The Libertarian Challenge, a Conference to Stimulate Your Imagination and Intellect

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The Libertarian Challenge, a Conference to Stimulate Your Imagination and Intellect ,.. General Program of Events 4 p.m. FOREIGN POLICY Friday Evening, Oct. 10 at $ p.m. Chairman: Robert J. Smith Dale Grinder: Imperialism in the Keynote Address: The Libertarian Perspective Far East Speaker: Dr. Murray N. Rothbard Walter Grinder: The Origins of the Cold War in Eastern Europe Chairman: Leonard P. Liggio followed by social hour Leonard P. Liggio: The Isolationist Inheritance Saturday, Oct. 11 Vietnam Self Determination Won by the N.L.F. 12 noon LIBERTARIAN ECONOMICS a p.m. Address: The Revolution and You Chairman: Jerry Woloz Speaker: Karl Hess Lawrence Moss: The Economics of Sin Chairman: Joann Rothbard Jerome Tuccille: The Spirit followed by social hour of Laissez-Faire Sunday, Oct. 12 Mario Rizzo: Profit and Loss in a Mixed Economy 12 noon RELATIONSHIPS WITH SPECIAL GROUPS Walter Block: The Chicago School­ Chairman: Walter Grinder A Critique Karl Hess: The Blacks 2 p.m. POLITICS AND LIBERTY Jerome Tuccille: The Middle Class Chairman: Walter Block Robert J. Smith: The Foundations R. A. Childs, Jr.: Government; Michael Zweig: The New Left An Unnecessary Evil 3 p.m. CAMPUS ORGANIZING Dr. Murray N. Rothbard: Law and Order in the Free Market Chairman: R. A. Childs Jr. Joseph Peden: Law and Order in An open-ended discussion led by Stateless Societies; A Historian's student activists Wilson Clark Jr., Joe Cobb, John Hagel III, Steven Report Halbrook, Karl Hess IV, Frank Rich­ ter, and others. ~ Sunday, Oct. 12, cont. g p.m. WHAT IS TO BE DONE? Chairman: Joseph Peden Karl Hess LIBERTARIAN CONFERENCE Leonard P. Liggio The Columbus Day Weekend in New York City Dr. Murray N. Rothbard (October 10, 11, 12) Discussion followed by social HOTEL DIPLOMAT 109 West 43rd Street New York City Make your reservations now and save: Students $7.00 Non-students $10.00 (10% extra at door) WRITE TO THE LIBERTARIAN CONFERENCE COMMITTEE BOX 341 MADISON SQUARE STATION NEW YORK, N.Y. 10010 13-14 No~ Th~ Lib~rtarian Chall~ng~ @ listen to the libertarian movement at The Libertarian Challenge, a conference to stimulate your imagination and intellect. and to challenge your existing economiC. historical and pol.tical conceptions. Par ~iclpan~s. Topics. Professor Milton Friedman Press Conference (answer1l19 questlons of conference attendees and rhe press) Professor Murray N. Rothbard N,xon and the New EconomIc PolIcy and The Indlvldua/.st Heritage Professors leonard LiggIO The RIghI WIng froddlon and and Wolter Grinder The Role of Business and LIberal Foundaflons In ForeIgn Po/icy Defermlnatlon (0 combined presentation) Dr. DaVId FrIedman LaIssez-loIre and PopulatIon and Unresolved Problems lor Llbertarrans Ralph Fucetala. Esq. ArbitratIon Justice WIthout the Slate J 1m DaVidson Tax Prates I Robert Baker 8 F SkInner "'he New FascIsm Sharon Presley Psychology 0' LaIssez 'olre and Men S and Women s LiberatIon Saturday November 13 lOAM to 6 PM Da~e/Times Sunday November 14 12 Noon to b PM Columblo Unlverslfy low School (Room50 A & B) Loca~ion. West 116th Street & Broadway New York New York New York libertarIan AssoClotlon Sponsors Freedom Cansplrocy Sil --------- ----------- -- ---- --- ------------- -- --- ----------- - moil to: Fees Conlerence o co. Wolter Block $5 pre-paid admission NYLA & SIL members 505 West 122nd Street ($6 at the door) New York, New York 10027 o $6 pre-paid admission non-members ($7 at the door) nome o o$1 extra lor crash space address New Yorkers wishing to provide crash space subtract $2 Irom admission lees. city and state zip Make checks payable to New York Libertarian Association I-.JJ. { "{ ~ ".oc.... Mac, HOW ,-....·" ..."-1 Gfx.OoO.. .~ TO GET THERE: Texh4trl College .~ ~ ~'hL-l1 ~ TlIomploOl'l .....,. ... BY TRAIN uu West I 20th 5t,eet 1. FROM PENN STATION - Follow signs to IRT 7th Avenue subway. Take ~ Milb.nk Pupin ,.••,.... Seeley W Mudd 7th Avenue Express (Train 2 or 3) on uptown platform. Change across 1 platform at 96th Street to Broadway local (Train I). This change is ab­ Engineerina Terrace I I solutely imperative. Get out at 116th Street. uptown end at station. ,_........ We.l11!ithSt,...... ... ~ete" Mllhcem ..................... IIlrt.... H.11 15 Enter Columbia campus through main gate an Broadway. walk straight G hart Mclntos' '_G:~"_",,":'.._ ~[lrt ,< tschul Center Chane". :..:.. __ i across to apposite gate. cross Amsterdam Avenue. and enter low School • 1 r ........... Uris I ._-....1- at street-level entronce. (The Low School is a large. white. modern HaMmey... Schermerhotn • 423 i '... ' , 'i building, and is almost impossible to m'ss). i! Wast tilth StrMt ~ J • 1 i 2. FROM GRAND CENTRAL STATION - Follow signs to subway. Toke ~ s E tnte~tiONI M~thefNtk:s f • Affairs 42nd Street Shuttle (one stop) to Times Square. Follow sjgns to (uptown) I.m.rd f Low i i ! ltalian,1l .....-~- 7th Avenue Express. Change ot 96th Street for Broadway local. For more 1 Memorial f- 401 100_ u• ltbrary 51 Paul's Chapel ""- ,'__ 111tt1 details. see I, above. FOf'eil" .:"'~~,~ I l ........n Student • « C...... .-!!f : 1 Low JoIm";" BY PII1NE 1.-. I -.- t : 3. FROM JFK OR LAGUARDIA - Toke airport limo-bus to East Side Airline 'W,"," Dodge Kent ...-. West 11611'1 Street '-oy -- Terminal. Walk to lexington Avenue and 33rd Street (three blocks). and iI;D~ West 116t't51,,,,-- I Colle,.Wlllk '20 616 CaN Journilhsm= = toke uptown lexington Avenue Local subway (Troin 6) one step uptown Hamilton Hi_nica = =_. k.....C-....... to Grand Central. Follow signs to 42no Street Shuttle & proceed as in 2. .'•.. "2O ":::'" ~ FUl'fIOIcl Hartley 'bride- 635 617 Hlsketl '''' BY BUS "tiU 115th Street Uwl_ West 115th St,eet 4. FROM PORT AUTHORITY_ BUS TERMINAL - Walk. one bfock north to ~- . Hilda'und 612 L.c 2929 --- ·.-~ Ferns Booth. Wom.. .. 42nd Street and one block east to Times Square. Toke IRT 7th Avenue . Huch" School IroNw. Buller library P...brt·rt.n Carman John Jay Hot,.. 0_ Church Express (Train 2 or 3) to 96th Street. and change across platform for Church ........... th...... Broadway local (Train I). Follow procedure in I. above. ou_•• •• ~'L .... ___ • BY Q1R ACCOMMODATIONS 5. FROM JERSEY TURNPIKE OR GARDEN STA TE PARKWA Y- Take Holland Persons in need of or willing to provide crash space should so indicate on or lincoln Tunnel into Manhattan. Take West Side Highway uptown. their conference registration forms. We will do our best to accommodate follow it into Henry Hudson Parkway. Exit at 125th Street. Follow 125th everyone. e Street to Broadway. Turn right (downtown) to West 120th Street. Turn A very limited number of people can be accommodated at the Kings left. go one block to Amsterdam Avenue, and turn right to West 116th Crown Hotel. located just up the block from the Conference site. Anyone !~ Street. The law School will be on your left. wishing to use these facilities should write or call well in advance of the «lie .o«ll 6. FROM NEW ENGLAND THRUWA Y- Exit at Hutchinson River Parkway. Conference for reservations. The address is 420 West 1 16th Street. New ::1= south to Cross Bronx Expressway (westbound). Exit at Henry Hudson York. N. Y. 10027. The telephone number is (a.c. 212) 864-2700. ~2 Parkway (West Side Highway) south (downtown) to 125th Street exit. Other than that. there are many good hotels and motels downtown. from ...U Follow procedure in 5. above. which Columbia is easily accessible by subway. taxi or bus. New York 7. FROM THOMAS E. DEWEY THROWA Y- Exit at Sow Mill River Parkway City residents are urged to commute to the Conference. and to provide ~. (south). Fallow into Henry Hudson Parkway (south) and follow procedure crash space for others if at all possible. in 5. above. ::..;..;x. ?: 8. FROM NORTHERN NEW JERSEY - Take George Washington Bridge. exit PARKING o x-·~ Z a:j -'" at Henry Hudson I 'rkway. Go south to 125th Street ex't. Follow On-street parking is very scarce in the Columbia area. 11 you really do not ~ procedure in 5, above. need to drive. please leave your car at home. Garages in the Columbia 3;3-P • l.J' S: 9. FROM LONG ISLAND - Take Cross Island Parkway (north) to Throgs area are at the following locations: Broadway near West 113th Street; C'?_ ulf'Z'" (>I Neck Bridge. Toke Cross Bronx Expressway (west). Exit at Henry Hudson West 1 14th Street near Amsterdam Avenue; West 122nd Street near Parkway; go south to 125th Street exit. Follow procedure in 5, above. Broadway; Broadway near West 123rd Street..
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