$1 Serving our communities since 1889 — www.chronline.com Early Week Edition Scenes Tuesday, From the Aug. 29, 2017 Threshing Bee / Main 3 New Museum Director Borst Pioneer Church New Leader Jason Mattson Hopes to Grow Work Continues on Replica House of Worship Lewis County Historical Museum / Life 1 in the Fort Borst Park Complex / Main 7 Port of Chehalis Officially Awarded a $2.8M Grant MORE MONEY AWARDED: As Project The Port of Chehalis has been award- $2,577,800 to $2,798,648, the largest al- “It’s a big shot in the arm for our con- ed a $2.8 million grant from the U.S. Eco- lotment of grant money the port has ever struction activities,” Randy Mueller, CEO Cost Jumps, EDA Increases nomic Development Administration to received. of the port, said of the grant allocation. Funding for Maurin Road help develop a rail-served industrial park. The money will be used for a $3.5 mil- “We are a small agency with a small bud- Last year, the port learned it would lion project at its Maurin Road Industrial get and anytime we can leverage a few Industrial Site likely be receiving the grant, but after the Site 1, which includes the construction of hundred thousand dollars of port money, construction costs increased, the port two building pads that would be able to or 20 percent match to 80 percent federal By Justyna Tomtas asked the EDA for more money. support a 136,000-square-foot-building
[email protected] The grant total increased from and a 120,000-square-foot building.