Contents Page






ART & CULTURE 36 - 53


SHOPPING 66 - 79

FOOD & DRINK 80 - 101

BARS & CLUBS 102 - 127 3 Introduction

Willkommen in Berlin! With a wealth of opportunity to see the fantastic sights in the day and party late into the night, no-one could get bored with this vibrant and ever- evolving city. Within these pages you can learn more about the history of Berlin, from its roots and turbulent times to the present day, while finding out what sites to see beyond the Wall . Let us guide you around the city’s efficient public system and making your life easier finding somewhere to stay while you’re here. Whether you’re here for the nightlife or are looking to soak up some German culture there is something for everyone in The Snapshot Guide to Berlin. Find out which lakes are best to lounge by and how best to pass the day in weird and wonderful ways in our activities section. Let our culinary expertise guide you to some of the excellent cafés, eateries and bars the metropolitan city holds. If you love fashion for less, look no further than our shopping section, which contains a treasure trove of vintage and independent boutiques, kitsch shops along with some of the best flea markets in town to pick up a bargain. If you are looking to do Berlin on a budget, or even want to splash out on something worthwhile, this guide has everything you need to experience this beautiful city to the fullest. 5 History of Berlin

Early Days

Berlin began its life as two trading settlements on the banks of the River – Berlin and Cölln. The two towns joined forces in 1307 to gain better trading rights and later to enter the Hanseatic League, which led them to begin functioning more as a single entity known as Berlin-Cölln. Berlin-Cölln began to gain power but lose freedoms. Until 1618, Berlin-Cölln grew in population to 12,000 people. However between 1618 and 1648, the Thirty Years War led to the death of half the citizenry and the destruction of a third of the town’s buildings.

Berlin Reborn

After the destruction of the city’s population, Elector Friedrich Wilhelm (ruled 1640-1688) - encouraged immigration. He first invited 50 Austrian Jewish families displaced by the Thirty Years War and then more than 6,000 French Huguenots to settle in Berlin-Cölln. The immigrants brought greater trade links and prosperity to the city.

In 1701, Elector Friedrich III (1688-1713) crowned himself the first King of Prussia, making Berlin the capital city. In 1709 Berlin and Cölln were united by the King along with a number of their suburbs. His son, Friedrich Wilhelm I (1713-1740), made Prussia into a great military power by trading artistic pieces and money for soldiers from other courts. It wasn’t until the reign of his son however, that these soldiers were employed in battle.

7 Berlin partook wholeheartedly Nazi in the Industrial Revolution, with companies such as Borsig, Siemens It was against this unstable and Schwartzkopff setting up in the background that the National city. Socialist party rose to power. In the federal elections of 1930 - the very However as with most major cities beginning of the Great Depression during the Industrial Revolution, - they emerged from near obscurity the industrialisation and mass to be the second largest party in immigration of people into Berlin the Reichstag. from the surrounding countryside led to mass poverty and squalor for By 1932, they were the largest its people. Despite this as the city’s party. When the Reichstag was infrastructure improved, so did the burnt down in February 1933, the Friedrich II, also known as Under his rule a large conditions, and by the start of WWI Nazis seized their opportunity to Friedrich the Great (1740- number of buildings designed Berlin was flourishing. blame the communists and use 1786), is famous both for his to reflect the values of the atmosphere of fear to outlaw victory in the Seven Years War the Enlightenment were The 20th Century all other political parties. In March against Russia and for bringing constructed, including the one of the first concentration the Enlightenment to Berlin. Staatsoper Opera House, the The extreme hardships of the First camps in Germany was opened at Prince Heinrich - later to World War led to the overthrowing Sachsenhausen to contain political become Humboldt University of Kaiser Wilhelm II on 9th prisoners. Over the course of its and St. Hedwig’s Cathedral. November 1918, two days before existence, tens of thousands of Meanwhile, the armistice. The years of the political prisoners and Russian was broadened from a bridle Weimar Republic (1918-1933) were prisoners of war died there. path to become a boulevard tough for Berlin and for Germany, complete with linden trees. with several uprisings from various political factions – most notably for After Friedrich the Berlin, the Spartacist (communist) Great uprising. This ended with two Spartacist leaders being murdered The final years of the by the Freikorps in the , 18th century were fairly where a small memorial stands today. In addition to mass chaos on Food & Drink of Food History Berlin uneventful for Berlin- the was built the streets of Berlin, hyperinflation and the Quadriga placed caused by the governments’ atop it. However Napoleon overzealous money printing invaded the city through the became a severe issue in the early Brandenburg Gate on 27th 1920s, when money became worth October 1806, leaving troops less than the paper it was printed in Berlin right up until 1808. on. For the rest of the 19th century 8 109 Between 1933 and 1945, Templehof Germany was a totalitarian kept West Berlin state. Oppression of non- going for almost Germans, the disabled, a year until the homosexuals, gypsies and blockade was lifted. political dissidents led to the Tensions increased murder of millions of people, again when 200,000 as Berlin’s vast number of East Germans memorials to those murdered escaped the GDR’s by the Nazis evidences. forced collectivisation programme by The Second World War walking into West eventually put an end to the Berlin in 1960. In Nazi regime after six long years response to this of fighting. The effect of the massive loss of war on Berlin was devastating workers, on August - bombardment of the city by 13th, 1961, the East air began in 1943 and by the German government end of the war nearly half of began to build the central Berlin’s buildings were . This destroyed. massive structure encircled West Berlin, Berlin Divided cutting it off from East Germany on all sides, Berlin was officially divided and stood until 1989. into Soviet, US and British 5,000 East Berliners sections in July 1945 - a French still managed to section was later added. East- escape over or under West relations deteriorated the Wall, despite rapidly after the war, and great risk to their Berlin became a constant lives: 192 people saying that he would not support or firing on the crowd the confused source of tension. This tension were killed trying to cross, and hard-line actions against East guards allowed them through. really took shape in the Berlin around 200 were seriously Germans. In a confusing series of Much of the Wall was demolished Blockade of 1948-49, when injured. events, on 9th November 1989, soon afterwards. Food & Drink of Food History Berlin the GDR refused to allow any Günther Schabowski, a member traffic from West Germany In 1989, the East Germans of the East German government, Since the fall of the Wall, Berlin to West Berlin, in an attempt could once more escape announced in a press statement has been re-elevated to its status to starve West Berlin into communist oppression, this that, in his opinion, the border as capital city, with the Bundestag submission. time through the newly between East and West Berlin completing its move back from opened border between should be opened immediately. Bonn in 2001. Berlin has emerged A constant flow of air traffic Hungary and Austria. Mikhail Massive crowds rushed to the as a modern, forward thinking from West Germany to Gorbachev, the President of border crossings, and faced with utopia where anyone can find 10 the USSR, issued a statement the option of letting them through something to suit their tastes. AE 11 Cafés and low on funds there are many cash machines (Geldautomat) around Survival Guide Common practice in Berlin is to the city, but be careful of any in sit at a table and wait for them U-Bahn stations as these charge an to come to you, not only in extortionate amount. Getting Around Beware of as well restaurants but in most cafés, and make sure to keep clear Berlin is a big city, so it’s eateries and even bars. Many will Extras of their designated lanes, find it rude if you try and order at important that you take care which can often be part of the the till. Check to see if they have It is a legal requirement to carry to know where you are going. pavement. Pick up a U/S-Bahn map when a ‘self service’ sign or a ticketing some form of ID at all times, so you arrive and you should find Jaywalking is not just frowned system. make sure you keep one about it easy to get where you need. upon here, it’s actually illegal, your person. Even if it’s just a so make sure you wait for the student card, any form of photo- green Ampelmann to guide identification will do the trick. This you safely across the road. comes in handy making sure you get into clubs as well, as most are Supermarkts strict when it comes to the age limit. It’s important to know that the majority of shops, major If you end up in an emergency at supermarkt chains included, any time, you should call 112 for are closed on a Sunday, thanks Fire or Ambulance and 110 for to strict German employment Police. Or 030/46 64 46 64 for non- laws. Meanwhile, the tipping policy is urgent matters. kind to your wallet, as you’re only You have to pay for the U-Bahn There are four main tourist offices before you get on, and if On an environmental note, expected to give 4% - 10%. Some having to pay for plastic waiters may be cheeky and ask in Berlin, the first one is by the caught without a valid ticket S-Bahn at Hauptbahnhof. There is you could risk incurring a fee of bags is standard procedure for a tip outright, but don’t feel in Germany. And unless you pressured – only give if you’re another by the Brandenburg Gate €40. For convenience, it is best (S-Bahn Unter Den Linden), one in to get a Berlin Welcome Card want to shell out around 7c for happy with the service. carrier bags each time you go the Alexa Shopping Center (S and when you arrive at the airport. It is advisable to use cash, as U-Bahn ) and one by With this you get unlimited shopping, remember to take old ones with you to reuse. most shops and restaurants don’t the Zoologischer Garten at Neuen use of the accept cards. If you’re running Kranzler Eck. and a handy map, along with Or you can buy a reusable discounts for over 200 tourist tote bag at the supermarkts and cultural highlights. 48 themselves. Berlingo hours - €16.90, 72 hours - Food & Drink Food An efficient recycling system €22.90 and 5 days - €29.90. Hello Guten Tag is yet another environmental Good-bye Auf Wiedersehen On weekdays, the U-Bahn highlight of the German supermarkt. If you hang on to Yes Ja closes at 12.30am, so arrange No Nein a lift home if you plan on your empty glass and plastic staying out later. On weekends, bottles you can recycle them Sorry Entschuldigung however, the lines are open 24 instore, claiming back 25c per Please Bitte hours. bottle, while simultaneously Thank-you Danke helping to save our planet. I’d like a beer please Ich möchte ein bier bitte 12 Win-win. 13 Transport


Nerve-wracking experiences of city public transport systems need not apply here in Berlin. Though the Berlin transportation system is well integrated into a single fare system, it actually is composed of U-Bahn and S-Bahn lines that are all controlled by BVG and is simple to use. The U-Bahn system, predominately underground, zips around the city, connecting the major arteries of the above ground S-Bahn trains that travel well beyond the city limits. Speedy, clean and easy, the U-Bahn service uses a criss-crossing system of lines that connect various regions of the city while connecting to S-Bahn platforms. The U-Bahn, signified by the U symbol on a transportation map, run every 3-5 minutes during the peak morning and afternoon hours, slow to every 15 minutes during off hours, and stop service around 12.30am (depending on individual lines) on weekdays. However, most lines operate 24 hours over the weekend.

15 Accompanying the U-Bahn an hour or so and can be using one of the red validation are the S-Bahn identified as night busses machines located next to lines, signified by an S on with an N in front of the the ticket dispenser or on transportation maps. line. stand information the platform. The validation boards list every stop and process stamps your tickets for The S-Bahn consists of which service numbers will a 120-minute window of use in three main lines that run take you to your destination which time it will be valid. mostly in tandem, but split – but it’s always wise to towards the outskirts of check with the driver upon For visitors, be sure to check Berlin. Running around boarding. The night out various passes which the perimeter of the city can often vary their routes provide unlimited use of is a circular route. While from the daylight service of transportation within a given the U-Bahn generally the same numbered line. time frame. Day passes (€6.50) connects stations within are valid for purchase until the city limits, the S-Bahn Berlin’s city travel zones 3am the following morning into the greater are divided into three and worth the price for those Brandenburg region. All categories: A,B and C. Travel likely to make more than 3 trips timetables can be found on between each zone warrants throughout the day. The one- around €8-€10 for a day (with the information boards at a price for each section of week ticket proves even better pricing options that favour a each station platform, or the journey: a single ticket value at €26.20 for travelling longer rental) these can be a you can check the online within the AB zone will within zone AB. cost-effective and enjoyable cost €2.10, while traveling alternative to public transport. from zone A to zone C costs Cycling For those settling in Berlin for €2.80 – a bargain when more than a few weeks, buying you consider that zone Even walking around Berlin will highlight the city’s favourite a can often be a more C includes and economical alternative. Schönefeld Airport. form of transport: the bicycle. Ever diligent with its overall Head for Berlin’s thriving Although there are no ticket eco-consciousness, Berlin has market scene where a little bit barriers in the Berlin public excellent cycling schemes in of haggling goes a long way. At at http:// transport system there is place and a highly-developed the infamous Mauerpark Flea a merciless on-the-spot cycle lane system, with many Market 2nd hand bicycles can index.html. Pick up a free €40 fine for anyone caught lanes being busier than the be bought for as little as €30 U/S-Bahn network map from without a valid ticket or pavement itself. Although if you’re lucky, and can also be

Food & Drink Food most station kiosks. pass. Tickets are valid the beware: many cycle lanes sold back again at the end of U/S-Bahn, any tram or bus tend to occupy the pavements your trip. If you find yourself out past line and can be bought from rather than the roads, so both midnight on a week day, the machines found on almost pedestrians and novice cyclists Bike loving Berlin will also let Berlin bus network can be every platform. should be careful to avoid any you take your bicycle onto the utilised, as major U/S-Bahn angry collisions. U-bahn and S-bahn systems – routes covered by the 24 Most importantly, however, however, a Fahrrad ticket will hour buses. These buses you must remember to Hundreds of bicycle hire need to be purchased costing run, on average, every half validate your ticket (by schemes operate within the €2.50 for a day. 16 city, and reasonably priced at 17 Accommodation

The Berlin hostelling experience is certainly not one to miss out on. With a plethora of options and varying prices you are spoilt for choice.

You can find anything from themed GDR style accommodation to a boat overlooking the . Hostelling is a sociable experience, as you meet fellow travellers to share tips and stories with.

The hostel bar will usually be a lively affair, popular with locals as well as the usual tribe. In this guide you will find our favourite and most unusual choices to make your stay as interesting and enlightening as possible!

Not only that, but we have picked the most affordable for those on a budget - if you can’t afford the most expensive in town, this doesn’t mean your stay can’t be colourful. In fact, in Berlin, it could mean the opposite.

19 Eastern Comfort provide two-person tents if burnt oranges and has a friendly needed for €12 per person. atmosphere with all staff willing to Address: Mϋhlenstraβe, 73, Bedding is an extra €5. There help with any issue. Friedrichshain, 10243, are a few rooms on the top Nearest Station(s): deck with bunks but these There is a small lift, but it can be a U-Warschauer Straβe are a bit of an eyesore - with wait for it to arrive, and big groups Opening Hours: Reception 24 matching fluorescent yellow will have to do a couple of trips so hours blinds and beds. you may find yourself trekking up Cost: From €12 three long flights of stairs to get to The boat also offers a wood the reception area. panelled bar on the top deck This hostel feels as if its off the which hosts parties and live Dorm rooms are offered with main road with its large entrance music, although these can feel en-suite but a cheaper option is area complete with bright red a little lacking in atmosphere. to opt for the shared bathroom Trabant in the drive. With over 70 Stowaways tend to spill onto which is cleaned regularly. rooms, there is a large amount of the street instead to share people staying here, and there is beers by the river. LJ Sheets and breakfast are provided generally a lively atmosphere. by the hostel at no extra cost. Double rooms are also available There is an extensive breakfast from €22 and singles can be a buffet for €4.50. The bar opens hefty €39. The hostel has a bar but Eastern Comfort is a upon request, so if you want this can be a little lack-lustre as hostel boat that conforms to do karaoke or hang out with most of the hostel’s guests opt to to traditional nautical friends in there, just ask a member go out in the evenings. hierarchies. The first of staff and they will gladly get deck offers first-class behind the bar. There is also a roof The staff are chatty however, so accommodation with double terrace and canteen that serves a relaxing evening can be spent and single rooms both sides reasonably priced dinners. of a narrow red-carpeted Metropol Hostel getting to know them and finding out their top tips for exploring the hallway (from €64 per night). There are plenty of different city. LJ The second deck offers Address: Mehringdamm 32, types of rooms on offer, and all accommodation for the not- Kreuzberg, 10961 are airy, bright and spotless. Beds so-worthy with bright, airy Nearest Station(s): U- Meininger Hostel start from €9 and go up to €39 rooms of four bunks beneath Mehringdamm for single rooms. It is advisable portholes that sit almost

Food & Drink Food Accommodation Opening Hours: Reception 24 Address: Hallesches Ufer, 30, to book on their website, as this under the water. hours Kreuzberg, 10963, is generally where to find the Cost: From €9 Nearest Station(s): U-Hallesches cheapest beds last minute. From all rooms you can look Tor straight out on to the River Popular with backpackers, Opening Hours: Reception 24 Meininger also has all Spree or the East-Side Gallery. this hostel is a strong budget hours around Berlin, five overall, and option with beds from just €9 Cost: From €9 prices can differ between them. You can also camp on the top per night. Metropol is clean deck in your own tent. They and well decorated in funky 20 21 However, the standard of clean and economical. The optional provided daily for a pricey €5.90 cleanliness and comfort runs buffet breakfast is available every if you want to fuel up before you throughout. LJ day 7-11am, and is competitively head out for the day. priced at €7.50 including all drinks. And for the evenings, there is a Ostel There is free Wi-Fi available at large, green courtyard perfect in reception, while outside in the the summer complete with beer Address: Wriezener Karree 5, communal area you can play beach garden and BBQ to socialise with Friedrichshain, 10243 volleyball or rent bikes from €10 other like-minded travellers. HM Nearest Station(s): per day. EG S-Ostbahnhof Opening Hours: Reception 24 Pegasus Hostel hours Alternatives Cost: From €15 Address: Straβe der Pariser For anyone wishing to Kommune 35, Friedrichshain, Sunflower Hostel experience a taste of life in the interior has been expertly 10243 Helsingforser Straβe 17, Frie- DDR (or GDR) Berlin, this designed with original Nearest Station(s): U-Ostbanhof drichshain DDR furnishings, 1960s Opening Hours: Reception 24 hours unique design hostel is the Dorms from €13 patterned wallpaper and retro place to stay. Housed within a conspicuous East German technology. tower block and just metres Situated in the trendy, nightlife Jetpak City Hostel from S-Bahn Ostbahnhof, the The accommodation itself district of Friedrichshain, the gaudy green-yellow-orange is half hostel and half hotel; Pegasus Hostel offers clean and Pariser Straβe 58, façade is hard to miss. Follow choose from a shared bedroom affordable accommodation with Dorms from €14 the sunshine glare around (€15), single (€33), double or a twist. All rooms are devotedly the building to where an twin (€54) – or else opt for decked out to represent Greek old Trabant marks the Ostel the full-package GDR mythology. Tentstation Apartment, about 860 sq. entrance. Seydlitzstraβe 6, Scheunenviertel ft. living space for up to six It is a convenient 5 minutes walk Camping from €11 per person Ostalgic and even sentimental, people. Rooms are bright, from the Ostbahnof U-Bahn, and just as close to a plethora of bars and clubs.

All rooms have been newly renovated, and the hostel offers dorms from €13. You can also pick up a 3-bed dorm from €19 if you are travelling with friends and Food & Drink Food Accommodation prefer some privacy.

All facilities on offer include free lockers and luggage room, free access, laundry facilities, lounge commune area and a fully equipped guest kitchen if you prefer to eat in and save on cash. 22 There is a breakfast buffet that is 23 Sightseeing

The sights of Berlin are quite something to behold, for their impressive diversity and historical worth. It’s impossible to cover everything in the city in a day or two (even a month is hardly enough time) but there are some things you just can’t miss. These are all riddled with history, such as the Jewish Memorial and the Berlin Wall, dividing the Germany into East and West. The Wall (otherwise known as the Death Strip) is itself diverse in cultural appeal: from the contemporary artistic East Side Gallery to the haunting Gedenkstätte Berlin Mauer (Berlin Wall Memorial). Other structures, meanwhile, are symbolic landmarks of the city and are internationally recognisable. These include the Fernsehturm (TV Tower), which looms over Alexanderplatz as the tallest structure in Berlin, and the iconic Brandenburg Gate. Then there is a wealth of Prussian like the enchanting , dating back from the Royal Hohenzollern family – and the beautiful in Potsdam, a former summer residence of Friedrich the Great. Whatever period of history interests you most: all sights are unmissable in Berlin.

25 Reichstag the building itself can be found Ritenes1905 when maio. the Itasperit Dom was opta built, dolenis containingconsequ iaerior all the eroviduciur?known names of at the base of the dome with apisthrough ut hil World id molorepudit War II and ulparumits partial JewishAd modia Holocaust dolo et victims, dus dolore as well Address: Platz der Republik 1 chronological pictures featured esdestruction et ulparib toeaturiam its restoration. ad quo JT asnonsequi letters from idus ipsusthose magniat.on the way to Nearest Station(s): Bundestag through time. Tourists can blabora ecesent, con pel ipsaper concentrationTat quost remodigenis camps. nonsequod Opening Hours: 8am- 10pm enter for free when booking in itissunt peliaerum volupta quiae milland eritatiorrum arcimo modis JT Holocaust-Mahnmal Cost: Free advance. nos rehenis de estium, sit exceres Openedcoreiur? to the public in 2005, the (Holocaust Memorial) memorial has attracted criticism Berliner Dom doluptibus et volorio cusae dolor Optur re ea sit qui bea solor as aut as doloriatin nobita nonsequo practicallydolorun discitia since its core, conception, nis aut estiam Address: Georgenstrasse 23, Mitte, firstly and most controversially for officit quatur rera quatet ut aut ent aut odis dit quam essint que Address: 10117 the use of an anti-graffiti substance Nearest Station: S-Hackescher latquisNearest as Station(s): ipic temodistio U/S- ommodit onnon the non slabs reseriae manufactured voluptatior by arum Markt ationsequaeBrandenburger excepre Tor percid quam Degussahiliqui volore - the company eosanis aperund also Opening Hours: 9am-8pm responsibleaeruptat occum for manufacturing que nulluptur re Mon-Sat, 12pm-8pm Sun Apr- thedolupta Zyklone eptaspicil B gas used erchiciminus in the mo Sept, noon- 7pm Sun Oct-Mar gastet chambers. laborem sam There faccat. has also Cost: €5/ €3 adult/concession beenOnsequo criticism temquossinum from other quamgroups The Reichstag, where victimisedanda nitas byut thelatiatetur? holocaust, since the German Bundestag thePero memorial inctiaectias only acknowledges magnisqui blabo. (parliament) regularly JewishUt a venduci holocaust minias victims. doluptati Today the convenes, offers fantastic views siteofficae is visited etur? by tourists and locals searching for a meaning to the of Berlin. Originally built in Ignimusci ra doluptat. Qui in cusam 1894, the building received a holocaust, resting on the concrete slabs,dendeli or playingtatiur? amongVellenis them. everrum AE renovation by architect Lord iduntorepro doloriam auta porrum Norman Foster to modernise verumquo eiciend amenihic tem re the building and adding the The Holocaust Memorial, located famous glass dome. After volorposnear the Brandenburgesectur, occumquunt. Gate, being shuttled into a lift and Oloritaeserves as verum a constant aut aligent reminder odicto of given an audio guide, you are ere,the sixnonectusa million Jews sint. killed in the instructed to start the tour on The Berliner Dom, the once SundaniHolocaust. doluptatur Designed solorit by Peter volore, a spiral ramp circling the glass bombed cathedral, doesn’t just conetEisenman, aspita the venis memorial sunt maio is 4.7 blam, dome where key sites featured offer a magnificent religious inacres re qui of grey,sequos concrete doluptatis slabs, aligendi each in the 360 degree view are place of worship but also voluptaone identical sseque except nem volorateserofor their pointed out and described. a fantastic viewpoint and maheight. cum The nonsequ effect idende is that as you From the Brandenburg gate museum all rolled into one. For nossimetur?walk into it, the slabs rise around in the foreground to the €5 you can climb up the spiral Tas evelessum ad ut eate Neue Synagogue dome in the you, gradually shutting out the staircase to view the city from voluptatat dolenturite cupit

Food & Drink Food Sightseeing distance. The focus of the light and your feeling of freedom. Berlin’s heart or climb down facidicium, officiis ra andunt eum audio guide is more on the to the crypt where Kaisers The way the slabs have been laid el ipientiam, ande quid eaquam, views of the city rather than of the past, such as Friedrich out - in grid formation but with the history of the Reichstag I and Sophie-Charlotte lie ilthe inis slabs aut atfugia slight sam angles dolecabIs - lends and its parliament but they do in their resting place. The doluptatiothe dellendit an uncomfortable quam, voloris mention key interesting facts. Dom also holds a museum utatmosphere. faccus, odissus Although ciendam there fugita is no The Bundestag’s blue chairs where you can discover the intinformation quatur, alisquia on the is iduciaecturmemorial itself, can be seen through the dome, building’s history and meaning situnderneath quia videressit it - accessible omnima fromque nisthe symbolising transparency of of this Royal Prussian place of ditionsequoeastern side - odthere maios is a doloreiummuseum 26 government. Information on worship. It goes through from eum re nitatur a et landia aperiae 27 Ritenesafter the maio. French Itasperit cathedral opta in dolenis wickernonsequod chairs millandwith their eritatiorrum cocktail Der apis1708 ut for hil the id molorepuditcity’s Lutheran ulparum andarcimo bratwurst, modis listeningcoreiur? to the escommunity, et ulparib as eaturiam it was then ad quo under- softOptur melodies re ea sit drifting qui bea from solor theas Nearest Station(s): blaborarepresented. ecesent, Today, con it pel houses ipsaper a localdolorun buskers. discitia The surroundingcore, nis aut estiam U-Stadtmitte; U-Franzӧsische itissuntfree comprehensive peliaerum volupta exhibition quiae of gentrifiedent aut odis area, dit quamwith mainessint streets que Straβe nosGermany’s rehenis parliamentary de estium, sit history exceres beingnon nonCharlottenstraβe reseriae voluptatior and arum doluptibusand revolution. et volorio An English cusae audiodolor Französischehiliqui volore Straβe, eosanis plays aperund host to Easily one of the most autguide as isdoloriatin available; nobitahowever, nonsequo a aeruptatplethora occumof upmarket que nulluptur restaurants re picturesque, manicured officitthis spans quatur a few rera floors quatet and utgets aut anddolupta cafés eptaspicilsharing the erchiciminus footpath mo squares in Europe, Der latquissomewhat as ipic dull. temodistio ommodit withtet laboremthe passers-by. sam faccat. The Galleries Gendarmenmarkt in Mitte ationsequae excepre percid quam LaFayetteOnsequo temquossinumshopping complex quam is dates back to 17th Century verumquoThe Konzerthaus eiciend was amenihic originally tem re locatedanda nitas nearby ut latiatetur? on Jagerstraβe Prussia. It was part of the plan volorposbuilt as the esectur, National occumquunt. Theatre in withPero its inctiaectias French neoclassical magnisqui design blabo. to develop the emerging area Oloritae1801, on verum the site aut between aligent theodicto two andUt anot-to-miss venduci minias gourmet doluptati food of the then Friedrichstadt. ere,cathedrals nonectusa because sint. Friedrich the level.officae For all etur? chocolate enthusiasts Originally home to Berlin’s SundaniGreat, a non-religiousdoluptatur solorit man, volore, wanted a Ignimuscivisit to the ra nearby doluptat. elegant Qui in cusam biggest market, the square’s coneta fair representation aspita venis sunt of maio more blam, chocolatierdendeli tatiur? of Fassbender Vellenis everrum & Rausch current name derives from inart re and qui culture. sequos Thedoluptatis impressive, aligendi (oniduntorepro Charlottenstraβe) doloriam is auta a must. porrum the Gens d’armes Regiment voluptaneoclassical sseque building nem volorateserothat stands Thisrem store verit brings ullit rero in customers velit et rerionet which was deployed there in matoday cum is anonsequ Karl Friedrich idende Schinkel withfuga. its Nempos lavish chocolate moluptum displays, acero the middle of the 1700’s. The nossimetur?reconstruction of the former, includingodipsant a erferum chocolate apicidi volcano bla adicand statue of notable German beauty. It is hard to believe Taswhich evelessum was burnt ad down ut eate in 1817. antet entirely officto chocolate estia nobiscipis replica ofsed the poet Friedrich Schiller stands that all three buildings were voluptatatIt was designed dolenturite around cupit the ruins Brandenburgerendit quatint landitiTor. Also distectumque check out in the centre of the square heavily damaged during World facidicium,and even kept officiis the original ra andunt exterior eum theiralitissunt impressive et, utas range iliquam, of truffles, conet and is dwarfed by the three War II and their reconstruction elwalls ipientiam, and portico ande columns.quid eaquam, It whichdolorehende are a great cusanditis gift idea. aut There magnificent, classical buildings. was carried out right into the ilreopened inis aut fugia in 1984 sam as dolecabIs a Concert hall isaborrum also a pricey que atumbut indulgent et aliquat ape Dominating the space with early 1990’s. doluptatioand now hosts dellendit frequent quam, classical voloris cafévolliquia on the volut top floor,laut mi, with simus an in their grand entrances spilling utperformances faccus, odissus inside ciendam the opulent fugita admiringea corporum view ofquist the volum attractive hillore out towards the centre, The Französischer Dom, intinterior. quatur, You alisquia can pick is iduciaecturup a ticket Gendarmenmarkt.preptat voluptiam HM quamustrum qui these are made up of the the oldest of the three sitfor quiasometimes videressit Konzerthaus (Concert House), buildings, was built first in omnimaas little queas €8 nis so the Französischer Dom (French 1701 to welcome the French ditionsequokeep an eye out od Cathedral) and the Deutscher Protestants (Hugenots) maioswhilst visiting.doloreium Dom (German Cathedral). recently expelled from France. Today, it houses a Hugenot eum re nitatur a Food & Drink Food Sightseeing etThe landia aperiae The striking similarity of the Museum, a and consequGendarmenmarkt iaerior two opposing cathedrals is you can also pay €3 to take eroviduciur?square is a noticeable almost immediately. the spiral staircase to the top Adpopular modia area dolo to Both have identically designed of the tower for a dizzying, etsoak dus up dolore the lively domes by architect Carl von picturesque view of the square nonsequiatmosphere, idus Gontard, which sit atop the itself and the surrounding city. ipsusand locals magniat. and dramatic, columned façades to The Deutscher Dom Tattourists quost alike give the square a symmetrical was constructed shortly 28 remodigenislounge in outdoor 29 Sachsanhausen Oranienburg, but expect a 20 Concentration Camp minute walk to Sachsenhausen itself when you arrive at the Address: Straße der Nationen station. JT 22, Oranienburg, 16515 Nearest Station(s): Alexanderplatz S-Oranienburg Address: Alexanderplatz, Mitte, Opening Hours: Mid March- 10178 Mid October 8.30am-6pm, Mid Nearest Station(s): U/S- October-Mid March 8.30am- Alexanderplatz 4.30pm Cost: Free Overwhelmingly concrete and the place you love to hate, While wandering around this Alexanderplatz is an inevitable ghostly camp, it is hard to thoroughfare for Berliners comprehend the lifestyles of and tourists alike. The station prisoners that were trapped commands an intersection here. Sachsenhausen in between various modes of Oranienburg – about an hour’s transport, including three train ride north of the city – U-Bahns lines (U2; U5; U8) was a Nazi concentration camp with multiple exits spilling platz until the end of World War II, out onto the and three Ritenesterminate. maio. This Itasperit whole area opta was dolenis isfacidicium, now a major officiis tourist ra attraction andunt eum at which time it fell into the S-Bahns (S3; S5; S7) which apispedestrianised ut hil id molorepudit during the ulparum 1960s forel itsipientiam, 360° rooftop ande viewsquid eaquam,and Soviet occupied division and shuttle frequently up above esGDR et administrationulparib eaturiam when ad quo it was revolvingil inis aut restaurant. fugia sam dolecabIsPay €11 for was used to detain political through the overground blaboraredesigned ecesent, as a beacon con pel for ipsaper the thedoluptatio elevator anddellendit complete quam, your voloris Bahnhof prisoners of the DDR regime. . It is a central hub of itissunt‘new society’. peliaerum volupta quiae Alexanderplatzut faccus, odissus experience ciendam with fugita the East Berlin tram network, The remaining buildings nos rehenis de estium, sit exceres a inttrip quatur, to the alisquiatop of the is iduciaecturworld... where numerous services Notable remnants from this period almost. EG and grounds now function doluptibusinclude the obtrusiveet volorio Worldcusae Clockdolor , sit quia videressit omnima que nis as a museum, where the (M2; M4; M5; M6) trolley and autfashioned as doloriatin by industrial nobita designer nonsequo St.ditionsequo Hedwigs od Kathedrale maios doloreium Sachsenhausen memorial officitErich John. quatur It is arera futuristic quatet utrotating aut eum re nitatur a et landia aperiae graphically displays the horrors latquisdrum which as ipic shows temodistio the current ommodit consequ iaerior eroviduciur? that occurred behind the Address: Hinter der Katholischen ationsequaetime of day in excepre the world’s percid most quam KircheAd modia 3, Friedrichstadt, dolo et dus dolore 10117 concrete walls and barbed wire important cities. fences. verumquo eiciend amenihic tem re Nearestnonsequi Station(s): idus ipsus U/S- magniat. volorpos esectur, occumquunt. Alexanderplatz;Tat quost remodigenis U-Kotbusser nonsequod Tor Meanwhile, the iconic Fernsehturm A comprehensive history Oloritae verum aut aligent odicto Openingmilland Hours:eritatiorrum Mon-Fri arcimo 9am-5pm; modis Food & Drink Food Sightseeing (or TV tower) looms awkwardly Sat, Sun 10am-4pm of the camp can be found ere,over nonectusa the main platz sint. from the coreiur? in the information centre: Sundaniadjoining doluptatur square. At solorit a skyscraping volore, TheOptur name re eaof St.sit quiHedwigs bea solor as look out for the prisoners’ conet207 metres aspita high venis this sunt is themaio tallest blam, dolorun discitia core, nis aut estiam potato peeling kitchen, where Kathedrale harkens back to the instructure re qui sequos in Germany doluptatis and a aligendi originalent aut foundation odis dit quam in essint1747, quewhen drawings, mostly of personified voluptalandmark sseque feature nem on volorateserothe Berlin non non reseriae voluptatior arum vegetables, still remain on Prussian monarch Friedrich II (or macityscape. cum nonsequ Like a solitary idende relic hiliqui volore eosanis aperund the walls. The camp can Friedrich the Great) bestowed this nossimetur?from Fritz Lang’s Metropolis, churchaeruptat as aoccum gift to que the nulluptur Catholic re be easily reached by direct it was originally built as a GDR trains from Friedrichstraße to Tas evelessum ad ut eate Silesandolupta migrants, eptaspicil whose erchiciminus patron mo 30 voluptatattransmission dolenturite tower (1969) cupit and wastet Saintlaborem Hedwig. sam faccat. 31 Ruinously damaged in 1943 pews-in-the-round, everything by WWII bombings, nothing is made to focus on the much was done about the principal organ and altar. Down reconstruction of St. Hedwigs in the former crypt there is a Kathedrale until 1952 – and circle of eight chapels which in 1955 the interior design have been created in the was entrusted to prominent undercroft, each with its own contemporary architect Hans specific function. Notably, Schwippert. The result was one is a memorial for the a surprisingly elegant fusion Roman Catholics of Berlin who between pre and post-war suffered terrible oppression Berlin: the original Neoclassical under the Nazi regime. A small façade was preserved, but architectural feat, St. Hedwigs Kathedrale is an uplifting and contemplative experience and well-worth the solitary visit. EG Potsdam - Sansoucci Park

Address: Sansoucci Park, Potsdam RitenesThe once maio. Royal Itasperit residential opta town dolenis Potsdamfacidicium, is great officiis for ara day andunt trip to eum Nearest Station(s): S-Potsdam apisis the ut capital hil id molorepuditof Brandenburg ulparum haveel ipientiam, a charming ande break quid from eaquam, the Opening Hours: Various times esState et ulpariband situated eaturiam just adoutside quo bustlingil inis aut city fugia that sam is easily dolecabIs accessible for the palaces, all day for the blaboraBerlin. Sansoucci ecesent, conconsists pel ipsaper of bydoluptatio public transport dellendit. JT quam, voloris park itissuntcarefully manicuredpeliaerum volupta gardens quiae and ut faccus, odissus ciendam fugita architecture to rival Versailles that Cost: Various for the palaces, nos rehenis de estium, sit exceres Marienkircheint quatur, alisquia is iduciaectur free for the park even devoted city dwellers will doluptibusappreciate. et volorio cusae dolor sit quia videressit omnima que nis aut as doloriatin nobita nonsequo Address:ditionsequo Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse od maios doloreium 8, officitThe crown quatur prince rera of Prussia,quatet ut aut Mitte,eum re 10178 nitatur a et landia aperiae latquisFriedrich as Wilhelm,ipic temodistio who first ommodit started Nearestconsequ Station(s): iaerior eroviduciur? U/S- ationsequaework on Sansoucci, excepre reigned percid in quam the AlexanderplatzAd modia dolo et dus dolore the interior was reworked th into an divergent, modernist verumquo18 Century. eiciend He had amenihic a passion tem re Openingnonsequi Hours: idus ipsusApr-Oct magniat. Daily transformation. volorposfor art and esectur, architecture occumquunt. which 10am-9pm;Tat quost remodigenis Nov-Mar 10am nonsequod - 6pm Oloritaeis evident verum in all sevenaut aligent of the odicto milland eritatiorrum arcimo modis Food & Drink Food Sightseeing Where earlier damage had ere,Sanssouci nonectusa palaces sint. from the New Marienkirchecoreiur? is one of Berlin’s few Palace to the Orangery palace, opened up the former crypt, Sundani doluptatur solorit volore, remainingOptur re eamedieval sit qui beabuildings, solor as first erected for valuable and exotic as the burning dome collapsed conet aspita venis sunt maio blam, mentioneddolorun discitia in a document core, nis inaut 1292.estiam through the church floor, an plants (known as “Green Gold”). If you fancy a break from the in re qui sequos doluptatis aligendi Locatedent aut just odis off dit quamAlexanderplatz, essint que it is innovative two-tiered layout hustle and bustle of the city of voluptaThe park sseque displays nem the voloratesero power and notnon only non easy reseriae to get voluptatior to, but is also arum was created. The upper (or Berlin then there is no more splendour of the Royalty at the easy to spot, with its bright red main) church sweeps in large peaceful place than Potsdam ma cum nonsequ idende hiliqui volore eosanis aperund time through the symmetry and bricks pitted by WWII bullets and a contours around the rotunda Sansoucci (literally ‘carefree’), nossimetur? aeruptat occum que nulluptur re structure of the buildings and the green neogothic copper spire. But and from concentric circle floor where the Palaces and Gardens Tas evelessum ad ut eate dolupta eptaspicil erchiciminus mo immaculately preserved gardens. 32 patterns to the arrangement of are situated. voluptatat dolenturite cupit unlesstet laborem you have sam nothing faccat. better to 33 do with your time or are really remnantsRitenes maio. of the Itasperit altar where opta life- dolenis overpricedAd modia eateriesdolo et dus and dolore swarms into faded medieval frescoes, it sizedapis stoneut hil idangels molorepudit hang from ulparum the ofnonsequi tourists, idussadly ipsus this ismagniat. one piece is better avoided. et ulparib If you haveeaturiam a free ad afternoon, quo ofTat Berlin quost history remodigenis ruined bynonsequod tacky The church is used for regular Nikolaikircheblabora ecesent, is a serene con pel and ipsaper commercialism.milland eritatiorrum AMG arcimo modis Lutheran services, and the enlighteningitissunt peliaerum place to volupta spend it.quiae AE coreiur? parts of the church which have nos rehenis de estium, sit exceres BrandenburgerOptur re ea sit qui beaTor solor as nothing to do with these are Checkpointdoluptibus et Charlievolorio cusae dolor dolorun discitia core, nis aut estiam quite run down. The Dance of aut as doloriatin nobita nonsequo Address:ent aut odisPariser dit Platz,quam Mitte essint que Nearest Station(s): Brandenburger Death mural at the entrance Friedrichstraßeofficit quatur 43-44,rera quatet Mitte ut aut non non reseriae voluptatior arum Tor is certainly interesting in itself, Nearestlatquis Station(s):as ipic temodistio Kochstraße ommodit hiliqui volore eosanis aperund showing medieval people ationsequae excepre percid quam from all walks of life being led to their demise by corpses. However, it is kept behind 1230, although most of it is a glass screen besmeared a reconstruction upon the with handprints, while the original ruins. It is currently writing on it – telling of the a museum dedicated to the inevitability of death for early history of Berlin and the everyone - is in German with history of the church itself. no translation. If you are really Occasionally it is also used as a desperate for some history, aeruptat occum que nulluptur re concert or theatre venue. An History abound yet Disneyfied Looming tall in the centre of Berlin, you can get a dreary leaflet excellent, edifying audio guide beyondverumquo all comprehension eiciend amenihic – for tem all re thedolupta Brandenburg eptaspicil Gate erchiciminus – Berlin’s mo about the church’s architecture comes as part of the entrance thosevolorpos excited esectur, to visit occumquunt. Checkpoint mosttet laborem famous andsam magnificentfaccat. for 20 cents. AE fee and leaves you satisfied Charlie,Oloritae don’t verum be auttoo aligentquick to odicto get monumentOnsequo temquossinum – is a must see. quam Built in with a complete knowledge of yourere, shoes nonectusa on. This sint. notorious 1791anda by nitas Carl ut Gotthard latiatetur? Langhans, it Nikolaikirche the church and its benefactors. touristSundani trap doluptatur and its teeth-grindingly solorit volore, wasPero intended inctiaectias as a Royal magnisqui entrance blabo. inaccurateconet aspita replicas venis aresunt sure maio to blam,see toUt the a venduci city. The minias Quadriga: doluptati Johann in re qui sequos doluptatis aligendi Gottfriedofficae etur? Schadow’s sculpture of Address: Nikolaikirchplatz, Scattered around the you disappointed. For €2-a-go the volupta sseque nem voloratesero victoryIgnimusci in a rachariot doluptat. drawn Qui by in four cusam Mitte, 10178, church there are interactive fancy-dress soldiers will graciously exhibitions informing of the ma cum nonsequ idende horsesdendeli sits tatiur? atop the Vellenis gate. Wheneverrum Nearest Station(s): U/S- frown as tourists snap away in front Berlin was invaded by Napolean’s fascinating stories behind nossimetur? iduntorepro doloriam auta porrum Alexanderplatz of the fake station guardhouse. army in 1806, the Quadriga was Tas evelessum ad ut eate rem verit ullit rero velit et rerionet Opening Hours: Daily 10am- the other historical buildings Sounds bad enough but it gets kidnapped taken to and only voluptatat dolenturite cupit fuga. Nempos moluptum acero 6pm in ; people worse. returned after his defeat in 1814. responsible for extending the facidicium, officiis ra andunt eum odipsant erferum apicidi bla adic

Food & Drink Food Sightseeing Cost: €5/€3 adult/concessions church such as Johann von Lookel ipientiam, out for the ande Berlin quid Party eaquam, Police Whentet officto the Wall estia came nobiscipis down in sed il inis aut fugia sam dolecabIs 1989,endit Berliners quatint landitiflocked distectumqueto the Like Marienkirche, Kötteritz, a privy councillor van: the alleged doluptatio dellendit quam, voloris gatealitissunt making et, it theutas backdrop iliquam, toconet Nikolaikirche is a medieval now buried there with his wife for these pseudo soldiers with their ut faccus, odissus ciendam fugita thedolorehende celebrations cusanditis surrounding aut church near Alexanderplatz. and other interesting figures double-lives. And if the pain wasn’t that were connected with the int quatur, alisquia is iduciaectur reunification.aborrum que atumIt now et presidesaliquat ape over Unlike Marienkirche, it really enough, try out the ‘Checkpoint the newly restored church. sit quia videressit omnima que nis volliquia volut laut mi, simus in is worth a visit. Nikolaikirche Charlie stamp’ – a popular where tourists congregate to take ditionsequo od maios doloreium ea corporum quist volum hillore is in fact the oldest building Some parts of the building are attraction that will issue a mock pictures of the Gate, buy eum re nitatur a et landia aperiae preptat voluptiam quamustrum qui in Berlin, dating from around truly beautiful, especially the visa, which for €5 will invalidate or take a horse-drawn carriage 34 yourconsequ passport. iaerior Crowded eroviduciur? with downid queHabem Unter Den num Linden. mo non AE vitrum 35 Art & Culture

From the ’s glorious collection of antiquities to the street art on every corner, Berlin is brimming with art and culture. The city contains more than 170 museums and art galleries, with enough variety to satisfy all art and history lovers.

In addition to the grand museums to be found on Museumsinsel, there are a vast number of little, tucked-away museums on such diverse topics as ‘Things’ and ‘Hemp’. Art galleries, meanwhile, vary from the commemorative art of the East Side Gallery to the surrealism of the Dali gallery. If you’re more of a cinema fan, with around 100 cinemas to choose from you won’t be disappointed.

In summer months there are also a number of Freiluftkinos (open-air cinemas), often putting on English-language films. All told, Berlin is an art- filled city, and with the sheer number of museums, galleries and cinemas, you will never be short of things to see.

37 Pergamonmuseum the Giants and Olympian Gods Filmmuseum speakerphone on the wall and – in particular high relief. It listen to a fascinating interview Address: Am Kupfergraben 5, is a sensitive and painstaking Address: Potsdamer Straße, Mitte, with designer Hermann Warmm , 10117 reconstruction, which 10785 as he relates the experimental Nearest Station(s): U/S- highlights the incredible detail Nearest Station(s): U/S-Potsdamer creative process of Calligari. Friedrichstraße of the original work. Figures Platz appear to break violently There is an instructive free Opening Hours: Fri-Tue 10am- Opening Hours: Tue, Wed, Fri-Sun through the marble rock which audio guide available in English 6pm; Thu 10am-10pm holds them, crashing fiercely 10am-6pm; Thu 10am-8pm; Mon (€10 deposit required) and all Cost: €10/€5 adult/concession against one another in scenes closed item descriptions throughout of Epic warfare. There is an Cost: €6/€4.50 adult/concession the museum are translated into outstanding free audio guide English. Film novice or aficionado, available to walk you through Every bit as futuristic as Potsdamer at less € than the price of a kino each section of the frieze – Platz itself, the Filmmuseum Berlin ticket, the Filmmuseum promises particularly useful in areas of is a shiny modernistic accolade excellent cinematic value for greater damage, where the to the history of German cinema. worth. EG narrative is obscured. Incorporated within the Filmhaus of the this permanent (Old It is also worth gaining an exhibition spans across two floors. overall perspective from the ) dizzying heights of the colossal It works chronologically from staircase, which climbs steeply 1895 and the beginnings of Address: Bodestraße 1-3, Mitte, up the Pergamon Altar itself. cinematography in Berlin, 10178 Further museum highlights through war and post-war film to Nearest Station/s: S-Hackescher include the tremendous the present day. The transition Markt Babylonian Ishtar Gate, between movements is lucid Opening Hours: Tues-Sun 10am- beautifully preserved, and and easy to follow, as each 6pm; Thurs 10am-10pm; Closed section details the important monstrous Assyrian winged Mon sphinxes among other Middle developments of that period. The instinctive main attraction Eastern finds. Oscar Messter, the great pioneer of Pergamonmuseum is of German cinema, plays a starring the Pergamon Altar. From Don’t leave without seeing the role in this exhibit – as does the excavations carried out by Islamic art exhibit, showcasing iconic Marlene Dietrich, for whom German engineer Carl Humann iridescent glassware and there is a special tribute. between 1878 and 1886, traditional ceramics. There this is a prime example of is plenty to see here at Six unforgettable film costumes are archaeological finders, keepers. Pergamonmuseum: come for on display, including her trademark

Food & Drink Food Art & Culture the Altar, stay for the rest. EG tuxedo, and here the glamorous Here lives the original androgyny of her celebrity is Western side of the ancient immortalised. construction built in Pergamon Cost: €10/€5 adult/concession (Asia Minor, Turkey) during Elsewhere, due credit is given Looming over visitors and the 2nd century BC. The to the 1920 silent horror film resembling a temple high on the base frieze is well-preserved The Cabinet of Dr. Calligari. Acropolis, the Alte Nationalgalerie and illustrates the fantastic Original excerpts are projected houses and paintings Gigantomachy – a legendary in a dark, atmospheric corner from 19th century Romanticism and of the museum. Pick up the 38 mythological battle between early Modernism. 4039 Although a sweeping double Berlin’s other top attractions Bauhaus Archive stairwell leads to a column first. DP entrance, visitors must Address: Klingelhöferstraße 14, enter through ground level Topographie des Terrors Schöneberg, 10785 doors into a cavernous foyer. () Nearest Station(s): The exhibit begins on the U-Nollendorfplatz third floor and descends, in Address: Niederkirchnerstraße Opening Hours: Wed-Mon 10am- chronological order, to the first 8, Mitte, 10963 5pm; Tues closed floor. Nearest Station(s): Cost: Sat-Mon €7/€4 adult/ U-Kochstraße concession; Wed-Fri €6/€3 adult/ The third floor focuses mainly Opening Hours: Daily 10am- concession on native Berlin painters, – which chronologically retells the 8pm highlighted by the Gothic history of a fractured Berlin from Cost: Free landscapes of Caspar David the 1920’s to the end of the Cold Friedrich, and reflects the War. Rife with original pictures, Set on site of the former local movement of Weimar press releases, personal vignettes, headquarters of the German classicism and romanticism. first-person quotes and factual secret state police , the Widening the selection with a observations, this commentary Topographie des Terrors spectrum of European painters, explains how the Nazi Party gained features an intertwining the second floor displays control of Berlin. historical narrative of Berlin works of late romanticism and from two viewpoints. impressionism. Inside the museum, the open This museum is dedicated to the floor plan – complete with an Surrounded by a field of stone work of the Bauhaus school, one of Both top floors utilise larger, underground library and an open slabs, a grey building trapped the most influential architecture, central galleries unified by courtyard in the middle – gives in a caged exterior houses an design and art movements of the theme and flanked by smaller way to a winding and sometimes th exhibition that details the rise 20 century. One of its fathers rooms displaying works from claustrophobic exhibit. Here, the of the SS and Gestapo power. was German architect Walter singular artists. narrative focuses on how the Nazi Gropius, who later went on to Stretching outside for 200m Party used its Gestapo and SS lies a segment of the Berlin design the archive building itself. On the first floor, the gallery forces to terrorise certain segments wall – one part above ground At the Archive’s outside entrance presents sculptures and of society within Germany and and another part excavated on Klingenhoferstrasse, you are paintings echoing early throughout Europe. and covered by a glass awning greeted by a large sign and several modernism backed by vividly flags kept in the unofficial colours colored walls trimmed in By destroying any oppositional of Bauhaus: blue, red and yellow. Food & Drink Food Art & Culture elegant gold leaf. Don’t miss views, the SS extended Nazi power The Wave by Gustave Courbet, through dramatic tactics such as A pathway leads you to two white a painting that roars and public humiliation, arrest warrants, buildings with curved roofs that seemingly crashes over the and concentration camps. To view resemble waves. Inside these, viewer. While an intriguing both exhibitions, give yourself at you will find numerous paintings, museum for discovering artists least four hours of time, taking a sketches, architectural blueprints, responsible for cultivating art break in the bookstore museum photographs, household items, throughout Germany, wiser café if necessary. DP models, pottery, furniture and 40 time would be spent seeing 4241 sculptures, among other by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Scat junk-shop style museum, so when things. Players by Otto Dix, and Pillars of you walk through the door, you These give visitors an excellent Society by George Grosz, the works are in for a complete surprise: a idea of the breadth and scope critically examine – even parody very clean, modern and spacious of the work of Bauhaus. – the socio-political environment room, housing a beautifully laid out of the , the exhibit. It is important to emphasise Weimar Republic, and the German that the members of the Empire. Bauhaus movement didn’t have a unified approach – Visitors can also view impressive consequently their work varies collections of German wildly in style. Visitors will still A five minute stroll southwest Expressionism, Brücke inspired be able to find some strongly of , the works, and Dada themed art. recognisable functional designs Neue Nationalgalerie has an With an informative audio guide produced by Bauhaus artists, exhibit of about 2500 modern explaining key pieces, visitors such as the Bauhaus lamp or paintings and sculptures can enjoy the free flowing layout the Bauhaus chess board. The created between 1900 and of the exhibit that utilizes walls museum also has a section 1945. to break up space rather than devoted to the history of the isolate certain works. The Neue The is very helpful famous Faguswerk, a factory Housed in a world renowned Nationalgalerie easily deserves four and will give any English-speaking designed in Bauhaus style. architectural jewel designed hours of attention for its brilliant visitors a , besides by Bauhaus maestro Ludwig art embedded with socio-political answering any questions you The entrance cost includes Mies van der Rohe, the commentary. DP might have. The collection itself an audio tour, which provides building features a steel is intriguing, and surprisingly visitors not only with roof that juts over a veneer Museum der Dinge enlightening, containing a number interesting historical facts composed entirely of glass. of everyday, mass-manufactured about Bauhaus, but also gives Standing outside, visitors Address: Oranienstrasse 25, objects made in Germany since valuable insight on individual. can peer directly across the Kreutzberg, 10999 the 1800s, from knives and forks AG disturbingly empty first floor Nearest Station(s): U-Kottbusser to TVs. These are laid out in a to the opposite exterior – a Tor more-or-less chronological order, Neue Nationalgalerie dramatic view that blurs the Opening Hours: Fri-Mon Noon - intending to show how people’s (New National Gallery) boundary between inner and 7pm attitudes to their surroundings outer space. Cost: €4/€2 adult/concession have changed over the years. There are also slightly odd artefacts in

Food & Drink Food Art & Culture Address: Potsdamer Straße 50, The exhibition, housed a floor the museum, such as a collection Potsdamer Platz 10785 The Museum der Dinge below, groups paintings by of what one curator deemed to Nearest Station(s): U/S- (Museum of Things) is located on theme and artistic styles rather be examples of the worst taste in Potsdamer Platz Oranienstrasse. Trying to get to it is than in chronological order, the 1890s. These quirks make the Opening Hours: Tues, Wed easy, but can be a little unnerving, resulting in a unique gallery museum entertaining, but perhaps 10am-6pm; Thurs 10am-10pm, as it is at the top of a stairwell focused on the intersection it would be best experienced Fri 10am-6pm; Sat, Sun 11am- that looks as though it should between politics and art. during a calm interlude in a busy 6pm, Closed Mon be leading to an apartment or a Highlighted with critical works day. AE Cost: €8/€4 adult/concession dentist’s office. The name Museum 42 such as Potsdamer Platz of Things conjures up images of a 4443 Berggruen Museum development of Cubism, are closely followed. In addition, From the outside, visitors could Address: Schloßstraße 1, it dutifully examines the be mistaken in thinking that Charlottenberg, 14059 flow of ideas within a larger the Kunsthaus Tacheles is an Nearest Station(s): U-Sophie- panorama of other artists. The abandoned squat solely used by Charlotte-Platz; U-Richard- dripping, unworldly statues of graffiti artists and vagrants for Wagner-Platz , the playful, years -that would only be half right. Opening Hours: Tue – Sun inventive style of , It is in fact an art centre which 10am – 6pm, Closed Mon and the fluid colors captured houses 4 floors of graffiti, murals, Cost: €10/€5 adult/concession by could stand , exhibitions and alone in any museum, yet artists selling their wares. Beware At the end of the Spandauer serve to augment Picasso’s - there is a distinct smell of urine Damm, the Berggruen works here. The ticket price upon entering which would seem Museum features the includes entrance to the intimidating if it weren’t for the permanent exhibit “Picasso Scharf-Gerstenberg Collection steady stream of camera carrying and His Times.” As part of the , a noted exhibition on travellers snapping away at the National Gallery of Berlin, the surrealism, across the street. eclectic artwork all around. exhibit displays more than For world class art expertly 100 provocative pieces by presented and given depth by Tacheles was originally built as The fate of Tacheles is unclear so Picasso that are interspersed audio guide commentary, the a grand department store in the a visit is a must, as this unique site alongside work by other Berggruen Museum requires former Jewish quarter of Berlin may not remain for much longer. notable contemporaries. With 2-3 hours of exploration to and curiously it was later used by SN the collection spanning several fully realize the quality of the the Nazis’ as a prison. After the floors, the layout ignores exhibition. DP fall of the Berlin wall (1989) artists Scharf-Gerstenberg began using the large building as chronological order to arrange Collection works grouped by theme and Kunsthaus Tacheles a space to live and work. It has artist - explaining relationships since housed everything from (Art-house Tacheles) workshops, exhibition spaces, Address: Schloßstraße 70, between style and subject Charlottenberg, 14059 matter in the process. For nightclubs - and even a cinema. Address: 54-56a Oranienburger Nearest Station(s): U-Sophie- clarity, visitors should grab a Out the back, guests wander Straβe, Kreuzberg, 10117 Charlotte-Platz; U-Richard-Wagner- free audio guide that provides through the free sculpture park, Nearest station(s): U- Platz insightful, yet wonderfully where surreal artworks are Oranienbhurger Tor Opening Hours: Tuesday – Sun clear commentary available in displayed and created in front of Opening Hours: All Hours 10am – 6pm, closed Mon German, French, and English. your eyes. Food & Drink Food Art & Culture Cost: €10/€5 adult/concession The collection proclaims the For the thirsty among you; there Spaniard and his work central Tucked across the street from the to 20th century modernism, is also a sparsely stocked bar serving mainly beer to its friendly Charlottenberg Palace, the Scharf- while giving explanations Gerstenberg Collection showcases about his style and his muses. and international crowd. Sadly, however, the fate of Kunsthaus the permanent exhibition “Surreal In this commentary, Picasso’s Worlds” as part of the National progression through his Blue Tacheles is constantly under threat as politicians have promised to Gallery of Berlin. Visitors should and Rose Period, along with his set aside 2-3 hours of an afternoon 44 tackle the ‘Kunsthaus problem’. 4645 to explore the stirring page…), a noted exhibition collection that showcases featuring works by Picasso, the works and artists that that lies across the street. With influenced the Surrealist works by premier modern movement. The expert artists at their creative zeniths, presentation, enhanced by a the 2-3 hours exploring the free audio guide commentary, Scharf-Gerstenberg Collection places related works in small in depth will satisfy any visitor rooms. – from novice to connoisseur alike. DP By providing lyrical storytelling with thought-provoking East Side Gallery analysis for specific paintings, a discourse materializes that Address: Mϋhlenstraβe, touches on general themes Friedrichshain, 10243 and stylistic progression Nearest Station(s): within the collection. In U-Warschauer Straβe; loose chronological order, U-Schlesisches Tor the stylistic beginnings of Opening Hours: All Hours remenants known as the East Side German Trabant bursting Surrealism emerge in mid-19th Gallery. The largest open-air gallery through the Wall. century works, most notably Once a symbol of political in the world, the East Side Gallery captured by Max Klinger in divide and social unrest, the displays over 100 murals by artists The East Side Gallery is now under dreamy scenes of sepia toned Berlin Wall nowadays also from all across the globe who heritage protection with one third lithographs. represents other, more positive expressed their visions of freedom already being restored. This was values. This is mainly due to and reconciliation in paintings that necessary due to erosion from Other famous precursors the 1.3 kilometre stretch of it’s now adorn this once bleak block of bad weather, defacement and to Surrealism displayed concrete. air pollution. Another, 40m long here include pieces by Paul section needed to be moved to Klee, Hans Bellmer and the The more than just impressive give residents’ access to the River simultaneously strained but gallery attracts countless amateur Spree. This development gave birth refreshing works by WOLS. The photographers and snap-happy to a boat hostel and numerous development of Surrealism tourists every hour of the day. They beach bars and cafés. HM climaxes in the cryptic works by congregate on busy Mϋhlenstraβe Salvador Dali and the symbol- to take in the distinctive and

Food & Drink Food Art & Culture Salvador Dali Exhibition laden oil paintings of Renee thought-provoking images. Among Magritte. Through the art and the colourful displays battling for Address: Leipziger Platz 7, the audio guide, the collection attention is the famous and slightly Potsdamer Platz, Mitte, 10117 successfully expresses the disturbing embrace of former Nearest Station(s): U/S - Potsdamer true goal of surrealism – to GDR premier Erich Honecker and Platz construct a world solely from his Soviet counterpart Leonid Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 12pm- the unconscious. The ticket Brezhnev, captured in Dimitrij 8pm price includes entrance to Vrubel’s The Mortal Kiss. Another Cost: €11/€9 adult/concession 46 the Berggruen Museum (see highlight is Birgit Kinder’s East 4847 Be exposed to the inner incredible works speak for thought so too, since the entrance The Design Panoptikum is a small workings of the mind of one themselves. His brilliant eye is positioned on an outside edge art gallery of works by Russian of the greatest artists of the for colour and strong use of of the district. This can make it artist Vlad Korneev. Originally a 20th century at this permanent symbolism is what makes Dali infuriatingly difficult to find if photographer, Korneev changed exhibition of works by Salvador the master of Surrealism, and you’re unfamiliar with the area. his medium to 3D sculpture on the Dali. Only a short walk away will not fail to impress. principal that Photoshop made his from the main square at The museum itself is made up work ‘too easy’. With strange and Potsdamer Platz, the eccentric, The exhibition is decked of seven rooms, each dealing wonderful objects in the windows bizarre and interesting is on out in the striking iconic red with a different aspect of hemp. drawing the pedestrians’ stares, display here. Enter through from a famous self-portrait Its displays vary wildly, from the it is surprising that this eccentric the foyer and you are visually of his, which sadly is not on history of hemp’s illegalisation on art space is not busier than it bombarded with the iconic display. But there is still plenty printed sheets festooning the walls is. However, this proves to be a symbols from Dali’s work, to see that will keep your of one room, to another containing positive thing as the artist himself including a life-sized re- senses aroused, including glass display cabinets filled to has time to show visitors around. creation of his piano water his experimentation with bursting with antique marijuana feature, Necropheliac Spring holography, lithography and pipes. This would probably be Flowering from a Piano. even film. Even if you do not fascinating - if the museum had understand his eccentric mind, more of its lengthy German you cannot deny this man’s explanations translated into raw talent. As he quoted English. There is also a himself “the only difference which can be opened on request, between me and a madman is which sells hemp chocolate, I’m not mad”. HM cookies and soap for between €2.50 and €5. AE The Hemp Museum The Design Panoptikum Address: Mühlendamm 5, Mitte, 10178 Address: Torstraße 201, Prenzlauer Nearest Station(s): Berg, 10115 U/S-Alexanderplatz; Nearest Station(s): Rosenthaler U-Klosterstrasse Platz Opening Hours: Tue-Fri 10am- Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 11am- Korneev’s intriguing and unusual Born in Figueres, Spain, in 8pm; Sat-Sun noon-8pm 8pm; Sun closed art is made from old industrial 1904-1989, Salvador Dali was Cost: €4.50/€3 adult/ Cost: €4 machinery, providing a historical Food & Drink Food Art & Culture a prominent surrealist artist concession and museum-like aspect. The during the 1960s and 1970s. rarest piece in his collection is a Roam through the two maze- A museum dedicated to the 1920’s respiration machine, used like floors where some of his uses and history of hemp to help sufferers of the Polio lesser known but still highly seems oddly out of place in epidemic breathe. This serves as interesting pieces from this the sickeningly quaint area a centrepiece for the first room period are showcased. The of Nikolaiviertel. It appears of the gallery, which also has explanations are minimal and that the museum’s curators sculptures made from sports 48 spaciously laid out to let the paraphernalia and other medical 5049 equipment. This combination Berlinische Galerie prides itself New Objectivity. Most of these with each film screened in its of sports and medicine intends on exclusively exhibiting home- tend to be overwhelmingly morbid, original language and with German to show how we can be given grown talent, housing Berlin- obviously stemming from the subtitles. Previous selections different lots in life – sickness focused photography and fine political unrest that has plagued include Our Grand Despair, Shit or physical ability. Each of the and graphic art. Despite its Berlin over the last century. Year and Tiger Factory. four rooms centres around innovative exterior – which Furthermore, the meticulous and a new concept, making the consists of a giant yellow repetitive way in which these The fsk is a cinema which (radically) gallery more thought provoking word search on the pavement works have been arranged leaves doesn’t sell popcorn – but fear than simply a collection of and a twisted sculpture - the even the most avid art aficionados not, there is a good selection of art. For example, one room exhibits inside the gallery fail yawning. other snacks, sweet and savoury, pays homage to Fritz Lang’s to impress. and drinks available from as little film ‘Metamorphosis’, while Unfortunately though, the backless as €0,50. Unfortunately the same another is filled with art made benches aren’t even comfy enough good value cannot be applied to from chairs deriving from to take a cheeky nap on. If for their ticket prices, which exceed different professions (dentist, some reason you want to take that of the nearby Babylon Kino at fighter pilot and hairdresser to photos of the exhibits, you will €7 peak rates and with no student name a few). need to pay €2, but just turn your discount available. flash off and play dumb tourist if If you enjoy interesting and you’re caught – the staff tend to be Nevertheless, the fsk is an conceptual art with a weird quite sympathetic. GC uncommon little place and worth twist, this place is definitely the investment for even the most worth a visit. AG The gallery’s bottom floor fsk Kino (Cinema) amateur cinema buff. EG is reserved for temporary Berlinische Galerie showcases, so check the Address: Segitzdamm 2, Kreuzberg, Jüdisches Museum website for current listings, 10969 Address: Alte Jakobstraße 124- whereas upstairs houses a Nearest Station(s): U-Moritzplatz; Address: Lindenstrasse 9-14, 128, Kreuzberg,10969 maze of rooms displaying local U-Kottbusser Tor Kreuzberg Nearest Station(s): S-Ostkreuz art from 1880 to present. Its Opening Hours: see film times Nearest Station(s): U-Hallesches Opening Hours: Wed-Mon most worthwhile exhibit is its Cost: €7 Wed-Sun; €5.50 Mon, Tue Tor 10am-6pm photography, which provides (except holidays) Opening Hours: 10am-10pm Mon, Cost: €8/€5/€4/Free adult/ an intriguing insight into 10am-8pm Tues-Sun concession/1st Monday of the Berlin’s past. Most noteworthy Despite being something of a Cost: €5/€2.50 Adult/Concession month/under 18 is the author photography Kreuzberg institution since ’88, of the 70’s and 80’s, the fsk is a little-known secret and Food & Drink Food Art & Culture particularly that of Berliners easy to miss. Situated across the in their homes, schools and far side of a leafy Oranienplatz, workplaces. this independent kino houses two modest screens of 60 and 100 The 20,000 graphic and capacity seating. fine art pieces primarily encompass Expressionism, The repertoire comprises an the Dada movement, Eastern expert spectrum of international 50 European avant-garde and art house cinema, old and new, 5251 This powerful journey through Holocaust convey a sense of wall was erected overnight, it At the visitors centre, there the times of German Jewish sorrow, with pieces ranging forced Berlin citizens to be trapped are instructive videos about history is displayed within from teddy bears to letters of in two separate parts of the city. the construction of the Berlin the thought provoking and those lost in the holocaust. Families and friends were divided Wall – including Soviet, British moving architecture of Daniel There are also more light suddenly and at random, by and American film showing the Libeskind’s Museum. Not hearted games to keep the whichever side they happened to alternate view points of the only does it document the children entertained and be on at the time. structure in different areas. In the chronological tour of 2000 interactive activities, such as documentation centre, meanwhile, years of Jews in Germany the fruit of life tree located in This poignant memorial documents there are profiles on men, women, but Libeskind also dares to the Axis of Continuity where the unimaginable horrors the soldiers and children who lost their design a chilling experience guests can make a wish on a separation caused; looking at the lives on account of the Wall. JT dedicated to those affected pomegranate and add it to the wall today, as children run freely by the holocaust. The building tree. Wishes can range from from east to west and families is designed in the shape of a the fairly personal to more enjoy their sightseeing, it’s hard to lightning bolt to reflect the poignant “I wish for this never comprehend the gratuitous death to happen again”. JT and tragedy this pallid concrete structure was once responsible for. Gedensktätte Berlin Mauer (The Berlin Wall Memorial)

Address: Bernauer Straße, Mitte, 13355 Nearest Station(s): S-Nordbahnhof theme of horror that runs Opening Hours: Apr-Oct 10am- through some areas of the 6pm; Nov-Mar 10am-5pm museum.

On exhibition are the Axes of Exile, Holocaust and Continuity, which are designed as an artistic commemoration to Jewish History. The Axis of Exile is a garden of 49 tall columns, represented those exiled. The

Food & Drink Food Art & Culture Axis of Continuity explores Jewish tradition, change and history through the years. And Along what is probably the the Axis of Holocaust includes gloomiest section of the a 24 meter tower, which, when remaining Berlin Wall, this entered gives a ghostly feeling memorial documents all those of emptiness. who lost their lives on the infamous death strip. When on Personal items donated to the 13th August 1961 a dividing the museum in the Axis of 52 53 Activities

It is literally impossible to get bored in Berlin, no matter what your budget is or what your interests. When the weather is fine, take a dip in Badeschiff, the avant-garde swimming pool that floats on the River Spree; pack a picnic and head to the evergreen Tiergarten; hire a bike and ride around the old Tempelhof Airport or attend a burlesque life drawing class on a rooftop.

If the sky is spewing out rain or snow, head underground to play a round of UV golf; scale the walls of one Berlin’s many indoor rock-climbing centres; or try and find Nemo at the aquarium.

Even if you lived in this effervescent city for a hundred years, it is unlikely you would be able to squeeze in all of the quirky and mesmerizing activities Berlin has to offer.

55 Brewer’s Berlin Walking in Prenzlauer Berg. But this is the Botanischer Garten Tours alternative beauty of Dr Sketchy: making art modern, cool and pretty Address: Unter den Eichen 5-10, damn erotic. Address: Friedrichstrasse 96, Dahlem, 12203 Mitte, 10117 Nearest Station(s): S-Botanischer Meeting every month in various Nearest Station(s): Garten venues across the city, Dr Sketchy’s S-Friedrichstrasse Opening Hours: Daily 9am-8pm attracts artists on every level-from ­ Opening Hours: 10.30am daily Cost: €6/€3 adult/concession complete beginners, fresh notepad Cost: €15/€12 adult/ The tour leaves from the and glisteningly sharp pencils, to concession Brewer’s stand outside the As one of the largest gardens of its the devoted artist, complete with Bandy Brooks Ice Cream shop kind, Berlin’s Botanical Garden is easel, knackered paint brushes Independent city-experts at 10:30am every day. If you an ideal place for a pleasant jaunt and a stereotypical jaunty hat. Brewer’s Berlin Walking Tours’ don’t have six hours to spend on a sunny day. You are greeted on Encompassing life drawing and most popular offering is their on history you can take their entrance by a small plot of carefully the art of tease, models will first Best of Berlin tour, which express tour at 1pm. This aims manicured gardens, with an array appear for short poses ranging guides you around most of the to cover some of the same of beautiful flowers in tastefully from 1 to 5 minutes, then through main historical sites in Mitte. sites as the Best of Berlin in coordinated colours. to 10 and 20 minute poses. half the time, and you will be The exact route of the tour asked to give the guide what Your helpful hosts will explain the changes according to the you thought the tour was process in English and German guide, but you should expect to worth at the end - giving €5- and will provide cheap drinks see such sites as the Gestapo €10 is recommended. Both whilst you sketch at cost price. Headquarters, Museum Island these tours are a great way (a plastic cup of white wine goes and the Brandenburg Gate. to get to know Berlin, and are for the princely sum of 50 cents.) Be warned – this tour lasts well worth embarking upon. AE BYOB is an option, but it is worth a hefty six hours, so sturdy remembering that you must also walking shoes are a must. bring your own art materials. Nevertheless, the tours are Dr Sketchy’s Alternative excellent. Art Class Don’t worry if your expensive inks and canvases lie at home- creative Not only are the tour guides Address: Subject to change guests try sketching in a variety of highly entertaining and clearly Info: Please see website for mediums, such as felt-tip pen, biro passionate about the history details of the next meeting or the humble HB pencil.

Food & Drink Food Activities of Berlin, but the routes taken are always very interesting Cost: €6 Just remember to bring your and include stopping at cafés This is a false start, however, as sense of humour and a degree of the majority of the grounds are to refuel. Highlights include This is not your typical imagination: the last pose is usually swallowed up by the Arboretum , where the art class. Or rather, one a creative standoff, harnessing – which itself is filled with trees, guides will happily point out doesn’t typically expect to artistic merits in a theme of the shrubbery and colourful meadows, all the vulgarities of this most find themselves sketching a hosts choosing. VP perfect for a peaceful stroll. You hated of tourist traps. burlesque model in various can also travel from Europe to 56 stages of undress on a rooftop 5857 Asia and Japan to North is the only one of its kind in Here, you can bake yourself bronze Berlin Aquarium America simply by wandering central Europe. on the dazzling sand, do laps whilst through the plant geography However, as in the garden, soaking up the sensational view or Address: Hardenbergplatz 8, section, which showcases plant all information placards are even wind down with a cool (but Tiergarten 10787 formations from the Northern in German so it might not be overpriced) drink from the open- Nearest Station(s): U/S- Hemisphere. In the heat of worth paying the entrance fee air bar. If you have any wobbly Zoologischer Garten; summer you’ll find the paths of €6 (€3 concessions) to look bits that haven’t seen the sun for U-Kurfürstendamm pleasantly shaded by a variety around. AE ages, never fear - the patrons are Opening Hours: mid-March – of different trees, from beech so nonchalant that no one would September 9am – 7pm; October – to oak and pine. Badeschiff bat an eyelid if you turned up in a mid-March 9am – 5pm spaceship. Cost: €12/€9/€6 – adult/student/ They also have a delightful rose Address: Eichenstraße 4, concession; €20/€15/€10 – adult/ garden, displaying many types Treptow-Köpenick, 12435 student/concession with zoo of wild rose alongside garden Nearest Station(s): varieties that fill the air with a U-Schlesisches Tor If you have children, or are secretly heavenly scent. But the main Opening Hours: summer daily still a child yourself, you may be attraction of the Garden is the 8am – late; winter Monday interested in stopping by the three- large clammy greenhouses, 12pm - 10pm, Tuesday, story Aquarium at Berlin Zoo. A where you can see tropical and Thursday 12pm - 12am, comprehensive array of species are sub-tropical vegetation from Wednesday 2pm - 12am, Friday displayed in enclosures mimicking South Africa, Australia and 12pm - 3am, Saturday 2pm - their natural environments, with New Zealand. 3am, Sunday 10am - 12am the ground floor reserved for Cost: €4/€3/€1.50 – adult/ After dark, sunbathers make underwater creatures, the first concession/children. Bar is way for partygoers, as gigs and floor for amphibians and reptiles cash only. dance parties are hosted nearly and the second for the creepiest of every night. In the colder months, crawlies. Easily one of Berlin’s biggest the pool and sandy barges are people magnets when the encased and heated in a curving weather is balmy is Badeschiff: transparent shelter, making it the a cutting-edge public pool that perfect winter oasis. The queue to is thankfully far more sanitary get in can often be lengthy, but if than the murky River Spree it you’re keen on a destination that floats on. is just like Ibiza minus the chavvy hedonism and bad spray tans, then Food & Drink Food Activities Badeschiff is for you.

Be warned that in order to get punters to actually buy their Gaze in wonder at the ghostly A particular highlight is the extortionately priced food and jellyfish, shudder at the toothy famous giant water lily which drinks, there is a ban on BYO of alligators or search fruitlessly for thrives there during the any sort – even water bottles – and the well-disguised praying mantis summer months. There is also staff will search your bag like sniffer in his leafy home. 58 a botanical museum, which dogs upon entry. GC 6059 However, despite the wild animals there these days, Spielwiese person and per visit from €1, with aquarium’s claim that it boasts unless you make your way to snacks and drinks available at over 9000 different species of the Zoological Gardens – if you Address: Kopernikusstraße 24, equally budget prices including wildlife, it only takes an hour ramble on the path alongside, Friedrichshain, 10245 €2 beer and €1.50 toasted to peruse its entirety, and you can expect to see some Nearest Station(s): U/S-Warschauer sandwiches. few exhibits are particularly llamas and maybe an ibex or Straße extraordinary. Those who enjoy two. Opening Hours: Mon, Fri-Sat 2pm- Note that if you’re keen to play in- tickling rays and stroking sharks midnight; Tue 2pm-7pm; Sun 2pm- house, it is advisable to book ahead will also be disappointed by At the park’s centre stands 9pm on weekends – when things get the absence of a touching pool, the Siegsäulle, a magnificent Cost: In-house rental €1 for particularly busy (and competitive). but then again, this could be a monument to Germany’s last children (age 3-12 years) and €3 Alternatively, you could rent out-of- good thing from the animals’ three war victories. For €2.50 for adults; out-of-house rental €1 house and in your own for a small perspective. Best reserved for you can climb to the top and for children’s games (age 0-6 years) charge per game and per day. EG a rainy afternoon. GC enjoy panoramic views of the and €3 for all other games. park. There are also some Teufelsberg (Devil’s Tiergarten peculiar and charming things Mountain) to be found, from a collection Address: Tiergarten of rocks to encourage world Address: Teufelseechaussee Nearest Station(s): peace to the English Garden Nearest Station(s): S-Heerstrasse S-Tiergarten; S-Bellevue complete with tea house. Sitting on top of Berlin’s highest At the Cafe am Neuen See - rubble mound, created from the the Tiergarten’s most famous World War II wreckages while beer garden - boats can be the city was being rebuilt, lays an rented for €5 per half hour for abandoned Soviet listening station a romantic or platonic cruise from the Cold War era. Although Alternative fun by way of board the property is off limits to the on the spectacular Neuen See games and beer at this popular public, many curious travellers slide lake. gaming café, Spielwiese translates through the metal mesh fence to ‘playground’ and does what it says explore the grounds. The Tiergarten is a great place on the tin. Fun-loving locals and to get away from Berlin’s hectic tourists share this sociable space Covered in graffiti and broken urban life, especially if you as cult retro gaming makes its glass, the aftermath of past raves wander down its smaller paths comeback. And with more than is evident. If you do decide, at your own peril, to enter the grounds, to discover secluded areas and 1000 games available to rent, from Food & Drink Food Activities hidden gems. AE be sure to take a torch for climbing party games like Taboo to the the blackened staircase to the top strategic Risk, every tribe can find of the tallest tower and enjoy the Originally used as a game their niche. surrounding forest and city from an park for Berlin’s rulers, the aerial view. Tiergarten is now used by The expert staff are helpful and everyone for jogging, walking, ready to advise, while punters hang Take care when exploring as sudden drops and rickety ladders cycling or just lounging on the around leisurely for hours of good old-fashioned entertainment. are not maintained for tourist grass. You won’t find many visitors. Alternatively if you 60 In-house rental is charged per 6261 prefer more legal activity a breadth of 1.6 square miles can you appreciate the magnitude greet you at the entrance there is just enjoy the hike through Müggelsee is known as being of the grounds but also with the something around every corner the Grunewald that acts as a Berlin’s largest lake. Located on entire city in the background. The to keep you entertained. Once backdrop to the station and the Eastern outskirts of the city stadium itself is enough to justify a famous for its cuddly mascot Knut view the tower from the safety and easily accessible by S-Bahn visit but you can also cool off in the the polar bear, the Zoo’s vast of the forest ground. JT and tram, Mügglesee is perfect Olympic pool when the weather variety of critters has something to for a cool down on a hot day. gets balmy. please everyone. Lake Müggelsee JT The pool still has its original seating The Zoo collaborates with many Address: Mügglesee structure, although off limits, to universities, research institutes, Nearest Station(s): give swimmers a taste of being an and other Zoos to promote S-Friedrichshagen; Tram 60 Address: Olympischer Platz 3 athlete themselves. Now a venue breeding programs, has several Nearest Station(s): U-Olympia- for music or sporting events such species reintroduction programs as being the home of Hertha BSC and makes efforts to protect Not just a lake but a beach, Stadion football club and the 1974 FIFA several endangered species. Mügglesee offers sun, sand Opening Hours: 9am- 8pm world cup, this historic stadium and see- the German word for Jun-Sep, 9am- 7pm Apr-May has adapted to the modern while Be sure to catch the sea lion display lake. There are shops-where and Mid Sept- Oct, 9am-4pm maintaining its significant heritage. where sea lions dip and dive, you can load up on beach gear- Nov- Mar JT fetching balls and frisbees to the and eateries-to load up on Cost: €4/ €3 adult/concession delight of the cheering crowd, who chips and ice cream- lining the occasionally feel the force of their beach to keep you refreshed Berlin Zoo The magnificent stadium -with splashing. The excitement around and you can stay occupied an appearance that rivals the Boa Boa the rare Giant Panda is by hiring boats and using the Address: Budapester Strasse 34, Colosseum- was built for the contagious; donated from China, volleyball courts. You can Charlottenburg famous 1936 Olympic Games he is a must-see even if you just hire boats from the nearby Nearest Station(s): Zoologischer in Berlin. Here, athlete Jesse catch him sleeping. docks, Stern and Kreis Garten Owens raced to fame by Schiffart for €6 for an hour. But Opening Hours: Nov-Mar 9am- winning four gold medals and If you prefer to be a little less proving to Hitler that the Aryan 5pm, Apr-mid Sept 9am-7.30pm, active on the beach then sun ideals were not superior. mid Sept-Oct 9am-7pm lovers can lie on the sand on Cost: (without Aquarium) €12/ €9/ a summer’s day. Boasting an Guided tours around the €6 adult/student/child area of 2.9 square miles and grounds are recommended as they provide access If it’s a sunny day and the picnic’s to areas that are usually not available for the public and

Food & Drink Food Activities provide some information on the history it holds. To view this historic Berlin Zoo’s labyrinthine layout and and striking stadium crammed exhibits makes it difficult from the sky, take to follow at times. Nevertheless, it the lift to the top is an exciting adventure waiting to of the bell tower prepared, then head for the Berlin be explored. JT or ‘Glockenturm’ Zoologischer Gartens. With the 62 where, not only mighty Indian elephants ready to 6463 Potsdamer Platz View As you look out over the Point historical highlights of Brandenburg gate, the Address: Potsdamer Platz 1, Reichstag and the Holocaust Mitte,10785 Nearest Station(s): U/S- Potsdamer Platz Opening Hours: 10am-8pm Price: €5.50/€4 adult/ concession

Claiming to harbour the best views in Berlin, the Potsdamer Platz Panoramic Memorial, why not treat Viewpoint is no small feat. The yourself to a traditional kaffe building itself was designed und kuchen (‘coffee and by architect Hans Kollhoff, in cake’) in the café and rooftop a style which was meant to terrace. The Potsdamer Platz evoke the traditional red brick Panoramic Viewpoint easily the biggest helium balloons in the stretch on forever. The trip lasts for skyscrapers of New York. rivals the Fernsehturm (TV world? No need to tell them that roughly 15 minutes, and despite its th th On the 24 and 25 floors is Tower) sightseeing experience, Die Welt Hi-Flyer is attached to the tackiness is definitely a worthwhile the Viewpoint, but forget the and it is better value for money ground by a giant steel cable! adventure. Just be careful to stairs – take a ride in Europe’s at less than half the price. JT ensure that you and your fellow fastest lift instead, as you shoot Either way, soaking in the sights passengers don’t all gather on one up 24 floors in 20 seconds at Die Welt Hi-Flyer of Berlin from dizzying heights side, as the balloon can sway rather an astonishing 8.5 meters per is certainly a once-in-a-lifetime frighteningly. second. You reach the top at Address: Corner of experience. 100m before the is Wilhelmstraße and When the weather is wild, the even able to work out which Zimmerstraße, Mitte, 10117 For a rather hefty price, a so- balloon is often grounded, so if language to speak to the group Nearest Station(s): called pilot will levitate the hot you’re having doubts, best call in. U-Mohrenstraße; U-Kochstraße air balloon to an altitude of 150 ahead to check it’s still up and Opening Hours: Nov-Mar daily metres. The 360° views of the running. GC 11am-6pm; Apr-Oct 10am- city are unmatchable, and among 10pm the many attractions you will spy Food & Drink Food Activities Cost: €19/€13/€3/free-adult/ are all the regular tourist traps: concession/children aged 3-6/ Brandenburger Tor, Checkpoint children under 2 Charlie and the Sony Centre.

What better story to tell your In summer, the experience is best friends and family back home enjoyed late in the evening, when than that you hovered above the moon waxes and wanes over the city of Berlin in one of a diamond skyline that seems to 64 65 Shopping

From flea markets to upmarket boutiques, Berlin offers something for every shopper – whether it’s splurging on a treat or a picking up a satisfying bargain. Upmarket Charlottenburg caters well for the Berlin social elite, whilst trendy Friedrichshain is ideal for those who love a good vintage- rummage.

Whichever way you shop, this list has a few favourite suggestions to point you in the right direction – with new designers setting up shop on an almost weekly basis, you’re sure to find something new during your stay.

Be sure to check out the Gelbe Seiten (Yellow Pages) for fresh boutiques in each shopping district. Alternatively,a short stroll through of these areas is sure to throw up some interesting results, and you may be the first to stumble across a new hidden gem – many of which are carefully hidden secrets in the maze of Berlin.

67 KaDaWe trip to the top floor to explore Sing Blackbird houses an eclectic appetite, there is also a charming the Wintergarden buffet: mix of vintage clothing ranging cafe which is a great place to Address: Tauentzienstraβe 21, an expansive-if expensive from the 60’s to the 90’s in a stylish rest your feet and imbibe the Charlottenburg, 10289 array of fresh salads, creative off-white store along Sanderstraβe. atmosphere of vintage eclecticism. Nearest Station(s): confectionary and steaks Arranged by colour in an almost VP U-Wittenberg Platz cooked fresh to perfection. OCD fashion, prices start from Opening Hours: Mon-Thur Much like the rest of the store, €10 for tops and go all the way to Dialogue Books 10am-8pm; Fri 10am-9pm; Sat this buffet can be pricey, so €100 for some serious statement- 9.30am-8pm, Sun closed why not skip lunch and head making evening dresses - think Address: Schönleinstrasse 31, straight for dessert, a table stiff skirts and intricate gold lace Mitte, 10967 Foodies beware: you will not groaning under the weight sleeves. Brooches adorn a silk Nearest Station(s): U- leave KaDaWe without a full of bountiful Apfelküchen, scarf alongside a magpie-esque Schönleinstraβe stomach and a serious hole in Sachertorte and Tiramisu. At collection of glittering necklaces Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 2pm-7pm; your pocket. Europe’s biggest €4 per slice, it is luxurious treat and earrings, priced at around Sat 11am-7pm; Sun closed department store houses worth the indulgence and it €6.50. an impressive collection of comes served with a gorgeous designer brands and exclusive view of the city through the Men, often forgotten by vintage mini stores all under the sweeping arch window. VP shops, are catered for with a rack watchful eye of intimidating of faded jeans a la Nirvana circa security guards. Sing Blackbird 1990, oversized shirts and battered Converse. But beware; prices are Aside from the expansive Address: Sanderstraβe 11, higher than the women’s section, floors of labels dripping with Kreuzberg, 12047 starting at around €30 for a shirt, snobbishness and heavy Nearest Station(s): which may be down to difficultly in price tags, it’s really the food U-Schönleinstraβe sourcing vintage for men. department that enthusiasts Opening Hours: Daily 10.30pm- love. As well as aisles crammed 8pm with the freshest seafood, artisan chocolates, exclusive vinegars and oils, there are also a number of mini bars and restaurants, which will readily whip up a gourmet snack for The small but perfectly formed you under your watchful eye. interior of Dialogue Books gives Food & Drink Food Shopping off a minimalist feel as soon as you Those who fancy it can order walk in. A large bookcase is set a glass of Moët whilst looking However, one gets the feeling against one wall, holding a large wistfully towards the cheese that this is not a rummage store, selection of English-language books section (be warned, a stinking rather, the staff take time to source on a variety of subjects. bishop may ruin any notes you its beautiful wares, ensuring a can detect in your €8 glass). stunning collection to offer its The opposite wall has only one Afterwards, why not take a customers. If perusing the rails or two small shelves dedicated 68 of clothing has worked you up an 7069 to the shop’s Based in Berlin second-hand bookshop, which Türkischer Markt Sample the juicy peaches and section - all books set in Berlin, stocks a miscellaneous array watermelon from mountainous in English. In the centre of of any kind of book they can Address: Maybachufer, Kreuzberg, stalls of fresh produce: the room you will find a table lay their hands on. The first 10967 unbelievably good value at closing hosting discounted books, set half of the shop contains only Nearest Station(s): time, if you can wait. As you move out in an almost obsessive German-language books, but U-Schönleinstraße; U-Kottbusser further down the market becomes grid formation. Despite the don’t be dispirited – at the Tor an international gastronomic affair, strict attention to detail which Opening Hours: Tue, Fri 11am- with delicious offerings of fried permeates this shop, there is 6:30pm plantain, curried vegetables, rice an enchantingly friendly feel to and pinto beans. it, mostly due to the extreme chattiness of the Anglophone Local specialities include the shopkeepers. experimental Quark Eis, a novel thick and creamy Quark-based The entirely English-language dessert (not unlike mascarpone) bookshop hosts occasional which comes in a variety of book readings by authors of flavours. some of its books. The shop’s owners have given the same Gifts and crafts adorn the lower amount of thought to their end of the market, such as leather- book selection as they have to Join the hustle and bustle of an bound notebooks, recycled goods its display, only selling books authentic Turkish market on the and pretty porcelain doorknobs they have read and enjoyed Landwehrkanal every Tuesday and from €2.50. themselves. back there is a fairly large Friday afternoon. section dedicated solely to Local mothers shop busily for At between €10 and €12 for books in English. groceries with their pushchairs, a paperback and €15-€20 for There is some order to the way while foodies crowd and gorge a hardback, the books aren’t the books are displayed – there themselves on spoils of hummus, exactly cheap, but the advice are sections for poetry, travel olives and falafel, stuffed vine you will receive in buying one writing and so on. However, be leaves and peppers, börek and is priceless. AE prepared to have to scope the kebap. shelves for what you want, as Fair Exchange the section for literary fiction Berlin now has the third largest is massive and organised only Turkish population of any city in Food & Drink Food Shopping Address: Dieffenbachstrasse by author – here you might the world outside of Turkey, and Meanwhile, on the canal side 58, Kreuzberg, 10967 find a Mills and Boon volume here in Kreuzberg the cultural wooden decking expect to find Nearest Station(s): jammed next to Pride and pickings are ripe. Fantastic cheeses a handful of musicians providing U-Shönleinstrasse; U-Südstern Prejudice. Nevertheless any stink alongside exotic dried fruits light entertainment. Stop here for Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 11am- time spent searching here and nuts, while haberdashery a moment and enjoy the pleasant 7pm; Sat 10am-6pm will be well rewarded, as the stands barter quality fabrics at relaxed atmosphere – that is, paperbacks go for between wholesale prices (from €2/metre). before you loop round and do it all Fair Exchange is a snug little €2.50 and €3. AE again. EG 70 7271 O.F.T - Ohne Frage Toll to bargain especially if you are Flea Market really does have beginners alike are cheered on buying in bulk. A bargain can it all. For anyone who loves and applauded, which is enough Address: Chauβeestraβe 13b, be had if a shopper searches vintage or handmade clothes to bring out the star in anyone. Kreuzberg, 10117 hard enough and a good and jewellery, this market is an There’s as long a waiting list as the Nearest Station(s): few hours could disappear absolute must. Shoes, bags, clothes crowd is big,, so make sure you sign U-Oranienburger Tor easily. They sell everything and accessories are available in up early if you’re brave enough to Opening Hours: Mon-Fri; 1pm- from clothes and jewellery to abundance – so shop around for sing. AG 8pm; Sat; 1pm-6pm furniture, lamps, old TVs radios comparison before you buy. There Cost: Varies and bric-a-brac. The tarnished is plenty of bric-a-brac to rummage Modern Graphics suitcases full of belts and table through and you’re sure to unearth The door is hardly visible full of trilby’s and top hats are a treasure or two among the Address: Oranienstraße 22, to O.F.T- a vintage treasure definitely worth a peruse. SN candle holders, creepy dolls and Kreutzberg, 10999 trove -as racks of clothes old stamp collections. Some of Nearest Station(s): U-Kottbusser and jewellery almost entirely Mauer Park Flomarkt the stalls can be pricey, however, Tor block the doorway- this is a (Flea market) so take care not to get ripped off. Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 11am- sign of things to come as no In spite of this it’s still more than 8pm; Sat 10am-7.30pm; Sun closed possible to find a good bargain, and space is left bare. Inside, racks Address: Mauer Park, th don’t be afraid to haggle. bursting with colourful 20 Eberswalder Sraße, Mitte, The clue is in the title with this Even if you’re not in the market century dresses, ties and belts 10437 sanctuary for comic-book fans – it to buy, it’s definitely still worth a fill every available nook and Nearest Station(s): sells all things graphic, from comics wander around – especially on a cranny, even covering the large U-Eberswalder Straße/ to Marvin the Martian t-shirts beautiful sunny day. The park has window overlooking the street. Bernauer Straße and a whole range of cartoon a great festival vibe to it, which is Opening Hours: Sun 8am-6pm merchandise. When the weather is Along the back wall there is a enhanced by the karaoke stadium favourable cardboard boxes packed row of shelves crammed with next to the market. with unusual second-hand comics shoes of all shapes and sizes. line the outside wall. You probably The store is long and would be won’t recognise any of the titles large if it weren’t for the rails- unless you’re a hard-core comic upon-rails of retro pleasures. fan, but at 50c each, who cares? O.F.T is not entirely without Inside, shelves full of German- some organisation- snake skin language graphic novels line the bags are with snake skin bags walls and are displayed on central and blue hats sit with fellow islands. If you can read German, blue hats; it is just the sheer the most unusual choices may be Food & Drink Food Shopping quantity on offer which makes found in a section entitled Made in this Aladdin’s Cave seem Berlin. If not, you will find plenty of daunting at first. English-language graphic novels at Otherwise known as the bear the back of the shop to keep you Some clothes are pricey- a pit, this area has enough seating occupied. Modern Graphics has for a few hundred people: more vintage pair of purple brogues With hundreds of stalls, most of the modern classics, from than daunting for the would-be was €75 but the owner is plentiful food options and Hellboy to Sin City and at around celebrities onstage. Nonetheless, extremely helpful and willing even karaoke, Mauer Park €20 each these are not much 72 talented artists and raw 7473 more than they would be back vintage shop. The majority of 24 Colours Prices start from a pretty eye- home. If you’re getting tense at the clothes available in this catching €14 for simple playsuits the images of gore and misery small modern store are new Address: Oderberger Straβe 20, and dresses and €20 for cosy inspired by these works, then - the rest have been recycled Mitte, 10435 appliqué jumpers. Prepare yourself don’t worry – Asterix and from unloved or thrown away Nearest Station(s): U-Eberwalder to fall in love with this store from Obelix and other more placid garments and then turned into Straβe the first moment you step inside. works are also available. AE chic wearable clothes. Inside, Opening Times: Mon-Sat-12pm- VP the shop has a Japan meets 8pm; Sun closed Who Killed Bambi? New York feel. St George’s Bookshop A plain white exterior withholds Address: Eberswalder Straβe from the ordinary passer-by Address: Woerther Straße 27, 26, Prenzlauer Berg the full spectrum of hues that Prenzlauer Berg, 10405 Nearest Station(s): 24 Colours possesses. Nestled Nearest Station(s): U-Eberswalder Straβe, between chic coffee shops and U-Senefelderplatz Prenzlauer Berg, bars on Oderberger Straβe, this Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 11am- Opening Hours: Mon-Sat little boutique houses women’s 8pm; Sat 11am-7pm; Sun closed 12pm-9pm clothing and accessories at pretty attractive prices. Well cut dresses and skirts line the racks in a wide The T-shirts have bold prints range of styles and sizes (although of cult icons like Berlin fans only catering for the generic size David Bowie and Iggy Pop. 6-14 bracket) You may also have to The dresses are vivid yet brush up on your European sizing, delightfully feminine, and all as all clothes are labelled this way, are made from a wide range but friendly staff will be right on of fabrics, some lace and silk hand to give you any advice you others velvet and cotton. All need. Prenzlauer Berg is well known are deliciously wearable if Established in 2003, St George’s for its streets bustling with a bit high end – with price Numerous knots of brightly is an English-language bookshop a vast selection of vintage tags peaking at €120 and the coloured scarves in kitsch tie- nestled on a tree-lined street boutiques and rummage printed T-shirts being around dye patterns are dotted round in Prenzlauer Berg. Claiming to shops: where broken dolls €40. the store, each priced at around house the largest selection of lay next to brightly coloured €7. A wall of silver pockets filled new and used English-language tarnished suitcases and second However it is worth bearing with long charm necklaces and books in Berlin, it has floor to Food & Drink Food Shopping hand Vivienne Westwood in mind that all of the clothes statement earrings ensure that any ceiling bookshelves and piles of dresses hang gracefully on old are one-offs. For those on a outfit can be updated from as little volumes covering every available shop mannequins. budget there are smaller items as €4. The current collection of 24 surface. With an inviting sofa to available; quirky key rings, Colours has a bohemian vibe, and read on and some non-intrusive Who killed Bambi? stands jewellery and wallets as well as flower print playsuits lie alongside music in the background, this place out, mainly because of its an extremely well rummaged brightly coloured belts and t-shirts, has a comfortable and relaxed distinctive name but also bargain bin- definitely worth a hinting to the customer to style atmosphere. The shop caters to because it is not strictly a look. SN themselves in festival-chic layering. a mixture of customers: from 74 7675 English-speaking expats to This quaint shop has all the Galerie Lafayette Berlin the ceiling. A modern, sparkling German natives and travellers bits and pieces you could interior leads visitors through from all over the world. For possibly need to craft your own Address: Friedrichstraße 76-78, 800 square meters of high-end those coming from England or masterpieces, and also sells Mitte, 10117 clothing brands such as Alexander the USA, many of the books ready-made jewellery for those Nearest Station(s): U-Französische McQueen, Yves Saint Laurent, tend to be cheaper at home – whose fine motor skills aren’t Straße Daniel Crémieux and René Derhy. so the attraction is more the quite up to scratch. Beautifully Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 10am- outstanding selection there is arranged beads line Perlerei’s 8pm; Closed Sun Before leaving, visit the Lafayette to browse through. airy workshop, which features Gourmet which is filled with a large table for shoppers to scrumptious delicacies – from Particularly worth noting are sit and craft their hearts out simple pastries and assorted the many books on the history with silver octopus charms, cheeses, to extravagant (and more and culture of Berlin – as colourful tribal stones and expensive) wine bars and bistros. well as their collection of kitsch glittery jewels. Visitors can traverse underground German books which have walkways to other upmarket been translated into English, shopping centers such as Quartier many of which are now out Zoo, marked by an elegant marble of print. There is no need to staircase set against alternating worry about the extra weight To accommodate the city’s black triangles softly backlit by of books in your suitcase on burgeoning fashion scene during yellow lights, and The Q, which your return flight home, as the the 1990’s, the Parisian stalwart surrounds a colorful, jenga-inspired bookshop will buy them back Galeries Lafayette opened a column set in an open air atrium. at half the price. AG Berlin branch in 1996. Built on the historical Friedrichstraße, once the A simple walk through the Perlerei Prices depend on how ornately city’s best shopping district, the extravagant Galeries Lafayette you choose to decorate your translucent, shimmering exterior spent perusing the finer side of Address: Lenbachstraße 7, jewellery, but a pair of earrings punctuates the street view. fashion, architecture and food Friedrichshain10245 can cost as little as €2. The makes this a great, easy way Nearest Station(s): S-Ostkreuz friendly, English-speaking staff Designed by award-winning French to experience a Berlin cultural Opening Hours: Tuesday-Friday are more than happy to help architect Jean Nouvel, the Berlin landmark. DP 12pm-8pm; Saturday 12pm- beautify your creations free-of- counterpart imitates the famous 6pm; Sunday 1pm-6pm charge, and upon request they atrium of the original gallery while can custom-design jewellery incorporating modern touches. DIY fashionistas will think pieces catered to your personal With the department store Food & Drink Food Shopping they’ve died and gone to style. spiralling around a transparent, heaven in this chic, make-your- inverted funnel that rises from the own jewellery store. With its Whether you are looking for ground floor, its mouth opening whitewashed walls, vintage something unique to spice up onto the first level, the use of furniture and mannequins that little black dress, need a glass and lights create a surreal adorned with pearls, you’d last minute gift or are trying environment. Lights flash, glinting be forgiven for mistaking to win back a loved one’s off any reflective surface, and race Perlerei for a Parisian boudoir. affection, Perlerei is the perfect towards a domed glass cupola that 76 way to spend a rainy day. GC comes to a rose colored point at 7877 The Garage have to plunge elbow deep Flohmarkt Am Boxhagener into the various bargain boxes Platz Address: Ahornstraβe 2, and plastic pools brimming Shӧneberg, 10787 with summer apparel. With Address: Boxhagener Platz, Nearest Station(s): patterned silk scarves from €3, Friedrichshain, 10245 U-Nollendorfplatz leather jackets from €20 and Nearest Station(s): Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 11am- dresses from €10, there is little U-Samariterstraße 7pm; Sat 11am-6pm excuse to walk away empty- handed. Opening Hours: Sunday 10am-6pm As the name might suggest, Bordering an emerald green this warehouse full of However, what really sets this park scattered with satiated preloved, second-hand fashion giant thrift store apart is the snoozers and giggling children, the is reminiscent of days spent pay-by-the-kilo section, where Boxenhager Platz Flea Market is rifling through your parents’ everything is priced at €15 where locals come to stock up on cluttered garage. The Garage per kilo. It is easy to pick up a bric-a-brac and vintage treasures. has a vast array of mismatched fitted jacket or a last-minute Unlike the Mauer Park Flea Market, clothing and colourful party outfit from €10. Another and worn leather suitcases languish where you can be carried along by accessories and is therefore bonus is the midweek happy alongside erratic railings of men the teeming crowd, the markets at a haven for vintage shopping hour: go on a Wednesday and women’s clothes. Boxenhager Platz can be enjoyed lovers – though one that is between 11am and 1pm when at your own leisurely place. Here, somewhat difficult to find. A everything in the store is 30% All sorts are jumbled together and you will find rings fashioned from vibrant yellow sign reassures off. HM priced fairly according to condition typewriter keys, battered leather that you are in the right place, and style. Both genders are equally suitcases, well-thumbed classic which is hidden away down Trash-Schick well-catered for, with sequinned novels and even dead stoats to the far end of an indistinctive tunics for the ladies and a jazzy tastefully drape around your street in Shӧneberg, near Address: Wühlischtraße 31, assortment of men’s ties cluttering shoulders. Practically all sellers are Nollendorfplatz. Friedrichshain, 10245 the wall. If you’re interested in Nearest Station(s): LPs, meanwhile, Trash-Schick private, so haggling is compulsory, and you will easily be able to Take your time rifling through S-Warschauer Straße also houses its own Vinyl Station wheedle the price of a leather the racks of outlandish stripy Opening Hours: Mon-Sat which is definitely worth a good jacket from €70 to €7. Pretending trousers displayed next to 12pm-8pm; Sun closed rummage. to walk away from a sale helps skirts of varying patterns - 9 times out of 10, you will be and styles, situated across One man’s trash is another Genres include Punk, Rock, Electro, called back by disgruntled sellers from floral dresses with puffy man’s treasure at this quality and Jazz to name but a few, and Food & Drink Food Shopping begrudgingly agreeing to your sleeves and intricate lace Friedrichshain thrift store. prices start bargain-basement low price. The market’s good vibrations detail. Lining the shelves are Proclaimed Trash-Schick at €1 and peak at around €15. are honed by genuinely talented charming pairs of heels next to but more chic than trash, Pricing is reasonable throughout buskers, which once you’ve bought Converse sneakers priced from its alluring interior exposes (from €20 for a pair of women’s as much cool kitsch as you can around €10. hardwood floors and old- shoes) and staff are few and fashioned display cabinets. casual, allowing you to wander and carry, are best enjoyed from one of the many brilliant cafes scattered There is something here to Here you can find an browse at your leisure. EG around the market’s edges. GC suit every taste, even if you indiscriminate (yet tasteful) 78 selection of vintage: umbrellas 79 Food & Drink

An easy epicurean way to taste Berlin’s culture is by eating your way around the city. Full-to-bursting with restaurants of every kind, you can sample a whole range of cuisines: Asian, Turkish, Italian, American-and German (natürlich). Simply through the food you can discover a Berlin that is not just multicultural, but cool, contemporary and creative. New and fusion foods work their way into your heart-the streets a poetic mishmash of cuisines, so that eating out is always a new adventure. Kaffee und kuchen (or ‘coffee and cake’) is a national afternoon repast, so make sure you take the time to find a nice, cosy corner in order to people watch and sample the delights of apfelkuchen and streuselkuchen (amongst others). Of course, it’s not just the kaffee that earns a good name here-you mustn’t leave without trying a foaming tankard of Berliner Pilsner alongside your bratwurst or other German delicacy. And don’t depart without sampling the fast food culture and street food of Berlin, where on every street corner a beacon marks the sacred Imbiss. As is the nature of street food, the best way to enjoy it is on the go-cuisine in hand, strolling the streets of Berlin, and fully absorbing the culture.

81 amongst Berliners as one of the Mexican street eateries dotting Berlin Street Food best in town. Other traditional the landscape for a change of street food choices include the pace. Even if the cost is relatively Schnitzel, a breaded, hammered standard, the quality can vary. piece of meat, and Bratwurst, a sausage served on a roll with Normal prices for street food can mustard. range from as little as €1.50 for a single Currywurst to €8 for a With a large population of Turkish standard combination platter or immigrants, Berlin street food small meal. also features the Döner Këbap. Depending on the Imbiss, your With so many different street Döner Këbap could range from food choices around Berlin, keep a mystery meat disaster to a a watchful eye on how customers scrumptious confluence of salty flock to specific locations to meat, zesty sauce, and succulent differentiate the quality Imbiss vegetables. from the middling one.

Usually, a fair price (around €3) and With an evident focus on meeting a longer line outside the Imbiss the needs of the customer - reveal its quality. Look for both namely low cost food without a tasty variations – a flat, thick bread wait – these unpretentious street Young travelers might swarm certain stalwarts entrenched known as the Döner and a thin, food sanctuaries serve excellent to Berlin for different reasons as local favorites, namely tightly closed wrap as the Dürüm. food. DP – perhaps as history fanatics or Currywurst and the Döner Heralded as the best Këbap joint by fashion devotees, but all live Këbap. Representing more of natives and visitors alike, Mustafas on street food once here. After a successful love story than Gemüsekëbap waking to clouded memories, an iconic food, the fated pair clearly rises horrible hangovers, and the of Currywurst and Berliners above other occasional missing wallet, started inconspicuously long choices. finding cheap, quick food is a ago. Whether fictional or true, priority. the legend holds that a woman Within named Herta Heuwer obtained Berlin, other While many cities claim stake ketchup, Worcestershire sauce, ethnic foods Food & Drink Food to a specific food – such as and curry powder from British also make Paris and its crepes – Berlin troops in 1949. noteworthy sports the Imbiss, a takeout or appearances express eatery of which there Combining these ingredients on the foodie are so many varieties that with traditional pork sausage, scene. Be on only a glutton could consume she birthed greatness in the the lookout something from every one. form of street food. Though for the Asian- quality is standard around infusion, 82 However, Berlin maintains Berlin, Curry 36 is known Indian, and 83 Curry 36 meal, served on white paper Chatting animatedly in the queue the upbeat, diverse crowd creates a plates, can easily be eaten on and at the long, shared table, you social mood. A glance at the menu Address: Mehringdamm 36, the move. As a result, Curry 36 will find a mixture of locals and presents a dilemma – choosing a thick, crispy flatbread that forms Kreuzberg, 10961 embraces the unpretentious tourists - all there for the novel air of street food, delivering and delightful experience of eating an open-faced këbap or a flatter Nearest Station(s): dürüm that forms a closed, tight mouthwatering delight in an high-quality food beneath the U-Mehringdamm wrap. Regardless, both choices inexpensive, timely manner. DP Opening Hours: Daily 9am-5am rumbling tracks. You don’t even brim with spiced meat, roasted have to worry about the weather, potatoes, lightly sautéed cucumber Renowned for its Currywurst, Konnopke’s Imbiss as there is a little roofed area to and eggplant, and finish with Curry 36 skillfully embodies a guard all customers against rain or succulent fresh tomatoes, onions, balance of sumptuous cheap Address: Schönhauser Allee snow. AE and lettuce. The requisite heavier street food with speed. Several 44A, Prenzlauer Berg, 10435 garlic, hot and secret sauces short lines form under a red Nearest Station(s): Mustafas Gemüsekëbap are tempered by the light, finer toppings of feta cheese, pinches tent awning while workers U-Eberswalder Straβe of mint and dill, and squirts of quickly serve Berlin’s crown Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 10am- Address: Mehringdamm 32, Kreuzberg, 10961 hand squeezed lemon. The delight, jewel of street food. Visitors 8pm; Sat 12noon-8pm; Sun clearly, is in the details. arrive in droves for the closed Nearest Station/s: U-Mehringdamm delicious dish and leave in a Opening Hours: Mon-Sunday 8am- Grab some napkins when leaving spice-induced state of bliss. 11pm; Sun closed the counter: the ingredients Seasoned with spicy curry tumble out of the këbap just powder, ketchup drowns the A clamour of voices and drifting as rapidly as they are eaten. As grilled pork sausage. smells meet you when you emerge the name gemüse (German for from Mehringdamm U-Bahn vegetables) suggests, vegetarians The lethal combination elicits station. A long line of customers, will be happy to find tasty options, with meat-free variations of every a desire to lick clean the ignoring the other nearby food dish available. cardboard plate of the extra shops, proclaims the undeniable sauce – at the risk of social appeal of the Gemüsekëbap. Although the line may seem long embarrassment or injury from Beneath the U-bahn tracks Universally known as the best on an empty stomach, waiting for accidentally biting off a finger near Eberswalder Strasse sits döner këbap in town, you can a delectable këbap dripping with or two. For a classier approach a little currywurst stand with a expect to wait up to 30 minutes flavor will prove a wise decision. DP to finishing the sauce, buy queue that seemingly stretches before feasting. a juicy, mustard drenched for miles. This is Konnopke’s Kaisersaal Berlin Café Bratwurst and use the roll to Imbiss, which has been selling Address: Bellevuestraße 1, sop the remains. wurst sausages to hungry Food & Drink Food Potsdamer Platz, 10785 Berliners since 1930. Although Nearest Station(s): U/S-Potsdamer Both the Currywurst and famous throughout Germany, Platz Bratwurst options start at it offers surprisingly good-value Opening Hours: Mon-Sun 9am-8pm €1.50, with combination food, selling tasty currywurst platters served with spicy and chips for only €3.40, with Nestled along the walkway Pommes Frites ranging from other types of sausages sold at adjacent to the Filmhaus in the €4 – €5. Standing room is a similar price. Sony Center, Kaisersaal Berlin Café Anticipation will build whilst available yet limited. But, any is a wonderful, secluded spot to 84 inching towards the counter, yet 85 people-watch, sip coffee and also serves daily breakfast of pasta; Schupfnudeln - potato and good food in abundance. devour cake. With plenty of starting at 9am. Though a tad noodles much like gnocchi; and Rustic wooden tables are crammed outdoor seating that extends expensive for its faire alone, a variety of other classic German in the dining area, so expect to sit to the periphery of the plaza’s the atmosphere and location dishes such as meatloaf and lentil elbow to elbow with eager locals central hub, visitors can enjoy easily bridge the discrepancy in soup. The meals come in three and tourists alike. A vibrant chatter a variety of caffeine creations price. DP sizes, but because the portions are of German and English punctuates or choose a fancier wine (fairly so massive and the food is heavy, a the air, with the occasional priced at €4 – €9) from the Spätzle Express café’s extensive wine list. small should be enough to satisfy Mexican melody clambering to be even the hungriest customer. heard from the speakers. Address: Wiener Straβe 14a, Kreuzberg, 10999 The small menu provides Nearest Station(s): U-Görlitzer customers with a short but sweet Bahnhof choice between tacos, burritos Opening Hours: Daily 12pm – and quesadillas, bursting with 10pm zingy ingredients that look as good as they taste. A highlight is the Plonk yourself down at one of crispy pork burrito - a fat log of Spätzle Express’ wonky tables crisp meat, zesty guacamole, and and extend your German fiery chipotle wrapped up neatly culinary repertoire beyond One of the most mouth-watering alongside a sparkling pile of ruby artery-clogging currywurst selections is Spätzle with cheese red tomato salsa and a wedge of and kebabs. This cheap imbiss and mushroom sauce. If for some lime just screaming to be squeezed. serves a variety of Swabian odd reason you are still feeling Prices range from around €3 for a comfort foods from €3.50 – peckish afterwards, chow down on small portion of guacamole to €7 €7.20, but is most famous for some Schupfnudeln with cinnamon for the main meals. Amid an enticing menu, its namesake and specialty. sugar. Although express seems end your search with their Spätzle - potato and egg-based to be a slight exaggeration when assortment of fancy, decadent dough boiled in salt water and desserts. The crème brule, it comes to service, you can take fried - is pasta that tastes like comfort in knowing that each which empties your wallet a combination of haloumi and faster than filling your meal is prepared fresh rather than omelette. stomach, makes up for scraped off a skewer that has likely its steep €8 price with its been rotating since 2005. GC delectable taste .

Food & Drink Food The modern glass exterior Santa Maria allows passing pedestrians to peer into the chic café, Address: Oranienstraße 170, exposing attentive, smartly- Kreuzberg, 10999 However, why not come along and dressed wait staff serving Nearest Station(s): U-Kotbusser Tor; try the infamous Taco Tuesday, customers surrounded by U-Moritzplatz where you can try the eponymous exotic, blooming plants housed Opening Hours: Daily 12pm-1am fare for €1, washed down with in quirky, extra large glassware. Other choices on the menu similarly priced shots of tequila. VP include Maultaschen - meat For prime people-watching in Santa Maria is a lively Mexican or veggies encased in squares 86 the morning bustle, Kaisersaal restaurant that serves atmosphere 87 Café Sarotti-Hoefe Duy Thai little money (most dishes are sauce. Prices range from €4.80 around €4.20; specials are closer to €8.50 which is fantastic value to €6.90) you receive a more-than- for the size and quality. If you’re Address: Mehringdamm 57, Address: Kollwitzstraße 89, generous portion. The noodles pushed for time they also do pizzas Kreuzberg, 10961 Prenzlauer Berg, 10435 and rice are cooked to perfection to-go and it’s worth stopping by Nearest Station(s): Nearest Station(s): and combined with crunchy, fresh even for a fleeting visit. LJ U-Mehringdamm U-Eberswalder Straße vegetables and delectable sauce Opening Hours: Mon-Sun 8am- Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 12pm- and they make for an ideal culinary 12am 12am; Sat-Sun 1pm-12am experience. AG Xion As part of the Sarrotti-Hoefe Address: Pappelalle 56, Prenzlauer hotel, this award winning I Due Forni Berg, 10437 café is filled mostly with Nearest Station(s): U-Eberswalder hotel guests and Berlin locals. Address: Schoenhauser Allee 12, Straβe However, there are many Prenzlauer Berg, 10119 Opening Hours: Mon-Sun 9am- reasons why you (as a tourist- Nearest Station:U- Senefelderplatz 2am, Sunday Brunch 9am-4pm cum-traveller) should visit this Opening Hours: Daily 12pm-12am Cost: Buffet Brunch €9.50 spot even if you are staying elsewhere. On Saturdays and Run by punks, this pizza restaurant For the hungry and hung-over Sundays, you can feast on is more like a rustic canteen. amongst you, this café will feel like their large brunch buffet for This express Thai restaurant Pictures of Che Guevara and graffiti an oasis in a desert. Patrons are a reasonable €8.90 – anyone is situated in the heart of adorn the walls and checked cloths barely through the door before who loves the typical European Prenzlauer Berg and is worth are placed on to the wooden they are confronted with a feast breakfast of meat and cheese going out of your way to visit table tops as you arrive. The food of bright, fresh inviting dishes. platters, cereals, fruit and for its cheap but cheerful is varied and exciting - from the Sunday brunch is a buffet style egg will be happy here. They fare. With expansive indoor Incredible with walnuts and spicy spread at €9.50 (not including also serve kaffee und kuchen and outdoor seating, there salami to the Stilacciatawith horse drinks); which may seem expensive daily, with 10 tempting cakes is always room for more meat and spicy provolone. If none to some- but the array of food on on display from a rotational customers and as you order of them are exactly to your taste offer makes the price worth it. Hot variety of 30 options. From at the counter, service is you can easily create your own. pasta dishes, salads, fresh fruit and deliciously creamy käsekuchen snappy. An English-language It is worth changing the standard cereal are available and you can to the intriguing schoko-chilli, menu is available on request base for a bufala base to add fresh pile your plate up high over and all are priced from €3.50 and it offers up a wide variety cherry tomatoes and flavourful over again, (but remember to leave which, when paired with a latte of dishes; from wok-fried mozzarella to the spicy tomato room for cake!). noodles, creamy curries and

Food & Drink Food macchiato or similar (around €3), can seem a bit pricey. specials such as crispy duck A table of vividly coloured Kuchen However, if you go on a Friday with pineapple. Side dishes and deserts awaits any guests the combined price of any like crunchy spring rolls make with a sweet tooth. Soft drinks are cake and a filter coffee is an the perfect accompaniment around €2 each and are ordered unbeatable €3.50, but expect to your meal. Or you can opt at the table- service is friendly a wait as this cheap deal is a for a thick and silky lassi in and staff are happy to explain the popular choice. AG flavours ranging from mango ingredients of any dish that may to watermelon. For a relatively be unclear. Xion is well worth a pit 88 89 stop and is certainly sure to fill and can range from delicious a chance to reconnect with the fresh (vegan) pancakes penetrating any diner to bursting for the spinach and cheese Gnocchi world, since internet is available the otherwise muggy air, and a rest of the day. SN to Courgette and mint soup. on request, and there are plenty of mix of German and English chatter They also offer breakfast copies of Time magazine in English. filling the small, but perfectly Café Übersee from all over Europe; the There is also a book exchange formed space. Vases of marigolds Paris breakfast comes with scheme, which means that there beginning to delicately curl with Address: Paul-Linke-Ufer 44, croissants, honey and nutella. is a collection of second-hand age sit alongside cut crystal sugar Kreuzberg, 10999 The Kreuzberg breakfast has literature to read, some of which is bowls, both adorning the classic Nearest Station(s): U-Kotbusser a selection of meats, cheese in English. At Hilde you will find a seventies furniture; think boxy Tor and boiled eggs. Continental mixture of British expats, Germans tables and simple wooden chairs is fruit, bread and cheese and tourists, mostly in their late padded in a dusty jade hue. all served on big plates and twenties, looking for a chat or A stack of the gargantuan pancakes extra bread for the table as a good, long read. The menu is standard. Café Übersee feels a little pricey for budget cafe- secluded and comfortable and goers, with sandwiches around offers a chilled atmosphere the €5 mark and chai lattes for perfect for a day of people €2.40. However, these lattes are watching. SN admittedly delicious, and Hilde is the perfect destination if you’re Opening Hours: Daily 8am-2am Hilde just after a quiet cup of coffee. AE Cross the busy intersection at Kotbusser Tor and you will find Address: Metzer Straβe 22, Sing Blackbird a tree-lined street overlooking Prenzlauer Berg, 10405, the river Spree. At café Nearest Station(s): Address: Sanderstraβe 11, will cost around €5, and come Übersee- a gay friendly café U-Senefelder Platz Kreuzberg, 12047 topped in an array of fruits and and bar- you can choose to sit Opening Hours: Daily 10am- Nearest Station(s): nuts. Vegan caramel syrup is a must inside where photographs of 12am U-Schönleinstraβe try, drenching the fluffy stack with young dancers and acrobats Opening Hours: Daily 10.30pm- a sticky sense of purpose. Wifi is adorn the walls taken by When you enter this mid-size 8pm free and can be enjoyed curled up local artist and frequent café café, you will be struck by all with a chai latte, the latter costing Übersee diner Robert Pater. that is Ostalgic about the ‘60’s. Amongst the desolate buildings around €2.50, with other hot Alternatively guests can sit at The furniture looks as though it and shops along Sanderstraβe, a drinks similarly priced. VP the luscious outdoor seating came straight out of someone’s beacon of mirth shines out like area decorated with hanging living room, and is just as a sparkling gem in an otherwise Goodies­­ Food & Drink Food baskets and fairy lights. If that comfortable as if it actually tarnished, possibly vintage crown. still doesn’t suit your tastes did. The music, meanwhile, Sing Blackbird is primarily a vintage Address: Warschauer Straβe 69, then there is a seating area alternates between genuine store, but why not stay after Friedrichshain 10243 down by the river where you ‘60’s songs and more modern, searching the rails for the perfect Nearest Station(s): Warschauer can daydream and watch heartfelt melodies – think vintage outfit, and enjoy the Straβe people ‘messing about on the soundtrack from Juno. quaint-but-cool coffee shop that Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 7am – boats’ and passers-by alike Hilde is an excellent cafe to adjoins the space. It possesses a 8pm, Sat-Sun 9am – 8pm all day. Meals start from €5 visit if you want a break and welcoming air with the sounds of a 90 coffee machine hissing, the smell of 91 If you are looking for a place The hot and cold drinks list with plenty of charm. Deceptively laughably small portion sizes in Friedrichshain to have a offers the usual suspects bourgeois from the outside, it (their baguette is more petit pain) tasty, cheap lunch or a coffee like cappuccino and iced tea has an eclectic and faded decor which are served with outlandish and cake indulgence, then (€1.80) but spices things up within: distressed furnishings nonchalance. EG look no further than Goodies. with some special Goodies clutter the two large rooms and the The name doesn’t lie. This creations. Try the Peanut choc unfinished walls are sketched with Green Rice extremely popular organic, latte, the Mango chai or the Mr lewd pencil artistry. An excellent vegetarian and vegan café super green smoothie which spot for people watching, the local Address: Adalbertstraße 11, really is full of goodies. The is an unusual concoction of yuppies sip their macchiatos while Kreuzberg, 10999 modern, funky décor along banana, apple, baby spinach artistic types lounge around on the Nearest Station(s): U-Kottbusser with the black and white and Vitales water starting from sprawling sofas and the resident Tor canvases adorning the walls, €2.60. old man sits gawking absurdly in Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 12pm- and the comfy leather couches the corner. close; Sat, Sun 1pm-close create a warm and welcoming What is more, Goodies atmosphere. provides a salad cabinet that From an unremarkable exterior to is far from boring. All priced at an equally average interior, it is the The drool-worthy selection €3.90, one is a medley of wild food which recommends this place of cakes and sweet treats are rice, grapes, cashews, peas, so highly: inexpensive and mouth- displayed in the glass cabinet carrot and red cabbage and it watering Vietnamese fare served at the counter. Banana- is the unique combination of in generous portions. Order and chocolate cheesecake, lime flavours and freshest organic pay at the counter for an express and blueberry Torte and ingredients that make these service of healthy noodle and rice delicate, glazed fruit tarts - all salads so divine. In an area dishes, cooked with the freshest available from a staggeringly brimming with cafés and Staff are eccentrically pleasant, ingredients. low €2.50 - are just some of fast-food options, nothing meanwhile, and won’t hurry you the exciting choices on offer. If compares to the wonderful (or themselves) through service. The basic and unpretentious menu you are feeling really indulgent, range of food and drinks on Highlights include their peerless is also available in English – and the super fudge choc cherry offer at Goodies. HM bowls of coffee and daily brunch with prices peaking at €5.50 you cake will not disappoint. buffet, which is ridiculously good can’t order wrong. An insider Café “An einem Sonntag value at €3.95 per person (Mon- favourite is the no. 6 Ga Xa Ot, a im August...” Sat until 2pm, Sun until 4pm). delicious red and yellow curry with This price is dependent on any rice which packs good flavour and drink purchase, not included, and Address: Kastanienallee 103, kick. operates on an all you can eat

Food & Drink Food Prenzlauer Berg, 10435 basis: expect to find a good variety Nearest Station(s): of cold meats and cheeses, breads, U-Eberswalder Straβe cereals, eggs, rice and pasta salads. Opening Hours: Daily 9am- Look out for the blackboard menu close of daily specials, including baked pasta dishes and homemade soup. Located in the heart of hipster Prenzlauer Berg, this curious Choose tactically, however, eatery is botched together 92 for fear of being ripped off by 93 Note there is a tofu and has been preserved in the into it and a side of sweet biscuits between a delicious base of soft substitute for all meat same condition ever since – (€7.50 per person). burrito, burrito bowl, quesadilla, options upon request. The only a single new rug has been salad or soup. You are then guided one disappointment is their added since its opening. While not a well-known tourist through all the fresh filling choices, speciality in-house Green attraction, this teahouse can get with varying spice levels of corn Rice Shake: though zesty, it With its green walls, full to bursting with locals – the or tomato salsas, both meat and has a thick, toothpaste-green delicately carved wooden late closing time makes it a popular vegan options available, such as consistency which might put pillars and Persian paintings meeting place. lime tofu or chipotle shredded you off your food. Takeaway and rugs, it feels as if you beef with Spanish or lime rice and is available and dining space have been transported into On Fridays and Saturdays it is beans. Tossed together with hasty is limited, but there’s usually another world. Low tables advised to book a table, especially care, one of these flavoursome room for one more aficionado are surrounded by decadent in the colder winter months. AG meals will cost between €5-6. on their canteen-style benches. cushions from central-Asia to The reward is a masterpiece of EG lounge on, while lanterns softly Dolores your own creation. Compliment Tadschikische Teestube illuminate the room. this with a fresh house Dolores lemonade in a strawberry or lemon Address: Rosa-Luxemburg Straβe (Teahouse) flavour, which packs a zesty mint 7, Mitte, 10178; also Bayreuther punch. Address: Am Festungsgraben 1, Straβe 36, Wittenbergplatz, 10178 Mitte, 10117 Nearest Station(s): U - Rosa- Even at the busiest times, the Nearest Station(s): Hackescher Luxemburg-Platz Dolores ticketing system will have Markt Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 11.30am- you waiting no longer than 10 Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 5pm- 10pm; Sun 1pm-10pm minutes. These are generously- 12am; Sat-Sun 3pm-12am sized portions so don’t forget Inspired by the burrito bar to bring your appetite. The Hidden inside the Theatre im culture of California, Dolores fantastic success of Dolores Palais, this teahouse brings a welcomes you with its fun, chilled is highlighted by the opening taste of Soviet Russia to the atmosphere. This bright and of a sister establishment near heart of Berlin. colourful eatery in the heart of Wittenbergplatz, which has further Mitte is a popular lunch hangout new and exciting menu options. Originally opened in Leipzig for the younger crowd. The walls HM as a gift from the government are plastered with the spread of a Sample the tearoom’s selection of the USSR to Germany, it US subway map, while vivid shades of exotic teas from all over the was moved to Berlin in 1976 of red, green and white decorate world, from aromatic Indian Anna Blume

Food & Drink Food the cafeteria-style interior. It is Assam (€3.60) to mellow the combination of tasty, fresh Address: 83 Kollwitzstraβe, South-African Vanilla Rooibos Mexican fare and this healthy Prenzlauer Berg 10435 (€2.80). fast-food concept which keeps the Nearest station(s): U-Eberswalder customers coming back for more. Straβe Highly recommended is their Opening Hours: Daily 8am-12am Russian Tea Ceremony for two Take a moment to acquaint people, with strong black tea yourself with the step-by-step Nestled away on the corner of served in a silver samovar with menu: the first hurdle is choosing Sredzkistraβe and Kollwitzstraβe 94 various jams and fruit to mix 95 sits Anna Blume: a café and cucumber milkshakes and 3-course alternatives each day – Nestled between an expanse of florist. SchwarzwaldKaffe-coffee one all French, one meat, one fish woody oaks and skinny birch trees served with a generous shot and one vegetarian. Expect entrees in the Tiergarten lies Café am The expansive outside seating of cherry liquor (most drinks ranging from chilli con carne soup Neuen See, a self-service eatery area takes up most of the are available with or without to pâté; mains like pork slathered with its wares freshly made to corner of this quaint cobbled alcohol). in velvety mushroom sauce or order. Enjoy a thin crispy pizza hot street which bustles with tangy roasted aubergines with from the oven, its crust puffy and eateries, bars and independent Cakes change frequently, so couscous; and desserts such as oversized like a well stuffed pillow shops. Anna Blume is the do not appear on the menu melt-in-your-mouth cheesecake and dripping with bubbling cheese perfect place to enjoy the but a quick peek inside will and a pungent platter of fromage. and sliced salami. At €9, thrifty famous German pastime- leave you struggling to choose Portions are small but the quality students may want to share to cut Kaffee und Kuchen-(coffee and from their impressive range of is supreme, and each course is down costs, but as the portions cake). homemade delights. SN accompanied by a generous basket are so large, you really won’t mind of crusty bread. Best of all, each at all. For a cheaper option, why Café Nord Sud menu will set you back just €7.50, not try thick bratwurst stuffed into and is best washed down with bread rolls and bowls of choose- Address: Auguststraße 87, several €3.50 glasses of wine. your-own salad. Alternatively, Mitte, 10117 It is no surprise therefore that try the Bavarian style Leberkas Nearest Station(s): Café Nord Sud attracts scores of meatloaf, best accompanied by U-Oranienburger Tor; people every night, some of whom Kartoffelsalat (potato salad) or S-Oranienburger Straβe queue for hours only to be turned coleslaw. Opening Hours: Mon-Sat away. To balance selling its fare 12pm-3pm, 6pm-11pm for so little, the café is ridiculously understaffed, so set aside several If you wander into Café Nord hours if you plan on dining at this Sud and ask to see a menu, you remarkable eatery, and arrive will be escorted to a wooden before 8pm. GC table with a sympathetic smile and perhaps even an eye-roll. Café am Neuen See Once you and your befuddled expression have been seated Address: Lichtensteinallee 2, for anywhere between twenty Tiergarten, 10787 Sip a glass of Sommerwine infused Simply take a seat at this busy seconds and twenty minutes, Nearest Station(s): S-Tiergarten with slices of lemon and sprigs of family friendly café and the the effervescent enigma and Opening Hours: Daily 10am till Late Food & Drink Food mint, or indulge yourself with a waiting staff will serve you at head chef that is Jean-Claude foaming tankard of German bier. your table. English menus are will eliminate the mystery, Soak up the chilled atmosphere on available and are crammed full coming over and explaining the rows of rustic wooden benches of tasty indulgences. his culinary offerings in a thick or relax on the natty deckchairs French accent. Highlights include a vast that adorn the small lake-side beach, a haven for sandcastle- selection of natural herbal This rustic eatery oozes homely making. teas (look out for Apple- charm, and offers four different 96 delicious!), buttermilk and 97 Afterwards, why not rent Surrounded by a dim blue light Kreuzburger one of the tomato-red row softly illuminating the white- boats, and gently float on A positive note is the washed brick walls, you will Address: Oranienstraße 190, the Neuen See Lake with the juxtaposition of rows upon instantly fall in love with Lavanderia Kreuzberg, 10999 sunshine peeking through rows of toppings (some Vecchia’s simple rustic charm and Nearest Station(s): U-Kottbusser delightfully modern twist. No need the surrounding foliage. This healthy, some not) which Tor to stress over an extensive menu Opening Hours: Sun-Mon 12pm- perfect place for a chilled out provides a welcome boost of the length of your arm-simply Sunday is completed with a excitement to an otherwise wander up to the wooden kiosk 3am; Fri, Sat 12pm-4am €1 scoop of silky ice cream to dull product. Choose between and order one of the five lunch take you homewards back to juicy chopped strawberries, options that change daily. Berlin’s city centre. VP plump blueberries or sliced banana, or (if you’re feeling Try a bowl of the delicious Bubble O wicked)try a rainbow of M Linguine Verde, if they have it-this &Ms, a tank of chocolate zingy lime-coloured pasta dish is peppered with fresh rocket and Address: Oranienstraße 38, sauceand a metropolis of sweet garlic, with a hint of lemon hundreds and thousands. Kreuzberg, 10999 suggesting itself you to as you twirl Nearest Station(s):U- it round your fork. Kottbusser Tor; U-Moritzplatz A mini size pot of frozen Opening Hours: Daily 12pm- yoghurt will set you back €1.90 Sample a tower of creamy mashed 10pm with one topping, and there is potato, topped with a beautifully Ironically, this is not the best place the opportunity to add more at cooked chicken breast and spicy to go for burgers in Kreuzberg. They do have a fair selection of extra cost. diavalo sauce. Or why not attempt one of the sumptuous desserts? options, meat as well as vegetarian, but if you can judge a burger by Unfortunately, superior The cool glass of apricot and lemon pannacotta possesses creaminess its bun these are underwhelming, frozen yoghurt can be found so divine that you will think you’ve seeded and limp. The speciously elsewhere in the city, and as died and gone to Italian food named Kreuzburger is instead the trend continues to grow, heaven. a great excuse for delicious Bubble O might just float away wholesome salads and gargantuan without any real pop at all. VP And if this short and sweet menu burritos (from €4.30) teamed with has left you titillated, why not ‘crazy’ fries or seasoned ‘country’ Bubble O (Bubble Tea and Lavanderia Vecchia come back for the full gastro menu wedges (€2.50). the restaurant offers every night- Frozen Yoghurt) succeeds in The interior is also confused: half- Address: Flughafenstraβe 46, a feast of 13 courses including a providing a healthy alternative heartedly grunge with a twist of Neukölln, 12053 fish course, pasta course and a to ice cream in Berlin, however 1950s diner. Exposed brickwork

Food & Drink Food mammoth amount of antipasti. it fails miserably to deliver any Nearest Station(s): clashes against tacky plastic sort of flavour. U-Boddinstraβe; U-Rathaus Also included in the reasonable chandeliers, while a handful of Neukölln price of €39 is all the fine Italian booths and retro bar stools mix up Although the product looks wine you can drink. Do not dream, the space. There is a good amount enough like ice cream, served Opening Hours: Lunch Tues-Fri just go ahead and sample some of of seating however, both inside in a Mr Whippy-esque curl, 12pm-2.30pm; Dinner Tues-Sat the finest Italian food Berlin has to and out. It does get busy around peak times, but the young crowd is a sour tang lingers just a beginning at 7.30pm till late; offer. VP Sun closed laid-back and some tactical table- moment too long on the palate poaching pays off. EG 98 to give it any real merit. 99 Burgermeister of stationary at the red small, seating is limited to three light just opposite. A meal at little tables at the entrance, so you Address: Oberbaumstraβe 8, Burgermeister will probably be may have to take your treats to go. Kruezberg, 10997 the best thing you will ever eat Opening Hours: Mon-Thurs out of a toilet. VP But as minuscule as the shop is, the 11am-2am; Fri-Sat 11am-4am; little details make it worth the visit, Sun-3pm-2am Olivia from the experimental chocolate Nearest Station(s): bars-such as lavender and pink U-Schlesisches Tor Address: Wühlischstraße 30, peppercorn-arranged by colour in Friedrichshain, 10245 little pigeon holes along the wall, If you like your burgers piled Opening Hours: Mon-Fri to wicker baskets you can fill with as high as they are wide and 10am-7pm; Sat 10am-6pm; intriguing singular chocolates like favour a quirky setting in Sun 12pm-6pm an adult pick n mix, the place oozes comparison to the usual greasy Nearest Station(s): a sweet charm that some may find fast food joint, then you will S-Warchauer Straβe slightly sickly. love Burgermeister. Situated under Schlesisches Tor U-Bahn Nevertheless, the white metal in an old bottle-green disused tables and chairs marking the public toilet, the setting should entrance entice its customers not put off any punter from to stay and watch Berlin go by. Pfirsich und sampling a variety of tasty A highlight is the Ricotta Torte burgers and fries, slathered in , a cross between a a variety of toppings. cheesecake and a tart, with several depths of subtle flavour that make Recommendations range from Olivia the height of confectionary the BBQ burger, smothered sophistication. VP in its eponymous sauce and topped with crispy bacon, to Olivia Schokoladen & Tartes the chilli fries - a gargantuan café is a quaint-but-cool amount of chilli con carne combination of Parisian charm topping a mound of fries, with and a chocolatier’s paradise a generous helping of cheese with a modern Berlin edge. and jalapenos. Prices are A glass counter bursting with incredibly cheap, ranging from platters of brightly coloured

Food & Drink Food €3.50 for the simpler burgers kuchen and a blackboard to around €5.50 for a burger adorned with assorted coffees, with fries. teas and cold drinks are enough to tempt the curious Burgers can be taken away to passerby. The exceptional gorge on the U-Bahn, or why quality is matched with a low not enjoy at the wooden tables price, with drinks and cakes with a bier, watching the street starting from as little as €2. acts entertain the network 100 However, as the shop is so 101 Bars & Clubs

With offerings even more diverse than the contents of a late-night Döner Kebap, Berlin is definitely one of the world’s capitals of cool clubs, eccentric bars and kooky pubs. With something weird and wonder- ful going on every hour of the day, you are going to need to become nocturnal if you want to get the most out of this city’s nightlife.

If you know where to look, you will discover places serving booze in blood transfusion bags, beach bars where you can cool off in a swimming pool after dancing around a fire and underground dance clubs so exclusive you can queue up for three hours and still be turned away.

Many nightclubs don’t open until late and don’t get busy until at least 4am, with some not closing until early afternoon. Check the dress code of each place before you head out, because although some will expect men to don a collared shirt and women to strap on stilettos, others won’t let you anywhere near their doors unless you radiate hobo chic.

103 Club Q-Dorf and bottom shelf tequila shots moving a muscle (well, hardly). If you like your clubs filled with for €1, the party crescendos dirty beats, sweaty walls and Address: Joachimstaler Straße toward 4am, where individuals Situated on Flutgraben and a smoking room swirling with 15, Charlottenburg, 10719 in the dancing throng battle partially floating on the River tobacco clouds, then Magnet Nearest Station(s): for space among the flying Spree, this club has a relaxed, should be your first stop when U-Kurfürstendamm body parts and trample on chilled out atmosphere away from touring the city’s nightlife. Clamber broken glass – leftovers of the Opening Hours: Tues 9pm-late; the sweat soaked, throbbing walls up the darkened stairs to find your bottles and glasses that are of some of the more obvious clubs reflection in the large mirrored wall Wed 8pm-late; Thurs 8.30pm- tossed amid the chaos. For a the city has to offer. next to the bathrooms. late, Fri-Sat 8pm-late; Closed Wednesday night, Club Q-Dorf Sun-Mon delivers wild revelry on the But if chilled isn’t your thing, don’t Take note, this will be your Cost: €6 cheap. DP let that put you off: at night, the indication throughout the night of To escape the midweek club is transformed with a range how good a time you’re having: doldrums, clubbers find refuge Club Der Visionäre of beats from a compact DJ deck, if it starts to go blurry, you know in the sprawling Q-Dorf, known for the princely sum of €1 to the €3 Becks is working its beery- Address: Am Flutgraben 1, for its wacky Wednesday cover his mixing costs, decks and magic. Mix with locals and other Kreuzberg, 12435 night dance floors. Party concentrated stare. Swig beers tourists in the main room to Nearest Station(s): goers crowd outside before and dance up close to the other synthesized beats, interspersed U-Schlesisches Tor midnight and later wind partygoers- or else cradle a chilled with recognisable hits from the their way downstairs, often Opening Hours: April- glass of wine as you look out likes of Daft Punk and Mylo. being shuttled like cattle, to September Mon-Fri 2pm -late; upon at the river softly lit by the this underground club. Once Sat-Sun 12pm-late moonlight. inside, a twist through the Cost: €1 (occasional nominal main hallway reveals a bevy fee for the DJ) of themed bars and separate If all that hardcore relaxation rooms that feature has worked up an appetite, then bouncing techno, you won’t be able to resist the the sloppy shrieks of aromatic smell of the onsite karaoke and soulful hip pizzeria. Crisp, wood-fired hop. pizzas dripping with cheese will fuel the partygoers till the early morning, ensuring a lively A crowd forms atmosphere at all times of the awkwardly around night and day. VP the main dance floor, Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars complete with a DJ Magnet If all that dancing has you worn spinning an eclectic mix out, slump into one of the many sprinkled with German squishy sofas and absorb the favorites, elevated platforms Whether your plans involve Address: Falckensteinstraße 47/48, electric vibe. Still up for some for experimental dancers and sinking a couple of beers, Kreuzberg, 10997 more? Try sinking Magnet’s a bar that doubles as space for dipping your toes in the water Nearest Station(s): U-Schlesisches version of a tequila slammer-with the outlandish go-go dancers or dancing till the break of Tor cinnamon for salt and orange for (both male and female). With dawn, Club Der Visionäre is the Opening Hours: Tue-Sun 11pm-late partiers fueled by strongly lime-if only for some good banter place to do all three without Cost: €5 104104 mixed drinks starting at €2.50 with the bar staff. VP 105106 Druide Absinth and While waiting for the sugar cocktail for you. The tour starts at that this venue holds great Cocktailbar cube flame to fizzle and die, Yesterday Bar near Senefelderplatz prominence in the Berlin club visitors can note tiny, nostalgic at 9pm every night where you can scene. Internationally renowned details that harken back to a chug back shots with your fellow as a Mecca of techno, Berghain is Address: Schönhauser Allee view captured by Toulouse- crawlers and peruse the extensive massively popular with tourists and 42, Prenzlauer Berg, 10435 Lautrec. Soft green lighting cocktail list, all while being locals alike – and depending on Nearest Station: create shadows on the meagre serenaded with trippy music from what time you get there, you could U-Eberswalder Straße wooden furniture sprawled the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s. expect to wait up to 2 hours in the Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 7pm over the rough floor. A simple queue, maybe even 3. - late; Sun closed yet tacky mural resembling the caterpillar from Alice in Your friendly English speaking Wonderland adorns one wall guides will then take you on a The door policy is famously while a fée verte flutters in whirlwind tour of the northern part exclusive but seems random at one corner, clashing with of the city, hopping on U-Bahns best, and here are some tips that cheap advertisements. Such and showing you the best places might help you get in: don’t go in a disjointed atmosphere to throw down empty glasses with a large group, don’t be too loud or struggles to connect a modern an energetic vigour. Try your hand drunk, and don’t dress up for the vibe with the image fashioned at drunken table tennis at Dr. Pong occasion. But mostly, however, who by its former avant-garde denizens. Despite this, Druide (but beware the competitive locals gets in seems to mainly revolve does offer absinthe at a who will have no qualms about around the bouncer’s mood at reasonable price – between throwing you out of the game if the time. This stringency is further €4-€9 depending on quality your serve is off par). No tour is reinforced by an absolute ban and strength – but check for ever the same, as a different route on cameras inside the club – no specials before ordering. DP is calculated every night. So if you exceptions. Bags are searched at feel like going for more than one the door and anyone caught taking The 666 Alternative Pub round, you will be guaranteed of a pictures will be forced to delete A cramped bar specializing in Crawl good night out. VP them and may be asked to leave. If over 170 types of absinthe, you make it beyond the guard dogs Druide offers variety yet Address: Metzer Straße 2, and security checks, you’ll find the fails to conjure a bohemian Berghain minimalist industrial space packed atmosphere. Upon entry, a Mitte, 10405 Nearest Station(s): back-to-back with sweaty bodies large projector screen, used Address: Rüdersdorfer Straße 70, U-Senefelderplatz heaving to the vigorous techno mainly to show football games, Friedrichshain, 10243 Opening Hours: Every night beats. dominates the view. With Nearest Station(s): S-Ostbahnhof from 9pm gimmicky shirts available Opening Hours: 12am-last man for purchase hanging in the Cost: €10 with 6 free shots and Formally a power plant, Berghain’s Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars standing alcoves, Druide resembles entry to all bars and clubs interior is dominated by concrete more of a sloppy sports pub Cost: €5-€15 and steel, with huge stacks of than a traditional absinthe If you like your nights out speakers, expansive windows and Situated on the gritty border of bar. However, the absinthe shaken with alternative pubs, hypnotic lighting. Drink prices selection is vast and detailed, Kreuzberg and Friedrichschain, peppered with indie clubs and are relatively cheap, at around offering unusual choices like Berghain was once considered the with a twist of fig flavoured €3 for a beer and shots priced at cannabis absinthe or anise- techno capital of the world. And shots, then the 666 Alternative €2. Techno fan or no, Berghain is free absinthe, and the friendly whilst this may be questionable an experience that any club-lover bar staff will offer suggestions. Pub Crawl is just the pub crawl 106106 today, there is still no doubt should have in Berlin. AG 107108 beer), Blonde, Schwartzbier Lager Than Life (dark or black beer), Pilsner, with very sweet fruity flavours Germany is the third biggest Dunkle (strong) verging on a beery alcopop. consumer of beer in the world and Hell (light). – falling behind only Ireland Within the Berliner Kindl and the Czech Republic. With There are also group, there are also two over 5000 varieties and more red beers on basic Pilsner beers – the than 1300 breweries, it is offer in many standard Berliner Pilsner and a hugely important part of places that – in the Berliner Kindl Jubilӓums German culture. Almost half both colour Pilsner. The Berliner Pilsner the breweries are in Bavaria, and taste reside is very effervescent and tart, but Berlin still offers a wealth somewhere which works well with cordial of opportunities to whet your between the mixes and beer based cocktails. appetite for beer. Schwartz and The Jubilӓums Pilsner is a much the Blonde. sweeter and slightly stronger beer. A great red beer is the Duck There is also a huge selection Stein which of various German and immediately international beers you can hits you with try while visiting Berlin. The the strong taste main six varieties are the of hops. There Weiβbier or Weizenbier (wheat The most famous Berlin-based are a huge beer is the Berliner Kindl. In range of other the 19th Century there were varieties, which 700 breweries in Germany if you can find them can be worth A great Schwartzbier to try is brewing this particular Berlin the trouble. König Ludwig Dunkel th the which favourite; by the early 20 contains hints of oranges and is Century this had been cut If you are into your wheat beers, unusually fruity for such a dark down to just two in Berlin and the Weihenstephan Hefeweizen beer. The Hümmel Brӓu smoked a handful around the rest of Hell is a good place to start. With

Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars dark beer is also a very interesting Germany. The Berliner Kindl hints of fresh tropical fruits and a choice – with an aftertaste almost is now the only beer to be light creaminess, this is great for resembling smoked cheese, and produced in Berlin. It comes in a hot summer’s day. Similarly, the would be fantastic with a hearty a range of flavours and colours. Alpirsbacher Klosterbrӓu Blonde is meal. For a lighter meal try the The fluorescent green, red and a light yet bitter beer with warm Leschenbacher Bier which has very purple Berliner Kindl Weisse notes of citrus. The Bitterfelder strong hints of lemon and offers a (pre-mixed with grenadine Blonde is also a good choice, for a great sharpness to the palate. or mixed at the bar) make for much smoother drink and doesn’t In terms of your standard lager- 108108 a novel drinking experience have the bitterness of the former. 109110 beers, a good one is the want to taste the fruit, try a Berlin Annual Beer Festival Bavarian Augustinerbrӓu Dju Dju Beer which comes in a München, which has been variety of exotic fruit flavours Address: Karl Marx Allee, Mitte made in Munich since 1328 including mango. However, Nearest Station(s): Schilling Straße making it one of the oldest with these the taste of beer Opening hours: Fri 12pm-12am, Sat 10am-12pm, Sun 10am-10pm (subject to German beers. This is available is almost completely lost to change) in most places, including the fruit juice. For something Beer Gardens at the Mauer in between go for the A highlight on the calendar of every beer lover, the Berlin Beer Festival is an Park Market every Sunday. Schöfferhofer in grapefruit, annual summer affair. Running for three consecutive days in August, the festical Another is the Löwenbrӓu fig, pear and ginger or cactus covers an area of 2 km and features beer from 300 different breweries. With which a very sweet and light flavours which retains its status 2,000 different kinds of tipple from 86 countries on offer, the festival is certain as a beer but is to have something for everyone. also very juicy and light. Along with the usual Pils, Weiss, Hell, Dunkel and Schwarz beers, there are also plenty of novel flavours waiting to be tried, such as the sweet mango or cherry You can try many beer. Presented with such a large selection, visitors might understandably feel of these beers at Die Haus Der 100 overwhelmed. – But never fear: you can buy a taster glass (0.2l) for €2 which can be refilled at each stall for a mere €1.50. -You can also keep the glass as a Biere and an even . greater variety at the Annual Berlin The Berlin Beer Festival offers plenty of food options, with mandatory German Beer Festival (see classics such as bratwurst and currywurst, but also other favourites such as the text box on the Belgian waffles.. There is no lack of entertainment, as there are 18 stages next page) if you dotted in amongst the beer stalls, offering live music, shows and performances are planning an throughout the day. . From traditional German folk music to cheesey Europop August trip. the music combined with lashings of beer soon gets everyone on their feet.AG However, most bars and pubs will have a good selection in bottles if not on tap. Of course, the Germans take Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars their beer very standard lager. seriously, and it is advisable to make sure you drink There’s also the option to try responsibly during your stay. LJ one of the many fruit beers on offer. The Bitterfelder Kirsch is bursting with cherry flavours without being too sweet and 110110 overpowering. If you really 111112 Absinthe Depot Berlin top complete with gilded gold If you are looking to try as many ashtrays and sip away until different beers as you can whilst Address: Weinneisterstraβe 4, midnight. here, this is certainly worth a stop. Mitte, 10178 Located in Charlottenberg, this Nearest Station: The shop has a huge isn’t just a tacky . U-Weinneisterstraβe assortment of bottled Almost a pub, Die Haus Der 100 Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 2pm- absinthes ranging from €22 Biere has wood panelled walls 12am; Sat 1pm-12am all the way to €280. They also and traditional décor with large stock absinthe liqueurs from windows which open out onto the €19 and a large variety of pavement. absinthe-related gifts such as absinthe chocolate and gift In the summer, you can relax with a boxes including the traditional light blonde beer on the chairs and spoon and glass. LJ tables outside. However, the bar only has a selection of nine beers on tap, and the rest are bottled which is a little disappointing. The This is all surrounded by horror beers on tap are of good quality kitsch. The chairs vibrate; a though, and there is at least one of hammer comes down from the This shop-cum-bar with its the main groups to taste. A small wall unexpectedly; in a back room, glossy park-bench outside beer costs just €2.50 so it doesn’t large boulders come down on your enters you into a world of sepia have to break the bank to get an head making you think the ceiling floral wallpaper and French art idea of the huge variety of flavours is falling in. It is pricey however: a nouveau artwork. A vintage- in German beer. They also have gin and tonic is €4.40 and a litre of lovers highlight is the 1970s breakfast from €4.80 and hot food beer €8.30. If you want to use the brown leather till still holds the all day from €7.50 – €16.50. LJ beer taps on your table and pour bar’s cash. your own, it’s a hefty €50 for 5 Das Klo Bar litres - it is a novel experience, and The bar has the choice of five that’s what you’re paying for. The different absinthes (around Address: Leibnizstraβe 57, beer also comes in urine specimen €4.50 each) which the bar staff Charlottenburg, 10629 bottles when you buy in large will describe to you by taste. Nearest Station(s): amounts, and the wine in blood Here, they do not set fire to U-Adenauerplatz transfusion packs. the sugar, but have an ornate Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 7pm-3am;

Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars House of 100 Beers tap with which they mix sugar Sat, Sun 6pm-5am They also sell currywurst during the day, and this is served in a syrup straight into the shot, Address: Kurfürstendamm 100, potty. Although the welcoming along with the water. Charlottenberg, 10709 The tacky Das Klo (The bar staff announce you over the Nearest Station(s):U-Adenauer Toilet), located in up-market loudspeaker when you walk in, If cigars are to your taste you Platz Charlottenburg, does its utmost they can be too touchy-feely and can buy one from the small Opening Hours: Daily 10am- to fulfil its name. The door handle consequently ordering a drink selection on show. You can 12am as you enter is that of an engaged then sit at a wooden table cubicle and toilet brushes are hung can feel as claustrophobic as the 112112 from mesh that covers the ceiling. cluttered bar itself. LJ 113114 in the night, you can find space welcoming anyone and everyone - mall and chill-out tunes will greet on an old lived-in couch, relax bonus points for obscure piercings you while stepping onto the and take in the atmosphere. and rainbow hair. A rather grimy ‘promenade’ complete with false The bar is open from 2pm bar flanks the dance floor, which beach and wooden shack bar. on weekdays and 10am on backs onto a circular track around Large delicious fruity cocktails weekends and closes whenever the DJ pit. Entering this track and range from €4.50 to €6.50. The the last people leave. LJ indeed skating around it can be a piña-coladas are fantastically thick constant life-endangering gamble, and sweet. Virgin cocktails are Roller Disco at SO36 and despite having four perfectly available for those not wishing to balanced wheels and a stopper, drink and are equally fresh and Address: Oranienstraße 190, you are guaranteed to leave the Kreuzberg, 10999 event looking like you’ve just done Nearest Station(s): a round with Muhammad Ali – U-Kottbusser Tor make if three rounds if you skate Opening Hours: First or second drunk. Mano Café Friday of each month from 10pm The venue itself is unfortunately trashy at best, with a dingy interior Address: Skalitzer Straβe 46a, Cost: €5 entry, €3 for an hour’s roller skate hire and a music repertoire barely Kreuzberg, 10997 worth mentioning. Nonetheless, Nearest Station(s): if you are a thrill seeker, SO36’s U-Kottbusser Tor roller disco is an excellent means of delicious. Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 2pm- burning off your daily Currywurst, Families are welcome during the close; Sat-Sun 10am-close as well as an amusing and day; by night a younger crowd unconventional way to spend an waltzes in just in time for the The Moroccan décor of hour or two. Oh, and unless you sunset and stays until late. It is this candle-lit bar just off want blisters worthy of hospital difficult to resist relaxing in your the buzzing main strip of treatment, don’t forget to bring deck chair while ticking off Berlin’s Kottbusser Tor allows relaxed socks! GC conversation over a large iconic sights from the view. LJ variety of cocktails. It’s Are you wildly talented on reasonably priced but not wheels? If not, don’t worry Deck 5 Sisyphos cheap. A long cocktail is – neither are any of the between €5 and €7 and bar other guests who frequent Address: Schönhauser Allee 80, Address: Hauptstraβe 15, this monthly roller-skating Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars people will happily recommend Prenzlauer Berg, 10439 Rummelsburg 10317 their favourites if you ask; disco. Housed inside the Nearest Station(s): U-Schönhauser Nearest Station(s): S-Ostkreuz; the playfully-named ‘Whore legendary Kreuzberg institution Allee S-Rummelsburg in Church’ with fresh kiwi SO36, these fun (but slightly Opening Hours: Daily 10am-2am Opening Hours: Friday 10pm – comes highly recommended. dangerous) parties are held Monday 9am The music gives an Eastern on the first or second Friday of A beach bar in the sky, Deck 5 is a Cost: €10 entry ambience but can be drowned each month. sand-filled rooftop with stunning out by the chatter of the young views of Berlin. Take the lift to If you only have time to visit one They pride themselves on the top of Schönhauser Arkaden hipster playground whilst in Berlin, 114114 intercontinental crowd. Later 115116 whether it be for a sunny are guests, making you feel each week - this micro-brewery with cigarette smoke and packed afternoon beer or a 4am rave, like you are floating in the lies in the bar-cluttered hub of with scowling young trendsetters then eclectic Sisyphos needs to Milky Way. Occasionally, the Friedrichshain. The polished copper in skinny jeans, this grotto-like bar be it. This über underground ceiling will even rain down brewing equipment stands out as takes its name from its infamous nightclub is hidden on a light sprinkling of foam. soon as you walk in. Aged wooden ping pong table, which is the Lichtenberg’s Hauptstrasse, Sisyphos’ clientele tends to be tables are scattered around inside centrepiece of the front room. and Berliners are so desperate effortlessly cool and casual, and it is plainly decorated apart to keep it a secret that you are and the music played is a from some exposed venting, pretty Customers confident with their strictly forbidden from taking cocktail of world, electro and decorated tiles and basic lighting. hand-eye coordination can hire a photos inside. minimalist house. bat and join in the never-ending Everything they serve is made on communal game, which operates Best of all, this dreamland the premises and it is definitely boasts its own pizza stall to worth trying a few. It is also great quell late-night munchies. For value for money with a small beer those who enjoy clubbing for costing 1.90€. It’s easy to keep 72 hours straight, it is open in spending however, as they work summer from late Friday night on a tab-basis – you don’t pay until all the way through to Monday, you’ve had your fill. unless the party is forced to wind up early due to the ever- Don’t leave without trying the frequent noise complaints. GC schwartzbier which has a smooth caramel coffee aftertaste. Above Hops and Barley the bar there is a small studio guest on a rotational basis. apartment which to stay in costs Miss a hit and you’re instantly out, Address: Wühlischstraβe 22- from 17€ - 28€ per night. To book, at which point it’s time to hit the 23, Friedrichshain, 10245 go to LJ bar to chug down some dirt-cheap Spread out across a sandy Nearest Station(s): U/S- beer or house wine from €2.20 and outdoor area and several Warschauer Straβe €3 respectively. It’s lucky the drinks castle-like warehouses, Dr Pong are inexpensive, because you will Opening Hours: Daily 5pm-3am Sisyphos looks remarkably need to consume several of them Address: Eberswalder Straße 21, like a circus crossed with a before you can bring yourself to Prenzlauer Berg 10437 hippie commune – a likeness use the restrooms. Nearest Station(s): U-Eberswalder emphasised by the handful of Straße chickens that scratch around Coated in layers of graffiti and

Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars Opening Hours: Monday -Saturday outside. You can sip your drink grime, with doors hanging off their 8pm-late; Sunday 6pm-late from the bar on a pier, in a hinges, they are not for the faint Cost: Free entry (bat hire €5 tent or even in a caravan; and of heart. Lo-fi remixes of 70’s and deposit) once you feel like getting your 80’s disco tunes are spun until groove on, simply step inside the wee hours of the morning, If the hippest kid in high school to one of the four dance floors. best enjoyed from the comfort of threw a party in his garage while plastic classroom chairs that look Boasting four of its own beers, his parents were away, it would The walls are adorned with like they’ve fallen off the back of a its own cider – and a special look very much like Dr Pong. Thick 116116 more disco balls than there truck. 117118 The venue is inconspicuous, horror-rock and death metal venue itself, as prospective guests seventies in Prenzlauer Berg’s one- with its exterior unsigned and shake the 2-story venue’s are usually just as likely to get in of-a-kind watering hole. Lit only by windows boarded up with blood-splattered stone walls, wearing Doc Martins as they are in lava lamps and candles, Yesterday cardboard, but Dr Pong is and a smoky dancefloor at the stilettos. Bar looks very much like the inside definitely worth tracking down back houses teenagers in more of your eccentric aunt’s caravan. for the odd night of pinging, eyeliner than Gene Simmons Open only on Tuesdays, Thursdays Its retro wallpaper is dotted with ponging and partying. GC headbanging alongside and the occasional Saturday, psychedelic paintings, and kitsch grandmothers in dog collars. Cookies attracts a wealth of young toadstools and bumblebees hang Last Cathedral Berliners looking to party, as well down from the fake grass ceiling. Staff get into the gothic theme as a handful of older, snazzily- With a warm, familiar atmosphere Address: Schönhauser Allee 5, just as heavily as the revellers, dressed men looking to get lucky. and an extensive drinks menu, it’s Mitte 10119 and service is to die for, even easy to see why this groovy venue Nearest Station(s): U-Rosa- when the place is packed. The main room contains a sleek is popular with locals and tourists Luxemburg-Platz Beer, mead, wine, spirits bar and a spacious dance floor, alike. Opening Hours: Tuesday- and cocktails are served at where guests sway to minimalist Sunday 7pm-late. reasonable prices, and there electronica like it means Cost: From €3 is a shisha bar conveniently something. The real fun, however, located next door for when lies in the stifling shoebox that is Last Cathedral’s hardcore the hip hop room. Here, guests atmosphere gets too much for can get back to their ghetto roots you. Enter if you dare. GC by rapping along with the likes of Snoop Dogg and Cypress Hill. Cookies It’s just as well that the extensive drinks list - including wine, beer, Address: Friedrichstraβe 158- spirits and cocktails - starts from 164, Mitte, 10117 only €2, as refreshments will need Be adventurous and try a beer Done up like Dracula’s Castle Nearest Station(s): U/S- to be frequent. So if you’re looking cocktail – not only are they - complete with precariously- Friedrichstraβe; U-Französische to pass a sweaty, trashy night out surprisingly delicious, but they hung chandeliers, grinning Straβe off as classy, put Cookies on the are beautifully presented. The skeletons and coffin-shaped Opening Hours: Tuesdays and menu. GC tables at the back of the bar tables - Last Cathedral is the Thursdays 10:30pm-6am; double as arcade games for when place to be if dressing like the Saturdays when events are on Yesterday Bar conversations run dry, and there dead is a favourite pastime of Cost: From €8 is a miniature dance floor located yours. Address: Metzer Straβe 2, (rather awkwardly) in the middle of Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars Rumour has it that only the Prenzlauer Berg, 10405 the narrow hallway. This gothic club attracts beautiful, rich and famous Nearest Station(s): members of the Underworld of frequent this relatively stylish U-Senefelderplatz Yesterday Bar’s good vibrations all ages, but despite its sinister club, which has recently found Opening Hours: Sunday-Thursday make it an excellent place to start facade is still perfectly happy its 7th home in East Berlin’s 8pm-3am; Friday-Saturday 8pm- your night with a friendly drink to play host to the odd troupe Westin Grand Hotel building. 5am – just be careful not to mistake of tourists who wish to come This rumour seems to have the mannequins at the bar as in for a gander. The sounds of actually been spread by the Step back in time to the flower waitresses, or you’ll be waiting for 118118 power of the swinging sixties and your beverage all night. GC 119120 Republik Frank Und Frei pebbled ground is dotted with up quickly when the weather is day for dinner and from midday countless seating options: cheerful. Only open between the on Sundays (reservation required). Address: Köpenickerstraβe 74, squashy couches, deckchairs, months of April and September, HM Mitte, 10179 hammocks and even a red the Prater Garten’s plume of leafy Nearest Station(s): double-decker bus. A selection chestnut trees and oversized Madame Claude U-Kottbusser Tor of traditional German snacks, red-and-white-striped umbrellas Opening Hours: Changes daily, hot and cold beverages provide shade on a scorching Address: Lubbner Straβe 19, but generally late afternoon till and alcoholic drinks are on summer’s day. The steady hum Kreuzberg, 10997 late offer, and as the waiter will of chatter and children’s laughter Nearest Station(s): U-Gorlitzer enthusiastically inform you, all sets the mood for a lazy afternoon, Bahnhoff On an abandoned lot in the wine and beer comes from the while at night this makes way for a Opening Hours: From 7pm concrete jungle that surrounds acclaimed district of Franconia. younger, livelier crowd. Mitte’s Kotbusser Tor station is a wonderland that opens its Most punters tend to come in The price of beer is not the tiki gates to the public when with the intention of having cheapest in Berlin – but it is a the sun sinks low in the sky. A a quick drink and a cosy chat, reasonable €3 for home-made chilled-out beer garden that but after kicking back under PraterPils or Prater Schwarzbier could double as the modern the stars listening to Republik (0.4L). You may also want set of A Midsummer Night’s Frank und Frei’s soothing lo-fi something traditional from the Dream, Republik Frank und music, you will never want to grill: Fleischkäse im Brӧtchen, Frei is an appeasing cross leave. GC which is a delicious sliced meatloaf between a Chinese courtyard, in a soft bun (€3) and the sweet, a Mediterranean villa and a Prater Garten tangy mustard sauce is a highlight. homely bonfire. Address: Kastanienallee 7-9, Oriental lanterns and fairy Prenzlauer Berg, 10435 lights hang from trees, a firepit Nearest Station(s): Eberswalder crackles invitingly and the Straβe Opening Hours: April to Painted wooden picture frames, September daily 12pm-late deer heads and lamps adorn the outside wall of this quirky bar The Prater Garten has the and venue. In the basement of claim to fame of being the Madame Claude’s lies a hidden oldest beer garden in Berlin. It drinking den, reminiscent of a Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars opened its doors in 1837 and sticky floored student union with its charming, leafy outdoor You can also snack on a fresh, boudoir lighting. A coffee table setting and traditional snacks juicy gherkin for €1 or a gigantic with mug stains and an ashtray, a will make you glad some Laugenbrezel (pretzel) for €2. pair of trainers, a coat stand and a things never change. The large And if you want to pay a little more bookshelf decorate the ceiling. outdoor garden is swallowed for rustic, German cuisine like up by row-upon-row of long crumbed pork schnitzel with salted Order a drink at the replica vintage wooden benches which fill potatoes and gherkin salad, the kitchen complete with upside 120120 adjoining Gaststätte is open every 121122 down clock, cooker, pots and Spree-Arche who built the two storied wooden the story of the first concentration pans. Then settle at one of the house-with 4 anchors keeping camp in Berlin. Anti-war slogans many cosy seating areas; or the boat stationary with his own adorn the wall which includes an Address: take a seat up a few stairs in a hands. Cotte built it complete idyllic picture of a desert island Muggelschloβchenweg am little wooden house where you with a veranda, floors and in built and the caption, ‘Guantanamo Bay, Wald, 12435 can watch fellow visitors from tables. The veranda or top deck is where human rights take a holiday.’ Nearest station(s): your window which comes beautiful with its simple wooden Upon entering you will be attacked S-Friedrichshagen complete with upside down benches and tables and is the by the distinct feeling that you’re Opening Hours: Apr-Oct curtains and a window box. perfect place to sit and watch definitely not in Kansas anymore. Mon-Fri 3pm-late; Sat, Sun & the kayakers, sailors and naked holidays 12pm-late. Nov-Mar The bar hosts frequent gig swimmers go by. Despite the barrage of anti-nuclear, Sat, Sun 11.30am-late nights with live bands starting Food is made on the premises and capitalist and slightly anti-American from 9pm. Many are free but the menu is simple containing 4-5 slogans, the vibe of the place is a a small voluntary donation meat and fish dishes. Meals start warm one. The owner is friendly is requested. They also have at around €7 and drinks are around and enthusiastic and plays host a weekly music quiz on €3; a lot of the tables are reserved to the many political activists that Wednesdays from 9pm and for evening diners so it is best to have made Berlin their home. an open mic from 7pm on book in advance, however those The place is filled with scruffy Thursdays. looking for a rest from swimming sofas and old computers which can and sunbathing are welcome to be used by visitors, and the bar enjoy a couple of drinks and take actually feels more like a gathering in the dramatic scenery of the in the kitchen of a house-party Day-trippers to Muggelsee tree lined lake from the top of this then a commercial watering hole. Lake will be excited to spot unique floating bar and restaurant. The bar serves tea and coffee what first appears to be a SN from €1.50 and beer and spirits floating tree house in the from €2.50. Homemade T-shirts, water. Edge a little closer postcards and scraps of old multi- and a small dock will appear Coop Café coloured material emblazoned with containing a doorbell: this anti-capitalists messages can be doorbell alerts the staff on the Address: Rochstraβe 3 purchased for as little as 50 cent. Spree-Arche that you wish to Nearest Station(s): U-Hackescher Staff and regulars are friendly The concentration camp exhibition come aboard. A member of Markt and the playfully named is downstairs in a damp smelling staff steers a large wooden Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 6pm-Late Peruvian Cocaine shot is highly basement. deck towards waiting visitors Sample the real Berlin at Coop Café recommended. For correct - an anti-war café/ bar, complete

Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars and helps guests climb aboard consumption, dip half a slice Unfortunately, there is no English the raft. Customers are then with makeshift museum which tells of lime in sugar and the other translation of the descriptions carried safely across the lake to in coffee granules before available. Despite this it is the attractive buoyant bar and downing the shot of Kahlua definitely also worth a visit and restaurant. with vodka. Madame Claude’s likeminded individuals can drink is a must for pre-club drinkers and debate at the bar with their The restaurant is entirely made or those looking for a quirky host till their hearts content. SN of wood and was a labour of bar with a fascinating interior. love for the owner Frank Cotte 122122 SN 123124 Vor Wien Café & Bar crookedly on leather sofas. Furious chicken, So so angry vodka), spicy syrup and Tabasco Through the back room sofas chicken and Sexy chicken. Six sauce and leaves a warm, peppery Address: 41 Skalitzer strasse, line the walls and provide a pieces of tasty chicken drenched in trail in its wake. Kreuzberg, 10997 cosy house-party feel. your choice of sticky, spiced sauce Nearest Station/s: U-Gorlitzer will cost €3.50. Soju Bar hosts a different DJ Bahnhof Smoking is permitted every night to entertain you with Opening Hours: Daily 8pm-till throughout although non- Other options get more expensive mild and funky house beats. late smokers may wish to avoid if you go for a combination meal, It is open from 11pm until the the back room as it usually although it includes the sweet last man standing. The friendly In a city packed with quirky gets crowded and smoky potato fries which are a highlight vibe is intrinsic in the sociable bars it can often be hard to and can feel very stuffy.Vor of this hangover food. If you like atmosphere, the lax smoking rules choose where to sip your Wien may not be as unique your tastebuds more than tickled, and the helpful bar staff who will favourite tipple. Many bars use as some Berlin bars, but its however, then attempt the Furious speak English for its non-German gimmicks to lure customers, unpretentious, friendly and chicken and don’t bother with patrons. HM and Von Wien is no different. lively atmosphere is what the So so angry – it’s really not so A large Mohican haired makes it a chilled place to have angry. Weinerei Forum mannequin sits alluringly at the a few drinks. SN window of this café and bar, Address: Fehrbelliner Straße 57, which bar stocks an impressive Angry Chicken / Soju Mitte, 10119 selection of whiskeys – from Bar Nearest Station(s): U-Rosenthaler your regular Highland park Platz 12yr to Laphroaig 10yr. Address: Skalitzerstrasse 36, Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 10am- Kreuzberg, 10999 12am; Sun 11am-12am If you don’t know what you Nearest station(s): U - Gorlitzer fancy the bar staff are always Banhof Just off a busy main street, the happy to help you make Opening Hours: Angry Chicken trendy Weinerei Forum is close to the right choice. Prices are 12pm - 10pm; Soju Bar Mon- the hectic Mitte night-life while still average for Berlin-€2 Beer, €3 Sat 11pm-late feeling tucked away. wine, though long drinks and By night, the eatery serves as a cocktails seem expensive at neon pink beacon for the Soju Bar €6.50 for a Jim bean and cola. which lies hidden behind. Enter However free pouring and very through the Angry Chicken and large glasses mean one drink you’ll uncover the Kreuzberg locals is equivalent to three by other finding their beat at this small Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars standards. nightclub visually inspired by a shimmering Korean streetscape. The bar is split into three It is worth visiting for two reasons: intimate rooms with By day, the Korean fast food to shot and to dance. And while miscellaneous mismatched joint Angry Chicken attracts there is a €4 entry charge, the bold seating-dining chairs loom customers for its creative, Korean devil shot is worth a visit over stocky coffee tables quirky variations of fried alone. It consists of soju (a Korean and threadbare cushions lay chicken. Some options include 124124 distilled alcohol comparable to 125125 A regular café by day, this With such great wine, food, plant in 2007. Sadly, it has since seemingly average bar has and service at a relatively struggled to reclaim its former a unique system after dark. cheap price, it is easy to see glory – though it is nevertheless Between the hours of 8pm and why this place has guests still a destination venue for club 12am it has a policy of ‘pay overflowing onto the street go-ers from across the globe. what you want’. every night. AG While the queue to get in may not Buying a ‘membership’ for be as long as some like Berghain, €2 ensures that you can keep you could still wait for up to an your glass constantly topped hour and there is a similarly strict up with any of their extensive door policy. Once inside, the wine selection. But don’t use minimalist industrial interior is and abuse the system – they rendered almost unnoticeable have experienced problems thanks to the extraordinary strobe before with customers not lighting and the seas of people paying, so at the end of the raving away. night you will be expected to pay what you feel the wine As you might expect, the music was worth (it is best to give Strandgut Berlin is electronic and predominately Here, you will want to spend all between €2 and €3 per glass) minimal techno, with speakers so Address: Mühlenstrasse 61-63, day in the sun relaxing and all loud you can feel it shaking your Friedrichshain night enjoying yourself at this chic You are certainly spoilt for organs. Be wary of the toilets, Nearest Station(s): Ostbahnhof destination. From topping up your choice, with classic French however, they are as grimy as the Opening Hours: Daily 10am- tan to topping up your cocktail, wines from Pinot Grigio to music. AG late Strandgut Berlin is an exotic place Chardonnay, as well as local Tucked away between the East to be. JT varieties such as Baccus or Side Gallery and the glittering Spatburgunder. River, Strandgut Berlin feels a Tresor bit like an enclosed paradise. Accommodating and This chilled-out beach bar Address: Köpenicker Straβe 70, unpretentious, the staff know offers a variety of drinks, Kreuzberg, 10179 their stuff and are happy to including popular cocktails Nearest Stations(s): U-Henrich- advise on what is best to try. such as Pina Coladas and their Heine-Strasse In addition, there is a simple homemade Planters Punch. Opening times: Mon, Wed, food buffet which runs on the It oozes a relaxed atmosphere Weekends 12pm-late Food & Drink & Clubs Food Bars same honour system. It offers with laid back seating areas, Cost: €5-€10 appetising basics such as golden sand and a lit up pool cheese and vegetable pasta, to swim in. Drinks are rather The undisputed champion of the and a salad with the sweet expensive with strong cocktails Berlin club scene in its heyday, surprise of blueberries. If you going for 7€ but they are well Tresor (meaning vault) introduced plan on eating you should worth their money. You can the capital to techno music back in arrive earlier, as this gets also get drinks like beer for a 1991. Forced to close its doors in depleted as the night goes on. more reasonable price. 2004 due to financial difficulties, it 126126 later reopened in a disused power 127127 Meet the Team

Slaine Nicholson Slaine’s found a wealth of everyday objects exotic to her Glaswegian eyes. Since being placed in the advanced German class, her ego has Devin Potts grown unexpectantly and she has managed to gain an incredible tan With a penchant for using Americanized words with zeds galore, and looks forward to showing it off back in her Scottish homeland. Devin refuses to follow proper English spelling conventions. He often kids over the proper use of the word ‘bracket’, asks the meaning of ‘dodgy’, and wonders if the letter ‘u’ gets royalties when uselessly Lara Jakob (Layout & Proof-Reading) inserted into words like color. In response, the group shamelessly Lara is an egocentric social mosquito with an extensive self- sings his name in pop songs and cracks corny puns at his expense. taught knowledge of alcohol. El fluenten in all languages except Americanese, ordering large amounts of schwarzwälderkirschtorte Amelia Edwards has been a breeze, normally washed down with a nice A dedicated Sci-Fi nerd, Amelia quickly decided she needed to warm schwarzwälderkirschkaffee and for pudding a discover the world rather than being swallowed up in a black hole of schwarzwälderkirschtruffle. potential future dystopias. Since her arrival in Berlin her History nerd- dom has taken over and she was soon engaging in passionate battles Joanne Thelwell over the proper name of the Royal family. She aims to spend her last Joanne has made lots of new discoveries especially cake and ice- 2 years of Uni honing her literary skills and watching as much Doctor cream (which she apparently never discovered in England). Luckily Who as possible. all her sightseeing stopped it from going to her thighs. A recent marketing graduate, she is looking for a new adventure. Annie Gouk (Editor) With knowledge of wine that extends to ‘red or white’, Annie Gemma Clarke (Editor) has now discovered rosé and is well on he way to becoming a Hailing from Australia’s most philistine - the Gold Coast connoisseur. Though she is the baby of the group, this hasn’t slowed - it’s no wonder Gemma has decided to trot the globe in search her down, and she loves the fact that visiting cafes, bars and shops of some culture. She hopes to progress from writing diary entries counts as work. about boys to producing Pulitzer prize-winning literature. In the meantime, she is happy churning out reviews about anything edible, Victoria Pease dance-worthy or edgy. Rarely seen without a kirschplunder and a milchkaffee, Victoria likes to eat her way around cities, and Berlin is no exception. She loves to hunt down obscure cafes and restaurants, manically typing about Elizabeth Gourd (Editor) her finds with a plethora of adjectives and analogies. However, once Elizabeth writes slowly, but she writes nonetheless. Other interests back in Scotland, she will be reduced to describing the local delicacy include Marmite. instead – the deep fried mars bar.

Hannah Marsh (Layout & Proof-Reading) Alex M. Gerrity (Editor) Hannah’s still not decided what she wants to be when she grows The most photogenic of the group, crowds gathered every weekend up, which is a disadvantage as she’s already somewhat grown up. In her sleep-deprived state, she dreams about writing German pick-up to wait for her photo-automat results. Also a very strong cook, her lines, designing paint splatters on a page and jousting with wasps. charred nachos were the talk of the town. Her watermelon skirt She prefers vegemite over marmite. attracted all the wasps of Berlin, adding emotion to her work. 129