

1. In ancient , what was the name for the days on which it was not permitted to engage in legal action or public voting? NEFASTI B1. Among the days deemed nefasti for official business were the feriae. What were feriae? HOLIDAYS B2. What was the name for a day that was designated for the meeting of Roman assemblies? DIES COMITALIS

2. Using the verb fero, give the Latin for the following: “Carry the water, Brutus!” FER AQUAM, BRUTE! B1. Using the same verb, give the Latin for Brutus’ response: “I’ll carry it.” EAM/AQUAM FERAM B2. Give two other verbs that, like ferō, have an irregular singular imperative. DUCŌ/FACIŌ/DĪCO/NOLŌ

3. Which great warrior at Troy managed to wound both and ? B1. Who guided Diomedes’ spear against Ares? B2.Who was Aphrodite trying to protect when Diomedes injured her?

4. Differentiate in meaning between rēgīna and rēgia. RĒGĪNA MEANS QUEEN; RĒGIA MEANS PALACE B1. Differentiate in meaning between volo, velle and volo, volare. VOLLE MEANS TO WANT/WISH; VOLARE MEANS TO FLY B2. Differentiate in meaning between quīdam and quidem. QUĪDAM MEANS A CERTAIN/SOMEONE; QUIDEM MEANS INDEED

5. Translate the following sentence into Latin: “I was sleeping under the tree.” DORMIĒBAM SUB ARBORE B1. Translate the following sentence into Latin: “Who spoke before you?” QUIS ANTE TĒ DĪXIT/DICĒBAT B2. Translate the following sentence into Latin using a participle: “I hear you singing.” AUDIŌ TĒ CANENTEM/CANTANTEM

6. At which battle of 202 BCE did Scipio Africanus achieve final victory over , bringing an end to the Second Punic War? ZAMA B1. At which battle of 216 BCE did the Romans suffer perhaps their worst defeat in a land battle? CANNAE B2. Name the Roman general and consul who was killed at Cannae, causing the Roman people to become demoralized and afraid. LUCIUS AEMILIUS PAULLUS

7. Although Ixion thought he was loving , he was actually loving her cloud carbon- copy. What was the name of this nebulous stand-in? B1. What race arose from the union of Nephele and Ixion? B2. What was Ixion’s punishment in the underworld. BOUND TO A FIERY WHEEL

8. Which type of toga was bleached with chalk to be a dazzling white color and could only be worn by candidates for public office? TOGA CANDIDA B1. Which toga was typically worn by Roman men after their coming of age? TOGA VIRILIS/TOGA ALBA/TOGA PURA B2. Which type of toga was shared by noble youths and certain magistrates? TOGA PRAETEXTA

9. What Latin word most nearly means “to sail”? NĀVIGŌ, -ĀRE, ĀVĪ, -ĀTUM B1. What Latin word most nearly means “fatherland”? PATRIA, PATRIAE B2. What Latin word most nearly means “cup”? PŌCULUM, PŌCULĪ/ CALIX,CALICIS/ CANTHARUS, CANTHARĪ

10. How did try to avoid leaving Ithaca to fight in the ? FEIGNED MADNESS B1. How was Odysseus’ ploy uncovered? PALAMEDES PLACED HIS SON [TELEMACHUS] IN FRONT OF HIS PLOW AND ODYSSEUS VEERED B2. Why was Odysseus not so keen to go to Troy? FORETOLD A LONG-DELAYED RETURN

11. From what Latin root verb with what meaning is the word “interrogate” derived? ROGŌ, ROGĀRE TO ASK B1. From what Latin verb with what meaning is the word “aberration” derived? ERRŌ, ERRĀRE TO WANDER/ERR B2. From what Latin verb with what meaning is the word “fragile” derived? FRANGŌ, FRANGERE TO BREAK 12. What is the ablative singular of the Latin word āmens? ĀMENTĪ B1. What is the genitive plural of the Latin word meaning “name”? NŌMINUM B2. What is the dative singular of the Latin name Juppiter? JOVĪ

13. It seems like Helen was always desirable. a child, Helen was carried off by what hero as part of a pact made between friends to marry the daughters of ? B1. Who was Theseus’ friend who also made this pact? PIRITHOUS B2. Which daughter of Zeus did Pirithous try to abduct?

14. Which Roman king was identified as a young child by a crown of fire that appeared around his head while he was sleeping? B1. With what Etruscan hero did the emperor later associate Servius Tullius? MASTARNA B2. To what deity did Servius Tullius build a shrine on the Aventine?

15. Answering in Latin, how many of the following prepositions can take an accusative object: cum, ob, in, ab, ex? DUO [OB and IN] B1. Answering in Latin, how many of the following verbs do not take an accusative object: video, sciō, damnō, capiō, bibō? NIHIL B2. Answering in Latin, how many of the following words could be in the accusative: , leōnēs, barbarus, animal, tōtō? TRĒS/TRIA

16. What sort of ablative is found in the following sentence: Aenēās saltāre incēpit cum amīcīs suīs? ABLATIVE OF ACCOMPANIMENT/ OBJECT OF PREPOSTION CUM B1. What type of ablative is found in the following sentence: Aenēās et amīcī excitāvērunt vīcīnōs saltatiōne? ABLATIVE OF MEANS B2. What sort of accusative is found in the following sentence: Aenēās amīcīque eius multās diēs saltābant? EXTENT OF TIME


1. What Theban princess buried her brother against her uncle’s wishes, after he died while trying to attack the Theban citadel? ANTIGONE B1. Who was the brother buried by Antigone? POLYNICES B2. Who was Antigone’s uncle? CREON

2. What sort of ablative occurs in the sentence: rēx in cubīlī salit? ABLATIVE OF PLACE WHERE/ OBJECT OF PREPOSITION IN B1. Translate the sentence “rēx in cubīlī salit” into English. THE KING IS JUMPING ON THE BED B2. How would the original sentence change is it instead meant “The king is jumping onto the bed”? CUBĪLĪ WOULD BE ACCUSATIVE/ CUBĪLĪ WOULD BE CUBĪLE

3. Under which emperor’s reign did the reach its greatest geographical extent? B1. Against which kingdom, which corresponds to modern-day , did Trajan wage war in the early 100s CE? B2. Name the capital of Dacia. SARMIZEGETHUSA

4. Translate the following sentence into English: Caesar Rōmam virōs suōs dūxit. CAESAR LED HIS MEN TO/TOWARD ROME B1. Translate the following sentence into English: Ubī Rōmam advēnit, Caesar sē suōsque parāvit. WHEN HE ARRIVED AT ROME, CAESAR PREPARED HIMSELF AND HIS MEN B2. Translate the following sentence into English: Rōmanī valde territī erant, quod Caesaris milītēs erant fortissimi. THE ROMANS WERE VERY SCARED BECAUSE CAESAR’S SOLDIERS WERE VERY BRAVE/STRONG

5. A lot of English names have origins in Latin nouns. From what Latin word does the name Leticia come? LAETUS MEANING HAPPY/ MEANING HAPPINESS B1. Scattered around Wisconsin, you might have seen a lot of a particular type of tree, whose scientific name is quercus alba. Translated literally from Latin, what does quercus alba mean? WHITE OAK B2. Based on meaning of its roots, what does the word aqueduct mean? SOMETHING THAT LEADS WATER SOMEWHERE

6. Give the Latin name for the college of Roman religious officials, created by , who were known as the “jumping priests of ” for the leaping movements of their dances? SALII B1. Give the Latin name for the college of Roman religious officials whose members advised the senate on foreign affairs and were responsible for the ritual declaration of war? FETIALES B2. Give the Latin name for the high priest of , who alone of Roman religious officials was permitted to wear the apex, to have a lector, and to wear the toga praetexta. FLAMEN DIALIS

7. Give the nominative form of the phrase “that same huge dog.” ILLE/ILLA INGĒNS CANIS B1. Now make your answer accusative. ILLUM/ILLAM INGENTEM CANEM B2. Now make that answer genitive plural. ILLŌRUM/ILLĀRUM INGENTIUM CANUM

8. This daughter of Lycaon and lover of Zeus was turned into a bear. CALLISTO B1. Callisto was an attendant of what goddess? B2. Who was Callisto’s son by Zeus? ARCAS

9. Who competed with Hiempsal and Adherbal for control of the Numidian ? JUGURTHA B1. Which consul was responsible for making peace with Jugurtha in 112 BCE? LUCIUS OPIMIUS B2. Give the name of Jugurtha’s grandfather, another Numidian king who initially sided with the Carthaginians in the Second Punic War and later took the side of the Romans. MASINISSA

10. In 10 of ’s , what magical herb is given to Odysseus in order to protect him from ’s ? MOLY B1. Who gave this herb to Odysseus? B2. Into what did Circe turn Odysseus’ men? SWINE/PIGS

11. Complete the following analogy: faciō : fēcī :: agō : ______ĒGĪ B1. Complete the following analogy: faciō : faciam :: agō : ______AGAM B2. Complete the following analogy: faciō : fēcerāmus :: ferō : ______TULERĀMUS

12. From what Latin root verb, with what meaning, is the English word “attempt” derived? TEMPTŌ MEANING TO TRY/TEST B1. From what Latin root verb, with what meaning, is the English word “confluence” derived? FLUŌ MEANING TO FLOW/POUR/ B2. From what Latin root word, with what meaning, is the English word “innovate” derived? NOVUS MEANING NEW

13. Give the name for the speaker’s platform in the Roman forum, which was adorned with 6 prows from vanquished warships. ROSTRA B1. Prows from which battle of 338 BCE adorned the Rostra Vetera, the original speaker’s platform? ANTIUM B2. Prows from which battle of the Republic adorned the Rostra Iulii, another rostra later added in front of the Temple of Caesar? ACTIUM

14. Which of the following does not belong based on meaning: carcer, villa, navis, rēgia, templum? NAVIS B1. Which of the following does not belong based on tense: fēcerit, audiverat, cēperat, fātus erat, habuerat? FĒCERIT B2. Which of the following does not belong based on part of speech: peius, bene, fortiter, longē, celeritāte? CELERITĀTE

15. After the Trojan War, many of the Trojan women were taken captive by Greek leaders. What Greek took Andromache captive? NEOPTOLEMUS/PYRRHUS B1. According to some reports, it was Neoptolemus who threw Andromache’s young son over the walls of Troy. What was the name of this boy? ASTYANAX/SCAMANDRIUS B2. Neoptolemus was the son of this great warrior.

16. Quid Anglicē significat “lucerna”? LAMP/LANTERN B1. Quid Anglicē significat “umbra”? SHADOW/SHADE/GHOST B2. Quid Anglicē significat “sīdus”? STAR/CONSTELLATION


1. Which of the following words does not belong because of its meaning: mulsum, garum, fructus, pānis, coquus COQUUS B1. What do the words other than coquus have in common? THEY ARE ALL FOOD/CONSUMABLE B2. Why does coquus not belong? IT MEANS CHEF; NOT CONSUMABLE

2. At which battle of 207 BCE did Hasdrubal the Younger literally lose his head? METAURUS RIVER B1. Which river battle of 218 BCE was considered the first major military engagement of the Second Punic War? TREBIA RIVER B2. At which river battle in 217 BCE were the Carthaginian forces destroyed due to a sudden surprise attack from the Romans under Gnaeus Cornelius Scipio Calvus? EBRO RIVER

3. Give, in Latin, the nominative of the phrase “these better days” HAE/HĪ MELIŌRĒS DIĒS B1. Make that genitive. HĀRUM/HŌRUM MELIŌRUM DIĒRUM B2. Give the Latin for the phrase “on this worse day.” HĀC/HŌC PĒIŌRE DIĒ

4. After she was abandoned for another woman named , what Oceanid was turned into a sunflower? B1. Clytie held unrequited affection for this deity. B2. This son of Helios took his father’s chariot for a disastrous joy ride.

5. A sacred shield known as the ancile allegedly fell from the sky as a gift from the gods to what known for his religious reforms? NUMA POMPILIUS B1. How did Numa protect this sacred artifact from enemies of the state? HE HAD 11 REPLICAS PRODUCED SO NO ONE COULD IDENTIFY THE TRUE ORIGINAL B2. According to legend, who suggested to Numa that he adopt this plan to protect the ancile?

6. What use of the accusative is seen in the following sentence: Postquam agmen revēnit, multās horās celebrāvimus EXTENT OF TIME B1. What use of the ablative is seen in the following sentence: Lupus diū ululat, lunā ascendentī ABLATIVE ABSOLUTE B2. What uses of the nominative are seen in the following sentence: egō et callidus magister/callida magistra sum et bene doctus/docta SUBJECT AND PREDICATE NOMINATIVE

7. When recognized, perform the following action: In sedē, manibus tuīs mūsicam creā. ONE STUDENT SHOULD MAKE MUSIC WITH THEIR HANDS B1. Now, perform the following action: Cantā mihi carmen joculāre. ONE STUDENT SHOULD SING A SILLY SONG B2. Finally, perform the following action: Surgite et plorate quasi infantēs. EVERYONE STAND AND WAIL LIKE A BABY

8. According to ’s account, what woman was turned into a swallow after she discovered that her husband Tereus had committed a terrible crime against her sister? PROCNE B1. Name the sister who got her tongue torn out by Procne’s husband. PHILOMELA B2. According to Ovid, into what was Philomela transformed? NIGHTINGALE

9. What is the third person singular perfect active indicative of the Latin word meaning “to run”? CUCURRĪT B1. Make cucurrīt pluperfect CUCURRERAT B2. Make cucurrerat future perfect CUCURRERIT

10. Respondē Latinē: quot est quattuordecem minus ūndecem plus tredecem minus septem? NOVEM B1. Respondē Latinē: quot est novem minus ūndecem plus sex plus quattuor? OCTO B2. Respondē Latinē: quot est trecentī minus quadrigentī plus centum plus centum? CENTUM

11. While out on a hunt one day, this man heard a rustling sound in the bushes. He shot an arrow at what he thought was a wild animal, but turned out to be a woman named Procris. Who was this unfortunate man? CEPHALUS B1. What was Cephalus’ relationship to Procris? HUSBAND B2. This goddess also loved Cephalus.

12. Name any three of the Five Good Emperors. NERVA/TRAJAN// ANTONINUS PIUS/MARCUS AURELIUS B1. Name another. SEE ABOVE B2. Name the last one. SEE ABOVE

13. Yarr, mateys. You are now pirates on your very own pirate ship. As pirates, the first thing you’ll be needing is a great big sword. How would you say “I need a big sword” in Latin? NECESSE EST MIHI MAGNUM GLADIUM HABĒRE/ EGĒŌ MAGNŌ GLADIŌ/MAGNĪ GLADIĪ B1. Yarr, so you have your big old sword. Now you’ll be needing some treasure. What’s a good Latin word for “treasure”, mateys? THĒSAURUS/GĀZA/PRAEDA B2. So now, mateys, you just need one more thing to be a full-fledged pirate. You’ll need a great big sea for sailing on! What’s a good Latin word for “sea”? MARE/AEQUOR/ALTUM/ŌCEANUS/

14. This Greek warrior fell upon his own sword after losing the armor of Achilles to Odysseus. AJAX THE GREATER/TELAMONIAN AJAX B1. Ajax often fought side by side with his brother. Who is he? TEUCER B2. Ajax twice battles it out with this Trojan, with one duel lasting almost an entire day.

15. As a verb, what does vīs mean? YOU WISH/WANT B1. As a noun, what does vīs mean? FORCE/POWER/VIOLENCE B2. Make vīs the noun plural. VIRES

16. While the consul had 12 lictors, what Roman magistrate was accompanied by six lictors and was originally responsible for the administration of justice? PRAETOR B1. What type of praetor presided over civil cases and had to stay in Rome? PRAETOR URBANUS B2. In the , what elected official supervised the treasury and the state’s financial affairs? QUAESTOR AERARII


1. Which of the following are etymologically unrelated: conscience, scent, omniscient, science? SCENT B1. Which of the following are etymologically unrelated: convene, venison, adventure, convenience? VENISON B2. Which of the following are etymologically unrelated: agent, negotiate, proactive, coagulate? NEGOTIATE

2. What member of Caligula’s praetorian guard was responsible for plotting to assassinate him? CASSIUS CHAEREA B1. Name the praetorian prefect who ruled from Rome after the emperor Tiberius withdrew to Capri. SEJANUS B2. Name the praetorian prefect who took power after Sejanus was arrested and ordered Tiberius to be smothered under a heap of clothes so that Caligula could take power. MACRO

3. In , what river god loved ? B1. Arethusa was an attendant of what goddess? ARTEMIS B2. In order to escape the advances of Alpheus, into what was Arethusa transformed? A STREAM

4. What use of the dative is found in the following sentence: O Iuppiter, hunc terrorem mihi eripe. DATIVE OF SEPARATION B1. What type of ablative is found in the following sentence: Annō hōc, saepe lūdām certāmen. TIME IN WHICH B2. What type of ablative is found in the following sentence: Marcus callidior Brutō est. COMPARISON

5. Which Roman official was trained to discern divine will by inspecting the entrails of sacrificed animals? B1. What would an have studied to determine the will of the gods? FLIGHT OF BIRDS B2. What prophetic text did the Romans consult for advice during periods of crisis? SIBYLLINE

6. Which of the following does not belong based on form: valde, fac, cape, aedificā, scī VALDE B1. Why does valde not belong? VALDE IS AN ADVERB B2. Which of the following words would belong in the previous list: fer, scīēbam, ponor, ōdī? FER

7. What minor character in mythology received agricultural knowledge from and spread it throughout the world in a winged chariot? B1. Who was his mother? METANEIRA B2. Who was his father? CELEUS

8. Distinguish in meaning between tamen and tandem TAMEN MEANS BUT/HOWEVER/NEVERTHELESS; TANDEM MEANS FINALLY/AT LAST B1. Distinguish in meaning between the nouns aurum and . AURUM MEANS GOLD; AURA MEANS AIR/BREEZE B2. Distinguish in form between fortissime and peius. FORTISSIME IS SUPERLATIVE; PEIUS IS COMPARATIVE

9. Whish king of Thessaly was cursed with eternal hunger? ERYSICHTHON B1. Who gave him this punishment? DEMETER B2. How did he die? HE ATE HIMSELF

10. During the reign of which emperor was the 1000th anniversary of Rome’s founding celebrated? PHILIP THE ARAB B1. During the reign of which emperor was the 900th anniversary of Rome’s founding celebrated? ANTONINUS PIUS B2. During the reign of which emperor was the 800th anniversary of Rome’s founding celebrated? CLAUDIUS

11. Grammatical math time! Give your answer in Latin. Begin with the number of tenses in the indicative mood. Subtract the number of verb conjugations. Multiple by the number of noun cases. What is the final number? QUATTUORDECIM [6 tenses in the indicative, 4 conjugations, 7 cases] B1. Give your answer in Latin. Begin with the number of voices a verb can have. Add the number of genders in Latin. Add the number of noun declensions. What is the final number? DECEM [2 voices, 3 genders, 5 declensions] B2. Give your answer in Latin. Begin with the number of degrees an adjective can take. Subtract the number of adjective declensions. Add the number of degrees an adverb can take. Multiply by the standard number of verb principal parts. Add the number of genders found among second-declension nouns. What is the final number? QUINDECIM [3 adjective degrees, 3 adjective declensions, 3 adverb degrees, 4 principal parts, 3 genders in 2nd declension nouns]

12. After impressing the gods with their great hospitality, into what were Baucis and Philemon transformed? LINDEN AND OAK B1. Their humble cottage was turned into this. TEMPLE B2. Who where the gods who visited Baucis and Philemon in disguise? ZEUS AND HERMES/JUPITER AND

13. Translate the following sentence into English: Dracōnem mīlitēs necant in bellō magnō. THE SOLDIERS KILL THE DRAGON IN A GREAT WAR B1. Now translate the following sentence into English: Dracō tamen multōs militēs necāvit. BUT THE DRAGON KILLED MANY SOLDIERS B2. Translate the following sentence into Latin: The dragon was as ferocious as possible in the fight DRACŌ ERAT QUAM FERŌCISSIMUS IN PUGNĀ/PROELIŌ

14. When recognized by the moderator, perform the following action: Primum, dīc mihi “certāmen amō!” Secundum, simulā cibum edere SAY “CERTĀMEN AMŌ” THEN PRETEND TO EAT FOOD B1. Nunc, stā et in sitū tē circumvolve ONE STUDENT SHOULD STAND AND TURN AROUND B2. Nunc, omnes ut canes latrāte. EVERYONE SHOULD BARK LIKE DOGS

15. What was the name for the eulogy performed at Roman funerals? LAUDATIO FUNEBRIS B1. What was the name for the funeral practice in which Romans would call out the name of the dead? CONCLAMATIO B2. Both the laudatio and conclamatio were part of the traditional customs practiced by the Romans throughout much of their history. What was the Roman name for this behavioral code based on the practices of their ancestors? MOS MAIORUM

16. Which Roman god of seasons and plant growth won his lover by disguising himself and an old woman and singing his own praises? VERTUMNUS B1. Who was his lover? B2. Of what was Pomona the goddess? FRUIT/ORCHARDS/GARDENS

17. Listen to the following passage, which I will read twice. Then answer in English the question that follows.

ō māter, tē amō; pater quoque. Rēx, meus fidēlis canis, es optimus canis! sed ille vir pugnābit mē, et nullam spem habeō. valēte, amīci.” deinde, magnus vir cucurrit ad parvum virum. pugna erat terribilis.

The question: name an individual whom the speaker directly addresses in the story. HIS MOTHER/HIS FATHER/HIS DOG, REX B1. In what case are all of these nouns found? VOCATIVE B2. What are the mood and number of the verb “valēte” as seen in the story above? IMPERATIVE PLURAL

18. Which king bequeathed Pergamum to Rome in 133 BCE? ATTALUS III B1. Which other ruler bequeathed his kingdom to Rome in 74 BCE? NICOMEDES IV B2. What kingdom did Nicomedes rule?

19. What is the 3rd person plural perfect active indicative form of the verb “canō”? CECINĒRUNT B1. Make “cecinērunt” pluperfect. CECINERANT B2. Now give me the perfect passive infinitive of “canō.” CANTUS/-A/-UM ESSE

20. Give the 2nd person singular present tense of the Latin verb possum, posse meaning “to be able” POTES B1. What type of verb form typically follows the Latin verb “possum”? COMPLEMENTARY INFINITIVE B2. From what Latin verb with what meaning does the Latin verb “possum” draw its present form? SUM, ESSE, FUI, FUTŪRUS MEANING I AM/TO BE