MARTES 18 DE MAYO DE 2021 | Año XLVI | Número 16.009 | EDICIÓN MADRID | Precio: 1,80 euros

FUNCIÓN PÚBLICA El Ejecutivo se propone CULTURA La colección de arte de convertir en fijos a 300.000 interinos P38 Pinault enriquece la oferta de París P27

El Gobierno se fija como meta crecer al 1,5% anual hasta 2050 El plan pone el acento económico a largo plazo en la productividad CLAUDI PÉREZ, Madrid El informe España 2050, que el presidente Pedro Sánchez pre- sentará el jueves, estima que el PIB puede crecer un 1,5% anual hasta 2050 si se hace una apues- ta decidida por la productividad. Ese listón del 1,5% que el Gobier- no se pone como meta permiti- ría a España acercarse en renta per capita a los grandes países europeos, pero el informe advier- te de que sin cambios de calado el crecimiento estará más abajo, entre el 0,3% y el 1,1% anual, y el país diría adiós a la ansiada con- vergencia. PÁGINA 37 Decenas de jóvenes procedentes de Marruecos entraban ayer por el espigón de la frontera del Tarajal en Ceuta. / JOAQUÍN SÁNCHEZ Israel arrasa el La tensión con Marruecos abre poder militar de Hamás en otro una crisis migratoria en Ceuta día de ataques a zonas habitadas

Unas 5.000 personas cruzan la frontera ante la pasividad de los agentes de JUAN CARLOS SANZ, Jerusalén La aviación israelí redobló ayer Rabat. La acogida en España a un líder del Polisario, origen del conflicto los ataques contra la red de túne- les de Hamás en el norte de Gaza, que machacó con 54 cazabombar- L. J. VARO / F. PEREGIL tradas empezó en la madrugada dentes en la ciudad autónoma y rio del Interior anunció el envío a deros en 35 puntos, algunos de Melilla / Rabat y continuó durante todo el día ocurre después de que Rabat ele- Ceuta de 50 agentes de la Guardia ellos en zonas habitadas. Al me- Unas 5.000 personas sin docu- por la playa del Tarajal, al sur, y vara la tensión con Madrid tras Civil y 150 de la Policía Nacional nos siete palestinos murieron en mentación, entre ellas 1.500 me- por el área de Benzú, al norte, sin saber que el secretario general para reforzar los puestos fronteri- estos ataques, y ya son más de nores, entraron ayer a nado o a que los agentes marroquíes opu- del Frente Polisario, Brahim Gha- zos y agilizar la devolución de mi- 200 las víctimas mortales de ocho pie en Ceuta desde la ciudad veci- sieran la menor resistencia. li, ingresó enfermo de covid, y grantes a Marruecos. Las llega- días de ofensiva. Entre los falleci- na de Fnideq, informó la Delega- La magnitud del flujo migrato- con una identidad falsa, en un das desbordaron los centros de dos ayer figura un comandante ción del Gobierno. El goteo de en- rio en un solo día no tiene prece- hospital de Logroño. El Ministe- acogida de la ciudad. PÁGINA 17 de la Yihad Islámica. PÁGINA 2 Y 3

Chile castiga ERC cede poder a Junts para a los partidos tradicionales una difícil gobernabilidad en la Convención Un órgano colegiado externo poco definido diseñará Constituyente ROCÍO MONTES, Santiago de Chile el plan del nuevo Ejecutivo para la independencia Los chilenos castigaron a la clase política tradicional y apoyaron a candidatos independientes en la CAMILO S. BAQUERO, Barcelona der a sus aliados de Junts per Ca- dad se anuncia difícil tras una ne- elección de los miembros de la Esquerra Republicana de Catalu- talunya. El acuerdo evita el fantas- gociación que estuvo al borde de convención encargada de redac- ña (ERC) ocupará por primera ma de la repetición electoral e im- la ruptura. Cataluña tendrá un tar una nueva Constitución. La de- vez en democracia la presidencia plica la creación de un órgano co- Gobierno independentista de 15 recha del presidente Piñera y el de la Generalitat. Para garantizar- legiado, todavía poco definido, miembros: un presidente de ERC, centroizquierda, que se han alter- se la investidura de su candidato, donde definir la estrategia para siete consejeros de este partido y nado en el poder desde 1990, su- Jordi Sànchez y Pere Aragonès, Pere Aragonès, los republicanos tratar de lograr la independencia. otros siete de Junts. PÁGINAS 14 Y 15 frieron un varapalo. PÁGINA 4 ayer al anunciar el acuerdo. han tenido que ceder amplio po- Con esos mimbres, la gobernabili- EDITORIAL EN LA PÁGINA 10 EDITORIAL EN LA PÁGINA 10

FINANCIALTIJESDAY 18 MAY 2021 NEWS PROVIDER OF THE YEAR TIMESUK £290 Channel islands £3.20; Republic of Ireland €3.20

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Venues reopen ... AT&r to create global streaminggiant AT&T is to spin off and linkWarnerMedia with Its after lockdown rival Discovery in a multibillion-dollar deal to create a group thathas the heftto oompetewith Disney and Netflixinstreanling.- PAGE 9: LEX. PAGE 24 Oliver Dowden, culture secretary, takes in YayoiKasuma's eJdllbition atthe Tate ... GSK remains bullish over vaccine race Modern gallery in London yesterday, as Following the release ofpositive trial data, the indoor venues reopened to the public British drugmaker is banking that itcan come back after months oflockdown restrictions. iu the race for a COvid-19vaccine and play a key role Nearly lm people went back to work preparing for future pandemics.- PAGE 12: LEX. PAGE 24 in more than so,ooo bars, restaurants and hotels across England, scotland and ... Ecclestone ex-aide to pay HMRC £50m Wales as thecountry crept backtowards Stephen Mullens, afonner adviser ofex -Formula 1 pre-pandemic times. boss Bernie Ecdestone, has been told to pay HMRC There was appetite from consumers more than £30m ino ne ofth elargestfmdings to start spending again on entertain­ againstan individual aftera tax battle.-PAGE 3 ment- from snooker centres to bingo halls. Cinema group Odeon said it had ... Ryanair posts biggest annual loss sold morethan 50,000 tickets on its first Europe's largestlow-cost airline day back trading while bowling chain slUillped to the steepestannual Hollywood Bowl said ithad taken thou­ loss in its 35-year history as the sands of bookings for parties. virus devastated travel. The Great reopening page 3 group'schiefwasnonetl1eless!PA upbeat.- PAGE 12: LEX. PAGE 24

...... ;: :=~ : ::: ::: ::::: :::::: ::::::::: :::::::::::: ::;:::::; ::::::::;:::::::::.;: :::::: ::::::::: :::::; :::.:::::::::: :::: ::::::::::: ·' ...' ...... ::;: ::::::: ...... :::::::: :: ::: ::::: ::: ::::: :: ::::::::::::::::: ::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::· :::::::::::: :::::::: ::: ::::::::: :::::: ::::::::: :::::: ::: ::::::::: :::: :; :: :: ::: ::;:: :::;::: ::::; :: ;: ::::;:: ;: : ;: ::::: ::::::: :: ... Biden faces Democratic heat on Gaza JoeBidenistacingasplitinhlsownpartyoverGaza, as progressive Democrats press the US president to take a tougher stance on Israel's treatmentof Cabinet split by 'ferocious' fight Palestinians.- PAGE b: GIDEON RACHMAN, PAGE 23 ... Bmssels shelves tariffs on US goods The EU has shelved plans to raise tariffs on US products as itseeks to "rebooC its transatlantic relationship and resolve a long-runnitig stand-off over Australia zero-tariff demand over thesteel and aluminium sectors.- PAGE 4 ... EU to back African Covid vaccine hubs The EU is to support a campaign to expand vaccine • Rift threatens trade deal • Farmers likely to balk at terms • Pressure to sign before G7 manub.cturitig inAfrica after the virus pandemic underscored a need to broaden theprodnction of PETER FOSTER - BRIGHTON ers arguing for thebenefits offree trade. adlllit that they have no idea which way arguments over Scottish and Welsh life-savingjabs.- PAGE 8: AYOADE ALAKIJA. PAGE 23 GEORGE PARKER - LONDON The goverrunent announced in April Boris Johnson will jumpon the issue. independence because the zero-tariff The govermnent is locked in a "fero­ that it was in a "sprint" to finalise the "It's the $100m question," said one imports ofAustratian lamb and beefare cious" internal battle over whether to deal by Jtme before the G7 sununit in goverrunent official. Downing Street likely to hit rural areas such as SCOttish Datawatch sign off a trade deal with Australia after Cornwall, which Australia's prime min­ declined to comment. and Welsh hill farms. a split between the department ofagri ­ ister Soott Morrison has been invited to "There is an absolutely ferocious row Sam Lowe, the trade specialist at the culture and the department of interna­ attend. going on over the Australia deal, with Liz Truss, Centre for European Reform think­ Homework lut year, m•nv tional trade over the terms of the deal. People briefed on the internal discus­ real pressure to get it resolved by the International tank, said that a deal would set impor­ Share of employed population working office workers Two people with knowledge ofinter­ sions said that Liz Truss, international end of this week," said one person with trade secretary, tant precedents for future negotiations remotely ( %) w~re forced to nal discussions said that ministers were trade secretary, regarded the issue as a J.:nowledgeofthediscussions. "Goveand faces opposition with the us and the Mercosur block in 2020 stay at home. In Ireland, the share divided over whether to grant tariff-free "crunch point". onegovernmentofficial Eustice are on one side, Truss and [Lord from those who Latin American countries, which of staff usually access to Australian farmers, which said: "Liz argues that ifyou can'tgeta David] Frostontheotl1er." say that a zero­ includes Brazil, a major beef producer. France working from would risk a backlash from tl1e British good trade deal with Australia, who can UK officials said that Australian and tariff deal will "Ifthese deals with Australia and New Gefmany ~:~:~ ) !! home increased Zealand don't get done because of EU27 fanning industry - and potentially yougetonewith?" New Zealand negotiators were holding spark a backlash Italy from about one in spark domestic political fallout. But Truss is meeting stiff opposition firm on demands for full tariffliberali­ domestic opposition, that pretty much Sweden 1 every 14 people Clinching a deal with Australia- the from George Eustice, the environment sation, which Truss was under pressure says the UK is not doing anything with Switzerland C before the Norway ) pandemic: to more first major post-Brexit trade deal that is secretary, and Michael Gove, the cabi­ to grant in order to meet the G7 dead­ global Britain. Because if we can't do Bulgaria nota "rollover" ofexisting agreements net Office minister. They have warned line, perhaps phased in over a 10-year these, well, in truth, everything gets 0 10 20 30 than one in every that the UK enjoyed as a EU member­ of a political backlash from a zero-tariff period. more difficultfrom here," he said. Soutea Eurostat rrve. would be a symbolicmomentfor Brexit- deal, the two insiders said. Both camps Bnt such a deal risks inflaming Reports page 2

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GEORGE PARKER. SEBASTIAN PAYNE, Darwen in Lancashire, nortb-westEng­ cut from 12 weeks to eight weeks the JASMINE CAMERON·CHILESHE AND land, Hanoock said the variant was the JOHN BURN-MURDOCH interval between the two shots for over- latest challenge inthe "racebetween the 50s. "Now it's important to accelerate Healtl1 secretary Matt Hancock has set virus and the vaccine". seoond doses for all tl1ose most vulnera­ out plans to combat the fast·spreading A Financial Times analysis ofregional ble of ending upin hospital ordying." Say on Climate campaign coronavirns variant In England, dou­ data for E11gland released yesterday Hanoocksaidhestill expected to have faces test as AGMs begin bling down on a strategy to getjabs into showed the nUillber oflocal authorities sufficient vaccines available to invite all the arms ofth e most vulnerable. where theB.l.Gl7.2 strainwas dominant ove..r-35s to come foi"'V¥ard fora frrstjab The politics of sustalnabillty has doubled in the first week of May. In bytheend of theweek. engulfed corporate annual meetings Hancock told MPs that rather than Sefton on Merseyside, the variant made Adam Finn, a member of the Joint worldwide this year. Kickstarted by "jumping ahead" and using limited vac­ up 90 per centof cases, closely followed Committee on Vaccination and Immu­ billionaire hedge fund Investor Chris cine supplies on new cohorts ofyom1ger byBoltonat86percent. nisation, said the body would review its Hohn's TCI group, the 'Say on Climate' people, the ai.Jn was to prevent a surge in Hancock said the priority was to get advice that people under-40 should be campaign has helped push support for hospitalisation among older groups. first jabs into the arms of people who offered alternatives to the Oxford/ shareholder resolutfons on emissions He annmmced that cases ofthe vari­ had declined a vaccine, pointing out Astrazeneca jab. strategy to an all-time high. Despite ant first identified in India had risen to that they formed the majority of The government has so far relied on clashes, the push represents the 2,323, up 76 per cent since Thursday, B.1.617.2 seriously-ill cases in Bolton. oommunity leaders and other opinion biggest shake-up of the AGM season and that 86 local authorities had "They have ended up inhospital - some formers to address the issue of "vaccine since the us and UK gave Investors a reported more than five cases of the of them in intensive care," he said. hesitancy". Treasury officials said there vote on executive pay. strain, known as B.1.617.2. The other priority was to ensure the was no plan to give people fmancial Analysts ~ PAGE 11 With 483 cases repo1ted in the worst most vulnerable people received their incentives to have the jab. hotspots of Bolton, Blackburn and second jab. Hanoock conftrmed plans to Variant casts shadow page 3

World Markets Subscribe In print and online www! Tel: 0800 028 1407 STOCX MARKETS a.JRRENCES INTEREST RATES Mon-Fri: lam - 6pm I S•t. Sam -1pm Mayt7 ..., %cbg May17 ..., May17 ~ice yield ch~ S&P 500 41511.23 4173.85 .().57 s...-€ 1.215 1213 £per$ 0.708 0.7"0"'" US Gav IOyr 148.89 1.64 0.00 For the latest news go to Nasdaq Composne 13307.93 13429.9!1 .()91 s...-r 1.412 1.41l9 £per£ 1.163 1.161 UK Gov 10yr 0.86 O.Ql Dow Jones 11¥1 3421l5.17 34382.13 .().51 £...-! O.lllll 0.8S1 Vper£ 132.6116 132.784 GerGov 10yr .().12 0.01 FTSEurofirst300 1704.70 1704.29 002 v...-s 109.185 109.435 rmde.x 82.029 JpnGOY 10>< 116.53 O.Q7 0.00 ifl THE FINANCIAL TIMES LTD 2021 EuroSf()u5Q 4009.29 4017.44 .().20 v...-£ 154.164 154.173 SFr per£ 1.213 11~ USGov:.iyr 107.72 2.35 0.00 No:40,710 * FTSE 100 7032.85 7043.61 .().15 Sfrper£ 1.095 1.095 GerGov21' 106.07 .()_68 0.00 Prlnted fn london, Liverpool, Glasgow, Oublln, FTSE AII·Share 4002.90 4012.07 .().23 £...-$ 0.823 0.824 Frankfurt, MHao, Madrld. . Ct-lkago, San CAC40 6367.35 6385.14 .()28 Fra ncisco. Tokyo. Hong Kcrlg, Singapore, Seoul, .()_13 XetraOax 15396.62 15416.64 COMHODtTIES price prev ch~ Dubal Nikkei 27824.83 20084.47 .().92 fedfmd< Eft 0.07 0.07 Hang Seng 28194.09 20027.57 0.59 May 17 pre. %<:~ US 3m Bills 0.01 0.02 .().01 20> MSCI World$ 2938.63 2892.48 1.60 o~wns 66.22 65.37 1.3() Eurol.ibor3m .().55 .().55 0.00 MSCI EMS 1307.53 1292.71! 1.14 o;1 s""''s 69.45 68.71 1.09 UK 3m 0.08 0.08 0.00 MSCI AOOI S 699.13 688.54 1.54 Gold$ 1838.10 1821.110 0.19 Ptieesar&l!Jtestf()'etfitJon Oetaptovl~by~ III IIII A Nikkei Company

$2.75 DESIGNATED AREAS HIGHER © 2021 DD TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 Justices Don’t to hear ditch abortion that appeal mask Conservatives on high court could let states sharply limit or even just yet outlaw the procedure. By David G. Savage A backlash against WASHINGTON — The easing rules for face Supreme Court said Mon- coverings prompts day that it would hear a ma- jor challenge to the reach of California to keep the landmark Roe vs. Wade them another month. abortion ruling and decide whether states may bar nearly all abortions after 15 By Rong-Gong Lin II weeks of a pregnancy. and Luke Money The justices said they Anas Baba Getty Images had voted to hear an appeal PALESTINIAN children salvage toys from their home in Gaza City after the building was hit by airstrikes. There was growing push- from Mississippi that urges Israel’s military said Monday that its warplanes had carried out more than 830 strikes on the Gaza Strip. back against immediately the court to “reconsider the lifting COVID-19 mask rules bright-line viability rule” for vaccinated people Mon- that says states may not pro- day, with California deciding hibit abortions until the it would keep its policies in time a fetus is viable or capa- place for another month as a ble of living on its own. This Hundreds of airstrikes on Gaza rising number of experts is generally about the 23rd over the weekend said it was week of a pregnancy. prudent for everyone to stay It is the court’s first major masked indoors for a bit move to reconsider abortion ‘We can’t take another day of this,’ a Palestinian mom says more time. rights since Justice Amy The U.S. Centers for Dis- Coney Barrett replaced Jus- ease Control and Preven- tice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, By Hana Salah tion’s director surprised who died in September and Nabih Bulos many last week when she shortly after Mississippi had said available evidence dem- lodged its appeal. Barrett, GAZA CITY — Every onstrated it’s safe for fully who has acknowledged be- night brings the war ritual vaccinated people to go ing personally opposed to for Randa Suleiman: She without masks in most abortion, is widely expected gathers her children, col- places. That prompted to be the vote that would al- lects their favorite toys and some big retailers like Wal- low the court’s conservative looks for a hiding place in mart and Costco to say they majority to rein in abortion their home, listening for Is- were relaxing mask rules in rights. raeli warplanes and bombs states and regions that al- Several other Republi- that will streak and fall lowed them to do so. can-led states have passed through the Gaza darkness. But California health offi- laws to forbid abortions at “From 11 p.m., we prepare cials said the state’s current early stages of a pregnancy, ourselves,” she said. “You mask rules will remain in but all those measures have hear [the children ] talk place until June 15 — which is been blocked because of the about if they’re going to have also the target date for fully court’s precedents on abor- to escape from the house or reopening the state’s econo- tion. Arguments in the case, if they’re going to die.” my. Dr. Mark Ghaly, Califor- Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s It has been like this for nia’s Health and Human [See Abortion, A7] days, the sky alight with Services secretary, said rage. Suleiman, 40, is a guid- state officials opted to wait a ance counselor, but she said bit before aligning with the Ruling puts limits she has no idea how to com- new guidelines to give resi- fort her 15-year-old and 8- dents more time to receive on police tactics year-old boys. “As a mother, their vaccine shots and busi- Supreme Court over- I can’t even help myself, let Emmanuel Dunand Getty Images nesses and workers time to turns “community care- alone help them. Every mo- ISRAELI soldiers fire toward the Gaza Strip. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya- prepare for the change. taking” rule. NATION, A6 [See Gaza, A4] hu said Israel’s attacks were an effort to “degrade Hamas’ terrorist abilities.” “It’s in no way saying that the science or the direction by the CDC is wrong or there’s a challenge to it,” Ghaly said during a briefing Monday. “It’s really just giv- ing ourselves across the A ‘Real Housewife’ state some additional time to have it implemented with a high degree of integrity, under real scrutiny with a continued focus on protecting the public.” Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School Bankruptcy trustees accuse of Public Health, welcomed California’s move. Erika Girardi of hiding assets “I like it. It’s true: Other states are moving much fast- er,” Jha said in a tweet. “But By Harriet Ryan and Matt Hamilton a few more weeks — until folks who became eligible in The 11th season of Bra- late April are fully vacci- vo’s “The Real Housewives nated — feels like the right of Beverly Hills” premieres move.” Wednesday night with Erika L.A. County health offi- Girardi striding through the cials said they were now in- Pasadena mansion she forming major retailers that shared with her husband, had relaxed the mask guide- the once-renowned trial lines nationwide that they lawyer Tom Girardi. must continue to follow Cali- Shinji Kita Kyodo News In a bedroom-size closet fornia’s stricter rules. COMMUTERS wear masks at a train station in Tokyo on May 6. A COVID-19 stacked with couture, sti- The move came after the outbreak has amplified calls for Japan to cancel the Summer Olympics in July. letto-heel shoes and jewelry, Trader Joe’s in South Pasa- she muses about the pan- dena posted a sign in front of demic’s effect on her hus- its store on Friday that gave band’s profession. “They are permission for vaccinated all hurting, they are all on Wally Skalij L.A. Times shoppers to enter its market After beating virus, many in the cusp of —,” she says, ERIKA GIRARDI, without a mask — a policy making the sound of a bomb whose husband is a that violates California’s detonating. disgraced lawyer. mask orders. Asia are beset by lockdowns As the world now knows, “This is going to be pretty Tom Girardi’s law practice and marriage did implode, easy for businesses and cus- and Bravo’s gauzy lenses were there to capture much of it. tomers, residents and visi- per and untold empty seats killed more than 3.3 million For the network, his stunning downfall, one of the biggest tors to understand — be- COVID-19 variants on subways. people worldwide. The self- legal scandals in California history, is ratings gold, ex- [See Mask, A7] The sudden reversal in governing island reported pected to draw more than 1 million viewers. For his glam- reverse the success of Taiwan’s status mirrors set- several hundred infections orous and much younger wife, long a supporting charac- governments that had backs unfolding across Asia. in the last week after months ter in the venerable series, Girardi’s undoing delivered a We actually aren’t Nations that were lauded without any. All public coveted central story line. controlled the crisis. and often envied for the way spaces such as cinemas, li- To some swindled clients and unpaid vendors, how- ‘in this together’ they controlled COVID-19 — braries and recreation cen- ever, the series is an offensive exercise in self-absorption Vaccine access is still By David Pierson, keeping death tolls low and ters were ordered shut, and and profiteering. [See Girardi, A9] uneven, Erika Smith Ralph Jennings allowing millions to work, at- public schools will remain writes. CALIFORNIA, B1 and Hanako Lowry tend schools and dine out — closed until at least the end are now beset by new lock- of the month. TAIPEI, Taiwan — While downs, dwindling hospital These actions come as much of the world is moving beds and growing fatigue as the virus and its variants Durst is set to TV giants’ Weather beyond the pandemic, Tai- the pandemic wears on. flare across the region. finally stand trial mega-merger Early clouds, then sun. L.A. Basin: 74/60. B6 wan, which for so long had That feeling of defeat is Cases are soaring in Viet- Real estate heir will be The $43-billion union kept the virus at bay, is un- most profound here. For the nam, Thailand, Cambodia tried in a murder case of WarnerMedia and nerved by scenes some first time since COVID-19 and Laos for the first time that was the subject of a Discovery shakes up the countries have long forgot- emerged, Taiwan has im- and returning in numbers documentary on HBO. entertainment industry. ten: listless streets, shutter- posed strict lockdown mea- that haven’t been seen in CALIFORNIA, B1 CALENDAR, E1 ed shops, a run on toilet pa- sures to stop a virus that’s [See Asia, A4]

BUSINESS INSIDE: Tesla’s ‘full self-driving’ claims are under review by the state DMV. A8 C M Y K Nxxx,2021-05-18,A,001,Bs-4C,E1

Late Edition Today, mostly sunny, warm, high 82. Tonight, mainly clear, mild for mid- May, low 64. Tomorrow, sunshine, very warm for mid-May, high 85. Weather map appears on Page A19.

VOL. CLXX . ...No. 59,062 © 2021 The New York Times Company NEW YORK, TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 $3.00 MIDEAST VIOLENCE RAGES ON AS BIDEN BACKS A CEASE-FIRE

He Avoids Placing Blame — Israel Vows to Keep Hitting Hamas Targets

By ISABEL KERSHNER and DAVID E. SANGER JERUSALEM — President Bi- Palestinians had been killed in den for the first time expressed Gaza, including 61 children, ac- support for a cease-fire between cording to health officials there, Israel and Hamas militants in and many have been left home- Gaza on Monday, as the devastat- less. Gazan officials said that ing rocket and missile war there more than 600 homes or busi- gave no sign of easing after the nesses had been destroyed and deaths of dozens of Palestinian more than 6,400 damaged, and children. United Nations officials said that But he also reiterated that Is- at least 800,000 residents lack reg- rael had a right to defend itself, ular access to safe drinking water. stopping short of publicly calling Though civil unrest by Palestin- on Israel to change its approach ians and Arab citizens of Israel despite rising international con- quieted down in recent days, a demnation. general strike and demonstra- The statement, issued after Mr. tions have been called for Tuesday Biden spoke with Prime Minister afternoon to protest Israel’s air Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel, campaign in Gaza and other was the furthest that the presi- measures targeting Palestinians, dent has gone toward calling for organizers said.

KIANA HAYERI FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES an end to the conflict. But it also In Washington, Mr. Biden’s lan- reflected a continued and deep guage was carefully couched. It A Glimpse of Afghan Life Under the Taliban reticence by world leaders to criti- notably avoided a demand that Teenage girls have been forced from school in some rural areas under insurgent control, but a few defy the ban by moving. Page A8. cize Israel, and a failure of diplo- the cease-fire be “immediate,” lan- macy to persuade the two sides to guage that Democratic senators curb a rising cycle of violence. used in statement earlier in the For their part, Israel’s leaders day. have said that they are in no hurry It appeared to be an effort to Justices Take To Get in China, Apple Swallowed Hard Bargain to end the airstrike campaign and press Israel to suspend its have insisted that the military will Continued on Page A12 meant to secure. continue until it reaches its goals Case Testing of stopping Hamas’s rocket bar- This article is by Jack Nicas, Ray- Billions in Revenue by Internal Apple documents re- viewed by The New York Times, rages and making the group “pay mond Zhong and Daisuke Wakaba- a price.” Roe v. Wade yashi. Going Along With a interviews with 17 current and for- mer Apple employees and four se- “The directive is to continue GUIYANG, China — On the out- striking at the terrorist targets,” curity experts, and new filings skirts of this city in a poor, moun- Surveillance State Mr. Netanyahu said on Monday made in a court case in the United By ADAM LIPTAK tainous province in southwestern after meeting with Israeli security States last week provide rare in- WASHINGTON — The Su- China, men in hard hats recently officials. “We will continue to take sight into the compromises Mr. preme Court on Monday plunged put the finishing touches on a whatever action necessary in or- at the data center in Guiyang, Cook has made to do business in back into the contentious debate white building a quarter-mile long which Apple hoped would be com- der to restore quiet and security China. They offer an extensive in- over abortion, agreeing to hear a with few windows and a tall sur- pleted by next month, and another for all the residents of Israel.” side look — many aspects of which case that will give its newly ex- rounding wall. There was little in the Inner Mongolia region, Ap- Over eight days, Hamas has have never been reported before panded conservative majority an sign of its purpose, apart from the ple has largely ceded control to fired nearly as many rockets — opportunity to pare back the con- flags of Apple and China flying out the Chinese government. — at how Apple has given in to es- 3,350 so far — as it did over all of calating demands from the Chi- SAMAR ABU ELOUF FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES stitutional right to abortion estab- front, side by side. Chinese state employees physi- the 50-day conflict between Israel lished nearly a half century ago in Inside, Apple was preparing to cally manage the computers. Ap- nese authorities. and Hamas in 2014, and has killed A Gaza apartment building Roe v. Wade. store the personal data of its Chi- ple abandoned the encryption Two decades ago, as Apple’s op- nine civilians in Israel, including destroyed by Israeli aircraft. The new case, concerning a nese customers on computer technology it used elsewhere after erations chief, Mr. Cook spear- two children, and at least one sol- Mississippi law that seeks to ban servers run by a state-owned Chi- China would not allow it. And the headed the company’s entrance dier. most abortions after 15 weeks of nese firm. digital keys that unlock informa- into China, a move that helped But in Gaza, Palestinian fam- PARTY SKEPTICS The conflict is pregnancy — about two months Tim Cook, Apple’s chief execu- tion on those computers are make Apple the most valuable ilies have paid a much greater deepening a shift in Democrats’ earlier than Roe and subsequent tive, has said the data is safe. But stored in the data centers they’re Continued on Page A10 price. Since May 10, at least 212 stance toward Israel. Page A12. decisions allow — is seen by both sides as potentially pivotal in es- tablishing how aggressively the court’s new six-justice conserva- tive majority will move to place Palestinians Rally New Support new constraints on abortion rights. As ‘Arab Street’ Moves Online Supporters of abortion rights denounced the court’s decision to take up the case, saying that By VIVIAN YEE and MONA EL-NAGGAR merely by agreeing to hear it the conservative justices were signal- CAIRO — The video traveled at The cellphone video joined a ing a willingness to revisit Roe. 4G speed, leapfrogging across in- profusion of pro-Palestinian “Alarm bells are ringing loudly ternational borders, social media voices, memes and videos on so- about the threat to reproductive platforms and social justice move- cial media that helped accomplish rights,” Nancy Northup, the presi- ments: a young Palestinian wom- what decades of Arab protest, dent of the Center for Reproduc- an in the East Jerusalem neigh- boycotts of Israel and regular tive Rights, said in a statement. borhood of Sheikh Jarrah, shout- spurts of violence had not: yank- “The Supreme Court just agreed ing in furious English at a Jewish ing the Palestinian cause, all but to review an abortion ban that un- man, “You are stealing my left for dead a few months ago, to- questionably violates nearly 50 house!” ward the mainstream. years of Supreme Court precedent “If I don’t steal it, someone else “It feels different this time, it and is a test case to overturn Roe will steal it,” he retorts. definitely does,” said Amani Al- v. Wade.” Within days — as Israel bombed Khatahtbeh, 29, the Palestinian- Backers of the Mississippi law the coastal territory of Gaza, Pal- Jordanian-American founder of said that it was necessary to pro- estinian militants there launched, whose posts on tect fetal life and expressed confi- rockets at Israel, and Arab and the topic have been ubiquitous dence that it would be judged con- Jewish mobs faced off in Israeli over the past week. “I wasn’t ex- stitutional by the Supreme Court. cities — the video had rocketed pecting this to happen so quickly, “The Mississippi Legislature KARSTEN MORAN FOR THE NEW YORK TIMES from young Palestinians’ social and for the wave to shift this fast. enacted this law consistent with media feeds into the Arab diaspo- You don’t see many people out on the will of its constituents to pro- From 1 to Z, 24-7 ra, then lit up the internet, kin- the streets in protest these days, Continued on Page A16 Round-the-clock subway service resumed in New York after a hiatus of more than a year. Page A14. dling outrage around the world. Continued on Page A13

AT&T’s Retreat Makes Way for a Media Giant Cuomo’s Book Deal Payday Grows to $5 Million

company in the country, by reve- two years, state officials said. By EDMUND LEE Discovery to Get HBO nue, with a sprawling business This article is by J. David Good- Lavish Sum for Author The windfall book deal, which and JOHN KOBLIN that touches on streaming enter- man, Alexandra Alter, Rachel dwarfed the governor’s salary of tainment, movies, sports and ca- Just three years after it thun- and Other Properties Abrams and Luis Ferré-Sadurní. With Anemic Sales $225,000, was reached last year ble news. The merged company, dered into Hollywood with grand Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo was ex- after Mr. Cuomo rose to national visions of streaming video on mil- which could have a value above pected to earn more than $5 mil- prominence for televised news lions of its customers’ cellphones, nounced on Monday, will put CNN $100 billion, would rival behe- lion from his book about leading write and promote the book. briefings during the pandemic’s moths like Disney, the biggest me- AT&T is making a stunning re- and the HBO hit “Succession” in New York during the coronavirus The governor received the bulk uncertain early phase, when New treat with plans to spin off Warn- the same corporate family as the dia company, as well as Netflix, pandemic, according to figures re- of the money last year, $3.12 mil- York was the nation’s epicenter. erMedia and merge it with Dis- reality television shows “Flip or the leader in streaming. leased by his office on Monday, as lion, and under the contract, he is But the disclosure of the details covery. Flop” and “90 Day Fiancé.” It will For the debt-saddled AT&T, the investigators continued to look set to be paid an additional $2 mil- on Monday arrived as Mr. Cuomo The blockbuster deal, an- create the second-biggest media Continued on Page A18 into his use of state resources to lion in installments over the next Continued on Page A18

TRACKING AN OUTBREAK A4-7 BUSINESS B1-5 SCIENCE TIMES D1-8 U.S. to Ship Vaccine Overseas Time to Worry About Inflation? Better-Looking President Biden said 20 million doses of Federal Reserve officials believe low Every Century vaccine would be sent to countries in and stable price expectations give them Scientists are report- need next month, giving away doses room to heal the job market. But what if ing that at least a that could be used in the U.S. PAGE A6 outlooks change? PAGE B1 millennium of careful breeding helped to INTERNATIONAL A8-13 Masked, and Not Minding at All SPORTSTUESDAY B6-8 ARTS C1-6 develop the beau- A Dire Warning on Fossil Fuels Face coverings have been a flash point. For Both Country and State tiful betta fish But now, the backlash is for people who Better Than Ever that can now be Nations must act aggressively, and fast, don’t plan to take them off. PAGE A4 While surfing for the U.S. in Tokyo, Jean Smart, who has often been under- found in some pet to avoid damaging Earth irreversibly, John John Florence seeks to represent valued by Hollywood, continues her stores and flea the top energy agency says. PAGE A11 Hawaii’s unique culture. PAGE B6 NATIONAL A14-19 career resurgence with roles in “Mare markets. PAGE D2 of Easttown” and “Hacks.” PAGE C1 Second Chances in Spain Hopes for New Trials Dashed Hitting the Pavement Anew A rehabilitation program aims to “rein- The Supreme Court ruled that its 2020 The Marathon, last run OPINION A22-23 sert” people convicted of stealing from ban on non-unanimous jury verdicts did in 2019, will return in November, though the public coffers into society. PAGE A9 not apply retroactively. PAGE A17 with a somewhat smaller field. PAGE B7 Michelle Goldberg PAGE A23 U(D54G1D)y+?!#!$!?!# ****** TUESDAY, MAY 18, 2021 ~ VOL. CCLXXVII NO. 115 HHHH $4.00

DJIA 34327.79 g 54.34 0.2% NASDAQ 13379.05 g 0.4% STOXX 600 442.29 g 0.1% 10-YR. TREAS. yield 1.639% OIL $66.27 À $0.90 GOLD $1,867.50 À $29.60 EURO $1.2152 YEN 109.23 What’s AT&T to Unwind Big Bet on Media News The evolution of AT&T, WarnerMedia and Discovery has been decades in the making. Combining properties Pre-1984 1985 ’9 ’95 ’5 ’1 ’15 ’ with Discovery, which include CNN and HGTV, Business&Finance AT&T Corp. Lucent and NCR spun off AT&T Wireless Sells Crunchyroll to Sony† Born in 1877 as the retreats from 2018 deal Bell Telephone Co.* McCaw Cellular Cingular Sells stake in DirecTV† T&T and Discovery AT&T DirecTV AT&T Inc. and Discovery Areached a deal to com- Inc. reached a deal to combine bine their media assets BellSouth Leap Wireless their media assets into a new, into a new, publicly traded publicly traded company, un- company, unwinding the Southwestern Bell 2020 REVENUE winding the telecom company’s telecom company’s big bet big bet on entertainment after on entertainment after less NAME CHANGED TO AT&T INC. less than three years. than three years. A1, A8-A9 Pacific Telesis WarnerMedia Drew FitzGerald Credit Suisse is facing By , Ameritech AT&T acquires $30.4B Cara Lombardo an exodus of senior invest- NAME CHANGED TO TimeWarner Joe Flint ment bankers in the wake NAME CHANGED TO AOL TIME WARNER TIME WARNER INC. and of a $5.5 billion loss tied to Time Inc. Time Magazine debuts in 1923 America Online Spins off AOL Spins off Time Inc. The new business, which the Archegos meltdown. A1 magazine segment isn’t yet named, is to be led by Activist investor Elliott Time Warner Inc. current Discovery Chief Execu- is urging Duke Energy to Discovery tive David Zaslav. The compa- consider separating into $10.8B nies said Jason Kilar will re- Warner three companies, in what Turner Broadcasting System Sells Warner Music Spins off Time Warner Cable tain his title as CEO of AT&T’s would be a major transfor- Communications WarnerMedia division but de- Created in 1969 AT&T’s media mation of the utility. B1 Scripps Networks segment to clined to say whether he would remain with the newly China’s economic activity Launched in 1985 BECOMES DISCOVERY COMMUNICATIONS merge with combined company after it se- grew at a slower pace in Discovery cures regulatory approval. April as retail sales missed BECOMES DISCOVERY INC. Shares of AT&T fell 2.7% expectations, complicating Monday, while Discovery’s the picture of a steady and WarnerMedia includes: Discovery includes: stock shed 5.1% after an early balanced recovery there. A18 Warner Brothers DC Entertainment Discovery Food Network Science Channel rise. Discovery’s market value Japan’s economy shrank HBO TBS Adult Swim HGTV HLN diy Network traded at $16.69 billion. AT&T, in the first quarter as pri- which draws most of its reve- Cartoon Network TNT truTV OWN Animal Planet Cooking Channel vate spending fell amid a nue from the telecommunica- resurgence of Covid-19 in- CNN Turner Classic Movies TLC Travel Channel tions business, had a roughly fections, but it is expected $224 billion market value. The to return to growth. A18 *Bell Atlantic, NYNEX and U.S. West became Verizon †Pending Sources: staff and news reports; the companies new media business will hold a little more than $55 billion The EU agreed to post- of debt, Mr. Zaslav said. pone plans to raise tariffs on AT&T Chief Executive John some American goods as it Stankey said in an online news begins talks with the Biden Reversal Erases Billions in Value conference Monday that he administration aimed at had been “contemplating the lifting U.S. steel tariffs. A2 Three years ago, AT&T Inc. com giant is giving up its channel bundles for less expen- vertising dollars from Alphabet structure of our business for U.S. stocks fell, with the executives were in a federal dreams of marrying media con- sive alternatives. Inc.’s Google, and mount a chal- some time” and eventually de- Dow, S&P 500 and Nasdaq courthouse fighting the Justice tent and distribution—one of All told, the two reversals lenge to Netflix Inc. in stream- cided that the pairing with Mr. retreating 0.2%, 0.3% and Department to defend their the biggest about-faces in cor- erased tens of billions of dol- ing. Zaslav’s company would bene- 0.4%, respectively. B9 takeover of Time Warner Inc., a porate deal history. lars of equity value, as AT&T Now, the company will stick fit both parties. AT&T said Monday it will cut deals to exit its investments to what it knows—the wireless Mr. Zaslav, a media mogul Apple will put CEO Cook Drew FitzGerald spin off its sprawling media and shed debt. AT&T said the and broadband business. Its ex- and longtime friend of War- on the stand in its court- By , Joe Flint empire, including HBO, CNN, full value of the media transac- ecutives acknowledged the nerMedia executive and CNN room defense against Epic and Benjamin Mullin TNT, TBS and the Warner Bros. tion includes not just the equity whiplash felt by employees still boss Jeff Zucker, said the Games’ antitrust claims. B1 studio, into a new venture with value but also the cash AT&T adjusting to the many changes PleaseturntopageA9 Amazon is establishing more than $80 billion foray Discovery Inc. That follows a will receive for divesting itself the telecom company spurred a program focused on im- into the entertainment busi- February agreement to hive off of the business. over the past three years. AT&T bonds rise as deal proving the health and ness. a 30% stake in satellite broad- The original idea behind the “The personal reaction is I’m relieves debt...... A8 wellness of its hourly AT&T won the court battle, caster DirecTV and give up op- two big mergers was to help a bit sad,” Mr. Stankey said in Merger plan sets up rivals for warehouse staffers. B3 but lost in the marketplace. erational control of its pay-TV the Ma Bell descendant chal- an interview, noting that inves- big decisions...... A9 Now, at the behest of Chief Ex- unit, which was hollowed out lenge Comcast Corp. in the pay- tors haven’t been won over by Heard on the Street: AT&T World-Wide ecutive John Stankey, the tele- by customers trading pricey TV business, steal digital-ad- PleaseturntopageA8 needed to dial back...... B10

The Supreme Court said INSIDE it would consider the legal- High Court ity of a Mississippi abortion Bankers Quit Credit Suisse law that sought to ban the procedure after 15 weeks of pregnancy, a case that gives To Review the justices an opportunity After Archegos Meltdown to revisit precedents pro- tecting abortion rights. A1 Limits on BY CARA LOMBARDO Biden voiced support for vehicle for Bill Hwang, plum- foreshadowing the big hit to a cease-fire in a call with Ne- meted in late March, forcing the bank, competitors on Wall Abortion Credit Suisse Group AG is tanyahu, as Israel said air- Credit Suisse and other banks Street and recruiters began cir-

YUVAL CHEN/PRESS POOL facing an exodus of senior in- strikes in the Gaza Strip tar- to sell large stock positions at cling. The timing was fortu- BY BRENT KENDALL vestment bankers in the wake geted a tunnel network used losses. Credit Suisse lent more itous for the firm’s rivals, as AND JESS BRAVIN of a $5.5 billion loss tied to the by Hamas amid rising civilian WORLD NEWS to Archegos relative to its size recruiting typically ramps up meltdown of Archegos Capital than others and was one of the after annual bonuses are paid casualties in the conflict. A10 In phone call with WASHINGTON—The Su- Netanyahu, Biden Management. last to exit from the positions, early in the year. The Biden administration preme Court said it would con- At least 10 managing direc- The Wall Street Journal previ- Barclays PLC poached sev- moved to sharply ramp up sider the legality of a Missis- voices support for a tors in the Swiss firm’s U.S. in- ously reported. eral bankers, including tele- Covid-19 vaccine ship- sippi abortion law that sought cease-fire. A10 vestment-banking division The debacle, coming on the com-and-media specialist Ihsan ments to other countries, to ban the procedure after 15 have internally disclosed plans heels of Credit Suisse’s involve- Essaid, who is leaving to be- following calls for the U.S. weeks of pregnancy, a case that to leave, most to rival firms, ment with the now-insolvent come the British lender’s co- to bolster efforts to curb gives the justices an opportu- JASON GAY according to people familiar financing firm Greensill, forced head of Americas mergers and the coronavirus globally. A6 nity to revisit precedents pro- The NBA’s play-in with the matter. Other bankers the bank to cut its dividend acquisitions, as well as Tim De- Hospitals in the U.S. are tecting abortion rights. format delivers an are considering their options, and raise fresh capital from in- vine and David MacGown, who seeing fewer Covid-19 pa- The court’s one-sentence or- and more are expected to de- vestors to shore up its balance focus on financial institutions, tients, but increasingly those der on Monday, coming after irresistible opener: part in the coming weeks. sheet. The Swiss bank ousted and Kamal Ahmed, who will who do land in the hospital are eight months of deliberation, Steph vs. LeBron. A14 Investments held by top executives after the loss. become global head of semi- 50 or younger, data show. A7 crystallized hopes and fears of Archegos, a family investment As information trickled out PleaseturntopageA10 Biden and his wife partisans who have battled for made $607,336 in adjusted decades over the abortion is- gross income in 2020 as sue and the direction of the Your New Office Mates May he ran for the presidency, high court. according to tax returns Republicans have long sought to build a Supreme Beg for Snacks—and Bark released by the couple. A3 Court with enough conservative iii The IRS will make its first justices to narrow, if not aban- batch of monthly payments to don, precedents dating to the Pet-friendly workplaces puzzle out safe about 39 million families with landmark 1973 decision in Roe children on July 15, delivering v. Wade that established a returns for all those pandemic puppies As-a-service, the child tax credit that Con- woman’s constitutional right to gress expanded in March. A3 choose abortion before fetal vi- BY KATIE DEIGHTON other people’s dogs. Lawyers for Giuliani asked ability. Democrats have made “We’re making sure it’s at your service. One of Gemma Gillingham’s a judge to compel prosecutors the preservation of abortion public knowledge to everybody favorite parts of working for to disclose their underlying rights a central plank of their in the building that only own- Nestlé Purina PetCare is her evidence and reasoning for opposition to dozens of Repub- ers can do the stroking,” she Introducing APEX, technology informal second job in the warrants for the search of his lican nominees to the federal said. “We try not to be the po- judiciary, warning that Roe and London office: chief of the pet lice, but we’ve also said no as-a-service that scales on demand, home and office last month. A4 its progeny were under threat. patrol. long extender leads so the so nothing holds you back. Voters in Chile elected “The fact that the justices Nestlé U.K. is one of those dogs don’t run up and touch a left-leaning special as- decided to take the case indi- pet-friendly employers that al- other people.” sembly to draft a new con- cates a willingness of at least low workers to bring their Planning for safe re- Learn more at stitution for the country. A18 five of them to revisit existing furry friends with them, turns to the office has precedent,” said University of and it is the job of Ms. been a bureaucratic and CONTENTS Opinion...... A15-17 Chicago law professor Geoffrey Gillingham and other ethical minefield for Arts in Review... A13 Personal Journal A11-12 Business News.. B3,5 Sports...... A14 Stone, who has written exten- members of the Pets many companies. Capital Journal...... A4 Technology...... B4 sively about the history of the at Work initiative, or Those that allow Crossword...... A13 U.S. News...... A2-6 Supreme Court’s abortion rul- PAW, to walk the pets into the Heard on Street. B10 Weather...... A13 ings. “The only reason to hear floors, dish out advice workplace have Markets...... B9 World News... A10,18 the case would be to do that.” and generally prevent an extra set of The court will consider the canine chaos. puzzles to work > case during its next term, Now, pandemic con- through: Will the which begins in October. cerns about social dis- lure of a cute puppy If Mississippi wins, the Su- tancing and virus discourage social PleaseturntopageA2 transmission have re- distancing? Could quired her to add one pet give an- s 2021 Dow Jones & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved Justices limit jury-verdict some new bark to her Pleaseturnto rule’s reach...... A3 routine: No petting So...when’s lunch? pageA2