'I arianas %.rie.t.r;~ 1, Micronesia's Leading Newspaper Since 1972 '&1 VS

Everyone wants bigger slice Navy on FDM exercises: 'No significant impact' "There's considerable mis­ House delays conception on that," he told re­ porters, as he pertained to recent : \ concerns on damages to marine ·, life around the island. Janczak yesterday met with local officials, including Gov. OK of budget Pedro P. Tenorio, members of By Aldwin R. Fajardo mittee chair Rep. Karl T. Reyes the legislature and agency heads, Variety News Staff admitted that lobbying efforts by for a briefing on US military PRESSURES from the education education officials played a sig­ operations in the CNMI. and health sectors prompted the nificant role in the lower The briefing came after Ed­ House of Representatives to ad­ chamber's move to convene with ward B. Cohen, the US special journ yesterday's session without the Senate leadership before ,fc­ Martyn E. Janczak representative to the 902 nego­ passing the proposed Fiscal Year tion on the proposed 1999 fiscal tiations, said that if the CNMI By Haidee V. Eugenio 1999 budget which reflects year budget is taken. has comments on environmen­ trimmed down appropriations for "To respect the needs of all the Variety News Staff tal issues surrounding the DENYING allegations that the Public School System and the most importantgovemmentagen­ Farallon de Medinilla island, marine resources in Farallon de Department of Public Health. cies, we all have agreed to work then it should be brought to the Medinilla have been damaged Despite the apparent delay, with the Senate on this before we attention of Rear Admiral due to military exercises, Rear Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio expressed come back on the regular ses­ Janczak. Admiral Martyn E. Janczak, optimism that the budget will be sion," Reyes told reporters. yes­ "Our purpose for today is to Commander of the US Naval passed by the Legislature before Karl T. Reyes terday. brief the governoron what we 're Forces Marianas, yesterday s;iid FY-1999 starts, stressing the im­ He said the Legislature may doing at' the island, the agree­ there has been a lot of"miscon­ portance of passing the proposed budget wil I be passed. I think the resort to slashing appropriations ments that have been enforced ceptions" and "misinfonnation" appropriations to push through Legislature is very anxious to pass for some of other government pro­ since 1971, and I think we have about the US Navy's operations with the government's programs. it," Tenorio said yesterday. , grams to be able to accommodate certainly accomplished that," he in the said island. "I am very optimistic that the House ways and means com- Continued on page-:-36 Continued on page 36 f.:_,.,.-. •' ,:o,,,..,t,1·:•r.(V•l ..I"'''·' ;;;;,..,•:,f: ,df,d,:. :l,,...,V:-~~·~d~EL:====::c::...S~~1 j Faisao hits discriminatory ~ ri policies vs garment sector ~I , • Melvin 0. Faisao who scored , 1 theallegeddiscriminatorypoli- i] rlf'1 . . r.1 ;:] c1es targetmg the second larg- ! : · · est revenue-oeneratino sector i ' . e b r i in the Northern Marianas. , 0 Durin·g yesterday's session, Faisao lambasted a resolution filed by Rep. Frank Cepeda ,· which seeks lo restrict garment manufacturers from engaging in acti vi tics other than clothing productio11. ,,, •,.,, Melvin 0. Faisao "This resolution wants the .. - By Aldwin R. Fajardo Department of Commerce Variety News Staff implement 1:egulations to re­ THE EMBATILED garment strict the issuing of multiple , · industry in the CNMI yester­ business permits only to the day found an ally in Rep. Continued cm page -36 Students of the Academy of Our Lady of Guam spend their lunch time yesterday wrapping up freshmen with --··- _ •-··-·-·-•·n-•··-~•,,,. ... ,-r--·---~~·-ry7·-•.>'••' bathroom tissue-· as part of their initiation. Photo by Eduardo c. Siguenza ··---~~<----·--·.'... '._: ...... -· ,:_'."-\ .,_ ·.... _·. --- ··--- .. ·---- ··~ ·--·-·.,_., ,' .· ___ :__ ·-·-· ... ~, ·-·, ______..:_'·-4--, -· -~--J Marshalls president demands .S.QlareCJ.iJ)s~.··s.~id.J()'

resigriation of entire Cabinet ·be·• ••• ·',, :·visible'. .-.,: .. ,_· • '•' ' .•·,tOlllorro:Wr. I .. • • . . ,·· • ",, :•'·: -.~\,•"'>··:,,:.-" "•< .'. .,.:' By Giff Johnson In an August 18 letter to· each der to meet the challenges con- By Maxine Hillary the moon passes directly between For the Variety Cabinet minister, Kabua said that fronting the govemment." Variety News Staff the earth and the sun creating a MAJURO - Saying that the if the IO Cabinet ministers didn't As a result, Kabuasaid he was HAGATNA-Whcn University shadow. Marshall Islands government resign by Thursday as requested, "compelled to change the na- of Guam Planetarium Director, Guam will be one ofa few areas "needs a new direction," Presi­ he would remove them as minis- ture of complexion of the Cabi- Pam Eastlick released notices last in the world where the total eclipse dent Imata Kabua on Tuesday ters. · net." week that an eclipse was going to due to appear in the ycar2002 can gave all Cabinet ministers two In his letter, Kabua recognized The Marshalls is mid-way be visible in the region, local be ~cen and Eastlick is expecting days to turn in their resignations the ministers and said they could · through an Asian Development media ran stories, hyping the event astronomers from all over the so that he can reorganize his be proud of their record of service Bank-backed refonn program and providing information for the world to come to the island to Cabinet. to the Marshall Islands. that has laid off or.retired clos·e public. have a look. A Cabinet shuffle, the first But, he said, "I am convinced to 25 percent of the govern111ent According to Eastlick, public­ Press came too soon for this since Kabua won the Presidency· that the economic and other prob- workforce, slashed subsidies to ity such as last week's has helped month's eclipse-there is a risk in January 1997, will now hap­ !ems facing the Marshall Islands government agencies, and 0th- raise community awareness of the that people will indeed look· up pen,aftermany months of specu­ are such that the government needs erwise cutback government ser- planetarium and stimulated the because they have forgotten the lation l!,nd rumor that one was a new direction. New energy and vices.~-~-~-- public's interest in the stars. danger involved. Says Eastlick, imminent. new initiatives are'required in or- Continued on page35 An eclipse is a situation where Continued on page 35 • - ·',:.·., .• f1f"/ ...... , •• , .···-~i-1..:,·,•·,,:,.,',J,,;,1~.\'- --,·,·,, FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 2-MA_ll.lAN.'\S\lARlETYNEF_SAND\/IE\VS-FRIDAY_::__--'-'A~U~G~U:=.ST~2:'_l__,_._._,19~9~8 ______Discussion on CNMI, Guam economies on Tinian King taps new PM as Jordan Cabinet quits .Clinton may be in Marianas conference today By JAMAL HALABY By Brandon Ashcraft AMMAN, Jordan (AP) - with Steve Nygard, publisherof Variety News Staff Jordan's Cabinet resigned for more trouble Glimpse Publications. ' HAGATNA-Political Lead­ Wednesday amid a growing scan­ MasterofCeremonies will be ers from Guam and the CNMI dal over polluted drinking wa(er Jon Anderson of Guam's radio will attend the Marianas Eco­ in one of Amman's wealthy sub­ station NewsTalk K-57. By PETE YOST nomic Conference entitled urbs. King Hussein immediately The conference will begin W ASJilNGTON (AP)-In devel­ "Perspectives on the Econom­ appointed a close confidant to with panelists offering a five­ opmentsthatcouldmeanmoretrouble ics of the Marianas: Where we minute presentation on the forn1 a new government. for President Bill Ointon, prosecu­ are and Where we are going," present and future of the Hussein. from his hospital bed tor.; gathered a sample of his DNA in the United States, appointed today on Tinian. Marianas, and will finish with a and turned to Monica Lewinsky for Guam Gov. Carl Gutierrez roundtable discussion. Fayez Tarawneh to fonn the new additional testimony about the presi­ administration. along with Guam Delegate to Closing remarks will be given dential affair and alleged cover-up. US Congress Rob~rt A. · by Michael Kwan, the Chair­ · The move is expected to have King Hussein Friends and associates of Ms. no major impact on Jordan's for­ Underwood will attend as will man of the Board of Directors of Lewinsky said she was hurt by CNMI Gov. Pedro P. Tenorio, Hong Kong Entertainment eign policy, which is usually Cabinet. Clinton's characterization of their and CNMI Washington Rep­ Carl Gutierrez Overseas, Inc. handled by Hussein. Royal Palace officials said the relationship, that Ms. Lewinsky felt Pedro P. Tenorio Juan N. Babauta The change is widely seen as new government is expected to be resentative Juan N. Babauta to The conference is scheduled that she and the president had a deeper discuss their views on the fu­ President of the Saipan Cham­ the Guam Hotel and Restaurant at the conference. to take place at the Tinian Dy­ related to popular discontent over announced within days. bond with emotional ties. · the policies of Prime Minister Tarawneh, like Majali, is an ture of their economies. ber of Commerce Joe Ayuyu, Association and Philip Media leaders including Pacific nasty and Casino and will air One friend said that when Ms. Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky Island business leaders from Eloise Baza, President of the Mendiola-Long, President of the Daily News publisher Lee Webber liveonNewsTalkK-57from IO Abdul-Salam Majali's 24-mem­ ardent supporter of King Lewinsky filed a sworn affidavit in ber Cabinet, which has been ac­ Hussein's policy of peace with both islands will also attend Guam Chamber of Commerce, Tinian Chamber of Commerce and Marianas Variety owner Abed a.m. to 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 3 January denying a sexual relation­ enced in this," one of the former counter with the president cused of negligence in providing . A former ambassador to the conference. David Tydingco, President of are expected to be in attendance Younis will also be on hand along p.m. ship, it was in an effort to protect the intern 's friends said. Ms. Lewinsky, 25, turned the dress polluted drinking water to Amman the United States, Tarawneh ne­ president Several sources said Wednesday over to Starr's office three weeks ago and of mismanaging the economy. gotiated the I 994 treaty with Is­ When the president said in a tele­ that the DNA sample from Clinton after she agreed to testify in exchange In an urgent dispatch, the state­ rael. vised address Monday night that he went to prosecutor Kenneth Starr's for immunity from prosecution. Underwood: No military movement Power outages on Saipan run Petra news agency said A main complaint against the hadaninappropriaterelationshipwith investigators so it could be used in an Asked about the DNA sample, Hussein accepted Majali's resig­ government has been the poor He also added that the kind of material can be moved from North 1HERE will be power outages to­ tern." Ms. Lewinsky ,he"didn 'treallyspeak FBianalysisofadressMs.Lewinsky White House spokesman Jim nation late in the evening and drinking water in Amman's activity may be things such as America into the Pacific theater." morrow in most parts of the island, Mathis said another power out- to the pain everyone else has experi- said was stained from a sexual en- Kennedy said, "We are going to re­ Tarawneh began forming his Continued on page 37 "more visits by Naval Vessels, The congressman also men­ the Commonwealth Utilities Cor­ . agewillbe''necessary"intheCapi­ spect'' Clinton's stated desire to "re­ more exercises including joint tioned that as a good neighbor poration (CUC) announced. tolHill areabetweennextweekand claim" his private life. exercises with the foreign mili­ Guam should be able to work CUCinfonnationoffioerParnela the end of this month ''to complete It was not known when the pros­ tary." with the military and "we must Mathis, in a faxed release, said the entire feeder N system up­ ecutors got the sample or whether the His statement came in the wake not become vulnerable to the no­ power will be out from 6:30 am to grade." sample was from Clinton directly or of the Department of Defense's tion that the military will punish 7:30 am in areas being served by The project cost government from Bethesda Naval Hospital where proposal for the movement of us for being impudent," such as ihe utilities agency's feeder N. some $3.6 million. Clinton undergoes periodic physical TRIPLE Marines from Okinawa, Japan to some cases from World War II. These are Capitol Hill, Denni, Theoutages,saidMathis, will be J examinations. It also wasn't known Guam. "I assure you that our disagree­ As Teo and Kagman L iI and Ill done in conjunction with the con­ whatsample the prosecutors obtained. According to the department, ments with the military over land, Power will likewise be out fium struction of the Chalan Kiya substa­ B Iood and saliva are two commonly there is a plan for Japanese F-15 DOD schools and other issues 9:00 am to 5:00 pm at Sadog Tasi tiori used materials used in DNA testing. fighter planes to visit Guam. This will not bring about a change in and from 6:30 am to 9:30 am in "AsCUC(have) announoed, the .c;.,.._1:. Ru,, Thedevelopmentscame amid con­ Roberl A. Underwood would be the "first to occur out­ the major plan for military move­ Garapan on both Beach Road an(\ substation requires a series of out­ o"'D Our Tire and Rim Prices flicting versions of Ointon' s grand side of Japanese Air Space since ments on Guam,'' said Middle Road, Navy Hill, Gualo agestotenninate~oundelec­ · _ Include Mounting & ~ ~ Computerized Balancing jury testimony Monday. A knowl­ By Brandon N. Ashcraft 1945." Underwood. He added that "the Rai, Chalan Laulau, San Jose, trical systems and reconnect new ~ 0 Ov,. nt~O edgeable legal source told The Asso­ Variety News Staff "Guam is never going to meet military is here to stay and when they Susupe and a portion of Chalan high voltage wires to the new sys­ ciated Press on Wednesday that the HAGATNA- Congressman the expensive military need for decide they no longerneed to be here, Kanoa tem," said Mathis. •JIJ (•Jj 3:i', [31~ 3~ 113 ;T" president acknowledged in his secret Robert A. Underwood said yes­ things such as ground training they will go." Mathis said the power outages She said the Chalan Kiya project testimony that Ms. Lewinsky per­ terday there is no impending trans­ exercises," Underwood said, add­ Underwood will be asking Admi­ are meant to "'tie-in' or complete will boost electricity to customers WE SERVICE ALL MAJOR BRANDS formed oral sex on him several times fer of military troops from Japan ing that if the Marines were to be ral Janczak to make briefings avail­ the majority of the feeder N sys- on the southern end of the island. Mitsubishi , Hyundai • Isuzu • Toyota • Nissan • Hondo • Ford at the White House. White House to Guam moved to Guam, they would have able for elected officials and commu­ Chevy , Chrysler• Jeep • BMW• Mercedes• Mazda & more! TAX RE9ATE SALE! Continued on page 37 Speaking at the Guam Rotary no place to shoot off their weapons or nity members. Club -meeting in Tamuning, their mortars. The briefings are encouniged as it US Deputy Secretary of may help the people of Guam learn ,i~111 m1~ 1(•1, ~ a~(• I rn:j ;ii 1:;I• l~Ue I Buy3 ' J!IUNIRDYAtll Underwood said "We will see in­ Underwood also spoke about the 11R£S creased military activity in Guam, role of the military, calling Guam a more alxmt their military neighbors. Defense to visit Guam • Oil & filter charge ~ Get 1 ' but not like the kind we experi­ "logistical thru-way. a nexus, a power 'They can be our partners and we • L1br1cate cn2ss1s By Brandon N. Ashcraft the tour to "to gain a better under­ • To~ ofi all fluids . enced after W arid War IL" switch box through which men and should treat them as such." = ~,... .. !:.. EE·:.:,:T::':l [E··_,,..~·.. fJ1H -- • Ro:ate & :ialance tires !::. ,, ., ·· .. • 4. . C;J Variety News Staff standing of the personnel. their • Ser~·,ce battery terminals HAGA TNA - Congressman mission and the regional environ­ • Jr,spect brakes (FROM REGULAR PRICE) Robert A. Underwood announced ment. in which U.S. Forces live • Most cars & light trucks· MANILA, Philippines (AP) - yesterday that United States and work.·· • Plus S3 DO waste d1sp::isa1 fee Cuts in DPH, PSS • Includes new oil filter. up to 5 Former Philippine President Deputy Secretary of Defense, On his stop in Guam Dr. Hamre quarts 1OW,40 oil. Lubricate Corazon Aquino said Thursday a chassis when apphcable. John Hamre, has planned a visit will visit men and women of • Check fluid levels. former military chief of staff un­ budget irks Heinz By Zaldy Dandan Guam early next month. Andersen Air Force Base and der late dictator Ferdinand Marcos Variety News Staff The trip- is scheduled to be a Commander Naval Forces should now tell the truth about her By Aldwin R. Fajardo TIIE WOMAN who was hit by a one-day stop for Dr. Hamre. Marianas (COMNA VMAR). · : PASSENGER TIRES · . : · -fl!GH PERFORMANCE TIRES ' ·. · UGHTTRUCKllRES· .- '. : husband's assassination 15 years Variety News Staff truck on ai1port road last week died of According to Defense officials He will also meet with Con­ • Evacuate old • Inspect front & rear suspension 1551BOR13MXTE $40.95 185/60R14MXF $85. 95 LT31x10.50Rl5 RLTX $179,95 ago. REDUCTION in the Fiscal Year 1999 injuries caused by the impact,accord­ gressman Underwood to discuss 95 in Washingt';n. the trip will be Dr. coolant • Adiust caster. 175170Rl3MXTE 55.95 195/60R14MXF 98.95 LT225/75R16 LTR 149. On Wednesday, President Jo­ allocations for health and education • Check for toe & camber 185/70Rl4MXTE 78.95 205/50R15MXF 129.95 LT245/75R16 LTR 159.'5 ing to police. Hamre's first official tour of U.S. issues such as odds schools, and possible leaks (when applicable) 11'. ' . · seph Estrada said he will allow • NOT INCWOED IN "BUY 3, GET 1 FREE" PROMO has apparently irked Rep. Heinz 1l1ere has been speculation that the military bases in Hawaii, Guam, the on going A-76 study along • Refill with new • Most cars coolant fonner Gen. Fabian Ver to return Hofschneiderwhoyesterdayclaimed victim, Maxima T. Manglona, 58, Japan. and Korea. with the Fen Lake watershed. to the Philippines after fleeing the there have been misappropriations in wa~ having a heart attack prior to the Dr. Hamre is in charge of the Governor Carl Gutierrez has country with Marcos at the height the proposed budget accident. everyday operations for Depart­ been asked by Underwood to par­ s599s of the 1986 "people power" re­ Hofschneider was questioning the But Police Capt Delbert Sablan ment of Defense, and is making ticipate in the discussion. volt that toppled the strongman. more than $1.7 million reduction in G-ZERO AR NITRO AR KONG yesterday said the autopsy report re­ 17 X B 15 X7 15 X 8 Estrada said Ver has to face appropriations for the Department of vealed that Manglona "died of bro­ YOKOHAMA MARSHAL MARSHAL TIRE TIRE TIRE charges in the Aug. 21, 1983 as­ Public Health, and the slashed $1.3 ken spine and ruptured heart. .. entry 215/40R17 225/60R15 225/60R15 Faisao wants of sassination of opposition leader millton off the Public School System "Her rib cage caved in- upon im­ TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL FINANCING FINANCING FINANCING BenignoAquinoJr .. who was shot budget for the next fiscal year. pac~ rupturing the heart, lacerating PRICE PRICE· PRICE· "I strongly object to the distribu­ Heinz Hofschneider Chinese put on 902 list s2,e9 2e S1986.43 S2.000 40 moments after he stepped off the her lungs and breaking her spine," 19.5% APR 19.5% APA 19 5% APA plane on his return from exile in tion of revenues in these two specific said Sablan, the Department of Pub­ By Aldwin R. Fajardo wealth, a lawmaker yesterday said / / / In the proposed budget, appropria­ AsLowAs "' As Low As the United States. agencies of the government I am not lic Safety's (DPS) traffic commander Variety News Staff the issue will be best addressed in tions for medical supplies have been 0372: The assassination triggered going to support the budget and I am Manglona, who resided at STRESSING the need to get the the Covenant Section 902 nego­ 8277 massive anti-Marcos protests that urging the members of the House trimmed down to $900,00J from the .PerMonth - Koblerville and worl

The Around the Islands section covers community stories, The Around the Islands section covers community stories, local events, and cultural activities. Should you have a local events, and cultural activities. Should you have a story you would like to share, or an event that needs to story you would like to share, or an event that needs to be covered, contact Laila at 234-6341 . be covered, contact Laila at 234-6341 'Pledge of allegiance' writing tilt Search for next Miss CNMI on By Haidee V. Eugenio ''Pledge of Allegiance to the Com­ tory and at the same time, it will THE SEARCH for the next Both women have proudly rep­ include a pre-pageant interview, formational packet at Marianas tion regarding the pageant are Variety News Staff mom;ealth" co;;,position contest. help them plan their future. i woman to represent the CNMI in resented the CNMI in various in­ a costume competition, a swim­ Variety, Liberty Plaza or Marianas advised to call Laila Younis, IT TOOK 20 years since the in­ The competition, said the reso­ "'This is one way that we educa­ , I the prestigious and internation­ ternational event, including the suit competition and a question Visitors Authority (MV A). NMBPA president at 234-6341 ception of the CNMI government lution, is open to all CNMI stu­ tors will know whattheyarethink­ I ally-renowned 1999 Miss Uni­ Miss Universe Pageant in Hawaii, and answer session. Deadline to submit applications or 234-9797. before the possibility of having a dents from grades 6 to 12. ing; their thoughts on their origin and verse Pageant has begun. Cheju World Island Festival in All interested women can is 5 p.m. on October 16, 1998. Questions may also be e-mailed Pled!.!c of Alle£iance to the Com­ "For 20 years ... there is no future," Inos told the Variety. The Northern Marianas Beauty Korea and the Buffaloes Festival pickup an application with an in- Those needing more informa- to [email protected]. mon::l'ealth is ~realized, after the sound, recognizableandhonorable The resolution stated that the com­ . Pageant Association has started in Japan. House of Representatives yester­ basis that the students and people of position should be written in either · accepting applicants forthose who The other contestants of last day passed House Resolution 11- English, ChamorroorCarolinian,and theCommonwealthcouldgiveproper wish to compete in the 1999 Miss year's pageant also graced num­ 80. recognition to the establishment of should reflect the flag and anthem of I CNMI Universe Pageant in Feb­ berof charitable events locally by House of Manhoben activities The said resolution. authored theCNMl the CNMI in political union with the ' ruary of next year. their attendance. By Louie C. Alonso Every Friday, the Pool program from August 21st to 23rd. by Rep. Rosiky F. Camacho. re­ United States of America," said the It also gives $300 cash prize for the I All eligible women on Saipan, Prerequisites for contestant eli­ Variety News Staff starts at l O am to 12 pm while The center is also open for quests the Public School System's resolution. srudent who will bag the first place in Rota, Tinian and the Northern Is­ gibility include (but not limited AFfER hosting the summer table tennis begins from 3 to 5 in other community or educational Board of Education to sponsor a Rosiky F. Camacho PSS Commissioner Rita H. Inos Rita H. /nos the composition contest; $200forthe l related-activities ofthe week and expressed her appreciation for the it is an opportunity for the stu­ second place; and $ I00 for the third lands are invited to step up to par to): youth programs last month, the the afternoon. GED classes starts may be used by any other inter­ passage of the resolution, saying dents to look back into their his- place. and proudly participate in this ex­ • Contestant must be between House of Manhoben has come from 5 to 7 in the evening and citing and rewarding experience. the ages of 18 and 27; up with a new schedule of ac­ volleyball from 5 to 8 in the evening. ested individualsorgroupswhose "WE LISTEN TO i; . ' Next year's pageant will mark • Contestant must have lived in tivities for the center this Au­ Bead making classes is from 10 in proposed programs and aims are OUR CLIENTS the 25th anniversary of the beauty the CNMI for two consecutive gust. the morning up to 12 noon on Satur­ consistentwi th theestablished goals Local managers attend workshop pageant, which promises to be years within the last eight years; The daily activities for the days. Computertrainingbeginsfrom of the center. SATISFACTION" one of the most spectacular local • Contestant must be a US citi­ center began yesterday include 12 to 4 in the afternoon and lutoring However, requests for the use of •E[ .,..ant a whole "] want a cozy events in the 20th Century. zen AND the table tennis, pool and bas­ from 10 in the morning to 4 in the the center's facilities must be re­ new package of come and visit our office at: almosphere in Last March, Helene Lizama was a) be of CNMI descent or ketball tutoring program. The . afternoon. ceived and approved by Karidat's kitchen room'' WALD RAI, CHUNG'S 81.DG., 1ST A.DOR our bedroom" crowned Miss 1998 NMI Uni­ b) be a permanent resident of programs are scheduled every The Camping activities for the executivedirectoratleasttwoweeks verse and Sonya Pangelinan was the CNMI. Mondays of the month. House ofManhoben is scheduled in advance. IONGYANG CARPET & BIF. FURNITURE named 1998 Ms. CNMI Interna­ The pageant competition will . ·. P.O.- Box 1568 CK, Saipan, MP 96950 · . tional. · ~-= (6701234-1361/3 •. Fax : (G!Dl 234-9857 ~ e-mail: mecblle@S,alpan.netpcLcom We offer: Guam calendar HOME FURNITURES.• KITCHEN FURNITURES• PVC Doors• PVC Tiles• Fabric and PVC Vertical/rk,rizontal Blinds (Manufactured on island) Residential ., and Commercial line of Carpets !()Qo/r. nylon • Outdoor carpets • Fabric Curtains • Commission to r Rattan Furnitures• Vinyl TIies • OFFICE FURNITURES • Partition Panels H 0 n g k 0 n g B a n k •Computer Desks/Tables • Computer Chairs• Office Chairs• Office Tahks • Office hold meetings Dnwers!Cabinets • Conference Tables 1 . The Commis_sion on B e t l h 0 l C e we al$0 provk:le$0rvie&s for carpet & furniture shampooing, car Yo u r s carpeting in$!allatlcn. "SOme stock are on Island, products Decolonization's Free Associa­ unsvaHabJa are subject 10 order wllhln 3o-45 days. ''/ just want tion Task Force will hold a meet­ I n B a n k 1 n g my chair to be ing today at 1:00p.m. in the Cabi­ net Conference Room at the . Governor's Complex at Adelup. For more information call 475- 9222. Local business managers recently participated in a process improvement workshop presented by Kerry McKinney of Asia-Pacific Management & Information Systems. From left, back row, are James Lizama The Commission on and George Cabrera, IT&E; Ellen Bermudes, National Office Supply; Mark Sasaki, F&B Manager, ELM'S Decolonization's Independence Inc. (front row, left to right) Leah Alfred, IT&E; Marissa Flores, marketing director, J & ELM Corp., and Task Force will hold a meeting on Melvin Tenorio, administrative assitant, IT&E. August 22 at 9:00 a.m. in the Cabinet Conference Room at the Governor's Complex at Adelup. Sanchez in 'Who's Who' list For more information call 475- PENSACOLA, Florida - 9222. RUFO Imperial Sanchez of Saipan. son of Mr. and Mrs. Debate tickets Romeo Sanchez of Chalan Kiy:i earned a Bachelor of Science go on sale degree in mechanical engineer­ Tickets forthe first round of Great DIS lAB HAS MOVED ••• ing. The commencement cer­ Debates atthe University of Guam emony was held at Pensacola will go on sale today from noon until 2:00 p.m. at a drive-through Christian College last May 7. Rufo was one of700 to whom tent in front of the Administration NOSTIC u.&)RATORY SERVICES, !Ne. I SAl:PAN degrees were granted. Building. Due to a shortage of seating, purchases will be limited IS N(~' LOC.,\TED AT He was also selected as one of the country's most outstanding to two to a person. campus leaders. His name will The Great De bates Part I are lsu1.~1J CoMMERCl,\L CENTER Bu11.mNc; A, 2r-,,·u F1.00R appear in the 1998-99 e.dition of slated for September 3rd at 7:00 i'.tmm.E koAD, GARAf'AN, SAIPAN Who's Who Among Students in Rufo Imperial Sanchez p.m. in the UOG Fine Arts The­ American Universities and Col­ ater. This round of debates will HongkongBank has been serving customers for more than 135 years. It is the 11:igship institution of the PHO:-;"F.: (670) 235-0233 leges. ing students from every state in feature the three Democratic Gu­ HSBC Group. one of the world's leading banking and financial services organizations. With more than Hou Rs: MoNDAY THRU fRIDAY 7:p ,\.M. - 4:p P.M. Pensacola Christian College the U.S. and over sixty foreign bernatorial candidates, Ada, 5 j()O offices in 81 countries and territories. Hongkong Bank is unmatched in its ability to respond to is a liberal arts college enroll- countries. customers' needs. both locally and intcrnationa!ly. SATURDAY TOO A.M. · 12:00 f'.M. Gutierrez and Santos. Pan II takes place October 30th at 7:00 p.m. Candidates from From checking acF.:"ounts to tcnn d('posits. telegraphic transfers to ATM c~trc.ls. HongkongBank":,; SVES Yellow Track will both parties will participate. compn:hcnsivc ran~c of banking and finand;.d services m,.:-c1 the highl'st international standards and fit Ticket sales for Part II will be your personal hanking needs. announced later. Tickets are begin session Monday For mon: information '-'.all 234-2468. or visit om new branch opening snon on Middle Road in priced at $1 O.CJO. j11u,fl:Lal ! THIS IS to inform parents and guardians of students attend­ Garap:111. ing San Vicente Elementary School that the Yellow Track will begin its session on Monday, August 24. Polluted water If children will eat breakfast at school, they need to be warning on Guam there by 7 a.m. ·n1e following beaches have been DIAGNOSTIC For more information, please call the school at 235-9485. LABORATORY c.leemec.l unsafe for swimming, SERVICES. INC. fishing anc.l wading: East Hagatna Bay and Padre Palomo Park, SAi PAN I IBUCKLE UP SAIPAN • I Confinued on page 38


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10-MARIANASVARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 21. 1998 FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 , 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VJEW~Jl Alleged pimp's assets may be seized Victims' rights group Olopai: Keep off Aghurubw site By Zaldy Dandan now go after her $40,000 unse­ at $50,000. helps out on Guam ntrcJ bail, the Variety learned. Wang is facing a maximum By Louie C. Alonso Variety News Staff By Maxine Hillary Reaching Out. VARO's mission SUPERIOR Court Associate Bellas has said that if Wang penalty of 60 years in jail. Variety News Staff Variety News Staff statement reads. " ... to not only re­ Judge Timothy H. Bellas has would no lon~cr return to the She was charged with six BARELY a week before the De­ HAGATNA-As the W,u·on Ice spond to all victims of violent crime partment of Public Lands an­ ..f--~~~ granted lawyer David A. CNMI, her as~,cts and proper­ counts of promoting prostitu­ SAIPAN ties here will be seized by the tion, including five first de­ Seminar goes into its last day, em­ and trauma but also to elevate the nounces the bidders for the Wiseman's motion to with­ phasis is placed on ice, what it does stature of women and children on draw as counsel to Linda government. gree counts, which involved Managaha Island concession, to the user, what can happen if one our island, those most often vic­ Asahi Join us at Kili Cafe & Terrace Wang, who is accused of pro­ - The court allowed Wang to threatening persons to com­ Representative Max "Timmo" is found with it and a variety of timized by physical and sexual moting prostitution and ille­ visit her ailing father in China mit prostitution. O!opai requested that the burial to enjoy Asahi BBQ Night other info1mation. abuse." gally withholding documents. due to her having substantial Wang owned the Linda place of · Carolinian Chief every Saturday starting August Ist. On a small table in the area just The part about victimization via BBQ Wiseman no longer has di­ investments on Saipan. House Karaoke & Gift Shop Aghurubw be left untouched once outside the break-away rooms, bro­ physical and sexual abuse stands as rect communication with She left on July 12 and has yet in Garapan. they win in the bidding. During the Asahi BBQ Night, chures and flyers entice passers by paramount in the se1vices VARO Wang, who is believed to be to return. Besides the 60 year jail "I believe that at one time, the our experienced Japanese Chefs to pay attention to the victims of offers. V ARO workers are dis­ Night still in China. "l guess she's throwing ev­ term, the maximum penalty Tasi Tours (present operator) tore will prepare exciting all you can eat crimes perpetrated by ice users and patched through a crisis interven­ The court has forfeited her erything:· a V aricty source said. for Wang's alleged offenses down the Utt from one place where Japanese Dinner Buffet including others. tion line where callers can call in 24 $10,000 cash bail, and the At­ Bellas has issued a bwch war­ includes over $110,000 in Chief Aghurubw was buried. That Sushi, Sashimi, Noodles, Lt. Josephine Fernandez of the hours a day. Max ''Timmo" 0/opai · torney General's Office wi II rant for her arrest. with bail set fines. is the very same place where at Shabu Shabu, Tempura station, V Guam Police Department heads up ARO can connect a battered Carolinians used to go to cel­ Island Trust Corporation pro­ BBQ and a lot more Japanese the Victims Assistance Unit, re­ woman with a shelter. medical, ebrate. That is the reason why I posal, the first bidder that was specialties together with cently re-named the "Erica and legal, psychological and financial want the sacred place of made into public, Olopai said he all you can sip Christina Victim's Assistance help and other resources she may Aghurubw to remain as it is. I is not in favor in the exclusive Asahi Super Dry Beers. Unit." need to disconnect with her abu­ want the tourists to come in the right of any business ventures to Says Fernandez, "Erica sive partner. V ARO goes as far as place in a respectful manner like operate in the island ofManagaha. (Crisostomo) and Christina (San to a~se11 to women in their infor­ Only $30.00 for Adults and when we are visiting our sacred ··1 want the Carolinian (com­ $15.00 for Children under 12 years. Nicolas) were both victims of mation just exactly what domestic tomb," Olopai said. munity) if there's a possibility to crimes perpetrated on them by fam­ violence is. Olopai advised the Carolinian change some rules and policies in Special thanks to: Club at the Hyatt cards welcome. ily members. "Are you Abused?" reads the people to place themselves both the winning bidder. According to Erica's father killed Erica and headline on the beige colored page. in the modem and traditional side. the constitution, the area is being her mother before turning the gun "Does the person you love criticize "We, the Carolinians are all reserved for the herb-al medicine on himself and Christina's father you for little things? Humiliate you squeezed up by the modem tech­ and cultural event. If the devel­ ~uht was charged with drowning her in front of others? Threaten or use . nology and society. And in order oper comes in and we don't con­ when he thought he might have a weapon against you?" for us to survive is to adapt our­ trol the sacred areas, it will be . ffiEITET/U /HOPPIOG CEnTER made her pregnant." Tne list goes on to include track­ selves into the modem world. We complete! y eradicated." Both of the highly publicized ing an individual's time, discour­ have to balance the traditional Olopai however, have high crimes spurred the Governor to re­ agingrelationships with friends and way of living and the modem hopes and regards to Carolinian Back to School Sale! name the unit after the two girls. family, accusing the woman of life," he added. representative in the Board of Fernandez' unit acts as a liaison being unfaithful. Other flyers talk However, he stressed that Caro­ Public Lands Louie Limes. between crime victims and those about how to get away from an linian Affairs Office should look "Limes is scrutinizing inch by who can help them out. "Our mis­ abusive relationship- what steps into all bidders and their propos­ inch the island of Managaha to be sion is to assist victims and family to take and how to help friends and als and see what things would developed and maintained at the members by providing informa­ 2010 off all clothes relatives who may be experiencing adversely affect the Carolinian same time. I am sure that he is tion. We 're a liaison between the at violence home. people and the whole NMI de­ doing his job as a representative Aagust 7th-31st police and other se,vice provid­ Fernandez says that her unit scent in general. of the Carolinian people," Olopai ers." She cites the example of a works often with VARO especially After reviewing the Managaha said. Lay-aways welcome! man who has lost a car to theft. in concealing the identities and I Garapan Location onlf:J. "When he calls to find out what's whereabouts of people who fear \R ~~~~!f.9f.$. going on with his case, we put him reprisals. MondatJ-Saturday 9am-9pm in touch with the unit investigating l11e increase in d111g use on is­ NMHC intensifies Sanday l0am-6pm 23q-S0¥0 the crime. But we are sho11 of land has kept both her unit and the manpower so sometimes it takes a · victim's agency busy. Ion£! time for the victim to !!et the "We've worked with over 216 collection efforts inf;rmation needed, so we a:sist in cases since March." Fernandez' unit to pay," she said. following up." andVAROalsoworkwithvictimsof The housing agency has no Femm1dez unit works closely sexual violence,eldcrabuseandother problem in its collection efforts with VARO or Victim Advocates c1imes on the island. because the tenants have been f"'------r\' very cooperative, said Ada, cit­ ing that NMHC has only an es­ (]_~-- I DOLi warns against timated $16,000 in unpaid rents from out of 177 tenants at the ®BJIDA\IMJ®mtl\OOID~I1ID.'ilWM~©!WJ1'.lf JRiffilru!)fflJEtmF~ Section 8 housing project. 'illegal wage policy' NMHC's accounting division ]'ht: Family Violence Task Force is plt.!H:iL.'d to present a CtH1frn:11cc t:ooc~rning 1..·/iilJ :1bus1..• :ind sl'\ri:il has been sending the billings to ;i ..;saull. The objectives of this conference arc: By Ferdie de Torre la collect back rents. from tenants That participants undcrsland their prokssio1wl role in child maltrt:.itmcnt (abuse and Vanety News Staff who have moved out from the neglect) and adult sexual :ibusc in relationship In other disdplim::s; THE DEPARTMENT of Lalxir Im­ Section 8 program. migration hw; wrn11ed a private fi1111 Marylou Ada "They (some tenants) are still 2. That participants understand the multi-disciplinary lnvcstigatinn team model (MDIT); $799!!!!* for allegculy p1~1ctising illegal wage owing NMHC money for their That r,articipants understand the sexual ;1husc response team (SA Rn model. Ferdie de la Torre payment pclicy to iLs employees. By share of their rentals. So we are :.\. That participants and community leaders can explore the application l1f the tnlllti­ Labor Hearing Officer I Icrbc11 D. Variety News Staff suing them to collect those un­ DOWN disciplinary model to their community. Soll ordc11.:d M,J ·n1ai Inc. to imme­ THE NORTHERN Marianas collected or unpaid outstanding -on any SENTRA diately coni:ct such payment policy Housing Corporation has inten­ '\ltc conference will trnin our caregivers. law cnfon.:cmcnt oflicers. and other supr1ort agencies 11\ how W 1998 NISSAN SENTRA obligations from the tenants who in connection with a labor complaint sified its collection efforts moved out," she said. effectively and appropriately deal with victims of child abuse and sexual abuse \Vhcn it docs irnppcn thrnugh the lilcd by Sunisa Bmnprakob. against delinquent housing ten­ Most of the delinquency now, follov.. ·ing topics: Soll. however. did not impose stUll'­ ants, according to NMHC direc­ Ada said, is attributed to tenants tion auainst MT!, but :Lskcd tl1c co111- tor Marylou Ada. who moved out and have un­ Medical Examinations and re\a1ed IOpics: p.u1y to 11.:main in compli:uicc or 1isk Ada said the NMHC staff are settled accounts with NMHC. Forensic Interviewing; w1 accelei·atcd penalty if lutu11.: viola­ more active now in collecting "Our housing specialists are .>. Child Protective Services (and related victim st:r\'i..:i.:s ); :md tions an: found. Herbert 0. Soll rents and engaging in meetings very much active in trying to 4. Law Enforcement and Pr0sct:llliun. Soll in rn1 ad111inisu·ativc order dis­ with ten(W-ts to stress the need in collect. And we are sending out missed 13oonprakob ·s complaint ·nic hc,uing oflicer said MT! dcm­ complying with the lease agree­ a message that if you do not rhe CNMl is involved in an on-going proct:ss or strL'ngthi.:ning nu, cnmmunit~i . ..:onnecting our famili,.:s against MT!, citing that the claim h,L, onstI~ttcd that tl1e lim1 is now in com­ ment. maintain your rental payment an d prutect111g· our cJ,·Jdrcn1 . lllcrcforc • the conference will als~· serve to inform !he puhlic of the realitic::- lir cccn satisfied. pli,mce with the legally re4uireJ -1998 NISSAN ALTIMA • On approved credit. NMHC staff have reminded then we will try to instigate ·1e­ child abuse and sexual assault. It is expected that CNMI leaders whom will lead the CNMI in the struggle to ·nic hc,u·ing W,Ls set I.L•;t /\ug. I:; at method of paying wages. the tenants to be good tenants by gal actions," said the corporate prevent sexual abuse and to ultimately crndicatc it in our islands \,.,ill be speaking :it this confen::ncc. We arc DOLi 's office. ·111e fo1111al proceed­ Boonprnkob w,L\ dccltucd eligible paying their rent regularly, said director. ing did not begin because the com­ for u~u1sfcr :uid Wi.L, given 30 days to Ada in an interview. One of the objectives of liv­ ~ncourag.ing all members of families and communities which have been touched by sexual abuse or ,,ho arc ,w JOETEN MOTOR COMPANY INC. 1:Qm plainm1L accepted the wage oflcr that come fo1wm·J with m1 employer. "It's another way of teaching ing in a public housing, Ada conccm1..·d about it to hear our leaders speak on Tucsd:1y, September Ol. I C)Qg at 8:00 am. at the S;1ip:-1n W,LS c;u·lie;· tcnde11.:d at the time of "Faillllc to u·,msfer shall cause the ~ AUTO SALES, PARTS & SERVICE ~ them that when you go out into said, is you have to be a good Diamond llotcl. Tel. 234-5562 to 5568, 235-5557, 235-5559 . . •• mediation. complainm1t to dep,u1 within three the real world and you rent a ~ tenant by abiding to the terms For morL' infonnation. plcaSL' call Michelle A. Sabl:m at 3~~- 7-169. Laura Post at J~J-6)7:=; cw Rose Firsc on Sai/)an! . EflJOY the nde. Soll said MTI admitted the days with the rcpauiation ticket now house or get a loan one of the and conditions of the lease agree­ investigator's dctcnnination alx1ut in the pcs,session of die Ci.L>C investi­ responsibilities is that you have ment. Pangelinan al 288-4 t02. improper method of payment. gator," Soll said.

. .. ~a .·. '[\ t, . ----~-~--~~_FRIDAY,_AUGUST 21, 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND viEWS-13 12-MARl:\N,\S V:\RIETY NEWS AND \'IE\VS-FRID,\Y- AUGUST 21. 1998 Villagomez to CPA. DEQ. DPW on dump: Decomissioning the USS Guam Deadline today: By Kelly Fitzpatrick proud name. 'No registration exten~ion Vane/)' News Stall In the c·arly I LJ](k ;1 gunbo:1t '.\'ORFOL"-. Y.-\-011 ,\ugus1 dc·plo1c·d ,m Chin:1,;' Yangtze 25th c1f this year. the N(1rt'l1lk Ri1·n 11:ischristencd the lJSS for Youth Congress vote' 'Get your acts together' Na, a I YanJ 11i 11 be the .,1 tc of the· (,uam. On Decemlier 7. 1941. By Jojo Dass the Department of Public Works "that CPA, DEQ, and DPW CPA to dump the rema1n111g JeCLlt11lllissioni11g of the am­ thi, ship fell i1110 mcmyhands By Haidee V. Eugenio tor. also said the voters' list will Variety News Staff (DPW) and Division of Envi­ should get together and see how 30,000 cubic yards at Puerto phibious ass:1ult ,hip. \ISS as .l apane:;e forces overran the Variety News Staff definitely increase on the last day TIMOTHY Villagomez, official ronmental Quality (DEQ) to get to resolve some of the imminent Rico. Guam. port city or Shanghai. DESPITE low participation of of registrations toda)'. of the Administration's task their acts together on the Puerto dangers right now that is facing "I am glad that CPA is realiz­ The Jenimmissioning will The absence ot'the islands' youths aged 14 to 21 . there wil I be She added that Mt. Carmel force on solid waste manage­ ing that there is no room for r•r,n ca hittc·1·swcct c1·c11t for hc1· 11a111c from the nal',Ji rolls was no exrension for the Youth Con­ School. the only school which Rico dump problem. Puerto Rico." ment, is asking the Common­ nc\\· ;111d for the· 111nrc•than 500 short-Ii, ed. £rcss registrations which ends to­ submitted a preliminary list to the "I still insist," said CPA has reportedly issued a dredged materials there (Puerto wealth Ports Authority (CPA), Villagomez in an interview, Rico)," said Villagomez. N:11 y :111d l\1:t1·inc I L'tcrans \\·ho Four yc'ars later anell' lJSS Jay. acc~rding to Rep. Ana Sablan Youth Congress Office. has close Request for Proposal ·(RFP) on co1nprisc The USS C,uam ASSLl­ C,uarn ,teamed into histo1·y. Ten:geyo. She added that all pro­ to a hundred registrants. The reg­ "It is creating a nightmare for c·ia1ion. This ti1ne. r;1thc'r than a small ceedings will push through as istrations at the No1them Marianas DPW," he added. DEQ has however said there During thirty-thn:e years of gunboat.she was the second larg­ planned. College is also a bit slow. with a sen icc. the USS Guam has been est b;1ttlccruiscrin the l 1.S. l'lcct The three-month voters· regis­ little over I 00 participants so far. Munson sets hearing date for are still no immediate plans for moving what have already been their home :mLlthc1r missions as when ii cntercdthe war in the tration started on May 21. Out of Teregeyo said the final list of dumped over the Puerto Rico to Lli1crsc as rcrnvering a Gemini South Pacific. the 2.500 expected registrants in registrants will be known next the Marpi site. space c1psulc to supporting Op­ She scrvcJ with Llistinction as theCNMl.preliminaryvoters' list week as soon as all the precincts Senate reapportionIIlent case •• I Concerns are mounting that, eration Desert Storm. the /\llicdForcesco111plctcd their shows only approximately 300 Ana S. Teregeyo and schools submit their list. in­ Timothy Villagomez with the onset of the typhoon First commissioneJ Janua1·y sweeps through the n:gion. cluding the Rota and Tinian pre­ eral court to strike out the pro­ cal process although they rep­ participants from the precinct and season, the dredged materials \ 6of 1965. chc Guam was named Today rumors persist that se­ tions will be held on September cincts. vision in the Covenant which resent the islands that account school levels. that have piled up at Puerto Rico in honor ofthei,\anJ anJ peopk creted away so111c1vherc aboard "'The end of the registration 21. The legislator is also optimistic gives Saipan. Rota and Tinian only IO percent of the CNMI the transport of some 90,000 cubic yards of dredged materi­ could cause mud slides. of Guam who fought alongside the current USSGu:1111 i, a "time period would be 30 days before "There are only 30 days be­ that last minute registrations in equal representation in the population. als to the Marpi landfill site. The CPA, according to DEQ, l'.S. st:1Yice personnd inGuam \ c·apsu lc .. fi I led with information the election so the deadline for the tween Aug. 21 and Sep. 21, and so the school level will boost the list Senate regardless of their re­ Saipan has the biggest popu­ These are part of some is taking measures to stabilize libcra1ion 1·rnm J:ip:111csc lmpe- on the hi stun oi'hcrpn:dcces,ors registration will be on the 21st. we need to move on. We need of registrants. spective population. lation among the three islands. Rayphand and Torres, Mitchell earlier pointed out 120,000 cubic yards of materi­ the dump 's slope in the hope 1 ial forces in 1944. and the hopes for hc1· future. We will not extend the registra­ time to prepare ourselves for the "The schools will be coming in that such could hold off a mud The Li,1 ofsewn \110-Jim:1 The only man who would tion ... Teregeyo told the Variety. elections," she said. with all their registrations next through counsel Ted Mitchel I, that the whole purpose of the als that the ports authority still slide. class ships 11;111wd for th<: great ha1·eh:nown l'nr sure was Cap­ Petitions for candidacy will be Rosemond Santos. Youth Con­ week. Some of the schools opened stated that voters from Saipan lawsuit is to try to correct the· needs to excavate from the These include placing boul­ ;1111phibiuus assaults of tain Norman L. Thurman. a na­ on September 14, while the elec- gress' acting programs coordina- up by middle of August so we're are denied equal protection imbalance that exists now be­ harbor's seabed. ders by the ,...... Stanley Torres, sued the Board maging miyembro ng GIG DISCOTHEQUE ',) (Includes Large size Fry and Medium size drink) of Elections. asking the fed- MEMBERSHIP CLUB. Bilang Miyembro, l Nutrition week •SSPEED ikaw ay magbabayad lamang ng $5.00 at Oleai School tuwing bibisita sa GIG DISCOTHEQUE at • AM/FM PREMIUM mayroon na itong kasamang DALAWANG OLEA! Elementary School will LIBRENG INUMIN. be having its Nutrition Week CASSETTE program slated on August 31. The opening ceremonies for • POWER WINDOWS Ano pa ang hinihintay mo! dalhin na ang the I st Annual Nutrition Week buong barkada sapagkat ang araw ng will start at 8 in the morning. • POWER LOCKS Linggo sa GIG DISCOTHEQUE ay para sa FOR ONLY Some dignitaries are expected mgaPINOY. to grace the event. • AIR CONDITIONING According to program coor­ $ 2.99 dinators, the event will be •ALLOY WHEELS marked with different student ENTRANCE activities and participation. :,~ l OES invite the public to join $5.oo $ 15 .995 less$ 2,400 dmrn ar I 3 .Yk apr Ji,r 48 mos. W /ALIEN ID /\, /',<~ and participate in the activity. •r•,:·;i"'/ {0~ -LCA J \,,y ....,; ');; With 2 complimentary drinks STORE HOURS; \-1iddlc Road: Sunday to Thursday • 6 AM to 12 PM LET US KEEP Friday to Saturday - OPEN 24 HOURS CNMI LITTER &. Garapan Express: Sunday to Saturday - 6 AM to Midnight II ".! L--ome/7 .2.1190'[ the 11.i~ht JjllE' FREE. ~ 'J Must be over 21 with photo ID to ente::r Have you had your break today?

iw, 14-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- AUGUST )J_,J_9_9JL ______-~---- _ FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-15 Stiffer fines for breaking lifeguard law Jeoe as well as the American By Haidee V. Eugenio fknavcllle anJ Senate Pres. Paul tourism sector. Study on pollution causes on R;d .Cross. YMCA. US Lifl!'­ Variety News Staff A. J\1an!!lo11,1. "An update on these old pro· . ' I By Jojo Dass tion of the land and we are go­ isms)," explained Burr. The drainage by the Dai Ichi on the cleanliness of the island's Af-TER si!!ni1w into law the The 1;cwly-cnaCLcd Public visions is needed to ensure that savers Association, Hawaii ·, Variety News Staff ing to do a couple of different Burr said DEQ will likewise Hotel, according to DEQ, has beaches, the Marianas Visitors "Life!!uard,Acl 'of I ':JLJX." CO\. Lt\\· l l-2Ga111cndsccnai11 pro­ all life!!uards are certified with State Life Guard •Association, THE DIVISION of Environ­ projects to try and solve the conduct a separate study in the failed to pass routine water Authority (MV A) and the Ho­ PcJro,P. TL'rn1rio has ,ilso sought Yi.,illns of thl' co11s1itu1io11. 11cwe1~ re4uirements and Ellis & Associates. Canadian !,, mental Quality (DEQ) is em­ pollution problem," said Burr. area by the drainage next to the quality tests more ,than ten par1icul,1rl~ the sc·c·tions ,111 !!Uidclines in their field of Lifeguard Society and Austra- tel Association of the North­ a higher penalty lor each 1·tola­ barking on a series of studies Another study, she said, in­ Dai Ichi Hotel "to figure out... ··J,ifc~uards on Be,1cl1i"ro111 ~vork ...... it said. 1ia Lifeguard Association. times in 1997 and this year. ern Mariana Islands (HANMI) t1011. meant to determine pollution volves the constructionofa wet­ the sources of pollution and the Burr s~id DEQ may have to have earlier announced plans "The nlt"rl'nt Jll'llalty is SI 00 :llld :11 Pools" which was en­ PL 11-26 also defines The s;id law also mandates sources at the island's beaches. land by the stream that runs contributors." station a staff there at night for each ,·iol;ition. which h:ts :tctcd durin>! the Trust Tcrri- "qualified lifeguard" as a per­ all hotels using swimming to seek audience with Gov. These, according· to Susan through the American Memo­ Burr said they will specifi­ "to see if anyone is dumping 1101 been incrcascJ sinc·c it bc­ 101"\' Administration. son who holds a certificate pools for commercial and rec­ Pedro P. Tenorio and ask him Burr, DEQ marine biologist, rial Park and empties out into c;i111e law during the -~·J:1ri:t1w Ji :tdded 1h,11 the old statute from organizations or agen­ reational purposes to employ cally look into the Garapan ''lift anything." to declare a state of emer­ include at least two projects in­ Micro Beach. Islands District LcgisL1turc." is :tlrl':tdl' outdated and no ci cs approved by the CNMI a qualified lifeguard_ station" to determine how often With concerns being raised gency. volving the area around the Mt. s,1id Tenorio in Iii:; IL'ttcr to longc·r 111~c:1s th,· need, or the rnvernmcnt to administer a It, however, said that a life­ "We are going to treat the run it fails to pump water and over­ Tapuchao watershed which runs House Spca~cr Diego T. CNJ\ll's dynamic. grnwing lifeguard training program. to guard need not be on duty dur­ off water before it gets to the flows. ing any period of the day so from Tanapag to the Quarter­ ocean by letting it settle and The station is supposed to s!Uarantcc that he or she is Pedro·P. Tenorio master Road in Garapan. then let the plants absorb some send drainage water into a treat­ Refrigerators ~1ualificd 10 save lives of per­ long as \Varning signs arc COMPUTER SERVICE AND SALES sons who arc in the water and pro~1inently placed, notifying "We are looking at that sec- of the (pollution causing organ- ment facility ·in Sadog Tasi. 100% Pure Customer potential users of the hours that Olopaf calls for. ·- · · Satisfaction! · ncct.l help. ., SOFTWARE ,.c_;:;?:_.,. .• These as!cncies inclut.le ei­ the pool iseithcropen or closed ~ompliance _ '.'.~=--~ "It Doesn't Get Any Better Than This ther the Pt;blic School System for swimmers, and that no life­ to .A.D.A. rules- UPGRADE -''"' or the Northern Marianas Col- guard is on duty. . - DEQ: Overhaul of Garapan's By Louie C. Alonso Variety News Staff ~t-M,EQA.byte __ Manibusan vow-s BARELY a week before the De­ drainage systein being eyed partment of Public Lands an­ By JoJo Dass always be a non-point source solve the problem... it will cost BEACH ROAD CHALAN LAOLAO (Next to Triple J Motors and CNMI Travel) nounces the bidders for the Phone 235-6111, Fax 235-6714 Variety News Staff pollution going to these drainage money," she added. "Solutions to expedi~e c3:se~ Managaha Island concession, SPECIALISTS are eyeing the ditches, then we are going to have are always pretty expensive." White moves to e;ect media from meeting, fails Representative Max "Timmo" possibility of having Garapan's to design the drainage ditches in a Officials concede that there Olopai requested that the burial drainage system overhauled to different manner so that it don't will always be the threat of that there are "a lot of plans for place of Carolinian Chief prevent waste water from spill­ shoot water right out to the ma­ pollution at Garapan's beaches the future." Aghu1ubw be left untouched once ing into the beaches, according rine environment," · said considering the area's high Among them. a dress code they win in the bidding. to the Division of Environmen­ Yuknavage. population density. pol icy forattomeys during court "I believe that at one ti me, the tal Quality (DEQ). She said such may include a Yuknavage has said Garapan hearings, the hiring of a law Tasi Tours (present operator) tore Such approach, DEQ Labora­ catchment basin through engi­ is "notorious" for sewage over­ librarian. and the Superior down the Utt from one place where tory Supervisor Kathy neering control. flows. Court's moving into Guma Chief A!!hurubw was buried. That Yuknavage however stressed, -Yuk:navage however said the Concerns are now being Hustisia, possibly in Novem­ is the ;ery same place where may only be applied if it is even­ measure is costly. raised by members of the tour­ ber, Manibusan said. Carolinians used to go to cel­ tually establi~hed that pollution "When you put an engineering ism industry on the state He said the planned reloca­ of ebrate. That is the reason why I source of the drainage ditches control, that's very expensiv,e," Saipan 's beaches. tion wi JI be a "long and tedious ..... - We want your business! want the sacred place of can not be determined accu­ said Yuknavage. Last week, David M. Sablan, Middle Road, Gualo Rai · process·· but the court "will do Aghurubw to remain as it is. I ..,..ii.. rately. "The Department of Public Board Chair of the Marianas everything" to expedite it. Michael White want the tourists to come in the "If we find... that there will Work will have to get money to Continued on page 38 At the same time, he added, place in a respectful manner like ~- 23.4:tRUENT. . By Zaldy Dandan lawyers should "bear with the Get "Two" Jumbo 4X6 Color when we are visiting our sacred Variety News Staff court" for the next two weeks tomb," Olopai said. Prints For the Price of One! SUPERIOR Court Presiding during which the calendar of Olopai advised the Carolinian Judge Edward Manibusan yes­ cases wi II be "set straight." people to place themselves both terday assured members of the During the meeting, it was in the modem and traditional side. local bar association that the announced that Rex Kosack, "We, the Carolinians are all court will be more efficient in Kevin Lynch and former lieu­ squeezed up by the modern tech­ the handling of cases and ap­ tenant governor Jesus C. Borja nology and society. And in order '. peals. and in issuing decisions. were elected to serve as the new for us to survive is to adapt our­ i' ,i Manibusan. who was the guest members of the disciplinary ' 1 selves into the modem world. We l speaker in the bar association's committee. have· to balance the traditional membership meeting. sait.l tht.!re The media. however, would SCHOOL BAGS/BACK PACK: way of living and the modem . JANSPORT, MEAD FIVE STAR, REEBOK, VICTORY, NATURA, Tel. No. 234-7353 won't be "a lot of changes" in not have been allowed to cover life," he added. the Superior Court. but added Continued on page 38 ASA and a lot more with disney characters. OFFER GOOD: AUGUST 14TH - 21ST, 1998 However, he str"c:sscd that Caro- NOTEBOOKS, FILLER PAPER • RING BINDERS· GLUES •CRAYONS· 1 RULERS , MARKERS, HIGHLITERS • SHEET PROTECTORS· SCIENTIFIC •li' ,:;-•' ,.,,,. ' inian Affairs Office should look into all bidders and their propos­ CALCULATORS , NOTEBOOKS COVER • FOLDERS· PIPE CLEANERS· DRAWING/MECHANICAL PENCILS· CONSTRUCTION PAPER • DICTIO­ r:; ~\ i[ T[ I' als and sec what things woult.l NARIES, INDEX CARDS· SHARPENERS· TABLETS· ERASERS• -...,0.1 ',,__)),,._ • J .L-t.1E;~ _., adversely affect the Carolinian 1st Price Gift Certificate Worth $200.00 ENVELOPES , PORTFOLIOS • ARTS & KRAFTS PRODUCTS • FOAM people and the whole NMI de­ 2nd Price Gift Certificate Worth $150.00 BOARDS , DRAWING PAPER , SKETCH PADS • BOND PAPERS • PENCIL ..._,,. Q A 1( Tf) j\ :-~ CASE, STICKY TACK, WATER COLORS • TEMPERA PAINT· MODELING 'J scent in general. Gift Certificate Worth $100_00 o.rj\ J JL- 11\l~ 3rd Price CLAYS , LEGAL PADS • DISKETTES • PROTRACTOR • COMPASS • PENS ' After reviewing the Managaha 4th Price Color T.V. 13" GLUES STICKS, ACTIVITY BOOKS ( COLORING BOOK)• LUNCH KIT WI LOWEST PRICES EVER Island Trust Corporation pro­ 5th-9th Price One Night Stay-in for two (2) at Saipan Ocean View INSULATED BOTTLE, ZIPPER BINDERS (NBA's, NFL's, NHL's, STARWARS, · Braces posal, the first bidder that was Hotel plus free breakfast at Royal Restaurant HARLEY DAVIDSON, SASSAFRAS) · Teeth Whitening mat.le into public. Olopai said he 10th Price Stand Fan · TeGth Cleaning is not in favor in the exclusive , Fillings right of any business ventures to HOW TO ,JOIN: · Denture Repair Every purchase of school & office supplies worth $20.00 , Extractions operate in the island ofManagaha. "I wallt the Carolinian (com­ You are entitled with one raffle ticket. · and other Dental needs Raffle Date September 18, 1998 (Friday) , Stateside Dentist munity) if there's a possibility to chang<: some rules and policies in Venue Modern Stationery · San Jose Call 235-3720 the winning biduer. According to Time 10:30 a.m. the conslitulion, the area is being Office, School supplies & Furniture t-cscrved for the herbal medicine TWO BRANCHES TO SERVE YOU and cultural event. Jr the devel­ oper comes in and we don't con­ SAN JOSE, BEACH ROAD, 234-6832 , Mon-Sat 8:00am-~:OOpm·Sunday 11:00am-5:00pm trol the sacred areas, it will be GARAPAN, BEACH ROAD , 234-6900 / 02 • Monday-Sunday 9:00am-9:00pm E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] completely eradicated." BEEPER NO. Sales Executive: Jun# 236-5614, Jaey # 236-5617 • Gigi 234-4648 Olopai however, have high ,,£1 Smile Saipan Dental Clinic hopes and regards to Carolinian r: representative in the Board of Pub­ i I offering lowest prices ever lic Lands Louie Limes. 1,:'' "Limes is scrutinizing inch by inch the island of Managaha to be .. ( developed and maintained at the ~~~~~0470 same time. I am sure that he is Fax: 288-3139 ~·-- 2nd Floor Morgen Bldg. I MICROLj doing his job as a reprcsenllltive of the Carolinian pcople,"Olopai said.

·~· ~-.-.--.··.··] '1 FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1998 MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-17 Audit faults Marshalls spending FSM's Nena next SPF head By Giff Johnson more than $27.CXXl: count, the audit reported. $100,CXXl), but"nopetty cash or bank and bank reconnciliations for petty PALIKIR (Pacnews)-The European Union, Peoples Republic and the United States. the main consultative vehicle for • $134.109 was spent on govern­ In addition, the audit said that the reconciliations were made available cash funds at Marshall Islands em­ For the Variety President of the Federated States of China, France, Republic of Korea, The Post Forum Dialogues, set for multi-lateral assistance between the ment work related to the Marshall Ministry of Finance did not have withrespecttoanyoftheseaccounts,'' bassies and consulates has been re­ Majuro - The Marshall Islands of Micronesia, Jacob Nena was Japan, Malaysia, Thursday and Friday next week are Forum and the nine Partners. adt(Juate control overpetty cash funds the audit reported. ported inauditseveiyyearsince 1993. government issuevo/l t ~ CNMI GOVERNOR'S DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES COUNCIL \ Three -tho1J_s.:;rrt T,-,('(e r,lf ot-or> System ofTechno!ogy-Related Assistance for Individuals wilh Disabilities · VEHICLE PRICE J i (STRAID) Assistive Technology Project 1987 Jeep Wrangler 4x4 (#3411 $9,405 l . aA,j,-_su.pi.Shi. ~otrrero rebefe ...... -·-·__,._....-..-.-=-·,,,_,11 . 1991 BMW 735i (#306) $22,825 In accordance to the '.'Open Government Act", the third CNMI Assistivc I . ,..,u- . ---- Technology (AT) Advisory Board Meeting will be held at the Office of 1995 I l;t:111de.i Sene.te. CL 1rn,, $10,911 .. ,ne1no, .. ·-.. -··-·-· the Aging Conference Room, Garapan on August 28, 1998, at 9:00 AM INVITATION FOR BID MANILA, Philippines (AP) - 1995 I l~t111de.i So11e.te. CLS 1m-0 $12,117 --·--VEHICLE PRICE i§Q:Mi4 to 12:00 PM_ Interested persons arc invited to attend. BID #ITB98-007 l .•. Philippine shares finished higher 1996 I l}t"Ji,aei Ae~er.t CL 14342) $9,415 '1 il.ilJ-1 • ~ 1991 M~:r:de. !ltP_lf ~l<:"4 '/6 1#3011 $18,9 H The CNM_I Public School_ System through the CNMI Procurement & Supply is soliciting for Thursday as investors continued buy­ AGENDA compet1t1ve_seoled b1dd1ng for !he renovation of Oleoi Elementary School restroom. Bids in 1996 I l~1:1ndai .A.eee1 ,t CL inn; $9,'415 1JI r@11 1993 M1tsub1sh1 Mirage ES (#J3s1 $8,385 dupl,cote w,tt be accepted at the CNMI Procurement & Supply Oftice situated al Lower ing stocks on the back of an advanc­ ~ 1 rm11 Bose. Srnpon. no loler !hon 2:00 pm .. September 04 .. 1998 ot which time. dote. ond place. all 1996 I I~ t:111dai Son ate. CL 1.m, $11 }58 - a 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse GS $16,355 l. A. Ca II to Order bids will be opened and read aloud. Any bids received ofter the aforementioned date ond ing peso and other i:egional curren­ time will not be accepted under any circumstances. 1996 I l~t:1nde.i Sene.ttt CL l#JJDJ $11,758 1995 Mitsubishi Eclipse RS r#J24J $14,415 B. Quorum Present cies, traders said. Preliminary figures showed the 1996 I l;tindai Sene.te. GLS 1mi, $13,825 Only 13 Cars 1995 Mit!1:1Bi~hi Ge~el'lt ES 1»2a9) $13,705 C. Adoption of Agenda A bond of 15_% ?f the total bid price must accompany the bid. This security maybe a certified check. cashier s check. bid bond or other forms acceptable by !he Public School Si,fem Philippine Stock Exchange index of 1997 I lyt:11 ,de.i So11e.te. CLS 1,m, $16,235 1995 ,vtit:,1:Je;:,h; 11,;,.et~e. /#294) s1 s 11 s D. Adoption of Minutes of Last Meeting mad_e payable fa t_he PSS Treasurer._ CNMI Public School System. 3rd floor of the Nauru l ft t h f 1 II. Amendments to by-laws Bu1 1d1ng. Susupe .. Srnpan. The bidder 1s requested to submit with his bid a copy of his/her 30 selected stocks .increased 26.34 1997 I ly 1:1nde.i Sene.te. CL 1»m1 $13,995 e o c oo.se rom · 199e Mit!!1:1Bi!!hi Mi~ht;· Ma)( 1»s20, s9:99s business license 1n compliance to the conlraclor·s registrolion and licensing law of the points, or l.9 percent, to 1,390.93 Ill. Update on AT Center MOU Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. 1997 I l;t:1ne!e.i So11e.te. CL ti2m $13,995 When they re gone 1996 Mitsubishi Montero ES (#314/ $21,755 IV. Lemon Law afyer gaining 41.42 points Wednes­ 199? 11; 1:1neni Sone.te. CL $13,995 SO are the rebates! 1996 Mitsubishi Montero ES 1m1; $21,755 V. Assistive Technology Advisory Board Training Bid documents are now available of the Public School System Procurement Office situated day. ,,i,s; on the 3rd floor of !he Nauru Byilding. Susupe. Saipon. A non refundable payment of $50.00 is 1,ffiJ 1~~7 /v'iitsubisl Ii 1¥1i1 age LS (E25J S12,935 VI. Fundamentals of Assistive Technology Training required_for each set. A pre-bid conference walk through will be held al 10:00 a.m .. August The broader All Shares Index 1997 I l;t11 ,dni "fib1:1re1, Fl( $15,"478 1m61 Vll. Miscellaneous 19. 1998, 1n front of !he Oleai Elementary School Administralion Office. Son Jose Village, Saipon. gaine

OIA clarifies on Pell grants BEACH SIDE FREELY Associated States The joint House-Senate con­ vail in the joint Senate-House (FAS) citizens studying in in­ ference is expected to iron out conference, but Congresswoman stitutions of higher education in the difference between the two Patsy Mink (D-Hl) and Delegate the FAS and Guam will con­ bills: there are several disagree­ Robert Underwood (D-GU), Island Fiesta Bldg. Susupe • Tel. 235-1492 • Fax 235-1493 •OPEN 7:30 AM - 9:00 PM Daily tinue this corning academic year ments that do not relate to the among others, have joined the to be eligible for Pell Grants. FAS. The ultimate passage of Clinton Administration in press­ We accept: [wSA J[ll!l_EJAP FOOD STAMPS • CNMI Senior c_itizens_piscount Card j Special Educational Opportu­ this legislation is widely expected. ing for the Senate version on the nity Grant (SEOGJ funds and It is not know which version question of FAS citizen eligi­ the College Work Study pro­ of the FAS language will pre- bility. grams. no matter which version PERIOD August 21 • 27 ~'.f-REJ:CH~ of the pending Higher Educa­ ~Your-Dolla·rs~ tion Act of 1998 is enacted. APPU member countries This was the clarification CERTIFIED ANGUS made by the Interior urged on fight vs crimes CERTIFIED ANGUS Department's Office of Insular CHILLED TOP SIRLOIN CHILLED TOP ROUND NUKU'ALOFA (Pacnews)-Tonga has called on member Affairs in light of the questions WHOLE PIECE ONLY raised over the program's avail­ Patsy Mink Robert Underwood countries of the Asian Pacific Parliamentary Union to cooperate WHOLE PIECE ONLY and tackle international crimes, such as drug trafficking and ability. Tasie the difference There has lately been some grams at the FAS and Guam were to prevail, regarding eligi­ money laundering. $~. ~~ !~@. confusion regarding the extent institutions in the fall of 2001. bility at CNMI, Hawaii and The is one of Tonga's resolutions to be presented to the APPU wm~~ Call 235-1492 for Special Cuts to which Freely Associated and would end the eligibility of Mainland institutions, presum­ council meeting which started today in the northern island of CUT 'fO OfflJP)~~ ~trl~f 8 AM to a.PM (Gilbert· Nestor or Martin) States (FAS) citizens studying FAS citizens studying in the ably Pell Grants and similar Vava'u. The people's repre~entative for Vava'u Samiu Vaipulu says at institutions of higher educa­ CNMI, Hawaii and the Main­ benefits already awarded for the TYSON FROZEN CERTIFIED ANGUS FROZEN tion will be eligible for U.S. land on the effective date of the 1998-1999 academic year (at the the Tongan delegation would seek monetary and technical educational benefits; some of law, presumably later this year. time of the effective date of the assistance from Asian countries to build up efforts to counter BONELESS SKINLESS CHILLED TENDERLOIN BANGUS the confusion stemmed from a The Senate version of the bill law) would not be affected. these problems. CHICKEN THIGHS WHOLE PIECE ONLY (MILKFISH) previous OIA press release. would preserve FAS citizen eli­ Both bills have been passed Vaipulu says Tonga and other Pacific island states are vulner­ able to the influence of drug traffickers and money launders. The House of Representatives gibility for these programs just in their respective houses, and 1>;!'~f~c\ \Y,;'I ~·'"'·H'. (;f;~ ffffii?11 UL\,, a version of the law (HB6) would as they are at the present. will be subject to a conference He says the meeting will consider this request, as well as offer i!) rJ 'Q/j, ..g end eligibility for these pro- Even if the House version in September. their assistance and expertise in tackling these crimes.


23J'"COOL TRH REBRTE SRLE APIA (Pacnews)-The World THE FIRST ONE, BEST ONE IN AIR CONDITIONING Health Organisation has pro­ vided US$5-thousand towards U.S. PAUL'S MILK Spend your much awaited efforts to improve the water sup­ \' SWEETCORN REGULAR 0 SK1M0 TR\M · rebate checks on o_u~ ply system on Samoa's Savaii tow priced aircond1t1oners ... island. cr.2;i The island is reported to be =~'< facing water shortage due to the ~ I___. prolonged drought. :1---- The financial assistance was := donated to Samoan government 'I . officials early this week by the U.S. FAN COIL -UNIT I~) WHO's Regional Director for • 5000 BTU 110V s319.00 .. i~. (' the Western Pacific Region, VALENCIA ' Doctor San Han. ' 0 5 ORANGES I 7200 BTU 110V 389.00 • 11500 BTU 110V 5569.00 During his visit, Doctor Han met government officials and • 24500 BTU 220V ss59.00 also visited some health projects. I Split Units {High Wall) FREE ESTIMATES!! Business training U.S. workshop in Apia FREE BASIC INSTALLATIONS!! BROCCOLI • APIA (Pacnews)-A proper CROWNS (Pad, Bracket, disconnect not included) business plan is being estab­ lished to enable small business entrepreneurs operate their busi­ ,- 5 @@{J ~~~ . \ • 9000 BTU 1,000.00 ness according to planned goals ~iil) •~- l ; (110 V) and objectives. Participants from the private • 13500 BTU $1,239.00 sector are currently attending a BETTER BUY U.S. Wireless U.S. MEDIUM • 18000 BTU $1,700.00 business training workshop in SLICED CHEESE Remote the Samoan capital, Apia to YELLOW Control • 25000 BTU s1,899.00 improve their business manage­ ONION'S ment skills. Afro l!vail«Mc: CONDENSING UNIT They will also identify viable bu sines opportunities, assess the * Floor Mount various markets, and plan their * Slim Package financial activities. The week long workshop is a • 30000 BTU JUST AiUFUVED fir©)m U.S~ series of programmes conducted WONDER BAKERY white bread , 1. 79 16 oz. -., • 36000 BTU by the Small Business Enter­ wheat bread 'J. 79 16 oz. • 42000 BTU The Carrier Man Can prise Centre. english muffins '2.-+9 12 oz. hamburg rolls '2.-+9 16 oz. deli rolls '2.4') 12 oz. CARRIER GUAM, INC. MIODlEROAO rye bread '2.99 32 oz. Saipan Branch • Middle Road, Gualo Rai D D french bread '2.99 32 oz. Phone: 234-8330 • 234-8337 • Fax: 234-8347 · · JRS hot dog rolls 12 oz. E-mail: [email protected] SAIPAN COCKPIT HANS '····- . - - .. - - . - - - - . . .. - ..... - - -- - ··------. -- - - .... - FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 , 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-21 20-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- AUGUST 21 , 1998 Economic officials: ~~-· Elsewhere in the Pacific · Faleom.avaega is up Little chance of Botched illegal entry to Japan Am.erican Sam.oan governor for r~election again PAGO PAGO (Pacnews)­ deflation ill Japan American Samoa's Congressman, TOKYO (AP) -Two Japanese sumption in a dangerous cycle. told: 'Quit or be im.peached' Faleomavaega Eni Hunkin has of­ economic officials on Wednes­ Also speaking in Parliament, PAGO PAGO (Pacnews)­ mittee to show that the governor $US150,000 that was paid to the ficially declared his intention to day downplayed fears that the re­ · Bankof Japan Governor Masaru There 's been a call for American misappropriated government governor and his wife between run for re-election to the United cession-bound country was Hayami also said that the J apa­ Samoa's governor Tauese Sunia funds and abused his authority as January 1997 and July of this year, States House of Representatives headed towards a devastating nese economy will likely avoid to resign from office or face im­ chief executive. is evidence that the governor misap­ in the November general elec­ round of deflation. falling into a deflationary spiral. peachment. Muavaefaatasi pointed to the propriated funds and is using the of­ tions. The head ofJapan's Economic "As the impact of the govern­ The call comes from $US I 0,000 that Mr Sunia col­ fice of the governor for his personal The congressman announced Planning Agency, Tai chi Sakai ya, ment economic package begins Ma 'uputasi Representative lected from fuel tax revenues last gain. his intention in a radio announce­ said prices may drop, but the trend to be felt, ... the risk ofa deflation­ Muavaefaatasi AeAeJr. who says year to pay his personal credit The $1 O,CXXl which the governor ment yesterday. was not out of control. ary spiral will likely be avoided," · there's enough evidence gathered card. used to pay his credit card has since He says he would like to con­ "I can't say there is no risk at all Hayami said, referring to pro­ by the House Investigative Com- He also noted the almost been paid back by him to Treasury. tinue to serve the people of Ameri­ of deflation, but the economy isn't posed tax-cuts and spending mea­ can Samoa and represent their in a deflationary spiral now," he sures aimed at spurring consump­ interests in the nation's capital. Fa/eomavaega Eni Hunkin told Parliament. tion. • Solomons asks war wreck clean-up Faleomavaega, who is serving. Some economists fear that stag­ Sakaiya also said the govern­ • )\ his fifth term, as American first candidate to announce his nant consumption in Japan could ment should not prop up stock HONIARA (Pacnews)­ affected by anti-personnel land He said the declaration should Samoa's non voting delegate to candidacy for the congressional lead to price slashing. That in tum and land prices. ft Solomon Islands has requested mines. be expanded to recognize coun­ the United States Congress, is the seat. could reduce production, bring "It's undesirable, considering a world conference that the clean The request was made by the tries such asSolomon Islands layoffs and further depress con- the working of the free market up of World War Two wreckage Minister of State, Alfred Sasako where war relics are threatening economy, to intentionally and as Police and Maritime Safety Agency officers crowd around a blue sheet-covered container in which eight be included in its final declara­ at the World Conference of Min­ Chinese were found dead of dehydration and other eight hiding at Tokyo's Oi Pier Monday. Sixteen to pollute its environment and stock prices to rise," he said.a tion. isters Responsible for Youth held marine resources. Vanuatu to host annual · 11 kids fall sick stowaways were in the container aboard the 2,900-ton Goldrich River, a freighter which left Chinese port matter of policy cause land and of Dalien Thursday. AP The Declaration calls for pro­ recently in Portugal. The World Conference ended after eating at · moting humanitarian activities Sasako said the declaration is without adopting what was to ombudsman conference aimed at banning land mines and too narrow and does not take into have been known as the Lisbon McDonald's PORT VILA (Pacnews)­ Delegates are arriving from Aus­ increasing awareness among account the threat to the environ­ Declaration after objections by in. Singapore Vanuatu will host the 17th annual tralia, New Zealand, Hong Kong, children and youth in countries ment from relics of other wars. Germany and the United States. AustralasianandPacificombudsman Pakistan, Solomon Islands, Papua SINGAPORE (AP) - Eleven region conference to begin in Port New Guinea, Fiji, Macau and Japan. children came down with food Vila from August 23-26. Delegates from Niue, Tonga and ·poisoning after eating at a .Hosted and chaired by Vanuatu' s Tuvalu will attend as observers. McDonald's restaurant in ombudsman, the conference will The conference funding is being Singapore, a newspaper reported PORT VILA (Pacnews)-The of introduction to prime minister Kalpokas told Mr Garcia that focuss on the theme 'Toe Role of the assisted by the Foreign and Com­ Wednesday. United Nations Development Donald Kalpokas today says that Vanuaru is very grateful to UNDP Ombudsman irt Furthering the Prin­ monwealµi Office Human Rights About 130 students of Programme's new regional rep­ together with the International and other UN agencies, both for ciples of Good Governance and Cur­ ProjectFundthroughtheBritishHigh Singapore's Khen Cheng Primary resentative, Romulo Garcia says Labour Organisation, UNDP is their assistance regionally and tailing Mal-administration and Cor­ Commission in Port Vila School on Tuesday had lunch at a UNDP's pleased to be spearhead­ engaged in certain alternative to Vanuatu. ruption." The observer delegates will be McDonald's, after a trip to ing the governance programme in employment training Garcia who's based in Suva, The conference will also discuss partly funded by the Papua New Singapore's East Coast Park, The Vanuatu. programmes in different coun­ replaces former UN regional some human rights issues within the Guinea office of Friedrich Ebert Straits Times said. Garcia who presented his letter tries. representative Somsey Norindr. region. Stiftung. An hour after a meal of french • CE fries and burgers, seven girls and four boys complained of stomach •LE pain and vomiting. They were C.... ldrtl/J}ilifn._·... ·..· .. ·. }/1jy /. .. /' .. /!·.·.···· taken to a hospital, and released ·_:w.. •XLE T o5hibo /\ir Conditioner to home care several hours later. McDonald's director of opera­ /\5 Gentle /\5 Mother Nature tions, Davy Wee, said the com­ pany is investigating this "iso­ lated incident," The Straits Times said. RIBATI Troubled firm has its ships stranded in Asia ···--­------·- t SINGAPORE (AP) - Five ships 4 CYL SR-5 ° V-6 SR-5 i of a financially troubled Singapore 1: company have been strnnded in ports t 12,600 BTU in Japan, India and Indonesia, unable i to pay salaries or pon duties, a news­ ·,, ------...... / 8 --,. paper reported Wednesday. )-- 1,195 ----·~~ The vessels belonging to Thon Soon Shipping have been detained. with Basic Installation some since June, over disputes over •2DR cargo, unpaid crew salaries and repair and port bills, Tiie Strait, Times said. •4DR ThetroublesfortheSingaporeship­ ping fam started last May when it, •SOFT parent company, Thong Soon Hold­ ing, was reported to have debts ex­ TOP 24000BTU~~ ceeding 55 million Singapore dollars J.KEE I ($32 million), while its net assets Rice Cooker or Oven Toaster were estimated at less than 30 million for every purchase of Singapore dollars ($17 million).

Split Air Condition •.• , .• ! The company's appeal last May ~' ~-5~ -····· I for protection from creditors was 1e­ t jected, leaving the fate of five of it, f: Pairere #1 r·1,. ships uncertain. u The number of crew members on f1 • Financing Available In Touch with Tomorrow board and their nationalities rue un­ • Free Estimates known, the Straits Times said. !1 AtthecomerofBeachRoad& • Other Model also on Sale The Mru-itime and Port Authority Microl Corporation ~ ' Chalan Mnsr. Guerrero in San Jose. "1 Tel. No. 234-9380 TOSHIBA of Singapore has been involved in 234-7452 Pacific Home Appliances Corp. negotiations among the ship owner, tl -;:;:~ An Inchcape Motors Company Call us at 234-5911 or fax us at 234-6514 t local port authorities, cargo owners Fax: 234-9719 =~~, ... =;~Z-----~-p~··c.·7·-;;::-:::•. -..,...... -,-:·=.-7... ~:.-:::;· ....!~CZ~:""':~··-,.-·- ·------~~-:.::;;::;---.-~-. ·:c:?c·--,---:-··1--··-N ·,·-· ,- ·:z;-~.------~·~---~":"":~..,-·. ---:-':-~w;i:.,..,.....;,::-· ..... ,"':""" ...... _•. ,.... -~~r~:s:::!i:.J Exclusive Importer & Distributor of TOSHIBA AIR CONDITIONER and crew. l. FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 , 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-23


\ ,, U.S. BEEF ',, SHORT ! RIBS U.S. WHOLE _JJ FRYERS ·i'.;;., 30 LBS. CASE 1 (Limit 2 Cs.) f;01 0 f 1 REMINGTON ~1 ,01 - I .410 BORE AUTO ![1' ,~1fl/ SEA BLEND LOADING Ir f~J IMITATION SHOTGUN ,fj f ~ j CRAB MEAT 25" BARREL MOD. !Ji CHOKE VENT RIB l f e01 I LQJPKG. t f; M !(tlti:ff;:>:\ 'II f Gj 1 (:: f '.:'· t\ !Ji r< ,rl r' 1 ( ,-rl (') i,~ ::/ ,,: 'i 11·1 •. , I \' , , ,) \j I/ £ I ~ ~ i ,.: ',~~-<:~.. ;~~ :.~. ,'/~: :>·· i'/ lJ I 1 ,.,;·,, NORTHERN ,,i EARLY DAWN JUMBO PACK SANYO REMINGTON \\ ~ \~ VEGETABLE )"•. 1 NAPKINS .410 BORE PUMP t"J 2HEAD I 'c ORIENTEX OIL, 35 LBS. 250 CT. ACTION ,-: VIDEO i'' BRAND 11 SHOTGUN \.\ LUMPIA CASSETTcc2· 25" BARREL MOD. t'.; WRAPPER VHRM11 CHOKE OR FULL ; oi 11 OZJ PKG. FARMLAND U.S. FROZEN CHOKE VENT RIB 'tl ~\!.I ~ '- _: PULLMAN HAM SQUID ti ~.) .; WHITE RAIN ;1 10 LBS. CAN 3 LBS. ex. CREST . SOFTSOAP .. TANCHO ,,;) );i CONDITIONER ~ ·, ·, TOOTHPASTE HAND LIQUID HAIR TONIC j, 1 240 ML 15 oz. · f' 6.4 oz. . SOAP, 7 .5 OZ. ;;_1 SAPPORO id ICHIBAN, REMINGTON 1t\ RAMEN 22 CALIBER I\ U.S. NAPA 24/3.5 oz. CABBAGE BOLT ACTION ANY FLAVOR RIFLE \11 ----··-----· rl ... L•. • ll I.: Ii[ :\\ ______}/,;,--,".'.'.i

NEW ZEALAND PRESTO HOT AIR YELLOW HAFA ADAI POPCORN POPPER ONION ORIENTEX BRAND BAKERY c:..:~ -- ~---'.:·----- ·.---. ·: ____ =:·· ---.- ---·-·--_------·-··-·-···------·------.-- ... ·- ·--~~------· PORK AND CHICKEN TOCINO POTATO BREAD 14 oz. 18 oz.

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FRIDAY, AUGUST. 21 , 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-25 Japan opposition vow flexibility on reform by Prime Minister Keizo enough. TOKYO (AP) - A top offi­ At the center of the Obuchi 's government aimed cial of Japan's largest opposi­ government's banking plan is at cleaning up Japan's mas­ tion party offered Wednesday a "bridge bank" proposal to to be flexible on crucial finan­ sive bad loan problem. The opposition, however, allow the government to use SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: Cigarette cial reform legislation - but public funds to take over failed only if the ruling party makes has threatened to block the Smoke Contains Carbon Monoxide. measures unless they are banks and keep them lending concessions first. to healthy corporate custom­ strengthened. Yukio Hatoyama, deputy ers for up to five years while secretary general of the Demo­ Hatoyama said that the gov­ ernment did not s·eem to be buyers for the institutions . cratic Party of Japan, urged were sought. the ruling Liberal Democratic headed for stronger measures to clear up the banking mess, The opposition's plan is Party to be more aggressive similar, but the Democratic on financial system restruc­ pointing to comments by Fi­ nance Minister Kiichi Party says it would be faster turing. and more aggressive in clos­ In a luncheon speech, Miyazawa that he would not allow any of Japan's top 19 ing insolvent banks. Hatoyama called for deeper Hatoyamaoffered the DPJ's disclosure of bank finances banks to fail. '"It is clear that the LDP, the plan of temporarily national­ and penalizing managers of izing failed banks as a more failed financial institutions for Finance Ministry and banks continue to maintain their se­ stable alternative to the missteps. government's proposal. "When and if the govern­ cretive system," Hatoyama ment shows flexibility in said. Thai Ce.ntral Bank adopting all of the above in Debate on the six financial principle, I believe the DPJ bills being discussed in par­ to settle debts will adopt a flexible re­ liament has been rancorous in by· this month sponse," Hatoyama said. recent days, as the opposition Parliament is now consider­ party has stuck by its stance BANGKOK, Thailand (AP) ing a package of bills proposed that the bills don't go far - The Bank of Thailand will settle by the end of August the last $1 billion of offshore debt it accumulated during last year's failed defense of the country's currency, the cen­ tral bank governor said Wednesday. The previous central bank

administration squandered I I. nearly all of the country's for­ I eign reserves defending the currency, the baht, from re­ peated attacks by speculators. That forced the government to unmoor the baht from its fixed exchange rate and let it float, a de facto devaluation. The move touched off a re­ gional economic crisis and forced Thailand to accept a $17.2 billion rescue package REGULAR TREATED from the International Mon­ 5.85 etary Fund. 2.x4x12 4.80 As of Aug. 7, the central 2x4x14 5.65 6.95 28" X 8' 7.50 bank still had $11.3 billion in 28" M HJ' 9.50 forward obligations, most in 2x4x16 6.50 7.95 onshore markets, out of more 11.50 2x4x18 7.30 8.95 28" X 12' than $23 billion built up in the 32" X 8' 9.25 failed defense of the baht. 2x4x20 7.80 9.70 The baht has dropped 37.8 11.00 32" X 10' 11.30 percent against the dollar since 2x6x12 8.25 32" X 12' 13.25 the central bank abandoned a 14.25 20GL s220.oo basket-pegged exchange 2x6x16 12.00 mechanism on July 2 last year. 2x6x20 14.00 16.75 30GL S240.0D The news helped the baht rise on Wednesday. Other fac­ 2.x8x12 13.50 15.50 40GL S260.00 tors that pushed the baht 2.x8x16 18.50 2.0.25 higher were the Japanese yen's rise against the dollar, and a 2x8x20 22..50 24.25 statement by Standard and Poor's credit rating agency. Standard and Poor's voiced Solid core support for the government's financial sector restructuring LOAD CENTER, 1DOA Bsp 25.00 40.00 plan, and affirmed ratings on five state-owned or state-re­ AUTO WATER PUMP 1/2HP S150.00 32" 29.00 43.00 lated institutions affected by the plan, dealers said. OTHER ELECTIIICAL ITEM, 20% OFF! _~-- -~~~ _ .__3_6" _3_2.0_0 _45_.00___J· At 11 :58 a.m. (0358 GMT), ~-- - the baht was trading at 41.59 to the dollar, up from 41.72 to Strong delivery to anywhere on the island, even Marpi & Bird Island! the dollar at the close of Asian trading Tuesday. Your best choice: GUANGDONG HARDWARE!!! DO YOU HAVE $200 TO THROW AWAY? WHE'rHER YOU ARE WALKING, DRIVING, SAILING, OR FL YING. LIITTRING IS ILLEGAL IN THE CNMI. f ·~· FRIQ~'i', AUGUST 21, 1998-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-27 10 political prisoners UN report on Cambodia: freed in East 1imor Polls niarred by threats Wednesday's clemency left DILi, Indonesia (AP) -The tentiary in East Timor's capi­ 89 political prisoners remain­ PHNOM PENH, Cambodia tion, but lacks the two-thirds Ranariddh and Sam Rai nsy, after Hun Sen ousted Indonesian government on tal of Dili. ing in jails in East Timor, (AP) - Scores of opposition have refused to join a new gov­ Ranariddh as his co-premier Wednesday freed ten East They were released in acer­ majority required to form a members have been threatened government and is seeking al­ ernment until their claims that in a violent coup. At least I 00 Timorese political prisoners emony attended by the city's Hendrik said. On or attacked by Cambodian lies among the opposition. Hun Sen won by massive fraud of the prince's supporters were as part of an annual clemency military chief Lt. Col. Endar Independence Day on killed by Hun Sen's forces in to mark the country's inde­ Priyanto and chief prosecutor Monday the government re­ strongman Hun Sen 's forces The main opposition parties, are investigated. since last month's elections, led by Prince Norodom The elections came a year the months that followed. pendence day. Musalolo Hendrik. leased 17 East Timorese pris­ The ten were democracy ac­ Pedro Da Luis, Moises oners and reduced the terms but there have been no con­ firmed political killings, a tivists who had been jailed for Freitas Moreira and Marcelino of 220 others. seeking independence for East Fragan were released from a The 1976 annexation of East U.N. report said Wednesday. The U.N. 's special represen­ Timor, a former Portuguese prison in the coastal town of Timor occurred a year after tative for human rights in colony that was annexed by Baucau, east of Dili, Hendrik Indonesian troops intervened in a Cambodia said in the seven­ Indonesia in l 976. said. civil war that broke out during the page report that victims allied Five of the prisoners - Two other inmates - last days of Portuguese colonial with the opposition have been David Dias Ximenes, Salva­ Manuel Da Silva and Aleixo rule. threatened at gunpoint, had Hun Sen dor Da Silva, Gaspar Da Silva, S. Corterial - were released The United Nations, however, shots fired over their heads Boby Xaview Luis Pereira - from the Ermera prison, he still consider Portugal the gov­ Post-election intimidation and been beaten. had been held in Becera peni- said erning power of the territory. "appears to have been ... the But the report stated that the reassertion by local authori­ U.N. Human Rights Center ties of their authority and "has not received a single re­ power after days of pre-elec­ CARS Australia backs release of Gusmao port of killing showing pos­ 1994 LF\l S i.\41111 AB0-581 tion uncertainty, as well as a AAZ-446 ated settlement to end conflict text of a process of reconcili­ !9~M Uli•:\. /.l .\!!.\.\ By ALAN THORNHILL sible political motives since warning to their rivals in the j()90 ~.!E1H.TDf·:S 3U'J ~·;EL AAV-412 CANBERRA, Australia (AP) in the disputed territory, For­ ation and settlement in East the election" and most acts of community that they are now Jt)9l C \!lll.L.\l. !JE\11.U. AAV-759 - Australia backs the release eign Minister Alexander Timor," Downer said in an ad­ intimidation appear to have more vulnerable than ever." J99i In JU, U:\Tl' [{\ ABA-217 ABK-509 by Indonesia of jailed East Downer said Wednesday. dress to a human rights con­ been initiated at a local level. Hun Sen's appeal.Aug. 2 for 1992 C'RESSJD .\ !99~ C.\\IRY U: ABA-534 An East Timorese student wearing cloths with the words "referendum" Timor independence leader "We would favor the release ference. In contrast, the office re­ wrapped around h;s head and face protests in front of the United his supporters to refrain from 1994 C·I.\IRY LE AB0-901 of Xanana Gusmao in the con- "Australia recognizes that ABH-492 Nations office in Jakarta Friday. r.P Xanana Gusmao and a negoti- corded at least 30 deaths al­ retribution was followed by a 1992 CA\IRY XL,·: Xanana Gusmao has a central leged to be political killings large drop in threats and other 1')92 CA.\lRY AAS-620 role in the. resolution of ·the in the weeks that led up to the 1992 (:.\'\!RY LE AAW-196 acts of intimidation, the re­ lY91 ( .A\IRY ABB-471 East Tirnor issue." parliamentary elections July port said. 1989 C.\\iRY \\.\<;O\ ABK-495 .~S•iJ5 Gusmao was arrested in 26. There was only enough Hun Sen 's ruling Cambo­ 1993 COROLL\ ABG-641 359:' 1992 for fighting against In­ evidence to support claims for dian People's Party won a 1995 CORO!.!,\ WC'\. ABT-252 donesian control of East 1991 COROLLA W(;'.\. ABF-681 about six to be considered slight majority in National ABC-786 Timor. Under former Presi­ 1996 CEUCA 11995 ir~RRACE RESTAURANT political. Assembly seats in the elec- 19'11 CE!.IL\ ST ABA-321 69').'.\ dent Suharto, Indonesia in­ 1995 TERCEi. ABE-255 vaded the former Portuguese 1997 l!O:'\ll ., CJ t"fC ABL-133 J ] ~)IJ;.7. colony in 1975 and annexed it j(JtJ6 HO'\lll.( I\H ABB-977 l)<)l)_::. Unknown illness kills 5 19 1)1 \i ..\./!}.,\ J.?J ABK-083 2:.Hj.:­ a year later. 1991 \L\\!\i\ AAU-688 Y)l)3 Australia is the only coun­ HANOI, Vietnam (AP) - A mysterious illness that kills 199() snL\Rl i.OY\U: AAM-328 (JI):, try to recognize Indonesian within four to 12 hours of the first symptoms has claimed five 1q93 HYl'.~H.-\l St'.~TL'L\ AAY-250 ~--~()5 Downer said Australia sup­ Hoang Xuan Loe, chief of Nghi Quang village, said four i99J ABN-331 ported a process of dialogue people between the ages of 51 and 73 died Friday of the same TRUCKS symptoms. and reconciliation between the C98-010 ABG-961 Another victim died Saturday. No other fatalities have been 1991 people of East Timor and the ~. U98-035 19.,!.'.:-- !}98-016 i f)l_),::; i·J:l:': ~.,< \-~'.\H ABU-872 j ..;t_ recently visited East Timor, .,, .•...... ~U98-012 Saturday's Steak 'Treat Nghe An is among three central provinces that have been [ l)!) fs l'i:)(\ -!.-..:.!\-<..'.\it ABH-671 and had spoken with Gusmao : ;:.-,10:~ hardest hit by an on-going drought. Most of Nghi Quang's Q C98-007 j 1)1)~ n::n -'.-\-l \-C-dt ABE-306 1( ~,;115 in the Jakarta jail in which he R98-008 j YOUR CHOICE OF AMERICA'S FINEST CUTS, The Certified Angus Beef priced villagers are fishermen. 1)1):-: ABD-868 is being held to seek his views C98-002 1()<)~ ABC-296 -·-~ by the ounce. This includes Salad Bar, Soup and a wide variety of tempting Des­ on the island's future, he said. U98-133 l 1}95 U98-057 serts from 6:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. Gusmao remains in jail de­ i99J ABB-285 U98-126 l l)'·) ·' \1:\/.j).\ .;,:~.~ i.~2htHl ABM-952 spite the recent release of hun­ U98-118 1•.ig9 :\i ..\'/J)..\ .:.~-t :~2(,1}(,1 AAM-114 dreds of prisoners as part of U98-157 19(}1 B1200 ABC-812 Indonesia's independence day U98-l30 _j!)i){) - (;\t(' SlERR.\. P/l 'P ABE-273 Complete with Island's best CAESAR ------··------SALAD, Black Angus PRIME RIB celebrations. [ SPORTS UTILITY 'The 'New §ourmet Cfiam_pagne (cut to taste), Roast SUCKLING PIG, In an annual tradition, Indo­ U98-013 !'!% ABF-948 1.:=,1~>~ lrressistible Hot & Cold Items, nesia freed dozens of prison­ l!98-094 Jt,lL)() .~-~'.l"'.'~',;~,:i-t AAM-139 ')1)•!~ SPECIAL THEME EVERY WEEK Tempting Desserts and Jubilee Special. ers nationwide and granted !IJ(,lt .}-i,;t -'\.\ Li: AA\'-815 ·).!!).~ su nda y 'Brune {i Cliia-iii ~i~:g~ ~ l)l)l .'1-['<( '.\:\f,j~ AAX-125 o.:.,>.:=; sentence reductions to others U97-222 i9lJ2 4-R~ ·:-..;:it5 ·· ... U98-254 Jt)l; l \i.\/.i),\ \ll'\ AAV-795 ~99~ 20-year sentence. U98-105 jC)9() !(()l"k) A.AW-HI ~-i9:~

LET US KEEP Cambodian anti-drug police pile up pieces of marijuana before a AQUA RESORT CLUB burning up at the Phnom Penh city dump Tuesday. Anti-drug police at the corner of Beach Road and Saipan :3\~ Microl Corporation Chalan Mnsr. Guerrero in San Jose. burned 3.6 tons of marijuana and called for the speedy trial of two 1 CNMI LITTER -:::;i/;'. ·.;. Call us at 234-5911 or A great place to be ... Americans and four Thais arrested for their alleged involvement in -y:.::;.':}" An Inchcape Motors Company Fax us at 234-6514 FREE. trafficking the drugs. AP 28-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND"VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 21_,_1998 -~--·------·------FRIDAY. Auausi 21. 1998-MARIANAs VARIETY NE-ws· AND VIEWs-2'> China Songhua River floods city US Congressional delegation: HARBIN, China (AP} - Sol- · repair and check wells. Baicheng city out of their homes ings on food and mate.rials for tio~ t~ flood taxes levied b~ diers bailed floodwater Wednes- A 9-mile-loncr dike, the last de- this summer. and nearly half of flood control and rebml~mg. · Ch!na 8 Joe~] govemmentsTo. · · "' · · ' Zh J · c · 17 t l · Also Wednesday Taiwan's Taiwanese investments. a1- daythatseepedthroughd1kespro- fenseprotecungDaqmgclty s2.3 en m ounty s owns ups : ' . . . h v sunk$30 2M died in N. Korea famine tecting an industrial city. while million people. was completed are under water, Xinhua re- pro-mdependence· oppos1:1on "".a~ese_mvesto_rs a e ing lives, and the international com­ This year's crops look better than oil w;rkers in life jackets tried to Tuesday. ported. party warned about rossible bilh~n mt? Chma. last year's, but North Korea still will keep partly submerged wells In Ha~bin, soldiers guarded a 5- The central government is- price adjustments of agncultur~I . Ta1":'an is the seat of the. Na- munity is feeding nearly every child under the age of seven, the delegation lackfoodaftertheharvest, the delega­ pumping in China's largest oil foot-highrestrainingwallofmetal sued an urgent order Tuesday products and o_the; econ~m1c twnahst g~vernment dnven field. rods and wood planks built atop a demanding that local governments effects from Chma s flood mg_. f~om the m~mland by ~?mmu- said. tion said. 1l1e government of North The raging Songhua River 15-mile-long levee protecting the stabilize prices ofnecessities and The party also called ~or f1- n_1st forc~s m 1949. Chma con- 1he UnitedStates-which fought Korean leader Kim Jong Il also ha~ punched thro~gh n,;o I 00-foot- city. State television showed sol- calling for punishment for hoard- nancial assistance to Ta!wan- ?1ders Taiwan a renegade prov- North Korea in the 1950-53 Korean not implemented any significant re­ long dikes in Harbin, forcing diers using shovels and wash ba- ino. It said provincial govern- ese businesses damaged m the mce, and the two governments War and remains a staunch supp:irter fonns to reverse the country's eco­ people protecting the dikes to fie; sins to bail water leaking through m;nts could impose pr-ice ceil- flooding and expressed opposi- do not recognize each other. of capitalist South Korea-is North nomic decline, it added. Korea's largest donor, contributing Preparations for Kim's expected and cutting traffic on a highway the sandbag dikes. 220 million tons of food aid. presidential inauguration on SepL 9 bridge in the northeast provincial More than 2 million soldiers, In an apparent bid for more U.S. were almost non-stop, Brookes said, capital of 9 million people, the paramilitary police and reservists aid. North Korean officials told the adding thatchildren were still practic­ state-run Xinhua News Agency have been sent to reinforce levees delegation they would stop exporting ing for the inauguration ceremonies reported. and rescue civilians. Gen. Zhang missiles if compensated for lost earn­ at 11 p.m. one night. Unusually heavy seasonal rain Wannian called it"the largest mili- ings. House International Relations Also Wednesday, Doctors With­ has prompted the worst flooding tary deployment"' along the Committee staff member Peter out Borders said it may leave North in 44 years on central China's Yangtze since the 1945-49 civil Brookes said they mentioned a figure Korea unless the communist country Yangtze River and potentially the war that brought 'the communists of $500 million a year. grants the aid group better access to worst in 50 years in the northeast. to power. Xinhua reported. Kirk said the offer came from people sickened by famine. So far, More than 2.000 people have Military commanders sent Deputy Foreign Minister Kim Gye North Korea has balked at providing died nationwide, and economic 13,500 troops to help 30,000 Gwan, whoalsoheadsNorthKorea's more access and instead asked the losses total at least $24. J billion. soldiers shore up weakened Flooding in the northeast also dikes around three cities in the delegation in four-way talks with group to provide equipment and raw poses one of the severest eco- hard-hit Dongting Lake area, China, the United States and South materials to make medicines, some­ nomic risks. The Nen River Xinhua said. Korea. thing the agency does not do. threatens to overwhelm the Although the sixth flood crest Daqing oil field. which accounts since early July passed through for at least a third of the the region with no reported country's production. problems. the river has receded More than 270.000 soldiers. slowly and was likely to rise oil workers and civilians have again. Xinhua said as much as 4 Kim Uen Bok, 11, lies on a bed in unknown city in North Korea Saturday. Kim has Jost a lot of weight eating "alternative foods" and now weighs just 15 kilograms (33 pounds). The photo was released in Beijing worked round-the-clock to keep inches of rain hit cities upstream Wednesday from the International Relations Committee of the U.S. House of Representatives. AP the Nen back. Local officials in Sichuan province on Wednes- interviewed by China Central day. By John Leicester make noodles or cakes. Television said wells were con- Flooding also was severe in BEIJING (AP} - Three years of "The food shortage continues," tinuingtopumpoil.CCTVfoot- neighboring Jilin province. famine in North Korea has killed Kirk said. "They are out of food. age showed oil workers in blaze- where floods drove nearly half Chinese soldiers pile sandbags to fortify a dike near Tangling, central China, Tuesday. Chinese soldiers up to 2 million people, U.S. con­ That's clear." orange life vests using boats to of the 2 million people of bailed flood waters that seeped through dikes protecting the industrial city Harbin on Wednesday. AP gressional aides said Wednesday, During the past three years, the describing children with stick-thin famine has killed an estimated bodies and people making noodles 300,000 to 800,000 people annu­ from weeds, grasses and cornstalks. ally, with the number of deaths Thedeathsmostlikelywer:eirom peakingin 1997,Kirksaid.Hesaid famine-related illnesses, such as the figures came from U.S. gov­ JMS ENTERPRISES INC. pneumonia, tuberculosis and diar­ ernment sources, refugees and 1998 HYUNDAI Tel. 235-6690/89 • 287 ~2438/5644 · • Fax: 235-66~ rhea, rather than starvation itself, Nrn1h Korean exiles. said Mark Kirk, one of the biparti­ "Two million would be the high­ san delegation's four members. est possible estimate," Kirk said. The group brought back video Last September, the Christian footage from the secretive com­ relief group World Vision also said The PRICES in munist country that showed sickly, 3 DR 5 SPD OR 4 DR 5 SPD LOWEST CNMI that 1 to 2 million North Koreans emaciated children. may have died in "a full-scale fam­ One young child too weak to sit NEWLY ine." ,.<~ r:--..- ..-. -.. ' c-7 up had to be propped up in the The food shortages were pre­ / .. ·· .. ··· ·\ (~ ./.'. . .. : / //"""'.. . \ .~.. ·. \ /----, . i ARRIVED comer in an orphanage. O!derchil­ cipitated by nvo years of flooding I , ' . / dren filmed during the delegation's followed by a drought last yearthat 13" COLOR TV weeklong visit appeared severely pushed the country's inefficientcol­ DELIVERY. stunted by malnutrition. lecti ve farming system to the brink Villagers search through debris i . $175.oo To survive, North Koreans have of collapse. The famine has left to find their belongings outside i ::- :._. -./ been eating weeds, grasses and corn North Korea'.s 23 million people . the flood-collapsed house after /;6:;,g:( ' 18" COLOR TV stalks that are mashed into powder largely dependent on foreign aid. returning their homes in @ I AVAILABLE Uijongbu, north of Seoul. AP and sometimes mixed with flour to Foreign food aid is clearly sav------.-$229.oo Window 7/pc Air Conditioner -PER MONTH- 21" COLOR TV JOB VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT - ON APPROVED CREDIT - 5,000 BTU 11 OV/60HZ S280.oo IT IS Tl/£ POUCY OF T/1£ COMMONWEALTH UT/UT/ES CORPORATION (CUC) TIIATTHE CUC MERIT HIRING SYSTEM SI/ALL BE APPUED AND ADMINISTERED ACCORDING TO THE PRINCIPLE OF EQUAL OPPORTUNITY FOR ALL CITIZENS AND NATIONAL AS DEFINED BY THE REBAR _$280.oo_ NORTHERN MARIANAS COMMONWEALTH CONSTITUTION AND STATUTES REGARDLESS OF AGE. RACE, SEX. RELIGION. POUT/CAL 8,500 BTU 11 OV/60HZ AFFILIATION OR BEUEF. MARITAL STATUS. 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Applicanl must possess strong computer skills.

$289.oo_ MOYLAN'S STARTING SALARY: $17,700.92 - $20,484.60 per annum JMS INSURANCE Pay Level/Step 25101-04 With U.S. ~~Ar, REF. WB-188 110V/60HZ (WE ARE HERE!) Certification Applications arc available at the Commonwealth Utilities Corporation, Lower Base, Saipan, and the $459.oo STORE OPEN: 10:00 AM CUC Rota and Tinian olliccs. n !fl~~~c':!s ~2~2~ STORE CLOSE: 8:00 PM FAILURE TO PROVIDE THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS WILL RESULT IN Garapan 234-7133 • Used Car Mart 23&-5012 AUTOMATIC DISOUALIFICATION. Rola 532-3550 • 532-0995 FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-31 30-MARIANAS _VARIETY NEWS AND VIEW~-_fRJJ)_A Y- AUGU_ST _21 .1998 ______Embassy security bill mulled Delay: Clinton should resign By DAVID ESPO conference call before issuing his sial statements about Clinton in and the American people," said from its summer break. But try to couple the legislation By Tom Raum WASHING TON (AP)-Speaker statement, the conversation actu­ recent days, DoLay said Tuesday DeLay. already maneuvering is under with items from the GOP fall WASHI'.1.GTON (AP)-The Newt Gingrich and fellow Hause ally took place a few minutes after the president "shou Id resign for the He continued his campaign on way over its size and scope - agenda. Clinton administration is as­ Republican leaders talked by phone aides had distributed it Even so, good of the country." Wednesday, at one point challeng­ and how it should be handled -Under one strategy, it could ,;embling a multibillion-dol­ about GOP Whip Tom DeLay's none of the participants on the line "Clearly, the president has done ing a reporter's stated assumption once it ai:rives in Congress. become linked with a GOP­ lar package of legislation to call for President Clinton to resign, raised complaints, according to sev­ irreparable damage ta the office of that it was out of the question that No one is planning to play sponsored provision imposing pay for rebuilding the two and no objections were raised, offi­ eral sources. the presidency. More troubling, the Clinton would resign: "I think the sh:1tte1·ed U.S. embassies in politics with the issue. Repub­ restrictions on how the 2000 cials said Wednesday. While most House Republicans president has lied to his family, his mood of the nation is moving in Africa and to improve secu­ licans say. census is conducted. These officials, speaking on con­ have avoided making canlrover- friends, his Cabinet, the Congress that direction," he said. rity at other outposts. admin­ Congressional Democrats Administration officials ini­ dition of anonymity, said virtually istration and congressional are w;ry. however, fearing tially put the price tag at $1 all of a 15-minute conversation on officials ,aid Wednesday. that Republicans will try to billion. But congressional Tuesday dealt with Clinton and The bill will become a top take advantage of a politically Democratic aides said the fi­ fallout from his nationally televised issue when Congress gets back weakened President Clinton to nal figure could rise to as much address the night before. Tom DeLay While DeLay had asked for the NOTICE REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL For Clinton, a quiet Standing in front of a crumbling wall of the bombed-out U.S. Embassy The Division of Public Lands, on behalfof the Board of Public Lands ("Division"), is hereby in Tanzania Tuesday, U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright and giving notice to any and all interested person(s) or company(ies) that the Division of Pub­ U.S. State Department security attache Pat Gallant hold up a poster birthday with family lic Lands is soliciting proposals for tourist related commercial operation(s) on Managaha declaring a reward of up to two-million dollars for information leading to By SANDRA SOBIERAJ the capture ofany guilty parties involved in the August 6 bombings. AP Island. Any and all proposals submitted to the Division shall be open for Public Inspec­ EDGARTOWN, ~chusetts (AP) - President Clinton tallied the tion or view by any interested person(s) or company(ies) of the general public. as $5 billion or $6 billion if U.S. embassies in Nairobi, years-52 this time-in a contemplative and muted birthday that held at extensive renovations at other Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, least one stark reminder of the controversy back in Washington Written proposals must be submitted, unsealed, to the Division's Office located in the JTV U.S. embassies are included Tanzania, just 12 were Ameri­ It was VemonJordan-golfmg partner, political fix-it man and witness before the grand jury dissecting Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. Commercial Building, Ground Floor, As-Lito, Saipan, before the closed of business (4:30 as well as reparations for Af­ can - all killed in the mare Jordan and his wife were having Clinton, the first lady and Chelsea to their P.M.) on or before August 31, 1998. The Division shall not accept any proposals after Au­ rican families. deadly Nairobi blast. There's a worldwide review Many Africans have sug­ Martha's Vineyard home for dinner and birthday presents. gust 31, 1998. of U.S. embassies to deter­ gested U.S. indifference to­ With the investigation continuing, White House spokesman Mike mine which ones are vulner­ ward non-American victims. McCurrydismissedanyraisedeyebrowsaboutWednesday'sconvergence This solicitation of written, open proposals for tourist related commercial operation on able and where renovations are The embassy legislation of Clinton's legal problems and social life. Managaha Island by the Division shall not be construed as a form of bid or request for needed, said one State Depart­ could either be a freestanding "He's spending his birthday evening with his friend. That's all I would proposal (sealed or opened). The Division shall accept any and all proposals in any for­ ment official. bill or attached to legislation read into that," McCurry said mat. Any and all submissions shall be accepted by the Division Solely for the purpose of One installation being care­ already moving through Con­ Another longtime Clinton friend, Carolyn Staley, guessed that the A tight-lipped first lady Hillary Rodham Clinton and President Clinton walk to their car after arriving in Martha's Vineyard, Mass., Tuesday for their vacation. AP evaluating the future use of Managaha Island with respect to operating or conducting a fuliy looked.at: a new embassy gress. president was counting his blessings Wednesday - his family's and tourist related commercial business on Managaha Island. planned for Berlin. IL would Aides to both House Speaker Jordan's enduring loyalty among them. : not meet the State Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., and Clinton ''treats birthdays like New Year's Day. They're a time to kind of Department's criteria for Senate Majority Leader Trent do an accounting," Staley sai.d in an interview. NOTICIA safety, including a I 00-foot Lott, R-Miss., said Wednes­ The president slept late and took"Happy Birthday" callsfromafew close setback from the nearest street, day no decision has been relatives, McCuny said The lone piece of business was his daily foreign­ GINAGAO I MA'PROPOPONI if construction proceeds ac­ made. policy briefing via telephone call from National Security Council Adviser cording to plans. A possible vehicle: fiscal Sandy Berger. En Kuenta Nu 1 Board l Public Lands ("Division") I Dibision I Tano Publiko Estague Na State Department spokes­ 1999 Commerce-Justice-State ByMcCurry'saccount,lheClintonswerenesting-hurting,maybe,but Alaknos Este na Noticia Para l Man Enteresao Yan Todo Petsona Osino Compania ("Party" man Lee McClenny told re­ appropriations bills now be­ together. They shared a late breakfast, lunch and walks in the secluded tall Pat "Parties") Na I Dibision Tano Publiko Man Solisita I Ma'Proponin Operasion Busi­ porters Wednesday he had no fore a ouse-Senate conference grasses around Oyster Pond, where they are staying. . ness Komutsia Gi Bandan Tourista Gi Islan Managaha, Todo I Proponi Uma Entrega Halorn comment on the secu·ri ty re­ committee. But that legisla­ Staley and other friends dating back to Clinton's Arkansas boyhood Gi Dibision Yan Debi De Uma Baba Para lnspeksion Yan Uma Atan Ni Man Enteresao Na view except to say tion includes a House-passed speculatedthisbirthdaywouldbeparticularlysober,comingtwodaysafter Petsona, Kompania Yan Publiko Henerat. He said the review encom­ Republican-sought provision he publicly apologiz.ed to his family for an inappropriate relationship wiih passes plans for the new em­ that would restrict the ability the young White House intern. Saturday, August 22nd ''It will be painful as he looks back over this year and tries to see how he I Matugi Na Proponi Debi De Uma Entrega, Yan Mababa, Guato Gi Dibision I Oficina Ni bassy in Berlin. He acknowl­ of the Census Bureau to use statistical sampling proce­ could put it right," said Staley, who visited with the Clintons before his Gaige Gi JTV Commercial Building Gi Giya As Lito, Saipan, Antes De Uma Ochum I Businis edged that it would be diffi­ cult - given the planned lo­ dures - like those used in 'televised confession (4:30 P.M.) Yan Lokkue Antes De Augusto 31, 1998. I Dibision Ti Debi Ufan Aksepta Proponi cation of the embassy - for it polling - to account for "He does believe in second, third and fow"th chances. He wants to give Despues De Augusto 31, 1998. ta meet security standards people otherwise missed by himself today a fresh start." · $20 MILLION* adopted rn I 986. He indicated census takers. Total Prize Pool ij Este Na Matugin Ahnoneda, U'mababa I Proponi Pot I Bandan Kometson Busines Tourista that no decision has been made Clinton has repeatedly Gi Islas Managaha Ya Ti Debe De Uma Kuen ta Komo Fohnan Atmoneda Osino Requestan on how that problem will be threatened to veto such restric­ 'b'!'' * :/ Proponi (Mababa Osino Ma'huchom). I Dibision Debe De U Aksepta Todo Proponi Gi resolved. tions, but that hasn't stopped ~ TEMPORARY/PART TIME L:~ I?"'. r.J Maseha Hafa Na Klasen Fotma. Todo I Man Ma'Entrega Debe De I Dibision U Aksepta The $140 million facility, Republicans from attaching I L Solemly Para Operasion Pat Konductun I Bandan Busines Komotsian Tourista Giya ta be built an a major thor­ them to measures he other­ ~MARIANAS POSITION VACANCY Managaha. oughfare near the wise supports. VISITORS AUTHORITY Brandenburg Gate, is Lo be Disputes are also expected 1st Division Prize opened in 2000 after the seat over whether more could have Job Title: SURVEY CLERK ARONGORONG of the German government been done to prevent the ,1 Duties: To assist the Research Division in the quarterly The first 1,000 players on Saturday get 'i moves from Bonn to Berlin. blasts. H EYEEL EEW TINGAAR During her visit to Africa on Spending for foreign affairs tourist exit survey to be conducted in Tuesday, Secretary of State has been gradually declining September, 1998. Duties include data collection at a FREE Wednesday lotto game! 11 Raaraal Lemelcmil Faluwer Toulap (Public Lands), Kompaniya Me Pattida lkka Re Tipeli Madeleine Albright said the in recent years - a decrease the Saipan International Airport. il Bwe Raaraal Lemelemil Faluwer Toulap E Tipeli Me Bwughil Jschilongol Reel Mille Tour­ emergency legislation also dramatized by the revelation ist lye Eghil Nga Ii Bisinisil Commercial Mew661 Faluw Ye Ghalaghaal Alongal Proposal wou Id compensate ·rami lies that the State Department had Qualification: High School Graduate or equivalent with two years Come Join the fun! KKA E lsisilong Ngali Raaraal Lemelemil Faltiwer Toulap Nge Ebwe Suusu Ngaliir Toulap that "suffered irreparable turned down requests for the work experience. Must be able to speak, read, and I Reel Amweri Ghatchuw Nga re Ouruuru Mereer Ara mas, Kompaniya KKA Re Tipeli. harm." embassy in Kenya to be moved write Japanese and English. Those remarks generated to a safer location, citing a Must be flexible in work schedule and possess a It's even easier to play! Buy your tickets today! /j lschil Proposal Ngel Efil Ebwe Isisilong Nge Ebwe, Suusu Ngali Bwulasiyo lye Elo JTV some surprise among congres­ shortage of money. CNMl valid driver's license. Building Ground Floor, As Lito, Seipel, Mmwal Tittil61 Oto] Bisinis (4:30 P.M.) Augusto 31, sional staffers dealing with the Sen. Jon Ky!, R-Ariz., chair­ matter. man of the Senate Judiciary sub­ Work Schedule: September 23rd to the 29th, 1998 Only 50( per game! j 1998. Dibision Ess6bw Bwoghee Proposal Takkal61 Ll61 Mamamal Eluwel (August) 31, State Department officials committee on terrorism, and Rep. 1998. said it was not known whether Jim Saxton, R-N.J., chairman of 3:00 a.m. - 7:00 a.m. the initial package would also the Republican Task Force on 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Ting6rol lschil, Mille Open Proposal Reel Tourist lye Eghil Ngali Bisinisil Commercial include such payments - or Terrorism, along with other law­ Mew66l Faluw Ye Ghalaghaal Mereel Dibision >lge Essobw Apasa Bwe Eew Form Reel whether they would be part of makers, have suggested the bomb­ Compensation: 12:00 per hour Bid Ngare Request Proposal (Sealed [\jgare Opened. Dibision Ebwe Akseptal Alongal a separate request. ings might have been prevented Tappa! Proposals L161 Alongal T<1ppal Format Alongal Isisilongol Proposals Nge Dibision Of the 257 people were had Congress upgraded its intelli­ Application fonns are available at the Marianas Visitors Authority (MYA), San Jose, Saipan. Ebwe Akseptal Nge Reel Schagh Tapp Ye Ebwe Ebaluate Li Ebwe Faisil Yaayaal Faluw Ye killed Aug. 7 in bombings at gence operations. Ghalaghaal Ll61 Ragh Kka E Mwemwetto Bwelle Reel Mw6ghutughutul Me Afalafalal Deadline for submission of application is Friday, August 28, 1998 at 4:30 p.m. at the MVA Office in San Jose. Tourist lye Eghil Ngali Bisinisil Commercial Mew661 Falu.I Ye Ghalaghaal. · B-UCIC£E-UP SAIPAN! 32-MARlANAS V ARlETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY- AUGUST 2 I , 1998 FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-33 67M watched Clinton on TV ------million,Foxhad3.4million,MSNBC der trial. By David Bauder had 1.3 million, Fox News Channel Meanwhile, a media watchdog FCC's rate pla11 0 NEWYORK(AP)-Atleast67.6 had 643,000 and CNN Headline group said the NBC, ABC and CBS million people in the United States News had 463,000, according to evening news programs have aired a By Jeannine Aversa part of the average customer's $22.50 also argued that the commission the other hand, took the FCC's plan to The court disagreed on grounds the tuned in to watch President Clinton's Nielsen. total of 703 stories on the Lewinsky WASHINGTON (AP) - A fed­ a month long-distance bill. wrongly cut access charges without court, arguing that the commission commission adequately explained its televised admis.,ion that he had a ABC's ratings suffered because it scandal this year through Monday eral appeals court upheld a govern­ The FCC is looking into whether first revamping subsidies they get to should have made deeper cut~ in cut and had not acted arbitrarily or relationship with Monica Lewinsky. showed an exhibition football game night . ment plan that overhauls telephone AT&T, MCI, Sprint and other long­ make phone service affordable for access fees. capriciously. Sixty-nine percent of the nation's until just before Clinton spoke. Both That's more than double the num­ fees in an attempt to lower long­ distance companies passed along the thepoorandpeoplelivinginruraland televisions in use at IOp.m. on Mon­ NBC and CBS ran news specials for ber given to the year's second most­ distance rates. reduction to customers as they say other high-cost areas. day were nmed in to Clinton's spee.::h, atleast30minutespriortothespeech. reported issue, the 338 stories de­ Wednesday's decision by the U.S. they have. The FCC had estimated at The court disagreed. It said those Nielsen Media Research said But for the 20 minutes after the votedtotheweaponsinspectionstand­ Cowtof Appealsforthe8thCircuitis the time of its order that the average FCC actions were reasonable and Wednesday. speech, when networks aired reac­ off in Iraq, said the Center for Media a rare victory for the Federal Com­ savings to a customer in 1997 would consistent with the 1996 law, which Nielsen's estimate combines rat­ tion and analysis, ABC's audience and Public Affairs in Washington. munications Commission, which in have been about $2 a month. deregulated the telecommunications ings from eight networks that aired Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky increased to 16 million. NBC re­ All three networks have devoted the last year has lost several high­ In an important side issue in the industries. ,,., the four-minute address. It does not more than six hours of evening news profile telecommunications cases. case, the court backed the FCC's In rejecting loefil phone compa­ Clinton's State of the Union address and the 95 million who watched OJ. mained first with 18.6 million and includeCNBCbecause Nielsen could coverage to the story, with NBC nar­ "We are very pleased," said FCC decision not to require America nies' claims, the court also upheld an in January during the week the Simpson's slow-speed car chase. CBS had 13.7 million. notpinpointthatnetwork' sviewership rowly logging the most time, the Chairman Bill Kennard. Online, Ero!' s and other Internet ser­ FCC decision that modestly increased Lewinsky scandal broke. But it was More households were tuned in to "Wewerehappywiththefactthat during the speech itself. Local and long-distance compa­ vice providers tp pay access fees to the federally ordered "subscriber line Clinton than were watching Presi­ we gained audience, thatpeopleactu­ center said. Monday night's audience topped dwarfed by the 133 million TV view­ nies had waged for different reasons loefil phone companies for use of charge''forbusinessesandresidences dent Nixon deliver his resignation ally tuned to us and found us for The Lewinsky scandal exceeded the53. l million viewers who watched ers on the first night of the Gulf War a broad legal assault on the plan, their networks. with multiple telephone lines. speech in 1974, although there are analysis," ABC News spokeswoman the networks' combined coverage whichtheFCCadoptedinMay 1997. Ifthecowthadruledinfavorofthe This charge, which appears on more television sets in the country Eileen Murphy said. this yearof theAsianeconomic crisis, They didn't say whether they will BellSouth and other loefil phone com­ phone bills, is used to pay for the cost now than 24 years ago. News networks also reached some ·the United Auto Workers strike, Starr scores victory panies on this issue, it might have of the line from the customer's home NBC drew the highest ratings dur­ historic highs: Fox News Channel nuclear testing by India and Pakistan, appeal. The court, based in St Louis, af­ raised Internet prices for consumers. or business to the local phone ing Clinton's speech, with an esti­ had the most viewers since going on Northern Ireland peace talks, 'WeagreethattheFCC'sdecision company's switch. in co·urt for Meineke. mated 21. 7 million viewers watch­ the air in October 1996, and CNN Clinton's trip to China, the pope's firmed the FCC on all counts. That means the status quo prevails, and toexemptISPs(IntemetServicePro­ The court also upheld an FCC de­ By Larry O'dell agency, whichnegotiateddiscounts ing. CBS had 18.8 million viewers, drewitshighestratingssincethe 1995 visit to Cuba, the Winter Olympics cision that increased another charge RICHMOND, Va.(AP)-Ken­ and kept the savings as its cornrnis­ ABChad 13.4million,CNNhad8.3 verdict in Simpson's criminal mur- and Viagra, the center said. customers will experience no change viders) from interstate access charges neth Starr won a $390 million vic­ siOIL in phone bills because of the court's while continuing to investigate po­ forbothmultiple-linehomesand busi­ in nesses. That charge came from a tory for a muffler chain Wednes­ The appeals court said the fran­ ruling. tential future changes this area is a commission replacing with flat day, two days after the indepen­ chisees' case should not have been At the heart of the FCC' s plan to reasonable exercise of the agency's dent counsel wrangled a c.onfes­ certified as a class action because ovemaul telephone fees was its deci­ discretion"undera l 996telecomrnu­ monthly rates some access fees based on minutes oflong-distance use. The sion from President Clinton that he many dealers did not want to par­ sion to cut "access" fees by $1.7 nications law, the three-judge panel had an inappropriate relationship ticipate. billion. These are fees tliat long-dis­ wrote. FCC said it did this to reflect costs Local phone companies, including better and spread fees more evenly with a White House int.em. The lawsuit is one of a few pri­ tance companies pay local phone companies to connect calls. BellSouth, Bell Atlantic, US West among customers. A three-judge panel of the 4th vate cases Starr has taken while The fees, passed along to long­ and GTE, challenged how the FCC MCI Communications Corp. and U.S.CircuitCourtof Appeals threw serving as the special counsel in­ distance customers, comprise a large cut and ovemauled phone fees. They other long-distance companies, on out a jury's verdict against Starr's vestigatingthe Whitewaterlanddeal client, Meineke Discount Muffler and Clinton's relationship with Shops,inaclass-actionsuitfiledby Monica Lewinsky. the company's franchise dealers. Clinton for months denied hav­ Paraguay minister resigns The lawsuit was returned to a ing sexual relations with Ms. By Pedro Servin rado Party in power. federal judge to give the dealers a Lewinsky. OnMonday,he testified Idonotagieewiththeprocessofhow ASUNCJON, Paraguay (AP)­ my brother freed General Oviedo," Raul Cubas defended his deci­ chance to purnie a smaller award. about their relationship before a A Virginia Military Institute upperclassman instructs female rat, T.J. Richards, on the proper form for a pushupas the rats began theirrat line The appeals court agreed with grand jury, admitted on national Paraguay'srninisterofindustryand CarlosCubastoldreportersWednes­ sion .M>a;ise Oviedo, saying initiation at the school in Lexington, Va., Wednesday. AP Starr'sargumentthatthecasearose television to a relationship that he business, whoisalsothepresident's day. Wednesday he campaigned on two from a simple contract dispute and said was "not appropriate" ·and brother, resigned Wednesday - "Oviedo's freedom could run the pledges: toimproveParaguay'sse­ snowballed into a huge lawsuit called for Starr to end his inquiry. one day after !he new head of state risk of being illegal." rious financial crisis and fight for allegingfraudandunfairtradeprac­ The administration has criticized freed a former presidential candi­ Bader Rachid, a top party official, Oviedo's release. tices. Starr for taking outside cases like date. said some members were consider­ He also said he consulted with Franctlise dealers accused the Meineke lawsuit while serving Raul Cubas' frrstofficial act after ing ways to impeach the president national and international judicial Meineke, a subsidiary of the Brit­ as independent counsel, although talcing office Saturday was to re­ Oviedo, whotookpartinhringing organizations who confinned the ish conglomerate GKN, of ille­ themoonlightingisallowedby law. House Speaker Newt Gingrich, R-Ga., gestures while addressing the Gwinnett Chamber of Commerce on lease former army Gen. Lino Paraguay's34-yearrnilitarydictator­ legality of his decision. gally skinuning as much as $32 In addition to Meineke, Starr has Wednesday in Duluth, Ga. Gingrich told the business leaders that no one, including President Clinton, is Oviedo, who some in the ruling ship to an end, was the Colorado "I've used the constitutional million they contributed to head­ represented the tobacco industry, above the law. AP Colorado Party feared would seek Party's original presidential nomi-. power given to presidents to ful­ quarters for advertising. the National Football League Play­ revenge against those who put him nee. fill a campaign promise," he In 1986, the Charlotte, N.C.­ ers Association and Chiquita Brands in jail. Cubas assumed the candidacy af­ said. "What I legally decreed based company set up its own ad International. Gingrich awaits Starr report "Cubas said the counny needed ter a military tribunal sentenced yesterday does not differ from to live in peace," said legislator Juan Oviedo to IO years in prison for my campaign promise." By Amy Frazier added. Congress has' 'lots todo with out all Carlos Galaverna "But yesterday, refusing then-President Juan The 54-year-old Oviedo DULUTII, Ga. (AP) - America The Georgia Republican said he of us being totally mesmerized," he he freed the man that could begin a Carlos Wasmosy's order to re­ claimed before the May presi­ should move past the titillating talk will continue towaitforthereportthat said, adding that advice applies to diabolical plan to persecute every­ sign as commander of the army in dential elections that he was PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT about President Clinton's relation­ Independent Counsel Kenneth Starr the media as well. one who he thinks is not with him." 1996. "victim ofpersecution" and said ship with Monica Lewinsky and let is expected to submit to Congress. Chastising reporters for their Top officials of the Colorado Raul Cubas has been quick to his jailing was Wasmosy's way of. Attorney Brian W. McMahon, Receiver the legal process do its job, House And he said Congress - led by the relentless coverage of the case, he has .been J.T.S. Insurance Company, Inc. Party, which in power acknowledge his close relationship keeping him froin governing. suggested they devote 15 minutes P.O. Box 1267, Saipan, MP 96950 Speaker NewtGingrichsaid Wednes­ Judiciary Committee and its chair­ since 1947, voted to withdraw their with Oviedo, who isextrernelypopu­ Raul Cubas has said he friend of day. man, Rep. Henry Hyde, R-Ill.-will of every half hour to "Monica­ support for Cubas. lar in Paraguay's countryside, where the government"expects Oviedo 'The core of this civilization is the· review the report in a "dispassionate less time." ''lpresentmyresignationbecause key voters helped keep the Colo- to serve as "a Date: August 19, 1998 rule of law," Gingrich told the manner." "It would make us a much To: Al\ Bondholders, Policyholders, Claimants and Gwirn1ett County Chamber of Com­ "I don't think we should go an inch healthier country if the news me­ Creditors of J.T.S. Insurance Company, Inc. merce. "We have an absolute obliga­ beyond our constitutional duties, and dia took a pretty big break and tion to ensure theruleoflaw. I have no I don 'tthinkweshould go an inch less just said, 'Let's focus on other things From: Attorney Brian W. McMahon interest in personal scandals." than out constitutional duties," the for a while and let Judge Starr con­ Receiver for J.T.S. Insurance Company, Inc. "No one is above the law," he speaker said. tinue his job,"' Gingrich said. cordi.11ly invites our friends and relatives to join us in prayers as we commemorate the 11 FirstAnnivers.1ry11 into her etcn1<1l home with Cod.

Subject: Claim Filing Deadline Nightly ros,1ry will be held at the f.11nily's residence in C<1rap.1n1 be­

Judge censured for lying about past ginning on Saturday, August 151 1998 umil Sund.1y, Au.

Born January 12, 1955, Died tion sectors to protect local and "Those caught in violation are <, forcommenton the source' saccount between the two as well as their en­ '~E,._,·,.i)' •/,;... ·t ,~.. in the grm:e of our Lord on small scale businesses engaged in dealt with accordingly by the com­ The New York Times, however, counters, was to be tested Thursday -/ ' these industries. merce department already." quoted a Clinton adviser as saying the during Ms. Lewinsky's second ap­ August 17, 1998 at the age Faisao said this is not fair. At the same time, Faisao raised president did not make such an ac­ pearance before the grand jury, of 43. "Although Public Law I 0-44 concerns that the local garment knowledgment This adviser said the sources familiar with the investiga­ (MARIA JOAQUIN NELLIE) f,;. leJ"'~· provides for the protection of lo­ industry is already hurting be­ president declared more vaguely in tion said. '{:bf.("~ Invites all our relatives and friends to join us for the cal businesses in farming and fish­ cause the financial crisis and cur­ response to questions that "I've al­ Compared with Tuesday, when a !~\:;) Nightly rosary is being said at 8:00 p.m. at their resi­ ing, it addresses all businesses rency devaluation experienced by ready said that it was improper." The chorus of Democrat~ and Republi­ ,v~ First Anniversary Rosary of our beloved Mother, Grandmother, dence in As Motuis. and not the garment industry in Pakistan, Thailand and Indonesia Times· sourc:esaidClintoncontendcd canscriticizedClintonforlyingabout Great grandmother, particular as the resolution re­ have resulted in increase expon that the type of sex he had with Ms. the relationship for seven months, quests." of their textile and apparel prod­ Lewinsky did not fit the definition of congressional response was calm Nightly rosary will be held at the residence of her son, Vicente (Ben) and f"·· 1,''.1 . ·~.,~,,, :·.'tf.iJ···t On Tuesday, August 25, 1998, 7:30 o.m. the remains will He also said that the resol'ution ucts to the US markets. scK used in the Paula Jones sewal Wednesday as the politicians waited -~?.l~J Remy L. Seman in DanDan beginning Tuesday, August 25, 1998 at 8:00 is a redundancy of Public Laws "There must be confidence in harassment lawsuit against him. to see if Clinton's public support p.m. Daily Mass will be offered at 6:00 a.m. at Kristo Rai Church. leave CH( to Tanopog Church For viewing From 8:00 o.m. I 0-9 and 11-6 as far as the impor­ the continuity of CNMI policies, According to the legal source, would hold. _;b·Jt·:) - 3:30 p.m. Funeral moss will be at 4:00 p.m. Burial tation of guest workers is con­ laws and taxes in order for our · Clinton first read a prepared state­ Fearing more Democrnts would On the final day Wednesday, September 2, 1998, Rosary will be said cerned, adding that these policies local garment manufacturing ment admitting that he took part in join Rep. Paul McHale, who has at 5:00 p.m., at San Vicente Church . . will follow at the Tanopog Cemetery in Lower Bose. have made it impossible for the companies to sustain the image what he called inappropriate, inti­ called for the president's resignation f First Anniversary Mass is offered at 6:00 p.m. garment industry to hire more for­ and reliability of the industry," he mate physical contact with the intern. or impeachment, the White House "·J(f;;;.,.t '• eign labor. Dinner will follow at the residence of Be11 and Remy Seman. Lin Dongkulo no Si l'u'us Mo'ose. added. Advisers say Clinton had hoped to urged allies to rally to his defense. . limit his testimony about intimate They had few takers. Kindly Join Us matters to the statement Democratic Sen. Tom Harkin did Thank You and Si Yu'us M.i'ase Sylverio M. Amirez, Children & Family I LET us KEEP CNMI LITTER FREE. I But prosecutors pressed, and he declare, "Talkofimpeachmentshould acknowledged specific sexual en- end." r THE FAMILY 38-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 21. 1998 In December of 1928 they pre­ Murphy, in return, presented FRIDAY, AUGUST 21 , 1998 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-39 emergency on the beaches. Deco missioning ... sented them as gifts to her the artifacts to then Governor of . Overhauling Garapan's drain­ DEQ. ·.. Continued from page 12 thenCommanding Officer, Lt, Guam Ford Q.Elvidge. age system, while being stressed APARTMENT FOR RENT Continued from page 15 They were installed in a place APARTMENT FOR RENT APARTMENT FOR RENT by Yuknavage as a "solution," is of Guam. Commander R.K. Autry. 2-BR and Studio Apartments SPACIOUS NEW 2 BR. APARTMENT Thurman, who recently No one seems to know what of honor in The Guam Museum at STUDIO TYPE · $350 located near McDonald/Mobil Garapan. located near US Post Office & the Movie Visitors' Authority (MVA). said believed to be an enormous un­ Including Power • Water passedaway from natural causes, happened to the ~lls after the theold Plaza de Espana until 1985, Furnished. Utilities not included House. Furnished $850.00. Utilities not they may have to ask Gov. Pedro dertaking that can consume much Single or Couple Only (KobleNille) Deposit required. capped his naval career when he gunboat wascaptured at Shang­ when Governor Ricardo Bordallo included. Deposit required. P. Tenorio to declare a state of needed government resources. Tel. 234-1233(Day) 2BB-2222(Evening) Call 234-7723 Call 235-7723 was assigned asthe first Com­ hai. returned them for display on the Years later, in 1954, they resur­ quarterdeck of the USS Guam. entry fee is $125.00 per person, mancting Officer of the gleaming COMMERCIAL SPACE FOR RENT faced at Guams 'Marine Barracks, Thebellsandplaqueareabouttobe $500. 00 per team. mulligans ( free new helicopter carrier. Polluted . .. but the circumstances surrounding returned to Guam after Second Floor, 1, 100 SQ. fl at (2) Bedroom, (!).Bedroom Apartment, Fully shots) are available for $100.00. Perhaps Captain Thurmans • Furnished, Ceramic Floor Tiles. Laundry Room. Continued from page 9 thedecommissioning ceremony. $1.10 per SQ. fl Proceeds goto the Arnerican Can­ time capsule contains some refer­ their arrival remainshrouded in mys­ Security Gate w/lntercom Gate.Switch, 24hrs. water The people of Guam will be proud . Dungca's Beach in Tamuning. cer Society. ence to missingyears in the his­ tery. Beach Road, Garapan, Saipan MODERN APARTMENT tory of the famous "Guam Bell." In early May they were presented to have themback for display and Call 322-3685 or 233-1837 ,\,\A-557.fc~~l~~-81) ~148~~W.fl4 MP %950 Ta!ofofo Bay and Namo Beach in This is the fifth year Hong Kong Contac1 Person: Daniel Lin Pa)!er 234-4228 Agat. Bank has sponsored this event. When the people of to Rear Admiral M.E.Murphy, safekeeping. Commander, Naval Forces But in the fullness of time, given Activities in this water could Last year's contribution to ACS Guam learned of the commission­ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE COMMONWG\LTII Gr IN TIIESUPERIOR COURT OFT!IE COMMONWEALTI! OF thegreat traditions of this island and THE NORTHERN M,\RIA.NA ISLANDS Tl!E SORTflERN MARIANA ISLANDS result in bacterial infections, en­ amounted to$] 0,000.00. Tickets ing of the first USS Guam, they Marianas. LOT FOR SALE the United States Navy,noone should --San Vicente, 1583 sq. m.-- In re the matter of the estate of: cephalitis, meningitis and other can be purchased at Hong Kong immediately launched a The presenter was CaptainPeterC. --Tuturan, 5851 sq. m.-- In The Mauer of besurprised if they once again sail JULIAN NORITA, illnesses. Children, elderly people Bank. Talofofo Golf Resort and fundraising effort to honor her Siguenza:, USMCR, a young man --Capitol Hill, 3420 sq. m.-- Deceased. JERRY SAMMY. and those with compromised im­ with a ceremonial plaque who had as a child "contributed pen­ aboard a vessel bearing the name . Contact: Frank Yuan Ci>il Action No. 97,1053 minor child the American Cancer Society in Tel. 1-626-588-3660 Fax: 1-626-588-3655 Notice of Hearing on Motion mune systems are warned to be ands hips' bells. niestothefund"which created them. "USSGuam." E-mail: [email protected] Hagatna. To: The General Public,Any Hcir~ Claimants, or Credi, by especially careful. For more information call Shortly after the meeting was Ramon G. Villagomez, for his tors or the late Julian Nori ta (Deceased) or or his estate. PASTOR BASIENTE and NORE For more information call 475- DOKO SAIPAN, INC. Catherine Denight at 647-8593, Manibusan called to order, White expressed part, noted that the reporters were PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on September 15th, BASIENTE. 1623 or visit the EPA web site at Christie Alexander at 477-9451 1998,at the hour of 1:JOp.m.,oras soon as Counsel may Continued from page 14 dispieasure at the presence of re­ given permission to cover the meet­ We have over 7-8,000 be heard thercafter, CLAUDIO K. NORITA, Movant Pelitioners. NEEDS: http://www.epa.gov/ostwater/ or Bob Shaw at 646-9579. the meeting if former bar associa­ porters, who, he said, should be ing. Good Selections of Videos & Games herein. by and through his Counsel, Brien Sers Nicholas, FCD,GU Civil Action No. 98,307 . beaches/locaVsum2.html. All Inventory and Attorney at Law, will hring on for a hearing a Motion ( I) LOCAL HIRE ONLY asked to leave. W\lite'smotion to eject the report­ Grant Workshop tion president Michael White had equipment must go to Re-Open the above-captioned probate; (2) to Admit his way. Bar association president ers was narrowly defeated, 12-14. the Last Will and Testament of JULIAN NORITA, De, NOTICE OF HEARING Hong Kong Bank to to be held at UOG p'gr: (671) 721-0414 ceased.for probate, and (J)toappointan Ex~to:and host golf tournament issuance of Letters Testamentary. The hcarmg w,11 be A two-day Grant Cluster Train­ Bellas and Frances Sablan­ made on the note, according to held before the Honorable John A. Man~ona, Associate Notice is hereby given that Pas1or and Nore (1) OFFICE ASSISTANT The 1998 Hong Kong Bank/ ing Workshop will be held on Bellas, then husband and wife, the complaint. Judge of the above-entitled Honorable Coun. All interested Bellas . . . COMMERCIAL SPACE persons or entities should appear at this hc,rin,g. . Basiente have filed aPetition for Appointmenl American Cancer Society Cham­ August 25th and 26th in the Train­ allegedly "made and delivered" Bellas.allegedly still owe Sablan IN GENERAL: Continued from page 7 2nd Floor Commercial Space A copy of said motion isavailable for your mterview at of General Guardian for the minor child, Jerry pionship begins today at the ing Room of the Civil Defense to Sablan a promissory note in $176,000 plus interest 850 s.f. Deposit required. the Office of theClcrkof Coun for the above-entitled Hon­ JANITORIAL & MAINTENANCE orable Court. If you have any objection to said Motion, Sammy. A hearing on the petition will be con­ Talofofo Golf Resort. Four win­ Headquarters in Hagatna Heights. order Bellas to pay the alleged which Bellas promised to pay the The alleged transaction happened Chalan Kanoa, Beach Road MUST HAVE CNMI VALID DRIVER'S LICENSE you arc requested 10 notify the Clerk of Coun and the Law ducted on the 14th day of September. 1998 at . ning golfers will be selected to The workshop will prepare at­ debt and interest. sumof$200,000onMay5, 1992, before Bellas was appointed by then Utilities not included. Office ofBrien Sers Nicholas, Attorney al Law, at lhe WORKING DAYS: TUESDAY - SATURDAY Call: 234-7723 address herein,above indicated. You may also appear al 9:00 a.m. at the Superior Court for the Com­ compete in the National Champi­ tending organizations serving Na­ The complaint stated that the with an annual 7 percent interest. governor Froilan C. Tenorio as judge, the time and date sci for the he.iring o[ said Motion and WAGE: $5.00 -$6.00 PER HOUR monwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. onships at the PGA National Re­ tive Americans and natives of dept was incurred in Aug. 1991. A payment of$24,000 has been which was in 1995. prc,ent your objection to the above-entitled Honorable CONTACT: TEL. 234-1301 JEANNIE C. CABRERA sort and Spa in Palm Beach Gar­ Guam. American Samoa, Palau Court. Dated: July 29. 1998. Dated this 18th day of August, 199B. MONDAY - FRIDAY 09:30HR -11:30HR dens, FL. or CNMI in applying for grants group of friends, find out why." drugs. Two Bedroom, One com111r1 Room, 24-hrs. The competition begins at I :00 sponsored by the Administration Anti-drug ... Francisco points out that all "There's hope for every one of water.,. Fuly Fll'lllSlled, Back,(Jp /~Brien Sc~ Nicholas, Esq. ls/Clerk of the Superior Court Geoora!Dr, One Ai'colllitml' (19,000BTU). Attorney for Movant today and continues throughout for Native Americans (ANA). Continued from page 7 people have basic needs-like us as parents," he says. tomorrow. For more information call love and recognition-that "We can win this fight (and it's Contact 6IIE6 er RUDY at Tel. #822-3793/84 EXECUTIVE HOUSE FOR RENT Open to men and women. the Elaine Cepeda at 735-2050. becauseit'sboring,askthem 'Bor­ should be met. a good one) if we're willing to Olllce Is at Bldg. #8, lialyun, Ltd. Jadop, lrn:. PAPAGOAREA ing compared to what?' If they Large 3-Bedroom, 2 Bathrooms, partially furnished w/Laundry Room and Otherwise, they will besought challenge ourselves to change. Go Automatic Garage Door, Fencing around property line w/spac1ous backyard. don't want you to meet a ne.w in destructive ways, such as on and make a difference." Trash Collection included. 24-hour water w/water tank and pump. Cable T. Y.. &6lappy ~irll,Jay telephone and utility ready for connection. ready to move in .. Rate: negotiable when they can forego the increase," · oftheOfficeofthePublicAuditor, in *Only serious inguirics pls. Call 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm only (Mon-Frt) at 256-1520. Cuts in ... he .pointed out, citing the $10,000 excess of their actual administrative increase given to the head of the cost APARTMENT FOR RENT Continued from page 3 ~aitd Northern Marianas College, which, "NMCmerits$2rnillionoutofthe GARAPAN AREA ~-·,\-·.,r::_-::-·\t'/'7fft .J~.--, ~·"'1~,~a,_-or-":_·e,. Spacious fully furnished 2-Bedroom Apartment, 24-hour water, Conveniently w-·~ ·,r ----.;.f"·· ~·~ --v ... ·: "Everybody agrees that health, he said, is untimely. scholarship funding for those stu­ located in Garapan area. Fence around property for security and safety of ·V w-" dents going to NMC." Hofschneider ( Aug. 23, 1998 ) educationandsafetyofthepeopleare "Maybe we can use that $10,000 An existing *Studio Type Room tenants. Rate: Negotiable . the three most essential public ser­ forrnedicalsuppliesuntil the economy . · said $3.5. million, inclusive of ·the *Two Bedrooms *Only serious inquiries pis. Call 7.:00 pm to 9:00 pm only (Mon-Fn) at 256-1520. Greetings from the Night Clim/Karaoke vices. There is more than $240 mil­ improves so that we can all award $500.000 from OP A, is not enough *Fully Furnished Marianas Variety Staff 2,500 sq. ft., Complete lion in projected revenues, it is just a equally the same public employees," since actual cost today was pegged at *24 Hours Water matterofwhereyouputit,"headded. he added. $3. 9 million, excluding the $2 mil­ Facmues, Fully carpeted w/ *Nice Ocean View Hofschneider also scored the sal­ He also said that funds far the lion NMC normally gets. 4 Staff Rooms at the heart of The *San Vicente Area r ary adjustments given to some cabi­ scholarship program has been se­ 'Thatin essence tells me thatthere;s Garapan, Nothing to renovate, t=w· A N. T E D= [ tH.appy ZirlhJay verely "depleted." In the direct ap­ a minimum of$6 million that should *New Apartment netheads, whilepromptlyaddingthat Nothi!I to spend just operate. he agrees that there should be fairness propriations for scholarship, there be funded for the scholarship pro­ Tel. 322-3364(Day) Amy _v Jay in the way officials are compensated. should be $3 million, with an addi­ gram. There are needless appropria­ wise reader Contact: RUDY 235-1242 235-3365(Night) PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY \ ?1 Aug. 22,1998 "But there are specific examples tional $500,000from the excess funds tions going elsewhere," he said. Skills to include: From The Variety Staff· Word Processing, Basic Bookkeeping & Standard Office Procedures Police are still "looking into all the The Attorney General's Office buys only LOST ENTRY PERMIT &omm IMPORTANT iJOCUMffi!TS Must be able to communicate effectively On August 15, LIU JIA PENG, employee of MARIANAS GARMENT Maxima ... details and comparing fact,." (AGO) will determine whether to Salary commensurate upon Education/experience. Continued from page 3 MFG. JNC. lost her wallet with important documents including her entry "Tus is not an easy task and we pursue a vehicular homicide ca.s;e permit, alien card, social security card & driver·s license. Call Jack McClure. GM/ Pacific Subsea Saipan Inc. She was on .the road right behind wi!l proceed carefully," he said. ~.oainst Sablan Jr. one These lost items is considered null & void. Tel. 322-7734 The the generntor of the airJXtrt's power Manglona was pronounced dead r Another auto-ped Any information please call MGM, Inc. at 234-5821 plant, near the former Marianas Visi­ onanivalat6:05a.m .• Aug.12,atthe Inanotherauto-pedestrianaccident wise reader tors' Bureau (MVB) office, he said. Commonwealth Health Center a garment worker suffered laceration newspaper Post impact (CHC). to the head, bruises on the forehead He added that speed calculations Trash truck and a swollen mouth after being hit buys only based on the skid marks showed that DPS has identified the trnck driver Wednesday night by a southbound 1992 DIAMANT MITSUBISHI SEDAN $7,000.00 and saves 1995 HYUNDAI SONATA SEDAN $6,500.00 *Computer programmers, analysts, database administrators. the vehicle was running 23 miles an as George B. Sablan Jr., 19, a Com­ vehicle on the road behind Nauru 1992 CHEVY CAPRICE SEDAN $6,000.00 Will sponsor foreign candidates for H-1 B visa. one llL_" hour after hitting ManglomL monwealth Pons Authority (CPA) Bldg. 1994 DODGE VAN (IS PASSENGER) $13,000.00 "That's post-impact. and we still police. DPS spokesperson Rose T. Ada 1994 HYUNDAI BUS (45 PASSENGER) VERY GOOD $20,000.00 *Nursing: registered nurses, nurses aides haven't come up with pre-impact Sablan Jr. was driving a uuck be­ identified the victim a.~ 27 year old because; 1995 HYUNDAI BUS (35 PASSENGER) VERY GOOD $18,000.00 Must be US Citizens or residents. newspaper figures," Sablan said. longing to the Trash King garbage Hong Yun Liu. 1993 ASIA BUS (45 PASSENGER) $17,000.00 For more information call (201) 662-8906. Or fax your resume to 1989 TOYOTA CAMRY (A/C GOOD) $2,500.00 Still, he added, the police ··will not The driver is Won Lee. 38. an As collectors, which is owned by his cfM__arianas 1995 TOYOTA TACOMA $8,000.00 (201) 662-9897. Visit our website at www.whrgroup.com. jump into conclusions." family. Lito resident. 1989 KIA BOXER TRUCK (4.5 TONS) $4,500.00 Our street address is· and saves "At35 miles an hour, if you're200 He told police that he tried to avoid Won told the polici: that Hong ~rietx:_ Please Contact: JAMES PARK at Tel.# 234-2340 & 287-8949 WHR, Galaxy Mall, 7000 Boulevard East, Guttenberg, New Jersey 07093 feet away, I got 7 seconds to see you hitting Manglona. who was never­ "darted in front of his vehicle. and react according! y," he said. theless "bu mpcd" by the southbound He said he stepped on the brakes, ~ because; '"But even if you were driving I0 uuck. but Hong was hit nonetheless. miles an hour. hitting a person could Police have so far determined that Ada said Won wasn't arrested 1 JOB OPENING ---; still be fatal," he said. alcohol is not a factor in the incident pending further investigation. has it all! 1 FOR I LOST PASSPORT tft{arianas ffirietY- HAPPY BIRTHDAY . ' iOne (1} ASSIST ANT MANAGER i NAME: LOU, HUI SHENG Ruby C. Acosta LET US KEEP I With knowledge in Mamagement and able I I iu a:ommunicate and speak well i Nationality: (Aug. 23) CHINESE has it all! CNMI LITTER I Interested applicant please call: I Hlound, please call From PD! Acctg. & Nora I IRENE at Tel. 233-9298/9299 I FREE. FOR APPOINTMENT Passport No.: 7733821 Tel. No. 234-6406 L _J

"11:::'·-~.:..·. ·~-,-· .. ······~······ 40-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS, FRIDAY. AUGUST 21. 1998 FRIDAY, AUGUST 21, 1998 -MARiANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-41 DEADLINE: 12:00 noon the day prior to publication EEK & MEEK® by Howie Schneider ~t}vlarianas ~arietr~ NOTE· If some reason your advertisement is incorrect. call us CROSSWORD PUZZLER immediately to make the necessary correction?. The Mananas Vanety HEY, LISTEN 1D lHIS ... News and Views is responsible only for one incorrect 1nsert1on. We ™AT \UOULD LIMIT NJ:J reserve the right to edit. refuse._reject or cancel any ad at any time. ~ME SWATCRS AR£ a.>T-Cf-C:HICE PCUT/(/1¥J'5 R.J.SI-\IJ\l6 LfGSl.ATIOV .. ACROSS 42 Clark and TIME l,IJITI-\- f-1/S F~~·, . Rogers 1 Can. prov. 43 Compass pl. Answer to Previous Puzzle 4 12 ins. '45 Alloy • • 6 Arctic abode 48 Article 01 DOCUMENTATION SUPERVISOR­ JOB VACANCY 11 Esprit de 50 Cordon - Salary: S3.60-4.00 per hour corps 51 However 01 SUPERVISOR, OPERATIONS-Sal­ 1 Lifeguard CPR Certified & 13 Conliscates 54 Excessively ary: S3.05-4.00 per hour r 15 Batlery type fond of Life Guarding Certificate ;;; 16 Deciding 56 Jumps Contact: SAIPAN SHIPPING COM­ z PANY, INC. Tel. 322-9706(8/28)F27744 > match 58 San Juan's (Local Hire) · " 18 Refuse /ram locale {abbr.) ~ grapes 59 Brie or edam 01 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER-Salary: 9-G 0 t.______, Rate Starting 61 Athens' rival S3.05 per hour 19 Greek letter 21 Singer 63 Command Contact: VICTORINO M. CATIENZA dba $3.50 McEntire 64 Baseballer Catienza Enterprises Tel. 235-3975(8/ 22 Letter of the Cobb 28)F27745 lnterostod person can apply at alphabet 65 Young male 01 DISK JOCKEY-Salary:S3.05 per ISLAND SECURITY SERVICE, INC. Saipan Oc~an View Hotel. 23 Wagering hour 01 SALES REPRESENTATIVE-Salary: 26 "Vertigo" star DOWN 03 HOSTESS-Salary:S3.05 per hour S650.00 per month Tel.# 322· 7490 Tel. #234·8900/8901. 29 Nullify 8-21 © 1998 United Feature Syndicate 01 SEED YEAST (SUPERVISOR) OP· Contact: GENPRO INTERNATIONAL, 31 Paradise 1 Star ol "Dr. Zhivago" ERATOR-Salary:S3.05 per hour 33 Calcium INC. Tel. 288-07450(8128)F27749 symbol 2 Wyle of "ER" goddess 14 Carlton ID 01 BARTENDER-Salary:S3.05 per hour Startyour owri Video Rental 'Business .· 34 Beaver Slate 3 26th pres. 8 Kind ot bean 17 Irish - Rose 03 WAITRESS/WAITER-Salary:S3.05 01 COMMERCIAL CLEANER-Salary: HOUSE FOR RENT 37 Heavily built 4 Trifle 9 Oklahoma 20 Acting award per hour S3.05 per hour Earn money immediately, we. will provide 3 Bedrooms, 1 Bath, with Utility 39 Tellurium 5 Doctrine mountains 24 Brim Contact: AMERICAN FUCHENG COR­ Contact: H.S. LEE CONSTRUCTION and Car Gabage, symbol 6 Cayman- 1O Above (poel.) 25 Obtain PORATION dba Miyako Karaoke Tel. CO., INC. dba H.S. Lee Equipment & owner financing, all merchandise available Room 1 40 Throw off 7 Earth 12 Mil. branch 27 Unpleasantly 233-8061 (8/21 )F27669 Apartment Rental Tel. 234-6856(8/ Trash Collection and gluey 28 "The Say Hey 28)F27750 • pager#: (67l) 721-11414 Lawn Maintenance Included. 01 ELECTRONICS TECHNICIAN-Sal­ Kid" 29 Ballot ary:S5.00 per hour 01 COMMERCIAL CLEANER-Salary: 30 Mine linds Contact: MARIANAS ELECTRONICS S3.05 per hour 32 Ms. Dunn COMPUTER SYSTEM dba Marianas Contact: AMERICAN LAGENTE Tel. SAIPAN SILKSCREEN PRINTING 35 Medical suffix Electronics Tel. 234-5424(8/21) F27665 233-3020(8/28)F27751 PEANUTS® by Charles M. Schulz 36 More lithe (Formerly Sun Mei Corporation) 38 - and brush 01 ACCOUNTANT-Salary:S900.00 per 01 TRAVEL COUNSELOR-Salary: ~------~ 41 Story SHE WAS 11 month $3,500.00 per month has just opened last July 28, 1998. The WHAT DID Sl-1E BUT THERE WAS NOT A 44 Diner Contact: ANTONIO M. ATALIG dba An­ Contact: HIT TOURS SAIPAN INC. Tel. SA'( MARCIE'? QUOTING 46 Smallest SOUND; NO ONE ANSWERED, number tonio M. Atalig Law Office Tel. 234- 234-1814(8/28)F27752 company specializes in silkscreen printing: FROM I KINGS, 47 Rainbow lish 7800(8121 )F27666 AND NOT AN'{ONE LISTENED" ~ ---- T-shirts, caps/hats, plastic signs, artworks, OIAPTER 18, 49 Requirement 01 DEPARTMENT SUPERVISOR-Sal­ VERSE 26 .. 52 Capable al 01 H.E. OPERATOR-Salary:$3.50-4 50 ary: SB.25 per hour uniforms, streamer/banner, ~ompany logo. ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENTS ~i (2 wds.) per hour Contact: Y.O. SAIPAN CORPORATION San Vicente Estates is located on "' 53 Server 01 CIVIL ENGINEER-Salary:S3.50- dba Okadaya Tel. 234-6653(8/ For more informationr call Sun Qian Lan at the cliff line overlooking majestic 54 Washington, 4.00 per hour 28)F27754 Contact: PACIFIC DRILLING LTD. Tel. Tel. 234-8058 or 287-8288 Lau Lau Bay. All units are fully 55 Exclamation 235-8531 (8/21 )F27664 57 Anton ID 01 REFRIGERATION TECHNICIAN­ furnished with on site laundry 60 Selenium Salary: S3.05 per hour facility and roof top barbecue area. symbol 02 CARPENTER-Salary:S3.05-6.00 per Contact: MELITON R. MENDEZ dba 62 Burton ID hour Wide Technical Services Tel. 322- $$$ POKER MACIDNES FOR SALE$$$ $600-750 per month. 01 ARCHITECT-Salary:SB00.00- 1110(8/28)F27757 NOW LEGAL IN SAIPAN (PUBLIC LAW 11-25) Deposit required. STELLA WILDER 1,200.00 per month Utilities not includes. 02 HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATOR­ 02 COUNTER ATTENDANT-Salary: BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY OF THE YEAR. Salary:$3.05-5.00 per hour Call: 234-7723 S3.05 per hour FINO THE WOADS. THE NAMES 01 ELECTRICIAN-Salary:SB00.00- Contact: WINCHELL'S INCORPO­ 15 TOTAL MACHINES AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE YOUR BIRTHDAY ...adsp~ 1,200.00 per month RATED dba Winchell's Donut House Tel. OPERATION IN SAIPAN. I FOR SPARE PARTS. ,;;, JJli/18 ll1UII ~· ,.,. OF THE P I CTURE CLUES ARE 04 ACCOUNTANT-Salary:S800.00- 235-024 7 (B/2B)F27761 HICCEN IN THE SQUARE. CIRCLE EACH WORD, GOING ACROSS, 1,900.00 per month AIRCONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION AUTOMATIC HIGH-SPEED COIN COUNTER AND HOTEL & RESTAURANT SUPPLIES DOWN OR DIAGONALLY. 01 WAREHOUSE WORKER-Sal­ 01 COOK-Salary: S3.05 per hour ROLLER/ 1 SMALL COIN COUNTER ,.; ,.,, .. FRIDAY for a new idea or plan today. Perhaps AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ary:S3.05-3.25 per hour Contact: JO, SUK KON dba Korean August 21, 191J8 you need to do more to earn the -Takecarenottomisintezpzetsome­ 01 CEMENT MASON-Salary:S3.05- JOB VACANCY Town Resturant Tel. 234-3011 {Bi CALL: JEFF. J&M ENTERPRISES IN TINIAN (670) 433-0563/0579 Born today, you enjoy keeping support you need. one else's won:ls and actions today. 4.00 per hour 28)F27762 ANNOUNCEMENT Contact: SABLAN ENTERPRISES, FAX: 433-0710 HOME: 433-3013/2195 One (1) Warehouseman secrets. This isn't out of necessity; VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Don't pass judgment until you know INC. Tel. 234-1558(8121)F73807 01 OPTOMETRIC ASSISTANT-Salary: You may not be able to avoid all One (1) AJC & Ref Technician you just enjoy maintaining a kind of what's really meant. $3.75-15.00 per hour anonymity and mystery about your­ awkward situations today, but you PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) - 01 WAITRESS-Salary:S3.05 per hour 01 MAINTENANCE MAN-Salary: S3.05- One (1) Salesperson Contact: S.T CORPORATION dba self which secrets promote. When should be able to acquit yourself bet­ Men and women may be at odds 7 .00 per hour (Hotel & Res1aurant Equipment & Supplies) Bigi's Restaurant Tel. 235-1051 (81 Contact: SAIPAN SEVENTH-DAY COMPUTER PROGRAMMER need be, you 'ze more d1an willing to ter than most by maintaining good today over something they don't fully 21)F27668 ADVENTIST CLINIC dba Family Den­ LOCATED ON SOUTH MIDDLE ROAD, share things about yourself with those humor. understand. It's up to you to play BEAVER tistry/Optical Tel. 234-6008(8128)F27764 LOCAL HIRE ONLY CHALAN LAULAU 01 OPERATIONS MANAGER-Sal­ IN FRONT OF PACfFfC DAILY NEWS ai·ound you, so it can't be said you me LIBRA (Sept 23-0ct. 22) -A mediator. E 1·G HT A ary:S 1,000.00 per monlh 01 ACCOUNTANT-Salary: S3.75 per we are rooking for an individual with at least 2 years afraid of zevealing yourself Your late stmt today is more hazardous ARIES (March 21-April 19)­ Contact: ARTURO C. TRAVILLA dba hour penchant for secrecy is a quirk which than you think, and you must sttive to y ou may be slow to come ai·ound Owen's Enterprises Tel. 234-3580(8/ programming experience with knowledge in ANTS NB Contact: PINOY EXPRESS (PX­ od1ers either unden,tand or dismiss, get past a fozmidable obstacle <1, soon today, but a friend is willing to wait 21 )F27674 SAIPAN) INC. (8/28)F73898 PC Sottware - Windows 95, Lotus ·and Word Perfect. Land tn Buy Commercial and Resldential and you don't caie either way. You ,L\ you cai1; for you toseetl1e light. lt'sagoodday RNOE I B 03 WAITRESS-Salary:S3.05 per/lour 01 DINING SERVICE SUPERVISOR­ Call: Papago, San Vicente, Capitol Hill, Kagman enjoy being tl1ought of a<; a little SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)­ to forgive and forget. Contact: PRY AMERICA INTERNA· Salary:S3.0S'.4. 75 per hour TRANS WORLD TRADING CO., LTD. ' Area preferred. Will consider otlter strange. y ou may be considering a dramatic TAURUS (April20.May 20)­ OSWAN I TIONAL /NV. CORP. dba Hong Du Res­ Contact: BACK IN TIME, INC. dba Co­ PHONE: #234-7786 ill'eas as wel. ocean V-iew apkls. Must have Goal-oziented, ai1d there is little life-change today which has you con­ You 'II have plenty of time today to ...... lauranl Tel 233-2123(8/21)F27675 lonial Restaurant Tel. 323-1023(9/ WHAL ET M water power readiY availoole. 1000- 03)Th28530 am anyone can do to keep you from cerned about the future-and others figure out what to wear, how to act, 01 SALES CLERK-Salary:S3.05 per ao oo sq.m. 55 yr. lease. Shorter lease pursuing your dreams with dedica­ concemed about yourcmotional state. and what to say - and you can based Di1Y hour 02 WAITRESS-Salary:S3.05 per hour coosttlered oo !l'lce. reasonable tion and driving energy. Even when SAGIITARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. change vour mind at the last minute, Contact: PAM PACIFIC ENTER­ 02 COOK-Salary:$3.05 per hour !l'lced alters wil be coosileretl. Preler to in danger, you '1e likely to continue 21)-You may have trouble accept­ ifn~dbe. . PRISES CORPORATION dba Pena Contact: FAR EASTERN GENERAL deal tll'ectty With land owners. House Boutique Tel. 235-7270(81 MERCHANDISE, INC. dba Diamond along youz: chosen course. ing something handed down as offi­ GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - 21)F27676 Chinese Restaurant Tel. 234-81 B8(9/ Contact : JIM To see what is in sto1e for you cial policy today. You can put up a You may feel foztune is toying with 04)F27817 FOR RENT= HM: 288-6525 WK: 234-7625 fight, but you must be patient 01 FIELD SERVICES ENGINEER-Sal· Brand New Warehouse/Ollice Space tomorrow, find your birthday and you at this time, but the pieces of a © 1997 United Feature Syndicate, Inc. t'-/17 ary:S1 ,000.00-1,200.00 per month 02 MAINTENANCE REPAIRER-Sa,­ read the conesponding paragraph. CAPRICORN(Dec.22-Jan.19) complex puzzle rue slowly falling '1N31 '1188\il:l 'lv'3S 'l:l\>'38 '31\iHM Conlact: SAIPAN COMPUTER SER­ ary:S650 .00 per month APARTMENT FDR RENT Let your birthday star be your daily -You'llbewillingtoworklongand into place. VICES, INC. Tel. 234-9110(81 Contact: ASIA PACIFIC OVERSEAS, Located: W2 Highway, Lower Base '2-Bedroom 'NVMS '3NIN 'SlN'v' 'lH813 '!::f3i\V38 :1s11 O!::IOM . 'Furnished · guide. hard to reach a goal you set for your­ CANCER (June 21-July 22)­ 21)F27672 INC. dba BJ Marine Sports & Tour Ser­ 'Concrete '24 Hours Water SATURDAY,AUGUST22 self some time ago today. Others Discuss your. plans with someone vice Tel. 235-5219(9/04)F27813 Contact: Tel. 322-3131 Fax: 322-8188 '5 min. drive to CHC 'Located at· 01 SALES CLERK-Salary:S634.40 per '$600/mo.+security deposit Upper Navy Hill LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)- You will be impressed with your dili­ who matters, and you 'II zealize it's month 01 CIVIL ENGINEER-Salary:$4.00-5.50 may feel a surpzising lack of support gence. best for you to combine your effrnts. TDNl&HT Contact: UNIT RADE SAi PAN INC. dba per hour Ask for JULIET Contucl: 236-1023 PJger. 322-3607 after 5:00 P.M. Your Video Rental Tel. 234-8772(8/ Contact: PACIFIC CONSTRUCTION, 21/F27687 INC. Tel. 322-9561 (9/04)F27805 WE NEED TO MAKE A LITTLE We are looking for a used Fork Lift, EXTRA MONEY. I'M THINKING 01 CASHIER-Salary: S3.05 01 ASSISTANT MANAGER-Sal­ 2·Ton Diesel Engine & 20-Fl or OF SELLING A FEW SMALL Contact: NORTHERN MARIANAS IN­ ary:S600.00·800.00 per month 40-Ft. Used Containers. THINGS I'VE GOT AROUND VESTMENT GROUP LTD. dba Lucky 01 SUPERVISOR-Salary:$3.05-5.00 per THE HOUSE,,, Spot Gameroom Tel. 234-6979(8/ hour PLEASE CONTACT: 28)F27742 GARAGE SALE 01 COMMERCIAL CLEANER-Sal­ Hong Ye Trading Company ary:$3.05 per hour atTel. 235-87 48 01 CIVIL ENGINEER-Salary: SB00.00 Contact: MIDWEST TRADING CORPO­ .· · Saturday, August 22, .1998 per month RATION Tel. 235-8752(9/04)F27807 Contact: YANG'S CORPORATION Tel. 235-6784(8/28)F277 43 01 AUTO BODY REPAIRER-Sal­ _· JDETEN HOUSING · HOUSE FOR RENT ary:$3.80 per hour 2 Bedroom, 1 Bathroom, All Concrete, ------·~------01 AUTO PAINTER-Salary:S3.80 per ·. Behind NMC, Finasisu Part Furnished, Water Tank, Ocean Vi~, 03 LIFEGUARD-Salary: S3.05-3.45 per hour Family Area, $585.00 per month hour Contact: SJ CORPORATION dba SJ ![t¥1]~WO~ [}=fJ®UJJ~~ Contact: TASI SPORTS, INC. Tel. 234- Auto Repair Shop Tel. 234-3977(9/ · . Look for signs (As lito/Chalan Piao Road) 3533(8/28)F73924 Tel. 483·6669 or 233-4267 FINAL 3 DAY!i! Fri ;•.,Y!l14¥.;i,~w~$~hlf Wi1'.~ THE SAIPAN MAJOR League Baseball Association has set the tie­ h.it~i Kournikova .. but as in "Break in case of emer­ nqw closed Milton College, he be­ walked none and suuck out two. The Rockies lost for the fourth ..· ~e;isqp)nJhys/919!)'.· )····•·(· t••/ t•//f•·····i?/·•·· ( r·•·.··.·.····) "I'm thrilled. It's an honor Stadium on Sept. 15, 2000. and struck out thre~. . Sµml~y,J1~g~teq.[r.9rn;JJ2r9n~i?#J~!Y~·~I~it<1.~?;1im~otiiitJtjlp~\. Continued from page 43 gency." Hitchcock allowed nine hits, one straight time and are 1-5 in their last came the Seattle Seahawks' staiter The 19-yeru· veteran has become midway through the 1983 season and Reds 8, Brewers 2 walk and strnck out four. six games. meeting with Italy's Silvia Farina, Yoshii (5-6) was winless in his Ja5t the pe1fect backup for the Tennessee won seven of his 11 slalts. Of the 208 In Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Pete who upset Mary JoeFemandezofthe Oilers. Pirates 6, Dodgers 5 14 starts, with a record of 0-5 during ·~~~~§1;;~1:iiil\-;11::, NFL games he has played, 175 were US teacher completes Harnisch allowed five hit, in 7 2-3 United States 7-5, 6-3. that period. He allowed only a lead off ·· strikeouts.Jiisfirevi fr ) ·• .>> complaining, but mostly acting as an He enters this season ranked sev­ and an RBI double as the Cincinnati homered and drove in tluee mns and France's Natlialie Tauziat, a 6-3, 6-3. English Channel swim overall, and struck out six. The 1ight­ BriaJl•. B3t~[(Q, l); enr pa:r~f\ef ijinp9.<11I~ppfrp111ffl"iple?'1 .. extra coach to Stalter Steve McNair. enth in the NFL in cmeer aaempts Reds beat the Brewe1,. the Pittsburgh Pirates rallied to beat winner over Kimberly Po, while Omaha,liJS!edjusrl ~~}~ingsirtryi)].~9yallii\ i ··· ... ·... < from /he six baseball games the CNM! played in the 1998 Micronesian Games. came as a holder for kicker Al Del It took Jurzynski 16 hours and the 21.-mile (34-kilometer) cross­ f01-eJasonChristiansen. whosi~ned a nings by Mm"k Gm·dner as Sm1 Fran­ TheTwins,whose three \IJins agilinsttl,e)'anke~s MUal.~heITI.ost by The information has been provided by Frank Palacios. Woodard and take a 7-0 lead. B,uTV G1-eco. 16 minutes to complete the cross­ ing from Folkestone in southeast S l.725 million conu·acl ext;nsion cisco defeated Tom Glavine and At­ any team this season; prevented New Yoikfrolll the best rec top of it ,L, best you ecu1,"' Krieg said than his best time of 12 hours and Jurzynski said he hopes even­ Eddie Taubensee. Bret Boone ,md his fifth sitve. Glavine (16-6) failed to become 'I'heYar#es ~~ 92-} l, !llatching theJ~06 Chicago Cu.bs' 123- scoreboardfirsl u•hen l.eo,; Panuelo hi! a rwo-run homer of{Chris Camacho Biian Bohanon (6-8) took the loss the foot NL pitcher with 17 wins ,md fora 2 -0 lead. B111 the CNMI rewliatcd 11·i1h 1hree runs in I heir lrnlfof1hejrmr1h alierfinishinga pr:1ctice du1ing .:;,hich seven minutes. He made that time tually to beat the American record Ch1is Styncs followed with succes­ game maik. . .· .... ·. .. ···. . .· •·... > < . . . / < . > ·· inning to take a 3-2 lead. Scafic:m 11·c111 on ro hold 1he CN,HI scoreles.rfor rhl' Mc Nair took most of the snaps. in his first outin~ in 1987, when for the most successful swims -only his second in his last six st:.ut.s his sco1dess streakof23 innings w,L, Pettitte(14-7) gave up all flveruns onninehits in.eight inplngs for sive sin!!b to make it 5-0. lll'XI four innings 1rhile l'olmpei pulled mray scoring .vi.r ww11s11·cred nms he - even though only three of the snapped in the first. - ""Jt 's so h,ull to sit back tl1e11: ,md was 36. ' across the channel. Rc!!!!icS,uidcrs IWC}-Olll RB I sin ulc his fifth complete game of the season. He is 0-3 against Minnesota this !>(fore Team CN/1,.-f I Jinolly scorl'd llll'irfourth amlfi.m{I run. It 11·a.rn' J enough Pi1:llcs' six iuns againsl him were "llie Atlm1ta lcft-h,mder gave up watch somebody. You have 10 do it He also successfully S\\'am the Th.: British-bas.:d Channel made it(}-O.cl1,Lsin!! Wcxxl:trci. Ca,:;v season with an 8.27ERA. 1ho11gh. as 1/icv s11//ir<"d 1hcir.first dc{l'ar i11 1hrcc ga111cs . mid make yourown mis1akcs to lcam. channel in 1988. I 'JlJ2, I 9% and Swimming Association, which gn:Clcd 1dicvcr 13ronswcll Pauic~ c.uncd. ' five nms on eight hits ,md four walks . Semfini (6f/ lost his$pot inthe startingyqtationWednesday when in five innings~ 1998 Micronesian Game Baseball Tournament You 're not :ifforded that opponunity, 1997. He tried several times un­ keeps official records, verified with ,m RBI double. Mi keMorganf\!turn~ from th<=:disa9ledlirt,.~.t :tHowedthre~Nts and Astros 4, Phillies 3 Gmdner( I0-5) allowed seven hits CNMI: Game 3 vs. Pohnpei but that's the way it is." successfully including 1993 and Jurzynski's latest successful onemnoverJ:;,-3iruyng~i?r~Hc;foffy1?f&~·. ><•·•·.\>••. · K1ieg is happiest when he's play­ 1994, and two weeks ago, when swim. Expos 8, Diamondbacks 2 In Philauelphia, Derck Bell's two- mid walked two without 1-ecording a CNMI ab r h rbi Pohnpei abr h rbi ing ratl1cr th,m watching. He showed he swam several hours and then Alison Taylor, its assistant sec­ In Phoenix, Dustin Hem1,u1son. 11111 single witl1 two out.<; in tl1e nintl1 su·ikeout. - ··········•·flang~r§ ?, locl.i.ao§ .. 1··· Nick Guerrero 5 0 0 O Leon Panuelo 3 1 3 4 h;t weekend that he c;;n still move, turned back. retary, said she could not imme- · .Iii Arli11gton, Texas., C?arles.1'-tagy t1{itheleµd ~ithtwostraiglit gaye. lnoske Yamada 4 1 1 O Chris Christian 5 0 1 0 blocking a Washington defenderdur­ '"It's tough when you're actu­ diately provide the record for most bases-loaded walks du(ing the Ranger~' tl1ree~runsixth inning as Texas . N.~TIONAL.LEAGUE ST:ANPINGS AMERICAN' LEAGUE STANDINGS . Jerry Ayuy.u 2 1 0 O Kingston Anson 2 0 0 0 ing a pr-esc,t,on game ,m :... t .. \~ ::-·~:~·,: ,•. . ... ' . .'.'.{. ' . ,, . . . . . ' snapped a tlu-ee-game)osing streak> ·.. •.. . ·.... ·.. . ·. . ,motl1erto cleani:ceiverWillic Davis' Tony Camacho 4 1 1 1 MalVin Yamaguchi 4 0 0 0 I say this is the last time," he said. can. Nagy ( IQ:.9) walked ToddZei\e and. MikeSirnms forthe secondand path to tl1e end zone. Glen Palacios 3 O O O Daniel Panuelo 3 1 1 2 But after a couple hours of rest, But Marcia Cleveland, a long-uis­ w L Pct. GB w L Pct. GB third runs of the inning after Ivan Rodriguez'sJrfieldsi ngle tied itat I • ""I wm1ted them to put one of the .754 Greg Camacho 3 O 1 1 Adriano Marquez 3 1 1 1 Jurzynski said there will definitely t,mce swimmerwho is wiitino a book Atlan\a 83 43 .664 New York 92 31 • AaronSeleJ14-) OJallowed one run ~d fiy\i•••t•····•·•··· >·.·> .•···• >••••i< Stolen Bases: CNMI (1) M, Guerrero; Pohnpei (2) Marson (1) His altitude has helped the Oili:1, St. Louis 60 64 .484 16 Kansas City 55 71 .440 14 1/2 ·. McDo\\'.ell{7,7)tht~w .~o pitcge~;~.~.fqq~tt-ike9,.Stl'\/Pk.9PtiWp/. .476 17 Salvador, Oller avoi····<· ...... •...... •.· .. · .... • i i..... y.•..... \· ...• Errors: CNMI (2) Sachez (1) N. Guerrero; Pohnpei (1) Christian, idn't get your Pittsburgh 58 68 .456 19 1-2 vcr,y that empted when they drnlkd Detroit 49 75 .398 19 1/2 !'1cpow~U; op .ti;\\! RB t»'i~ !#if Yf:.\jl' ~<:~us~pf Nt!iilip~ ~lqp\>/; •. Scaliem, Salvador, Marquez Mc Nair ,L, thei1· top choice in 1995. Cincinnati 57 69 .452 20 reJomed t~ iJCIIV~(OS,tJ:iS(.$111;¥fd.j!l liiJ. ~!14 ~fipl\lJ~.~ty~•iif9~'... Innings McNairdidn 'tgct much help from day suspe~sionfo~partigipiit.i~~ w L Pct. GB w L Pct. GB i1~~~rl~-~g~~~ ~~~:-v!}? ~~~~ . Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E LOB tl1en-stmtcrChris Chandler. and the paper today? San Diego 81 45 .648 Anaheim 68 58 .536 City.on June 2.•. i•·•··.><•··.•··•· . <•··· L•· )····· < ..• >.••·••. <•·····••·· > 0 0 0 0 1 4 6 3 6 Oi lc.;rs tradeu Chandler to Atlanta Darin l3rstail, n\sojust9ffthe disaple4 y~f, WtAria~~i!ll i!Mad tO$ta.Y CNMI 0 0 0 3 San Francisco 67 59 .528 15 Texas 66 59 .524 1 1/2. Pohnpei O 0 2 0 0 4 1 1 8 10 4 6 be Core the 1997 season. On Guam call: (671) 649-4678 64 .496 19 56 67 .455 10 with .• an RB.If i11gle]nthe thi~dJnni~g,g~.¢gie\Villiams rn4B~it~:o in Krieg hasn't gotten much work Los Angeles 62 Seattle or E-mail us at : [email protected] Colorado 57 70 .452 241-2 Oakland 56 70 .440 12 thefifthV1ith.an.Rl3I~inJpe... i•.••>··· .... /\••· ·•·••• ).·• /\·•.•t•·•·•··· >(•( ..··••. Pilcher Team Inn R ER H 2b 3b HR BB SO HB DEC at training camp. He played only ~~l)()VJeljout~uel~il~.Tig~r~JJu~pi:i1Jl90}PSO~f""h?~AY\ijpt,vo•• Chris Camacho CNMI 5.1 5 44001232L one series in the exhibition opener Office hou~s: 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m . Arizona 47 79 .376 34 runs onnine)iitscTh91J1PS011. (10"1 O} struck•·outfivef.ind walkedtwoJ••····· . ,,', ,' '' '' : ···::•,,-' :-.:·· ... _::": .. : .. :.::,-:: .:·-: ::.::. ·:::::·:·::.::::·:-:::··,:>:::::;:·-.::: ·:_·::_--:_. '... ::::·:.::·::.::··· .. ·.: :: -._- ··:··>-·:-::.:::. ,·::::=:· Ed Santos CNMI 2.2 3 26100020 at Atlanta and two against W,L,h­ ington.

·.. - ...·.~v.1.,., . .-:..... ------···----- .. -·-·-----. -:_. .:.....:..:~'.."i.':...... --..._::"C..,.,,""··'-r-.,,,;,,-. ·-

"4-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-AUGUST 21, 1998 SPORTS Kournikova, Sanchez-Vicario advance at' du Maurier Open MONfREAL (AP) -Old favorite Arantxa Sanchez Vicario and the spicy teen-ager Anna Koumikova both smvived tough second-round matches Wednesday at the dlrs 1.3 million du Maurier Canadian Open tennis tournament. Wimbledon champion J.ana Novoma of the ~zech Republic, riding a three-tournament winnirig streak, downed Russia's Elena Likhovtseva 7-5, 6-2 to run her consecutive match victory streak to 17. Top-seeded Mru:tina Hingis of Switzerland was scheduled to play 's Silvia Plischke later Wednesday. Sanchez, 26, of Spain, struggled with her seive on a windy center court in a 0-6; 7-5, 6-2 victo1y over Kruina Habsudova of Slovakia. Koumikova, 17,ofRussia,emergeda4-6, 6-2, 6-4winneroverRomania 's Ruxandra Dragomir. "For the first20or25 minutes,Ididn''tsee the ball _I just saw her winners," the third-seeded Sanchez said of Habsudova, who is ranked 6 I st in the world. "I just uicd to stay in the match, keep the ball in the cowt and try to move her around. Obviously, it worked." 1l1e three-time French Open champion caught a break when, leading 6- 5 in the second set, a missed line call on set point helped her avoid a tiebreaker. · Video replays showed Habsudova'sshot l~ded squarely on the line, but it was ruled to be out. Sanchez won tl1e du Mamier in 1992 and 1994 in Montreal and reached Anna Kournikova of Russia backhands a return to Ruxandra Dragomir of Romania at the du Maurier Open the final the last time the women were atJany S_tadium in 1996, losing to in Montreal. Kournikov beat Dragomir 4-6, 6-2, 6-4 to move on to the next round. AP Monica Seles. Autograph seekers lined up 10 deep to catch the attractive Koumikova, the 15th seed, on her way to and from tlle court for what turned out to be a Salllpras settles down, advances .spirited first meeting witll the 38tl1-ranked Dragomir. "I knew she was a good, whole-court player," said Koumikova, who shot NEW HA VEN, Connecticut (AP) Rafter that was first called out, then . .. and in the middle of dropping one of frequent glances ather''good fiiend" Sergei Fedorov, the Detroit Red Wings -Pete Sampras, still haunted by a 3- ruled an ace by the umpire. four service games, the 17-year-old center who watched from courtside. "It was windy and it was difficult to day-old controversial call, allowed "Idon'tlikelosingmatches. I don't struck his racket on the.court, break­ adjust. I think she handled the wind well." Lleyton Hewitt to break him twice like losing, period, especially that ing it. Novotna, 29, who had a first-round bye, advanced to a third-round and force a tiebreaker before dismiss­ way," he said, adding that 'he most "I was; a set down before I knew it," Continued on page 43 ing the young Australian 6-1, 7-6(7- wants to play Rafter this week. Hewitt said. "At the time you really 4) to advance to the third round of the· Rafter, seeded second, was slated don't know what to do." Pilot Pen International Wednesday. to play JeffTm·ango in a night match. AlsoWednesday,third-seededP~tr Sampras, the No. l seed, dropped Rafter,rankedNo.3 in the world,and Korda defeated Andrei Medvedev 9- the first game of the match, serving, Smnpm'> would meet in the tourna­ 3, 2-6, 6- J. Korda, ranked No. 4in the and later said he was having trouble ment finals. world, will face fellow Czech Bohdan acclimating himself to his first Hewitt, whom Sampras called an Ulihrach, seeded 13th. appearence in New Haven. up-and-coming player in need of a Korda, tl1e Austr

Final Standings Division "A" Win Loss Division "B" Win Loss Pepsi SPEC 15 2 Koror Tigers 13 4 Warriors 14 3 Red Torch 12. 5 JET Turtles 13 4 Ngeaur Comets 12 5 G-. Force 11 6 LA Bombers 11 6 Tanapag Braves 7 10 Enforcer 11 6 Team Chelus 5 12 Tarzans 8 9 I Luv You Man· 3 14 Airai Aces 5 12 Team Peleliu 3 14 7-Up Kabekel 3 14 Senyevins - 1 16 Hustlers 3 14 .\\- "A" Pennant: Martha's/Pepsi SPEC "B" Pennan·t: Koror Tigers Runner-Up Pennant: Warriors Runner-Up Pennant: _Need Tie-Breaker Game Schedule Sunday August 23, 1998 Game 1 1 o a.m. Red T arch vs. Ngeaur Comets · (Tie-Breaker for "B" Runner-Up Pennant) Game2 11 a.m. Enforcer vs. Koror Bombers (4th spot in "B" Playoff) Game3 12 p.m. Pepsi SPEC vs. G. Force 1st Game4 1 p.m. Warriors vs. JET Turtles 1st Games 2p.m. Koror Tigers vs. Winner of Enforcers vs. Bombers Saipan's Regina Palacios takes to the air in the long jump event Game6 3p.m. Red Torch vs. Ngeaur Comets · while representing the CNMI in the recently-concluded 1998 Micronesian Games in Palau. Pharo by Eduardo c. Siguenza


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