9=: ><; GRSVLMOIQ FNIPJLS HSKNLTUSI .,*46+-323 CA?@DB ಋᖚ୺ he Arts Festival is a prominent ࠗຝ̯ܰ Tarts event in the cultural calendar of Hong Δʥԓʪਂ Kong and the Asia Pacific region. Proudly ؿʼʝଞ stepping into its 33rd year, the Festival ಳም continues its vigorous pursuit of innovativeסԑe ɃɍɊɍ՚ development; the presentation of new works αc˚ፒዀ and the provision of quality arts. ೸ٻ࿚ᆅʘুұ௚ณcɺᒾ˞၀ ࠷ؿຝ͌ȹณᜮଠϦ͌e In terms of the number and diversity of programmes, the 2005 Festival is one of the ʌαᖚ୺ຝʑࢀҡᔔఒΛۜcஃ largest festivals to date, offering a wide variety ᅡɾɣዃαӢӮcݯࣵʑ̔΃Ρ of inspiring art, music and cultural ੓Ԟਝ჌Ίࡼၤ̯Δ၀ߜᐰϳᖚ programmes by prestigious international ࠭Ͳؿ൚ɓ࿫ˮc๫ผ˥ࠗಋ஛ artists and leading local talents. I am sure that ਝ჌ʼʝ஭ผࠛ૚ቤɈe the Festival will further enhance Hong Kong’s status as an international cultural metropolis. ΈϽᖚ୺ࡼ਄ၤܰωଞٴᔑϊᚭ ఻d I extend our warmest welcome to all؀ผcԎूࣵʑ̔ᜮଠʶ̈́ သጙϤᓊe participating artists and wish all local and overseas members of the audience a most enjoyable time. ւٽܧϷਂܧࠗಋऋПϷ

TUNG Chee Hwa Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ˚࢐ᘆᖽ Message from the Chairman

.਄ၤ଱ɍɊɍ։ࠗಋᖚ୺ warmly welcome you to the 33rd Arts Festivalٴ ᚭ ຝc஛ܰࠗಋʼʝވʥԓʪΔ IAs a premier event in the Hong Kong cultural ؿࠇ߬ʼʝଞԑcමၙਝ჌՗ԓʪ calendar as well as the Asia Pacific region, theਂ ᖚ୺၀ߜc˞ʥ̯Δ௚෮ݗึؿᖚ Festival presents the finest international andਂ ୺ɮАّe regional artists in an intense series of concerts and performances, as well as showcases the creativity ̯Ɂটʶ෰ᑢ஦༦੖ᅥʥʼʝԑ৻ອ of artistic talent in Hong Kong. c˞ʥࠗಋᑩ৛֚ܧ༅Х҈ࠨؿࠗಋ ԭɣ˚߬༅Хዀ࿚c Appreciation and thanks are due to our mainټপਥڌผ෯ഁ ˢࠨΛαԞྦྷࠗಋᖚ୺ຝؿྐྵషʻ subventing organisations – the Hong Kong ܛc҈ࠨ૯ߎᑢ҃e Government, through the Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and the Hong Kong Jockey ϊ̔cࠗಋᖚ୺ຝྦྷֺτᖳХዀ࿚d Club Charities Trust. Their long and continued ᖚ୺྆᛽˞ʥ࠯Ɂ༅Хc͛ߎ˞টʶ patronage are what make these cultural ᑢ෮e presentations possible. In addition, we gratefully acknowledge the ,ȹΣ˞֡cࠗಋᖚ୺ຝ஦༦˸ძነ́ generous support of many corporate sponsors .ʭαɾʤ˜ི߮cߎɈ arts institutions and individualsڇ଩᎚య˞ʥ— ར᎞ነ́ʥαႦᜮଠઅᘩΈᗘᖚ୺e ɐ߸ི߮ΛαԞᏵଠΛዀ࿚ʥ࠯Ɂ༅ The Festival has always made our programmes Хcɻነʥɣነነ́ɖʦᎶᆅईe accessible to students and young audiences through half-price student tickets and our Young 2005αࠗಋᖚ୺ຝຝ͌ᔔఒd˳ᖓ Friends Scheme. These schemes are funded by the ΋ɺ΃ᜮଠؿ௩ΡʥɟՈc generous donations from numerous corporateٴຒτc .փe and individual donorsڻϢ̢ c౨શၤ੬Ε The 2005 Festival offers a rich and stimulatingܛω෰ᑢჇɎؿʻʹ 2005αࠗಋᖚ୺ຝɻӮࠍe programme, with a variety of captivating performances and choices, presenting a diverse range of tastes with artistic excellence. We hope to offer something enjoyable and of interest to everyone. Above all, I would like to thank you, our patrons, for your support and participation in the 2005 Festival.

ңพᄤ Charles Lee

:ࠗಋᖚ୺ຝؿ༅ХԞϬ The Hong Kong Arts Festival is made possible with the funding support of Ϸܧᐢဟᘆᖽ Message from the Executive Director

005αࠗಋᖚ୺ຝؿຝ͌˞ he starting point for the programming of this 2005 ݯ˚ᕀeु T Festival was the idea of contrasting opposites – ‘sacred˜ڙ˖2—ुັၤ ஛ԭඖʏॖc஭ܰΈိ and profane’. Both of these elements are rich sources ofڙ˖dັ ᖚ୺Ѽβؿ੒Ӯᕀҥၤ᜙෰ݖ creative impulses for the performing arts in most cultures ฻cʌ։ຝ͌గऋПॶਪʦܮ஛ and this thematic link is evident in much of our ᗐ programming. We hope these connections and contrastsޚܫ࠯෮֨e҈ࠨѴશ஛ԭඖ Ɍྦྷ͓ؿʏॖcॶݯɣࡼొԜҡ will make your Festival experience more engaging and .৽Ɂdҡᗒѿؿᜮሌ᛽᛻e memorable ࿘۾৖ȿࣵ̔ᖚ୺ɮАّc҈ࠨ Alongside all of our international artists, we are proud to ॶᑼᇼ̯Δ࿫ᖚ၀ߜcΣࠗಋ֗ present many outstanding Hong Kong artists. For example, ဳ֞ᅥ྆dࠗಋ໷ჱ྆d̯Δ௑ ˮαႦ፡ೄ࿫ۗࡼਜ਼ᆼ౟d૜ࠓ the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and the Hong Ⴛဳʄࠇۗᘆᖚeԯˢ਄ၤ࿫ˮ Kong Repertory Theatre, as well as the fine young Hong ຣჱΊД૆ Kong musicians, pianist and the Fresh Airܢ˳ؿ̯Δ࿫ᖚ၀ߜ ு໱ʥң᎘d7AऒᎻჱୂdɻߜ Brass Quintet. Other important Hong Kong artists taking ɩմdࠗಋ part include opera stars Mui Suet-see and Leeټܖჱ྆d89268d ϐcᑹτ΋Ɉݵႇ Lung; Class 7A Drama Group; Chung Ying Theatre; Groupܬᇁၦࡼฦ лؿྡྷɈݢୂ΋ ңᔪ 89268; the Material Girls; choreographer Daniel Yeungؒ ,ݘdષഥࠦdңɻͲʥ୥૆֍e and the remarkable combined talents of Lee Chun-chow Faye Leong, Gabriel Lee and Chong Mui-ngam in The ᖚ୺ຝᘗᙩዶรկ޸̯Δၤࣵ̔ French Kiss. ܢ˳ˮϳؿ௚АɁc̯։ณА In addition, our commitment to commissioning new work קdէᚗdʌէ࿨ၦރು ਝ჌࠭ᅥ஫dཫ҈ from Hong Kong and around the world continues, withټܖd̡ dؒлd׭ pieces such as Amber, The Nightingale, All That Shanghai̟ے஛ᅚؿȹ࠯ ˚τ௩ʥɩ˔ɥనʊতe Jazz, Material Girls, i-City, The French Kiss, Come Out & Play and Little Prince Hamlet. 2005αࠗಋᖚ୺ຝݯᜮଠᘆɐȹ ࿫྆᛽ٲϛɀɊ̒௿࿫ˮc਄ၤ The 2005 Festival will offer a total of 124 performances ༠̒Ɋɀ࠯˳ܢɍɊɀ࠯ࣵ̔ with 42 performing groups (32 overseas and 10 local), two ʥɊ࠯̯Δ྆᛽€cᑹτԭ࠯ࢄ ,ᙴc˞ʥɺࢀ፟༦ؿᖚ୺ຝ˱ࢿ exhibitions and our Festival Plus programme of talks ຝ͌iᑟ࢔d࢔ᇹผʥᖚɁᇹe seminars and meet-the-artist sessions.

ΛۜcࠓࣟΛʏ This is one of our largest Festivals to date, in terms of theٻ։ຝ͌Λ̯ ʝcܰࠗಋዃԞஃᅡ௖ɣd௖˥ number and the diversity of programmes. I am sure too, Ɂሌʶࢧ͌d௖Ԯઢೕֲؿᖚ୺ that it will be one of our most enjoyable and inspiring. We .਄ၤe are delighted that you could join usيຝɾȹc෰ᑢჇɎ׊

ঢ়ᄨᓤ Douglas Gautier 12 Leif Ove Andsnes 5 ຝ͌໯ੱ For programme details 25.2.2005 Page 17 ࠒ 26.2.2005 Page 34 ࠒ ޸1ɩࣂ40ʗᘸcٽ࿫ˮ ˳ܢȹຝɻ௿ͤࢠ Running Time: approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes, including one interval

ࠗಋʼʝɻʶࠑᅥᜨ Concert Hall, Hong Kong Cultural Centre 25 - 26.2.2005

ᗐઌʹ፜dಲᇃཋ໷ʥඨՓዀؿᚊባ໦کݯȿᜑɣࡼྦྷ஛ω࿫ˮजɎ޻ΡͿോcᇼʘতΕຝ͌඀௿ ສeผ௿ʑᇼʜኞϬᙘᄧd፣ࠑֶ፣ᄧc͛ɺ˿ඝࠕ՗мํcΛᑢ΋Аk To make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, PLEASE switch off your ALARM WATCHES, MOBILE PHONES and PAGERS. Eating, drinking, smoking, unauthorised photography and audio or video recording are forbidden in the auditorium. Thank you for your cooperation. 8 ̡́ʍଽBiography

СʩÐෙၐgΪ౜ँ౜ ፡ೄ

СʩÐෙၐgΪ౜ँ౜୽ख़޸ࣂం ᙷݯ—΃ˤ௖ʵɁ؇͌ؿ፡ೄࡼ˜c dؒܞԎᔄ㠥—ജᗫؿࠑϳdӾ஠ؿ ȿ͓ۺѧኬؿຝۗ՗૜౞ؿϪଉ˜c ዟऋؿ፡ೄ࿫ۗࠓࣟe

ࢸۤ˺ᄾc౦כΪ౜ँ౜1970ά ɃᚾՀဍ࣓ࠑᅥነ৑c࢑፭આКઠ e˺׳઒ʮСgႠ

Ϊ౜ँ౜ீᙺؿȹ࠯ᅥ˥2004/05ܰ ˞տhˢιݯ˺ʑਥࠑᅥᜨτ̌Ԟ Ԟ௖αႦؿ—ರᒨࠑᅥࡼ˜hϬ2004 α10˂ϭ2005α5˂cΪ౜ँ౜ၤ ɍᖙ̟͚ᚊᅥ྆d࿫ۗࡼऋКԈ౜ ແΪgওּʩʥ࿨਎ࡼ࢟͠gؐ౜ੌ © Simon Fowler ΁΋АcΕ˺ʑਥࠑᅥᜨᐾϷ࿫ۗ КԈʩᙬဳٵʑਥɻʶؿᖳௗࠑᅥᜨᐾϷட௿۩ᅥ࿫ۗe΃ࣂcˢࠇ˺כผc˞ʥ ࡐʥݤҪᐈ೩ΔᐾϷࠑᅥผe˱ᅥ྆cԷ࠷౗dʱቭdओ౲d̛ۤ౜dख़޸d٠֞

౎€dܞ2003/04ᅥտcΪ౜ँ౜ʗП།ᔁဍ౜ఃୣʺऋነ৑۩ᅥ྆Ϊ౜ँ౜࠹ͨ ࠷౗͚ᚊᅥ྆dෙ౜஺ဳ֞ᅥ྆΋АᐾϷࠑᅥผhΕጻӴဍ՗̡ᆉཕᆉ԰ᓤɐᐾϷ ۂ࿫h፭ᘣቭ˖ࠑᅥᜨᅥ྆Է޻ਝԀ࿫eˢҡઐϷȿ˞࿫ۗഒਅАٲᅌقͲଈཋ഼ ճ౜ऋɽؿᅥ়τዀผΕځݯ˚ؿ቙௿ࠑᅥࡼི߮cԚ࠷౗dၐɖढ़d̠ቧ෌ဍʥ ऋϝ౜֞ᅥ̒ࠇۗdऋওּʩ˩հځiܢ˳ሌˢؿೄҌh΋Аّֆ؀ʨܬ2004αؿ ʥ࢟͠gؐ౜ੌ΁e

Ϊ౜ँ౜ܰࢸۤԈ๤ဍࠑᅥຝؿᐲ࢐ᖚ୺ᐢဟeࠑᅥຝҰαᑼᇼȿɺʭ຤԰࿫ۗࡼΣ ࢟gؐ౜ੌ΁d٢٢ּgϼᄨԈ౜d৛К౲gใࣟݤʩd΁ࡌgКཊန೩஥஄ࢸۤe͠

Ϊ౜ँ౜ᙠ፣਎ːɓɀɊ቗ਜ਼cɍ۹࿂Ɏजᐰዀ਎ːɣᆉi2000αೕϷؿࣵན଱ ɍd଱̒ʥ଱Ɋȹ፡ೄԾۗς࿘Ᏽजᐰዀ௖ԙԾۗς਎ːᆉh2002αؿ໊Сࣟ Ᏽཕ௖ԙʹڬ੡Ͳα௖ԙ਎ːᆉh2004αؿ໊Сࣟʥഒਅ፡ೄԾۗςྔۂҕੱɩ Ծۗς਎ːᆉeଊࣂˢ̳፣ႇȹፎഒВऋ਎ːc˚߬ν፣ഒВऋય౨ؿۗსςcԎ ผၤ࢟͠gؐ౜ੌ΁΋Аc࿫਎ഒВऋ௚Аؿ၀ፕᅥςe

ၤࢸۤ۩ᅥ྆΋А፣ႇȿୣʺऋࠌEɣሁ଱Ⱦ፡ೄԾۗςcK271cʥ଱ٶΪ౜ँ౜௖ ȹ՚ؿࠑᅥݚϷ࿔࿔ࠖeکcঢ়ሡࢸۤັᇻຝٴɊɄ፡ೄԾۗςcK456cɣՇᅥ়ᚭ

25.2.2005ʄFri€ ࿫܃ᖚɁᇹ Meet-the-Artist (Post-Performance) जүcၤСʩÐෙၐgΪ౜ँ౜Ӯࠍ܃ᜮଠ࿫ˮٴᚭ If you would like to meet Leif Ove Andsnes, please stay behind in the auditorium after the performance

ːCover and page 5 photograph © Rolf M Aagaardޚࠍʥ଱5ࠒ۬ ̡́ʍଽBiography 9

Leif Ove Andsnes Piano

The New York Times has called Leif Ove Andsnes “The most interesting pianist of his generation,” noting that “gorgeous tone, fleet-fingered technique, rhythmic integrity and textural clarity” are the hallmarks of his pianism.

The 2004/05 is a particularly exciting season for Andsnes as he is the youngest ever Carnegie Hall ‘Perspectives’ Artist. The series, launched in October 2004 and runs until May 2005, involves him performing at the Hall in recital, with the San Francisco Symphony Orchestra, with Christian Tetzlaff and with Ian Bostridge, as well as performing in a series of chamber music concerts at the Zankel Hall in the Carnegie complex. Also in the 2004/05 he returns to the Cleveland Orchestra and performs recitals in cities from London, Paris, Lucerne and Venice to New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.

Highlights of Andsnes’ 2003/04 season included a series of concerts on tour with the Camerata Academica des Mozarteums Salzburg, which he directed from the keyboard; concerts with the London Symphony Orchestra; the Oslo Philharmonic; a worldwide televised performance at the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony; and a tour of the USA with the Zurich Tonhalle Orchestra. Andsnes also devised a special residency project focusing on the works of Schumann which saw him perform in London, Vienna, Brussels and Amsterdam in Spring 2004; both in recital and in chamber music concerts with the Artemis Quartet, Christian and Tanya Tetzlaff and Ian Bostridge.

Leif Ove Andsnes is a staunch champion of chamber music and serves as Co-Artistic Director of the Risor Chamber Music Festival in Norway, an annual event which draws some of the most esteemed classical performers to Norway, such as Ian Bostridge, Barbara Hendricks, Maxim Vengerov and Gidon Kremer.

His critically acclaimed discography of nearly two dozen recordings includes three Gramophone Award-winners. He has twice won the Best Concerto category – in 2000 for his recordings of Haydn Piano Concerti Nos 3, 4 & 11, and in 2004 for his performances of the Grieg and Schumann piano concertos. In 2002 his recording of Grieg’s Lyric Pieces was announced as the Gramophone Award’s Recording of the Year. He is currently recording a series of Schubert albums featuring the composer’s late sonatas innovatively paired with selected Schubert songs with tenor Ian Bostridge.

Leif Ove Andsnes’ latest recording with the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra features Mozart Piano Concertos No 9, Jeune homme, K271 and No 18, K456. Recently released by EMI Classics, this recording has been a huge success, especially in Norway where it topped the Pop Charts in the week before Christmas. 12 ᅥ྆ᓯʍOrchestra Profile


ೕ܃໰௤ᐰcԎఈցˀٱ1977αcࢸۤ۩ᅥ྆Εᖚ୺ᐢဟऋဍ΁gಝ̛౲ؿ੓ეɎ ؿࠑᅥʥᖚ୺ᐢဟϴෙ࡭g̠࣍࢟ܨၤɰقࢄؿਥᓣeϬ௚྆ϭ2001αcಝ̛౲ȹ ࿫ˀ࿺ᄈΛcᄧᚊɈɖ෵Ԟ෵ɣeٲ΋АಲංeΕԭɁؿეኒɎcᅥ྆ؿ

ʭࠑᅥॶԚ۾ᐰΊႩᅌcजᐰዀᅥിҡৡॲᄘ༞i—܃ࢸۤ۩ᅥ྆ઐˮࠖਜ਼ɣဥ ˜஛ᅚ఻҄cᜑ҈ҡ఻҄ؿҡ೸ಲe҈

࿫ˮc1995α঴̟ےᅥ྆Εෙ౜஺ց౨ᐾፒࡨ଩ࠑᅥผc͛຤੒Εࢸۤd˵ᅩΈ࠯ ҡΕෙ౜஺ᐾፒԭαȹ۹ؿˬէࠑᅥຝe

˱dؐᖓؿࣵΈਝd෮ɣСdϹऒˑd̟ے࿫cӷ༌༧ʥߜਝΈɣٲᅥ྆຤੒̔ˮ ࢬɣcɌ౦Է޻ਝ˺ʑਥࠑᅥᜨʥ̀া߻ɻʶАԀি࿫ˮcԎ຤੒ΕߜਝஜႭࠑᅥ ຝ࿫ˮe2001αcᅥ྆ҡᏵᑼˮ࢐Հဍ࣓ਝ჌ࠑᅥຝcኪͨα۹቙ຝᅥ྆e

௅άज़ዟۗࡼ΋АcΣᖓ౜ԿؐၐթdୣԈ౜gΪᄨވ˖ΛαԞcᅥ྆౦ၤɺʭ ईd௶ഒԓgӴဍdμ৛౜gღႠ૆ဍdКԈ౜ແΪg࣮ऋ঍ּʩdΪᄨቧgਅዉdؒ ߻dΪᅳּgͤ͠ऋd௶Ϊ࡭gோКࣟཊʷဍdऋቧဍ౜gୣК౜೩e࿫ۗסˈෙgˈ eۂcɐ঴ʱᖓКࠑᅥcɎӿ๫ˤА؟ς͌͛ˀ࿺ᄤ

ɌၤСʩÐෙၐgΪ౜ँ౜˞ࣵནɍࠖԾۗςྔ੡ٶᏵᆉඖؿࢸۤ۩ᅥ྆c௖ྨ 2000αजᐰዀ௖ԙԾۗς਎ːᆉe


© Rolf M Aagaard ᅥ྆ᓯʍOrchestra Profile 13

Norwegian Chamber Orchestra

The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra (NCO) became a permanent ensemble in 1977 when it made its debut under the leadership of Terje Tønnesen, who is still the Orchestra's artistic director. Over the years he worked together with the late Iona Brown, who until 2001 was the music and artistic director. Under their direction, the NCO's schedule has become increasingly concentrated and far-reaching.

The NCO's first recording quickly established the Orchestra’s international reputation; the Gramophone critic simply wrote “No record has given me more pleasure and few as much”.

The NCO regularly gives a series of subscription concerts in Oslo and frequently performs in other cities in Norway and Scandinavia. From 1995 the Orchestra has presented the Winter Nights Festival in Oslo every second year.

Concert appearances have included performances at the London Proms and other major UK cities, the Baltic countries, Italy, Spain, Canada, and a tour in the US with concerts at Carnegie Hall and the Kennedy Center. In 2001 the Orchestra was invited as Festival Musicians of the Year by the Bergen International Festival.

Over the years the NCO has worked with major soloists such as Mstislav Rostropovich, Maurice André, Joshua Bell, Thomas Zehetmair, Christian Tetzlaff, Andrew Manze, Fabio Biondi, Angela Hewitt, Joanna MacGregor and Truls Mørks. It has developed a very wide repertoire, from Baroque music to contemporary works for chamber orchestras.

The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra has won several awards, most recently the 2000 Gramophone Concerto Award for its recording of three of Haydn's Concertos, with Leif Ove Andsnes.

The Orchestra’s artistic relationship with Leif Ove Andsnes has been particularly fruitful and has led to the pianist joining the Orchestra as Principal Guest Director from the 2003 season.

Norwegian Chamber Orchestra’s Tour Sponsors are:

Royal Norwegian Ministry of Cultural and Church Affairs ᖳХܰωࢸۤ۩ᅥ྆ɾԀি࿫ˮ ̡́ʍଽBiography 15

ऋဍ΁gಝ̛౲ ᖚ୺ᐢဟ

ؿɩొೄࡼcଊܞऋဍ΁gಝ̛౲ܰࢸۤࠖևȹ ࢸۤ۩ᅥ྆ᖚ୺ᐢဟʥෙ౜஺ဳ֞ᅥ྆྆ͨ cԎց౨ၤࢸۤԯˢᅥ྆΋А࿫ˮcኪͨዟٽ cΕࢸۤᅥኋᐾӷႦࠇeۗ

1972αcαඩɊȼؿಝ̛౲ࠖω೔̎ɰȹს᛹ Ɂeෙ౜஺ȹͫం௃ി༞i—˥Ɂ͌बؿࠖ࿫c ಲɁॶʥe˜ˢΕ๥ɡ፭৛К౜gᖓ౜ෑ૯஥ʄ c1977αιݯࢸۤ۩ᅥ྆ᖚ୺ᐢဟe܃α

ԭਝ࿫ˮc౦΋Аؿࠑᅥڜಝ̛౲ᘰ੡Λඖਝ჌ɣᑩࣦ࿘cԀিᅩ޻Έਝ˞ʥɻd ᖓ౜ԿؐၐթdୣԈ౜gΪᄨईʥ˻ɡgঢ়ۤhΕԯეኒɎؿᅥֺ྆ᙠ፣ؿ਎ܢ˳ࡼ ːc౦Ᏽਝ჌ᅥിࡼঢ়۹᜺౔e

ဍࣟԈճ౜ࣚؿ໱࿨c˞ʥጣ౜༠ঢ়ၐۄಝ̛౲౦ᙠ፣໊Сࣟؿɩొೄۗსςd ΃ۂؿ଱ɀɩొೄԾۗςhԎ࿫ۗऋဍ΁gСౝ༠ဍऋПݯˢϤᄘؿկ޸Аۖ ᐰe

޻ݘ೩ΔᐾϷؿࠑᅥผɻኪͨɩొೄዟۗcԎڲᄨਝdߜਝdໍഩˑ՗כಝ̛౲౦ Ε˵ᅩΈਝၤଠΛᅥ྆΋А࿫ˮe Terje Tønnesen Artistic Director

Terje Tønnesen is among Norway’s leading violinists, and plays an important role in Norwegian music life through his function as Artistic Director of the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra and concert master of the Oslo Philharmonic Orchestra. He has also been a regular soloist with the other major Norwegian orchestras.

In 1972, the 17 year old Tønnesen made a sensational debut. “A dazzling debut with hardly any parallel”, as an Oslo paper reported. After five years of study with Max Rostal in Switzerland, he was engaged as Artistic Director of the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra in 1977.

Tønnesen has won several international awards and has been on tour in Europe, the US, China and Russia. During his career he has worked with musicians such as Mstislav Rostropovich, Maurice André and James Galway. His recordings as an orchestra leader have received the highest praise in the international music press.

Tønnesen has recorded Grieg’s Sonatas for Violin, Hallgrímsson’s Poemi and Shostakovich’s Second Violin Concerto for the European Broadcast Union. He has also performed Terje Rypdal’s Unisonus, a commission especially written for him.

He has given concerts as a soloist in Germany, England, Portugal and South America and with a number of orchestras in the Nordic countries. ຝ͌Programme 17


ࣵན Dɣሁ଱Ɋȹ፡ೄԾۗς ร҄׶ ೟ྺ׶ €׶҄ޅͼˑСিફς

D 485ۂഒВऋ ࠌBɣሁ଱ʄ͚ᚊςcА ׶҄ τ৽ɈؿϷ׶ ɩүၦς҄׶€ÐɍᐰɻݒÐɩүၦς ݠᅱؿ҄׶


ϴ൒ऋgˈ̛ ᇅྺၤಞશ

K 453ۂୣʺऋ Gɣሁ଱Ɋȼ፡ೄԾۗςcА €ᅥݒٻജܢ˳׶҄ €ᅥݒٻജܢ˳Ϸ׶ €׶܈ɩ҄׶Ðୄς

25 February 2005 (Friday)

Joseph Haydn Piano Concerto No 11 in D major Vivace Un poco adagio Rondo all’Ungarese (Allegro assai)

Franz Schubert Symphony No 5 in B flat major, D 485 Allegro Andante con moto Menuetto (Allegro) – Trio – Menuetto Allegro vivace

– 15 minute interval –

Eivind Buene Langsam und Schmachtend

Wolfgang Piano Concerto No 17 in G major, K 453 Amadeus Mozart Allegro (with cadenza) Andante (with cadenza) Allegretto – Finale (Presto) 18 ᅥςʍଽProgramme Notes

Dɣሁ଱Ɋȹ፡ೄԾۗς ࣵན (1732-1809)

ღ˔પࡾѸࠑᅥᐢဟؿࣵནc৖ȿᎶ˟̯Ӹᓻۄcኪͨࡥ౜ऋٱɊɄ˖޵ɄɊαˤ ڃؿ჏ұeˢؿ͚ᚊς՗Ծۗςɺඩ຤੒Εۂ৻cᑹ඀ն࠹ᚋɣଠᅥ়ྦྷԯࠑᅥА eٴؿၐɖढ़ࠑᅥผˮଊcႩϭʱቭd࠷౗c΃ᅚɣՇᚭٶ

਻਻ಲၘe๫ɻٶ།યሦୣʺऋɺ΃cࣵན̋जɎྡྡ˿ᅕؿᒄೄԾۗςcϭʌడ ᒄೄ࿫ۗcɖ˿͂๫ࣂˀ࿺ݚϷؿ፡ೄᄦۗeɍࠖԾ̀͂˿ܫτȹࡨɍࠖԾۗςc ΃ᅥኂ࿫ۗi֞ᅥdȹྦྷ෋໔՗ȹྦྷᔶᓫဳeʥϭɀɊ˖޵ɍɊαˤcޚ˞ޑςۗ ஛ࠖDɣሁԾۗςࠇᐽଊˤࠑᅥၦ̎hϊςݠᅱ́৽c੓㠥ࣵནടΊؿ፡ೄۗსς ؿ—ͼˑјࠓࣟিફςeϊςࡈᆨᒖɺܰࣵནێ՗ɍࠇۗऋϳcୄᅥ௃ɖܰԯ԰ ᅥݒeٻജܢ˳भ༌€ɰ

D 485ۂࠌBɣሁ଱ʄ͚ᚊςcА ഒВऋ (1797-1828)

1816αcၐɖढ़ܧѫɺᖇc຤Ꮬ՗ᖚ୺яாɃГᅸi1814ϭ1815αၐɖढ़ผᘪ༦ ᚬˀऩᖇ՞cഒВऋ೩ȹଠϬͅ˚ຮܧ૆ऋँؿঢ়Ꭶޚ஻ᛉ਽ЗeଡӮࠖےcͲ܃ ႓i—ഒВऋԞȿc๫Ɏؿࠇࠇ஻ᛉ҄߬ڳ஭෰Էࣩቖe੹ʥϭȾ˂cˢؿʤɁّ ˜ᅆ඀e܁୽ˢؿફ

ࢄ඀ݠɈ˨Ҹؿ᎚޻˚ᕀhΕۿɺʥ܈eˢۂc஛ܰഒВऋ௖఻҄ؿ͚ᚊςАّʹ Λٻc୥ᗲؿʵɥగಲ˞ݯᘗe“Ϸ׶”˨࿶ଔਝࠓੱcϳ܃డ࠯Ⴆܹؿဳᅥ՗֞ɾ ʺᛰh၇અؿ“ɩүၦς”ࣂϤ԰ඏcࣂϤᓯኴhୄᅥ௃˚ᕀ৐ᕷΛۜcࠧཫˮϬୣ ऋʹ೫e

Ð ɻ௿ͤࢠɊʄʗᘸ Ð ᅥςʍଽProgramme Notes 19

ᇅྺၤಞશ ϴ൒ऋgˈ̛ (1973-)

ϴ൒ऋgˈ̛ΛɷΛᖚcʨɷ኷ึc୽഼ݯࢸۤณࣃАςࡼؿّ᩵᩵eᇅྺၤಞ 2003αෙ౜஺ୄร๫ˤࠑᅥຝɻࠖ࿫cࣟͅቧВכc౦ۂશݯࢸۤ۩ᅥ྆կ޸А ܞ౎e

ᇃؿ၉೼cϊς1999αΕෙ౜஺۩ᅥࠑᅥຝɻۂȹᐾιΊؿܰԯဳ֞ᅥА̛ˈ˥ ෙ౜஺ɩ͚ᚊᅥ྆Аࠖ࿫e1999ϭ2001αˢኪͨ໮྆቙྆Аςࡼcˈ̛ႏݯ஛ݒͅ ࠉc௚஥ณᅥိcԎވࣂ౨ྦྷˢรԮઢೕֲeཫȹԒ΃౨Аςࡼঁcˈ̛ዶร̨व ૥΋ΛိࠑᅥѼβe஛ՅΉ།ˢ౦ݯݚϷࠑᅥɁؿ߇ౡτᗐcᒖಳΕԯᗲആؿࠑᅥ ᛷcЎˢؿΛʏʝ߇ౡcԚˢϬಳΔ࠹νԎၫcɺᒾҒఖณӯ۹cԎעɻԎɺۂА ɻ༜͂ˮԞeۂΕА

ȹடϻቷၙʥࣱౙؿܢ˳ϬӰi—҈ཹ໰ᔄᇅྺၤಞશ௚Аྺ஠ᅥςc๫ɻ̛ˈ ᙩeܛࠑᅥΑኙeࠑᅥτࣂ੾ಳϤ˅cֶ৤ज˸Գhԯ෬ୀؿݠ৽஭୽ᒷɣcᛰ੡ ɻۂςؿ஠۹ᅟতe҈౦ΕԯˢАۗکᅥςᅟᕀԞϬജࣟढ़ऋԈ౜դၤ͠ॗဍᄨ eֲٲ௖Ԯˤڬઔ͂Ϲݗࠑᅥؿ຤԰ᕀҥԎ˱˞ೕ౎cϤऋԈ౜դၤ͠ॗဍᄨ ፣hֺ࣓ኣّc˚߬܆ᇅྺၤಞશ࣓ܰኣऋԈ౜դၤ͠ॗဍᄨࠖʗᘸᄘιؿҶ ɺܰടΊؿऋԈ౜դ՗֞cϤܰᅥ௃঴ͥؿ৽ྸcᑹτςሁᖪᇃၤΈ՗ᐰᄙωؿᇰ ݯ঴ᒨc࿺࿺ዟ͓ೕࢄ঴Ԟeۂe஛Ԓ஭ܰϊᅥ௃ؿਥᓣc˞ജࣟढ़Аޯ

Ґϊςᘆ೽΢eΐϊcᅥςڏᄘАᇅྺၤಞશࣂcɤԫ୧Кਥࡄ̝ˮ́c҈҈— ˜૏ɺթ֯eڏฎᘑςА೶˞܃௖


K 453ۂGɣሁ଱Ɋȼ፡ೄԾۗςcА ୣʺऋ (1756-1791)

АࠖکጱϬΕ੥˂̒כ1783αࡧտcୣʺऋݯၐɖढ़ᅥտ௚Аȿ஛ࠖԾۗςc޸ ؿ֗˖܃ᅥݒᄘɎc஛˿႓ܰٻˢҐࡈ̯ݯ଱ȹdɀᅥ௃АЩጙ࿫ۗؿജ܃࿫hԯ ێ༜e΃αʒ˂cୣʺऋؿነ́ʱˈऋgౝݤ߁ʹ࿫ۗϊςe།ԯၐɖढ़ࣂ౨ؿ԰ ˝ର೩ᅥኂడٽԾۗςȹᅚcϊςઔ͂ဳᅥؿʹؒณዷcᔶᓫဳdʱ׸ဳd෋໔d ঽֈݯЂۗeڬ᎚޻԰ඏcϤ֞ᅥ܁ၤዟۗ፡ೄ̡ʗޭϳcֺۗؿωફ

ሣޚ଱ȹᅥ௃˞Ҷྡྷؿဳ֞ᅥʵɥ඀նcԯʹଊ஫ͫၤҌ̝ᆏᏹؿዟۗైɃݒʃ ࣂܹ՗cЎ෵Ԟ෵ѩ৩cᔝሁɣᐺe“ୄς”ͅԭ஫ͫୂιiࠖ஫ͫܰٱe“Ϸ׶”ܮ ׶”Ѯᐰc˞ณ˚ᕀӔᚭΔ೶ҢcȹࣩՉιe܈ȹୂᛰۗςhω஫ͫܰ“ cֺτᅥςʍଽiࣟཊճǧਠࢬע৖ऋПഽ ɻᘭiሲኮѻ ᅥςʍଽProgramme Notes 21

Piano Concerto No 11 in D major Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

During the early 1780s Haydn began to look beyond his duties as music director to the princely Esterházy family, and respond to a growing public demand for his music. His symphonies and concertos increasingly found their way into concerts not only in nearby Vienna, but in Paris and London too.

Unlike his young contemporary, Mozart, Haydn left only a handful of keyboard concertos, none of them well-known today. From this time comes a single set of three concertos that could be played either on harpsichord, or the then increasingly popular pianoforte. All are scored for strings with pairs of horns and oboes. The Concerto in D, first revived in a modern performance as recently as the 1930s, shares the vibrant characteristics of Haydn’s better-known piano sonatas and trios, and has a splendid example of Haydn’s trademark ‘Hungarian’ rondos as finale. Its manuscript source (though not in Haydn’s own hand) includes cadenzas.

Symphony No 5 in B flat major, D 485 Franz Schubert (1797-1828)

In 1816, the political situation in Vienna was terrible. Depressed, economically and artistically, in the wake of the Congress of Vienna (1814-15), the city was mired in gloom. It was a time of despondency for liberals like Schubert and his circle, who were now witnessing the full force of Chancellor Metternich’s repressive policies. In September, however, one of his friends noted: “Schubert is coming, and the somewhat leaden vapours of the moment will be lifted by his melodies”.

In this Symphony too, Schubert is at his happiest. So impatient is he to launch into the gorgeously exuberant opening theme that his attempt at a solemn introduction falters after a few soft chords from the winds. The exotic and colourful Andante is followed by a Menuetto that is courtly and rustic by turns, with a finale whose scintillating theme could almost have come from Mozart’s pen.

– 15 minute interval – 22 ᅥςʍଽProgramme Notes

Langsam und Schmachtend Eivind Buene (1973-)

Eivind Buene has cut a strong profile as one of the most versatile among the younger generation of Norwegian composers. His work Langsam und Schmachtend was commissioned by the Norwegian Chamber Orchestra and first performed during the Ultima 2003 Contemporary Music Festival in Oslo, conducted by HK Gruber.

The composer aroused wide interest with his orchestral piece In a Network of Lines, when it was performed by the Oslo Sinfonietta during the Oslo Chamber Music Festival in 1999. Between 1999 and 2001 Eivind Buene was Composer-in- Residence with the Oslo Sinfonietta, a period he considers “immensely instructive”. Like several of his contemporaries, Buene has a positive view on breaking boundaries and established genres, as well as mixing musical forms. To some extent this reflects his past experience as a pop musician, although this is not felt too strongly in his work as a serious composer. However, his multifaceted background makes it natural for him to take an eclectic approach, continually seeking new angles to use in his work as a composer.

In Eivind Buene’s own words: Langsam und Schmachend is an attempt at writing slow music. The work consists of a series of condensing and dissolving musical memories. The music makes a halt and lingers at short moments; small movements are enlarged and sustained. The title is Richard Wagner’s tempo marking from the Prelude to Tristan und Isolde. I have worked on treating material from the western music history canon in several of my works, and Tristan and Isolde is one of this history’s true icons. Langsam und Schmachtend is a meditation on the first minute of Wagner’s work. Not primarily on the famous ‘Tristan chord’, but rather on the rising and falling movements and the friction between melodic lines and harmonic layers. This material forms the basis for musical movements that gradually develop independently of the Wagnerian starting point.

Langsam und Schmachtend is dedicated to my daughter Rikke, who was born while I was composing this work. Consequently, it does not seem unnatural that the music fades out with a lullaby.

Notes provided by the Orchestra ᅥςʍଽProgramme Notes 23

Piano Concerto No 17 in G major, K 453 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

Mozart composed this concerto for Vienna’s summer season of 1783. He probably premiered it at a concert attended by the Emperor in April, after which, luckily, he also wrote down for posterity his originally improvised cadenzas for the first two movements. His pupil, Babette Ployer, gave a second performance in June. Typical of his Viennese concertos is the inventive use of winds. Oboes, bassoons, horns and a single flute at times seem almost to share in the piano’s solo role, providing elegant counter-melodies while the strings are relegated to be mere accompanists.

In the opening movement, the solidity of the orchestral introduction and its reprises contrasts with the virtuosic display of the solo episodes. The Andante opens gently but moves more grandly through distant keys. The finale is in two parts: the first a set of variations, the second a Presto coda whose new theme facilitates a euphoric rush toward the end.

Unless otherwise specified, all programme notes by Graeme Skinner 34 ຝ͌Programme


40ۂСࣟ Gɣሁ፳ဍВࣟୂςcА໊ €ςݠᅱؿ҄׶ۗک €ᔁּԄၦςϷ׶ €ၦςɩ҄׶€ÐᎴ෌ऋၦς೟ཽ҄͑ €࿨ሁক໶ؿϷ׶ €Ԉʷ׭ၦςͮሣؿ҄׶

K 456ۂୣʺऋ ࠌBɣሁ଱ɊɄ፡ೄԾۗςcА ݠᅱؿ҄׶ ೟၍֝ؿϷ׶ ݠᅱؿ҄׶


BWV 1056ۂʱႠ FɩሁᒄೄԾۗςcА €׶҄ ᄤ׶ ׶܈

ࣵན ʠFɩሁ଱̒Ɋʄ͚ᚊςcйП ׶҄ޅ ׶ྺ ɩүၦςɩ҄׶€ÐɍᐰɻݒÐɩүၦς €׶Ðྺ׶܈ୄς ຝ͌Programme 35

26 February 2005 (Saturday)

Edvard Grieg Holberg Suite in G major, Op 40 Prelude (Allegro vivace) Sarabande (Andante) Gavotte (Allegretto) – Musette (Poco più mosso) Air (Andante religioso) Rigaudon (Allegro con brio)

Wolfgang Piano Concerto No 18 in B flat major, K 456 Amadeus Mozart Allegro vivace Andante un poco sostenuto Allegro vivace

– 15 minute interval –

Johann Keyboard Concerto in F minor, BWV 1056 Sebastian Bach (Allegro) Largo Presto

Joseph Haydn Symphony No 45 in F sharp minor, Farewell Allegro assai Adagio Menuetto (Allegretto) – Trio – Menuetto Finale (Presto – Adagio) 36 ᅥςʍଽProgramme Notes

40ۂGɣሁ፳ဍВࣟୂςcА ໊Сࣟ (1843-1907)

1884αܰࢸۤ௖৩ɣАࡼɾȹ༏ᄨၐࣟg፳ဍВࣟ1684-1754€ᇻ́ɀϛ՚α޵֨c iȹܰ૜਎ჱcΕՀဍ࣓ɣᄤ௿፳ဍఃۂСࣟᏵᑼݯϊଞԑАςeˢᄘȿԭࠖА໊ ᆃ੪໊כԞ୽ᓯီݯ፳ဍВࣟୂςeྦྷ܃cۂɁཫ్ྭᓤɻ࿫ˮh̊ȹܰ֞ᅥА Сࣟ፡ೄԾۗς՗͊ဍ g΁ဍऋୂςؿᚹଠԞ႓c˿ॶྦྷ፳ဍВࣟୂςؿన̀ ࠓࣟɣ෰෮̔e

ಳϤcϊςͲΊݯԞϬ፳ဍВࣟࣂˤi˞̀ࠓᄘιؿୂςc˿Ӯన̀ࠓ̳ࣟܰА ਽c஛ԭϽࠑᅥࡼؿᄧޅ͚ޚςࡼؿࡈ෮e፳ဍВࣟၤඩɩˢȹัؿʱႠ՗ᒚᄨဍ ʱᖓКၦςςβɾɻcАݯʄ࠯ྦྷˈᅥ௃ؿਥێΕ໊Сࣟፕ͂ؿ԰ܮᚊcϬಳʦ ᓣe஛ࠖࢧϦؿᅥςc̳ܰྦྷ፳ဍВࣟؿኴྡྷᘆᓤe

K 456ۂࠌBɣሁ଱ɊɄ፡ೄԾۗςcА ୣʺऋ (1756-1791)

ɣᒭ౨՗ੀᐽ౨ܰୣʺऋαɻ௖δؿࣂ࠰eԯࣂઠผɎ˥ၐɖढ़ֺτ࿨ჱ৑՗ჱ৑ ؿ࡯ᅥࣱႬcᐲডԷӝɁᅥᜨֶ֚଱c୏ሌኂᅥ࿫ۗޒఒᗫਦૃיᗐஶcᅥ়̋Ρ ɣʸผᖳХኬӡͶؿ—ነผ˜ЩԅԒ࿫ۗผ€cԜ˔۩ʤɁ՗́෮ྑЂࣱپผeঢ় Ⴌe

Ⱦ˂֛ѧכୣʺऋ1784α౦௚АȹࡨʒࠖԾۗςcܰω࿫ۗؿ̳ܰԯɻ଱ʄࠖc ؿʨɷ፡ೄࡼနᗫԓgऋСϹע̖ ιc˞ௐੀᐽ౨ɾ͂eˢ˞ϊςᕀᘆ೽ʤɁ ԓgּ֔߻౜c๫ࣂ΢̳Εʱቭ՗࠷౗࿫ˮe̳ΣୣʺऋξԭαྦྷϬɯؿ፡ೄԾۗ ɺ˜ՈeτԒːݒ̋τϷڳɾංhሣ๕ࢧϦcמςؿѼࢀi—஛ࠖณА€ʍ˝ᗒၤ ˜ɺᘨ௩ᚭ̚eكြɻৡեcɖผɺ͉עࡼɷᎷcЎȹঁɁᐣಳɺ

Ð ɻ௿ͤࢠɊʄʗᘸ Ð ᅥςʍଽProgramme Notes 37

BWV 1056ۂFɩሁᒄೄԾۗςcА ʱႠ (1685-1750)

Ϥᄘc஛ܰȹ࠯ဳ֞ᅥمʱႠ౦௚АɊ̒ࠖᒄೄԾۗςcԯɻɣ஫ͫݯԯɣነࠑᅥ ஭ɺܰۂτၙผ՗࿫ˮe஛ԒАޑcҰ՚Εഠˈ።ཽ١ಿ༏ؿღ᎖ဍਅՊ਋ᜨمผ Ͳณ௚АcஈΛܰҝᇁϬʱႠξ౨ؿɩొೄֶᔶᓫဳԾۗςe

1740ά̞ᇁᄘϤιc੹ࡈςɻ˚߬ؿᔶᓫဳዟۗ஫ͫଊɰכω࿫ۗؿԾۗς޸ܰ ړ˞ౙИeʱႠ1729αੀϊς৽Ɂؿɻᅥ௃͂Аઠผ૜਎ჱؿѵྭ͚ᚊςcΐϊ੡ Φe

೶ڬؿ“ᄤ׶”eϤ଱ȹd଱ɍᅥ௃̯خᅥ˞ᅆۗ࿫ᖐᒄೄ֞͐ܞࠤ੡؇෮ܰcʱႠ ࿚၇਽i଱ȹᅥ௃ɻcᒄೄȹࣩՉιcӀτȹԳะ˅c੓ˮࠑᅥ˚ᕀؿኬ࠯˚οh А͂c ᒄೄၤ֞ᅥ̡ʗȿԅԒࠑᅥॖҥeޚʦc௖ୄᅥ௃৯ࠇྦྷϽؒؿʃޚ

ʠFɩሁ଱̒Ɋʄ͚ᚊςcйП ࣵན (1732-1809)

ღጱ˔ɮАcܰȹɯɾ֗e੹Ұαࡧۄؿ̛̀௜К౜gࡥ౜ऋעࣵནႏݯcॶݯ඀ ౨ʗ඀e1772αcˢࠨஞजΕٽտcᅥ྆ιࡗ඘፭˔પሰ֡ࡧࡾᑷౢc୽߾ၤࡼɁ ෱Αࡼe۾ࣵནగሬࣂΔ෱ˮќ߮cొፚጱ˔ᅥ࢑஭ܰכࡧࡾؿࣂංˈ˞֡ҡɔc

ཫܰᔾ̔ైɃؿྺڳ๫஛ࠖ૯Ҷؿɩሁ͚ᚊς҄߬೶Ңࣂcࣵན˱ɐȹݒ“ྺ׶”c ᅥᖪᅥኂcк฾ܣᅥ࢑஢ȹν͐ܞᅥ௃cᛷ੡ࣟࣟɺɃeɷۗȿᅕ࠯ɩຝcࣵནగ ௛Ɏࣵན՗৹ʹcۗˮ̡̋܃ᙱᏮcࢡಳᔴ඀ࠑᅥᜨeᅥ࢑஛ᅚȹ࠯ȹ࠯ᔴ඀c௖ Ɏ˥̨༞Α֚eڏြɻф෮c୊ˀ૜઱͉ע˔፷ؿɀࠇۗ೶ҢͲςeᛷಳcጱ

ֺτᅥςʍଽiࣟཊճǧਠࢬ ௿˰ɻᘭiሲኮѻ 40 ᅥςʍଽProgramme Notes

Holberg Suite in G major, Op 40 Edvard Grieg (1843-1907)

In 1884 Grieg was invited to contribute to the celebrations of the bicentenary of the birth of one of his nation’s great writers, Ludvig Holberg (1684-1754). As well as a cantata, sung at the unveiling of a statue of Holberg in Bergen’s main square, Grieg composed, for string orchestra alone, what has since come to be known simply as the Holberg Suite. For anyone familiar with Grieg’s Piano Concerto or his Peer Gynt Suite, the Holberg Suite’s old-world feel may come as a surprise.

However, its full title, From Holberg’s Time: A Suite in the Olden Style, leaves no doubt that this is precisely as Grieg intended it. Naturally, Holberg’s close musical contemporaries, Bach and Handel (both born only a year later in 1685), loom large in Grieg's selection of typical Baroque dance forms as the basis of the five contrasted movements of his delightful and unassuming tribute.

Piano Concerto No 18 in B flat major, K 456 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791)

The busiest times of Mozart's year were the seasons of Lent and Advent, when the Church ordered Vienna’s opera houses and theatres closed. Music lovers, forced to eschew more spectacular entertainment, flocked instead to concerts of instrumental music in private halls or residences. Wealthy householders sponsored whole series of ‘academies’ (as these concerts were called) for the amusement of court and business associates.

This Concerto, the fifth of a record six Mozart composed in 1784, was finished late in September ready for the Advent season. He dedicated it to a friend, the talented blind pianist Maria Theresia Paradies, who was then performing in Paris and London. As Mozart had described his piano concertos a couple of years earlier, the new work was “somewhere midway between difficult and easy; brilliant; pleasant on the ear, but not vapid. Some moments, only connoisseurs will understand, yet non-connoisseurs will be enchanted without knowing why.”

– 15 minute interval – ᅥςʍଽProgramme Notes 41

Keyboard Concerto in F minor, BWV 1056 Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750)

Bach composed most of his 14 keyboard concertos for his Collegium Musicum, an orchestral society that met and performed each week at Zimmermann’s Coffee House in Leipzig’s Catherinenstrasse. None of these works was entirely new, however; rather, many were arrangements of earlier violin or oboe concertos.

In the case of this Concerto, which Bach arranged around 1740, most of the original work for solo oboe is lost, though Bach did also salvage its lovely central movement in 1729 as the opening sinfonia of one of his church cantatas.

Notably, in this keyboard version of the Largo, Bach directs the strings to play pizzicato. Both outer movements are tightly constructed. In the first, the keyboard plays virtually without a break, and it carries the entire gist of the musical argument. By contrast, in the more contrapuntal interplay of the final movement, keyboard and string orchestra share the musical material more equally.

Symphony No 45 in F sharp minor, Farewell Joseph Haydn (1732-1809)

Haydn counted himself fortunate in having as enlightened an employer as Prince Nikolaus Esterházy. Members of his orchestra, however, were sad to be separated from their families during the long season the court spent at its summer palace, and in 1772 their stay was even more prolonged than usual. Haydn duly conceived a subtle scheme to remind Nikolaus that the musicians were missing home.

Toward the end of this sombre minor-keyed Symphony, Haydn added an unusual concluding Adagio, as if it were an extra, misplaced slow movement. A few bars into it, he directed his players, one by one, to start packing up their music and instruments, blow out their candles, and quietly leave the hall. The departures continued until only Haydn and his deputy remained to finish the Symphony as a serene duet. The prince evidently understood the message, and the following morning gave orders that the court would be leaving for home.

All programme notes by Graeme Skinner ᅥ྆ιࡗOrchestra Members 43

ࢸۤ۩ᅥ྆ Norwegian Chamber Orchestra

ᖚ୺ᐢဟ Artistic Director ऋဍ΁gಝ̛౲ Terje Tønnesen

଱ȹɩొೄ First Violins Гࠑɣొೄ Double Basses Terje Tønnesen Katrine Øigaard Jan Bjøranger Knut Erik Sundquist Fredrik Paulsson Tor Johan Bøen ̀ᒄೄ Harpsichord Miranda Playfair Knut Johannesen Stine Rem Aarønes ର Fluteٽ Cecilia Hultkrantz Cecilie Løken ଱ɀɩొೄ Second Violins Per Kristian Skalstad ᔶᓫဳ Oboes Frode Larsen Fredrik Söhngen Elisabeth Dingstad Ingunn Lien Marianne Hustad Emma de Frumerie ʱ׸ဳ Bassoons Kari Foss ɻొೄ Violas Embrik Snerte Ane Lysebo Jon Sønstebø ෋໔ Horns Stig-Ove Ose Esa Tukia Emil Jonasson Steinar Granmo Nilsen

ɣొೄ Cellos Øystein Sonstad Emery Cardas Audun André Sandvik

The Norwegian Chamber Orchestra appears by arrangement with Van Walsum Management and Konzertdirektion Hans Ulrich Schmid. ᖳХིٞ߮Patron’s Club ผࡗ Gold Membersټ ผࡗ Platinum Membersټ͉ ಲΊˊ Anonymous ᚋ༅ႺϷ Coutts Bank ผ C C Wu Cultural & Education ષᛷСጙพτࠉʔ̇ Henry G Leong Estates Ltdټඑιʼʝઠөਥ͢ Foundation Fund ՗তඡࡣτࠉʔ̇ Hutchison Whampoa Ltd 㟱එ྆ E2-Capital Group ֱ՗එ྆ Jardines Matheson Ltdټ ෙ޻ᄤй Ogilvy & Mather Asia Pacific ཽԈઁٖτࠉʔ̇ Kerry Holdings Ltd ଓ৛ۤผ߮࢑ԑ৻ֺ KPMG Ⴚผࡗ Silver Members Ⱦᄤᚁ༏ʔ̇ -Canton Ⴛผࡗ Bronze Members RailwayCorporation ఒᄨͬพτࠉʔ̇ Fontana Enterprises Ltd ɐࣵਆพႺϷ Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd ෬சࠗಋτࠉʔ̇ Microsoft Hong Kong Ltd The Swire Group Charitable Trust ټপਥڌʪ̀එ྆෯ഁ ነ́଩ི߮ࢶХɁ Student Ticket Scheme Donors ᆉ Platinum Award The Helena May The Helena Mayټ͉ ಲΊˊ Anonymous ߈͓́ͱ́ Mr Maurice Hoo ผ C C Wu Cultural & Education Ms Caroline Hu Ms Caroline Huټඑιʼʝઠөਥ͢ Foundation Fund Ms Hu Shu Ms Hu Shu ٦࿏ႺϷ Citigroup Mrs Dorothy Hung Mrs Dorothy Hung 㟱ᔔ HSBC Ms Teresa Hung Chi Wah Ms Teresa Hung Chi Wah ณҙ༅τࠉʔ̇ Welcome Group Investment Limited ʬ˥ജɤɡ Ms Hung Ling Wahٴ ผ Zegna Culture Foundation ਝ჌ᘷ߹ʼʝɻʶ The International Centre ofټ٠ᙬʼʝਥ Sakyamunis Culture Ltd ͱ́ Mr Paul R Jacksonڌᝃ͏ᆉ Diamond Award ࢐ ષࡼ௑ͱ́ʩɁ Mr & Mrs Alan Leong Mr David G Jeaffreson Mr David G Jeaffreson བ࢟ࠑᅥɻʶ Joyin Piano Music Centre ᆉ Gold Award Ms Joelle Kabbaj Ms Joelle Kabbajټ ಲΊˊ Anonymous Kambo Manufacturing Co Ltd Kambo Manufacturing Co Ltd Bloomsbury Books Ltd Bloomsbury Books Ltd Mr Ko Ying Mr Ko Ying Sir Kenneth Fung Ping Fan Sir Kenneth Fung Ping Fan Mr Kelvin Koo Mr Kelvin Koo Foundation Trust Foundation Trust Mr Irving Koo Yee Yin Mr Irving Koo Yee Yin Mr & Mrs Lester Kwok Mr & Mrs Lester Kwok Ⱦ᎘ᐢਆผ Kowloon Chamber of Commerce ષਝᚬͱ́ʩɁ Mr & Mrs Lincoln Leong ᗐʼႚͱ́ Mr Johnny Kuan Ms Nam Kit Ho Ms Nam Kit Ho Ms Anna Kwok On Nar Ms Anna Kwok On Nar ͱ́ Kwok Shiu Mingעͱ́ Mr Stephen Suen ஬Ͱעࡸ࿵ ࡸ̷ሣͱ́ʥܪဈᄨɤɡ Mr Stephen Sun & Ms Edith Shih Mr Lam Kiu Sum Mr Lam Kiu Sum ҧ࿘ਥͱ́ Mr To Wing Kee Mr Edmund Law Kai Chung Mr Edmund Law Kai Chung Mr & Mrs Percy Weatherall Mr & Mrs Percy Weatherall ңኹ࿘ͱ́ Dr Ernest Lee Shu Wing ̷ϼႺϷ Wing Hang Bank ңᄫણɤɡ Ms Mary Lee ͨᚪзͱ́ Mr David Yam ң޻࢟ɤɡ Ms Myron Lee ່ጷፓ௟ɡ Dr M T Geoffrey Yeh ң৩ࢯͱ́ Mr Alex Li Wai Chun Ⴚᆉ Silver Award Ms Ester Li Ms Ester Li ಲΊˊ (2) Anonymous (2) ңᎶ̞ͱ́ Mr Li Ying Chor ᅩඈВ੖ͱ́ʩɁ Susan & Bernard Auyang Miss Beatrice Lin Miss Beatrice Lin ᒉਮֱɤɡ Ms Josephine Chung Mr & Mrs Craig Lindsay Mr & Mrs Craig Lindsay Epico Trading Co Ltd Epico Trading Co Ltd Mr William Littlewood Mr William Littlewood ʿਝ֦ͱ́ Mr Bill Fong K C Mr Frederick Lochovsky Mr Frederick Lochovsky George and Paulette Ho George and Paulette Ho ஺ཽˡͱ́ Mr Christopher J Lucas Mr & Mrs David Lin Mr & Mrs David Lin Mr John Lui Mr John Lui ୣ৩᎘ͱ́ʩɁ Mr & Mrs Vernon Moore Ms Yvonne Lui Yan Yan Ms Yvonne Lui Yan Yan Mr and Ms Frank & Ellen Proctor Mr and Ms Frank & Ellen Proctor Mr Andrew Ma Mr Andrew Ma Mr & Mrs John & Anthea Strickland Mr & Mrs John & Anthea Strickland Mr Mark Machin Mr Mark Machin ோָ࣊ Mackie Study Ltdځ Mr & Mrs Stephen Tan Mr & Mrs Stephen Tan Mr Wong Kong Chiu Mr Wong Kong Chiu Mr Mak Fai Shing Mr Mak Fai Shing Mr Michael Mak Hoi Hung Mr Michael Mak Hoi Hung Ⴛᆉ Bronze Award Mak Ko Kee Building Contractor Ltd Mak Ko Kee Building Contractor Ltd ಲΊˊ (18) Anonymous (18) Mr John Malpas Mr John Malpas Sir David Akers-Jones Sir David Akers-Jones Maplewood Education Services Maplewood Education Services ਂⴷᘚͱ́ Mr Au Son Yiu Mr Michael McClellan Mr Michael McClellan Ms Gael Black Ms Gael Black Ms Olivia Mo Siu Wai Ms Olivia Mo Siu Wai Ms Caroline Calvey Ms Caroline Calvey ୣяନͱ́ Mr Mok Kwun Cheung ஹᅥ́ͱ́ Mr Samuel Chan Lok Sang Dr & Mrs Sam Nariman Dr & Mrs Sam Nariman ஹᄨᗎͱ́ Mr Chan Tak Ken Mr Kellogg Ngai Mr Kellogg Ngai Ms Chan Wan Tung Ms Chan Wan Tung Mr David Owens Mr David Owens ஹ፷შɩմ Ms Liat Chen Mrs Platt and Friends Mrs Platt and Friends Mr & Mrs Ann & Paul Chen Mr & Mrs Ann & Paul Chen ᅾཽʼɤɡ Dr Belinda Poon K M Ms Vina Cheng Ms Vina Cheng Ms Poon Lai Chuen Ms Poon Lai Chuen ͱ́ Mr Cheung Kam Cheong Mr Neil F Pryde Mr Neil F Prydeןਜ਼፦ Mr Andrew Chin W S Mr Andrew Chin W S Radiant Tech Worldwide Limited Radiant Tech Worldwide Limited Ms Tabitha Chiu Shui Man Ms Tabitha Chiu Shui Man Security Systems (Far East) Ltd Security Systems (Far East) Ltd Ms Gillian Choa Ms Gillian Choa Mr So Kin Man Mr So Kin Man Mrs Maisie N Choa Mrs Maisie N Choa Dr Tai Yau Ting Dr Tai Yau Ting ୥ʨͨͱ́ Mr Alex Chong Ms Francis Tang Wai Man Ms Francis Tang Wai Man Ms Grace Chou Ai-Ling Ms Grace Chou Ai-Ling ࡌౡਫ਼ͱ́ʩɁ Mr & Mrs Jim K P Tong Ms Christina Chow Mei Ling Ms Christina Chow Mei Ling Ms Tsang Wai Yu Ms Tsang Wai Yu ՚ݰജͱ́ Mr Chow Ping Wah ௑ޫཋɥτࠉʔ̇ Vogue Electronics Co Ltd ʼʝ༅౐τࠉʔ̇ Cultural Strategies Ltd Ms Linda Wang Ms Linda Wang Mr Steven Davidson Mr Steven Davidson Mr Ian Wingfield Mr Ian Wingfield Mr Philip Dykes Mr Philip Dykes Ms Christine Wong Ms Christine Wong Ms Lucille Evans Ms Lucille Evans Ms Elsa Wong Yuen Mee Ms Elsa Wong Yuen Mee ፳ዷᎨͱ́ Mr Fok Wing Huen Ms Mariam Wong Ms Mariam Wong Ms Fong Siu Man Ms Fong Siu Man Ms Wong Mei Sin Ms Wong Mei Sin Mr Kenneth H C Fung Mr Kenneth H C Fung ඡȽᐊͱ́ Mr Wong Nai Hay ͱ́ Mr Fung Shiu Lam ඡ̷ੜᔢ́ʥඡਫ਼Ᏺᔢ́ Dr Wong Wing Keung & Dr Wong Ban Cho׳ඟͰ Ms Susan Gordon Ms Susan Gordon ˩Ѻऒ Xiong Di Ban Mr and Mrs A R Hamilton Mr and Mrs A R Hamilton ЕᄨႼͱ́ Mr Desmond Yu Dr Anthony Keith Harris Dr Anthony Keith Harris Еԯନͱ́ʩɁ Mr & Mrs Joseph K C Yu ʻܛʥԾХ6XSSRUWDQG&RRSHUDWLRQ

ఆӕݎఆ 1971 design workshop ਝ჌࿫ᖚിሃࡼԾผࠗಋʗผ€ International Association of 89268 89268 Theatre Critics (HK) ਝ჌ Ion GlobalסAcorn Design Ltd Acorn Design Ltd ϴ ʔ̇ Air France ࠗಋ෮ɣСਆผ Italian Chamber of Commerce inيਝॾؒ ඡౣ᎘ Alvin Wong Hong Kong Ancha Vista Ancha Vista ࠗಋ෮ɣСʼʝԾผ The Italian Cultural Society of Hong Kong Kent Fok@tn PEACOCK ֦ە᎚൙உ߮ A-Plus Design ፳ ኵСᄤйτࠉʔ̇ Avanny Advertising Co Ltd Ⱦ᎘ᐢਆผ Kowloon Chamber of Commerce Bloomsbury Books Ltd Bloomsbury Books Ltd Ⱦ᎘ৈ֙ Kowloon Hotel Hong Kong ჱ৑ Kwai Tsing TheatreڇBMG Hong Kong Ltd BMG Hong Kong Ltd ໅ ಶဳଉ Brand HK Management Office ࠗಋ࣍Ѹৈ֙ Langham Hotel Hong Kongۂࠗಋ ʔ̇ Lufthansa German AirlinesيߜਝʼʝԾผ British Council ᄨਝ࿵ଡ଼ॾ ʔ̇ Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd ʒਝৈ֙ Luk Kwok Hotel Hong Kongيਝ࣮ॾ ோָ࣊ Mackie Studyځ CCDCၦᑰɻʶ CCDC Dance Centre ࠗಋɻജᐢਆผ The Chinese General Chamber The Mammals The Mammals of Commerce ৛˿Ѧᖓࠗಋৈ֙ The Marco Polo Hong Kong Hotel ༠ࠑᅥτࠉʔ̇ Master Music Ltdע Chocolate Rain Jewelery & Design Chocolate Rain Jewelery & Design එ྆ Maxim’s Caterers LtdۂೄϷ Collin Music Co Ltd ޻ʶࠕ׳ཽ Consulate General of Brazil in Consulate General of Brazil in Mission Production Company Mission Production Company Hong Kong and Macau Hong Kong and Macau Morn Creations Ltd Morn Creations Ltd ਝ቙ࠗಋᐢეԑᎂ Consulate General of France in Δᚁʔ̇ MTR Corporationؒ Hong Kong Naxos Digital Services Ltd Naxos Digital Services Ltd ᐲผ New Territories Association྆مވ෮ɣСეԑᎂ Consulate General of Italy in Hong Kong ณ Consulate General of Mexico in Consulate General of Mexico in of Societies Hong Kong Hong Kong Norwegian Representative Office Norwegian Representative Office ᙬͳ՗ਝ቙ࠗಋეԑᎂ Consulate General of Poland in The Panic The Panicؐ Hong Kong ݇౜ೄϷ Parsons Music Ltd Consulate General of the Russian Կම༠τࠉʔ̇ Patsville Company Ltd پᖓ౜ᐲԄ቙ࠗಋ࠹ዌڜ ɻʶ Paul’s Ballet Supplies Centreۂຐ٢ᑂၦ͂ړ ᐢეԑᎂ Federation in Hong Kong and MacauਂܧऋПϷ Ϲऒˑეԑᎂ Consulate General of Spain ˸ࢌৈ֙ The Peninsula Hong Kong Consulate General of Consulate General of Planet Yoga by Master Kamal Planet Yoga by Master Kamal Switzerland – Hong Kong Switzerland – Hong Kong PMC Connection (Hong Kong) PMC Connection (Hong Kong) ༞ผ߮࢑ԑ৻ֺ PricewaterhouseCoopers̷ڻCreative Café Creative Café ᖓМ Danone Imported Waters Danone Imported Waters ࠗಋཋ̎଱̒̎ Radio 4, Radio Television Hong Kong (Asia) Pte Ltd (Asia) Pte Ltd ঠᄨ౲ Ray Yuen ࠗಋɣነ့߮ዀޫነӡ Department of Computer Science, Ricky Music Factory Ricky Music Factory The University of Hong Kong ᗫཽৈ֙ The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong ͏፾ত Emboss Rococo Classic Ltd Rococo Classic Ltd ϛˤ਎ː EMI Group Hong Kong Ltd ࢸۤ˔ਝ቙ജɣԚᎂ Royal Norwegian Embassy, Beijing ໩ᄨਦτࠉʔ̇ Eureka Digital Ltd ҳ̈́ɣผਦ ᖚᐌผ Fringe Club ɐࣵਆพႺϷ Shanghai Commercial Bank German Consulate General – German Consulate General – ɐࣵᐢผ Shanghai Fraternity Association HK Ltd ਎ːτࠉʔ̇ Shun Cheong Record Co Ltdןڌ Hong Kong Hong Kong ጙඑ྆ Shun Hing Groupڌ ᅥᗗೄϷ Happy Sound Music Ltd ᜪౡਝ჌ႝᎂ Harbour View International House Ⴚ஭ዀ࿚τࠉʔ̇ Sil-Metropole Organisation Ltd Hi Fiࠑᚊτࠉʔ̇ Hi Fi Review Ltd Simply Art Simply Art Sole Cultural Goods ۂ༠଩ࠗಋτࠉʔ̇ HK Ticketing Ήˀ໅ʼʝӪ҄ ̵ܧԑ৻ѫ Home Affairs Bureau ࠗಋϹऒˑਆผ Spanish Chamber of Commerce in ࿵உ߮ Hon Design & Associates Hong Kong ࠗಋ࿫ᖚነ৑ The Hong Kong Academy for ܱʱК Starbucks Coffee ࢑ԑ৻ֺ Stevenson, Wong & Co܁Performing Arts ̌ແʼ́ඡ ࠗಋᖚ୺ɻʶ ɐ౔ෲᅥ Sunrise Music ࠗಋ྇࣊ʼԮτࠉʔ̇ Hong Kong Book Centre Ltd ӻᇰ྇࣊τࠉʔ̇ Swindon Book Company Ltd พਆผ The Hong Kong Chamber of Team and Concepts Ltd Team and Concepts Ltdͬێࠗಋɻɩ Small and Medium Business Ltd ཋ഼ᄤᅌτࠉʔ̇ Television Broadcasts Ltd ࠗಋᅸήਆผ Hong Kong Chiu Chow Chamber of ࣂˤ൪˰ TIME Commerce Ltd ஝СೄϷ Tom Lee Music Company Ltd ,ᎂ University Museum and Art Galleryذࠗಋɣผਦ Hong Kong City Hall ࠗಋɣነ޻୺௟ ࠗಋʼʝɻʶ Hong Kong Cultural Centre The University of Hong Kong τࠉʔ̇ Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Ltd ᏷ଈ਎ːτࠉʔ̇ Universal Music Ltdيಋ᎘ॾ ཋ຾ਕ଩၉ URBTIX̟ے ਯɤᐲ΋Ծ൬ผ Hong Kong Federation of WomenވࠗಋΈ ࠗಋઠөነ৑ The Hong Kong Institute of Education ജढ़਎ːτࠉʔ̇ Warner Music Hong Kong The Hong Kong Japanese Club The Hong Kong Japanese Club ̷ϼႺϷ Wing Hang Bank Ltd YMCA of Hong Kong €ڇαผಋڇࠗಋʔͳ྇࣊ᎂ Hong Kong Public Libraries ࠗಋਥ๼ઠ ࠗಋ਎ːʔ̇ Hong Kong Records Zenith Designing & Printing Zenith Designing & Printing ࠗಋ໷ჱ྆ Hong Kong Repertory Theatre Services Ltd Services Ltd Zonta Club of Hong Kong مࠗಋࣁ༝ೕࢄѫ Hong Kong Tourism Board ࠗಋ੄ᄨ ŗ Zonta Club of Hong Kongŗمೕࢄѫ Hong Kong Trade Development Council ࠗಋ੄ᄨמࠗಋൗ Zonta Club of Hong Kong East م՗তཋ঩τࠉʔ̇ Hutchison Telecommunications ࠗಋ׭੄ᄨ Zonta Club of Kowloon مHong Kong) Ltd Ⱦ᎘੄ᄨ) Zonta Club of the New Territories م੄ᄨވਝ჌ਆพዀኂɻਝࠗಋτࠉʔ̇ IBM China / Hong Kong Ltd ณ Zonta Club of Victoria مณၘ୮ Information Services Department ၐΛСԓ੄ᄨ֚ܧ ᖳХɁ Patron ল৻ʥဳଉկࡗผ Finance and Management Committee ւ 7KH&KLHI([HFXWLYH ˚࢐ &KDLUPDQٽܧϷ ᚬͱ́ Mr Billy Li܆ജͱ́ The Honourable Tung Chee-hwa ңۺ໎

Honorary Life President ৹˚࢐ 9LFH&KDLUPDQ ٽႩΊᙷผ̷ ൫ʩᏲɡ Sir Run Run Shaw, CBE ஈˡʆͱ́ Mr Rafael Hui, GBS, JPٷ

ਨϷկࡗผ Executive Committee կࡗ 0HPEHUV ˚࢐ &KDLUPDQ ષ৩ሑͱ́ Mr Wayne Leung ңพᄤͱ́ Mr Charles Y K Lee, GBS, JP ષਝሣͱ́ Mr Nelson Leong

৹˚࢐ 9LFH&KDLUPDQ ೕࢄկࡗผ Development Committee ஈˡʆͱ́ Mr Rafael Hui, GBS, JP ˚࢐ &KDLUPDQ ષ৩ሑͱ́ Mr Wayne Leung ຮ৻̇࢒ +RQRUDU\7UHDVXUHU ң܆ᚬͱ́ Mr Billy Li ৹˚࢐ 9LFH&KDLUPDQ ଞౣʼ௟ɡ Dr Allan Zeman, GBS, JP կࡗ 0HPEHUV ષ❽ϡݿɤɡ Mrs Leong Yu-san ષ৩ሑͱ́ Mr Wayne Leung ಝˈ༠ͱ́ Mr Peter Thompson, SBS, OBE, LLD, JP կࡗ 0HPEHUV ଞౣʼ௟ɡ Dr Allan Zeman, GBS, JP ࠏֱཽɤɡ Mrs Clara Weatherall ሲ઴ҁΪɤɡ Mrs Mariana Cheng, BBS, JP ሲ઴ҁΪɤɡ Mrs Mariana Cheng, BBS, JP ࠏֱཽɤɡ Mrs Clara Weatherall ҧΪ࡭ɤɡ Mrs Igna Dedeu ࡧԙଉͱ́ Mr Ronald Arculli, GBS, JP ͉ဦშɤɡ Ms Deborah Biber ੖Χ߱ɤɡ Ms Teresa Hong ᔿᗫ́ɤɡ Ms Alexandria J Albers ɤɡ Ms Peggy Liu؀ਜ਼ई́ͱ́ Mr Timothy Cheung ྱဦ

ᚋਐ Honorary Solicitor܁ຝ͌կࡗผ Programme Committee Ίᙷؒ ࢑ԑ৻ֺ Stevenson, Wong & Co܁࢐ &KDLUPDQ ̌ແʼ́ඡ˚ ஈˡʆͱ́ Mr Rafael Hui, GBS, JP ผ Hong Kong Arts Festival Trustټࠗಋᖚ୺ຝਥ ৹˚࢐ 9LFH&KDLUPDQ ˚࢐ &KDLUPDQ ያౡʼઠ઒ Prof Lo King-man, MBE, JP ፳ᕼͱ́ Mr Angus H Forsyth

կࡗ 0HPEHUV կࡗ 0HPEHUV ޵ɣᇯઠ઒ Prof David Gwilt, MBE ஹ༠ʼͱ́ Mr Darwin Chen, SBS, ISO ౦ዃႚͱ́ Mr Nicholas James ષଽ࿘ʩɁ Mrs Mona Leong, BBS, MBE, JP ௟ɡ Dr Joanna C Lee ஹीዉͱ́ Mr John C C Chan, GBS, JP؀ң̳ ષਝሣͱ́ Mr Nelson Leong ஈˡʆͱ́ Mr Rafael Hui, GBS, JP ሣͱ́ Mr Fredric Maoژˉ ᖭ࿘Ԅͱ́ Mr Tam Wing-pong, JP ᚋਐ $GYLVRUV ࠏֱཽɤɡ Mrs Clara Weatherall ᎏᆣͱ́ Mr Martin Barrow, GBS, CBE, JP 㠐ɤɡ Ms Yao Jue ஬ݰϐͱ́ Mr Thomas Kwok, JPۢ ͢ˀ๑ͱ́ Mr Daniel Ng ңਝᗸ௟ɡ Dr The Hon David K P Li, GBS, JP ષଽ࿘ʩɁ Mrs Mona Leong, BBS, MBE, JP ਝ჌ຝ͌ᚋਐ ,QWHUQDWLRQDO3URJUDPPH&RQVXOWDQW ޸๤gܪɈͱ́ Mr Joseph Seelig ࣏ᅕ࢑ $XGLWRU ༞ผ߮࢑ᅢ PricewaterhouseCoopers̷ڻᖓМ

Δэ Address: ࠗಋᜪˠಋᜪ༞ɀ໔ࠗಋᖚ୺ɻʶɊɀᅢ 12th Floor, Hong Kong Arts Centre, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong ཋ໷ Telephone: 2824 3555 ඨभ Fax: 2824 3798 / 2824 3722 ၉ࠒ Website: http://www.hk.artsfestival.org ཋ൯ Email: [email protected] ᓻࡗ Staff ᓻࡗ΋޸€ Staff (contract) Ϸܧᐢဟ ([HFXWLYH'LUHFWRU ຝ͌ Programme ຤ଉ /RJLVWLFV0DQDJHUۿঢ়ᄨᓤ Douglas Gautier અ ነ֦ Elvis Kingټ ຝ͌ Programme ႇА຤ଉ 3URGXFWLRQ0DQDJHUV ຝ͌ᐢဟ 3URJUDPPH'LUHFWRU ̝ۢ̽ Tiffany Yiu ષు☜ Grace Lang ષᜮ੓ Roy Leung ຝ͌຤ଉ 3URJUDPPH0DQDJHUV ̔ࢄ଻ᘐ 2XWUHDFK&RRUGLQDWRU Andrew Chan ڭᘣਝඔ So Kwok-wan ஹҁ ՚⌿ Mio Margarit Chow ̔ࢄХଉ 2XWUHDFK$VVLVWDQW ჳϐ૯ Eva Lau ຝ͌଻ᘐ 3URJUDPPH&RRUGLQDWRU ຝ͌Хଉ 3URJUDPPH$VVLVWDQW ່৪༻൬࠳ͤ৥€ Linda Yip (on study leave) ңણต Christina Lee ອଉຝ͌଻ᘐ $FWLQJ3URJUDPPH&RRUGLQDWRU Ҍ୺଻ᘐ 7HFKQLFDO&RRUGLQDWRUV ፠Ї Eddy Zee ஹ⍱ജ Billy Chan ሲᅳშ Cat Cheng ௿ઐᄤ Marketing ඟ֗Σ Rufina Fung̟ ᏷ Nancy Lam׳ ௿຤ଉ 0DUNHWLQJ0DQDJHU̟ ሲֆ࿘ Katy Cheng ңཽᗸ Kathy Lee ષᘚੜ Gary Leung Хଉ̟௿຤ଉ $VVLVWDQW0DUNHWLQJ0DQDJHUV ࠑᚊ଻ᘐ 6RXQG&RRUGLQDWRU ՚ֱ Alexia Chow ஹ৪܏ Joey Chan ॐ࣠ Chris Lam׳ Publication خಌ༠ᑞ Andy Yau ˮ ᇁፎ (GLWRU ೕࢄ Development χ㠒ෲ Daisy Chu ೕࢄ຤ଉ 'HYHORSPHQW0DQDJHU ߜʼᇁፎ (QJOLVK(GLWRU ஈዷඓ Angela Hui Mya Kirwan Mya Kirwan Хଉᇁፎ $VVLVWDQW(GLWRU Хଉೕࢄ຤ଉ $VVLVWDQW'HYHORSPHQW0DQDJHU ඡฑΪ John Wong ஹ᜔ᙀ Eunice Chan ̟௿ઐᄤ Marketing ผ߮ Accounts Хଉ̟௿຤ଉ $VVLVWDQW0DUNHWLQJ0DQDJHU ผ߮ $FFRXQWDQW ЄయᎩ Agatha Ho ࣨუށ June Yun ̟௿˚ͨ 0DUNHWLQJ2IILFHU ฦዤ Michelle Yeung ผ߮ʼࡗ $FFRXQWV&OHUN ଩৻Хଉ 7LFNHWLQJ$VVLVWDQW Bonia Wong ඡਝෲ ோுജ Ada Mak ৻˚ͨ &XVWRPHU6HUYLFHV2IILFHUVרAdministration ۪ʸ ܧϷ Ϸܧो࣊ ([HFXWLYH6HFUHWDU\ ᘣ޻Ϥ Alfee So Wu Kai-yin ۽χ༠⍖ Carmen Chu ͢ԙ ႚ Pang Leoژధ ज़ो࣊ 5HFHSWLRQLVW-XQLRU6HFUHWDU\ ೕࢄ Developmentٱࡗþۿઅ ң޻࡮ Virginia Li Хଉೕࢄ຤ଉ $VVLVWDQW'HYHORSPHQW0DQDJHU ೡણֱ Michelle Ching ፒʔ۩Хଉ 2IILFH$VVLVWDQW Administration ܧTony Cheng Ϸ ټሲ໶ ፒʔ۩Хଉ 2IILFH$VVLVWDQW Dicky Chan ̵ژஹ

ࠗಋᖚ୺ຝԾผτࠉʔ̇ Published by Hong Kong Arts Festival Society Limited ֻͿ Printed by A.Plus Design خˮ ̯˰ʑࢀc̰຤ஈ˿cɺ੡ᔝ༗e Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. AyE^7j|6 Ayf }31,3~//+ z~.+0*~3 {13 231,3~//+ *+5~-.4x 2.+~4+ ,1 51 ```RWYRS\^]UT]^X_SZR[\V

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