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'i(, -~ '' '] 'I,, THE DAILY NEWS' JS~~~ ' ' . Vol. 6~. No.2 ,ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1958 (Price 7 cents) Charles Hutton &: Sons m lbania RefuSes Releas!!Venezuela: • ' . orce ,cvo t rus e n~ni!ter. in Al~anla fatled 13ter Shtylln. rana since 1946,-when two.,. Brit· " I ------"'"'"''_Qt.,,~::.,.,~,:.,.m~~.~~.~!~1 r 10 3 rr:m~e the relense 1:olO PtmTEST ASKED ish destroyers hit mines In Corfu _,. --· •, in Albania of a' AuthorilntiYe British eources Channel off t!ie Albanian coast. ,. "----~-~~-,...,...- .. ~ ..... ~--· . · . llrlti'h trnnsport said france has not been asked The plane, a DC-4 Skymoster T Jr an;! its crew of elx, ? Brit· to protest to Albania ovr the. de· owned bye. a private British 'Govt. Tro.ops !crd&n ,,ff:c<' s~krsman an· tention of the six Britons ~nd the freight and charter firm, lntle· 1: n:ur>rlny mght. plene. forced down by Albanian pendent Air Tral'el Llmllccl. wns /, t~: l 1ative -~~-·~-.-·-- . 5>',;u 1·-,:1n ~aid the French lighters :\ew Year's Eve at Va· I forced down after allegtdly vi· v·•- ... "'7·•'"" .. In Ttr;•nil, Lou!!\.. Keller, lona, on the southwest coast of'l olatlng Alhonlon · olr spDce nml and .-\1\\inian authorities, the Comm\tnlst slate. Ignoring elgnal! frllJTl Albnnion I h'd M\ )·et hecn able to. French dlplomnts In Tirana, :lighters. .\ Capture Rebels ~n~ l't • arrawnwnts lor the re· , .~lhanla's co~ital, nr~ mnklng In- 1 France already hos Informed l cJ :.~~ 3inrnft nnd its crew. quiri·:s for Britain. France nnd 'Britain that the six detained Brit· C.\TIAC.\S, \'ene?.uelo 1.\Pl -: ar.:10unced that the leader o! thG 1 frt~C:1 L1;1·i~a office spo!;es· : 1\:Jly nrc the only Western coun-/pn! - lncht!llng an air hostess - President ~larcos Perez Jiminez insurrection hod been caplUTl'O · iuent made a three- I Jet !'lanes in rehd hands sw~pl s min'.ttc rcdio and telc1·ision an- ··oYer Caracas at irregular Inter nouncement soon af\H gol'ern· i va!s . Wl•dnesdny and obsen·ers JODRI::LL !l \ :-i K, Englnr.d I E~D J..IS, 1? the earth 1,348 times co1wing a EARS' mrnt Ioree~ ca~ltt:red the rebel 1re;Jorted scc.ing ~l'l~rd strafin~ toters' - \\'c,!crn scimtlsts The Russian< announced last distance of aout 41,8ell,OOO miles. holdout no;nt at Los Teques, attac:;s. Anh • atrcrnft battem; · ; ! l'ws(',uy night on ~londay that !lte first satellite At Cambridge, Moss .. Amerl· 1 ahout ~3 ·miles from raracns. ~·!ired on the nlanes and the gov , n the [Jr': S•v. .cl Snulrtk \',til i was cx~ected lo enter the dense cnnastronomers at .. th0 Smithson· Perez Jiminez ~oid the sur· ernnwnt said one was hit and c!r· n-' r if there is any· areas ot. the atmosphere and Ian Astroph)'Eicnl O?serl'atory renth•r of nn vr~ilkn· nnct ar· 1 !orc2d to bntl. tell ~~ the lillie mclol would censeto exist Jan. 1. predicted the s ate ll1 t .e would amodre i nIt in Lo~ Teques I A ~ovcrnment annc·IJnccmen: I ln Cnnhe\·ra. , Dr. Z. make Its death plunge Thursday. hrow:hi an. end to the rt":olt. :said .Thursday that• all planes -~i""t c:r.h·t>'lrscope sla· Przvbyl< trip. !J,, V The goremment announced !his diittely after the polls closed th : ci S'Jl'"~ Jl..l:ntnchc~ Xo1·, i. By mirtnlgl-.1 on New Year's, territory. Still rot~r nll renrrence morning thnt the rebel ~Jrrison go\'ernment announc~a h~ had ih 1.~€ ,rocr tkg Lai\:o. · f.•,e, S~ulnik I would hove circled: to the rocket •.ras drorped. 1 at Maraca;;. the centre ol the air won anc o\'erwhelmin~ vic'ory. force rel'olt 50 miles west of Car. ~!fln,· onDosition lea,lers have acas. had ~en bken. left the ·country or have been Government lr~ons then began jail,•d. s Etc. DE M~~S[9N: s~amn:ng- out remnar.t~ of rebel Tllirteen Venezuelan rebel oir force~ ~1Fewhcrc. I lure·~ ofii1:Prs nrril'ed bv plane st:RRF.SDEit AT :o-;oos ; Tint··>liouing. tlerama used a radio ~laiion 111 1\'asltin~ton. lhe s\a\e tlt•· 1el Bags CAIRO. E~·pt-Eg-yptian President Gmnnl Abdel Nasser. left. ani! United there which ha(l been broadcast· ~artment snid It hod no rr·ports U. ing rebel announcement.> all tr.or·l of harm to an•• crt the apnroi· • I ltsinessme·n. In The K. Nations Scrrefnry General Dag Hruntuar~kjold are shown at their con­ Quality ning to.. a.nnouncc that th-e gar·J lmoltlr-.. 40.GOO t:.S. citizcm lirir::: H~ IHf:OLD ~ORUISO~ \ the mission nde~- It_~ tour, R.e.c. orial __ )los.t..Jttst_ ~-car to become a ~eren~c on Mid--.Easf problems during: fiauHnarskjold's Christmas visit rison had ~urreridered on the i:J \'enczuela. C.S. in':estnwats Proven" reeearch worker· for Prime :.lin· Press Sl•n· Ltllu ! Jn. ·Informed 5·ourccs snid Hnmmarksj.1ld is ~onvinccd that Nasser wants to same' term! as the rebels at In the country ore estimated nt i lb. bags .\\\'.-\. (CPl-Brlta\n's CX· I rh~ two ~ahl British lndustt;j' Isler Dlefenbaker. ~!araca<·.There was no lndlca-r$~.000.000.000. ~.\onv C'anndi<.r' i may eoun gel a tip on ; \s at n serlo\ls disadvantage in stren~lJCn Vnks ~vith the West despite his nation'!! hosting of the anti· 1 tlon of \>hat the terms were. I also work th~re. Kone was rc· to crack the huge Canadian \ adrertisin~ in Conuda b~cause of · Western Asian-African conference. The U.N. Secretary General retum­ :'.!illtary authorlti~ In Caracas por;cd hjurcd. 5 Dozen 'I held by ·on~ted Stoles I the wide circulation of American Thieves Cau~.ht cJ hom his 1\lid-Enst tour recently.-fiN Photo). . · · · • 1 media. Comn:mles wo\lld have to c Dozen .. ~de will be contained in. ~pend mure on Canadian ndver· J s k linhl rp'Jort of the 50·man t]8ln'! with ever: sales m·enue n upermar ·et trade . mission which 1 e::plorcd, incl\ldlng the Anglo·Ca·. Parliament Reopens Today1Youths Seize I & rr.o~::il touring Britain. i nadinn s~nllment In "buy Brit· Early· 1''orm·ll ...L.O' ~ ~QHtm:•:nt plans to• sum. 1Ish" cJmpnlgns. lU " ~ . l'r.: n-:-:n·,,:·r' tn O!lnwa lor )U.K. SII~WS J~TEnEST I nd-uu ,,,,,on .Jan. 20-21. to, Britain's trndr commissioners rccotr."~' nd3llons lor !;i. ; ut \'ancouv~r. Edmonton, \\'In· Alert city policemen do· Yachf, Family a ~''c·e ,,r Canada'' im . nlucg, Toronto, Montrenl and lng their rounds of city I * · *· * * · tre U to the Vnitcd: Halifax will be at Ottawa to meet streets at three o'clock this T R ' D b t o E t •· t KEY WEST, Fla. L\Pl - Ko' will b~ filed but that he would re· I \'•ith the Canadian mission. 6lr morning apprehended two 0 e sum e e a e n s I ma e s 'cha:ge of piracy will be brought I commend $t0,000 bond in each aorw< cmain mrmho::rs '\Villlnm Root e s, chairman of thieves a~ they were at· . 1 agamst three tecn·age runaways. case. · . tempting to steal from 1 h d d htl Th FBI d th U s tt ur,;e Bruc',; io em1Jar:; o:; a Br!talns doll~r export council, . B.~ DO:-< PEACOCK 1 There. is mo~nling interest in . minority ~ o vc r n men t and 1w o comn;an eere , a yac. . c. an . e_ ·": a ?rney s aj• ITito,".g l':t'110aJg!l tn Can· , will also nttend. Duff's Supermarket at the 1 Canadian Press Slnff 1\'rllt•r the nat1onnl Liberal leadership I thereby bnng about an early I from the Stas ~amtl). Authon·) offtcc 1!1 i\!tam1 sa1d pi rae; 1\ould and ,,.,,. ,;r:uri'lt to_ Cann·l The mission's renort likely wlll junction of ~lonroe Street · OTTAWA iCPl - P~1 rliamtnl. conwr.tion. It will be held here Election? . ttes are pondenng what charge not be a charge. ord··r' to llfOiide fnst d2llv· 1be pnllshed In Fe.bruary. and Flower Hill, owned and comes beck from its Chris·.n.l:ls: JJt; .. l~·IG to r;ick n successor to I The govcr~ment has plenty of 1 to file. .Assistant U.S. Di.stri~t Attomcy STREET All th 1s work of correlating re· operated by Val Duff of lwltdoy toclay to rc.'·.nm a IJ·r. nnrt !lc~uty Ottowa, a China·born Canadian store throu~h a small slrle wllh Christmas sltop,nitW hills to: fon_ner external nffDir.s minis· 17 DF.PAR'n!E~TS WAIT ' 1ed et !h Tanh dn,on~on.·' quees·~ i that the United States did not D1r. · r T t • h ed window arid ,when pollee- . . . . ' t p . f p . d' ed f 1a ! a 1en.,, urs "l' u u 1h j . d' t· '"' o orono 11.1cn wnr rurresoondent who elp pay, Jt wtl\ concern t'-'c\f ftr>l 111 • 1er 1.<:s L'r .13 . enroon unr.1 orm~r When ar 1tamenl n JOUrn or tioned !l{r. and Mrs. Richard Sias nve um tc wn. 1 public rPlaUon5 'during were checks the new yrar wtlh money. The: l:c:Jlth n.ltnL

lhe ne~t election will come. It i.' 1 'll L -. R F I 1 I os~ng p-0 oliil COIJ.'idmJ likely in till'· MOsqowL\Pl-:So'.'i.et citizenslarticlcs wer~n~;-:1. Pravdalamutlcrofkopeksnfrom.2.0tto ace or e ' ' . 1 ary I . ·'Prtnf:. 'Icirrnecl Thursday tl wtll cost 20 sal, at controllmg illegal tral·i' t11·o rubles a pound loaf-50 cenls . . f But wi•.lt unemployment rnn· per cL·nt m11re for vodka and lie" and win help in "the strug. at the official xchange rate.- 1 i l\i;ro:-;. :\.Z. 1Rcu:Cr:, olioulu ~ct us lit ere. hut if neces· · 'fhe team reported the\' 'ap.l netic pole. The team malic the ning higher than usunl and the' wines !rom now on and the cost gle with speculators." This was I Thee announc~ment br~ke a : H. h·· Dr. Vil'l~n Fuc'ts I ~nrv 1.".' will abandon o11e ve· 1peared to have era! sed mo~mtaln I BOO· mile ronnd tri~ In two weeks. 'economy appa:cntly lc1·elllng. off of automobiles and a lew other public recognition . of a black pattem of gradual reduction of r l:dmr1nrl 1!\llary ad·· hide." Th•? thin air on the 11,000 1 ran{les 3 000 feet 19!gh which were I ,The Japanese expedition's ice· ; fh c Pro;:r~sSI\'c Conservalll'es itms 1s going up, too. market here In consumer goods.j the cost of ll\'lng. Unlike the }htrsoi·.-o~ 'icw~[)() I ~.500 • feet • hlryt plateau of the ·NI·n·ety D.l·e· In' R. oad Accl·den' ts them to 30,000 to 50,ool rubles fields. fHEVALUEOf ~rnu~. hi bv Hlllnr''· :Gruber Mountains. nrom 20.o00 to 40,000 rubles. The E BEST OF ALII ,,1J1. .' rJ ~lnlnt Evero;t, / A cable recelv~ In OslQ from official· r'ate of exchange is four :;;;;;.::::::~::::::::::::::;;:::;;::;;;:;, ~ 11 ~'1 nl''·~~ from th~ Pol~ leader Dr. Sigurd , Helle saW, By· THE CANADIAN. PRESS'. An Ontario womnn was struck [Brunswick one each. Naw Brunswick four: Manitoba rubfes to the dollar but Western .,, lu~l and mechanical "we are movlni flve or six kilo- Ninety Canadians died In road by a train as sh walked the No deaths were reported in Sas- two and Saskatchewan o'ne. observers rate the rubles pur. · ' metre!

ST. From Daily News. Fi -·

Cuwro 1!100 7\\ 71'1 '1'1'1 QUI Cl>lb 4300 Jm 24 )3\i + 1\\ 'l'OJWNTO CL<>SING ~TOCU ··~ 31 3l 31 4 • Qua COp 2600 21 J7 27 -1 He COtlr ~ - Q"a , ·b ~ 1 1 1 - •.•· •1 n.. CautJaa _Prtll Dt Coor 21'1 34 n 31 ~ • ~ ~ ~ T•raa~ &totlli EJ.olluct-Jaa. 1 1916 nlodem 714 4 4 4 - \i Q !detol 2900 70 70 70 +' (Quotation.a ln cenll unlu• marlcd t. Ill!> nt· 11\\ \' Quiaton 20 11 11 U -I> r-4l¥ 47100 137 J!l Ill +11 ll)'onor lOO 11 ll 14 +3 theria WB! raging in St. ·John's. as u~ual, aharp at 12 .\:n Nepho 1000 74 74 74 -4 F•n wlJ 1000 41 41 11 11'1 + \1 In it! mighl it visited Portugal The late Mr. Scott was then Apex Bea 100 4 4 4 Frnncoeur 1000 ~b ~\1 ~\1 Sherri',t 2!40 410 l9~ 4~ + 1 Cove. As I was then the only charge of the block' houst ~;.rtadla ~ooo/> ll Mll fll:j +t rrobl•~ oldcOID 1000 11 11 1! - 1 thena palients, I iJad to visit Saturday." Tapping the gun GoiJ ~•Ill UlQ I ~ I '7 1 BlonltiJh lHO 1P'I 1!1<1 1il +t Bu.ka ~ n 12 1:: Gold Mon !.Oil 31 31 31 -l SlonlJh WIJ 2410 1 10 JJO II·D'Iq 10000 11 17' I 17\\ + \i 101 ~1 all· the diphtheria stricken peo· the breech he said "no it OF Uran 1000 9 9 9 + h Slonrck .:.0 liW ·1111 + 11 Bo)'l!lat ~uoo 11 9'• 11 + 1 m pie in the Cove.. I take no credit n't." I don't know whJt llralornt 210 410 m 410 • 1Q GrcndroY 1300 31' ll l1 -1 Storralt 3100 S l ~ B""'IRt Gunnar v.·t.J Wil MlO +:0 Tand,m 8.Y)O 12h 11" 1H1- II•Jchor 217:1.5 I~ 121 IZ7 + l ~2·) ~'jl) ~~ the Feclera I Cc. Gwllllm 10 00 ''' <•i 0 1~1 1~ ~0 long all its inmates were at·, hand. On Sunday 1 tried tblb ~I 700 )(1 lO lil - 3 Jacob·Js lO((I ~ 91 !lJ -i 1 Wr Htrl t' 1J! lJt 136 -H a recently t thlmo 1000 4 40 40 .,.1 Jove Exp1 1 ~7 37 :17 YK Bear 3l 7 & 0 7 + l tacked by the disease. Anti·· again and she ansllicrcd al Coc~ Wrll 112.10 110 1!1 119 .ltll'coe 3~ o H\1 14 t~tS - ~~ rurb .. campl-nY • St. J c OJI(jslrm 3tO& 4i .Cl 45 -·.S ,Toburke IOC(I l1'i night I and my little d~ughtcr gal Cove. I have hithrn~ C Northland 4lU 2J 24 ZJ + 4 Ltllch 191:~ 1C~ "'l 1 Bao£1 llOO 174 170 l74 + 14 r. Rtd Pop 71S 8h 8\l M-J \.L L•c fJ) 152 t~ 1~0 'Ar•lu 100 7.5 i5 73 -5 Hilda aged 7 were stricken. The from publish in~ this in the :: RUCO\I.rt ZOOO l~ . 1~1J 15 - 1-l ttxJnn:n 5~ 4•'1 4 .c - ;, Bntalta Z:OO U5 l.W H2 ..;.7 next Dr. Fraser and also Judge but as the slory is Con ~ud iWJ !l ll 6<3 +! LL LIC f)'>l m 110 1!0 Cololla kl\00 5l 4.1 ll -' ;:' Tuni'sten 2000 ; €\] 7 + •... J.o'11r;:a :moo 5 5 .~ ..:.. t~ Cal E4 :wo Jl9 19 19 Prowse who was the health oUi· true, I think that I can C:011wt1t ::!:XIO Z4CI :Z~O :~0 i 5 t.c.r>do 91(>1 6 n 1.1 .1.1· ' 1 c O!l Ld• \11'<1 1!..1 Ill 1t! + 7 cer came out to sec cs. On the il now as an cncour;·,eiT.i1t 1.-(lra:lo y,(s 1":00 3.1 ~7 11 +~ C~n Atl Oil P:l~ 41~ 400 41~ 4 !0 C'op Corp :Z ~ n 20 2 1 :orrand I lM l&.\ 1&.\ -: · MI'.C1.~~• 1400 ~&.3 :.3.S :1..'5 -2n C Fr Emp :t.J.U 44 41 H •1 29th II\; were all taken to the believing prayer on 1':·~ put ~I"L..OO 3~1<1 11l 110 11C -11 C Chlefln 2400 IM IOl 107 +2 :'oule-c 10Q JJ 33 :13 -l diphtheria hospital on Signal those dear people 1:h; Crawpat ::.00 10 10 10 ~fr.clsrn J~IYl .171 17i"J 11~1 Cdn Dr:v 43.Yl ~~5 WI ~~ +~ ~Tnlr~rtlc llYI 120 115 lJ.\ -1~ C E:< Gu 630 J.~ :'IMI :'\~ -.-1 Hill (the building burnt in mouring their loved c1es ~fr.ntllll 1.!2 000 10 ~~.-.. f!:.~ - h C llomutd M le H~ 16 ..:.. ~Lu~l:::o 1~5!\0 42 :l~ ~~ -.C C Hua.kY 6M Ill 10',• 10~• + ~~ 1892) that we mioht hq,re re~U· tare fallen in the ir;hl, ~l>rllimo )'l(~ fO ~ M . ' : C llu•k W\1 ilO 47 ~ Ill Jar medical attendance and also. br.lvc lads at th~ front. 'ln\'brun Y'll1 lZ .J:~ 1' .. 2 C Pro•ptct 100 H4 lH JH .;.4 ~lrlntyre 1:.-. $M tiil~ f.1 .tl C Wi\H.'Iton 100 1M 105 1M that the panonagc might be i ~fd\tn .C~.,() 111.~ 11 II. Ctnt Dtl 775~ ~,5 e10 6~3 ..;..J~ thoroughly disinfected. This! SMOKES ~.1c-TT\f·:' :1001 i2 l~ 1! J 1\~ Ct:1t l::\pl 8.)('] 158 Hl l~ ..;_J:l 1 :-.1('rrlll 3:'t(lo1 ':'·1 f.,7 ~<'~ -;- 4 C All~nbtt lOCo() 7 7 7 .;. .i was o nthc S:~turda,· before: I :">11<1rlm ~.M 74 i~ ";'4 C Corduuo 1000 10 10 ]0 ·-l STEAMSHIP FOR CANADIAN ~lllllktn 111':711 19t'l 177 l'R ...: 11 c Dr.'IJOn 100 21 ~! n .q Palm Sunday. On th~ :-tonday \ ~! ~.\!:1 CMI'l ~.fll Sin tn 1~ - .~ C MIC ~he llO 1.,1(1 ::no :2:2~ 4 H evening little H1lda died. A to see a seco1 ·MILITARY PERSONNEL Min T::1d :!1)(1.,'1 1: 1::: 1~ -·1 r W~at P lYI 485 ~'~ 4.t'. ..;_ 10 ~1r:ul ~ 41 0 4,, .: 1 r.rte wt, tl(I-J 115 21.. ::213 ~9 fortnight thereafter my littltJ.I MOVEMENT~ in :\cwfoUI serving with lh• ~tn:ytJ.rl 11 ~Jflli 11'1 11. j(ill -tl'~ Dr:v P.~l lOltl-) lo-t ~ 104 ~ ~ -.::;a lad Harold .aged 9 ycm fell ill~· f\EWFOUNDLAND~C ·a, and two lei United Notions Emergency )lulll·ll 1\'10 H 42 <2 -! Dome Expl 430 !·JO 1~l 79l + 1 1 ~om• Cr )\f~ ~I 24', ll 1 ; -l'i for in~ · I Is ~~~n 11"0 :in :111 :1r1 ..; 5 ~· .. t Prt" W 1SI1 15-n lYl +Z'3 M~K~ Aelh Sttel 37;'i, }{tnnt<"c1t ,, . the second fe !90 :'IHI. l 1,4 strung and he was easily excit· · Ja 1. 11. due St. Juhn's hr ~ ~1~·1r~ma ~l~OO 16 H 1~' 1,~ -1 N R Dom 1000 17.1 !~ 175 -'-1 Mont 13~"4 :13~4 Borr Warner 2-tll MonLY W ~ for Argent . 1~1 Ill ll ~1 ~lck Rim JlM 91 !! 91 + 7 ~ Oamb l10 107 11 17 -l liS C and 0 5~ ~y Ctnt DIRECTORY ~d. While at 10 30 a.m. I was 1 sail in,; Jan. 15. Nlptu:na Y.IO 1::~ llR 1z• s Cont t()('iol 1~ l~ ~~ +l 1\oyol H~ •~7\1 ~nl 57tl + 1 ~ Cons Edl1on +4ots Rtdlo Corp Browne said +• 310 S31h 39 Ji - \• watching him as he was lying: Belle Isle II lea lin;:: ~0rancta 1~70 $36 J.~~~ Jfi ..L ;~ N Suoulor »' 110 110 ll:'i +~ Tor·Dom El Auto El W< Std Oil ~J , manager r ~nr·.lcma 1~30 9 ~ 8 -2 ~c o~a 11 139 l1! Ill +~ IN DUBTIU.~LS Gcn E:r:: filJ Utd AlrcuH qulet·ly in his little bed, the f Jan. 16th, due St. John's 113!..1 Ull'a mo 2!ti + 1 1 0:'11' DRY DOCK land Transporl f'iormetal 1Yl Z~~ 1~ ~It~ ...;..~ 01-:a!ta M 119 lU 119 +4 Alumlnl Goodyear tJ~? Vaaadlum wind slammed to one of the 18th. Satlmg agam Jan. ~orpftx 10900 Z6 :..' ~,)1 -1~ Pan Wtst 700 20 c 20 !0 Aorlo liM ~~ ll~< M< ~1.· + ~4 Gt Nor R>' 3H'l WutnUt The ~LV. Burin, the M.V. which opcrat• ~croync lOO 11 II 1! + \i Permopr :1600 1!0 11! 110 +13 c llr.,.. 115 12.5¥• ).5 ~~' outer doors o! the pospital. The Bedford II lm in:; 91'.! In~ T an~ T :'> Glider and the S.S. Baccalciu. now plyin! ~ Sl~ sends 400 N Ranl< • 277•30 Jl ~7 G4 -l Pe'rol 310 31 :1 )8 +1 D ll1f11U >10 Ill's w, ----- noise o~affected little Harold Jnn. 20, due St. John's J;~ ~orlhsp H090 JlO :\JO m Ph\!:lpl 110 W l>l 10 .;.l Nor Star ZOO!) Ill 11 l1 - \o AT DOCK Island and Po1 t;onp A wt.J 4~,Xl ZJO 2U :2.'J ..1.9 Pro\'O Gu 7900 :~~ ~ ~4 Tl Pb\na Nt" 200 IW, 6\', 6\> that his face became lor a few sailing Jan 24. L EXPORt l )0 741\ 74\4 7H.- ;1 The M.V. Barhavco which made <:·pplicat! Korth Can ~30 l1l Ill l1l +I Qur·nlo !00 9 • 9 I wanm Canadian moments distorted by pain and CLARKE STE.'U!SIIJP r ;;orvollo 2000 ll ll Jl - t~ R:cr.wll 1 100 100 10 1 will be in charge of Capt. dian Maritimes 'CIGARETJES Obaoka 1000 l ~ l +I Roclty Pe\o II! 241> :13 1W. +I HONTJIE.I.L CLOSING 6T0Cit8 Brown -will be sailing from dock turned quite purple. After some •Nova port lea l'ing St. !: a subside on tr any olhtr O'Brien 100 ~ Sl1 !0 +I Roxonl 1!.00 9 7 9 Hl'l 111 The Cout!Jon rron Macdonald lc'cu1d Ozoma 200 I I I +1': Rovallle HOO l1l11 12\1 m\ Abitibi ~'iSGI LakeJ ~7V, wharf at noon on Friday on the c'onslderable time he beeame N.B., Jan. 7, Halifax Jn nd service. and PO$lcgelnclvded O'Leary llOO 12 1W. ll + V. Sopphlre :1.530 Sl1 &J ~ +1 AJbu\01 2j J!ud Bay MJn Exchanges easier, Glancing at my watch, due St. John's Jan. 13, Opom :17l ~ ~o OlD + 10 Sapph debs ~ S31 2' zt -l Bonk Mont 31·,; Imp Oil S.."11rrl' 1'26 18 1&9 1!0 '-II Bonk liS • l1 Ir.l Pap il freight, mails and passengers. I !aw that It wanted only 4 Jan. 14. Pard.. 1100 ~ 1! ll + l So cur Free 2!0<1 420 nD 4l! + l Bothurol II 16\i Mus·Ror • o'o minutes t o12 nqon, and then I •Novaport • · OVUiiAI r:riPAl'lMI:Mt Paler llOO 3.1 l.l lJ ; 2 Saulh U lOO l6~i llhl!\1- \i Boll l~s McCol 5J'.< Higher\ The S.S. Jcnnysonis in from l~al'in; S~ P>J'mltl 32C~ I~ l4 14 Sculh U lOO 15\\ lml!\\- 1\ Brull 6'1 ~oraodo 36 bethought me of the noon gun I Jen. 21,' J;: 1 MONTREAL (CP)-'fh~ i\lont· Botwood with a cargo of new•· ~.B., Hallfa~- MACDONAlD TOBACCC INC. Perro'l :1000 3ll 29 :In Sp\Xlner :'1-406. 17\_, 1!1. 17h + ·"1 C Ctment n,, Prtce 31~ which was planted above the oJhn 5 Jan. ·' : I P.O. 1.. 490, Plccea'Aiatu, PJckCr(lw :t::..OO P9 j:l7 9T ~tanwrll Z700 i4 U 74 -1 C Cemtt~t pr r.t.-t Royal Bank 5.6'] real and Canadian stock ex· print, ll'ith boiler trouble, and 1~ue S~ta PlrkCrf1w JCI-)(1 ~g ~7 ~7 Trl'lnl Can 4000 ~ 70 ~1 +11 C Bn\: ((lm 41,1 · RO>'J.llt• J111 after the boiler trouble i! re· 't 1 · It th h'll t the· an. ~ · lsli:·nd, he M•NI,Que. 1 char.gc! moved higher Thur~day h 41)1 10.~ 10.\ 10~ I Trnn• Can T' 8t0S:ZI}J~ 2(l 4 ~lil.4 Cdn Brew 2~1 1 st L corp J1 osp1 a . ng l on e l a • •J\ovaport leaving nt communi Tille tlltr k ...J•n te eny ahena• 1000 ~ .s • Tr·Em rll ~6,16 19 H 1~ +4 PR .:n:J f:hawln :24 In light trading. paired will sail for her destined bock of 1t, the report from that! N.B., Feb. 4, Halifax It~ n~ 4l~ ~l."i on 1~n c:o-c~t,hutt stef'l .4/l~ that the Fcde Ill lt'wt191Mnllll"llllonlo 425 nJad 4iO 470 -4FI e11 Base metal~ and western ons pori. gull I knew would soon thunder: due st. John's Feb. 10, f.&O iO f.~ 70 +1 tn Oil• 1MOO '2U 2M !j7 4-~ ita,tUml 2.5' 4 Wtlktr ~~~, is prepared 1 6/o;l ]\.>; were 1 e ad e r ~. International The dredge P\\'D 400 in down over the hospttal, shakmg, Feb. 11. 1 charge of Capt. Russell is dredg· to the ferr: ._------~~~~~~~~~~1000~~i_!,__ P_''---9~---===11='-D_••_•_II• ____ l~__ 1_~ ___ ll_, __1l_l __-~~~~Do~m~T~a~t----~1-''_c~·r:·n~ ~p~·~~·--~,J' 1 :\ickel ad,·anccd 1'\ to 71 and the whole building, 1 was in an: •:-; 01·aport learin~ St. Hudson Bay a point to 4:>'.':. ing !lludgcs, and dpect to agony of mind as to what would. N.B .. f/eh. 16,' H.''ll<' ;·rh Bailcv Selburne A ~aincd 40 cents leave on Sundz.y for ·Catalina happen then to little Harold. I due St. John·s Feb. "i. · at 7.4o and Cantdian AUantic Oil to finish- dredging operatiom at I recollected too a story my Feb. 25. 25 cents at 05. that port. mother once told me about the •Novaport lcavin~ St. : In refining oils, McColl Oil AT HMC DOCKYARD death of a man whom she knew. N.B., Mar. 4, HalifJx 'I dropped a point t 511'•. Ford of The ?lf.V. Seabcacon, In· It appeared to be that his last due St. oJhn's Mar. 10. Canada gained 21• ~t 66,. and vestigator If, Boltania, Aurioln, moments' had to come and the 1\!ar. 11. • Dominion Stores a point ai 51. Belle Bay <:>nd Parr. I nurse said "he i5 gone." Then •Novnport leaving St Ontario fiteel decl!ttcd 2 points ' AT HORWOOD LUHUR Ia a new low of 19 and Royal CO. LTD. hi5 daughter who was very fond 'N.B., Mar. 18, Halifax Bank one point to 56'7. Gains ol The 'M.\'. Miles R. in charge of her father uttered' a loud due Sl. John's Mar. :·1. 1,~ were shown by Powell River of Capt. Miller is taking freight !Cream and with loud wailing 'Mar. 25. lamented the loss she had !US· •Novaport leaving St. ron at 30'' and Pric~ Brothers at for northern port& including 1 tained by her father'5 dcath. N.B. April 1st, lm in" 30 <. FOiO· 1 But the poor man was not dead, April 4th. Due ~t .. Among 1lroducing mines, Camp· 1 bell Chib:mprov !.'d 3:> cents to AT STEERS LTD, though very near to iL H1s · Apnl 7\h. Sllilng 't:JI:l 4 95. Falconbridge Nickel l'i (East End Wharf) laughter'~ scream roused him 8th. Gri points at 2-1 and 1\orthspan ~0 I The :\orma Glady! in charge so that he sat up in bed gasp·· FtiR!'iESS W,\Rnl \ cents to 3.35. of Capt. Charley Kean will !hift in g. He lingered •for nearly 2 Newfoundland due s:. J · 'fhc exchan~es' closing average 'down today to the ~;1st end houn in horrible agony before 1 Jan. 7. Leaving for Jl:,ltial ~how banks off .15 at 43.84, utili!· premise~ to finish discharging death came to relieve his suf· Boston Jan. 8, due H;.llfal ies 11p .4 Rl 1:10.6, Industrials oH the balance of the.car.:o of fish, ferin~s. I was nearly beside my· 10 and Boston Jan. 13 . . ~ 111 229.7, combined oil .3 at after which w'iti ~hilt to th~ self with fear o; what I believed Boston Jan. H z,nd 196.6, papers off 5.80 11! 1,031.76 west end premisesto moor up would 5oon be enacted in the Jan. 18, due SL John'l and gold~ up .17 at 62.4~. for the winter. room where my boy and I were. 20. Sailin·g for Livcr?ool AT CANADA PACKERS, LTD. Then a voice !pok~ to my in· 21. The M.V. Shirley Goody~ar most soul: "Ask" it said. "and Nova Scotia lcmng . Western Oils Jl, in charge of Capt. Hunt is ve shall receive Then II ashed pool Feb. 1, due St. John 5 'TOROKTO (CPl - Uranium~ taking freight for Badger's Quay into mv mind the remembrance 7. Leaving for Halif,,,nd DAYS ONLY and western oils Thursday pushed andt he other usual narthern of Da~iel in the lion's den. I ton Feb. 8, due HaliiaY. the stock market higher as it port~ as f"r as Cape Freel!, can't recollect exactly what I I and Bo>lon Feb. l:J. 1 tnencd 1958 in a continuation of AT CROSBIE l; CO. LTD, said in the agony o! prayer on Boston feb. 14 f "'otors dian dollar was 9-S2 lower at a repair& 11nd after the repalra are There h " c

• FRIDAY, JANUt-. ... ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND The Daily News ) .-: ...... ~------rowne oses arvey an US, ' I gun was at 12 >tt was then 1 lock' houae New Eledion noon gun. ays Foundation ning I said as not fired mg the gun :;id "nG it ww what rojed A((epted For Clarenville 1 the old !Statement released by the' other persons for appointment hJcl the Jh'll \\' J. Browne. min.ister without portfolio : Honourabl~ :.tinister of ~luni·: to the Council by the Lleuten· ut a new the rctlu"l C<:binet. .;nid yesterday that he {avors cip:;J Af!airs and Supply Con· i ant·Governor In Councll. I pulled on cr·,·ning the Ciarcnville Election As none of those nominated fc>c i thr old Fi:tll the cle\'elopment of St. John's Harbour on :\o\'cmber 12. 1957): on the second day are legali) lt was all e h"' b:cn proposed by the Foundation Com· T h;rvc deferred anv formal 1 in office and as both Mr. Gard· 1 \ ;:,;tl c,(a~c;lJCnt concerning· the last iner and ~lr. Gulliford have, lu prime 31 d plans ~c the position thoroughly. five persons to constitute no~:;Kt h"''e considered ! Federal Department of 'Public A nomination . from the pilots must b~ done. · · nlhc·r nomination da1· for Oc· The Local Gol'ernmcnt ... ct Tn:ci~rn' umon m St. Fish exporting wlll not be I tober 29th when ci~ht more provides that a Council rc· , rr·'"''' the ori~lnol 'thrown to the open marketing 1 0 persons were nomin:licd. mains. in office until a new 1 ~ 1 minL,,;-cr,eh frel~ht and Cornwall Heights Assistant B!shop .Reopen. obilc< from the matnland., , B . 1 f't h , 1 1 Rotary C1ub .We1comes . tl . the Gr v I . 1r. rownc c ere ~es er- 1~ ur;111g m 011 1 · dr·\' :1ftcrnoon to return to Ot- cnt. he >edd. ' - f C bi t I' <'anadiln ~atiunal Rail-. tahwah ork a! ne b Tee tntt~· Anglican Diocese l h. ld d 'nsists that the II' IC ta ·e Pace e ore e B k Pl e :( e 1 d Hou'c of Commons re-opens on .New Lieut. Governor , :I an · ant an: Lmon must be usc 'Frida\' Januar)' 3rd. Port aux Basques, :;o he 1 -' ------lv for Bonavi-ta Cold Storage Tile members of the Rotary! a~sociation as a me~1ber and i GRAND BANK - Bonavista ·, - , Club ol St. John'> and their I drrector of the Club and . t~c ;r·cr1nd [erry will be . ) ~ Rota~ 7 p c 1Cold Storage Co., Ltd., will re- Co, Ltd., to operate t 1!e me:J 1 d , l expressed appreci"tiOn of Hon lor Ar~cntl&. 1 OUllO' S I · h' t d · k. · ; ouests gr,ve a treme~ ous \\C ·1 . " . ne snld that )lr.: · . open their plant here w1l m pan1 an ICC ma mg equip··~ h H bl c orar'· Membership whtch wa~ Bro~ tl • • 1 . d 1 come tv t e onoura e amp- ' . the next week it was announc· men! of F or l une B sy P10 uc s, h 0 BE L' •u· rccentlv bestowed upon h1m. . m3mger of the New· I Q • • j · I 1 1 1 f 1 bell Macp erson, ..., tc - . ndland Transportation com· 1 fO'alllZlll 0' cd yesterday. It is expected at F~rtune am l l:Jl 3 s~ one o . tenant Governor of Newfound- In concluding his address H~c which operated the two 1 1."' b that the first dragger will land , the r ortune draggers 11 I11 oper· land, when he rose to address Honor sznrl: "It IS, then. m thlo 1

· 110'.1' pl\'lng between here the end of next week. ·ate from the plant here. 1 t .1 rc''II!Jr weeki'" spin! of hope for the future. 'IJ'1 N' ht r h h' d d d I I t 1Je c1 u 1 J a 1 s " ' . II . th' th l Bell lsknd, he said. is an organizer will preside at the !on,ding their catche3 in :\ova i New Year's gift to the )lunici- · 5cientific adi':Jllces now being )Otned With him In express!~~ . nt community and he first part of the meeting, which s t' 1 p:1!Jtv and an omen for a bright- made s1ncere congr;.tulatiOns to t 1e c~t l~,s reported that ncgolia· cr fl;ture for the town and pea·· His. Honour >po!;P in glo11ing i Honorable :l!r. i\l~cptcr~~n th"t the Federal Govern· will be attended ~y ~r. Malcolm 111 1 0 is prepared to give as· Hollett, party leader in Ncw­ tion«'" are proceeding successful·\ pie in 19.18. terms of h1s prcrious pleasant i uhpohntg an cts responslappom mblcn c offo 1ce o1 e to the ferry service if foundland, Mr. James D. His­ Lieutenant Governor and warm· provincial government is gins. Q.C., M.H.A., ~!r. A. ·M. est new ye~.r wishes to both able to do an;;thing ahout Duffy, ~!.li.A .. and Mr. James himself and ~Irs. 0\lacphcrson. communications between ~JcGrath, ~!.P. I THIRD MILL: Abo present to hear hi' I l1land and the Cove. ~lr. ~lcGrath. who is in St. 1 Honor's new year message were l Jlmc; ~lcGrath said at John'~ for the Christmas recess, the following offici:Jl gucsts:­ ~ . t'me th1t the need for a will address the gathering. He I The Honorable Sir Albert I ;e and extension to the !coves here tomorrow to return Local Pa.per Mill i Walsh. Chief Justice of New· ll Ed: !'land is under I to Ottawa. ~ foctndland; ~!r. Kenneth Byrnes. 1------Consul General of the l'niterl i States in Kcwfoundland; Bri~i· dier S. E. Moores, Commandin~ :Managers Approve Officer, Newfoundland Area: !~ill ing st. romotions At I Colonel C. D. McColpin, D.E;,C.,

Due St. 1 ·Division. USAF; Colonel J1iflt· .;II,ng again The ! Zellerbach Plan z-rd E. Decker, D.F.C.. Ba&e Grand Falls THE RF.V. ROBERT LOWDER SEABORN, Commander; Commander J: H. M.A., B.D., D.D. The general managers of New-' bach f1rm in San Fra~cisco will would usc 1,250,()1)1) cords of wood Bovey, D.S,C.. canadian Naval foundland's two paper mill,, 'Thu- begin early tliis year to study the each year and the company Commander· Wing cammatidet During the JBOnth of December the Bishop rsday praised efforts by Premier possibility of establishing a paper ,would pay t~c gol'ernmcnl $1 a: G. R. N. Hunt, Officer Cqfri. of Newfoundland, His Lordship, TheRe\'. John Joseph Smallwood to interest ~111 and aplant to turn out a spc· cord. In addttiOn the government, (Continued on page 14} :; Crown Zellerbach Corporation in Cia! chemical pulp. I would rcce1ve $2 for each squ~re I ~ · A. Meaden, M.A., announced that the Rev. Robert building a third mill in this prov- Premier Smallwood and tile mile of ground rented. This would and the ~outheaslern region · cf Lowder Seaborn, M.A., B.D., D.D., has been 'ince. company's Cnnadian heJd. P. T. amount to about $10IJ,(){)I) annu· LabPador. ; > appointed as a~sislant Bisnop of Newfoundland. General ~tanager Albert Mard Sinclair, said Wednesday night ally. If the plants are built. PrerrtJel' tin of the huge Bowater plant at the mills would eventually pro· Timber would be 'upplicd to Smallwood said. they would:em· Corner Brook said it would be "a ducc 400 Ions of newsprint and the company under 99-ycar re· ploy about 4.000 men. .'a leavin& Dr. Seaborn wils rector of St. Mary's, Kerr-is­ ~n~ther grand thing for l\cwfounland' If up to 2,000 tons of pulp a day ncwablc leases. They will cover 5,()1)1) would be needed m; tbr dGc St. John'J dale, Vancouver. in the diocese of New West­ or Halifax and a 'fine conoanv" like Crown Mr. Sinclair is also a vice· pres. ICrown land in !"cwfoundland, woods. These f1gures would;~ dur· Halifax minster, B.C., at he time of his new appointment. Zellerbach established a mill. !dent of the U.S. company, They mostly in the southern region, likely be reached for 10 ye~: Feb. 13. The Archbishop of Quebec, the Most Rev. 'We will pass along whatever 14 "nd • Information we have at our dis-~ 1r. St. Jo Philip Carrington, Ill.A. Litt,D.. D.C.L., B.D., po,al. Metropolitan of the Ecclesiastical Province of T. R. Moore. 1·ice . president and general manager of the An-~ !land lcavinl Canada, has not yet set the time and place of con· glo - Newfoundland Development DAY. SPECIALS due St. Jolin'l secration of the new ass1stant bishop, who is not Company ln Grand Falls. said for Hallfa:t expected to arrive in Newfoundland until April the firm is "an excellent com· CHECK FLANNELETTE b. 8. due . pany, highly diversified in the J Boston Feb. or May. pulo and pnoer field.'' ton was born In To- ~cction of the Canadian Pulp to burns and shock at the Carbonear Red Cross Hospital ' r. 2~. due st. In 192~. and graduate'd & Paper Association. at eight o'clock IB~t ·night to becomr number on~ on the iii~g again !am• the University of Toronto ~fr; Newhook wa! born at violent death list of 1958. Jnl. , ' B.Sc In Forestry. Before Klng'! Point, Notre Dame Bay, 1 Mlu O'Keefe, resident of Cathedral Street, Harbour to Grand Fall• he was in 1898, and was educated at 1 :;~o:•~ '".\~~·' clia" I~avil1i 4.45 Grace received second degree burns In a fire which gutted 21, due St. with the Anglo Cana- Fortune Harbour. He now r&- Pu!p and Paper ·Mill• In side• with his wife at Badier. her ~a-storey home on Saturday evening past. As the ccaving for lene occupant of the house she wrus rescued and immedl· ~[H. 29, dUll • in 19~ he waa !!rat He began work with . the LOW - LOW PRICED oy~ 11 forest engineer, A.N.D. u a teamster in 19la, ately coDveyed to the Carbonear Red Cross Hospital, and 1J Bo~ton for tbe flut couple of days her condition was consider~d The following message has ston Apr. 4 wu promoted to woods and after serving overseas in satisfactory, however she took a relapse yesterday and been received by His Honqur due St. In 1954, to gen· World War I returned with the 10 iilne auperintendent in comapny as a timekeeper and !lassed away last nl1bt. the Lieutenant Governor from Lady Walwyn: llld to all!istant woods depot clerk. The fire broke out In her two·storey home at 6.15 on In 1~. From September 1922 to No· "My son and I. convey sin- 1 Saturday tvening past, and a pns~erby uqon seeing tbe cere thanks to ,you and our ~ohnston is married and o,:ember 193B he worked at Rcal­ blue put In the alarm to the Harbour Grace Volunteer ~e children, Mary, Bruce lng; and was promoted to gen· many friends for all your kind! r' 1 Fire Brlgad~ who responded to the call within minutes. He it 10· e!'lll !6reman, assistant. division· thoughts at this time.''

Miss O'Keefe wa! one of the oldest\ residents of the town 1 1 member oftbe Grand al 1uperintendent, divisional EILEEN WALWYN. c nnd when rescued from the bulldln« she was sufferlng · hoiJ~int and· Tennis clubs lupelintendent, assistant t~en­ GDvernmcnt House, from second .degr~ burns and shock. She showed signs of •'llfit~<~t "' ~emberahlp iro the era! logging superintendent. and recover~ despite ~r age but yeo~terrlay evening she took a I St. John's, ~IOttra Society of Fore~! En· the newell promotion which lJanuary 2nd, 1958 .. tAd iD the Woodlands took place on Wedneaday. relapse and passed away • .. ·.~ .... - -- ... ·~ 'Now, Where's the Wheel?- THE' DAILY NEWS In The News Newfoundland's Only Morning Paper / By WAYFARER The DAILY NEWS h 1 morolni paper Gra1 established in 1894, and publlsbed at the NOTES AND COMMENT whlch ia available to the News Building, 3~~3~9 Duckworth Street, :->ew efforts to have the full maximum degree to the cit!· facUlties of the WOllam Car· zens of every other province. GRAND B~~·~ St. John's Newfoundlanrl, by Robinson & the lUA son employed' on the Argentia The l•ct that the distance be­ everyt Company, ..i.lmlted. route are 1 tribute to the tween Newfoundland and the malnla nd I~ greater than the Ch ristm 1! mood MEMBERS OF THE CAN.o\DIAN PRESS persistence of the Board of !or the cl The Canadian Press Is exclusively entitled Trade. Yet we doubt that they trip a.cross Northumberland ,.naben"•with us tor Strait Is not 1n adequate rea· to the use for republication of all news will prove fruitful. One reasop as In most is \he fear of the Department son for refusing to Newfound­ Bert. tb despatches in this paper credited to it or to nitie5 across the Associated Press or Reuters and also the of Transport of whe.t may be landers a service that Ia read· ily available to Prince Edward U·on people local news published therein. said if the millions of dollari na · · spent on the improvement or Islanders. n awaY from· e rrtvlng back Ali Press service and featur'e articles in the harbour at Port aux Bas· • • • a th . I be with elr YEAIL'f SUBSCRIPTION RATES this paper are copyright and their reproduction ques should have been laid The p•rticular term of un Is prohibited. out to no useful purpose. All· ion thEA w1s responsible for e feslil'e sehalsogn .. anada $12.00 per annum other is that the Terms of the building of the Carson the fioer t n s .' beCause it brtt nlted Klnidom and all Union will bind the Federal and one of the most remark· Member Audit Bureau Of together In Forelp! CountriM ...... $14.00 per annum Government to· the provblon able series of blundera in of another car ferry for the of the home 11 Circulations. Canadian political history Autbor!Jed ucond elus null Post Offic• Cabot Strait route If the Car· there will h · epartment, Ottawa. was conceived in a moment of son should be pemooenUy di· visionary enthusiasm. This of their occt verted to the Argentla service. reasons. who FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1958 foresaw 1 great paved high· . .. . w&y across the island and their loved The hope has been that the thousands o! tourl!ts rolling hri!:tm~;s, and at t Much has already been spent and Conservative Government may through the lovely valleys of', thinking cspeci: be persuaded to do what the · the west ooast amid all the "~ ....ver theY may much more will be spent in the pre­ too will enjoy ~ The Third Mill Liberals ·refused to do. But comforta of the mainland .· ' liminary stages of planning the utiliza­ no minister will fly into the highways. It overlooked the ~.;, 11 m., in full I ~ The real significance of Premiei tion of the tremendous power potential face of the considered advice fact that there is 1 aerviet the rush am • and ou: i Smallwood's announcement about the of the Hamilton River. It is of his permanent counsellors,· required by 111 the peoplt of r~ason­ particularly if they can con· .,,·stem reac ~ Agreement that has been made with this province, 1 service th1t able to argue that the construction of vince him . that to keep the gives th~m r~latively cheap about to ~ut i the Crown Zellerbach Corporation is the access road to Knob Lake and the Carson on the Argenti~.m•> the Sail The Crown Zelierbach proposal pro- We have the worst com· titl2d to. services that will selling norels climbing toward and Hitler. And the poteniJal of U.S. p has been out make us fed that we belong. ~ vides that power at a satisfactory One Man's Weather municntions in Canada. both the 4,p00 OpO mark. gfrancoise r.o to stymie the ambitions of Khrushche\' ha:.: its annual pr internal and external. Our ex· • • • longer Is the tousled-haired waif Christ i price must be available, that hou~ng While all who live in the urban tcrnal communications are In The time must come when that used to chain-~moke iq the been greater than it is today. has teE the east coast will ha\'e a jazz cellars of Snint·Germai-de~· and other townsite amenities be sup- areas of Newfoundland have been con­ many ways inferior to th~'e This factor in America's strength has Jureu•<~u by all quick ferry service to Syd· Pres. Her poise is commanding. plied, and that its obligations will be gratul!.,ting themselves on the com­ existing before confederation casu<1lly dismissed with the argument th&t by thb5e In spite of the air service. The nev ~o that those who want Waiters tremble not because she tely confin restricted to the production and pro- parative mildness of the winter and extensive steamship puscnger to· travel over Cnnadir.n high· is rich but because she has au· third \~orld war, with tile quick exchange of because of cessing of the raw material. the absence of snow, logging con· ' services we once enjoyed have ways may have the same op· thority. gen bombs settling the issue within a week or Thursday ni: portunity M their fellow citi· But whal does go on under thr virtually disappeared. People Army ~ Some assurances have already been tractors with wood to haul and the zens in every other province leopar-skin coat. and the crown U.S. industry will not have time to be a faclor In the Avalon Peninsul<~ who a Christmasc of laurel leaves: Is Francoi~e gi\'en. Brinco is able and willing to men who get work on this particular want to take their cars to the The thought that this i~ neces tl1e outcome. People's Ha sarv does not to have really growing up? sl E quote a price on power delivered to phase of woods operations are worried. mainland must rely on the ~eem What this argument does not consider is t' of the e\ Francoi~e now has enjoyed Newfoundland and Nov a penetrated 1ny mind! in 0~· was. of co ~ the selected site or sites. Federal and One man's good weather may be tawa. A campc.ign ought to three vcars of lam~. Two of them if America can keep ahead in the cold wa:. til Scotia which operate at in· Santa Clou~ be launched that will brin.( were ::riid, soend thrift vrars. li­ j provincial agencies are likely to t~nother man's ruin. tervals of a bout seventeen ne\-er will be a hot. shooting war. And to say Both the dav ' home the netessaryf acts to nanced by the astoni~hin~ sales participate in townsite and presurri- In the past ten years there have davs. And what it all boils America has lost the cold war just becau'e of closed fo~ t ! the Dr;'?rtment of Tr8nsport of Bonjour Triste~se. which in doim to Is the simple fe.ct On ~!on .. ab:y in port development. There been several seasons when snow and and the Canadian Govern America alone sold l,oOO,OOO cop· Sputniks is ridiculous. that the citizens of this prov· ies in a pocket edition. Claus \'i!ite, remains the question of the quality frost were late in coming and some !nee are denied a sen·ice meot. Any Pentagon officer. from a gold bar Academy 1 11101\ER LOOK _ and cost of wood and its economic of the pulpwood cut had to be left in There were b!g oarties on the ant on up, can explain one of the bas1c con from the Ch I the nriou5 clas! ~. transportation to the agreed site of the woods. In fact, the Royal Com­ Riviera. ~parkling luncheons with of America's defense today, which is that RtEsia - - - - !he youn~cr pr ~ manufacture. mission on Forestry considered the - - the great names of the Paris ar· not attack unless she is certain that the abiliti· Saying tlstic world, 11nd a man ion in the a! well a~ t :i Crown Zellerbach have asked for possibility that more and more roads What Others Are forrst of Fontainbleau. the United States to retaliate is \·irually v:ip0\ present at t two years in which to make the kind would have to oe cut to overcome the Then one day last April. racing ... --.=----- with that first blow. SCOUTS A.\" In her snort~ cnr from one party of study 'that industry usually consid- uncertainties of weather. But this - That',; what American industry is now 11' of th United Nation~. to another, Francoise crashed. S:'\CEZJ~G DRIVERS t Troop held 1ets necessary as a preliminary to a road-making can be a costly operation. But it is only asking for the Nobodv realized a~ she fought excellent po.sition to prevent if gi\·en the ci~ (Windsor Star) , on their re major financial investment. In Contractors would prefer to count· on ~rt of se!slon that was held for life in a Paris clinic that the ~ th~ Sneezes occur in the most And it is rbout to get that cbance. la5l week. for three months thi~ · year, accident was to Iea1·e s ~c~r on t time, the company's engineers, sur~·. ,hauling their wood ov:r frozen It i~ Ei·en the most pe~simistic expert admib week the m, embarrasii:Jg of places: and ended only a week ago. her mind, Her friends say 1t at- i veyors, economists and accountants marshes and ponds to the nver banks. virtually impos.sible to prevent This session of the General 'lected her II k e a childhood Russia does not have a ~uge siockpile of in pack held a one, at least without closing programme 1 ! must determine the quantity, quod, the cost of cutting and trans- port. Snowmobil~s. have greatly. m­ a rare person, if any at all. Iarged the numbers of Its dis. hind .the excitement. :·e~rs before Ru•sia has a big stock of these who can sneeze without clos· and sandw ~ ~t;ting it, the capital investment that ci-eased winter mo'b11Jty. But the tJme armament C.:'S SWF:·\TER $1: be estimated. plenty of time. for all the hard weather accidents are at.tributable to same place. One. fAsan that 'ource "it Without the· ,_. Fran· stone Arsen;l in Huntsville. Ala., where the · b I leopar~-s,;m, . ~e outcome o~ a study of this kind with snow that contractors and work­ sneeze!, but it i1 a wonder expressed e Je . coise sheds some of hPr an lomb.' intermediate range ballistic missile has betn W.a matter of maximum importance to. ers mav want. Only the foolhardy there aren't more. A sneue W(IU!d only harden th~ pos~i The ga7.e rem11in5 le1-el anrt criti· mfght properly be terme-d an tions" of East and \\ ~st,t~e cal but the hand c. are ringlP~~ veloped. PAGE, province. If Crown Zellerbach would ·predict that the weather we "act of God", rather than a such a new £eosJOn ° and the e1·ehrows tmplucked. She Toftoy reveals that the Chrysler Corp. has The member~ . e to the conclusion that the oper- have had in December may be taken deliberate carelessness. United Nahonal General A~· was wear!M a mnn·~ sweBter its development work on Jupiter with a cor1s!M• Girl! Associ ~emb!y were to be held, be· ahnve a ~:re); !JiretPd school skirt. Church n will be profitable, an e~panding as an arbiter of what the remaining on the quick start of mass production, wh!l WHERE DO THEY GET THE fore diplomat:c talk~ had She tAlks o11irkl;-. in half sud­ ure related to the utilization of winter months may bring. CASH! brought the Sov1et Union and lhle n~lde~. with a ~mile which Is might be ordered. This has now happened, a e!sible wood supplies in Labrador Russia's Minister crl Finance, the United States tb some h2H shv. half. imnerlous. soon as funds are inade available Chrysler agreement. "There's no wav r know." she 1 be opened up. But if the ultimate Al'!'eny Zverev, tells of the' ready to begin tooling up and cranking out ' Soviet Pa'rliament that in 1950 Another wurce says that th~ was saving, "of tel!ing when 11 ision on the facts should be neg- · United Natiom can hardly be man stons dein

I..RY "' NFL JANUARY 3 1958 ·,, •• ::&;iill!lll&llilmili!IIIIIIBIIIB!ilfli!IMIIl~~.~,-:':~!JIJJJtii,!:"JF-~clr:-~~--- News ~ Grand Bank . BAKK. Dec. 24th- were taken by Garnlah resident! it's estlmaetd that thirty to GR ~\D nJght before Christ· Iand another wu ahot by a real· forty thouaand qulntall of fish th~ el'er) bodv Ia In dent of Lord's Cove. However, could have been added to the NHE£L 1001 al ·- ~, mood a·nd spirit I there are still many who are Burin Peninsula imhore catch ChTJl'T,r the climax which still looking lor their first shot. had adequate fresh bait stocks parini 'h , tomorrow 'Ihe fmt Caribou ever: k!lled I been available u fish remained bt 1111 11 . . 1 . h I 11 10 most other com· on the Burin Pentn!\1\a was ! at abundant. until late fa t. Some acrnon This is one ssme time. Residents of Grand NEW HOMES ! f1'",;r ·thin~;~ ~bout Christ· Beach ha..e also reported seeing Progresa waa seen In the lh 1 1 . 11 brm~s fam!lics caribou In this country but this community with the erection of l' tt;;;';rllcr In the atmos· 1is the hrst time reeorded k!ll. s~veral new dwelllnj~ house~. 1 \ 1 ' trt home. In some -- Measrs, Warren and Penwell 1~ Q{e·t 1,111 be tho'e be·' C.1R DAMAGED BY FIRE have eonatructed a new modern' 1 ~I '1httr occupation~· ano 1 A car owned by the United shop to meet the demands of , , who y, !ll be awa) Towns Electric Co. Ltd., and their expanding business. Buf· 1 005 1 ' r\ loved ones this driven b)' Mr. Robert Kearne> felt Fisheries of Grandy Broth· 1' 11 rard at this time we I of St. Lawrence was damaged el'll launched a new longllner· · ' 1, ,,pecially of them. I by fire here on Saturday night. type f!ahing craft, the first con· thlr~ I~C' may he we hope The fire origmatcd m the elec· ~~ruction. Publ!c Works projects ~njo\' the splrll of tr!c wiring system of the car. included the fill!ng-in complet· 111 1 • :~'' 1n lull· measure. , The incident occurred when !on, concrete facing ~nd con· liifaellon durmg thP i repam. during the year. In late Jun~ IM Sra;on ! the motor vessel "Harold Guy Just Ju!l no·, our local . harbour· • P~RSONALS . Is piled 15hore on rocky St. ltl!ed up \lith shtpptng. Scv-' ~!r. Cla)tOnChfiandnganholl· Pierre in deme fog. Coal laden · 'H Li~ht of the dragger fleet, whose , home lor the m;mas the vessel soon became a total L, halt been away !rom, days from St. John ~~ev ~latt· losB. The dragger "Joyce and praciJcally all year . are :\lr. and :'>Irs. Rod · ; for Doreen" Inward· bound from the 1 1 !h~rt time-out holiday. hews arrived from St. John banks went ashore in fog near I; I "en the n•cn can he home the Christmas ho\ldays. Loui!burg and became a total 1 :!' thm families lor a few ~lr .. Robert H~scock is home loBs. In mid-autumn the rlrag~er i· 1 ·I . All of the coasting fleet for hts annual acat~on. 1 at "Jean and Edith" caught fire ,1' al•o returned to port and ~laster Rickey Te,sler 5. on the Grand Banks and sank no11~ titd up after complet· St. John'~ lor medi casl tatt~n~o~. after the crew abandoned their . 0 1 0 their !Ca!on'; work. ~lost Mr. Arch Cox · b nls flam!"" ship Fortunatelv In all I · · 1 ·d 1 t ·n town on a ua · "" · · · thm 1c;!cl; w1ll rematn a1 , ~ at presen 1 cases there were no losses of !lie 1 'I ur.t1l nnt ~pring. ness trip. although al three losses were ring the 11eek pre,·ious to' Mr. Robert Stoodley kwe~t 1to economic setbacks to the owners the Salratlon Arm~· ! St. John's over the wee en or and crews. ras been out around town 1 his ~on, Lloyd. ii, anr.ual programme of ~!essrs. Cecil and Max Patten MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS ad!r.>: Chri~tmaa carols. are spending the Christmas va· Po!!tically, the to'lm went rr:J!ic has been very much cation •at home with their par• through a municipal election In ngth has ate1 bl' all and more es· ents. November. Although only about ! ' nent that in · II' br thole who are un· ~lr. Gordon White was In th!rtv-five per cent of the elec· hange of hyd . n;tel;. confined· to their town recently enroute to Sagona torate went to the polls a good be.cau~e of illness. for the Christmas vacation. slate of eleven candidates con· !1 a week or On Thursday night past the ~lis! Joan· Foote, R.N., Hal~· tested the election. The follow- ) be a factor . 11on Army School pupils rived home recently from a · lng new Council wa~ ~l~cted. t Christm~1c oncert in .the !ax. · a! left: Howard Patten, Roy Grand)', F. ~ PcDple·~ Hnll. 'I~e high., ~!r. Jacob, Ba~nes h will ~1. Tessler, Harold Warren, Rob· '' cr.nsider is >ht of thr el'rning ~ pr~·, !or St. John~ v.here h:s ert·Stoorl!ey, George Patten and : l'olci war. ,c-,;re 11a~. of cour!c, the 11!11 spend the wmter mont · .Tames Warren. At the fint . .\nci to say Santa ctou1. , meeting of th~ new Council F. Both rl'Y have. SHfPPiil G ·' f '1 Tessler wa! reelected Mayor because of th~ ~chool1 cI ose" • Ior th e Ch ns. t ma ! , "\'.n. , ''Reo 11" arrJI'"''d romlth .fnd . Howud Patten was elec t ~ d , , On ~fonday mornin~ Halifax and North Sy ney w Deputy Mayor. Claus viaited the United general cargo. ... I i ::old bar h Academy and pre!ented Draggers "Blue Mi!t n", .A.Sli.TIC 'F'LII NO WONDER co basic con fr om the Christmas tree! 'Blue Wave", "Red D1amond :, ,, IIG 1t l~" During the late autumn the i ; that Russia lht l'arious clas!rooms. Many VI", "Hermitage , au o • "Asiatic Flu" virus which wa! I, the younger pre-school chi!· , "Lucy and Carl" and "Neptune sweeping the continent struck , at the ability 1 BOND VALUE IS FAMOUS 11 well as their mothers JV" are In port. our town with a vengeance. 'Ihe I ntally wiped present at the festil'!ties, )I.V. "Merilyn Clair" ~rrlved results werew holesaie and con- 1 r,rom Placentia and has lied up. s~quently a week's quarantine 1 Right now , .• at The Royal Stores . , . you ,1 v ''Freda M." arrived from SC'Ol'TS AND CUBS was impoaed In the ~!uniclpality get an extra pair of trousers absolutely \!!mbm of the Flr~t Boy st: i,a~·rence and has tled .. up. M.V. "Nina W. Corkum ar· which clo!cd sdlools, churches, 'IrODp held a Chr!~tmns andp laees of public assembly. FREE with every Bond tailored-to-measure on \h~ir re.gular meeting rived from St. Lawrence and Two consequent deaths were at· 5Uit. Fabrics? .• , your choice is practically Ia!\ 1mk. On ,the pre\'· has tied up. tributed to the epidem!e. unlimited .• , a complete assoriment is avail- pet! we!k tr.~ members of the THE NEW YEAR :pile b pack hr:d t smilar party. 'PUBLIC 'BUILDING . able. Your 5Uit will be tailored in any 5tyle ·)\· to for a proorlmm~ of singing of GRAND BANK, Dec. 31-0n Dring the year the brand new you' prefer, This tremendous Sale is for a 1Jri!,tm111c arols and familiar this, the! ast d~y of 1957, may modern public building went l limited time only! So order your suit immed­ : 1\ could be ndland folk songs was we take this opportunity to eX· Into operation. · Po at Office. ')' of these terr oyed my much. Refresh· tend to all "Best wishea for the canadian National 'Ielegr;;phs, ' iately ••• and get on extra pair of trousers and sanctwlches rounde,d New Year!" Customs, ·Magistrates Offic~. . FREE. my J:ltasant e1·emng .1 As ll'e !land on the doorstep :::e number of Welfare Office, Fisheries Office .. ·. . . ol JQM with a brand new year and later Unemployment lnsur· i ~ f1eld report Th11 'm hoth thr Scouts and ! before us our thoughh are anee Commisalon have their of. ~ Cubs hal'c bren co!lectmg , mixed. Ahead lies the atrange flees in the new .The I For ALimited Time Only , production, bullrli~g, i , or for the u~e of children at : unknown and none of us is Sea Cadell of R.C.S.C.C. At· delays. ~oltab

THE DAILY N"'.uS,IOYY ST • JOHU/, ... s, NFLD., FRIDAY, JANUARY 61 Personal Chit-Chat JETVRNED TO CITY gamea beiln at 10.00 a.m. ln· Mr. B. Coll!na, Brownsdale atead of lD.SO a.m. FOR THE LADIES Hot~l, who visited Rare Bay over: the Chrlatmu aeuon,, re. VISITING * turned . to 'the city ori Monday. Mr. Donald Hollett, bualn"• man !rom Burin; and hl8 nephew ON l3USINESS EDITOR'S NOTE: The Famlly Councn conslsta ot Mr. Hubert Granter, buslness Mr. Thomu Buffett of Grand Style 1 Bank arrived In tM city on Sweater Swim Suits In udge, .a psychiatrist, three clergymen, a newspaper editor maru from Badger's Quay, is at women • editor and two wrltel'!l. Each utlcle Ia a ~ present v!altlni the city on bus!· Wedneaday on bualneu ~nd are n actual caae h1st11ry. The Couocll reporta oD problelliJ ness; reglste~d at the Newfoundland Hotel. ~l'e beco dealt with by responsible a&cnclea and counse!ora. . . , ::lfRS. T. S.-Cli!ford can't get[ you If. you don't dress wen ARRIVED SUNDAY FROM TWILLINGATE Mrs. R. Rendell of Corner 1 over his broken heart. : haven t got a big new Mr. and Mrs, Bennett Oxford Brook arrived here by \he el· CLIFfORD s.-1 can't face· could never make out ol Twllli~ate are visiting the press no Sunday on a bus!ne~s life without her. girls because I don't have city and aJ:e regl!tered at tile 'rip: • • • dough. '•. Brownsdale Hotel. Mrs. Bennett is here for medical treatmMt. MRS. T. S.-~fy son is a • • • TRANSFERRED fine young man of 23 and he is THE COUNCIL:-Prcpare suffering so much from n a shock, Clifford. Mr· G. Sundstrom, divlsloMI LEFT FOR QUEBEC I errgineer with Imperial Oll broken heart that I am ;;elting It's not "people," but Mr. Thomaa Janes, who spent almost frightened about what who put this overwhcL Limited In Ncwfoundlnnd has Christmt>S with friends In St. 1 been transferred to Winnipeg. I he will do. value on dress, money and John's left here on Monday to He was going with a gir.l for big new car. \fr. and Mrs. Sundstrom, and return to his work in Quebec. thelt two chlldren, leave here I four ye;:rs and a year ago they · . If you look around, vou 1n Jar.uary 12th, to take up res!· became engnged. His father and find plenty of men who CONGRATULATIONS I approved. very much of the have all thla equipment lcnce ln Winnipeg. who "make out" · h · Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Crowther, m"tch. But at the last moment Wit gir!s Portugal Cove Road, are re­ the girl w<,lkcd out on him and j are res!peeted by the wort:· IPENING GAMES ceiving congratulations !rom . d h genera . their many friends on the birth marne anot er man F The Ladles Curling Rink That Was several m.onths ago . h or some reason, >·ou do 1pe111 today with bonsplel! both of a son at the Grace Hoapital anri he can't seem to break out 3 ~e ;~~ug; ~espcct [or 1 1 this morning and afternoon. The on Boxing Day. 0f his depression. He never had I se \\I_. ou t ese thmg! fr1·ends " · 11 d . th are h :Jfruld . to face the . cspccJa y unng ese ..11 0 last few ycnrs since he bec:.me "'. . nothmg but > "' (7a fb. American Menu so engrossed with this girl. I dlVlduahtJ>. Yo.u thltJ. t:tJ MORE MEAT-BUYING AND keep telling him to go out and um\re pdosshc~sion Is r.._,. \ Thinking STORAGE·METROD TIPS join cubs. but he savs he won't sma an s abby thir.; · hare anything to do with an· ntobody can possibly Cl;! It 1 BY GAYNOR MADDOX other girl, ever. He lies awake · To have meat In your family all night reading and hmok!ng 1 Our g_uess I~ that E'dil menus every day and yet keep and in the morning Is too tired I not walk off With the other It Over. and deprcs~cd to even go to bccdause he wz,s bet . your food cos~ down, buy and store meat wisely. Yesterday's work. an more successfuL H! • • • \have been so only in ycur LBsl year a great deal o! sci· column contained advice on But 111 any case, E·•elrr. entl!lc progress was made. This amount to buy, use of storage c.LIFFORD S.-jly p&rents I. probably attracted bv thi;. development wUI be utllizbd for soace, planning of leftovers. cant understand thnt you can't self-confidence bv · g 1 change In the future. Some will Now. let's get on with our mo- J·u,t. - o out . ,o; jo1n · c ub s 1-f WilS ,,b!e to give• · morea man . be overlooked or will lie unnotlc· nev·sav!ng instructions. :our heart 1sn t 1n it. Every there was no need to ed until a future sc!enti!lc seeker Packared Meats: Bacon, ham tlrne I do go anywhere and his own ego at tverv sl€ rei'! ewing the p8 st, will lind new picnics, franks. sausage and meet people I feel more alone You should recogr.iz~· s!gnl!!cance in the by·passes dis· cold cuts ln the scientifically With this shapely sheath in than when I am by myself. l Evelyn made a wise co ·ery. selected packailng materials your wardrobe, you'll never was neve~ the sociable type and that your marria"e 1 have another "what-to-wear" Likewise ln the year just past can be left in the unopened orlgJ. " (, . ' and, now It IS worse than ever. could not possibly h~l'e there was spiritual progress in nal wrapper for storage in the worry! It'a ao smart, new·look· ·.~.itd~,:~~~~~;.,,.,(~ ... ~·~ .... :~.-- \\hen Evelyn walked out on happy. Yor1r overwhel 1 the Jives o! many people who refrigerator. Use within five to inil Choose faBle, wool jersey, .< turned to God for release from seven days. or sooner if the pack winter-colton - last, accurate BY GAILE DUGAS 1 There are new hot colon for •featuring built-in bras and a me, my whole w.orid collapsed. pendence upon her ~·~g1 the fetters o! sin. Hundreds of age is opened. sewing with our Printed Pat· New York - .lNEAI - The the swentcr suit: cyclamen,~ smooth. naturJl tnstlinc. She w.n~ ever;·thmg to me and much for any young folk· hod momentary glimpses of Froun Menta: Frozen mea~ tern! sweater SWJniSlllt wl!l appcm: orange, red and monguld. We show here two of the new I, don t lhmk I can face life, You need to learn to love God~s love. Many followed new must be kept frozen at zero de· Printed Pattern· 456(): Misses' first at resort scenes this wmtcr These are a distinct departure designs, both of them by Grace \llthout her. She knew how I 1 self and value yourself p11ths toward eternal peace. Oth- grecs or lower in a home freezer Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20: 40. Size and on cruises. Then it WJ!l put from the grays, dnrk blues and Arcuri. Cardigan swimsuit (]eft coun~ed on her and didn't care expect other~ to value you. ers t\irned away from the vista of I or freezing compartment of the 18 takes 2~< yards 54-lnch fabric. in an apperance at beaches all blacks o! past seasons. There ·m scar 1et buttons to hclow the aenouoh better-looking to stand morehy me sue when e · 1 Our adviced is to get ~:lory and allowed sah·ation to refr!~erator. Thawlns and re· Printed directions on each pat· over th e country next summer. are new textures, too; nrnong waistline in front. hils low-scoop- ful . · c s,. seep an then get out slip from their fingers. Some freezing o! meat call!e! loss of tern part. Easler, accurate. Knit or elasticized, the swea· them, tcrrycloth and pebbled ef· cd back. Slw.l!dcr tabs button, I' T;u~ came along: , JOill some of tho~e clubs SendFORTY CENTS On coiM ter swimsuit has taken on a soil feels, slubbed sur!aces and jac- are adjustab!e. ·h t e . Wa) I see It, it s not parents suggest. Put your hardened their hearts with ha· juices and flavor. 11 8 (stamps cannot be accepted) for and feminine look. It hugs the quords. ' ;ou are but where you In It, even If it takes some tred, jealousy, ugliness and new The Ice cube compartment of 1 sins. most rdr!gerators is seldom this pattern. Please print plain· figure gently and with subtle j Reel-and-gray strip~d sweater ~,re that seems to count in this fort. Then ~ee how manv AI we step forth into a new cold enouRh to Jo:eep meat frozen ly, SIZE, :SAME, .ADDRESS, lines ·that replace the old sleek The maillot Is more popular suit lrightl is worn with faille world. People think you are ple give 1 hoot whethtr 'or year we must pray tha' our un· lor o\;er three or four days. STYLE NUMBER. look. than el'cr, with the new deoigns I jacket in dbrant red. no hod:: and will ~tep all overyou hne a big new car. notice spiritual opportunities Don t lose packages of frozen Send order to ANNE ADAMS, may not be lost. Let us catch ment in the freezer or try to Bet care of ST .. JOHN'S .DAILY the Light of the Lord whether It how long the meat will keep. NEWS, Pattern Dept, 60 FRONT One·A-Dav Be~een Us Women~ be reflected !rom others or be Rotate freezer package on a ST., WEST, TORONTO, 0:\'T. Basic Beauty Fat Is Uninvited • dlroct from God and from His first • In, first • out bas!a. Six • By RUTH MILLETI teachings. In this new year the months Is a sensible storaie per· Holidav Guest Doilies world needs relief from degra· iod of storage in a home free'teT TO DAY'S 'SQUARES' ARE I dents who in a few yeau ~ill dation.. !or any frozen fresh meat or TO:'IfORROW'~ E~IPLOYERS getting Into the best cooked meat product. Homemaking BY ALICIA Ht\RT Kids who have been con-.ert lllost of us, !n spite of good Salted and smoked meats are A lSpyem-old boy writes: "My poor grade~ will be scr:unt!injl not recomme"ded for freezer resolutions, tend to cnt n bit too parents keep after me. to study around to find eny colk&l storage. Anu can take over a kitchen much during: the holid~y season. 1 1 and moke good grades. They've I will take them. • Canned Mcata: Canned meal! and put up a long battle to stay We go -;isiting and the food is Tlp5 . even bee~ after me to go out for "Square" Emplor~ll Ican be stored in the kitchen CLIP· in the house. Cover foods and tempting. Or, we entertain dm· I the dehatin{; team. I can't seem A few vears later \ht board. Canned hams. however. keep the kitchen as clean as · ing the c\·ening and sen·e juicy ! to. mnke them understand that it will be taking the be~t jobs. require refrigerator storage II! possible 10 they won't be attrac· snacks to our guests. It's only Ltopard prints continue to be 1 m1ght hove been alt right to be kids who were so afraid of popular. In fact their ·popularity Indicated on the label. ted. When they do arrive, spray nntmal to taste what we scrrc. an 'A' ~tudent when they were different thev never bD:hcr!C seems to be on the Increase. They Lamb Chopa Broiled With window allls, doorwaya and ant And bit by bit, the poundage ; growing up, .but things are dif· 1make more than a p~s~ing art now beini used for l!nger!e­ Tomatoes !ralls with 2 ptr cent chlordene creeps on. ferent now. will be working for the squ Food for the holidays Is esu· ' !llp,, panties, gowns and house Lamb chops are iOod when or 5 per cent DDT. "Everybody in our school ~fediocrity and being lik! allv rich and somenow. c:ackers robes - end stunnlni they are. meal preparation time Is short ~ooks d?wn on the k1ds who arr. herd may seem to pay 011 but the Importance o! an elegant Roac.hes are stubborn crea· anc\ lettuce lose thc;r diet ap­ , brams · So why .should I want high school. Some of the : menu stands. Broll!ng Indoors tures. Dust or spray under peal. But nevertheless. it pays In New York the big color this I to be one? ; Can t you p!ea.s~ ·athletes and the most sinks, on and behind baseboards to watch the calories. The truth , (Sav winter Is royal blue. Next comes or tn the charcoal grill Is a per· \HJ~e someth.ng for parents "n_o girls may pass their cour!el rouge red, and for evening, em· feet way to cook lamb chops. kitchen ahelves, water and drain ls, you can't eat all of the tempt· I don t seem to understand that If the skin o! their teeth. erald green, gets the nod. Lamb chops may be sprinkled pipes and holes and cracks in !ng foods oHcred you anyway m vo'J are an outstand:ng student lightly with thyme. rosemary, or the f!oorlni. Do this for two or you might j'.Ist as well exercise ;·ou're a sqUilre?" But once that high ~chool A new neutral shade shown In a bit of marjoram. Firm ripe three weeks or until you see no sclf·control. Do join In the fun I'd rather write something for lorna Is yours, you step o:rt 1 resprt wear is called "marUni." tomatoes cut in hall and topped more roachea. and don't spoil it by tal -\ of diet­ hi~h school students who ore li\'· that littl~ dream world into It'~: a beige with a strong green with buttered ~mbs ~nd grat- ing. !ng in a tight lilt!e dream world, wor.ld where ~mbitl~n, hard ed cheese are a broller·eii!Y ac· Whlle your laundry Is In the But do, also. take small por· kidding yourselves that the im· brmn~ and ong!nality stnrl * 8( cas~. Other new tones which veer ew4y from blazing shaes are compan!ment. . automatic washer make the t!ons and skip the really 1·ery portant thing In life Is to be ing o!!. chlce, see green, grass, topaz There are four typetof lamb moat of the time and orian!ze rich fruitcake. cookies and pies. 1 mediocre. so you won't arouse 1 It Is ~ad that today's end filbert brown. chops. The loin chops are easi· your week. lt may be a good Those small coof;ics cnn he de· onvone's dl~like or calousv. . have ~uch a hard time - ly identllied by the To-bone d!vl· time to type shopping lists, pay ccptive. They're light and crisp The ~quares you are talking mg their teen·ager~ that 1 Cl ding the sirloin from the tmaller bills or just \\Tlte a friendly let· hut thev nack lands of calories. about are going to be the stu· crity ls 11 mighty poor goal. * Tile bigger the bow. the more ·fashionable the costume is the tenderloin muscle. Rib chops ter If you -ptit on a pound or. (\YO matim one glo\'e maker follows. are cut thick and are recognized · during the holidays. it's no trng­ The company puts big: bows at by the rib bone. Shoulder chopa A kitchen headache for many edv. More than \hut and you'll are usually cut under 1 Inch In hou~ew!vea ls the Insect. Most have n serious problem to deal Bf the -,n!~t of double·woven cotton * glo~es. The bowR are about eight thickness. The chop with the common kitchen peat. ere cock· ,_.....__ with on Jon. 1. Dr. Jordan Answ round bone may be pan·broiled, roaches or water bugs, enh and One of th~ p!t!nl!s of holiday • lnclles across and 11dd a 8&\lcy SEEMS A-The ~ubject o! possible tou~h to an ev~n!ng ensemble. but the shoulder chop with the insects in stored food. To ldli parties lies in those bowls of tid· I LACK OF VITAMIN A 1 blade bone ls Mst braised. roaches spray or dust with a 5 bits. A handful of peanuts. e. ·, £,q r\ n. -tj _ O. ACAUSE OF· NIGHT BLP..'D- · g~r to health from aluminum containers has * P( And now we have shoes or fake per cent chlordene dust, a 2 per couple of pretzels. some Oli\'eS ~ o~ NESS cent chlordane spray or a one­ and a few bacon curls and extensively investigated. It fur; and very smart they are. reliably r-eported that no t.arro Tha all-black Is the favorite for hall per cent dieldrin' !Jlr!Y. you've eaten enough calorie~ to BY EDWIN P. JORDAN, M. D. equal a small, meal. It takes less tlwn a day to cro· Today's first inquiry deals done. However, I should dress shoes while the all·red Beauty Tips Since it takes inhuman ~eH· chet each of these little pine· lion the desirab!!lty of make Interesting companions for with vision. *CI Chapped hands in chD!y wet P'or best resulu, polish sliver control to eat just one peanut, apple doilies. You'll proudly Q-\Vhat is night blindness and food ln aluminum po~ 111 · dayilme woollens. weather can be avoided. Al· ~~ rubbing it up and down with Basic beauty-the star of your about the best thing you can do clnim thcr.1 us your handwork. -or any other container-!~ wavs put on &loves before going g horizontal strokes. Clrcu· is there ~ny cure for lt?-F. L. wardrobe. Sew 3 sleeve · ver· Is pass up the tidbits. They Pattern 7010: crochet d!rcc­ N. . long. outdoors and u~e hand cream lar stroke~ are not recommend· alons of this shirtwaist dress seem harmless, true, and when !ions fo' :l doilies 19 Inch round, 1 A-Night blindnes~ is usually Q-Whot l!i the usual time lavishly durlni the cold month!. ed by sliver experu. Wash sit· -It's easy, with our Printed Pa:· you're hungry and dinner isn't In 9 Inch square, 9 ~X 14 o1•all in At ver in hot soap or detergent suds defineD as the Inability to 5ee one can become pregnant * tern. Have It in cotton. crepe prospect for a counle of hours, No. 50 cotton, larger In string. Facial mus;;-need exercise ter polishing and rinse and dry well In a dim light. In 50me In· the c~~5a\lon of merutrualiC!I for dnyt!me: glamorous sl!ks for they . can be .almost over· Send TIIIRTY-FIVE CENTS stance~ this seems to he the re· so they w!ll resist letting down with a !Oft towel. the menopause?-Mrs. L. dressy occasions too. powermgly attractive. 1 lin 'coins\ for this pattern sult o! a deficiency of Vitamin as the years move on. One exer· Make the electric blender Printed Pattern 475!1: Misses' If you need a Visual Idea, to 1stamps cannoe be accepted) to A in the diet and great improve· A-This question keeps Kl I else calls simply for opening the Slm 12, 14, 16, 18, 20: 40 Size * wash !taelr. Let the container, ~ep yoursel! from re~chmg, ST. .JOHN'S .DAlLY .NEWS mcnt moy take place if it is ing up time and time ; mouth, a not11lal state for wo­ hall full of hot iuds, whirl brief· te takes 3'f• yards 39·inch fabric. just picture yourself trymg to Jlousehotrl Arts Dept. 60 FRONT gi1·en In suitable quantities. Physicians are reluctant to men, according to most men. ly. Th!J loosen• food particles. Printed directions on each pat· wedge into your favorite dress ST, . WEST, TORONTO, .oNT. Q-A friend ls having periods wer specifically since thcrc But to exercise these muscles, Rinse, dry and finish cleaning tern part. Easler, accurate. which hos become far too tight. Print plain!\· NA~IE, ADD!lESS. of amnesia lasting from a few been many surprises. open the mouth, drop your jaw by wiping the base with a 8\ld!y Send FORTY CENTS lin coins This notion should stay your PATTERN NU~DER. minutes to an hour or so. The less. it i~ said that pregnancY * Sl and then clos.e your mouth. Re­ cloth. (stamps cannot be accepted! for hand. For, Innocent though they spells seem to be lasting longer. unlikely alter the age of 5'l peat this from 10 to 20 times this pattern. Please print plain· look. those crystals and silver Send TWENTY-FirE CENTS Thi~ person wa~ struck by l1ghtn more than one year after several times durlni a week. . ly !JIZE, .NAME, .ADDRESS, bowls yiPld up rolls and bumps I more for a copy o! our Allee ing nearly 3() years ago and was plete cessation of the menses o! unsightlyfat. Brooks Necd!ecraft Catalogue. STYLE NUMBER. 1 !II for three week5 at that \Jme. A ahort stint of deep breathini Send order to ANNE ADAMSL The girl who thinks her ap- 'I'.vo complete patterns are prin· He was also a heavy drinker un· Q-Can a person catch 1 makes a relaxing break in a buiy Beauty Tips care o{ ST •. JOHN'S .DAlLY pearance doesn't count on a ted right In the book - plus a til several months ago.-Mrs. n. when drinking hot water schedule. Stop what you are do­ NEWS, Pattern Dept, 60 FROr\T snowy. windy doy Is foollng'her· variety ,of designs thnt you will A-It Is e:dremely di!ficult lng hot foods? Will ini end take about 20 deep ST. WEST, TORO~O, ONT. self. When · she tfeg a scarf want to order: crochet. knit· even to gue~s at an explnnnt.ion water at 120 degrees call5e breaths. This I! eii!Y to do, even Older women are etten lnclin· about her head, shoves her feet ting. embroidery, hud( weaving, for these losses o! memory \\1th· cer?-J. C. In an office, without creating a ed to let themselves "go:• when into an old pair of boots and pins quilts, toys. dolls. out much more infonnation. It A-Hot water Md hot it Cj)mta to their lookt. Thia il sce.ne. Decide on a distinctive frag­ up her coat collar with a safety Is probable that they do reflect are not recognized u a ca~ a_ miatelte. The older woman pin, this teen·aS€1' Is asking for , damage to some portion o[ the shouldn't aim to look pretty, she rance people wi11 associate with Brewer s yeast tablets and vl- b . h . r The problem Is cancer. Of course too hot Finding your akin tone helps you. The heavier, more exotic trouble. ahould a1m to look amart. If she t · \ h I cl k' ram, ov.eve · stances may Injure the In buying llpstlck and rouge tat fragrances ar best. more strlk· Chances are. she'll bump into amm ' con h e ~ ear up s In to find whether this is an old tissues tf the mouth or flatten you the most. For a pink does thl~ she will 10on lind llfe 1 ing, Leave the 1 flower and lav­ the boy she's hod her eye on for difficulties at nrc tracerl to d ge or the effect of some- skin tone. blue-red Is best. Or· won't pass her by. The older' weeks or the drama coachwh's weak diets. Your doctor will rec ~i~: new, such as a brain tu-' and Indeed may cause burnJ woman with a smart mind and a ender scents to the young and enie-red is the color for yellow the very old. you are the been considering 1lcr for an im· ommend 8 balo.nce? diet, exer· mar or in!ection. It v.ill per· smart appearance ls much In de­ unles~ 1 skin tone and true red for the amaU, clinging type. portant part In the clnss play. else and a frill mght s sleep along he 5 take manv tests and ex· A very expensive meal in·between and sallow akins. And mand and more o!ten than not, The point Is, your appearance with the~e supplementary Items. t p ~kill to fifld out what Is at I not neces.sarl!y contain alway• match your lipstick and hill more to o!fer then her youn· counts every time 'tou're in pub- · /e~e , nourishment than 1 simpll renee. ger, prettier sister. Hands. too, are Important. lie, no matter what the weather. I a~..:_Is It true that rheumatic based on Canada's Food --r. Keep them young end lovely So see to·it that vour clothes arc If you wear glasses, be ~ure fever often follows infectious he- planned wit~ the ftve. 1 A 1calp manage does double Here are some simple sugges· atracive suioble ·and neat. the frames arc attractive, fiat· patltis?-Reader. groups! n mmd t oprol'ld duty. It stimulatu circulation Uons for -helping older wpmen with lotions and exercise. Use tering, A-I don't think so. Rheuma- balanced meal. · of blood ·and thus makes for a who have allowed themaelvea to them gracefully, this come/ with tic fenr usuallv follows a strep- healthier scalp. It also proves tlip, to .•marten up. exerclae, end when you are not U!lnl them, 1ee that ttfey are re- Some women like to add a tococcll! ln!ecU~n of the throat: Fear of cancer Is one of relsxini after a day of teMiom laced. Fluttering hands, hands sweet scent to their hair while Sparetime activities should infectious hepatitis Is caused by _worst aspects of the Color end texture .of hair· 11 in the o!flce or at h~e. that pick and fidget, . show age shampooing it. Toilet water or differ as much as possible from a virus. many people mi! -•"~"' " chanfe with the years. Retouch and Jack of poise. · coTogne may be used !or this. A the regular job. If the l~tter s,Ymptoms and worrying One of the best eye excerises It, it will make you feel youn1er, · teaspoonful or two In ·the rinse Is a sedentRry one spent at a . Q--1 am writing to ask about thern. A doctor should Is simple, but few ptrsons take or give you a "ll!t" In your ep­ Look to your teeth. They I water is sufficient But avoid an ' Ithe advisability of allowing !ood be consulted at any time to do it. While. at work or pearance. 'Brosh it dall)'' and be make your smile attractive or !overpowering scent !or the sake· desk, it is. a good idea, to take tt remain overnight in Htlle alu· sign of the disease so that while readini •. simply look up sure your hairdo is becoming. otherwise, and teeth need more of _people you will' meet during J up recreatiOn thnt Will mvo!ve minum pots and pans ...,.Mrs. L. treatment may be iiveo. from the material. Gue at tome The upaweep IJ 'best for the and more care as we irow older your rr>lllina, outdoor exercise. B. dl!tant object. older women. ~1t11 I tY 3, 7

conaltta et • apn tdltor, , Extra Space Is I IUIIU!IU7 ~ probltllll .._, To Be Found in ld couaaeto..., dress weu Jig new Upstairs Area 1ake out By JOHN O.B. WALL,\CE don't have IF YOU HAVE a large fumll~. or want n large family, this ampit> • story and n half house will in L:-Prcpare teres\ you. rl. No honeymoon r,ottoge, it wa~ •ric.'' hut . designed especially for the larger orerwhel thnn-averoge American household. money and l\'cnrly everything about It is big -the number of its ro~ms, tho .round. you size of its rooms, and the con rnrn who cent of Its tlcslgn. equipment Deslgrtntcd us HW·Ol In the ' -.rith glrh House of The Week series, it per· 'Y the world mils completion of the upper nre~ nt o Iuter elate wl1ile giving WINDOWS FORM AN IMPORTANT FUNCTION In the exterior of this sl~·bc!lroom. storey and a half hou~c. J)e~i~ned elpeclaUy Jt AMMUNITION ,I I orne pregnant * I, of men~truatiOil lc?-~!r!. L. CONTINUES 'I 1estion keeps *KITCHEN NEEDS WE ARE CONTINUING TO OFFER 20% DISCOUNT ON THE FOLLOWING ; 1i and time .. I re reluctant to IT~MS UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE: I 11iy ~ince there . :r'• I * SPORTS EQUIPMENT e CARPENTERS TOOLS ONE ONLY International e PAINT BRUSHES, LADDERS, ETC. person caleb e LOCKS, HINGES, FITTINGS 11( hot water Harvestor ds: Will e SCREWS, BOLTS, NAILS/ ETC. 1 degrees caille SALE -STARTS REFRIGERATOR 8 cu. feet .• BUILDING HARDWARE OF EVERY Reg. $544.75. DESCRIPTION. Tuesday, JAN. 7th NOW ONLY 00 $325' HURRY!! HURRY!! HURRY!! •xpenslve meal 3 rily contain t than a .1nada's ith the mir.d t onJ~V:ta•: eal. LUMBER YARD OFFICE & STORE I ' Water St. East Duckworth St •. Dial 6911, Dial 5577 3229 .oct or ed at EVERYTHING' ADVERTISED ON THIS PAGE IS AVAILABLE AT HARVEY LUMBER & HARDWARE LTD.-YOUR ''ONE STOP"


·I ... Capitol Manner d ' ••• Progra tn tnes On 1ne ~4ir 7oday •• . ••. r' ake 10.31-Startime. Tomorrow Make 10.45-Eleven for th·e Money THE .iTORY: Ambrose the cold hate and rage in ~ii lO.~uke Box. Review. "FIRE •DOWN BELOW" . Loti and Hitgo Howell ni01de eyes ot Howell's bullying. And VOCM 11.00-New& ln a ~llnute. 1 Friends FRID.\ Y, January 3rd. CJOX-TV CJON-TV WITH RITA HAYWORTH an error wben they went to I couldn't forget the jabbeo , ll.ol-What's Cookln', ROBERT MITCHEM their rooms. Ambrose went viciously at the frozen icc' ••o••e•t••e _ ...._ ARGt:NTIA-CBANNEL '10 ST. JOHN'S-CHAN!'\EL I 11.03.:_Three- Generatiom. 6.28-Slgn On. - . I 11.30-News In· a Minute . to i1eep in Hugo's room and cubes: We hadn't questioned. -- ~0-Breaklast Club. Rita Ha)loe .... Robert murdered. Hugo bu been Otto, bccauoe he hud not been\ Asking someone to guess 11.31-Honour Your Partner. ~!lt· i~ .~5-News. 7.30-Tbe Early Show. rhum and Jack Lemmon, three an obnoxious guest at the available ahd presumably wao. age is ba manners \:00-Breakfast Club, .I 2,30-0pen House. 11.45-Swl!t's Money Man. of Jiollywood's· bhigest, star in Harbor House and as a re· off duty at the lime of the i puts the other person an a 3.00-Matlnee. 8.00-Lut ol the Mohicans. 112.00-NI'j/s ln a Minute. 1 1.3()..-News. 1 Columbia Pictures' "Fire Down suit Jim be JJ e~ea th e mur· k'll'1 mg, w h.1c h t he coroner had ·If h'ts guess 1sn· ' t flattering 4.30-Howdy Doody. 8.30-Tbe Plouffe Family. ' 12.01-Town and Country 1 ~~~5-Breakfast Club. Belo\';", opening tonlorrow at derer ~tabbed tbe wrong set between six and around knows you will be hurt. H• 5.00-Hldden Pages. 9.00-To Be Announced. Show. ~5-News. 9.30-Country Hoedown. the Capitol Theatre. 1 man ~ltb an ice pick. 7:30 when I'd found Lott. Am·' esn't know how much .,.~J · .00-Breakfast Club. 5.30-Chlldren'a Program .. 12.30-News in a Minute. 10.00-A. E. Hickman Show. : filmed in the West Indie!, in I • • • brose Lott had been alive at: kidding vourself about ,:0\Jr S,f5-News. 6.00-Range Rider. 12.31-Town and Country Cinema Scope with print by tech- XVII six o'clock when he-and Hug0 i and youi [(){)ks. · 6.30-News. 11.00-Newa. Show. I '$,;;J~Uit of the Day. 11.10-Tbe Late Show. , nlcolor, "Fire Down Below" re· At 1 a.m. I sat drinking black Howell hr-d staggered up the If you want to tell your a;~5-Sportscast. 7.00-Variety Playhouse. 1.00-News. portedly is one of filmdom's coffee in Chief , Campbell's stairs. My private opinion was fine. But don't ask a ~:40-Breaklast Club. , l.ol-Town and Country most exotic. exciting romantic little office. Gus, the young that Lott had been killed guc's it. Show. :r~.oO-A Date Wlth DenyL I ---- ·--· · -· .. dramas. cop, was there and a 1tate shor:tly after six, right after I ---~-- 3 111 1.05-Weather Forecast. Bounded by heat, hurricane trooper named Morris. a techni· he'd flopped on Howell's bed' \\'ith elderly &~t~:~~~t. Harmony. 1 I Good Sports --, 1.15-l\'ews. and the Carib Sea, whert ba· clan from the barrucks. He! in a drunken stupor. ·Chief," 1much dancing is liable H1.05-A Date \\'lth Denys. . _j 1.3~Edltorlal Comment. , nana.boats and hunted women said, "Chief, this is your balli· I said, and then stopped. 1 feet the heart and \•,ith 10.30-Burton's ol Banncl ACROSS DOWN 1.40-Sports. I .. · .. tho;" trades "Fire Down wick, but our facllities are at • •· • :people it's too much " Street. 1.45-Art Baker's Notebook. . Below" is the story o! a beauti· your disposal." He looked at me enquiringly. out. I Tennis I Title 2.00-News in a Minute. l!H5-A Date. wl\h Denys. equipment 2 \VickM \ ful woman, a mysterious e;o;ile ''Thanb," the chef said. He So did Gus and the :;tate troop-\ 1U'.~5-N ell's. 4 Ba!eball 2.ll1-What's Cookin'. wlw mtght run out of countries looked at me and said in a er. l thou;lht fast, and then . Howoras JUst going to ' cl!eht" I s:emea. to. argue a lot, but ap-: well's door." I 7.ol-Right To Happlnw. ~.45-Kews. 11 Ltsal matteri Jf ~~ ~ sends Lemmon fleeing from the The chtfi. fro1:ned and pulled PLodrcntlld 11hcre fncndo. Howell, 1 I gnnncd at him. 1o.OO-Contraband. '.2 Oar fulcrum 7.15-Passin.g P!rade. gentlv at h1s th1n nose "I hate lt an t c Osterman woman ·wav ·time. 9.30-Touch of reasepalnt 10.01-0fficial Detectlvt. 7.30-CBC Kews. 10.30-Newa. • n.allve steel band, a calypso: 1 shook mv head. ''1\o. For-' down the desk until snen. You He r:;i,cd gray e.' '1.35-Top of the ~lorning. 9.30-Rccords at Random. 10.00-Eventlde. · 10.31-National NewJ. ·singer and .~ ~roup .or lim~? get th' Scremdt. 7.00-Newa and Sporl.!. 1.00-Doylc Bulletin. counted for 7.05-Local Weather. LEAP YEARS JlBme produc 1.16-~!usical Programme. 7.15-What'a Conkin'. L~ap :;cars were added to the play and ther4 1.30-0BC News and Weather 7.20-Bob Lewis Show. calendar to make the calendu here's why in the thir 1.45-~lusical Programme. 7.30-Round the World ~ell'S, :year nenrly the same as the solar Bob Baun of 2.00-Words and ~lu!ic. 7.35-Weather Summary. year, which il the length of time

I 2.15-l\'lld. School Bro'adcast. 7.4:')....\Vhat's Cookln? required for the earth to com- I 2.45-The Happy Gang I 8.00-Xlld, News. pletely circle the sun. ' WELCOME WAGON I 3.15-For the Piano. · a.O~Prov. Weather. sheets~ 3.30-Trans Canada Matinee. 8.1~Shipplng F.eporl "GRASSHOPPER HOSTESS I 4.30-CBC News, 8.25-Klddies Corner. CONSTITUTION" 4 35-Timely Tu~es. 8.30-Nfld. News. Neraska's present constitution Will Knock on Your Door I 4.45-Chlldren's Story. 8.35-Weather Forecast. sometimes is called the "Gran· ~.15-Flsherles- Broadcast. hopper Constitution," because lt with Gift~ and Greetings 8.40-Bob Lewis Show. are your best 5.45-Kindergarten of the Air 8.45-Mornlng ~lerry-go-round. was drawn up during the gross · from Fnendly Busines~ 6.00-lntermevo. 9.00-General Prov. Ncwa. hopper plague of 1874 to 1876. ' Neighbours and Your 6,30-Supper uest. 9.05-Muslc for MllllonL ·' Civic and Social 6.45-Musical Programme. 9.30-News ln a Minute. WELL .AT SEA The lightship anchored on 7.00-CBC l\'ews and Weather 9.31-Westword to Music. (! Welfare Leaders 7.15-Roving Reporter. 9.45-Laura Chilton. Nantucket Shoah i~ 26 miles On the occasion of: 7.25-'-By Line. 10.00--Newa In a Minute. !rom Nantucket Jsl•nd and is The Birth of a Baby, 7.30-Top~ Today. 10.01-Martin's Corner. !ald to be farther from shore 7.45-Doyle Bulletin. 10.15-Golden Madonna. than any other lightship in the Ar'rivals of Newcomers to S.I~Songs by Iscobel Old. 10.30-News in 1 Minute. world. City, call 2503. 8.30-~lusical Programme.


Tex·made sheets are truly longer. The size 01'1 th~ label 1s the actual s1ze after h~mm1ng.

TO-MORROW HIGHER THREAD COUNT NOW PLAYING Tex-made streets are t1ghtty woven containing maxi· mum thread count per inch. Th1s means longer wear. CARY DEBORAH

GRANT KERR CERTIFIED WASHABILITY IN Every beautiful colour can be washed and washed ,....,, over and over. Colours continue to sp~rkle. ... t ''AFFAIR TO '.,.,...... \ C tfuf REMEMBER'' TAKE MATCHED QUALITY PILLOWSLIPS With RICHARD DENNING ADVANTAGE Piltowslip fabnc 1s same h1gh qual1ty used 1n sheet&. IN .CINEMASCOPE - COLOR OF BIG -~IRWIN SHAW._.., R09EitT PA~ ·-.., tiMNG IIUEH j~rASHION LEADERSHIP Also-NOVELTY 'I qcpr a eeoceot I • WUN.IJCK R9QDJ K:TIQIL. JANUARY Canada's ~ Fashion brand.'Beautiful Also-Uf.TO.trtE-M/NUTE NEWS Also..:.NOVELTY -CARTOON colours. stripes. florals toreveryde<:or. TIMtS OF ~HOWS I I EVENING SHOWS1 7 O'CLOCK-9.00 TIMES OF SHOWS: SAVI."GS! .: MATINEE% P.M . .tVENING SHOW~7 P.M.-8 P.M. ' MATINEE: 2 P.M. , ADMISSION PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT! EVENl!I.'G-ADULTS ..... , . 75c. CHILDREN ...... 3k. ADMISS!ON PRICES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT1 IIATINEES-ADULTS , , . . ~ac. CHILDREN .•..... lk. EVENING SHOWS-ADULTS 75e. CHILDREN 35e. MATINEES-ADULTS ...... 50c, CHILDREN %5e NEXT ATIRACTIOK JUNE ALLYSON-ROSSANO BRAZZlln •'INTERLUDE'' LAST TIMES TO-DAY ·-HAMA-lOU WILL UVE THIS. GREAT STORY MA AND PA KEnLE ON 11 0LD MACDONALD1S· FARM 11

#----- .. • ~ILY NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NFlO., FRIOAY, JANUARY 3 1958

3, 1958 ' Abel Returns T0 JUNIOR FINALS: [High School i BASEBALl: nner ake , Over Detroit St. Bon's Weakened; ~;,:t;;~~~~:~:Jis New York Open rake 81 8~ ,\, r. ~!:\HAN 134 aoala that year, the bh!best 100.plua atitcbu lDd five DOle Fel.ld Strengthened ~:h~~e s~~a~~~~ :~·~~~1 ~~ To •, Outsl·de Teams 1 1APl -:-; Sid Ab~l. In hla career. • fracture&. the first of a beat three of five • :ends Detrolt s areate1t COACHED HAWKS How would be feel dealillin& 1 f h h 1 ktY Luaue lor· When Abel retired u a play· tactlca limed at atoppinJ his The hcx:key picture in the en' absence alone with the itmea ser e! or t e c amp on· NEW YORK (AP) - Bas.e· in Cincinattl in 1958, he nid: 'II ...,...,..,...,.l,onal lle>ttllned to the Red er at the end of ·tho }g!H-~2. ope·tlme runnlnj mate · Lind· Junlor Hockey fin ala has chani· absence of Frank . Power and ship. ,The Irish are defending 1ball's territor! a~ 41roblem m can't amwer that." ' lir.l. re~~,. as coach fol· 1euon he went to Chicago· 11 aay1. ' .d overnliht u St. Bon'a and the ~slbillty of de!enceman champs. as they won over Model' New Yorli:'City wiH be explored CroSley said National LetJtte m•one to guesa '' 1 ~~~ 1. ·skinner'• untx· coach. But he- y,•un't.able to eet "Well, when. I went' to Chi· Felldlans enter tonifih!'a alxth Dave Slnnot not returning to lut year. lllodel took a best of tod~ty by Commlasloner Ford owners feel the leaj\lt ahould 1:1nnrrs J';; n·ation. I the Black Hawlra out of the CliO I had to work on that. eame with the Bluecolds out the lineup !or tonight' a 11me three games ~rom. Macpherson Frick and a !our-man commit· malntaln a t11m in New York. ·r rcrson on 8 . If ·1 l~i~ Thursday h~ · ~HL cellar and wu replaced at Now thlnr• are. ju1t revened ,In front by one i•n:e In the best leaves the Blueiolda on the whlle St. Pat 8 did llkewl!e tee. . , ,,L WANTED JliGHTS · . i,n·t fl~tterlni ~ adder of his ph~·si·lihe end o! two seasons. u far 11 teama go." o! seven ~ame senes. . ropes, with Holy Crosa to enter the Fnck named the committee 1 The two leai'Uea were at odd• 1!l he hurt. He' en r1 ltJi\tln1 !.. Kelley, who 1 Asked Thursday what plans !'ROLIFlC SCORERS St. Bon s, atrona . favountes The outlook for the Feildlans finals. The las~ time Model last month when the two major: at winter meetings in ColondG. how much YOI.r · 0 'wi:1ng him for per• he had for ~trengthenlna the Llnduy and Howe are two of to t11ke the hooours m the ser· Is much healthier, however, 15 pbyed St. Pat • wu In the leagues disagreed on a aolution. I Spring&, Colo, The National -rl[ about Your 0 1 ,~-;._; bll mi~r•ine headache!. ; sagging Red Wln~s. Abel said: the most proll!lc acoren In 1ies. have dropped from the IH!t· star defenceman Blll Martin regular round ~nd the Irish The committee presumaiJJy will League aougbt to make avallabll lo!'k 111 ~~ the Red 1 "Gee, th\1 thlni hu come up Nation11l Hockey Lea&ue history. i tlng odd1 aa a reault of a re· who moved up on the forward came out on the 1\ght aide of. 3·1 report to the next acheduled for future moves all the tetrl· · 11 ~~""'n~ a~o and led. so fast 1 don't know what'r what Only Maurice (Rocket) 'Richard .Jeue lut nlaht that three of line for. the sem!.finalll ~nd who •core. , joint meetina. Jan. 25 at New tory of the five New York bor· 1 ; ~,, flr'i and one aec-1 ~et." of Montreal hu aeored more ~eir re~:ular playen. will not be wu InJured and sldelmed In Both teams haven t played u 1 Yorlc. 1 oughs and Lons Island. The \rl1 fini•l' I There mi~ht be aome trades aoala tb•n Howe. The line of In uniform thb eHning for the last game, a.galnst the a squa~ smce before Chmtmasl Does New. York bel on~ ex·' American Leaiue proposed ~t 1 P·. ho 11 r, rr. has been of there miaht not· he riidn't Howe, Abel and Linduy waa a thelr Important &a me while Guards ln the semi·flnals, Will but se\eral membera of each' elusively to New York Yankees? have excluaive right to the Ne~ tl. ,. in custom· know "I'm \'err happy I terror for foea In the late 1HOe from the Felldlan camp come! be back In the lineup tonight. have taken part ln the Junior! Is the city open to any !'alional York area with the exception ol 1 1 ~oing va~y ! t.:cn Ihi< .!arlin, Gerry whether the Red leis would phy 1of the clubJ. · ----.11'1 '::I ·' ~ . ~tro1\ .BRISBANE Australia < AP) • ., . 1ln tire a arne th1s evenmg from I forward a: Bob Redmond, Wally reason for droppmg out, L1ke 1 annua eke t h p · of J h G ' · H1 L1 1 0 1 1 1 ·T • h 1the aeats. St. Bon·~ coach Mlke·l MacDonald, Bill Rnn Lou St. Pat·~ the ~lode] ha~ had i n\\~~ w~e · a t e nnce ~-t anc h onza esf, proLessio~a .a.sumes orug l ... df d ld l t I h h 'p r • • ' . . a 1 el ... rena. ennrs c lffipiOn rom OS nil· R n·oo or u as n g t t at 1 ower, '\\ alt Power Gua Law· aeveral practices over the Chmt·l R · • ll th• w•v from " l d ! t d A t 1.. L . a s ..-;" 1 th th t d t 11 . G '! D ld ' ~ng;n~ a < •. · ~e ea. e ea e us ra 1a s eVf 11 I . e ree 1 u en co e~e p1 a;· or, us ,, c ona . mas aeason but no regular con· rt ·pment to \'aiu11bl• H d Th d · th 'II' S H b 'A Th S d• ' •t : spo s equ1 . . . ~ oa urs ay m a r1 lnJ 00 re l ea d t e ta I Urn :s B ' AA IF .ld s tes s. 'redias. the pme list wcludes five·set battle that opened their ' t. on s . . ei eniors F .ld s . hockey ~westers. lthiCk~ andt 100-match series. . T . I ei CDIOI'S : ~lol·es. blAnkets, trop tes, \\TIS An overflow crowd of 9,000 Action ruumu toni11ht in H k Mo OO h ht . watches llnd cameras. fan• lit uw the P 1 05 • 2 0Ver Lea fS the Comm&cial Hcx:key Lea aut, oc ey v rae ee om!! 1/f G d All the prim will be award· tall Californian edge Hoad ~-7, . ' . with Eaat lnd Bakery alated to -- u ll eet an er PO ior the best costume• tn 8~ 6-2 4-6 9·7. 1\ l'l - 1wo ~!arcel Bonin to send Montreal! !&11~1• with Avalon-United, lm· the ~ala Ice Carnival spo,nsored Folic~ r;,inforcements \\·ere who: Into the Jeud at 1~.11 of the mediately followlne the Junior The official openint of the The Feildian unior hcx:key J E } b b,· Cochrane Street ~!en 5 Ser- and clo.;trt out the first period and Proyoat count· !uul.!. Presently AU are hold· annual hockey le•eu,e featur.ing team will hold a workout thiJ 11 X1i ition vice Club r.t the Arena on Tues· calle.d out .to. control crow~ , sp'r~r~ ~!ontreal Ca· 1 ed on Phil Goyette s pan at lni down third place and a turns from St. Bon.- A.A. nas evenlr.i at the St. John's Mem· day night, January 7th. seekmg admlss.wn. ~lore th_an loa ~ 2 ~atlon~d Eut End Bakery a.re current· Chu h Se . e Butler, Phillips Eowe, Wright, plane on friday, the lOth, ~nd Prize donors to date Include It took Gonzalea two houfl! u nwan Otto ~l.l'e them a 12·: ended Talbot made It 3·1 for ly !ltd in the cellar with ' fC fVlC Cole, Youna, HardlnJ, • Breen, return on Sunday, the 12th. S. Mille)·, Ltd., Great Eastern and 33 minutes to conquer the n:u1in H the top of the' Montreal. The soal, at 19.08, HJckm1n•.1 A.A. but wlll be Ryan, Peckford, Skanes, Par· 1 Oil and Import Co., London New former Wembledon champion Jtandi:lg o\'er New York came when the puck ww atopp- maklni their first appearance Bo,vling ltague aon1 and Squires. Ho},r CrOSS Jrs. York and Paris A5soc., Ltd., and star. Hoad was thltl!rl''· Thr Leafs remained .ed by goalie Ed Cradwick of since thelr upset win over the , Avre tJnd Sons, A. E. Hickman more impressive than when he '~11,.' hook. lourth·pla. ~thr othEc ~!ontreal ~oala. iOal of the aeaaon after one A.A. and Terra Nova Motor•. 3-4-St. Thomas va. Cochrane Toronlo 2, Montreal 8. team will hold • workout this ners, Ltd., Sports Shop, Nfld. Hoad outscorell his rival on Armie~~~~~~~~~~ obrel:,~t Ln:~h!'! Below it th1 pruent 1tand· ~treet. North Bay 3, Wind~or 0. a d~legate present. • go;mes were: · lni of teams with about two· Inter-Collegiate hockey_ open;· W, Weir 12, S. Clift 4, 1\'M'KE!: • AP) - The: DaHy Moort, Ohio; 4 - Ilr:e third& fll the tlrlt round ~om· on January 11 at 7.30 wtth de· A. Foster ll, H. Angel 6.

1 • •· ~~ ~h.~J'~~::~~·~h~~~: I ~~~~~~zt.' p~~;m;,ork; &-lJldro plsttd: p w 1n Pta. CJVJL S£RVJCE: . ~e;n~~~gme:t~~~o~ri~~ea~f\val~:: ~: ~~·~/~·. ~: f: c~~~h 7~· 1 boul b!t,\Hn lddle Ma·l Bantamweliht: champion, Al· llllllm1'• ••. , II 4. 0 1 t 'l1ie junior 'ectlon gets under· L. Tavior g, E. HIJeock s. and Zor1 fr,l\~y to estab- phonae HaUml, Fra11et; 1- ~al .... & 4. 1 0 1 L · L . d I u ·h. d way on Janu&ry 14 as last year's S. Sta.ck 7, F. Wylie 4. I ch&ll!O~Ir far .worltl Raul Maclu, MeXIco; 2 - Leo .Avalon , , • , , • I I 2 0 8 e·ague ea s · nc ange· e champiom, rrince of _Wales W. Tiller 6, C. Horwood e. ch:mpion Floyd EJplnou, Phlllpplnu; 3-Mario T.N. Mot ora • , 4 2 :t 0 4 ., play St. Bon s. There \Ill~ . be A. c. Rcx:kwell 8, G. BeamJ T. on. d'Aiato, Italy; ..__AI Alunelon, Pepptfl'lll .. , II .1 J o 4 three rounds ln c~h tit viSion A, Lu!h 7, J. Clle!ver1 1: J.. Sadd'. \BA !ecretary Phillppinea; !I - Jo1e Toluca TeleJI'am •• , . II 1 J 1 3 • ·as the league end5 on February J. Herrick B, F. Hue t!, . llmor. of fhe ratina Lope:, Mexico. E.l. Bakery • . • 1 J 0 2 F sh B k M t I I 11th. ' c. Mainwaring 8, w. M. Me-: !!, m~ a bout between Flyweiliht: champion: Paaeual Hlckman'l ••. 8 1 • 0 2' I u c s en a w.Ill . All games \\ill be played at' Carter 7 : J"d FoliPI', ranked No, Perez, ArJentlna; 1 - YoUDi ~ . ., . , . . the Prince of Wales Arena with I L. Hickman 11 G. SUrlin1 3 .. 2 r!lp!cll\'tly by the Martin, Spain; 2-R•mon Arlu, Owine to the ehan11 ln the Dtapite a three eam~ tchedule 1 for the1r opemn~ goal of the of play m the th1rd frame that the afternoon contests star~1ng .T. Laws 12, E: F. Kennedy I. I ~ould b~ "natural." Venezuela; 3-Pone linnetll, pla:rlnl n!te at the Arena, a lut night In the opemng games aame but the Fisheries under I the Buckma•ter'a got their win·. at 4.30 and the Saturday mght J. K. Clouston 8, G. Hornoo~ 1 1 'iM aJ 10 de!linlttd mid·; Tahlland; 4 _ Muajl Iwamoto, little reviJlon VIII necenltated o! tht aecond round of the the coaching of Jim Walters mng &oal when King went all· encounter~ getting und.er way at ~. -U- thampion Carmen Japan; ~Nit01h1 Jllu.ko, Ja· ln the remainder of the first CiTll Service Hockey Le~iUe kept the Healthy boya at •take alone to eet the rubber behind 7.30. o?. Sc~urdny . nrght the Tonight the Georee Crosbie u Ill choice for boxer pan. round ~ehedule. The Learue will the Lea1ueb atill all tied up for and when the buzzer aounded Hollett to g1ve the Bucks a H game lltl~ be !oilolled by 1en· points eompttitlon will be play' Y!lr. Ba~illo, welter· r~~ at the ~efi from ~.OOd to leadership. the Fishermen were out in lead which they held up to the era! ~katlng. ed. king. !lfpped Into the ~atea1p~oxtbea ;J~~~~y ~~i~~ fllherlea, Buckmaster'& and front 2.(). fmal buzzer. Trophy wmners last •eason Be aure to watch tomorrow•• st rank~ to dethrone Lightweight hour. Teamalpluae take noUce Mental Health each won their BUCJlllfASTEI\'!! va. CNI\ MENTAL SCNT ~ I were: paper for the first draw In the ugar Ray Robin~on. ef thia tllanJe, Tbe followlni 11 initial aecond round aamea and A goal by R. King after five A th g 1 th' d . d t . SENIOR _ Champions, Mac· British Consuls JtartinJ at I I r I t 1 . 1n g s announced l.f h T • h the reviled fint round JChedule; u a reault the 4\hree teams minuteJ o! play in the third bunt ~e~~~~~tal ~ 0 !~~~~ g~~.~ I pherson Cup, st. Bon's; ~lost ; p.m. Saturday night. '. -"""•,Y.,_ar~ II follo.wa: l' ate omg t which flnilhed the 11rst round period proved to be the wln· the. Waterford Brid te h Valuable Player, Tony Manning I ; : thllmplon, Floyd AT ITAIUUM ~a tie are atUl tied. The Fish· nlng marker for the Buckmut· . . CNT . th ge . am t e; of St. Bon's; Best Goalie, I J 1 i · · York: 1-Erldle Juury Jr•: •rin took a 2.() win over Na·j er'a aquad over the Railway men ht the ;hlrd Ogilivc Goalie Award, Ron Me· ~~w Jn New York' 0wtt~ver. ~ 0 g~m:8 NHL S d• California; 2 - Zora t~onal Health, Buci:mBter'a with King's go~l gi1'ing the e mg · .eama • Carthy of St. Bon's; Most tan JR fYS ' Amona: 3-Roy Harris __ Avalon 'fl. Jut :Znd Jalrery. edged out the Railway ~-4: and Bucl."' a ~-4: edge at the end of tll~d a_ehloseh g~~e forl two per· G~tlemanly Pla.yer, Edward . b I . I i- Willie Putrano: Juut.ry Ill: Yental Hospital rwamped CNT the game. 0 s 1111 t e · ental ads bold· (I{ey) Kennedy Trophy, Peter -- I I 5 - :'-llno Valde~. in~~~~O~~;; ~~on~~~~ Hlekman'a "· 'lele.ll'lm. 8-4. Jloth team& went ~corelm in lng onto ll 11-4: lead at the end Clarke of Bi5hop Feild. I Bh THE C.\NADL#tN PRESS I h be Juuary ltla: The Jamea were the first the first period but !ana iiiW of the second frame. Mental P W L T F A PI I llfihlwelght mall: tween Terra Nova va. ;&.1. lakery, after th Ch i tm h I'd . both t d I held a 2·1 lead at the end of the Jl:NIOR-Champions, League ~ontreal 3ll 23 8 5 130 78 51 hml·"ei11ht: champion, 1 1 10 \. Paolo Roll and· Johnny !uuo JallUUJ lttk: e : r th U .; aj re- - earn a exp e or four initial frame and in the second: Trophy, Prince of Wales; Most New York 38 16 16 7 97 ~ S$ l :llnore, California: 1- finally will be foulht tonllht. llammy'a VI, lmJltrlll. e 11 an a1a n ey ew arge ioala each In the middle atanza. period both teams came up with l Valuable Player, Charlie God· Boston 3ll 13 15 8 9S 00 ~ Jchnion, Pennsylvania; • It haa been poatponed 1our JUU11 11111: crowd! u I ntheir lnltlal round The Ra~way zh.ot ahead. to 1 three goals each for a ~-4 score; den Memorial Awr..rd, Nelson Toronto 3ll 13 16 7 99 98 33 f I , Durelle, Baie Ste. tlmel. Ttrra Ndva 'fl, Jlammy'l, · fiamea and interett In th.e league 3·1 lead lD the fmt ten mmutes going into the last period. A :Kearley of Prince of Wales; Detroit 37 13 17 7 77 110 :;s I I' yN.B.; 3-Tony Anthony, 6 I The two ranklnJ lJ~pound· Ja~JU~Tlllk: Is mount!ni niaht by n1ght, o! play In the middle frame goal by Pennev earl in . the i M o s t Gentciemanly Player, 1 Chicago 35 11 18 u 87 21 I on; 4--Willi~ Hoeppner, ; ert will headline the tlrat card ImJilial va. 1.1. Jail!')'. In the !!rat 11ame the fl!her· after they lied the game at 1·1 frame gave tlie M yt 1 th . :Geoff Sterling Trophy, Kelson I Thursday ntlfbt's acores ' ~Yolande Pompey, or the new year at Madilon Jaaur:y 17th, le• took a 2.{) win over National when Crilrdon Breen acorerl to: !lrst insurance m~r~~/ whl~~~ i Kearley of Prince of Wales; Toronto 2 Montrea 1 ;; Indies. Suar. Garden . ill a llk'ound . :Pepptrrell VI. Ttltfl'llll· Hulth with Bill Abbott flrlni offset a aoal by O'Brien of the r ll db . k Best Goalie, Don Jamieson : Gamet Saturdav Jan 4 th Inn! 1 1y '1'/B o owe v msurance mar . . 1 . • · Ba . . . champion, Car· match. The fleht wl II bt eanitd A! JJZNA e w Dl JOa ear In the Bucks. To mlnutea later at the b: C d · d S 'th Troph~'o Earl Howell of Pnnce ·Detroit at Motreal 11110 _1'1~\\' York: 1-'Ray on NBC radio and televl.slon tint frame with R. Pike comlng 4.~ mark Frank O'Keefe gave ers } oa Y an mi · or Wales. [Chicago at Toronto .. :-i1w York· 2-Gene networks, JaJIIIa.ry WI: throuah with an Insurance mark· the CNR a H lead when he Mental he1d a 2.0 lead early SCHEDULE: Boston at New York l:iah: 3-J~ey Glar­ Rosi and Buuo spent mQ.!t of , Pepp~rrell v1. Terra Nova. er early in the la1t. period. combined with Carew and then in the tint frame M Aumll and I Gamet Sunday, Jn. I Phllad,iphia; 4 - Rory 19ll7 Vflitinl for the day when Januuy 13th: Bill Abhott registered on his Adian Hawco went alone at the Legge beat Power for tallies, January-· ~fontreal at New York • New York; ~Charles both would be aound. It never Avalon va. Hlcltman'a. own at the 1!.40 mark of the 11.38 mark lor a :l-1 !or the Rail· however, at the ten minute mark Il-;-7.30 PWC va. SBC (Sr.) I Toronto at Detroit cam•. Oris\nally acheduled for The aeeond .raund will open tlrat fume when he beat net· way aquad, A minute later O'Neil tallied to have the period 1i-4.30 PWC n. SBC (Jr.) 1 Boston 111 Chicago Marth, they finally bad to aettle on the ~h of January and the mtnder Lethbridge o! the Health Charlie Bhnisch made it a g.z end 2·1. In the second frame 18-4.30 SBC vs. BFC I Sr.) I ----.---. for a new yur, aclatdul• wl1l M rtluaed 11rly r11 alone. The aame waa close eame when he scored unmlst·! Legge tallied again for,tbe Men· 17-4.30 SBC vs. BFC (Jr.) I . When prepan!lg fruits ·and Roll, tralllplanttd Itallan who nut week. throuahout and tome very nice ed an dthen M. Marth\ tied the: tailor 1 3.1Jead and then Smith 1S-7.30 BFC vs. PWC (Sr.) 1eg1table~ to be served raw, hu Mttltd In New York't brOIIX team play an dhard hlttlng de· &arne at three all alter taking 1 scored unuslsted for a H score 21-4.30 BFC vs. PWC --7.30 BFC V!. SBC (Sr.) valuable mineral! and vita• National Boxlne .us«tatlon eround fila bt1iwt,, •nd lluuo, an equalizer but Mercer In the Abbie Carew beat Marriott after i~me when Connors score! on a ~tJ;g :\~C vs. ~BC (Jr.) mins. and Rlnl Ma&azine. Buaao Ia a aharp jahb*r w1th a joltinl F11herlea neh wu unbeatable. a three paulJii! play between pass from Picco. Less than , a ...... 4 PWg '.s. B~g (Sr.) Pre-m-~-tu_r_e_l-os_i_o_f_b_a_b_y teetb 31 30 15 No. 8 with th1 NBA and No. 10 Jluneh, Roll· prob•bly fa the It wu early in thl third period hlmael!, Breen and O'Kee!e but minute later Power and O'Neill F b · ' (Jr.) may result in apeech defect!, with RlnJ, hftvltr JIUDCI\er altlloulb Buuo thJt th~ preuure came off the the Buckmuter's came ri&ht combined for the CNT to make t_;u;?8nc . PWC t\ Rot. 29,.;~ : ~~to.& hvori1e droJjped Galt Xerwbl of Ottawa Flsherlea u at tile alx mlnute baclc a minute later to tie the lt .+3. The Mental ahot ahead 4-f 30 SBC ~.~· PWC g~:; I~~~~:~e:er~~~~n\ 1 te:th ba~;. ·er rear 1 uue, !IUt ,o Oet. Jlltilln w!nnl!lf hla lateat rnarlr of the frame. Pike and game at tour all when Bhnisch 15·3 on a goal by Penney and the 6-4.30 BFC • · SBC !Jr.) tooth must be removed before:. ~port for. hla t P;hy1ltal atart. X~nrill altpp~rd In as • Chaplin combined efforts with got his aecond !or the night un· CNT came back on a goal by j 7--4 ..30 BFC ~:: SBC ( the normal time the dentbt: ednmlay, Buuo . lh" In )ut-atcoed aullltltut• for ~oal P1ke beatlna Lethbrld.&e for a usia ted for 1 four all tie IPower for a ~-'score which held 8-7 30 BFC va PWC (~~·.)) can p~ the ion from hav·i· New Ycrlr. It thould bt a broil" than. 2.() 1core. The Health boys tried It wu on!y after five mlnutea until the fin•l bur.zer. 11...:4.30 BFC 15: rwc (Jr.) IDI a dlin\eginll effect. : • .~ .. ... ,

I • •


e •


Bv OSWALD .JACOBY Gen.crou~ George trump~d CUts I the king of clubs and . went car Worries in If! 1about hi~ business without t1tn i one little remark. . His fir~t play ~~~~ the ktng of trumps; hls second a small trump to dummy's ace. Now Crl!orae played the ~ing of diA· monds .and continued with the deuce. . . Thl5 was too much for 'E~st. He. pui hie· Jlt!Je trump on that deuce and rc111arked. ''Toe!~)' really ·is Chrlstma5. Thank you George,'' • . "1\iot at all,'' replied Gcur~e tYou are welcome to that tricf . but I trust l'OU· will hal c m objections to my taking . the rc5t:'!J East played a . s.ceonrf cluh Geor~e ruHcd, led a' diamonrl tn dummy'! queen, p\ay'.d dummy's ac~ of spade;, rclu 1;n A ed io his hand b'y ruffin.g a . third club and proceeded to 1 discard dumml'·~ two.· rpm;lin E · ir.i .~pades on.··his last two ·dio I

! monds. . . I Here's an amazing new product The .benefit! are immediate, There had been a good rea· ' . that will give your car the same sure and ll!ting. Get CD-2 to· aweet performance at 80,000 day-for longer motor life for NO!t'lH. (D,' !5 miles ..., .at 20,000! That will your carl By MERRELL + AQ4 END BAKEl prolcag your motor life two to CD-~ Is not to be confuted .• A 10 ~. three times! .Will keep your with any product now on the + KQ2 THE FINEST B rnNor .clean of carbon deposits, marketl ... Q 7 3 2 HEY, SPEEDY f l TYIN~ cAKES and PA1 :; · l~ES'r t::.(~T SOMET}drouljc nl"eliftcrs, Joss nothing like it. CD·2 ,.,.ill not +.186~ tlO of power iind final breakdown .. dilute your motor oiJ-,.,·ill not +AKJ,I · .1098el Here's all you have to· do. disappearorfnde in a few miles. liOUTH Just add CD-2 to your present With good oil-it gives a hm·· • 7 s DAWE, oil-or drain and add·frcsb oil YKQJHS icr, longer laHing film for + A97H sr. and TOl ~~t~d CD-2. The cost is tril'ial. longer protection of vital pam. +None For all your B ·Both vulnerable Requirements Norlb Eat~ ·8oglh WuL 80161 - 80 Insist on. CD·21or thm rtcuons: 1 N.T. Pass 3 • Fa!s 4¥ Pm ~• Pa~ .RANDELL, 1. '"" sticking ond noisy votvu, rlllgl, hy. of'ass Pass ·Aiemite droullc votvetiltm. BUILDJ]I Openin& lead-• K 2. Provents carbon dtposttt. REQUIRE~;] DIAL 7H 3. Dluatvu tacquor-llko dtposhs '" valve1, .. 6ECALSc [ •vut 1 om~,)ete up-to- h~· h~~,: . _•. 1\:o.rd, Obtain1 Enct Sn0th ".'r.11 ,\'nt·!lt R, J. COLE:IU TRACTION ·I 'II Double 2 Y Doublr : %48 DUCKll r"·' DIAL %41 You. Soul,h. hoi~: I ot1 K .J P 7 '112 +A Q A ~ "'K S 7 2 ' Who! do ,?nU rlo? I IN YOUR WINTER · A-Pass. Your partn~t· I• !UJ1POJed to h~re heard the . hidding and to Jmow. ~t·hat he • 1 i~ doing. D ·DRIVING TODAY'S QUESTION Enryone p!!!e~. What do you lead7 DU·NLOP AMWtr !omorrot11 ·.SILENT TRACTION ·sketches b7 ,Mud & Snow Tires liEN BURROUGH~ . "DISCliSSJON WITH GOD" When misforlune weighs upon I \'OJ( .•. and the >kl~s ~UO\'' I : ~re ~roy ... talk things o\·er Hundreds of biting tread, angles and with the ~faster . . H~ will help you frnd the \l'o)' .. ·• if you .1tumble in a quandr)' . curves tear at the sno'w, grip on ice, 1 , brina your heartaches to the protect you .from side-slips, skid~ and , Lord .· .. and you'll gain r~&l I . . . inspir~tion ... with mw faith !A ·your reward ... God. wrll, spins. This is truly the modern Snow '!i~ten to tArh problem. . . . :through lh~ medium of prayer Tirt for. modern cars. ! • , . ah~werin 0 each. compl~x MOR~ MEEKLF. que~t.ion . . dwavs hon·~5th· • and !atr . . He wiu 1ii e th~ AND - they're really QUIET, : wh:n Md wherefore• .. arid • ""o the best way to proceed . · rumble, whln: or vibration. on dry ye~. · dieeu~elom ' wit h the Yaster . . .. will fulfill ) our roads. tretlest ~~eed . . God dOe!: r.ot eharie for .Hl3 5trl Ice . I it ie free to people lo!t · . . !or a wealth of peace and cOm· j Take thi worry out of winter driving ?crt ... riihteou5 ll\'ing' pays the cost • . .' .10 remeinba \ with' DUNLOP'S revolutionary new what I've writt~n . . . God above Is always nepr . . ~ >Jet I silent trattlon Snow and· Mud Tires. Him know r.bout your frnuhb , · and they soon wilt rli,Rp pe.r. ·· AVAILABLE AT ALL GREAT EASTERN ·DEA_LERS & SERVICE ·STATIONS I'IIJGS 8UNNY

Mo1t ll(lve.< · will liqcn. to: rea!on, but if a .hubby pulls the,

nme one too often, look outl 1 . • • . • I We've· heard of a Jot of lay. I The GreafEastern Oil aw~y plan11, but thi best one 1 Company, ·L1mited ~~ • - IUARY

.~ '

CONFECTIONERY ELECTRICAL. 'FRUIT STORES HARDWARE STORES • MATCHES REAL ESTATE STOVES I T. APPLIANCES BRYMAY SAFETY REID'S CONFECfiONERY EMPIRE FRUIT STORES HARRI~ & HISCOCK LTD NOTICE R. W. liARNES For the Freshest Fruit in GENERAL HARDWARE MATCHF.S For Appralsal.s of Real Esta~ IN .STOCK Cliarettea. Fruit, Ice Crearr B.o\INE JOHNSTON Town call Distributors for Sunbeam Distrlbuterl by 1 ar' Drink~. and Auctions .in private .BOSTON BREEZK COMPANY, LTD. El\IPffiE FRUIT STORE Electrical Appliances. FRANK Me NAMARA LTD. We Give Good Sen·lce. 144 Pntrlck Street. Dial 28!i2 Qurcn St. Dial 5143 • 44 homes. OU. BURNEM A1ency Departmeat Sporting Goods and SPtal 80031 FRANK Made in :-iewfoundland Generators, Ste8m Irons 8nd c. A. HUBLEY, LTD. PHOTOGRAPHY McNA.'ItAU: Hill O'CHIPS SUPPLIES 811 Household Appliances. PLUMBING and HEATING SHEPPARD'S SERVICE LTD. DIAL 2668 HOUSEHOLD !~:OVERS CONTRACTORS STATION Dial 514341 & SWPPERS LTD. GARLAN;)'S STUDIO UNITED NAIL AND ELECI'RIC.~L SE· \1CE Rep. General Electrte 76 PLEASANT ST. TIRE REP ... IRING FOUNDRY CO .• LlD. RIDEOUT'S ELECTRICAL TORBAY ROAD 36 Kings Road Dial t918 WASHING Packing, Crating Shipping DIAL 2958 HAMILTO~ AVE!'."UE SERVICE Wedding Photos, Portraits BATTERY CHARGING TAXICABS Heating and Ventilation. !lectrlc8l Contractor Agents for Allied Van Line' HEARING AIDS 8nd Commercial Photography GREASING 403 Water Street, T. C. BIBBS, Manager 5BW ST. and TOPSAIL RD Structural and Re-lnforcln~ DIAL %109 A-1 TAXI Steel 81. John'a, Newfoundlaftd. Res. 6455; Office 90001-2 BEL TONE HEt lUNG CAMERA SHOl' For all your Bu!ldlni Phone 83« CALVER AVE. Re

Parliament . ·,

. ;' l' \ • ~ I

' Minnesota Ia a eombi.llatlon PI two Sioux Indian words mean· ing "~ky-<:olored water." OAIL Y NEWS, ST. JOH 1958


I New TraUll·"n(Jb wl\.1 s A I 'been a very SUCCe<ul C~talogue olf 0 0 nnua !tel'. 1\, dU<~ey w••UU<"- /s F · 1\,J • ckzllon o, oUiccrs lor 1\t · For Record Fans ystem or lf eetmg ~~~~O~Vb~·ear Which resU!tt4 Pre\idcnL Whether you are looking for Ca d etS Bl aC k) Jea d Moran. Oistrakh (on ten labels) or 1st. Vice Callus (on one label) or the The Women's MissionJry .Thomas LeGrow. Plttsburgh Symphony Orches· The argo motor ship Olaio Society ol Blackhead held its I 2nd. Vice President-Mit tra (on two labels), you will. launched by John Brown and annual meeting in Blackhead: r'clt})am. dso easily find some 20,000 Co. (Clydebank) Ltd. for the School Hall on the eveninf of 3rd. Vice President currently available records all New Zealand Shippin~ Co. Ltd.. December 16th. Susanne King. - neatly itemized under the Is the first British·huilt ship to · The President of the Society, Recording Secretary _ names of over 4,000 recording carry engineering cadets. ~Irs. Harold Moran presided, Harold Stanford. artists! AND it is up to date In the Otnlo a new method Is a.nd the worship service as out· ' Corresponding S~ret through the new listing; in the to be tried out. Aboard the ves· lined _In the ~lis;ionarr Monthly! Mrs. John Reynolds. ll) December Schwann Long Play· sel forty nJI'lgatiri;; cadets ann was wllowed. Familiz.r Christ·' Treasurer - Mrs. lng Record Catalog' AND dis· thirty engineering cJdets will· mns e:,rols were sung, and ap·i Bishop. continued records are not list· start their careers. Special en· propnate scripture passages Christian K OO'.OJI\JIJ~ [T(O;LD ed. I gineering Instructional stnfb nrl were read. Mrs. Robert Gulli· rctary-Mrs. Hudson fl,.l.VO ,ry-Miss Ella Moo~ Tt11iiETM»S oon;; thoroubhl) cross . referenced gineering workshop The departmcnbl rcport3. Supply Sccretary-~trs NEWSP t:ea'•. w. imJI(I;R lil and Operatic a year in il shlnyRr~ "'hrrc 'tu the l\IS.29 Deep .Sea fish11'~ ;,. ·. s.. · L. Delancy. ;· . h' ') b, J ) J ,HIJS!Onol• ·• I> ~[USJC' 464 Pianists· comnany ~ Ins a"e eilJcr "tn£ 'echo sounder prOI'C(. t Jat t Je I "rs Cl .l - ... f ' ' h 'tt · d · ~-., · 1ar cs Burden j[ U'!-, i 1045 lnstrumcnlal '11 or rep~1rc . ~ _ . com pan)· announce that they ;;rc 1 Lilcrat~:re ~ccretz.r. · ' I c; _ . Soloists mcludmg 464 Pianists; The Ob10 ~~ thr -Bih ,IJJD tn now making wh1tc lme rccord· 1 Oscar Par>ons l I 156 Violinists; 75 .organ!ots; ~8 h; ~u1lt Rt Cl)·dehank fnr th.r mg ai'Jibble on Ihe ~IS.23: BaiJby lla 11 a ·~upcri Ctlll~ts; 49 Harps1chord1st5; 38 Nrw Zealand 01\ ncrs. Shr 1', Sta~dJrd echo sounder. . Mrs. Clif!ord Babs. 5 23 Flutists; 32 Oboists; 173 other 490 feet lone 73 feel broar! 1 . \\ hilc hnc rccordmg 11 de·. !olr:;. Edwartl Hudson lin 20 performers on 30 other Jnstru· <~nd 43 feet de en With '' gro." s1gr.ed lo show. up the. bottom bert Delancy. ' ' 2 ments:. 269 ·choral Group~ 185 tonna~e of 11.000 and >hP wtll contours 3S a lhm dark line sep· 1 Oranist-.. trs. Johu £~ .. 4, 28 Operatic Groups; 134B Vocal he f1tte~ WJth two sets of r~own·, aratcd fro111 the mam black· sistant-~lrs. Claylo~ . ·• I 16 Soloists. Doxford die>PI enoine' eil'in~ a mass of hot:nm ·~cho by a uni·: Press Secretar)'-" BY LESLIE TUFNER 1 18 serd~e ~need of 1R 1;, l·ncf,, I form bond of white. With this: Fcltham, <11. 9 Information on the Food and FIRST OP NPHT ('L!l.SS form of presentation identifi· .\lission Band Lt 3 26 Drug Jaws that protect Canada LATJNCHED c<~lit of a new class of hnttom is greatly simplified, the Diamond, olro. Jo!Jn li. 24 otherwise below.standard foods, i distant water motor tra1•·lers. Company state. Mission Band L 12' drugs and cosmetics may be oh· 1 the Prince r'harles. has hPcn Since this wJs announced by: Blackhead-Mrs. Harold 8 17 tained from your local or pro-/l

1 27 I ·.~ether with location of district ann Gemmell T.td. echo sounders ha1·c specified the 1 Broad Cove-Mrs. c. foori and drug inspectors The vrssrl hcs a rrnisterer1 wh1tc Enc vcr. orovided mid.­ Secc'Ctary until 3.00 p.m. (E. of 17.500 CIJ. feet. is in'"'-I'E.r, OR S.T.) ' 1 "nd woorl lin oil and snbdivirlo·' 1 A MAG,l.ZINE 15 I into oounds with prol'is;nn marlc MORE OR LESS WEDNESDAY. JANUARY Z9 i for ~Jose snacerl coil shelvin" . FAI-11Liii.R \\11TH T\-4E i958, A single 18 foot fir.!'r" 11ss \\'orl: PRt:~t>.TION OF !1. 1 MONAR ;;~!:' 0::."'-I=T FOR Plans and specification can !n~ hoat is carried aft. ACTION, WE'LL 5~1P be cccn and form of Lender ob· · 'Thr tr:ll"ler has been hni 1· T\Jil-1 PART i>,ND RE'· taincd at the office of the 'Chief: for the Saint Anrhews Ste·~~c 5Ut-1E C\!!"1. STO:::V ON Engineer, Department of Public Fishin" Co. T.tcl .. Hnll. \\,_ WE r;J,l.Y (f' B 1-~"T·CfF fit~:;:;;~~,~ ~\'orks, Ottawa, Ontario, at the CAP·C.·I RRYf'i(; SHIP \ ZERO LE,;s ::.iOVENT'!~ SIX MINUTES. offices of the District Engineer. Sr>F:F:DS RF:PORTS P.O. Box 279, 93 Canterbury i Thr 10.000 ton Lake Prnna;k. Street, Saint John, :-.i.E., the lhe fir; TON!~ Yonge Street Toronto 1 on expo1i cars to T.os Angc~cs ;m• li-\E'\\:1 ,'V::J::J, ~~\i-\\l-:>G 10 'DO I..>J\i\-1 ~~ tario. ' ' San Franc1sco. The special f1tt 22 GAMES at L\i1L'C. C.c:t..ThJ\R~ '3'K\NG5 B~CI<. To be considered e:> · d b to carrv safelv between two ;H'' mus l be ace Cl11 pJnle y a ·. · • , No. 30 'It i-\""'??l\.'-1 (")~R'R.\'I:P ... ~)\)'0 'K..\}VG. 'I. · th f f rt' three t1mes as manv unoac,;cr1 .secun ) m e orm o a ce 1· h'th t Th· , ·,. p:••·' 30 I f d h B d . cars as 1 or o. 1. 1 ;ed ~ etqhue far on s atls spccdl· 1 of the clril'e to soeerl un tl'c f Je m e orm of ten er an ·.flow of rxnorts lo North Amer'

made forms and on the prmted 1 can mJrkols. The lo~d consi:'lt"'

forms sttpplted by the Depart· 1 of Ford. AuJD blue-prints and specification of TH' I~VEf-JTOR'/ the work on deposit of a 6Um OF MY POCt.:E TS of $50.00 in t~ form of a certi· NOW! fied bank ch€que or money· order payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada. The dep-osit will be releas-ed on return C>f the blue-prints and (All appli specification in good condition within • motth from the date of reception of tenders. If not returned within that period the deposit will he forfeited. The lowest 'or any ·tender not necessarily accepted, • ROBERT FORTIBR, Chief of Admi:llstratlve Service! and Secretary, Dep~rtment of Public Works, ee Ottawa, December 30th, 1957.

Statutory ~otice

In the matter of the last will and est.au of Martin J. llynes, Ia~ f'!EROF-5 ARt=' MADE·NOTSDR>J' of Port au Port In the Province of Newfoundland, Dominion or Cilllada, Company · Director OUR BOARDING HOUSE With MAJOR HOOPLE deceased. All persons claiming to be creditors or who have any claims or demands upon br affecting the estate of Martin J, Hyne! of Port au Port aforesaid, Company Dl rector, deceased, are requested to !end particular~ of same m writing, dltly attested, to the un dersigned solicitors for the Er· ecutor! of the last wlil of the !Bid deceased on or before the 20th. dey o! January A.D. 1958, after which date the executors will proceed to distribute the estate of the 5ald decea~ed, hav· n. , lng regard only to the claim~ ol which they shall then ba ve had notice. Dated at St. John's this 18th. day of December A.D. 1957. ~ ~ \. \j COURAGE AND GREENE, \ \ Sollcllors for Executon. I ADDRESS: Cabot Building, Duckworth Street. St. Johl\'s. dec27,jan3,10 • t . { •

,. >Uccc~ul , ludey cunuU:: IIIIJc·crs for~ which res~

- Mr~ . .,.. President_ bru'.Y, c Pre5ident-,~ < • cr President_ lllg. g Secretacy _ nlord. nd ing S~retary • .. r Reynolds.- Mrs. l!JL------~~~-----~ WANT-ED KINSMEN -- One Charwoman CITY INTER CLUB NEWSPAPER BINGO to work in Candy Factory. 5 p.m. ' SCHEDULE Apply · - ClUB CLOSED JANU~RY 3: . . I ,. ~!embers ,BOWLING LEAGUE l S , 10.00 a.m.-Suilnf. .· l1.tm SATURDAY 9 4 ~· Hollett. CASE BROS. 2.N p.m.-Skltillg. ~~· > - ~Irs. No. lL DIAL 90069 L A N D R 0 V ER 6.15 p.m.-Felldiu Practi .. \11.1n Bagis. SERIES 379 HAMILTON AVE. EX The a,nrual meeting of the City Inter-Club ~.00 p.m.-Jllllitr _Flat.. ·. ~":t ' ~ I IL TO·DAY 1S NUMBEitS ' $1 .00 I S( Bon'• n. FeUdltu. •; . T. L. Delane1. Bowling League will take place on ' 250 l.· . ' •• .• .., ' I i JANUARY .oi: .j . ;crlc, llurdcn. WANTED I N ·G 0 .. TUESDAY, J.anuary 7, at 8 p.m., at Holy B . dM Ld I 10.00 a.m.-8k.all111. ~ <: . ·B 1 Van Salesman Cross Auditorium. Team~ alrea~y mem- au otors t . ~:~~ ~:~~~~~.-rn«lee;: · 5 23 45 50 73 DIAL 80378-9 7.30 p.m~GuardJ :rraetiee •. l' Experience necessary. ' • · 9.30 p.ril.-J\lnlor FJ.ull;- _ . ' 2 20 32 47 63 ' . bers, as well as new teams wishing to I 28 35, 55 68 Apply ' ! MERRYMEETING P.OAD st. Eon's \;l, Felldlall.; 4 enter, must have a Delegate .present. I 16 41 57 71 · • _._ ,SUNDAY, JANUARY, s, · CASE BROS. 1 t · - 9 p .. m.·ll p.m. 9 18 43 49 72 !!btl••· By Order I B11nd L c •dt 3 26 -37 51 64- 379 HAMIL TON AYE. EXT. .11\'l: - Mr5. 11 36 67 \I''· John N. JAMES GOSSE, Secretary 12 24 75 jan3,4,6 Band L e 61 -~Irs. Harold 8 17 Wanted To Buy ~!oores. 14 30 70 WE .REQUIRE Band Leader 27 65 c-~!rs. C. Lrmcc·'­ Transmission .. ert Delaney. 6 19 CHRISTMA~ • 1n~ of Hymn ~7 21 62 To fit 1954 Anglia CLERK STENOGRAPHER. The "OLD .MILL" Club SPECIAl ELECTRICITY • • • l1ction by Re1·.' UNIQUE and INTIMATE 1953 BUICK "" ;ht the meetln1 Sedan. 5 DAY WEEK, W~LFARE PLAN, ETC. Fcatunni: f \londay: D.~:->C<:, OLD MILL TRIO . SEDAN th~ ONE BRIGHT Apply in person to Tuesdn: I ·lu<~· of the meet' • DANCE anilth M.V. Cbren>lllt Beautician tors. If you pre.fer appoint­ for the West Run 'Placentia lay. ' ment 1ervice 'Phone ~367. :' MONA RYAN Beauty Salo11, \\\it PROVINCIAL FREIGHT ACCEPTANCES"' T. A. llulldini Duckworth ~-' IS ROCK ANNOYING YOU7 INSUR~JiiCE AGENcY street, apeclalizlng in al1 CIJ!! or· bouldm can · be 'fHI)NE 3il7 FREIGHT GREEN IIAY. · me~a permanent waving, ctrilled and .blasted reiard· CLAUDE A. DAWt: SER\1CE . : 'UnUn~~: and cutt!hg. Open les.s 'of location at low CDst II 16~ WATER ST. I Acceptance for frelaht for th'o . Tuesdll,l' and Thursday operation. Sa!ety guaran· P.O. Bo:r: 175 Green. Bay Servjce for forward· . nlghtJ, six operatora. Dill ing via Lewls[XIrte and M.C. FOR. teed, expe~t blaster. Call ' !1;477 for appofctmenl • llA, Charland The RGek Nonia will close at Noon tOday, Man, Dunvllle, Placentia Friday.· This will bt the ~I .YOUJ acceptance for freight for· ~J Wall Washing B~y or Phone II'JOOHc service for season. - dec.31,1m. DAY SERVICE WALL WMHING' ..:. Walk RESTRICTED CD.®· cleaaed by aew machine. FIRE IS ~GIC? Don't suffer Shippers Pltase N.U. G.:S. Results perfect; , uvea double di!a!terl Have you enou!lh line, Oils and other r~ JIJSt 48 ,hours is all we palnt.-New M'ethod Rull' Insurance to meet to-day's hig!i. er co!ls? Remember, II you're cargo for regular porta ~th ne.ed to prqve that and Wall Cleaners, !'resh· nat fully insured, it'• llot enou1111. Coast Service for foi'Wll'dlll! water .Road, 'Pholl1 91033· I represent exceUent stock' com· via Arientia :and M.V. llarlorlta w. are offering the ag25,1m. · panics and guarantee you qual· will be accepted at the ·Jb.Uway 1 Frclght Shed, Monday NEW METHOD RUG CLEAN· lty protection and local aervloe: January 6th 9 a.m . •to :1 'p.m fmHt, fa1t11t and ERS. Rug and Carpet made Honourable dealings with both (•u•rt.nte 1 1'1 "•ttr tt Dial *"ft to look llke new. Von OLD and N~W policy holden. Shippm are reminded tillt m~at dependable. Schrader proceJI add1 yean · W. r. CALDWELL, perishable tra;'fic is aee,epted at to life of rugs. Cleaned In Iuurance Arent, ete., GREAT EASTERN Ownen rl!k In tccordlnet Service In Town .. 'Pbone-1445 ' • wiUI home· or at our plant. · TempJoe Bnlldlnr, Duckwortll 8l., OIL & IMPORT clause 23 a! Bill of L&dfnt. ;Phone 91033. New Method PLUMBING & HEA'tlj'IG DIAL 5155 NOW · st. Johll'•· · Cq 'LTD RUll Cl eancn, Fre sh water · II '' ' Road, CHATHAM, England (CP)_: p. M. Donn,:~ y Ibdio. Tclcvisbn Washers. ------party of royal englnecrs may " Refrigerators Deep Freezers CANADWfrdl! 'INVEST IN REST." Sleep. visit Canada dressed ·in uniforms PLC~IBING and HEATI:IG Electric Tiangcrs. C\lmfOTtab1Y· ,We specialize o! tOO years ago to attend cen· Floor Polishers, lu repairlni and recondition'. tenary celebrations ln. British CONTRACTOR Gramophones NATIONQ ..,.., <:n 1 d Installation and Rcnairs l'ublic 'Address Systems. i ng all •; A~e• ..,.,r ngs an Columbia. ' :..r Tape Recorders. . u ttr.l.• G t d to all t}1les systems. "'a -r.:e,. uaran ee Plans are oolng considered by REP AIRS AND 'SERVIC 1 ·~y people CO tO- tbeU' • · Newfoundland's work. ,),httrusea for back the Royal· Engineers Institution 'Ph SS78F 5 LINES', (ties ·in th. winter for ~ aUmtntl a apeclalty. 'Phone• at this Kent tawn: An appeal has. One. DIAL 3001 t!J 3.001 Partlcullr can abould 'lit tlhl Pioneer. Dry Cleaner e«o ·· or· 3361, Standard already been· mad.e to pa!t and 48 FOREST ROAD WATER ST with atovea and lamp,; .toft lleddlni ;company, Ltd., preset ,cottJs f

t,·.. J ' . I •

. I

M.U.N.'Stud~nts \ I Are· FJillures Oats •• Hay • • Poultry & Dairy Feeds Etc. I OJ' ···NEW ARRIVALS ~T. JOHN'S, Nfld.-AP­ THB . I An attempt to launch RX· 100,. a rocket made by stu· For immediate delivery Ex our Warehouse: 'delitl at Memorial Unlver· OK alty, was uneuct'etsful New OATS...... 3 Bush eI Bags.

Year's Eve. • HAY-Small ~ales ...... _...... 1 ...... No. 1 Quality • Cau!f of the failure has not been determined but the Soviet Runia in China PIONEER POULTRY·and DAISY FEEDS ...... "Profit Proven" fttuden!ft hope movies or the COMBINATION GRIT AND SHELL ... :..... ~...... 80 lb. bags attempt TiiU ahow what By Chien Kai-shek $6.00 Canadian .Cheese · went 'II'I'CGI!I. Victory At Sea DR. DANIELS HORSE CONDITIONER, Etc., Etc. Etc . RAINBOW . RX-100 bad a steel body with nlumlnum fittings and Lieut. Cmdr. P. K. EGG CARTONS ...... ,...... 15 Dozen No. .1 · Large Onions when fueled It wclgbM 80 Kemp' ...... $6.50 EGG ·cARTONS ...... :...... 1 Dozen • poundt. It was built to R:A.F ·.Biggin Hill TEA climb 12.000 feel, "GET OUR LOW QUOTATIONS" Launching site wa.& a tower Graham Wo//oce .. $4.25 Five· Point ·Apples on barren.! 1 short d!Jiance ' . The Cat from the clty. A third at· tempt will be made. The Count Michael IS· Campbells- Soups· students launched their \. Solt/kow ...... $3.95 flnt' rocket Dec. 7. It was Hausfrau At War ,JIIIde of eopper pipe and propelled by three pounds Elsa Wendel :...... $3.25 ALWAYS Gold. Star Molasses or zinc and sulphur. It went They Shall Not ~ . up 1,000 feet. The rockets were built by Pass Unseen Smith's .Peas and Beans ls edc.Jce students Robert /von Southall ...... $4.25 .GOOD 1an~s and David Coffen aqd Flight 777 'PHONES 5143 • 5144 QUEEN SlREET t engineering students Clar· I tnce Powell, Gordon Myers I /on Colvin ...... $3.50 I at11d Robert Dawe·. 1 J~;;~~~:::~~~~:::;;;;;;;;~~~:;:;;;;;~;;;;;;;;::::;: 1 The World of ·: Suzie Wong Wins Prize Richard Mason .. .$3.50 AWA iCP\-' LTD~ 1 ime and The Hour should disallow i GEORGE NEAl ., tm >w.v~ "Chri. In National Howard Spring .... $3.50 the CPR by wa TELEPHONE 2264 • 3420. • 4440 Fairoaks ·Ne~ rates. CCF me: Contest Grand Bank said Friday II Frank Yerby ...... $4.50 ~tla Carter, Kelllgrew!, Con· ceptlon Bay, is the proud win· Village Diary (Conli~ued from page 5) . I p0lients .. On Boxin~ Day the: Lord's Prayer" dur 1r,; c\e 1 ncr of the first prize for New­ By 'Miss Read .... $3.00 . Santa Claus was generous m LIOns \nth Santa Cl&us agair. ; mg of the register. - foundland in a nation-wide con­ Ius g1fts to the children a~am! \'lSlted the h.osp1trd r:nd present·: Following the ''ed.~.nl t~st held 'among h)6h ~chool Thomasina $ SO th1s season,. and m fact to most 1 ed g1fts to t:1e pat1cnts ar.d hos-1 nony a reception ''" . students. She was aw0rded the , Paul Gollico ...... 4· atdults r;s wei_ I. t!At th; :'rcfschnt I p1tal stafL i the home of the br: :~:, ~rize for her Pepsi·tola jingle, 1me we are m w mtust o t e On Boxmg D:Jv the ?.nnual • L t · th · · 1 10 one of thousands submitted by Last Tales . usual round of p:rties and · Christmas Party· for the. chil· _ ner to ~ evf;w~ a~ ...... $.5.00 merriment which characterizes' dren was held ti'c o·anoe, bupper L p 'cc at students ac~oss Canada. As well lsak Dinesen i~ 0 0 ;~ , as Etta's prize, the second and ' the· 1fes:ive · 'cason. E8ch · home HalL Santa Claus.. w~s p;cse-~t:I ~"1 nyr. an d ~~e..• rs. Durr J''C' ,_ 1 thin! provincial ~rizcs .were Fight It Out Ill g 011 mg wa~mly ~nd gally dec· snd presented g1fts to sll of the 1St. John's over the ·::€ , orated and hl wtth coloured [cur hundred ciJJ!dren (lreser.t.: their. honrvmnon. \l'c 0:r : ~·arded ta Theresa C. 'L Capt. Oliver 1 Young, Nlcholsvi:le, Deer Lake, ...... $3.75: lights .. Th1s ~·car there seems to A s1~llar party 1\'as held at fo~· thcir man~· friends h;,. and Dorothy Knee, Corner Gordon be qutte a number of outdoor tune m the afternoon where t1vo i 1 1 : · h' " r · I 1 c .m' Brook, resp(ctlvc1y. A :-;ew • k &( Ld lightsth · andd decorations· to add to hundred. •children ·.crc enter·:· 'i':crsc,w s Jeremuc hmhwtsappmcss .nfe o~ Brunswick school girl won the I( S 0 , , e m oor decoratiOns. t<:med. 1 future Grand National Prize of a $100 D 1 t The Lions Club have erected . Other club Christmas _acti1i- [:-;GL!SH-SOOLEY Canada . Savings Bond. Twenty· The Booksellers a commun;ty tree on the tiCS mcluded the Chmtm:t'. The mmiage of Sn solc~nioe·J° ---E-~--G-A_G_E_M_E_N_T__ I Band m ~ttendznce to render \\EDDL\G BELLS ' d . D . 0 ,\'al - . . I Christmas carols. I ur ay evenmg, eccm er 1 · . BOS:\'ELL-RIDEOCT by Rev. Dr. J L. £1 :• ' Drama Festl ~!r. and M-rs. Albert Kavanagh 1 All of the c~ast1ng fleet JS T' ld' f G d . The bride ~~""' gi• ··ni r • d~ I th h ' · t 11 f l ne wet 1ng o ertru c · · . ·- of Ca vert, Sou ern S ore are·,' m ~or as we as •several o t 1e Banne ll 0 f T av 1or •s B3\' t 0 E:;r 'I rl.'"e"o b,·' '!r·' ' w•'''n·,·r·J ·-- . -. happy to announce the engage·' dragger fleet, and 3 large num· I R'" t f th:. t ·' 1 j!iss Be' trice I ''~rer,ce Ad U lcat Or · ·' ht Alf 1 b o( t Jd t d 'd t H1cou o Js own was so emn- • · " · Rictl'llrdl West noted British men t °f th eJr uaug er, rcr a cr . s 1 en ~ an rest en s ized at St. Alban's ChurcfJ on as bridesm:id whi!st )Jr. director and prodocer, will be Edith, to John J. Se re·: F 'd . . . ,., D b ry-th Bo,·ce l':as best mz.n. " J h p f T ' turned home to spend the holi· n D! e~emr.o. cccm er ~~ . - . ,,_,. , in Corner Brook Januan· 7th an d mrs. 0 n ower 0 or. . .· . . . The wedding ceremony was per· After the 1\PJ'JI'l. to 11th to adjudicate ~!Dys pre- Cove, Southern Shan~. Con· da:s \lith the1_r relattles and formed b·; Rev JDmes Coffin. a reception was b-~d sen ted at the Newfoundla·nrt, gratulations are extended by fnc_nds. The -~_r~-Chn;unas D2)' The hride II';S given in mar· I home of the bride'; Drama Festival. The I thelr many fnends. busJ.ness actJHtJes h .. le been . " b. M Ed R'd t . parents.., and )\rs Re~iona1· · bnsK nllhough pcrha~s not up naoe ! r. gar ~ eou · ~.~h e . ~lr. . . ·h 11. _ ., plays 1nll be staged at the Amal· EJS"GAG~<'MENT t~ t . ·,, d Th p 1 was attended by ~!1sscs Olive French, \\hie . "' a. t:amated Regional High School • '1 ' 1as )ear' recor s. e os R'd t :1. r· d d · relatJves and JmmcdJJI€ · --- -·-·--- Off1cc handled a record amount 1 eou ·. • nne mar an , 1 ..11 d· Auditorium. ~lr. and Mrs. Charle~ K. Dawe, of mail and areel· th. . r ~!a)"; P1ercy. Mr. Leo Rideout. of the nell ' e '· -As adjudicator, Mr. West lllll Port de Grave wish to an·' .h 'c d' p ,, ? 1s .THai · brother of theg room was best Mr. and Swde:.· 1 1 1 ~Irs. d eel'd ed whl ch ~ wIll ge t nounce the engagement' of their.", e h anaff !an h ·_,atJona t"he e- man w1th. Thomas Rose Sl'd e in .f tlurc at~·L'· J'l•J.···" Argue sa!d the1 ~>;roup 31 ~!ess~s. the regional Calvert Tro~hy and daughter, Audrey Faith, to R.C. li~~~d ~ ao n~~ re'2~~d ~~ Ce~ri't: and Srymour His~:k hrides· hest_ . w1she~ for th!c, that the go1-er the $100 cash award. He will Constable George Grant , E. 1 ""00. t 1 . - boys. hJppmcss JS extendE:'. •l to shift 15 per co h j . d ~l.P. .. mas 1e a one ~,, e egram'' 1 . h dd' !nend" purthases in a1 50 ave 8 rna or vo_ 1ce, m e· son of ~lr. and Mrs. George were handled at the office ancl ~ Fo lowmg t e we m~ cere- '· PERSONALS to Bril3in will termining which regJOnal ploy Eppv Regina Saskatchewan til . . 1 . d many a receptwn wcs he\rl at 111.-11 b e i m •it e d t o th e Domm . Ion . . ' ' . tl e pressureh t tl was k mamTh amcff' ·the Cana d'·Jon Lc;;wn, Chi b Mr. L\ oy d St on d•~-' o,.m-nor,l' s orlky 0 1 Drama Feltil·al finals for the BIRTHS . \rough ot~ ~~ dwee ·.h c • :c- Room;. A lnrge number of relii· turn<'n to St. Johc'' ofter ksn'\<" h main Calvert Trophv and ·a tfa) s tv.h· 0 abnll e suet bsemccs tires and friends of tr.e voung 'ing the Christmr,s h0!i $l,uu0"" pr i ze. Th e fi nnls· w11 I be LA~'DRIGA''-Born·' . " to "'!r · 'r , e pu c are o e eon·, mnrned·. couple were present· at.1 hts . parents. 0 held in Halifax ~ay 12th to 1and ~frs. K. D. Landrigan, at gra,ulated and thank~cl .. ' : this function , ~!r. ll'illiam Burdock 17th. I the St. Clare's Mercy Hospital, 1fur thelr cou~tesy and efftCJen, \lr and \l~s Rideout 1rill re·: from St. John's las: · '! m t h h 1 'd . a so:J scr\'lce under such pressure . · · . · · d . . 'h' . t '-!' J .. "r. nes as aa w1 e ex-~ · · ~ b ,. . s1cte herem future an we JOin 1 1s marna~e o. 1ss o .. . j b th h' d '\'HELA" B t St ar.u a norma 1 conult!Ons. . . . d . . D d \! B k ·'1 permce n o teac mg an ' ·' - orn a . 1 Th ~ , . . : w1th their manv fnen s m ex- r. an . rs. ur e '": He has also pla1·ed a Clare's Dei:emher 23d to 1 . e .'·311 atJ?n tAh kBabr.cl best wishes for th€ir the in· acation in ~roducing. • ~!r. '11as qm 1e acu·;e erm~ wee· e· tendin-~' · Flo~· SEVENTH DIVISION HEADQUARTERS, Korea-Francis L:rtrdinal Spell­ great r