The Athenian Constitution: Government by Jury and Referendum Roderick T. Long Radical Reprints The Economics of Anarchy: A Study of the Industrial Type I have repeatedly been asked to write a brief sum- mary of the aims sought by Anarchists which could be read and discussed in the various clubs that are studying economic questions. With this end in view the following pages are submitted, trusting that they may be a help to those who are earnestly seeking the rationale of the Labor Question. — Dyer D. Lum. Available at: Place your ad above — Email:
[email protected] The Athenian Constitution: Government by Jury and Referendum ”Each single one of our citizens, in all the manifold aspects of life, is able to show himself the rightful lord and owner of his own person, and do this, moreover, with exceptional grace and exceptional versatility.” ~ Perikles (c. 495 - 429 BC) Athens: A Neglected Model Those engaged in the project of designing a constitution for a new libertarian nation can learn from the example of previous free or semi-free nations. In previous issues of Formulations we have accordingly surveyed sample consti- tutions ranging from the mediæval Icelandic system of competing assemblies to the U. S. Articles of Confederation. One example that is not often consid- ered when libertarians discuss constitutional design is ancient Athens. In a way this is not surprising. Athens in the fifth and fourth centuries BC is famous for being the purest, most extreme form of democracy in human history. Most libertarians get understandably nervous at the thought of unlim- ited majority rule.