JIPIS Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan dan Ilmu Sosial SOCIAL SETTING AND MESSAGES IN MAHER ZAIN’S SELECTED SONGS Imam Sudarmaji English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Islam Syekh-Yusuf
[email protected] Abstract This article presents the analysis of social setting in Maher Zain’s selected songs in an effort to discover the messages in the songs. In order to find out the social setting and messages hidden in the songs, the sociolinguistic theory is used to uncover the messages of the social setting found in Maher Zain’s selected songs. Keywords: messages, social settings, sociolinguistic theory, song, Maher Zain 1. Introduction have power to influence a person and In writing song lyrics, writer tries to deliver good messages. invite people who have same view and The writer merely focuses on mind to be better, so that the people can analyzing selected songs in order to learn from the lyrics. The song writer simplify the readers in understanding the sometime uses figurative language that social settings that the writer presents. The makes the listener interested in listening to song writer limits or focuses only on the the song. For example; simile metaphor, title “Social Setting in Maher Zain’s personification, hyperbole in the world, Selected Songs”. phrase, or sentences to explain the idea of Based on the explanation above, the the song. writer formulates the questions as follows: Singer, song writer and also producer a. What are the social settings found in Maher Zain is the new star of Modern Maher Zain’s selected songs? Islamic Music with his meaningful song b.