EUROPEAN STRATEGIC INTELLIGENCE AND SECURITY CENTER (ESISC) THE POLISARIO FRONT CREDIBLE NEGOTIATIONS PARTNER OR AFTER-EFFECT OF THE COLD WAR AND OBSTACLE TO A POLITICAL SOLUTION IN WESTERN SAHARA? Under the leadership of Claude MONIQUET, ESISC President November 2005 METHODOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS Founded in May 2002, the ESISC (European Strategic Intelligence and Security Centre) has taken on, from its inception, the work of observing and analyzing the international terrorism and strategic questions that had been conducted for many years by some of its promoters. The work of the ESISC analysts is based: . On the systematic examination of all the “open sources” (newspapers, magazines, books, etc) available on the questions of terrorism, political violence and strategic problems. On close relations and exchanges with other research centres, in particular in the United States, Europe, the Middle East and South Asia. On regular meetings with political and military leaders, and members of the intelligence communities. On ad hoc field missions carried out by ESISC researchers or by other experts appointed by them. This systematic approach has enabled the ESISC to create and develop prospective analysis systems, databases (biographical, geographical, thematic and, in terms of terrorism and organized crime, “Perpetrator Group” and “Target Group”) and other instruments that contribute to the permanent evaluation of the tensions, the general threat and the relative threat relating to one or more given targets. This analysis is made available to ESISC’s clients and partners. This report falls within the ESISC’s STUDIES remit. The ESISC further publishes many analysis and synthesis papers that are available on its website: For all contact:
[email protected] This report remains the exclusive property of the ESISC, and any publication other than that expressly envisaged by the law would require prior written permission.