P a g e | 1 The Journal of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland Feature Articles:- Metal ion directed supramolecular self-assemblies X-ray crystal structure of the Tb.1R3 complex showing the helical ligand arrangement Novel Enzymes for the Synthesis of Chiral Alcohols and Amines Inaugural Industrial Chemistry Award IRISH CHEMICAL NEWS ISSUE NO 3 DECEMBER 2015 P a g e | 2 The Institute of Chemistry of Ireland PO Box 9322, Cardiff Lane, Dublin 2 www.instituteofchemistry.org Web: Email:
[email protected] Originated 1922 Incorporated 1950 The Professional Body for Chemists in Ireland Contents Page 3 President’s message 5 Editorial 6 Metal ion directed supramolecular self-assemblies – Prof. Thorfinnur Gunnlaugsson and Dr.David Caffrey 16 Novel Enzymes for the Synthesis of Chiral Alcohols and Amines Dr Francesca Paradisi 24 IT Sligo’s Science Week 27 Industrial Award 30 Annual Lecture Series Award (Eva Philbin) 33 The National Sustainability Summit 2015 35 The United Nations Global Compact-Accenture CEO Study 38 Energy Kaizen Event, GSK Dungarvan, Adrian McCarthy 41 Pharma Industry awards 2015 45 ISTA Senior Science Quiz Final 2015 46 Schools Chemistry Newsletter Competition Results 2014/15 47 Innovation 2020 52 SFI Research Image of the Year Competition 53 240 jobs at risk in Roche pharmaceutical facility Co. Clare 55 Almac buys out Athlone’s Arran Chemicals 57 PharmaChemical Ireland Conference in Cork 60 The State Laboratory: 10 Years in Backweston, Michael O’Gorman Note: Opinions expressed in this Journal are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the Institute. IRISH CHEMICAL NEWS ISSUE NO 3 DECEMBER 2015 P a g e | 3 A Message from the President Dear Fellows, Members, Graduates and Associates, As we approach the end of the calendar year 2015, The Institute can look back on some highs and lows.