’ 4 A e - U • 1: / ■ :":j W E D N E S D A Y , DECEiMBEB 8, 195* SN Tt-ElG HT Averate Daily Net Prew Ran .. ^ The WaBther illanrlfp)0tfr JEwftttttg l^walii Par the Weak Badsd ; af .0. A Warnkse Nov. at, ItSS / Pair, coal tonight, laereaatag doodtaMaa Friday. Ntninmn ta> night la ailddle S«a. ' , >. ’ . Memhar af Rbe Andlt Baiaan af ClradatlaM Manchester— A CUy of Village Charm * % r MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—IN TWO SECTIONS) PRICE FIVE CB] VOL. LXXIL n 6 . 55 .(CtaaaUM AdvarthdM PNN *8> •m m c U- Television Baby Doing Fine um an, A dlai ..I m> o n * T < Washington; Dec. 4— (/P^— Adlai Stevenson said today he and P i^iden t Truman are in complete agreement not to wage war on Dwight Eisenhower’s program simply- for party ad­ vantage. And, he told reportera at a White House news con­ ■V'5| ference, the Democratic pa'rty’i - • ~ two major problems are: (11 to ^ wipe out a deficit of more than -nwm >4 O W N I I ' X T ' half a million d^Iars' and (2) to j J|/ C E ll 111. J fi I IB P ro b e Told Jfeuiher*s El^ciion Cox Aefioti■ 'IP "serve the public Interest.” w etevenion 'spoke to newsmen afU-r conferring with President Truman at the White House, the D ie in O f Crime on Protest, on you’ll shob ^ Washington residwice for which he By CIO Due Today b<4 In his unsuccessful campaign for the presidency. ^ D o c k s No Plan OB Putnre F la s h KY. Atlantic City, N. Dec. 4 $1.90 Rais^ th^^&ivers He made no major pronounce­ — (A>)— ^Thc CIO convention Awaits CIO Call ments at the news conference, but Youngstown, O., Dec. 4 New York, Dec. 4— (JP)— today adopted a resolution W ashin^on, Dec. 4— chatted amiably with reporters Shipping executivea.tolcl the calling for renewed merger who piled him with queationa (/P) — Firemen today blamed President Truman’s Wagh away about'hli political futura and that leaking propane gas for a rag­ New York State Crime com-" negotiations with the AF-Ij, Board chairman quit his job of tb'e Democratic party. ing fire that Gashed through misaion today how crime is hot the CIO’s leaders ap­ today in protMt over ths i 1 The Illinois Governor did aay a'frame dwelling and wiped rampant on the* New York parently had their fingers President’s approval of an ex­ these things: waterfront— largest in the crossed about them being suc- 1. He has no immediate plgna oiit a family of seven. tra wage boost for coal in this toasty ttripad'bib broodeloth thlrt. »... .13^® for the future other than to take a Aaaiatant Fire Chief FVank Leh- world. eeaiful. > miners above and beyond tha lo-'" rest and possibly to travel nerd said tha gas, used for c6ok- They told Investigators of the recommendations of ail to)> ingT. probably overcame all of the SfripM odd o brond now flovor lo fhi* toitewd ihirt'i bib front, abroad, city's seven • billion -dollar-a-year Atlantic City, N. J., Dec. 4 vlctiiiui before the fire broke mit ■hipping industry: defense agency (Officials. 2. He knows of no plans for.a — —Walter P. Reuther,i ArchibalU Oox, chairman a t coachman coat imart Fronch <uffi, Johnny toiler. T ypicaJ^IP'n SHORE custom change In the top leaderahlp of the last night. 1. Known criminals are hired Killed were Henry Tochman, 34, In the capacity of boasea because young chief of the CIO’s Auto' Wage StabQiaatlon board, waited Democratic National committee, only overnight to reaign. He touches: p w l buttons end cull links. Fine combed cotton brood- but it may be necessary to reor- a bakery route salesman; his wife, otharwiae they fear work atop- Workers union, was expected Catherine, 32; and their five chil­ no formal statement, but toM a gr-nize the committee etructUre be­ pa«««- to be chosen as President of reporter tbe White House migitt .j cloth ... hormonitinji stripes 6r» while ond muted pastels. Ever cause of the deficit in funds. dren, Henry, Jr., 13; Patricia, 10; 2. Their fear at a work atop- Carol, 8; Mary Grace, 4, and Jo page is not inspired by the A 8 ^ the CIO today at a convention have something to aay thla after­ t' He added that ha expecU bis noon. The Truman action, white lovely, ever woshoble, sizes 30 to 38. hand-picked national chairman, Ann, 2. • ' _________ ___ International Longehoremen'e As­ finale. -. BanM to Ofw ui sociation but by "the men on the Reuther, believed all along to counter to recommendations of hte Stephen A. Mitchell, to aUy on In stabUiiation lieutenants, did a*- the job. Their one-story home just north- pier." have sufficient votes to . become east o f thla city was burned to 8. Pilferage Is widespread on the late Philip Murray's successor sums a year of peace in the coal 3. It Is up to the Democratic minea . leadership in Congress to serve ee the ground in .the inferno that many piers, ii» one Instance 10 as top man in the CIO, gained The Pfeaident yesterday an- "the instrument of being construc­ could bt seen for miles. tons of steel being stolen. added strength aa the voting NANNETTB tive and a wholesome Infiuence in Bodies of the father and mother 4. There ie some connection stage neared. proved the full $1.80 d ^ wage increase for John U Lewis* 875,000 our public life." Were found in » the living room. between the widespread pilferage They were belfcved to have been and the presence of public loaders Forces backing Allan 8. Hay­ soft coal miners. He said he didn’t He sidestepped a question of wood, 64. the CIO's executive vice iUM'wW) whether he thought there were watching television when the fire with criminal records on the piers. want Preaident-eleet Elsenhower started around 11:15 p. ni. Pour of This tefbmony was given by president and a veteran union' to have a coal strike crisis on ate enough Dentocrati In Congress leader, conceded nothing to Reu­ sharing his and the President's the children were In beds In two Andrew D. Warwick, president of hands When he takes offioe neat bedrooms. T. Hogan and Sons, contracting ther in a hot fight for the preei- month. T views to *'ekert much leadership' dency. in the new Ck>ngress. The other child. Mary Grace, stevedores, and by Jones P. Dev­ Priee Boeet Oeriata '' D A X Zl^K RS Stevenson salfi be didn't want to was taken alive from the fiery lin, general manager of the Unit­ While the move averted an aL ed States Lines. (Oeatlmied ea P a ^ Sevantoea) WALTER REUTHER most certaia strike, it opened th# (OantlBoed on Pag* Fear) (Oenttanea ea Png* P a «r) SM MUUons Pilfered door to a Iboost in coal prices te/ The public hearings, which open- coneumers and touched o ff unrest_____ ed yesterday, lifted the lid on re­ among miblle and industry man# Hop out of bed and right into this wonderful heater-upper! Slip it on any ported crime and racketeering In bera o f toe wags board. Tha boaHl the shipping industry. Its annual time you want to loaf and love it! Flattering style with giant Korea majority had held that a wagfi House Group Probing losses are eatlmated to run to booat beyond $1.50 would be iwfiq- heart-shaped lapels, jumbo cuffs, smart full .skirt with a hold-everything SM millions because of pilfering, tionary. smuggling and pay kickbacks by Cox, a 40-year-oId Harvard laW [ex* longshoremen to their union boaees. professor Jiaa been in offtee for pocket! Of quilted strawbei+y-printed cotton, piped and sashed with zing! An opening day's witness was Slowed by Trui an fo w montha. He succeeded Nathan Interference with Jury loiiSa after Ma With )a \iew af eaaat-te-coaat trievMaa view whlte-hslred Ruth M. Kannedy, Washable too! Black with red trim, red with black, gold with black, green bhby bey (tap phata) waits fai^'haat-natal treateeeat. Bis P. Ffinsinger. whose acUona la era,, .-a secretary-treasurer of the fteve tha steel case last summer resulted •rat in teieviate^s jhlatery. for the precious gift of sleep! with black. Sizes 10 to 20,16Vs to 24Vs- And lucky for you, it’s just 810.961 ww-kij, g g g ? : doriimC firm of DaniaU and Kanna- In Oongress paaathg a law reatriete _ Washington, Dec. 4— (P) —A. acOvltiea In the Snlted Nationa,” «>y. W . Wiaa Xanady taatiflad WfiShinffton, Dac. 4—<AV-Thfi Truman administration ap­ lag the powers of the WSB. congressional inquiry was under tha lawmakera amiouncad, adding: reperF that grqtuitles are "an sstabUriied parently plans to make'no further policy moves to stdve the Indus^ members of the WSB “ Theae chargaa w ill be photo). la tke lower pkete,..a daetas eseriee Oerdea t e mpbell-Rerr way today into alleged efforU by p'rii^ce In the business.” Korean situation, 'n c next ste’p, officials said today, will ^ said through a spokeanMUi they ^ h e State and Justice Departments thoroughly and contpletely ex­ t e w the h e^to i deUvery reom after the lafaaPe arri^-a) ea the eight The' witness said her firm, Ih up to President-elect'Eisenhower. Officials said today it will would boycott all hoard msetlags AS LOW AS 't o delay or tons down a* federal plored by the subcommittee staff af pec.
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