WORLD WAR TWO STUDIES ASSOCIATION (formerly American Committee on the History o/the Second World War) Donald S. Detwiler, Chuinnan Mark P. Parillo, Secretary and DepartmenlofHistor;y Newsleller Editor \ \ Southern DlinOL' Unive"ity Department of Hislor;y at Carbondale 208 Eisenhower Hall Carbondale, Illinois 6290 1-4519 Kansas Slate University Manhattan. Kansas 66506·1002 Permanent Directors NEWSLETTER 913·532.Q374 FAX 913-532· 7004 Charles F. Delzell
[email protected] Yanderbih University ISSN 0885-5668 Robin Higham. Archivist Arthur L. Funk Department ofHistor;y Gainesville, f10rida 208 Eisenhower Hall Kansas State University H. stuart Hughes Manhattan, Kansas 66506-1002 Univen;ity ofCalifornia, ISBN 0-89126-060-9 San Diego The WWTSA is affiliated with: '- . Forrest C. Pogue American Historical Association Murray. Kentucky ~oo A Street, S.E. Washington, D.C. 20003 Terms expiring 1995 Comite international d'histoire Martin B1urnenson de \a deuxieme guerre mondiale Washington, D.C. Herny Rousso, General Secretary Institut d'histoire du tcmps present D'Ann Campbell (Centre national dc la recherche Austin Peay State University scientifique [CNRS J) 44, rue de I'Amiral Mouchez Stanley L. Fall< 7501~ Paris, France Alexandria, Vuginia Em...t R. May No. 53 Spri:n.g :1.995 Harvard University Dennis Showalter Coloredo College CONTENTS Gerhard L. Weinberg University ofNorth Carolina at Chapel Hill World War Two Studies Association Earl F. Ziemke University ofGeo'llia General Information 2 Terms expiring 1996 The Newsletter 2 Dean C. Allard Annual Membership Dues 2 Naval Historical Center WWTSA Annual Business Meeting 3 Stephen E. Ambrose Unive"ity ofNew Orleans Harold C. Deutsch News and Notes St Paul, Minnesota David KAhn Call for Papers 5 Greal Neck, New York H-WAR Richard H.