Army (If F Ice of Military History Washington, L1, C
111lll1 ._-. ,. ... ... Uepartnent of the Army (If F ice of Military History Washington, L1, C. 20301 Sinc em1 y , 1 Incl (C) P. r;. TWRSEN as Colonel, GS IChicf of 9ission 31 kcenher 1975 Thc collection of intelligence in East Gcrmany, most dcf5ni.tcry a hosti le envirmncnt., i 5 not an easy task, It is, however, a chal- lmgo that all of us atUiKM welcome and to which wr cncTgi.cs are cospletely devotc2. ?tore often than nor, nost of thc credit for our 'coiit.rilmtions is given to the collecturs, the tour officer and non- cormissiond of?icer, who opcratc ir. GSFG and WA-land, 1, for one, an aware of the less glancrms tasks which mst hc accomplished 3y many yo~ngU!WM ne9 and women of all services u;ho xake the tours possible and, hopefiilly, productive. 7'hcsc mcn ant women arc ccr ahlnistratian, targeting, and production personnel whose often menial, jut ncccssary, jobs rcquire individual ace collective ex- pertise. Recognition of tkeir contributions to thc IJSMlM tcan effort should not go unnoticed; the sages that f-01.I.w z=ctflect thcir dcdica- ti on and professional i sm . OUT callcction philosophy at USMLM j.5 O~Cof: "chip-way.'' In other WQ~S,therc wL.11 hc gomi and had days and opportunities at dates other thin the pcscnz. Furthermore, we mast continile to be amre of political iTlicatinns in all that we do or do not do. On the spot judgmcnt i~ view of t3js aiuarencss .is cxcrciccd daily. To sum :it xp, .it is purely and sinply risk verscs gain in a ball park where we seldom can win hccaasc of the cvcmhelning collection deterrents.
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