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/ ■ :":j W E D N E S D A Y , DECEiMBEB 8, 195* SN Tt-ElG HT Averate Daily Net Prew Ran .. ^ The WaBther illanrlfp)0tfr JEwftttttg l^walii Par the Weak Badsd ; af .0. A Warnkse Nov. at, ItSS / Pair, coal tonight, laereaatag doodtaMaa Friday. Ntninmn ta> night la ailddle S«a. ' , >. ’ . Memhar af Rbe Andlt Baiaan af ClradatlaM Manchester— A CUy of Village Charm * %

r MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CB] VOL. LXXIL n 6 . 55 .(CtaaaUM AdvarthdM PNN *8> •m m c U- Television Baby Doing Fine um an, A dlai ..I m> o n

* T < Washington; Dec. 4— (/P^— Adlai Stevenson said today he and P i^iden t Truman are in complete agreement not to wage war on Dwight Eisenhower’s program simply- for party ad­ vantage. And, he told reportera at a White House news con­ ■V'5| ference, the Democratic pa'rty’i - • ~ two major problems are: (11 to ^ wipe out a deficit of more than -nwm >4 O W N I I ' X T ' half a million d^Iars' and (2) to j J|/ C E ll 111. J fi I IB P ro b e Told Jfeuiher*s El^ciion Cox Aefioti■ 'IP "serve the public Interest.” w etevenion 'spoke to newsmen afU-r conferring with President Truman at the White House, the D ie in O f Crime on Protest, on you’ll shob ^ Washington residwice for which he By CIO Due Today b<4 In his unsuccessful campaign for the presidency. ^ D o c k s No Plan OB Putnre F la s h KY. Atlantic City, N. Dec. 4 $1.90 Rais^ th^^&ivers He made no major pronounce­ — (A>)— ^Thc CIO convention Awaits CIO Call ments at the news conference, but Youngstown, O., Dec. 4 New York, Dec. 4— (JP)— today adopted a resolution W ashin^on, Dec. 4— chatted amiably with reporters Shipping executivea.tolcl the calling for renewed merger who piled him with queationa (/P) — Firemen today blamed President Truman’s Wagh away about'hli political futura and that leaking propane gas for a rag­ New York State Crime com-" negotiations with the AF-Ij, Board chairman quit his job of tb'e Democratic party. ing fire that Gashed through misaion today how crime is hot the CIO’s leaders ap­ today in protMt over ths i 1 The Illinois Governor did aay a'frame dwelling and wiped rampant on the* New York parently had their fingers President’s approval of an ex­ these things: waterfront— largest in the crossed about them being suc- 1. He has no immediate plgna oiit a family of seven. tra wage boost for coal in this toasty ttripad'bib broodeloth thlrt. »... .13^® for the future other than to take a Aaaiatant Fire Chief FVank Leh- world. eeaiful. > miners above and beyond tha lo-'" rest and possibly to travel nerd said tha gas, used for c6ok- They told Investigators of the recommendations of ail to)> ingT. probably overcame all of the SfripM odd o brond now flovor lo fhi* toitewd ihirt'i bib front, abroad, city's seven • billion -dollar-a-year Atlantic City, N. J., Dec. 4 vlctiiiui before the fire broke mit ■hipping industry: defense agency (Officials. 2. He knows of no plans for.a — —Walter P. Reuther,i ArchibalU Oox, chairman a t coachman coat imart Fronch

— Win give )-e*ro aad years of dally oervica. Windsor Locks, raised the cori-of- CHee GOP Beaettea pedition. One commented: "W e are yet gone Into force. Donndlly holds Illustrated Story of the Nov. 4 election that he wanted by .step” . . . Body of woman the rank of personal ambassador. oerjurv trial ef WUE h RS Heidi ...... each $100 living allowance for Ita employee He said be has been in touch not making:a joke oyer the fact beUeved Mugged by robbers riO start Jaa. Ubc-. T to pass the leadership job to other with some GOP senatorii but de­ Wh«n toe peace contract goes W ALTEB J, D O N N IX LY Landmark Books for Boxed Stationery ill IStordance with a 2.2 ritoln ^ we cannot tell you anything this feoad la btaxlag office of Mans­ eudge David N. ES*»$ ' haade and take over the leae bur- clined to say whettasr they indi­ time." Into effect, toe High Cbmralseloner Boya ...... each Bl.se- U. 8. consumers' price Index be­ field, Ohio, super-market. given toe German assignment tots Btala said teday. Eeafiagf ■ ^ For Christmas gifts. Pina quality pap*r and envalopca In note deneome duties a t temporary Presi- cated support for his position. He Legation officials said they had post will be ended. Gift- Handkerchiefs ,. .each $1.50 tween May and October. - deat o f the Senate. This would give Mrs. Nancy Sinatra, divorced yMTe former Cimmrvrs dipertmiiaS;. ' Boxed Paint Books . GREEN or Icttar slae. All whlta or colors, also floral designs EffecOve Dec. l,.th e total coat- said ha is getting reaction from no information on persistent ru­ Donnelly is one of toe leading rreatadsf prevtotely was ca»-s Kiddles Boxed Reek ....eacR She him more Urns for the powerful wife of singer Frank Sinatra, re­ A native of New Raveii, Conn., Colorful print in fine quality Burmcl handkerchiefa. ef-Uving allowance at Kaman now all over tbe country, but parried mors here that a repiasentaUve of career diplomats in the State de­ vletod ef lyteg to a graad Kiddies Boxed Doll ■ STAMPS GIVEN appropriations committee, which questions’ about wbathar it was the Swiss Alpine Foundation In porta appro^mately fiSfi,888 wertk partment Most of his diplomatic Donnelly was graduated from tod •jnouflU to 8 cenU ner b ^ . ^up a t iaw i h Univeruty of Cteracas in Veneauela te deayteg te ever waa a i------Cut outs ...... >.each SOe W IT H CASH tfgm 8 centa. for Bourty ra t ^ ha la slated to bead under the new favorable or critical reaction. Zurich, BMward Feus, is flying to mtaelag • from her 'home ■ervios has baen spent In South 5 9 c to $2.00 Box Taft ateo aald’ ba has been la Delhi to Investigate the fate of the . ; . Linar Queen EUaabeth docks Amsrica, where he enjoys an eje- and Oeorgetoam University in Stick 'Em Boxed Books each 11,00 SALES •mpktyea; $3J0 p v WMk againri Washington. u; B. Osort ef 2 5 c V. 5l .00 icach ThsJWIIALCco. c M t aalariad at « dispute over hie contact with Bunlgwrer'a head- foundation’s anadltlon. i ' in England after crossing Allan- celleot reputatioii. Hs joined the' fitate departnuet Savaa and M l t par eant agalnat hewavar. Bridges bee quaitors rinee n a Tuesday state- The Swiss ofScisls discount -"un- Ue with fisnt In rifie onase bjr eel- .^Hs W8S ts»*4 •• \ basn regarded as avaltebte lo r ea- IteteR with a to g in New York Comniseiaaer to Austria In .i860 e a r o g e 8): ■) eOi^ term aa Beer teadir. I a« Thfs FNa) « ■ ■ P iig a T M ) hatter.. aad bald that pom ontU ho was << ( f -.a ‘

i ' I - k 1 . 4 . J "T

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN- THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 PAGE MANCmUTBR EVENING HERALD* MANCHEaiER, CONN^ THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1982 P A G E TW O Best, congratulated the officers VA Reminds o f Those Gifts Mrs. Grace Best elected and the review in general Large Turn-Out Expected South .Koreans Plan Christmas Decorations for its fine work. She said she Probe T old Seats Officers greatly appreciated their coopera­ Not Suitable for Patients tion and Wished to return thanks For Com er Purchase Talks Rejecting India Contest for Local Homes to one and all. Of WBA Group Another feature of the program Of Crime on was the presentation Mrs. Best, Plan on POWs Per«,ns who wUh to send a.riat-| -«7T r^ ^ A Christmas decoration eontest AVOID THE RUSH! in behalf of the review of a gold. LaBeHe ^otes Ttco Ways glfU to thn hoapllAl managafs for for homes, to stimulate a warmth - Mrs. • Grace Best of Hartford, Trust Conpany Dividend mas gifts to patlwits In VA presentation to patients. 50-year service'pi'n to Mrs. Julia pitals ara reminded by the Vet­ of feeling throughout the town In SHOPPING DAYS state field director, presided Tues­ A. Sheridan, wife of Thomas Sheri­ N. Y. Docks Directori Can Accept (Coattaoed (roaa lO aal erans ■ Administration that certain Because of numerous raquests keeping with the holiday season, is Tilt CHRISTMAS day at tha election of officers of Russell B. Hathaway, presi­ for a listing o f Christmas presents dan of 3 Hollister street. Inciden­ presents are inappropriate for planned for Manchester this year Mystic Review No. 2. Woman's tally, Mystic Review was the sec­ f t m r ^ r » O M ) LessneFs $15^000 Bid dent of The Manchester Trust munists but we cannot regard that are considered most appro- « Company, announced today medical reasons, and that certain under the sponsorship of the, 17 Bmefit Associatioh, her hon^e re- ond Instituted in the state and in them as alien prisoners. They are priate for veteran-patienta, VA Garden Club and the Manchester view, andid ln.stslled them under-the A large citizen tom-out is ex that the. Bank’s directors have oiUiers ara not needed. suggested the following items: May, 1053 will mark its 60th an­ vent quickie ■tiikM and other -1 liberated cHisens. VA said candies, cookies and new short form until they assume pocted when the much-discoased declared the usual year end. branch. Hartford C!ounty YWCA, j niversary. troubles?" other sweets are not permitted In Boohs canteen Tickets (in office in January. The ceremdhies "II they prevented strikes, that and controversial purchase of land dividend of 76 cente per share "We cannot send those Koreans denominations o f (1 and (5 ), which ^11 homes regardless of size, age . The meeting was preceded by a the diet o f diabetica, and that cer­ were held in Odd Fellows Hall. potiuck .supper in the banquet hall. waa all right,” Kennedy replied. at the comer of Pearl and Main plus an extra dividend of 50 avm teiicqiwriiirily to a neutralised veterans can use In shopping at or type are eligible for entrance' streets comes up for more consid­ cents per share, both payable tain other foods are restricted ac­ into the contest and will be classi­ •r” (—heth Evtuahek of 5 It was announced that the annual “Tou Invested In good will ?" ares. Thst would be a grave reflec­ VA canteens.-These boo^s can be .-fllwunaa, circle was. 4l«aed._to_siic,-. eration 1^ the Board of Directors December 31, 1002 to stock-' cording to the individual medical fied and given equal conslderation.-f- .Cheiatinas..pacty. of .the..rayiew..wllL “ Tes," said K e n n ^ . tion of the Sovereignty of the Re­ requirements o f other patients. bought from the canteen or special c -. . .«. Shirley Smith, who auto^ at its meeting tomorrow night at holders of record December 33, service office s t any VA hospital Manchester residents are urged to be held in connection w i^ the Kennedy said bln ftrm, for years, public of Korea.” However, bulk gins o f YuleUde matically becomes junior past meeting, Tuesday evening, Dec. 16, S o'clock in the hearing room of 195Z domiciliary or other stsable Va enter into the spirit of the town­ gave Ryan (500 each spring and goodiaa and_ seasonal package nresldent. Other officers follow: The membe'rs will exchange dollar the Municipal Building. T—Man PreMem Next institution. The pundkoser should wide program and cooperate by j It,000 each ChHstmas. Smaller ' These dividends bring to foods are acceptable for distribu­ Mrs. Hazel Fahey, vice prdkident; gifts, and the committee will in­ payments went to other ILA men, Attorney George C. Lesimer, (3.00 per share the amount United NaUima, N. Y., Dec. 4— request the selling office to deliver decorating their homes and enter­ head of the Sheridan Corporation tion to patients by the managersi ing the contest. Entry blanks will Mrs. Julia RawSon, financial sec­ clude Mrs. Shirley Smith, Mrs. he said, and aiao to representa­ paiid by the Triist Company to IE—The UN asoemhly's 40-nation the books to the recipient. Soaay'( Mt hii htort oa retary; Mrs. Irene Vlncek, treasur­ which owns the land, has said he the announcement said. be printed in The Herald. Hazel Fahey and Mias Peggy tives of the AFL teamsters union its sU^bolders this y ^ and political committee weary from its Since VA hospitals normally buy agarettes, cigars, pipe tobacco A trip out to Hm laooa, er; Mrs. Betty Sobiski. recording will accept the town’s offer of Awards will be made on the Nevius. and the AFL. warehousing and pa­ are the 37th conaecutive oeml- long debate on Korea, tamed > to­ sufficient quantities of magasines. and smoking utilities, such as secretary; Mrs. Aides Gutzmer, (15,000 for the 7 Iv 110-foot strip day to another hitter dispute — basis of five classifications: the Aad h«1l H4td a tpoc# luit per handlers uiiloiu''' annual dividend pajrment mad# playing cards, puzzles and games, lighters. chaplain; Mrs. Mildred Tedford, the directors want for the widen­ oyer Tudlatan demands for inde- Isrge older home, the large nPw So buy it vary loou. From private testimony, the by the Bank. glfU of this kind are not in dem­ Sundry toilet articles, such as La(ly o f Ceremonies; Mrs. Pauline ing of Pearl street. pimdahea talks. home, the small ojder home, the commission quoted Capt. Douglas and. shaving lotion and hairdressing. Berrett, sergeant: Mrs. Beil MaRohostor Yates, a vice president of the Jarka Dessner had not accepted by,«0 m nding iq> consideraticsi for the Stationery, fountain pens, auto­ small new home and the multi­ m. Thanksgiving, however, the Ne Name* served as his nurse. Schors; inner hostess: Mrs. Irene Corp,, the city's largest stevedor­ moment of the Korean probUm, matic pcnclU, etc. family house. Every entry will be He bequeathed (200 each to his La Palme, outer hostess; Mrs, Ev- deadline after which Town Coun­ the aaaemhiy' yeotarday entmsted • VA is not permitted to make StoROgraphie aai ing hrm, as saying the company puMlc the names of veteran-pati­ Handkerchiefs, sooks and other ronsTdered and viewed by Judges pall bearers, whom he named prior tushek, press correspondent; Mrs. sel John D. LaBelle was instnicUd A bout Tow n its president, Lester Pearson of suitable haberdqahery. who will be chosen from sll sec­ to his death. They were: Herman could not be sure of enough help to start condemnation proceedings. ents, so gift donors are requested Merle Lauro, junior supervisor; to service ships without the aid ot Canada, with the task of sending New or selected phonograph re­ tions of town.--Entries should be H. Angel, aifford F. Burton, War­ Mrs. Grace Lathrop, third auditor. Calculf^RK Sanrioa The opinion in some quarters is by the agency not to ask .for the 217 SPRUCE ST.—TEL. 2-3183 five certain ILA men. Norman A. Nelaim of 30 Gris­ the overwhelmingly approved In­ cords, to suit the patient’s musical sent to: (Thristmas Decorations ren F. Gardner,. Charles G. Iws- that the cost of the project is far dian peace plan to Red China and names of patients fOr use in send­ Also, Mrs. Oglore.'White was re­ The commission further quoted wold street and Richard Hunt of ing gifts and correspondence. VA tastes. . Contest. YWCA, Community Y nlck, Sr., Edward H. KochSnowskl elected Captain of the Guards; out of proportion to its importance North Korea. , Building, Manchester. Small srounta—publle stenog­ Yates as saying: "We wanted and that the directors should drop 161 Maple street .Joined the Air Sind Alfred A. Morse. Mrs. Muriel Auden, color bearer. tbefe people at our beck and call.” Force yesterday and have pro­ Although the delegates coupled AH were his associates on the the idea. , all can be considered by the Dec. The’ rules of the contest are as ■No. 1; Mrs. Ruth Staples, color rapher — mimeographing with Also on the public record went ceeded to Sampson Adr Force with U a plea for quick acceptance follows: any house within the town Record. ' • bearer No. 2; Miaa Anna Wolfram. / LaBelle sgid today the board con by the Pyongyang and Peiptnig goV' 30 target for ending the aeasion. Report Davidson sketches or form work. Comp:- the private testimony of Capt. accept Lessner’s offer to take the Base, N. Y. limits of Manche.ster is eligible. The will also directs his executor ensign No. l ; Miss Peggy Nevius, Philip G. O.'Rellly, another Jarka emments, httle hope was held that Some of the asaembly'a leaser to sell W am ock's shares in the (15,000 in two ways. Awards will be based on originali­ ensign No. 2: Mrs. Grace Howland, tomater work s apeclalty. Work vice president. , die tvro Red naUona would okay committees.are closer to finishing Is Still Critical Meriden Record CTompany, of which welfare aupefvisor; Mrs. Bessie M « d k (1) They can reconsider their A farewell reception for Rev. the pnmosal to let the UN eventu ty, simplicity and beauty. Inter­ O’Reilly was quoted as stating: thrir work. There have been sug­ pretation of the Christmas theme he was chairman of the board, to Farris, junior dlrectdr. vote of Nov, 25 to condemn, chang­ and Mrs. Jamea 'll. Bell of -the ally take over prisoners of war gestions that these might conUnue ealled for and delivered. *1 say that if you can stop the ing the deadline from Thanksgtvng Church of the Nszarene will be Is encouraged. "Props" and light­ Wayne G. Smith, publisher snd hia The state field director, Mrs. who refuse to go home—sole issue meeting until Dec. 33 and then George Davidson, 49, of 176 associate for many years in the loading racket in the Port of New Day to tomorrow, thereby making held tomorrow night at 7:45 in ths Spruce street, was reported today ing effects may be used but spec- York, you have stopped alt other blocking peach taDu at Panmun close down completely for this .operation of the local newspapers. Leoaner’s acceptsince come within sanctuary of the church. Follow­ jom. B ^ governments as well to be still unconscious and in criti­ tscular and ornate displays are rackets in the Port of New York.” session—with onlly the political Two trust funds were created the requisite time. ing the program refreshments will as Russia hava already condemned committee reopening sometime In cal condition at Hartford Hospital. discouraged. Judges will view en­ If you get rid of the loaders, It (2) They qgn let the condemna­ tries Dec. 21, 22 snd 23 from 6:30 from the residue: The Mary Harris be served downataire. All members the plan. February. Davidson received head injuries would be a godsend. The amount tion vote stand and follow a rec­ and friends are cordially invited. to P':30 p. qi. Awards will be made Warnock fund, after his flrat wife, B(ay Beeeoa to February Other delegations, however, have and multiple fractures late Tues­ of business we have lost is out of ommendation by LaBelle that they day afternoon when he was Pec. 24. for the benefit o f the Meriden hos­ this world because of the loaders.” Faced with a hoot of other prob- favored clo& ig down all commit­ pital; Snd the Julia L. H. Warnock accept, as a compromise to the Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Barle.of knocked down by a pick-up truck AH entries must be submitteri O'Reilly said New York Is the condemnation, Lessner's offer to leiha and still more meetings on tees around Dec. 15 and calling snd postmarked no later than fund, a ftsm is second -wife, for the ^me 135 Maple street, Potsdam, N. Y., Korea—the assembly would have to them back in February. while crossing Spruce street. He only Best Coast port where pub­ take (15,000. was tr a n s fe r ^ to Hartford after Pec: 18. Visiting Nurse association. He di­ lic loaders move cargoes or off the Prefer Second Method are the parents of a baby daugh­ diacuaa even a rejection of the plan Many delegates expressed the rected that" the residue be divided ter, Abigail Jeanne, bom on Nov. —the UN steering committee b ^ a n opinion that even if the Commun­ receiving emergency treatment at docks, with the longshoremen He said the directors have in­ Manchester Memorial Hospital. equally amoing the three bene­ doing the loading or unloading of dicated they prefer the SMond 28 at tM Botadam Hospital. Mrs. working on a new schedule for the ists send back an immediate re­ \^'arii6ck Estate ficiaries. • Elarle A the former Mary Carmen mMy. It was expected to pro jection of the Indian plan for K o­ Frank J. Schuster, 44, of 85 the ships. method, and he la forwarding pa Henry street, driver o f the truck An earlier witneoa was Frank W. pera to them on that basis. W a^ of Ogdenaburg, N. T., and vide a Christmas recess and a re rean peace, the asaembly could MK Earle la the son o f Mr, and sumpUon of. work aomeUme in not work out any effective decision which, police say, akidded into the Set at $2:V.200 Nolan, head of Jarka, which does The board could, of course, take Spruce atreet man during Tues- , Shower Is Giveii an annual business of more than no action and the condemnation Mira. Ralph E. Ekkrle of 226 Sum- February, weH after the inaugura- for further action unitl President­ ' mit street Abigail Jeanne la their Uon ot I*reaident-elect Ehoenhower, elect Eisenhower—armed with day’s light snowfall, has been f r o a i 2 millon dollars. order would stand. , booked on a technical charge of Meriden. Dec. 4—(Ah - Thomas For Miss Kennedy Nolan took'the stand to answer A public hearing wilt have to first grandchild. The aasemUy sekaion originally first-hand obaervaliona on Korea was acReduled to end Dec. 30. —takes over the new aministration reckless driving. His case has been H. WarnocU. editor of the Meriden some questions, but the bulk of his be held before the ^15,000 appro­ continued day-to-day in Town Record who died last week, left testimony came from commission priation can be made. The hear­ Mr. and Mrs. Abram Matchett The Tunisian questtqn—Second in Washington.. A miscellaneous bridal shower Item on the political coaunittee's Court. (23,200 to relatives, friends, and reading of minutes on his appear­ ing could not take place before of 34 McKee street arrived in New a.ssociates. in honor of Miss Nancy Kennedy ance at a private hearinr. Friday of next week. • York City from Europe late Sun­ agenda—la the flrat o f two mbves VOICE CONFIDENCE of 256 Middle turnpike east Wss aimed at French colonial rata by Wsrnock’s will, filed for probate Nolan was quizzed about "petty When asked by a reporter today day on board the Cunard White Paris, Dec. 4 — (JP) — The ye.sterday, directed that each be­ given Frida.v night bV Miss Joan cash" company disbursals of $48S,- what he would do if the directors the Aaian-Arah bloc on the com­ Franrh National Assembly to­ Star liner Britannic. The liner was mittee. The second 'will be a drive quest be psid tax free by the Meri­ Kerr and Mrs. David Kennedy, 582 from 1M7 through Irwt June. withdraw their offer of (15,000, day voted renewed ooafidenre In several hours behind schedule due supporting independence for Mo- EASTWOOD den Trust and Raft Deposit, the ai.ster-in-law- of the bride-to-hc. at Of that amount, Nolan said, he Lcasner said "I havent the slight­ Premier Antoine Pinay and to heavy storms which forced it rocca executor. ‘ . Mrs. Kennedy’s home at 137 Bis- Ttms fine clocka by handled about (200.000 in petty est idea at thls.,time." . cleared the way. for Immediate off its course near the American Both problems were forked on N s rU t u t s Peter Lsatfarl The residue was set up in two sell street. Thirty-four friends and Both Tbomma: cash and paid nut about (35,000 Chief Berman O. Schendel has coast discuMlon of his budget. Deretta Marrew relatives were present. suggested that the money can come the agenda over die-hard French D ew s A d aat trust funds for the Meriden Hos- “Bajctor" $30. In Christmas gift money. A good “ Because pilsl, the Public Health and Visit­ While opening her gifts, which "Sharon- J53.76. from the parking meter fund. opposition and both promiae to “ HOUR OF part of that fund, he said went for You’re BUae" ing Nurse association and St. An- were in s treasure che.st decorated, "Homcatead" Mt-U* The fund had. a balance NqVj SO Anderaon-Shea Pgat VFW d ra( out in bitter wrangling IS" "commissions to our customers for (la eolarl rirewa Church. in blue and white, the bride-elect Fad. Tut IncL of (52.215.23, according to Patll Auxiliary, will hold its usual set­ France has msintsined angrily services rendered and we didn't that her administration of both l:ie-4:3a-*:44 1:4*-S:N Warnock, who died at the age was seated under a cluster of think it necessary to identify the Cervinl, collector o f revenue. back party tomorrow night at 8:30 at the poet home at Manchester North African protectoratea la her of 89 and who was buried Sunday, white wedding bells, tied with a recipients. left $1,000 eacVi to two cousins, blue ribbon.. Blue and white Green. Prises will be awarded and own internal business and no con­ Una.: “ Taakaa BBceaaeer,” Teeli. The commission quoted Nolan cern of the 'UN. « SVilliam G. Warnock of Tulsa, streamers were also used in the A doclc from Mkhaah ii at homo in the fSneti lurrewndingi testimony that he gave (100 each refreahmdnta served. STATE Herald Eniployeg Okla., and .John Cheater Warnock derorations. Dainty refreshments Christmas to Ryan, and (30.000 In Deosaad KighU — NOW PLAYING — . . . makes the ideal gift for every eocotion. See owr selec- The Arab-Asian bloc resolution of Okmulgee. Okla.; $10,000 to Dr. were served h.y .the hostes.ses. tioA of I day and etedric docks In traditional and modern government bonds to Walter The next rehearsal of the Man Thnnisa P. Murdock, hia personal Miss kenneW.v'will he married on Wells, president of the Isthmian Honor McGonigal chaster Measiah Chorua wUl be on Tunisia contends France is MAT. 3 P. M.— EVE. 7:15 designs. You'll find a perfect choice ot whatever you wont ignoring human and political rights physician; (5,000 to Mrs. Annie M. Dec. 13 at the Center Congrega­ Steamship Company. hehl‘Monday night at ( o'clock in U-S-H’s 00011000! •/ i( ' Badger, his housekeeper, and (3,000 tional (Thurrh to Louis Pilver of Nolan conceded under question­ William McGonigal. linotype Emanuel Lutheran Church ves­ in that country. It demanda uiat France restore civil liberties and to Mrs. Mable Edwards, who 99 Oak street ■iTided PajrMeota lovltod ing that a Jarka official told him ooerator with The Herald for more try. Members are urged to be he would have to hire Tony Anas present. __ resume negotiations with T^mlsian than 50 years, was honored by his Nationalists under a three-member CIRCLE taslo. or the- men would, not work fqllow employes at a dinner in FRIDAY thru SAT. on a certain pier. UN Good Ofllces committee. unzatI ecmse^ Cavey's restaurant last night. Me- Members and friends of Gibbons ■ The debates on Tunisia and Mo­ Nolan said he knew "in a gen Gonlgal was recently married to Asaembly, Catholic Ladles of Co­ YW’RE MIRE eral way” that Tony had a police rocco may strain French-American the former Mrs. Ednah M. Dwyer lumbus. who wish to help the relations. The United States voted — ON THE SAME SHOW — record. Tony Anastasio is scholarship fund, of which Mrs. UNION SHOPPING CENTER brother pf Albert Anastasia, of Lilac street. The couple resides to put both questions up for debate at 1 Oak place. T. K. Bye of 19 HoU street is but thus fer has given no indica­ Van Johnson In . . . ^ 807 MAIN STREET T E l. 8-0344 EAST HARTFORlD reputed triggerman for the old chairman, may still aecure Chriat- THE LAST JIWIlIIS...SIlVIIISMtTHS StNCI IfOO Brooklyn murder.for-hire mob Following the dinner. McGonigal tion of what its flnal attitude was presented with several gifts. mas wrapping paper from Mrs. WE CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OP known as Murder,’ Inc. The broth­ Bye. would be. Britain has said it wrouki GREAT PM MAIN HTREBT — MANCHB8TEB ers spell their surnames different­ Toastmaster for the occasion was support France. Although the assembly has been ly. Rudolph Heck. TEXAS WANTS YOUR CAR in session eight weeks, only the Korean question has been brought XMAS to a temporary close by yester- Ftoi M -6-M STORY" RANGE and I day’s 54-,5 vote approving the In­ I WILL PAY UP TO $500 dian plan for hanging POWa. The STARTS SUNDAY WARSI opposition came from the 8ve TOYS. FOR 37 10 42 FRE-WAR CAR . Pullman became MOLDS SEDAN 88 Now Open part of the city of Chicago. g— Which state leads la the m dofor prodnetlon of peaches? 51 PONTIAC SEDAN r A —California. Join Upl g—What Vermont 'staieoman G-E FUEL "ATOMIZATION" CAN 48 PACKARD SEDAN j was responsible for the ereation of land-grant coUeges? A —Justin Smith Morrill. ^ The Best CUT YOUR NOME-OEATING COSTS* 48 k o S 78 SEDANET 'or Your, CenvMiMie* — Anotlior Now Sorvico — g —Is there a differeace between the leraia public, debt aad national Additional Swing Opportunity. debt? A—Public debt includii debts of Is Here 58 MERGURY SEDAN foderal, aUtO and local govern- have to shop menU. National debt to debU of /{------I 1) Tho ftrst ChrittmcK Club in our history is now opon. the federal government. -I I arouad fer good feed—you Onr nosf, lorgor ofHcos moho it possiblo to provido this SI PACKARD CONVERTIBLE get the beet here! ORDINARY OROeitt. Oil b o ^ fro M M M in iO e . "Oil babbU" bUra(»— odditiond footuro. DANCING TONIGHT S e Z M IlH Ill ill—iMMi niibBr»«l “«»n I tkitten Mill 4 rap s f *<1 InM mlW ^ Uttramatic, radio,'heater, white wall ttVeo, electric wlndowa, j So They Say “ I fettM'WE4R' lAliMau-a BBai t- HMi ef pwUelM— SB*-psrttile.. / ! I tw l; Boot Bnd ail m i M . horn* MMpIltalT. aaBohl I W BBfc Mack top, ’32 trim. It's like new. Fri. and Sat. Featurlag H m ~ Ibsb aa4 i Im bbt klMI. ---< JOHNNY SHEITIELO Hundrods of thrifty Monchostor poopio who visit Day by day. the ROK army U asauming more front-line respon- SYMPHONY FOUR la "Africaa Treasure" $AVE $1400 Mcmehostor Swings and Loon, 1007 Stroot, wtt sibillty. but the ROK soldiera will continue to need American and FRIDAY FEATURE 4:43-9:24 start 0 1953 Christinas Club. You, too, opon u Christ- With JEANNIE RAY. UN help. „ ™ . VOCAUS’F M ^ T A U Q i g N T OIL BOILER —Gen. James Van FleeL CO-HIT 8:10—SAT. Oeat 2:13, mus Club.u MANCHUTga, CONN The Hatting o f this Communist o w n —smooth-running! 50 FACKARD CONVERTIBLE agBresaion (in Korea) makes the Recfiivd ■woi'ld a safer place for all na­ Radio, heater, electro-matte chitoh, overdrive, wMI« poR Save Weekly tions and all people who abide by Hof WAfH_from the same unit! ■i... mm tires. New car gnarontee. for 50 Weeks the law. . $1 $50 —Assistant Secretary of State ¥ 12 $100 Howland Sargeant. oil iinDU or Doot! 13 $150 s t a t e S5 $250 If Americans could whip the 1953 GJLC. SUBURBAN $500 problem of obesity, they would Oak Grill 110 .'.i by thUi means alone increase life ★ HNEFOOD i r QUALITY LIQUORS expectancy by perhaps three or •i/«aw Miwn r t p t i fBH n p It $ • % . four years. 1941 PLYMOUTH SEBAN —Dr. Norman Jolliffee. BUSINESSMEN’S OTHER U N I Q U E 0-1 fuel-»aving I Thim iay Spoeial design features; G->E "Turn- Manchester We have completely smashed the plot of the AmerlcoH im­ LUNCHEONS A LA CARTE Ba(!k Flame" and "Heat Trap." o p e n t o n ig h t ^ perialists; to annex North Korea SERVED DAILY and then invade northeast China. ROAST REEF G EN ER A L^ ELECTRIC T IL . 9:30 —CStinese Communist Gen. . I^eng EXCEPT SATURDAY SAVINGS «»d LOAN Teh-Hual. r ' " I — VEAL SCAUOPINI ORCHESTRA I WILL I f AT BRUNNER'5,350 I M l CIN TIR ST. I leave it to the world to com­ HARRr PRIMI lAWr 1007 MAlN .ST.-~ PHONE 2-4588 pare the ao-called peace-loving RAVlOU W i l l i a m s o i l s e r v i c e MY PRIVATE PHONE JS 573i^EM EM RER Association words to the military deeds of the (HOMEMADE) T H f SINGING WINDS United SUtea. G I L L A M B S 4 l BROAD STREET TEL. 2-1257 — Ruaaian ForoigR Mlalatar Aa- HO CASH NEEDED-^UST YOUR CAR /• i dr# Vlabla*y.

I ■.. 7 . ■. 4 . , / V. ' f ■ ■••• B* v-1 '.H »• . t ' T T r" U.L .. ■!

'■'. * 1 ; IIANCHESTEB e v e n in g h e r a l d . MANCHESTER, CONN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1952 PAGE n V M FAOEFOUR ■ - Nurses Honor Student Award Winner Life in Modem Kitchen ROKs Turn S 4 ^w vy Agenda, 18 Items, Gox Action This Man Can Tell You Skywatch Schedule Luckiest but' Lbheliest Red Assaults REMEMBER ii Facing Directors Friday ' ‘ ■ •. A Lot About Your Wife Protest on At Na San Friday ■* ■ « ' rTNTM IA liOWRT aref#rred to m “doubling up." Midnight-,2 a. m...... r. vv'illiam Simpson . fUoa^aned from Page Oto) IN MANCHESTER IT'S ------, I S r N w fea tu rea Writer ■ : Housework ‘»n’t * ^ k -b rea k ln g Cincinnati — (N E A ) — There’s a.otoaya 8 melaer,/“ to every- recipe. 2 a. m.- 4 a. m...... L. W. Alcox ■ • f l u Bo*«l of Direcior* * t _ . . chore any more, but what company 4 a. m.- 6 a. m...... Donald Anderson,- William Bayrer one going to Capt. Roblnaon RIa- $1.90 Raise The American houaewtfe, wd h through Binall man here with a twinkle In I She'll read a recipe that pur sclen- Under Fire ner, Oklahoma f^ty,. It boosted Ip iv y atwiO* “ . ■ x ir* <4uMiviiilniiii ., . t w. 1 _ J tlato have worked on for months 6 a. m.- 9 a. m...... ^.-Myra Fltzgerald i jCUtf WlSUrtmmt or neat Httle routine is largely confined to hiB eya who probably knows many , 9 a. m.-Noon ...... Ralph McColliim - hia,ai|ore to six MlOa destroyed, , ■Mnrow nlfht at 8 o'clocK ia the i *fv^o eutKlivlfion*. action on one probable and one damaged. MALONEY^S (Ooa'ttooed (rem Page Om ) suburban home, may be the luck- her radio. And the children,en. wnen^ when ^ more things about your wife than I certainly needa aome augar.’ ’’ (Cpatinaed From Page One) Noon-3 p. m. ^...... M ri. Lucy Burke Mdbinf room of the Munictpal which was tabled at the la*t they riime, laqulto conet ant , regular meeting of the board, w-tll leat woman In history, but she’s you do. I Another' dark auaplcion of hua- 3 p. m.- 6 p.'"m. .'. >(.. V. .Mrs.-Ethelun Lewis 11.8. Fifth Air Force ivnr- ^ accepted WSB reductions and Grandmother tjr aunt ton t arourM/ William'Handler planea flew 120 aorilea against the 18 items for the; be considered. also the loneliett. h - He knows, for example, that she j bands ia also verified that their vlvora must draw back within the For Radio and Television flow have wage cases pendin|f be­ . She has an electrical washing now to Uke over the changing and ! 6 p. m.- 8 p. m...... Mr. and Mrs. Fo.ster Williams Communist guns on the rentral * nbers aa directors and as water Wilfred J. Maxwell. *’*'*'*>[ "P* feeding of little Willie on schedule vtoito her beauty parlor about once i wives can't measure things ac­ Bed river delta, the heart of the miaaioners is the question of pointed planning engineer, will be fore the board. machine; dishwasher, deep-freeze, ta every four months,.she washes curately. j 8 ,|». m.-lO p. ro, ...... Olh-e Ray. Bob Lannlng front. Miners iuMlaot so mother can have a few hours French* position'ln~hoflKerh Indo­ ther the board wants to pass present to advise the board on vacuum cleaner and TV 'The your abeka about 100 times a year And Eagtnerrs I 10 p. m.-Mldnight ...... Mr., snd Mrs, Herbert Beri.son Hfteem B-29 Huperforta baaed Sa^es and Seryijce Coal miners themselves—whose for a breether. china. Tha only other French ojit- 'ordinance regulating bottle enginsering matters In the sub- furnace to stoked automatically. and aha probably doesn't want yo(i But husbands ahoiildn't be too (Alternating Weeks! John Moore. Bill Lanning in Japan and on-Okinawa blaat- basic minimum daily wage la The bread and cake are baked at In a life such as this—with poat in the Thai country to Lal- td a troop and supply renter at ,, division. • plenty of compensation In many to help her 'with her housework. doubtful of thclr^ mates' machanl- ctau, the Thai capital some 80 WE REPAIR ALL MAKES OF RADIOS AND own Cotinsel John D. LJiBelle . Thev .are the Longview Terrace boosted to )I8.2S— were reported­ tha bakery. 'The preserving and Taeyii, 30 miles south of the ways,' certainly—but toeMapably The man to Dr. D. Paul SmeUer, cal ability. Smelser says the miles west of Na San. its offer must be matched by aiib- nreoared a proposed ordinance Addition No. 1. at McKee street ly jubilant. One top United Mine canning Isn't her concern. But a naarket ' researcher. Smelser modem wife la’ virtually an en­ State to Accept scribed or pledged funds by the Hulho reaersoir on the Yalii TELR\'1S10N SETS INCLUDING CAR RADIOS hat household choree she must with plenty of hours of boring lone- All aouthea-at Asia ia watching river boundary belween North 3t m ^ after one in effect i in n and__j Hartford__ I _ road,. small and Worker official at Pittsburgh aald heads a group of 75 young women gineer. "She has to be," he^ ex­ dendliite date. The board ai(id the Si, no matter how efficiently, she liness—shopping can turn into an the battle closely. A aerloua Korea’ and 'Manchuria. The Air subdivision on Erie street. , > the move '•iindmibledly averted a who annually call on more than plains. "She's . left alone all day «• .1 ?. sioii was requested to give tlord. ^ , -- ' exciting expedition and so can a ^French setback would have reper­ Ford TV Offer Force rv'porled they-riropped 150 he Hartford ordinance does not The board will also consider an Strike." John Btisarelle. presi­ does by herself. 450.000 American hoiiaewlvea. with a whole battery of cqjnpU* the 1953 General Aaaembly time couple of hours lii a play area cussions in Malaya, Burma and the tops of bomba, Keaulta were not (ibit bottle clubs but does pro- offer bv John McNeill to sell dent of UMW District No.'S, sak' _We seem to have a major pre­ He'a learned some interesting cated houaehold gadgets." to consider appropriation of money occupation with the problems of talking to other young mothers Philippines, all troubled with siz­ t them from operating aftw property at 22 to 2B Birch street his men had been getting "itchy" things. „ When the asks you to help her for education television. ; reported. MALONEY^S^ supervising their children. , able Communtat-Ied rebellion.a. Hartford, Dec. 4 --(85—The State are. thereby robbing them oi over delays. getting along with people. Pick Other Huperforta raided n to the town for J40.000. Knack for Kolltode One of them le that the average around the house, she usually Senior French staff officers : Board of Education haa voted to Hr reason for being. If the property is purchased the Lewis had negotiated the $1.90 up any magaalne for women and ■wants you to build ahelvas,- fix OLD KF.NTUCKY HOME 1 41 o m m II n I a t military head- you’re almost certain to find an It takes plenty of planning, de­ housewife la plenty content with have declared they believe their accept a grant of >100.000 from RADIO AND TELEVISION •he onlv bottle club In buildings would be tom down to increase with industry, but the her lot. " I f you think ehe’d prefer locks, or mow the town—in other Lexington, K.V.— (NEA)—Stoll' quarlers at Sunchon and front WSB had cut thU to 11.50 on the article on how tof be popular, how termination and a real knack for troops can hold Na San indefinite­ , the Ford Foundation for the con­ ater IS the Sunrise Club on OsK permit extension of Purnell place happy solitude to beat this sys­ a career,” he says, "you're fooling words, the heavy work. The othe^ struction and equipping of an edu,- Field is the birthplace of southern ; line poaitiona. 660 CENTER STREET — TEL. 2-104« et run by SU Mendill of Hart- grounds that any more would "Ir- to be a fascinating conrersational- ly. But the Vletmlnh have a plen­ to Birch. tem. And It's hard for husbands - yourself. Maybe-that was true IS chorea she feels she can do better tiful supply of manpower and If I c.-itional television .station. The intercollcgiata footbsll. Kentuckvlj?. The directors will be asked to' rejiarably damage" the atdbillza- tot, how to meet new, people. Tet "having played the first game there Uta'h and Brigham Young have the combination ’ of our ideals of or even women who work for sal­ years ago, but today we hardly herself. they choose to* throw everything I board also voted to seek extension j , i Kolea of Procedure accept warrantee deeds from 13 tlon program. But things are . getting easier in 1880 against Centre GoUi'c------played two nip and tuck football Aaother item, included at the good housing and our miracles of ary checks—to understand ^hst meet a one who Isn’t glad she's a against a carefully selected poai- +of-t:he Jan, 31. 4953, deadline set streets, nine of them from Alex- I-ewis and Harry M. Moses. the housewife with full me­ for her. You don't Wear the heavy i ■ '" fo ndation for compliance games the last two, aen.sons. Slate ^ I i r o f Director Helen Fltr- mechaniaatton teem to serve, to llfeJor housewife.” tkm, they certainly can make a 11 arder .larvls or the Jarvis -Cor­ president of the Bituminous Coal chanical equipment isn't a breeze. All Good Cooks kroolens that your grandfather did penetration into Na San's'barbed with its terms. ------— '.(uabrooms contain about 90 per won recently, '27-2(1, but In 1951 p S i^ K is for poration. Operalhrs association, appealed the ieolate our young married women BY scored by 28\27. Advertise in The Herald— It Pays Mt of rules of procedure for meet- into single units of Inilustry. Rare indeed is the woman who What's more, almoet all of the and Blue Monday jiaa virtually dla- wire barricades. 4 The foundation stipulated that cent water. i Some of the streets are In the WSB decision to Economic Sta­ can keep up unflagging enthustoem wromen consider themaelvea flrat- appeared—most wives do tha iBgs of the.board. . Jarwis built Hilliard EsUte, scene bilizer. Roger Putnam. . CeMunu.aal Industry i ^Vha board haa never adopted a In those good old days every­ for emptying the same ashtrays clasa cooks. But Smelser to quick iHundry as they go along. of a flash flood Aug. 10. But Putnam refused to overrule every night, vacuuming the same to point out that he hasn’t check­ In compiling hto data, Smelaqr . .lotinal ael of, Righto of Way one talks about and doesn’t want his board. And Defense Moblllzer rug dally and facing the same old ed with their husbands. eatlmatea he haa collected the The board will alao consider Henry H. Fowler also refused to to iatum to, a woman’s world was problem of feeding Willie and One conclusion that a lot of hus­ opinions of 10 million women. ‘ *T O ?’dlrectora will acceptance of storm oewret Hghta change the WSB decision. That left a family world and one of com­ Papa every night. Thoae of ua with bands will agree with to that the Southern women are eeaiest to In­ • propoaal by the Red of way in that Subdivision. It up to the President— and his in­ munal'industry. More people lived a t , jobs to go to, with the ahifting terview and metropolitan Eastern­ rent the Veterans Center Acceptance of atreeta in ner circle of advisers. ■ in small towns and cities, most ‘ average woman hates to follow In- unoccupied since KovKov. 1 when the division indicatea acceptance o f the families lived in houses, big scene of business and all the hu­ atructiona. ers the.bardest. Moat businesslike 'Truman's decision to grant the man contacts flowing around us VX' work^ in that subdivision, Martin full >1.90, annoanced In -the forto-| houaes. And familiea consisted of “ She always wants to add a tiiw Englanders and 'tnost caSual A bid of »7« building s Btrald Photo. severM generations, aunts, uncles are lucky, as far as our social lives daah of this or a pinch of that," are thoae In Southern California. sensational said today and acceptance o f the of a lettor to Putnam, said the naing and removal was recently sewer righto o f way indicAtea ac­ Miss Sue Keegan, who la beings; and iota o f children. Everyone are concerned. When we get homo "probable eonsequancee^ o f • toU- y , ^ ^ “ other past presidents were Intro- at night, we re happy ^o sink Inin Miected by the board. ceptance of the utilftiea along ure tb‘ db so would be a disastrous shared in the work, whether it to come into control of the gov­ T>U ChAwber of Commorre is of A II II ‘ duced to the 100 members and waa the old-fashioned spring the rest, quiet and peace of our those righto of way. coal strike which would create a ■ * " '* * '• I Registered N u r s e a* Aaaoctatioii g^uesto, as were the officers for Algouquin Backed ernment for the first time in 20 fW iog a goinrlbuUoA of $135 for The dlreCtora are slated to con­ ''crlataf for Elsenhower. cleaning, now rendered obsolete, homes. long years. during her training at the Hartford 1053. But that’s just when life really LOW PR IC ES SSebUaa'lighting on Main atreeL sider a proposed agreement with DIffsra With Truroaa or fall canning In big kitchens. However, several House mem­ and the Manchester Improvement William Maguire and the Con­ Putnam, announcing the PreM- Hospital School of Nursing, ia flntertatoment waa fumtohed by They worked together, and they begins for the tody with all the Bv More Utilities Tritps Driver shown above receiving her award June Hyer and her group, wKlch mechanical household aids. That's bers, most of them Taft followers, AaiociaUon is asking an unsjw ifi^ necticut Power Company. «»ncern- dent'a decision to newsmen, ssld: also kept each other company. said they did not think the dispute USE dUR emtrlbuUon for the Kiddies Chrlst- ing the Autumn Heights tract, and , from Mrs. Daisy Shea st the din- Included Buddy Borst as master of Today, young married couples when her loneliness to broken. She "'This is not the decision 1 would .t: Washington, Dec. ' 4—(85—The stirred by the Senator's statement naa partp, both to come from the the resignation of Chester have made. It is not the decision ceremonies. The party waa climax, start out thfir life together In a can get In touch with the world of W ith plunging temperatures j “ I : New Jersey Natural Gas Company would just blow over. UY-AWAY 8*.J00PuhUc Celebration A c w ^ r gan from the, Pension Board. I would have recommended." ed by the arrival of Santa Claus small apartment or house. Living adults and adult idea# again. And hersldlng the approach of winter i ff*®®)*^**^ *If**L^^ !* «**» * Mrs. Harriet Madden, who gave can talk and talk back. haa Joined with utilities In Massa- Unwilling to be quoted by name, to the budget. About $95

PA6 E 8 SV1DI « ilAKCHEsreR EVENINp HERAtP; .MANCTESIEE. CX)NN« THURSDAY, DECEBtBER 4 , 1 9 6 t ' ■■ MANCHESTER EVENING, HERALD,'MANCHE^TOR, CQNN!, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 , F A G i n z waa to be admlatoterad by four beans, hohqy cheese, pnmse, orange trustoes. two repreaeiiting tha WOMB—14in ' n » a . m r w r u T WTHT— itan Juice, snap beans, tomatoes; with ToOaad Covenf* Fund Trustee . company and two repraaentlng the Rockville 700 pounds of ham aad 240 dosen w D B o -io M j t a a i o a n a 7 V w h a t - w # employes. wooev—i 2ta M r w n c —18M - i eggs to be received riiortly. ResidenU and organisations 'The company. repreaentaUvea DUE TO A DEATH IN THE FAMH.Y TEL. 5181^ in Tolland are invited to use TirKNB— 848 * Bnriara Standard Ttoaa WNHC—Ch. 8 * 824-888 To Attend Conference M a k es TaU y were George (kileman and Emast MAb'CHESTEB Class Time Change Mulled Drearer was given permission to the faclimes of The Herald Lippman; those repraaentlng ther WE WlU BE CLOSED « MAIN ST. attend a meeting of New England Rockville news bureau for cov­ ..•e-WDRC—It BaapsBs b tsit O sr:^ Tamarrow employes were Mrs. Mary Pfau Bt. Louis llstln o*., I 4:gg—WTIC—Frank AtwooC . Association of OoUeges and- Sec­ erage ih their area. During Inactive Textile Group and WUliaim E. Weber. FOR THE BALANOE OF THE WEEK W THT-^1 rienty. W D RC-jrarm Program, t.v. For High School Students ondary schools to be held Dec. ,12 the wdnter months all Tolland * "At a recent' meeting of ’ i WTIC—Backstage Wit*. t i lt —WDRC—Hymn Time. and IS in Boston. Mass., at which items will originate from The Setulg Letter, Check -WON8—Jack Dowsay'a Music Shop. : » —WTIC—New*. Herald office on Market atreet, majority of • the trustees It was WHAT—Newa;’ Rolka Hod. S;Jg-W D R C —Tawn Patrol. time the subject of .certification of For Sum of $655.78 decided since ^the company had W KNB-Newf Requast Motlnc*. WONfl—BUI Jer.kina Show. / schools is to be discussed. telephone Rockville 5-8I8d. liquidated Ita hMi^ga in RocKvlUe FANTALEO’S USED AUTO FARTS I,1B _W 0K S— Jack Downay'a Mualc WTIC—Weather; Frank Atwoad. “ *■ k t s s S x S r u “ t Ramsdell reported'two in-serv­ WCCC—Production Newereel. A t • of th* Bo«?d of Bdu-; RockvlUe, Dec. 4— (Special)— and terminated all its employes, HORACE STREET WIJR&-8L Lo»;» Matftaa. WHAT—Cup of Cofhee Club. ice courses being planned, one on that the purpoae for .which the WTHT—Mualc. New*. hold lu t night. Principal, Mra. Alice Hammar read the elementary science from the Wil- Nat N. Schwedel, of the WtiUam S-S^feBol^toTa'Harrla: Ntwa.' i:4S—WTHT—Morning DevotlonA fund was •staUtohad no longer WKNB—New*. aiiM. _____ nf Rockville Hi£h haalc program aa prepared to date limantic Teachers' QoUege; and Action Postponed HorowUx Foundation announces existed. Since the swimming pool T ia —WDRC—TIm Record Shop. that the fund aa of Monday totals WTHT—Bddia Arnold Time. (:SF-WONS—Early Edition. I for th^ MW achool and thia waa the second on history from the which is to be constructad as a WTIC—Touac WIdder Brown. WTIC—New*. neriod time ached^ opproved aa ouUinied. for^an 1* New Britain Teachers' College. 142,285.67, which to made up aa niemorial to the late W|lham dttt—w nC -- Tha Woman In My 7 :to—WDRC- -Newatlma. f •«‘>ool with rooIrnTfor In Zone Violation WTIC—Bob Bteele. Floor Warping follows: Foundation and tniateea, Horowitx, will be a benefit to all Nawa; Ok) Reaord Shop. w rrR T -B reakfaat WItle Baa. which waa approved, homemaklng and ahopwork. Chairman John Talcott called 824.000; outside our conununity, members of the local commimity, 'WHAT-«tory QMM- ^ .. WONB—Weather: Newa. ,/• fev the board, waa made necessary Town Asks Permlsalon members attention to a condition Rockville, Dec."^-4—(Bpeclal— 8 5 ,^ ; community organtsattons, it was felt that no mora suttablb •WTHT—Newa. Joa GIrand Show. WKNB—Pblonla. V , •n,e town of Somera aaked per­ WTIC—Juat Plain Bill. WCCC—Good Morning Mualc, A m M the bus schedules. at the new elementary, school in FoUowring a conference of at­ ,403.15; community mdividuala, use could be found for the balance WON8-Bgt. Plaaton of Tha Tukon. ■ 7:1*—WONB—Newa. New Ttanea Listed ' mission to send ' 9 students of their .007.52. of the fund. a:is-W HAT—Croabya Quarter. WCCC—Good Morning Mualc, Vernon where the floor on the torneys with {udge John P. Cot­ 8 Tka Ugh acbool will open at 8:1S ninth grade to the Rockville High many instances. He informed the Among the auma received re­ "In enclosing a check for 8855.78. RANGE and FUEL OIL wnO -Front Page Pairell. WDRC—Polonla. School in order that they may S-IS—WTIC—Lorenio Jone*. T:2»-WTIC—Weather. Bjn. wia» tha sounding of the ter. the case of a Coventry resi­ cently was a check in the amount trustees of the fund hope that all 7:; -WCCC—Nawa;- Good Mortilng take the college course and this members that he was to have a V h a T—Band hy Demand. warning bell; 8;1T, tardy bell; 8:1^ conference with the architect Fri­ dent, charged with a toning viola­ of 8855.78 with'letter from Mary residents of Rockville 'will con­ WDRC—Memory lane. Mualc. was granted. In the past only $4 WTIC—Bob Bteele, Morning Watch. aad homeroom period; 8:33. sUrt day morning at the school, to dis­ tion, has 'been moved over to the Pfau, secretary-treasurer of the tribute as generously as possible Hour DdOvery Service WON8—Sky King. .. A lt period; 8.-08. end first period; sophomores have come to Rock- Hockanum Textile Workera Can­ to make the propoaed pool a genu ■;4f —WDRC— Curt Maaaey-Mirtha WDRC—The Muelc Box. ille for'this course. cuss the situation, as the school January aeasion of the Tolland TUtea. WKNB-Newe- Phil Hile Show. #HI7, start second period; 8:47, end teen Fund. Her letter stated ine community project'’ W H J^ —Sporta. WONB—Bill Jenkina Show. The report of the school nuraS has not yet been in use for one County Court of Commop Pleas. 7:45-WHAT-New*. ascend period; 8:51. start third year. •Letter Fraoi Secretary A communieauon has also been WON8—Newa. _ ^ ^ neciod; 10:81. end third period; Miss Margaret Domhelm showed The action, which was to have "When candy vending machines received from Charles J. Under­ WTIC-Votaaand OuotM. 7 :M—WTHT— Weather. 59 children inspected. 15 given first Committee Appolatments been heard yesterday concerned 5 :15 —W THT—Prankla Prlach — Ball- W DRC-Newa. FOR. THE ^ 8 5 . start fourth period;-11:15. wood, saftty chairman for the city M ORIARH BROTHERS Talcott announced the following were placed in the Hockanum Mills aeOrea WON8—Weather. aad fourth period; I':!®- aid, 5 ekcluded, and milk being Edward Schultheiaas, et aU Zon­ by the Canteen Service, the M. T. urging all residents to make a con­ WON8—Cecil Brown. Newa i:a5--WORC-World News Roundup. committee appointments — Trans- TEL. 6 1 SS WTIC—New*. gfth period; 11:58 ajn.. end fifth served dally, in the schools. ing Commiaaion of Coventry, Stevens and Sona Company decid­ tribution, large or small, to this SIS CENTER STREET Eveniag porUtion, Mra. Alice Hammar. WTHT—Newa period; hmdi; 13:28 p.m.. t r y in g Truant officer William Sadlak against Herman Diehl, in a claim ed that the percentage of profits worthy cause, one which ■will bene­ l:is—WDRC-Newa WCCC—Kiddle Comer. b ^ ; 18:82. start sixth period; 1 :12. reported one investigation at Ver­ chairman, John Lichan, John that Diehl waa using property in received should be placed in a fit all of our young people." WHAT—Newa WONfl—New*. and sixth period; 1:18. start non; one at the high school* one Cramer; building, John Cottier, ■WTIC—Newa WHAT—Cup of CoKee Cluh. \ North Coventry in violation of the separate fuqd to be used for the WON8—Newa ^ ^ WKNB—New*. ■aventh p ^ o d ; i:S«, end seventh at the office of superintendent of chairman, William Hahn. Dr. John recently adopted toning laws. benefit of Stevens Company em- Among the Zunl Indians bf New W THT—Newa; Joe GIrand. HOME g:tS—WDRC—Shoppers Special. period; 8:^ . acttvity, help and de- schools; five quertioned on the E. Flaherty; teachers. Mrs. Sarah loyes. The fund, known as the Mexico, many of the jewelers are a :i i —WTIC—Bob Bteela. i ■ street, and one conference with Brookes. Abner Brooks and the ""Vesterday's action involved a AdveHise in The Herald— It Pa^i WONB—Patter By Pattern. WTIC—Newa. tntian period ends; 2:30 p.m. hearing foe a temporary injunc­ 'extile Workera Canteen Fund, women. WHAT—Sporta Huppertorenade. ,WKNB—Phil Hale Show. I«MSS leave. _ ^ , parents and police. chairman, Talcott. W DRC—Tack Zalman, ThIa 1 Ballare. W TriT—Martin Agronaky, The matter of physical exam­ tion to restrain Diehl from fur­ • ■ js—w n c —Weather. WONB—Bill Jenkina Show. MANY ITEMS SALE-PRICED Then wUl he three p r in < ^ Memorial Services ther activity^ Howe'ver, with the' W HAT—Jeating with wamp. changes, the lunch period wW be inations for pupils |n the schools WDRC—Guy Lombardo. The ankti^ Memorial services of conttouatioh b r ibe due ^' the ••la—WONS—Newa; Music for Amer- ;l»-w cp c— New. Breakfast Nekra- a( 88 minutes duration , in place of was again dia«niaaed by member thd Rockville Lodge of Elks wlU be Boy. ^ NOW — ASK ABOUT January session, the Coventry man . ica WTHT—Bob Lloyd. 87 mbrotes; the help and detention of the board. Mrs. Brookes re- held Sunday 8:80 p. m. H w speaker WTHT—Sereno Uimmell. can resume his business (candle WCCC—Newe; Mutlrel Scoreboard. WTIC—Radio Baaaar. period SO minutes in place of 25 lorted a conference with Dr. Wll- wUl be SUto Sen. Elmer Watson W D R C-N ew a; Bbopper'a Special. lam fkhneider on the subject. The manufacturing) at the property ■wnC—Kmlle Cote Glee Club. CONVENIENT TERMS Stautas; and the time for passing of Wethersfield. 'Die G-Clef Chonis B:45—W nC—Three Bter Extra 3:45—WCCC—Money Meloc'y. fPffm one«»»«— to another increased board voted to Invita the doctors in question. WDRC-Newa.- . . :4*—WTHT—John Conte. ¥ Chib of Manchester will furnish the Diehl's plant in Manchester was TEL. 6161 \S from three to four minutes. This to meet with them Dec. 18 at 4 music. A buffet lunch vrtll be served 824-m WTHT—StoekT Market flummery: WONB—Gabriel Heatter. lest cbaage is considered desirable p. m. to dicuas the situation. destroyed by fige earlier and it to BIANCHESTER Sporta. :*5—WDRC—Newe. at conclusion of the service. MAIN ST. «:SS—WON8—flpoita. WCCC—12 Hundrec end *0 Hiti. Am to the fact that two buildings Odldren Doaato Clothing alleged that he began the candle­ 7:SS—WDRC—Beulsh. . . WKNB— Newt; The Little Show. pra now nssd for the High School Bonwimaksrs MeeMags making at a bam on the rear of W THT—W eather; Journal of the Air. WONB—New*. A. E. Chatterton, superintendeht Miss Cora H. Webb, home de­ riiidsats of schools, reported children of hto property. WON8—Fulton Lewi*. Jr. W THT—Breakfaai Club. monstration agent of the Tolland Representing the Zoning Board WTIC—Guy Lombardo Show. WTIC—Theater of Melody. Apprere BID Piapnwete Venida ddha'M 1M8 pounds of County Farm bureau annotmcea 7 : I*—WON8—Tello-Teat. WHAT-Itallen Program. was attorney Harry H. Lugg of WTHT—Fljner Dayla. 15—WDRC—Mualc Off the Record, fMWe totaling 83053.28 were ap­ clothing in a recent ooUsCtioh. He two bomemakera mcetings.for this WONB—Jack Downey'a Waxworica proved for payment Including one considers this a remariiaWe show­ Rockville; attorney Raymond C. WDRC—Jack Smith Show. evening-^. Johnson represented Diehl. 7:M —W 0NS—Gabriel Heatter. WKNB—The tkV Swrtt Show. ito a bicycle stand for the Vernon ing, being 300 pounds ihore than The Columbia group will bold a WTHT—Silver Eagle. :3»—WCCO-12 Hundred and 90 Hita aeboot which will accommodate last year. Articles go to Save the WHAT—flyippbony Hall. Market Basket. Christmas party at » p. m. at the FROM WARDS WTIC—Newa of the World. WTIC—New*; Tou anC Tour Child. some 40 bicycles. Children Federation in New York home of Mra. Alien Robinson. GIFT W DRC-rMlndy Carson. WHAT—Italian Program, Hra. .George Brookes, of the City and the clothing to distribut­ The Tumblebrook Neighborhood 7:4S—WDRC—ifd Murrow. :45—WDRC—Bing CToaby. coonnlttec aniiQuiiced ed among needy areas of the • WONB—Marque Time. WTIC—Victor iC Llndlahr. group of Vernon will meet at 8 WTIC—One Mtn'a Family. WHAT—Ftmou* Trials. that Richard Smith of Fitchburg United Stotes and foreign' coun­ T:»»—WON8—Newa...... haa lacahred noUce that he to to p. m. at the home of Mrs, Mar­ WKNB—Quit Call. tries. guerite Bonner. The subject will be ■ ;t » — WDRC — Meat Mlllla. I5:ag—WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. lapsrt for induction in the armed WON8—Caaanova. WTHT—My True Story. forms Dec. 11. She sUted that Need AidItiotoU Roonw "Table Settings for the Tear” and WTIC—Boy Rogera. . „ i WTIC—Welcome Trereler*. Dale Hamed who previously ’ Chattcrtoil brought up the mat­ leaders will be Mrs. Mnrtin Lehan, W HAT—Pollth National Home. WCCC—Ntwa; 12 Hundred and 30 Mrs. Mary MacDonald, and Mrs. W TH T—Top Guy. , . HIU. taught in the'schools hare and ter of additional rooms being fl;SS— WDRC—What'a My Line. WKNB—Newa; Through the Tcara who wont to the armed services in needed for. the 1852-1953 school Gladys Palmer. , w n C ^ F a th e r h n ow i Beet. WHAT—Italian Newa; Mualc. January. 1850. waa being returned year. It was brought out that no Ohristmaa Partlea W THT—Newaatand Theater. lt:X 5-W T H T —Whiapering fltraato. WON8—Thb Here.': Family. Igtlg—WDRC—Arthut Godfray. to tha states and expected to be ahsww had been received to a let­ The Catholic Ladles of Columbia fl:»0—WTHT—Cyril Coleman. W nc-Doubla or Nothing. Ascharged shortly. , . ter written to the Board of Select­ will hold a putiuck and Christmas WHAT—Newa: Night Watch. WKNB—Voice of Mancheater. R to understood that Hamed is men a8kir.g for an addition of four party this evening at 0:30 o'clock 6-18 COTTON W n C —Truth or Conaequencea. WCCC-News; 13 Hundred and 90 W DRC—Romance. _ . . HIU. • tatoreoted in returning to the Rock rooms at the elementary school in at their rooms on Elm street. WONfl—Bin Henry Newa; Ilod 8 rillo sdiools to toarit and if posal- Vernon. The Maple Grove Ladles will FLANNEL Gun Club of the Air. I0:4&- W T H T -W hen a Girl Marriea. Ma ha win be secured for the Ma­ |:W—'WDRC—Bing Croaby. lg:58a:WON8-Newa The board voted, that in view meet tonight at the Grove on w n C —Eddl* Cantor. U:55-WCCC—13 Hundred and 10 UltA 5ft ple Street School. of the increases since the writing Franklin street for a Christmas WONB—Songi of Our Time. WDRC—Arthur Godfrey. * i V >C .. Beard Oeta bvitaUon gt4g_W TH T—1 Covered the fltory. WKNB—Newa; 840 Oub, of the first letter to send another party. There will be a supper at 1.98 WONB—Ijidlea Fair. A communication was read from letter to selectmen asking that five 6:30 p. m. and a brief meeting at ) lt :i g —WONfl—Iranx IMwarda. WTHT—Lone Journey. Mrs. Frances Burke of the Sphool WTHT—John Daly. WTIC—Strike It Rich. additional rooms be constructed at which time election of officers wrtll JONQUIL KMg I2S.00 Worm, oH-purpote me­ WDRC—Newa: To Be Announced.- IhiiiiWiW Committeee inviting the take place. WHAT—Italian Newe; Muali paembera of the board to attend a the. Vernon school for completion W«ddi*t Who «2J0 WTIC—Judy Canova Show. 11:15—W THT—We. the Women. by next fall, in order to avoid dou­ dium weight cotton flon- WHAT—New*; Night Watch. II :2ft—WONB—NewA TOP VALUE-»ffiW 9x12 RUGS meetlag Dec. 15 at 8 p .. m., at I t ; l 5—WONB—Mualc Lover'* Hour. II ;S5—W D R C -G rtnJ Slam. ble sessions. The Rockville Bureau of the nal in im arl, colorful lg;SS—W TH T—Concert Hour. 7.1 CU. FT. M -W REFRIGERATOR which time representatives of the Manchester Evening Herald to lo­ WCCC—Newa; 12 Hundred and 90 Kalmfeld concern would be pres- Principal Raymond Ramsdell re­ DEWEY-RICHMAN plaid*. Coovartibla col­ WTIC—New*; To Be Announced. Hit*. A.. ported another allotment of Gov- cated at One Market street. Tele­ 787 MAIN STREET WDRC—Ralph Flanagan Oreheatra. WTIC—Bob and Ray. 231.95 ELECfRIC M-W Cdcorafor co lo n 5 9 . 7 5 ld% down oa lanu ant to diacuss the proposed new ll;g g —New* on All fltatlona. ' WHAT—Malaano Program. Ward$ priea 1 9 9 . 9 5 $ f d o m i o a T am t ■dtool buUdlng. Memtors of the emment supplies which included phone Rockville 6-S1S8. lar looks neat open or l l ; t t —WONB—Midnight Mattndb.- WONB—Queen for i Day, closed. Sanforized for •WTHT—Late Bob E. Lloyd Show. W THT—Break thy Bank. Up-to-tho-m'muta da*ign* k now “ Homacra«t'* nigs. WTIC—Newa. iWKNB—Mualc from out of the W cat This MW M-W offqn tha' utmost in eonvonitnea at s Oa/y 2 1 4 .8 8 A tW a rd i lasting Rt . . . »oWy WHAT—Night Watch. II :48—.WDRC—Roacmary,. Tha gracaful floral bouquet pottam it thown. So# COLORFUL RAYON POPLIN WDRC—Tou end the World. WTIC—Dare Gerrnwey. ramarkobly low pr'ica. Footuros o 35-lb. capocUy napped for cozy com­ ll:| g —W T IC -S tlll of the N ight WHAT—RonionI Program. Code oofSrei* ovon, Doap Wall, op- lha Mkr, casual "ranch houta" dosign, on axcolMitt WDRC—gymphonr Rail. full-witlth froazar wWi froslof troy bolow for « m o I fort. long toil* stoy U:IO-7TnC — Nawa; Stalk la Jaaa. Afteraaoa p8anc5 ouHof. Sot Minit-TiiMr 3-40 buy for "young morriad" budgat*; Mgh-faih^ foil- Hoad w atkabh 2 . 9 8 A ll acs's s/ses’ WDRC—N ew t 11:95—WDRC—Wendy Warren. cut* of iMot. Fruit and vagatobla* »toy fr#*h longor tucked In. W ide variety WHAT—Night Watch. WCCC—Luncheon Mualeale. min. 3 Chromolox' unit* end .Deap oga dosign*, smort damasks,, atfroctlva two-lono WKNB—News; Movie T4im. In tha 9-qt. Food Fra*hqn5i’. 3 full and 2 half *hahfo* of bright school-iima Crhp-leeking end craasa-rasSslant Sport Shkt that WHAT—Italian Voice. Won hov5 7 spofdA Tanm, $ 10 down. pattamA Mand of wool and durobla corpol-rayont 824-828 TEL. 5161 WONB—Curt Masaey Time. previda 17.1 *q. ft. b f lioragt *paea. So# it now. plaids. Sea them today. looks wall wWi or wHhout a fto. Lorga cholea of WTHT—Jack Berth Show. MANCHESTER WTIC—Newa: Weather. M AIN ST. hondiemo solid color*. Thay'ra eiit for eosuol com­ lt;lft—WDR.C^Aunt Jennie'a Btorlei, T elevision WKNB—BIrg Croaby. ■■4' fort wW» bi-or-out bottoms. Wool for gift ghHng. WTIC—Medley Time. WONB—U. R. Baukbage. T. M. W THT—Luncheon Muslo. 4:00—Kate Smith. _ lt:7 »—WONB—Local New*. 5 :00—Thankaglvlng Day Program. U;S9—WDRC—Romance of Helen Trent S:00—The W ork) w e Live 'In. WKNB—Man on the Street. 5:15—Playtime. WTIC—Marjorie MIIli. S:S0—Sportacope. WHAT—la Roaa Program. 5; 40—'Weather foreeaat WCCC—Newa. S;45—WorlcJ Newa Today. WTHT—News. 7;00—TV Screen Teat WONB—The Women'* Page. 7:99—Bportaman'a Club. Il:4ft—WDRC—Our Gal Suaday, 7:45—Oimal Newa Canvas. WKNB—Tha PattecA S:00—Groucho Marx. WTHT—We the Woman. i:90—Chance of a Ufallma. WCCC—Mualc for Milady. 9:00—The Doctor. . 1:95—WDRC—Newa. 9:*0—Fou Star Playheuaa. WTHT—Paul Harvey. 10:00-Hartliv Kane. WCCC—Mancheater Matlnea. 10;SO—Wlnchell-Mahoney. WONB—Newe. 11:00—Foreign Intrigue; WHAT—Betty Kimball. ' 11 ;S0—Robert Montgomery Fraaenla. •* n c —NewA 13:30—Newa. J:Ift—W D R c-M a Perklna. Tomorrow WTHT—Show Tunea. A. M. . WONB—'Tar.kee Fool! Show, 7:00—Today. WTIC—Juka Box JIngleA 9:00—Teat Pattern and Mnate. l:1 5 -W D R C -T o u n g Dr. Malone. 5:45—Morning Nawa. WK.NB—Caravan of Muelc. 10:00—Tour 'Window Shopper. WCCC—Newe; Mancheater Matinee. 11:00—UN Baaalong • 1:44—WTTC—Bob Hope. 11:30—Strike It Rich. 1:4ft—WDRC—Guiding Light. F t o . . WON3—Juat Jgpklna. 11:00—To Be Announced. , 2:55—WDRC—Second Mra. Burton. ]3;15—Love Of LUe. WKNB—Newe: Caravan and Mualc. 13:30—Seerch For Tomorrow. . WTIC—The Doctoria Wife. 12:45—What'a Cooking! WCCC—MualA 1:30--Garry Moore Show. WONB—Connecticut Ballroom. 3:00—Double or Nothing. WTHT-N cwa Top Hit Time. 3:30—The Guiding Light WHAT—Open Houic. 3:45—Mid-Afternoon NewA 1:1ft—WDRC—Perry Maaon, 3:00—The Big Payoff. g WTIC—Cinderella Week-end. LOOP PILE RUGS; 8 COLORS g;gO—Welcome Trarelera. 2 :2»—WONB—New*. DELUXE 21-INCH TABLE TV M-W VACUUM GLEANER 4:00—Kata Smith. ______2;*5-WDRC-Nora DrakA WCCC—New*: Mualc. WTIC—ifid-Aftemoon Nawa; life new* from Hollywood. 2 2 9 . 9 5 law priced 7 4 .9 5 Only 83 Dowm 24x36 In. 2 .8 7 27x46 Jn.^ 4 .5 9 SHEER 60 OAUOE-OOLD BOX MEN'S 2-IN-l GIFT SET W’O.VB—Paul* Stone Show, 2:4ft—WDRC—Brighter Dey. < Word* alt-new conlsler-type cleonorj* so Deeply sofi underfoot, w'llh thickly-packed p'|la of WON8—Conn. Ballroom. OibiMt in simulalad laathar. ''Block" ractangular 1:95—WDRC—Hllltoo House; powerful, so quiet, so easy io^hondle, you'll tighHy-iwisted loop*. Color occonlt for ony rooim 3 Pain 4 . 1 5 CaiolMnmt Mamy e a h n 3 . 2 9 a m b o n d WTIC—U fa Can Be Beautitur. pidvra hiba fw sharp conhost, darity. Ono-knob I WONS—Jack Downey’a ‘Music Shop.: wont lo tee M demerisfroted. See for yeur- chartreuse, yellow, red, white, wim, gray, groan, WTHT—News; Top Hit Tim*. tuning tynchronizos picturov sound. Tiltad sofoty gloit 15 denier wHh on extra high twist that maons mere Many combinationt that all mad like. SMrt of Rn% 'W H A T —News; Open House. tolf why Wards Mwest it the claohar to buy. Bamingoi blue. Pro-shrunk cotton; rubberized back. WKNB—News; Request MatinaA and* room rafWciion*. Only 310 down on Tarma. elasticity greater rasistonca to snags. Smart dull Sonforizad broadcloth with a non-wilt eoRar that 3|.|ft—W DRC—Houaeparty. WnCe-Road of Life. Anish. Attractively boxed for Christmas givtof. All stays naot all doy long. Colorful, weol-linad rayon 1:99—WCCC—Newt; MusIa WTHT-B tlltcoret; T oil Hit Tima. Ibil quality, full-fadiiomd riyiont 0)6 to 11. Tie in ,a large salacKon of rich-looking pottams. w n C —Pepper Toung Family. WHAT—WHAT—JanJboreA W KNB—Request Matinee. S:*8-W CCC^. Disc Jockey. TmC-RIght To Happtaca*. ■ -W DRC—Part Smitk, Aunt JemimA 4:t5^W TH T —Cal TTlnnay, R E G U W 9.96 BEDSPREAD SUPPER W ad in g Ring pottam in cotton chanMIa Tlir$$ Hundred S O C ^ tvflad in whitf bn daap.'ionad background. FioiBh^'' Moniunaits sad Markers Ib , Our Display, s f R y i C E s GIFT SLIPPERS REDUCED Yard To Choose Froait. Thkt Interpret The Wishes | 100%wool-radorblua. Regular 2.39 Siap-kis for chlldroa. Rad • The Finest In Podded laothar salat. > and bkw taolhar wMi sturdy lolat. 4-3. O f The Fasflily Sizas'to Rt avatyona. Design i: ’ AAan't 11r13, woman's Workmanship 9-11. chSdran's 4-9. REGULAR 4.59 SUPONS JOHN !. BURKE Sovoonm'nm ’ NylonSlipons forholldoy M aterial , RINERAL HOME ^ 3 . 6 7 fifit. bttariock Woova for teflnam. 34-40. « BaetCeeBwSt 'M.8888' Cattinc diins in 4>nr ottb shop froiB we. rough stone AMBULANCE 8BBV10E ' WOMIN'$ RAYON SUPS EQUALS CHESTS ATJIO M O R E t45 the finished memoriaL MoltHBanMat rayao erepa ptoa aMtato , I- O Q ‘ LAWSON LOUNGE CHAIR FLATTERINO REGULAR 24.95 TABLES the beaoty ftbea. Lavaly trtnas. 88-84. l• 2 r O 42 ia. h a g 3 9 . 8 8 U§a h y-a w a y ■/ i r O R S A Y S '•j MANCHESTER Ooir 7 7 . 9 5 10% down oa Tormt A gHl of prodout storage *paee“ -4 co. ff.—"Seq- Only 1 9 . 8 8 Jack l a ELECTRIC BLANKET SALE DONT ■ -,1 feom** Nwhogony vanaer efieil. %-ki. red cedor 2 . 2 9 MEMORIAL .Throw ThMn Away Big^ deop, and oomMdable— designed for evening SimAor lingia control Bactrics saR notion- O Q Buy tfiem for gifts at our before-Christmos sovlngt. StOI plooty of srewr left to Rnlng—metal dust strip teal* in protodhre oramo. tong relaxing.' T * style cushion it reversible for AAohogony voneer cocktail, stop, drum, end com', For woman. In bmhpst ad qOy .at 41.90. 5-yoqr guoronlaa, A T .* / ^ c o m p a n y thoee tepoircS here. SeH-rising tray in lid. Ody 10% down on torMi. extra weor, tpring-fIBed for extro seating oase.- mod# fables—dyled on graceful ImM, hond- COWn wWlir Qf DCIQVIf • A. AlMETTI, Prop; Toxtorad mohair friezo uphohtory— many celoiW rubbed to o glouy finish. Metal foot or cotlert. iiwid. Rayon fdWn Haiag, WOMEN'S TRIMMED GOWNS eXHL PBABL mmt HABBISOM SMI YULYES < the Bot- OvVVfvQ INUIIUmVa rWn^ Uatrous muWRIuasig rayon crapa. Wida •TBiaCTS rayon crapn. Wido ^ ^ 0 OpgeMte Beat Oaewtoey W k O a T om aoraUt wloti 4 In f • vorialy nf Mrannd poriri ilyfas. 32-44. TEUemONE TTS7 Or 8887 W olf. ' W BIAEIJE SIBaOBT . •): O fp. tin t NattaMol Stora B .. f .. .. * USE. WARDS CONVEKIIENT COUPON BOOKS — PAY ONLY $5 DOWN FOR A $25 BOOK Y- ' - II ^ * 1. V . . < ..r- '. s-..

.4 ,.. t",. : r ■ .. J.. V' -■ r 'y , • UANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. THURSDAY, DECEM B^ 4, 1952 P A G E N m » f AGE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN« THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1952 ment said the new policy .la de­ atrength-and auppUea' for tham- ture some ultarlqi' motive for raia- McndeUaohh; ’'Priera Nptra' Yiile Atmosphere ing pigs. We justify our pigs by. H ebron Dame,” Boellmann; “With Heart Hal Boyle' U. S. Will Chaiigie signed. not to minimize the num- ibmrtfrBtrr aelvea. ‘ .her Of casualties, but rather -to SKFTIX Connecticut the pretense that we use them for and Soul. O Sons of Men,” Karg- Second, the Oommuniata now election predictions. This year, of Elert; “Chorale,” Peetera; "Bene- EAST HARTFORD Casualty Listing “ provide accurate and complete in­ Topic of Program SLEET PROTfCTOR 0 5 seem to have found aomething of course, we were fooled becliise, al­ Advice Issued dlctua,” Rowley. formation.” €nrttiti ^eraI A Fasluon Forecast: Defense officials reportedly an anawer to what uaed to be our though Ike and Adlai seemed to be 4 Personal Mention TELEPHONE >'-3231 Mr*. Kdith F. Welker of Hart­ ON AND OPP M oA JIPPY Yankee quite evenly matched, so that there Washington, Dec. 4—W —Be­ grew concerned about the word , »town stMrt , tmilateral pressure from the air. Mias Marcia ^rah en o f Amston, cause people apparently L toink m "ca.sualty” during the recent presi­ ford, aaaociate secretary of the N« M tra Mttlnts w—MwA By A. H. O. was not j i pound's dlfferefice be­ By Postmaster who waa home ifor the Thanksglv-' Their presatu'e is being exerted on The. Aestless Male- casualty is a fatality, the Defense dential cam'palgn, when Republi’r Connecticut Coimcil of Churchea, tmn tween ^bem. the one called Rke had ing holidays, has returned to ^ s - ' l« ct vewr WMDSMMHJ> I < * . FBROUBON. land, in the institution of what really b<^n putting on hiddep department says', it no longer is cans began using the Korean war will give a practical flerriionatration PDblUben We have just noted. In, the pub­ toS University where she is 'a listing all men killed, wounded or and .the mounting casualty Il*t*a* on "Cr'eating Chriatmaa- Atmoa- SNOW A s u i t . toiNrK n a n M Octobtf 1. »W1 amounts to a.revlt;al of the trench weight, as we disc^ered on our Cautions to Mail Early student. lic press, a disillusioning article to i New York—(ff)— Many a stub- ] i-j,* vest gone, the doijble- missing in Korea as "casualties.” an issue. They waited until the phere” at the meeting of the Wom­ c*v«r in RtaM InstMtly, m i warfare of World War I. This feverish closer examination on the Sophie Kowalski and Elmer • mt* liTCDtiii Kxnpt the effect that people who buy a morning of Nov. S. And Avoid Any Delay horp' male aigbs for the return of i breasted siilt going • copld any- The Pentagon announcement campaign waa over, however, to en’s Club Monday night at 8 ( Bomty*. Bntcnd >t tb< grinding type of operation takes Rumney o f Amston were dis-: •OTOTWOTWOTOTMa All politics aside, however, none yeqterday said Its weekly battle change the casiialty reporting sys­ o'clock at the South Methodist •tlKnehuter. Conn., u home freexer, and then buy a whole charged this week from Backus ' The faithfur vest. thing else . depart from a wipan'a its toll in the department we hold of our pigs ever had it so good as In Holiday Services report will continue to show totals tem. Church. Greens, ribbon and , ber­ WM NOT CRACK .AT 25' B «a *M *»>1 slaughtered' pig, and have it Hospital, Norwich.. i But yearning isn’t going to ; ^.grdrobe and still leave him with dearest and the Communists hold this year's pigs. We’ve been slopp­ bring back the than - anything except a loin cloth? for dead, wounded and missing but ried will be used to give ideas in • BRO W ZERO. •oaeciuPTiuN r a t m dressed and wrapped for storing, Miss Janet . W-.Pcndlatoa o f Col- i cheapest—that of human life. And ing the high-priced grain to them, Hebron, Dec. 4— (S p ecial)^ it will restore the Dodo bird or re­ will not total them up and list RKCORn RI'N making the home more attractive PBjrabl* iB Ad»«Be« often, wind up paying more per Chester, who teaches piano at the "Well, yes,” said Witty heartily. Te«r ...... •‘ 2‘75 and they’ro so happy they wag Mrs. Clarence E. Porter, local vive vaudeviUa, i them aa casualties. • Los Angeles - (N E A )--L eo R ol-j during the holiday season. it seems to be constituting a pres* pound for their pig than they Hebron elenientary school, W edr: “The bold look and the natural Most reporters, however-,—eon- TTck of tns~7CHjjereii~nreff'in “844 ] ArrangemenU-for p i^ ra m | & * their, tanls like ecstatic puppies, poatmaater, today gave advice to This la on the word of Spencer ; look are now definitely out, aa far ...... f S sure on us, militarily, which - is would if they went into the retail which is the first time we’ve ever nesdays, waa the guest of h er! (Witty, vice president of one of the i tinued to use the old form in tabu­ aeries in the 1946 American Bowl-1 are being iqgde by Mra. Eugene MASON E. MARKHAM PRtrona about holiday mail. She as the better-dtossed man ia con­ & K . . I t something of an answ’er to our market. noticed contentment of this kind aunts, the Misses Pendleton and | 'naUon’g largest clothing manUfac-; lating latest Korean losses, an­ ing Congreaa Toumatnent, a record ; Provost, and co-chairmeir of the 98 SPRUUR ST.— MANCHESTF-R WMkly Mrs. Anne C. Gilbert, at noon that You couldn't pitast Ker mora cerned.” liBgi* c o r r pressure from the air. One of those home economics In pigs, and If we can ever afford aays be sure antj mail early all turing firms. | nounced yesterday, e that stlU stapds. i ** '^‘1' ^ Tel. S-IA4S people reall.v studied the problem, day. , j "The vest is finished.” he said The bold look? ’ The .natural Through last Friday, next of kin ■ ” ' McGuire and Mrs. I..eslie Hoyt. For these reasons, we now have to terminate the operation we’ll letters, cards and packages. She look? I looked rtartled. I thought A Useful and Practical and found that it can be consider­ be happy too. than with a gift of a \ \ ieheerfuHy."It IS very hard to get have been notified of 127,383 Gueata are inytted at th« usual TRB to face the possibility that a cease advises Christmas cards going by only women'4 clothes had a "look.'' STILL PITCHING Christtnaa G irt... * Tb« AiSoSiilBd PnM It «»clutl»#ly ably more expensive to buy and first class mail, that is, with Manchester Evening Herald He­ a veat todaw except contrasting or Americhn casualties in Korea, an gueat fei. , to tbB UM of FtpUbllGttlOD pf bron correspondent, Mies Susan "rndeed, oo," aaid Witty.' 1 Detroit— (N EA)—Bobfcy L*yne, credited to It * or fire, as in Vishinsky'a proposal, freeae pork than, to get it at the three cent stamps, to be, sure of Uttersall vests. , . ! Increase of 386 in a week. This Pendleton, telephone Wllllnuuitic suits had a bold look during the Detroit Lion quarterback, was un­ Some Petrela spend most of their rot othfrwttt crBdlted '?,,*t** would, from the strictly military store, as you eat it. their reaching their destination. Nip-n-Tuck Printed y . "Suits now are priced for two total includes 20.0fM hilled, 94,367 Police Seize Exile 1S05-J-8. war days- 'wider shoulders, spread wounded and 13,012‘ mlssing. defeated in 26 gamea throughout time on or over water, going to M t Blaoite local Been publltbec ben. If that seems disillu.sioning, to 4 This especially the case where p(ecea—the coat and pants. If the JUI rlxblB of^ibpubllrttloB of »Pf*'** point of view, not injure us as The Defense department state- three scaaona pitching for 'Frxaa. land only (or nesting. . , Advertise in The Herald— It Pays all those go6d people who think tn q « is any doubt about the cor- vest reappeared It would cause collar. Then right after the war he -v4’ ' ’V AltpatCBM btrclB ar>. tito reterred. much as it would have before they are thrifty, we could tell a had the natural look .. unpadded Injured in Plunge reoC^ address. I f not delivered terrible repercusaions. I doubt if the Communists undertook their AT-HOME DRESS .M l Btrfleo ellcBt of K. R. A. Bor** tale which would astound the home where sent they will be returned •the public would pay an'extra 15 shoulders . . . . loose fitting.” economics experts, and all the Granny Gun-Moll * ^ M iih tr ^ ReprotenUtlTe*: TM present exertion of military pres­ here. Mrs. Porter says that there per cent" just to g e t a vest.” u Well, H, seems the bold iook.made dreamers about a place in the London, ‘ Dec. 4 — A young a fellow look loo wide for anybody Jollat mSaImwb Bpecltl **** sure on us. man identified as an exiled Pole will be plenty of stamps available ; W itty said the ordinary man ▼a^ ChIcazOi DitroJt Rnd Bowoil country, with livestock of your Plans Two Jobs Iwaa happy to get rid of vests and to believe it waa him. and the iSniM ilR^ACDIT BURBAtJ OF This, however, la more likely to own. We think we will tell the tale. was seized by police early today for patrons. During the holiday CIRCULATIONS. after a chaae to the roof of the season there wil be special ar­ 'that only sentimentalista and "old­ natural look made his shoulders shift American policy away from If buying a whole slaughtered er. conservative buslneas men” ir U. S. Information Service's build­ rangements for post office hours Los Angeles, Dec. 4—(P>—A let­ look ao narrow it deprevzied his Tbo Rtrald PrlBtlBB •’X” truce negotiations at all, toward a pin for freein g la expeoalve. It still waat them. When I aaked him wife. ■BBOBioo BO BbobcIi ' rooporfiblllti for doea not by any means represent ing here in Grosvenor Square. for convenience of patrons, to be ter from .gm d m a says she plans SsoSepbIcal trron appoartns Ib u * resumption pf .full war of He was injured in a fall of about announced soon. to rob a couple more banks. ■for examples, he said: "The present look is. a com­ BortlttBUBlt OBd other retdl^ roottor the most expensive wa.v of getting • “Well, John Foster Dulles does promise between the two,” said movement, than it is likely to shift 12 feet from one level of the roof I>eave For Florlila The gun-toting old gal figures | 3.98 fc The MaBCbetter Brooltd Hermlc- ham and bdeon. That Is to raise 'wear a vest and Dean Acheson Witty, "and it’s a real berieflt to American policy to an acceptance It yoursqlf. to another. A detective waited “ Edward M. Pomprowicz and that will set her soldier son. now In ’ at the hospital to question him. I doesn’t.” - .. the average man. It is less padded OlnU* adwUtlB* ojM'n* of the Vishinsity plan. The price of a little pig, just Frank Kulyn.vch started out, Mon­ Korea, up in business when he gets ‘ ap»r *ooday-l p. m. M to t. » An American epibasay offictnl home. 1 Taking a squint at cum nt fash- than the bold look and more flat­ Tnts4iy*‘l P* bb* MondET* weaned, and weighing about 20 day for Florida, making the trip For our main reason for not said the youth apparently had During the past seven weeks, 'lon trends for the vestleSs male, tering aiid athletic in appearance W eSSKaz-i P- ia._Tucidty. pounds, is just a little under a in their trailer. They will spend •Witty alio predicted the decline »or Thuraday—1 p. m. Wedneoday. taking front-line peace without been in the 'building moat of the the winter in Florida, using the grandma had held up three banka than the natural look." dollar a pound. In seven or eight night. A cleaning woman en­ Designed to make hen look her pret­ 'and fall of the double-breasted M F «B w -» 9- ’ ’ s s is r- trailer for headquarters. Both are and escaped with about 84,000. Another nice prospect ia that far Batnrday— some guarahtee that It will not be months, if you are free with your countered him at 6:30 a. m. When tiest all'day long . . . to please the •suit. . Clat^Bod dtaiSiB*; 10:1# a- purse, you may have succeed^ in veterans of World War II. An agent of the FB I reported there is no immediate danger of ^ 3T of pabHcElloB oECfpt Sitordsy— ■just a temporary ft-aud is actually ahe hcreamed, he ran up a stair­ receipt of a letter yesterday and busy women on your list! Crisp, I " It’s poison now.” he said. Fat producing an animal which will washable percale in butterfly print mari's suits vying with peacocks or our sense that Russia, pulling the way and broke a skylight to get Earning Extra M'oney expressed a view that it's authen­ (men atiH cling to the double- the rgln*'ow. dress out to approximately 200 Some of the young people of blue, green and red or red. purple Communist strings in the back­ to the ropf. ' tic. He declined to release the text, 'breaated suit in the fond belief "Colors are going to be con­ Thuraday, December 4 pounds. Your feed bill, for this in­ The woman called the police and around the Green are earning and blue on white backgrounds. Sizes Ithat it helps hide their bay Win- ground. does not want peace to but said grandma announced plana servative,” Witty summed up. terval, Is one of those items it is guards from the U. S. embassay Christmas money by maki-. and to rob two more banka--ahe didn't 10 to 18. jdow and makea them appear allm- come to Korea. I f we know that better never to itemise or tabulate. next door. selling wreaths to be h'/j; on "Flannels will be very big, and the say when or where— and then re­ glen plaid L<* very important again! RnsBia And The Truce there can be no advance agree­ If you can forget the original An embassy spokesman said the doorways of residents. • tire from banditry. !" ’ * ^ r e illusion,” said W itty ruth- ' t| purchase price, that is advisable, Quite a revival there.” R was to be noted that several ment which is In itself a guaran­ USIS building houses a library and Feeling. Better The FBI agent said many letters SHOPPING HOURS ilesaly. "They might as well face too. offices dealing with cultural mat­ Mrs. John A. Markham of Bur­ •the facta—the double-breasted suit "Well, in tlie caae,'' I began Rations in the Arab-Asian bloc ab- tee against the renewal of fight­ have been received jn the grand- After you have raised your pigs ters. Aside from books', there is rows Hill Is reported resting com­ 'ma case, b,ut all others have been SHOPPINI HOURS 'has had its day and is now on the hopefplly, "mayhe the veat will—” stalned from voting either for or ing, we at least want to make that to be fine, long animals, broad in little of . material value in the fortably. following an operation of Iway out.” "No vest,” said W itty with cold discarded as false. In this one, the Monday B:8B A. M. to S:80 P. M.: Wednesday 13:^0 to D:50 P. M. against the Russiah proposals for agreement as definite and binding the hams, there is a slaughtering building and. no state or diplomat­ a few days ago. writer says she really is 'a grand­ ! Somehow I began to feel a bit [ Anaiity. fee, then a cutting and wrapping , Friday B:80 A. M. to 8:50 P. M. a truce in Korea, even though they as anything on paper can be. ic papers, the spokesman said. He Changes Stains ma—the tag given her when vic­ fee, then a fee for curing the jowls said there was no special guard. The Amston Post Office will be­ Other days B:80 A. M. to 5:80 P. M. had themselves voted positively A h a matter of fact, Vishinky's tims des(hibed the gunwoman aa a and bacon and hams and shoulders, come a first class office July 1, amall, wrinkled old woman. Eells Shows (Jub the Indian compromise pro­ proposal is quite out of order, in and. of course, the expense of CONTINUE AIR NEARCH due to increased revenue. ^Scribe’s Silence posal. any case. The fact is that United msintsining freez.er space. San Bernardino, Calif., Dec. 4 - Of Uttle Account By the time you get through. ■' The Russian proposal is decep­ Nations and Communist negotie- A search armada of 75 or The recent fall of snow, the first To Be Ruled on Slides of Europe >«>u still find that you are paying tors in Korea have already agreed more planes continues searching of any accoqnt, did not amount to tively simple. It calls for an im­ approximately the same price for today for a C-47 Air Force trans­ much, being hardly more than, an of-prison conditions un­ nished everybody with ■wlfite-rim- IN OUR NEW ALL ELECTRIC KITCHEN awn theories about' the military as If we ourselves had intended to der the Folsom administration was med, Polaroid spectacles (or the ' WE8TINGHOUSE EUREKA make formal truce impossible. TOA^lhdASTER discussed in the magazines. purpose of better viewing his aituation in Korea. SUNBEAM SlfNBEAM But it was not intent which was ' Sparrow declined to answer ques­ three-dimensional stereoscopic col­ Our distrust of the,Communists I'NIVERSAL PRESTO involved, but deplorably unwi.se $59.95-$69.95 tions about hia sources- asked by ored slides. In World War II Mr. AT 358 EAST CENTER STREET leads us to believe that, after such Attorneys for Folsom, former pris­ judgment, and we have now done Bella served for some time with a simple truce, they might begin $17.95 up $12.95 up on diriector Frank Boswell, and the Army In Europe and North j fighting again. Our military .something to make amends by our former pardon ahd. paroie board Africa; and, accompanied by his theory holds that, after such . a own willingness to accept the In­ CARPET SWEEPERS nientibers Glenn Vinson and Bill mother, Mrs. W. W. Eells, he visit-,: dian compromise, which attempts Drinkard. ’ ed again many of those places. He j complete pause, it would be the ^ MIXERS « CORN POPPERS BISSELL ‘ Each of the (our asked 1500,000 took hundreds o f pictures despite Communists who jtould have an | ourselves and SUNREAM from each magazine in a suit filed adverse weather conditions and CONDUCTED BY 'bicreaj^ military advantage. the Communists. As with any face- This Is the age of speclallzaflnn— the age when In U. 8. District Court (or the showed many of them last night I everyone strives for excellence ni some partlriilar $8.9549.95 $2.69 up Our distrust of the Communist* saving compromise Viahinsky $42J0m 50 Routhem District of New York. with a running description. It was ! field of endeavor. \ the second time he has given the la well founded. It seem* obvious could, if he had wished, have made the claim that this was a victory We are specialists . . .PRKH CRIP^O N 1 h o c K e y a t a g l a n c e lecture locally and the viewa' in MISS BERTHA GEHRKE enough, from eveat*' in the diplo­ SPECIALISTS. \ TRIG TEA KETTLES ! . Wedneedny’a Reaulta the vicinity of Paris, other parts, matic field, that Russia views the for the Communist point of view, BLENDERS COFFEE MAKERS I National League of France, Switzerland and Eng-, We have now filled well over SOO.Ooil prescrip­ UNIVERSAL and have accepted it In oratorical WARING—K-M I Chicago 5. New York 3 land were especially fine. The M ill Sehrke'i program will • itreii the proper cookiiftg of frown food ■ Korean war as a pleasant affair, tions. ' SUNBEAM from her point of view. Russia triumph. That he did the opposite, $150 I Eastern I/eagpe scenes In Africa were also most, , . . as home freezer and frozen foodi are becoming increasingly impor- ' choosing to Interpret the com­ Think of it! Over a half million■lion times tyewe have 1 Johnstown 3, Troy (N. Y.l 2 unusual, and interesting. The il­ does not want it to end, and Rus­ been called upon to enter Into a “' Get Well” ^ t n e r - $37.95up $29.95 up ‘ Springfield 5, New Haven 4 lustrated lecture furnished two lent in the modern homemaker'i daily living. She'll demonstrate the sia apparently has some dictatorial promise as something completely ship with phyalclan and patient.t. ■ T ■ I Thursday’s Schedule hours of fine Entertainment, anfl. \ preparation of foods for the home freezer, cooking of a frozen oven din­ poisonous to the Communist point • Eastern League at its clqie the speikef was given power over' Chinese Communist Such a record could never havelavr been made'un-made^un- of view; shows where Russia’s WAFFLE MAKERS RADIOS ! Troy (N. Y.) at New Haven big hand. ner, a surfaep dinner, deep well cooker meal and using the Crosley bar^eeuap policy, so that any simple-version ~ less we enjoyed the ronfideni-e of all ronremed. It’s ELEC. TOASTERS LARGESTIE! SELECTION heart lies, and accordingly dis- UNIVERSAL , truce in Korea would -be a period a recommendation that la sending more pattenta to WE8TINGHOUSE ' WES'nNGHOUSE IN TOWN>W Jvliss Gehrke i% well qualified to give an outstanding lecture on'fbod pr(»p- . e f suspcMe as great as that now I credlla the Russian counter-pro­ us everyday with their doctor's prescription. \ I posal. ' To^i^ For (Larger Figurei Easy-To-Knit' Sat aration. She is a graduate Home Economist of Stout Institute, Universitie* existing. Russia might 'well be $18.95rupl $42JI5 $16.95 up able to order her satellites to start I Where we go from here, other of Wisconsin and Chicago. She loft the teaching profession to lecture end • fighting again. |than to hang on as best we ran in do radio work and to become the representative for Crosley appliances in the Korea, while, diplomatically and Prescription Pharmacy Our military theory with regard.: ^ t . Recently she conducted schools in all the western states.^ in propaganda, we harp on the fact O to Korea is- perhaps not as sound 901 Main St., Tel. 5.121 I that it' ia Ru.sia who is decreeing aa it was when we first adopted i (llMdcftCs the Chinese and. North It. Then, when the original truce I ,, , .. . %LL „ . , I Koreans keep on fighting, is what negorlations began, we tacitly re-' ^ . BENSON’S, Inc. General Eisenhower hopes to dis- #er\'ed to ourselves the right to Fellows of The American ColleRe of Apothecaries rover. RADIO — TELEVISION ----- APPLIANCES keep on fighting, even during MANY BEAUTIFUL NOW LOCATED AT 1085 MAIN ST— OPP. HIGH SCHOOL ^ TEL 3535 regotiations, with our air arm. In • • all the month* of negotiation, we Truman Is Considerate d have never relaxed our air attack riTsldcnt Truman has been en Communist romniunication."!. kind. In granting John L, Lewis DOOR concentration* and eities. This, a.s the full wage increase the union It began, •w’'as in i-ontrast to the | leade, bargained for, 'and in tail- I.*:- land flghting, where the pre-' mg full responsibility (or it him- ■ I-'.. limihary truce talk.* did agree ; „.if the outgoing.President has re- PRIZES upon . line whietj would be the of- ’■ sisted the temptation to hand the ficial truce line if peace were ^ ,ni.o,„ing President a "h o t One negotiated This agremient re^-■ He probably could, ss he himself duced land fighting in Korea to s- ob.serves, have , hequeathetL Gen- minimum for many months. j p,g| Eisenhower a coal strike. j ...^Since the Communists have; if, in other matters, the ini’om- f / 'A never used , their air force offen- ing Fllscnhower administration ih q H"' -^ vely in Korea, this situation already functioning, and already •ihounted to one in which the being, consulted on major polict ; Communists,' during the truce decisions, there is no indication 7,1'.- MORE N E IA / d ia m o n d s | MORE NEIA/ PARKER PENS -' f negotiation period, tied both their that it sought any opportunity to PONT MISS IT! •wn hand., while we kept one hand express its own desires in this free, and kept hitting the Commu- matter. ' lli xiaU with it The cold (act of the situation Is MORE N E IA / w a t c h e s 8908 2903 •FREE GIFTS •DOOR PRIZES Thij was construed an a mili­ that Lewis is getting more than j 84-52 tary' advantage for us. which he should, but that nobody really ! leMiy A metching set- of well-AtUng 2- NfW Would enable us to keep the Com-. wants to try the process of deny- This 'careifuliy tailbred button needle gloves and ascot la essy-to- front dress IS m (^ beam ing .to munista from, massing and in-1 mg it to him. PABta '71” knlt. This set is cable-stitch trim­ eVSTM the more feature flgure.i and is so med and. maker practical as well Ct^xxing their own hitting power— But it can also be said tjiat the Fm simple to take care of. Short or as pretty accessories to give or to during the . truce negotiation Truman administration i'Shoui 1 three quarter cuffed sleeves are keep. -, "Where It s Easy To Park period. And it would be this use of propeily accept responsibility for *59* *10“ provided, and you’ll like the handy «u r air arm which would have to : Ibis latest piece of farce in the in p J M , pockets. Pattern No. 2903 contains com­ KM plete knitting instructions for be abandoned if we should accept supposed stabilization program, Psttem No. 8908 U s sew-rite ascot and gloves (medium and Wstwipfs#! ( PAKa'-SI'* any Immediate cease-fire. In our Congress-wrote a law which^waa perforated pattern in sites 86. 88. Urge sizes for gloves included), Wakk Wttdi SFfaAl Miginal military view of the situ- j full pf loopholes so far as busjncss 7,,---- 40 42, 44. 46. 48, 50. 52. Size 38. stitch iUustraUona, material re­ short sleeves, 4% ysrds of 39-lnch ation, we were keeping the drop is concerned, and the Truman ad»- *24“ *19“ M ‘49* Fsa quirements and- flnlahlng 'direc- on the Communists, and a deadly ministration has been allowing *N 0 *12“ For this psttem ,' send 30c in ■tlons. MEW coins, your nsine. sddressCi size flrop, even while we talked truce. labor to write in its own loopholes. M tIU S i Send 25c ip OoinA' i^ur name, desired, snd the pattern nufe^r There have been signs, in recent It is to be hoped' that, from now roKB “s r . addrea? qnd the PaUern Number td epartm y ent to SUB BUBNETT, TH E MAN- weeka, that thig military theory of on, we.wilr not go through tpe act MBMWg JOT ANNE CABOT. THE MANCNEN-to CHB8TEB EYENINO HERALD, zunne^i\ toe aituation in Korea has under­ of putting on, controls unless we lis a AVE. AAREEICA8, * E W TEB EVENOfG HEEALD, 1186 MtoMilPeaaaAFead A'YE. AMERICAS, N SW YORK • r gone some changes, in two ways. really meanethem, and mean to KW YOBK' 86, N. T. enforce them equally and (airly oA Caudet’s la li|riir at *aH t PAKB-'SI First, there has begun to be some lMHn..|Mltoito.. Reqdy Tor you now—Basic Fash , TELEPHONE 5191 guaatiow as to the efficiency of all elemeals in our economic life. 809 MAIN STREET Ion for '52, Fall hnd Winter. This PresfnUng toe New Anne Oabot 358 EAST CEHTER ST. •ur air tactics. They do noa sMm OPEN 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. new lasue is filled (s'iUi ideas for ‘N;rdlcwor.': Album Directions fed I22S4 puppet mlttana, bsuic embroidery la hanra kept toe Oomiaunists Platola are believed to have been smart, practical sewing for a new invented in Piatola, Italy, about MS son: gift p attsm .p^tod Inside stitches snd grand designs are t n m bttogliig np grtoter miUtary 154(L - : toe . , printed Is tMs issu^ 85 cents." - - 1 • V \ - ■ f * ■ ■v , .1/ ■"(tj ■ .. .“•'h - '* ' ' ■ " ‘ H’- 7. - l i " .V • . q • 4 .• ■■ '^ t '------■ C '" T '

• A ■! y y PAGE ELEVEN


left the houae $200,lecft year realdence. Budget Cutting The man'a attorney, Lawrence These Filled ^Cookies Geeacr, Jr., aaid Stew art told him- try Pinlshursi Tender V • Bv Old Recluse aeveral years ago ha had no near Session Is Aim Make Good Holiday Eating relatives and wanted to make a Hidden in Bag w ill leaving hla money to St. John’s University In Brooklyn. Fresh Lamb This Weekend . Apparently, Gesaer aaid. Stewart O f Cov. Lodge New York, Dec. 4—tSh—A 64- had been living on Income from . . . the quality is extellcnt and the price on legs' and rib year-old man, found dead last Ringer Sewing Machine Company chops is 10 cents below last week. that count! Hartford. D«c. ^ “ WP* - night in a Quecna rooming houae, stock. » WE HAVE FIRST PRIZE am or bodiro. hoping to alaah anmr lett a aultcaae atiiffed with more The attorney quoted Stewart as HOT (ITAUAN STYLE) PINEHURST CHblCE GRADE 120.000,000 from thr proppaeo than *200.000 In cash— including a telling him hii wife, who died many SAUSAGE 12 7 7 000.000 (teneral fund hud^rt. »10;p00 bill. I eara ago. _ had been wealthy, .. and V next Monday beiflna a I-day ara- Tlie man. Identified by hla lan d -; that he once ran a sporting goods FINAST aion of budget hearhigs with head.a lady and attorney- as Roger atore. a n d MOTHER GOOSE of major atate agenciea. Stewart, apparently died of natural I«AMB The hearinga will get underwa.A UVERWURST SUPER MARKET causes. He was termed a virtual PI-AN CEILING HIKE ahortly after 10 a. im at * * ' " " * ' recluse whom hla. neghbori 1M1 budget aeasion in the Hall of the thought was practically penniless. Washington, Dec. 4— REGULAR PINK SEEDLESS SMQOTHY ar 12-OZ MR uled include: • 2>x cups sifted all-purpose flour M i c i io w ^ CRUNCHY STVU SELEaED WESTERN J Frankfurt* u 59< 2<^ cups rolled oats, uncooked For Beef Uver State Department of FAlucatlon, for soioefion of qualify GRAPEFRUIT lOc EACH Highway Department. Board of 1 teaspoon soda Egg Moodies upkg27c 1<3 teaspoons aalt Fmost Miponniiso «i*«29c o t m a ^ c FRESHLY SUCEO______u 29«1 Minced Ham OR ooloonA 1 . 5 5 . Fl.«heries and Game, .state Park fniifs and voqofoblos Poifc Uvw and Forest Commission. Health De­ Cream fat with sugar, add re­ LAR E JUICY aORIDA ORANBES Dot. Choose Food ^ G9c partment. Child Syidy and Treat­ maining ingredients, and mix thor- 6 F i B i s t WHOU KIRNIL C o r a 2 "- o ^ t» « 3 1 c ment Home, Welfare Department, [ oughly. Divide into two equal S M h i l D i s h and our doily frips fo fhis Hc^dMlc Filled ~ Rosefizh ^ H at s i i ^ Cod ' portions. Pat out half of the Fruit Golotiiios 3 20e Military Department, State Po­ Finest Boots 14 -0 1 ja* J 4 c I dough on a rectangular baking Uia. lice. Development Commission and morkof ossuros you of IDAHO POTATOES 10 C9e - 5 Sea D ooJ \JalutS * • • FRESH u 4 9 c LB 3 9 c LU 3 9 c sheet, 12xlS inches. Spread with Finest Prunes l»pkg37« the Commission for the Care and H m s I h™ C *re te ^ _ _ 2 '’«="-»29c i mincemeat and rover with remain­ Treatment of the Chronically 111, ing dough. Bake in moilerate fho vory frtshosf voqo* CELLO-PACKEI) PARSNIPS. CARROTS. SPINACH, Richinoiid Prunes Aged and Infirm. over i.l.V) degreea-375 degrees Fi J U S T a O D U C I D I about 3.5 minutes. Cut when cool. foWos whon you buy of SALAD MIX, GREEN BEANS, CAULIFLOWER, Finest Apricots i’-o^''^g49c Yield: About 4 dozen squares. Chief l8 Witness Pinohunf. fllR N IP S M IIABK PMSIBVIS ond JU li* PORK, TURKEYS PLENTIFUL EVERYDAY VALUES! In Reddick Case Orcnie ManMUe i«i"35e “"‘W 'nirning from Christmas shop­ X-Port Ciko Mix 25c J m a SWEH ping to the (Thristmas table, vou'll Congrafulations To Mra. Roy Durey, I.k>cal Winner OrigiO PlOSOrVOS nnicoNCoaDGiiAm LiJAt21c N ew Haven. Dec. 4 i/Pi — Pol­ find December food stores well Angol Soft 31c FROZEN FOODS ice Chief Howard O. Young testi­ supplied. For the holiday, as for B l i c k paspiem v Jolly 12<)IJA«29 c routine meals earlier in the month. 54J BAG fied In Superior Court today that 12-02 on March 20 Lero.v Reddick told Northeast markets will o(Ter a CLARIDGE MEAT SAUCE him-he had been walking In Coun­ range of foods in good supply IZING MSCOVnt Hluctiiantaas Value*! PKG generally, as well as many items Raspberries 3 3 c ty street the night before Homer WITH MEAT CAUS' 15-OZ UN 3 4 c FLORIDA sh« idoeo s'a o z p k g 2 0 c and Ophelia W right were Rilled in in local abundance, according to Boirdshy CodRsh ^ i a blast explosion. the Production and Marketing A d ­ IceCieam JUST REDUCiD! 2 kX>ZPKCS Grapefruit TREE-RIPENS) Reddick is being tried for the ministration, Wo eonqrofuiafo Mrs. Sunshine Crackers kwspV paics ^ V '" ° 3 5 c CkopiMd Bioccoli frst degree murder of Homer ■ Maine, for instance, looks for RH> • VINE Wright, who was killed instantly fairly heavy marketings of broilers BaifaitPie! Roy Duroy, Hit local Chateau Cheese Flakon Muflii Mix Com on Cob PKG OF 2 EARS \ ^ C ^ j Emperor-Grl^s RIPENH) when his light plck\ip truck ex- • In December in addition to foods winner «f Hit Pillsbury ploded in front of the Wright home | in good supply throughout the re Corbor s Cereal o a t m ia i •. » i a x wcgs j f c at 27 County street, gion. Plenty of eggs, broilers an JEllO' : KE CMAM: FilliAir/i Baking Cenfosf. Wo BORDIN’F, 1 lb LOAF 9 9 * Mixed Vegetables 12-OZ PKG 2 1 c FIRAA RIPE Chief Young testified concerning i kale are expected in Maryland Cak) Dog Food liyA ozim jjc Bose Pears conservstions with Reddick March • with apples in moderate supply. hope sho has Hit btsf of 20. 21 and 22. Judge .Tohn A. Cor- ] Ma.ssaohusetts -like other New Cood link Mergirino l*'kg28c w* 33c I »1*1L sT Colo Cat Food 2 '*’a o z t i n s 2 7 c nell allowed the chief to testify be­ England States experts a lot of 5 luck in fht finals whon JUST RIDUCIDI NEW - GREEN fore the Jury, saying the defense winter .squash, with broilers and Broccoli : ! PU »r sht gots fe New Yerii. O c t o g o n ia u n d « y Soap 3 23c had not t4iown that anv of Red­ fowl al.so plentiful in Ihe Bay State. Clovorddk Tm o 7-91 tin 29c £ dicks rights were Infringed fol­ .Native eshhage, root crops, and H»*op» s in rvff y sotk of hJi%bu:r ' BMM BROOKSIDE S S r . EGCS FRESH • NEW SOUTHERN lowing his srrest. squash \s-ill he available in New Pildl SbIrWR aovuQAU u TIN 49c P Cabbage Young said Reddick told him, he' Hampshire, along with broilers and DOZEN m O ZITL, MEDIUM SHE arrived in New Haven at about lorally produced beef JELLO 3 Bkg.. jy^UfYQ VIOnAllI SHORf^^4ING 3-1»TIn79c ^ • noon March 17, eoming from-new New .iersey expects lots of sweet PILLSBURY CAKE MIX 3 r.. 31J0 Ritter's S Rejjsh DELICIOUS LBS York: that he wa.s on West rbagiel ! potatoes. In New York, abundant Apples street for a short time, and then Items-s should include cabbage, ICE CREAM Pt. went to his room at 207 Fdgewood onions, squash, and apples, with ' Money Saving Values! avenue, falling a.sleep there. The egg supplies increasing. Rhode Look What FIRST r n a t io n a l i STORES ehief said Reddirk told him he Island markets will offer cabbage, STARKIST SOLID fACK woke lip and left the house going ( 111 ( SI rots, turnips, and hiilterniil PIUSBURYS to his mother's house in Winter and Hubbard squash. Vermont ex­ street, but did not enter her home You Get perts plenty of poultt.v. FLOUR 5 Lba. S S e Young said Reddii.k further told Plentiful* him he then walked up r.nffr street Turkeys, pork and pork proriuots White Tutia From 1 Pound and along Countv street to Whal- lead the Deeemher list of plentl- meJo/lkeWonlk^ lei- avenue, “thinking of nothing." and then went to the railroad sta­ of FINAST DESCRIBED in DECEAABER FAAAILY CIRCLE tion, getting'a train for New York Citv. a s youR aaake it in 20 minutes with “ . • ^ = 7 7 . Aerording to the ehief Re.idirk PROCTER ^6/iMBLE aaid he took a tram to-New York POPCORN M o S f t Citv at about 9 .10 p m but the ‘ COUPONS GIANT MINUTE RICE chief told Reiidick that a ticket 37 slip found in Redflick s po.sse.s.sion showed that s fare had been paid CAMPBELL’S VEOETABLE SOUP 2 25c 150Z PKG Brae 8 S on a. train that'left .New Haven at iB CELLO 11:13 p 'm SEALTfSt or FAMMONT 1 f ic s t 62c grind Pk|. . g f wile CeVFM SEASON WITH - SUCED BEEF ^ S h ('.oiirenird ICECREAM -i,GUb».99c 2 iaric FINAST . THIN SLICED On Everest ( » m i i p pkfi. 49c Clovordalo STATE BUTTER u 79c WHITE ,S U ^ (Continued from Page Onel Margarino PURE LARD 15c B R 6 A D authorized'' repeut, at 11 ibuled' to JOY FINE TAILE eXJAUTY, EVANGEUNE MILK Nepalese travellers that the ex­ evaporated mkx makes a w o i « r ^ IS-OZ I 5 * pedition has coiOpleted tlie de.ereiit 4 -'' Recently Reduced! WITH COUPON U'A oz 4 • oP Everest and i.» now eg route to 1 Gionf BefHt .,.. 62c LICTN 2 0 * CREAHAS) SAUCE •' the Nepalese.caiutal of Katmandu : In THIS RECOE ^ 4 TINS Instead they^ appear t,. be begin­ CRANBERRY SAUCE ...... 19c ning to fear the worst. j 2 Reg. BefHts .... 49e The .'Swiss team began it.s < Imih of unconqiiered Mt. Everest Ort. fi ORAPEFRUIT SEOTIONS ...... 19c On Nov. 17, sources in lontsct CASHMERE JOY with the expedition said the final' BLU-WHITE VEL LAVA SOAP DUZ assault party had reaodied a point FARM FRESH EBBS, large 7Sc—mcdlun 61c I flaat 62c Gerber's Food Barclay t o u i Tissue «Super Suds O O U Q U nSO A P SU D SM A K ia only 150 feipt from the summit, Uk|. flAKIS which ia more than 28 0 M A Y SO AP IVORY SO A P radio station nearest Mt. Everest, and get your refrigerator dish FREE of extra coat! givea you maaf for your moneyl cheer aaid last Sunday that the climbers •HARDMAN 2 LGE pkcs 5 5 c 2 l g e p k g s 5 5 c had reached Namche Bazar—-their Borax i»wel8c 2 •L6IIAR5 2 5 c 2 MEOBARS- 1 5 c 4 PaSONAL BARS 2 1 c base camp which la. six days march BtAT Blue BoUMCr-BE SUM OP G iv c e n / . 9iLc. 2 B iG T A tS iSc from Ethojpur - "on- their, way IGEPNG 3 0 c B o r a x o m v w * 1 7 c home." The message gave mi hint- • DIAL4151 302 MAIN STREET as to whether the expeditiofl had KEMP'S adccfcded

r I - ’ ./ 7 - •>- r I' ' 7 i THURSDAY, DECEMBER ;4, 1952 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 Pag^ to 24 ' , MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4. 1952 Section Two iianri|frBtrr,1Ettrttin9 l|rraUl PAQE TWELVE Commercials. Hil , Happy fs The Day North End Reports W ork Througli W Inler for Spring Man Taken 111 Extends Post Office Hotirs MHS Concert Fire Drives George Family ’ Coventry Rogers Is *Book For Christmas Season 97.7% Taxes Paid By RadioJ*robe When Backache a • ...... While Driving An extension of Post Office Slated Dec 15 From Home on TurnbullRd. Washingtgon, Dec. 4—(D— Con- hours to accommodate resi­ Youngsters Will Participate Walter N. Leclerc, Ux collector Goes Away.... On New England Negro History greas has been told that beer and dents during the usual heavy A fire, believed to havq,, been ^dozing on a couch. He tried to get for the Eighth Xltilities District, Nasal ns bnckniha. Inna of pap nnd ant rsr. Philip Howard in Criti­ 'Christmas rush was announced Ovipp 300 Suidetttfi W ill clgaretta commercials are ao num- kaadaehaa and ditalnaaa aaT ka dua to ,' caused by overflowing of burning into the cella;,^ut was forced beck reported that, as of tbday, 97.7 down of kidanr functloa. Doctoia aaj todd today by Postmaster H. Olin In Thanlioffering Program eroua on radio and television they kidnar fnactloa b ra r Important to soon cal -Cxmdition at Hos­ Participate. in Annual oil from a water heater In the i per cent of the taxes in the district Enthusitum for *Hobby* Grant. ____« » ' He then cioeed-the door leadlaf even spear at times on church kanHk. Whon oohm oMirdnr eonditlon.aurn cellar, drove four membera of t _ -■ - - have been collected. programa. •s'^strwM wnd w'rwiii, e«uMH thii tai^rUiit pital; Car Leaves Road On Saturday, Dec. 6, the Christmas Ctirol Sing ^ ‘ *>6 Cellar, ht ssld. Spot, who . . i w 4 __ merlv of RipIey-HiU, have written f ufietioR to slow own, many folkaajwar n»l- Sparked Extensitie Re- stamp, parcel post and genera) ItiG O^orffG fftfAily from tnEiir nomc i kia Corentry. !> «• J — ,* ,„^ '(r ie n d a that they have aetUed He said that $41,378.42 has been Paul C. Mitchell, a acience SlnW baeka«h«—ftal mUierabk. Minor blao* at, 82o« Turnbull road about' 1 10ft was lying at hla feat whan Mr*. collected and that a balance of 4tr Inritationa duo to told or wronf dlot Philip Howard, 62, of 346 Kee­ delivery ■ windows will be open Mapehester High School'i must Georgt awoke him, mtiat ItaVf The diU dW l^ S e ir new home In Florida. Mra. teacher who heads the Comnriittee cnaMMttinarupniwbta orfroqoontpaaaaf^ Search That Has Made o’clock’ last night. Fire damage oC the ^ o n d *^ "/ ” * “ ^ "^ .E v a n a a brothertn-law and alster, $1,219.76 in tsat bills remains to be for Peace and Social action at the ney street, was reported to be in from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. instead cal aggregations will perform the dashed down the cellar stalrtr tn D on\ mtgUei your kldntjra If thoaa Local Man an Expert a Coma and in critical condition at of from 8 a. m. to noon. On IVc. was alight, but conalderable smoke Caureh wiU p iw n t t ^ e n t e ^ cugter; alao paid. Some of the money already First Methodist Church in Mt. Ver­ Bona bothwr you. T r y Doan'a P llt a ^ n>Hd 21at annual Chriatmas CoiKert and damage waa reported. the few seconds the door remained diuyatlc. Uaod euecoMfutly by mUllont for Manchester MbittbrisT ' HtflKpilal '13 and 20, also Saturdays, the meat fo of Hill, —are ""wnow paid in represents interest pay­ non, N. Y., told a House Commerce One volunteer of the Manches­ open, George said. . ©vor M yanra. lt*a am aainf bow many thnwt By LBN ZEIDBNBBRO where he was taken this morning windows will be open from 8 Carol Sing In the High School p.jB, darinrthe th M k rfw m * t Texas, ments made on taxes palJ after, subcommittee yesterday the com­ Doan'a wfra happy rwHof from thdao d la eo ^ ter Fire department received a Carolyn, 16^ and Linda, l i , wera after suffering vvhat his phj’siciaii a. m. -to 6 p. m. On Sunday. audUorium Monday, Dec. 15 at 8 the Church Oomitiunlty Htm»e. Recent Arrival the Oct. 31 deadline. Taxpayers; mercials come "at all houto, day forta~>b«ip tho IB milos of Itldaoy tubaa and flU John d;. Rogers has a book In p.m. More than 300 students will cut hand when fireniem firiokeTnTo nrhedroemimpitalrB. H m fadriljr ' cafeterU mipper wrtll be from 5-TJ tara 0ush out wasto. G «t Doan'a PUla todayl tentatively diagnosed as h cerebral Dec. 21, the Poat tifflcs units ------. „ . ______. A daughter, Carole Penise, was who fail to pay by the deadline are and night, including the Sabbath,* him, if he can evar find tha time participate in the concert that yvill cellar windows to knock dowm the fled the house and Carolyn, phtmad penalized one-half of one per cent hemorrhage while driving to work. will be open from 2 to 5 p. m. p. R. Movlta for bom Tuesday mominr to Rev.^^d regardleas o^ the audience, and to write it. It would be the atory be under the direction of O. Albert flames. • flfemen from a home acroas 'tha iwctl’on for the aduIU will follow Mrs. Truman O. Ireland of WiUl of their bill a month. without respite." Howard, who la employed at He is Norman Holmes, 18, of street. af tha American Negro In New Cheney Brothers, was stricken Pearson, high school ‘ inuBic di­ the enterUlnment. street. South Coventcj'. at ^ the Leclerc said that although some "The other morning in New LET us RILL YOUR rector. .u 28 Woodbridge street. He was As the result ot an taiveatlgatlen flaa Oroop SinCing Manchester Memorial Hospital. York," Mitchell said, "Bill L«on- England and of the economic, eul- while driving east on Hartford of the balance will probably never .. Among , the groups taking part given flrst aid at the site nnd I Immediately after the fire, M e n The puplU of the nursery, be- The baby weighed 8 pounds, 2 be paid because of persons moving ard in introducing Dr. Norman tu i^ and social force the Negro road near Pine street. Police re­ Two Are Inducted brought to hia home. ported that although the car went will be the Junlor-jSenlor A Capella ' decided the water heater had eaua- fU nert and primary irradM vrill ounces at birth. Reverend IH- out of the state owing money on Vincent Peale, the famous preach­ has been in the development of Spot, a 214 yeer old Springer, ■iiir a group of songs. Also'-.m- off the road, it did not hit any­ Choir, the Sophomore A Cabella ed the fire. A burned irtiocakato lay land is minister of the First Con­ their motor vehicle tax, the collec­ er and Christian author, stopped to the area. By Exchange Old > was overcome by amoke when on the cellar floor beside the heat­ wlU be assembly slngiitg. gregational Church in South Cov­ say, ‘But film a word about |*" - ■ Table Singers. The latter brganiza- ring war |n the corner where tha Action Is Postponed dren's hour" should be set aside promptly at no eatra board in the early colonial period street, saw the car parked off the sor, district governor of the Na­ erinary hospital on Woodbridge Walter S. Haven, superintendent of Following a conference of attor­ each day on radio and television and tracing through to the pres­ road and notified police at, 6:37 tlen-'la a group of about 30 talented, street where he was reported in’ heater is located. > tional Exchange Club, ipoke at tlw vocaliata. gJach • year the Round the -chur^ school. neys With Judge John P. Cotter, Nine UN Member8 from which all beer and cigarette charge. ent, Rogers book would show how a. m. Patrolman Albert Scabies in- goqd condition this morning. The flames, which did extenMve meeting of the local Exchange Table SlngAra perform during the damage to floor >>JoistS, ^Ot Slate Holiday Party the case of a Coventry resident, advertising would be barred. that thread has been woven Into ve.stigated and called Burke's am CTub last night' at the Country It was Holmes who brought the The Fragment Society of the bulance which took Howard to the holiday season for local affgirs. through a cold air vent tn the hiiat- charged with a zoning violation, The. House group, which ia look­ CALL 2.9814 the fabric of the region's hiatory Club. He discusaed the many ysc- dog up from the cellar. gecond Congregational Church will has been movgd over to the, Jan­ Facing Job Loss hospital. Their schedule this year Includes Needed Air Paca ing system to an outlet in the Ilvr ing into so-called offensive matter so inextricably that the resulting tivltlea of local, atate and na­ performances for ^the Verplanck have a Christmas-party Wednes­ uary sesion of the'Tplland County product — Ra tones of glory and Dr. ‘John Prlgpano, Howard's Summoned a few momenta be­ tng room and aet fire lo an o9er- on the air waves, was also told tional Ehtchangc cluba and alao In­ PTA, the Women's Missionary So­ stuffed chair. day, at 11 a. m.. at the home of Court of Common Pleas. United Nations, N. Y., Dec. 4 - ^ by a radio station operator that PINE PHARMACY Its shades of dishonor — belong to physician, said he was continuing fore 10, firemen fought flames in waiter S: Keller, president, ducted two members- into Ipcal ciety of Emanuel Lfiltheraq Church, « Firemen hauled the bunting The action, which Was to have —Secretary-Genersl Trygve Lie the Federal Communications Com­ the black man aa well as the his diagnosis. membership. The.ae were Robert the cellar from two wlndowa.. on U. S. Route 44-A. There wUlJ)e been heard yesterday in Rock­ the Tall Cedars party and the Ki- chair from tha house and deuaed mission (FCC) should exercise white. Hale of Garden drive and James They were unable to enter the ville concerned Edward Schul- was reliably reported today tp have wanis Cliib. •the flames. a potluck at noon. . mere control over the'content of If Rogers ever doea write hla Maori of Congress street. cellar until some of the smoke Instead of the usual exchange of theisse, et al. Zoning Commission informed nine U. 8. members of •Sttident conductors ttill direct cleared out and then only with the George aaid he has fire tnaurknee the U. N. secretariat they must network programs. . ATTENTION SHOPPERS! book and it la successful In serving Yule Decorations Following the meeting, mem­ the orchestra In several numbers. gifts, all attending have been asked of Coventry, against Herman Gordon P. Brown, owner of this purpose, It would be a source aid of Scott Air Pace and masks. but did not know the extent' of to bring sulUble gifts for children Dfehl, in a claim that Diehl was answer questions about alleged bers and guests were shown They Include Alfred Tsricco. Jean 'The fire jV/aa discovered by Mrs. coverage. subveraive activltiea by nightfall W S A Y i(i Rochester, N. Y., said the SALVA'nON ARMY ■of satisfaction to Its author who, movies and slides of research Rogers and Peter Mitchell, all at the Mansfield SUte JroininK using property in North Coventry FCC now enforces its' rules by re­ as a boy in a Hartford grammar “Holiday” Theme Raymond George, who was seated in Violation of the recently adopt or lose their Joba. llcrald Photo.' work and construction progre.ss of seniors. ADVER'nSEMBNT— Rehoot and Hospital at Mansfield Work on the construction of the two-room addition to the South School continues through the win­ fusing to renew a station's license, school, did not feel that the his­ In the living room of the family’s ed zoning ' laws. n ij The nine persons Involved al- CHRISTMAS the new' UHF television station There will also be community Depot. The gifts will although moat of . the material ob­ tory he was given to study was a A workshop on "Fsm ily Activi­ 1 >4 story home. She told MFD Fire REWARD—Personal, private and games, pussies, personal articles. Today's Event Calendar reau v are • under suapenalon for ter to meet Its completion date In the apring. Work nn the school, which includes renovating the origi­ being btlllt in New Britain. Erwin singing with the audience partici­ refusing to tell the McCarran sub­ nal two classrooms and auditorium, was begun In October by the Frechette and Floryan company af jected to appeared-on network pro­ part of his heritage. j ties for Christmas,” centering Needles and Jack Fox of Station pating. There is no admission Chief John Merz that she heard a otherwise when you eee for your­ CkwOri Pinochle Parties Thursday meetings include Rob­ grams. committee whether lhc,v are now Hartford. The addition will leave the school with mother classroom and kindergarten, on the east and ^ BAZAAR Effective Tool around the theme of simple things WKNB gave an* informative talk charge btit an offering will be puffing noise and smelled some self 1955 for 1958 In 1952. Ju9t S TThere will be no more pinochle ertson School girls' basketball Frederic F. Clair, manager of thing burning. , days to go when B. P. I. wlU give parties s^nsored by the Pine Lake team with the 19M-62 alumni team or ever have been members of the south sides oi the building. The contract was let to the Hartford construction firm for $109,718. But Rogers, who has become families could do together, was on toe many advantages of ultra taken. The fund will be turned into Communist party. W HYU, Newrport News, Va., sent TODAY presented yesterday morning by 1 the music fund at the high achool. She.woke her husband, who was you T.B.D.I.T. for 51. , Shores OoRRunity Club at the dis­ at 8 p. m. in the Robertson School a letter to the committee saying something of a scholar In the field high frequency broadcasting. gymnasium; Rifle Clue of Green- Informed quarters said Lie's ul­ S to 9 p. M. of American Negro history without Mrs. Michael Vetrano, associate in trict clubhouse until further not- verSlve' activities on the constitu-. dled if the suspended persons noti­ iata’ repqrt. It was understood the public—and not congressional Chobot Post, AL, at 8 p .m. in the timatum went to the nine last Mon­ benefit of formal education above religious education at the Union tional ground that such answers fied Lie they- had changed thmr that Lie is circulating this report legialatora—should be the Judge of Stop in for a snack, or stay The chairman. Mrs.' Stephen Willimantic State Armory: and or day. They were told that the aer- high school, has in mind some­ Congregational Church in Rock retary-general'a committee of in­ might tend to incriminate them. minds. to all membera of the secretariat what should be deleted ftom pro­ for supper. Take aomethlng JOHN a-. Zaches. Is recuperating at her ganlzational committee of Nathan thing other than gaining self- ville, at the Homemaker's Holiday ternational Juriats recommended 'There was no information as to UN officials refused to comment as a wamiiig that they face dii' grams. home for the family from our program of the Manchester hraie In the Pine Lake Shores dis Hale Community Cepter.at 8 p. m on the reports, but they disclosed fnisaal If they refuse to reply to aatlafaction through his "hobbv,” at the Center. ' disminal of American members of whether any of the nine had de­ food table. Attucka, a Negro fm m an Jvfio al" Branch, Hartford County YW CA triet., South Coventry. *8he under­ rided to reply to the questions or that Lie plaitned to issue a state­ questiona about aubveralve activl' The planet Neptune cannot tR aa he refers to it. He. regard! the of tha Grand Lodge's 75th anni- ths secretariat who refused to an­ knowledge he has gained aa an ef­ veraary. He began delving into old the age of 51 l«d the mob against at the Community Y. went an operation at St. Francis swer questiona about alleged sub- hower the replies would bb han­ ment later in the day on the jur-,, ties. seen with, the naked eye. Hoapital, Hartford, a few weeks Manchester Evening fective Instrument in parihg away Connecticut newspapers and pok­ the British in the Boston maAsacre Mrs. Vetrano demonstrated mak' Coventry correspondent Sirs, what he calls the "thorns of Ignor­ ing through records in Yale's of 1770 and to whom a monument making place cards, Wiado./ 1..1U ago. has been erected on the Common storm door decoration for the Personal Mention Charles I-. IJHIe, lelephsM •'■Jr. ance and intolerance." Whitney Memorial Library in Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Evans, for entry 7-82SI. ^ Rogers has used hla knowledge search of material. in that city. mantel and Christmas tree deco-, for this purpose many times, tak­ But like all, scholAra out pros­ Then, too, there are the stories of rations. Especially attractive tree /- pecting for academic gold, Rogers John Peter Salem and Prince Hall, decorations were made from tin ilS T ing hia information to the public Superior Cfmrt Taft Eases Blast In the form of lectures. He has found the traces of dust he came Negroes who played important cans. She furnished patterns for spoken before democracy classes upon led to other sources. He pur­ roles in the Revolutionary ,War, all these things so that members In high schools tn the Hartford sued these traces himself and then, and Jupiter Hammond, who was of her audience could easily make CONaRATUUmONS! Mn. Ro| Diny Jury to Mull At Ike’s Choices area. Including Manchester High hla Interest and acquisitlveneaa born in Hartford in 1760 and be- the things themsalves-at home. In School, and before church groups fully aroiraed, began contacting cama the first Negro literary closing she showed a colored film, HOMHOWN WINNHI* ~ figure, and Banjamin Banneke'r, '’CTiitariTiA.ii“ A¥dQhd the World.” St. Louis, Dec. 4—(>P)—The Post- of all descriptions, buStneaa wom­ agencies like the Connecticut His­ Fate of Lorain probably the first Negro man of About 60 homemakers attended s SUNCREST Dispatch reported today that Stii. en's clubs and others. torical Society and the state acience, who laid out the city of this program, w^hich atgrted with Robert A. Taft still feels he may be Rogers, who has lived at 1163 library to aid him in what was developing into a one-man gold Washington, D. C.. when the capi­ a coffe hour from 9:30 to 10 a. m. Hartford. Dec. 4— A Sup- able to work with the administra­ Middle turnpike east since coming arior Oourt Jury of seven women to Manchester from Hartford 15 rush. ___ tal was to be moved there, and The next Homemaker’s Holiday can tion of Prcsident-*lect Elsenhow­ who was the friend of Thomas Jef­ program, entitled "Home Refresh­ IMSCOmY and Rve men was scheduled today er. years ago, has worked as a clerk Rogers, a htg, strapping six- BLUEBERRIES In the, Hartford Post Office for 24 footer, with enthusiasm and en­ ferson and Benjamin Franklin. ening for 19.53,” will be presented to consider the fate of Wllilam J. in a copyright dispatch from years.' ergy to match hia bulk, still geta Regers' search has also led him on Jan. 7 with Mrs. Woodbury tdtrain, 81, of Pawtucket, R. 1., ac­ Cincinnati, tha ’newaj^per quoted' His formal education ended excited when talking about' the right back here to Manchester, from Worcester, Mass., as .the S SUNCREST Ic e C re a m cused of being the trigger man In the Republican Senate leader as when he left Weaver High School, results of his prospecting. The where, he said, the ancestors of guest speaker. • ’ ' . a hitch-hike slaying last aummer. saying he doesn't believa his blast where. ' Incidentally, he played storlea of Lemuel Haynes, a Negro Waiter Hibbard and his sister, The prosecution has asked for at Eisenhower's choice of A F L football with another well-known Congregational minister born in Mrs. Leora Hibbard Geissner. both BarfaitPie! the death penalty, calling the kill^ leader Martin Durkin as Secretary ex-Hartfordite, Judge John S. G. Hartford 200 years ago. who be­ of 300 Main street, operated a Sewer Excavation qt. Ing a "eOld-blooded and calculated of Labor means an end to the . Rottner- --“I used to throw the key came the greatest scholar on what station of the underground rail­ PRUNE JUICE murder." "honeymoon" between Eisenhow­ block for John." Rogers recalls. was then the northern frontier, road before the Civil War.. The JEUO' 1 Ki o u in PUMtejA early Hibbards’ station on the rail­ Shuts Summit St. The defehse.on the other hand, er's administration and the new But although he did not go on to and of Frederick Douglas, the for­ Republican Congress. J college. Rogers was, and still Is, a mer slave in whose honor a statue road, which aided Negroes in their has asked the Jury to consider escape to Canada from slavery in Lorain’s cooperation with police Reporting on an interview with prodigious reader. has been erected ImNew Bedford. Excavation work In connection the South, provided a haven for a followlng.hls arrest. j Taft, in Cincinnati, Raymond P. Busy Man - Mass,, and whose physical and with the laying of a sanitary aewer 94[i©>««R 7 m colored family by the njime of Judge J. Howard Roberts will ; Brandt, chief Washington corre­ Rooks and documents, most of mental powers and amazing ahlUty has had the road At the foot of ©asralOtof* riMB Basey, one of whom, Rogers said, charge the jury at the ojlVning of spondent of the Post-Dispatch, them dealing With Negroes and as an orator in the fight for aboli­ the Summit street hill tied up since became a famous Civil War hero, f Par'fml Pip Rp(tpi*. in pvrrv ioia oi P- . HI W ' || tha court session today. The jury quoted the Senator aj* saying: their history-, fill bookahelves on tion made,him^aa honored among Monday. and another of whom became a then will retire to consider its ver- "I believe that I can work with two fioors In his house to over­ the Irish in Dublin aa among his The 12-inch pipe being installed NUCOA all the men and women the gen­ flowing. and there are more in a own peoplq, of Phyllis Weekly, the prominent musician. ' will extend from Main street to '■fUct. '■ - These are some of the stories Lorainia accused of firing several, eral has named so far, perhaps In­ small house* In the rear of the brilliant Negro writer and poeUss Branford and serye as a supple: whi was translating Ovid at 20— Rogers tells, and his material keeps ahots into George Zgierski of Hart­ cluding Mr. Durkin " Rogers home. mentary line to an eight-inch line LEGS OF LAMB u75e the wonder of these stores atili growing. Book dealers who know ford. a displaced person, in an at- Taft said he would be better But the work ha doea In studying now serving the Brookfield and the MARGARINE fin him with so much a'we that, in ~taHpt to rob him. The body of the able to tell what he could do in the the Negro history doesn’t mono­ him send material on to Kim Benton streets area. • NEW ENGLAND STYLE SMOKED O R FRESH their telling, his voice rises to that whenever they come across some­ 47-year-old DP was found in a new administration after he has polize his time. He is kept busy Residents of this area have tn t h a U f i i i 9 A. pitch used only to express amaze­ thing they think would interest clump of bushes on a deserted talked to Eisenhower appointees as superintendent of the Bolton past springs been plagued with ment. him. and people who know of hia road in nearby Berlin and Zgier- and members of Co'ngress about iSunday-School. as a member of the sewage overflowing from the over­ PICNICS tb^^45e Hartford North End Citizens cqm^ study are constantly sending clip­ N u tritio n aki’a car was discovered in New the middle of December, Brandt re­ And More . . . taxed eight-inch aewer.. Haven several days later with a mittee. as a member of the Board And there are other atories of pings. BONELESS ported. of Directors of that City’s North As the amount of his material blood-smeared interior. Negroes Rogers tells—of J. C. i RAKER'S COOKING End Community Center and as a Pennihgton, who in the first half grows, ao does his desire, to do Lb Later Lorain and John Petola- The first synthetic yarn was Mason. He la past ms.ster ofi Ex­ something about it, to organize it, North Methodist VEAL ROLL 69c bells, 35, of Providence, R. I , spun in the United States In 1910. of the 19th century escaped from celsior Lodge No. 3, A.F. and A.M., slavery in Maryland and wbnt to to cut and trim and to fashion it I CHOCOLATE V t L b . Pk|f. were arrested in connection with Hartford, and a member of Eureka Hartford where hla Intellectual into something that has meaning Fair Successful FANCY the killing and returned to this Chapter No. 13, Royal Arch Maa- powers were recognized and who and coherence. Next year, he says, state for trial. Petetabella is un­ bns, Hartford, the David Leary went on to the University of. HAI- he is getting five weeks vacation I CERESOTA LK der indictment on a murder charge Chapter of Rose Croix and the from his post offica Job. Maybe 'The WSCS and other organiza­ NATIVE FOWL 45c dlebe.rg where he was granted an tions of the North Methodist ,and will be tried following New Haven Consistory No. 7. •honorary degree, and Of Crispus then he can begin. Pkgs. CUDAHY'S SUNUOHT Lorain's case. Besides all of this, he and his Church held a highly successful I BISCUIT MIX 49c ■ Testimony in the hearing con­ wife. Oretts. have brought up a fair yesterday afternoon and eve­ ONE LARGE M IXIN G BOW L FREE! cluded yesterday \yhen Lorain’s at- i family of live children—John. 23, ning. -The large vestryw'and tjie BUTTER Lb. 75c torney. James D. Costrove, an- i a freshman at Blufton College. Modes Finn Denies Claim social room were gay with Chriat­ nounced "the accused has sdvised | Blufton. Ohio; Alfred, 21, president, mas 'decorations. me he will offer no te.stimony in i of the senior class at Jhe Univer­ The ham aupper .drew a constant IVORY - Selected Fresh his behalf.” ~ sity of Coniiectlcut; James, ,19. In Union Forced Group Plan stream of patrons between the R/F//V^ U5 yOUR the army In Korea; Margaret. 17, hours of S;30 and 7, and attend­ SOAP In closing srgunients, the slate' a senior at Maancheatar High ants at the various* booths were Fruits and Vegetables asked for Lorain's death in the School; and Enid. 9. who goes to well pleaMd with the patronage. PROCTER lG/IMBLE 2 For electric chair, while Cosgrove Manchester Green School. per cent of the employes be signed Mark Holmes, served . as auc­ FANCY INDIAN RIVER _t * asked the jury to grant mercy to Spokesman Says f n s M r - j before the program can be adopt­ Although Rogers has always tioneer for some of the larger ar­ COUPONS LARW 25c Lorain under a statute pas,sed by been Interested In the history of ance Program for Em-, ed. ticles. one of which, a handsome, Seedless GRAPEFRUIT 4 For 29c toe 1950 legislature which allows Negroes in this area, it was only Petition Going Well all-wool braided scatter rug, made them to recommend life inipnson- through hla association with Mss- ployes Began in 1948 \ The representatives of the union and donated by Mrs. Harold H, Tnent in place of death. ' onry that he began to put hia in­ I have been engaged In organizing Peterson of Turnbull road, brought I N»t 62c Oo.sgrove also pointed up that PAINT A terest to creative use. Union organizers’ claims th at' activltlaa at both Manchester I lively bidding and a nest aum. IVORY JUICY TANGERINES Lorain’s "complete l oopei ation ” Poking Through Records , .1 I.. M sn .' Modes and Britain Hall In New their activltiea in unloolaing Man ^ factory. with police following his arrest i.s BEAUTIFUL leading “detergents." Not even thOM Seven years ago he was Ap­ q f arira cesroa SOAP FANCY ■ ' cheater Modes have forced the i Ctetober. 2 For sometrting the jury should con­ made especially for fine fabrics and dish­ pointed grand historian of the Hospital Notes sider in making its decision OIL PAINTING Prince Hall Grand Lodge in New plant's management to adopt a ^he Job of col- FLORIDA ORANGES ... Closing the hearing, stale’s A t­ washing are as kiitd to hands as Tidal -Haven, with the Job of preparing M;'ZM9e MIDNIM 15c group insurance plan for their am- j lecting signatures for a petition to Patients Today: 136 HAND-PICKED torney Albert S. Bill rharged that an historical report tn recognition Blovea were quickly branded a s ' request a National Labor Relations ' the S|tstute through which a jury' H K gate clatiiM than aai saagl ADMITTED YESTERDAY: CJarl way recommend , merev "wasn’t m FIRST "fraudulent by a company I MaBztaL 82 ^loodwln street; John KRSOHAL M c In t o s h APPLES 2 And, o f course, when you rinM out a well, and that the petition would Ambrose, 125 Branford atreet; meant for this tvpe of man ’ Re­ spokesman today- be filed at the "right strategic mo­ ferring to a tape lecorded confes­ TIME you TRY! Tide wash, you’ve .got cleaner clothes Colin Davies. 22B St. Jamea. atreet; JOY I FIRM . . . jack Suall, organiser for the ment.” The NUtB-conducM elec­ Michael Dickson, 117 Cedar street; IVORY sion made by L/arain and which than you'll get with any soap 0/ any I liriTtr COUPON OUT-OF-LINE International Ladies’ Garment tion if necessary to determine Michael Guistianni. 1$1 Btjch NATIVE CABBAGE 2 u. was used as evidence h.v the sla‘,c, whether the employes want the 4 For with kind! N o aoap known .will get out so Workers’ Union, AFL, this morn­ street; Ifcs. Susie .Sargent, Broad Bill told the jury the.v’ had heard union to be Its bargaining agent. 1 GIANT ROTTLt 42c FANCY n>AHO ' the story of the crime in Lorain’.s inuch grimy dirt, yet leave clothes ao ing said the company's plan, for Brook; Mrs. Loretta White, 63Pine WHEELS DAN atreet; Mri. Mlmi'Helander, Plain- 21c dwn voice. "That s thi^ best evi- free o f dulling film. - , whteh preparations are -now being 2 REG. B o n u s 49c BAKING POTATOES ‘ 4 u. OCTc'e we can get. ’ he .said. Cralt Mastfr vine; Mra. Jean Moore, 51 Vernon made, represents a “ union victory” Lodge to Hold street; Jean Daley, 124 Middle la d M O try TIDE at a sariagl Use that GUT TIRE UFE IN since it is being installed "simply NEW WHITE __ OIL PAINTING SITS ttmrplke west; Henry Schwarm, IVORY money-saving coupon right away at any and Incontestably aa a result of 119 Cooper Hill street. our efforts to organize the firm. Vesper Service 1 62c BOILING ONIONS TK« colors o© ~yovr p^lotfo ©ro store that sella Tide. T ry Tide today a d m i t t e d t o d AY:. Philip ] Manchester ©ifmborod, tkt c«Hv©ft hi ©wmb©fod I f we had* not 'undertaken to 1--- ''r _ , Howard, 346 Keeney atreqU HAKES organise the compAny, . there la no . . r-tvtt m«tck tkt nwN»bon« kl| U . . . aae if you'll ever again jvaot t. 39c chester Garden Oub. C e^ t e r A company apokesmaii, .how­ at 4:00 p. m., to which members of Mrs. Rene ~FostAr, 210 Spruce L IVORY Omreh house, 2 to-5 p. m. j e t of ^ ever, when contacted later this Eastern Star Chapters from mr- street: a daughter to Mr. and Mra. W'C )R\ [ VkaSRaa I BUDS EYE ^Astern Star Christmas bazaar ' morning, flatly dehted the union's rounding towns,' local Masonic Wendell Hayden, 20 Biince drive. Masonic Temple. 2 p.m. BIRTH TODAY: a daughter to 12 Oz. Pkg. aaaertion. stating that the com­ bodies and the general public are SN ( W ‘SNOW FORDHOOK LIMAS 29c Friday. Dcc^ 5 matching pictures pany had been preparing the pro­ Mr, , and Mrs. Harry Kovensky, 76 2 For ^ Second Congregatibnal Church gram since 1948. "Our plana for ^vt$ed. Middle turnpike west. BIRDS EVE Christmas fair. , Shot: Xi- ■ U « 4I4’ g the program antedate the union's A collection wll! be taken for DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: 12 Os. Pkg. Saturday, flee. -6 5’'?" tn 7k« cHotco ol tobiocYt. u-rival here by . at least four the Masonic Home Chriatmas fund. Mrs. Margaret P ra tt,. 11% Wal­ ^5c I STRAWBERRIES 35c 1— Annual music festival. Salvation Boro’s what wo doi years,” he said, and he produced Fred A. Verplaock, prominent nut atreet; Francis Chaves, 91 Bia- Army band, Verplanck .School, 8 drafts of insurance prognuna sell street;! Mrs. Jewel. Afasin, L Oorroet easter , local mason and a Bast - Grand \ S P I C p.m. HOW ONLY _ dated 1948 to prove his potnL' Patron of the Order of the Eastern Rockville; Mra. Dorothy Papa, Monday, Dec. 8 coMnm g. Carroet eaaibor He added t ^ t a more complete Star of the State ComtecUcut Rockville; Robert MacFarUne, 108 Fashion show and demonstra­ WITH g. C om et too-ta or too-out statement woUId be forthcoming la- general chairman o f this fund. Avondale road; Mra. Martha OXYDOl i S P A N tion of Christmas decorations and lAUSHEt (Ahofo aro ehlof eapM when preparations for the pro­ Dr. Fred R. Edgar of the. South Chmlelorz, 216 Kaeney street package tying, Soroptimist Club gram aro completed and it ia DISCHARGED TO D AY: WU- Doluao MotSbfptOCO BO* 15 o f tiro orear) J Methodist Church will ttoUver the J U 1 R S A C K ’& Woodruff Hall. 8 p.m. ready to be put into operation. llam Davis, S Cjhurch street; Je-< Si A. toapoet, tightMi. adjttat aermon 'Th e PTomlac of the Star..’’ Saturday, Dec. IS anna Mogperey. 371 Lake street; otaortag. The insurance program Is being Appropriate music will be furnish­ i ^ Class reunion of 1941B, MHS written by the Aetna Life Insur­ ed by the quartet o f the First Con­ Mrs. Wilma KrUtoff, 80 Birch Country Club. 8 p.m. . HOBBY ance company and, Suall said, gregational Church o f^ ris to l un­ atreet SUPER MARKET _ FrWIay. Dec. 19 ^ Special would make available group life der tbe direction of N w a rd L.' 1 '-1. .a :. 1 , Annual British-American Club and accidental death insurance. Graham, organist and choirmaster Children's Christmas party. SHOPPE Blue Crocs HospiUUsatiqn and of that church. The quartet' is DREFT e 3 u . ' Rnnday. Dec. 28 Corner Center and Connecticut Medical Service sur- compoaed-qf the fiUowtng: Sopra­ **Never a Parking Problem** PreaenUUon of "The Messiah, CLARKE gery benefits in a one-package no, Mrs. WinUin F. Griswold of fT, Moqth Maihodist Church. Griswold Streetn TRUSSEMarS 4 M O ^ SALES W ethm fiald; contralto, Mrs. Ed­ W w m a s i m a r t h u r s . u n t i l 8 p . m . Representatives of'the insuraiice MEN aa4 WOMEN [({iscoj The St. Louis Cardinals came up “ It’» Fun T o M ake IC win D. Foster o f this town, the 30c 4 87c ©rood fttroot Maorhaatm company have been canvassing tbe * EXPBBT F irm ts u n t i l with four fine rookie pitchers last Y o u rse lf” tsi present Worthy Matron o f Temple J S f 9 P. M. '; workers la ths idant, signing them Chapter No. SS; tenor, Hamilton Mason in Stu Miller, Ed YuHi n£~g-S0U ANTTIMB Hanrey Haddix and WUmer MiR Open~9 A. Mi to 9 P. M. up for the plan, for the past sev-. Heyl o f A t< »; bus, Kalph Schlat* oral days. T b » law requites that 75 Ur of Unit ivine. p i i M UjriMatan Native Dancer earied Plenty Of Parking fHM>,496 In wiitnlng all nine racea 4NlHag IISS. Phone 3233 ■ ■■ ' V t c .1' .7 77 t A

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN^ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8. 1952 FA6B FOURTEEN mas trees at the school, De& 17, Church or^iuiist was a speaker at aronl ealad, cola alaw, tuna Bah aaiad, milk, apple criap. vanUl* E l l i n g t o n 18, 19 and 30. the conference. I - - • aauca. rTaffriateMM* J Personal Moattoa pot Laach Mean' d P AT iOW nUOES 4 From Trum an Down, Rivard to Speak Joan Silverhera returned to the The menu at the Center School Maacheater Eveaiag Herald » Teacher Attends ConnecUcut College for Women beginning Dec. 8 through 12: Mon­ Ilngtoa correbpondeai; Mrfc O. r . t Arlhar Dni{ Stans 1 and her guest Lyle Brundage re­ day—hamburg, gravy, mashed po­ Berr, te le t^ a e Bockville 5-981S. Taller Know s ’Em A ll At Center School turned to Yale University follow­ tatoes, green beans, bread, butter, AU-Day Institute ing the holiday vacation. milk, cherries; Tuesday — escal- The flrat guna war# made in the Ellington, Dec. 4—(Special)— Mrs. William Cummings and loped potatoes, hsm, buttered first quiver of the 14th Century. Glenn C. Rivard, representing the family have returned to their spinach, pickled beets, braad, but­ Wu>pui alW^y e***)®" meeting of the Center School PTA chicken noodle soup, ersuikera, egg DobaonvUle ftehool Hoaaa neeently ttedueed! ^MtaMay m Itoncheeter. Purpote slated for Monday at 8 p. m. The of East street. ealad aandwicnea. peanut butter EUwoid L D a v b , Jr. gATURDAY, DEC. B Check These Prices! Mr*. Gordon Miller, lecturer sandartchea, butter, scotch pudding. 5 toe^eetlnr WM » K *^**^® ' meeUng, to be held in the school BacMand Laad samyar 9:M A. M.-2 P. M. A&P Fancy Peoi , 2 “•3 auditorium. Is open to the public. elect of the local Grange, attended ,anllk; Thurim y—cold cuts, mashed the CJoBiiecticut Employe* IB Fraetar Road Maaebaotor Sponaered by Rivard 1* narcotic* agent for Con­ the, conference held at Meriden. potatoea, buttered carrots, bread, gllbouette* Drum Corps Red Salmon * i* fM\mm I jlfcM w*« r«cor. CAN 2 5 School wa* played with Terryville I public gatherings, it’s unusual, if Tuesday night at the local gyrn detector-in a town of protocol pit- Grapefruit Juice ,,, 2 One Pie Mince Meat eic falls. . not unprecedented, for anyone but PORK ROAST citNt“ 4 r Enaworth won, M to 47. In th* opening game, Terryville As the capital's No. t “Csller* the wary Secret Service to play Juice . pineapple *'0NTE, DOLE OR II..Y Other Values! " Jajrvaes won, 41 to 34. at very Important function*. Cole valet to the boas. I helps cut down the aspirin con-, Bussiaas WBereot | sumption of the city's society re­ Cole say* he got no such treat­ l?c PER POUND LESS THAN A YEAR AGO I <3T 14 OZ Solod Qrotsing j« 33c Maaiinslrr Evening Herald ona Tomato Juice 2 'CANS 4 0 Wapolag eerrespondent, Mrs. An- porters, party-giving diplomat* ment from Andre Vishlnsky's boys CHUCK ROAST Me GeOfaM. Telepkone Manchester and brass hats. when the Red foreign minister LAMB LEGS K>cl|"ltSSTHANAYEA«A(X5 l» Sun.w .etPr„„,j„j„“"’,Jq; ’ A&P Peaches ^. oz The 60-year-i>ld Negro, with a pulled up at a Soviet caviar and CAN 441*. ______hard-to-forget smile. probably 'vodks -blow-out. | Macaroni oaiRAo«mi ’ I* 4 me Chrisfmo* Card* * 5^ knows more Important people by ,;.The four men who leaped out. PKG “F D name than any single jArson in of the car practically took over I LOIN LAMB CHOPS LB _ 12 oz CD Firemen Sign Washington. my Job,” Cole relates. VEAllEGS Armour's Treet 4 9 ' In the capital “social Jungle — When Gslo Plasa returned to 30c PER POUND LESS’THAN A YEAR AGO CAN For Rescue Class where often vou can't see the town ak President of Ecuador he i Ribbon Christmas Condyp|,*c 39<= guests for the Cadillacs—Cole shook hands with Ools and poaed for merely glances at a limousine li­ a picture with him to be sent On# member from each Auxili­ cense and can tell what (Supreme back to South America. The two LEGS ol LAMB A-PennWkkDeodorlxerS'db' ary Fire Department in the local Court Justice, cabinet oIBcer or got to know each Other when Customers’ Comer Civil Defense program will take a ambassador will step out. Senor Plaza was Just another | A-Penn Liquid Wax 2 „,S9 10-week 20-hour course for Ward­ At almost every diplomatic re­ Washington ambassador. Sultam * ““ 33' Gaines Ham en and Rescue Instructors to be ception, debut or important Wash­ Hosts have been known to cor­ Corns ’‘O m ^ top * Shop' ••• Gaines Deg Meal -.*0 held in the Hartford Fira Hesd- ington aoclsl event, Cole Is on hand ner Cole as soon as the last guest Butter m arter starting Dec. 10 at 7:30. to open the door as you alight leaves and ask, "Who was here?" Why wear yourtslf out going from store to atore search­ Crispo Mixed Cookies 2* Other members of the local de- from your car. He then assigns one Social Register party-givers and ing for your needs? AfcP offer* you more than 3fl00 Sauce of the men who works for him to people in the know, sometimes, partmsnts have taken similar dUfoTont irsm* to choose from . . all under on* roofl Strawberry Jelly courses before. Director Edward park it. book Cole s year in advance. i SunshineHI-HoC«Kk.„”'a * Krasenlea said today. After yoUr liU of hors d oeuvres One diplomat's ' wife stationed You’ll &hd the finest fn it^ vsgstable*. m eits and and elbow* around the buffet table, him In the drawing room to an­ j^APEIbertoPeochw Lawrence W; Eddy, a State De­ CORNED BEET poultry, dairy producta, beverages, household aids . . . partment of Education official, will it is Cole who take* his megaphone' nounce the guests as they entered. to call your car or taxi back to the “You know more people than all aelected by expert buyer* . . . all conveniently dit- ‘ vvansoown A&P Fruit Cocktail conduct the course. When the a anGei pood eourse is cointdeted. the instruc­ door. _ . . j I do," she confided. One night at a gala affair to^d The caller expects to tackle the ]. played ... all thriliily prieadi • oealor S3' tors wUl be able to return to their vog rood ' Wheat Germ ** by Mrs. Morris Cafrilz, Perle Mea- turnover from Democratic to new i You’ll aave precious time and money with AatPs eeay, lktm .a.1 *tf> HEART A,., durkee mower ------S!£Ichme»'s *kg 2 7 ^ ^ respective communities b e tte r U's local party-throwing rival, Republican faces and liv* through 2 c’a? s 2 9 ' equipped to train local warden and comedian Bob Hope was all for it, thanks to his number-the-un- "one-atop” shopping . . . com# see sf AAPI Nutley^rgorlne reecua teems. borrovrtng Cole's megaphone to known-car strategy. Smok^ Ham colored PKG 2 0 ' test his vocal talenU as a caller. CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. marshmallow f l u f f ' can"2 r “What 1 wouldn’t give for that voice,” he told Cole. “What I AfcP Food Stoim 420 Lexington Ave,*New York 17.N. Y. wouldn't give for THAT voice, Five from Town " . , r Local Stocks retorted Cole. B\it what he didn't N a p ie r tell Hope is his one trade secret— . Appear on Vim»« of today, w* Pound Cede# 4 9 NAME have a wonderful itlccuon of SILVW MABBII or GOLD ______carpeu that are up-to-the- HALF ADDRF4IS . . . minute iii itylc and beauty. JwN Parkar lUCKBBIRY FIE wa a* «zi The« coHlemforary carpeti, c CAL CAL, Jaaa PaikBr BATE FillED COFFEE CAKE. SECTION OF TOWN—N .E , N.W...... S.E...... S.W...... by GULISTAN, are apscislly **•' deiigned to .snhsncd th* Ag e -OF HOL'HE...... TYPE ...... clesn I V. ranged. SOAFtM J , - v sobsaMi^ aad peot-naarked ao later than Dec. lA IA B 4 ) 20-MULiTIAM MODESS Patar P a n CSafi Clothw Racdly Clacm Ucfuld Bhortanln? Addraa* ewtiies to: Doaa Not Scratcii B g n u MMPM lT* tu fM if 2 RtStXAR PKU 7 7 * Smooth or CruiichY Golden Cookie KUENWAY PETER PAN SUNSHINE Riat ' BtoRT 99° Xaias Decorations Controt GUIPCT CENnR Iiaualf .U«al4' J.UWU MCMBIf 5 S* itwactJMi 35* Y.WjC-A. OBleA 'Y* Cunsaiunlty BaUding I SANDWICH BASS PEANUT BUTTER KRISPY URAOKERS " • I f maaotsinPM |,4 9 Maarhrwter, ~ - BM MAIN n iR E X T ASSORTMENT AT MIDDLE TURNPIKK SPONSORED BY THE GARDEN CLUB AND Triephaae Y-4S4S B r a Pkc. of SO j v THE MANCHI^BTER T.W .CJL Deecanber Stora Hewra: S:SB Dolly 29c 10c 4 . ‘35c ptf. 25c 9 to 9 Tbofoday aad PHdoy B B B M M iR M R I -'V

, ''f. ' ■ /. f-- ! ■ r . .

.PAGE SEVEyTjjag lii^CH ESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 19S2 IIANGHESTER EYEING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 4, 1952 PAGE SIXTEEN age she hasn’t quits made up her Eastern Replaces Kaman Workers f ' Prize T^ouisiana mind. (•' Truck Is Damaged From Israel Salad Bowl Set City Will Abandon Corn Br^ad, Circles Pork Mere Is Patsy's -winning recipe, BAKED HAM SUPPER Sweet Rice Mold with Get Wage Qoost Plot at Green Yam Recipe described by the judges as a mbst In Highway Fire Struck Eiiffincers Brainarcl Airport tasty and hutijtious dish; JS . c f To Score an E asy‘Ringer ' rive medium slsed Louisiana . and CHRISTMAS SALE Hot Mincemeat Sauce (Contbiiied From Pag* Om ) ^ I Hearing Topic '"when pretty Id-year old Patsy yams. The tractor of a trailer truck ~M|amt, Fla., Dec. 4 -i41—East­ ern Air Unes today began replac­ Hartford, Dec. 4 — (41 — The Cowsrt /»f Kinder, Louis! sna, en- Two egg. yolks. - - , UnlMd ClHfreli «t ^norryvHto. M ten waa badly damage«l by fire at 3 .96/per cent of baa* aalary ter abandonment of Brainard Field by Whites of two eggs. ' ing Right engineers who struck for othee- clasaiflcationa at saluted tej-ed a state-wide yssa recipe con’- This. luacioua molded, rice dfa-.v'cooked rice and water. Time the o’clock this momlng*on the Wilbur Directors W ill Consider Oct. 1, 1953, has been agreed upon Two tablespoons of butter,' • SATURDAY. DEC. A— 5:30.7 P. M. Cross Highway. Fire Chief John higher images. employea.. ' test this yesr she selected her Two tablespoons of sugar. aert feature. fl*v°r 1" | oie The helicopter company else an­ by a city council ipecial tommlt- M en of the Manchester Fire De­ 'The company said It had remov­ Purchase" of Derby’s adaptation of an old "cajun” Two teaspoons of lemon juice. » PRICE $Lt5 .— CHILDREN Sfle *' glganUc proportione. which la the y ,, ^ce and. chill. ChUl partment aald the truck was ed members of the AFL Flight En­ nounced that hereafter wage ad- tee which has been studying the Three cups of crushed com juafmenta baaed on li'ring edata Property for $12,000 favorite. ' Reservattona: Tel. 4St4, J-iM*, siu the aervinga will be if folka . cream and then whip. Add the owned, according to the regtatra- gineers In^rriStlnnal association situation at the city-owned airport flakes. are allowed to help themaelyee.,' | vanilla to the whipped creJtn. Fold tion, by a "Red" Gaurmon and the from its payroll atjd "Instituted an will be made quarterly instead-hC She "spiked” It with a dasl^^ Six marehmellow halves. Menui Ham, baked beaaa, aealloped potatoes;^ eola slaw, rolia, semi-annually. A heaiinf on the nppro- since last spring.. lemon Juice for flavor and she gsve ^ e e t rice plus feather light, the creanl Into the chUled\Hce tractor was leased to the Beacon extensive training and check-otit Boll, peel and mash yanis; add eidia, coffee. wliipped cream are mixed and 1 Firmly pack the rice mixture wto An Electric Boat Division prttuW of « 2.W*« th^pijr- Thera are only two things that It s new name; "Yam Croquettes.” Company in Boston. course for an entirely nqw group can save the airport, the commit­ Wen. PsUy went to )he finals sugar, egg yolks, butter and lemon molded to maXe a ~"TewpOngtylT greaBed deenert mold. Chill uh- Cause of the fire w;aa undeter- of englneori'.” General Dynamics Corporation' at Ih.M Of property of John ^ juice snd mix well. Shape aro\ind Groton 650 employes tn Qia Derb): at 1* Vernon street will be tee said yesterday in its report. at the Louisiana sweet potato har­ white eating masterpiece. Served til firm. To unmqld, dip the moKT - jalned. Firemen quickly extln- Capt. Eddie V, Rtckenbacker, In egg whites. Roll In crushed com with a bubbling hot mincemeat' into hot water. Place a' plate over design department will recelvar a held tomorrow nijfht in t*\* *’**'!' It can M saved if the state will vest festival, the Yambllee which i^iahed the flames after being, presidenr xnd-xenwat'Tnmnager Trf- toy room of the Municipal Build- contribute to its support, since la held each year in Opelousas In flakes and fry In deep fat. aauce, thle rice dessert (a elegant the mold aiM Invert plate and mold nohfied by a passing motoriat. Eastem, said the strike was illegal government-approved 10 per cant two state-owned buildings are the heart of America’s great yam enough to prompt guests to ask together. (If the mold has been \ ------and told the engineers they’d loae general wage boost. The incredM • hearlne Is on the agenda of located at the field. It also can be producing region. A panel of | what caterer prepared such a well greased It may be poaalble to »i»»a K i was agreed on by' the company shake the dessert loose without FAST MENUS their Jobs if they didn’t go back to and the union last summer, and of Directors meeting saved it if can be developed into judges, headed by Duncan Hines ; . ipectacular refreshment, work. ' ' the Food Adventurer; picked her] Ingredlenta . heating tlie mold). has just been approved by the which begins at S' p.m. an air terminal foif fruit and prod­ XMaiiday "We don’t believe the company asks S12.000 for the home uce flown in to the new state reg­ as the "yam" best” teen-sga cook i r FRESH CANDY 1 S cupa hot cooked> rice Cook the mince meat, cherries, Wage Stabilization board. Septic Tanks^ Cleatted and water until very hot. Serve i Rosy Apple Compote in can Are us. we are not resigning Payment of the new wag* rst4, in Louialsna shd she received the ' H cup beet or cane lugar and land, which is one of the prop­ ional market which is locatid ad­ k Wliitetnan, Schrafft, P. E S. 0>m FlalLM* Milk and none of us Is planning to go retroactive to July 14, will begin jacent to the fieM. winning sward from Governor ^ Candy Cupboard ^ H pint whipping cream in a aauce dish and top each aerv-, erties the town would have to o ^ _ CoH MoMhMtw’t OAwfrtig* Sp#eldlm Ing from the rice mold -with the Boft-cook«d Egg back to work,” said Jack Robert­ In the near future. Treasurer If the Green School were expanded. The field was conitrucled In Robert F, Kennon. I >4 teaapoon vanilla Toast Butteh, Jelly T^e contest, to select the best 2 cupa mince meal ’ '.....* hot sauce. son, president of the Miami chap­ Frank N. Kelly of the submarine Plans bv the Bokrd of Education 1918 and for many years was the Coffee ' • building division said every' effort to enlarge the school went awry original yam recipe by a Louisiana ^ Arthir Dnis Storos j . cup chopped maraachino A spectacular Way to serve this ■ 'Tuesday '\. ter of the union. operating field for majiir air lines. high school home economics stu­ deapert is to surround the mold Using FiiperL'lsory personnel, the will be made to complete retroae- When a^acent "'a"'” The.se lines right after World War SAVE tw o WAYS: * cherriea Frosty Tomato Juice Shimon Bejarano live payments before Christmad. ■ refused to sell their land. The State dent. is sponsored annually by the ‘ ,*4 cup water with some of the mince meat airline aald It was able again to­ I! shifted their btse to Bradley (I) LDW PRICE . . . the most modem _?** Oatnaeia'fopped with Bu^^ Glenwood’s original. American- break-proof, a aaliite to aalads. Board of Bducatinn would not ap- Home Economics Department of Preparing the Fluffy - White sauce. Sprinkle bits of sugar which Shimon Bejarano of Israel will day to operate a few .flights of Field at Windsor Locks and this Left-over pork la aweet meat ehLery In Conneetteut makes possible a DETTB* aOB at ■ have been soaked with brandy, Sweet Roll Butter ' smart for snacks, nqts or flowers ^ v e the proposed addition with; when combined in Its own gravy the State Board of Education with Kloe: To make 3 liberal cupa of Milk Coffee be guest speaker at Temple Beth ('onstellatinns and Super-Conatel- made rectangular «ilad bowl sets, ru lU ’ d fr h o U DEssxanni was a severe blow to the field. the cooperation of the Louisiana rum, whiskey or lemon extract (no cooking, easy-to-make)f. out the extra land. . The commute report said opera- Several .Showers with the full-bodied flavor of corn ^ ^ Y O t S l ^ B IK ENGINBEiRED . . . all ^ptlc ^ n ^ fluffy rice, put 1 cup of uncooked Wednesday Sholom tomorrow following the lation planes. The airline schedul­ suggest the Christmas gift that buttered foo broadened. ' R euther 8 E lcctioii Venexuela. "make him turn traitor to his coun­ Judith Clark of Hartford, brides­ POULTRY The expenditure, made by the Flakes. Cook pared, sliced apples Among the 100 recipes, gleaned In 193* he married the former maids. gave a miscellnneoiia show­ 1 <1 tcaspqpna salt HEAVY in syrup of sugar, water, and cin­ from almost every counli.. in .i-'l iria Helena Samper de Herrara. try.” atlzena for Elsenhower commit- H u a T 'r s r l n v Maj' Geri. I.emiiel B. Mathewson. er for her at the home of Mrs. 3 teaspoons baking powder j tee. did not have to be reported! H V 1^117 I J l i e 1 namon dots. Place in center of world, Is this gourmet method of uffhter of % prominent family in 2 eggs, beaten slightly* “ | CAPONS ...... Lb. A ic the U. S. commandant here, replied John Martin Hyde of Henry street. Special Prlcea For Freeiera under present law, which requires i ______cereal bowl and surround with cooking shrimp in beer. gota. Columbia. ' in a letter that Kulikov was a legi­ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mallory will lU cups sweet milk i Delivery In Manchester FARMS political committees to report only ' flake*. Stlh-s’ Shrimp in Beet Washington . sources said the, (Continued From Page On*) timate political refugee end sug- entertain the bridal party at their U cup rtielted butter or mar­ Friday Evenlnga receipts and expenditures in a gen­ **Whole Wheat Flake* with 2 bottles dark beer (24 ounces) ■esldent has accepted Donnelly s home on Prospect street, Friday garine. ^ Eggnog Topping. Beat an egg and 2 tablespcxm.s dry mustn-d Cgnilion, but has delayed an- ge.stod thafthe Russians come in­ \ '*Cb«ic* NaHvjf Dlrtet Worn Hw Form to You!" eral election. evening with a cocktail party aftei* 3 cupa diced left-over rOaat pork Htudy PoMible Revtalona However, two unions previously some nutmeg with the milk. Serve 4 tablespoons celery seed _Jiincing It for diplomatic reasons. terview him and see for them­ favoring Haywood, the Brewery selves. . which the parents of the bride I 'i cups gravy - ;J H. A. FRINK The spending to help win the- with whole wheat flakca for both 1J teaspoon cayenne pepper Mathewson added he would be groom, Mr. and Mrs, H. .1. Bick (If' self-rising corn meal and | BROILERS, FRYERS, ROASTERS, FOWL Republican presidential nomina­ Workers International and the an appetizing and nutritious 1 tablespoon salt 805 MAIN STREET ** s t o r y w S h so c k Tel. Manchealer 115* American Radio association, "gratified" for the same oppor­ ford, will give a dinner at their flour are ii.sed, onjlt'salt and bak-1 Sullivan Ave.—Wapplng AN Poultry Cloanod ond Drowo Woody to Cook! * tion for Elsenhower was disclosed breakfast dish. >4 cup cjder vinegar t tunity to Interview Pvt. Carl T. home on Greenhill street. ing powder.) .swnmg from Haywood to Reuther. ••*Feative Muffins. Add a spoon­ 3 pounds raw shrimp in the shell .Houston, Tex., Dec- 4

yesterday by Walter Williams, This gave Reuther an estimated Blake, an American soldier from Mix and sift together the dry In- chairman of the Citizens for Elsen­ ful of whole cranberry sauce to Allow the beer to go flat. Add rstepfather and his wife yester- MBS. SIN.VTR.A ROBBBD gre.'Iicnl.". Combine beaten eggs, 80,000 more convention voles. SMOKED asked District Judge Roy F. Covington, Ky. The Communists BUY^YOUR CHOICE^^FARTS: BREASTS, LEGS, hower committee, to a apeclal your favorite muffin batter just the seasonings and bring to a boil. Yaur Public Market f.-islier this week said he had de­ , milk, and melted butter or mar- House committee studying poasible Ther? are about 700 delegates, before baking. Add the shrimp and simmer about npbell for permission to adopt Lo.a Angeles, Per. 4 - (4^- Mrs. serted to the Red zone, fleeing ' g.-.i'ine, which has been cooled, Pour •lection law revisions. each representing numerous mem­ .5 r lm’''’s o / un*M (*''•" P -—ove two young sons. Nnncy Sinatra, divorced Wife of ; liquid over dry ingredients, only WINGS, GIBLETS, LIVERS, BACKS AND NECKS. bers. Reuther Is estimated to now is the Supreme Quiiiity SHOULDERS ^ t h boys favored the adoption, "American imperialism." , Chairman Boggs (D-La.) told GUIDE ’TO SHRIMP COOKERY and cool the stock and.the shrimp LI. Kulikov came into the American Ringer ■ Frank Sinatra, reported jintil mol.slencd. Pour into a wcll- newsmen it Indicated the need for haste dolegatea representing about i!epai atel.v. Put llic slirinip bac.; in , rboes your present ^luband yc.sterclay to West Los Angeles p o-]I greaser 9-inch ring mold and BROIL’S three million votes barking him store — True value in ■ Lean Short Shank. •K*e any had faults?" the Judge sector last Thur.sday night and some system of determining how Anyone who likea shrimp but the refrigerator until well chilltid. fired a tommygun into the air to lice that shout $.30,000 worth .of I bake In a 400 F. oven until It SOME CHICKEN compared with 2 1-2 million votes Drain apd serve to 4 with plenty of Ved th# worn*"- much is collected and spent in an limits shrimp cookery to a simple 1 get arrested. He admitted he was her jewels are mi.ssing from Imr j shrinks from the sides of the mold Game Farm entire campaign, from the time a from delegates supporting Hay­ salad or cocktail because of lack of naper napkins and beer as the- every purchase. Com- f'Well. sometimes hi leaves hia Lot ui fumlslTYOu with premium Poultry ot wood. tks in the living room,'’ she a "little drunk" but .said he had home. (about 25 minutca). Dnmold and candidacy Is boosted until the time know-how. should welcome Helen beverage. I FRESH PORK hit the bottle to bolster his inten­ She Raid there was no sign of fill with pork and gravy which Plump Oven Dreiwed popuior prico! lYoTI holp you sorvo o mool to the election takes place. The expeotiS election of the 45- Worth’s new book. "Shrimp Cook- plete satis faction plied. the house having been entered. year-ofd Reuther, an idea m.in, , ^ ^ e judge permitted the adop- tion to de.sert Jo the "American have Wen, thorou^ily 'heated to­ bo romomborod.^Wo'H assist you to morhot. Other committee members ex­ (The atadel Pres4, New York, Phil McAtee, goaltender for the She had been away from home for gether. Yield: 6 servings. with -n meteoric career in the la- ® n . wav of life." „ . .. pressed similar sentiments hut $2.50). Buffalo Bisons in the American guaranteed. bengiii referred to first report;, a short time, .she said, and the PHEASANTS inq oeoBomios w o ^ offoetbiq^ Oiir potroBS bor movemcnb, was expected to ’This book Is more than a col­ Hockey League, served with the SHOULDERS of Kulikov's arrest, which said jewels, including a diamond ring, agreed that the main difficulty give the CIO a vigorous and voice­ on joy Poultry at it s N ^ t whHo enreidinq hlqh* faring Congress Is the question lection of Intriifuing recipes. It In­ 4th Armored Division of the Can­ onlv .that he was drunk. Replying. necklace and bracelet, were mlsR- ful leadership. cludes 'basic information on the adian Army a.* a captain. He was 1 To Roast— 5 to 6 Lbs. Each. Mathewson said, "the fact is N'lh- or prico! Ono tried w i|l eenvinco. of whether control of primary "A hard bargainer on contracts' ing from their customary place,in CALL HENS electlona and pre-convention activi­ shrimp industry and offers advice wounded in action. kov planned and did. enter the the house when .she went to look with the auto and aircraft Indus­ ROSEMOUNT ChdrlM W : Lotllpop ties is a field in which Congress ha’a FOR HARD TO I T . P. sector for the express pur- tries. Reuther often has come out GENUINE SPRING for them. EachEach •< Dot. jurisdiction. Heretofore, Congress PUBLIC MARKET QUALITY po.se of seeking political aaylunv Mrs. Sinatra said the mi.sRing FOB CALL y^NOW! publicly with his own private sug­ Lb. RESTAURANT He strongly wishes, as he had jewels ooniprised most of her co.«t- BURGLARY INSURANCE haa proceeded on the theory that gestions on many public questions FIND ITEMS Route 8.1—Bolton wished from the beginning, to t^e- and REAL ESTATE COCKS the states alone hold jurisdiction and never has been hesitant about R 1 7 1 7 1 7 ____ LAMB LEGS 75c ly jewelry, and aside fiom the in­ over primaries and other non­ linqiiish all connection with the 1 3 .7 5 1.00 expressing his opinions. trinsic worth they had sentimental lOO East Center St., Tel. 2-0.3*4 FARM FRESH EGGS DAILY general election activities. BONELESS CHOICE MILK FED PLEASE SHOP NOW: Soviet I’nion and the SovieJ, **'’ '>'• value to her. Earh “ A Doz. Showdown Expected Holiday Offer! / The t’. S. commandant said the MANCHESTER CENTER • NEXT DOOR TO SEARS ROEBUCK* 50n MAIN ST. Williams said he does not knpw Haywood maintained he would Lb. Americans never would turn back Phone Rockville 5-902.3 TELEPHONE 2-8098 — OPEN THURSDAY T IL 9,P . M. how much other Elsenhower par­ carry the fight for the CIO lead­ VEAL ROAST “ 69e EARLY i AVAILABLE anyone "genuinely seeking politi­ tisans may Have spent In the gen­ ership to a deciding, roll call. In CHUCK ROAST 69c ' OP 5-5.507 Bone In f«b a nice pot roaat. Any Night In The cal asylum.” eral's successful drive for the the CIO’s 17-year history it never FAMOUS ^^75 LIBBEY SAFEDGE GOP nomination. His own com­ haa been necca.sary to carry any WHOLE OR SH'ANK HALF MIXED FRUIT Week For Banquets The word "navy" originaliv ALWAYS HIGH QUALITY mittee, he said, collected about queation to a convention show­ BONELESR Lb. IN BULK meant all the shipping owned by $1,694,000 for geheraU election down. PARTY GLASS SET Lb. FRESH HAMS 59c TEL 2-4359 one country, and only later was work and spent $1,450,000 of it. Haywood may pull out before CHUCK ROAST 79c I the meaning limited to warships. There have been no pre-con the issue goes to a convention WHITE RAISIMS AT LOW PRICES! NATIVE MILK FED SHOULDER IN BULK vention figures reported by Dem­ floor test If a deal can lie workde FRESHLT GROUND QUALITY , miracle wonders ^ ^ fo r your budyef ocratic groups but the committee out giving his forces sufficient hoped to get some today' from recognition under a Reuther ad­ O N L V ^ VEAL CHOPS ^ 79c Stephen Mitchell, Democratic na­ ministration. It was widely pre­ BLAOED tional chairman, who was hilled dicted beforehand that Haywood. HAMBURG THIS IS THE WEEK END FOR A to testify at a'later session. I even if actually' nominated, would nNEAEPLE It also la seeking figures from decline tn Reuther's favor. ,1.53c 2 For $1.00 (IN coum) DELICIOUS PIECE OF MASTER CURED radio and television broadcasters David L. Cole, director of the w A a in Sunlight on how much money the various Federal Mediation aervlce, prer candidates spent for broadcasts. dieted, in a convention speech that aUOED Ralph W. Hardy, director ■ of labor fears that "hard days lie government relations for the Na­ ahead" becauae of the Republican BUTTER lb. CHERRIES tional Association of Radio and national election victory would ^ S T E A K S - rORNFD RFFF I I 15V151'MIDDLE MMIDDLE sirket TURNPIKE WEST — TEL. 8338I \ Television Broadcasters, told the prove to be unfounded. CITRON committee yesterday listener's Cole, a Repuhlican Who may Lb. 25c Opon Doily 8 A. M.«9 P. M.— Opoit AN Day Suadoy ARMOUR'S were beginning to show apathy SIRLOIN YOUR CHOICE SWEET LIFE OLEO HUNT'5 keep his job under the Eisenhow­ IN QUARTERS LEMON PEEL TOP OR BOTTOM ROUND Free delivery oq all ra«h ordera of $5 nr more. All order* muat for the 'heavy schedule of politi­ er administration, said one of be railed In before 3 P. M. to be delivered the aame daj’. CANNEO HAMS ’ cal talks late tn the campaign. President-elect Elsenhower’s main SHORT SEA FAIR EXTRA FANCY ORANREPEEL SIRLOIN TIP CATSUP And the Industry, h% said, was talents is to "make strongly hos­ BONELESS NATIVE concerned over the loss of, some tile groups behave rationally for TOP ROUND W H in MEAT TUNA Can 31e BONDOST EYE ROUND and BRISKET CAMPBELL'S their common good." and__this ' SOLID PACK » I- SPECIBIS FOB TOURS. FBI, CAT. liugpired well for preserving amity BOnOM VEAL ROAST between labor and industry.” LB. LUTEHSK \ Please Order Early BEANS 1 Lb. Can We need Ranrh Homes. "J have the strong feeling that ROUND BONELESS. LEAN Colonial* and Cape Cods the general’s natural unifying and , SWEDISH PEAS SUGARHEART . nt fair prices for oar mah mediajtory Instincta Will be a AR enatomers. ((ulek servtee great force In persuading Ameri­ BROWN beams BEEF SPECIALS BRISKET eORNEO BEEF “'^ SSc no red tape. can manageihent and labor to re­ S t e a k s PRUNE JUICE aped the-position and needs of Fresh Sea Food SWEDISH SYRUP U. $. GOOD OR CHOICE CUT FROM HKAI'Y WESTERN BKKF______OUR OWN each other. In the good of our IIB ROAST BEEF . - ...... Lb. 72c WHITE MEAT MRVIS REALTY country,” Cole said. HUET OF HADDOCK SWEDISH s a lt ILOCK CHUCK (POT) ...... Lb. 65e RIB PORTION— 4 LB. AVG. HOME MAOE SAUSAGE PHONE 4112 ’The ridges around the craters COD nUETS, HALIBUT lONELESS CHUCK (POT) ...... Lb . 79c BUMBLE BEE TUNA 37c of the moon may be as much as HERRINfi MOBRELLS PORK ROAST 39c OUR OWN 20,000 feet in height Ihit iovaly Oariar & Ives Party SWORDHSH, HLLETOFSOLE tESH GROUND BEEF ...... Lb. 55c SWEDISH RYE LlBBrS. Sat of famous Ufe-adveftised FI^ESH SCALLOPS. SHRIMP BEEF LEAN AND TENDER BLOCK ' SCOTCH HAM Ubbay 'Sofadga Glassware’— KRISP CORNED BEEF HASH 3 5 c SmX lL STEWING OYSTERS STEW BEEF STEAK SPECIALS CHUCK ROAST 59c SLICED BACON o liH'W'P** $2.75 value — yours 5 1 RYE a o iffl U. S. GOOD OR CHOICE for only $1^1.^ |llRLOIN STEAK ...... Lb. $1.05 BONELESS POT ROAST l»c Waldorf Tissue 3 f . , ' 2 1 c RIB ROAST ' L>; 79e drinks, porfaHs, denertt. Just CONeXATULAnONS TO OUIl_WCAt T^ORTERHOUSE STEAK ...... Lb. $1.10 HUNTS i - THERE IS NO DOUBT REGARDING aeiid.$1.25 apd 4 neck labels SPECIAL ON LARGE SIZE FLORIDA WINNER, MRS. ROY BURET ^NDER KNIT $TEAK...... Lb. 99c blORRELL’S ITS q u a l it y a t t h e - , front any of ^ 17 delicious TOMATO PASTE 3 f . , 2 5 c NATIVE FOWL, JUICE ORAHGES 35e--3 P" SUN) MABY BEEF LIVER (FRESH) ...... Lb. 79c YORKSHIRE BACON 59c Colt ftovon to Colt, Box 85, DEL MONTt 1 - New Y ^ 46,^N. Y. But hur^ ^ U R OWN PURE PORK SAUSAGE MEAT Lb. 59c Extra Good and Loon. ROASTERS and FRYERS FAIRFIELD MARKET ELM C n y (SEALED) SLICED BACON . . . Lb. 59c ALWAYS The oipply is limitedi BONELESS PEACHES idirge 2>/i Can 31c 384 HARTFORD ROAD— ED ADAMS, Prop. FANCY TANGERINES 39c '"t . ‘ , Ice Cream HILLTOP FARM SLICED BACON “ A modem market with old-fashioned principles." , I ———I— I ' ■■ HILLTOP FARM SLICED DRIED BEEF COOKEO ROULETTES 79c I a V V V V < Lb*. No shrinkoqo— no wosto. CMsratHlitiows FANCY WHITE MUSHROOMS PufaitPie! Extra Loob SMOKED SHOULDERS 4>6 LBS.. Lb. 47c TOKAY GRAPES 2 !SL^BoH»r ALL STEAKS AND ROASTS AR? ", EXTRA LEAN DAISY H A M S ...... Lb. A9c «IEU*0' skECRUM: PiUsbofy'i to GUARANTEED TO BE CUT FROM ONE GRADE LARGE ITALIAN CHESTNUTS lEW CROP SAUERKRAUT...... 2 Lb*. 25c !! IEXTM DOLLAR SFECIALS11! BEAUTY BOSC PEARS 2 26c \ 25e ‘ 5 3 7 Mrs; Ro| Dirty iP iO ib u Y 'i a Lha. QUALITY IfVERAGES IDAHO BAKING POTATOES Live Better For Less . . . 4 46 Oz. Cans of Tomato J u ice ...... $ 1 .0 0 Dm. 6 6 Oz. Cans Sweet I.ife or TANGERINES'^ •imniMu SWIFT'S PREMIUM a^'iBcUhit'Bocd! Frogen Orange Juice ...... $ 1 .0 0 * I I I - 1 ..... — 4 7 c FANCY AVOCADOS t Buy All Your Meat At FfPC! pvffr JO(x 0^ 'ibo'Y > 4 2 Lb. Cans of Sweet Life U. S. CHOICE t a r t . Elept MH-AD ^ | Oven Baked Beans ...... ■ SI .00 Bex $5, New York 4*. N. V. | ------1 4 Lbs. of Sun Valley Colored Oleo ....$ 1 .0 0 Hm m m*4 ...... He efiMMySaM** I "Sarvinq your (iviry food naad daily |from , C»nlHai»M|>HIH I — hOhI***—ai*WI,«HH I * 62c Rki. \\ 7 Cans of Jesso Tender Peas ...... $ 1 .0 0 Cm OM*y i miin i wTiUS iarfw •* | youR p h | . JOY 4 125 Ft. Rolls of Wax Paper ,... .$1.00 e t Wit* cev»»« WITH COUPON , er wTTN eea*OE B A. M. ♦© 9 P. M.— Sunday 8:30 A. M. to 6 P.*M. I...... I PROCTER'-G/IMBLE le L T .W O O D 2 l«r|c * A tk 1 GIANT ROTTLE42C . IHIHl•*•••*•*a**••see*••••*•*••*••••**••*«•• COl/PORS p k fi. 49c pkis. 49c LOCKER PLAN? $11 MEAT HOUSE 1 SOUTH MAIN STREn •THE FAIRFIELD IS LARGE ENOUGH ’TO RBRVS YQJJ 2 REG. lOTTLES 49e Open M l Day Sundays _ t e t e Ko u o h t o k n o w TOU." ^ _ eWTee* ••••**• •*••••••*• M NSSEU STREET ' ' . TEL. 8424 ^ __■ __ I IJW a^aeeeaaaaaaaaeaaeaaaaaaaaeaeaeeeeife n a

1 ■: -V , i- ■■ n - /- • ■ • l.-’T V - r' . V .. ' ]. . \ ±

r ' T'-; MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4. 1952 PAGE NINSTEIN t BIANGHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, (X)NN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1962 I FACE EIGHTErai^ wh^ grikduataa pasted with a 100 CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER St*4 John’s Church BY VY>NTAIN£ POX FUNNY BUSINESS BY/^ERSHbERGBR Temple Wm View Vfiss Pagani Satis x per rent ahowlng. There are » lUONKRVILLB FOLKS RiverS'Dubiel Nuptials schools of nursing in Connecticut. THE SW ING IS Fo r Buenos Aires* For many yeara the local achool, Sets Confessions WOWl Sense and Nonsense ; Silverstein’s Film ita faculty and teaching methods have ranked high among nursing St. ^ John's Nstlonsl Catholic A paratrooper, making a teet Saul M. Silverstein will , .show Miss Ada Pagani of 187 North- schoela In the United States. A re­ At dMth, Jo« Brown admonUh- Main atrect is a passenger on tHe cent impartial purvey by a na­ Church on Golway street an­ ed hia wUe that ahould die ever jump, landed on top of a high hay- colored mbvles and alidea of Many SS Argentina, 'bound for Buenos tional accrediting service indicated nounces Gchersl (Confession w-ill be TO A tH ; trUIe on Mm he would turn over ■tack. eountrlea on. Sunday - in Tempi# > / Paratrooper —Hey, Buddy, how Aires, where'the will visit ber sis­ that of 1,200 schools in this coun­ held this Sunday, Dec. 7, at 8:30 in MB rravei 'A few yearn later Beth Sholom at 8 p. m. ter. Mra. Martina Genovesi, w)io try, only are fully approved.' Ma wife waa killed. Ascending do I get down from here? . 200 // Beautiful and Mteresting scenea has lived there about 25 yeara. and The Middlesex Institution Is In­ a. m. followed the Communion to the Pearly Qates, she met 8t. Soldier-Eaay, Chum. Juat ahuf the lattar'a son and two daughters. Mass at 9 a. m. The confeaaiona Peter who inquired .whom ahe moat yM A FAT J ^ 8 7 ^ 1 6 THAT S ReddUh jewel 3 uslt drinks (9 m s Wouldn’t it have been wiser for BANISH UNWANTED HAIR f o b k v k A H ERE/y )WORD/S hakes-)/A 8 AR- □ c n the judge to guarantee the wife failure. 12 River valley 4 cotton fabrics 13a n N According to Mlsa Ona M. Wil­ To Hm Prow, Ifc* Rodio, ood Hw Tolovisioii. iiif / Li»Se,V«:A PEAREVfTEliSOeR'S 13 Yale the right , to go flahlng Whenever Why let nnalghtly hair on year fSM vaO yme •mAT/> * ' 5 Kinder ahe liked, rather than to have told cox. director,, of the Middlesex 14 Sacred bull 6 Note in 25 Ripped 40 Column school la one of flvs in the state whoso Hmoly publkily so ably cOvored tho good looks. Let me free you of tbia aodal hssei- 26 Exude 41 Levy the huaband that whenever he 15 Stove baking Guido's scale went fishing he had to take hia roc*. rap forever. My medically approved metlMd la chamber 1 Those under 28 Communists 43 More pallid wife with him ? safe, permanent, and will not mar tlw 16 Glrl'a «g« 29 Cease 45 Look fixedly • One of the great joya of flahlng, nickname 8 Ranted 30 English 46 Ice cream aa anyone who likea to flah knowa, BALCH is Your IT Ballot 9 Preposition princess container la to get away from it all. "It all’’ To fh* Morchoots and CIHioos.*aiid oH of oor MARY CROSSEN WARD. R.N. II Vacation spot 10 Grasp with 31 Youths 47 In a line often Includes home and family, as MRS. LEO H. RIVERS Ortltled Eloctrologist 10 Uncloser the teeth 33 Father 48 Ratio / well aa problems and worries. Moods whoso fonoroos support mod* cor- Grill STO MAIN STREET TEL. S-S6ST 22 The sun 11 Belgian river 34 Type measure 50 Wicked / Most Prefer Flahing Alone Mias Bertha-Stella Dublel of 45*ln the afternoon at Willie’a tohi OUT froot soecoss, ^ 19 Roster 37 Style of type 51 Seines Lots of men who spend their All Work By Appointment—Free CouaNaflaM 2] Disencumber “"For# m’otoTtour to Washing­ 24 Female saint 21 Pastry 6 &AaE»AAPE-MOT 8 oeM 36 Brilliant 4 n istence; to-be men for awhile in- brother, Joseph John Dubiel, the ated from East Hartford High Loboooo, frotofuNy oxtonds its doop appro- precious stone atead of husbarida; to think their bride waa attended by heir slater, 1 School. Our new sanitary process gives yod it deUdous, erisf. Whp Gummed- Thi^ Works? p,. ,t T. p’ f.’- ' IN 39 Rot flax by h. A 1 o«-n thoughts. uninSerrupted; or Mra. Louis Glgllo, as matron ofi cloHoo, golden brown foiid — Seals in the flavor! Come in and a l l e y o o p s exposure juat to lazily soak up fresh air and honor. Mra. Robert Kennedy' of Rocky Hill and Miss Helen Mora try them! FRIED OYSTERS ANDX^LAMS PACKED W' YWOtt.rU. M ylW El ME IMKranCVEA.. 40 Endures » 8 K FT s • s sunshine and think about nothing '^aiAOWMM IT / 100...nr'5 tSnUlTHMK 42 Footlike part ft at all., were bridesmaids, and Barbara WILUAM FOl(BES. TO TAKE HOME. CALLa2-8003. P COMES UCHT I BEEN OARK| OOMEBOCnrS 43 Dance step ff” P 19 In these days of small ho\iaes, Jean Serna of East Hartford was DRINK AT MURPHY'S . MA»UrDUKl> V UKE T>«e T A M PER ED 44 Roman bronze amall yards, big, bustling offlcea, flower girl. Grood ToH Codor. jiDM Eiwe A.roRO«ws.| W ITH T H E k ft crowded buses and subways, noisy John Jacko of East Hartford COMMUNITY RESTAURANT TME-MACHME 46 Precious waa beat man and the uahei> were flA C E !. stones are restauranU, etp., the only way a 143 NORTH MAIN STREET MANCHESTER TXOUGH. W P d lot of men can ever get a little Robert Kennedy. Louis Glglio, Friday Special weighed by P i peace and quiet is to go off alone Fred Brown, and Joseph McKay fl with a fishing rod. of Wilson, Conn. Jack Armstrong 49 Dormant Wives may need to get away of East Hartford waa ring-bearer. % 53 Verbal HD IT 4 fl n r 'just aa badly. But nohbdy ought to The bride's gown waa fashioned 54'Roof l^ial of white satin and rose point lace. OLD FASHION. «•*# aay huaband and wife have to do 58 Asseverate ' R“ i4 k their fishing together unless they The lace bodice had a Qtieen Anne T. a aw u. a N*. aa collar. The aklrt which fell into a teJB lil—SJSlSJlt 57 Memorandum both like it that way. 56 Dry, as wine sT h ST They’re much too likely to spend chapel train had panels of the lace. CLAM CHOWDER “ Just a fifiishbif touch on 1h***-«w*st*r« I bought, so my 59 Ceremony the time fighting, Instead-of fishing. Her finger-tip veil of illusion waa EVEN TWICE THE PRICE CANT BUY grendtfiiMrw) will think I knittMl th*mi - l hop* I den*t 60 Widemouthed li U' il (All rights reserved, NEA Service held in place by a crOWn of pearls Ine.) and rhinestones. Her brida) bou­ OR thomr* pitcher quet was of white rosea. The matran of honor wore a CHRIS WELKIN. Plsn-teef Ready To Take O ff P' ^iS WINTERB^Tws^ Deaths Last Night gown of wood violet taffeta with BOOTS AND HER BUDDIES No .Other Way ______BY EDGAR MARTIN bolero. The flared' aklrt waa de­ SWORDFISH BETTER CHBISTMAS PENS THAN signed with two pleated panels. NOW/IF THE M M * 0 6 ,NOO Mk&Y \'VC*?K««K> >90Mkk s o u WHOM W WEB VOBfcS •WSN'Rt N00456 VlOPVt . \ 3 By THE ASSOCIATED PBESS She wore a picture hat of violet SEOKITy 440URM.VI DONE MkOUIt TWft CMVN r MB' MWfVt OUST Manhattan, Kas.—Fay N. Sea­ lace and carrM an arm bouquet POLICE MKM OfRWV - MR .M M OttW M Hs H V m U L \ V4AKY ton,' 70, editor and publisher of the oC gold pompons. AREN'T OOHMMCHf Manhattan Mercury - Chronicle, The brideamaida' gowna were of Open Alleys EXPBcnn& - who entered the newapaper bual- American beauty and peacock blue / AN AERIAL’ nesJ in 1915 and kullt up a'group satin. The bodices were buttoned E $C A FE ,I1 L of newspaper# and radio atationa down the front and had Peter Pan AFTERNOON AND NIGHT BE^AFELV in Kansas, Nebraska, .South Da­ collars. Their skirts were bouffant kota and Wyoming. Bom in Cham­ « ON m m y ^ and their hats were of lace in EVERSMUP paign,. IlL... shades to match their gowns. Their Belgrade, Yugoalavia — Milan bouquets were of yellow pompons. Grol, 76, former leader of the now The flower girl wore a dress of Saturday Special Inactive Democratic Party of E^ua faille, with lAce hoopakirt (*. I. Tn ImI.) . Yugoslavia. and lace collar. She carried a They Out-Write, Out-Style Any Other Make Dubuque, la. ■— William H. colonial bouquet of mixed flowers, wMi antra lerga 14-IU. gaU paM Klauer, 82, chairman of the board Mra. Henry Rivera, mqther of the ODD BALL ...Actually G iv e 10094 Greater Pen Valuel of the Klauer Manufacturing Co., bridegroom, wore a grey dress and a director of. the Chicago A with red trim and corsaga of red Whatever you plan to spend for a Christmas f f Great Weatem Railroad. Died rosea. She aaslated the bridal gift pen, you owe it to youraelf to aee the superb Tuesday. party at a reception for 60 guests COMPIITI liT including PR! '.l.A’S POi* The-Qoiek-Thinker BY AL VERMEER MICKEY FINN V BY LANK LEONARD CHRISTMAS PARTY ifVERSH ARP selection. Yea, aee it and compare ASKS AID FOB OYSTERS it with any other make! ' matching EVERSHARP CARLYLE WILL ENTERTAIN ^ WELL.' OW.WE r e a l l y BOULDER 0KMr!llW6HT W IT'SKRYOIt You’U diaeover tieauty, performance and value Repeater Pencil in hand, kYDU, REVEREND WEEMS,^ AND WHAT ■ M inVK .TWIMEPrat^ WTBVC A N D caa»*irNBiAanL ASHCUI66KM0W Q PNlLIPf New London, Dec. 4—(/Pi—U. S. others don’t even approach. A style, a type for aonie gift box . , . “ VWWILE 1 MAKE T E A !; DID YOU WMICH BOULDER cicamannar liaMHWPi MR. JONES Rep. Horace Saely-Brown, Jr„ saya everyoMe—priced to suit your budget. $10.40 (F. E. Tax iacL) LEARN IN 'TH E BIO IS t h e *' , .AR...UM... MBK*CNP5s *ocpm«neHM9,i MUTBt! mote MSI, IMUDEMMIS -tebCMXM* ha favors “prompt and. positive SCHOOL iNGINEERlNQr BICSrOESTj BOULDER- u m v t M t m m 6RAMP8! IMWTIQMOM mLITWBUIPKtME ANPIFlPSOKAinillim Make the emart choice today—EVERSHARPt TODAY, , PRO JEC TS e BM61090! MW KNOW noM action" in Congress to help Long lODMKOFIMimwe] BnOOKSVlLLEi Ifland 'Sound oyster growers to OTHIR SETS AYAIIAKI CARLYLE? oJNPMPKUWNS, IKNONf OKPOCIOKIDIONW combat a marine life which they BWT-IOOMHOAIOM^ ONIT IViaiHABe SIVIt YOU AU TNIM UP TO $13S MHNOOMMKS6 aaid thraatana the state'a valuable REST! AevANcm, HTna-wBimw riaTuaiii OtCRBRSEf oyater crop. Growers, meeting with Seely-Brown yesterday;, deacrlbed w a rn s INITANTIT. Magic FM d-fennd silly the havoc wrought on growing in ET.nharp—prtT.nU Oesding, iMktng. T«-r tc "sj' 1 <7 , T oysters____ by startah,----- —ata cnihs and OiTM y.u iB.tant starting, eantroll.d Sow. X. oyster drills, a type of snail.'Seely- w ains cuANte. Peritwiinip-pm. Brown expect# to return to the W ' ^ Cltanari, fattaat way to All a paa. House Merchant Marine and Fish- Joat Sip tha Imrar—and pan*! ariea committea of which ha was bria-fall, Na 6ng.r atalning. a member in the 80th Mhgreta. - ' w a m s MSOOTIMB. 14 Karat Grid Pnin^ Ettra-larga. Hand wranpAe. T GIFTS THAT SHINE — NOT FOR Vriv.t-raiMth, atylM far avarg CAPTAIN EASY Wash On The Job BY LESLIE TURNER F KCKLES a n d HIS FPIEN Oh To The Table BY M. C. BLOSSER liA f hand . . . tvary writing nsad. PL 4 IID " __ A DAY — RUT ALWAYS W ain* MMSSa. Spaoial Train 7 B e w M tN u n s L x m - R u l e 1* 2 . : ^ a r i >s Braathar Tubs (ntwrat Imrgttt, STAB Mfoeru AN T MEALS ARB ID VC I MKN ONYX atSK DOK sn . > . .W BAR/IHe H AUSMCNTED AS -infc rapacity aver. Tan writ# . 88 Ifff- L A R D S l^ IHUS, SIR. WILL ttXJK. mora werda, witkant I llje (T. I. Tan M.) (8. L Tax lad.) JUfilOKS ‘ TDl COOPSRATION MAKE (T OFTEN AS H»ve- lallUag. AOCepTBO 'RauNiN&A PosseLE fCB.iHe name OP SMITH 1D BURN D iamonds - Jewelry other. OUK sets t o 472.50 •OUR. UKRIY V) CHALLENGE -rwr^ CeSUiXINA BRIGHTLY N'MeANNAtS T> ATU*. OF Henoc STOKTS. OF-wue^ AcuieveMBNTs r • W atches X- ••SummtiMM*’ your homml ALL FAMOUS NAME MAKES Tm, rirl Thta Mtea, s«*< l<^^*l»t *1*14 Do your Christmas shopping here—where you can ■St r 111" " - WMw Air CaaSWMtr tm f I — wOw a— «»«h t U« L do business with the boss personaUy. We have gifts tan jae ease IL Tae sat a aa^at NUW f OOlO KONOMT OOtO for every member of the family. MS WT . . . fan $ I0 A * - M8HT...Paii$4JS- ms ^ t^T. B. ak 0. a Binaanal tha etatkar b ^ aa4 trim - - - ar aaMa«4 klitw. M lot 8I4J0 (8.1. Tnn IikL) tal $7AO (8. L Tm ind.) tha ftaiein •( IS raara laWaalaa nawnk VIC FLINT Action In Cabin Seven BT MICBZEL CHALLEY BUGS BUNNY ksaa tiM tana tUa fhM Maat.UWt w SnatCyaa wttk irmtml aawA^ 1 |A»MOOWA401ftyAPB^ ** ** MLFFIJR SCOAM CfUTBTVkMdWrAlR... 1 FOGARTY 01882, l iatdiatp loc« 3M 8M* A«a« n r .C BROTHERS WnaiNCY MT HAB avoaim LEONARD W. YOST, jew eler; . . . Paa 82J*-.Sal 81JU ■AU POINT . . . Paa $1, .V.. 256CENTERET. (8. a Tax Im L) . iai 81-38 (8. a Tax IxdJ TEL. 2-4539 ■ -iM: >UT' OF THE HIGH RENT DfSTRICT" ■■ "W 12f SFRUCE ST. -^'OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9— UNTIL CHRISTMAS FLEHTV OF f t n PARKING SPACE f l i Y l -• ADLP YOU Oiyit THJ FUUlf MJt

r . ■ A t X. A, rif " ' r - ” - I ■ f: f • t - .■ ■-J. r \ ■* .■■

■ I - ■ /■- ■: : i ■ ' ’ ' N. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHF.STER. CONN., THURSDAY,.-DECEMBER 4. 1952 PAGE TWENTT-O5II . • . * * • ______- . . ______.U__a. -MANcajEarEB EVENiwc h e r a u )/ m a n c h e s t e r . c o n n , Th u r s d a y , De c e m b e r 4,1952

LOCAL Dodgers Build Own FI »h PonH :ers Fo^rth Player Chatter ' . > Vmwm » — »• rfcu— (N K A )—Thu Dodf*r» will h*ve the dJ»- IkMtlM W be««ttaj„|helr ow* pHv»le flahiHc po«d )■ tninlnf By EARL W. Y0S!P Philafle1|ihia’ Giants J ' Double Duty ^ “ I'Six 'ere * * * * « iS r • »*w bMcbell plaiiit Behrly Sports Editor Tea9liers and Wapping,^ h U *lt t«,k iuet 51 d .y . ^ Yale’s Ed Woodsum ‘Play Anus Sunday Walter O'Malley. “laaUad » » ALL- EAST . ____M tt we aeeded. we Sue It out, Juat outalde the park. •T w e n t y 'YEARS ago today Joe«-Rec Senior League. Both men aia Nassiff ,\rms wilt step nut ^ e oiled tt ulth water. ereatlaE « ItcOuskey of Fordham Unlverilty also handling publicity for their Capture Y Loop Games against the Philad'litlila C.<|i- ■itfleW poad, aad ha%'e etecked It with baa^” And Fortunate Named won the annual cross country run respective loops. ored Giants, Sunilay nft*rno-.>n No Involvei) 1952 at 3 o'c'o"k at the East Side - ,( , .»>«■" ' . St Cincinnati, Ohio. Joe's feat Is Wapping Harvesters, with five noted In the Splorta Mirror which FORMER PRO bssketbnll plsy- Rec. Manager tleorge MItehrll Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 4 — S ' ' New York, Dec. 4—(Ab—Charlea * qffenae for the year with 1 ^ 9 men hitting double figures, aiv'nunred the hooking lost is carried dally In The Herald. era In the Rec Senior League this trounced State Service, 76 to 39, Y Results In the fourth major Detroit— (Chuck) Maloy of Holy-Croeer * ryardar-followed-by--Claaby,■ - season include Frank Bores and nikhi. The .3nrts ropped their record-aetting quarterback, headed 11474. ciaaby waa aecond to Buck- and the High School Teschera Louis deal in a year, the T lfd ii REV. STEPHEN Stryjewakl of Lou Dead with Frankie's and first three starts and loom as Rec Junior Loop a veraatile backfleld named today j nell’a Brad Myera in ruahing with dnibbed the Silk City Aces, 65 to! Teaehera (65)... today - traded pitcher* ''Virgil Fred Saigh Wants St. ‘John's Polish National Church ' Johnny Dobrutaky with Herm's B. F. r t«. the best Independent team In (Double No Hit) Tn icM aad H6l on the Aaaociated Preaa' All-Eaaf; 950 yarda. 47, last night in Y Senior League' Tripp, Vf ...... 0 0*0 0 town this season. was an AH'State football player ' Cameras. All three played Eastern basKetball action.- White and centerfielder Johiuw To Ban Television Starts Tonight football team. Filipaki, a alaahing ball-carrier. for two years during his high and American League ball. Karly. If ...... 2 0-0 4 The 'Colored Giants pla.veJ Completing the olfenatve atrlk- racked up S89 yarda ruahing while THE HAR33BSTEB8 wasted no Parka, c ...... '0-0 5 Groth to the Browifs (or left Aqla- 4chool days at Naugatuck. Father; < ------Beatle. « ...... 1. 6 1-6 13 here several years ago against er Bob Nleman, second baaenuB ing unit with Maloy, who act aix , Smith, Who act an individual record time in the Tlrst game jaft to a Darlelann. rc 7 0-2 14 Eaat Side Rec Junior League Stryjewskl made the All State all UCONN COACH Hugh Greer is quick load in the Initial frame', the Fastern Lenipie Giisrds at Owen Friend and c*tcl»*r-«nt- • Fhoanix. A r^ ^ c . 4——Prea- Eaatem recorda thla'.year, were! of 273 for one game againat Har- I^wrencfi, rjf ...... 2 4 the Armory. Idant Fred Sajfh ot the St? Louie will get underway tonight with Richard Claaby, Harvard’a triple-1 yard, had a aeaaon’a total of 821 star team as a tackle in J926 and high on Pinky Hohenthal, Man­ Wapping kept building '.\ip the Schmidt, Ir ...... n 3 fielder J. W. Porter. . Cllfiord. Iff ...... 2-8 4 The sw:ap. Involving aOme Cardiiiala aald today he believed threat halfback; Valianova'a Gene 1 yarda on the ground as B guard In 1927. ---- cheater High's leading scorer the score and Was In front at halftlTre two gamea. The firat game will Cone.'Iff ...... 10 M 21 000 in player talent, did not !,tA* Oia National League ahould bar Filipaki, one o f the natlon’a leading ' Y A LE ’S ED WOODSUM, who .,------i past two seasons. Hohenthal Is a by.,1- 37 to 16 count, Lennv Bal- atart at <;30 with the South End- KENNY GOQDWIN, former, freshman at Storrs this season. dude any cash sccordlag ta liM jr talaviaion from all parka for 1»S3 ball-carriera, and Homer Smith, caught 11 touchdown paaaea for kiiskf and Gene Kuperschraid did Totals ...... 30 5 ^ 65 and reiterated hia threat to re- era facing the B. A. Jra. In the another. Eaatern record, waa Rhode Island State . basketball the heavy scoring In the first two Area (41) • 1 Schaffer, Browns general KUMl* night cap, the Naaaiff Hawka take Princeton'a plunging fullback. wKiz, ia In the sales, department at KENNY PINNEY of Frankie’s B. F. rta. I Sport Schedule ager. Oiiie cluba to televaat their home TTie team'waa picked after con- bracked with Columbia’a A1 Ward periods for the Harvesters, while Trdone. rf ...... 5 0-0 10 on Chriatiea Movera. Gamea will be Hamilton Standard. Goodwin will captained the Teachers College In Trucks, a ,33-year-old rlghtMaod- famea arith St. Louie unleaa tee aultation with Ivy League and on the flanka of the, offenalve line.- Cy Perkins and Graham Holmes Apoatlnelli. rf ‘ ...... 0 0-0 0 ' played on Thuraday nlghta play with Manchester In the New Britain basketball squad last Cobb. If ...... 8 5-10 21 1 cr, pitched two no-hltt*ra 111 !••$ — Cai^ rtc«ived b share of the TV other Eaatern ooachea. A t tacklea were a pair of faat were tossing them in for the Seje- Frldny, Dec. 8 throughout the aeaaon. There will gianta, Villanova'a Bill Hegarty American Basketball League this sea.xon. Plnney halls from Blast vlce five. The second hslf was a riuuimer.^£_-A...... 2 4-9 8 i against‘. Washington, in May and PRINCETON PLACED four FItipatrrek, c 0 (Hi 0 1 BA's vs. Scranton, 8 JO - **“ rEere la *no queation in my be a league winner and it. ia and Pittaburgh'a Eldred Kraemer, season. Hartford. duplicate of the first, w’ltli th^ Rjorkman. rff ...... 0 ^0 V 0 the New York 'Yankees In. Auguat planned to have a four team play­ men on the two-platoon, 22-man Armoi-y. but wound up with, a S -Ii roe* allhd that tcleviaian ia hurUng tee while the guard apota went to Holy men from Wariping Scoring'Keavv. nusaell. rp ...... 0 0-0 0 Collegians vs. Nassiffs, 7 Rec. attendance,” declared the Red- off at the end of the regular aea­ aquad, morO „than any other in- Croaa’ Cheater Mlllett and Syra- BOBBY KNIGHT has been play­ BF..ST BOWYJNG scores last The Staters tried to'get bsck Into ?!rimanek. Ic ...... 1 0-0 6 ord. 's Sbnnions. Ik ...... i . 1 0-3 2 Murphv's vs. Herm's, 8:30 Rec. Mrd boea St houra before tee atari aon. M ILLEH MALOY atitutiorii.' Twelve achoola in all cue'a William Skyinakua. The ing with Joe Black's all star night In the RestaurntU League In­ the game but had fo"gh luck on Groth. 26, a Detroit regular aiaea Following are the roafera of the were repreaented. High St Merldbn. 1949, hit .284 In 141 gamas and of tec jnajor league meetinga. ^ Holy Croat' Holy CroM | offenalve center waa Jamea Dooley basketball team. Black was the cluded the following: Dorn Galll man.v shots. Holmes witji elcht snd TotaU 4.'...... 19 8-22 47 ^Tuesday. Dee. 9 •■However, to aaUafy tee akeptica. teama: There were three repea tera. In- of l^nn State. pitching stsr for the National 141-144 398, Cy Giorgettl 3.53. Pete Perkins with 12 4>olnts were the White, a 33-year-old relief gttcktr, Nsasiffs vs. Herm’s, 7 Rcc. had a 1-8 record in 41 gaaMf. « J auinfeat we ban video (or one South Endera: BtBell. J. Parma adtlitlon to Maloy, making their MePhee and Bell flanked a de- League Brooklyn Dodgers last sea­ Aceto 363.' Joe Roglls 379, Drolley high. for Stste .“ervlce, while Collegians vs. Arms, 8:30—Rec. THE MOST IMPORTANT . .St, year to determine once and for ian, C. Keeney, J. Leander. R. Second appearance on the team fenaive line that had Syracuae’a son. Knight hss yet to come to Borello 362 and A1 Kochln 3.53. Kuoerschmid and Dlote. with 19 Wappiiiff (76) . High at Hartford High. an whether It hurU or helpa baae- Campbell, P. Cloaea, B. Talley, D. were two double-aervice enda, ■256-pound Bob Fleck and Penn’a terms with the British Americans Jeanette. Ctishing rolled a 350 triple oolnts each were the big guns for F B, F r id v , Dee. IJ Louis player involved was Niaiflaa, Kup<*rprhmlflt. rf ...... 8 2.5, a rookie eensMtlon with a ,9M Colea, B. Tayler, and T. LaForge. Frank MePhee of Princeton and 205-pound John Shanafelt at and In all probability will not play In the Mixed Doubles L ^ gu e at the Wapping. ’■CupFrarrmldt. If ...... 2 . ' BA's VS. Pawtucket, 8:30 — B. A. J’ra. coached by Jimmy batting average, 18 homcre and T4 Xld Bell of Pennaylvanla. tacklea, Navy'a Steve Eiaenhauer In Friday night's opener against West .Side Rec and Johnny Sim­ The second contest found the DlFt*. f ...... 9 Armory. • BT WAY OF HOl’STON Roach, H. Gunther, P. Guatafaon, Maloy, a 185-pound T-tacticlan and Princeton'a veteran Bradley Scranton at the Armory. mons had a 35.3 Dcott. Best scores PaKizlF. r ...... MuiT*hy’s yti. Newington, 7 — runs batted In. The -right haadad Teachers downing the Silk City, PukulFkl. rff 7 hitter nit two straight hemara ..Houaton,- Tex.— (N B A )— When D. Hayea, R. Carter, A. Ferria, L. from Rocheater^ N. Y., act aeaaon Glaaa at guarda. In the Y Leagueyw'erer Pop Glea Aces. The - schoiers, led by the Ic ...... 4 Rec. against Boston In his major Isogua Mtislaalppi beat Hotiaton, S-0, here Stevenaon, L. Gaakell, V. Fiaher, recorda for offenalve playa, 346; Linebacking dutlea went to Pete ' n C K E T MANAGER Art Pon- son .361, A1 Krupa .382, Lanky .shsrpHihooting of A1 done snd .To* Double $trlkes vd. Frankie S, T, Lanari, D. McConnell,^ and L. P Total* debut. Sept. 14; 1951. j tMa paat aeaaon. it waa the flrat paaaea thrown, 288, and comple- Schoderbek of Penn State and Joe gratz of the British Americans re­ Wslckowskl S59, Stan Bujnclus •Schmidt, got off to an early st*rt ...... 34 8s.'n 76 8:30--Rec. *.' time Ole Miaa had ever won a Gardner. Naaaif Hawka cpached by 1^ 1# (99) Porter. u*ed hoth aa a eatehar tiona, 126. "Hia career marka of 304 Schmidt of Pittaburgh, who were ports a heavy sale of reserved 364, Howard August .361. Ed Ko-* and were never headed the rest B. High at East Hartford. football game In Texaa. Leonard Seara. Bob Sweet, B. ■ 0 - ^ completiona in 089. attempU_tQ.f. aided in the defenaive aecondary seat tickets for Friday night’s ris 3 ,5 9 ^ c Taggart 353 and Bolo of the game. The Aces, .fresh off rrnll. rf ...... — and outfielder, received a N5.0M I . t ------FiFh. If ...... bonus from the Chicago Whit# gmi Pearaon, J. Hahn, T. Blardl, B. 4,074 yarda alao were high in the by Joe Fortunatb 6( Yale, AT Sim- A. L. opener. The box office will Lucas, 355. ^ the grlftlron, were a little ri’.st". norfli.EH Gorman, r ...... -- MfXFtV as a free agent when he -afltaiad DBFBNMVX DBAL Laraon, T. Ruaseli, D. Vale and J. Siaat. mona of Colgate and Ed JannotU dpen at 6:30 with the feature game hut still put up a guod bsttle. B*h McGraw. Chriatiea movera coached Thomr.^nn. rsr pro ball. Last season the lt-yaar> < 'Lexington. Ky.— (NEIA)—Ken- Maloy alao led the region in total of Princeton. » scheduled to start at 8:30. HKRALD LKAOrv: Cobh snd Chick Plummer tried t-i le ...... Team Sn. 2 43) by Nino Boggini, K, Iriah, C. yfrBMFFiU f$) 86 tin 299 old prospect hit .250. fo r thd tneky defeated Louiavtlle YMCA, DOOLEY KRAEMER | 7(' 91 80 211 check the T c c h .’-s -’-ut couldn’t Holmaa. Isr ...... M. Simmons ...... 97 RoginI, D. Gotaa, N. Hohenthal. M. ^Ulni•uinn .. pFrlclDa. Ik ...... J. Sinvmoria ...... iFa 108 112 11.52 Browns after spending moot Of Uio 12.4. in 1900 without running a Pann Stale Pittaburgh, TOMMY CONRAN Is supervis­ ' leniia ‘ 1D4 102 9? 398 bu” a boon In the flr"t cento. Eacavich. L. Cyr, J. Raggaao and ...... M 101 97 283 • season at Memnhis and Colorado*. Mngle offeneive play during the ing the operations of the Y Sei^'r Harmir The Aces got hack. Info the Tot.ild ...... 19 M l 39 Totals ...... 225 194 ft.12 651 Andaraoii ...... 108 107 108 r.21 ?con* at half tfnir. Springs, two White 8ox farms. ehtire football game. D, Squatrito. Promoters Blamed for Lack Basketball League this st;Sson ...... no 89 103 302 'gam* In the second period snd st 7*18 Wapplrp. Team Nn. 7 III C<*n’!nl . -I. 'tiircan ...... 86 72 74 232 The Tigers will have to wait a while Wally Fortin has a similar the half had cut six points off the ... 106 85 M 25.7 ...... 475 492 478 1445 R, yorffT?'...... Jesae Arnelle is shout equally dangefous In both football and week or so for Friend, 38, tO he job at the E ««t Side Rec With the j Totals .... Teachers lesd. Score at the hrlf huldge. Charlie Beattie ahd Boh'oy ,1. .ii.. ilaas ToUU ...... 193 157 168 817 basketball. Penn Btale's star sophomore end caught 33 paaaea for a discharged from militiuY aorrida. O f Middle-Distance Stars 8(0WA .... . 84 83 211 had the profe.sors In front 20 to 21 Clifford hit for 12 pointa between Stnrsmon .. 82 82 83 247 them in thia period while Cobh new school record this year, and established a cage single game scor­ He was the Browms regular aaeond .•••••••••••a • aaaaaaaaaaaa 125 .129 The second half started slmv as Team Ne. 4 (1) I^iKorao ...... 92 112 picked up eight for the .Silk City ing mark last season. (N R A ). baseman in 1950, hitting .337 in Ex-Army Aces Elsewhere Stress Cohen ...... J...... 77 82 ion 261 each souad began to feel the pare FI. DiipnU ...... 79 87 84 2.50 119 games. New York - (NEAj - 95 315 men. i II. OLipuia ...... 88 96 107 291 SaHiflAlG Isn't neoessarj' In this bualaesa. Cuttor ...... no no Denlelaon and Nlel Lawernc led the A total of 24 players changdd Cunningham blames promoters for TeaeherajwMIe Tedonen and Plum- | A poor night waa hnd hy all 191 .541 TODAY'S TIP FROM m:HTAI RANT I.KAQVR the dearth of mlddle-dUtance stars "People can't understand why TotsU ...... 4S7 47* 1396 Ttdala ...... 167 183 uniforms in the setteai of TIgor- . Miller's 48) a man runs. They don't see anyj mer ecorerf'for the Aces. The final i team.s at the foul line. The lotala Team No. ft (3) Stev6 0w6» Says- Brown deals that started $'4h. Blanchard ...... 87 — - in the United Stiffes. period had the aeholara breaking | being 23 foul shots out of 84 al- K. Hutton ..t...*. .A.. 91 84 86 2:>3 Job Well Done by Blaik, Cadets sport In It, argue that It lacks the -4 ruas tt) K. Hutton ...... 9.5 107 88 290 14. Pitcher Dick Utlleficld afld YOUR ESKIMO DEALER Jonen ...... l plenty of trouble In recent years " " y ” ™ P'*.vmaker and works out A. Bailarceon .. ... 108 m 99 .108 professionals, coached hy an ac- haven't enough time left to gilay H take five years to rebuild the Rivorsa ...... 90 exploited as the promoter sees 6t. Four generations competed in| •your car. Prices start at ...... 121 112 129 369 pivot post months after the Browna ahippad from nowhere In the cloning sec­ Tackleq Jack Erickson and Phil andsnH h.he ,will1-iU be inIn (Vi.the Snr.ntnnScranton 'he PiVOt pOSt. I nowledged master of defense, that way. AND HERE’S A TIP THAI’S ALWAYS GOOD- • United States Military Academy's Shockey, who did not play at Mla- Savcrlrk ...... 92 "If they don't turn the sport the mile during Cunningham’s ac­ ScliUhort ...... 11') 97 U2 :i(7 ! Tot.U ...... 186 187 175 s'l* Ned Garver, their 1051 eenaation onds to edge Pennsylvania and giv­ P. Aceto ...... 118 Kno(TA ...... 122 135 103 .331 Miners lineup tomor.-ow night Coach Rim ore Morg.anthaler can on a given afternoon be com­ football dynasty. West Point had ing Nav)' a memorable.battle. The aiaaippl State and West Virginia, back to the competitor, they'll kill tive career — Paavo Nurmi, Jack Team Nn. 11 (1) Another point is that, on a given to the Tigers for slugger' Vic R. PaKR'U ...... 131 Tarca ...... :...... 124 m 111 ,338 , K. ClemUnlel • • •. 77) 6.5 71 311 pletely otflclassed from the open­ just be!en chewed up, 42-7, by Navy. Cadets had a .500 record, oiitscored respectively; Guards Rob Volonlhd .1. WaJKcr Lovelock, Louie ZamperinI, Gene, Per Sot Harfs ...... 12.1 104 10.5 332 day .when Ita plays are clicking, wWertz erlz In an eight*manelgl deal. Out- t H. CUndaniel . .... 92 9.5 122 309 ing whistle and walloped. by a Conch Blaik had only the rem­ the eombined opposition, which of Vlllanova; West Virginia’s Jim Lupc ;.. . 121 "They put too much emphasis Venzke, Chuck Fenske and Archie $13.95 1 any professional club can have a fielder Jim DeMing, pitcher Dayd ...... 610 580 1712 8:30. A preliminary pitting lions. He is another towering flg- nants o f the great squad that was Ran Romani, among others. Totals ... 5.52 Totala ...... 167 160 193 520 score of 63 to 7. more devastating offense than the Madison and Hud Block went with INSIST ON also Included Soutllern California Peyton; Kansas State’s Ed Sta- ToUU ___ ...... 536 541 565 1642 on records. FarmiMKtan (1) Frankiea Drive-Tii and Balch Pon- "re who ha.s- a good pro back- That was the galling experlenee almost totally wrecked by the dia- Pittsburgh and Georgia Tech. hura; Jack Chamblln. who will put (sarslpa (ft) "The answer to it is turn 'em A runner should be rated over, ' 8ahlor ...... 112. 97 99 308 Tram best college team which ever exist­ Garver to Detroit .avhlU* tM OrAtfin ...... 9.9 117 96 306 a period of years, declares Glenn! * Rurdae ...... Ti 107 9: which befell stout Steve Owen and ed. The.Stee^grs were suclran oyt- missal of 3S fine players In the un­ Had It not been for the acholaa- out for Illinois In '53; Rill Raise loose and let 'em run. ^ S ta te 7 o’cloc!:. dale, Bridgeport and Saratoga. n. piiHup^ __ ...... 92 86 0 178 Browns got outfiel(M|i Don Las- PJpche^ ...... 85 99 1(» 2*7- Chjnnlngham, not by one or two. : Grahini ...... 102 109 80 291 \V. Phlllipa ...... 131 105 0 226 hlx.New------3’ork Giants . ^ la the . cold . f i t last 'Stmday. ‘’HielF' passer, Jim hardt and'pitehers Martin StuUl fortunate violation of the honor tlc hou.secTeanlng. Army would and Jim Giiardlno, who did not per­ Am.prMon ...... 108 116 91 31.5 Cimningham waa never one to 1 Mli-iil'll* ...... >1 104 97 292 PLK.SS PKKFOR3IKO In the Chunky Wally Shiel holds a girard code. Army employed plebes, how­ have had. In addition to Reich, who form at Georgia Tech and Notre McMulItTY ...... 98 106 M 293 waste time about formalities. He smashing vlctorle.x, ' ! MrKlnh'*y ...... 103 107 101 314 Tf.taU ...... 404 and snow at Pittsburgh last Finks, tire former>T)ii.sa star, had and Littlefield with Wert*. "Consistent ia the yardstick of ...... 313 0 end. It was a nightmare that the . ever, whbrh helped somewhat. went both ways a-s the Jayhawka' Dame, respectively and Bay Mala- Barrera ...... 107 88 HB sop simply picked them up and laid Service Station stnr end high scorer. i Trow. N«. le (3» one of those ‘days when he could After the cloae of the seuon. the greatness, of which Gene Venzke Totals ,...... 486 524 471 1481 f-rt-oiis mentor—from Oklahoma Tigers paid * -reportad 108,0^ West Point did not use freahmen quarterback, and Filipaki. who ale vaal, lost track of In the big shuf­ Totals ...... 491 626 483 1500 them down—and let the records have thrown the ball Into a bucket was a master," he says. | ROY RUBIN of City College an d'm'. Iri'.h U "III never forget, starting from at 40 yards, and hia receivers and Infleldfr Connie Barry u d this Fall, so had what under the up so much real estate fpr Villa fle Center Bob Orders of West fall where they may. Downtown Tydol A1 Ciarrochu. Miami freshman I Carhondale In the ABL. A former Mel...... S-amen...... of NYU ^ r.v.iai share vital ------nova, Halfbackn W alt Walker of Virginia; and Linebacker BUI the moment L.vnn Chandnols ran could have caught a saucer of Mapes to get outfleldar Jak* Craw­ circumstances was a grand aeaaon Oak Grill (t) It seems like a faraway time 770 Main St. Tel. 4.107 fullback, carried the football only ! Cortland State Terche.s star, the roles for Ihe Miners. These two ! Total* ...... 170 212 204 .MS th* first kleU-off baek the length Iowa State; Howard Baldwin, who Flick, who remained on the side­ Golas ...... 9.3 87 118 398 since CNinnlngham was running water without spilling a drop. ford, a St. Louis rodkie who hit $7 with the 1951 personnel minus a ...... 125 1.11 m 379 three times against Stetson tout[ six foot, six Inch Ple.ss Is one of newcomers were responsible for' of the field for a toilehilown and line at Notre Dame. RokM^ ... milers bowlegged— It was, by Wallace Knocks , . . . I Tram 5 (ft) Forfrit A college team will not have the home runs In Scranton, P*., o f Ilia GavAJlo ...... 93 81 90 263 scored two touchdow-ns. . [the be.at rebounders In the league victory ovcrHazelton ' in lhe first! Team >o. 8 (4) lasting until tiio insatiable Ht4iel- Eastern League. Others completed eligibility else­ Wsikpr ...... 102 104 96 3U3 count, just 12 years ago—making 28S diatresaing experience ot running Saaiela ...... 127 91 134 342 .g.Tme Sunday in Hazciton. Frank i‘ 5'n. MorriAoii ...... ’ '** er* hsd poured aeross their final The Detrolt-St! Louia daolinK* where after sitting out a season. It seem that the garlands an ath­ Out liob Dunlap Flt.c.eimnions, a Fersnton boy, is in+_I4V 122 ,isn into such an atlacU. and ao will They S’ould have come In mighty three seores In tho closing period. started last February when the Totals ...... 5.19 494 551 1684 lete wears die all too soon. counted on heavily In rc.'-erve! Totala ...... 209 2*30 «I8 never know how a club of case- Handy against Navy a year ago. 1 ^ When the greatest of American There had been nothing to re­ Tigers hent first baseman Dlelt Ballou I.aks (S) Coach Sonn.v Hertzherg an- semble the .shambles msde of the hardened profes-sionals could curl They are Backs A1 Conway, con­ Kondra ...... 83 84 167 milera retired in 1940, he remarked Detroit, Dec. 4—(A5—Coley W al­ Kryhoskl and pitchers Cain nmincpd th*t Dick Surhoff. sent to Giants’ defense sinee 1940, when up and die before"it. Edcimo is a New England product, made to give you verted from an end at William. Sobiski ...... 101 92 92 385 at that time that somebody would lace look.a like Joe Louis. And he B. r. GRID CAPTAIN and Gene Bearden to the Browits Borpllo ...... 114 111 1.17 362 the BA's on option and siibicct to I the mightv Chicago Bears smashed for catcher Matt Batts, first base- Jewqll College of Missouri to lead Kochin ...... 117 106 1.10 353 some day run a four-minute mile. enda his fights in Joe Louis style. dependable cold weather protection. For a worry-free It’s So New recall before the sea.snn begins, Newton, Mass.. Dec. 4 (/P)—Joe ' the Washington Redskins 73-0. Y I.KAUI'K man Ben Taylor, Mapea aiWI the nation's college scorers with Hart ...... 109 132 108 339 “That B«ll goea." aaaerts Cun­ But in between the start and the Gravlno » 86 86 hn.s been recalled by the Knlcks Tl'ls wss considered a freak of a Llttlefleld. winter, ask your dealer to put in Eskimo now . . . Your 133 points; Elmer Stout, Okla­ ...... “ — ningham. whose 4:04.4 finish Coley doesn't always fight Johnson, jarring halfback from Kn.tek'. ttl ■In- the T.nuia pattern.. and Eo’o McL.arnin of Hol.y Cross game at the time, and. we have Acquisition of Groth give* th* choice of two types—permanent and economy. homa A. and M.'s fullback and ToUU ...... 524 517 551 1592 fastest Indoor mlle-ever^--It“lMsT. is de'"initely , edded To the f ceim. New Haven. Conn., has bro'ken the dlea.mi ...... )2fl 112 in 7S1 For Instance, last night the 199- been assured on several occaalons Prhmleskl ...... 114 S.-i S7 2a .spectator at Notre Dame; ror.NTRY rrrB MEN It, either. It’a Juat a matter of a led by Ray Felix at 6-10, Ralph M.rtlii ...... r 111 llfi 114 344 and Herb-Johnson, last heard of Team Na. 1 (ft) man who’a determined enou^ and Bob Dunlap for a count of eight the football'cap­ could never happen again, the pro- ...... 91 99,133 313 the pitching staff along with It’s So Much Browns ...... 64 94 W 277 Poison St 6-8 and Kenn.y Goodwin, Zwlrk ... Duane Pillette, Satchel Paige. when Injured in an automobile Intereoted only In breaking In the first round and stopped him taincy for the pest three years. .fesslonal coaches having since ■E SURE YOUR CAR STARTS ON Watu ...... 84 87 89 SSO 6*6. Jacl-.le Allen and Biidd.v Ack­ TTie Ragles' 36 lettrrmen named made such uotab'e strides in their, Totals ,...... "sK *M9 ~5M Tea* Cain, Llttlefleld and Beardea. accident after announcing his In­ Buckland ...... 89 H 89 264 record. at 46 seconds of the sixth round loanibsck ...... 96 KM 118 .117 Cjf? erman are the two small me'ii on John.'-on as their 19.53 leader yes defensiVC - forms t ions. -...... -n.J wiiii. <11 pieman can take hi* place In a tention to finish his education out with a flashing right to the head. t...... COLO KORNINfiS . .. Ask for Whflan ...... 120 109 100 329 "1 never cared about records. the club, both, good playmakers Cielln ...... 101 107 1(M 312 young Tiger outfield' i t CAwriord west. But in between, Wallace was never terday by a unanimous vote. He Is Owen probably came ns close to ...... 123 3,1 119 '3,16 Eskimo gas add. Eliminates If I had. I might have run the Consiructinn Eiactricinns and scoring- threat.*. the first ball-carrier to be so hon­ exnl.xlnlng the debacle ss it Is pos­ Liikns .,. and Russ SUlIivan can make the Linemen* in this class were Totals ...... 47.1 479 495 1447 magic mile myself. Looking back as hungry, never as stalking as the Kompsnik ...... ion 104 104 .114 stalling and coughing caused Tsam Na. S (4) RESERVE SEATS for the game ored since Mike Holovnk, his sible t o ’do.when he said: " If you 8mnliik ...... 120 104 lOS 229 grade. Friend gives Manager Fred­ It’s So Different Tackles .J. D. Kimmel, Houston's to 1933 when I turned In t|at great heav.vwclght champion of are on sale at the British Ameri­ ...... 12* 121 qn V<9 Tays ...... m 96 311 coach, was co-captaln of the 1942 stay In football long enough, aome I.jinky die Hutchinson protection Bl caM by moisture in fuel system. amazingly swift 230-pounder; Ok- 11. Johnson 110 91 (3 294 4:04.4 performance in the Dart former years. can CTub. The box office opens at Gerry Priddy*s broken lag haan’t . lahonaa A. and M.’a l.ew Ziegler; ...... — — Boston College team. thing I'ke that ia hound to hanpefi Totals 6*8 529 542 165t Prevents water freezing in gas Ballargson #3 93 mouth Field House, 1 think : In fart.. the blood-splattered 6:30. Five-game Mock tickets are merided properly. Porter U the and Hardy Stone, who coulA not Rsidsr ...... lOfi ** 131 314 to you." He proved that It had not Plppr ...... 109 9ft 9ft 399 might have done It then if It Dunlap jarred Wallace with con­ still available^ frem Art Pongratz. Wednesday's Results desiroyetl l?la sense of ..humor bV "sleeper,'' who may turn out to~. tank and inhibits corrosion. perform at Mississippi State; and hadn't been for. cold air blowing stant lefts to the body and head Rrnn'a (ft) DsllaFsra ...... 114 123 S2* Entrance to the armor'’ will b* Minneapolis 106, Boston 102 (over­ adding xvrvly "I hed a reputation tmCThspell* ...... 79 103 295 be the most important man in the r- anw i«BiR.„MU s m Himixo Eaklmo. Rtf. V. R. 1*91. Off. Centers Boh Haas of Tulsa and- in throiigh a window someone had in the second round of their na­ 99 399 Totals ...... 56.1 492*•495 1540 through the rear door, haaement time) . ns a dc'enslve roach, to uphold. If. Malinn ...... 88 deal...... Don Beck, who confined hiniaelf to carelesaly left open. It stiffened tionally-televised fight. level, since the front ramp Is still New York 100, Pliiladelpjiln 75 RIvoma ...... 101 100 288 Disposal of Groth wiB tha (uial the books at Notre Dome. Won roll off U*t game. It hadn't been for that the acor# Riijarhia ...... 142 100 '284 It’s for my legs.” under construction. Baltimore 88, Mllwauke* 87 ' '' might have been 100 to 0." AuruAt ...... 117 m step In brekklng up the all atw 1955 Imagine how Army would have COLLEGE BASKETBALL #•••••••• • •• • • • • • • Tram N*. 1 (t) Cunningham. 43, ia a picture of The thought whtrh-pomes lo our Detroit,, outfield of a few year* rolled with sons forced elsewhere 276 594 hi! 518 i.'{99 LaF.rancis ...... V 93 106 health,, weighs 162, and doesn't Seton Hall 77, St. Francis (Bkn.) mind la whether such a dizzy oc_ ToUlK back. by the cribbing episode. Kascl ...... lY no 107 .104 61 107 look any older than he waa currenre ea thoT-at P itt^ irg h ManrhFutfr Mator Kalaa 5 Genovpsi ...... 119 94 9.1 306 55 Totals ...... 569 Bantiv'a Service Only More Days Jpsania ...... -Ill 105 no 326 14 hours dally. I have 70 horses, i gan State and Georgia Tech played i----- »e- Krause Defend* SSS Main Street Ellington 2 150 head of cattle and as many Fordham 80, Adelphl 57 1 each other 20 tUnea over a num­ KiiKsra (1) ToUU ... 392 1257 ...for interesting .124 Crystal l.ake Service Storrs, Dec. 4- -(A*i—Taking the .V...... 451 414 sheep.” Bates 69. Bowdoin 58 ber of sea.sona, would either of mtioski ...... 108 95 12! C. R. Burr Xuraery 'rae mercury - looted stamlaa Springfleld 63, Brown 61 Chambers , ...... »6 — 89 185 “Slicker Shift^ lead at the outset and never being • them ever suffer such a humiliat­ Wilkowskl ...... 109 89 — 198 Oakland Street East Haytfbrd Teair. Na. 1ft (ft) star still works out with all the Cornell 56. Sampson AFB .50 \ Al's Texaco Service REMEMBER headed, the University of ,Connecti­ Hall ...... 84 iai 94 281 well-paying Jobs ing defeat as that -which was In- Sr^ilth ...... W) 128 98 .126 Mason ...... 71 89 71 231 enthnaiaam of a college treabman. Bridgeport 92. Bryant (R. I.) 69 I.ilra.^ ...... 118 103 1.14 355 T, D. C'olia Construction Co, cut basketbhil team defeated j flicted upon the Giants 7 Fairanfl 109 103 213 Chicago, Dec;' i —- East Harifard ' Kf)ith ...... 88 101 96 *Tt sounds faatastie,’’ be Mn- Hofstra 84, Hillyer 50 Nerlonat.v, w'r doubt It. ,and this Broad Street American Inteniational here last MilUr ...... 98 93 84 fldes, Tmt I cna still tour the mile with Pratt & Whitney Aircraft .spirited .defense of Notre Dame* W’lther's Garage ' BRI WILL 8IVE YOU TBDIT FOR 53 Knofla ...... 116 107 10ft .138 I Isn't meant os' a knock' at the Totalk...... 531 *154 545 1600 "sucker shift" Athletic Directs Douglas Motor SalfS night, 73-5,5. ’ la 4:16. 1 rim alone. Just as I did Twenty-four colleges are repre­ ’ money pla.vera. They jn it np a ,N Clsh ChU.II l)t Eaat Merrow ToUU ...... 4.7,7 493 4.W 1400 when 1 was a kid running bare­ Ed Krause, charges critics Of the 333 Main Street Captain' Lou Orlando,- Who sented on the football roster of the ' whale of • show week after week .I'srvU \...... :.... 91 — 89 180 Broad's Service Team Na. U 4) footed on a, sand.T road alongalde Detroit Lions. Mrl>aKan ...... no 97 —- 207 Irishxpff,side-luring play with tr>'- scored the 6rst basket of the game Ganjfware ...... 91 118 106 114 Liboral wagasl Unusually gooil ' and play the heat football that la Freffin iV...... in no 105 332 Ing to kill' "football wit * M i* ' Green Manor Estatra Stovans ...... 128 99 97 324 Right now thnr* «r* • l«t of 98 333 Gjastonbury Law ...,. to be. seen. But, aa we wmtehed the Sullivan ...... 126 ‘ 109 telligence.” ' Broad Street for Oonnecticut. was high scorer ...... 81 106 16 27S g ^ jnbt epan fo r maiiHanninc* working cdH^tionsI And th* 1M1 DsSOTO CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN Gianta get their lumps on tele- Flynn ...... ,10^ 123 71! :ai4 A. D. Bllsh Garage Rand ...... 79 79 103 361 Raokus ,.«• ...... 126 131 257 Krause, attending th* Big Ten Griswold's Service with 15 points. B.rr*lls ...... 104 124 10ft 333 man at Rratt a yvhitnoy Aircraft. xlalon, the thought occurred that' ■ -.r 1 futuM looks vory promising for winter meeting, said yesterday A e Ritckville A IC was thoroughly outmanned W* naad M illw rights HotpoTs Totals ...... "mt .503. 161.1 174 West Center Street ToUU ...... 493 6S* 4*f IW oblo mon at th* plant of tho 1942 PONTIAC I 4-DOOR SEDAN cohCroversTaV Irish shift abtuaOy Champagne’s Service with 10 bntsi 13-man squad (resh- Construction Elactrkians . • fipo* wa.s a complete play, nd mora Il­ Hartford Road I'sed Cars men. Dicic ^liceaEira p in t’s Rockville T..S- N.. 2 (Si fittors Halpars 'k k Rcrintors . . world'g lorgost hwiWor o f eptm legal than the long-short- sifftel Hartford Road I was A lG s top scores. MrKrr .. 303 103 count or the venerable, ‘‘converea* , Chattrrton's Service BoycF ,.. . — 104 WnMars.. CnrpoRtors Holpors.. morciol and military aircraft i939 CHRYSLER R (im COACH I T m’o thlented sophomores from tional pla'y." Hollywood Service >' Rockville NeUon .. 118 127 onginoa. Skoog Paces Lakers lo Win Over Celtics East Center Street [New' London, A rt Qulmby and Skinner . 107 — .many man for oach dasaHl^ion.,, "The lule book say* that any .Mannie's Motorium LOOK! Rockwell . 93 94 ’ JL— — — — 1 ' Gene King, were prominent in the 1942 CHEVROLET ^ E M A S T C R 4-DR. shift must come to a full sacoHd 'MAnnFlla 103 90 — 1*3 vi«e *a*Kfv A(BO/w'i A w n PRFHM I bAcK Milw&ukPC. 98*87. v ' 128 Parker Street .South Coventry i don High school quintet. Hst. v ...... m )0S ------1 » -i I II. The Agency For for the Minneapolis Lakers against J------^------Coventry Oarage The game was witnessed by Strsugh ...... IT III 1947 D0D8E DsLUXE COSINESS COUPE Manchester Motor Sales T im ...... 100 na W oldort MANY EXTRA BENEFITS the. Boston Celtics In the NBA last' 811 West Ceater Street Somers— Eastwood garage members of the Connecticut Sports I Writers Alliance who were guests ToUU ITS sat Ml 1M4 I night. Somers—Whitey’a Service 1946 PLYMOUTH S P E H A li DsLUXE 4-DR. Ski:koog picked iip a loose ball Norton Eliartric Inst. Co. • of the university-at a dinner before wlth'only eight seconds remaining : the contest. Tettm Ka. 4 tl) ' , a A Uharal Wng* Scab .21 HUIIard Street Stefford—Trlugle Oarage Delta • Milwaukee M. Anderoon j in overtime and drove la for a lUrrlniEton Sno Caps ~ • Ovartiiii* PramiaMt SEDAN : Come and Go in Saftrfy 48 layup to.glve the Laker* a 106-102 lift Red's MoMIe Service Stafford 'Springs OaUFiM) ...4. Carponlori * piAlO HaRdoys 154 East Center Street Meecham ImpL Co. ...J,.. victory. '•In topping the Celts for St. Tlihn Hol|Wrt * a PAID Vocotiant ^ : 1949 DsSOTO CUSTOM 4-DOOR SEDAN the third time this season, the Baeky’a Amoco Station Stafford Springs Sports Mirror Hom Lakers boosted their lead in the GOOD USED TIRES H o v * h fw n wad OR Hioiisaiidt of cart sliiea wa a Oraap liwaranc* Serafln Brothers Power Tools Total* ....^ isa 555 IMS Western . DlvUsion to two games 16 Bralnard place Taai . N«. ■ lat \ a C liA N . Bright Pbm TODAY A Y E A R AGO—Tennes­ Lockwood ...... lOS 106 over the idle Rochester Royals. WE ALSO HAVl _-,Roy Mbtor Sales Stafford Springs • t a r t o d m M t t q Hwiii and Hwy liova 9ivM Hfmest a insy-ta gatJ* Uiotian 1950 OHEVROLET STVLEU N E SPECIAL H. Smith Oarage ---- W * wiNb* open Thuraday ayMinqs and see was voted the top team in the Varocy .... ST a Jim Pollard paced the winner* I Depot Square 6nal Associated Press poll and Rllaworth ...... laa lie • Parking PncMitias Wetki with 29 points. Bob Cousy was Ay^ra ...... SI UK sorisfacHoa oad wiHoagt. 44I00R SEDAN ^ Sam and Tom's ToHaad— TdUaad Oarage Saturday oftam oofis uwtR Christmos winner of the O'Donnell Trophy.' Wllkla. Sr...... n na I • AatniM ik Cnst*nf4iving Ad}astinaiit ' tops fo r ^ s to n with 28. ' 2 -IN T 415 Mala Street Vernon—Chamber's Service emblem of the mythlctl football The New York Knicks had an championship of the country. ToUla ...... in s » U79 easier time in defeating th!e Phila­ SoHnaeae, Inc. W ta dsor ’ FIVE YEABS AGO—The minor 1949 PLYMOUTH 4 JI0 0 R SEDAN delphia Warrtors 100-'75. Six,New SNOW CAPS •54 Ceater Street 'UrweUer Chevrolet 'Trnni No, S (It TO C O M m WITH WINTER DRIVING leagues rejected a request by the Cotton .,...... S3 17 Yorkers went Into double figures Bloomfield Weot WUlingtoa PaciBc Coast League for major DeMsrlin ...... toe St , CONDITIONS GET A SET NOWl wlth_Vlnce Boryla's 21 points the HERE’S A T IP ! I f you have a Jalopy Iticklgg orenad yaor feO* Bleemtleld Ante Service W’llllama Constmctlon Co. league baseball status at their an­ Qislid' .;., ...... St lot top m«u1*. Philly’s Nell Johnston,' Wllwin ...... S6 104 . ^ - '•'■V , 0 ^ yard . . . sfll It to us now. eo we con move It oat * f year way CAPITOL nual meeting. .Benton ...... to iu the league’s leading sgoriii:. took before yoUriback yard la knee deep with mow. Dlatrlhuted by TEN YEARS AGO Henry " V PRATT & WHITNEY AIRCRAFT high gono* honors with 22 points. Armstrong, 144. stopped Lew Jen­ Totals ...... lu "tS 4W 1407 New Yqrh stretched Its lend lii-tlie. Mabchester Auto ; | Hartford Automotive kins. 143*4, after flooring him Tons Na, S (I) Division of United Aircraft Corporation Pheloa ... ST St Eastern Division to one game over PANTALEO^ USED AUTO PARTS Parts Company ^ EQUIPMENT CO. eight times. -Mandiester Tire and Recaj^g the Syracuse Nationals. Servieo Co„ Inc. Purdin ,.. lot IS Eo.t Hartford 8, Conn. M A N C H E S n R HORACE STREET — TELEPHONE SOM Brand Mt Manehertw lU ARaay Hartford TWiaraT YEAHS AOO^oe Porterflsld ...V.iV.. M 104 241 NORTH MAIN ST. The Baltimore Bullets 'broke a i 38 MAIN STRUT McCluskey 6( Fordham won thS HUtnskt ...... 100 m iM laoAO sr. T E L 2 .4 2 3 4 sfven-game losing Streak in turn* .! annuti ctons-couatry n u at Cin- Lev Kaa ,...... U ST r o • o o n # • » * I dnnaU. \ • ^ Totals ...... '..477 4M 1- ■-I ■' ■ - J

A, ,1W ■ ■aJ - f ■ ) MANCHESTER EVENTNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 PAGE TWENTY.THBEl MANCHESTER EVENING^ HERALD. MANCHESTER,. CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4,4952 PAGE TWENTY-TWO Wanted—Real EsUte 77 hardworking highway crew and . VAJiMU^HM CMKAM . ArticiM for Sals 45 HouachoM Gopda 51 BoosehoM Goodn 51 Rooms without Bouil 5t HottMS for Sab 7 1 HoObcs for Silo regrets that some may hava in­ (M aeewd beikttag)' AntomobUcs for Bala ¥ Atttomobiles for Sale 4 Roofinir—Sidini 16 Help Wanted-^Feaialt SS DofB—Blrdse—Pcta r 41 State Tax; Boss a n HONEST PERSON ^ CENTRAL—Six Finished ' rooms, USTINOfl Wanted. Single, two- terpreted the figurative atatament 3 cupe light cibam WE SPECIALIZE in roofing and CHRISTMAS TREES FOR SALE—Electric rafige with LARGE Roonc with kRchen privl- PARTLY FURNISHED as crltlciSir of the Highway De­ 1 package vanilla freeaiag nfac b u t SELECT USED CARS CHE'VROIJCTS 1946. 1947, 1948. WHO’S GOING HOUSEKEEPING 4 buniera, and oven. 'Very good leges In apartmept houae. Cen­ in very fine condition. Timken oil family, three-family, bualnasa 1949, 1950. 19.11. 1952. two doora siding. Highest Quality ma­ WANTED PUG PUPPIES. Oall Glaatonbury THATS WHAT I WANT burner, large lot, early occupan­ property. Have many cash buy; partment. Whip light cream until a deep 1.1 Classified BUY WISELY terials. Workmanship guaran­ 3-7136. BIG DISPLAY conation. Phone 2-9680. trally locate*!. Suitable for gcntlie- Six rooms, all cedar and leather Stands Against layar of foam has formed. Takes YOU'LL GET MORE and foui* doofa. All deluxe modela MESSENGER GIRL TO TAKE OVER man or couple. Call Mr. WUaon cy, $13,600. CaU Madeline Smith. era. Mortgages arranged. Please an^ fuliv equipped. Stop In and teed. A. A. Dion Inc., 299 Autumn UNPAID BALANCE WESTINGHOUSE waahing ma- recreation room. Most beautiful Realtor, 2-1642 or 4679. call Georgs L. Graaladio, Real­ Try combining canned tomatoes about two rainutea. Add contanta. 1951 Dodge 2-Door—radio and street. Phone 4860. FOft SALE—^Thoroughbred Collie 4112. bar in ConnscUgut, laundry room, with- condensed tomato soirp for of pacitaga of fraealng mix tad cotppare thia relectlon of beauti­ FOR pups, sable and white, rtx weeks Wholesale and Retail m o n th ly Pa y m e n t s diine, wringer type. In good run- tor. 2-5878. 109 Henry atreet Business Levy Advertissments 'heater. Gyromatic drive. ful. clean, guaranteed care at $21.83 ' ning condition, |2p. C^ll 2-5856. store room, waU to wall ruga, s\in MANCHESTER — Four ‘ rooms, the sauce for creole shrinm; It's whip ona more minute to dloeetye. 1951 PIvmouth Club Coupe—radio Center-Motor Salea, 461 Main FOR GUARANTEED ROOFS that oM. Call 2-2423. . 406 Oakland porch, two car garage. Moving newly decorated. L>arge Attic, BUYERS WACTINO—Bugle and a nice flaror combination. Seaacai Pour into freezing tray. FnMM and heater. Clean car, low stay on in any kind of atorm, and INTER OFFICE ^ street. ' FREE DELIVERY ■ NEW FURNITURE AND ROOF FOR RENT. Call 2-0131. out of town. Can be eeen only by with onion, green pepper, Woreea- until firm. Split Almond BlonttM • CLASSIFIED ADVT< atreet. , ^ a p p l ia n c e s A BARGAIN. Tv/o, new rugs. 9 x game room cellar, laundry, oil two-family homes, For efficient (Cobttbbei from Page d ie) mileage. gutters, conductors and root re- 12, heavy, exquisite, imported, appointment. No agents pleaae. heat, hot water, amealte clrlve, and ecsUdential service call, A. terahire aauca, salt and froahly- Into two layers, fill with lea crMm DEPT. HOURS 1951 Plymouth Club Coupe—radio ERRANDS AND v’ CANARIES—Guaranteed singerr. which la now in storage^ Will consider busines property In ground pepper. > „ and top with hot fudga aauca. 8:1S A. M. to 4:20 P. M. 1941 CHEVROLET club coupe, jiairs.. cu t Coughlir 7707. M PARK STREET, originally sold to a young couple ' |28 each. Sydiee, 851 Wetherffleld outside grill, shade trees, rail R ^ e , Hroasr. 3-1919. cuts, now stand at about $50,000,- and heater. Very clean car. radio, heater, in excellent-condi­ Also females. Will hold' until exchange. 000 above expected revenue. ______81.64.1. MANCHESTER — Id lin g and MISCELLANEOUS Christmas. Phone 2-0426. ROCKVILLE but unfortunately are not getting Ave., Apartment C-'l, Hartford. Boarders Wanted 59-A fence. Near new WaddeU School. tion. Original Jet black Anlalr. Phone Hartford 46-4892. CASH BUYERS walUng fof 6, 5,. r 1950 Dodge Wayfarer, 2-Dr. Sedan Siding Co. Also all types o* paint­ married Duplex 88.50C. Call 4318. 6 and seven room .sUgles and . Not Practicable COPY CLOSING TIME Hrrrv to Doug’s. Douglas Motors, OFFICE WORK KELLY’S AQUARIUM. ,, specigl Phone Rockville 5-7058 bed r o o m s u it e PLEAS.VNT ROOM and board for Phone 3816 Commissioner Connelly Said that —$1,445. 333 Main. ing and rarpentry work. Guaran­ AN ’nQ U E CHINA and glaas. buaineaa girl or gentleman. Call SIX ROOM Single, combination two-famUy ho'iaei U Mancheater, FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. 1950 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sedan — teed work. Phoca 2-8933 for free this week. Catfish, 40c each. Gup. l iv in g r o om s u it e i . Bolton, Coventry and Vernon. the sales tax administration has MON. THRU FRI. APPLY ies 15c pair. Open 'til 9. 29 Sunset Also Comer Butcher Road 5-PC. DINETTE SET Make- *ovely and fasting Christ­ 2-2156. storm sash, oil h^at, automatic 11,395. estimates. and Westvlew Terrace inas gifts. Virginia L. Madden’s Price $22,600 hot water, amestte drive. conven-' Howard R. HastUga, 2-1107. beer, running smoothly and haa the 10:20 A. M. 1950 Dodge Tudor. Radio and 1937 PLYMOUTH aedan,, good PIONEER p a r a c h u t e CO. street. Phone Rockville 5-5560" "PHILCO" ELECTRIC REF. . ROOM AND board for gentleman. heater. We have two to pick GREAT EASTERN Roofing and "BENGAL” com b. RANGE Antique Shop. In findell Venetian lent to schools and transporta­ WE WOULD like to help you find advantage of over five yeqra of ex­ SATURDAY 9 A. M. condition. Cali 5832 after 6 p. m. RED^ REGISTERED Dachrhund "NORGE" WASHER Blind Building, Manchester On bjUkUne-Home cooking. Phone MANCHESTERr-rtve years old tion. Phene 2-p72. perience. To throw all that away from. Both bluie. Construction Co Applicators of BEAUTIFUL,..’ Portable fireplace 2-1446. a buyer for your home. For de­ 1950 Studebaker four door Royal BirdpAHTfi Fltntkote. Guaranteed INFORMATION Oerk and typist puppies, two months old. Call "HOOVER * VACUUM Green, 1 to 5 dally. Other hours. Cape Cod, fireplace, Rusco com­ for a new type of levy, he added, for admitting office, hours 7 to 3. mantle. Ivory with gold trim, bination storm windows through­ FIVE ROOM single, 22 foot Uvlng pendability call the E. and E. doesn’t seem practicable. tODR OOOPERATIUN WILL 'deluxe. Radio and heater. Aujio Accessories—^Tlres 6 roofs and aiding. Life-time alum­ Coventry 7-6019—after six, or knick-knack shelves either ride, "em h h so n ” t e l e v is io n Telephone 2-3807. Agency. 2-8715 «>r 2-1167 any­ BE APPRECIATED Gray. Cill Mrs. Morrell, Memorial Hos­ weekends. Sealy mattress and box spring, out. Oil heat, recreation room in room with knotty pine paneling, "Flexibility la one of the great WINTER. TIPES-:— Pennsylvania inum clapboard and combination pital. slightly damaged moving $60; 'Apartments—Fbrt»-> cellar with refrigerator and piano, fireplace, cal.Uet kitchen, three time. advantages of our sales tax," he- 1946 Chevrolet Club Coupe. Radio storm windows and screens. For coat $117. Elgin l '-4 h, p. outboard Mohawk rugs. Inlaid, lamps, tables, and heater. $961. Cleat, Goodyear Suburbanite and COLUE PUPS, A.K.C. Reason­ disbes, pots and pans. OPRIGIDAIRE. Also an electric Tenements 5S fenced back yard. Near achool and large bedrooms, atorm wudewa said. "We can obtain more revenue DIAL 5121 2 in 1 recaps. Auto Lite, Penn­ free eatiirates call 8271. Evenings AVON TERRITORY available. motor, used less 'than 10 houra. and acrcena, oU hot water heat from it merely by raising the rate 1948 Plyniouth Special Deluxe 2- 8-10.1. Albert V Lindsay, Owner. able. Deposit will hold for Chrlrt- p h o n e m e IMMEDIA'TELT stove. Phone 6768. bus. Must aell quickly, $11,400. Dr. Sedan—Radio and heater— sylvania and Bowers batteries. . Caiybe serviced in 3 hours each mas. Porcheron, Deming street, $85. Bicycle for boy 12 or over, HARTFORD 6-036* FOUR ROOM furnished apart­ Carlton W. Hutchins 2'dllS2 or lUnets foreta sale, $10,800. Carl­ from the present two per cent to Free road service. Terms on all day. Writs-Dlatrtct Manager, P. WappIng. Manchester 8370. barely used, Schwinn deluxe $40, ment. Second floor, all convene 6231. ton W, HutchUs. 2-5152 or 6231. Traman Delays* three. And there would be no extra $975. CONNECTICUT Valley Construe- a f t e r 7 P. M. 48-4690 Machinery and.Toob 52 iencea. Frigidalre. hot and cold 1946 Chryaler 4-Dr. Sedan- Radio products The Budget Center, 91 tion. Guaranteed roofs and siding. .O. Box 27, North Branford, Conn. coat $75. Lovely black cloth coat, SEE IT DAY OR NIGHT machinery to set up and complica­ I, la how located SPECIALS Call 2-4291. heating. Alterations and new Would prefer someone to lease. mean abandoning attempts to • IMalliifitls work. Time payments arranged. 806 MAIN STREET Garden— Farm— mony or Stella. Prices fit>m Leaving state. Call 8372. able. Make an offer. Low down Phone 2-1167 or 2-8715. make peace along the present in new modern atore at 1085 Main ANTIQUES Reflnished. Repairing (Second FloorI VERY ATTRACTIVE selection of Dairy Products 50 • $16.50 up. Magnus electric payment. Wm. Goodchlld, Sr. atreet, acroaa from the High Buy out of season and save! Skelley Bros, 2-8714. doll carriages. New shipment Just MointMioinet Mm 'k ir stalemated Una. Moreover, other 0 , done OP any furniture. Tleman, gans, $19.95. Ukes, Harmony-Roy Realtor. 7935 anytime. Allied governments are authori­ Snow Crews Cool achool. Tel. 3535. 1947 PLYMOUTH 189 South Main atreet. Phone' EFFICIh.NT Plumbing and heat' MONDAY TO FRIDAY received. Priced from $4.50 up. U. S. No. 1 POTATOES. Bryan • Smeek Islander. Prices from Suburban for Rent 88 Lots for Sale Kemp''s, irfe. • £roa., 179 Tolland Turnpike, Man­ PHELPS ROAD. Delightful 6 room tatively reported extremely re­ APPLY AT THf 1046 STUDEBAKER 5643. ing. Plugged drains machine 9:00 a. m. to 4 :30 p. m. ir Mointenone* Mm if $5.95 up. Kemp’s, Inc. luctant to carry the war deeper in­ cleaned. Phone 6497. chester. Conn. COVENTRY—Four room furnish' iringle, large rooms, fireplace To Herald Report | Personals 2 1946 CHEVROLET or Call MANCHESTER 4107 WOOD LATHE, 10" swing. Never ed apartment available 'to d ay ^ deep lot 3-car garage. Immediate OAKLAND street 100’ x 200’ lot to North Korea and any American PEKSONNa opnci MANCHESTER Welding Service. if if Mainr*nane« Mm 'IWANO Accordion, practically All utUltipB U. Phone 6535. policy decision 'will have to tidee THE PROSPECT Hill School for All Convertibles. Portable equipment. General CALL MANCHESTER 3636 for been used. Also combination belt new. UaeOCKS — Five room BALLARD’S Driving School. Man linoleum asphalt - tile counter. PART TIME Bookkeeper with Included. Can arrange terms to CHAMBERS’ FURNITURE A Welders Wanted to Rent 68 completed five room ranch house, older home, three down, two up. policy called for a resolution in ed last night about Tuesday’s light Expert workmanship, fre^ esti­ suit. Call 2-0980. attractively decorated. Fireplace, the UN General Assembly de­ snow fall. The item stated that I cheater’a oldeat. Thouaanda of Your Better Deal typing experience for small office. AT THE GREEN MUSKRAT Fur coat, size 16 FOUR .\DULTS desire 5 or 6 Hot water heat, comer lot 80 x accident free inetruction houra. mates. Open evenings. Jones Fur­ LENNOX Furnaces and warm air Call 2-2206. Many GOOD JOBS are now oak floors, tile bath, garage in 255. Chicken coop shed, garage manding thaT~tha Cofnmuniata the men . and trucks were fully SATURDAY . Pontiac Dealer UPRIGHT Plano. 20 gallon gal Worn only once Phone 2-1801. room rent. References. Phone basement, $13,200 or rent at $110 agree to an armlb(i«ai by 9 feet. Two A MODERN Equipment scrap iron and other metal. Now Both proposals, highly comnUt>- SOLIMENE, INC. 7691. Tel. 4112 . automatic loaders and cars. Notice A Convenient Loeation Is the time to sell for Xmas versial among the Allies, wo'rolld WANTED Ride to Gray Mfg. or DODGE. PLYMOUTH CARS package delivery. Refrigerators. Suggested for All States Underwood. (Capitol Ave. 7 a. m. wa.shers and stove moving a Santa Fe Diesel large transform­ A EASY Parking money. Call Ostrlnsky 5879. CHOICE LOCATION commit the U. 8. to long range m u N c DODGE .JOB RATED TRUCKS COMPLETE Repair, by jStimrt R. The -Town Planning • Commis­ courses posing difficult problems rliift. Call 2-2280. 834 Center St. Phone 1101 Wolcott on washing machines, specialtv. Phone 2-0752. er. 6 switches and many acces­ sion of Manchester, Connecticut at STRONG. Willing man or boy to sories. Very good condition. Phone Don’t wait! Come in today to We would like to have you see Chicago. Dec.' 4 — m— The^the council, an organization set for the new administration. WANTED- Ride to Pratt A A Ssf^ Place to B'ly Used Cara vacuum cleaners."motors, small h:lp on ash and rubbish truck, a meeting following a public hear­ talk with our friendly employ­ ,WANTEa> TO Buy—Used portable this splendid eight room single What aeems most likely to hap­ appliances. Pick up and delivery. 8247. ing on December 1, 1052, in ac­ ment counselor abont the Job Royal typewriter. Call '2;2531. home located Just off Porter Council of State Governments to- up to facilitate cooperation “ among Whitney, third shift from vicinity 19.19 OLD.SMOBILE 6, tudor with PlIntinK—Paperinf 21 Saturdays. |1 per hour. Rawlings. day suggested that presidential the etate on common problems. pen, offleiala said, is that two or of Parker street. Phone 6477 be­ A-1 repair. 'Sales. 180 Main. -61 Jarvis Road. STORM WINDOWS and doors. cordance with the Oiarter for the opportunities . . the many atreet in the very excellent three weeks will be consumed in '48 endii. For gentlemen. with any need for follow-up action MWEIt and curtain rods. 24 hour service. or call 7925. viz: perience. Aloe single. 16 Wadsworth street. and all the extras that go with through June. functioning under federal auper- BEFORE-. YOU Buy a used car entry 7-6913 .between .1 and 7. Estinn^tes gladly given. Fagan PAINTING And Papering. No Ordered: That on the Southerly changing a houae into a home. The council passed along, this vialon. Such operators would be ■mtil alter the VN General' As­ see Gorman Motor Sales. Buirk Window Shade Co.. Route 44 at Job too smsll. Call 8372. Eipployment Office Priced under $18,(W0. CiUl sembly haa Yeturned from a 19^39 OLDSMOBILE -Sedan,' radio $80.00 PER Week from start guar­ MOTOROLA TV 10" screen. Ex- side'of Washington Street, from NEWLY DEfXlRATED. beauti­ idea to state law makers: . required to poet bond to assure Christmas recess, which may not Sales and Service, 285 Main Bolton Notch. Phone 2-4473. anteed. Bonus and ..coramiaaion. cellent condition; 860. Phone 8431. the Easterly line of Summit Street Willow Street fully furnished rooms for two or for an appointment. We’ll It would be highly desirable for prompt payments to livestock pro­ atreet. Phone 2-4571. Open eve­ and heater. Model 80. Price $200. Married man w’ith car. to service he pleased to show you. be until after the Elsenhower ad­ Phone 4997, Easterly for a'distance of 724.7 three. Compl-.te Ught housekeep­ the states to fix identical ditea for ducers and to give accountings to ministration la In office. nings. TILE CEILINGS Installed for Repairtnir n an established route ni customers. ATTENTION LADIES! Slip feet, the building line shall he Monda.v thru Friddy ing faculties available. Central. presidential primaries, preferable shippers and buyers. home, office or business. Nu- Phone Hartford 3-6321 for inter­ covers, cratom -made. Beautiful 8 A. M. to 8 P. M. a date within about a month of the 1947 OLDSMOBILE 76 sedan. Hy- 1950 STUDEBAKER Champion Wnod. Fllntcoat .and Johna-Man- MATTRESS Tour old mattressea twenty-five feet from the street Reasonably priced. Children ac. ARTHUR A. KNOFLA, Establish weatheiv control com- Serve celery aa a hot vegetable, aedan, overdrive. Very clean car. steriiizeii and remade like new. view. fabrics, prints, stripes, aniida. Ex line. . coptable. Mra. Dorsey, 14 Arch, national conventions. mlarions to reguUUe and Hcense dramatic. In excellent condition - villc, Or<*at Eastern Roofing snd pertly finished. $5 down. 82 week­ And we find no Damages nr Saturdays Realtor sometimes, with meat or fish. Dice throughout. Priced well below Price $1195. Terms to suit. Writ­ Constr'l-tion. Fr^e estimates. Call Call Jones Furniture and Floor second floor. 875 Main St. Eat. 1921 Avoid Long Walts "rain makers’’—men who try to ths celery and cook it in a covered ten guarantees. Cole Motor’s Covering, 36 Oak. Tel. 2-10^1. Salesmen Wanted 36-A ly, balance one year to pay. Call Special Benefits to any persons or 8 Ac. M. to 12 Noon This would avoid the present coax rain out of the clouda by one saucepan In one inch of boiling celling. See Bob • Oliver today. 8271. Mrs. Carr 3320. La r g e p l e a s a n t room in prl- Center Motors. 461 Main street. Servlcenter, 436 Center. 2-0980. party. Phone Office 5440 unduly lung period of the precon­ artificial means or another. Hie aiUted water until (tehder—about LINOLEUM P.emnants 50c square SALESMAN Wai\ted; .Old estab- The Town Planning Oommisaioh vate home. Convenient to Center vention campaign and would en­ chief duty of the proposed com- 15 to 20 minutes. Season with MortfraRM 51 ‘ lished food company has opening TRICYCLE with wagon attach­ Joseph E. Lutz and Cheney*a'Place to park car. Evenings 2-5938 or 2-4278 courage all leading candidates to 1950 FORD Custom deluxe tudor. yard. Asphalt tile, wail covering, ment. Also 10" tricycle. Both PRAn A WHITNKY mioaions would be to "protect the more salt, if necessary, pepper, Radio, heater. In excellent condi­ 1941 DODGF four-door aedan. bone by rellaHe, well-trained for aggressive and intelligent William O. Allen Phone 2-2044. enter the primaries of all states public Interest.” and butter or margarine. $150. Phone 2-.1486 after 4:30. FIRST AND Serpnd mortgages man. Good opportunity for a live- newly painted. Tricycie with W. E. Russell AIRCRAFT tion .6ee this one st only 81.29,1. men. Ail Jobs guaranteed. Hall bought for our owp account. Faat, AT THE CENTER—Clean, com­ Instead of a few." Dougis.s Motors .1.1.1 .Main street. wire. Salary, commission and car chain drive, one high chair, storm M. E. Alvord Division of United AIrcntfl MANPHESTER -Cape Cod. 6 fin The co'incll aald only 19 statea 1949 CHEVROLET 2 to choose Linoleum Co., 56 Cottage atreet. tonfidential service. Manchester allowance. For Interview, write door with In'erta, 35 3-4" x SOU"-’ fortable room in quiet home.' 20 Ished rooms, fireplace, oil heat, Phone 2-4022, evbninga 6166 or Investment Corp., 244 Main St. Mancheater, Conn. Corporation • now give their citizens a chance to 1948 PONTIAC streamliner sedan- from. Both Styleline deluxe, stating qualiflctaions to Manager, All articles In good condition. December S, 1952 Wadsworth stneet. combination screens, storm win­ take a direct hand In selecUfig the tudors. Tutone blue and grey. 8109. I Phone 5416. Manchester 2-4090. East Hartford'S, Conta; “Slace 1907 By BoM ette. Hydramatic, lustrous green. ^ O, Box 192. Plalnville, Conn. FURNISHED -Room for rent near dows, awningu', amdsite drive­ presidential nominees of the major A beauti.ful. one owner car. One F.asv terma. Doiiglaa Motora, 333 way, picket fence, large lot, early It’s Beea. Of CkMirso’* Mam. POWER BURNERS and Range Main street. GmiUeman preferred, parties. . AUCTION you 'a-ould he proud to ou-n. For Burners expert.y cleaned and Help Wanted—^Female 55 Sitoations Wanted— f 9 Haae) street. 2-2170. (Kcupcncy, price $13,000. Tel. There are two methjds of doing the best in value.s buy at Center serviced. I,et us service and re­ Female 2-8847. this. Under one, the citizens can Motor Sales. 461 Main .-»treet. pair yotit washing machine or re­ SHIRT PRESS operator. Exper­ ROOMS BY the week or Qie night. express their preference for the ARtfqHM, Fu riitirt, GhiRR, Brio-A-Brn 1940 PUICK '.Special four door ience not necessaty. Apply in per­ PORTEUt STRE3ET - Section. Six sedan. P.easnnaHe. Call 2-2181. frigerator. Metro .Service. 2-0883. DAY CARE for your child In WANTED ' Gentleman preferred. Phone nomination by voting in a prefer^ with advertising! 1947 MERCTRY Sedan. An excel­ son. New Model Laundry, 73 licensed home. Call Manchester WANTED 2-2494. 17 Spruce'Street. ' nx>m home, fireplace, bey win' ential primary. Under the othier th e lent one oianer car. Rank financ­ STORM DOORS 'and windows by Summit street. 2-8758. dow, copper plumbing, automatic cltlzena vote for dalegates to the Freffi A Large Narragansett, R. I., Home ing. See thia one today at Center ’■Param.o'iint.’’ Triple track all CarpMt«n. CarpMtvrs' I ROOM FOR Rent . near Center- washer, oU heat, fully .Insulated, national convention of their par­ Motor Sales. aliiminum combination. Free WOMAN WITH Sales ability. YOUNG LADY desires steady FULL TIME NIUHT MECHANIC . ’ Heat and hot water. Gentleman screens and atorm windows. Built ties , An Rjist Hartford Estate and Other Reliable Sources SPECIAL Steady income pleasant work. work-.M—haby sitter for mother in 1941. Immediate occupancy. 19441 FORD, rfeluxe sedan. Original estimates on request. John H«lp«ra mmI Lobertft j preferred. S7«Foster street. Phone The councU said present prima'Ty ^Isblitx. Phone 2-2027, Chance for advancement. Write 1 who whrka. Call 2-38.17. ANO CAS STATION ATTENDANT I 8831. Carlton W. Hutchins. 2-8132 or lawe havf been criticised because black finish,vvitlT radio, heater and Box A. Herald. 6231.- Amarkan Laglon Hal — MoncliMtar, Corii. - dual exhaust. A very clesrrcar. J.#«9 .Studebaker Champion Con­ of variations In » replaceii. Ifarlow’a UtUa Mending .751$. P hone 3-4548 iiata offteials. It la apOnaorsd by SO Bissell S t Bhone’7191nal7 Shop. : \ V' -J ■■'J- ; . Jil/ \ \ ./ ", . 1. ■ ■•■; ■f ■ V#; : / I ‘ /

THURSDAV. DECEMBER 4, 19S2 . The W wthcr i |a g e t w e n t y -p o u r • iianrhPBtfr StoPtiing l^pralii AYerage Daily Net Press Ran rerechut of U. •. Weather ■w aoo . ^ For the Week Eaded I Nov. SS, ISBt 'recently at a linen ahower given by K iln tonight, Satnrdajf morning. Jean Garlinghouse Mias Patricia Wllaon at the home Partly cloudy Saturday., attemeoB. About Town o f‘her mother, Mrs. John Wilson, 10,812 Minimum tonight 40. Has m ien Shower on Woodland atreet. '-Member of the Audit The decorations used were pink ~ Bnreoa of Clrcnlatlona, Manche$ter-^A City of Village ^Charm t il* Looml* School Press Club, and white streamers and the bride- Windsor. InsdvertenUy omitted the elect opened her gift/whlle-Seated of two Manchester boys at- Miss Jean A. Garlinghou.se of 895 Center street, who will be mar­ under s watering can decorated MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY., DECEMBER 5, 1952 tending the school In the story ried to Charles Baldwin of Tor­ with the same colors. A buffet wMch appeared In last night's Is- rence. Calif., on Dec. 27 at St. Brid­ Itincheon was served by the host­ Boa of The Herald. The two are get's ChurCh. was guest of honor ess. Jtoiii C. Reed, a senior, and Thomas Milton Reed, a sophomore, sons of Mr. and Mra. Harold M. Reed of 5 ? South Mahi-streefe-----^.... ‘ The Manchester Garden Club WiU hold .lU anrtusl Christmas, puty Mofitey nif^ht At 9 ociock | 6» the RcAbins Room of Center ^ Church house. The business ses-' Sion will be brief, and an enter-1 r taimnent and freshments will be : enjoyed. Each member la reminded , to bring a gift of interest to a I gardener. BR/NO US yOUR TWO FER , The Manchester 4-H Dairy ^ ob j wm meet tomorrow night at 7 :30 | PROCTER ^GAMBLE CHEER-TIDE I - at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Von Bcher of 60» Keeney street. ^ , Ouest qteidccr will be Mr. Turner COUPONS ef the Glastonbury High School, who wlU tslk on “Vocational Agri- JOY I culture In the Schools.” A short Bummary on judging the udder ^ WITH coueoN and mammary system will be given ■ Wage Rules Keeps Campaign Pledge by Charles Wilcox and Natalie Says He’s against Strife Cook. _ AUTOMATIC DELIVERY SERVICE Lie Bans Nine JUST TELL US TO KEEP YOUR TANK FILLED TWO FER The son bom to Mr. and Mrs. Unchanged; E . B. Inman. Jr., of 183 North Elm DUZ street, at Manchester Memorial L. T. WOOD CO. Hospital Nov. 24 has been named U:S. Workers WSB Head Spread to Red China Stephen Bass Inman. Dr. and Mrs. TEL. 449fi < Karl Sillers of Tulsa, Okla., are the 51 BISSELL STREET maternal grandpareiiU. and Mr. OXYDOL TTnifpil Nntiona N Y Dec*-«Iro>“ entering the UN Secretariat Seoul, Dec. 5—(A P )—U. S. Presidenl-elect Dwight D. Elsenhower took and Mra< B. B. Inman, Sr., of umtea INaiions,^. I ., refused to answer Washington, Dec. 5— — Henry street, are the paternal 6—(/P)—UN sources said Sec-: nuggHon* by the U. S. Senate In- The^_.new chairman of , the a hard look at the Koreap war situation for three days, inspected combat grandparents. retary-General Trygve Lie: temal Security aub-commlttee. Wage Stabilization Board IVORY SNOW fired nine American em- headed by sen. Pat MoCarran (D- (WSB) said today President units near the front' and departed, today for the United States. He indi­ ■ Mrs. Harry Sweet, rehabilitation ehaimian of the American Legion ploy., l^ .y for r.f».in. to, Nj.., on Truman’s coal wage decision cated that he does not believe in attacking Red Giina or otherwise spread­ AincUiary, and Mrs. Harold Bel- answer McCarran committee in no way changes wage rules ing the 2V2 y*®*" conflict. Eisenhower was well-guarded and he was mier spent one day this week IVORY FLAKES questions about Communist was said to have served an and regulations which the • ahaistlng the veterans confined to affiliations and subversive' uitimatunL to the nine last Mon- board has adopted. in excellent spirits. \ beds at the Rocky Hill Hospital to connections. This brings to, d«y * answer Charles C. KUllngaworth. ap­ select, wrap and mail Christmas pointed last night to replace Shortly before his departure, Eisenhower visited President Synghman fBaents to their familiea. Tester- 18 the number dimissed answers ail were re- Archibald Cox as the WSB chief, Rhee of South Korea for a hastily arranged conference. A source close Say Mrs. Ruth Hlckox and Mrs. 1952 for this cause. i ported unsatUfactory. ' lydla Wlgreri performed the same told a news conference he hoped Lie, in a formal statement, j The Secretary General's decIsiOT to "preserve for the new adminis­ to Rhee said they exchanged notes which may be made public tomorroir. tasks for ambulatory veterans at \ warned his staff of 3,000 they face was backed by the recommenM- R ^ k y Hill. Later, members of the SAVE AT tration a functioning program and ------t It was EiBenhower’s last act in his three day tour and lifted the same fate If they act similarly, tlon of a th ^ -m a n panel of dia- agency which can be continued, auxiliary will visit the Newington The hew notices of dismissal I unguisneutingulshed international1111C...-V.™-, JJu----- s- ''' I aA veil v e il oftil lllOdisappointment ca|/|/V»»«$vlIixriiV that S'lSCOW had aioavs prevailed pavvaoaav-aa in aaa a.-rvMva|South Korean v>o»oa Hospital for the same service to who advised him to fire any Amerl liquidated, or placed on a stand­ . ■ ...... ^ I governmentBWj-kozAtwvM circlesa99^Iam sincening*A itif hadKaH beenVtAAti indicatedingliPAf.AH heHa mightTnllfHk not n/it’. patients. Mrs. Sweet and Mrs. were contained In letters, the UN ■ by basis at the new PrMident qnd "sources said, which are expected to can employe who dodged questions Statem ent b y Ik e 1 pay his respects to Rhee. V-'.ty Brosnan attended the rece.nt about alleged links to the Com­ the Congress see fit.” Christmas party of the Hartford be made public later today. The Kllllng/worth said he does not I Eisenhower had met Rhee at Eighth Army Headquarters 3 lbs. terms and mechanics of the firings munist party. Red espionage or -IMstrict-Past-Presidents Club in know wbat action the angered in­ but hi^ not call^ on th^ RC)K President. The meeting averted are also expected to be announced. subversive rings. The Jurists said . Hartford. ^____ such refusals created a climate dustry members of hla board will Seoul, Dec. 5—ifi— Here la the _ poMlble loss of face 'or the* Lie, in his atatement to the Sec­ of suspicion.” take. Oox, a public, member like transcript of Dwight Elsenhow­ I United States In Asia. retariat, said he was following the himsel/I resigned in protest over I lieft 17. 8. Saturday advice of a distinguished three- Contents of the nine replies to er’s Statement at a news‘confer­ Lie’s ultimatum were not made Truman's decision to allow John Eisenhower had left New York man panel of International Jurists ence today: | by plane In the pre-dawn hours ROKs Give HALE'S who recommended this course. public. ' . L. Lewis' miners the full $1.90 daily Contracts Not Renewed wage boost agreed to by the mine " I stated publicly long before w# g,turday. He arrived here Tuea- Plana Advlaory Panel Of the nine previously fired, six operatore. A majority of the board came over here, we came over | j night. Hla flight waa— to learn. We have no panaceas, throughout — a tightly-guarded Headquarters He------announced that within J a . few .. have been let out since the McCar- had voted to reduce the increase Ik e Sevei| days he would set up an advisory no tricka of aetUlng any problems. |I aocret.. ^ SUNLIGHT days he would set “P committee started lU probe of to $1.50 and Industry members an­ We came over here to g<4 o ' FOR panel to help him in dealing with employes in Octobor. The six nounced yesterday they would boy­ ______tha I nje U,8. KightK Away specific cases. ■ ______of the feeling la this poii nouncad that tha worUbfknoed, FROZEN EGGS cott the board until they can de­ world. ' A look at thaJha aTtiiMattuai^.oiHl , The nine fired have been p -^xw enty-tbroe) cide whether to resign. Colorful ganonlliad eara^gUd hla Point Plan. Grade A T.Jirge BUTTER special leave with pay—but banned j (Coattnued on rag e »y a bettor undarstandlng qf many whirlwtnd tour of this Yraf-tom na- The new chairman said Truman’s foetora that wlU ba Important to FO O D . Just Reduced action overruling the board’s coal tUMu’ TbO gonarhl—chlaf of tha • < n Lb. my Boaodataao and mymX nsd to Cnisado to 'Victory tn Emopa In Seoal, Dfc. 8‘^TT(ff)^DwifM Doz. deeislon "has undeniably added'to ovatybody b a n during tha months D. Eioenhowar tnd Frasldsnt our dilflCUttlas.” But he empba- to cm««v■ ' 'I ... World War II—waa fttHUMiw- * jiaM) the p re^ en tlal decision ‘•Kow bafogd r talk k J l t t o J W pramjaa ha ' mads th-.Jcmaxiei $jriifnum , Rhse confiwral votora hi Xiirtiiil tha trtjt'. iif the threo mMtingb Durkin to Call Taft, "4m not aaUbliBli a new p a tta n aibout jo m a ' Of IBkho ' " J * * * ^ Whather dds imprecwHBtod mla; Bens there la but does not feel free Rescuers Free /age rules all along the line would Smith Death Date interview given by any military plan that wotild bring a positive again in the field—on a visit to the I JWHALC . to do It until he assumes office. . mUM continuance of the program formation in my honor. I don't and definite victory without pos­ South Korean C7apitol Divlaion. ilM . « D i y H | | 4 y COM I aaa*s».irere— COllll- Doz.* ORANGES 35c A meeting^ including manage­ uMlesa. believe In making toldiera wait sibly running a grave risk of en­ At Eighth Army Headquartara, ment representatives “at a later In either case, Cox said, he felt and so I checktd up and I ting larging the war. There are ru>nv Eisenhower and Rhee conferred PEAS date” also is ort, Durkin’s program. Miner Trapped For he could be of no more use. that I was expecteed. Nevarthe- limitations on a war of this kind, behind closed doors for 15 minutes CUCUMBERS 2 2 3 c Revealing his .plan at a news The W SB had reduced the min- Set for Third Time lass, I want through you people with Gen. Mark Clark and Gen. but this much is certain . • , much coiifereacc at Elsenhower s head- here to extend my apologies to any James A. Van Fleet aitting In on quarteri in the Hotel Commodore 10 Hours in Pit can be done, in my opinion, to Im­ Cello Bag (OsaMooed aa Page Tareaty-tiuee) soldiers, who through some misun­ prove our position—much will be the session. CARROTS 17c 12 OZ. yesterday, he predict^ that rel^ In all, Elsenhower stayed 80 Bridgeport, Dec. 5—(/P)— For the third time in two and one derstanding were out In the cold done.” ALUMINUM tim s between organised la ^ r and Pottsvllle, Pa.; Dec. 5—<0—A longer than they should have been minutes in hla visit to Rhaa’S the Elsenhower administration will priest risked -his life to crawl «df years a date was fixed in Superior Court today for the presidential mansion on a hUlatda 10 Lb. Bag 6 5 c because I was highly honored and (OoBttMoed oa Pago Fonrl POTATOES BUMBLE BEE ba "very good." , through- a 40 foot shaft and ad­ execution of Francis C. (Frank) Smith, 26, of Noroton, con­ compUroanted by their presence. overlooking Seoul. gees No Obotaclex minister the last rites of the U. S. Launches MINUTE MAID Fancy White Meat PILLSBURY victed slayer of a Greenwich watchihan. Judge James E. Incidentally that whole ceremony Observers attached great alg- Yellow Onions 2 Lbs. 23c Durkin— an AFL l ^ e r ^Md churcH to a trapped miner last was very symbolic I thought. It nlflcance to the visit since It was Democrat who backed Gov. Adlal night, then doffed his robes for a Murphy aentanced Smith to die In**------^ ’ Elsenhower's final gesture before CAKE MIX Billion Military the electric chair In the State’s w • ” ^ was a symbol of the unity that UN Planes Bomb ORANGE E . Stevenson for‘ President— WW shovel and helped dig the man out. binda togather so many nationa departing on the long Jounwy I F T ■ Bl B R E g asked whether Taft's blast that hlg The Rev. John J. Shellum, curate priaon, Wethersfield, Jan 12 or home tonight. TUNA White, Chocolate, Golden within five dajra thereafter for the Lorain to liie diveraa In their languages, their selection by Eisenhower was 'in- of Mary Queen of Peace Church traditions and their customs but Reds Third Day It was authoriUtively learned IN THI FAMOUS ANTIQUIO PIRMA-FINISH efediUe” might be an obstacle to Wk Pottsvllle. waa one of the first Buying Abroad flrat degree murder of Grover S. i that the ROK cabinet had u r ^ 7 Oz. Can Pkg. Hart, S8. during a burglarly at| bound togatbar by a common ven a Taft-labor conference. mdn to reach Sylvester Prosper, eratlm for freettom .and a strong Elsenhower to press for the unifi- - " I don’t think aq.” he replied. the Indian Harbor Yacht Club; In Chair May*4 Seoul. Dec. 6— - 3 3 0 "Labor wants to aae him do good eign aircraft. was achaduled to expire Jan. 12. J. Lorain, 81, of Pawtucket, R. I., asking, among other things, unlfl- and will give him every aaalatance down 20 feet and off at so angle targets. for another 20 feet, almost 10 After months of preparatloq, in­ the date of the new date for exe­ was condemned to the electric catlon of Korea, strengthening the TODAY SERVE to make hla adminlatratlon a suc­ formed officials said, the first cution. The fifth reprieve was Is­ Action was virtually nil along VOIR IHOItE hours after being trapped. chair here yesterday as the ilayer Bulletins the frozen battle front. The Reds ROK forces, and economic aid. GREEN PREMIER cessful one.” His oldest daughter. Johanna. batch of these new orders will be sued by Governor Lodge last Sept. On Wednesday, the day afte" The Secretary-designate ex­ who fired five shots lntq_a _ dis­ from tha AP threw no more than 40 men into WALNUT 20, threw her arms arpund him and signed with Great Britain In about 5. their scattered Jabs at the Allied Eisenhower arrived, the U. 8. pressed a personal belief that fed­ a week. The red haired ex-convlct’a last placed person last suhuper In a President-elect first conferred with TOMATO 3 can. 33c eral labor laws generally require kissed him. "I'm all right,” was lines. STAMPS GIVEN Prosper’a onlv comment. These Informants said the initial hope to escape execution now ap­ hitch-hike holdup In nearby Ber- Rhee In private for 20 mlnu^. SLICED BEETS MEATS a “basic overhauling." ’ Taft has orders will Involve some 90 mil­ MBS. WAiXAOE DIBS UN raiding party shot up a 0»i- • 9 9 5 said he favors changes In the act Two other children, Theresa, 18, pears to lie With the State Board JW. VEGETABLE GROUP 2 Caaa i T C 1 Lb, Tin lion dallars and wUl cover produc­ of Pardons which may commute While a Superior Court Jury of Waaklagtea, Dee. 6 — (CMttmied OB Page Tweaty-three) R Oz. Pkg. tion of Britain's fkmed "Centurion" Mra. DovM Willock Wallace, 90, (Ooatlnned oa Page Two) WITH CASH SALES (Coatjauad on Pago Foorteail) (OoatiBiMd an Page BevCa) the death penalty to life Imprison­ seven, women and five men MEAT GROUP 2 Cain 3 5 c tank, successfully battle-tested In ment, ^ deliberated fbur ' hours, , Lorain imther-lB-law of President Ttv- 2 For Korea, for the North Atlantic Jam es C. Shannon and Melvin lolled, hummed and snoozed in his M, died at 4be White House Treaty (NATO) countries. cell Just below the Jury room. He today. The PW ldent’a motber- , Defense department directives, M. DIchtqr, counsel for Smith, said Cloak-Dagger Diaryt they have petitioned the board for ate ham sandwiches and drank In-Uw died qt 12:86 p. na. (e. a. CfmNwf Dttk It waa learned, now have gone out a commutation and the matter coffee for lunch. t.) The spedfle caaae of death twH^wtcIi Imf Oim. MEA f D EPA R TM lEN T ■■■ 9erserk Man Hits Wife for additional foreign buying in 10 M gtx'ea oe eerebral throm- Oim. tlV' other West European countriaa. will probably be assigned for a Judge J . Howard . Roberta SELE CTED WESTERN STEER 1 hearing at the State Prison Jan.. sentenced Lorain to death. In the boala.. She had been Ul for With this go-ahead, American Bex'eral montba. SHOULDER 12. Wethersfield State Prison electric ‘Great Deception’ Used With Flatiron, Sets Fires (Oaatlnoed on Page Twa) Today’s proceeding before Judge chair ,pn May 4. TENDERLOIN J „ FBI NABS ESCAPEES . V ' Muiphy, at which Smith was re- \ Expected life •■I thought they’d give me life." BolUmore, Dec. 6—t^V—Two BEEF- . . -...... STEAKS. •& - LAMB CHOPS BOOK fusad ah opportunity to apeak, 'eoavieto described as dangerous On Ike’s U.S.-Korea Hop ‘ STEAKS at his younger brother and'finally Lorain said of the Jury. "They god^tock, Dec. laated I’M than 10 minutes. fngitivea from Weetern State SHORT or A A ,. “tie Anderson of thla succeeded in chasing him up the "So there will be no conflict be­ were out so long,” SCOT TISSUE MATCHES atnira and out the f(ont doer. Then, "Oh, what the hell, I lost." Peaiteatlary ia Pittsburgh were PORTERHOUSE TTC $1.19 : Lb! 6 9 c iuw», -ru r* grade teacher at., the tween the .date of the explratjon captured aecMeataUy h e^ last This la the story of tho "G reat yeara had claimed 126,000 Ameri­ C lim b New, Softer Than Ever ,(50 Count) Woodstock Elementary School, During the wild melee, the 15- News Tidbits of the reprieve and the new. date "The devil’s been after me a lot Deception,” Uie way Dwight can dead, wounded and misaiiig- year-old cousin .cam e downstairs of times before and hasn't got me night, the FBI aanonaoed. Scori lit Of. RACORN 8UCED FRESH waa awakened from a-sound sleep Culled from AP Wires of execution” said Judge Murphy, AMea, district OFBl director. Elsenhower stole allenOy out of Preclalon Pattern Dhl< hy smoke fumes at 4 a. m., today. and waa cut by the swinging Iron. “the new date Is Jan. 12, 1953 or yet,", the dooni^ man said, re­ New York and made hla unprece­ Aa the Eiaenhower car drove to­ . DAISY HAMS Meanwhile, Mrs. Anderson — ferring to his t^ree attempts to Identified thoee 'la custody aa m “ ^,4>T" BACON ,k 45c 3 Rolls 2 Pkgs. She got out of bed., put on a five days thereafter.” Virgil Toaey aad Nick Derem- dented trip to Korea. It hna ward Mitchell field, the Air Force bathrobe and started dqsKhStalrs bleeding profusely — ran from the FRESH PORK BEEF KIDNEYS Chairnnn Paul A. Walker of bela, both 41 yean old. Their Juat been cleared by censor­ Base on Long Island, other auto- twtafiaa MeiidU to Investigate. She saw smoke house to get help. She pounded on (Oonltnned on Pnge Tweaty-three) (Coatlaned from Page Goal . mobilea in other parts of the city 10%- ■ •>»“ (Not Frozen). i.b. 69c the Yront door of her nearest FCC recommends government capture leave# only Andrew L. ship-) Ea*y To Prepare—Uae For CO minling up the cellar stairs and White, II, atm at large out of By DON WHITEHEAD J moved'in a precision pattern, also walkk ^ down to see what waa neighbor, Emil Anderson (no rela­ licensing of rndlo nnd TV net­ With Eiaenhower in Korea. D ec., convergingcunvccBum on Mitchell field. LIVER T,.35e > Any Mead i,b,_19c tion) and, in her excitement, broke works ___ Nearly 2,000 American 10 priaonera who broke out of hurnl....ning. the prison. — It was 5:J0 a. m. (e.a.t.) 'There two big Air Fore ConataDn- Onin thethi cellar floor, she saw her a window pane. However, Ander­ Gl'a arc ahelllng out a million on Saturday, Nov. 29. when two ’ tions waited in the darkneaa. IN OUR husband, John Anderson, 50, light­ son waa alow to respond and aha dollars to ty home from Oermsay Reuther, New CIO Leader, FRESH BEEF GROUND Lb. 35c TUNUIAN IS SLAIN men stepped quickly through toe A few minutea before Eisen­ ing a fire near the oil stove. An­ ran on to the.next bouse, that of oh commercial alrllnea for CSirtat- doorway of toe residence at No. hower had left hla Morningalda Lay away Hamburg la j-our freezer for bandy, economical nae—Freezer special! In ten pound . Emil Anderson's brother, Arvld maa leave. Tunis, Tuaiala, Doc. 5—If)— other fire waa biasing on her aide Farhet Haebed, Timlalaa trade 40 Morningiide ' Heights In New HetghU residence, Defense Secre- HOUSEWARES lot*—.51c lb.! of the cellar. E. Anderson, first Selectman of , Government la ready to lift last Outlines Fighting Program York city into toe cold star-lit tazy-designate Oiarlea' E. Wilson North Woodstock. of Its coatrels on wenring nppnsel, naloa official aad a N^loaallat SUNCREST From that point on, the early leader, waa feoad abet to death night. • had strolled out of the Waldorf THANK YOU AGAIN ~ FOR USING OUR FNONE SERVl^ morning quiet ip this p) ' It capped a bitterly-contaatad last a'lght Bear hla ballet-riddled tle town turned to bedlam. automobUe on a highway aouth turned up -as though against toe the driver to drop him off at the REFT. ' FRIDAY INSTEAD OF SATURDAY PoUce said Anderson picked up arouaad its inmates.' Emil Ander on contesting will of 69-year-oW —The CIO's new president, Walter fight pitting Reuther agatnat a GRRFEFRUIT SECTIONS P. Reuther, today charted a fight­ union old-timer and former coal of Tunis. Freaeh authoritles- chtU. They strode swiftly to toe southeast comer of SSth street aad. an old-fashioned flat iron and 'son'had heard her frenslad Roger Stewart, found dead in New limousine that had pulled up at Fifth avenue. scraams, dressed and ran to her ing program to keep the labor miner, .Allan 8;-

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