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Vote for the Party Abolish the Capi• of Your Claea MONTANA NEWS talist System OWNED AND PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIALIST PARTY OF MONTANA VOL. IV. HELENA, MONTANA, THURSDAY, APRIL 26. NO. n. Striking PROGRAM OF INTERNATIONAL SOCIALISM Colleqtive 1. Collective ownership of all industries in the hands of trusts and combines, and of all public utilities, in other words: collective Trackmen ownership of the means of production. Emergency 2. Democratic management of such collective industries and utilities. Helena Light and Railway Company 3. Reduction of the hours of labor and progressively increased Mutual Aid Asserts Itself in Face of remuneration. 4. State and national insurance for the workers and honorable Mighty Seismic Devastation- Inaugurate Slave Driving and rest for old age. 5. The inauguration of public industries to safeguard the work• Cut Wages. ers against lack of employment. Surplus Diminished. 6. Education of ALL children up to the age of 10 years. No True to the prediction made by what good his vote does him. The child labor. The terrible visitation that has hand upon private property, and the News some time ago. the track• aldermen he votes for ride on passes 7. Equal political and civil rights for men and women. wiped out the city by the Oolden bids the private owner stand back IF YOU BELIEVE IN THE ABOVE, VOTE WITH THE (late is fraught with lessons for the men employed by the Helena light though able to pay and unwearied in the interest of the many. It goes SOCIALISTS, join the Socialist party. student of economic and social con• and Railway company are having a by toil. But the men who build to the owners of wagons, charging Read good socialist literature, attend the meetings where social• ditions. In the first place the great• taste of capitalist prosperity so far the road on already starvation wages $ 10 for transportation, and says, ist speakers will explain the doctrines, aims and object of our move• est ruin and disaster has come to as work and wages are concerned, tired out with their labors for others "You work for nothing. Society ment. the members of the capitalist class. and the result was a strike on Thurs must either dig up from their scanty needs you." It stands at the door Socialism stands for abolition of the wage and profit system, be• The capitalist class hold in personal of the grocery and says to the gro• day last. Fifty-one of the street pay or walk. cause this system which is declared sacred by the beneficiaries of possession all that constitutes civili• cer, "You sell one loaf of bread at car construction crew were involved. Carr A Slave Driver. modern capitalism, enables the few to enslave the many. The man zation. All the magnificent build• a time. You charge so much." These men are repairing the track This man Carr was the one who who is in possession of the means of produ< tion owns the means of ings were theirs. The land is theirs. Individval interests amount to noth- out towards Kast Helena. They called out the military against his life—he owns the lives of those who own nothing but their labor The stores of goods created by la• sng. All give way before the com• are obliged to report at the barn men in Canada on similar street power which they must sell for hours, days, weeks, months and years bor were theirs. They alone could mon need. every morning. When going to car construction. He is known as in order to live.—Labor. enjoy the riches, the splendor, the Society can do this work in time and coming from work they have a brutal slave driver wherever he luxuries of what was known as the of emergency, and all sav—it is well. been carried free by the company has had charge. Bohemian city. Their stores, their It could do it always were it not for heretofore, but were obliged to wear Walker the secretary is also comforts, and their pleasures have the principle of class rule for profit. badges to distinguish them. blamed as one of the leading men been diminished by the huge catast• The socialist says- there is always Subterfuge to Lower Wage. rophe. The toilers who have made who has kicked up the row through Labor Awakes In a time of emergency,. Human life all these have practically nothing to This showing of the badges has his servile toadying to the powers is always at stake. Let us systema• lose—nothing but their rags and been a subterfuge for making the above him. Had it not been for tize the activities of society so that their dismal homes. But the dev• men pay fares at all times. An ex• his interference the demands of the England there shall be no fear of poverty, astating flames have thrown one cuse was trumped up that there was men would probably have been sickness, need. Let us work col• mighty boon to them -the boon of trouble over the badges. The men granted. lectively— all bearing the bnrdens work. The enormous surplus of quit in a body although they are Boycott Excursions. Working Men Voting for the First —all sharing the reward. Com• over production, before which the not unionized. Manager Carr re• rades and brothers, this is socialism. The labor men over the state capitalist class trembles, lest it con• ported that the men were discharged Time—Mall and Empire Why do you vote with the exploit• should put a boycott on Helena ex• gest the channels of trade and pro• the incident closed, and the com• ers who oppose it? cursions this summer. The traction fit, has been dimished to the extent pany had all the men it wanted to Comments. company is depending on making a of some two hundred millions *bf take the placet. big thing this season, and the men dollars. The city must be rebuilt. In Johnstown, Pa. the state con• The Weekly Mail and Empire of ed the people using their political Five Men Scab. can get .»; a day after May i just as It is a natural harbor. The pur• stabulary are out helping the oper• Toronto, a most conservative sheet, power. The statement was a point blank well as not if they make.a determin poses of "business" demand it. The ators to win against the strikers. devotes almost half a page of a re• Now the bureaucracy is being lie ar only five men could be found ed stand. The street car company workers will build the city again. It's a wonder those miners that still cent number to the subiect of the condemned and wiped out because to take the places of the discharged is fearful of further complications. They are eager to build it. Ma• have a vote wouldnn't learn some "Astounding Rise of the Labor the democracy has determined to workmen under such ridiculous It knows its profits hang in the bal• sons, carpenters, painters, decora time to get hold of the powers of Party." It says that the important choose its own government. The terms. They offered to do this if ance. Its managers must get re• tors—all the slaves that press to the government themselves. Then they influence of organized labor in the workmen are organized excellently they were given 10 cents extra a day sults. A systematic boycott against coast for the next year or two can would have the military on their late English election and the fact and intend to elect their own repre• to do it with. This was refused. Broadwater, excursions, etc., will get work. They will build a fairer, side in time of difficulty. European that about fifty labor representatives sentatives and choose their own The matter should be taken up and dig a bit; hole the aforesaid pro• a more magnificent city than the working men would be ashamed to are sitting in the new parliament as leader in the future. The socialists strenuously dealt with by the Trades fits. The workingmen make up the one that went down. But they vote with their masters. a compact body, show that the pro• are moderate in their expressions, Council. All men seeking work public. They can take the wind will not own it after they have built letariat has at length awakened to and range from the educated and should be warned away from the out of their sails if they will. it. They will have a chance to work its privileges. Of the five and a philosophical down to the purpose• Vincent St. John is now ia Den• city, and the circumstances stated. All the men tell the same story so for the others for awhile—and get a half million votes that were cast a ful workman. One of these was in• ver under bonds of tio.oo to await This is buc another method of cut• there is no reason to doubt the cir• bare living—that is all. full half million were given to terviewed as to his position, and his trial on a charge manufactured ting wages, which now that all coin- cumstances. straight labor candidates, but these said. "I look to the rise of labor to Another lesson from the disaster from the hate and enmity of the petition is removed in the copper Number Like Convicts. do not by any means represent the give a more wholesome tone to pub• is—the collective interest of man• "law and order" fraternity of Tel• state between large capitalistic con• One of the most objectionable number of working men who have lic life, and eventually to land us in kind working effectively without luride.