Anti-Apartheid News, October 1987
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Anti-Apartheid News, October 1987 Use of the Aluka digital library is subject to Aluka’s Terms and Conditions, available at By using Aluka, you agree that you have read and will abide by the Terms and Conditions. Among other things, the Terms and Conditions provide that the content in the Aluka digital library is only for personal, non-commercial use by authorized users of Aluka in connection with research, scholarship, and education. The content in the Aluka digital library is subject to copyright, with the exception of certain governmental works and very old materials that may be in the public domain under applicable law. Permission must be sought from Aluka and/or the applicable copyright holder in connection with any duplication or distribution of these materials where required by applicable law. Aluka is a not-for-profit initiative dedicated to creating and preserving a digital archive of materials about and from the developing world. For more information about Aluka, please see Anti-Apartheid News, October 1987 Alternative title Anti-Apartheid News Author/Creator The Anti-Apartheid Movement Date 1987-10 Resource type Newsletters Language English Subject Coverage (spatial) South Africa, United Kingdom, Southern Africa (region) Coverage (temporal) 1987 Source Archives of the Anti-Apartheid Movement, Anti-Apartheid News, MSS AAM 2203. Description Stop the secret hangings; workshop miners march; protests force the prison doors; support youth in struggle in Namibia and South Africa; today's children become tomorrow's freedom fighters; remember samora; conscripts in the front line of resistance; Shell pumps out the PR. Format extent 12 page(s) (length/size) INIo apatela exoeut-os Stop rh, apaetheid wa,! S-UthAi of ttrI-~ Ontenty at -nEnd I INIo apatela exoeut-os Stop rh, apaetheid wa,! S-UthAi of ttrI-~ Ontenty at -nEnd I STOP THE SECRET HA IN A DEVELOPMENT remini- Until this news Matepane, fot -lmency both at Sotith Africa Urnont scent of the dying days of the Maaaha and Webuhe had tett and internatioaty. Sven tt Britis Maadela illegal Smith regine in Rhodesia, naes on the list of South Africa g tovernment hat been petuaded to Botha has tumed tdeath row. the interene, aIthough onty at a i-y o oi t subjects of an internationalsotidarity tate ta.l executing his political oppo- campako to save the -- e, taunched We caonot have a eampaigo the a tents in seceret in Pretoria prison. by the SouthAfrican YouthCorevs where att the names and detoil are Geneta British foreign office minister (SAYCO) with the fbit barking of known' e-earher Lcia Otto toltl a ptiaon LytIda Chalker herself told an - tho mati democratio resotanot aov- meetia caUed o 9 Saptems ber by tured o Apastheid Movesiet and SAfIS aent inside the coantry SATtS(SoothernAtricaTheIpri- anna aoai eatit tispoiethat otheto too, have anned Society) to mohitise .anie 2 ake degaonon9 September that ready heta ioorettt esecated by aptaetbeid toocution 'We have to peopeat ALEXMÅTSEPANIEaged23,ad teVnhflh,,i irnag gitke -.. OLOMAOWÄSPAN a 20dba theapaetheidbangraa, camipaign agaiat att death sitttes'. The SOLOMON MAOW ,, On Septem thisyarMOSES puotots bota htaged ss tong ogo as 5 Decera- MNYANDAJANTJtES,aged21,and b.A borlastYear.AthirdmanELILE MLAMLtWELLINGTONMtELIES, by /iF SAt1 BtSHE, bad atso i e d 22,w handinrot with Lin 0 of apatheid isthecountritiwhich lnsideSoftf,ria,ihdSoth|tozinaa sts cottabotate with ot oprestoe? Afriean Cahotin Biihopn Confetepee ~~Toaather with Sonth Afojoa's ii ont of tha otgatisios óótivi thte, UnitdDeatveatioFiont(UDF),th oamIpaigsatainathnginot,anåe i Ci7otn ot fia ed htltaifas5aOtntm Worksop miners march WORKSOP, small towa in north Woo1n Agant PI Ciosoes (WAPC) Nenti-g h a,hir . sitnesed iel first ,Laour Party spookere demonstn tio n of al kind sn., the Le s Wi5on, d,ro Baetiawgene'eeh e 2spehn dotsrct counod,.pointed to the nien 0eeike rheteroe rtUe ofthedemonstrationand Wn 30 ,eonl p-r ,Iroughiis nelly. to put peessure mn Bunett and stret st an anti-apartheid protest. Htamshie to saver ali taske with The demonnrtion jointy orga- South Atrion, to nar emarenesin sedhytheN ANlAAMondWoksop Wrkop ahout apeetheid, and to Te dìon und, was io pretettagain-, send a meseage ef Santns Now. Bu-nïlt and "r", mìhre, n Iclly- to the British government hond companywhirh emnepi s in Heletn Arthr of Nottingham AA Sditlib Ateille and in loelved in read 001 n mtssannet of pport frem imntit Seot>s Africon eel le AAM trade unmon organoser Celle Britoin. Adkis, The demonitatien was aidd in Pandeleni Itnla et SWAPO pledged itlast tw weks f poeparatioe by that 'our -[rywill beyervi ery', Bnrentt and Haligm hemmves, whdn Peter Heathfld, NUM general rhoin f--ocind ettmks t deny Skr eetory, revealed that Burnett and ivolverent rontrihutd signilfeantly Hllamshirle hadheenin constant totheedan1sn. pubtiity. 0o let I, pertade lim that they The moret oompried minne and wnre goed and fair empleyer an r ,åolint,AA gróeps frem SehAfrica. Nottigham, Manfield, Huddeftield, 'Thny n ,net an South Afnec Chesteefield, Barnelry, Der y and beeuse it's a pleasant iasate.' he Shelfield, memheée et the Netienal aatd, hel 'to ake protit t-rom cheap tnli el Sisiny and Knitwear tblacklau tohr, W(orcnor Shettieid Nemibia Support "Wc mes t lpressere n eveory Group end othene who jomned le en company which pays tes toateore the slogani le teppert ef regime mwhieh uopeisons minnes end Snutheen Atnlean miners and a han mn-ear-oldi.'mirealimperte. "Acollectieoraisdover£80 ler tinadod hy u hanner proelaimieg Namihian ond Sonth Alfran mieern 'Briitlìe minen - Solidarity with and the overall feelasg was thotr iouthi Afelean asloers', the march» mas'rv campaign to han aparthoid prcno hroisgt the eete et 00a1 inmperts was juit heginning. The Wortisep to thie town hel tor a sally erganisne one else optimistic thota With SACTtiI SWAPO, AAM, NUM, Werksop AAgreepwmdlnkobiontup. Youth Committee for Nottingham THE Nettiïgham AA Yeut Coimmit- areend the celteges and yeuth ceetres tre. Its isroi st p with the help of in Nettinighom. ceqntecti made et meinptingi in Th be youlk commitre alse decided Ntiogho eolteges. - t oerg-gnii no Afr an musie dino at The yoetha rommilten flest roet inl the 'Garage' o 7 Octoher and le .netly ,Aupst nid decided. that its produer and disteibute the puhlicity. isnasediate prionity wonld fin to The event will he uved to) get young moissii' total youtfi fur the national peeplo involetd in the youth temmit'Soiens Noen demenstration kn ren ond domo le the national dnmonLondon en 2d Ottoer. stratsnn The group ronsidemd a numbhor el The youth cemmitter is cerreetly asays in aslick to de tui. A lnufit asaking a hooner ussog 1kr ANC has begå *printed with 1kr AA Yeuth Svctson's 'Fight, Preduce,. drasenetrotien teaes design en een Learn' desige to take en the national tide and intormetion oot the demenatraion and to futureneveets. demonstration, SAYCO end Notting- Contat:. Anne Howie, Nattinghaom ham AA Yfut Comasittor en sko AA Youth Cemmitter, 2d.03 Victoria other. Thie is hoiag doteshutnd Centre, Noltingham. asotoests to uso otr petrol stassees BARNET AA mill hold ita next which anneet se involvod se touth * meet>ngat Frionds House Atrito and Namibsa. LEnfsld AA havnted a00r 58AlexandraGroe, d avourahlemes frem motoists (-eles tubd Weat Finchle'-y)sý toenmt aheWntFiohle> a tre arra. Many cars tured awav 7Ottober .o,00pm. when tekysan thepichnts and other The following meetioge will he deivers soundod theieronsin seppeit hold oo the firet Wedneda ni a sry dmove post everymonthat8pm,at Thedemonstrationshavnte se 51 Dollis Park, Finèhley T3 sutteseful that ene pAtrel station as Green Lanes, N13, fcunditsrlfrmpty Cumbernauld dgottee tiffit ONE et 1krneweatAA groepeis - Cembernauld & Kittyth Dnstoct AA, ofttialy latnhed en 20 Joan. The launch tesk ple sv the peatv grn el the distrigt toued wars om nkig tr group. Attivitses se fax mutde picketing total -hell "atios ond Wiltam Low's supermarkot se Cumhernauld. The group was invited le takt por in Palacerigg Country Park's Open Day en 5 July, where rstenp shoned agreatdraletsntereiniarstl A Keep Cape of the air stemonsteaesonsOue me neraa o stotion m Semstol Apartheid ads off the air BRISTOL artivists hav aen maksing the bilboard promoting cencerted effrts over the summer to African Airways in thear got rid o Sort Atritan advertising, ground. The total radio italien GWR was Bristol citycouncil teek prsued toake ltr ads for Cape their own advertisinog hilbo fruit off the air atter numerous protest, after approarhing ttr individuals wrote or phoned in to Some of the Rest of the Weld eiiptais, cricketers complained ond os Over 30 people attended a one Gloetestershire plys i demonstration outsidr GWR's ffices ep the issur. in Eristel and soen alter tr radio station managemont decided not to Change of addressl renew any Cape advertising contract. Manchester AA should n0Another campaign mas mounted nontgeted at: sv August to persuade Gloucesterstire 178 Waterloo Place County Cricket Club to taks down Manchester M13 9QQ Totoes,ExeterandDevonAA ManchesterAA Piket and demo at will be cottcting signatrni Shell shareholders meeting for the National Petition Monday 19 Ontoer n 10am-Spn Saturday 10 Octoher et lls English Risiea Centre, Torquay Please come tohelp. Meet at Bring bannere and placardes! lower end oi MartsgStre ..... - laxe mayoe at Jarigey oigne the IHATEVER the weather this ptistion to Fren Alt Apaetheid's ammer, members f E lfiold AA Detaoesa ta t th Ivalvlegased hy a Ov ten dermanstrating outside GreehCyprntnommonitynewnpaper tell gi.eldt r in Wod Green nrth Lon a ma lona Atti-Apattheid News October 1987 Pae 3 NO SECRET HANGINGS! PROTESTS FOF ntetedfrm font page Makesurethetssueofapartheid executons is rased in .