World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 , 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503 1


October 5, 2019 OPEN LETTER

To: MR. JOKO WIDODO President of the Republic of Indonesia

Subject: Allege Embezzlement of Funds, SBI No. 101.102.537 worth Rp. 4500,000,000,000,000.-

With Respect and Grace from God Almighty,

On behalf of the UN SWISSINDO’s Volunteers, we are grateful for this great opportunity to present to you the evidence to the People and President of RI, for your consideration and wisdom in making wise decisions for an investigation into alleged embezzlement of Certificate (SBI) funds No. 101. 102,537, date. 26 June 2012, which will not only affect the Defendant himself, UN SWISSINDO President, Mr. Sino. AS. Soegihartonotonegoro (IR. Sugihartono ST. M1) and family, but for People throughout the World. A Violation of HUMAN RIGHTS has been inflicted upon ONE highly valued being that will affect not only yourself, your family, but the entire Worldwide Community.

In accordance with his Note of Defense in his own handwriting, dated January 15, 2019, he reaffirmed:

1. He has never created / made the Certificate of Bank Indonesia, SBI No. 101.102.537, dated June 26, 2012 worth Rp. 4500,000,000,000,000. - and have never used it according to the function of the SBI at any Bank including Bank Indonesia (BI), the 6 Prime Banks, as referred to in the claims of the Article 263, Paragraph 1 and Paragraph 2. 2. The existence of other Parties in the Representative Statement Letter that was signed by the owner of SBI No.101.102.537, dated June 26, 2012, which was issued based on: Memorandum Safekeeping Receipt from UBS-Union Bank of Switzerland No. CDS 226771/BG-8699-UBS, dated 10 September 2008, addressed to DANA RASA with Bank Statement Re-CD No. 79003872, Via Transfer that was issued in the form of Bank Indonesia Certificate (SBI) dated June 26, 2012. 3. He was only and became a VICTIM of the existence of SBI No.101.102.537, dated June 26 2012, which was approved and signed by: World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503 2

- Owner: "DANA RASA" Date of Birth : Bogor, 22 June 1950 No. KTP (ID) : 3127032206500004 No. Passport : A 3740435 Tax Payer ID : 46.034.797.4-045.000 - Drs. Fozar Hamid Kuning Member of the ICMI PAKAR CENTER - Association of Indonesian Muslim Scholars of 2015-20 which is stated in the Witness Statement on April 8, 2016 as the Steering Committee

4. The existence of another Party, PT. LAMHOT PARTNER MANDIRI LESTARI with the same SBI No. 101.102.537 dated June 26, 2012 5. His request to the Panel of Judges and the Public Prosecutors to have the Former Governor of Bank Indonesia - Darmin Nasution, Director of PU (Public Works) - Mulyawan Hadad (SBI Signatories) present, was ignored by the Public Prosecutors, and there were no witnesses from the TPK (the crime scene) either. 6. There was an Indication of One’s Prestige/Abuse of Position, Authority and suspicion of embezzlement of Funds by the Officials of Bank Indonesia need to be addressed by KP (KPK/ Corruption Eradication Commission).

Our respected leader, UN SWISSINDO President, Mr. Sino. AS. Soegihartonotonegoro (IR. Sugihartono ST. M1), has been detained since August 9, 2018, in a Criminal case NO. 421 /Pid.B/2018/PN.Sbr, where he was presented 7 days later in front of the media press conference in orange prisoners' clothing, complete with handcuffs and treated like a criminal prior to any trial or proof of guilt. The publication was about the case 263 of the Criminal Code, even though the status of the case was NOT in detention status or jailed. That was a gross human rights violation! This can be seen in the newspapers below:

• penghapus-utang-un-swissindo • utang-berbekal-sertifikat-bi-palsu?page=1 • penghapus-utang-un-swissindo

World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503 3

Threatened by the Charges of Article 263 paragraph (1) and (2) of the Criminal Code, then the Judge decision was given on January 18, 2019, 3 (three) years and 10 (ten) months imprisonment, less the length of time the defendant was in detention. A very heavy and unfounded claim, which according to the accusation, a FAKE letter (SBI NO. 101. 102. 537 worth Rp. 4500 Trillion) has been used, yet the existence and issuance of the ORIGINAL letter was not recognized by the aggrieved party, Bank Indonesia (BI) and the 2 BI witness experts, namely MULYANI GANEF and RETNO WULANDARI. What then happened was that the perpetrators/customers of the Bank downloaded from the Site and used it without the knowledge or order of the Defendant, but the Defendant was still punished, even after the fact of the BI witness experts said that BI did not feel disadvantaged.

Dear President,

Mr Sino. AS. Soegihartonotonegoro (IR. Sugihartono ST. M1) has one important Mission to fulfill, Trusty Prasasty Dynasty, in accordance with the origins of the NKRI Agreement, to deliver Payment Order 1-11 (P1-11) Program to 253 countries, 7.5 Billion People. We believe that with your support, we can save NOT only him but the entire World population and God’s Creatures, with his Mission.

In light of: • The impact of UN SWISSINDO (UNS) P1-11 Mission is infinite, for the sovereignty, justice and prosperity of all People, Countries and Governments in the World, including Indonesia, the World Lighthouse, which include:

1. UNS Quota/Grant for the State (253), worth USD.138.99 Trillion/per Country 2. UNS Quota/Grant for Central Banks (253) and Prime Banks (150), worth USD.138.99 Trillion/per Bank and for other Institutions including the UN 3. Debt Forgiveness (SPBU) of Country, Corporation max. USD. 2 Billion and individual max. Rp. 2 Billion 4. Guaranteed basic income (M1 Voucher), worth USD. 1,200/per Adult and USD. 600/per Student, every month for life, with valid ID 5. UNS Quota/Grant for "The Venus Project of the Future Cities" worth USD.138.99 Trillion, for the entire World and 34 Provinces in Indonesia and also the UNS Quota/Grant for 80,000 Villages worth Rp. 2.5 Trillion/per Village

Total P1-11: USD. 243.552.762.776.399.440

• All decisions of UN SWISSINDO (UNS) are always reported to those who are also responsible; UN Secretary General, President of the World Bank (WB) and those related, all Country Leaders in the World, including the President of the Republic of Indonesia, part of 25 Multinational Parent Countries, Governors of Central Banks, the Parent Banks, UBS.WB.BI, Parent Armies NATO. SEATO. NON- BLOCK and other International Institutions. His Mission is known to All. • Protecting/Guarding of Asset Funds Property required in accordance with the UN-Charter 102, owned by the Parent of 25 World Bank Donor Countries, in accordance with Official CTU-24/Counter Terrorist Unit 24 under UN Article 7 Charter in Indonesia. • The detention of the President of UN SWISSINDO has not dampened, but instead has aroused the people's determination to support and realize his Mission in a more powerful way in Indonesia and the World.

World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503 4

• The increased understanding and support of the People for UN SWISSINDO Mission since August 2018, from all corners of the World, in order to Free the President of UN SWISSINDO means FREEDOM for ALL. • The M1 Voucher dissemination and social activities have also increased, spreading widely, especially in the European, African and South American countries, even more than before his detention.

The mission of UN SWISSINDO with its Program is the Rights of 7.5 Billion People in the World and the desire of the People cannot be contained.

Dear President,

The President of UN SWISSINDO, Mr Sino. AS. Soegihartonotonegoro (IR. Sugihartono ST. M1), is the Owner of Microfilm 1 (M1), as Authority Money Supply (M1), Dewan Ikatan Dokumen Internasional Code 99.98 Series 1-4 Guarantor of Parent 25 Multinational Countries' Registration, World Bank Donors, the Holder of the Command Batons of Country NKRI, bearing the & Kingdom from Keraton Surokarto Hadiningrat, IRS Tax Payer, worth 1% of USD.1000 Trillion (USD. 10 Trillion), To IRS- Internal Revenue Service, Cincinnati - Minnesota USA, as M1 (Authority Money Supply) Parent of 25 Multinational World Bank Donor Countries/World Bank Cash Funds (Global) and Keuangan Kelompok Bank Dunia/World Bank Group Finances Account Holder.


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503 5

UN SWISSINDO to Disburse Misallocated IDA Credits as Grants, through the International Development Association (IDA), a facet of the World Bank Group (WBG), has launched a campaign to disburse misallocated IDA Credits dating back to 1961, to allotted countries, starting with Indonesia.

Following an audit of World Bank – International Development Association (IDA), it was determined that the Governments, as Country Organizers and Public Servants, have been the victims of the Global Political System. There are IDA Grants available to the Member Countries of IDA, due to the Combined Currencies since 1956 (IDA Part II), the principal capital was planted in IDA by the Leaders of the Nations, including the first , Ir. Soekarno. Indonesia became the Donor Country leading the 25 Parent Countries, as a result of the Belgrade Conference in Yugoslavia in 1961, led by President Soekarno and President Modibo Keita of Mali.

The data was closed to the public after the assassination of President J. F. Kennedy in 1963, which was followed by the coup d'état, and house arrest of President Soekarno and the imprisonment of President Keita until their death.

The data was re-opened again on April 1, 2018. Through the “OPEN DATA”, the existence of IDA Grants and the elimination of Country Debts to WBG now can be seen. To date this information has been unknown to the Governments, including the Indonesian Government, from President Soeharto to President Jokowi.

Unfortunately, H.M. MR.A1.SINO.AS.S”2”.IR. SOEGIHARTONOTONEGORO,HW.ST.M1 was called in for questioning and then detained, without using a lawful warrant, before he published the news to the World.

His purpose is pure, he is NOT a criminal, on the contrary, he is in the middle of defending his Country for the benefit of the People of Indonesia and the World, through his Mission Program.

The unfounded detention for case of Criminal Code 245 was stopped by the National Police Headquarters on May 6, 2019. The Republic of Indonesia is responsible for his "compensation", his family and the people in the World, for his arrest, detention, prosecution and trial, in accordance with Article 1 number 22 of the Criminal Procedure Code Law.


We, UN SWISSINDO Volunteers and the People from the 5 Continents, supporters and recipients of M1 Vouchers, part of Payment Order 1-11 Program, together wish to thank the President of RI for his help. In unity, we support the realization to FREE Mr. Sino. AS. Soegihartonotonegoro (IR. Sugihartono ST. M1) respectfully from the charges and demands of the Public Prosecutors and the decision of the Cirebon Court of Judges. World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503 6

For the Highest Good of All Parties.

On behalf of, Royal K.681 M1, Kholipatul Mahdi, H.M. MR.A1.SINO.AS.S”2”.IR.SOEGIHARTONOTONEGORO,HW.ST.M1 President of Swissindo World Trust International Orbit World Bank Group Finances


UN SWISSINDO Volunteers in 5 Continents

With Respect,

Ani Forest Relawan UN SWISSINDO

UN SWISSINDO Volunteers In 5 Continents: 10,000+

The Recipients of Voucher M1, part of P1-11 In 5 Continents: 2,000,000+

Please click here to see the support signatures from the 5 Continents: honorable-m1s-release/

Please click here to see the support M1 Voucher photos from the 5 Continents:

Please click here to see the international support from the 5 Continents:

World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503 7



Benua : Benua Eropa: Benua Amerika: Indonesia Germany Ecuador India Austria Colombia Serbia Mexico Philippines Macedonia Canada Turkey Bosnia U.S.A. Mongolia Greece Haiti Russia Slovenia Brazil Switzerland Chile Benua Afrika: Italy Afrika Selatan Montenegro Benua : Nigeria Poland Australia Namibia Cyprus New Zealand Congo Bulgaria Swaziland Croatia

CC: Sec. Gen. UN, President of World Bank, International Court of Justice, 25 Parent Countries’ Embassies

World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503 8

World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503


World Address of Owner States-M1: Jl. Sultan Agung Tirtayasa, Griya Caraka K1-4 NO.24 Cirebon, Indonesia 45153 Tel. +62-231-8493503



1. America

U.S. Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia Jl. Merdeka Selatan No. 3-5, Jakarta 10110, Indonesia Tel. +62 21 3435-9000 / +62 21 5083 1000 Fax. +62 21 386-2259 Web. Website

2. The Netherlands

Royal Netherlands Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav., S-3, Kuningan Jakarta 12950, Indonesia City Jakarta Phone +62-21-524 8200 Fax +62-21-570 0734 Website Email [email protected]

3. England

Brittish Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia Jalan Patra Kuningan Raya L5 6 6 4, Kuningan Tim.,

DKI Jakarta 12950, Indonesia Telephone(+62) (21) 2356 5200

Fax(+62) (21) 2356 5351

Email [email protected]

4. Germany

Embassy of Germany in Jakarta, Indonesia 1 Jl. M.H. Thamrin 1, Jakarta 10310, Indonesia

26 City Jakarta Phone outside Indonesia: (+62-21) 398 55 000 inside Indonesia: (021) 398 55 000 Fax outside Indonesia: (+62-21) 390 1757 inside i Website Email [email protected]

5. France

Embassy of France in Jakarta, Indonesia Jalan M. H. Thamrin n'20, Jakarta Pusat 10350 City Jakarta Phone [62] (21) 235 57 600 Fax [62] (21) 235 57 602 Website Email [email protected]

6. Turkey

Embassy of turkey in Indonesia Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. 1 Jakarta Selatan City Jakarta Phone 00 62 21 525 62 50 Fax 00 62 21 522 60 56 Website http:// Email [email protected]

7. Canada

Embassy of Canada in Jakarta, Indonesia World Trade Centre, 6th Floor, Jl. Jend Sudirman, Kav. 29, P.O. Box 8324/JKS.MP, Jakarta 12920, Indonesia Phone 62 21 2550 7800 Fax 62 21 2550 7811 Website Email [email protected]


8. Mexico

Embassy of Mexico in Jakarta, Indonesia Menara Mulia 2306, Jl. Gatot Subroto , Kav. 9-11, Yakarta 12930, Indonesia City Jakarta Phone (6221) 520-3980 Fax (6221) 520-3978 Email [email protected]

9. Venezuela

Embassy of Venezuela in Jakarta, Indonesia Menara Mulia , 20th Floor Suite 2005, Jl. Gatot Subroto, Kav. 9-11, Jakarta, Indonesia City Jakarta Phone (62)(21) 5227548 / 49 Fax (62)(21) 5227547 Website Email [email protected]

10. Russia

Embassy of Russia in Jakarta, Indonesia J1. H.R. Rasuna Said Kav. X-7, 1-2, Kuningan City Jakarta Phone +62 21 522-2912, 522-2914, 720-2722 Fax +62 21 522-2916 Website Email [email protected]

11. Malaysia

Embassy of Malaysia in Jakarta, Indonesia Kedutaan Besar Malaysia, Jakarta, Jl. H.R. Rasuna Said, Kav.X/6, No. 1-3,Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950 City Jakarta Phone (6221)5224947-Canseri (Hunting-8 Lines) Fax (6221)5224974

28 Website Email [email protected]

12. The Philippines

Embassy of the Philippines in Jakarta, Indonesia # 8 Jalan Imam Bonjol Menteng, Jakarta Pusat 10310, Indonesia Phone +62-21-310-0334 Fax +62-21-315-1167 Website Email [email protected] / [email protected]

13. Singapore

Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said , Block X/4, KAV No 2 , Rasuna Said Kuningan, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950 City Jakarta Phone +62-21 29950400/ + 62-811 863 348 (Duty Officer) Fax + 62-21 5201486 (General) /+ 62-21 5202320 (Consul Website Email [email protected]

14. Bangkok (Thailand)

Embassy of Thailand in Indonesia JI. DR Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung kav., NO. 3.3 (Lot 8.8), Kawasan Mega Kuningan,, Jakarta Indonesia 12950. City Jakarta Phone (62-21) 29328190 - 94 Fax (62-21) 2932-8199, 2932-8201,2932-8213 Website Email [email protected]

15. Saudi Arabia

Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Jakarta, Indonesia JL HR Rasuna Said Kav B3 Setiabudi City Jakarta

29 Phone +622129023444 Fax +622129039421 Website http:// Email [email protected]

16. Iraq

Embassy of The Republic of Iraq in Indonesia Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 110, Menteng,, Jakarta 10310 Phone 006221 - 3904068 / 006221 - 3904067 Fax 006221 - 3904066 Email [email protected]

17. Iran

Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Jakarta, Indonesia Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto 110, Menteng,, Jakarta 10310 City Jakarta Phone +62-21-331378 or 33139162-21-3107860 Fax +62-21-3107860 Website Email [email protected]

18. Egypt

Embassy of Egypt in Jakarta, Indonesia Jl. Teuku Umar No. 68, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, 1031 City Jakarta Phone (+6221) 3143440, 31935350, 31931141 Fax (+6221) 3145073 Website Email

19. Kuwait

Embassy of Kuwait in Jakarta, Indonesia Jl. Mega Kuningan Barat III Kav. 16-17 Kuningan Jakarta Selatan 12950

30 City Jakarta Phone (+62-21) 5764556, 5764169 Fax (+62-21) 5764160, 5764557 Email [email protected].

20. Japan

Embassy of Japan in Jakarta, Indonesia Jl. M.H. Thamrin No.24, 10350 Consulate-General of Japan in Jakarta, Indonesia Menara Thamrin Bldg, Jl. M. H Thamrin, Kav.3 Jakarta Pusat City Jakarta Phone +62-21-324308 Fax +62-21-325460 Website

21. Pakistan Embassy of Pakistan in Jakarta, Indonesia Alan Mega Kunigan, Bart Blok E.3.9 Kav. 5-8, Mega Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan 12950 Phone 0056-2-9538686-87 Fax 0056-2-9538691 Email [email protected]

22. Poland

Embassy of Poland in Indonesia Jl. Rasuna Said Kav. X Blok IV / 3 12950 City Jakarta Phone + Fax + Website Email [email protected]

23. Australia

Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia Jalan H.R. Rasuna Said Kav C 15-16, Jakarta Selatan 12940, Indonesia

31 Phone +62 21 2550 5555 Fax +62 21 2550 5467 Website Email [email protected] Office Hours Monday to Friday 08:00 - 16:00 Details Greg Moriarty - Ambassador

24. China

Chinese Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia JL. Mega Kuningan No. 2, Selatan 12950, Indonesia City Jakarta Phone 0062-21-5761027, 5761040 Fax 5761024 Website Email [email protected]

25. Lao P.D.R Embassy of Laos in Jakarta, Indonesia Ji, Kintamani Raya C 15 No 33, Kuningan Timur Jakarta 12950, Indonesia City Jakarta Phone (+62) (21) 522 9602, (+62) (21) 522 9603 Fax (+62) (21) 522 9601 Email [email protected]

26. Indonesia

Embassy of Indonesia in Vientiane, Laos. Address: Kaysone Phom Vihane Avenue, PO Box 277. City Vientiane. Email: [email protected] Phone +856-21 413 909, +856-21 413 910. Fax (856-21) 214-828.