Solar Insolation Models at Quetta and Proposal for Installation of Heating
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Solar insolation models at Quetta v and proposal for installation of heating and cooling systems in Science Faculty V f.. *4 I , # 'ÿÿ'7 i i '/ BEING A THESIS PRESENTED BY AYATULLAH DURRANI 1 TO THE •N. UNIVERSITY OF BALOCHISTAN &3v % i."- / QUETTA IN APPLICATION FOR rTHE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY 1994. -.4 i ' -J i-j if Dedloated to my father l*• (Late) Mouiana Mohammad Umar >• \ v CONTENTS Page No. CHAPTER:! 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 (A) Introduction: Solar Insolation Models. 1.2 Solar Energy Potential. ) 1.3 Solar Energy Conversion. X 1.3.1 Solar Energy: Direct Conversion. X 1.3.2 Solar Energy: Indirect Conversion. 3 1.4 Solar Spectrum. 3 l.S. The sun and Solar Constant. t 1.5. 1 Sun-Earth Astronomical Relationship. k 1.5.2 Solar Declination. 7- 1.6 Characteristics and Atmospheric Attenuation 8 of Solar Radiation. 1.6.1 Extraterrestrial, Global, Diorct and Diffuse Solar 9 Radiation on Horizontal Surface. 1.7 Solar Radiation Striking on the Earth's Surface. lo 1.1.(B) Applications on Heating/Cooling Syustems. 1.2 Solar Heating/Cooling System. II 1.2.1 Collectors. 13 1.2.2 Storage Devices. 13 1.2.3 Distribution System. 1.2.4 Auxiliary Heating & Cooling. 15" 1.3. Passive System. /5* 1.4. Active System. 19 1.5 Solar Houses. 2Z- 1.6. Solar Total Energy Concept. 2.2 1.7. Cooling System Design. 57 1.8. Sun Space / Building Relationship. 7/ CHAPTER-II (A) 2.1 Results and Discussions. 2.2 Characteristics Distribution of Global Radiation at Quetta. 2.3 Sky Condition at Quetta. Aÿ- 2.4. Difluse Solar Radiation Estimation Horizontal & Inclined /££ Surface at Quetta. 2.5 Monthly Average Diffuse Solar Radiation on a Horizontal Surface. 2.6 Monthly Average Difluse Solar Radiation on Inclined A? Surface. 2.7 Direct and Diffiis Radition: Monthly Variation. l?D 2.8 Relatinship between Monthly Average Daily Diffuse and ffj Monthly Average Daily Total Radiation. 2.9 Annual Variation of the Monthly Mean Global Solar J72. Radiation. 2.10 Monthly Average Hourly Global & Diffuse Solar Radiation at Quetta. az 2.11 Estimated and Observed Hourly Global Solar 175- Radiation Data for Quetta. 2.12 Measured Average Hourly Global Solar Radiation ns Data. 2.13 Estimation of Monthly Average Diffuse Radiation from Clearness Index. 2.14 Estimation of Monthly Average Diffuse Solar Radiation Jfg from Sunshine Hours. 2.15 Calculation from Monthly Average Hourly Data. m 2.16 Calculation from Monthly Average Daily Data. 18! 2.17 Method of Calculations. 182 2.18 On the Choice of Proper Inclimation and Orientation t8£ at Comparative Study of the Azimuth angles. 2.19 Correlation of Average Diffuse Beam and Global Solar Radiation with Hours of Bright sunshine. 2.20 Optimum Tilt angle and Orientation for Solar Collection in Quetta. 189 II - (B .) Solar Heating/Cooling Systems for Buildings. /?$ 2.21 Passive Solar, Low, Energy Residences with Transparent Insulation. 2.22 Thermal Performance of the TI construction. 2x>/ 2.23 Annual Collectible Energy of a Two-Axis Tracking Flat-Plate Solar Collector. -21>4 CHAPTER-111 Conclusions and Suggestions for Future Work. a// 3.1 Conclusions. 2-H 3.2 Suggestions for future work. 2/9 CERTIFICATE It is a pleasure to certify that this is the bonafide work of Mr.Ayat-ullah Durrani.In my opinion the thesis is suitable for the consideration Ph.D. degree in physics. ( DR.SYEDÿIOHSIN"RAZA") / Research Supervisor and Chairman Department of Physics University of Balochistan Quetta. Acknowledgement It is pleasure to record my profound indebtedness to my supervisor Professor Dr.Sycd Molisin Raza for liis constanÿcouragemcm, guidance and constructive criticism in the course of this work. I am also grateful to Dr.Naeem Farooqui for his continuous and keen interest in the progress of the research. 1 am also thankful to S,M.Nasir for his cooperation and support during research. I express my deep appreciation and gratitude to Mr.Abdul Rauf and Mr.Mohammad Salman Nazir for typing thesis so expertly and quickly. Abstract Solar insolation models have been extensively reviewed for Quetta, Pakistan. The correlations a/ suggestÿ by Klein are found suitable for global solar radiations at Quetta and that Quetta on an average receives 763 Jo|les/nf/sec. Estimation of monthly daily diffuse radiation although found quite reliable needs further investigations. We found reliable estimates for both global solar and diffused solar radiations using sunshine hours. The 60 tilt surface of flat plate collector facing south receives about 1.7 to 2.0 times the maximum irradiation on a surface with a tilt equal to latitude at Quetta, especially in summer, whereas maximum solar energy round the year is received for the same tilt angle. The other tilt angles of a flat plate collector are also found suitable to intercept both global and in particular, maximum diffuse solar radiations provided declination angles and solar trackings are adjusted. For thermal performance of building designs, the use of transparent insulation (Tl) at Quetta particularly in a LEGIS south facade is recommended. Qur analysis on the use of a two-axis tracking flat plate collector is found in agreement with estimates of solar radiations. We suggested architectural design of buildings and residences at Quetta from view point of using both active and passive solar heating/cooling systems and with environmental and climatic considerations. We recommend installations of prototype solar heating and cooling systems for experimental Verification of our estimated values of solar radiations and that the monitoring of their operational modes is as essential as architectural designing of buildings itself. Duirnel variations of solar radiations have a significant affect as heat transfer and thermal performance of building designs. CHAPTER-I (A) 1.1. Introduction. The economic stability and prosperity of a country depends upon its energy consumption per capita. It has been estimated that the world population will approximately become 6000 million by 2000 causing about 6% increase in energy demand. So the conservative and existing energy sources would not meet the requirement. Further the developing and underdeveloped countries still do not enjoy a proper share in the consumption of energy sources. As such alternate energy sources are to be introduced to be introduced to meet the demand as prevailing resources are getting meagre in quantity and socio-economic setup would be badly effected. 1.2 Solar Bnergy Potential It has been observed that solar energy is the only dependable energy in coming years. It has following characteristics i.e., most powerful, clean, safe and inexhaustible. Historically the utilization of solar energy started in 1845 with the invention of solar boiler by C.Gunter and later in 1876 by John Ericsson who invented several types of hot air engines (Sayigh 1977) , but the pace of research in solar energy was not fast upto first-half of the present century as of existing cheap sources of energy. However, due to energy crises not the research in solar. I energy has got a great momentum in industrialized countries like USA, UK, France, Russia (USSR) , Australia and Japan, while some work is also in process in Asia, Africa, South- east Asia. Statistically it is seen that solar energy falling on earth surface is 583.3 W/m2d_1 . Further, considering the land surface only the solar energy reaching is I63.2xl012 Kwh per day with eight hours sunshine which on large scale comes out to the 30xl013 Kwh per year i.e. 60 times the world energy requirement by 2000 (Sayigh 1977) . 1.3. Solar Energy Conversion. This exhaustible energy could be used either directly or indirectly. By direct process the solar energy is converted into electricity while for indirect case it is converted into heat energy. 1.3.1 Direct Conversion. Using photovoltaic cell the solar energy is directly converted into electricity. These cells can generate electricity on large scale which can be utilized over large land on individual building. In some cases dual purpose is seen i.e. producing heat and electricity. The efficiency of simple photovoltaic cell is 35% out of which 20% is obtained. The photovoltaic system has been used in solar pump for supply of drinking water supply and irrigation in rural areas. It is also used in Radio-bacous, community radio, TV sets, railway signal system, weather monitoring, battery charging etc. To improve the quality of these cells, 2 considerable research has been done and technology being improved with cost reduced. 1.3.2 Indirect Conversion: The working of solar thermal device depends on harnessing process whose basic principle in the "Greenhouse effect" described as: Glass has the specific property of being transparent to incoming short-wave solar radiation after passing through it, strikes a material and is re-radiated as long wave length radiation. The glass then becomes opaque to this long-wavelength radiation, so heat is trapped in at {Bruce Anderson 1977) . To stop the escape of this heat from base and side walls proper insulation is being done. A cover used is made of plastic and polymets, and the absorber plate is of copper, aluminum, steel or any material painted black. The glass cover plate help to reduce the loss of heat from front while insulation reduces losses from back portion. Now from the absorber plate, heat is transferred by conduction to a transfer fluid or some times air which flows by the help of pump or blower. This fluid or air also acts as heat exchanger. 1.4 Solar Spectrum: The electromagnetic spectrum consists of T-rays, x-rays, uv-radiations, light, heat, radio waves and radar waves. However, the thermal radiation emitted is common known as heat and light which could be detected by human body.