7. 8eaumaris Drive 0 .1. ADAMS Thingwall, Honorary SecretaI)' Wirral L61 7XP 16th June, 1998 AGENDA 1. Notice of the Annual General Meeting 2. To confirm the Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 3rd July, 1997. 3. Ta adopt the Hon . Treasurers Report and Accounts. 4. Ta adopt the Comminec's Report. S. Ta clcct the Officcrs for the Year 1998/99. The Committce nominations: (a) President: D.P. Wright (b)Past Presidents: P.G. Turner. A.H. Rushton, G.C. Cox, A.1. Hart, M. Cohen, W. Gott, J.M. Young, F.R. Povall. N.H. Middlebrook. C.l. Coventry (c)Senior Vice-President: 0 .1. Adams (d)Vice-Presidents: J.N. Lenton, D. Ewing. (e)Vice President: M.J . Lord Proposed by C.J. Coventry Seconded by 0 .1. Adams (1) Vice-President A.G .de 8. MaTTs Proposed by W. Gott Scconded by J.M. Young (g)North League Representative: M.J. Lord 6. The following officcrs being eligible and no further nominations being receivcd are hereby elected: (a) Honorary Secretary: 0 .1. Adams (b)Assistant Honorary Secretary: A.G. de 8. MarTS (c) Honorary Treasurer: M. Cohen (d)Assistant Honorary Trcasurer: N.H. Middlebrook (e)Honorary Match Secretary L. Galey 7. Ta elect the Committee for the year 1998/99. One representative from each club, one membcr from each of the Referees' Societies and two representatives from the school s. 8. To elect the auditor for the year 1998/99 . The Committcc's nom ination:­ W. Potts F.C.C.A. 9. Any Other Business. COMMITTEE'S REPORT 1997-98 COMMITfEE Six Committee Meetings were held during the year and thefollowing is a record ofal/end once. C.J . Coventry (President) ...... 6 D. Western (Hoylake) ...... 4 D.P. Wri ght (SeniorV.P.) ...... 6 M.H. Jordan (ICI Wolfbounds) .. 0 J.N. Le nton (Vice President) ...... 0 G. Kennedy (Lymm) .. 6 0.1. Adams (Vice Presiden!) ...... 5 J. Taylor () ...... 5 D.A. Ewing (Vice Pruidcnt) ...... 6 M.J. Cleverly (Marple) ...... 0 P.O. Turner (Past President) ...... 0 S. Hale (Momcll Carington) ... 0 G.c. Cox (RFU Representative) ...... 4 E. Dean (Moore)...... 2 A.I. Hart (Past President) ...... 2 J. Pinnington (New Brighton) .6 M. Cohen (Past President) ...... 5 R. McLaverty (Northwich) ...... 4 W. Gott (Past President) ...... 6 DJ. Mason (Gld Anselmians)...... 4 l M. Young (Past President)...... 6 D.A. Ewing (Gld Birkonian) ... 6 ER. Povall (Past President) ...... 6 Gld Salians Rep . . 2 N.H. Middlebrook (Past President)...... 6 P. NeYfflS (Oldershaw) ...... 1 A.G. de B. Mans (Asst. Hon. Sec.) ...... 4 N. Morris (Parlmnians) .. 4 L. Galey (Hon. Match. Secretary) .... .5 P. AshcroR (Port Sunlight) ...... 5 P. Blakeman (Allrincham) ...... 5 • J. Percival (Prenton) ...... 2 M.R. Williams (Ashton-on-Mersey) ...... 5 A. Sproston () .. 0 w. Gatt (Birkenhead Park) ...... 6 1 Gare (Runcom) ...... 0 M. Kitchener (Bowdon)...... 2 • 1 Gardiner (Sale) ...... 2 T.J.E Priee (Caldy)...... 5 1 Wyatt (Sandbach)...... 5 M. Thelwell (Capenhurst) ...... 0 D.B. Pye (Shell Stanlow) ...... 6 M.J. Lord (Isle of Man) .. 4 R. Haslehursl (Stockport) ...... 1 B.W. Davies (Chester) ...... 2 S. Wilson (Vagabonds) ...... 1 P. Reid (Chester COllege) ...... 0 A. McLean (Wallasey) ...... 4 D. Shepherd (Christleton) ...... 0 M.J. Hamlin (Wilmslow) ...... 0 AJ.G. Senn (Cong leton) ...... 1 B. Parkey (Winnington Park) ...... 4 - Crewe & Alsager College Rep ...... 0 Winsford Rep ...... 0 lM. FaIT (Crewe & Nanlwich) ...... 5 C. Genard (Wirrnl) ...... 5 E. Taylor (Dukinfield) ...... 4 W. E. Buckland (Liverpool Referees) ...... 6 B. Mclean (Helsby)...... 1 G. Hughes (Manchester Referees) ...... 1 1. Leary (Holmes Chapel) ...... 0 D. Thomson (Schools) ...... 0 B. David (Schools) ...... 0 - Includes Replacement Representative

CLUBS Altrincharn Kersal Crewe & Nantwich New Brighton Sandbach Ashton-on-Mersey Douglas Northwich Shell (Stanlow) Birkenhead Pari: Dukinfield Old Anselmians S. Nomads­ Bowdon Helsby Old Birlmnian Stockport Caldy Holmes Chapel OId Sa lians Vagabonds Capenhurst Hoylili Oldershaw Wallasey Castletown· ICI & Zeneca Wolfhounds· Parkonians Western Vikings· Cheshire Regiment IOM Police Port Sunlight Wil mslow Chester Lymm Prenton Winninglon Park Chester University College Macclesfield Ra""", Winsford C hristleton- Marple Reasehealh College­ Wirral Conglelon Monteil Carrington Runcom Crewe & Aisager College Gentlemen of Moore Sale - These clubs are NOT affilialed 10 the RFU SCHOOLS &bools Affilialed 10 Cheshire RFU 1998199 AIs3ger C.S. Grappcnhall H.S. Poynton County H.S. Aluincham G.S. Hanford H.S. Quecn Elizabeth II H.S. Sir John Deane's CoUege Aluincham Prep. &hool Hilbre H.S. Quecn's Park H.S. South Wirral lU. Ashton·on-M ene)' Schoo l Holmes Chapel C.S. Ramillies Hall School Siockport G.S. Ballakermeen H.S. Hyde Clarendon College Ramscy G.S. Tarporley Counly H.S. Beech Hall School Jeff Joseph Sale Moor T.C. Ridge Danycn Collegc: Birkenhead &hool King Williams College Rock Ferry H.S. The COunly H.S. Lcftwich Birkenhead Sixth Fonn Coll. King's School, Macx:lcsfieJd Ruskin Counly H.S. The King's School Chester Bishop Heber Counly H.S. Lymm H.S. Ruthin &hool The Rylcy's School Blacon H.S. Malbanlc: School Rydal PcnrhosSchool Verdin H.S. Bramhall County H.S. Marple HaIl School St. Ambrose College Victoria Community $chool BridgewaterCounlY H.S. Middlewich Country H.S. SI. Anselm's College Wallasey School Brine Leas County H.S. Mosslands School St. David's College Wallasey Consortium Cal day Grange G.S. Moulton C.P. School SI. Nicholas H.S. Weaverham H.S. Csstle Rushen H.S. Neslon County H.S. St. Ninian's H.s. Whitby Counly H.S. Cheadlc: Hulme School Oldershaw School SI. Thomas More William Hulrne G.S. Chester Catholic B.S. Padgate H.S. Catholic H.S. Wilmslow H.S. ChriSl leton H.S. Park H.S. Sale G.S. Wimtl G.s. Croft Counly Primary School Pcnsby Boys H.S. Sandbrook Primary Wirrn.1 Met. Co ll ege Ellesmc:re Pan Catholic IlS. Plcs.sington R.C. H.S. School Woodrord Lodge H.S. COUNTY CHAMPIONSHIP Results: November 29th v. Leicestershire Won38 - 18 February 28th v. Cumbria Won 18-13 December 7th v. Lancashire Won 30 - \0 March 28th v. Yorkshire Won33-12 December 13th v. North Midlands Won28-12 April18th v. Cornwall Won21 - 14 Players representing the Counly ~re: Leies Lanes N.Mlds Cumbria York Cornwall *+ Murray King Widnes FB FB FB (R) (R) • Andy Whalley New Brighton RW RW RW #+ Richard Hughes Sale C C C C C C '+ Campbell Bali Widnes C C C C +# lan Kennedy New Brighton LW LW FB (R) (R) +# Alex Guest New Brighton OH OH OH OH OH OH #+ Nick Briers London Irish SH ·SH SH SH SH SH #+ Mark Dorrington New Brighton P P P P + Luke Hewson Manchester H H H H H H # Mike Hill Manchester P P P P P # Dave Craddock Manchester L L L L L L + Andy Whittle Orrcll L L *+ Tim Wasdell Chester BS (R) L (R) L (R) # Kevin Brookman New Brighton OS OS OS OS OS OS # Stuart Becley Widnes No.8 BS No.8 No.8 No.8 + Geoff Jones New Brighton (R) (R) BS BS BS BS • Hefin Q'Hare New Brighton (R) C C +# Andy Yates Lymm (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) (R) *+Steve Dorrington New Brighton (R) P P (R) (R) (R) • Alex Klass Manchester (R) (R) • Neil Sialer Lymm (R) • Stuart Dodds Manchester (R) P (R) *+ Matt Kirke Macclesfield No.8 No.8 L L # Simon Wright New Brighton (R) (R) (R) (R) Tim Lloyd Lymm (R) Chris Brierley Orrcll (R) # Richard Sproston Winnington Park (R) (R) # Mike Blood Manchester LW RW RW R\V Rod Ellis Manchester LW S. Swindell s Manchester (R) FB FB • Mike Hoskin Manchester LW LW Il Awarded Cap for 8th Champianship game. + Awarded badge for 4th Championship game. • Awarded Tie for 1st Championship game. (R) Replacement.

Despite the wet conditions at Syston RFC Cheshire showed a refreshing willingness to run the bail at evcry opportunÎty and scored six exccllent tries, five of them in the first half. This meantthat Leicestershirc, althaugh hav ing the wind behind them in the second half, had to play catch up rugby and, despite territori al advantage and a monopoly ofposscssion, they finally succumbed by 38 points to 18. The backs continucd to play scintillating rugby against Lancashire at Sale and scored thrce more excellent tries. The forwards provided plcnty ofpossession and tackled weIl in defence and contributed to a very competent team display. A 3rd successive victory, against North Midlands at Worcester, meant that Cheshire now qualified for the knock-out stage of the County Championship. Drawn to play the current County Champions Cumbria al Aspatria, the team anived ta find a very wet pitch. biting cold wind and a strong Cumbrian team. With tremendous commitment and not a liHle skiIl the team managed another win. The semi-final against. what was on paper, a strongerYorkshire sidc resulted in an excellent and exciting win at Olley in superb weather conditions. The Final at Twickenham is something that the players involved will remember fo r the rest oftheir li ves . They deserve the highest commendation for playing 50 wcll against a good Cornwall sidc who had the voca l support of 30,000 supporters. Cheshire always loakcd the bcttcr side and the fina l score 21-14 docs not truly reflec! their superiority on the day. CHESHIRE RUGBY FOOTBALL UNION NOTES TO THE ACCOUNTS A~~!!UDt~ (Q[ th~:Y~ar EDI!ed 30th AI!ril,122l! (S~as!!n 122212l!l Note 1 SUBSCRtPTtONS RECEIVABLE 1991 IndividuaJ members 1529 Clubs 2904 t [ [ t ~ INCOME Note 2 INVESTMENT INTEREST 3960 Subscripcions Reccivable (Note 1) 2904 Premier Savings 1657 930 Invcstmcm Intcr$ (Note 2) 1702 Cheshire Building Society ~ 1702 30054 Dther Receipu (Note 3) 45467 Note 3 OTHER RECEl PTS TIckets Wakefield Trust International- Receipts 11644 Cheshire Cup & Shield 2474 RFU County Championship 10250 ~ - Plyments lJl2M 660 RFU County Funding 30835 Administration Fees 813 35134 TOTAL INCOME 50733 less Expanses 1Jl:i 708 Youth Registration Honorarium 12llQ 45467 EXPENDITURE Note 4 MATCH EXPENSES 2993 Match Expenses (Note 4) 22044 Yorkshire at Sandal 338 Northcm Division 1995/96 East Midlands at Syston 767 2020 ~istribution now Received North Midlands at Worcester 705 450 Northem Division - colts 450 Lancashire at Sale 1502 14039 Other Representative XV Expenses (NOIe 5) 10S3 1 Less Receipts 194 1308 5 169 SelectioD Committee &. Playcrs Expenses (Note 6) 12433 Cumbria at Aspatria 1987 2095 7368 GenenJ Expenses (Note 7) 6276 Yorkshire at Otley County championship Final ~ 22044 3942 Other Expenses (Note 8) 2550 ~ Depreciation on CompuIer 256 Note 5 Other Representative XV Expanses MinilU13 678 36237 TOTAL EXPENDITURE ~ U 16's 1017 ...llill EXCESS or EXPENDITURE over INCOME ...liQZ U 17's 1032 U 21's 4139 1997 BALANCE SHEET ASAT 30tbAPRIL 1998 Cheshire Schools (1059) [ Cheshire Colts 4724 10531 COMPUTER Cost to 30th April 1996 1276 Note 6 SELECTION COMMITTEE AND PLAYERS EXPENSES 764 I....ess Depreciation ...ln! 508 Piayers Travelling Expanses 3573 Physiotherapy and Medical Expanses 2452 fNVESTMENTS Selection Playing Committee 1886 Cheshire Building Society 1931 and Squad Training li'IQl! 12433 Nole 7 GENERAL EXPENSES STOCKS Individuel Membors 282 610 Schools 402 Committee Expanses 2146 Youth Registration Honorarium 1200 ~ BALANCE AT BANK (Note 9) 46245 Printing Stationery & Postage 766 517 18 49086 Membership Cards 1050 Secretary's Expanses 832 6276 REPRESENTED by Note 8 OTHER EXPENSES Cheshire Cup & Shield 340 CAPITAL ACCOUNT Coaching Committee Expanses 978 Youth Training Course 5017 As at 30th April 1997 51013 Less Receipts ~ lm 2550 LESS Excess of Expenditure ewer Incorne -lB.Il1 47206 Note 9 BALANCE AT BANK 6087 51013 AnD Corporation Tu Refimd 36 47242 General Account 1590 ADD No. 2 Account Lite Membors Fund 5478 705 Creditors 2997 Oepesit Account 30765 LESS Colts Account (660) 517 18 Debtors ----LUl. 1844 49086 CupAccount 389 Youth Account 64 Eumined and found correct Hon. Treasurer 46458 Schools Account 2532 46245 w. Potts F.C.C.A. Mark Cohen Macclesfield Linnels. Marlborough Drive 24tb May. 1998 Macclestield. SUMMARY OF THE INCOME AND EXPENDITURE ACCOUNT ANDBALANCESHEETFORTHEYEART030APruLl~8 FROM ACCOUNT OF CHESHIRE RUGBY DEVELOPMENT LTD EXPENDITURE 1NCOME 1997 1997 < < < < < < 24490 Youth Devtlopment Officer Salaries 38324 RFU ...... 2200 4168 Youth Development Officer Expenses 9125 Trafford MBC Grant ...... 12800 1987 RFU Roadshow .. ____ ...... 3000 2774 ~~ë~~ ':::::::::::: ::: : ::: : :: :::: : : ::: : 2423 35480 Wavell Wakefield Trust ...... 27692 o Donation ...... 143 Deposit Acc:ount InlC'rest 119 (81) Course Incorne less Expenditure . 3839 1523 Excess of Income over Expenditure Excess of Expenditure over Incorne

~ 3lS42 YOUT" DEVELOPMENT OFFICER BALANCE SHEET AS AT 30th APRIL 1998 1997 1997 < < < < < < CAPITAL ACCOUNT 9214 8209 BALANCE AT BANK 8627 9214 Less Exccss of Expenditure Qver Incarne: ...... m 8392 Leu Taxation 46 8346

(1005 ) Leu Creditara __ Less Payment in Advancc 8209 COUNTY COMPETITIONS RESULTS Tetley Bitter Cheshire Cup Final: ...... New Brighton beat Winnington Park Tetley Bitter Cheshire Plate Final: ...... Altrincham Kersal beat Prenton Cheshire Colts Championship: ...... Chester won the League State Schools U.14 Cup: ...... Bridgewater H.S. beat Heber H.S. Schools 18 Group Senior Cup ...... Wirral G.S. Schools 18 Group Sevens ...... Wirral G.S. School s 16 Group Sevens ...... St. Ambrose Coll. Schools 15 Group Sevens ...... Wirral G.S. Clubs U. I? Cup Final: ...... Oldershaw beat Chester Clubs U.16 Cup Final: ...... Lymm beat Chester Clubs U.15 Cup Final: ...... Caldy beat Sandbach Clubs U.14 Cup Final: ...... Sandbach drew Birkenhead Park Clubs U.13 Cup Final: ...... Chester beat Caldy UNDER21's The Sub-Committee met on five occasions during the season and were also heavily involved in the pre-season preparations including trials and coaching sessions. The warm up game against Scottish Exiles at Wilmslow was a great success. Unfortunately it proved to be a false dawn because the team failed to live up to this early season performance, and did not register a win in the County Championship. The final game against Northumberland had to be cancelled due to players withdrawing for various reasons after playing for their clubs on Saturday. Shaun Woof (Caldy/Waterloo) played for U.21's against New Zealand (Nike) XV. Special thanks are due to the !wo coaches Martin Callery (Lymm) and Steve Rosser (Wilmslow). Thanks also to the Chester and Wilmslow clubs for hosting the County games, and to Chris Coventry and the County Committee for their support throughout the season. DISCIPLINARY

The East Disciplinary Sub-Committee dealt with 25 players from 14 clubs. Positions: Flankers - 7, Props - 6, Locks - 3, Centres - 3, NO.8's - 2, Full Back - 2, Outside Half - l, Wing - 1. Offences: Punching - 15, Stamping - 3, Headbutting - 3, Di ssent - 3, Offence in the tackle - 1. Time: 10 offences in the 3rd quarter, 9 in the 4th quarter, 5 in the 2nd quarter and 1 in the 1st quarter.

The West Disciplinary Committee dealt with 24 players from 13 clubs. 3U.17 players were dealt with by their clubs. Positions: Front Row - 6, Locks - 6, Back Row - 4, HalfBacks - 5, Backs - 6. Offences: Stamping - 5, Punching - 14, Headbutting - 2, Late Tackle - l , Illegal charging - 2, Verbal Abuse - 3. Time: First quarter - 5, Second quarter - 6, Third quarter - 14, Fourth quarter - 2.


Membersh ip is excellent val ue and inc1udes frec entry to aIl Horne CauDty Championship games and to the Caunty Cup and Plate Finals. Members can also apply for Home international tickets, but ail these privileges are only available to fully paid up members . The Caunty has a total of306 members, 190 of whom are Life Members. Hoylake RFC has 25 County Individual members, and if every club had a similar number it would considerably boost County funds. Ties are available for ES each and sweaters for i2S from the Hon. Secretary Dennis Western at 118, Irby Road, Heswall, Wirral, Merseyside L61 6XQ, Telephone: 0151-648 3208.


Our sincerc tnanks go ta the referees of the Liverpool and Manchester Societies for providing the rcferees for 50 many games within Cheshire. Bath Societies are now runn ing instructional courses for club and school referees, and clubs are urged to contact Society secretaries ta ensure that ALL their referecs have attended in view of the legal action s now taken against referees in the event of serious injuries.

New members are needed by bath Societies and clubs are asked ta tell any members who may be interestcd ta contact the Society secretaries. Liverpool & District Society Manchester & District Society David Yorke, Alan Farrner, 1A, Sandown Terrace, 22, Woodlands Park, Boughton, Whalley, Chester CH3 5BN Clitheroe BB7 9UG 01244 344026 01254 824042


Congratulations ta New Brighton, Chester, Caldy, Stockport, Wallasey, Shell Stanlow and Gentlemen of Moore who were the 1997/98 Champions of their respective Icagues. Congratu lations also ta Altrincham Kcrsal and Prcnton who won promotion. Commiserations go ta Wilmslow and Old Salians who were relcgated .

The top two leagues will move from 12 to 14 clubs next season, but ail other Jeagues in the Northem Division rernain the same. SCHOOLS Results: Under ]8's Under 16's Under 15's v. Staffordshire Won27-0 Cancelled v. Cardiff Lost 35 - 25 v. Lancashire Lost 14 - 19 Won 9 - 3 v. Gwynedd Won56-0 v. Yorkshire Lost 10 - 17 Lost 23 - 27 v. Yorkshire Lost 22 - 0 v. Durham Lost 20 - 22 Los! 17 - 19 v. Cumbria Won34-5 v. Cumbria Won27-0 Won 27 -0 v. Lancashire Lost47 - 7 R. Tyrrell (Sir John Deane's College) was selected for the England U.18 squad, and S. Brown (Stockport GS) and R. Hopkinson (Williams Hulme School) were selected for the England U.16 squad. COLTS AnotheT successful scasan saw the Colts retain the Roche Trophy as undefeated North Champions. ln the National quarter-final at Macclesfield against Gloucester trailing 0-15, a detennined fightback made the score 9-15 with seconds to go. A try by Mark Eastwood (Stockport) brought us to within one point but the conversion failcd. The National WheatsheafCounty, Sevcns at Wasps saw Cheshire undefeated in their group with wins Qver N. Midlands, Sussex, Dorset & Wilts and Hertfordshire. Yorkshire were beatcn in the quarters and Gloucestershire in the semis before losing 10 Middlesex in the final, their try in the last seconds bcing converted from the touchline. A record eleven players were selected in the North Division squad of25 for fixtures against South ofScotland, New South Wales State Schools and the Divisional festival. Ross Tay lor(Winnington Park) captained the side which included Mike Green, Matt Hinds (Winnington Park), Marcus Barrow, David Wil son, Andrew Khan (Sale), James Jobling, Rob Bieniascz, Mark Smith (Stockport), Rob Worsfold (Altrincham Kersal) and Danny Collins (Manchester) who was also on the bench for England Colts v France. Ben Johnson (Caldy/Waterloo) also played in ail the England games and Hefin O'Hare (New Brighton), Tim Southall (StockportlNewcastle) and Matt Cairns (Wirral/Saracens) also had England trials. Unfortunately none ofthese were released by their clubs to play in the Championship. The Junior Colts (U .17) lost to Durham and North Midlands in the wann-up games but improvcd in the Championsh ip games and beat Cumbria and Lancashire before losing to Yorkshire in the North Final. Nathan Sand land-Jones (Chester) and Anthony Dean (Winnington Park) were selected to represent the North against South of Scotland. Thanks are due to Sandbach, Winnington Park, Macclesfield, Sale, Chester, Wirral, Hoylake and Crewe& Nantwich for their superb hospitality and use oftheir facilities . Congratulations to Chester on becoming champions of the Cheshire Building Society Colts League. COMPETITIONS The Cheshire Cup was won by New Brighton who beat Winnington Park at Chester RFC. The Plate was won by Altrincham Kersal who beat Prenton al Winnington Park RFC . Both final s were weB altended and well organised by the host clubs , and sincere thanks go to these clubs. J MINI/JUNIOR The Under 16 Clubs' Team lost to Durham, N. Midlands and Lancashire.

Mini Festival Winners Under 8's Sandbach Under 9's Chester Under 10's Wilmslow Under Il'5 Lymm drew with Chester Under 12's Chester