Plant Profile

Picture or Drawing Botanical Name: _Alstroemeria aurea

Common Name:_Lily of the Incas, Peruvian Lily

FAMILY NAME: __Alstroemeriaceae_

Species and cultivars of special interest:

_Alstroemeria hyrid, Alstroemeria pulchella, Alstroemeria aurantiaca, at least 190 cultivars are developed

Origin: Originatd from South America, Chile, Peru and Brazil, developed as a in Holland and England

Availability: _Best in late spring and summer, can be purchased all year round

Foliage Characteristics:

They send up fertile and sterile stems, the fertile stems of some species reaching 1.5 meters in height. The are alternately arranged, twisted on the petioles so that the undersides face up. The leaves are variable in shape and the blades have smooth edges

Floral Characteristics:

Plants of this genus grow from a cluster of tubers. The are solitary or borne in umbels. The flower has six tepals each up to 5 centimeters long. They come in many shades of red, orange, purple, green, and , and they often have spots. There are six curving stamens. The stigma has three lobes.

Special features and characteristics of special interest:

Flowers can be split for single stem use in floral foam to give a more delicate look, the leaves will yellow before the flowers in air conditioned environment, the flowers can last longer than the leaves, the anthers of alstroemeria flowers will pollinate with maturity, very popular cut flower, low maintenance. Flower meaning, devotion and friendship.

Maintenance, Cultural requirements and Post Harvest Treatments: Alstroemeria can be affected by frost, they are one of the most commonly grown in the world, Alstroemeria can be treated with STS post harvest, once treated they will last well.

Pest and Diseases: Alstroemeria is sensitive to ethylene gas, remove any yellow leaves as they emit ethylene. They can be affected by frost, Botrytis can affect the leaves.

Use In Floristry: Alstroemeria is available in various lengths, it is ideal for general use in floristry, they can be used in bouquets, base medium arrangements and work, their wide arrange of colour choices enabled them to be versatile in their use, single flower heads can be wired to use in corsage, the flower being multi headed it naturally lends itself to the role of a transitional flower in floral arrangements.

Customer advice: Avoid placing Alstroemeria in a cool room, if must, temperature should be between 6-8 degrees. The water in the vase should not contain high levels of fluoride, this will shorted their life span, re cut stems then place in water, change water every second day, strip leaves below water line, avoid direct sun light and drafty areas, best to purchase the flower when they have been treated with STS.

Reference;,,, Greg Milner book ‘Fresh Cut Flowers’