UNPUBLISHED SOURCES Archives du Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Bruxelles. Haus-, Hof- und Staatsarchiv, \Vien. Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres, Paris. Ministero degli Affari Esteri. Archivio Esteri, Roma. Public Record Office, (Foreign Oflice General Correspondence), .

OFFICIAL PUBLISHED SOURCES Annuario Pontificio, Roma, 1860--1870; 1912- Atti Ufficiali del Parlamento Italiano, Firenze. British and Foreign State Papers, London. 1841- British Parliamentary Papers, House of Commons. (The "Blue Books") (La) Gerarchia della Chiesa e la Famiglia Pontificia per l'anno .... Roma. 1872-1911. (Die) Grosse Politik der Europaischen Kabinette I87I-I9I4. Sammlung der Diplomatischen Akten des Auswartigen Amtes, Berlin, 1926, 40 vols. Ministere des Af/aires Etrangeres, Documents Diplomatiques Franfais (I87I-I9I4), Iere serie (I87I--I900), 1929-1947, 11 tomes. -- La Politique Exterieure de l'Allemagne I87o-I9I4, Documents Olficiels publies par Ie Ministere Allemand des Alfaires Etrangeres. Paris, 1927-1939, 32 tomes. Translation of portions of Die Grosse Politik. Ministerium des K. und K. Hauses und des Aeussern. Auswartige Angelegenheiten. Correspondenzen und Aktenstucke, I868-I874, Wien, 1868-1874. (Eight "Red Books".) Ministero degZi Affari Esteri. Documenti DipZomatici relativi aZla Ques• tione Romana communicati dal Ministero degli Alfari Esteri nella tornata delI9 dicembre I870. CameradeZdeputati. Sessione I87o-I87I. Prima della XI LegisZatura. Doc. No. 46. Napoleon Ier, Correspondance pubZiee par ordre de l'Empereur Napoleon III, Paris, Imprimerie ImpE,riale, 1858-1869, 32 vols. Patti Lateranensi. Convenzioni e Accordi successivi Ira IZ Vaticano e l'ItaZia, Tipografia Polyglotta Vaticana, 1946. Segreteria di Stato. Istruzione reZativa aZ diriito di Precedenza dei rap• presentanti Pontilicii nel Corpo DipZomatico, Roma, Tipografia Vaticana, [April, 1900J. BIBLIOGRAPHY 103


Almanach de Gotha. Annuaire genealogique, diplomatique et statistique, Gotha, (annually). Annuaire Pontifical Catholique, (Albert Battandier, founder), Paris, 1898- . Archives Diplomatiques. Recueil Mensuel de diplomatie et d'histoire, Paris, lere serie, 1861-1879. Correspondance de Geneve, Geneva, 1870-1873. (3-4 issues weekly). Iden• tical edition in German: Genter Correspondenz. (La) Documentation Catholique, Paris, 1919- . Europaischer Geschichtskalender, (H. Schulthess, founder, Nordlingen• Miinchen, 1861-1940, 81 vols. Frequently publishes significant contemporary texts concerning the relations of states with the Holy See. (Le) Memorial Diplomatique, Paris, 1859-1878. (Les) Questions Actuelles. Revue Documentaire, Paris, 1887-1914, 116 tomes. Succeeded by La Documentation Catholique. (Das) Staatsarchiv. Sammlung der ottiziellen Aktenstucke zur Geschichte der Gegenwart, . 1861-1871; Leipzig, 1872-1928.


ADAMOW. E., Die Diplomatie des Vatikans zur Zeit des Imperialismus, Berlin, 1932. Documents from the Czarist foreign ministry. Trans• lated from the Russian. ANZILOTTI, DIONISIO, Corso di diritto internazionale, 3 ed. Roma, 1928. -- Cours de Droit International, (tr.), Paris, 1929. AURELI, (GUIDO) et CRISPOLTI (CRISPOLTO), La Politica di Leone XIII da Luigi Galimberti a Mariano Rampolla, Roma, 1912. BACHEM, KARL, Vorgeschichte, Geschichte und Politik der Deutschen Zentrumspartei, I8I5-I9I4, KOln, 1927-1932. 9vols. BALLADORE-PALLIERI, GIORGIO, It diritto internazionale ecclesiastico, Padova, 1940. -- Diritto internazionale pubblico, 5 ed, Milano, 1948. BANGEN, JOHANN HEINRICH, Die Romische Kurie. Ihre gegenwartige Zusammensetzung und ihr Geschattsgang, Miinster, 1854. BANNING, EMILE, (ed.). La Belgique et Ie Vatican. Documents et Travaux Legislatits concernant la rupture des relations diplomatiques entre Ie Gouvernement Beige et Ie Saint-Siege, precides d'un expose historique des rapports qui ont existe entre eux depuis I830, Bruxelles, 1880-188 L 3 vols. BASTGEN, HUBERT, Die Romische Frage. Dokumente und Stimmen, Freiburg i. Br. 1917-1919, 3 vols. BECKER, JERONIMO, Relaciones Diplomaticas entre Espafia y la Santa Sede durante el Siglo X I X, , 1908. BENSON, OLIVER E., Vatican Diplomatic Practice as allected by the Lateran Agreements, Liege, 1936. Thesis submitted to the Graduate Institute of International Studies of the University of Geneva. BETTANINI, ANTONIO M., Lo Stile Diplomatico. Propedeutica alto studio della diplomazia, Milano, 1930. 104 BIBLIOGRAPHY

BEYENS, BARON [Napoleon E.], Quatre Ans d Rome, I92I-I926, Paris, 1934. BINDEL, VICTOR, Le Vatican a Paris (I809-I8I4), Paris, 1942. BLUNTSCHLI, JOHANN KASPAR, De la Responsabilite et de l'Irresponsa• bilite du Pape dans Ie Droit International, (A. Rivier, tr.), Paris, 1876. (brochure). BOMPARD, RAOUL, Le Pape et Ie Droit des Gens, Paris, 1888. BOUDOU, ADRIEN, Le Saint-Siege et la Russie, Paris, 1922, 2 vols. Based on archives of the Vatican. BREZZI, PAOLO, La diplomazia pontificia, Istituto per gIi studi di poli• tica internazionale, Milano, 1942. BULOW, FURST BERNHARD VON, Denkwurdigkeiten, Berlin, 1930-31, 4 vols. CAMMEO, FEDERICO, Ordinamento giuridico dello Stato della Cittd del Vaticano, Firenze, 1932. CHARLES-Roux, FRANyOIS, Huit Ans au Vatican, I932-I940' Paris, 1947. CLAPAREDE, ARTHUR DE, L' Essai sur Ie droit de Representation Diplo• matique d' apres Ie droit international moderne, thesis of Geneva, 1875. [COCHIN, DENYS]. Denys Cochin, I9I4-I922. La Guerre - Ie Blocus - l' Union Sacree, Paris, 1923. DES MICHELS, JULES ALEXIS, Souvenirs de Carriere (I8SS-I886), Paris, 1901. DESPAGNET, FRANTZ, Cours de Droit International Public, 4 ed, Paris, 1910. DITTRICH, KURT, Die Preussische Gesandtschaft beim Vatikan, Berlin, 1918. (diss.). ECKHARDT, CARL CONRAD, The Papacy and World Affairs as Reflected in the Secularization of Politics, Chicago, 1937. EGAN, MAURICE FRANCIS, Recollections of a Happy Life, New York, 1924. ESPERSON, PIETRO, Diritto diplomatico e giurisdizione internazionale marittima col commento della disposizione della Legge I taliana del I3 Maggio sulle relazioni della Santa Sede colle Potenze straniere, Roma-Torino-Firenze, 1872-1876, 3 vols. FAUCHILLE, PAUL, Traite de Droit International Public. Huitieme edition, entierement refondue, compUtee et mise au courant, du Manuel de droit international public de M. Henry Bonfils, Paris, 1921-1926, 4 vols. FAVRE, JULES, Rome et la Republique Franc;aise, Paris, 1871. GIOBBIO, ALFREDO, Lezioni di diplomazia ecclesiastica, Roma, 1899- 1901,3 vols. GIUDICE, VINCENZO, DEL, La Questione Romana e i rapporti tra stato e chiesa fino alia Conciliazione, Roma, 1947. GOULMY, P. J. L. M., Nederland Naar Het Vaticaan, Nijmegen, 1915. -- 's Pausen Diplomatie en de Nederlanden, Utrecht, 1917. HAYWARD, FERNAND, Pie IX et Son Temps, Paris, 1948. HOCHFELD, HERBERT, Die Rechtspersonlichkeit des Heiligen Stuhles im Volkerrecht vom Untergang des Kirchenstaates bis zur Schaffung der Citto' del Vaticano (I87o-I929), Hamburg, 1930. (diss.). BIBLIOGRAPHY 105

JACINI, STEFANO, Il Tramonto del potere temporale nelle relazioni degli ambasciatori austriaci aRoma (I86o-I87o), Bari, 1931. Diplomatic dispatches. From the archives of Vienna. KISSLING, JOHANNES, Geschichte des Kulturkampfs im Deutschen Reich, Miinster, 1911-16, 3 vols. LA BRIERE, YVES DE, Les Luttes Presentes de l'Eglise, Paris, 1913-1924, 6 vols. MARTIN, VICTOR, Les Cardinaux et la Curie. Tribunaux et Offices. La Vacance du Siege A postolique, Paris, 1930. MIRBT, CARL, Die Preussische Gesandtschaft am Hofe des Papstes, Leip• zig, 1899. (broch.). MOLLAT, G., La Question Romaine de Pie VI Ii ~Pie XI, Paris, 1932. With bibl. MOWAT, R. B., Diplomacy and Peace, London, 1935. NIBOYET, J. P., l'Ambassade de France au Vatican (I87o-I904), Paris, 1912. PASTOR, LUDWIG FREIHERR VON, Tagebiicher, Briefe, Erinnerungen. Edited by Wilhelm Wiihr, Heidelberg, 1950. PINCHETTI-SANMARCHI, G. M., Guida Diplomatica Ecclesiastica. Vol. I. Attuale posizione giuridica internazionale della Santa Sede, Roma, 1908. SALATA, FRANCESCO, Per la storia diplomatica della Questione Romana. I. Da Cavour alta Triplice Alleanza, Milano, 1929. SAT OW, SIR ERNEST, A Guide to Diplomatic Practice, 3 ed., London, 1932. SAVINO, PAOLO, Appunti di dip,omazia ecclesiastica, Pontificio Ateneo del Seminario Romano Istituto "Utriusque Juris", Roma, [1942]. SCADUTO, FRANCESCO, Guarentigie pontificie e relazioni fra Stato e Chiesa (legge I3 maggio I87I). Storia, esposizione, critica, documenti, bibliografia, Torino, 1 ed., 1884. 2 ed., 1889. SCHLOZER, KURD VON, Romische Briefe. I864-I869, Berlin-Leipzig, 1926. Edited by Karl von Schli:izer. Portraits of the Diplomatic Corps in Rome on the eve of the crisis. SCHMIDLIN, JOSEF, Papstgeschichte der neuesten Zeit (r8oo-r922), Miinchen, 1933-35, 4 vols. [STOCK, LEO FRANCIS, ed.] Consular Relations between the United States and the Papal States. Instructions and Dispatches, American Catho• lic Historical Association Documents, Washington. 1945, From the National Archives. VALFREY, ]., Histoire de la Diplomatie du Gouvernement de la Defense Nationale, Paris, 1871. WALLACE, LILLIAN PARKER, The Papacy and European Diplomacy, I869-I878, Chapel Hill, 1948. WILBAUX, THEODORE, La Question du Vatican au point de vue du droi Ii la representation diplomatique, Bruxelles, 1879. (broch.). WINTER, EDUARD, Der ] osephinismus und seine Geschichte. Beitrage zur Geistesgeschichte Oesterreichs, I74o-r848, Briinn-Miinchen-Wien, 1943. WYNEN, ARTHUR, Die Papstliche Diplomatie, geschichtlich und rechtlich dargestellt, Freiburg i. Br., 1922. 106 BIBLIOGRAPHY

SELECTED LIST OF ARTICLES ANON., "La doppia rappresentanza diplomatica in Roma", {Giviltti Gattolica, June 20, 1871. T. 3, (8 series), p. 5-15). BINCHY, DAVID, "The Vatican and International Diplomacy", (Inter• national Alfairs, XXII, Jan. 1946, p. 47-56). LA BRIERE, YVES DE, "Le Ministere Pontifical des Affaires Etrangeres" , (Revue de Droit International. XV, April-May-June, 1935, p. 340-346). PIERANTONI, AUGUSTO, "II Papato e la rappresentanza diplomatica", (l'Italia Moderna, March 1907, p. 5-31). RICHARD, P., "Ambassadeurs aupres du Saint-Siege", (in: Dictionnaire d'Histoire et de Geographie Ecclesiastique, [Paris, 1912], T. 2, h. v.) SIOTTO PINTOR, MANFREDI, "Les Sujets du Droit autres que les Etats", (Academie de Droit International de la Haye. Recueil des Gours. T. 41, [1932, iii], p. 247-361). SMITH, H. A., "Diplomatic Relations with the Holy See, 1815-1930", (The Law Quarterly Review, XLVIII, July 1932, p. 374-393). INDEX

AGNOSSI, J. B., charge d'affaires BISMARCK, Prince OTTO VON, Prus• at Berne nunciature, 63 sian and Imperial Chancellor, ALBANI, Card., 46. 12, 33f, 36-51, 53, 67-69, 74, ALBANI, VILLA, 5 93-96 AMADEUS OF SAVOY, King of BLANC, Baron ALBERT, Italian Spain, 54 diplomat, 6, 80n. AMPTHILL,: Lord, (see Russell, Odo) BLEST GANA, A., minister of Chile ANDRAssy, COUNT JULIUS, Aus• to Holy See, 55 trian foreign minister, 49n, 70 Bolivia, 5 D'ANETHAN, Baron, Belgian foreign BONGHI, RUGGIERO, Italian par• minister, 19n, 72-77 liamentarian, 87, 89, 91 D'ANETHAN, Baron (Gustave), 62n BOURGOING, COUNT JEAN FRAN• ANTONELLI, GIACOMO, Cardinal S;OIS DE, French ambassador to Secretary of State, 6, 22f, 26, 29, Holy See, 28-32, 54, 81n 43, 49n, 56, 59, 66, 72n, 79 BRASSIER DE ST-SIMON, Count, ARENDT, LEON, 78, 79n. Prussian minister to Italy, 23, ARNIM-SUKOW, COUNT HARRY VON, 68f, 74 Prussian ministe1' to the Holy Brazil, 9, 25, 55 See, 6, 9, 12, 22f, 25, 34-38, 42, BRIOT, Commandant, Captain of 44, 54, 69 the Orenoque, 29 ARNTZ, E. R. N., xi BULOW, FURST BERNHARD VON, ASPREMONT-LYNDEN, Belgian fo• German chancellor, diplomat, 94n reign minister, 8On. BULOW, BERNHARD ERNST VON, Austria-Hungary, 8, 23,55-60,70- Prussian secretary of state for 71, passim. foreign affairs, father of preceding, AZPURU, Monsignor, minister of 94f SPain to Holy See, 47 BANNEVILLE, COUNT DE, ambas• CADORNA, General RAFFAELE, Ita• sador of French Empire to Holy lian commandant, 5, 35 See, 21£, 25 Capital, transfer to Rome, 65-79 BANNING, EMILE, 72n CAVOUR, Count CAMILLO, Italian Basel, Council of, 45f. statesman, 10, 82, 85, 90, 93 Bavaria, 8, 25, 34-35, 53f Center Party, 42, 44 BEHAINE, EDOUARD LEFEBVRE DU CHASTEL, Jonkheer DE PAUL, DE, French charge d'affaires at Dutch minister to Holy See, 60 Holy See, 6-8, 21, 23, 35, 36n, CHAUDORDY, Count, 24n, 35n 48,79 Chile, 55 BELCASTEL, French deputy, 30 CHOISEUL, Count HORACE DE, Belgium, 8, 25, 60, 72-79 French minister to Italy, 19n, BENNIGSEN, RUDOLF VON, Prus- 24, 71 sian deputy, 50 CLARKE-JERVOISE, H., British se• BERNIS, CARDINAL DE, French mi-official agent in Rome, 6, 36n, minister to Holy See, 45, 47 64, 67n, 71, 72n BEUST, FRIEDRICH COUNT VON, Consuls, pontifical, 79£ A ustrian chancellor and foreign Convention of September (1864), minister, 15, 56-58, 70, 71n, 100 13,20, 26, 52 108 INDEX

CORCELLE, Count CLAUDE DE, HXFFELIN, CASIMIR Cardinal VON, French ambassador to Holy See, Bavarian minister to Holy See, 24n, 30-32 45 Costa Rica, 9 Hanover, Kingdom, 2, 4, 77f CRISPI, Italian premier, 62n D'HARCOURT, Count BERNARD, DAGNANI, Cardinal and nuncio, 46 French ambassador to Holy See, Daily Telegraph, 23n 21, 24-26, 28, 30, 40, 47, 57, Debellatio, 3 59 DELOS, JOSEPH, cited, 83n HERZAN VON HARRAS, Cardinal, DERENTHALL, Prussian charge d'- Austrian minister to Holy See, affaires at Holy See, 43 45f DES MICHELS, JULES, French di- Hesse, Electoral, 2, 77 plomat, 30 HOFMANN, Baron, A ustrian secre• Diplomatic Corps, double, 1-4 tary 01 state for foreign affairs, 70 -- to Vatican (see Vatican) HOHENLOHE-SCHILLINGSFURST, DOLLINGER, IGNATZ, Munich theo- FURST CHLODWIG ZU, 39 logian, 34, 39 HOHENLOHE-SCHILLINGSFURST, DuFAURE, 31 GUSTAV ADOLF, Cardinal ZU, 38f, 42-44, 46, 49 Ecclesiastics as diplomats, 22, 38- Holy Father, passim 49 Holy See, passim Ecuador, 9, 52-53 HUDAL, ALOIS, cited, 56 Emperor of Germany, 39, 43 HUMBERTO, Prince, 28, 35 Empress of Germany, 39 Encyclical of Feb. 5, 1875,93,96 ISVOLSKI, ALEXANDER, Russian ENFIELD, Lord, British foreign minister to Holy See, 55 secretary, 64 l'Italie, 47, 66 England, 6, 9, 23, 63f Italy, passim ERMLAND, Bishop of, 41 Jesuits, 39, 41, 43, 47 FAVRE, JVLES, French foreign mi• nister, 6, 19n, 20-23, 25-28, 40, KALNOKY, Count GUSTAV, Austri• 47, 70, 79 an ad interim minister to H oIy FESCH, JOSEPH CARDINAL, French See, 49n, 56-59 minister to Holy See, 45 KANZLER, General, Commandant FISH, HAMILTON, United States of papal forces,S Secretary of State, 80n KAPNIST, Russian semi-official Fontainebleau, Concordat, 84, 87 agent in Rome, 55 FOURNIER, HUGUES MARIE, French KEUDELL, ROBERT VON, German minister to Italy, 30, 32 minister to Italy, 94n France, 12, 20-32, 71, passim Kolnische Zeitung, 43 Franco-Prussian war, 12, 20f, 33 KUBECK, Baron VON, Austrian Frankfurt-on-Main, 2, 77 envoy to Italy and to Holy See, 56, FREDERICK THE GREAT, 46 59,60n,71n Kulturkampf, 33, 51, 93 GADDA, Signor, Italian civil admi• nistrator of Rome, 23 Lateran, Treaty, ix, 1, 4, 11, 82 GARAMPI, CARDINAL GIUSEPPE, tAUNAY, Count DE, Italian minis- papal diplomat, 46 ter in Berlin, 36n, 38-44, 67-69, Gazetta d' I talia, 53 71n, 74, 93-95 GERICKE, Baron, VAN HERWIJNEN, LED6cHOWSKY, Cardinal, 36 Dutch foreign minister, 60-62 LE6N, FRANCIS XAVIER, foreign Germany (see Prussia) minister of Ecuador, 53 GORTCHAKOFF, Prince ALEXAN• LEOPOLD II, 77 DER M., Russian chancellor, 67 Letters of Credence, 79n, 91 GRANVILLE, Lord, British foreign Liberta, 23, 43 secretary, 71 Libro Verde, 12-16 Guarantees, Law of, 16-19, 81-92 LOWE, Prussian deputy, 37, 50 Guatemala, 9, 53 LORENZANA, Senor DE, envoy 01 INDEX 109

Latin - A merican republics to PERU, 55 Holy See, 53 PIUS VI, 87 LOUIS XVI, 45 PIUS VII, 84, 87 LYONS, Lord, British diplomat, PIUS IX, 7, IS, 37, 42, 47n, 54, 63, semi-official agent in Rome, 63 81,93 Poland,54 MAGLIONE, Cardinal, nuncio in Porta Pia,S Berne, 63 Portugal, 8, 23, 53; Queen, 54 MANCINI, Pasquale S., Italian par• Preussische ] ahrbucher, 96 liamentarian, foreign minister, Prussia, 9, 12,33-51,67-70 90-92 PYCKE, Baron, VAN PETEGHEM, MARGUERITE, Princess, 35 Belgian minister to Holy See, 8n, MARIA THERESA, 46 68n, 73, 78 MERMILLOD, Cardinal, 63 MEYENDORF, Baron, Russian char- Quirinal (Italian government), 2, ge d'affaires to Holy See, 54 passim MINGHETTI, MARIO, Italian par• Quirinal (palace), 35£ liamentarian and diplomat, 14f, 56,85 REMUSAT, Count DE, French fo• MIOLLIS, General, French com- reign minister, 27, 29 mandant in Rome, 84 RICASOLI, 85 Modena, 2 RINALDINI, internuncio at The Monaco, 9, 55 Hague,62n MONACO LA VALLETTA, Cardinal, ROBILANT, Count DE, Italian mi- 72n nister in Vienna, 6On, 70, 71n DE MONTEMAR, MARQUIS, Spa- Roman Question, ix, 10-11, 13-16 nish minister to Italy, 23n Rome, as capital of Italy, IS, 65 Rome, Court of (see Holy See) NANTES, Bishop of, 84 RUSSELL, ODO, British diplomat, NAPOLEON I, 10,20, 45, 84, 87f semi-official agent in Rome, 63 NAPOLEON III, 20f Russia, 9, 54f, 67f Nassau, 2, 77 Netherlands, The, 25, 60-62 NIGRA, CONSTANTINO, Italian mi- San Salvador, 9, 53, 55 nister in Paris, 19n, 24, 26f Sardinia, Kingdom, 2f Nord-Deutsche Zeitung, 43 La Savoie politique et religieuse, 67 Nuncios, internuncios, I, 14, 16, SCADUTO, FRANCESCO, cited, 92n 44, 62£, 85f SCHLOZER, KURD VON, Prussian Nys, ERNEST, professor, 3 minister to Holy See, 51 Schonbrunn, decree, 84 l'Opinione, 23n, 25, 43 Sicilies, Kingdom of Two, 2, 9, 79 l'Orenoque, French frigate, 26-29, SOLVYNS, Belgian Senator, 76f 31-32 SOLVYNS, Belgian minister to ORSINI, Cardinal, Minister of Two Italy, 73f, 78 Sicilies to Holy See, 47 SOLVYNS, LEON, appointed papal l'Osservatore Romano, 25 consul general at , 80 SONNAZ, DE, Italian charge d'af• PAGET, Sir AUGUSTUS B., British faires in , 19n minister to Italy, 67, 71 Sovereignty, spiritual versus ter• PALOMBA, A ustrian charge d' affai• ritorial, 10-11, 14f, 17-19, 82- res to Holy See, 58 84, 88-90, 92-96, passim PANTALEONI, Italian parliamen• Spain, 9, 23,54 tarian, 85 STUMM, VON, secretary of Prussian Papal Infallibility, Decree of, 33, legation to Holy See, 50 37,48-49 Switzerland, 62£ Parliament, opening of Italian, in Rome, 65, 71 TAUFFKIRCHEN, Count KARL VON, Parma, 2 Bavarian minister toH oly See, PEDRO II, 55 34,53£,71 110 INDEX

Temporal Power, x, 1, 7, to-II, 20, 2, 8, 56, 59, 62, 78, passim passim Vatican (palace), 5 THIERS, 20-22, 29f, 32, 100 Vatican (papal authorities), see THILE, VON, Prussian secretary 01 Holy See State lor foreign altairs, 36n, 42 VICTOR-EMMANUEL II, 8f, 15, 54, DE THOMAR, minister of Portugal 61,69,74-79 to Holy See, 54 VICTORIA, Queen of Spain, 23n TOURS, Archbishop OF, 84 Vienna, Treaty, 63 TRAUTTMANSDORFF, Count FER• VISCONTI-VENOSTA,EMILIO,Italian DINAND VON, Austrian ambassa• loreign minister, 12-15, 17-19, dor to Holy See, 56f, 59 27,34,38,40,53,56n,57,59,65, TREITSCHKE, HEINRICH VON, 96n 67, 68n, 70-73, 82, 85, 88-90, TRIER, Bishop OF, 84 92-95 Turin, Treaty, 63 TUSCANY, 2 WESDEHLEN, Count VON, Prussian attache to Italy, 68f UEXKULL, Baron, Russian minis• WIMPFFEN, Count VON, Austrian ter to Italy, 67 minister to Italy, 60n, 71 United States, 9, 80n WINDTHORST, LUDWIG, 40n, 44 VAN DEN NEST, Belgian minister XIMENES, SPanish charge d'af• to Holy See, 80n faires at Holy See, 54 Vaterland, 61 ZALUSKY, Count, Austrian charge Vatican (Council of), 33 d' altaires to Italy, 57f Vatican (missions accredited to), ZOUAVES, pontifical, 5f