A Merry Christmas to You All 2 NEWSLETTER of the ORKNEY FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY Issue No 60 December 2011

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A Merry Christmas to You All 2 NEWSLETTER of the ORKNEY FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY Issue No 60 December 2011 SIB FOLK NEWSISSUE No 60 December 2011 NEWSLETTER OF THE ORKNEY FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY A merry Christmas to you all 2 NEWSLETTER OF THE ORKNEY FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY Issue No 60 December 2011 ORKNEY FAMILY HISTORY NEWSLETTER Issue No 60 December 2011 PAGE 2 From the Chair PAGE 3 George's Birthday 'doo' PAGES 4 & 5 From James Goudie. Gavin Stevenson's the Chair query? PAGES 6 & 7 Well, that’s another busy year over, and its a good a time as any to say a very big thank Ramblings from the Australian you to our Editor, John Sinclair, for producing another four issues this year including this, Outback our 60th, issue over all, and even though I say so myself, we have one of the best Family PAGES 8 & 9 History Magazines out there. To make sure it stays that way please keep the family stories The Trouble and research material coming, with George This year, more than any, I have to say a big thank you to the volunteers; the speed PAGE 10 with which you transcribed the 1911 census was brilliant and completed in time for our Great Great Uncle William Eunson Road Show in Dounby in April. Many thanks to David Higgins, our Web-master, for co- ordinating the production of the census and making sure we were all on the Web at the Hall PAGE 11 How to get a free in Dounby. It was such a success that we plan to have another one next year, in the East copy of James Mainland, so watch this space and the Web-site for details. Isbister's book Since the last issue we have started our winter timetable and as I mentioned in the PAGES 12 & 13 last Sib Folk News our September meeting was a great 'get together' to celebrate our Information want- ed on Irvines— Treasurer’s 60th birthday. I kicked things off with an overview of his time as the only Dead or Alive committee member who has served from the steering committee to date. Over these years PAGES 14 & 15 he has devoted a phenomenal number of hours researching family trees for our members. Sphagnum Moss– the Lifesaver of Nan Scott followed with her own vote of thanks and presented him with a book from our WW1 Stromness members. Joyce Moore entertained us all, in her very own inimitable style, with PAGE 16 a recitation from Chrissie Costie—a treat to hear read in Joyce's rich Orcadian accent. James Tait Our first open meeting in October was with Kathleen Keldie as our speaker, talking of the HBC about her book on the Tankerness School and also she has decided to expand her research PAGE 17 Robert Thomson– to document all the houses in Tankerness, so hopefully a topic for another meeting in the What was Life future. Like for You? We have just had our Annual Dinner at the Kirkwall Hotel with a slightly reduced PAGE 18 number of diners, but we all had a very good meal as usual, finished off with a quick quiz Orkney Hero acknowledged in from George Gray on the census and another Orkney themed quiz from Nan Scott plus, of London—at last course, the obligatory raffle. PAGE 19 We’ve had a very busy year again with more and more members and visitors from all Have you noticed over the world arriving at our office, and hopefully going away a bit wiser about their the stone on Heddle Hill? family history. We are beginning to get more local people through the door this year. Whether its just the 1911 census or the TV series that has concentrated the mind, I don’t PAGE 20 A Fishy Tale know, but its great to see you all. Our volunteers doing a sterling job as usual. Thank you one and all. PAGE 21 Photo puzzle I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and hope to meet you in the office in the New Year. PAGE 22 The Eunsons of Whitecleat PAGE 23 Chairman. Photo puzzle Anne Rendall Issue No.60 December 2011 NEWSLETTER OF THE ORKNEY FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY 3 4 NEWSLETTER OF THE ORKNEY FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY Issue No.60 Decemberr 2011 By Anne Cormack. Member No 73 When I read Steven Clifford’s article ‘Orkney Pioneers at Fort then until 1851 as a blacksmith and miller. Victoria’ in Sib Folk News issue 58 the name James Goudie Sometime in the early 1830s, James took a young Indian wife jumped out at me. James Goudie was the father-in-law of my from the village of Schwenetecko (Kettle Falls). She was from great-great-uncle John Greig, whose life in Canada I wrote about the Schwayips tribe, way back in issue 30. (pronounced SCHWAY- James was born in Stromness in 1808. The baptismal record YEEPS), and was named states:- “Peter Goudie Blacksmith in Stromness had a child by Catherine by the Jesuit his wife Sally Goudie born the 18th and Baptized the 25th day of priests. Family legend Septr. by the Rev. Wm. Clouston named James.” James’ parents has it that she was the had been married in the parish of Evie and Rendall on May 10 niece of their leader 1801. ‘Little Chief’. The Although I assume ‘marriage’ ceremony James had initially was apparently perform- worked with his father, ed by the Fort Colvile in 1828 he joined a Factor. During their time whaling vessel going to at the Fort James and the Davis Straits. This Catherine had seven must have whetted his children, one of whom, appetite for adventure, Margaret, would because on his return, marry my great-great- on May 6th 1829, he uncle, John Greig, who joined the Hudson’s worked at Fort Colvile Bay Company as a as a labourer. blacksmith. The terms In 1843 James was of his agreement instrumental in cons- still exist and make tructing a new two storey somewhat harsh reading mill, about thirty feet by Margaret Greig (nee Goudie) to modern eyes. It twenty feet, with a cedar bark roof. The two granite millstones was “between James had been found in the creek and were driven by an overshot water Goudie of Stromness in wheel. The mill ground grain from the Fort’s extensive farms and James Goudie the Parish of Stromness also from local farmers’ fields. This mill became synonymous in the County of Orkney in North Britain of the one part and the with Goudie’s name, being known as the Goudy (sic) mill. Governor and Company of Adventurers of England Trading into A writer in 1849 described the area. “The trader’s house is Hudson’s Bay by John Rae their Agent of the other part.” James quadrangular in shape . Behind this dwelling is a large court was to “faithfully serve the said Company as their hired Servant in . In this court all the furs traded at Fort Colvile are baled . the capacity of Blacksmith . that all Goods obtained by Barter . Along the winding trail . are several Indian lodges . with the Indians or otherwise which shall come to the hands or made of rush mats and scraps of hide, supported on a framework possession of the said James Goudie shall be held by him for of sticks, with a hole at the top to let out the smoke.” Another the said Company . the said James Goudie shall receive writer, born in 1852, described her life at Fort Colvile as a child. from the said Company after the rate of Twenty six pounds and “Fish, wild game and pork were the principal items of meat foods. ten Shillings Sterling per annum to commence on the day of his The natives would pickle their salmon and pork in barrels for the Embarkation.” The agreement was signed by James and ‘Mr winter. The early entertainments were Indian horse races, Rae’ (sic) and witnessed by ‘ Richard H Rae son of the said dances and picnics . Fishing, hunting and berry picking John Rae’ and ‘William (surname illegible)’ Stromness. also provided plenty of amusement for the whites as well as the 1830 saw James working at Fort Colvile. The Fort Colvile journal Indians. The Indians were always peaceful and honest. No one of October 25th that year noted, “Goudie, the blacksmith is thought of locking their doors.” employed at the mill” and a few days later he was “cleaning the This existence may have sounded idyllic, but, having retired in debris from streams the mill is built on.” In the Hudson’s Bay 1851 James decided in 1852 to up sticks and take his family to records James was listed as a blacksmith until 1845 and from Fort Victoria where his married daughter Sarah had settled. The Issue No.60 December 2011 NEWSLETTER OF THE ORKNEY FAMILY HISTORY SOCIETY 5 epic journey is believed to have taken them a year. They took a reported that he had “returned from the Blackfoot country and hundred horses, including forty pack horses which carried their given a discouraging report from there. He says the mines are rich goods south to Walla Walla and then to Fort Vancouver where but not extensive . a rush is anticipated in the spring, and Mr they picked up goods ordered from England a year earlier. Goudie will return this fall with a pack train of provisions to feed Among these goods were smiths’ tools and bellows, and a full set the misguided victims who rush in that direction . for wealth.” of china dishes. Unfortunately, the latter were thrown from the James was obviously still interested in commerce.
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