerged after the 7thcentury C.E. b. Dantidurga overthrew his Pallava overlord. c. Vijayalaya built the town of Gangaikondacholapuram. d. Chola temples often became the nuclei of settlement which grew around them. e. The village council and the nagaram performed several administrative functions including dispensing justice and collecting taxes. f. Most of the new rulers took an active interest in irrigation activities and planning. g. It was only from the 10th – 11th century that Tamil Nadu was opened for large scale cultivation.


h. Raj raja 1 reorganized the administration of the empire. i. Pandyan and Pallava territories were made part of Rashtrakuta kingdom.

Ch. – 2 sultans Fill in the blanks

1. ______became an important city only in 12th century. 2. ______first became the capital of a kingdom under the Tomara/Rajput’s who were defeated by ______. 3. The transformation of Delhi as capital started with foundation of the ______. 4. ______, ______, and ______were various cities built by Delhi sultans in Delhi. 5. ______is the language of administration under the Delhi sultans. 6. Authors of Tawarikhs advised rulers on the need to preserve an ‘ideal’ social order based on ______and ______. 7. Minhaj-i-siraj recognized that ______was more able and qualified than all her brothers. 8. Rajiya was removed from throne in ______. 9. Controlling garrison towns in ______and ______from Delhi was extremely difficult. 10. The early sultans preferred to govern their kingdoms with help of ______. 11. Delhi’s authority was also challenged by ______from Afghanistan and by ______. 12. The expansion occurred during the (reign) of ______, ______and ______. 13. ______and ______were established to protect trade routes and to promote regional trade. 14. During the campaigns [internal frontiers] forest were cleared in the ______. 15. Military expeditions into southern India started during the reign of ______and culminated with ______.


16. The Delhi sultans built ______in cities all over the subcontinent. 17. Rather than appointing ______and ______as governors the early Delhi sultans favoured Bandagan . 18. ______and ______continued to use Bandagan. 19. Authors of Persian tawarikh criticized the Delhi sultans for appointing the______to high officer. 20. The duty of the ______was to lead military campaigns and maintain law and order in their iqtas. 21. The harsh conditions of service were imposed on muqtis during the reigns of ______and ______. 22. Under Alauddin Khalji the state brought ______and ______of land revenue under its control. 23. Ibn Batuta was a foreign traveller from ______. 24. The Mongols under ______invaded transoxiana in northeast Iran in ______. 25. ______constructed the new garrison town named siri. 26. ______transferred his capital from Delhi to Daulatabad/Deva giri. 27. Instead of controlling price, Md. Tughluq used ______. 28. For the first time in the history of the sultanate ______planned a campaign to capture ______. 29. After Tughluq’s the ______and ______dynastic ruled from Delhi and Agra until 1526. 30. Sher Shah Suri started his career as the ______of a small territory for his uncle in ______.

2. Name the following:

1. A place where a muslim prostrates in reference to Allah. 2. The most respected, learned male leader of congregational mosque. 3. They were loyal to their masters and patrons but not to their heirs. 4. Special slaves purchased for military services were known as ______. 5. Coins minted in Delhi. 6. Military commanders appointed as governors of territories of various sizes were called. 7. Chronicler of Iltutmish.


8. Another name of jama Masjid. 9. In India, Mecca is to the ______. 10. Tax on cultivation. 11. The one who maintained a large standing army and then gave up his plan 12. followed the administration model of

3. Match the followings:

1. internal frontiers (a)expedition to south India 2. external frontiers (b) type of tax 3. Kharaj (c) learned men poets, courtiersetc. 4. khutba (d) sermon 5. Authors of tawarikh (e)aimed at consolidating the hinterlands

4. Define the following

a) Tarikh b) Birthright c) Gender distinctions d) Hinter land e) Garrison town f) Qibla g) Clients h) Kharaj

5. State whether true and false

a) TomaraRajput’s were defeated by Turkish ruler b) Raziya became sultan in 1230. c) Imam delivers the sermon during the Friday Prayer. d) Gangetic plains were easily penetrated by Delhi Sultans. e) Maintaining a large standing army was a huge administrative challenge.


Ch. – 8

Devotional Paths to the divine

Q1. Fill in the blanks:

1. The idea that all living things pass through countlesscycles of ______and ______performing good and bad deed became popular. 2. Social privileges came from birth in a ______and ______was subject of many learned texts. 3. According to teaching of ______and ______it was possible to overcome social differences. 4. The idea of Bhakti is present in ______. 5. ______, ______and ______were supreme deities that came to be worshipped through elaborate rituals. 6. Local myths and legends became a part of the ______. 7. The idea of bhakti was adopted by even ______and ______. 8. Besides ______or ______of the Alvarsand Nayanars were also composed. 9. ______was an advocate of Advaita. 10. Shankara considered the world around us to be an ______or ______. 11. Ramanuj was born in ______. 12. We noted the connection between ______and temple worship. 13. ______said “they are vaishnavas who understand the pain of others”. 14. ______, ______and ______advocated intense training of mind and body.


15. Sufi’s were ______. 16. Muslim scholar developed a holy law called ______. 17. The ______temple is situated in Pandharpur. 18. Among the great Sufis of central Asia were ______, ______and ______. 19. The ______silsila was among the most influential orders. 20. The Sufis masters held their assemblies in their ______or ______. 21. The period after the 13th century saw a new wave of the ______in north India. 22. ______and ______rejected all orthodox religions. 23. ______conceived of God in the form of Rama. 24. Compositions of were compiled in ______, ______and ______. 25. Mirabi became a disciple of ______. 26. was brought up in a family of ______. 27. Teachings of kabir were collected and preserved in the ______, ______and ______. 28. Kabir sometimes used ______which is difficult to follow. 29. Baba was born at ______. 30. Lehna later came to be known as ______.

Q2. Name the followings:

1. Saints devoted to Shiva. 2. Saints devoted to Vishnu. 3. The movement initiated by Basavamma and his companions 4. A form of Vishnu 5. Any 2 saints of Maharashtra 6. The religion which propogated strict monotheism. 7. Chanting of a name / sacred formula. 8. Geneology of Sufi-teachers 9. Composition of tulsidas 10. The place of a Sufi saint which became a place of pilgrimage. 11. The successor of Baba Guru Nanak 12. The terms which refers to collection of verses.


13. House of recitation and prayer in Assam 14. The sacred space created by Baba Guru Nanak 15. States where the songs/bhajans of Mirabai became popular. 16. Current name of Dharmsala. 17. Holy Scripture of the Sikhs. 18. Current name of Ramdaspur 19. Teachings of Baba Guru Nanak. 20. Community of the Sikhs.

Q3.Choose the right date from the help box and match it to the event:

Help Box (1706, 1604, 1699, 1606, 1469, 1539)

a) Guru Nanak birth b) Guru Nanak’s death c) Guru Arjun compiled the composition of Guru Nanak and his successors d) ordered the execution of Guru Arjun e) Institution of the by f) The compilation of the Guru Grant Sahib was authenticated by Guru Gobind Singh.

Q4. Define the following

a) Hagiography b) Sangam literature c) Hospice d) Silsila e) Shariat f) Gurumukhi

Q5. Match the following:

a) Divya Prabhakam 1. Dera Baba Nanak b) Chisti Silsila 2. Ramanuja c) Kartarpur 3. Alvars d) Tevaram 4. Khwaja muinuddin chishti e) Vishishtadvaita 5. Mahar caste f) Chokhamela 6. Nayanars


Q6. State whether true or false

a. The followers of Baba Guru Nanak ate together in the common kitchen known as . b. Baba Guru Nanak was born at Talwandi. c. The ideas of Kabir and Dadu were different from that of Baba Guru Nanak. d. Chitanjadeva was a Bhakti saint from Bengal. e. Ramanuj was deeply influenced by Nayanars. f. Nayanars and Alvars drew upon the ideals of love and heroism found in sangam literature.

Ch. – 4


Q1. Fill in the blanks:

1. From the latter half of the 16th century, Mughals expanded their kingdom from ______and ______until in the 17th century they controlled nearly ______. 2. From their mother’s side they were descendants of ______. 3. Each ruler got a picture made of ______and himself. 4. ______was the first Mughal emperor. 5. Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by ______at ______. 6. ______were an immediate threat to Mughal authority. 7. ______are a good example of rulers who joined Mughals voluntarily. 8. ______refused to accept Mughal authority for a long time. 9. insulted ______when he came to accept ______. 10. Those who joined Mughal service were enrolled as ______. 11. Rank and salary were determined by a numerical value called ______.


12. Mansabdars received their salaried as revenueassignments called ______. 13. But unlike ______, most mansabdars did not actually reside in or administer their jagirs. 14. In ______reign these jagins were carefully assessed. 15. ______was the revenue minister of Akbar. 16. Todarmal carried a survey of crop field for a ______period ______. 17. Zabt was not possible in provinces such as ______and ______. 18. Abul fazl wrote a 3 volume history of Akbar’s reign tilted ______. 19. Broad features of administration were discussed by Abul Fazl in ______. 20. The religious discussions were held at ______. 21. Abul fazl helped ______in framing a vision of governance around the idea of Sulah-kul. 22. The principle of governance was followed by ______and ______as well. 23. The higher the zat, the more ______was the Nobel’s position in court and the ______his salary. 24. succeeded to the throne when he was ______old. 25. For the maintenance of peace and order in the province, the ______was supported by other officers.

Q2. Name the followings:

1. Residence of Mughal Emperor 2. Mongol competitors. 3. Land given back as assignments to the defeated rulers. 4. Turkish nobles 5. Revenue assignments 6. Revenue system introduced by Todarmal 7. Military pay master 8. Town police commander 9. Military commanders 10. Minister in charge of religious and charitable patronage


11. Head of Subas 12. Idea of universal peace

Q3. Match the following

a. Diwan 1. Abul Fazl b. Jagirdar 2. Holding mansab : a position or rank c. Mansabdar 3. Financial officer d. Literary figure 4. Tax on peasant’s produce e. Main source of income 5. Revenue assignment

Q4. Define the followings:

a. Primogeniture b. Coparcenary c. Zabt d. Subas e. Suhl-I Kul f. Dogma g. Bigot

Q5. State whether true or false:

a. Timur belonged to central Asia. b. The term zamindars were to describe intermediatries. c. Akbar was the son of Babar d. During Aurangzeb’s reign, jagirdar’s revenue were roughly equal to the salary of the mansabdar.

Ch. – 9

The making of Regional Culture

Q1. Fill in the blanks:


1. ______was established in the 9th century in the south western part of present day Kerala. 2. They ruler introduced ______and ______in their inscriptions. 3. ______was a 14th century text composed in Manipravalam 4. The best example of regional culture which grew around religious tradition is ______. 5. In 1230 ______dedicated his kingdom to the deity at Puri. 6. The present day Rajasthan was called ______by the British. 7. The ______are often recognized as contributing to the distinctive culture of Rajasthan. 8. Woman were figured as cause for ______. 9. The term Kathak is derived from ______. 10. The legends of Radha Krishna were enacted in the folk plays called ______. 11. The two traditions of Gharanas for Kathak are ______and ______. 12. In Kathak, emphasis was laid on ______, ______as well as on the enactment of stories. 13. The Mughal emperor’s ______, ______and ______patronized highly skilled painters. 14. The Mughal artistic tastes influenced the regional courts of the ______and Rajput courts of ______. 15. Themes from ______and ______were depicted at centres such as Mewar, Jodhpur, Bundi, ______and ______. 16. The most popular painting of Basohli was ______. 17. Nadir shah invaded Delhi in the year ______. 18. ______painted on pot, walls, floors and cloth. 19. Miniatures were carefully preserved in ______for centuries. 20. ______Is now recognized as a language derived from Sanskrit. 21. A wide range of non-Sanskritword,derived from a variety of sources including ______, ______and ______have become a part of modern Bengali. 22. In ______the influence of Brahmans was relatively.


23. The cult of ______become very popularinBengal. 24. The terracotta temples in Bengal were built with the support of ______and ______. 25. In Bengal the temple were usually built on a ______. 26. Bengal is a riverine plain which produces plenty of ______and ______.

27.______has always been an important occupation in Bengal.

28. The coming of ______created new economic opportunities.

29. ______was the leader of the vaishnava bhakti movement.

30. Nath literature includes songs of ______and ______.

Q2. Name the following:

1. Languages used in lilatilakam. 2. Important ruler of Ganga dynasty 3. The deity for which anantavarman built a temple at Puri. 4. The practice of immolation of widows on the funeral pyre of their husbands 5. Kathaks were a caste of 6. The last of Awadh who patronized Kathak 7. Kathak was viewed with disfavour by 8. Source of inspiration for the Kangra school of painting 9. Chinese traveler who observed languages related to Sanskrit used all over Bengal 10. Temple where architecture and decoration reached a high degree of excellence 11. Traditional food habits are generally based on 12. Scenes of fish being dressed and taken to the market in baskets is shown on 13. 13th century Sanskrit text from Bengal 14. Manipravalam means 15. The state which attracted the miniature paintings. 16. Buddhist monasteries.


Q3. Match the following;

a. Prithviraj 1. Manipur b. Chauchala 2. Soft colours and lyrical treatment c. Bharatnatyam 3. Kerala d. Odissi 4. Lord of the world e. Kathakali 5. Rajput ruler f. Manipuri 6. Tamil Nadu g. Kuchipudi 7. Auspicious poems h. Jagannatha 8. Odisha i. Kanga paintings 9. Four rooted structure j. Mangalkavyas 10. Andhra Pradesh

Q4. Define the following;

1. Miniatures 2. Basohli 3. Pir 4. Animism

Q5. Define

1) Ijaradars 2) Ijaradari system 3) Chauth 4) Surdeshmukhi 5) Jagirdars 6) Rakhi

Q5. State whether true or false

a) Male used to practice ‘sati’ after the death of their wife. b) Malayalam is one of the earliest examples of use of a regional language in official records. c) To date the local tribal people make the wooden image of Jagannatha. d) Anantavarman proclaimed himself as the ‘deputy of the God’. e) Stories about Rajput heroes were reported in poems and songs.


f) Kathak began evolving into a distinct mode of dance before the spread of the Bhakti movement. g) Kathak is recognised as one of the ‘six’ classical forms of dance in the country after independence. h) Kola were the oil pressers and Kannsari were the bell metal workers. i) Double rooted means chauchala. j) Popularity of fish in the local diet made the Brahmanical authorities relax the prohibition for the kerala Brahmans. k) Lord Shiva is associated with Jagannatha.

Ch. – 10

Eighth century Political formation

Q1. Fill in the blanks:

1. By ______, the British had successfully grabbed major chunks of territory in ______2. The third Battle of Panipat was fought in ______. 3. Aurangzeb depleted the military and financial resources by fighting war of ______. 4. Nobles appointed as governors often controlled the offices of ______and ______. 5. ______had been challenged by rebellious groups in the past as well. 6. ______invaded north India 5 times between 1784 and 1761. 7. The two major groups of nobles were ______and ______. 8. ______And ______were assassinated and two others ______and ______were blinded by their nobles. 9. Asaf Jah and Murshid Quli khan held a zat rank of ______while ______zat was 6000. 10. Asaf jah founded the state of ______and was one of the most powerful members at court of the Mughal emperor ______.


11. The state of ______was constantly engaged in a struggle against the Marathas and with independent ______of the plateau. 12. ______wanted to control the rich textile producing areas of the Coromandel Coast. 13. Saadat khan was appointed subadar of AwOdh in ______. 14. Burhan – ul – mulk held the combined offices of ______and ______. 15. ______seized a number of Rajput zamindaris and the agriculturally fertile lands of the ______of Rohilkhand. 16. Musshid Quli khan was appointed as the ______of the province Bengal. 17. In an effort to reduce Mughal influence in Bengal Murshid Quli khan transferred all Mughal jagirdars to ______. 18. Revenue was collected in ______with great strictness from all zamindars in Bengal. 19. The close connection between ______and bankers was noticeable in Bengal under the rule of ______. 20. Rajput kings belonging to ______and ______served under the Mughal with distinction. 21. ______the ruler of Jodhpur, was involved in the factional politics at the Mughal court. 22. The influential Rajput families claimed the subadari of the rich provinces of ______and ______. 23. ______was conquered and annexed to the house of Jodhpur. 24. ______founded his new capital at Jaipur and was given the subadari of ______in 1722. 25. Several battles were fought by ______against the Rajput and Mughal rulers. 26. After death of Guru Gobind Singh in ______khalsa rose to revolt against the Mughal authority under the leadership of ______. 27. ______was captured in 1715 and executed in ______. 28. The state depended on local bankers and ______for loans. 29. Sikhs organized themselves into a number of bands called ______. 30. The sikh territories in the late 18th century extended from the ______to the ______


31. Maharaja ______reunited the sikh territories in the year 1799 and made ______his capital. 32. Groups of highly mobile peasant pastoralist called ______provided the backbone of the Maratha army. 33. Shivaji carved out a stable kingdom with the support of powerful warrior families called ______34. ______became the capital of the Maratha kingdom. 35. Under the ______the Maratha developed a very successful military organization. 36. ______expanded under sindhia’s patronage and Indore under ______. 37. The silk produced in the ______region now found a new outlet in Poona. 38. Under the leadership of ______, jets acquired control over territories situated to the west of Delhi. 39. Under Suraj Mal, the kingdom of ______emerged as a strong state. 40. While the ______was built in a fairly traditional style at dig the Jats built an elaborate garden palace combining styles seen at ______and ______.

Q2. Name the following:

1. Year in which Aurangzeb died 2. Later Mughals were puppets in the hands of ______. 3. States that had enjoyed considerable independence under the Mughals as ______. 4. States that seized independence from the Mughals after a long drawn armed struggle 5. Other name for telugu warrior chiefs. 6. The prosperous region which controlled the rich alluvial Ganga plain and the trade route between north India and Bengal. 7. The banking house which became prosperous during the reign of Alivardi Khan. 8. Governor of Malwa 9. Emperor who renewed the offices in 1713


10. The year in which khalsa was instituted 11. Khalsa under the leadership of Banda Bahadur established their own administration between. 12. The combined forces of sikhs were known as 13. used to meet at at the time of 14. After Shivaji’s death effective power in the Maratha state was held by 15. Territories seized by Marathas from Mughals by the 1720. 16. Names of Maratha chiefs / sardars 17. The jats were 18. Son of Suraj Mal 19. Powerful section of Mughal authority 20. Architecture of Jats were modelled on architectural forms associated with royalty under ______.