World Mission Sunday October 22Nd 2017
VOL 75, NO. 4 Fall 2017 World Mission Sunday October 22nd 2017 The Society for the Propagation of the Faith National Director’s Message The Pope’s Monthly Prayer Intentions: Mission at the heart of the Christian faith Mission Today Message Fall 2017 September – parishes: That our parishes, animated by a missionary spirit, may be In lieu of Father Alex’s places where faith is communicated and charity is seen. 1. The Church’s mission, directed to all men and women of usual message, “Missions good will, is based on the transformative power of the Gospel. OctOber – World mission Day: Today” presents Pope Fran- The Gospel is Good News filled with contagious joy, for it con- That World Mission Day may renew within all Christian com- cis’s World Mission Sunday tains and offers new life: the life of the Risen Christ who, by be- munities the joy of the Gospel and the responsibility to an- 2017 Appeal beginning on stowing his life-giving Spirit, becomes for us the Way, the Truth, nounce it. page 3. and the Life (cf. Jn 14:6 NOvember – collaboration of priests and Laity: That within parishes, priests and lay people may collaborate in service to the community without giving in to the temptation of discouragement. In This Issue… Vol. 75, No. 4 Fall 2017 Photo: Benhur Arcayan, The Pope’s World Mission Sunday 2017 Message ................................3 Dear Brothers and Sisters, Uganda: Martyrs’ Day Celebrations .......................................................5 Once again this year, World Mission Day gathers us around the person of Jesus, “the very first and greatest evangelizer” (PAUL Photo: Jeff Bruno, EWTN Across the Globe ........................................................................................8 VI, Evangelii Nuntiandi, 7), who continually sends us forth to proclaim the Gospel of the love of God the Father in the power 2.
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