Closing out Sale • • • We Sold Our Entire Stock of CUTTERS Early This Season, and Have Now Received Another Complete Line to Meet the Wants of Later Buyers
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•TTTT»rrr»TTTT»T»TT^ t»»t"J 5 Secnre oor j ^ HERB IS A I ^ BSTIMATBS : I oil alt classes of £ r WINNER. I 3 Printing. \ ITie Weekly Inter \ . WTTTYf irVrlTTTTTTTTT- Ocean and the Day '• Spring; both one ^ We're Best q year, for . ; Bqntpped to j : Property Bxecnte 2 ': ynmr Work, 3 I $1.40 EIGHT PAGES WEEKLY - ALL KQME PRfNT. VOL mm. HABTFOBD, MICHIGAN. WEDNESDAI, DECEMBER 23. I90a OTMBEE 14. ...ARTISTIC.,. WHEN YOU BUY Is Your PHOTOGRAPHS THE DAY SPRING Wishes its readers a Merry Christmas and Christmas Presents, a Happy New Year. | Coal Bin ALL THAT'S NEW IN PHOTOGRAPHY -^SEE OUR LARGE LINE OF Guaranteed Work. Reasonable Prices CHILDREN'S TOYS Full? ALL FREIGHT TO PASS SILVER PLATED WARE CROSS STUDIO THROUGH HARTFORD NICKLE PLATED WARE WATI-RVI-IET. MICHIGAN. Our coal will give the CARPET SWEEPERS of the C. K. & S., extending from best results in your heat Rumored That Main Line cA Pete Mar Woodbury, on the Detroit Grand Rap CUTLERY V ing stove and furnace as quette Will Undo^o a Radical We Want Your Busioess ids division, to Kalamazoo. Vice ^ ; QUNS= all prices well as in jom* cooking Change. President Cox nearly succeeded in this I stove. Also, the most COMPLETE LINE OF GENERAL Not because, we can make a l9,rge attempt, as was shown in the court The coal we sell burns The faihire of the Pere Marquette proceedings of a few weeks ago, when amount of money by handling it now, HARDWARE, STOVES, Etc., in the. county.,.;........ better—gives more heat but if we establish a system of saving railroad and the common c-ounell at an injunction restraining the directors and lasts longer than for you, it will ultiraately amount to a Grand Rapids to agree on terms for of the C., K, & S. from issuing addi any other coal. great deal and we will then reap a the double tracking of certain portions tional stock was denied. Prices aret Low for Quality.... benefit. of that road within the city limits has Notwithstanding that this extra GivK Us A Tkial Do you see our object now? Three caused the directorate of the Pere stocJt was issued and the immeaiate Ouniiu! per cent paid on deposits. Marquette to instruct Tice President danger of the present owners of the E. D. GOODWIN Cox to secure a ccntrollinjE interest iu ...PHONE No. 9... Responsibility S70,000. C. K. & S. losing control is was the Chicago, Kalamazoo & Saginaw stated Tuesday that Cox now held The Hardware flan railway. such a'proportion of the road's total Hartford... ...nichigan Edward Finley... When the present owners of the issue of the stock as to insure the an f/lRMfRS' AND MERCHANTS Fere Marquette came into possession nouncement at the next annual meet- (Successor to II. M. O'iiicy & Co.) of the road, It was their intention to jjng that the control uf the Chicago, ...BANK... make it a trunk line from Chicago to Kalamazoo & Saginaw railroad was in CHRISTMAS i GIFTS LAWRENCE MICHIGAN Buffalo, via J^'ew Buffalo, Grand Rap the hands of the Pern Marquette. J. L. Welch, Cashier. ids, Detrott,St. Thomas and Suspension If this be true, it will mean that Christmas Gifts are the all absorbing subject just Bridge. The additional traffic which Grand Rapids will not be on ihe fu Christmas now. If you have not already made your holiday would follow the carrfing out of this ture main line of the Pere Marquette, purchases, you have only a few days left in which scheme would necessitate better faeiii- ^Feasts KEASEY BROTHERS, as freight consigned fo Buffalo from to do so. Our stock affords an unlimited variety tifS for handling freight. One was a Chicago will go (ttjuugh Hartford, of appropriate gifts. New arrivals of the past double track on the Detroit-Grand Paw Paw, Kalamazoo and Woodbury. week include the latest novelties in ^ We are making extensive ^ Rapids division within the limits of t preparations to supply | Funeral Directors and Grand Rapids, in the vicinity of East A faded out, cire-worn w:oraan of 40, Metal Clocks, Ebony Goods, t the MEATS for your^ Scientific Embalmers. street. with a spruce up-to-date husband, § Christmas feasib. The very I Toilet Articles, Perfumes, Etc. When the attempt to obtain perrmis- should take Rocky Mountain T>-a. : choicest of.... : Brings back that youthful, girlish p- Calls answered promptly day or sion to lay double tracks there failed beauty. Keeps the old man fiom go New Creations in China. ^Turkeys,, Ducks, Geese J night. the directorate ordered that an en ing to the lodge. 35 cents. G.T. deavor be made to secure the control Chamuerlin, ^Chickens, etc. [ Lady Assista;st When Desired. We are displaying some new arrivals in the Fancy China line that embrace some of the latest china t as well as our usual prime E AT LAST! creations. Fancy China always makes an accept H roasts of beef and pork t F. M. Keasey obtained oue of the first and able gift, and our assortment offers some choice 1 will be at your command. I highest license's issued; also has been given di plomas from two of the best colleges in the selections. ' t On the quality of thet United ^tates. Satisfactiott Qnaratiteed. I meats depends largely the ^ We want you fco see our various lines. We know they will offer : success of the feast. May t many pleasing suggestions that will aid materially in t we receive your order. t Keasey Brothers the satisfactory solution of the gift question. I <^ t Waterdliet, Michigan IW. H. Dunbar[ DAY SPRING ADVERTISING G. T. CMMBERLIN. 3 Hartford, Mich. e _ ^ PAYS ——•—— •f f fit TTTTTTTTITTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTTTyTTTTtTTrffTTTf* Closing Out Sale • • • We sold our entire stock of CUTTERS early this season, and have now received another complete line to meet the wants of later buyers. Having bought the E. M. Zuver stock of Fur nishing Goods at fifty cents on the dollar, we will sell at our store a line of..... The new arrivals comprise a good selec tion of all grades in a variety of trimmings^, The best of the sleighing is yet to come. Come early and get your choice of the lot. FURNISHING GOODS AT ONE-HALF PRICES VARY . BUT ALL Heavy Jersey Shirts at.--40c Best Fleeced Underwear. .-40c The Senate (to Cttba).-«*Xtke It; It's Yours." ARE LOW. $1.00 Shirts at- - - --50c Wool Underwear at . - -75c Neckties at ...... 25c Best Wool Underwear at -. 88c WITHIN THE COUNTY AND OUTSIDE A. Mcintosh... Machin«rr of the Farw«ll overall Smallpco: at Covert* A Line of Hats and other articles in factory at Benton Harbor has been re> There are ten citses of sm^aUpox In DOved to FoBd-du-Lac, ll^is. Covert village and many tamilies are Gents* Furnishfitg Goods at fifty 6. M. Whitehead, county agent of qaarantined. Business in the town is cents on the dollar. Bi^rriea county, who was iojared last at a stand still and the residents are week by coHisioQ with a street car frightened. Stringent steps are being While driving in a cutler, is likely to taken to stamp out the pest. We also have a line of CHILDREN'S SUITS and MEN'S SUITS recover. Two ribs were broken. Gilt GlasSe to close out at reduced prices: Ebbing Affray in Arlington. Fruit growers of Berrien county are In Arlington Wednesday night Wil ^xcited over the atppearance of the Boys'Suits..-- 85 liam I).ivis and Delbert Rich engaged San Jose s^le in some of their orchards Boys'Reefers-- — ......... 1,15 in a quarrel. One of the parties acr aiid are preparing proper spi^ag ma Men's Suiits (good) ...-^ 5^00 cused the other of overdriving a team. terial with which to exterminate it. The argument became warm andflnaliy We have just received a very rich array Owners c^f some of the factories and Call and be Conviii<i!«d that tbis is the cheapest line of goods IVaVia stabbed Rich over the hearo. of choice CUT GLASS for the holiday trade. ever sold in Hartford. large blocks in Benton Bwrbor ar* us- Jilch will not die, but Davis is in jail Choice patters that wiil make choice gilts. ing appii pbinace for furnace fuel. It ae Paw Paw charged with attempted is said to give .much..D^l bat buri^j murder. rapidly and nee^ the constant atten This Sah» begJnt^ Saturday* and lasts tion of thie janiton in fMiing the Sre. Some young vandals entered the until the stock Is sold. Cdme early. An endless assortment of appropiriate Chi^i- Land Gominissioncir Wildey ia nego high school room at Benton Harbor by tiating with several railroad eocnpaniea means of a ladder, one evening last mas .gifts at which traverse northern Michigan to week and destroyed luKtkSi, smeared Second door east of the post office. secure special rates for actual settlers valuable pictures anrf the frescoed on state tax lauds;, The commissioa walls with ink and played hob gener- has ft plan for attracting settlers to ally. W. S. SlashMd & Co.'s these lands, and low rates tux passen B. E. Crandall 9r Co. Don't forget to boy vour husband WWELRY STORE gers and hooseh^ effeets la a feature onaee of Goodwin's $1.75 guaranteed Hartfofd. mmtm of it. vasoifs. DO YOU GET UP I News t of i the i Wolverine i State WITH A LAME BACK ? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. POLinCAL FEAST. MICHIGAN IN CaNGRESS.