TO BE LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR GR.A.DE), The SPEAKER. The question is, Shall the bill be engrossed From the 17th day of April, 1899. for a third reading? . The bill was ordered to be ent;ro3Sed for a third reauing, and it John P. J. Ryan. was accordingly engrossed and read the third time. John R. Morris. The SPEAKER. The question is on the passage of the bill. Chester Wells. Mr. OVERSTREET. Mr. Speaker, on that question I ask for Prom the 1st day of July, 1899. the yeas and nays. ~ The yeas and nays were ordered. . Irvin V. Gillis. The question was taken; and there were-yeas, 190, nays 150, Ridley McLean. not voting 14; as follows: . Raymond Stone. David Sellers. YEAS-190. F. Acheson, Dick, Lacey, Reeves, Charles Webster. Adams, Dolliver, Landis, R-oberts, Mass. John T. Tompkins. Alexander, Dovener, Lane, Rodenberg, John M. Hudgins. Allen, Me. Driggs, Lawrence, Ruppert, Babcock, Driscoll, Levy, Russell, · Provoost Babin. BaileYi Kans. Eddy, Linney, Scudder, Simon P. Fullinwider. Baker, Emerson, Littauer, Shattuc, Lewis B. Jones. Barham, Esch, Littlefield, Shelden Barney, Faris, Long, Sherman, Boling K. McMorris. Bartholdt, Fitzgerald, N. Y. Lori.mer, Showalter, Stephen V. Graham. Bingham, Fletcher, Loud, Srriith, ill. Alfred W. Hinds. Bore~g, Fordney, Loudenslager, Smith, H. C. Boutell, ill. Foss, Lovering, Smith, Samuel W. Ernest L. Bennett. Boutelle, Me. Fowler, Lybrand, Smith, Wm. Alden Roscoe C. Moody. Bowersock, Freer, McAleer, Southard, Fritz L. Sandoz. Brick, Gamble, McCall, Spalding, Bromwell, Gardner, Mich. McCleary, Sperry, Leland F. James. Brosius, Gardner, N. J. McPherson, Sp'rague, John McC. Luby. Brown, Gibson, Mahon, Steele, Ralph H. Chappell. Brownlow, Gill, Mann, Stevens, Minn. Joseph M. Reeves. Bull, Gillett, Mass. Marsh, Stewart, N. J. Burke, S. Dak. Graff, Mercer, - Stewai:t, N. Y. William P. Scott (subject to examination)~ Burkett, Graham, Mesick, Stewart, Wis. Arthur G. Kavanagh. Burleigh, Greene, Mass. Metcalf, Sulloway, Ignatius T. Cooper. Burton, Grosvenor, Miller, Tawney, ·· Butler Grout, Minor, Tayler, Ohio Carlton F. Snow. Calderhead, Grow, Mondell, Thayer, Henry T. Baker. Cannon, _ Hamilton, Moody, Mass. Thomas, Iowa Frank Lyon. Ca:pron, Haugen, 'Moody, Oreg. Thropp, Chickering, Hawley, Morgan, Tompkins, Charles S. Bookwalter. Clarke. N. H. Heatwole, Morri<;, Tongue. Hutch I. Cone. Clayton, N. Y. Hedge, Mudd, Underhill, Roscoe C. Bulmer. Cochrane, N. Y. Hemenway, Needham, Van Voorhis, Gilbert S. Galbraith. Connell, Henry, Conn. O'Grady, Wachter, Cooper, Wis. Iii[burn, - oimsted, Wadsworth, Emory Winship (subject to examination). Corliss, Otjen, Wanger, - Roscoe Spear. Cousins, Hitt, Overstreet, Warner, Cromer, Hoffecker, Packer, Pa. Waters, Robert W. McNeely. - Crump, Hopkins, ' Parker, N. J. Watson, Walter S. Tnrpin (subject to examination). Crumpacker, Bowell, Payne, Weaver, George L. P. Stone. Curtis, Hull, · Pearce, Mo. Weeks, William S. Whitted. Cushman, · Jack, Pea1Te, Wermouth, Dahle, Wis. Jenkins. Phillips, White, Robert H. Osborn (subject to examination). Dalzell, Jones, Wash. Powers, Wilson,N. Y. Walter J. Manion. Davenport, S. A. Kahn, Prince, Wright, George E. Gelm. Davidson, Kerr, Pugh, Young, Pa. Dayton, Ketcham, Ray · Clarence England. Denny, Knox, Reeder, Edwin H. De Lany. POSTMASTER. NAYS-150. Adamson, De Armond, Little, - Ryan, Pa. Minot Wales Baker, to be postmaster at Randolph, in the county Allen, Ky. De Graffenreid, Livingston, Salmon, · Allen, Miss. De Vries, Lloyd. _ Shackleford, of Norfolk and State of Massachusetts. Atwater, Dinsmore, McClellan, Shafrot.h, Bailey, Tex. Dougherty, McCulloch, Sheppard, Ball Elliott, McDowell, Sibley, · Baiikhead, Epes, McLain, Sims. Barber, Finley, McRae, Slayden, HOU.SE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Bartlett, Fitzgerald, !lass. Maddox, Small, Bell, Fitzpatrick, May, Sxajth, Ky. l\loNDAY, Decembe1· 18, 1899. Benton, Fleming, Mee.Id son, Snodgrass, Berry, ,C,· Foster, Meyer, La. Sparkman, The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Bradley, Fox, - Miers, Ind. Spight, Brantley, Gaines, Moon, Stark, HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. Breazeale, Gaston, Muller, Steohens, Tex. The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last was read and Brenner, Gilbert, Naphen, Stokes, approved. . Brewer~ Glynn, Neville, Sulzer, Brundiage, Gordon, Newlands, Sutherland, Mr. BARTLETT appeared and took the oath of office. Burke, Tex. Green, Pa. Noonan, Swanson, Burleson, Griffith, Norton, Ohio Talbert, THE FL~ANCIAL BILL. Burnett, Griggs, Norton, S. C. Tate, Caldwell, Hall, Otey, Tayl0r, Alfl. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the special order. Carmack, Hay, Pierce, Tenn. Terry, The Clerk read as follows: · Chanler, Hem·y, Miss. Polk, Thomas, N. C. Clark, Mo. Henry, Tex. Quarles, Tm·ner, Resolved, That on Monday, Decembar 11, immediately after the reading of Clayton, Ala. Howard, · Ransdell, Underwood, the Journal, the House shall resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole Cochran, Mo. Jett, Rhea, Ky. Vandiver, House on the state of the Union for the consideration of H. R. No. 1. entitled Cooney, Johnston, Rhea, Va. Wheeler, Ky. .. A bill to define and fix: the standard of value, to maintain the parity of all Williams, J. R. Cooper, Tex. Jones1 Va. Richardson, forms of money issued or coined by the United States, and for other pur­ Cowherd, Kitchin, Ridgely, Williams, W. E. pose ; "general debate thereon shall continue to not later than5 o'clock p. m. Cox, Kleberg, Riordon, Williams. ~. of Friday, the 15th day.of December, and thereafter debate under the five­ Crawford., Kluttz, Rixey, Wilson, Idaho minute rule until 5 o'clock p. m. of Satmday, the 16th day of December, at Crowley, Lamb, Robb1 Wilson, S. C: which time the committee shall rise and report the bill to the House, with any Cummings, Lanham, Robbms, Young, Va. . amendments adopted by the committee, and a vote shall be taken oo t?e bill Cusack, La.timer, Robinson, Ind. Zenor, nnd amendments, if any, without intervening motion, to flna.l passa.ge,1mme­ Daly,N. J. Lentz, Robinson, Nebr. Ziegler. diately after the reading of the Journal on Monday, tbe 18th day of Dece.m ber. Davenport, S. W. Lester, Rucker, And during said debate the House shall on each day adjourn not later than Davis, Lewis, Ryan, N. Y. 5 o'clock p. m. NOT VOTING-H. Mr. GAINES. Mr. Speaker, a. parliamentary inquiry. Bellamy, Catchings, Joy, Vreeland, The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Bishop, Davey, Robertson, La. Wheeler, Ala. Mr. GAINES. Is it not now in order to move to recommit tbe Broussard, Gillet, N. Y. Smith, Md. bill to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Campbell, Barmer, Stallings, Union-- So the bill was passed. The SPEAKER. It is not. The following pairs were announced: Mr. GAINES. For the purpose of reporting a bill for the free Until further notice: coinage of silver at the present legal ratio? Mr. HARMER with Mr. BROUSS.ARD. 1899. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 573

Mr. BISHOP with Mr. Cll!PBELL. Interstate and Foreign• Comme1·ce.-Messrs. William P. Hepburn, Iowa; , ; James S. Sherman, New York; Irvin~ P. For this day: Wa;tger. Pennsylvania; Charles F. Joy, Missouri; John B. Corliss, ;

Mr. VREELANl> with Mr. DAVEY. James F. Stewart, New Jersey; John A. Barham, ; R. B. Hawler.1 Mr. Joy with .Mr. CATOHL"'lllGS. Texas; James R. Mann, ; Willia.m C. Lovering, Massachusetts; Wil­ liam McAleer, Pennsylvania; Robert C. Davey, Louisiana: William C. Ad­ Mr. GILLET of New York with Mr. ROBERTSON of Louisiana. amson, Georgia; Robert W. Davis, Florida; Nicholas Muller, New York, Mr. BISHOP. Mr. Speaker, I am paired with the gentleman and D. W. Shackleford, Missouri. · from Montana, Mr. CAMPBELL. I therefore withdraw my vote. Rivers and Harbors.-Messr~ Theodore E. Burton, Ohio; Illinois; Bla.-0kburn B. Dovener, West ; Roswell P. Bishop, Michigan; If he were present be would vote "nay," and I would vote "yea." Ernest F. Acheson, Pennsylvania; Page Morri.S, Minnesota; De Alva S. Alex­ Mr. BARTHOLDT. Mr. Speaker, Idesiretosayon behalfof my ander, New York; Thomas H. Tongue, Oregon; G. P. Lawrenee, Massachu­ colleague, Mr. JOY, that he is detained by serious. illness in his setts; J. H. Davidson, Wi'.lconsin; rhomas C. Catchings. Mississippi; Rufus E. If Lester, Georgia; John H. Bankhead, Alabama; Philip D. McCulloch, Arkansas; family. present, he would vote "yea." Albert S. Berry, Kentucky; Stephen M. Sparkman, Florida, and Thoma.q H. Mr. KITCHIN. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from North Caro­ Ball, Texas. lina, Mr. BELLAMY, is necessarily detained from the House this Alerchant Jfari1 e and Fisheries ..,...Messrs. Charles H. Grosvenor, Ohio· morning. Jf present, he would vote" nay." Albert J. Hoplrins, Ulinois; James R. Young, Pennsylvania; Archibald Ly~ brand, Ohio; William S. Greene, Mas~a.chu se tts; E. S. Minor, Wisconsin; The result of the vote was then announced as above recorded. Fred C. Stevens, Mipnesota; W. L. Jones, Washington; J. W. Fordney, Mich­ [Loud applause on the Republican side.] igan.; Frank q. Wa.c~ter,. Maryland; Jo.hn F ..Fi~zger~ld, ¥assachusetts; On motion of Mr. OVERSTREET, a motion to reconsider the Marion De Vries, California; Th<.H~1as Sp1~h~, 1lfiss1ss1pp1; William D. Daly, New Jersey; J.E. Ransdell, Lomsia.na; Willia.m Astor Chanler, New York, vote by which the bill was passed was laid on the table. and John H. Small, North Carolina.. LEA VE TO PRH~T, .Agriettlture.-Messrs. JamesW. Wadsworth, New York; E. Stevens Henrr, Connecticut; William B. Baker, Maryland; William Lorimer, illinois: Wil~ Mr. McRAE. Mr. Speaker, I ask indefinite leave to print some liam Connell Pennsylvania; George H. White, North Carollna; W. J. Bailev remarks upon the financial bill which has just passed, and with Kansas; C. F. Wright. Pennsylvania; Gilbert N. Haugen, Iowa; H.B. Dahle: it an appendix of some speeches heretofore made by me and an Wi ~consin; John 8. Williams, Mississippi: J. William 8tokes, South Carolina· John Lamb, Virginia; James Coonev, Missouri; R. B. Gordon, Ohio; H. D'. analysis of various votes upon coinage and currency legislation. Allen, Kentucky; William Neville, Nebraska.. and J. F. Wilson, Arizona. The SPEAKER. For what length of time does the gentleman Foreign Affairs.-Messrs. Robert R. Hitt, Illinois; Robert Adams, jr. Penn­ ask? sylvania; Rol)ert G. Cousins, Iowa; William Alden Smith, Michigan· Joel P. I Heatwole, Minnesota: Frederick H. Gillett, Massachusetts: C. N. 'Fowler Mr. McRAE. would like to have the time unlimited, because New Jerse¥; C. B. Landi~, Indiana; F. G. Clarke, New Hampshire; Seth w'. of my ill health. . Brown, Ohio; Hu~h A. Dmsmore, Arkansas; ChamfiClark, Missouri; John The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Arkansas asks unani­ B. Williams, Mississippi; Albert S. Berry, Kentuc ; William M. Howard Georgia; A. S. Burleson, Texas, and Townsend Scud er, New York. ' mous consent that he be permitted to print remarks on the bill Aflilitarp .A_tfairs.-Messrs. John A. T. Hull, Iowa; Benjamin F. Marsh, Illi­ j ast passed and to have unlimited time to do so, he having been n01s; John EL Ketcham, New York; Walter P. Brownlow, Tennessee; Rich­ confined to the hospital during .the consideration of the bill. Is ard Wayne Parker, New J~rs9y; 4-· B. C11.pron, Rhode Island; Fred C. Ste­ there objection? I After a pause. The Chair hears none. vens, lilmnesota; Charles Dick, Ohio; F. W. Mondell, Wyoming; J. J. Esch J Wisconsin; William Sulzer, New York; Nicholas N. Cox, Tennessee; John J'. l\Ir. BARTLETT. Mr. Speaker,Iwould asktheHousetogrant Lentz, Ohio; James Hay, Virginia; Thomas M. Jett, Illinois; J. L. Slayden me the privilege of printing, without any limit now, on a-ccount of Texas; Robert F. Broussard, Louisiana, and Pedro Perea, New Mexico_ ' the fact that I was not present during the debate. Nai•al Affairs.-Messrs. Charles A. Boutelle, Maine; George E. Foss Illi­ nois; Alston G. Dayton, West Virginia; Henry C. Loudenslager, New Je~sey· The SPEAKER. A similar request to that !ast granted is made R. B. Hawley, Texa~; 'Thomas S. Butler. Pennsylvania; Melville Bull, Rhod~ by the gentleman from Geqrgia. Is there objection. [After a Island: Sydn.ey E: Mudd, Marylandi James E . Watson, Indiana; Victor H.(' pause.] The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. Metcalf, Cahforma; Amos J. Cummmgs, New York; Adolph Meyer, Loui­ i::iana; Farish Carter Tate, Georgia; John F. Rixey, Virginia· W.W. Kitchin Mr. FITZGERALD of Massachusetts. Mr. Speaker, I make a North Carolina; W. D. Vandiver, Missouri, and Charles K. Wheeler, Ken~ similar request. I was absent on account of a death in my tucky. family. Post-Office and Post-Roads.-Messrs. Eugene F. Loud, California; John H. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Massachusetts, absent on Ketcham, New York; George W. Smith, Illinois; John J. Gardner, New Jer­ sey; Nehemiah D. Sperry, Connecticut; William Lorimer, Illinois; Jacob H. account of a death in his family, submits a similar request. Is Bromwell, Ohio; Henry H. Bingham, Pennsylvania; Smith McPherson., Iowa· there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none, and George W. Cromer, Indiana; Claude A. Swanson Virginia; John A. Moon' it is so ordered. Tennessee; James M. ~riggs, Georgia; ~· E. Burke, Texas; John S. Little: Arkansas; Joseph C. Sibley, Pennsylvama; W. S. Cowherd, Missouri and APPOINTMENT OF COMMITTEES. Pedro Perea, New Mexico. ' The SPEAKER. The Chair df}sires to submit the following Public Lands.-Mes~rs. John F. ~acey, Iowa; Frank M. Eddy, Minnesota; F. W. Mondell. Wyouung; J.M. Miller, Kansas; C.H. Burke, South Dakota· designation of committees, which the Clerk will read. · W. L. Jones, Washington; E. J. Burkett, Nebraska; John J. Esch, Witiconsin! The Clerk read as follows: M: A. Moody~Oregon; J.C. Needham. California; John F. Shafroth,Colorado! Elections No. 1. - Messrs. Robert W. Tayler, Ohio; Romulus Z. Linney, Rudolph KleoE?rg, Tex~; Marion De Vi:ies, California; David Meekison, Ohio; North Carolina; James R. Mann, illinois; Edward L. Hamilton, Michigan; FrancIS M. Griffith, Indiana; Edgar Wilson, Idaho; S. Brundidge, jr., Arkan- Samuel A. Davenport, Pennsylvania; E. J. Burkett. Nebraska; Charles L. sas, and D. T. Flynn, Oklahoma. ' Bartlett, Georgia; AndrewF. Fox, Mississippi, and M. H. Glynn. New York. Indian .Affairs.-Messrs. James S. Sherman, New York; Charles Curtis ElectiO'fl.s No. g,-Messrs. Walter L. Weaver, Ohio: Martin E. Olmsted Kansas; Frank M. Eddy, Minnesota: Alexander St-ewart, Wisconsin; John F'. Pennsylvania; C. B. Landis, Indiana; J. M. Miller, Kansas; V. H. Burke: Lacey, Iowa; Horace B. Packer, Pennsylvania; Charles E. Pearce Missouri· South Dakota; Lot Thomas, Iowa; James M. Robinson, Indiana; John Wes­ Robert J. Gamble, South Dakota; C. D. Shelden, Michigan: Joseph J Gm: ley Gaines, Tennessee, and Henry D. Green, Pennsylvania. Ohio; John S. Little, Arkansa-s; John H. Stephens, Texas; William T. Zenor Elections No. 3.-Messrs. William S. Mesick, Michigan; Aaron V. S. Coch­ Indiana; Stanyarne Wilson, South Carolina; John R. Thayer, Massar.husetts! rane, New York; G. W. FariR. Indiana; E. W. Roberts, Massachusetts; Edgar J ohn J. Fitzgerald, New York; John Dougherty, Missouri, and D. T. Flynn: Weeks, Michigan; M. E. Driscoll, New York; Robert W. Miers, Indiana; Oklahotna. Robert E. Burke, Texas, and Frank A. McLain, Mississippi. Territories.-Messrs. William S. Knox, Massachtrnetts; Loren Fletcher Min­ lVays and~lteans.-Messrs. RerenoE. Payne, New York; John Dalzell, Penn· nesota; E. L. Hamilton, Michigan: B. F. Spalding, North Dakota; A. L. Brick, sy1vania; .Albert J. Hopkins, Illinois; Charles H. Grosvenor, Ohio; Charles A. Indiana; Joseph R. Lane. Iowa; W. H. Graham, Pennsylvania; F. W. Cush­ Russell, Connecticut; Jonathan P. Dolliver, Iowa; George W. 8teele, Indiana; ma~, Washington; Vincent Boreing, Kentucky; William McAleer, Pennsyl­ James A. Tawney, Minne. ota; Samuel W. McCall, M:!.s-sachusetts; Chester I. vania: Joh~ A. Mooni,.rennessea; R. C. D~ Graffenreid, Texas.; J~h.n A. Mc­ Long, Kamas; James D. Richardson. Tennessee; Samuel M. Robertson, Lou· Dowell, Ohio; D. E. J:<1.nley, South Carolina; ·S. P. Epes, Vll'gmia; Pedro isiana; Claude A. Swam;on, Virginia; George B. McClellan, New York; Perea, New Mexico. and D. T. Flynn, Oklahoma. Francis G. New lands-, Nevada, and S. B. Cooper, Texas. (One vacancy.) Insulm· .Affairs.-Messrs. Henry A. Cooper, Wisconsin; Joseph G. Cannon .Appropriations.- Messrs. Joseph G. Cannon, Illinois; Henry H. Bingham, Illinois; Robert R. Hitt, Illinoi'3; Sereno E. Payne, New York; William P'. Pennsylvania; William W. Grout. Vermont; James A. Hemenway, Indiana; Hepburn, Iowa; Eugene F. Loud, California; James A. Tawney, Minnesota· Samuel S. Barney, Wisconsin; William H. Moody, Massachusetts; Samuel J. Joseph W. Babcock, Wisconsin; William H. Moody, Massachusetts: E. D'. Pugh, Kentucky; R. C. Van Voorhis. Ohio; James T. McCleary, Minnesota; Crumpa~k~r, Indi~; W. A. Jones, Virginia; John W. l\laddox, Georgia; Lucius N. Littauer,,_New York; LeonidasF. Livingston, Georgia; Thomas C. J. R. Wilham.<>, IllmoIB; R. J_,. Henry, Texas: E. W. Carmack, Tennessee· McRae, Arkansas; John M. Allen, Mississi~i; John C. Bell, Colorado; Rfoe H. D. Clayton, Alabama., and Joseph C. Siblef,, Pennsylvania. · ' !iib1:~C:.· Tennessee; Mrecenas E. Benton, issouri, and George W. Taylor, Railways and Canals.-Messrs. Charles A. Chickering, New York; JamesH Davids_on, Wisconsin; William.B. Shattuc, Ohio; Joseph~- Showalter, Penn: Judicim·y.-Messrs. George W. Ray, New York; John J. Jenkins, Wiscon­ sylvama; Seth W. Brown, Oh10; Rosseau 0. Crump. Michigan; E.W. Rob­ sin; Richard Wayne Parker, New Jersey; Je5se Overstreet, Indiana; DeAlva. ert~. Massachusetts; H. C. Smith, Michigan; R. C. De Graffenreid, Texas· S. Alexander.New York; . Illinois; Winfield S. Kerr, Ohio; J. W. Denny~ Maryland; John S. Burnett, Alabama; J. W. Atwater, North Cha1:les E. Littlefield, Maine; R.H. Freer, West Virginia; Julius Kahn, Cali­ Carolina, ana John D. Bellamy, North Carolina. • _ forma; William L. Terry, Arkansas; David A. DeArmond, Missouri; Samuel Manufactures.-Messrs. George W. Faris, Indiana; W. B. Baker, Maryland· W. T. Lanham, Texas; William Elliott, South Carolina; Oscar W. Under­ J.E. Thropp, Pennsylvania; John K. Stewart, New York; L. W. Emerson: wood, A~abama; DavidH. Smith, Kentuc.i. y, and William H. Fleming, Georgia. New York; ~oseph J. Gill Qhio; .w. D. Vandiver, Miss~mj; John D. Bellamy, Bankmg and Currency.-Messrs. Marriott Brosius, Pennsylvania.; Charles North Carolina; JohnQ. Underhill, New York; D. E. Finley, South Carolina N .. Fo~ler, ~ew Jersey; Ebenezer J. Hill, Connecticut; George W. Prince, and T. F. Kluttz, North Carolina. • ' illmoIS; Adin B. Capron, Rhode Island; Joseph R. Lane, Iowa; W. A. Calder­ .Mines and .M.in.ing.-Messrs. Rosseau 0. yrump, Michigan; Frank 1\I. Eddy, head, Kansas; Jesse Overstreet, Indiana; W. C. Lovering. Massachusetts; :Mmnesota; Wilham Connell, Pennsylvama; Carlos D. Shelden, Michigan; W. B. Shattuc, Ohio: Nicholas N. Cox, Tennessee; Jesse F. Stallings, Ala­ Robert J. Gamble, South Dakota; W. C. Lovering. Massachusetts; Frank W. bama; E. H. Driggs, New York; W. Jasper Talbe1·t, South Carolina; John 8. MondeU. Wyoming; M. A. Moody, Oregon; Farish Carter Tate, Georgia; Rhea, Kentuckyj John R. Thayer, Massachusetts. and E. B. Lewis, Georgfa. Ja.wes W. Ryan, Pennsylvania; E. Wilson, Idaho; A. J. Campbt!ll, Montana; Coinage, WeigMs, andMeasures.-Messrs. JamesH. Southard. Ohio; Edward J. K. P.Hall Pennsylvania. andJ. F. Wilson, Arizona. S: Minor. Wi<>consin: ~be?ezerJ. Hill, Connecticut; ~heobold Otjen, Wiscon­ Public Bulldings and Ground.s.-Messrs. David H. Mercer, Nebraska; sm; H. S. Boutell, lllinoIS; F. W. Cushman, Washington; J. D. Bowersock, Charles W. Gi1let, New York; Richard Bartho1at, Missouri; Edwin C. Bur­ Kansas; Thomas Hedge. Iowa; J.M. E. O'Grady, New York; RussellJ. Waters, leigh, Maine; George W. Weymouth, Massachusetts; Benjamin It'. Howell, California; Edwin R. Ridgely, Kansas; Charles F . Cochran, Missouri; John New Jersey; Alexander Stewart, Wisconsin; J.B. Showalter, Pennsylvania; F. Shafroth. Colorado; James M. Griggs, Georgia; John Wesley Gaines, Ten· W.A. Rodenberg.Illinois; JohnH.Bankhead,Alabama; JohnH.Little,Arkan­ n~e; R. p. Sutherland, Nebraska; J. :M. Levy, New Yorlr, and John F. sas; William G. Brantley, Georgia; James Norton, 23uth Carolina; J. W. Wilson, Arizona. Smith, Maryland, aud C. R. Thomas, North Carolina. 574 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DECEMBER 18,

Pacific Railroads.-Messrs. H. Henry Powers, Vernitmt; William P. Hep· James W. Wadsworth, New York; G. A. Pearre, Maryland: J. W. Fordney, burn, Iowa; George W. J.'aris. Indiana: William B. Shattuc, Ohio; William Michigan; William L. Terry, Arkansas; John Lamb, Virginia, and E. D. Alden Smith, Michigan; S. A. Davenport, Pennsylvania; S. W. Brown, Ohio; Ziegler, Pennsylvania. George E. Foss, Illinois; J. E. Thropp, Pennsylvania; M. E. Driscoll, New Expenditui·es in the War Department.-Messrs. William W. Grout, Ver­ York· James L. Slayden, Texas; J. M. Quarles, Virginia; J . L. Sheppard, mont; Charles A. Russell, Connecticut: Walter P. Brownlow, Tennessee, Texaa; D. E. Finley, South Carolina, and E.T. Noonan, Illinois. James R. Young, Pennsylvania; W. L. Stark, Nebraska, and J. S. Burnett; Levees nnd hnproi;ements of the Mississippi River.-Messrs. Richard Bar­ Alabama. tboldt, Missouri; , Minnesota; C. F. Joy, Missouri: G. W. Prince, Expenditures in the Navy Department.-Messrs. James F. Stewart, New Illinois: J. J. Jenkins; Wisconsin; R. B. Hawley, Texas; Thomas Hedge, Jer ey; W. S. Greene, Massachusetts; Louis W. Emerson, lfew York; R. J. Iowa; W. A. Rodenberg. Illinois; John M. Allen, Ji!ississippi; Willis Brewer, Waters, California; Stanyarne Wilson, South Carolina; J. L. Brenner, Ohio, Alabama; Robert Brou sard, Lotiisiana; Willirun M. Howard, Georgia, and and Thomas Cusack, Illinois. A. Gaston, Pe~nsylvania. F.xpenditures in the Post-Office Department.-Messrs. Irving P. Wanger, Educatio1i.-Messrs. Galusha-A. Grow,J>ennsylvania; W. S. Knox, Massa­ Pennsylvania; JosephJ. Gill, Ohio; F. C. Wachter,Maryland; G. W. Cromer, chusetts; H. H. Powers, Vermont; H. S. tloutell, Illinois; Washington Gard­ Indiana; Edward Robb, Missouri; G. G. Gilbert, Kentucky, and J. K .P. Ha.11, ner, M.iclligan; A. S. Tompkins, New York; S. M. Jack, Pennsylvania; S. R. Pennsylvania. Morgan. Ohio; David A. De Armond, Missouri· O. L. Bartlett, Georgia; Wil­ Expenditures in the 11_lteri'?r Department.-Messrs. Charles Curtis, Ka~as: liam D. Vandiver, Missouri; Thomas Cusack, iilinois, andJ. W.Denny,Mary­ B. B. Dovener, West Virg1rua; M.A. Moody, Oregon; A. L. Brick, Indiana; land. D. J. Riordon, New York; Edward T. Noonan, Illinois, and H. D. Green, Labor.-Messrs. John J. Gardner, !irew Jersey; J. T. McCleary, Minnesota; Pennsy1 vania. · William Lorimer, Illinois· Joseph B. Showalter, PennRylvania: Richard Bar­ Expenditures in the Department of Ju.~tice.-Messrs. Jonathan P. Dolliver, tholdt, Missouri; E. S. Henry, Oonnecticut; W. H. Graham, Pennsylvania; Iowa; W. H. Moody, Massachm30tts; Julius Kahn, California; R. Z. Linney, Louis W. Emerson New York; W. Jasper Talbert, South Carolina; John S. North Carolina.; Thomas C. Catchings, Mississippi; Thomas J. Bradley, New Rhea., Kentuc1.JT; Amos1 J. Cummings, New York; Ben F. Caldwell, Illinois, York, and W. A. Young, Virginia. and D. J. Riordon, New York. Expenditures in tl~e Department of ~griculture .-Me~rs. C~arles W. Gi}.let, .Militia.-Messrs. Be~amin F. Marsh, Illinois; Edwin C. Burleigh, Maine; New York; C. F. Wright, Pennsylvarua; H.B. Dahle, W1sconsm; W. J. Bailey, John A. T. Hull, Iowa; George W. Steele, lndiano.; Richard WaYll.e Parker, Kansas; James W. Ryan, Pennsylvaniai Mitchell May, New York, and J. W. New Jersey; W. H.Graham,Pennsylvania; Charles Dick, Ohio; Washin~on Atwater, North Carolina. Gardner, MichiR:an; William L. Stark, Nebraska.; W. A. Young, Virginia; E~penditu1·es on Public Buildings.-Messrs. Robert J. Gamble, South Da­ Oscar Turner, Kentucky; Joseph B. Crowley, illinois, and Jacob Ruppert, kota; Richard Bartholdt, Missouri; W. A Rodenberg, Iliinois; J. H. Hof­ jr., New York. fecker, Delaware: J. H. ::>mall, North Carolina; T. Scudder, New York, and Patents.-Messrs, Winfield 8. Kerr, Ohio; Walter Reeves, Illinois; S. S Diivjd E. Johnston, West Virginia. Barner, 'Yis~onsin; J. B. ~rlis~, Michig~n; R. H. Fre~r, West Virginia; .Accounts.-Messrs. Melville Bull, Rhode Island; Charles F. Joy, Missouri; J.M. KO Grndy, New York, A. 8. Tompkins, New York. S. M. Jack, Penn­ Eugene F. Loud, California; M. E. Olmsted, Pennsylvania: E. B. Vreeland, sylvania; William Sulzer, New York; Champ Olark, Missouri; T. Y. Fitz­ New York; H. C. Smith, Michigan: Charles L. Bartlett, Georgia; Hugh A. patrick, Kentucky; P. Breazeale, Louisiana, and W. H. Rhea, Vir~nia. Dinsmore Arkansas. and Henry F. Naphen, Massachusetts. J1walid Pensions.-Messrs. qyrns A; Sull?way, New Ham~shl:e; Henry Select committee on Census.-Messrs. Albert J. Hopkins, Illinois: Oharles R. Gibson, Tennessee· E. S. Minor, WISconsm; J. V. Graff Illinois; Samuel A. Russell, Connecticut; Joseph W. Babcock, Wisconsin: Joel P. Heatwole, W. Smith, Michigan; W. A. Calderhead, Kansas· A. V. 8. Cochrane, New Minnesota; E. F. Acheson, Pennsylvania; E. D. Crumpacker, Indiana; E. C. York; Thomas Hedge, Iowa: J . .ff. Hoffecker, De:ia:ware; Robert W. Miers, Burleigh, Maine; Walter P. Brownlow, Tenne ee; Francis M. Griffith, Indiana.; James A. Norton, Ohio; Edmund H. Driggs New York; Thomas Indiana; John A. McDowell, Ohio; Stanyarne Wilson, South Carolina; Wil· Spight, Missis.<:1ippi; Joseph B. Crowley, Illinois, a.nd A. Gasto~ Pennsylvania. liam H. Ryan. New York, and Theodore F. Kluttz, North Carolina. PC1isions.-Messrs. Henry C. Loudenslager, New Jerl\ey; Jacob H. Brom­ Library.- fo<1srs.Alfred C. Harmer, Pennsylvania; J. T. McCleary, Minne­ well, Ohio; George W. Weymouth, 1\las...Qflchnsetts; Carlos D. Shelden, Micbi­ sota, and Amos J. Oummings, New York. gan;VincentBoreing, Kentucky; E. H. Vreeland, New York: HenryC. Smith, Prfafing.-Messrs. Joel P. Heatwole, Minnesota; Vincent Boreing, Ken­ Michigan; Edgar Weeks, Michigan; Jesse F. Stallings, Alabama; R. 0. De tucl"Y, and F. C. Tate, Georgia. Gra:ffenreid, Texas: Thomas Y. Fitzpatrick, Kentucky; S. W. Davenport, Enrolled Bills.-Messrs. W. B. Baker, Maryland: E. L. Hamilton, Mkhigan; Pennsylvania, and W. 'I'. Orawford, Nor.th 9arolina. . . J. K. Stewart, New York; Henry C. Smith. Michigan; James T. Lloyd, Mis· Claims.-Messrs Joseph V. Graff, IllinoIS; Charles E. Pearce. Missouri; souri; Stany:µ-ne Wilson, South Carolina, and R. K. Polk, Pennsylvania. Loren Fletcher. Mjnnesota; H. S. Bou tell, Illinois; Lot Thomas, Iowa; J.C. Needham, California; J. H. Southard, Ohio; Joseph Thropp, Pennsylvania; During the reading of the above, and immediately after the W.J.~e~. ~ansas;EdwardA.~ob!>JMissouri:JohnF.~i:x:ey, Vi:ginia;P.J. reading of the ·committee on Ways and Means, the following Ot~Y. V1rgm1a; JohnQ. Underhill, .NewYork; F.O.Philhps, Ohio,andJ. J. occurred: Fitzgerald, New York. . . War Claims.-Messrs. Thaddeus M. Mahon, Pennsylvarua.; Henry R. Gib­ Mr. BAILEY of Tex.as. Mr. Speaker, my attention was di· son, Tenne ee; Theobald Otjen, Wisconsin; William S. Mesick, Michigan; verted for a moment and I did not hear all of the names just read. Walter L. Weaver Ohio; G.N. Haugen, Iowa; B.F.Sp:llding, North Dakota; Does that last assignment include the name of the gentleman from Chrrles E. Pearce, 'Missouri; Patrick Henry. Mississippi; Thomas J. Bradley, New York; John L. Brenner, Ohio; T. W. Sims, Tennessee, and Ben F. Cald­ Alabama, Mr. Wheeler? well, Illinois. The SPEAKER. It does not. Private Land CZa.im.s.-Messrs. George W. Smith, Illinois; R. P. Bishop,, Michigan; A. V. S. Cochrane, Mew York; A. Lybrand, Ohio; H. B. Packer. DEATH OF REPRESENTATIVE-ELECT RICHARD P, BLAND, Pennsylvania; J. E. Watson, Indiana.;. A~r!Jom L. Brick, Indiana; J. M. E O'Grady, New York; W. A. Jones, V1rgima; P. D. McCulloch. Arkansasj The SPEAKER. The gentleman from Missouri. Mitchell May, New York: D. E. Johnston, West Virginia; G. G. Gilbert, Ken- Mr. DE ARMOND. Mr. Speaker, by direction of the delegation tucky, and Pedro Per~a, New Mexico. . . of which I am a member, I announce to the House the death of District of Columbia.-Mes'll"s. Joseph W. Ba~ck, WISconsm; Alfred 0. Harmer, Pennsvlva.nia: Sydney .E. Mudd, Maryland; John J. Jank.ins, Wis­ the Hon. RICIURD P. BLAND, long a Representative in Congress consin; Charle$ F. Sprague, Massaehusetts; David H. Mercer, Nebraska; from the State of Missouri and elected a member of this House. George H. White, North Carolina: Samuel W. Smith, Michi,g:;i.n; Amos L. His death occurred at his home, near Lebanon, Mo., on the 15th Allen, Maine; GeorgeA.Pearre, Maryland; Adolph Meyer, Loms1ana; Asbury O. Latimer. South Carolina: W. S. Cowherd, Missouri; Peter J. Otey, Vir­ of lastJune. Atalqter date we shall ask that a time he set apart ginia; J. A. Norton, Ohio; T. W. Sims, Tennessee, and B. T. Clayton, New for paying suitable tribute to his high character and memory. York. At present I ask the adoption of the resolutions which I send to RevisionoftheLaws.-Messrs.VespasianWarner,IDinois; HenryR.Gibson, the Clerk's desk. Tennesss>e; Alston C. Dayton, West Virginia; RomulnsZ. Linney, North Caro­ lina; Theobald Otjen. Wisconsln; Archibald Lybrand, Ohio; 1\I. E. Olmsted, The SPEAKER. Th(\ Clerk will read the resolutions. Pennsylvania; A. S. TompJri?s.- New York; Jall!e!! T. Lloyd, ~ssonr!i.~· !1-· The Clerk read as follows: Robbins, Alabama; J. $.Robinson, Nebra.ska; William Elz~ Williams, illlDOlS, Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of and J. S. Salmon, New Jersey. · the Hou. RICHARD P. BLAND, long a Representative in Congress from the Reforrn in the Civil Service.-Messrs. Frederick H. Gillett, Massachusetts; State of Missouri and a member-elect of this body. Charles B. Landis, lndiana;.J. F. Lacey, Iowa; J. H. Bromwell\ O~io; 9. N. Resolved fl.irtlier, That these resolution.'3 be communicated to the Senate, Fowler, New Jersey; J. D. tlowersock, Kansas; J. R. Mann, IllinoIS: Victor and that, as a special mark of our high regard for the deceased and out of Metcalf, California; S. M. Robertson: Louisiana; W. L. Terry, Arkansas; reverence for his memory, the House do now adjourn. William Elliott, South Carolina; John F. Fitzgerald, Massachusetts, and M. H. Glynn, New ~ork. The resolutions were unanimously agreed to; and accordfogly Election of President, Vice-President, and Representatives in Congress.­ the House (at 1 o'clock and4 minutes) adjourned until to-morrow Messrs. John B. Oorliss, Michigan; H. Henry Powers, Vermont; Robert G. 12 o'clock m. Cousins, Iowa: Tpomas S. Butler. Pennsylvania.; C: A. Snlluway, New H;ai:np­ at shire; W. P. Brownlow, Tennesse&; Charles Curtis, Kansas; F. 0. Phillips, Ohi0; W.W. Ruck~r, Missouri; C. E. SnodgraEs, Tennessee; E. D. Ziegler, Pennsylvania.; G. P. Foster, Illinois, and P. Breazeale, Louisiana. EXECUTIVE COMM.UNIOATIONS, ETC. .Alcoholic Liquor Tra.ffec.-Messrs. N. D. Sperry. Connecticut; S. J. Pugh, d I 2 f R 1 XXIV th f 11 · ti Kent. ncky~J. D. Bowersock, Kansas; , Michigan; Amos Un er cause o n e ' e o owmg execu ve com- L. Allen Alaine; s. R. Mor~n. Ohio; Oscar Turner, Kentucky; Laird H. munications were taken from the Speaker's table and referred as Barber, Pennsylvania; J. S. Burnett, Alabama; R. K. Polk, Pennsylvania, follows: anJi.;fgalf-io~~jn.A~~'I!~~~._Messrs. Thomas H. Tongue. Oregoi:; John A. A letter from the assistant clerk of the Court of Olaims, trans­ Barham, California· Jahn J. Jenkins, Wisconsin; George W. Ray, 1"ew York; mitting a copy of the findings filed by the conrt in the case of Ve:o1pasian Warner, IBinois: W. A. Reeder, Kansas; F. 0. Philli_Qs, Olµoi· John Catherine Metz, administratrix of estate of Jacob Metz, against F. Shafroth, Colorado; R. I?· Sutherland, Nebraska; Edgar Wilson, daho, the United 8tates-to the Committee on War Claims and 6rdered and A. Gaston. Pennsylvarua. · . ' Immigration and .Naturalization.-Messrs. W. B. Shattua, Ohio; Joseph V. to be prmted. Graff, illinois: Robert Adams, jr., Pennsylvania: B. F. How~ New Jer :Ifi 1 A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting acom­ w. ~-Baker, M:arylandi G_. ~·Lawrence. Massachusetts; Juhus Kahn. C. - munication from the Supervising Architect submitting an esti- forrua; PeterJ. Otey1 V1r(?'!ma; A. J. Campbell,Montana; JacobRuppert,Jr., f - . f ·a· d · f New York. and FranK E. Wilson, New York. mate o appropriation or prov1 mg accommo at;ons or post- Venti~at~on and Acoustics.-Messrs. George W. Prince, p!inois;_ E. L. H~- office inspectors in the custom-house and post-office building at ilton, Michigan; W. A. :i;teeder. Kan<1as; S. R. Morgan, Ohio; David H. Sm~th, Cincinnati Ohio-to the Committee on Appropriations and or-- Kentucky; Frank E. Wilson. New York, andJ. W. Atwater, North Carolina. ' . ' EJ:penditure.~ in the State Dcpartment.-Messrs. William Alden Smith, Mich- dered to be prmted. igan; Horac.e B. Packer, P~nnsylvania: Robert Ada~, jr., .Pennsylvania; A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a com­ F. G. Clark~, New ~m_Pshire: Rufus E. Lester, Georgia; Laird H. Bai·ber, munication from the Supervising Architect submitting an esti­ Pennsylvama, and Wllhs Brewer, Alabama. ~ · · fir f b ·1d· f th B f ~pendituresinthe Treasu111 Departnient.-Me~rs.RobertG.Cousins,Iowa; mate of appropnation for eproo out m mgs or e ureau a 1899. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 575

Engraving and Printing-to the Committee on Appropriations, and ing thereon at Schenectady, in the State of New York-to the ordered to be printed. Committee on Public Buildings and Grounds. A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a copy By Mr. BULL: A bill (H. R. 4609) providing for the consb.·uc.­ of a communication from the Supervising Architect submitting tion of a steam revenue cutter for service in the Third light-house an estimate of appropriation for the renovation of the plumbing district, with headquarters at Newport, R. I.-to the Committee and drainage system of the post-office and court-house building, on Interetate and Foreign Commerce. Philadelphia, Pa.-to the Committee on Appropriations, and or­ By Mr. BRUNDIDGE: A bill (H. R. 4610) to regulate the col­ dered to be printed. lection of special liquor taxes for the sale of intoxicants~to the A letter from the Secretary of the Trea"8ury, transmitting a com­ Committee on Ways and Means. munication from the Supervising Architect submitting an estimate Also, a bill (H. R. 4611) to secure the right of homestead entry of appropriation to complete the post-office building at Buffalo, to certain citizens-to the Committee on the Public Lands. N. Y.-to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be Also, a bill (R.R. 4612) to amend section 878 of the Revised printed. Statutes of the United States-to the Committee on the Judiciary. A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a com­ AJso, a bill (H. R 4613) to provide for the permanent improve­ munication from the Supervising Architectsubmitting an estimate ment of Upper White River-to the Committee on Rivers and of appropriation for the buildings at the immigrant station, Ellis Harbors. Island, New York Harbor-to the Committee on Apptopriations, By Mr. EPES: A bill (H. R. 4614) for the improvement of the and oruered to be printed. Appomattox River, Virginia-to the Committee on Rivers and I A letter from the Secretary t>f the Treasury, transmitting a com­ Harbors. munication from the Supervising Architect submitting an estimate By Mr. COOPER of Texas: A bill (H. R. 4615) to revive and of appropriation for additional sum to complete the post-office amend an act to provide for the collection of abandoned property and custom-house building at Kansas City. Mo.-to the Committee and the prevention of frauds in insurrectionary districts within on Appropriations, and ordered to be printed. the United States, and acts amendatory thereof-to the Commit­ A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a com­ tee on War Claims. munication from the SupervisingArchitectsubmittinganestimate By Mr. MONDELL: A bill (H. R. 4616) repealing the provi· of appropriation for an extension of the Bureau of Engraving and sions of the desert-land act requiring cash payment for desert .Printing-to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be lands, and providing for the payment in desert-land entries of the printed. . same fees now required in the case of homestead entries-to the A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an esti­ Committee on the Public Lands. mate of appropriation for new boilers. etc., in the Treasury build­ By Mr. GROSVENOR: A bill (H. R. 4617) to grant a pension ing-to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered to be to officers and enlkted men who served ninety days or more in pnnted. the Union A.rmy in the war of the rebellion-to the Committee on A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, submitting an esti­ Invalid Pensions. mate.of appropriation for increased rent for temporary building By :\fr. BABCOCK: A bill (H. R. 4618) for the establishment of for post-office at , Ill.-to the Committee on Appropria­ a food bureau in the Department of Agriculture, and for prevent­ tions, and ordered to be printed. ing the adulteration and misbranding of foods in the District of A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting an esti­ Columbia and the Territories~ and for regulating interstate com­ mate of appropriation for new plumbing in the Treasury build­ merce therein, and for other purposes-to the Committee on Inter­ ing-t.o the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered t-0 be state and Foreign Commerce. printed. By Mr. FLYNN: A bill (H. R. 4619) for the relief of the Potf:a.. - A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting a com­ watomie and other Indians-:-to the Committee on Indian Affairs. munication from the Supervising .Architect, submitting estimates By Mr. WILSON of Idaho: A memorial of the legislature of tha of appropriation for the custom-house and post-office building at State of Idaho, favoring the American merchant marine-to the St. Louis, Mo.-to the Committee on Appropriations, and ordered Committee on the Merchant Marine and Fisheries. to be printed. Also, a memorial of the legislature of the State of Idaho, favor­ A letter from the Secretary of State, transmitting report of ing the free coinage of silver-to the Committee on Coinage, Hon. Samuel J. Barrows on crimes. misdemeanors, and penalties Weights, and Measures. in the United States-to the Committee on the .Judiciary, and Also, a memorial of the legislature of the State of Idaho, favor­ ordered to be printed. ing the election of United States Senators by a direct vote of the A letter from the Attorney-General, transmitting a letter from people-to the Committee on Election of President and Vice-P1·es­ the commissioner to revise and codify the criminal laws of the ident and Representatives in Congress. United States-to the Committee on the Judiciary, and ordered Also, a memorial of the legislature of the State of Idaho, favor­ to be printed. ing the free-homestead bill-to the Committee on thePublicLands. Also, a memorial of the legislature of the State of Idaho, favoring the establishment of a Branch Soldiers' Home at Fort Sherman, PUBLIC BILLS, RESOLUTIONS, AND MEMORIALS Idaho-to the Committee on Military Affairs. INTRODUCED. Also, a memorial of the legislature of the State of Idaho, favoring Under clause 3 of Rule XXII, bills, resolutions, and memorials an amendment to the homestead and desert-land act-. to the Com­ of the following titles were introduced and severally referred as mittee on t.he Public Lands. follows: ~o,am.emorial of the.legislature~ftheStateof Idaho, favoring By Mr. LIVINGSTON: A bill (H. R. 4600) to authorize the the 1mmed1ate construction of the Nicaragua Canal-to the Com~ construction by the Wadley and Mount Vernon Railroad Com- ­ mittee on Interstate and Forejgn Commerce. panyof a bridge across the Oconee River, in theStateof Georgia­ Also, a memorial of the legislature of the State of Idaho, favoring to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. the improving of the Columbia and Snake rivers and their tribu- By Mr. SHAFROTH: A bill (H. R. 4b01) to fix the time for taries-to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. · the convening of Congress-to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. HULL: A bill (H. R. 4602) to authoriza the Chicago, PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED. Rock Island and Pacific Railway Companyto construct and oper­ Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, private bills and resolutions of ate a railway through the Fort Reno and Fort Sill military reser­ the following titles were introduced and severally referred as vations in the Territory of Oklahoma, and for other ptu'poses-to follows: the Committee on Military A:ffall's. By Mr. ACHESON: A bill

Also! a bill (H. R. 4627) granting a pension to Rachel M. Har­ Hounsom, of Glenwood, Mo.-to the Committee on Invalid Pen- vey-to the Committee on Invalid Pe~sions. sions. · Also, a bill (H. R 4628) to remove the charge of desertion against Also, a bill (H. R. 4662) for the relief of the Catholic Church at Marion M. Barton-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Macon, Mo.-to the Committee on War Claims. Also, a bill (H. R. 4629) granting an increase of pension to R. J. By Mr. LIVINGSTON: A bill (H. R. 4663) to amend the records Petty-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of the War Department-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, a bill (H. R. 4630) granting an increase of pension to Also, a bill (H. R. 4664) to amend the records of the War De­ Thomas G. Huff-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. partment-to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. BRUNDIDGE: A bill (H. R. 4631) for the relief of By Mr. LYBRAND: A bill (H. R. 4665) granting a pension to James Erwin, of McBee Landing, Marion County, Ark.-to the George E. Reid, Company C, One hundred and eightieth Regiment Committee on War Claims. Ohio Volunteer Infantry-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, a bill (H. R. 4632) for relief of James Erwin, of McBee, Also, a bill (H. R. 4666) granting a pension to Julia A. Coughlin, Marion County, Ark.-to the Committee on War Claims. widow of Owen Coughlin, Company F, One hundred and thirty­ Also, a bill (H. R. 4633) for the relief of John Calvin Lane-to second Ohio Volunteer Infantry-to the Committee on Invalid the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Pensions. Also, a bill (H. R. 4634) for the relief of the estate of Henry C, Also, a bill (H. R. 4667) granting a pension to Sarah E. Help­ Toms, deceased, late of Monroe County, Ark.-to the Committee man, late matron of the hospital of the Seventh Veteran Reserve on War Claims. Corps-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. BURKE of Texas (by request): A bill (H. R. 4-635) to By Mr. LORIMER: A bill (H. R. 4668) authorizing the placing quiet the titles of certain lands in the State of Mississippi, and for of the name of Joseph Hooker Wood upon the retired list of the the relief of the estate of Eli Ayres, deceased-to the Committee United States Army with the rank of first lieutenant of cavalry- on Private Land Claims. to the Committee on Military Affairs. . By Mr. COCHRANE of New York: .A bill (H: R. 4636) to grant By Mr. MOON: A bill (H. R. 4669) to grant a pension to Wil­ a pension to Rebecca A. Heimstreet-to the Committee on Pen­ liam D. Humbard, of Coahulla, Tenn.-to the Committee on Pen­ sions. sions. Also, a bill (H. R. 4637) for the relief of Daniel Craver, Com­ Also, a bill (H. R. 4670) to correct the muster in of Capt. James pany G, Thirty-sixth Regiment lliinois Volunteer Infantry-to H. Galbraith, late captain Company I, Seventh Regiment Tennes­ the Committee on Military Affairs. see Mounted Infantry-to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. CROWLEY: A bill (H. R. 4638) to correct the naval Also; a bill (H. R. 4.671) to remove the charge of desertion against record by inserting the name of Jacob A. Krieg for that of Charles the name of George W. Flinn, late private, Company C, Fifth Hart, and to remove the charge of desertion against said Jacob A. Tennessee Regiment, and of Company D,· First Tennessee Artillery Krieg-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Volunteers-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Also, a bill (H. R. 4639) to remove the charge of desertion from By Mr. MOODY of Massachusetts: A bill (H. R. 4.6i2) grant­ Edward Wesner-to the Committee on Military Affairs. ing a pension to James W. Boden-to the Committee on Invalid· By Mr. DAYTON: A bill (H. R. 4640) for the relief of the heirs Pensions. · of Stephen Staley, deceased, late of Jefferson County, W. Va.-to By Mr. MIERS of Indiana: A bill (H. R.· 4673) granting an in­ the Committee on War Claims. crease of pension to Josiah Standley-to the Committee on Invalid By Mr. S. A. DAVENPORT: A bill (H. R. 4641) for the relief Pensions. of the legal representatives of John Boyle, deceased-to the Com­ Also, a bill (H. R. 4674) granting an increase of pension to Wil-· mittee on Claims. liam Connell-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · By Mr. DOVENER: A bill (H. R. 4:642) to increase the pension By Mr. MORGAN: A bill(H. R. 4675) to recognize the rank and of James T. Holt, of Moundsville, Marshall County, W. Va.-to rerate the pension of RobertH. Jones-to the Committee on Invalid the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Pensions. By Mr. FARIS: A bill (H. R. 4643) increasing pension of Isaac Also, a bill (H. R. 4676) for the relief of Frank E. Williams, of N. Adams-to the Committee on Military Affairs. · Hillsfork, Ohio-to the Committee on Military Affairs. ' Also, a bill (H. R. 4644) for the relief o! Jacob Taylor-to the By Mr. MEYER of Louisiana: A bill (H. R. 4677) for the relief Committee on Military Affairs. _ of the heirs of Pierre Sauve-to the Committee on War Ulaims. Also, a bill (H. R. 4645) to increase the pension of Robert M. By Mr. McRAE: A bill (H. R. 4678) granting a pension to James Miller-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. W. Edwards-t-0 the Committee on Pensions. By Mr. GAINES: A bill (H. R. 4646) to present to the city of Also, a bill (H. R. 4679) granting a pension to Micager Philpot­ Nashville, State of Tennessee, the opening or first gun fired in the to the Committee on Pensions. recent war of the United States with Spain from the gunboat Also, a bill (H. R. 4680) correcting military record of Jesse L. Nashville, the mayor and city counuil having, by resolution regu­ Meeks-to the Committee on Military Affairs. larly passed, agreed to "receive and hold it as .a sacred trust and Also, a bill (H. R. 4681) granting a pension to Elizabeth Keiff­ zealously keep and care for it that it may, as a monument of past to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. valor and heroism, inspire our people with a higher idea of liberty By Mr. PARKER of New Jersey: A bill (H. R~ 4.682) for -the and incite them to patriotic deeds in war and in peace "-to the relief of Bvt. Col. Thomas P. O'Reilly-to the Committee on Committee on Naval Affairs. Military Affairs. By Mr. GRIFFITH: A bill (H. R. 4647) granting a pension to AlEo, a bill (H. R. 4683) ·for the relief of John G. Rose-to the Sarah Gordon-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Committee on Naval Affairs. By Mr. HENDERSON: A bill (H. R. 4648) granting a pension Also, a bill (H. R.. 4684)' for the relief of Emma R. Rusling- to William G. McLain-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. . Also, a bill (H. R. 4649) granting a pension to William Bates-to Also, a bill (H. R. 4685) granting a pension to Abbie L. Tucker­ the Uom:rp.ittee on Invalid Pensions. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · Also, a bill (H. R. 4650) granting a pension to Mrs. Sarah By Mr. PEARCE of Missouri: A bill (H. R. 4686) for the relief Parrish-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of J. A. Ware-to the Committee on Claims. Also, a bill (H. R. 4651) granting a pension to Mrs. Emily By Mr. ROBERTS of Massachusetts: A bill (H. R. 4687) to cor­ Alder-to the Committrn on Invalid Pensions. rect the record of Daniel W. Andrews-to the Committee on Mili­ Also, a bill (H. R. 4652) granting a pension to Charles Perkins­ ta1·v Affairs. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. RUCKER: A bill (H. R. 4.688) to remove the charge of Also, a bill (H. R. 4653) granting a pension to August Zimmer­ desertion against Lewis Jenkins-to the Committee on Military man-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. .Affairs. Also, a bill (H. R. 4654) granting a pension to Simon Van Der By Mr. RAY of New York: A bill (H. R. 4689) granting an in­ Vaart-to the Commit.tee on Invalid Pensions. crease of pension to James Nutt-to the Committee on Invalid By Mr. HEDGE: A bill (H. R. 4655) granting pension to Mrs. Pensions. Elizabeth C. Rice-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. ROBBINS: A bill (H. R. 4690) for the relief of the es­ By Mr. HAUGEN: A bill (H. R. 46;)6) for the relief of Henry tate of William Johnson, deceased, late of Dallas County, Ala.­ Crangle-to the Committee on Military Affairs. to the Committee on War Claims. By Mr. JACK: A bill (H. R. 4657) g~anting a pension to Mrs. By Mr. RUSSELL: A bill (H. R. 4691) granting an increase of Laura S. Pontious, of Dayton, Pa.-to the Committee on Invalid pension to Philo S. Bartow-to the Committee on Invalid Pen­ Pensions. sions. By Mr. JENKINS: A bill (H. R. 4658) to pension Anna Hering­ Also, a bill (H. R. 4692) granting a pension to Jane E. Clark­ to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. . By Mr. KERR: A bill (H. R. 4659) to correct the military rec­ By Mr. STEWART of New Jersey: A bill (H. R. 4693) for the ord-of Collin P. Leiter-to the Committee on Military Affairs. relief of Sarah E. E. Perine, widow and administratrix of William By Mr. LOVERING: A bill (H. R. 4660) to correct the military Perine, deceased-to the Committee on War Claims. record of Frederic E. Fiske-to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. SHAFROTH:· A bill (H. R. 4694) granting a pension to By Mr. LLOYD: A bill (H. R. 4661) for the relief of Edward Mary Scovil-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions._- · 1899. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE.

Also, .a bill (H. R. 4695) granting a pension to Alice Harrison­ By Mr. MlERS of Indiana: Paper to accompany House bill for to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. the relief of---to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, a bill (H. R. 4696) granting an increase of pension toRuth­ Also, papers to accompany House bill for the relief of Josiah ven W. Houghton-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Standley-to the Committee on Invalid pensions. Also, a bill (H. R. 4697) granting an increase of pension to Wil­ By Mr. MOON: Papers to accompany House bill to correct the liam C. Bradley-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. military record of Capt. James H. Galbreath-to the Committee Also, a bill (H. R. 4698) granting an increase of pension to John on Military Affairs. C. Fitnam-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 2889, to remove the Also, a bill (H. R. 4699} granting a pension to Irene E. ·Burg­ charge of desertion against George W. Flinn-to the Committee hardt-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. on Military Affairs. Also, a bill (H. R. 4700) granting an increase of pension to . By Mr: PEARCE of Missouri: Papers to accompany House bill Isaiah Mitchell-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. for the relief of J. A. Ware-to the Committee on Claims. ' By Mr. SAMUEL W. SMITH: A bill (H. R. 4701 J to correct the By Mr. POWERS: Papers to accompany House bill for the re­ military record of Milo A. Lucas-to the Committee on Military moval of the charge of desertion against John Levingne-to the Affairs. Committee on Military Affairs. . Also, a bill (H. R. 4702) to correct the military record of Harlow By Mr. RICHARDSON: Paper toa<:companyHousebill placing M. Jones-to the Committee on Military Affairs. Nora Stokes on the pension rolls-to the Committee on Invalid Also, a bill (H. R. 4103) to correctthemilitaryrecord of Charles Pensions. · Graham, alias Charles Gregg-to the Committee on Military Af­ By Mr. RODENBERG: Petition of 168 citizens of Monroe fairs. County, Ill., for the permanent improvement of the harbor of the Also, a bill (H. R. 4704) granting a pension to Phebe S. Hunt­ Mississippi River at Harrisonville, Ill.-tothe Committee on Rivers to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. and Harbors. . Also, a bill (ff. R. 4705) granting a pension to Julia A. Hol­ comb-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By Mr. WM. ALDEN SMITH: Petition8 of citizens and surf­ Also, a bill (H. R. 4706)granting a pension to Mystic L. Hamil­ men of St. Joseph, Mich., relative to increase of pay and length of ton-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions . . service of life-saving crews on lakes-to the Committee on the Also, a bill (H. R. 4707) granting a pension to Mrs. H.J. Hunt~ Merchant Marine and Fisheries. ington-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · By Mr. STEWART of New Jersey: Petitions of W. J. Parker Also, a bill (H. R. 4708) granting a pension to Richard Dobson­ and others, of Bogota, N. J., and Charles Burrows and others, of to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Rutherford, N. J., for the rec1assification· of the Railway Mail Also, a bill (H. R. 4709) granting a pension to Alvin D. Hub- Service-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. bard-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. · Petitions, etc., against the seating of Brigham H. Roberts as a Also, a bill (H. R. 4710) for the relief of Josephus Johnson-to Representative from Utah weralaid on the Clerk's desk, and sev­ the Committee on Invalid Pensions. erally referred to the Special Committee on the B. H. Roberts Also, a bill (H. R. 4711) granting a pension to Lucy Keller-to Case, as follows: the Committee on Invalid Pensions. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the Home Missionary Society of Also, a bill (H. R. 4712) granting a pension to Henry Knoop- Calvary Church, New York; also, resolutions of the New York to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. . Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. . Also, a bill (H. R. 4713) granting a pension to Jerry Lyke-to By Mr. ACHESON: Petitions of Isaac T. Crouch and others, the Committee on Invalid Pensions. of Thomas Station; J.P. Jordan and others, of McDonald; J. T. By Mr. THOMAS of Iowa: A bill (H. R. 4714) granting a pen­ Russell and others, of New Salem, and Charles H. Pridgeon and sion to Mary A. Morton-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. others, of Cannonsburg, Pa. . By Mr. TOMPKINS: A bill (H. R. 4715) to remove the charge By Mr. BOWERSOCK: Petitions of Chlistian Endeavorers of of desertion from the militar:y record of John W. Terwilliger-to Paola, Kans.; citizens of Ottawa, Iola, and others, in the State of the Committee on Military Affairs. Kansas. By Mr. WATERS: A bill (H. R. 4716) to remove charge of de­ By Mr. BURKETT: Resolution of the Nebraska Christian Eiertion against Silas B. Root-to the Committee on Military Endeavor Union, Omaha, Nebr. . Affairs. By Mr. CORLISS: Petitions of Anna Sparks an·d others, H. F. Also, a bill (H. R. 4717) to increase the pension of Richard Rose and others, and George C. Cowan and others, of the First Wilson-to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. Congressional district of Michigan. By Mr. HULL: A resolution (t;I. Res. 48) relative to an assistant By Mr. FOX: Resoiutions of North Mississippi Conference of clerk to the Committee on Military Affairs-to the Committee on the Methodist Episcopal Church South. Accounts. · By Mr. GRAHAM: Petitions of the National Woman's Christian By Mr. DE ARMOND: A resolution (H. R~. 49) relative to the Temperance Union, Chicago, Ill.; D.S. Miller and others, of Hills· death of Hon. Richard P. Bland. boro, Ohio. . By Mr. LORIMER: A resolution (H. Res. 50) relative to the By Mr. GREENE of Massachusetts: Petition of F. M. Laws~n appointment of P. L. Coultry, the acting assistant foreman of the and others, of Fall River, Mass. folding room, and for payment for such service-to the Committee By Mr. HENRY of Connecticut: Petitions of the Woman's on Accounts. Christian Temperance-Union of Unionville, Conn., and W. O. Turner and·others, of Hebron. Conn. PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. HULL: Petition of Mrs. L. F. Culmer and other women of Warren County, Ohio. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, the following petitions and papers By Mr. JACK: Petitions of the United Presbyterian Church, were laid on the Clerk's desk, and referred as follows: Glade Run Presbyterian Church, and Methodist Episcopal Church, By Mr. COCHRANE of New York: Paper to accompany House of Dayton, Pa.; Convention of Christian People of Leechburg, Pa.; bill for the relief of Daniel Carver-to the Committee on Military Ministerial Association of Indiana County; Woman's Christian Affairs. Temperance Union of Armstrong County; Presbytery of Kittan­ Also, paper to accompany House bill for the relief of W. H. ning, and Presbyterian Church of Baxter, Pa., and citizens oft.he Webster, of Lansingburg, N. Y.-to the Committee on Invalid Twenty-fourth Congressional district of Pennsylvania. Pensions. By Mr. LACEY: Petition of Woman's Christian Temperance By Mr. CORLISS: Petition of M. H. Dempsey and others, Qhris­ tian Endeavorers, favoring the establishment of an international Union of What Cheer, Iowa. tribunal of arbitration-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. By Mr. MAHON: Petition of citizens of East Waterford, Pa. By Mr. CROWLEY: Paper to accompany House bill No. 3013, By Mr. MIERS of Indiana: Petition of Isaac N. Kimbrough, of granting a pension to Theodore Harris-to the Committee on Mitchell, Ind., and others. Invalid Pensions. By Mr. PRINCE: Petitions of Charles T. Mack, of i5terling, ill., Also, paper to accompany Honse bill for the relief of Jacob A. and others. Krieg-to the Committee on Naval Affairs. By Mr. ROBERTS of Massachusetts: Petition of Sarah P. Also, testimony relative to the removal of the charge of deser­ Moreland and 10 other women of Everett, Mass. tion from the military record of Albert Boker-to the Committee By Mr. ROBINSON of Indiana: Petition of the Womans Chris­ on Military Affairs. tian Temperance Union of Columbia City, Ind. By Mt-. FOX: Resolutions of North Mississippi Conference of By Mr. HENRY C. SMITH: Petition of E. M. McMillin and the Methodist Episcopal Church South, asking for increase of pay others, of Adrian, Mich. _ of chaplains in the Army-to the Committee on Military Affairs. By Mr. THOM.AS of Iowa: Petition of 46 voters of the Eleventh By Mr. GRAHAM: Petition of the brewing industry of the Congressional district of Iowa. United States, asking for a reduction of the tax upon fermented By Mr. YOUNG of Pennsylvania: Petitions of missionary so­ liquors-to the Committee on Ways and Means. cieties of various churches and citizens of Philadelphia, Pa.