NOTICE of WORKSHOP to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulation

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NOTICE of WORKSHOP to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulation Cecilia Colling Chief of Staff Kate Marshall State Treasurer Mark Winebarger Chief Deputy Treasurer STATE OF NEVADA OFFICE OF THE STATE TREASURER NOTICE OF WORKSHOP To Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulation To: All Interested Parties From: Kate Marshall, Treasurer, State of Nevada and the Board of Trustees of the College Savings Plans of Nevada Date: August 26, 2009 Re: Workshop on Proposed Regulations The Nevada State Treasurer’s Office, 101 North Carson Street, Suite 4, Carson City, Nevada, 89701, 775-684-5600, is proposing the Amendment of regulations pertaining to Chapter 353B of Nevada Administrative Code Legislative Counsel Bureau File No. R055-09: Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Program and will be conducting a workshop to receive public comments regarding the proposed regulation. Date and Time of Meeting: Wednesday, August 26, 2009 at 1:30 p.m Place of Meeting: Nevada Legislative Building, Room 2134, 401 South Carson Street Carson City, Nevada and Grant Sawyer Building, Room 4412E 555 East Washington Avenue Las Vegas, Nevada There will be a videoconference link between the two locations. The purpose of the workshop is to solicit comments from interested persons and receive public comment on the following general topics that may be addressed in the proposed regulations: CARSON CITY OFFICE STATE TREASURER PROGRAMS LAS VEGAS OFFICE 101 N. Carson Street, Suite 4 Millennium Scholarship Program 555 E. Washington Avenue, Suite 4600 Carson City, Nevada 89701-4786 Nevada Prepaid Tuition Program Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-1074 (775) 684-5600 Telephone Unclaimed Property (702) 486-2025 Telephone (775) 684-5623 Fax Upromise College Fund 529 Plan (702) 486-3246 Fax Internet: E-mail: [email protected] AGENDA 1. Review of Proposed Amendment to the regulations of the Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Program 2. Public Comment on the Proposed Amendments of the regulations of the Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Program 3. Discussion, Comments and direction to Treasurer’s Office Staff by Hearing Officer The proposed amendments further define the administration of the Nevada Higher Education Prepaid Tuition Program and the Nevada College Savings Program and propose to include a one year University plan; semester credit hour disbursements; out-of-state disbursements; provisions regarding the death of the purchaser and successor; allowance of a gift program; clarification on eligible institutions; the establishment of the Nevada State College as an eligible institution; establishment of a three year hold on contracts; and, a clarification on refunds. A copy of all materials relating to the proposal may be obtained at the workshop or by contacting: Karen Duddlesten, Senior Deputy Treasurer 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 4600 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-1074 Phone: 702-684-3955 or email [email protected] or All interested parties will have the opportunity to present their ideas for suggested language at this workshop. The Treasurer’s Office encourages you to provide your suggestions in writing by 5 pm on August 19, 2009, (one week prior to the workshop) so the ideas contained therein can be disseminated to others. However, all written and oral communications will be accepted at the time of the workshop. Future workshops may be organized to consider language changes, additions and deletions which may be discussed at this workshop. NOTE: We are pleased to make accommodations for members of the public who are disabled. Please notify Karen Duddlesten in writing prior to the workshop at: Karen Duddlesten, Senior Deputy Treasurer 555 East Washington Avenue, Suite 4600 Las Vegas, Nevada 89101-1074 or by email [email protected]. This Notice of Workshop to Solicit Comments on Proposed Regulations has been sent to all persons on the agency’s mailing list for administrative regulations and posted at the following locations. • • Nevada State Capitol Building, 101 North Carson Street, Carson City, Nevada • Grant Sawyer Building, 555 East Washington Avenue, Las Vegas, Nevada 2 • Carson City Library, 900 North Roop Street, Carson City, Nevada • Churchill County Library, 553 South Main Street, Fallon, Nevada • Clark County District Library, 833 Las Vegas Boulevard North, Las Vegas, Nevada • Douglas County Library, 1625 Library Lane, Minden, Nevada • Elko County Library, 720 Court Street, Elko, Nevada • Esmeralda County Library, Corner of Crook and Fourth Street, Goldfield, Nevada • Humboldt County Library, 85 East Fifth Street, Winnemucca, Nevada • Lander County Library, 625 South Broad Street, Battle Mountain, Nevada • Lincoln County Library, 63 Main Street, Pioche, Nevada • Lyon County Library, 20 Nevin Way, Yerington, Nevada • Mineral County Public Library, 110 First Street, Hawthorne, Nevada • Pershing County Library, 1125 Central Avenue, Lovelock, Nevada • Storey County Library, 95 South R Street, Virginia City, Nevada • Tonopah Public Library, 167 Central Street, Tonopah, Nevada • Washoe County Library, 301 South Central Street, Reno, Nevada • White Pine County Library, 950 Campton Street, Ely, Nevada 3 .
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