1!. \ :Y ~~. 'i(, -~ '' '] 'I,, THE DAILY NEWS' JS~~~ ' ' . Vol. 6~. No.2 ,ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1958 (Price 7 cents) Charles Hutton &: Sons m lbania RefuSes Releas!!Venezuela: • ' . orce ,cvo t rus e n~ni!ter. in Al~anla fatled 13ter Shtylln. rana since 1946,-when two.,. Brit· " I --- --- - ---------- "'"'"''_Qt.,,~::.,.,~,:.,.m~~.~~.~!~1 r 10 3 rr:m~e the relense 1:olO PtmTEST ASKED ish destroyers hit mines In Corfu _,. --· •, in Albania of a' AuthorilntiYe British eources Channel off t!ie Albanian coast. ,. "----~-~~-,...,...- .. ~ ..... ~--· . · . llrlti'h trnnsport said france has not been asked The plane, a DC-4 Skymoster T Jr an;! its crew of elx, ? Brit· to protest to Albania ovr the. de· owned bye. a private British 'Govt. Tro.ops !crd&n ,,ff:c<' s~krsman an· tention of the six Britons ~nd the freight and charter firm, lntle· 1: n:ur>rlny mght. plene. forced down by Albanian pendent Air Tral'el Llmllccl. wns /, t~: l 1ative -~~-·~-.-·-- . 5>',;u 1·-,:1n ~aid the French lighters :\ew Year's Eve at Va· I forced down after allegtdly vi· v·•- ... "'7·•'"" .. In Ttr;•nil, Lou!!\.. Keller, lona, on the southwest coast of'l olatlng Alhonlon · olr spDce nml and .-\1\\inian authorities, the Comm\tnlst slate. Ignoring elgnal! frllJTl Albnnion I h'd M\ )·et hecn able to. French dlplomnts In Tirana, :lighters. .\ Capture Rebels ~n~ l't • arrawnwnts lor the re· , .~lhanla's co~ital, nr~ mnklng In- 1 France already hos Informed l cJ :.~~ 3inrnft nnd its crew. quiri·:s for Britain. France nnd 'Britain that the six detained Brit· C.\TIAC.\S, \'ene?.uelo 1.\Pl -: ar.:10unced that the leader o! thG 1 frt~C:1 L1;1·i~a office spo!;es· : 1\:Jly nrc the only Western coun-/pn! - lncht!llng an air hostess - President ~larcos Perez Jiminez insurrection hod been caplUTl'O · <aid :n Paris that Keller tries which maintain dlplomutlcj arc safe and well, according to claimed Thursday tl;e govern· out he was not identified. ' • :.1ct talked about the, relations with ,\lbanla. Britain Albanian official!. me~t has crushed a rcbc'\lion of I Tl:e cas1ital 11as-calm through ------- air furcc ant! arm~ units with "n: out the day. Troops were posted minimum of lossPs in life ant! ·at strate~ic ooints. but the ·streets mot erial." I appeared to -be normal. Trace Sputnik One The prc>iuent made a three- I Jet !'lanes in rehd hands sw~pl s min'.ttc rcdio and telc1·ision an- ··oYer Caracas at irregular Inter nouncement soon af\H gol'ern· i va!s . Wl•dnesdny and obsen·ers JODRI::LL !l \ :-i K, Englnr.d I E~D J..IS, 1? the earth 1,348 times co1wing a EARS' mrnt Ioree~ ca~ltt:red the rebel 1re;Jorted scc.ing ~l'l~rd strafin~ toters' - \\'c,!crn scimtlsts The Russian< announced last distance of aout 41,8ell,OOO miles. holdout no;nt at Los Teques, attac:;s. Anh • atrcrnft battem; · ; ! l'ws(',uy night on ~londay that !lte first satellite At Cambridge, Moss .. Amerl· 1 ahout ~3 ·miles from raracns. ~·!ired on the nlanes and the gov , n the [Jr': S•v. .cl Snulrtk \',til i was cx~ected lo enter the dense cnnastronomers at .. th0 Smithson· Perez Jiminez ~oid the sur· ernnwnt said one was hit and c!r· n-' r if there is any· areas ot. the atmosphere and Ian Astroph)'Eicnl O?serl'atory renth•r of nn vr~ilkn· nnct ar· 1 !orc2d to bntl. tell ~~ the lillie mclol would censeto exist Jan. 1. predicted the s ate ll1 t .e would amodre i nIt in Lo~ Teques I A ~ovcrnment annc·IJnccmen: I ln Cnnhe\·ra. Australia, Dr. Z. make Its death plunge Thursday. hrow:hi an. end to the rt":olt. :said .Thursday that• all planes -~i""t c:r.h·t>'lrscope sla· Przvbyl<ki said Thur.1duy Sputnik I The;· ba,sed thrlr prediction which hc:;an ot dawn LecJp 'sdnv; wrre a~ain in government hancs. here b- icilcd to o'ck up 1 nlreadt• Ill~)· hm·e fallen lnlo lipan orbtl colculolion' earned whil• i'cn~zucbns •·.-ere slill ccJ. 1 Gen. Rtmulo Fernandez, nrr,;y 1m•: d til" 1;·, :•mmd sph~rc Jlt~ enrth's atmosphere and dis·) (orwurd from obserl'ntlons madr ehr:~tin:; the arrival of the new 1 ~hid of stuff, <1id rebel leaders UJO'u.lk•· !.','"· :• • 1 inlegnM~I. The astronomero ~aid .In late i':ovembet and eJrly De· vc.or. fled bv ~ir. He renorted thut ~~··, . ,t:~h:i,~,ld thot th•: . th~ "''!mtnum shsll of the Z-l·mch I ccmbcr. 1 · The 43-':ear·old presiclent. who Amelio Ferrrro Tamay, com 1 c i· r : i·; 1l1c predicted satdlitc \\Oilld eva;1orate ns It de· Ilut, director Dr. Fred L \1 htp· i h2s rulerl oil·rich \'rnezucla for mander of the Maracoy ~arrlsor " , ,! !'rn: •. ,.,cr .-\. C'. D. , .'C2r.ill'(l and rrohahly not cv.en ple said: "1\'e don't know w!;ere! n:nc years, praised lo~·a] mil.' and gorernor of the ~talc of '"~ ro11tine go ~·cc .. ~· !Ill' s:ntiun. ; frJ~P1PIIts w o u 1 d reach the It Is so we cnn't say where it .. -.-1onal job: --,. r..,·, itarv forces and said they in· Ara~ua, had been !reed from im ~ . ..-~·: 1::·· .'t·d··t ne·ss B;:' '('J~·th's ~urfocr. mflv foll ... ~lr scnms li ch1ded the country's best offi. J'clsoD)1lenl b)· the rebels and re 'I \,.,\. press T;, .· ·•• •• r·' inforrr.o:ion on! The Tass ·nnnouncement of tr.e The rocket which gm·c Sputnik ccrs. He also praised the citizens stored to his oost. I" • :- -- d thr first Split cor,, in~. end of tlic SP,utnlk said I its final thrust into space is 1 :IJI front, Yoke ' lor remaining calm. i'enezuela \\:a·s rclatil·cly quiet 1s fallen I' r lcL'\. · .: :.:•. '''1'1r on the th~ orbit of th1 sTJhrc ~nd notice· believed to haw oul.of its With Perez .Jiminez on the I three weeks a~o when Perez Jim· -, .. ~ .. ··::· ·:: -..·.1tc:1 it w0s :'!II' r:duc?tl. ~!aximum height of orbit the'nfeht of No•·. 30. broadcn;t were Gen. Oscar Maz. j inez won re·rlcction in a nation· 1111 u: 1. 4 and ended last the. o~bit then wos l~R miles com· Russin 'at tho! time mointainccl I "llins of II< zei, minister of defence, and wide referendum. He had no op :". [1, :i"·~ tiw h't thrrc p:;rcd with tl1c 580 miles when i\ the rocket was still In s~nce, b11t 1hr cit)' on other officers. ponen\s on the ballot and lmme· T"' r,·,orlerl on II' the 1\'Ds launchsd. later ~aid It had !allen on S. lilt>< trip. !J,, V The goremment announced !his diittely after the polls closed th : ci S'Jl'"~ Jl..l:ntnchc~ Xo1·, i. By mirtnlgl-.1 on New Year's, territory. Still rot~r nll renrrence morning thnt the rebel ~Jrrison go\'ernment announc~a h~ had ih 1.~€ ,rocr tkg Lai\:o. · f.•,e, S~ulnik I would hove circled: to the rocket •.ras drorped. 1 at Maraca;;. the centre ol the air won anc o\'erwhelmin~ vic'ory. force rel'olt 50 miles west of Car. ~!fln,· onDosition lea,lers have acas. had ~en bken. left the ·country or have been Government lr~ons then began jail,•d. s Etc. DE M~~S[9N: s~amn:ng- out remnar.t~ of rebel Tllirteen Venezuelan rebel oir force~ ~1Fewhcrc. I lure·~ ofii1:Prs nrril'ed bv plane st:RRF.SDEit AT :o-;oos ; Tint··><lr'·'· 1J llarranquilln. Co Lo~ 'fequeE, tlu• C'\'!l'rc of thr jl1H:•bia. The officnrs were taken repare Market Tips Fo1· remaining,opposiliun. "'"·' tnktn 1to l'utullJIJiun military heauquar before noon. Ll.·Cul. Sancb:z \'ul·l kr~ for oll•:>liouing. tlerama used a radio ~laiion 111 1\'asltin~ton. lhe s\a\e tlt•· 1el Bags CAIRO. E~·pt-Eg-yptian President Gmnnl Abdel Nasser. left. ani! United there which ha(l been broadcast· ~artment snid It hod no rr·ports U. ing rebel announcement.> all tr.or·l of harm to an•• crt the apnroi· • I ltsinessme·n. In The K. Nations Scrrefnry General Dag Hruntuar~kjold are shown at their con­ Quality ning to.. a.nnouncc that th-e gar·J lmoltlr-.. 40.GOO t:.S. citizcm lirir::: H~ IHf:OLD ~ORUISO~ \ the mission nde~- It_~ tour, R.e.c. orial __ )los.t..Jttst_ ~-car to become a ~eren~c on Mid--.Easf problems during: fiauHnarskjold's Christmas visit rison had ~urreridered on the i:J \'enczuela. C.S. in':estnwats Proven" reeearch worker· for Prime :.lin· Press Sl•n· Ltllu ! Jn. ·Informed 5·ourccs snid Hnmmarksj.1ld is ~onvinccd that Nasser wants to same' term! as the rebels at In the country ore estimated nt i lb. bags .\\\'.-\. (CPl-Brlta\n's CX· I rh~ two ~ahl British lndustt;j' Isler Dlefenbaker. ~!araca<·.There was no lndlca-r$~.000.000.000. ~.\onv C'anndi<.r' i may eoun gel a tip on ; \s at n serlo\ls disadvantage in stren~lJCn Vnks ~vith the West despite his nation'!! hosting of the anti· 1 tlon of \>hat the terms were. I also work th~re. Kone was rc· to crack the huge Canadian \ adrertisin~ in Conuda b~cause of · Western Asian-African conference. The U.N. Secretary General retum­ :'.!illtary authorlti~ In Caracas por;cd hjurcd. 5 Dozen 'I held by ·on~ted Stoles I the wide circulation of American Thieves Cau~.ht cJ hom his 1\lid-Enst tour recently.-fiN Photo).
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