Thewestfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County

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Thewestfield Leader the Leading and Most Widely Circulated Weekly Newspaper in Union County THEWESTFIELD LEADER THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY [TV-THIRD YEAR—No. 13 at WestGeld. N J. PuHishcd Second Cl*aa Postage Paid WESTF1ELD, NEW JERSEY, WEDNESDAY, NOVKMBER 21, 1962 Every Thursday 32 Page*—10 Cent* loodmobile Visit Brings Record In Donations 'Operation Hurry Up' Area Residents To Worship j 154 Pints Contributed Henry M. Mirvne.s-s, trmeral .*ampai£n chairman for the I'J'I- To Regional Bank j I'liiuM Fuini drive Unlay issued \Y<'.stfieM went over the top last the fol'o^inj: urgent appt-al to l .til United. KunJ canvassers. At Thanksgivin g Services wtH-k when tho N\ w York ilejriona! BkKidrr.ubiie of the Aiiiu'K'nn Kiv' "Ti:r.e is fi*r-t running out on Croj* pail! a hen- Thursday thi~ year's r:tit'.i>ainn ar.d it i.-i Botlioml. ami c-i)!li'.*tod a total of 154 pint?, vitally impurU'.nt lhal you com- i Feasls, Football four n ore than the qllola. plete your solicitations anil tfot your curds in to UiiilrJ Fund Mr.v Frr.nk Mi)!<, oliairnnin of headquarters. ! In Day's Events tho local prot'ra.'H wliivli was v-.>i,. "We can still £0 over the tup Taxpayers Assured dinted :it St. Paul's ("hurv!l. S'i'J | Area re^idrnta will observe if all of you put foi'.h a 100 thi? was the ur;i ti;no ttv aroa • Thankscivu-ir Day tomorrow blend- per eel't etfort in the>v final quota has !x>cn t-xcevdid. ; inji participant and <spectator in- d:iys of the oi'.mpainn. l' •' teresU in various sports with fan\« T)u- groups who conuilmtt'd Full Opportunity don't delr.y, do il now,'' • ily feasts precisled by attendance Wo..,i iihloilcil the Lions c'luS. ! al >p<xial servii'K-s in Ux-al cluirch- First Hiiptiat, First Mutho.iUt, I'ns'iyterian and Holy>": To Be Heard fhuriht'i. Temple Kniami-KI, As-h- Boosters Set Date I In Westrteld the r.nnunl Oom- 1 itiunity Service of Thanksgiving <i.i]f Assoi-iatii'ti, We.stlifid | I K\pi-essinjT concern ovrr incon- lifsi-uiv Squad, Woslii Id New-coin- , i s!K:',isorvl by the Westrteld Coun- j M licn.'cs cAperk'iuv.i hy persons cil of Ohuivhi's will !w hold in tho ITS Club iiini the WestlVid-Moun- : For Fall Sports itteiUplint to have licarincs with tain>:di' Ciimnumiiy Croup. : I're-diyteri.'th -Olmveh (•cfrinnini; at. ri pivseiit.U ivc.< of A. MK-h-.trd Sur- :S:oO o'clock toiMorrow morning. Any memlior of tin1 ;ifortii-.on- ! Award Dinner \i.'\- \layor Hurt' A. Towl Jr. and The !!<v. Willlari K. CoWr, pius- tinned uruiips or an individual don- ' Town I'ouncil h:nv prevailed on .' Fir t Uapttst Church, or and his iimr.ediaU' f:irni!y can ' v ,o|, t n fli'u's r< pre^e.-.t-itivcs to h.iul preuvh th'.> That'Ksjrivin^ Her- UJI' tho !I|I>-HI batiii. Mrs. Mill." said, i Annual Evont Slated 1 an all-day hearing i •. s^ien Kriilny on the topiv. "lloliiint! Hands She pointed out that the WY.-tficld-. At WHS Cafeteria m the coun»'il ch;inK»ers in the }|u- MoutUuiiisiiK* luii l>(jf.< I'hnpter nuipal lUtil.iinir. has been aHlo to t.".kii ran1 of the ' 'Wcdnesiluv. Dee. 12 JTibsTiihbs,, as<istarait t minisliminilT at ttho entire needs of the community to • I I'his all-day pro^rnin is in addi- j |M,st church, will officiate, and the. ttur i n to othethr heai'luih : datedt s to be j i date ami will !*• iil<!e lo omtinui' i I'lans i.f the Wostfield School [j,.v. Kvan M. Odden, assistant • Booster Association are nearinjr nude availr.hle hy Associated Sur- minister of the First ti> iio so k»nn as they have suf- \tv> in order to niak*1 ceitaiu that ficient credits in the rojjional hank. [roinplotiiin for the ISth annuul tionnl Church, will read the Scrip- : fall sports award dinner hotiorinir t\eiyoiie who desircH it will have Mrs. Mills stressed that there is j tures and tfive the mornintf uray- the hiirhly i-uccc-sful fuoltiull and tin opportunity to he heard and to never a chnrjrtf for the blood and i-r. cross country senior athletes, cheer- uviwv the new tnnrket values that the bank carries all types , * . , . , I ThI IIIe 1 \IVMCenevV Mal Choral\'ll»'llltte; \oB»f th»nve I'res« HJ- even rare ones. leaders, twitters and handsmen .it ' ,-1 u ed on their properties by ivp- ; ,, ,. ,-„,„.,,,, ,„„,,.,. , . t!i" hij;h school cafeteria Wednes- vl rin!1 tJll dilw i.sentatives of the linn who con- ,( ;<m (>f ,)r Cfufi,c w VoIke,( or. kNKING FOR THE FUTURE—Donating the fir.t pint of blood during the visit of the Red Croti Mrs .Wcph \alentim', chair- ,j D(>(, ,oth al 7 ,„,, | joodmobilc Thurtdajr at St. Paul's Church was the Rev. Richard ilo-trtl the revaluation studies in' ,,,„;.,, „,„, ,hnxUn- of imlsir, will L. Smith, assistant minitter at man of the volunteers who aided „ ,„, . ,. , . , Ul slll< 1 1 Presbyterian Church, above, with Mr«. Minton Hamilton, RN, volunteer aiding in the program. the program Thur^iav, rtiid that a i !!<»' /< !nelc, .linm-r chairman for ' ' ' - j,in,r "The HeaVi.,1 Arc Ti'llintt" total of 'J(K) hours were contnh- iv,h<1 «'"«*^". >"-™.'»mMS ll'ftt Council has also been a.«urol | |,y Haydn r.nd "Now Thank We fans uliiain their tickets at the K\ Associated Surveys that all j .\]| oUr (!od" by Carl V. Mucl- Parker* Be ware! (Continued on pace -1) I ^ ,,p t . ,| ,)„. 0 urtulli y 1I( slli out i ni liters III-UUKIU to their attention | ],.r, Dr. Volkel's <irR»n prelude ! standing records achieved hy Coach fp. Dwyer Selects 11 Area Youths GEORGE C. CALPHIN whether by personal visit or by ; am| ,h,at|udc will t>e "AtidanU- ran- Police Chief Jamet MOTAH j Clary Kehler'u fooUutll team »n<l today announced that all County Resource i Drcxel Dean wbo will speak at li-ttrr relativi! to the reviihiation! oliile" fnmi He.-tl'oven'« Sym- , Coach Walter Clarl.son's cross I WHS College Night proiram fiK«r«'» will be carefully reviewed | plumy No. 5, and "Improvisation." Vie For Academy Appointments parking ..paces in the Proipect jcimntry squad has created unusual ! at the conclusion of the hearings. The otterini; taken at this serv- St. tipper parking lot will be j interest in the ilinner, considered ; p < ^~it 1 The results of the revuluution •e will K' devoted to the p. Florence I'. Uwyer t K-t;th converted to one and two Directory Ready jone of thr hitfhlit;ht:; of the hi^h > EiUUt'UtOr 10 l_rlVC ! studies evi.leme.1 in the letters ; objective* i.f the Wfntflt-M Coun- today atinouiu'e<l thi' numi- hour limiti, beginning Man* ! school sports year. Tickets will 1 sent out to property owner* In the Icil of Churches vhich include snp- in i'f II WcrttfU'ld area young MX Holidays d*y, Dec. 3 for the conven- For Distribution | be available from nil members of p;iat 1(1 days, stirred a tempest of I port of the "Shure Our Surplus" Itii compete for appointments ience of Chriittna* »1iopperi. I the Booster executive committee J 'College Picture' protests which i-ulininated in » tax- program of Church World Sen-ice, Ic military, naval, air force All motor vehicle inspection The new ruling will be in and from Frank Kreiherr and Hob ! payer ri\«ponsi! tbnt oiKeiul.-i «f tin-1 Coe.|>era<ii»jf churche.-. in the stations, licensing; agencies, and effect through Dec. 24, when The first edition of the Union Imcrehant marine academies County Uesource Uirectory is riovv Davies in chnrKe of distribution. leappvaisal firm were unprepared i Westftold Council of Churches are pe classes entering in I9ii'i. driver qualification centers will the metert will be converted Pruident J. I1. Cchrlein hns (ieorye C, <ialpliin. iletin of ad- for on the first ni>,'ht oC lutirinns Hcthel llaptist, First Bnpti<t, First bo closed tomorrow (Thanks- back to the present limits. available for distribution. Pro- missions at llrcxe) Institute of nominatioti.-*, 'Mrs. Ihvyer duced under the joint sponsorship nunnil the following i-oinniittee to Methodist, 1'iesbyterian, First Con- Kivinjr Day) and Friday, in ac- Signs will be posted so Technology, I'hiladelphin, 1'a., will irrettationul, St. Luke's Zion Meth- |inrd, \V:*TO bused exclusively of the Hnyway Community Center, assist in preparations for the din- It was reported that 'i.000 let- cordance with the grant of a •hopper* and merchants will speak on the "College Picture" at wtj,<t, liu haul's Eui-Hconal and Uie ruiults of n competitive Thanksgiving holiday for all Community Wulfuro Council of ner: Taul Woiss.JinroUl Stutler, the annual ColU'ito N'lRht proRiam ters hud been seta to property be aware of the change, Eastern Union County- nnd the lion Boworsos, Howard Clark and ow-ners providing: for a huarin^ Community I'resbyterian Church 'Service Commission examina- Btnte offices by (Jov. Richard J. Chief Mofan vhid,' ttriHUifed for students and pnrent.s of •Miiyntainsidc. [vhicli was held last July at Junior Iirngtu* of Elizabeth, the DohiMulthip. Tho npeaker fur the at Westlleld Hijrh School Tlmis- date Nov.
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