MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data for Countries This note is intended to guide countries in their use of the MI4A vaccine purchase data.

What data is available? new vaccine introductions, but also for product switches – and to understand the status of product The WHO vaccine market intelligence database registrations. Fifty-six Member States responded compiles vaccine purchase (product, price and to these new questions. procurement) data as reported by countries via the WHO/UNICEF Joint Reporting Form (JRF) over the This information is essential to WHO’s efforts to period of 2013–2018. While country names are not improve global market forecasts and inform displayed, data is publicly available on the MI4A suppliers’ and global policy-makers’ investment website and provides information by country decisions. WHO encourages all countries to characteristics (e.g. region, income group…) by report information on new introduction plans and vaccine and by year of purchase, along with price planned product changes as well as to respond to per dose (USD), procurement mechanism and questions related to registration. annual volumes. 1 The number of countries reporting vaccine How can my country use this data? purchase data through the JRF continues to Countries can use the vaccine purchase data in increase year after year, with 182 Member States several different ways, such as to: (93%) reporting some vaccine procurement information in 2019 – including 158 (81%) fully • Understand how the price of vaccines in their reporting on vaccine purchase data. Price reporting immunization schedule relate to other this year marks a 3% increase from last year and products on the market, or compare the more than triple the reporting from 2016. prices paid by other countries in similar conditions (e.g. income, funding/procurement Most importantly, full reporting from non-Gavi group, contract conditions) – for example: how self-procuring countries who tend to have less much does seasonal flu vaccine cost in access to market information increased by 12% countries similar to mine? compared to last year. Six countries also reported price for the first time this year. • Identify other vaccines available from a given manufacturer – for example, what products The largest proportion of non-reporting countries are in the portfolio of a manufacturer of are high-income countries, with 20% having never interest for my country? reported any market information. The majority of these countries are in the European region. • Understand other available products and presentations for each vaccine – for example, WHO encourages all countries to share vaccine which BCG vaccine products are on the purchase data. This will allow for a complete market? global market view, identifying risks to vaccine access without underrepresenting certain market • Develop budget estimates to inform new segments. vaccine introduction product choices, planning and budgeting New questions were included in the 2019 JRF to support efforts on prospective data collection and have better visibility on countries’ future plans – for

1 Also refer to the guidance note on How to interpret the data: factors to consider when comparing vaccine price https://www.who.int/immunization/programmes_systems/procurement/mi4a/platform/module2/factors_to_consider.pdf?ua=1

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 1

The 2018 data, provided in Section D for easy BCG VACCINES: reference, is organized by vaccine, listing all As of 2019, available global supply is more than reported manufacturers and vial sizes. Prices are twice the global demand, and this situation is likely indicated by procurement mechanism, income to continue in the future. BCG vaccine is produced group and WHO region. Reference to UNICEF price by over 20 manufacturers, which ensures a large information is included in Section B; PAHO supplier base. However, there are still risks that Revolving Fund prices are reported in Section C. could lead to national stock-outs in the event of Building on the list of products reported as production issues from individual manufacturers. purchased by countries, WHO is also leveraging This is due to: other publicly available intelligence to publish a (i) the concentration of a large share of global more complete list of vaccine products available for supply in two manufacturers that are regulated procurement – including non-prequalified- by the same NRA, which, coupled with an vaccines.2 This list is included in Section A. unstable manufacturing process, can The Vaccine Purchase data set (including past contribute to unexpected and sudden reduction years’ data) can also be downloaded in Excel in availability; and format from http://who.int/immunization/MI4A (ii) many countries having only one product Moving forward, understanding and monitoring the registered. impact of market information use in countries will Vaccine product registration is an important factor be an area of focus for WHO and its partners. This affecting access to vaccines. Registering more will be an important step to better adapt the than one product will help countries to avoid information and related support provided to stock-outs in the case of market exit or supply countries – particularly for self-procuring MICs. shortage from the preferred manufacturer. WHO encourages countries to share their Investments have been made to streamline experience on data use at [email protected]. WHO regulatory procedures, encourage the use of can also respond to any request or questions at this reliance and mutual recognition among National address. Regulatory Authorities, set up regional regulatory networks, enhance the use of the Collaborative Key messages to countries Procedure for Accelerated Registration of The data shared by countries allows MI4A to Prequalified Products, and develop guidelines on complete global analysis, providing key insights to procedures for post-approval changes. Dialogue understand availability and affordability issues. A between manufacturers, countries and WHO on Global Vaccine Market Report is published how to resolve registration challenges and related annually, offering global insights on vaccine matters is ongoing. Ultimately, it is up to countries’ markets.3 MI4A also develops vaccine-specific leadership to bring about change. Global Market Studies. Some important vaccine-specific messages are found below – particularly for self-procuring middle-income countries.

2 The list of vaccine products provides an overview of vaccine products available organized by vaccine type, manufacturer and commercial name. See Section A and Excel format available on the WHO website: https://www.who.int/immunization/programmes_systems/procurement/mi4a/platform/module1/en/ 3 The most recent version of the Global Vaccine Market Report is available at: https://www.who.int/immunization/programmes_systems/procurement/mi4a/platform/module2/en/

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DIPHTHERIA AND TETANUS (D&T)– Replacement of TT with Td vaccine for dual CONTAINING VACCINES: protection Sufficient vaccine supply is available for all In June 2018, WHO and UNICEF issued a joint countries to introduce the recommended life communiqué urging countries to replace course of six doses of D&T–containing vaccines and tetanus toxoid (TT) vaccine with tetanus- to replace TT vaccine with Td. However, supply of (Td) vaccine – in light of the growing acellular pertussis (aP)–containing vaccines number of diphtheria outbreaks.* remains limited. It is sufficient to support demand from countries where the product is already in use, As of January 2020, UNICEF will no longer fund but introduction in additional countries may lead to TT vaccine, nor provide procurement services availability issues and require, under all for supply of TT vaccine. UNICEF will continue circumstances, 12 to 18 months advance notice to to support Td vaccine only, in support of the suppliers or procurement agency. This maternal immunization programmes. constraint – and WHO recommendations on WHO confirms sufficient supply is available to pertussis4 – should be taken into account before meet increased global demand for Td vaccines considering switching from whole-cell pertussis and highlights minimal price differentials (wP)–containing products. between TT and Td vaccines. Supply for whole-cell (wP)–containing vaccines For countries self-procuring TT vaccine, it is remains sufficient to absorb any production issues expected that this vaccine will remain available or sudden increases in demand. Some vaccine on the global market. However, as a result of combinations (DTwP-HepB, DTwP-Hib, TdaP-IPV, decreased demand through UNICEF and Td-IPV) are used in a very limited number of market evolution toward production of Td countries and may be at risk of discontinuation vaccine, the cost and delivery lead-time of TT from the manufacturers. Countries procuring those vaccine may increase. Those countries who combinations should make themselves aware of have not yet planned this replacement are potential product alternatives. strongly encouraged to do so as soon as possible. HPV VACCINES:5 To streamline the logistics and reduce the Supply is currently insufficient to meet demand. number of different products needed for According to the latest analysis, constraints are various age groups, WHO has also reviewed the expected to last until at least 2023/24, possibly evidence supporting the use of Td vaccine in leading to challenges for countries to access HPV younger children (ages 4-7 years) and is vaccines. actively working with manufacturers for an on- The WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts label indication. (SAGE) on Immunization recommended the Available guidance and further information are implementation of specific vaccination strategies to available upon request. address short-/mid-term supply constraints: i) all countries to temporarily pause implementation of *https://www.who.int/immunization/diseases/tetanus/WHO boys, older age group (>15 years) and multi-age _UNICEF_Joint_communique_on_TT_to_Td_Replacement_ cohort (MAC) HPV vaccination strategies; and ii) to Final28June2018.pdf

4 WHO Pertussis Position Paper (Last update August 2015): “National programmes currently administering wP vaccination should continue to use wP vaccines for primary vaccination series. Surveillance and modelling data suggest that the use of aP vaccines may result in a resurgence of pertussis after a number of years and such resurgence may also lead to an increased risk of death in those too young to be vaccinated.” https://www.who.int/wer/2015/wer9035.pdf?ua=1

5 WHO Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) Meeting of the Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization, October 2019: conclusions and recommendations: https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/329962/WER9447-eng-fre.pdf?ua=1

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 3

retain the benefits of MACs, countries could target share their plans with WHO and engage in dialogue girls who are 13-14 years old or in the equivalent with manufacturers early in this process. school grade with two-dose vaccination. Countries choosing to target 9- or 10-year-old girls or the PNEUMOCOCCAL VACCINES: equivalent school grade, could adopt an extended The total global supply/demand balance for interval of three to five years between the two pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) is currently doses. sufficient and is expected to improve with additional WHO reiterates that, from a public health manufacturers’ entrance. However, country perspective, all three licensed HPV vaccines have preferences for specific vaccine subtypes could excellent safety profiles and offer comparable affect the balance. WHO encourages countries to immunogenicity, efficacy and effectiveness for the consider all relevant aspects (such as local prevention of cervical cancer, which is caused epidemiology, cost-effectiveness, affordability, mainly by HPV types 16 and 18.6 In view of current delivery platforms, vaccine management, market market conditions, careful consideration by conditions, etc.) when selecting a vaccine product. countries of all available HPV products is critical to As a reminder, the most recent (2019) WHO enhance sustainable access to vaccines. position paper8 states that both PCV10 and PCV13 subtypes are comparable in terms of their impact MENINGOCOCCAL VACCINES:7 against pneumonia. The meningococcal vaccine market is diverse and Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine supply is complex, with regional variations in serogroup vulnerable because of the dependence on a single distribution, significant use outside of routine large manufacturer that accounts for most supply immunization, and 29 marketed products targeting outside of China. Reduction of supply from this various combinations of the five serogroups (A, B, manufacturer could result in access issues. C, W, Y) in conjugated and polysaccharide forms. Continued dialogue with WHO and the supplier is Countries – particularly MICs – are facing a number recommended. of challenges in access to these vaccines. In particular, discontinued production of ROTAVIRUS VACCINES: polysaccharide vaccines has reduced country access, and constraints in supply are expected to With the large-scale introduction of rotavirus continue in the future. vaccines in the last decade, some countries have faced challenges in access to the vaccines, and The available supply of conjugate MenACWY is sometimes in securing enough doses of the same insufficient to meet demand growth triggered by product. There are currently four prequalified rising incidence of serogroups C and W and rotavirus vaccines. Three of these vaccines require reduced availability of polysaccharide vaccines. a three-dose schedule while one product is Middle- and lower-income countries should administered in a two-dose schedule. WHO recently carefully evaluate product availability before published a guidance note on the interchangeability vaccine introduction or switching from one vaccine of rotavirus vaccines9 to support implementation of to another. Countries are encouraged to regularly rotavirus programmes when there are multiple vaccine products available.

6 WHO HPV Vaccines Position Paper (Last update May 2017): https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/255353/WER9219.pdf?sequence=1 7 WHO Meningococcal Vaccines Position Paper (Last update November 2011): https://www.who.int/wer/2011/wer8647.pdf?ua=1 8 WHO Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines Position Paper (Last update February 2019): https://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/handle/10665/310968/WER9408.pdf?ua=1 9 WHO Guidance Note on interchangeability of rotavirus vaccines: https://www.who.int/immunization/diseases/rotavirus/Rota_mixed_schedules_interchangeability.pdf

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WHO recommends that the rotavirus vaccination This project was launched to contribute to the series for each child be completed with the same achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 3.8 product whenever feasible. However, if the product (universal health coverage target) by enhancing used for a prior dose is unavailable or unknown, access to safe, effective, quality and affordable the series should be completed with any available vaccines for all. MI4A is part of the broader WHO licensed product. The effectiveness of a complete effort to ensure availability of Essential Medicines series that contains more than one product is likely and responds to specific requests from Member to be greater than an incomplete series with one States and SAGE to address vaccine market product. information gaps. The importance of improving access to vaccines What is MI4A? and medicines was once again raised by Member WHO launched the Market Information for Access States at the 2019 World Health Assembly with the (MI4A) project in 2018 with the objectives to: endorsement of the WHO Access Roadmap for Medicines, Vaccines and Other Health Products.10 A • Enhance the understanding of global vaccine resolution11 on improving the transparency of demand, supply and pricing dynamics and markets for medicines, vaccines and other health identifying affordability and shortage risks; products was also adopted to “facilitate efforts towards affordable and equitable access to health • Convene all relevant global health partners to products.” contribute to the development of policies, strategies and guidance to address the Building on the success of the Vaccine Product, identified risks; and Price and Procurement (V3P) project, WHO is already making great progress in improving the • Strengthen national and regional capacity for availability of vaccine price information with MI4A. improved access to vaccines supply – focusing WHO congratulates countries for sharing vaccine in particular on improving availability of purchase data with each other to inform decision- information and use of data in self-funding and making on new vaccine introduction and to enhance self-procuring middle-income countries. Those efficiency of procurement processes and planning countries are mostly excluded from and budgeting cycles. international support and the majority do not have sufficient access to market information. More information on WHO’s MI4A initiative is available at: http://who.int/immunization/MI4A

10 WHO. (2018). Addressing the global shortage of, and access to, medicines and vaccines. http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA71/A71_12-en.pdf 11 WHO. (2019). Improving the transparency of markets for medicines, vaccines, and other health products. http://apps.who.int/gb/ebwha/pdf_files/WHA72/A72_ACONF2Rev1-en.pdf

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Disclaimer Information contained in the MI4A database is provided by participating countries that have agreed to share vaccine price and procurement data. Participating countries are solely responsible for the accuracy of the data provided. The information contained in the MI4A database does not in any way imply an endorsement, certification, warranty of fitness or recommendation by WHO of any company or product for any purpose, and does not imply preference over products of a similar nature that are not mentioned. WHO furthermore does not warrant that: (1) the information is complete and/or error free; and/or that (2) the products listed are of acceptable quality, have obtained regulatory approval in any country, or that their use is otherwise in accordance with the national laws and regulations of any country, including but not limited to patent laws. Inclusion of products in the database does not furthermore imply any approval by WHO of the products in question (which is the sole prerogative of national authorities). WHO will not accept any liability or responsibility whatsoever for any injury, death, loss, damage, or other prejudice of any kind that may arise as a result of, or in connection with the procurement, distribution and use of any product listed in the MI4A database.

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A. Available Products List - as known to WHO The MI4A Products List provides a snapshot overview of vaccine products available for procurement – irrespective of their WHO prequalification status – as of November 2019. This list reflects information reported by countries through the 2019 Joint Reporting Form (JRF) and is supplemented and amended with available information gathered through separate consultations. As part of the MI4A project, WHO conducts in-depth global market studies where the list of available vaccines can be considered comprehensive and up to date. Studies conducted so far include BCG, D&T-containing, meningococcal, HPV, and pneumococcal vaccines. For all the other vaccines it should be noted that this list may not be complete and may be missing some products whose availability is not documented through public reported data and sources.

This list is also available for download in Excel format at the WHO/MI4A website: http://who.int/immunization/MI4A

For reference the list of WHO Prequalified vaccines is available on the WHO website: https://www.who.int/immunization_standards/vaccine_quality/PQ_vaccine_list_en/en/

Vaccine WHO PQ Manufacturer Vial Size Commercial Name (where available) Anthrax No Emergent Biosolutions 10-dose BioThrax

Ministry of Defense, 10-dose Unknown

BCG No AJ Vaccines A/S 20-dose BCG vaccine (former SSI - Statens Serum Institut)

Biomed Lublin 10-dose Antitubercle vaccine (Szczepionka przeciwgruźlicza)

Chengdu Institute of Biological Products 5-dose Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBG Subsidiary)

Fundacao Ataulpho de Paiva 10-dose BCG vaccine

GreenSignal Bio Pharma Limited 20-dose BCG vaccine (Freeze Dried) - Intradermal

Institut Pasteur de Tunis 20-dose BCG vaccine, freeze-dried - Pasteur 1173 P2 strain

Institut Pasteur Iran 20-dose Lyophilized B.C.G vaccine

Institute of Vaccines and Medical 10-dose Freeze dried BCG vaccine Biologicals

Japan BCG Laboratory 1-dose Freeze-Dried BCG Vaccine for Percutaneous Use

Microgen 10-dose BCG. One dose contains 0.05mg of BCG cells in 0.1 ml of solvent

20-dose BCG. One dose contains 0.05mg of BCG cells in 0.1 ml of solvent

PT Bio Farma (Persero) 20-dose BCG Vaccine (Freeze Dried)

Serum Institute of Pvt. Ltd. 10-dose BCG Vaccine

Shanghai Institute of Biological Products 5-dose Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBG Subsidiary)

Thai Red Cross 10-dose Freeze dried BCG vaccine 0.1 mL

Torlak 20-dose BCG Vaccine

Yes AJ Vaccines A/S 10-dose BCG Vaccine SSI

Bul Bio - National Center of Infectious 10-dose BCG Vaccine and Parasitic Diseases Ltd. 20-dose BCG Vaccine

Japan BCG Laboratory 10-dose BCG Freeze Dried Glutamate vaccine

20-dose BCG Freeze Dried Glutamate vaccine Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. 20-dose BCG Vaccine

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 7 Japan BCGJapanLaboratory 20-doseGlutamatevaccine Dried BCGFreeze BCG Yes Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of 20-doseSerumInstitute BCGVaccine bOPV No BIRMEX Oral Bivalente 20-dose VacunaAntipoliomielítica

Chumakov Federal Scientific Center ChumakovScientific Federal 10-dose Unknown

POLYVAC 20-dose Unknown

Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute15-dose&SerumResearch Vaccine bOPVvaccineRazi

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 10-dose Unknown

Beijing Institute of Biological Products Biological of Institute Beijing Cell), human Diploid attenuated, oral (live, Vaccine Poliomyelitis Yes 20-dose Co., Ltd. (CNBGSubsidiary) Ltd. Co., dose20 3, and 1 type

Bharat Biotech International Limited International 10-doseBiotech Bharat BIOPOLIOB1/3

20-dose BIOPOLIOB1/3

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline ThreeOne 10-doseand Sabin Polio

20-dose Polio Sabin One and ThreeOne20-doseand Sabin Polio

Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical Corporation Pharmaceutical Bio Haffkine 20-dose Bivalent type 1&3 Oral Poliomyelitis vaccine, IP (bOPV1&3) IP vaccine, Poliomyelitis 1&320-doseOral type Bivalent Ltd

Panacea Biotec Ltd. PanaceaBiotec 20-dose Unknown

PT Bio Farma(Persero) Bio PT 1&3Type(bOPV1&3) Vaccine Poliomyelitis 10-dose Oral Bivalent

20-dose Bivalent Oral Poliomyelitis Vaccine Type 1&3Type(bOPV1&3) Vaccine Poliomyelitis 20-dose Oral Bivalent

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 20-dose Unknown

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. 10-dose Poliomyelitis Vaccine (Oral), Bivalent types 1 and 3and 1 Ltd. types Pvt. Bivalent India of (Oral), Vaccine 10-doseSerumInstitute Poliomyelitis

20-dose Poliomyelitis Vaccine (oral) Bivalent types 1 and 3and 1 types Bivalent (oral) Vaccine 20-dose Poliomyelitis

Dengue NoPasteur Sanofi 1-dose Dengvaxia

5-dose Dengvaxia

Diphtheria NoBiomed IBSS 1-dose Unknown

20-dose Unknown

AD-M toxoid - Diphtheria toxoid adsorbed purified with reduced with purified adsorbed toxoid Diphtheria - AD-Mtoxoid Microgen 2-dose antigen content liquid (ATC: J06AA01 Diphtheria toxoid) - 0.5 mL 0.5 - toxoid) J06AA01Diphtheria (ATC: liquid content antigen

DT NoLimited E. Biological 1-doseVaccineTetanus and Diphtheria Adsorbed

10-dose Adsorbed Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine10-doseTetanus and Diphtheria Adsorbed

20-dose Adsorbed Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine20-doseTetanus and Diphtheria Adsorbed

Finlay Institute Finlay 1-dose VA-DIFTET

5-dose VA-DIFTET

10-dose VA-DIFTET

20-dose VA-DIFTET

IBSS Biomed IBSS 1-dose Unknown

Instituto Butantan Instituto Unknown Unknown Microgen 2-dose DIPHTHERIAANDTETANUS ANATOXIN (TOXOID)

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 8 Instituto Butantan Instituto Unknown Unknown DT No Microgen 2-dose DIPHTHERIAANDTETANUS ANATOXIN (TOXOID)

Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute14-dose&SerumResearch Vaccine vaccine DTRazi

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-doseVAX DT

10-doseVAX DT


Torlak 10-dose(DT) Ditevaksal-T

Vacsera Unknown Unknown

Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Biological of WuhanInstitute 4-dose Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

Yes Bul Bio - National Center of Infectious Yes of Center National - Bio Bul 10-dose Diftet and Parasitic Diseases Ltd. Diseases Parasitic and 20-dose Diftet

PT Bio Farma(Persero) Bio PT 10-doseVaccineDT Adsorbed

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of (Paediatric) 1-doseAdsorbedSerum Institute Vaccine Tetanus and Diphtheria

10-dose Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine Adsorbed (Ped)Adsorbed Vaccine10-doseTetanus and Diphtheria

20-dose Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine Adsorbed (Ped)Adsorbed Vaccine20-doseTetanus and Diphtheria

DTaP No Boryung 1-dosePDTVaccine Purified Boryung

Chengdu Institute of Biological Products Biological of ChengduInstitute 1-dose Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Infanrix

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dose Tripacel

Diptheria, Tetanus and Acellular Pertussis Combined Vaccine, Pertussis Acellular and Tetanus Diptheria, Walvax 1-dose Adsorbed Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Biological of WuhanInstitute 1-dose Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

DTaP-HepB-Hib-IPV NoSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dosehexa Infanrix

Merck Vaccines/Sanofi Pasteur vaccine 1-dose Vaxelis (5 component pertussis, Merck/Sanofi Pasteur) vaccine Merck/Sanofi Pasteur 1-dosecomponentVaccines/Sanofi Merck pertussis, (5 Vaxelis

YesPasteur Sanofi 1-dosecomponent Hexaximpertussis) (2

DTaP-HepB-IPV NoSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dosePenta Infanrix

DTaP-Hib NoGroup Biotec Minhai Beijing 1-doseCombined DTaP-Hib Vaccine

DTaP-Hib-IPV NoA/S Vaccines AJ 1-dose DiTeKiPol/Hib

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Infanrix-IPV/Hib

Pentaxim, Pentavac (2 component pertussis), Pentacel (5 Pentacel component pertussis), (2 Pentavac Pentaxim, Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dose component) or Pediacel (5 component) (5 Pediacel component) or

DTaP-IPV NoA/S Vaccines AJ 1-dose Unknown

Biken Co. Ltd.Co. Biken 1-dose Unknown

Daiichi Sankyo Daiichi 1-dose Unknown

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA only) old Biologicals yrs 4-6 GlaxoSmithKline age children in use 1-dose(for Kinrix KM Biologics Co. Ltd.Co. KMBiologics 1-dose Unknown

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 9 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA only) old Biologicals yrs 4-6 GlaxoSmithKline age children in use 1-dose(for Kinrix DTaP-IPV No KM Biologics Co. Ltd.Co. KMBiologics 1-dose Unknown

Mitsubishi TanabePharma Mitsubishi 1-dose TETRABIK

Tetravac (2 component pertussis), Tetraxim (2 component)or (2 Tetraxim component pertussis), (2 Tetravac Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dose Quadracel (5 component) (5 Quadracel

DTwP NoLimited International 1-doseBiotech Bharat ComVac3

5-dose ComVac3

10-dose ComVac3

Finlay Institute Finlay 1-dose DTP-vax

5-dose DTP-vax

10-dose DTP-vax

20-dose DTP-vax

DTP-Szczepionka bloniczo-tezcowo-krztuscowa adsorbowana bloniczo-tezcowo-krztuscowa DTP-Szczepionka IBSS Biomed IBSS 1-dose Biomed

Indian Immunologicals Ltd Immunologicals Indian Unknown Abhay-TAG

1-dose Abhay-TAG

Institut Pasteur Iran Pasteur Institut 10-dose Unknown

Institute of Vaccines and Medicaland Vaccines of Institute 20-dose10mL/vial DTPVaccine Biologicals

Institute Rafael Rangel Caracas Rangel Rafael Institute Unknown Unknown

Instituto Butantan Instituto Unknown Unknown

Microgen 2-dose DTP-vaccine

Panacea Biotec Ltd. PanaceaBiotec 1-dose DTPvaccine

2-dose DTPvaccine

5-dose DTPvaccine

10-dose DTPvaccine

Razi Vaccine & Serum Research InstituteUnknown&SerumResearch Vaccine Razi DTP

Vacsera 1-dose DTPvaccine

10-dose DTPvaccine

YesLimited E. Biological 1-dose TRIPVAC

10-dose TRIPVAC

PT Bio Farma(Persero) Bio PT 10-dose DTPVaccine

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of Adsorbed Vaccine 1-doseSerumInstitute Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis

10-dose Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed Vaccine 10-dose Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis

20-dose Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine Adsorbed Vaccine 20-dose Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis

DTwP-HepB NoLimited International 1-doseBiotech Bharat ComVac4 Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whole Cell) and 1-doseHepatitis and Cell) (Whole Pertussis Tetanus, Diphtheria, (rDNA) Vaccine (Adsorbed) Vaccine (rDNA)

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 10 Bharat Biotech International Limited International 1-doseBiotech Bharat ComVac4 DTwP-HepB No B Hepatitis and Cell) (Whole Pertussis Tetanus, Diphtheria, Biological E. Limited E. Biological 1-dose (rDNA) Vaccine (Adsorbed) Vaccine (rDNA) Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis (Whole Cell) and Hepatitis B Hepatitis and Cell) (Whole Pertussis Tetanus, Diphtheria, 10-dose (rDNA) Vaccine (Adsorbed) Vaccine (rDNA)

Microgen 2-dose DTP-HepB

Yes Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd.Adsorbed Yes Vaccine Pvt. B India Hepatitis andof 1-dosePertussis SerumInstitute ,Tetanus, Diphtheria

10-dose Diphtheria ,Tetanus, Pertussis and Hepatitis B Vaccine Adsorbed Vaccine B Hepatitis and Pertussis 10-dose,Tetanus, Diphtheria

20-dose Diphtheria ,Tetanus, Pertussis and Hepatitis B Vaccine Adsorbed Vaccine B Hepatitis and Pertussis 20-dose,Tetanus, Diphtheria

DTwP-HepB-Hib No Arabio 1-dose AraPenta

Bharat Biotech International Limited International 10-doseBiotech Bharat ComVac5

Centro de Ingenieria Genetica yGenetica Ingenieria de Centro 1-dose Heberpenta-L Biotecnologia

HLL Biotech Limited Biotech HLL 1-dose PENTAHIL

Incepta vaccine Incepta 1-doseVaccine Propenta

10-doseVaccine Propenta

Indian Immunologicals Ltd Immunologicals Indian 10-dose5 Vaxtar

YesLimited E. Biological 1-dose ComBEFive

2-dose ComBEFive

5-dose ComBEFive

10-dose ComBEFive

Janssen Vaccines Corp. Vaccines Janssen 1-dose Quinvaxem

LG ChemLG Ltd 1-dose Eupenta

10-dose Eupenta

Panacea Biotec Ltd. PanaceaBiotec 1-dose Easyfive-TT

10-dose Easyfive-TT

PT Bio Farma(Persero) Bio PT 5-dose Pentabio

10-dose Pentabio

Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B and Haemophilusand B Hepatitis Pertussis, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of 1-doseSerumInstitute influenzae type b Conjugate VaccineConjugate b type influenzae Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B and Haemophilusand B Hepatitis Pertussis, Tetanus, Diphtheria, 2-dose influenzae type b Conjugate VaccineConjugate b type influenzae Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Hepatitis B and Haemophilusand B Hepatitis Pertussis, Tetanus, Diphtheria, 10-dose influenzae type b Conjugate Vaccine Adsorbed Vaccine Conjugate b type influenzae

Shantha Biotechnics Private Limited (A Limited Private Biotechnics Shantha 1-dose Shan-5 Sanofi Company) Sanofi 10-dose Shan-5

DTwP-HepB-Hib-IPV NoLtd. PanaceaBiotec 1-dose Easysix

4-dose Easysix

Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and Haemophilus influenzae B Haemophilusinfluenzae and pertussis, tetanus, Diphtheria, DTwP-Hib No Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz 5-dose (conjugated) Vaccine (conjugated) Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and Haemophilus influenzae B10-dose Haemophilusinfluenzae and pertussis, tetanus, Diphtheria, (conjugated) Vaccine (conjugated)

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 11 Diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and Haemophilus influenzae B Haemophilusinfluenzae and pertussis, tetanus, Diphtheria, 5-dose Vaccine (conjugated) DTwP-Hib No Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz B Haemophilusinfluenzae and pertussis, tetanus, Diphtheria, 10-dose (conjugated) Vaccine (conjugated)

Panacea Biotec Ltd. PanaceaBiotec 1-dose Easyfour-TT

Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (whole cell)-Haemophilus influenzae cell)-Haemophilus (whole Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Yes Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. YesPvt. India of 1-dose SerumInstitute type b freeze-dried b type

Ebola YesVaccines Merck 1-dose ERVEBO

Changchun Institute of Biological of ChangchunInstitute HepA(adult) No 1-dose Unknown Products Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd Products Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences AcademyMedical Chinese of 1-dose Unknown Institute of Medical Biology Medical of Institute

Merck VaccinesMerck 1mL - 1-doseInactivated Vaccine A VAQTA,Hepatitis

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-doseAdultU Avaxim160

Vector-BiAlgam 1-doseA Hepatitis

YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-doseAdult1440 Havrix

Sinovac Biotech Co. LtdCo. Biotech Sinovac 1-dose Healive

HepA(ped.) No Convac 1-dose Unknown

Instituto Butantan Instituto (inativada) A 1-dose hepatite adsorvida Vacina

Merck VaccinesMerck 0.5mL - 1-doseInactivated Vaccine A VAQTA,Hepatitis

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dosePediatric U Avaxim80

Vector-BiAlgam 1-doseA Hepatitis

Zhejiang Pukang BiologyPukang Zhejiang 1-dose MEVAC-A

YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-doseJunior720 Havrix

Sinovac Biotech Co. LtdCo. Biotech Sinovac 250u 1-dosecontaining 0.5ml - Healive

HepA-Typhoid NoSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose HepaTyrix

HepA+B NoSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Twinrix

HepB(adult) No Binnopharm 1-doseB Regevac

BioKantai 1-dose Unknown

Centro de Ingenieria Genetica yGenetica Ingenieria de Centro 1-doseHB Heberbiovac Biotecnologia 5-doseHB Heberbiovac

Dalian Hissen Dalian 1-dose Unknown

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose20mcgB Engerix

Hualan Biological Bacterin Co., Ltd Co., Bacterin UnknownBiological Hualan Unknown

Janssen Vaccines Corp. Vaccines Janssen 1-dosefree) Hepavax-Gene(thimerosal TF

LG ChemLG Ltd 1-dose(adult) B Euvax

10-dose(adult) B Euvax

Merck VaccinesMerck 1-dose HBVaxpro North China Pharmaceutical Group Pharmaceutical China North Unknown Unknown

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 12 Merck VaccinesMerck 1-dose HBVaxpro HepB(adult) No North China Pharmaceutical Group Pharmaceutical China North Unknown Unknown

YesFarma(Persero) Bio PT Recombinant Vaccine1-dose B Hepatitis

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of (Adult) (rDNA) 1-doseSerum Institute Vaccine B Hepatitis

10-dose Hepatitis B Vaccine (rDNA) (Adult) (rDNA) Vaccine 10-doseB Hepatitis

HepB(ped.) No BioKantai 1-dose Unknown

Dalian Hissen Dalian 1-dose Unknown

Hualan Biological Bacterin Co., Ltd Co., Bacterin UnknownBiological Hualan Unknown

Institut Pasteur Iran Pasteur Institut vaccine10-doseB Recombinanthepatitis

Instituto Butantan Instituto (recombinante)B 10-dosehepatite adsorvida Vacina

Janssen Vaccines Corp. Vaccines Janssen 1-dose Hepavax

Merck VaccinesMerck 1-dose HBVaxpro

North China Pharmaceutical Group Pharmaceutical China North Unknown Unknown

VABIOTECH ml 0.5 1-dose vaccine B Hepatitis

YesyGenetica Ingenieria de Centro 1-doseHB Heberbiovac Biotecnologia 10-doseHB Heberbiovac

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Engerix

10-dose Engerix

20-dose Engerix

LG ChemLG Ltd 2-doseB Euvax

10-doseB Euvax

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of (Ped) (rDNA) 1-doseSerum Institute Vaccine B Hepatitis

10-dose Hepatitis B Vaccine (rDNA) (Ped) (rDNA) Vaccine 10-doseB Hepatitis

Hib NoGroup Biotec Minhai Beijing Unknown Unknown

Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Products Biological Zhifei Chongqing Unknown Unknown Ltd

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Hiberix

Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Biological of Institute Lanzhou Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

LG ChemLG Ltd 1-dose Euhib

Merck VaccinesMerck 1-doseHIB Pedvax

OlymvaxBiopharmaceuticals Unknown Unknown

Walvax Unknown Unknown

Centro de Ingenieria Genetica yGenetica Ingenieria de Centro Yes Unknown Quimi-Hib Biotecnologia

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dose Act-HIB Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of 1-doseVaccineSerumConjugatedInstitute b type Hemophilusinfluenzae

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 13 Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dose Act-HIB Hib Yes Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of 1-doseVaccineSerumConjugatedInstitute b type Hemophilusinfluenzae

Hib-MenCconj. NoSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Menitorix

HPV2 YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Cervarix

2-dose Cervarix

HPV4 YesVaccines Merck 1-dose Gardasil

HPV9 YesVaccines Merck 1-dose9 Gardasil

Beijing Institute of Biological Products Biological of Institute Beijing IPV No Unknown Unknown Co., Ltd. (CNBGSubsidiary) Ltd. Co.,

Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz (inactivated) 3 and 2 1, 10-dose Poliomyelitis

Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences AcademyMedical Chinese of Unknown Unknown Institute of Medical Biology Medical of Institute

Korea VaccineKorea 1-doseInj PF Polio Kovax

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dose IMOVAXPOLIO

YesA/S Vaccines AJ 1-doseSSI vaccine IPV

Bilthoven Biologicals Bilthoven 1-dosevaccine Poliomyelitis

5-dose Poliomyelitis vaccine multidose, suspension for injection 2.5 mL 2.5 injection for suspension multidose, 5-dosevaccine Poliomyelitis

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Poliorix

2-dose Poliorix

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 10-dose IMOVAXPOLIO

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of (Inactivated) 1-doseVaccine SerumInstitute Poliomyelitis

2-dose Poliomyelitis Vaccine (Inactivated) 2-doseVaccine Poliomyelitis

5-dose Poliomyelitis Vaccine (Inactivated) 5-doseVaccine Poliomyelitis

10-dose Poliomyelitis Vaccine (Inactivated) Vaccine 10-dose Poliomyelitis

Shantha Biotechnics Private Limited (A Limited Private Biotechnics Shantha 5-dose ShanIPV Sanofi Company) Sanofi Boryung Cell culture-derived Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine Encephalitis Japanese culture-derived Cell Boryung JE inactivated (ped.) inactivated JE No Boryung 1-dose (injection)

Cheng Da BiotechnologyChengDa Unknown Unknown

Japanese Encephalitis vaccine - tech transfer from BIKENfrom transfer tech - vaccine Encephalitis Japanese VABIOTECH 10-dose Institute,Japan 5mL Institute,Japan

Valneva 1-dose Ixiaro

Chengdu Institute of Biological Products Biological of ChengduInstitute JE live attenuated live JE No Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd (adult) Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Biological of WuhanInstitute Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

YesLimited E. Biological 1-dose JEEV

5-dose JEEV

Chengdu Institute of Biological Products Biological of ChengduInstitute JE live attenuated live JE No Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd (ped.) GPO-MBPLtd. Co., 1-dose IMOJEVMD Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Biological of WuhanInstitute Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 14 GPO-MBPLtd. Co., 1-dose IMOJEVMD JE live attenuated live JE No Products Biological of WuhanInstitute Unknown Unknown (ped.) (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

YesLimited E. Biological 1-dose JEEV

5-dose JEEV

Chengdu Institute of Biological Products Biological of ChengduInstitute (SA14-14-2) Live 1-dose Vaccine Encephalitis Japanese Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd 5-dose Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine Live (SA14-14-2) Live 5-dose Vaccine Encephalitis Japanese

GPO-MBPLtd. Co., 4-dose IMOJEVMD

Measles No Microgen 1-dosevaccine

Measles vaccine. Freeze-dried, live attenuated vaccine. AIK-C vaccine. attenuated live Freeze-dried, vaccine. Measles POLYVAC 10-dose Strain 5mL Strain

YesFarma(Persero) Bio PT 10-dosevaccine Measles

20-dosevaccine Measles

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of attenuated 1-doseSerum Institute Live Vaccine, Measles

2-dose Measles Vaccine, Live attenuated2-dose Live Vaccine, Measles

5-dose Measles Vaccine, Live attenuated5-dose Live Vaccine, Measles

10-dose Measles Vaccine, Live attenuated 10-doseLive Vaccine, Measles

MenAconj. Ltd. YesPvt. India of 10-dose Serum(5mcg)Institute Vaccine Conjugate A MenAfriVac

MenAfriVac A Conjugate Vaccine (10mcg) Vaccine Conjugate A MenAfriVac

Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Biological of WuhanInstitute MenAPs No Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Products Biological Zhifei Chongqing MenACconj. No 1-dose MeningACon Ltd

Royal (Wuxi) Bio-Pharmaceutical (Wuxi) Royal Unknown Unknown

Walvax 1-doseVaccineConjugate Meningococcal Cand GroupA

MenACPs No Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz 10-dose Unknown

Bio-Med 1-dose Unknown

Finlay Institute Finlay 1-dose VaxMenAc

Hualan Biological Bacterin Co., Ltd Co., Bacterin UnknownBiological Hualan Unknown

Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Biological of Institute Lanzhou Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd 1-dose Unknown

Vacsera 1-dose Mencevax

Walvax Unknown Unknown

1-dose Unknown

Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Products Biological Zhifei Chongqing MenAC+Hibconj. No 1-dose HibACon Ltd

MenACW-135Ps NoInstitute Finlay 10-dose Vax-Men-ACW135

MenACYW-135conj. No Arabio transfer) 1-doseACWY (tech Vaccine Meningitis Conjugated Aramen : GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Menveo

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 15 No Arabio transfer) 1-doseACWY (tech Vaccine Meningitis Conjugated Aramen : MenACYW-135conj. YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Menveo

Pfizer 1-dose Nimenrix

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dose Menactra

MenACYW-135Ps No Bio-Med 1-doseMeningo Quadri

ChengduKanghua Unknown Unknown

Chongqing Zhifei Biological Products Co Products Biological Zhifei Chongqing 1-dose Menwayc Ltd

Hualan Biological Bacterin Co., Ltd Co., Bacterin 1-doseBiological Hualan Unknown

Incepta vaccine Incepta 1-doseACWY Ingovax

Walvax 1-dose Unknown

MenB NoSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline product) 1-dose Novartis (ex Bexsero

Pfizer 1-dose Trumenba

MenBC NoInstitute Finlay 1-dose VA-MENGOC-BC

MenCconj. No(FUNED) Foundation Dias Ezequiel 1-dosetransfer) (tech MenC vaccine

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-doseproduct) Novartis (ex Menjugate

Pfizer 1-doseproduct) (ex-Baxter NeisVac-C

MM No Microgen 1-dose -Measlesvaccine

Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Biological of Institute Shanghai Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd Beijing Institute of Biological Products Biological of Institute Beijing MMR No Unknown Unknown Co., Ltd. (CNBGSubsidiary) Ltd. Co.,

Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz 10-doseMumps, and Measles,

Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute5-dose&SerumResearch Vaccine Razi MMR

Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Biological of Institute Shanghai Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Priorix

2-dose Priorix

Merck VaccinesMerck 1-doseM-M-RII rHA

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of 1-doseSerumattenuatedInstitute Live Vaccine Measles,MumpsRubella and

2-doseattenuated Live Vaccine Measles,MumpsRubella and

5-doseattenuated Live Vaccine Measles,MumpsRubella and

10-dose Measles,Mumps and Rubella Vaccine Live attenuated10-dose Live Vaccine Measles,MumpsRubella and

MMRV NoSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Priorix-Tetra

Merck VaccinesMerck 1-dose ProQuad mOPV1 YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline Mono 10-doseT1 Sabin Polio

20-dose Polio Sabin Mono20-doseT1 Sabin Polio

Haffkine Bio Pharmaceutical Corporation Pharmaceutical Bio Haffkine (mOPV1) IP vaccine, 20-dosePoliomyelitis Oral Ltd

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 16 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline Mono 20-doseT1 Sabin Polio mOPV1 Yes Corporation Pharmaceutical Bio Haffkine 20-dose Oral Poliomyelitis vaccine, IP (mOPV1) IP vaccine, 20-dosePoliomyelitis Oral Ltd

PT Bio Farma(Persero) Bio PT (mOPV1)1Type Vaccine 20-dosePoliomyelitis Oral Monovalent

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 20-dose ORALMONOVALENT VACCINEPOLIOMYELITIS TYPE1 mOPV2 NoFarma(Persero) Bio PT 2Type Vaccine 20-dosePoliomyelitis Oral Monovalent

YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline Mono 10-doseTwo (oral) Sabin Polio

20-dose Polio Sabin Mono20-doseTwo (oral) Sabin Polio

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 20-dose ORALMONOVALENT VACCINEPOLIOMYELITIS(mOPV2) TYPE2 mOPV3 YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline Mono(oral) 10-doseThree Sabin Polio

20-dose Polio Sabin Mono(oral) 20-doseThree Sabin Polio


Beijing Institute of Biological Products Biological of Institute Beijing MR No Unknown Unknown Co., Ltd. (CNBGSubsidiary) Ltd. Co.,

Beijing Minhai Biotec Group Biotec Minhai Beijing Unknown Unknown


Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute10-dose&SerumResearch Vaccine MRRazi

YesLimited E. Biological 1-dose MRBEV

5-dose MRBEV

10-dose MRBEV

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of Attenuated Live, 1-doseSerum Institute Vaccine, Rubella and Measles

2-dose Measles and Rubella Vaccine, Live, Attenuated Live, 2-dose Vaccine, Rubella and Measles

5-dose Measles and Rubella Vaccine, Live, Attenuated Live, 5-dose Vaccine, Rubella and Measles

10-dose Measles and Rubella Virus Vaccine Live Vaccine 10-doseVirus Rubella and Measles

Mumps No Microgen mumps vaccineculture 1-dose tissue Live

Sinovac Biotech Co. LtdCo. Biotech Sinovac Unknown Unknown

Zhejiang Weixin Zhejiang Unknown Unknown

OCV No PaxVax 1-dose Vaxchora

Shanghai United Cell Biotechnology Cell United Shanghai Unknown Unknown


YesLtd. Co., EuBiologics 1-dose Euvichol


Shantha Biotechnics Private Limited (A Limited Private Biotechnics Shantha 1-dose Shanchol Sanofi Company) Sanofi

Valneva 1-dose Dukoral

PCV10 YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Synflorix 2-dose Synflorix

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 17 1-dose Synflorix PCV10 YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 2-dose Synflorix

4-dose Synflorix

PCV13 Yes Pfizer 1-dose13 Prevnar

4-doseVial Multidose 13 Prevnar

PPSV23 NoGroup Biotec Minhai Beijing 1-dose Unknown

Chengdu Institute of Biological Products Biological of ChengduInstitute 1-dose Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

Merck VaccinesMerck 1-dose Pneumovax23

Walvax 1-doseVaccine Pneumococcal Polysaccharide 23-valent

Rabies NoLimited International 1-doseBiotech Bharat Indirab

ChangchunBCHT Unknown Unknown

ChangchunWes-bio Unknown Unknown

ChangchunZuoyi Unknown Unknown

Cheng Da BiotechnologyChengDa Unknown Unknown

ChengduKanghua Unknown Unknown

Chumakov Federal Scientific Center ChumakovScientific Federal 1-doseVaccine Rabies

GuanzhouConnaught Unknown Unknown

Indian Immunologicals Ltd Immunologicals Indian 1-dose AbhayRab

Instituto Butantan Instituto 1-dose (VR/VERO) vaccine rabies inactivated

Microgen vaccine rabies purified culture 1-dosetissue concentrated Inactivated

RonganBiological Unknown Unknown

Shanghai Fosun Shanghai Unknown Unknown

Shichuan Yuanda Shichuan Unknown Unknown

Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Biological of WuhanInstitute Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

ZhongKeBiopharmCo. Unknown Unknown

YesLTDCare Health Cadila 1-doseN VaxiRab

Chiron Behring Vaccines Private Ltd. Private Vaccines 1-doseBehring Chiron Rabipur

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dose VERORAB

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India (RABIVAX-5) of Dried) (Freeze 1-doseSerumInstitute Inactivated Vaccine Rabies

Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Biological of Institute Lanzhou Rota No 1-doseLamb Lanzhou Rotavirus Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

POLYVAC 1-dose Unknown

YesLimited International 5-doseBiotech Bharat Rotavac

10-dose Rotavac 1-dose Rotarix

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 18 Bharat Biotech International Limited International 10-doseBiotech Bharat Rotavac Rota Yes GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Rotarix

5-dose Rotarix

Merck VaccinesMerck 1-dose Rotateq

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of 1-doseSerumInstitute ROTASIIL


Rubella No Microgen Attenuated 1-doseLive, Vaccine, Rubella

Yes Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. YesPvt. India of 1-dose SerumInstitute vaccine Rubella

2-dose Rubella Vaccine, Live, Attenuated 2-doseLive, Vaccine, Rubella

5-dose Rubella Vaccine, Live, Attenuated 5-doseLive, Vaccine, Rubella

10-dose Rubella Vaccine, Live, Attenuated 10-doseLive, Vaccine, Rubella

Seasonal Influenza Seasonal NoBV Biologicals Abbott 1-dose Influvac (adult) Adimmune Unknown AdimFlu-S

Boryung Vaccine Flu Influenza, of Antigen Surface S1, Aggripal 1-dose V, Inflexal

Changchun Institute of Biological of ChangchunInstitute Unknown Unknown Products Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd Products

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-doseFlulaval Fluarix,

GPO-MBPLtd. Co., 4-dose Unknown

Instituto Butantan Instituto 10-dose Unknown

Kovax Flu tetra, Kovax Influ tetra, Kovax - flu, Kovax - Influ, - Kovax flu, - Kovax tetra, Influ Kovax tetra, Flu Kovax Korea VaccineKorea 1-dose Influ- Kovax Influ-

Microgen 1-dose Unknown

Petrovax 1-dose Unknown

Seqirus Limited Seqirus 1-dose Agrippal


Flucelvax Quadrivalent Flucelvax

Shanghai Fosun Shanghai Unknown Unknown

Sinovac Biotech Co. LtdCo. Biotech Sinovac Unknown ANFLU;PANFLU

YesBV Biologicals Abbott 1-dosetrivalent Serinflu

Green Cross Corporation GreenCross 1-doseGCquadrivalentFLU GCtrivalent, FLU

10-dose GC FLU Multi inj. trivalent, GCquadrivalentFLU trivalent, 10-doseinj. GCMulti FLU

Hualan Biological Bacterin Co., Ltd Co., Bacterin 1-doseBiological Hualan trivalent flu Hualan


Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-doseQuadrivalent Fluzone Fluzone,

10-doseQuadrivalent Fluzone Fluzone, Vaxigrip trivalent Vaxigrip

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 19 Fluzone, Fluzone Quadrivalent Fluzone Fluzone, Seasonal Influenza Seasonal YesPasteur Sanofi 10-dose (adult) trivalent Vaxigrip

Seqirus Limited Seqirus 10-doseQuadrivalent Afluria

Agriflu trivalent Agriflu

Fluvirin trivalent Fluvirin

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India (Human),trivalent of Attenuated Live, 1-doseSerumVaccine, Institute Influenza Nasovac-S

SK Bioscience Co., Ltd. Co., Bioscience SK Qaudrivalent Cellflu 1-doseSKY Cellflu, SKY

10-dose SKY Cellflu, SKY Cellflu Qaudrivalent Cellflu SKY 10-doseCellflu, SKY

Seasonal Influenza Seasonal NoBV Biologicals Abbott 1-dose Influvac (pedatric) Adimmune Unknown AdimFlu-S

AstraZeneca QIV 1-doseFluMist FluMist,

Boryung Vaccine Flu Influenza, of Antigen Surface S1, Aggripal 1-dose V, Inflexal

Changchun Institute of Biological of ChangchunInstitute Unknown Unknown Products Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd Products Kovax Flu tetra, Kovax Influ tetra, Kovax - flu, Kovax - Influ, - Kovax flu, - Kovax tetra, Influ Kovax tetra, Flu Kovax Korea VaccineKorea 1-dose Influ- Kovax Influ-

Microgen 1-dose Unknown

Afluria, Afluria Quadrivalent, FLUAD, Fluad pediatric, Agrippal, pediatric, FLUAD,Fluad Quadrivalent, Afluria Afluria, Seqirus Limited Seqirus 1-dose Flucelvax Quadrivalent Flucelvax

Shanghai Fosun Shanghai Unknown Unknown

Sinovac Biotech Co. LtdCo. Biotech Sinovac Unknown ANFLU;PANFLU

SK Bioscience Co., Ltd. Co., Bioscience SK Qaudrivalent Cellflu 1-doseSKY Cellflu, SKY

YesCorporation GreenCross 1-dose GCFLU

10-doseinj. GCFLUMulti

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-doseQuadrivalent Fluzone Fluzone,

10-dose Vaxigrip

TBE (adult) TBE NoNordic Bavarian 1-dose Encepur

Changchun Institute of Biological of ChangchunInstitute Unknown Unknown Products Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd Products

Chumakov Federal Scientific Center ChumakovScientific Federal 1-dose Unknown

Microgen 1-dose EnceVir

Pfizer product) 1-dose(ex-Baxter (0.5ml) TicoVac

TBE (ped.)TBE NoNordic Bavarian 1-dose Encepur

Chumakov Federal Scientific Center ChumakovScientific Federal 1-dose Unknown

Microgen 1-dose EnceVir

Pfizer product) (ex-Baxter 1-dose (0.25ml) Junior Ticovac

TCV YesLimited International 1-doseBiotech Bharat Typbar-TCV 5-dose Typbar-TCV

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 20 1-dose Typbar-TCV TCV YesLimited International Biotech Bharat 5-dose Typbar-TCV

Td NoA/S Vaccines AJ SerumInstitut) Statens - SSI (former 1-dose ml) (0.5 diTeBooster

Bul Bio - National Center of Infectious of Center National - Bio Bul 1-dose Tetadif and Parasitic Diseases Ltd. Diseases Parasitic and

Finlay Institute Finlay 10-dose diTe-Vax

IBSS Biomed IBSS 1-dose Clodivac

Intervax 10-dose Td

MassBiologics 1-dose Td


Razi Vaccine & Serum Research Institute10-dose&SerumResearch Vaccine vaccine Td Razi

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dose IMOVAXadultdT

Torlak 10-dose(Td) Ditevaksal-T

YesLimited E. Biological 1-doseTd BE

10-doseTd BE

Bul Bio - National Center of Infectious of Center National - Bio Bul 10-dose Tetadif and Parasitic Diseases Ltd. Diseases Parasitic and 20-dose Tetadif

PT Bio Farma(Persero) Bio PT 10-dose Unknown

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 10-dose IMOVAXadultdT

Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine Adsorbed for Adults and Adults for Adsorbed Vaccine Tetanus and Diphtheria Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of 1-doseSerumInstitute Adolescents Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine Adsorbed for Adultsand for Adsorbed Vaccine Tetanus and Diphtheria 10-dose Adolescents Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine Adsorbed for Adultsand for Adsorbed Vaccine Tetanus and Diphtheria 20-dose Adolescents

Td-IPV NoBiologicals Bilthoven 5-dose DTPVaccin

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-doseRevaxis Dultavax,

Tdap NoA/S Vaccines AJ 1-dose TdapBooster

Instituto Butantan Instituto GSK with 1-dose partnership in Tdap,

YesSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Boostrix

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-doseTrivaxis Covaxis, Adacel,

Tdap-IPV NoA/S Vaccines AJ 1-dose Unknown

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Boostrix-Polio

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-doseRepevax Adacel-Polio,

TT NoBiomed IBSS 1-doseml) (0.5 Tetana

Institute of Vaccines and Medicaland Vaccines of Institute 20-dose10ml/vial vaccine TT Biologicals

Intervax 10-doseAdsorbed Vaccine Toxoid Tetanus 20-doseAdsorbed Vaccine Toxoid Tetanus

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 21 10-doseAdsorbed Vaccine Toxoid Tetanus TT No Intervax 20-doseAdsorbed Vaccine Toxoid Tetanus


OlymvaxBiopharmaceuticals Unknown Unknown

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dosetetano Imovax

Torlak 1-dose Tetavaksal-T

Wuhan Institute of Biological Products Biological of WuhanInstitute Unknown Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

YesLimited E. Biological 1-dose BEtt

10-dose BEtt

20-dose BEtt

Bul Bio - National Center of Infectious of Center National - Bio Bul 10-dose Tetatox and Parasitic Diseases Ltd. Diseases Parasitic and 20-dose Tetatox

PT Bio Farma(Persero) Bio PT 1-dosevaccine TT

10-dosevaccine TT

20-dosevaccine TT

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 10-dose TETAVAX

20-dose TETAVAX

Serum Institute of India Pvt. Ltd. Pvt. India of 1-doseSerumInstitute Adsorbed Vaccine Toxoid Tetanus

10-doseAdsorbed Vaccine Toxoid Tetanus

20-doseAdsorbed Vaccine Toxoid Tetanus

Shantha Biotechnics Private Limited (A Limited Private Biotechnics Shantha 10-dose ShanTT Sanofi Company) Sanofi 20-dose ShanTT

Typhoid PsTyphoid No Boryung 1-doseCap. Zerotyph

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Typherix

IBSS Biomed IBSS 20-dosevaccine -typhoid Ty

PaxVax vaccine) 1-dose(ex-Crucell Vivotif

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 1-dose Typhym-Vi

YesPasteur Sanofi 20-dose Typhym-Vi

Typhoid-Tetanus NoBiomed IBSS 20-dosevaccine tetanus and Typhoid TyT

Varicella No ChangchunBCHT 1-dose Unknown

Changchun Keygen Biological Products ChangchunKeygenBiological 1-dose Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Varilrix

Green Cross Corporation GreenCross 1-doseVaccine-GCCinj. Varicella

Shanghai Institute of Biological Products Biological of Institute Shanghai 1-dose Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 22 Green Cross Corporation GreenCross 1-doseVaccine-GCCinj. Varicella Varicella NoProducts Biological of Institute Shanghai 1-dose Unknown Co.,Ltd (CNBGSubsidiary) Co.,Ltd

Shanghai RongshengBiotech Shanghai 1-dose Unknown

SK Bioscience Co., Ltd. Co., Bioscience SK 1-doseInj. Varicella SKY

YesVaccines Merck 1-dose Varivax

YF Yes Bio-Manguinhos/Fiocruz 5-doseFever Yellow

10-doseFever Yellow

50-doseFever Yellow

Chumakov Federal Scientific Center ChumakovScientific Federal 2-dose YELLOWFREEZE-DRIEDFEVERVACCINE LIVE



Institut Pasteur de Dakarde Pasteur Institut Vaccine Fever5-dose Yellow Stabilized

10-dose Stabilized Yellow Fever Vaccine Fever Yellow 10-dose Stabilized

20-dose Stabilized Yellow Fever Vaccine Fever Yellow 20-dose Stabilized

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi 10-dose STAMARIL

Zoster NoSA Biologicals GlaxoSmithKline 1-dose Shingrix

Merck VaccinesMerck 1-dose Zostavax

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 23 B. UNICEF Vaccine Prices

UNICEF publishes historic, current and future awarded prices for vaccines, following consultations with vaccine suppliers to UNICEF on making pricing information more transparent.

Vaccine Price Data is available at: https://www.unicef.org/supply/index_57476

Vaccine market notes are available at: https://www.unicef.org/supply/index_54214

Historical procurement data are available at: https://www.unicef.org/supply/index_102225

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 24 C. PAHO Revolving Fund (RF) Public Weighted Average Price PAHO RF's vaccine weighted average prices for current and previous years are available at: https://www.paho.org/hq/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1864:paho-revolving- fund&Itemid=4135&lang=en Vaccine Vial Size Comments 2018 2019 BCG 10-dose $0.21 $0.22 bOPV 10-dose $0.17 $0.17 20-dose $0.13 $0.13 DT 10-dose $0.17 $0.16 DTaP 1-dose $15.00 $15.00 DTaP-HepB-Hib-IPV 1-dose $20.60 $21.12 DTaP-Hib-IPV 1-dose $14.20 $14.80 DTaP-IPV 1-dose $11.50 $12.00 DTwP 10-dose $0.17 $0.18 DTwP-HepB-Hib 1-dose $1.08 $1.09 DTwP-Hib 1-dose $2.65 $2.65 HepA (adult) 1-dose $13.20 $13.28 HepA (ped.) 1-dose $8.12 $8.14 HepB (adult) 1-dose $0.33 $0.33 10-dose $0.18 $0.24 HepB (ped.) 1-dose $0.22 $0.22 Hib 1-dose $2.05 $2.05 HPV2 1-dose $8.50 HPV4 1-dose $9.58 IPV 1-dose $5.30 $5.50 5-dose $2.00 $3.10 MenACYW conj. 1-dose $20.30 $20.30 MMR 1-dose Jeryl-Lynn $5.59 $5.59 Zagreb $2.75 $2.75 5-dose Zagreb $1.43 $1.43 MR 1-dose $2.25 $2.48 10-dose $0.62 $0.66 OCV 1-dose $1.85 $1.70 PCV10 1-dose $12.85 $12.85 PCV13 1-dose $14.50 $14.50 PPSV23 1-dose $7.98 $8.30 Rabies 1-dose $12.80 $9.00-$13.00 Rota 1-dose $6.50 $6.50 Seasonal Influenza 1-dose Quadrivalent $6.00 (adult) Quadrivalent, France Origin $6.00 Quadrivalent, Korea Origin $5.40 Trivalent, France Origin $3.50 $4.50 Trivalent, Korea Origin $4.24 $3.29 10-dose Quadrivalent, France Origin $5.14 Quadrivalent, Korea Origin $4.40 Trivalent, France Origin $2.65 $2.65-$3.59 Trivalent, Korea Origin $2.15 $2.19-$2.44 Seasonal Influenza 20-dose Quadrivalent $2.57 (Ped.) Trivalent, France Origin $1.33 $1.33 Trivalent, Korea Origin $1.08 $1.10 Td 10-dose $0.09 $0.10 Tdap 1-dose $11.47 $12.72 Typhoid Ps 20-dose $9.00 $10.00 Varicella 1-dose $14.46 $16.59 YF 5-dose $1.28 10-dose $1.43 $1.43

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 25 D. Country-reported Prices Notes: - Excludes purchases made via UNICEF SD or PAHO RF as countries paid the prices listed in sections B and C. - Only shows 2018 purchases where price was reported. - Excludes vaccines that had purchases reported by fewer than 4 countries. - Commercial name is a field derived based on the product information reported by countries. The purpose of this field is to provide additional detail on the product purchased and may not match the brand name of the product in the purchasing country as brand names for the same product may vary between countries.

Procurement Price per Vaccine Vial Size Manufacturer Mechanism Commercial Name Region Country Alias dose

BCG 10-dose AJ Vaccine Other BCG Vaccine SSI AMRO UMIC1010 $0.17

Self-procurement BCG Vaccine SSI EURO HIC1008 $29.36

WPRO HIC1153 $6.85

Biomed Lublin Self-procurement Antitubercle vaccine (Szczepionka EURO UMIC1077 $1.76 przeciwgruźlicza)

HIC1165 $2.09

HIC1096 $0.95

HIC1088 $1.10

HIC1155 $0.92

HIC1003 $1.14

Bul Bio - NCIPD Self-procurement BCG Vaccine EURO UMIC1087 $0.53

UMIC1147 $0.10

Fundacao Ataulpho Self-procurement BCG vaccine AMRO UMIC1042 $0.42 de Paiva

Institute of Vaccines and Medical Self-procurement Freeze dried BCG vaccine WPRO LMIC1018 $0.06 Biologicals,

Japan BCG Self-procurement BCG Freeze Dried Glutamate vaccine AMRO UMIC1116 $1.16 Laboratory

WPRO HIC1061 $0.89

BCG. One dose contains 0.05mg of Microgen Self-procurement EURO UMIC1112 $0.09 BCG cells in 0.1 ml of solvent

Serum Institute of Self-procurement BCG Vaccine AFRO UMIC1084 $0.20 India WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase DataEMRO Note [DecemberHIC1098 2019] | 26 AFRO UMIC1084 BCG of 10-doseSerumInstitute Self-procurementBCGVaccine India EMRO HIC1098 $0.20

EURO HIC1137 $1.29

SEARO LMIC1072 $0.06

Thai Red CrossRed Thai mL 0.1 BCG vaccine Self-procurementFreeze dried SEARO UMIC1074 $0.40

20-doseAJVaccine Statens - SSI Self-procurementBCG(former vaccine AFRO UMIC1067 $0.16 SerumInstitut)

WPRO HIC1109 $1.02

GreenSignal Bio GreenSignal - Dried) Self-procurementBCG (Freeze vaccine AFRO UMIC1067 $0.19 PharmaLimited Intradermal

SEARO LMIC1072 $0.06

Institut Pasteur de Pasteur Institut Pasteur - freeze-dried BCGvaccine, Self-procurement EMRO LMIC1043 $0.17 Tunis strain P2 1173

Institut Pasteur Iran Self-procurementLyophilized B.C.G vaccineB.C.GIran Self-procurementLyophilized Pasteur Institut EMRO UMIC1119 $0.28

Japan BCGJapan GlutamatevaccineEMROSelf-procurementBCG Dried Freeze HIC1171 $0.25 Laboratory

HIC1106 $0.45

EURO UMIC1176 $0.28

WPRO UMIC1051 $0.64

Microgen 0.05mgof Self-procurementBCG.contains Onedose EURO UMIC1112 $0.05 BCG cells in 0.1 ml of solvent of ml 0.1 in BCGcells

UMIC1188 $0.06

PT Bio Farma Bio PT Other Dried) (Freeze BCG Vaccine SEARO LMIC1047 $0.22 (Persero)

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute Other BCGVaccine AMRO UMIC1133 $0.14 India

Self-procurementBCGVaccine AFRO LIC1041 $0.35

UMIC1104 $0.11

UMIC1175 $0.34

UMIC1067 $0.19

LMIC1142 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 27 $0.14 UMIC1067 BCG of 20-doseSerumInstitute Self-procurementBCGVaccine AFRO India LMIC1142 $0.14

UMIC1186 $0.21

HIC1144 $5.50

EMRO LMIC1066 $0.12

UMIC1139 $0.55

HIC1007 $0.48

SEARO LMIC1150 $0.15

Torlak Self-procurementBCGVaccine EURO UMIC1077 $1.80

UMIC1086 $0.60

UMIC1111 $0.53

Not Bul Bio - NCIPD - Bio Bul Self-procurementBCGvaccine EURO HIC1090 $1.03 reported

ChumakovFederal bOPV 10-dose Self-procurementUnknown EURO UMIC1112 $0.13 Scientific Center Scientific

GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementPolio Sabin One and ThreeOneand Sabin Self-procurementPolio EMRO UMIC1139 $0.21 Biologicals SA Biologicals

PT Bio Farma Bio PT Vaccine Poliomyelitis Oral Bivalent Other SEARO LMIC1047 $1.40 (Persero) 1&3Type(bOPV1&3)

(Sub)regional Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Unknown EMRO HIC1106 $0.25 pool-procurement

Self-procurementUnknown EURO UMIC1086 $1.76

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute (Oral), Vaccine Poliomyelitis Self-procurement EMRO LMIC1043 $0.16 India 3and 1 types Bivalent

15-doseRaziInstitute Self-procurementbOPVvaccine EMRO UMIC1119 $0.09

Bharat Biotech Bharat 20-dose Self-procurementBIOPOLIOB1/3 SEARO LMIC1072 $0.07 International Limited International

Vacuna Antipoliomielítica Bivalente VacunaAntipoliomielítica BIRMEX Self-procurement AMRO UMIC1116 $0.19 Oral

Panacea Biotec Ltd.Self-procurementUnknown PanaceaBiotec SEARO LMIC1072 $0.07

POLYVAC Self-procurementUnknown WPRO LMIC1018 $0.08

EMRO LMIC1092 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 28 POLYVAC Self-procurementUnknown WPRO LMIC1018 bOPV 20-dose PT Bio Farma Bio PT Vaccine Poliomyelitis Oral Self-procurementBivalent EMRO LMIC1092 $0.20 (Persero) 1&3Type(bOPV1&3)

SEARO UMIC1074 $0.22

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementUnknown AFRO UMIC1104 $1.53

UMIC1175 $0.26

UMIC1067 $0.21

LMIC1142 $0.37

EMRO HIC1171 $0.20

HIC1007 $0.27

HIC1098 $0.27

EURO UMIC1077 $1.63

UMIC1087 $1.64

UMIC1176 $0.17

UMIC1111 $1.79

SEARO LMIC1150 $0.18

DT 1-doseBiomed IBSS Self-procurementUnknown EURO HIC1088 $66.99

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementDTVAX EURO HIC1137 $4.78

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute VaccineTetanus and Self-procurementDiphtheria AFRO UMIC1186 $0.35 India (Paediatric) Adsorbed

EMRO HIC1098 $0.61

2-dose Microgen Self-procurementDIPHTHERIAANDTETANUS ANATOXIN EURO UMIC1112 $0.14 (TOXOID)

UMIC1188 $0.18

10-doseBul Bio - NCIPD - 10-doseBulBio Self-procurementDiftet EMRO HIC1007 $0.82

EURO UMIC1087 $0.39

Other VaccineDTAdsorbed SEARO LMIC1047 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 29 Bul Bio - NCIPD - Bio Bul Self-procurementDiftet EURO UMIC1087 DT 10-dose PT Bio Farma Bio PT Other VaccineDTAdsorbed SEARO LMIC1047 $1.26 (Persero)

Self-procurementAdsorbedVaccineDT EMRO LMIC1092 $0.34

Razi Institute Razi Self-procurementDTvaccine EMRO UMIC1119 $0.09

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute VaccineTetanus and Self-procurementDiphtheria AFRO UMIC1175 $0.38 India (Ped)Adsorbed

UMIC1084 $0.10

LMIC1142 $0.72

HIC1144 $4.00

EMRO LMIC1043 $0.24

HIC1171 $2.35

SEARO LMIC1150 $0.32

WPRO UMIC1051 $0.34

Torlak (DT) Self-procurementDitevaksal-T EURO UMIC1077 $1.40

UMIC1086 $1.02

UMIC1111 $0.89

DTaP 1-dose Boryung PDTVaccine Self-procurementBoryungPurified WPRO HIC1109 $6.75

GlaxoSmithKline Other Infanrix EURO UMIC1188 $15.70 Biologicals SA Biologicals

Self-procurementInfanrix AMRO HIC1191 $12.70

HIC1001 $17.94

EMRO HIC1098 $3.25

EURO UMIC1176 $15.16

HIC1126 $14.65

HIC1088 $16.40

AMRO HIC1001 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 30 GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals SA Biologicals Self-procurementInfanrix EURO HIC1088 DTaP 1-dose Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementTripacel AMRO HIC1001 $17.38

EURO HIC1196 $16.18

WPRO HIC1129 $18.95

DTaP-HepB-Hib-IPV 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Other hexa Infanrix EURO UMIC1188 $40.53 Biologicals SA Biologicals

Self-procurementInfanrix hexa Self-procurementInfanrix EMRO UMIC1139 $21.19

EURO UMIC1147 $31.71

UMIC1081 $32.87

HIC1090 $28.18

HIC1155 $44.60

HIC1167 $47.56

HIC1008 $45.67

HIC1079 $50.38

HIC1003 $47.70

HIC1049 $37.58

HIC1196 $45.52

WPRO HIC1061 $31.65

HIC1153 $89.14

Hexaxim (2 component pertussis) or componentHexaxim pertussis) (2 (Sub)regional Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi component pertussis, (5 Vaxelis EMRO HIC1106 $25.07 pool-procurement Merck/Sanofi Pasteur) Merck/Sanofi Hexaxim (2 component pertussis) or componentHexaxim pertussis) (2 Other component pertussis, (5 Vaxelis EURO UMIC1188 $30.74 Merck/Sanofi Pasteur) Merck/Sanofi

Self-procurementHexaxim (2 component pertussis) or Self-procurementHexaximcomponent pertussis) (2 AFRO UMIC1067 $20.62 Vaxelis (5 component pertussis, (5 Vaxelis Merck/Sanofi Pasteur) Merck/Sanofi UMIC1186 $23.52

AMRO HIC1191 $18.82

HIC1171 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 31 AMRO HIC1191 DTaP-HepB-Hib-IPV 1-dosePasteur Sanofi or Self-procurementHexaximcomponent pertussis) (2 Vaxelis (5 component pertussis, (5 Vaxelis EMRO HIC1171 $23.80 Merck/Sanofi Pasteur) Merck/Sanofi

HIC1007 $26.05

HIC1098 $21.00

EURO UMIC1087 $39.47

UMIC1176 $43.71

HIC1096 $32.78

UMIC1081 $29.52

LMIC1021 $20.19

HIC1008 $45.58

HIC1079 $50.38

HIC1003 $35.89

DTaP-Hib-IPV 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementInfanrix-IPV/Hib EURO UMIC1147 $25.08 Biologicals SA Biologicals

HIC1088 $33.07

Pentaxim, Pentavac (2 component (2 Pentavac Pentaxim, (Sub)regional Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi component) (5 Pentacel pertussis), EMRO HIC1106 $17.68 pool-procurement or Pediacel (5 component) (5 Pediacel or

Self-procurementPentaxim, Pentavac (2 component Self-procurementPentaxim,(2 Pentavac AMRO UMIC1116 $11.29 pertussis), Pentacel (5 component) (5 Pentacel pertussis), or Pediacel (5 component) (5 Pediacel or HIC1001 $57.41

EURO UMIC1112 $17.06

UMIC1077 $23.71

UMIC1087 $22.44

UMIC1176 $17.99

UMIC1086 $21.31

UMIC1111 $21.96

HIC1165 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 32 UMIC1111 DTaP-Hib-IPV 1-dosePasteur Sanofi component Self-procurementPentaxim,(2 Pentavac EURO pertussis), Pentacel (5 component) (5 Pentacel pertussis), HIC1165 $23.07 or Pediacel (5 component) (5 Pediacel or

HIC1096 $30.53

HIC1126 $21.80

HIC1090 $26.61

HIC1088 $25.32

HIC1155 $14.68

HIC1008 $21.73

HIC1196 $30.59

WPRO UMIC1051 $12.90

HIC1109 $28.13

DTaP-IPV 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline yrs 4-6 age children in use (for Self-procurementKinrix AMRO HIC1001 $40.02 Biologicals SA Biologicals only) old

EURO HIC1126 $23.04

HIC1088 $17.45

HIC1079 $20.43

WPRO HIC1061 $18.51

HIC1153 $27.43

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi component Self-procurementTetravacpertussis), (2 AMRO HIC1001 $39.57 Tetraxim (2 component)or (2 Tetraxim Quadracel (5 component) (5 Quadracel EMRO HIC1007 $13.15

EURO UMIC1077 $20.92

UMIC1188 $16.32

UMIC1147 $20.97

HIC1165 $17.44

HIC1096 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 33 HIC1165 DTaP-IPV 1-dosePasteur Sanofi component Self-procurementTetravacpertussis), (2 EURO Tetraxim (2 component)or (2 Tetraxim HIC1096 $25.84 Quadracel (5 component) (5 Quadracel

UMIC1081 $15.39

HIC1137 $15.50

HIC1090 $18.75

HIC1050 $19.79

HIC1088 $18.49

HIC1167 $23.10

HIC1008 $17.62

WPRO HIC1109 $20.74

DTwP LimitedSelf-procurementUnknown E. 1-dose Biological EMRO HIC1098 $0.72

DTP-Szczepionka IBSS Biomed IBSS Self-procurement bloniczo-tezcowo-krztuscowa EURO HIC1088 $7.94 adsorbowanaBiomed

2-dose Microgen Self-procurementDTP-vaccine EURO UMIC1112 $0.16

UMIC1188 $0.19

10-doseInstitut Pasteur Iran Self-procurementUnknownPasteur 10-doseInstitut EMRO UMIC1119 $0.15

PT Bio Farma Bio PT Self-procurementDTPVaccine SEARO UMIC1074 $0.46 (Persero)

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute Self-procurementDiphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis AFRO UMIC1104 $0.19 India Adsorbed Vaccine

AMRO UMIC1116 $1.63

EMRO LMIC1043 $0.36

HIC1171 $3.82

UMIC1139 $0.71

SEARO LMIC1150 $0.22

Institute of Vaccines of Institute 20-dose Medicaland Self-procurementDTP10mL/vial Vaccine WPRO LMIC1018 $0.11 Biologicals, Vietnam Biologicals, HIC1007 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 34 Institute of Vaccines of Institute and Medicaland DTwP 20-dose Vietnam Biologicals, Self-procurementDTP10mL/vial Vaccine WPRO LMIC1018

DTwP-HepB-Hib 1-dose Arabio Self-procurementAraPenta EMRO HIC1007 $4.96

HIC1098 $6.45

Centro de Ingenieria de Centro Genetica yGenetica Self-procurementHeberpenta-L EMRO LIC1156 $6.18 Biotecnologia

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute Pertussis, Tetanus, Self-procurementDiphtheria, AFRO UMIC1084 $3.40 India Haemophilusand B Hepatitis influenzae type b Conjugate VaccineConjugate b type influenzae HIC1144 $2.70

EMRO LMIC1066 $1.00

LMIC1043 $2.31

UMIC1119 $3.29

PT Bio Farma Bio PT 5-dose Other Pentabio SEARO LMIC1047 $5.53 (Persero)

Bharat Biotech Bharat 10-dose Self-procurementComVac5 SEARO LMIC1072 $0.45 International Limited International

Biological E. LimitedSelf-procurementComBE E. Five Biological SEARO LMIC1072 $0.45

LMIC1150 $1.30

Indian Self-procurementVaxtar5 SEARO LMIC1072 $0.45 Immunologicals Ltd Immunologicals

Panacea Biotec Ltd.Self-procurementEasyfive-TT PanaceaBiotec SEARO LMIC1072 $0.45

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute Pertussis, Tetanus, Self-procurementDiphtheria, AFRO UMIC1175 $1.18 India Haemophilusand B Hepatitis influenzae type b Conjugate VaccineConjugate b type influenzae Adsorbed LMIC1142 $1.63

EMRO UMIC1119 $1.20

SEARO LMIC1072 $0.45

Vacina adsorvida hepatite A hepatite adsorvida Vacina HepA 1-dose Butantan Self-procurement AMRO UMIC1042 $8.96 (inativada)

GlaxoSmithKline Junior720Self-procurementHavrix AMRO HIC1001 $19.12 Biologicals SA Biologicals

EMRO HIC1007 $12.97

EURO HIC1155 $18.09

HIC1003 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 35 $29.02 HIC1155 HepA 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Junior720Self-procurementHavrix EURO Biologicals SA Biologicals HIC1003 $29.02

WPRO HIC1109 $13.41

HIC1061 $21.15

HIC1153 $24.00

Havrix 1440 Adult1440 Havrix AMRO HIC1001 $26.83

EMRO HIC1007 $19.04

EURO HIC1165 $27.48

HIC1155 $20.89

HIC1003 $34.36

HIC1196 $27.61

WPRO HIC1153 $43.75

(Sub)regional VaccineA VAQTA,Hepatitis Merck VaccinesMerck EMRO HIC1106 $13.83 pool-procurement 0.5mL - Inactivated

Self-procurementVAQTA, Hepatitis A VaccineA Self-procurementVAQTA, Hepatitis AMRO HIC1191 $9.18 Inactivated - 0.5mL - Inactivated

HIC1001 $19.16

EURO HIC1165 $10.54

WPRO HIC1109 $13.41

VAQTA, Hepatitis A VaccineA VAQTA,Hepatitis AMRO UMIC1042 $13.77 Inactivated - 1mL - Inactivated

HIC1001 $28.92

EURO HIC1137 $22.31

WPRO HIC1061 $27.69

(Sub)regional Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi AdultUAvaxim160 EMRO HIC1106 $16.89 pool-procurement

Self-procurementAvaximPediatric U 80 AMRO UMIC1116 $13.89

WPRO HIC1109 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 36 AMRO UMIC1116 HepA 1-dosePasteur Sanofi Self-procurementAvaximPediatric U 80 WPRO HIC1109 $13.41

Avaxim 160 U AdultUAvaxim160 EMRO HIC1098 $82.50

EURO UMIC1086 $25.84

HIC1167 $28.72

Sinovac Biotech 250uSinovac containing 0.5ml - Self-procurementHealive EMRO HIC1098 $10.29

WPRO LMIC1040 $7.40

Vector-BiAlgamA Self-procurementHepatitis EURO UMIC1188 $9.58

HepB 1-dose Binnopharm Other BRegevac EURO UMIC1188 $1.54

Centro de Ingenieria de Centro Self-procurementHeberbiovacHB AFRO UMIC1067 $1.93 Genetica yGenetica Biotecnologia AMRO HIC1191 $3.70

GlaxoSmithKline (Sub)regional Engerix EMRO HIC1106 $3.59 Biologicals SA Biologicals pool-procurement

Engerix B 20mcgB Engerix EMRO HIC1106 $3.99

Self-procurementEngerix AMRO HIC1001 $12.45

EMRO HIC1007 $4.01

EURO UMIC1077 $2.13

UMIC1087 $4.40

UMIC1147 $8.87

UMIC1111 $4.13

HIC1165 $11.39

HIC1096 $7.63

HIC1137 $5.54

HIC1155 $5.17

HIC1167 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 37 HIC1155 HepB 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementEngerix EURO Biologicals SA Biologicals HIC1167 $12.68

HIC1008 $5.21

HIC1003 $4.27

WPRO HIC1061 $6.58

Engerix B 20mcgB Engerix AMRO HIC1191 $5.91

HIC1001 $28.27

EMRO HIC1007 $4.71

EURO UMIC1077 $5.30

HIC1165 $12.74

HIC1096 $30.53

HIC1137 $8.87

HIC1088 $10.44

HIC1155 $32.88

HIC1167 $35.03

HIC1008 $7.54

WPRO HIC1153 $13.37

Janssen Vaccines Janssen Self-procurementHepavax WPRO HIC1109 $2.06 Corp.

Hepavax-Gene TF (thimerosal free) WPROHepavax-Gene(thimerosal TF HIC1109 $3.60

LG ChemLG Ltd Other (adult) B Euvax EURO UMIC1188 $8.24

Self-procurementEuvaxB EMRO LMIC1092 $0.65

EURO UMIC1077 $2.28

UMIC1086 $4.79

UMIC1081 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 38 UMIC1086 HepB 1-doseChem LG Ltd Self-procurementEuvaxB EURO UMIC1081 $6.04

HIC1088 $2.09

WPRO UMIC1051 $1.07

HIC1109 $2.06

Euvax B (adult) B Euvax EURO UMIC1086 $7.49

UMIC1111 $6.28

HIC1088 $2.62

WPRO UMIC1051 $1.69

HIC1109 $3.60

HIC1061 $4.44

Merck VaccinesMerck Self-procurementHBVaxpro AMRO HIC1191 $7.55

HIC1001 $12.30

EURO HIC1003 $5.44

WPRO HIC1153 $17.14

HIC1129 $12.30

PT Bio Farma Bio PT Other Recombinant Vaccine B Hepatitis SEARO LMIC1047 $1.68 (Persero)

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute (Adult) (rDNA) AFROVaccine B Self-procurementHepatitis UMIC1104 $0.58 India

LMIC1142 $1.61

UMIC1186 $0.97

EMRO HIC1171 $2.25

UMIC1139 $2.75

HIC1098 $1.28

UMIC1104 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 39 Hepatitis B Vaccine (rDNA) (Adult) (rDNA) EMROVaccine B Hepatitis HIC1098 HepB of 1-dose SerumInstitute Self-procurement India (Ped) (rDNA) Vaccine B AFROHepatitis UMIC1104 $0.25

UMIC1175 $3.05

AMRO UMIC1116 $1.09

EMRO LMIC1043 $0.40

LMIC1092 $0.65

HIC1171 $1.30

HIC1098 $2.35

VABIOTECHml 0.5 vaccine B Self-procurementHepatitis WPRO LMIC1018 $0.36

2-doseChem LG Ltd Self-procurementEuvaxB EURO UMIC1176 $1.20

Centro de Ingenieria de Centro 5-dose yGenetica Self-procurementHeberbiovacHB EURO UMIC1188 $0.90 Biotecnologia

Vacina adsorvida hepatite B hepatite adsorvida Vacina 10-doseButantan Self-procurement AMRO UMIC1042 $0.52 (recombinante)

Institut Pasteur Iran Self-procurementRecombinant hepatitis B vaccineBIran Self-procurementRecombinantPasteur hepatitis EMROInstitut UMIC1119 $0.23

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute (Adult) (rDNA) AMROVaccine B Self-procurementHepatitis UMIC1116 $1.10 India

EMRO LMIC1092 $0.81

Hepatitis B Vaccine (rDNA) (Ped) (rDNA) Vaccine B AFROHepatitis UMIC1084 $0.20

Not of SerumInstitute Self-procurementUnknown SEARO UMIC1074 $0.58 reported India

Hib 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Other Hiberix EURO UMIC1188 $8.18 Biologicals SA Biologicals

Self-procurementHiberix AMRO HIC1001 $9.56

EMRO LMIC1092 $2.81

EURO UMIC1112 $6.66

UMIC1188 $5.80

HIC1155 $7.63

HIC1167 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 40 HIC1155 Hib 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementHiberix EURO Biologicals SA Biologicals HIC1167 $14.41

HIC1008 $9.05

WPRO HIC1109 $5.11

HIC1061 $14.49

HIC1153 $13.71

LG ChemLG Ltd Self-procurementEuhib WPRO HIC1109 $5.11

Merck VaccinesMerck Self-procurementPedvaxHIB AMRO HIC1001 $12.93

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementAct-HIB AFRO UMIC1104 $3.29

AMRO HIC1191 $35.01

HIC1001 $9.42

EMRO HIC1171 $9.50

HIC1007 $6.18

HIC1098 $12.00

EURO UMIC1087 $7.66

UMIC1111 $8.45

HIC1137 $7.10

HIC1090 $23.49

HIC1088 $6.40

HIC1155 $8.22

HIC1003 $10.01

HIC1196 $19.00

WPRO HIC1109 $5.11

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute Self-procurement b type Hemophilusinfluenzae EMRO UMIC1119 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 41 India VaccineConjugated Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementAct-HIB WPRO HIC1109 Hib 1-dose Serum Institute of SerumInstitute b type Hemophilusinfluenzae Self-procurement EMRO UMIC1119 $4.52 India VaccineConjugated

Not Merck VaccinesMerck Self-procurementPedvaxHIB WPRO HIC1129 $13.09 reported

HPV 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Other Cervarix EURO UMIC1188 $61.69 Biologicals SA Biologicals

Self-procurementCervarix AFRO UMIC1067 $10.46

UMIC1186 $20.43

AMRO UMIC1116 $8.17

EURO UMIC1087 $22.77

HIC1096 $24.07

HIC1126 $24.22

HIC1050 $22.90

HIC1049 $34.24

SEARO UMIC1074 $8.50

WPRO UMIC1051 $7.64

HIC1109 $51.09

Merck VaccinesMerck Other Gardasil EURO UMIC1188 $115.40

SEARO LMIC1047 $11.56

Self-procurementGardasil AFRO UMIC1084 $13.79

HIC1144 $25.00

AMRO HIC1108 $8.32

UMIC1042 $11.01

HIC1191 $13.23

EURO HIC1165 $46.46

HIC1137 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 42 HIC1165 HPV 1-doseVaccines Merck Self-procurementGardasil EURO HIC1137 $62.11

HIC1090 $50.92

HIC1155 $42.10

HIC1008 $46.97

HIC1003 $55.45

HIC1196 $142.19

SEARO UMIC1074 $11.59

WPRO HIC1109 $57.17

HIC1061 $16.19

Gardasil 9 Gardasil AMRO HIC1001 $145.33

EURO HIC1155 $57.54

HIC1167 $78.98

WPRO HIC1153 $97.02

Unknown WPRO HIC1129 $168.10

Not GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementUnknown EURO HIC1196 $128.38 reported SA Biologicals

IPV vaccine 1-doseBiologicalsSelf-procurementPoliomyelitis Bilthoven EMRO LMIC1043 $2.98

Korea VaccineKorea Inj PF Self-procurementKovaxPolio WPRO HIC1109 $7.75

(Sub)regional Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi IMOVAXPOLIO EMRO HIC1106 $5.03 pool-procurement

Self-procurementIMOVAXPOLIO EMRO LMIC1092 $8.42

UMIC1119 $6.11

HIC1171 $5.25

HIC1007 $8.82

UMIC1188 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 43 EMRO HIC1007 IPV 1-dosePasteur Sanofi Self-procurementIMOVAXPOLIO EURO UMIC1188 $5.28

UMIC1086 $6.33

HIC1165 $12.51

HIC1137 $7.75

HIC1050 $17.17

HIC1088 $6.26

HIC1155 $7.05

HIC1167 $8.24

HIC1008 $11.27

HIC1003 $5.27

SEARO UMIC1074 $8.61

WPRO HIC1061 $42.89

HIC1153 $27.43

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute efpoueetoimeii acn Iatvtd EMRO(Inactivated) Vaccine Self-procurementPoliomyelitis HIC1098 $9.50 India

Poliomyelitis vaccine multidose, vaccine Poliomyelitis 5-doseBiologicalsSelf-procurement Bilthoven EURO UMIC1112 $4.37 suspension for injection 2.5 mL 2.5 injection for suspension

Shantha Biotechnics Shantha Private Limited (A Limited Private Other ShanIPV SEARO LMIC1047 $11.14 Sanofi Company) Sanofi

10-doseBio-Manguinhos/Fio..Self-procurementPoliomyelitis 1, 2 and 3 (inactivated)AMRO3 and 2 1, 10-doseBio-Manguinhos/Fio..Self-procurementPoliomyelitis UMIC1042 $2.78

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementIMOVAXPOLIO AFRO UMIC1175 $1.56

LMIC1142 $19.48

EMRO UMIC1119 $4.70

WPRO LMIC1016 $2.12

Not Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementUnknown AMRO HIC1001 $13.19 reported HIC1090 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 44 AMRO HIC1001 IPV Not Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementUnknown reported EURO HIC1090 $14.09

HIC1196 $4.37

WPRO HIC1129 $13.30

Boryung Cell culture-derived Cell Boryung JE 1-dose Boryung Self-procurement Vaccine Encephalitis Japanese WPRO HIC1109 $10.40 (injection)

Chengdu Institute of ChengduInstitute Live Vaccine Self-procurementJapaneseEncephalitis SEARO UMIC1074 $4.99 Biological Products Biological (SA14-14-2) Co.,Ltd WPRO HIC1109 $10.46

GPO-MBPLtd. Co., Self-procurementIMOJEVMD WPRO UMIC1051 $11.89

HIC1061 $37.27

Valneva Self-procurementIxiaro EURO HIC1008 $73.56

4-dose GPO-MBPLtd. Co., Self-procurementIMOJEVMD SEARO UMIC1074 $4.57

5-dose Biological E. LimitedSelf-procurementJEEV E. 5-dose Biological SEARO LMIC1072 $0.46

Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine Live Vaccine Encephalitis Japanese Chengdu Institute of ChengduInstitute Other SEARO LMIC1047 $3.50 (SA14-14-2) Biological Products Biological Co.,Ltd Self-procurementJapanese Encephalitis Vaccine Live Vaccine Self-procurementJapaneseEncephalitis SEARO LIC1004 $0.62 (SA14-14-2)

LMIC1150 $0.76

Japanese Encephalitis vaccine - tech - vaccine Encephalitis Japanese 10-doseVABIOTECH Self-procurement Institute,Japan BIKENfrom transfer WPRO LMIC1018 $0.46 5mL

Measles 1-dose Microgen Self-procurementMeaslesvaccine EURO UMIC1112 $0.54

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute attenuated Live Self-procurementMeaslesVaccine, EMRO UMIC1139 $4.15 India

HIC1098 $3.90

Measles vaccine. Freeze-dried, live Freeze-dried, vaccine. Measles 10-dosePOLYVAC Self-procurement Strain AIK-C vaccine. attenuated WPRO LMIC1018 $0.24 5mL

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute attenuated Live Self-procurementMeaslesVaccine, AFRO LIC1041 $0.99 India

EMRO UMIC1139 $6.61

WPRO UMIC1051 $0.80

Arabio Self-procurement Meningitis ConjugatedAramen : EMRO HIC1007 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 45 ACWY Vaccine (tech transfer) ACWY (tech Vaccine Serum Institute of SerumInstitute Measles 10-dose India attenuated Live Self-procurementMeaslesVaccine, WPRO UMIC1051

Aramen : Conjugated Meningitis ConjugatedAramen : MenACYW-135 1-dose Arabio Self-procurement EMRO HIC1007 $16.21 ACWY Vaccine (tech transfer) ACWY (tech Vaccine

GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementMenveo AMRO HIC1191 $24.11 Biologicals SA Biologicals

EURO HIC1167 $41.69

HIC1003 $46.70

HIC1196 $59.33

WPRO HIC1061 $28.25

Pfizer Self-procurementNimenrix EURO HIC1088 $37.28

HIC1155 $30.73

HIC1008 $39.34

HIC1196 $59.33

WPRO HIC1153 $47.28

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementMenactra AFRO UMIC1186 $21.17

EMRO UMIC1119 $17.62

HIC1098 $19.49

EURO UMIC1134 $26.33

WPRO HIC1153 $61.68

MenACYW-135Ps 1-dosePasteur Sanofi Self-procurementMenomune EMRO HIC1171 $8.10

EURO UMIC1111 $119.56

WPRO UMIC1051 $24.28

Not GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementUnknown EMRO LMIC1092 $6.93 reported SA Biologicals

MenB 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline product) Novartis Self-procurementBexsero(ex AMRO HIC1001 $106.42 Biologicals SA Biologicals

EURO HIC1050 $64.60

HIC1088 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 46 HIC1050 MenB 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline product) Novartis Self-procurementBexsero(ex EURO Biologicals SA Biologicals HIC1088 $85.00

HIC1155 $84.55

HIC1167 $78.29

HIC1008 $84.60

HIC1003 $102.61

HIC1049 $79.86

HIC1196 $103.52

Pfizer Self-procurementTrumenba AMRO HIC1001 $90.38

MenC 1-dose FUNED Self-procurementMenCvaccine AMRO UMIC1042 $10.37

GlaxoSmithKline Null product) Novartis (ex Menjugate AMRO HIC1035 $101.50 Biologicals SA Biologicals

Self-procurementMenjugate (ex Novartis product) Novartis Self-procurementMenjugate (ex EURO HIC1008 $12.32

HIC1196 $26.36

Pfizer product) (ex-Baxter Self-procurementNeisVac-C EURO HIC1126 $15.55

HIC1137 $25.25

HIC1088 $27.82

HIC1049 $20.55

HIC1196 $26.36

WPRO HIC1153 $34.28

(Sub)regional MMR 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Priorix EMRO HIC1106 $6.39 pool-procurement Biologicals SA Biologicals

Self-procurementPriorix AFRO UMIC1186 $8.08

EMRO UMIC1139 $5.65

HIC1007 $6.61

UMIC1077 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 47 EMRO HIC1007 MMR 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementPriorix Biologicals SA Biologicals EURO UMIC1077 $6.68

UMIC1087 $5.95

UMIC1086 $7.46

UMIC1111 $7.49

HIC1165 $6.26

HIC1155 $7.16

HIC1167 $12.45

HIC1079 $11.10

HIC1003 $5.60

HIC1049 $8.34

HIC1196 $16.03

SEARO UMIC1074 $5.57

WPRO UMIC1051 $4.03

HIC1109 $10.34

HIC1061 $13.01

HIC1153 $17.14

(Sub)regional Merck VaccinesMerck M-M-RII rHA EMRO HIC1106 $6.39 pool-procurement

Self-procurementrHAM-M-RII AMRO HIC1001 $32.30

EMRO HIC1171 $6.80

EURO UMIC1147 $7.42

UMIC1111 $6.83

HIC1096 $7.12

HIC1126 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 48 HIC1096 MMR 1-doseVaccines Merck Self-procurementrHAM-M-RII EURO HIC1126 $7.92

UMIC1081 $6.49

HIC1137 $7.05

HIC1090 $6.91

HIC1088 $6.44

HIC1008 $7.40

HIC1196 $16.03

WPRO HIC1109 $10.34

(Sub)regional Vaccine Measles,MumpsRubella and Serum Institute of SerumInstitute EMRO HIC1106 $6.39 pool-procurement attenuated Live India

Self-procurementMeasles,MumpsVaccine Rubella and AFRO HIC1144 $3.75 Live attenuated Live

EMRO HIC1098 $5.65

EURO UMIC1176 $3.50

GlaxoSmithKline 2-dose Self-procurementPriorix EURO UMIC1188 $4.00 Biologicals SA Biologicals

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute Vaccine Measles,MumpsRubella and Self-procurement EMRO UMIC1119 $3.05 India attenuated Live

5-doseInstitute Razi Self-procurementMMR EMRO UMIC1119 $1.47

Measles,Mumps and Rubella Vaccine Measles,MumpsRubella and 10-doseSerum Institute of 10-doseSerumInstitute Other AMRO UMIC1133 $1.08 Live attenuated Live India

Self-procurementMeasles,MumpsVaccine Rubella and AFRO UMIC1104 $1.63 Live attenuated Live

AMRO UMIC1116 $5.06

EMRO LMIC1092 $1.57

SEARO LMIC1150 $1.40

Not Bio-Manguinhos/Fio..Self-procurementMeasles, mumps and rubella (MMR)mumps Bio-Manguinhos/Fio..Self-procurementMeasles, rubella and AMRO UMIC1042 $2.77 reported

MMRV 1-doseVaccines Merck Self-procurementProQuad AMRO HIC1001 $122.44

EURO HIC1079 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 49 AMRO HIC1001 MMRV 1-doseVaccines Merck Self-procurementProQuad EURO HIC1079 $11.10

MR of 1-dose SerumInstitute Live, Vaccine, Rubella Self-procurementMeaslesand AFRO UMIC1084 $3.04 India Attenuated

EMRO LMIC1043 $2.58

10-doseBiological E. LimitedSelf-procurementMRBEV E. 10-doseBiological SEARO LMIC1072 $0.55

POLYVAC Self-procurementMRVAC WPRO LMIC1018 $0.66

Razi Institute Razi Self-procurementMR EMRO UMIC1119 $1.17

Measles and Rubella Virus Vaccine Virus Rubella and Measles Serum Institute of SerumInstitute Other SEARO LMIC1047 $10.91 Live India

Self-procurementMeasles and Rubella Virus Vaccine Virus Rubella Self-procurementMeaslesand AFRO UMIC1175 $1.84 Live

LMIC1142 $0.86

AMRO UMIC1116 $2.17

EMRO LMIC1043 $0.75

SEARO LMIC1072 $0.55

WPRO UMIC1051 $10.28

PCV 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Other Synflorix EURO UMIC1188 $27.35 Biologicals SA Biologicals

Self-procurementSynflorix AMRO UMIC1042 $14.91

EURO UMIC1188 $26.00

UMIC1147 $31.42

UMIC1111 $26.85

HIC1096 $33.30

HIC1126 $35.66

HIC1137 $33.94

HIC1088 $21.18

HIC1155 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 50 HIC1088 PCV 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementSynflorix EURO Biologicals SA Biologicals HIC1155 $27.01

HIC1079 $44.80

WPRO UMIC1063 $15.15

HIC1109 $47.84

HIC1153 $96.00

HIC1129 $131.77

(Sub)regional Pfizer 13 Prevnar EMRO HIC1106 $26.18 pool-procurement

Other 13 Prevnar EURO UMIC1188 $60.57

SEARO LMIC1047 $18.56

Self-procurementPrevnar13 AFRO UMIC1104 $15.77

UMIC1175 $15.21

UMIC1084 $16.63

UMIC1067 $18.45

LMIC1142 $19.51

UMIC1186 $29.02

HIC1144 $45.90

AMRO HIC1108 $7.04

UMIC1116 $9.56

HIC1191 $15.76

HIC1162 $25.00

HIC1001 $122.07

EMRO HIC1171 $26.25

HIC1007 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 51 HIC1171 PCV 1-dose Pfizer Self-procurementPrevnar13 EMRO HIC1007 $26.30

HIC1098 $26.25

EURO UMIC1112 $19.04

UMIC1176 $26.11

UMIC1086 $63.77

UMIC1111 $27.30

UMIC1081 $45.80

HIC1088 $41.42

HIC1155 $51.67

HIC1167 $58.82

HIC1008 $53.70

HIC1079 $63.66

HIC1049 $51.67

HIC1196 $64.85

WPRO LMIC1016 $15.53

HIC1109 $55.56

HIC1061 $66.55

HIC1153 $99.42

4-dose Pfizer Self-procurementPrevnar13 EURO HIC1003 $55.05

(Sub)regional PPSV 1-doseVaccines Merck Pneumovax23 EMRO HIC1106 $14.69 pool-procurement

Self-procurementPneumovax23 AMRO UMIC1116 $8.06

UMIC1042 $8.86

HIC1191 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 52 UMIC1042 PPSV 1-doseVaccines Merck Self-procurementPneumovax23 AMRO HIC1191 $8.75

EMRO HIC1007 $13.02

HIC1098 $20.02

EURO HIC1137 $27.76

HIC1155 $18.93

HIC1008 $30.59

WPRO HIC1109 $18.71

HIC1061 $34.75

HIC1153 $24.18

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementPneumo23 EURO HIC1167 $22.70

HIC1003 $17.46

HIC1196 $14.63

Rabies 1-doseBiotech Bharat Self-procurementIndirab AMRO HIC1191 $5.91 International Limited International

EURO UMIC1176 $3.70

inactivated rabies vaccine rabies inactivated Butantan Self-procurement AMRO UMIC1042 $13.33 (VR/VERO)

Chiron Behring Chiron Self-procurementRabipur EURO HIC1008 $52.85 Vaccines Private Ltd. Private Vaccines

HIC1003 $57.11

ChumakovFederal Self-procurementRabies VaccineSelf-procurementRabies EURO UMIC1188 $6.63 Scientific Center Scientific

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementVERORAB AMRO HIC1191 $13.30

EMRO UMIC1119 $7.90

UMIC1139 $21.19

HIC1007 $15.53

UMIC1077 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 53 EMRO HIC1007 Rabies 1-dosePasteur Sanofi Self-procurementVERORAB EURO UMIC1077 $29.91

UMIC1086 $26.58

UMIC1147 $16.93

HIC1165 $23.71

HIC1096 $18.20

HIC1137 $20.67

HIC1050 $16.16

HIC1088 $20.85

HIC1155 $16.44

HIC1003 $95.90

WPRO HIC1061 $86.34

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute (Freeze Inactivated VaccineSelf-procurementRabies EMRO UMIC1119 $6.81 India (RABIVAX-5) Dried)

HIC1098 $10.70

(Sub)regional Rota 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Rotarix EMRO HIC1106 $12.00 pool-procurement Biologicals SA Biologicals

Self-procurementRotarix AFRO UMIC1175 $9.97

UMIC1084 $9.50

UMIC1067 $7.91

LMIC1142 $9.41

UMIC1186 $16.96

HIC1144 $13.80

AMRO UMIC1042 $8.12

HIC1001 $91.77

EMRO HIC1007 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 54 AMRO HIC1001 Rota 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementRotarix Biologicals SA Biologicals EMRO HIC1007 $11.02

WPRO UMIC1063 $7.35

HIC1153 $27.43

(Sub)regional Merck VaccinesMerck Rotateq EURO HIC1050 $9.24 pool-procurement

Self-procurementRotateq AMRO UMIC1116 $3.80

HIC1001 $69.77

EMRO UMIC1139 $4.75

HIC1098 $6.50

LMIC1060 $12.30

EURO HIC1096 $9.78

HIC1003 $13.83

Bharat Biotech Bharat 5-dose Self-procurementRotavac SEARO LMIC1072 $0.82 International Limited International

Seasonal Influenza Seasonal 1-doseBiologicals AbbottOther Unknown EURO UMIC1188 $4.32

Self-procurementUnknown AFRO UMIC1067 $4.97

AMRO HIC1191 $2.78

EMRO HIC1171 $3.25

HIC1007 $3.05

HIC1098 $2.79

EURO HIC1126 $2.86

UMIC1081 $2.84

HIC1050 $4.17

HIC1003 $3.00

SEARO UMIC1074 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 55 EURO HIC1003 Seasonal Influenza Seasonal 1-doseBiologicals AbbottSelf-procurementUnknown SEARO UMIC1074 $3.10

Boryung Self-procurementUnknown WPRO HIC1109 $8.01

GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementUnknown EURO HIC1167 $6.69 Biologicals SA Biologicals

GreenCross Self-procurementUnknown EMRO UMIC1119 $4.58 Corporation

WPRO HIC1109 $8.01

Hualan Biological Hualan Other Unknown EURO UMIC1159 $0.75 Bacterin Co., Ltd Co., Bacterin

Il-Yand Self-procurementUnknown WPRO HIC1109 $8.22 Pharmaceutical

Kovax Flu tetra, Kovax Influ tetra, Influ Kovax tetra, Flu Kovax Korea VaccineKorea Self-procurement Influ- Influ, - Kovax flu, - Kovax WPRO HIC1109 $8.01 Kovax

Microgen Other Unknown EURO UMIC1188 $2.48

Self-procurementUnknown EURO UMIC1112 $2.22

Petrovax Other Unknown EURO UMIC1188 $1.88

Self-procurementUnknown EURO UMIC1188 $1.88

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Other Unknown EMRO HIC1106 $2.94

EURO UMIC1188 $6.40

Self-procurementUnknown AFRO UMIC1186 $3.32

AMRO HIC1191 $3.32

EMRO UMIC1119 $4.76

UMIC1139 $4.08

EURO UMIC1077 $6.27

UMIC1134 $3.47

HIC1165 $8.20

HIC1137 $3.34

HIC1155 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 56 HIC1137 Seasonal Influenza Seasonal 1-dosePasteur Sanofi Self-procurementUnknown EURO HIC1155 $5.73

HIC1167 $6.75

HIC1196 $5.97

WPRO HIC1109 $8.01

HIC1061 $5.92

Seqirus Limited Seqirus Self-procurementUnknown AMRO HIC1108 $2.44

EURO HIC1167 $9.17

WPRO LMIC1089 $1.50

SK Bioscience Co., Bioscience SK Self-procurementUnknown WPRO HIC1109 $8.01 Ltd.

4-dose GPO-MBPLtd. Co., Self-procurementUnknown SEARO UMIC1074 $3.03

10-doseButantan Self-procurementUnknown AMRO UMIC1042 $4.12

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementUnknown AMRO UMIC1116 $2.80

Not Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementUnknown EURO UMIC1111 $4.17 reported

TBE 1-doseNordic Bavarian Self-procurementEncepur EURO HIC1096 $15.89

HIC1155 $20.79

ChumakovFederal Other Unknown EURO UMIC1188 $8.01 Scientific Center Scientific

Microgen Other EnceVir EURO UMIC1188 $8.55

Self-procurementEnceVir EURO UMIC1176 $6.08

UMIC1188 $4.61

Pfizer product)EURO (ex-Baxter Self-procurementTicoVac(0.5ml) HIC1155 $21.57

Ticovac Junior (0.25ml) (ex-Baxter (0.25ml) Junior Ticovac EURO HIC1096 $16.46 product)

HIC1155 $20.20

HIC1109 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 57 Ticovac Junior (0.25ml) (ex-Baxter (0.25ml) Junior Ticovac TBE 1-dose Pfizer Self-procurement product) EURO HIC1155

Td 1-doseVaccine AJ - SSI (former ml) (0.5 Self-procurementdiTeBooster WPRO HIC1109 $11.51 Statens SerumInstitut) Statens

HIC1153 $11.64

Bul Bio - NCIPD - Bio Bul Self-procurementTetadif EURO UMIC1147 $0.83

IBSS Biomed IBSS Self-procurementClodivac EURO UMIC1077 $5.54

HIC1088 $2.24

HIC1003 $11.43

MassBiologics Self-procurementTd AMRO HIC1001 $13.12

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementIMOVAXadultdT AMRO HIC1001 $19.88

EURO HIC1096 $9.75

HIC1090 $8.24

HIC1008 $4.46

HIC1003 $11.43

(Sub)regional VaccineTetanus and Diphtheria Serum Institute of SerumInstitute EMRO HIC1106 $4.98 pool-procurement Adolescentsand Adults for Adsorbed India

Self-procurementDiphtheria and Tetanus VaccineTetanus and Self-procurementDiphtheria AFRO UMIC1104 $0.13 Adsorbed for Adults and Adolescentsand Adults for Adsorbed

EMRO HIC1007 $1.22

HIC1098 $0.56


10-doseBiological E. LimitedSelf-procurementBE E. Td 10-doseBiological EMRO UMIC1139 $0.42

SEARO LMIC1072 $0.12

UMIC1074 $0.17

Bul Bio - NCIPD - Bio Bul Self-procurementTetadif EURO UMIC1087 $0.36

HIC1096 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 58 UMIC1087 Td NCIPD - 10-doseBulBio Self-procurementTetadif EURO HIC1096 $3.82

Finlay Other diTe-Vax AMRO UMIC1010 $0.13

PT Bio Farma Bio PT Other Unknown SEARO LMIC1047 $1.19 (Persero)

Razi Institute Razi Self-procurementTdvaccine EMRO UMIC1119 $0.09

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementIMOVAXadultdT AFRO UMIC1067 $0.86

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute VaccineTetanus and Self-procurementDiphtheria AMRO UMIC1116 $0.37 India Adolescents Adultsand for Adsorbed

EMRO LMIC1043 $0.15

LMIC1092 $0.31

HIC1171 $2.35

SEARO LIC1004 $0.08

LMIC1150 $0.23

Torlak (Td) Self-procurementDitevaksal-T EURO UMIC1077 $1.40

UMIC1086 $1.02

UMIC1111 $0.89

Tdap 1-doseVaccine AJ Self-procurementTdapBooster EURO HIC1088 $17.27

Butantan GSK with partnership Self-procurementTdap, in AMRO UMIC1042 $10.36

GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementBoostrix AMRO HIC1001 $28.00 Biologicals SA Biologicals

EMRO HIC1171 $12.20

HIC1007 $12.22

EURO HIC1165 $16.17

HIC1050 $17.15

HIC1155 $15.51

HIC1167 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 59 $15.82 HIC1155 Tdap 1-dose GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementBoostrix EURO Biologicals SA Biologicals HIC1167 $15.82

HIC1008 $15.51

HIC1003 $28.77

WPRO HIC1109 $17.88

HIC1153 $17.14

HIC1129 $31.37

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Trivaxis Covaxis, Self-procurementAdacel, AMRO UMIC1116 $10.77

HIC1001 $27.88

EURO HIC1090 $16.45

WPRO HIC1109 $17.88

TT 1-doseBiomed IBSS ml) Self-procurementTetana(0.5 EURO HIC1088 $2.24

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementImovaxtetano AFRO UMIC1186 $1.00

EURO HIC1003 $7.69

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute Self-procurementUnknown WPRO HIC1061 $3.55 India

Torlak Self-procurementTetavaksal-T EURO UMIC1077 $2.33

UMIC1086 $1.66

UMIC1111 $1.46

2-dose Microgen Self-procurementTETANUSANATOXIN (TOXOID) EURO UMIC1112 $0.07

UMIC1188 $0.09

10-doseBiological E. LimitedSelf-procurementBEtt E. 10-doseBiological AFRO LIC1041 $0.10

EMRO LMIC1092 $0.31

Bul Bio - NCIPD - Bio Bul Self-procurementTetatox EURO UMIC1087 $0.33

PT Bio Farma Bio PT Self-procurementTTvaccine WPRO UMIC1051 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 60 (Persero) Bul Bio - NCIPD - Bio Bul Self-procurementTetatox EURO UMIC1087 TT 10-dose PT Bio Farma Bio PT Self-procurementTTvaccine WPRO UMIC1051 $0.25 (Persero)

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementTETAVAX AFRO UMIC1067 $0.63

LMIC1142 $0.34

Serum Institute of SerumInstitute Adsorbed Vaccine Toxoid Self-procurementTetanus AFRO UMIC1175 $0.36 India

UMIC1084 $0.10

EMRO LMIC1092 $0.31

HIC1171 $0.23

UMIC1139 $0.18

Institute of Vaccines of Institute 20-dose Medicaland 10ml/vialSelf-procurementTT vaccine WPRO LMIC1018 $0.05 Biologicals, Vietnam Biologicals,

Typhoid PsTyphoid 1-dose Boryung Self-procurementZerotyphCap. WPRO HIC1109 $4.41

PaxVax vaccine) (ex-Crucell Self-procurementVivotif EURO HIC1167 $10.97

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementTyphym-Vi AFRO UMIC1186 $9.05

EMRO HIC1007 $8.00

HIC1098 $8.00

EURO UMIC1147 $12.61

HIC1137 $15.50

HIC1167 $11.38

HIC1008 $15.27

HIC1003 $20.68

HIC1196 $50.04

WPRO HIC1061 $9.61

20-doseIBSS Biomed20-doseIBSS vaccine Self-procurementTy-typhoid EURO HIC1088 $20.05

Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementTyphym-Vi EMRO HIC1171 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 61 IBSS Biomed IBSS vaccine Self-procurementTy-typhoid EURO HIC1088 Typhoid PsTyphoid 20-dose Sanofi Pasteur Sanofi Self-procurementTyphym-Vi EMRO HIC1171 $4.05

China National China Varicella 1-dose Group Biotech Self-procurementUnknown WPRO HIC1109 $11.59 Keygen

GlaxoSmithKline Self-procurementVarilrix EMRO HIC1007 $24.65 Biologicals SA Biologicals

EURO HIC1088 $45.56

HIC1167 $45.07

HIC1049 $34.14

HIC1196 $46.89

WPRO HIC1153 $34.28

GreenCross Self-procurementVaricella Vaccine-GCCinj. Self-procurementVaricella WPRO HIC1109 $11.59 Corporation

Merck VaccinesMerck Self-procurementVarivax AMRO UMIC1116 $17.87

UMIC1042 $20.43

HIC1001 $72.18

EMRO UMIC1119 $27.60

HIC1171 $20.00

HIC1098 $22.49

EURO HIC1096 $25.40

HIC1090 $23.48

HIC1155 $36.40

HIC1196 $150.29

SK Bioscience Co., Bioscience SK Self-procurementSKY Varicella Inj. Self-procurementSKYVaricella WPRO HIC1109 $11.59 Ltd.

YF 1-dosePasteur Sanofi Self-procurementStamaril AFRO LMIC1142 $21.30

UMIC1186 $15.29

AMRO HIC1191 WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 62 AFRO UMIC1186 YF 1-dosePasteur Sanofi Self-procurementStamaril AMRO HIC1191 $43.25

EMRO LMIC1092 $18.80

UMIC1119 $19.08

HIC1171 $19.50

UMIC1139 $40.96

HIC1007 $20.04

HIC1098 $20.00

EURO UMIC1086 $31.82

HIC1137 $24.93

HIC1008 $23.49

WPRO HIC1061 $84.30

ChumakovFederal YELLOWFEVERVACCINELIVE 2-dose Self-procurement EURO UMIC1188 $7.21 Scientific Center Scientific FREEZE-DRIED

ChumakovFederal YELLOWFEVERVACCINELIVE 10-dose Self-procurement AMRO LMIC1123 $3.05 Scientific Center Scientific FREEZE-DRIED

Not Bio-Manguinhos/Fio..Self-procurementYellow FeverBio-Manguinhos/Fio..Self-procurementYellow AMRO UMIC1042 $1.08 reported

WORKING DOCUMENT - MI4A Vaccine Purchase Data Note [December 2019] | 63