28. GALIUM Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 105. 1753
Fl. China 19: 104–141. 2011. 28. GALIUM Linnaeus, Sp. Pl. 1: 105. 1753. 拉拉藤属 la la teng shu Chen Tao (陈涛); Friedrich Ehrendorfer Subshrubs to perennial or annual herbs. Stems often weak and clambering, often notably prickly or “sticky” (i.e., retrorsely aculeolate, “velcro-like”). Raphides present. Leaves opposite, mostly with leaflike stipules in whorls of 4, 6, or more, usually sessile or occasionally petiolate, without domatia, abaxial epidermis sometimes punctate- to striate-glandular, mostly with 1 main nerve, occasionally triplinerved or palmately veined; stipules interpetiolar and usually leaflike, sometimes reduced. Inflorescences mostly terminal and axillary (sometimes only axillary), thyrsoid to paniculiform or subcapitate, cymes several to many flowered or in- frequently reduced to 1 flower, pedunculate to sessile, bracteate or bracts reduced especially on higher order axes [or bracts some- times leaflike and involucral], bracteoles at pedicels lacking. Flowers mostly bisexual and monomorphic, hermaphroditic, sometimes unisexual, andromonoecious, occasionally polygamo-dioecious or dioecious, pedicellate to sessile, usually quite small. Calyx with limb nearly always reduced to absent; hypanthium portion fused with ovary. Corolla white, yellow, yellow-green, green, more rarely pink, red, dark red, or purple, rotate to occasionally campanulate or broadly funnelform; tube sometimes so reduced as to give appearance of free petals, glabrous inside; lobes (3 or)4(or occasionally 5), valvate in bud. Stamens (3 or)4(or occasionally 5), inserted on corolla tube near base, exserted; filaments developed to ± reduced; anthers dorsifixed. Inferior ovary 2-celled, ± didymous, ovoid, ellipsoid, or globose, smooth, papillose, tuberculate, or with hooked or rarely straight trichomes, 1 erect and axile ovule in each cell; stigmas 2-lobed, exserted.
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