Extensions of Remarks · 1761'

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Extensions of Remarks · 1761' J JaniUJ/ry · 22., 1973 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS · 1761' .. By Mr. HASTINGS: Dl.; to the Committee on the Judiciary. sloner of the U.S. Court of Claims; to the H.R. 2636. A bill for the relief of Jean At­ H.R. 2640. A b111 for the relief of Howard Committee on the Judiciary. bertha Service Gordon; to the Committee on D. Harden; to the Committee on the Judi­ the Judiciary. ciary. By Mr. LONG of Maryland: By Mr. WYATI': PETITIONS, ETC. H.R. 2637. A bill for the relief of Peter Bos­ B.R. 2641. A b111 for the relief of Chester Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions cas. deceased; to the Committee on the c. Clark, Mary L. Clark, and Dorothy .J. Wil­ and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk .Judiciary. bur, copartners doing business under the and referred as follows: By Mr. MURPHY of New York: firm name of Alsea Veneer; to the Committee 30. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Board H.R. 2638. A bill for the relief of Koo Po L1 on the Judiciary. of Selectmen, Brookline, Mass., relative to and Yuk Klu L1; to the Committee on the By Mr. FASCELL: the rehabllltatlon loan program; to the Com­ Judiciary. H. Res. 151. Resolution referring the bl11 mittee on Banking and Currency. By Mr. RAILSBACK: H.R. 2209 entitled "A bl11 for the relief of 31. Also, petition of Louis Mira, Chino, B.R. 2639. A bill to provide for the relief the Cuban Truck and Equipment Co., its cam;., relative to redress of grievances; to of Sandstrom Products Co. of Fort Byron, heirs and assignees" to the Chief Commls- the Committee on the Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS APOLLO 17 that be a flower or a country, I thank God edito1ial in the RECORD and I would rec­ that our country has chosen to grow. ommend its reading to my colleagues and Mr. Speaker, it was my privilege, in all of the other interested people who HON. EDWARD P. BOLAND company with other Members of Con­ read the RECORD: OF MASSACHUSETTS gress, to witness aboard the primary re­ AND YOUR RIGHT To KNOW IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES covery ship, the U.S.S. Ticonderoga, the Two bllls which would further guarantee incredibly perfect splashdown of the the public's right to know wlll be introduced Monday, January 22, 1973 Apollo 17 command module and the re­ when Congress reconvenes this month. Mr. BOLAND. Mr. Speaker, the House Minnesota's Sixth District Congressman covery operations on December 19, 1972. John Zwach announced recently that his of Representatives welcomes today three I extend my congratulations to Capt. proposed legislation would "require that all truly intrepid, courageous, brtll1ant Norman K. Green and his entire crew on meetings of government agencies at which Americans--the crew of Apollo 17- the U.S.S. Ticonderoga. Comdr. E. E. Da­ omclal action is taken, or discussed, shall be Capt. Eugene A. Cernan, Capt. Ronald E. hill III, officer in charge of the HC-1 open to the public except on matters affect­ Evans. and Dr. Harrison H. Schmitt. recovery helos, Lt. Jon Smart, officer in ing national security or internal management Their remarkable, practically flawless command of Underwater Demolition of an agency." 12%-day flight to the moon and back Team 11, and all of their crews for their Zwach's measure also stipulates that meet­ ings of congressional committees be open to marked the :final mission in the Apollo masterful performance in the recovery the public. Furthermore, it would require program of lunar exploration-the last of the spaceship America. that a transcript of all meetings be made 1n this series of man's most magnificent Mr. Speaker, I include with these re­ available to the public, and would provide and courageous adventures. While this marks the thanksgiving offered by Chap­ for court enforcement of the open meeting was the last of the Apollo missions, it lain John A. Ecker, lieutenant com­ requirements. was certainly not the least. Quite the mander, U.S. Navy, upon the safe return Meanwhile in the Senate, Oregon's Mark contrary, Apollo 17 was clearly the most of these distinguished American astro­ Hatfield will introduce a bill that would help successful of the seven manned lunar nauts: reporters protect their sources of Informa­ tion. landing missions. Astronauts Ceman, The heavens declare your glory, Oh Lord­ "For nearly 200 years a free press has served Schmitt, and Evans brought to earth the the planets, the sun, the moon, and the stars this country as a balance to government," largest payload of lunar material from which you set In place. In humble gratitude Hatfield said. "Its unbridled voice is as vital perhaps the most complex geological we thank you for the safe return from your today as it was in 1776." area visited during the entire Apollo pro­ heaven of these pioneers In space. May their However, the senator continued, the First achievements contribute to the unity of Amendment freedoms are repeatedly being gram. The mission logged more hours mankind and peace for all of your people in than any previous lunar landing includ­ threatened by recent court decisions eroding this holy season. Amen. the ability of reporters to present Informa­ ing the longest time ever in lunar orbit tion to the American public. and a record total of almost 1 full day "Congress must act to see that undue judi­ in extravehicular activity. While the cial interference is removed from the news Apollo program has ended, the efforts AND YOUR RIGHT TO KNOW gathering and dissemination process," Hat­ of these brave men have provided us field said. invaluable data on the origins of the The announcements of these two proposals moon and form the first stepping stone HON. JOHN M. ZW ACH come at a point in America's history when the public's right to news is being challenged 1n man's effort to grasp and understand OF MINNESOTA like at no other time previously. Unfortu­ his place in the universe. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES On a broader scale, the success of nately, despite the guarantees in the First Monday, January 22, 1973 Amendment, legislation such as these meas­ Apollo 17 highlighted a year in which ures has become a necessity to secure your NASA recorded a perfect launch record Mr. ZWACH. Mr. Speaker, in all of my right to know. For this reason, it is important for the first time. In all, this past year years of public office, I always have been that Zwach's and Hatfield's bills receive sup­ saw the space agency accomplish 18 a strong supporter of the people's right to port not only from newspaper, magazine and straight flawless launches. As the year know what their Government, local, television people, but also from the general public. For in reality, the fight is yours just before us unfolds, I look with confidence State, and Federal, is doing. as much as It is ours in the news media. to NASA to continue its :fine work in I firmly believe in freedom of informa­ space science, applications, aeronautics, tion and I have introduced legislation to and space technology. And as we ap­ open Government meetings to the press. proach the launching of the Skylab I have also introduced legislation to pro­ INDIA SHOULD FREE POW'S space laboratory later this spring, I am tect news sources. reminded of Captain Cernan's eloquent The need for such legislation and the words as he stood onboard the Ticon­ support it is receiving is typi:fled by the HON. EDWARD J. DERWINSKI deroga last month: following editorial written by Publisher OF ILLINOIS Nothing is impossible in this world, when Lynn Smith and which recentlY appeared IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES dedicated people are involved. And it's a in the Monticello Times, a newspaper fundamental law of nature, that either you printed weekly in our Minnesota Sixth Monday, January 22, 1973 must grow, or you must die. Whether that Congressional District. Mr. DERWINSKI. Mr. Speaker, an edi­ be an Idea, whether that be a man, whether Mr. Speaker, I insert Publisher Smith's torial in the Chicago Tribune of Wednes- 1762 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS. Jan-uary 22, 1973 day, January 17, discussing the continued sighted new town developments through­ ventlonally thought of as low-use land; a complications that the Government of out the country. Unlike the typical new plan for acquisition of the site and develop­ India is causing for its neighbor, Paki­ towns which are being developed today, ment of about half the land, asking federal, stan, is, I believe, an extremely timely the Minnesota Experimental City or state, and private cooperation; and creation of a quasi-public corporation to begin devel­ and accurate commentary on the situa­ MXC for short will be a new town in oping tho city. tion. the true sense of the word and not merely The early dreams for the new cit y were It is indeed ironic that a government a bedroom community for an existing technological: which presumes to lecture anyone else urban center. The current session of the -No cars. "There must be ways of movi ng on the conduct of foreign policy has a Minnesota Legislature will be asked to people without having cars in the city." Cur­ truly treacherous record in its conduct make some crucial decisions on land rently, MXC is studying guideways on which of foreign affairs and, in this particular acquisition. While a favorable decision cars could be hitched without their motors by the legislature is by no means assured, running, and ways to transport people case, is in violation of the Geneva Con­ quickly without cars at all.
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