Q. Ryan, Danny, can you give us your thoughts overall on your performance at the World Cup this week, Danny?

DANNY LEE: We did good. I kind of struggled with my putting today. We could have been easily 13, 14 under or who knows. If we got it going early in the round we might have had a much better momentum going into the back nine. But I think I kind of let down the team New Zealand today.

Q. Ryan?

RYAN FOX: It was a great week. I really enjoyed it. As Danny said, we probably had three out of the four days we probably didn't get the putts to roll in as we would have liked other than sort of Friday, we holed a lot then. But it was a really enjoyable week and hopefully we can team up again in the future.

Q. What do you put today down to, because jeez, you guys gave yourself a lot of opportunities. It just seemed to be the putting?

RYAN FOX: Yeah, for me that's all it was. We had a lot of shots of 10 or 15 feet. You look at the Swedish guys today and they holed the majority of those and we had three or four hit the lip and it didn't go in, and a couple were probably just a little out on speed. But that's golf, you can't do it every week.

Q. Danny, is playing in the team format something that you enjoy and would you like to see you and Ryan teaming up more in the future?

DANNY LEE: Yeah, definitely, I think we match well, very good together. I don't know what to say right now, my head is completely blank. Just not happy with my round today. But yeah, I really enjoyed his company and he's a good guy and great golfer and I think we're going to have fun next week.

Q. There's talk about with the Olympics bringing into sort of the kind of format as it is here, teams as opposed to playing individuals. Would you prefer that?

DANNY LEE: I prefer just a stroke play, I think. It's kind of middle of the season and we're giving up one week to play in it, so we've got to at least play for world ranking points and stuff, yeah.

1 RYAN FOX: I like the idea of having a team format. Probably with Danny, maybe not necessarily this kind of format if we have it with the World Cup, but definitely have a team combined stroke play on top of what this format used to be. I think that would keep guys in the tournament a little bit compared to most weeks when you're playing for money. If you win in sort of a top team at the Olympics, you didn't really have much the last day to go for, but if you're in the hunt in the team competition, I think that would help out a little bit. I'm sure they'll be thinking pretty hard about it the next couple years.

Q. Looking ahead to next week, are you both looking forward to going to the Gold Coast, seeing some sun and playing the Australian PGA Championship?

DANNY LEE: Hopefully it's a lot warmer than here. I was freezing my balls out here.

Q. Ryan, a moment to compose yourself?

RYAN FOX: Yeah, I'm with Danny. It was a tough week weather-wise this week. Cold and a fair bit of breeze, although the golf course was a little bit softer than what it normally is because of the rain. But I'm sure 29 degrees and sunny on the Gold Coast, I don't think too many people are going to complain of that.

Q. Danny, looking back on your year in 2016, how do you feel it's sort of gone for you, are you pleased with how it's gone?

DANNY LEE: No, not at all. It's really hard to have a really good year after you finish ninth on the FedEx and won a first PGA Tour victory, you're always going to want more and you always want to play better than what I did last year. I was playing okay overall, but I just didn't have the momentum for all four rounds, just always one or two rounds just really letting me down. It's been like that for a whole year and I think this week kind of gave me the momentum to break that rust, should I say, or whatever that is, and hopefully I'll show better performance next week.

Q. Are you happy with your everything around your game?

DANNY LEE: Yeah, everything's great, yeah. Hit it well, short game was great and just my short putt was letting me down a little bit today.

Q. Can I just get your overall impressions about Kingston Heath, both of you?

RYAN FOX: It's obviously one of the best in if not one of the best in the world. I really enjoyed it. This is my third or fourth time around here in tournament golf and I played a couple of the Open qualifiers here when they were here. Yeah, it's just unbelievable. Great layout, great condition. I'm sure the guys are possibly disappointed that there was so much rain earlier in the week because this place can get really fiery and I'm sure that would have been interesting to watch, but can't do anything about the weather. But yeah, it's a great golf course to play.


Q. Danny?

RYAN FOX: It was a really good golf course. Whatever Ryan just said, I wasn't even listening, but I'll double that. And a lot of the courses these days, you have to able to hit it really far off the tee to shoot a low number, but seems like this course you don't have to hit driver every hole to shoot low numbers out there, you've just got to put your tee ball into good position for second shots and you've just got to putt it well out here. I really enjoyed playing here.

Q. Just in general being back in this part of the world, is it nice being so close back to New Zealand?

DANNY LEE: Yeah. One thing for sure, I had plenty of meat pies this week.

Q. Mince or steak?

DANNY LEE: Whichever pie it is.