572 .CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. DEOEMBER.18, TO BE LIEUTENANTS (JUNIOR GR.A.DE), The SPEAKER. The question is, Shall the bill be engrossed From the 17th day of April, 1899. for a third reading? . The bill was ordered to be ent;ro3Sed for a third reauing, and it John P. J. Ryan. was accordingly engrossed and read the third time. John R. Morris. The SPEAKER. The question is on the passage of the bill. Chester Wells. Mr. OVERSTREET. Mr. Speaker, on that question I ask for Prom the 1st day of July, 1899. the yeas and nays. ~ The yeas and nays were ordered. Irvin V. Gillis. The question was taken; and there were-yeas, 190, nays 150, Ridley McLean. not voting 14; as follows: . Raymond Stone. David Sellers. YEAS-190. F. Acheson, Dick, Lacey, Reeves, Charles Webster. Adams, Dolliver, Landis, R-oberts, Mass. John T. Tompkins. Alexander, Dovener, Lane, Rodenberg, John M. Hudgins. Allen, Me. Driggs, Lawrence, Ruppert, Babcock, Driscoll, Levy, Russell, · Provoost Babin. BaileYi Kans. Eddy, Linney, Scudder, Simon P. Fullinwider. Baker, Emerson, Littauer, Shattuc, Lewis B. Jones. Barham, Esch, Littlefield, Shelden Barney, Faris, Long, Sherman, Boling K. McMorris. Bartholdt, Fitzgerald, N. Y. Lori.mer, Showalter, Stephen V. Graham. Bingham, Fletcher, Loud, Srriith, ill. Alfred W. Hinds. Bore~g, Fordney, Loudenslager, Smith, H. C. Boutell, ill. Foss, Lovering, Smith, Samuel W. Ernest L. Bennett. Boutelle, Me. Fowler, Lybrand, Smith, Wm. Alden Roscoe C. Moody. Bowersock, Freer, McAleer, Southard, Fritz L. Sandoz. Brick, Gamble, McCall, Spalding, Bromwell, Gardner, Mich. McCleary, Sperry, Leland F. James. Brosius, Gardner, N. J. McPherson, Sp'rague, John McC. Luby. Brown, Gibson, Mahon, Steele, Ralph H. Chappell. Brownlow, Gill, Mann, Stevens, Minn. Joseph M. Reeves. Bull, Gillett, Mass. Marsh, Stewart, N. J. Burke, S. Dak. Graff, Mercer, - Stewai:t, N. Y. William P. Scott (subject to examination)~ Burkett, Graham, Mesick, Stewart, Wis. Arthur G. Kavanagh. Burleigh, Greene, Mass. Metcalf, Sulloway, Ignatius T. Cooper. Burton, Grosvenor, Miller, Tawney, ·· Butler Grout, Minor, Tayler, Ohio Carlton F. Snow. Calderhead, Grow, Mondell, Thayer, Henry T. Baker. Cannon, _ Hamilton, Moody, Mass. Thomas, Iowa Frank Lyon. Ca:pron, Haugen, 'Moody, Oreg. Thropp, Chickering, Hawley, Morgan, Tompkins, Charles S. Bookwalter. Clarke. N. H. Heatwole, Morri<;, Tongue. Hutch I. Cone. Clayton, N. Y. Hedge, Mudd, Underhill, Roscoe C. Bulmer. Cochrane, N. Y. Hemenway, Needham, Van Voorhis, Gilbert S. Galbraith. Connell, Henry, Conn. O'Grady, Wachter, Cooper, Wis. Iii[burn, - oimsted, Wadsworth, Emory Winship (subject to examination). Corliss, Otjen, Wanger, - Roscoe Spear. Cousins, Hitt, Overstreet, Warner, Cromer, Hoffecker, Packer, Pa. Waters, Robert W. McNeely. - Crump, Hopkins, ' Parker, N. J. Watson, Walter S. Tnrpin (subject to examination). Crumpacker, Bowell, Payne, Weaver, George L. P. Stone. Curtis, Hull, · Pearce, Mo. Weeks, William S. Whitted. Cushman, · Jack, Pea1Te, Wermouth, Dahle, Wis. Jenkins. Phillips, White, Robert H. Osborn (subject to examination). Dalzell, Jones, Wash. Powers, Wilson,N. Y. Walter J. Manion. Davenport, S. A. Kahn, Prince, Wright, George E. Gelm. Davidson, Kerr, Pugh, Young, Pa. Dayton, Ketcham, Ray · Clarence England. Denny, Knox, Reeder, Edwin H. De Lany. POSTMASTER. NAYS-150. Adamson, De Armond, Little, - Ryan, Pa. Minot Wales Baker, to be postmaster at Randolph, in the county Allen, Ky. De Graffenreid, Livingston, Salmon, · Allen, Miss. De Vries, Lloyd. _ Shackleford, of Norfolk and State of Massachusetts. Atwater, Dinsmore, McClellan, Shafrot.h, Bailey, Tex. Dougherty, McCulloch, Sheppard, Ball Elliott, McDowell, Sibley, · Baiikhead, Epes, McLain, Sims. Barber, Finley, McRae, Slayden, HOU.SE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Bartlett, Fitzgerald, !lass. Maddox, Small, Bell, Fitzpatrick, May, Sxajth, Ky. l\loNDAY, Decembe1· 18, 1899. Benton, Fleming, Mee.Id son, Snodgrass, Berry, ,C,· Foster, Meyer, La. Sparkman, The House met at 12 o'clock m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Bradley, Fox, - Miers, Ind. Spight, Brantley, Gaines, Moon, Stark, HENRY N. CoUDEN, D. D. Breazeale, Gaston, Muller, Steohens, Tex. The Journal of the proceedings of Saturday last was read and Brenner, Gilbert, Naphen, Stokes, approved. Brewer~ Glynn, Neville, Sulzer, Brundiage, Gordon, Newlands, Sutherland, Mr. BARTLETT appeared and took the oath of office. Burke, Tex. Green, Pa. Noonan, Swanson, Burleson, Griffith, Norton, Ohio Talbert, THE FL~ANCIAL BILL. Burnett, Griggs, Norton, S. C. Tate, Caldwell, Hall, Otey, Tayl0r, Alfl. The SPEAKER. The Clerk will report the special order. Carmack, Hay, Pierce, Tenn. Terry, The Clerk read as follows: · Chanler, Hem·y, Miss. Polk, Thomas, N. C. Clark, Mo. Henry, Tex. Quarles, Tm·ner, Resolved, That on Monday, Decembar 11, immediately after the reading of Clayton, Ala. Howard, · Ransdell, Underwood, the Journal, the House shall resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole Cochran, Mo. Jett, Rhea, Ky. Vandiver, House on the state of the Union for the consideration of H. R. No. 1. entitled Cooney, Johnston, Rhea, Va. Wheeler, Ky. .. A bill to define and fix: the standard of value, to maintain the parity of all Williams, J. R. Cooper, Tex. Jones1 Va. Richardson, forms of money issued or coined by the United States, and for other pur­ Cowherd, Kitchin, Ridgely, Williams, W. E. pose ; "general debate thereon shall continue to not later than5 o'clock p. m. Cox, Kleberg, Riordon, Williams. ~. of Friday, the 15th day.of December, and thereafter debate under the five­ Crawford., Kluttz, Rixey, Wilson, Idaho minute rule until 5 o'clock p. m. of Satmday, the 16th day of December, at Crowley, Lamb, Robb1 Wilson, S. C: which time the committee shall rise and report the bill to the House, with any Cummings, Lanham, Robbms, Young, Va. amendments adopted by the committee, and a vote shall be taken oo t?e bill Cusack, La.timer, Robinson, Ind. Zenor, nnd amendments, if any, without intervening motion, to flna.l passa.ge,1mme­ Daly,N. J. Lentz, Robinson, Nebr. Ziegler. diately after the reading of the Journal on Monday, tbe 18th day of Dece.m ber. Davenport, S. W. Lester, Rucker, And during said debate the House shall on each day adjourn not later than Davis, Lewis, Ryan, N. Y. 5 o'clock p. m. NOT VOTING-H. Mr. GAINES. Mr. Speaker, a. parliamentary inquiry. Bellamy, Catchings, Joy, Vreeland, The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Bishop, Davey, Robertson, La. Wheeler, Ala. Mr. GAINES. Is it not now in order to move to recommit tbe Broussard, Gillet, N. Y. Smith, Md. bill to the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Campbell, Barmer, Stallings, Union-- So the bill was passed. The SPEAKER. It is not. The following pairs were announced: Mr. GAINES. For the purpose of reporting a bill for the free Until further notice: coinage of silver at the present legal ratio? Mr. HARMER with Mr. BROUSS.ARD. 1899. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE. 573 Mr. BISHOP with Mr. Cll!PBELL. Interstate and Foreign• Comme1·ce.-Messrs. William P. Hepburn, Iowa; Loren Fletcher, Minnesota; James S. Sherman, New York; Irvin~ P. For this day: Wa;tger. Pennsylvania; Charles F. Joy, Missouri; John B. Corliss, Michigan; Mr. VREELANl> with Mr. DAVEY. James F. Stewart, New Jersey; John A. Barham, California; R. B. Hawler.1 Mr. Joy with .Mr. CATOHL"'lllGS. Texas; James R. Mann, Illinois; Willia.m C. Lovering, Massachusetts; Wil­ liam McAleer, Pennsylvania; Robert C. Davey, Louisiana: William C. Ad­ Mr. GILLET of New York with Mr. ROBERTSON of Louisiana. amson, Georgia; Robert W. Davis, Florida; Nicholas Muller, New York, Mr. BISHOP. Mr. Speaker, I am paired with the gentleman and D. W. Shackleford, Missouri. · from Montana, Mr. CAMPBELL. I therefore withdraw my vote. Rivers and Harbors.-Messr~ Theodore E. Burton, Ohio; Walter Reeves Illinois; Bla.-0kburn B. Dovener, West Virginia; Roswell P. Bishop, Michigan; If he were present be would vote "nay," and I would vote "yea." Ernest F. Acheson, Pennsylvania; Page Morri.S, Minnesota; De Alva S. Alex­ Mr. BARTHOLDT. Mr. Speaker, Idesiretosayon behalfof my ander, New York; Thomas H. Tongue, Oregon; G. P. Lawrenee, Massachu­ colleague, Mr. JOY, that he is detained by serious. illness in his setts; J. H. Davidson, Wi'.lconsin; rhomas C. Catchings. Mississippi; Rufus E. If Lester, Georgia; John H. Bankhead, Alabama; Philip D. McCulloch, Arkansas; family. present, he would vote "yea." Albert S. Berry, Kentucky; Stephen M. Sparkman, Florida, and Thoma.q H. Mr. KITCHIN. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from North Caro­ Ball, Texas. lina, Mr. BELLAMY, is necessarily detained from the House this Alerchant Jfari1 e and Fisheries ..,...Messrs. Charles H. Grosvenor, Ohio· morning. Jf present, he would vote" nay." Albert J. Hoplrins, Ulinois; James R. Young, Pennsylvania; Archibald Ly~ brand, Ohio; William S. Greene, Mas~a.chu se tts; E. S. Minor, Wisconsin; The result of the vote was then announced as above recorded. Fred C. Stevens, Mipnesota; W. L. Jones, Washington; J. W. Fordney, Mich­ [Loud applause on the Republican side.] igan.; Frank q. Wa.c~ter,. Maryland; Jo.hn F ..Fi~zger~ld, ¥assachusetts; On motion of Mr. OVERSTREET, a motion to reconsider the Marion De Vries, California; Th<.H~1as Sp1~h~, 1lfiss1ss1pp1; William D. Daly, New Jersey; J.E. Ransdell, Lomsia.na; Willia.m Astor Chanler, New York, vote by which the bill was passed was laid on the table. and John H. Small, North Carolina.. LEA VE TO PRH~T, .Agriettlture.-Messrs. JamesW. Wadsworth, New York; E. Stevens Henrr, Connecticut; William B. Baker, Maryland; William Lorimer, illinois: Wil~ Mr. McRAE. Mr. Speaker, I ask indefinite leave to print some liam Connell Pennsylvania; George H. White, North Carollna; W. J. Bailev remarks upon the financial bill which has just passed, and with Kansas; C. F. Wright. Pennsylvania; Gilbert N. Haugen, Iowa; H.B. Dahle: it an appendix of some speeches heretofore made by me and an Wi ~consin; John 8. Williams, Mississippi: J. William 8tokes, South Carolina· John Lamb, Virginia; James Coonev, Missouri; R. B. Gordon, Ohio; H.
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