r j r ) Spectator $ i Id-TJ

Serving Linden and Roselle

LINDEN, N.J., VOL. 86 NO, 09 THURSDAY, MARCH 13. ?003 TWO SECTIO Mayor’s new Caddy stirs up political opponc

(rregono changes curs evers two years when Gray I,mo. w bo serves on the council - Vehi­ should set an example Hx A linh a j Hassan . enter and ulttvewol garage door opener cles and Equipment < omnuttee, -aid ibe city In :lcr wh:iv h " Hutik .used.; rear even -two sears was , Mu.-cc he .* ) got bun j car loo," she said (he mayor the The Ci!;. Council. K> an S-2 sole receniK . Ibe cos has been led during the past; week deserves a car in w hich he cun be proud, to requirCv1 i (1k* bti n)t eare •About be Acting Mayot ( buries Crane. ac Ciregono ,. .i'K’I members as c.itv'ess upending Ros' approved a rtiwilultoi' to lease a 2tX*5 (, adillav W \\ ,|N speui on 'mailLteircini.e and dents base expressed their dismay with ibe sit­ dove state officials in It M were .molHer A i . ' ' * ; IVV(He DHS for the mavnr ll o a two-veai vc,is hosptiali/ed With buck problems I low ev >T;ta >4 mayor we would do the same thing A»AI 25 h >ward i ’ta! i X2 Alt er, he wus discharged from t ornell Medical uation in letters and phone c alls to this ne w ■ ; agreement, costing the city V*1'* monthly ..t the w etV ts jft.e a! ihe -e-i■ P.iMgt ivs'iXd paper - W etkn ester, w n -.w a s * . ■*.*• • (KCgiri.-s i'K'l.sis automobile. .1 ’ **>' : t enter in Sew York ( tty on March ft Repie. : -Ufl HhJrgw- II v ,,,n vveity.t.o reduce spending s(;;"i I'l'H and now is a trustee ol the local ( t >j |i •tig to. ! f-inarvr.'; l avliiu DeV.lie wit*. sl.gMU u ’nan scntatives from hi* office said he was “reeu we do *> 'cud by > x implt she. >.he .... , i Hon toi P o o r, a! \C tii m s .i,! •> - t . it o'*, was Salmon I m k h i miles, will be used by CtKmsil frtti ;vra : (' " ... mere considerate of the community s needs. Ace. >rdmg 10 the state I hfpart:mciv t to m /lem ian said he was given the Road mallet spends monev tnxoliyusly." Kith Ward ( o Mi dent Robert Hufk It had been pun based toi "Thcv used to get Pontiac s tor iliem.tywf mutiny AOairs. a gov e r'o ilm t'm a i cannot which has more than IOO.ihni miles on it cilman Richard tiefbounka, an independent i5 ? ■ r pOMtKHt ttf'H V tife UOYVarfaim *d ptiv and regular critic ot the mayor who voic’d and then thev switched.over to Oldsmohiles use thee H„nk bid piestous's d :n ,'. ■ .‘Wh Hi-’ck because his previous car, u l*nD Chevy Werkmiester s.iij "We received -’tie even ( apnee police cruiser .us in bud condition aguirist the resolution, said ■ ; 'Rdadmaste'. which w-T '< Iw d h' Oty- tvvur years, not two He insisted on a t .niillav Hunk said the m u..n s car fs priina.td.s ' Ibe mayor justifies u be saving it is a - I ngtnecr John/lemtan ■pm n n the mattei. as any com p'.im ts thev perk That tsTi lot tor someone who alreudv, It is ridiculous and outrageous ' the city pu ke up all o i'th e expenses for the ttscJ lor business purposes in.iv receive must he lec-iexced before they can makes MiKv.otsi a year It is absurd " ■ The former max or said the-car. prcfmmee vehicle*. including insurance, gas. repairs etc “We go out with dttherent digmlanes state .should be, more indicative o f the, city cine rep- ptiwide 'nsight The local girytfttimenf.ethi.es and business officials, lhal come into the cits fellow independent. Rth Ward ( ouneilmun i hiet Financial QITicer Joseph Suhga said (he ,i"> ,.,i:sisi .a codes.' ..* p .";o o ft, a s must Hob Fta/ter. also soled against the,resolution tesenix automobiles ire ourned and maintained hx (he i,, do business Hunk said Tie should have a reasonable vat. he said follow, to ax old peiiaitiv ' Bunk cited an example front' last summer, 'I ihmk i! was ludicrous: he said "W e -c ity ■ ■ ( ti\ Mtotnev I'dwald h- ; iv said the have a budget crunch It is at)insult fo the res He doesn’tneed a ( udrllac Ihiv is a blue liregortoV new ,ai includes such reline when t ux officials came to i mden collar town When the lav rate goes .u p -i!1 issue has .more to dc\ vvtlh policy, .than with lo examine the nieriis o f proposed trash Harts idents to l inden We are going to spend S’ 4. incnts as a leather interior. # si* dnt > b. points, tins is not necessary'Tt is nke people', ethos 'H e added that the ( tv < oundf ter station in Trcmley Point. motion more this seat" - -■•■ ■■ .hanger,, an \M satellite radio.-programmable - reviewed pw fewilimon and 'they approved tt Second Ward Council woman Virginia on welfare having a t avhilav I he navor auto d*s" . lock settings- dmer mjosmutioii ' l it) olTui.ils s.iid Ibis is n'olhmg new as Teacher contract will go back to mediation• a •

Hx Nicholas I utTredu new contract for the mcmbc's - if the longer than the state icqairx"* sa > 0H* Mv'i-vlu ■ a! the Hoari! o!'Education Managing J ditor RF A I he teachers and support staff dav would not have to .fie .;Vuule up v.'e ::a- nice* .- be..'use there appa ihe long standing impasse who comprise the union have heen But. she dtvl .as that K-th . \vefe ently is tnxt .'*'■ accer•table agreeme between the Roselle Board of I duca- working under the lertiis ot their old able to agree o'- a Tav a tm p; .the : as to when the-dav wd i he tivade tip; tum and the Rosehc Pdueation Asso­ contract since it lapsed l.ts( summer mediation sessron hu'Hs did -that ■".!t vse si'/eed ciation appeared to culmm.ue in .1 let' Tt is a hie weight that has been She characterteed the ci.mi s-*n.'->' -hun!d s? . k with n lalise agreement in the wee hours.ol lifted oil ,n me shoulders.' Burns iis j show of iHnni' taitb, flUhU: or 'hv M arch 5 said at thg time mterc-■? ol ci^tprw m #- However, it seems as it K ith sides Hut a logjam has developed con­ ‘ J here should be some- norm will he forced to go h.uk into media cerning the Rl A s decision to not here." she c.ud - mg the dispute sma- turn with l omtinc Tcsauro of the Puh repo't to work on Nov A t lection Both sidex have b'eem u n a b le ■ he Emplovees Relations Commission Dav they had held that t w.,s withm ptoeije cunuucfuu! derajis its ihe xlti'Acfopnxcn! siVifij; UkU suic‘' due to a sucking p oint relating to ,i .oh their right* to not come to work oh agreement itiusChe separtdefy ratified' ' ad .agreed, on the make-up dax the action that the Rl A staged Ml Nos em­ w ‘,al is a public holiday . by bbth the nieitlhets vm the k f X m i date o t.w jltch she c.-nid me po v .Me ber Nupc mendem of Schools Darlene the hoard - "Thu is very upsetting R! A Roberto acknowledges that the Rl A She worried that the dove! ■pment Prcsidem (iem Hum* said was w ithin Ms rights to do so, but that The m cirtvrs arc vefv.ah.x.ous to X.otrxf w ind up 'topping the m e" hers Representatives from both sides legally (he day must be made up ratify ." Hums s.nd tr >m vv. fki'-c in 'he .ippn-pnjie tjsh left tJte nine-hour session w ith what Hum- contends that the members I he . omray‘t wo,' deemed unac­ i : sec ( ( IN I k A< I Page ’• they thought was an agreement on a ot the Rl A .dreads "work ox daxs ceptable and unable to. he ra H 'cd on Borough taxpayers face $438 school hike Hx A lu ih a j H aw aii Among the usual expo .. there has been a T 5 t 2(1 percent tnc * v*.t v- ■staff AAriler mextieal benefit* and corffractu.il salary mereits The average property owner m Roselle max hevuhieettoa Y4>' lax increase I here, were cuts modi' y the budget. ,iN ■■. t A2 s million iff Apnipertipmte ll the seKxil buvlget is approved Or April 15 expenses I samples of.ft .>* . e spcViat edu. >* 'on' -;,;:!.f-!i transportation cost According to school Business Administrator John D'Angelo, the propi>seil and office vupplte* Also the ■'•e.tanee U*a>*' ■..> tgeigrain- has K 'e " done; ,iwa budget for this vear. almost $Jp million, wi!i generate on m.lease of -'l| las ".*■ points I he average tax hike is based on the average home iff Roselle assessed Ot the surplus, abiaut A; "ii!ijoo:Vs from p* ev... v.up ::.es aikl SfiOO.'Hii at 5 1 $0,000 from expected amount' . the 200.5-04 -chtH '"."Idles- ,-sei.row •.* 'hrO'ich j A! ( million bom be used to add more paraprofe*,sional5K©Jidance counselor*, nurses and cbild referendum tot a new pre-K and s.n.tet;■; *. s. ■Vo.-! budding on ( handle study workers Street Ihe A t' T mil! "■ budget would he funded with approxnn.itelx V ' 2 •• “if ay ft bare-hone# budget ‘-e's.n.t w -. ve excess o'! .idminis!(ati"i iioii via taxes he balance will he iipresentedtrom X ]4'l nii!i:wr. Hate PlMo «» kaFWolfr I - .ml Ot slat! The b r> sjfetem s * (I state isdls ' i ■' 1 Ml V • John Lantj.tr. of Linden holds his shillelagh, or walking and V ! tt n u tij'in in surplus Board ittewher ( eedta Rickv safd .while sin 1 ' ' stick The long time restdeni has been chosen to be the "The.problem is we.have no increase m slate aid and all the overfeads con ',iyabsolutely . '. "■• ■ -' - '-■ grand marshal of the, Union County. St Patrick's Day (imie tvi.nse." (he hiouiesv .idiihhisti.ii'ij-.caivi' ■ . * ; .1 .am ; i;' iuj Parade m Union on Saturday I here na> been a V'-isi iiOo increase iff state aid, anfanwurit that D Angejo bglieyer that; we can . , -v v>howls nut - od *s mo H.ule He* .re the state st.i’ted e.xpenetKing m.unr icvei i.e s" h ■ realise T is ah*»!utelv nece»'virv falls, Roselle regulatly received an * to 20percent increase in Itnancial ,-- ■ it tv a t atCfi-,’2 . v -■;. Linden man ready to Uffce eyetx. vear' ■ lead St. Pat’s parade Conflicts By MmhaJTIaxxan walk halt a b h vk' and i am where .1 ; Kids learn how to dance, native-style Maff Writer want m he I h it me xt'-res and 'hen: ll s that tunc of seat igam when are nice pl*se' to eet on Wood delay Ihe I nion GountS'-St Palrick x Dav Aseriue I he taxes are reasonable too Parade tv rradx to kuk otf J his vear I mden has alwavs been trr the tone- discussions longtime 1 mden resident Ji>bn l an (k m ." g i a i *ee wh. v 'rVc.t tlve Its M m luj llassau i ■■.* p 'ls i to sexeial xears. wilt ; ;."'I; aegan has h e .- stall XX liter have the honor o! serving as the grand M John Ihe Apostle Roman t'aiholiv .■ I mpiovges. ivf ihe RosteHe PtihJic inwfsbaF Church on Valley Road in ( lark toi ■ I f , selev "on was made hv fire -severai:sears as w e lt; Msgr Rwti.od ,*. Tea1 lor.' a .'-s-vv,; ..a-fiacC bev aiivi-y if. I mon ( " vj'T x st Patrick's Day ... Met nufiCss vshvi: hayknowfi I ai.g it, hi . " t v K 'w . 11 *' Parade i vmioittee based m Roselle lot 14 yearv, said lie has heeti a self ant! liffieuilsTioin lhe bhrarv NTCcHii; Pari Ihe parade is scheduled to take less.individual whsi always goes the ol Trustees The rmplox cs*s have been l\i. eSai,.rl.iv .0 lios , ' Mown evtra m ile wttkfiut a contract since June I jn g a n said he has emosed his : While I thtatv Director, he fh ■ Mepht. (Mtiagbet the parade * retirement ftiim the I mi>n ( ounfs Met ox said a situation like this i, genei.R chaimum this -.ear s jid the police force user the past six sear* ndt unusual.' these delay.* have espe dei isit'ii w as made by Teaders o f: 16 Howes er. he remains active within eially been long . . "' ’ Invh Americ an mgani/ations partKi ihe Hints lie serves on the county Then- is always a .ct.iui level ot patmg in ihe parade, as well as coun­ Parks and Recreation Adviwxry to m posturing on Kith sidev. K* said It ts officials In all 21 unanimous mittee and is treasurer for the l nion is like watch i u. a o-ttmg dmet oi v.ue. were cast tor I angan Counts HavehaM Association ■ ..i ■ . H-, ! : h , ’ It-'-k tiallaghei said he waspleaved w-th W hen he takes a respite from help that It, i* unusual" the dev ision mg out in ihe community^ 1 ingan eon I ihrarv emplovees are being rep “I am sen delighted.' t.atiaghei pruhjfeh.be found m his < ape (od- resented by ihe ( MTtcc and Rrole-vsnm « 4 who ;ba»' know n Langan 'or siyie bpme. absorbing a history book at Fmplovees Intemanonal I oval 52 srefn'years■ “ I think John is a verv Among his favorites art Truman ' bs since the former representing K hK‘ gssid person as tar as leadership is David Met ullough and bxwiks hs Public F mplovees Sen iee I mon. w as cumemed He has an endless amount (,arc W ills ahvirbedin 20txi It he >v not reading. 1 angari could Originally, a negotiating session probably be on the road, traveling hi wav scheduled Sept Id. but the union H hho R v Rarhara K-kknlt* various destinations Since retiring, Michael Lawrence left, Joshua Lawrence and Alex Cortes team an Iroquois smoke decided to go into mediation because he has beeti to Furope and to ( alitor dance from a Red Hawk Indian dancer at the Roselle Public Library on Saturday The amvther unit represented by the OPE I rta* He c,*«ld not eniov life more, he performances combined with lessons in Native Affierican history was left twisted in the wind, accord­ ing n. Met ov See I IBR \KV . Page l SPECTATOR LEADER PAGE 2 - THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2003

W e lc o m e COMMUNITY CALENDAR to th e SPECTATOR LEADER suntlav ien Huth 4 • The f* ir**i f*rcr>b\ ten. > Church of RekcII Chestnut Sircrt ’ hv 2 f W Sf iiev'rgev Tie How to reach us j ml gLHcrti &f West hffh Avenue am in Hi the1 publia' venes of voncerts >piTnvoreiJ hv ihe M umc on f «ffh Avt*!' . The 8 - " P O Box oncert Scrie> ai } p n*. Admiv>um ts free •ughtiaii :;•'(*><" -,v e.*ty Thursday Sy Wo I. A tuhf? Ann nai»!ni; ctiiK t p , um ing Commun tv Newspaiger *■ tro M Ihe concert a ill he a Hentl of cUvucal. u n anJ o>deeeng«>-t( j&rn'ity :l* r March r«wspa(^ wmpan.v Oio ottices iu iity niy Service* tMty v . [he Depunmer .tijfetiad at T291 .Stuyveranf Ayer ■ i niikw's IVpu't’rv t ot Rtxreutton, t oitimu Hurmony (nils, the JuN ice L H>spd ( N»ruN M^ptatVa Bu>k L \V CXCTv -vC union N J C?m W8 arn ,N y ucv and PuM'c I’rupctty -Iters surprise cctjniu s ley Hugo 4nd fn*nl*t ( and Public.Ptytpetto ufvdavx and . iwsvev tv* ! i.ndcn n from 9 a m to 5 c m every weeurtay stodc'its n Lmdcryancti through eighth grades i-rum 4 to • The Friends o f Ltr hkv I fbf.trx N'iJ n :?h unnua! meeting Cat! us' at one' nt pit teieph; |‘[,utsdjy s trom b ! s ’h i p m and h ty ” >0 p m at the Jithn I ttregorin Re. re • at the Mum Librutv. 11 i iic n n M at 2 p m . numoe's listed DeiOwr March : I anon t entet. s 'll Helen st I he tee > *b pet pets. :»n- ( U.Vto"i -.. hlecttdri ,i«d, install atvort of (’fVvccts wfU bc beid It w ill atm t omtmmitv Voice mail: cs ate limited to ' ' students It is a one-day. make and take 4IM.1 fumor Hurvey Thu■m for his tenure as treasurer fV ff \«>ciai dafKC Services 4hd Pub!1' protect e Uihn !! (itegttoio M onday v .asses for al) i inden sen ) ot metre mformatum. calf the lohn I tuegono Recre- stem' ITv Linden ( TTy Council m l! somene a sonSctcrtse Res realton ( enter " 0 I b , Lrtdav* Irotn 10 alioit ('enter at '>‘'8 4*4-W»2* Monday thoujjh Fndas s Ml meeting at h p ttv in the conference rsvnt ( its Halt, 2s-, :v To subscribe. r • 1 inoor- ifigh Svt’is'i presents the first ;'crr>,rn',afHe ■ ■* luesday . • the I mden fintgWy M i ■ I’atk \vc wul host hcne'it ’ -.o r Raphael s The Spectator Leaner - mailed ■-. ■The M iis’v Man at me iheatei auditorium at 8 p m Pet • Hie Roselle Puhirs i ihtars 'o4 A I ounh A\c .pres a the homes Of subsc ’ t'e's * ■ .teiAe' s>nUfU4tr tL>mor?i)A mu saturuav cuts Meet I iisiy the,Wonder■( at .and VJ-aLc ,s Kitts-t at I ite House ot I li/abfth from • e:¥,ety:; : Thursdayh One yea; • 1 ’.ckiMs .! Tf fCH'tX Cxi 'vC.Hs ,re availahlc bv cailm g vhiM- ; Jumping Jack.' trom n JO to 7 10 p tn tcaluring local artist Tis Lets arc So for adults ami Y subscriptions in uratir County an k>fhe“tm * avanabe ».'• $26 0C. ’wo:vc ;A.y;CvM'ifi!/ to \ t anda, M Men. High V h o o ! o \( V \iints.ssion .s 'fee Regtsttatu-n is teguired py Saturday den knight* ot < oiumbu* .1 m» and •„■ r-s’.tv ' • i", ■-• in ^haiirmcb t Avt TscU'fs .crt? SIM * ach and ss it! tv sent hv marl arid space is limited to eight shildten ( hildtciHindet the age [or ttckel and donati."' o' available You may subscribe b:i Vnthiitiy [erraso at008 S'. 11 • r vi.-'v!' Puhsh: l At ^ 2 - phone Dy catling 008-686 ??0C itn of 8 must be ussompanied by a patent ot guardian that w ill t*tb 'Obb or James Irett huhik at ‘Ath asKiog tor the circulation department I rid a i ot with them the entire length ot the program S hied' * 4 cl Anew at. le a s t. two weens to m mdeft ITcpafttnebt Jot Resieatio ( ommumty • \ regulat riveting ■ ,t •• j' the cvna- processing yout'otdet You may 6$t sen ices and Public Properts w ill sponsor a fe e semor Cttr- lifer’s liepantiien! at.otf'-TT'/'Siru \r\she ( Ivss'st o f 1 iihIc’ m Mastercard Visa American. Eng v iro’tgc Vvenuf. i m- S 1 ■ , , 1 c at fhe ''111 I ■ Rt’s • ea ■ • Ihe IVpartment of Recreation, i .immunity Sefytces gs>gue- a'.sf Puhlts ' I ’inpcrt) commues s'otitpii’fe ! !iie>s o e e s ; den Missing newspaper: f.ir rvi, ■■•-V jiH ’.r .ontasi the (enter at dps 4'.4 yt?.' slasses tor I mden residents,older than ' on TuesJ.ivs and I aura We reman w review tw ’> tyxMkv ! be k * Stt>rc PftTtSb 4bd 'The Lusiies :t your Spectator leader did net . ■ \ 1 am I M s " • • bv '•-■ V .- Jenye'ed please a * 908-686 " ■sen tis's and Pi.b:u P'opem of'eis tree sivia! dance slats • l.he I mderuitx ('oimsiTtgri'citf'.a;cuhTewncr meet­ a-'y hv I s.i M u ■ li- :*• 's K! Health otlise. Room 4 l its Ha . '01 \ Wis'd • j ;s , \ a i H ■686: * f a r and is* * - - ...r t. holds i.tlffish its dinner ih the pansh hail meet at fs \M p ns *n th f v <■' tcrcin c Ttvmi at tin* Ms sard Mf A.tdit * r :• a, Hi ■nit Street. Rose'le Me ■; ’ , from 5; ' p.m The menui mi!anslude ttsh. potato, seg M ednesd.n { duk.4tH>n\ .AilmmtybattMh Buikitftg. 2 (libNms v News items efabSe. .ind1- N’ -v cr.iy’C■ T'skets ate V i and must he • i he Roselle Botimgh l Mined somcnes a pte-meeting * ' hr Rx»rlJr B genera- .Bre-e:, bjvkCki bv' tueytlav at ’ p m poor to its regular meeting at ' '0. in ( ouned si! " 'M p ••* { cvfia'd'A 'C NMvKlU* Sxh»wl. ijrfice bv Rndag -a: : "For miofiTiai-ion-. hursh i-tfise at Otis ,'4s (1*1' • ( hamhets Msitough Hall. 210 ( hestnut St i ivu vf St m m to be -'ms- toted t< ' put :- atiot th«t* Mk-Atfiy sye#A b^a-.'K and Abite j ftjrtnef ijp&n i OffMlV'} -*‘A'. St - & hd6 AT THE LIBRARY ' ■ ' t ' I • • Wilday seventh-graders have a heart inv ted to i ome meet t ufras-" and her Story reprints Friends of Linden Library jv t sat Lusks, attd hear nsn iWty meet Sunday aN at how she made'a ditlerence m bis its’ b>,t he in hers Afterward, they the annual meef'tig ot the ( nends w partuipafe in a fun and everting .a ! ;r*iieh I -K-ar\ w I tH’ field 8,.ri graft pt. i ’ttti making a kitty -cut e Ma •; i ~a-v -. I llef’v Letters to the editor ,imping u.k t h- ilten are also urged * Sierra*:-to ;'?•> St at 2 p'flv '• ■ e • ''' o', s.osis vvnt them opifr-; i.eiurt1 '. cr- r'c 'S’ vl” ''J Wc will be honoring Hatvev thorn ss’ that the* c»n ehes k vnit a stack of S. -.’i® • ' ' V f bts H i vears o f service as !?eassirer ye’itei's; ifrooio #m - •s! A " | me CM re length ;ar wine and sheese parly w ill he heist .•tribe progfim If you regi'ict yetjt. e -m a il \ si' •"* ,'es are .11.0 -J' e • -• - -i" - ! *W >p«C-V*r * AC-]&pT& .hlld and ate unable to keep your me - • i eomm e’;t: J. is sour fVspvsnsiHiH.ts \ : m o "s' - h ijn at M-ast 24 hsiurs J' . - ,** Mi%f‘ -*4uSt be t'v 9 a r*' Roselle introduces .istsimie ot i[he program' so .that vAr-ndav t -vde?e j . ' *-■ Lucky the Wonder Cat ■ . ■ A-f ; e .r -«’ :• t‘ a - • * Vocal art,4 lltana f uftisio some* I • s- ) m r .Is jn d neas • !- t * a •- ■ rf f-e accfpted by:e:-ma': to the Roselle Puhos t rhrars to pres­ I V o n "., k Pic.' in the Cbtldreti V ent a umgue pfogram that tecs her flsTi-' - i f Tfe Roselle Puhlts Rosemarie Longos seventh grade class at Grace Wilday Middle School in-Roselle To place a display ad > . ■ : i • -s . - i e of O '"' l.'.btars s IsK'aled at the s o fte .4 sponsored a 'Have a Heart" drive where the students collected toiletries and food items piay tK?VG'ti$»fi9 !$r piJC&Vm'H telling and anim al' .. ; to donate to the YWCA o< Elizabeth Some ot the students participating where back rt. V ' Meet I is kv the di.-ndet t at and row. from left. Davtd Wiggins. Qadruyyah Hill Kwame Johnson Isath Davis, Bianca Id tiie a k ttv ( at .Uonping Jack'' w d! Ifenka Ed Forbes Thomas Triplett Latoma Richardson and front row from left Artel Sell it with a slassifted ad. Ms: ' cs :.i■ ’■■■<' '■ McKoy Andrew Berneck. Sabnna Smith Tyrone Caldwell and Jerel Gordon ! r 1’ r *'s 1 m ». 'fs: * •)! ' ■ * ’ - p m. ( h'ltbcn age» 4 and older are V ' to : i-U *ri \ • ;4 ■ ’ ’■ :

. to '■ ; : " rc t - ' ' r - CHtmtM .HEW W OVBEM Cf To place a classified ad > Spectair-' , vas :r ,r ;r> : CiAR* y Pun**-#: HSCATAWAV w&j ’*4a$$ih9ij adv#fbs'if'9;- Equity Lines o . b:“ - Advertispmpnis • *iu$* be »rt: - to 48 . ' « >1 ' • •• Af. .. ' ■ . ‘* 1 ' ■M' pubHsalion ?h.yj’ -Af*eK A.:: .tasiftf#:! If \vu re ttr nuwniiD ■■ K]y. t' OtNVUf -;:, k ■ V r i* * M t ■'.< - ■ I-'.-' om one bank to another, come to Investors W ith our .. jiel.T**** f c u p t f 'e v s '• D-fS’.-fve ''■ C.fV’d '-A" eifUitv line of credit there are no gimmicks no limited noCKiliN , 'introductory" rates, and no minimum balance required ■* ' a is 's t ■' V•'.} ;'o-. c'epaxTfig ••)iour ■ ■ to obtain this'rate ** ■ EAST OAAhGE NO«M*Y TW^ ;.. dUhttodgpig’;t>dSir»sfi' h ljf e q; 0 tms ■ J1'1: ‘YaiAi ' . k**t ’ ■ - ■ • : - ' 1 . - ' i., ■ - it . 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Sand address , hanges to the SPECTATOR LEADER Member f£HC' PO Bo* 3109 Union N J. 07083 THURSDAY, MARCH 11 2003 - PAGE SPECTATOR LEADER Library employees want new contract Amazon rain forest comes to Linden t(i> r ‘ I tin |.us McCoy said benefits and tune have bale,” be v also been discussed the three-seal jgrwnwnts usually call tor tai>c> at non to wad dtffcitni ffifts lo c a l K u-pri' .< P»frl In the last contrast approved in lu lls said h f i i'-fW C c ’into there was a 2 M-pyrccm raise salary hike 1 r each i in the first sear: and * percent m each year' of the following two years than H ills id e 's SfrXSiOtW, Howevei. Anlhom i I SpOstlo o f ! I he othet big issue in the negotia­ It,'.,-,:h u 'icn v,i. 0 the dianc.cs tions tocuses on hours According AO ; ism such art increase. wen 1 “ siifti in non* Tulls, he leeis that part tune workers He 'jiii rhe\ has • set a Jalc tor should have more opportunities to pos'i) March ’it to meet wttH'frfrfan. htutfd wnik Mans times, lie 'aid the differ- A ttic t ilt ence between fult-time and pamirine I, aji .in \ U os predicts. lulls added the reason fur the workers is vague delays acre j resull . ’ dtffrculfrey in that the siuutfrMf should be resolved the ! h descriptions aie not seise getting people Together 0 frs the end of this fiscal seal ... I get upset whenbr tries to char clear." he said 'flie s ate vers d isor­ I he hb'urs eittphisees art’ one ot ganized It is not a Vers c-od sontrust -esen units within the borough thjt Jsien/e. o'" a ' *"*■: e ,,p It avoids a ls»t ot protections I he him, lulls said •cSernrig toM et os a if rep’ eseuted bs the profes*K>n*l hatt-das should he manned by, part It IS d ifficu lt ill gel all- the people orOam/attOh ttihci botough ufttts together at the same nine time employ ces" .eprescnted bs them are cross'ng the library has eight tjflioij lulls -s -elcipg to Siturdavs guards, parking cnfoue.mem oftreak i inden Sthuul 9 teuenlly convetted its b- iiuul cHfetena to the Amazon Forest C.f e giv­ employees, which iiuiude sis' para ..when the linrais is open,from o a m dispatchers, administration enipbs- ing then students a bit of excitement for their lunch break At tne cafe are fifth- jradei professionals to lip in o '. " . '- ; " ' ees. and die Department ot I'uMic Angela Gargano. kindergartener Marc Vincent Sangly. first-grader Aleksandra.Batowa While salu-v m .’ eases base been 'i'uTTC^ti\. itiffv .\'C fUiii HHu: W,.lks second-grader Shannon Murphy and Principal James lozzi, back, along with. 6 am • ■nt Susan Hudak . ; ■ ■ - ; '.' ■ • ' c\ : .'.. Children’s Institute celebrates literacy

.il .mtihiK.d frp iii (’age I r Vn. .... ,i ' II . r g f i sHe m id ■union must wait opp.uni.nir> lor her m Kg need' Hums. >avj Ale'be eve.that, wanted the teachers to make up the meet with u'prescntai das on April J2. "which is in the tiud. New Jersfv liiucath is the .'reason," whv they 'W vvith die o! I aster saciihon Itu r s said the However it bolh «'< .shat she thought was an agreement m ijvid w a, -.n er a lie !'•, -e n v ednie to (tie table agarr live ttre she said employees,'' if lie s had. to come to;, ,'Ulvtandirrg !"u e .. Hu Is that a ,u.s to (in tu s ie v w e e h'Oi work rhal das. as many had already lesauro take’-s w h be hccvled inncause returned as id preSstin'ie i'uc>dav scheduled vacation plans tor rhal the tw o stdes Had !tt(le tuck over the - Hunts esprctvThat ' new ,nv piobicms ui developing the a \ n xvori* n u tjk‘ could continue at vmie.pptni the dis- Kl A Slu^Vil c.U"'.- ,,?u! ' ■ I. ' • . i ! i'- . it'.l ■■ iVt\t ■ . f i - ■ ■ J'ltheivfre < iririisiev waved atfy'ge "oie ■ ■ ihet}|Situ.Kii,Mis s.: hh '• l.hete frad:been,pressure to spjve-the '.!V h.-,Jk !> ' i ,s 0 situation u file, second .i'sessiorv. "S' V ' ' ' s,.s ’ s’ b ’ c 0 ■ ■ y; s ; II V • . Burns has vaid .'Hat' 'he': pftlefred. ~ iffriirf tiretpavihas fhe.’v jiu men.ibcs 'c i : : S' ' y i ... s .s : y s:., ■ ■' Prtoi to tKe st.ckmg powtt. H s ,W,laid we I" idc.t.v s'- .tea > ■ e was y ' ly iii. B at" i-.sa'r.'; " . . . , ’ • IS ■ iKirotiaivitg: -.'-s " ■ stet the .Ktuiti' ftait contrae! and Aaid rhatwhe vat Phillip C of Roselle center joined Sean G of Scotch Plains, left and Medm Specialist B urits .;o at ’ ", pmfurtaMeo"; with, ;.fi'e- te ta f ve vvith eachfrirts separ dg s -andfhet Dee DeCarlo of The Children s Institute in a reading of a Dr Seuss book last week The ipif.fr s ' tid y terms .. atfesv'drs to bndgcithe.gap w‘ter* .get Institute took part m the National Education Association's Read Across America cele­ Bums hud cvpocted the raU!kalK)i ting together w th thre other camp - bration March 3 All of their 160 children gathered with their favor te books and spent time reading

EDUCATION Intergenerational Day The su th annual Intcigenerational Day jl Abraham ( lark High Scbosifin & LASER CENTER Ri-sci’.c wiil be April 11 sponsortd'by I'rrtrnlrJ h the Roselle I ducation \ss,\ution*s Patricia (' McCormack M l > h A A H Pride Committee with a grant from the New te-ses I .!. >.:!■ r Ass, c m turn 1‘nde in Public I du>atM n budget FUNGUS AMONG US Ihe goal o f this tree ifs cut is hi.. ;Tbti -.••••• ' - : ' t. A',"".. ■ reternn^ u- a. gfbup of- t students p|: the borough t he student •.infections Ttne€Ki«c(>!' dents will prepare a-delve as lunch- ■ A • ' ' The Angels o f Mercy ■ which are . r''' Landscape S H O W trie rifaith -Ksiipafron -:»>tents. ■ wilt cias^c^i of. t*i*M I • • • f •• i • ' ' ■ My then per'omi Monti pressure %.«*** '*<> kVvKXt A.*- tngs tor the guests panfry mu! _.spreads -s' to>-advansf reservations, jnd 'tKKd«r$ #rn% »' the in tiifr". tl'tfiAf ts Office hour is- Next To Westfield High School ...... el rro at * ' : ' via How ■'! . d H» ’ •rs .;m r‘ hs April ! the 0flt& ' • •• s ' ‘ ;{-i r*afar;t#» mth event is lim ned to iitrzetis o f Rosetfe m ‘ This p

EDITORIALS BOE should relent Jus! when it seems that the Roselle School District could COOL BREEZE - If breathe a sigh ot relief, a scennngK minor issue has sur­ seems as if people are starting to treat Ihe faced that could derail an entire school year s worth ot onslaught of snow as old work The Board of Education needs to answer tor tt hat J e ff Beckman of Lin­ A marathon mediation session on March.4 between the den is not deterred from Roselle Education Association and the board appeared to his jog. as he gets a bit result in an agreement that would give the members ot the of exercise along the union a hew contract The presence ot iwnaine lesauro ot Rahway River Parkway the Public Employees Relations l ommission appeared to do d u rin g Fridays storm the tnek Additionally, in a departure irom the past, the board had a presence at the session in membei Ethelyne Grtnisley Gem Bums, president ol the teachers- union, credited her with helpthg to solee the dispute . Gnmslex apparentl\ was not representing the true led fhi.it. H« Wt**A«r»r*t»« ings of the board, though I he agreement, details ot which have not been divulged' tailed to he ratilicd during a closed- session on Mond.tv The sticking point, was a make ap das tot a union 10b You think last week's snow storm was action on Election Day, \oc ■' Ilie-tc.lv hers did not report '()ne thing that did bs'ihcr us kids e tell xke >t. and that was on 1 here ,*•’t times when i little imug- to work that dac. as it is a legal holiday While the board bask !hen was ‘1 the snow same abet Vnd Ibis was back m the mantm can pul a new fight on an orh The H/ay n {bc’ c was still souk fa in t accepts this, it says the day must be made-up Both >ide» a week so ot teal .o ld weasben erwise drears situation, unj let u> ,i here and Mr li.mla s when (he lakes and ponds and nseis said that there had been an agreement on a day. although consider the fcvcni Hlu/uid ol U ’ II Was had Inven thick cmuigh lor ice -sal t o luted a par! of XXesI Hrook the\ have not disclosed when ihai day actually would be a has been t allc»t bv some m the new- mg I remember a time when the ice ws through ihe town - Now. the entire deal may be off and both sides could be -niciiu ' on ihe old reservoir had fnvrn ttne* \. Jam as io" the brook dragged back into mediation Resolution could be delayed XII right Mister X .Hiiig Repv'rtct iiejd b*.k enough water lo i>ca!e a a,- -.on ihirs this _sn, w st.-nr. *j- ,t ' and smooih. and everyone had skated by a minimum of a month It is w ishful thinking to hope that :heie was a lew iwhcs ol snow ‘a 1 ng on it lor a couple ol d.os. and then we ji« r pond tor ihe Urrn animals and Mg ileal ' Whs. soil shoulJ have been the\ could sulxe. the issue on their own, as they were never n ihe ground. Ihe company sent out dusk' b -t f also was a line place firr atottnt! when we reillv bad snow has! 'iv mehev o f on'w over (he \vb,>!e able to bridge the gap concerning salary and benefits over 11 work cars that had high Waited plows thing ic sia-ii'-g It was Juile popular with sto rm s. where ihe wind howled tike a Ihe nerghhorbivid skaters, but veals prior negotiating sessions It mediation tails, the Blatter hjnshec. and the snow was piled dp ill • ' I ha! didn ! sb*p US krd'X (bough ;.i;or:g..i?'d pash The'snow op ol,ubc ag,. it disappeared when Ihe larm was would he bumped to arbitration and a fact-finding process. d r Us so hjg ar-voi.; c i tn Saturday we ali sbi'wed up with •o.uli.s so :be passenger ia fs could gel siwuc shoscis and cleared a big s.sld and Ihe land was improved, as which Bums has said she does no! w,int to sec osei the lops of them . eni'Ugh area so Ihai we could plas Ibes sal lodas wha! wav orise a Superintendent ot Schools Darlene Roberto has said that 'T rtf's u lk in g i b i i ’ - drUts- Hi fee:o (reltmg .on or oil ihe iar was loie.v iittfc take.with a single tree high rn places, aid we dot no! base hossev Just a tv u tih a l time however this is a large issue, pointing .nit that ait ictcemcnt on the ,osuber mailer cause :bjl plowed . s ■ c on the small island in ihe am sm>wbi«i*«s to help .tear the . a number ol wi*rkro*n shiiwed up. al­ principles is virtually Worthless It even detail is not settled -s was-" - wa's i s >■'.'* ao.o i armed wish shovels and m id Us that middle is now ihe paikmg lot for s-fiew.i »-- .. o •' 1 ' - - v She said that she could not speak for the board members , o ■ ps and a person had i Rosette ! athohe High School : ,'o w "-. • .o e s* % dies had been sem to clear o ff as ,e s a* snow ihe old reservoir where we themselves when questioned about wh.ii went wrong the * .r.‘. ■su, h siii’w as thev could fhev siar*. 'bother .tM 'g about these snow , plavec! h.vkcv is gone. also, as it was members need to explain to the public w hy the apparent deal - W ,* , V , : s.t.op'soias ihui we didfv’;! Lave,ani' , ,;i! .■ »» ;hr=e: .in,i we be pest. V -v c- no longer needed td» a water, supply is now invalid x .-Xx-,.- end ioadc’ s oke,.,lhev used Ihe 'new; Sangied ■" snowedify A, ire the • which i* i.,st as welt, as the water has ■ Are thev going to let this process vine out over what i*. -- ,ia i ’ , c.i ..p .i " . ■' es ' oysteio Vo.srree. we uis- bcvi'ine too contaminated tor drink ,r,.-w c!! bs :he mg irm k* w O- [hen .Isf skating or some o! the users small in'the context ot the larger issues1 lesauro had broken mg. and ii no longer I r t t m solidts m ow plow s w hen 'bev charged towi puited on our Kxds and walked i>* in 'hose das' was tots n! tun cause a stalemate where the board said they did not have the nisi! nke we atwass did although for skating fh c Streets and’iW w . ihe-: snow-, "A o b C - we s -uid skate op the river that wep we might have left-a m'e earlier than s-. s, see Mr Soiing Reporter. monev to provide the RE \ with the money and benefits thev gutters In ihe good :-d dassthes iusi .ouidr • nave gone up anv other time we didn't let a snow vlorm mess feel thev deserve If this is the only.issue delay mg ratifica­ used shovels lo Throw the snow into X . ■ '. . X x X - be bees and bushes along the edges XX hen we got lo schi»d. alt iif ihe. ' tion, the board is making a nuvkery ot the hard work that wagons anc e» ihe pi. them . ' -vX * • ■ a s - • -.i a s ua»bets; were ihere ii> cause thev a - c the banks and see what was seemed to produce tangible results in only two meetings awa\ all lived litown and w,:« s,'b.s'; siu.w 'oils with-,plenty ol snowball "(V course, in those davs we didn : m e-e .X The teachers deserve a fair contract The district ' fami­ amm unition have id clear rWf .streets, down to Ihe - • . i , \ i i s es we J ' "s lies deserve a resolution to this dispute, as it is a distraction ; : :c;,--. ■ o . :. , line more thing It sou Ihmk wm- • . i ;i i.'se-' - i T f -,c that onlv breeds enmity between two camps that should be i.u lis , alK'. even it thev o w ie d a s*r W ■ •nE»v*v»( tees ante of Thai m* if!' o..gf : »' 'caio. there was tv a us ihtck av if wav in ottwr k SfT ! 10'. groundhog, nisi remember that ihe ■ working together tor the common good of the children were not iris mans ga» buggies then ; piaces arid as we skated; we could see K he '} HX.’/ard ot 'X happened on ihe Iflh : l- The board should honor the agreement that was reached - - . - ' : had the sheet of ice ahead or as lifting "Ms»i .'"s-sio- ' giback ol Starch, so keep sisur snow M o w . r in principle in mediation It remains to he seen if the nuke . ; siO'sAif.-'Clhj-.r'S;: I'i*X I I(l.!X. pssa'd as ' we vAt pushed down . . travel . if! soo-e p/eUv 'b-i’i. -. ”be-n had 1 'Pas. arr.,.-V. *he«. ’o i -a or. the water helow the ice under our hands’ " up dav cceitroversv is based v*n pnhciple or politics pruning ! 1 • .:.'s Os* wMai U:C a ' j • d ' • W illia m fro lie h is a m em ber of ■s- .. O w ,t. - 1 X i. , we slilHwd :he rtolles u n jhai used.. Xears ago there used to be a place the I null! f ounts Historical Suci- Passion for reading here m Roselle where ans {*fiC - CiHjlki rtv ... It xs'ti cv.int xour f«SUJi vvith nalufc : LETTERS TO THE EDITOR have them plant a garden It vou w.mi them to he athfeiic. mgs .idiaccnt to the. school were W serve a t>i.tv, puijvse x the preservation X teach them to play catch and play sp<>rts w ith them \nd it Taxpayers fund fancy status symbol .■t rbe uand for Ihe future not on.v ’or ’he school, but also I inden itself ; you want them to g ro w up w ith a thirst lor knowledge show b ' th< t I irskn's Master Elan identifies u» av an older and neatly tubs developed them the joys ot reading Ihi> irn c r s'«.T»ov.ennng M jnx r JtThn f Urey ‘ N tVCVh (AWlHali •burb wilh a stressed mlraslruilute system confHsed ot utilities, road- Last week saw the annual return of Read.A c ro s s America N ' • ’ > ' • v euu.i!c xa th thetf wu s parks and si hisilv If 1 -'den Irulv ,s a "subii’V* ' why aren't we fighting Dax, a celebration ot the written word held at 1U e'emenurv cy:*' s.psb jense over devetopmenl; given the statementjn the Master than’ Must Vink have Wafd fxprtrv'H:’ H«v»dv Ks* ■ the hell vu;h \ .»u the u t ' school level Built around the c la s s ic works of 1 hesxJor eserv inch nt space be bud! upon w'-ile neiehN>nng piwns-get help prrservmg pavefN l think evuleu bhould Icuxi eA4f‘ >pk i f e t 1 ;_ ' t iiesel popularly known as (h Seuss Read \ctoss ■ ■ When ti is nesessa-v to provide additionjl s,Iv-X buddings' Where will America Dav i> intended to instill a lifelong habit, if not a 1 in4en these be built on ihe brownfields ' passion, for readtng among young children Redevelopment, but at what cost? i .- v .j V I sans . lake virtually every other effort mmodern education, its toihe Editor I iMjeu also doomed to complete and abvsmal failure w ithout the ' X recent ietU" : ah area new '.■•is of HXsinpJ .'Id 'C' Now is the time to take a stand' - cooperation of parents ( hildien will not develop a healthy denisXwho’ cpnftnuc fg ’btlhg .‘lie,prop- :huiUi, A- .otidp'iiXniutns, -• 5 X X jo live id ifo i; s . interest in reading it their parents Jet them stare \ KUOttsly at js res or and M ew * he ' Wood Wenue- i. jrra. ( tniv tn l'imSeb.X'. fbe-cover ivpp'r y - V i (be; ; d'ten their beds and the I S' for hours and encourage them only rarely or never to -■ ■ c>,! ■ -<-de,c <-■'' s ’ n ,• !■ .-. si, -gr inits w ith t h as> *s ■" e '* state>an give verv little help Xihd'feiuttWftevor.me irrs: >cvci.:-',X s-i. i.,!,Xe\.i:t • x pick up a book lilts.year -Ihey .we ti*?-bliss.ws.mg; io balaayt-'Iv s*jte tge! ■be- provided., w-e kAiss.ihuj.vebicics ire o ; -oxx:: ■i-New tropes no matin tgi t Hiidge.t by 2 , m illio n to: Manx parents don't make the commitment to read to their ... M' what tides t ovden ck*x fbev ihctease the. ■where a ile rfu tf: .;-c :X;-v;,-X-X- X-.. x, X ■ :> ' c'X.x Ires sprawl Linden is the -.1 : ■, '.iv irase' We are preschoolers, and even those whodd-generally tall out ot the 'Mrst tense s 1 : so wed ot Xe.oo c * s 'he Vi .*r,ev arid ’* ed , - vet age II fa lot more'than practice around the time the children enter sehcxil and ihe ‘ doses n • jwpttsrm ' "l.iv-i ,i" p £•' a t ad.da, t NrX Xo ! ills w.'h everv possible.. books become more involved than "I here's ,i SSivke’t in my ’uses o doesn ' we' the-, tt" thep c,'m jv 'cll.duaMv. jbali' ,tpip.tr added, af a cost of SWHper pKmth.ftvt A2 year case Ncg everv l oun- Pocket " [hat s t shame ■Men s. ’ • is ; X; 'X y;.i su b die.- Getting children hov'ked on reading themselves also often 1 am .om-emed .ib-wi the Atvelitpntent on me ai'C paru- .id .uent l jdillav Devlle with lb rgg)nviteson n that the mavor used the last 2 seat* Ts easier.than we make it By iv mg the leading material into School •<> SshiHi; enroiltncnl is meteasorg but " -■(' is *.o i p'lmnurtu allots And »bt> atso paw fin the upkeep, the gay and ihe insurance for both cars ' We one of the child 's interests a Star W ar's nov el, a biography ■ Idusatiou M j Vptcm dii of course' \im > ire .•*• rhe pt; fused When Mayor tohn liregorii- s faestiivned aN*ut new ,ars lor the Police of the sports or pop music hero of the moment, or even the ber JtAO meeting, members ot the sc-hiVX tvsitd wet development jnd that lansl -ighl nest to the.vchosit. i »slated 'ur.deveiopmepj Department, he sas> we have an esceltent garage lhal keep the cars with over comic book adventures ot the Mighty Dior adults can (hir schools and i>ur children are import, t Isti i it unwise lo build such high- iflft ups* lilies n repair ) wimdei whs that didn't applv lo a sir with only translate a passing but intense interest into a lifelong reading density residemial housing and cm me , i. ■, r-me'*' "ghi p io the doot IfiilOO miles on if' O why when the city purchased it. they dtdn l have the habit steps ot School arp along with an iiff-sit parkmg ..of' i .hetiese Ihe Hoard o! mayor lontmue to.use it -Stter ail. a 2 year wist. ar with Inina* miles is hardly And once children develop a passion tor reading, they Education should he totally aware ipI ihe imp.u p * • this wdl have on the school, its tsp. • en n have the key to making the future sUidenls and issues o! health and safety Xnd why ikes ihe cits ot t msien need i pubtn lelapons .ompanv al a cost 1* the city unaware of the increasing schivchiV'i i>ipulatu"!' Shouldn't these r f t l i - m ‘ Are those on ( ilv ( oumd who vote as the matontv. worrying that public agencies work together for the hettemermew ot the community' The scope the crnien* ot I mden might be getting upset about some ol the decision* they “Real patriotism cannot be coerced." ot ihe deseioppitpfit is staled to be a r-e de ' igieitton eyactls what this liase made lately' Do they kns'w how little they-- listen to the public and how ,-senl' I hey should be our means I ipiestion wbv the Rivard of f ducsnbi nrnts o f students s, his*! an —Robert Kerrey, U.S. senator (D-Neb. ), 1999 PTA officer* and member*, the general pubu. ..use to igniw the issue ts publii lelatiom people that v whv ihey were eietted to represent us. and to t mden realty that kind of a deeps, backward t where facilities for' children keep us'informed; V * to make tb*ngs took,food even i (bev are Mf* S. w is ihe time to reduce spending' Sow s the time u> not replace people base tittle satue' XX 'thoui Children, without ad ise schools i stable, young, ' - OavMWwra* . sibrant. commumtv ceases toextsi x town w' t children has no future when thev retire Now-Wfhe time tor cits emplosees lo share in some of ihe , id ., uf their benefits nisi as we all do S.-w is the lime to be realistic and lis­ Spectator Leader . butiiisna.- Isn't il strange that the t tuofl (‘ournx Ere drrs have committed S' 4' miiticm io purchase i f acres m Clatk for pcaJfktk tpoces white lfte same free ten to those Who are hurting N.-w is the lime to lake a stand, and m d* «!»**• Publishes! Weekly Since. 1 f t 7 r&tfi ■s on s Wood Xvenue fisr private sent LNiwe who elec led vm,' Dom f Hettd f/kofp(HSb.ngTbeLih(kk'rC^sersp.iy./ Editor ’n holders are working on lOndemning buddings Linden Leader and Roselle Spectator Jeselopmenl Woutdr be t posii if the condemnation o1 the buiid- I tmlen Man* ^rywr.a -. Putstishod By . Worrall Community Newspapers tnc 1291 Stuyvesant Avenue S P E A K O U T Marx^iTF iitrv Union. NJ. 07083 'v'yr Ay *» ^ ' Contented about an iwue facing the governing body or Hoard of tduration in vour town? i908'586-'700 Gaorg# S Gannon Is your street in disrepair■’ Our readers can use our Infosourte hot line to speak out about Ma'S «iing Duactor anv issue whether il is a question, comment, suggestion or opinion. I hat wav, hv telling us, ©Worrall Comm unity Nowapapara Inc vou can fell everyone in town. 2003 All Right* Rtatrvad : aJ e* $0mpif$et0t' v ( all anytime dav or night. Please speak dearly into the phone when xmcia* tactu»«a and advartn^nanis rv*r»o v t iw fH Ittltirilin l leaving xour message. Callers ran remain anonymous. ... i - . . ••-. -\ • John 0 Adwi© and any rapudatw r o> Broadawi wWiout «m »* Ofcuiaftoc • Ovmuiao ts proicMad © IBiDUDI^in) M J TTHURSDAY, MARCH 13. 2003 - PAGE 5 SPECTATOR LEADER • RAHWAY PROGRESS 7 tlfc A n n u a l » A m m s m m

Dedicated to His Excellency Most Reverend John Archbishop of Newark and all those who have chosen to serve G od’s Saturday, March IS, 2003 A Family Oriented Celebration of Irish Heritage Schedule of Events 9:00 am MASS Saint Patrick’s Church 21S Court Street, Elizabeth, N.J.

12:00 noon GRANDSTAND FE ST IV IT IE |H PH Intersection of Morris and Stuyvesant Avenues, Union Township, N.J. 1:00 pm PARADE Line oS March ■ Morris Avenue, Union Township, N.J. (Beginning at Commerce Avenue to Stuyvesant Avenue) Two Best Viewing Locations

(Located at Morris and Caldwell Avenues, opposite the Union Township Police Department)

‘Free Parking and Transportation available from the Bradlees parking lot conveniently located on Morris Avenue (Carden State Parkway, Exit 140) John J. Langan Grand Marshal Stephen Gallagher William Neafsey, Esq. General Chairman Parade Adjutant

' l l li M Parking Available for All Events

I | JrFor o r in Information iu ru M d u w i vCall: a n # Stephen Gallagher 908-271-1929 William Neaisey, Esq. 2 0 1-873-8308 / T www.unioncountystpatrick8dayparade.com ______'■ SPECTATOR LEADER • RAHW/fY PROGRESS PAUL 6 - THURSDAY MARCH 13. 2003

r ^ f e l l m « . 1RJSH PUB & RESTAURAN

Sit . Mir 15 Jerry Piper Bend 4 pm Sun, Mir 16 Bentry Boy* 4 pm Sit, Mir 22 Stronger Than Dirt 16 pm Sun. Mir 23 Round the Houte Bind 4 pm Eri, Mir 21. Bobby Byrne Oinner Show, 7 30 pi Sit, Mir 29 Sequoii 3,30 pm Sun. Mir 30 Joe Finn 4 pm. Every Wed Karaoke/led O'Connell .. 6 30 pm' E ve ry E ri Mu*ic by Billy 9.30 pm Special Si Patrick’s Day •H; S u n d a y s DINNER Join Us For Brunch $ - | Q 9 5 Soup Salad Corned From 11am - 3 pm Irish S e ssi’un Beef & Cabbage. Potato, Scrying All Day From 2 pm Vegetable and Dessert Monday, March 1 7 th Open Mic From 9pm Monday \a an Mite $7 95 & up * Check oul our Wednesday PrmeRp$l295 Private Party Room Available for All Occasions up to 1*0 People Seafood Specials vVifec’ S $ !e m . Pub Menu Aveileble until Midnight an Weeknitet f o r L e n t ! I . . . i 1 em on Weekend* ; situ-: itgetjcne swur*--. Open V ig trlv 'til Um Servutg leech t Pieecr Deity!! I 1085 Central Avenue, Clark • (732) 388-6511 Tel 908-272 7016 • Fax 908-272 7288 •Cell Weekly lor Any Additional Updalea ^OUVn^lMven^^ 07016 Vtelt ue dt our oebklte m ollym ajulraa com

vn-'cnJ-.y <•' r A i'&rffm JiMirmf

* c Do ( atenng Lor Ail Occmsioos' V e7 ,MJOfrer0nA,if> ■ ■ irccn I V: with Karaoke'll 1 i . n

International B u f f e t frrthdaf ?ait| Mo n g o l ia n b b q g r il l & s u s h i b a r I f SF66IAL Bring in 12 P rrx lynrts 0 ctmtuk fusm arm dm trie People or More : Setting Steaks. Chicken , S e a fo o d Birthday Pasta. Salads Sandwiches: Burgers. Person Eats S«Wg Luntf 4 D«W DaA Join us after the Parade FREE March 15 and for ►St. Patrick’s Day the 17th OVER 150 ITEM S DAILY Including Appetizers. Soup. Dumplings. Mussels. Snow Crtb Legs. Peking Duck. Mongolia H HQ. Roast thicken, lobster. Shrimp. H HQ Spare Ribs. Heef. Chicken. Vegetables. Sushi Serving Traditional Roll. Pasta. Fruit. Dim Sum. Dessert. A variety of Pastry. Ice Cream and Much More .1

lunch Buffet %b 99 Weekend Buffet $11 99 C a r r y O u t B u f f e t Children ih 9 * ' Live M usic both days Children |J *»9 <4 oe p**3 ; Ai 1 east i teTs re' v d r MfWi'Uy & Parking In Back Brunch Buffet $9 99 *■' ^ Lunch S3 99 Pr Lb. CbiUtren $* 99 SUSHI S4.99 Pr Lb . " S<9"rk*' • fury* • te M bit * Eeffl • D in n e r Dinner Buffet $9 99 \-tt: fkitra • M as*#' * Shnmp • Octopus $6 99 Pr Lb Children $S 9 * S e a fo o d Ig g Dry & ew Curt • Su*h ■ Monday- k*. Thuredaiy- s 4 .T -'-i’ ’ ' jnt * COUPON Join Us In O ur Mon - Frl, i DINNER ONLY ' EAT IN ONLY 1 P r i v a t e , B e a u t i f u l Come IS'OK CASH ONLY ' Mn|•wij* uoliavaau miaa waturgiinKildron *ne titettu. . I Join , Coupon Not Good on Holiday* - E xptroe - 37KV03 , Party Hooni COUPON The Fun Available for everyone at no charge ANYTIME Monday. March 17th EAT IN ONLY 1 0 *0 1 1 CASH ONLY FREE USE OF THE ROOM Serving Green Beer and You just pay our regular low i Coupon Not Good on Ho*deyi Ejptree VXVOS buffet price on the menu Corned Beef Sandwiches

Gnat T V Settee • Dancing • Kirtoke from Noon Unco Fitly Light* Ito Special Entertainment Room Available ~ Birthday) • Shower* • Am u on Si Patrick \ Day Any Spec il l Dec* Open 7 Days A Week 1235 West Chestnut St. 2251 Route 22 W„ Union Live Entertainment Saturday Nights OPEN EVERY DAY Across from Costco Shopping Center 1507 Main St., Rahway 10:30 AM to 10:30 PM • 1 Location 2 Entrances 908-624 7^2-381-6455

\ \


^ b a t e a u , JOIN US FOR A SPECIAL ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARTY In an Intimate Cozy Atmosphere wid jA ARFR THt UNION ST. PATRICK'S P4 RADF RISTORANTE „ w Wonderful Food! ITALIAN CONTINENTAL CUISINE SAT. MARI 5TH Join Us For Si. Pstnek 's Day Weekend Wonderful hood With Great Atmosphere Opening at 10:00am for hot coffee, tea. Lavish Dishes lor any Gourmet * Bread # m ! w ~ r.m cym tfutiimcu cappuccino, muffins, Irish soda bread Qme Cddvxtc w m t Open Sat. March 15th at Noon LIVE IRISH ENTERTAINMENT * Traditional Irish Food as Wei! as Our Regular Menu Irish ballads performed by Brian Kennedy St. Patrick’s Day during the afternoon With Us and Try Our BRING THE ENTIRE FAMILY \ a n CioqKs tTcur L cvfc Delicious Corned Bec,f-A . Certificates Available Reservations Suggested Cabbage Special V IS IT OUR Early Bird Specials between j 0 6 pm Mon-Thurs l h e Music lues «& Sun f t es - D . u ...... DINING ROOM Plus Our Regular Menu Is Available (l(v;) * ;j (> v , u a.; Casual Dining with Elegance - Cocktails Available Open 7 Dayi Lunch & Dinner ■ Businessmen's Lunches j , 1017 Stuwcsant \ve„ l nion 1700 W. Elizabeth Avenue, Linden 649 Chestnut St., Union 9118-8 ID-1844 4* (908) 862-0020 ^ ww«.\antioghsfart afe.com t ' f ' www.amiciristorante.com " 908-964-8696/Fax 908-964-2892 '


gddi&tc S t Vofouk J V

Order Corned Beef & Cabbage DID YOU KNOW ... with Homemade Irish Soda Bread A ls° 101. D,S<, I and Gel a ‘KIDS EAT FREE’ 0 F f ■ m FREE IRISH COFFEE " - > 945 Magie Avenue • Union MON-FRI MGHTS W f 908-5580101 A F T E R 4:00 KIDS STILL HAT FREE. Monday-Fndav Fmm 4 pin 10 pm & Accompanied By An Adutt j One Child Per Adult ( ^ A r a n t c / / a Sec Your Servcr Fur Morc Details HA1IOO\S Mils < I PS.V FRENCH TOAST liAMl SHH VS FOR M.l Kilty RIVIORAMI A \ ali-.l lot v mldten !.’ & umkl f ,,r A M iff. ■ . »!ui with *n» otltrr oftc V. or on Midavt tnp\ \L Patrick s Day Vtrknd uitbour SPKl.il Mm! Nu Coupon Needrd \ Vahd m hli£*heth nnh I A M V im . A seu'euwue nss potato taws . ■*1 • - • . ...» t u t umi n t n a w . o r <**»» * tt.w. • w m y ■ ' • BOUfO'Ut«--MwibO-■ ftit tdfoAtOQtfn s \ **AU .* ■-! • S10 95 i p : •; Specials Arc ' . ■ Y8f PPAPO > fti f-fii ^ A v a ,ia b | »« ' V * • .J i P | tie 95 civ ' , SteifigAl ' ■ 4 ,';(Ot8t0llif*CAMAt,f>'w.*^::;.v . yiSSgj Warm cinnamon- f f § : - " ~ , „ r raisin French LAMB 5TtW *»v» *■ * V * *-;* mmC-r ' .mc> . * . * >*.- . -•» • *.*.*,■ tUli toast stuffed with Regular Mum tk<> UailaHV' cream cheese and t/mits Serrmn t resh Srafood ■ 1 rut ■ ( Hu kvn crowned with n«> S—f i. i. Oaoraw Mamk. Wear h u m * J S«* SwW«.*e> whipped topping, powdered sugar H


' v e e k n i g h t s CORNED BEEF t& CABBAGE COUPON Monday, March 17th- 11 am to 10:00 pm Let us 'puta meal on your tabie '. with our Any Lunch I lam - 2pm • Dinner 2pm 10pm Check STACK OF DELIVERY SERVICE g Over available 8 30 a m to 8-00 p m B Sunday, March 16th • 7 days a week ™ Serving 12 Noon to 8pm Valid Any Time After 4pm on St. P atrick’s D ay Dinner Regular Menu Only W eekend Wrtfi one quic* phone call any item on our menu will Be careMiy S e r v e d Limit One Coupon Per Table Sat., March 15th & amt'completely prepared >*# a> me Inmmin^). pacJred » i Not VaW With Any Other Offer Special Insulaied Bag and sent out m a timely manner We dekver Sun., March 16th to homes apartments and e*ces m Elizabeth S Httsde We also Or On Holidays With purchase of $10 or more de-'ver to Newark Airport all hotels on Rt 1 S 9 and the Valid In Elizabeth Only Eat in only With this coupon ^Gardens Man ($70 mmimumjCa* lor details ______E spires 4.15J)3 Check out our Website at www ihop-elizabeth com able rates i l l V J D l / I D U U lAYS A WEEK 1020 S. Wood Ave., Linden Off Premises Catering RESTAURANT HOURS Sunday thru Thursday 7:00 a m to 10 00 p m ; F rid a y and Saturday Nights O p en ?4 H ours V908-862-6455 ■ Fax: 908-862-5003 Available

Y SPECTATOR LEADER - RAHWAY PROGRESS PAGE 8 - THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 2003 SENIOR NEWS n a m to J p m A financial assess service protect is a tood dnse to ben­ Nominations tronvthe organiza­ AARP plans Catskills trip nent is tlone at the time ot admission Senior St. Patrick’s efit the first Presbstenan C hurch tions, naming the sandidates and list- ltd to o determine eligibility A stidmg A ARC Imder dance tomorrow for more information about this nng detailed reasons for their nomina­ ^aie method ot payment and trans obtaining the in a trip lo the Mav senior efub or any o f the d ubs spon­ tion must be .-received by the Depart fortatwn mav apply lor eligible The department ot Recreation. is " . the John iu • 2"' lo b e put sored. bs the Department o f Recre­ ment ot Recreation. Community Set s 0tents ( all utmDxl 144' for more Community Sen tee* and Public ation. Community Services and Pub- vices' and Public Property bv March (e n te r " i t .-( . yi•-> s, ta ll 9nix-rti M in!: Proper!v is sponsoring .for i iriden ' he. P openv sail me John 1 (iregono 2s All nominees niust have attained a Helen St Monday th cwigh frid jv seniors only. j tree senior ciii/cm. Sf- s f 2 -y'2 h Recreation Center at 9U*t-4 *4-8621 m inim um age o t h i bv Jan I . 2tKt, . Any ! inden Patrick s Dance tomorrow, at the John and must-'.be t -nden residents The ci v% n*. need o f u sen Anyone who Tremley Seniors Club T Gregorio Recreation ( enter. 'TO candidates signatute must be afftved m card sail Nu.imiul A ARP n 8 Helen St The doors w ill open arid the Be recognized as Linden to the letter o f nomination ! he aw aid t Hiie\ts aie welsi ,cd by "0 i inden Department band wii: begin at 2 pm .Volunteers senior of the year is presented each sear at the annua! month from o 'If to ll fo a m at the ,,r Recreation ( .immunity Services arc neede nuke senior Citizens Dav Celebration in John 1 Gregorio Rcc'ciiioi. i enter and Public Property, meets Mondays The Linden Department y f Recre­ Come and dance the atterhoon Mas for information, call mo. 4'4 Senior bowling league 4i I p m from September through ation. C'ommuhitv Services and Pub­ jw.is Bring vour friends and make Any-.--ig'.in Zjt'on w ofong-to m ." sr»2" \ June ul ’.he "th Akuid Recreation t en lic Property is accepting applications 1 be Senior ( ii/e n Ms vod Bs>« > new ones Tor inform ation call the rnif a riommatton may do so by con lei Iremlev Point Road Call ROS- ; for nommatitms for this year's annual mg I eague sps'iissued bv (tie I mden John I liregorio Recreation Center a! tasting the Department of Recieation 4 sw2' lot more information Computer classes held [ Vpartnienl s>t Recreation, t ouimuttt 4 'Hiv.;\4,\fv: outstanding senicir citizen o f the sear l ,.n V sc: ' '. C- “ at the Gregorio Center ts Services and Pubfu Ptoperty 1 he purpose o f the aw aid is so recog­ Prupertv a! ‘his-4'>:Sfi2" !or:%toii nize the Lmdem senior, ctiizeo who meets to bo»l Thursdayk at u am Emergency response information The 1 inden jK'partmcnt id Recie Tremley Point Seniors at I inden l anes on N in th Stiles has displayed evceptional service to ation. Community Services and Pub- for elderly and disabled street set their agenda , the community be Piopcitv isoffertitg free computci Any vits sentyir interested in |om- s>t\e Dfccmhet |us' I itidenoty The Denies Point Seniors Club, ■VpermapenfpUiue inscribed with Social dance classes c la s s e s .fo r.x n ii'r »'iftzetts ages Ml mg the league as a team member t» officials have administered the Lin­ sponsored t’v she.'l. 'Men Depurtmcm the purpose of the award >s displayed icatt.or.■bis- l.uwdavsbom“ am tv. Social -dance ciasses tor. all Linden substitute Nwiier should call the toe den I mrrgeney Response System of Recreation., (.'ommiinits Services at the' John 'l l oegono Res matron upon, in the ( om puler. Room ot the senior Citizens. agc> 6U and older are gorto Recreation Cemer ai '«'s 4*4'- 1'n-gia‘n toi the .elderly, physically and Public Properts. announces ( enter and is engraved with the name John 1 (iiegorm Recreation ( enter offered at the John F Gregorio Recre handicapped, disahled or shulons upcoming events ot each year s .'utMandmg m m Cttl- V ''ll Hewn St t lass si/e w limited jtiona! Center. * '•> Helen v . I lnd.cn. Moa» lhan 'iM ertv recipients to On Monday the' club will, cele­ .'•e" S m i" ar plaque w ill be awarded Partw'p.mt' ' "asethe opporiu- f daw ,ri n t1 L a “ ( J"C' .'date huve taken advantage o f the 24-. brate v Patriss s [)a\ with a cor' ed to ihe pencm selected mtv to learn about and use the Ifuernet Alzheimer’s program GmlmucrtThiougrt May '!' hour monitoring sersice Approxi­ I he Depa'tm e’rt ■' Re ' sm’ > beet and cabbage luncheon Ml mem; The . lasses.; afei-spontfoied h> the ansi c ' a !K - 'i^i . ass is Die t ..:,"’ev IfusKon Adut! Dav ( omntunity Services ' and Pubic mately I 'll atra residents arc seped bers arc asked to. nuke and wear Department of Recreation ( omnium tor beginners, ay v*c!! as H-fui>rs with ' C a• e t enter at Anrt f etguson; 1 uwers. Property has. appointed a com m ittee, The I f R'v unit is an easy to-use wire- handmade hats, ties and shirts which Nervfoes and. Public Property and compsitei e\|vrw".. ' a)I 1*'i I n H I) J Ave tm de n . offers a sp< composed of the mayor N Senior ( :ti- lew transmitter which Iwomes a 24 Will be lodged and a surprise foipf y ate ttee lo I muen residents Inviruc- S02" for msue information .i.ils/eJ Ai/hemicr's disease and zen Adv isory l omniiUee, Recreafon . ftAHjr i on and a direct link to. 'w ill he gnen'oui lions w tf'i-inolude such dances as the dementia program vpimsoted in part ( ymmittee. arid Idcaf’civic .ofginiza-;' Vilft'jfct me s health and safety The slab wishes to congratulate ihutnba. cha-chaand line dancing In Craft classes offered bv grants from the tootta fiS.Hii.i': " lions to make the final selection On ,C j'TC.NN Vit the button notifies the member Henry Bucks /aniaiski addition to 'earning and improving for Sen.oi ( a*e a;id the Healthcare I he .'utstandmg senior .rti/en the ffepartmeto ot Recreation, itn l r-4 tfial an emergency con ' /antarsk w.i« 'ecertiv selected as the dance steps, it has been said that f oundu'mn ot Sew frivcv astum Ambulance and emcr- ■\ssoctgtibn:"of the Sons of Poland award w ill be limited to one recipient ( sirtimunitv Services and Public dancing is un excellent. wav to-ever D -r> - - a- s ;v, . ded '••• If the committee determines that no Property offers ttee senior citizen gemv dfc.cti the Nv.cne * ith " f raiefnalisi ;0f ' the- A'ear" and . w as ; .iseird friebdc patients who may evbtHi! perwdb or i"- '2>muto submitted’ to the National E rateri;.«: applicant' mice! the awards.' criteria,.: craft classes Mortslavs. Wcdns'sdavs ysirfysjon and agt!at:c«i fo g' sip ser Besides having the tranvmittcr and Congress. to be considered as its. no outsi.iuding senior will be Jesig- . and fhiirsdavs tioiftTO am to noon lings Ihe pis-grjrn ieatuie* onenta exigency help immediately, medical National T ratemalist ( ongratulatmns nated . at the John I soegoiv Recte.ition Senior discount booklet turn, .ted'rcttidn fcass.i'.inse and profiles of participants arc kept and BuC'ks ’ 1 He '-Department. >f-R eef cation: t enter. "tfUeien St .; mden T \ r,V Dtfpurtmeirt * R-Oc c behavioral mtefventsotis I he cemei available to emergency personnel The club will be entertained bs I ontmumtv Sen-ces and Pub ( Lasses alsp ate Tuesdays ffyirnv 10 . i h im mx Nerv i C 'a ’d Pi n is affiliated with the l mots ( ountv The emergency u n it' are purchased Linden's school *2 children March Property has contacted all I. nden ,i m to noon at tbe.’ lh 'Ward Recie c P' pertv '.a'compi'.eda w. • c e: ’ and was opened n K the city fi*r the ribei I he par '! Jhcs will be celebrating I aster organizations to acquaint them with ation ( enter. Iren ev I’omt Road ! )iv iston ot Aging yub's ctfv■■merchants who g iv e s i" or .m Housing Authority w :h si- gs and skua while spensii-g the project and to invite them to sub- s ail the Jsihn I -(iregor .< Recreation |U '1- ihe ! inden ticipant. m turn pay.' a i 12 per month' /eii; discounts Seniors part c ipatmg iir.g the center lime w ith the seniors mil.; nominations on official 'entry i enter ,it 4iiv-4’4 si>2‘ tor more is m tsilved m n in r momto' -g tec and pass s barges for V - This month, the club's community form* ..v ■ vd" ['' information: Hours air VIon day U> f rtdav ttoife

m am m ■ Julien's m % M (IK AND g L j J l OPENING tth t 'V H i M iJ ljflv I 1 0 1 0 Stuyvesant Ave I Union 908-688-3999 • ENYCE • GUESS • TIMBERLAND • PHAT FARM • PEPE * PUMA PARASUCO • ECKO. and Much More


Cannot Be Combined With Any Dther Ohe' Lay a ways and Sa e Item* E«eluded

VVM. S. RK H & SON JEWELERS Hiwhfs All I nion County Resident'* -I Happy St. Patrick's Day @ PUSHING THF ARTFORM _ Museum VMor ’* wattb

(lymboree of Westfield sod CotUMi


■ t r o p n irG rrs I r w t n Arf^istiAy-' . f ra n M 1000 Stuyvesant Avenue • Union, NJ (908) 6*7, 7002 S '* Broad .Street • Newark, NJ (97' i ' 1616 <*2 N «w ( elrbraliay: 17 Veara 16.' Washington Au-mic • lkllevtlle. Si (973) 759 24f>s Kcgutiatioo Now Being: Accepted for The Spring Session _ _ Thursday & Friday HI h • Saiurdav 10 5 i Clssset Begin April Tth \' ..r>.l. • l.i.. ' ■ ...... I’ J.'-,- ; W h.lf.cld *422 ( entasl Ave , ( olonu 122 Inman Ave THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 2003 - PAG! SPECTATOR LEADER RAHWAY PROGRESS 3% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3% SALES TAX * SAVE • 3% SALES TAX • SAVE -3% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3% SALES

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DISTRIBUTING Company SALES 725 RAHWAY AVENUE. ELIZABETH - 908-354-8533 APPLIANCES • BEDDING ELECTRONICS • AUDIO & VISUAL OPEN MON ATHURS 10 AM TIL 8 00 PM, TUES WED & FRI 10 AM Til 6 00 PM OPEN SATURDAY 10 AM TIL S 00 PM CLOSED SUNDAYS TAX PERSONAL CHECKS ACCEPTED 3% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3% SALES TAX • SAVE • 3% SALES SPECTATOR LEADER • RAHWAY PROGRESS^ PAGE 10 — THURSDAY. MARCH 13. 2003 OBITUARIES Irving Simon Alice E. Martin Mr (anavai a ft \KC 1 M «». " .X Imdcsi m, A rthur J . nrevident at the lin d e n Kith VVaid M i\i .March * at home t Cl) the great s-tff srfw IVrmviati' V tuh lle was a memhei M Buffi V ’■ W •: ? M k x Jv Sat a! Hot), of the I inden ( o illlh ii lot Pahlual Mrs Martin; livcil in trjh/jfcefh betim1 Action, a hie member o f the f riends moving to l mU*?n so jWJO She was j Lillian Stotz { tiftW iiV tJ at the Linden I thmrv a distinguished member of the O nkf of i a stem Stai l ill van State. >0. at Raselt* died Richard Canavan past president of the fttwanis lTub a! hmmauv t hapiff IK.v | inden .*nd: M arch." at home Richard Canavan. t>?. of l inden I-inden. a tamicr chairman of the I in­ ( ia r 1 os S-.-w.av M r- '>(•‘1/ %cd died M arch K a! h»Hiie e&fiier.. Ordet o f Rainbow (orl** i .iM M ire Born in Jersey C itv M r ( anav an den Hoard at lav Avsessais. a mem- V A ’ Hi eHi •'A J*i or-si w.i in -Roselle tat ' * seats bei a t the I inden Planning Hoard the \ ' -:g U ' j ,m l^rn fen Ho years .»! membership Vuv.v.ng ,*J M- K'U s «, lived m l inden »ince t'*55 He afta maintained a home in Key Bivcayne, the l inden ( ultutai -Vttaos ( d m im t- ■ ''.;L •*! kingtmie historian at the l ioden Ha. tai several years.' M« idnavan ( Sjih <>f ^ ! ihrjr\ Vtrv Maruii wav a 1 ■ lyufm- Harold Boriskin ».,»an ediwaiar He».i'eH>plavcdhv iful jV ' ft member at the Friend'S at (he I inden Str ( anavan was a.tivc with St Hatahl ILfi'kin of Delia) Beach the I iihien B.cird at' ( ducatian Tat V 1 i hi jrv .past president o f the I nden )„hn the Apostle Church, ( lark He Kevin M. Kosloski t . 'tmei:v-at l dee. Jicd March vcatc and letuevl ac e.<;c pm . pa Mar \ v > ( i i* >.J ■ nc ' \ 1 was a i uvlunstiv mm;s!r .h.imnan ■■■Rem-VI K aSaM 5; ' m the Defray Hea.h Medn ai I'Sfdf* Tic IhcNhvtctun SSi.'.nc'Vs (he Soeht vtuldie School in IaW" at the VI million ( apitul Deveh'p- i :M.» He awaed the ttcsilteld ( rantard ■ iluring hi> tenmr. Sif s anavan ’ u«; at I imlen Presbytenai' Chinch, nient .ampa gn and a valunleer altai \ in Runnells Spsv\o /a! llosprhn of: Building 1 L* ii.. -'- ad. before .tefir- wav super) leaf at language .itt' tw Hammond Organ Sinetv and the server at funeral masses Mr ( anavan { mon C ounty medti service* end vocial:Mushev se­ Vue . r Association of Ret ted Per- jfso- w.o a memhei of the church's HtMUin Perth ■\mhov Mr K .-m s Sur>!um.a.re hi* wile, jean, two Victoria Geisel me district"-lie began hisiateci. .d an Hoi. Same Soviet) and the parish V . ItCTH*!. ’v'*. kt -tveU in -Rose^ -e M c\\o H?.v ! : ' daughters Rann-.e kle m and M eile v \ ilso was pjsf p'esiJc I nglish teacher at 1 inden High counvil He w a. a.mcmbci of the 1 in- Mur.K C unW fdihei f C i>nn«?irtieut .mJ steii'c: a 'an. R.uhaid. eighl giand- Sshaol racher jssaK.;j 1h’•:>K j: VhLH- . den K nig h t' at ( atumhus ( adhit'ct fra. ' Jen High Vhy .'sv'i and the I fitted states Selective l(. t i.-atH-ih M iv vears a^jo He w j lessor at f nglish. cammunwatians the Mother l iuh of Hx-x seisicc Ssstcm Hoard Mi ( anavan bvcii to RoH’iie 4k yeatx i ncrvLV. KutherKTfi and edusotton at Si Peter s ( allege ib Seoul Jen also w.is a chattel m em beral thed nt !> emp-ovs\i bvinmori i_.: . \ CdtiS- ufilw lersev cm . tar mam veais M- rtartti. pdiliv Marie Vitarius VC-IS ft a’ U i V ■ .r,n. • ! Phi DcU.! eth, ftir- 45 wars Fsulttrr M r Kc: Mane V itaruis R v ■-'* l mden died (anavan graduated » tth a ba. helw at tie 'o -v e ■ reunivm t at*;'-i . ' . Suivivm g ar*" {hiee m m o ■xt*Me? With l teen March s >n Rahw.iv H -pnal ..Its degree tram Nt Peter S.( allege m ted \i iviafi Surviving arc his wile of 1 seals. !h Kvan. lofunna Ctctsc. ; - i • ' ■■ ■' \t>s \ita fiijvw js an assembier sn fi" , He received a master ' degree i vrp . I; ifiden Rehe.rta a s.>n ( olm . a daughter: ‘WSV wi'fk-r.g on Indent nuvuMi ■ RetO’.. I o*n . Run wav '.n 't» veafs tram Scion Hall l niveisitv in IWC me Wof'd Ua ( h n s iijn - .11,d a tlM fl Maigueole submar-'U's He was v;vc eKun’MH o? ’v ‘ofv‘ lets ruse n, i‘J she was a M i t .ii5.ivoneom pleteddocK ieillevel W a' arc a : Hetg»*>is;? Grace Buonanno the Redden? I uvutnc Hoard-yt Ran- -v-.N't >’! the I iruk-' UedW'dav civilises at the l ti veisitv at ottaw., (iraec ( Nuynunny, : ne.Us 'spee?ah/ed Hospil.i’ . S K : V !‘ i i h wav Anna Krill Montae m m \ c w NPrk t 4\ N'fs Buy iiu K;J*, 4>i i rcftitienj lived if .VCftl!ftei4 and J^tYseUe at I aiden-hhev.1 M .f'ii h fKune John Podhorin ► tv*. iuMMivi :n ‘ M:As \ was; a stdtV'.{reft** to t lahn P.*dharir. KT. o f i aider''shed vHmg..-:are ■t bushsibd Of 4S ■ m .‘Tc. H'i,iU M? ;vearv w dh the Intemu* S',:-. • • K.i ■>!' • : K p . m 'U RyjLtrtlph Ir a ■ y, tn.it isufrev i im m iic nt YVorki"is 1 nii'iv Ham :n HeJavsC. si,M- 1 p-iet H rtgiiiwTt. .irul oiMvieL : i lH .»; :22K Vlli/abct:h. and ;cured ih p.s:i - ! ‘a -; c i • Va’-.-s "V'i.Tv- S s,1ft a MhcmlH' -Ur- settling m Linden He way a:

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'V \ THURSDAY. MARCH 13, 2003 - PAGE J! SPECTATOR LEADER NEWS CLIPS Linden students Hampton Inn hotel opens Linden Lions invite all grades pte h h r ! 2th Ihe theme for me posters is ’What Earth l)a> Means at Aviation Plaza to annual fish fry dinner Ihtf cost per person tor th»s ^eek to Vie Ihe de.i inc lor submission end is $27f» based on double occupjn One ot rhe nutsi reccni additions to Ihe Limfcm from (tub will be n r p< islets , Mas 2 I’nzcs wall he t o N'fb ^ VviatUbV Plaza, t mden s newest eom- hosting thdc aRi wl • -• . : awarded for The winners at the Cits ” made |»> vailing President Mwh.iei mereia! ica! estate development, is the April •> ( ouncil meeting of Mas 20 l tampion Irm ».Te! at Av iattytri f’la/.i, l'h< dinner, catered bv U p lex" Silvinski ai >m' sr>2 his2 Ihoseeds For additional information, call vshtch Linden Mayor John (iregono WlH bC'W'IVfi! !•,:!>:, ' J.. ' g - ' from the even! arc used to sponsor ihe S! isi..|4>*l " desi’ ihed on Us -opening das as an linden Ambulance l orp jl 12 N l inden contingent in the annual Pulaski Day Parade in New York f its asset to trasclers. residents and the Miles St .1 mden IK- pr.ee ivfliiiieis Hope Chest Thrift Shop community as a whole for adults is $9 and $5 tor children Ihe first Sundas in October extends $1 sale Ti is fiValcd dose to New ark 1 ib under 12: First woman promoted as erlv International Airport, as well as there will also he tattle pri/e- jnd Ihe Hope ( hesl I brill Shop at 2h r E 3 1 Brickface president/COO lo major highways, said Oregono * l I L I share the wealth ' ( ome enirn good Prospect sueci. Westfield is cstend- 1 .rJF ! * (tarden Sute Bnckface in Roselle I sets Hampton Inn prosides rood, good company ami possibly wm, mg its ()ne Dollar Sale of most items announced that t hief Operating I )ffi - guests with membership rewards - \ $7$'%: rf 1 a great raffle piize You will he help through Marsh !i. to make room for through the Hilton Honors guest mg the I isms help ihe Mind -pong ileitis x - . ccr ( imis I oka- has been pm m oled p reward program The Hampton Inn >i T he'l inden turns < Kib wuv The thrift Ship is ,.pened from I,, President tin* Y ual' Ti Plaza .Tiers u number o l tree rcc'entls .recognized with ,i certificate Uesslas Through Salurdav and. n Lukas is ihe , first wotniii WV The company's 50-vear history io hold the from District IM ini its outreach : '(ViaieJ ns "ict erne. Im llopellos- service-: including a conlinenlal title of president In her new position. break last, airport shuttle servisc. programs involving ihe south ol the Phe and Palliative ( are Auviliarv I ukas will oversee the daily functions community, such as participation in volunteers high speed Internet .usCss, loval. .d1- and business seiv ues aswel'asa loo^ ihe Peace Poster t ’owes! scholarship the ship leatutes something tor i»t the company as well as maintain tier responsibilities as chic! opeialing programs and providing eve. evam eservonc Designers clothes for percent satisfaction guarantee and cveglasses lor needy echo chil , women men and thiidreti. a . ollec office! , Ihe Hampton Inn has I-in gucsl During her tenure al (tarden State .lien non of imciesting lewelrv and many nxvms. which include Jacuzzi studios Brickface, l.rikas has riseif steadily The club also support* various unusual decorative household pieces and king-si/c suites thal include organizations 'iich i- v Joseph’s fhiKceds froin the shop will Help from marketing manager to eontroller •dugerat.T-. and. micioway cs I he to vice piesideni of human resourcys Svtloiil li.it tlx* Eljmtl 1 amp M ove i,t suhstdtzc hospice s are for patienls hotel lacillties tnslude an evecutive arid, most recently, to vhiet itperatlng 1'rtioh to u ti’ s ,B lind vVsMs.:!.i!!oti and ' that .im .o.jhlc to meet evpcnscv boardri'om and tunun-s' -pase ".at officer. \s.President LOO. I uMs will, l' e l tons I ve Bank ih e entire pi.>- thrlvugb Medicare and Medicaid ot tail u.m -n.Hi.ile up in Ml.pts pfs- oversee the daily funetion. of the lecds of this even! will go toward ,Hhet funding sources 1 he hotel also offers a fitness center . ompartv as well as maintain her these and other chanties for dues lions and store hours cad ; and an outdoor [x h >I in season ' the sh,j|Va!THks.; ?f.*«'T k :es|v.iiMhihiies as ( n o Currently. c lor ticket ft,.''M ’ . j >' 2 We are looking ions.mi to satis: c . ;;,u , uos sr / *s>*s she soordmatcs all benefits, eommis fv ing the needs of all the area's host Parade committee plans Slum, financial planning and report ' nesses," lieneraJ Manager Judy Earth Day poster contest fund-raising event ■ mg lor ihe company; and manages the Delrizio said personnel aevinoitvig arul nistaiia deadline set at May 2 Ihe (iener.il Pulaski Memorial Additional information on the ' . s Jcpaiin a h ' - Once again Earth 0*> April 22 T.trade ( ,-t-imiftee oi St Ihcrc.s.i's flainpioli I rill It \via!:,-n I' .t.u ..m be ( hairman of Harden Male David Justin Bellero nghl plays, Harotci. Mill arid Tiffany is approaching With thn in mmd •• c 1 mden In, is spsinsonng a lund-rais- .Named by calling Otm-Sfil->222 or 1 mden I tyvnontuem.il I ..'wm-H'iv Mudrc said. I .mis s a dediwiied : visiting; ihe lioielN Ws'h* |.n . A ndrade is Marian m Linden High School s production vg eioul' . priTessieiial wh'-’ has Had a UTfilu of “The Music Man ' Performances are scheduled at ct!y fatherv ami iBdusluai represent* ■ s i idit e www hanmiormncom Careet at- l lardert sute Bricklace (he LHS m tonight tcmortoA and Saturday tfv 1 jiee. ihe \pril for a ll areas ot New Jersev and ean he w orld who atC sore : t v h ltd - < NOTICE OF CONTRACT AWARDED roast beef dinner for Life House 2s 2* '"p package includes round- rrv* i.indren EiokoiJe SM¥*M»ag«« Awtriofif, ordered tor al I areas ot the .coutil rv .ifts Avs" runv .Tamable future fist ail of I he group- ikjts, .i* pr v l nst re Sv -.iv s ongoing cduv.it nr "o' Pub: , . noani! *. : ‘ * -> con ; hi: s j:,M,issis.:v■ii-.e-a ''ipen h.jr,pai;T'; oufits of iis' imich a- si) peicew i . chrtdren lindc? is essential' / . ti Act And th# fwAkiEkitioi'i «uthorE«ng »l »fk; roast heel ditmei a Rjpi'.ic - I /' • fii. ' ■estaurams. movie theaters Paper 1 of Wmi» i in'd#n' M a*iU«t ;'SA^*»f .»y»' AdB>oHtv TIouse'.iiiT ‘h'Zahs.-!: ih e ; tc I f , A lii: th e Stale I healer oi V v s Je; - has hee"Tii»li ( hec .»> maits be PUBLIC NOTICE AWARDED C«rop Dft»i«r A - in'i!-iV‘:-.ve,i:,T"-iv MCK'aa.. me -ev. sporiingevents, hotels, vjcatnms. Made !>, ids-n kii krhtN : '' :: ADvio- sn.ifNi mentaf'Tit: ii'CAfi t and ediicait NOUCt OF t OMTnac t Awanoco SERVICES . Cbf»»uitmg EnginA«r .oneerts. family amusemenis. rotatf- .nwed 'iii I':;':- ,w ;l ;"c o i l oiui 'T-pv#. i tfvgt#*'' R>-m'Sm ■ notice To contractors infl S*rvic*» biiK'-d n«* it**- rt • ’ u » ' A ff t,* *' . t>* for 'Mf 1 0NSTROC tlON OF -lores, Jersey Shore attractions and . ■ ,■ ,-1 «U* *V « twstevrri.t . »#t. 'I **. . RUNWA* » V REHABILITATION ANO ’ TIME •nuch more There are iilso Jisiounis ' ' t .u r c . ■ P i RIO.O '- ■ . O n * V.fAf | ; n il,,,■ .■'.trm-t *>■ f a&tyWPW '* '*:• I INfl N t.ll.NK :l'Al AIRPORT' -tojrcairtincs, cruise- and car 'em.c- a. anal *»•*.: ■-'»«* " ’ " •* " *' :..C O S -f ■ SdOTH^ 'OO Inc Doe to ihe dei'me :< ' f V-.0 . ■ i f '■*' •• ■>'*(*> «J* K M ’’ saa.. 1 I ...... ' «* ’• , M. . Ihe (ost i-Y’u fin arc is o! V on i, Iron-: sept ' I and ihe depressed s\v ■ -t**,'#'?’ FW»fUkt->il'*.*k' ‘ ,Vr'E .Mtlpu 'Tflitf ylk-T- -ey'' Books tor SouthTersey cosi Sfii AWARDF D ( Station * ' ! 1. .■ «fv* • . P'u/.cn*«Mj| A„,.' • NOTICE O f CONTRACT AWARDEO omv,- the I lie House is unable to m ; %"k>r i ErviiAfT ■ vV^Tity o i■U?iior\.«tHiMt • •' T h«'i B-hJaW' Hf-AAUV. ‘T«i Aft vjjw ..A-.i-ff; ” , : Proceeds gi* To liadavsah VledL-ai s e r v i c e s Annual -- MMMcS*f - . //Eva*■ awAfdAd a . 'i’.eif- the;/ fin.i lal dhhgutions toThe, ita ¥<£•* '/'» NJ u*%hi * ' ■ A ffi !:»'*»# Al'-rti ■ -■ Otgam cation-. ■ ' mg stafl nisTtbeis and n ; dw v>.> TIME - \ - to Order or for inure mtormatlor . On* VA*f- ■ \d wrtiiai>E*'ii'sv»: >.arti.io ' ;r'*Aia#v.-.tlLMT P AttdfrUvaM -1 * feitUTTS'' Asa-all r«a>'A. >; . i<" %: i i0 •: > ■ ■■ ■ • 'v oo5ii w ekhWA, ■■ v ’ ■ ' >' ■ • ■ * "1; ! • 05*,y.u s< - Mj ' 13 .?phy-3. AapowoiANi, ■ • — •» fa,."*',' iwaw-u / awarded WAfTTAf LA*n«AA . i. .» . wAi.e.g - ’""'V V “ AtlpmAv* At'-L'Ayre . NOTICE Of CONTRACT .. . m i-.aw i-a.-.y '•j'AJi'y » T •’ •• *4 , »al»1. sA«a't«"i> o^.. ' . SE RVtCtS- • . «gA) AiJvtAOfy Ci noon a' ;at!» S’ -a* o ri*Fi AfW! uu ■ /'*•«■ j [*.* 4. . , i i | RIOD On# V ##r CO ST /. 125 000 00 ■ ,r crmi Ai.it i Ot- fT»*. . AW AM Of. 0 t ftMM A V OUOflC p A ■•jyiWg' r s •i>t.-7-;,:v76 ■ ■>♦••«<>%./ NOTICE Of .( entract awarded S t M ViC f S Annual FEo #i k V ’ ■ >»«* .tayu; ci tiVAtt rv-9 .'uJ / - iri# Coottiici Obcu»»«w>H k>» : hire tmTilihy'dis ' *>>r.‘o .» SA-r, . .■ nm 9i« si Pfu»i%i>/Ifc • M in t! T N j 0 00 **I» W» A WARDED • * Dorf A Dorf -NOTICE cAfi/.Qtd *vt *m h - if l /y* *»»•*; •’ • 1 oun*#lor# At LAW At; OMOUt BEVFHAGt CON1ROI. .. • t.iM-je' i* t» C Taaa ' It, a lf.A! ' It as itwai 'bon* -mm. < *& ***•* K* t. ' V r ■ ■ 0 •* :: ' ‘ ' tti dusJt>« f»»d« AW# . L ittor ...... 1 ounlA 1 ■■■■■’■ ■ •■ti Akht r?K»y a;t.?.Ti' . •/ hm ’ ' TIME « S.*. ■' " * 'OSS S S ,/•«:'-ti. ' ’iitr"-:' > w fv-.. -l .-0 .i . PERIOD ■ -r . •iM W W '-'■#«■■ •'/■ ' it if'** .li**;* :c?»: «f>«' Pufeft***«a: COST $5,000 00 ■/AM: . . ';N«N* ' '*-■>?> ' - ■> v ' v'v • A^. Ana A. ' '••‘'•a-'r,- U57CD SFl Mai . * ’ J h$8.2'5>: . / tot- •;4i»y Cot’ ••• !.«**«• 8N d Syf« ' cu*# v - 1 •; ' BOROUGM OF ROSELLE ' ■ • No Be* y* Tsrerrefc»• .;■*«' t»«i yn M*aF’ * ‘ • ftfwu AfTWyi^pl-. ■ - \ ,*?•':*. -v , rr.. - '»»««•- . Tv- ■ H h-.M*. *.-f 4 • /.•.€'ii A'-u.' at r-fYA*i«*rfTf •tMtJ’ pTK# ■ s>wo(y'',MaH;/ 2-»V;. Uf StTAAE; RosaHa ' y , r‘vc»J ’# lor.,.T:-':r. .oi; .. 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PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE STUDENT UPDATE SHERIFF'S SAlf N»«t *i.)« t>| tOO.vKJ N»#I Soehl Middle School honor roll « ; ! ! ! • «*>««>*• •* Joseph I Sodh Middle S J

vt N i,;f NTS 8J4 9 * v . . Principals Honor Roll ( all W l: tii, . . * tirade erghf ■ Megan Andrade \:i '.Kathleen- MUk, Kvlvua fhruscuM. ( ,«. c atarma i oelfk- Manfred i oitado cm A'ndi Maesoon Deeh Nick De*ai, V.ofme qm IIjMak, Jam v Jackson, Kristi Janus/, Pei Cbmedu Jon t.me tie h. \dedovm R.y Honor Roll ' " 1 S y VVv’ OD‘. *Mi N i AM(Ii fN ! Kota wore. K alar Ana Kozak Ned v*i SwtSw.M 'd ‘ * u r n t-1’ £ 1 ’ Vrnkar. i.vnuei Oft:/, luvnunePate«. ( u k*sMca Perez. 'ssivSu Sahat, Kateivn McManus Middle School -. SHERIFF'S SA lf

William Jackson: Roxanne Mo honor roll Suto|*ci Ip an op«wvnw*#nei|Mi» ManjR Venies/ka Recula. Safa Sa'ituigi V \; Hy •utj*4wfu*ra in*** •*>«! Accru Me Ms

A 10-^MENT. AWkH'Nr ONt HUNt-HfcQ ' iANu AH i Principal1' Honor Roll . \ wa. . N.t'cfieile Kaba-ni Kar< V.-ote Urlu. K i.

vjv K el lev. living lira,: Htj;h (Itiwir Null Me; Mephjmc Nc\ m V" u ll V' »tihante BV ;.i!tj-anJ T on Ami. /.t d S a rA

.-'.M iy Vw'vwr

■ • ‘ . A, ; • W : Meli.'sa Maila . n , f f s sA t t- iC'at t 'jncl l opt1, \l.i M.'Kac* Piciu. s h e r if f s sal i t a h ^ h # Vkhii. HroJaik dlhermc Wav .... Dai id Dchick V, ‘ ?l italic 'i * lii.ma Baginski. : X.tlhVrtnc I Monjouc f ield. Amanda Balam Duroihi Hiei.ov* V* Vr-jcV/Va. 'H.iidi ( j t.st Li V ciw W ad i. TNwias IC hicL. V ‘ .Hcriyjfdo vqdfinik Jciya Santana. , S.tirtfnne Itiirori. (.iabiamtv \ai vvatW -" S<-:; ; * i ■ t i » ’ I’ . ai (Vronskt Michael Deimont \>hiee p ty hta.A^ghn;'.Nie.j Honor Noll ull \ \ anil H\) \h"A .i W l a M Duhho SiMavek Me;a John ' ='Maureen Duth. D\tan ' K u‘k < .FULL I f QAL DEN' HifTH >N JS ‘ ft \ D JVk'vwv Stephanie Dei l* '.esp«e MagdaUnj K.-h ‘a> \< \ lie I pps Maria Fernand rd- . i ard, Desiree Jenkins. .I rov John* Vixfroe A evenia Kune/ \ i voie R , Va. McKay /uto Samuel Svvihtor.. Manl'cv- Iff! v.i'\ Me rue Patrvk Miclnicki. •1 a>; R ichard Weber ' ' l:hfistp.p) u Mohammed. Sagur Patel. Jom- . W1 x fH•■* vi , \ ■ \ esa. W k}hi u h.: H t i Ur Viior M-.xka Rivera, i ecdv A WORSHIP CALENDAR ■ RV* mson, -! j Rohmcon M a rav *V- NON-DENOM INA HON AT Ala ven Ro.seus. t esar Satie lentertte. High Honor Roll idA.v-.i- Ml:, APOSTOLIC M, Jessica Snell M- t ItRSt KMOM AKiSTUI.il C ALVAIY T A B U N A lI h "We rt Her* for Y « '” Mu* uran Starling, t auter. StraOi i m m It . 4 N r j- d c r h.it if ' ■\> k ad Ha*' / . ,i l liVV«i. /ko , I auren Hurtf, Javvmm Jutfh Bunvjua. ( rxsta I V Sl'K • tv and Bnttanv Siephanie \ c :a>qui \iolts. Ricardo \u ne> 4 RRKiHTl N T|k>AD i herx l i uDrer Vkeviev Dtnv iTie Fran- Wither* p<*'ti - w a w \ t : « ■ ’V A ftire « Or: Jewema Pcre/; k •rd\ Sh E«S f VfvkCt. SoNtvv KM •; 50 PM i' I scamiJla Jenm ter }• ytevev. • (italic 'cictt A/umn v ampheU. -..,a,4rr iw lA b ic W c iO- -Mr full Pere / Pane PuNteihrk Robert Roek. ^^LtaA^SscFt Mre h.ir Lioldbeis; \mJtoa tiuUfrre?, lan . Donovan. Nt iktin* Kennedy ■* \ l kf ,'Lti N arw n A t;, " a Ro tkewse/ Andre sc li.h'-cL'^sc W *H F jtk*u|>ii. »fk} mADV vXhrr (fTL’Urihrp jfi’opv f urn :amev hi cm i he Johr J.U'tv na K iK /tM ra im > 11. 1 Samantha t >* ('■.’•me mn* «** Mivlime a» fiim iv Vv«*h«p iw. \nelle Stewart, i vy Ij K-.,s/. Juhan MadufviK. It i . j vtf.h. i n'w ! Pmu:t. krt'hnj Shsh. Me ,lIU NiNf HUN ORE O S » • v f t r n - t o m t i r m M v l M a r•ps Dar >/ Moskai Jh d h jii Mawa \a Khno an Walker and i f . V hr on W oodley III and k * v r g m l n S . BAPTIST ;ett. Johhhv P.erre i iftonu'/ckctfi f , * A S H O M l B A r r is i i HI RC H

PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PT.NTHL TiS TA L SHERIFF'S SALE.'-. b o w o u o m or noseivr MPARA TivE S T A11 MC NTS OF i * ( « * ’ NS *N «ANk*t IN HUH ITT WINTW-OSIAL FUNP BALANi f «OtN’ • iNt' Mill INTSS H llllW SIIir j NT y O.NiDN vfAO fN P ft ; , , v ; " ; ; v . ' 'AntorSiAiv' 'i L: p-fti StH}k*rr> y tL K f v jp '. •■A/Nt • .. ..

:«f. Vf 'NUe-' A'ND- N- • • U ‘>1 *.

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- Expcwpi ru n e s. • i l»p#,v0au'** jn ic ip A i r «* S * * n r-' dAiAO J*vu«r» .'»• ' th# * iu b o CUURCII Oh CHRIST ROMAN CATHOLIC .. . tin i m «t H ut i h iiis t St T Hi S ( III Kt fi '• : >

T-OT A. I *r t N i r Mf ’

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S; ' A Tree Removal * Planting Shrubs m A i AAilArr-AkntA i^K t . '' . U “ wy= Ac» R#c#iv at t

LUBIUTICS RfSCRVB* two ruwo BAtAHCg Custom Wood and Chainlink i An cl Ni'f*« P *v AO'* Au1f»ortJ*80^« * rn J Sp#CMI- Fur^Ji Sidewalks * Concrete Walks «« tot C##lAiF A AM tV R a c «NAD<« and Much More! t o t a l uABiuTtes. ReseRvis • AND FUND BALANCE - THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 2003 - PAGE 13 SPECTATOR LEADER ■ RAHWAY PROGRESS Editor: JR Parachinl Sports copy fax numbers Can be reached in Union County: 973-763-2557 Essex County: 973-674-2038 Maplewood at 973-763-0700 SPORTS

Region 3 Wrestling: Union High School Roselle boys’ claim As many as M) wrestlers qtuiti Booters triumph again luM i“i (In- weekend ' state another section title i.'um anwni By Jeff Molfrum Those* g ra p p lm include M alcolm Stall Writer lackson and Anrm Queen .>1 M i R u s t l 1 1 Hu- (ltd adac'i H ' Maid 1 rahelti Nick, /angan and Chris Bon season tv wrist>s o l Roselle Patk Dan an (a id Obviously. '('incnnc didn l lcll the R'Htrl'Ic High, well and Eddie McCras ol Rjhwj, team that a> n defeated HitKidc I«h the third lime ir. l! ( harin' Mueller <>1 I nion [lari / i k j decision Mi'ndas afH'rmxMi .it K.-sclk ( alh.'lu n ..ip oi Breartes Shawn < -ughim.'l t.. . use North Jerscs Scciron .v (iroup 2 .hwipioihii emor 1 ivingslon am! -Sieve' Carbone I asi sc.ii R o sclk w as4 ria g jin s t n . M 'im iam A .ills .■I Cranford Dtvivtnn ns.il including ah ss 55 hom. vei. i a, The S JS IA A ItHimamem ■ .om ss'iitilmals mences lontoft*>w nigh! continues Saturdas atu! . o ik hides Sunday .it Hoardwall Hqli in Ailamu Cm North 2, Group 2 title game Prelims and pre quarterfinals cum Roselle sshich Tirtproced 0 .2) waA ; pc merwc lomorrow night a! n. w ith the 1 l .nglewoHj yesterday m a Group 2 senirlmu .ii Monts I he tirv quarterfinals Saturdas al III a m and w hcduled tor Sundav at 2 p m at ihc Rule ers Mhlsd nter in The sem iltnxb at. 3 p m Roselle defeated Hillside i 44 on >|vnir g m gl» 1A al lorn The consolation and tinal rounds I hen h‘) 4 c on Jan 24 again al lnm r.nul,u.i Bath gar are set n begin Sunday a! 111 a in spectators due To illiidelHs Ivlss.vn !In.- „h. Here s a b«' qualified >>ui - >| I lire Ians al R< ' I Hills Den sscie tie.H.'d I" a er. H M h The Linden Recreation Department's high school age indoor soccer team which fin is h e d hs Roselle standout semoi gtiard Ic... Hoiks ss.lv rctvun.k rhrve assists lour Nocks and sesm o 1(1,1 ; M ike (Tfes, Tkfharti'ri pirtrred 4-0-2 defeated Clark 8-4 to capture rts second consecutive Soccer Centers 2 0 0 3 H ig h This was ,i lot tvitei the North f.u in.i h. hi til id Y, jimmy Conros Smith Plainfield. V School League championship Kneeling, from left, are Dom.mc Pnncipatc Arek Siecz 113: K 1" Baldwin. Ness Ptosijcncc kowski Sergio Munoz. Tim DosSantos and Joe Caamano Standing, from le ft a re c art' evtia energy you wed Irom the crowd The si sth seeded I outers, w lik tr fimshc-; c vcasoii -,,o. wiih.au impiessi Pt - llano Marvelli Hanover Park 2-0 J o e Prmcipato. Carlos Mota. Anthony MacDonald Kreshmk Bensha. Awei M o h a m m e d r-csord used a O il run to .lose lo ssiihin A I-aitei.otte• (seritd, Sciiioi poim 111; Stephen Mine.- S.otvh Plain' ’ Norpert Sieczkowski and coach Joe Caamano ______guard who linished w ith a nit, high 22 pi intis', .apped the sutge prniKsI J.w TrOise II Park: I 31. hs driving into the lane and hitting' a s-jot tumps'! 125: Jack I Asset sciw r H ail Prep Ake tried to mis up m ir detens. .u s -itiu v. tbi-rr H illside tic.nl .".is I he Ih ! k 11 Hi, e ,’!a S. Pi c Corey I owery said I JO: Mike i m C .>li mia ,ks Sisk H illside took a 2h 21 lead kite m the sc. n.i .jit.ulc: >’wi :h, seeded K h i;' / jngari. K-seile Paik ' * Rahway girls’ basketball in si a ' 2 run To tak. a <2 2s haillim. I. Id Sentoi point guard/Havon Faige, 135: Aivlj I,jut'll! -Milihurn pinned aho'tiad hl'se.om l'li.uglH \‘ > fs m. p;si-irtttj'rtk ^'-c-hy dnlirngaihree l liar lit-: Mueller - > 4u • pimter irom .the top ot tik key' and;then dm itig tju-a .rip ,i!k i i steal 140: Ariloim Mangiono IVIharton captures 1st section title Danin is having a grcai stale Totnuanmit lloHcs d i 'a. It ■ Man is. Kuirisk Ramil!1 I lumhia i s Roki.'i iokJ httn d he wantvio e .i.D h moh ' h- i t to pjay a l.( Dm , i.sh (all I'M. ston I level' 145: Niikt"fia!li,AVai,hurig Hills dec Small comes up big with-32 points, 11 boards Roselle used a 2I I JThud quan.-r to goe lliern a V 4 jsanlaes' heading Isnan Kathrsi’i Paisippam -12 s . into ihe tinal porn si 152: M alcolm jackson.; ! duabeth. Its JK Para. Inin Small- also had a game high ill points Hi RipwitJ ssm Junior center Heit'les ( 'hark', who imisli. J with 12 p i i.l-I ,ks (iu\. Scsenm South Plainfield, Sports Idltrir ,.vei Rose|le Prohys netted112. Amanda Casaie' lour and Ted ,i Hillside rolls mnlw.o thi 'oel:" .suit: quuiiei nha.k !.■ IV4.kpjrtTva.vk. 7 III el W .lie 'll.- .lunipi 'O' ; PlohuA'Two ... to gel ihe Cornels lo wuhm SA 4') H< Hi ade ' lNC to gtHlv- I Ml: Mike Whalen PaTsipparly I "I ihc h i't lin k r V Rah was H ig lis .li. " i en V h .io ,1 \s haven i played. Ilk greatest Kk»kctba!l, Htrt ,se'r-. deliol ha,k tx-iow .louhi, digit ■ imm a ' c.sk. lU'l lln luial Ku?/i'i pinned Glenn Gn>" South Plaint icId hall learn . apiured a sec (tonal .lurnpi. n -lnp as ihe liflh suntsing andmoving imc Renilcs said '"ThajN wl H illside w h i.li w a. seeking Hs Jicsi se.n ■ kkMteU s i'H : y-":"-e-.. w.'-ded Indians .k ,iic ! osih s.edcd ( flath.iirj T ' ;;i M e d ; 10-.ski ..tin's .Umc of year mg arid I lib sealed Newark lech ')5 •• :i tirsi Ai., ri; \iivlr;a Silts i s 1 (s d o ms’ lu i> ( ra»ti i I I. .I.m f N rd , (, inning ai third seeded Chaiham 4“ 4s. m d>oilhlc .Ice sieve Johnsi.m Soulh Plainfield Roselle girls' um t»« Stale games: K m Ik lini'lied it- honin'; M at. I; ' I lie t --IT'. 1 • i l l. '' w -.s' . nu K.H C (yA . " " - c vcaw'ii with an 11 12 record and was led hs P hsluia Hoi ■ Ralmas w ill lace eiltkTJArnu'ni j't.Nc'vUin. the North..!; Inday alterniHsil Rahwas ti.nl delealed lid 1HV: \h.uu ' Mai-I.orv ■ Now. IV e. me.' jkimis agaiii'l Rahw.n . harnpion tonight al a neulral 'He in j Titoup 2 'Cinilinal se.is.in Ten,e ic. Dan / k, Hn-.nles « ' In (tic Rams qviaiiatitwl wm ai hp'e. sl-sl l.'htiM ■ Ihc tin*up .haini'i.'ii'lnp s.iin.' o yshediilej"g;r Sund.is \\ ■ II he ha. k no Jonh: ah, • ; AV c 215: Bill Hciemteistcr B.smlon iks M a t.li 5 >em« Hsrssatd Yolanda B s r.n pas.d Rosell at n pm it the I hraheib Ounn Spin i cot, r . Tung some championshTp' Shaw i eughlm. (iosemor I :sings wiilr a Ih poinl cllott while Holmes, a lum.H guard, added .Ilk. Indian' Insi won al hiiith 'ceded Mado n 12 >‘i Roselle ikleaied eighlh seeded Governor T.ivingsioii 4* in ihc quanerh ' lull, 1 | , . . !: arid'd.u'ntoi .'otw.u.l ( .hnsinu Jpliiiviin ‘tics' M.u.h - and ihe:. kn.cke.1 .HI .klemim.' shalitpion and. -.-it' M a lsll ' and 1 -,.i:h ...... I - - •" HAV-I: Mall T.siiiu, N a U : Pi,ills, RoseBe s fust 'c'ctional triumph was a 4s U win at eded Rmklk p , SI at' home n la s t.-ltu ta : > semifinals, hsah home sicioncs (vine o '.'i ninth .'seeded AS esi f " e s March ’ p fined I hris H 'nl. >,t> • K . !i. scniilinai- V 2 Park, 2'22: - I in happs w.- w.n ah'ic pul a 'lung.-ol ' ■ r.T.'i■, Rahway boys’ improve to 18*5 • • •' - togelht'r " thnd scar head ci>akh (’M s Reinkv 'aid Tm . • 0 \ \ : '' SiUn.jkts !f‘«c • { V, ihatU'n .- Linden boys’ conclude I'hc K.iliw is High School hoy s', haskelhall Uait) had . k>c High! : in f t)i Y • ■' siamk'ui Ail t .mm. seniorcenier I'hanie smaJI realK quite a lum around this year, linishm g is S undkr lifst year Ht»;W'fcd tor the h v o ih J >tr>cat stepped up hi e in n big game im ihe lndtam AII .die did .o.is It B ill Berger The Indians were 11 *l Iasi year and lost season with 22-5 mark .uui tof the thifei tifnc ft) the idvt t>‘ur •was w .tc a game high J2 ptit'HJ and gral’ .ll ifN 'tind' ai home to Mourn Olive M M) in (heir itM North 2. Group Its JetT M o lfru m igiin'i Cltailwni as Rah»a> was making its- inn v > ' , 'iHes! NtalT W riter I b ird apprarame in a 'eettorul lingl Sc...ml v ..led Rahwas reashed Ihe North 2 Group 2 Pl.AINFIF.l-H A.online a ..ISC oi d.M >u Darmfl t-.ildwcii Raftway 103: ! . h ill ngiSlhei *\ i . ( h i states ,R, vsaid l.siaid sem ifinals falling al home.to s u th seedesl H illside 4'* 4 ' Atkf budding up an IS point lead arl, i ’■ •' m '' . an - : I >h " 112: id'll.- M'Cus Rahwjs last I ndas Rahwas had previously deleats'd the l oineis 1, Hs lh,H would'- 1 1- N III,. 1. ka> i him* M und High Schmd hoys basket’ alTteamheldon n>r deal lile.a. u iqsifc a ” '2 m , km Regds New Pro.idem.e IIU VJ-WO 'Ihs-I >c ui. ’I - a!, j-i.is .S.-1; i, ■!,line- 'I 4’ at home on Jan f and '4 4 ' in Hillside on I eh II Tors over linden Alonday night tcivaptiiic the Northicrsi-v s..non .' i >r,.Hip-4 125: Amin tjuc«i I li/aheth : :u M twtuin VaMey Conteteike-Mudntain Dtvisn ■ play title l.vtlpi .i,»lu ! noppiiH Hid* , RV'iwneii P •'/ii and Ja.. o l.'M i'oii pa, .Lille liHii.mc 130} while toiwaid I li/ahcihBauei wored Im npshiil' ansiai.■. Despite being outssored M -2 j in (Tk- final pefuM: ill, MintBemen were aMc IJ5 ' AlevCaruso, Wat.hung H ills .snh 11 p. mi ell.ms against Hillside, which esentualK glahhed 11 N>ard' gp " n.i 12 fmrn the free throsk line down the stfekh - 140: Aielni t luhd'ho ih M idd'.vs . - Ihe girl' reins Used altcr llie .ouhlH,s .aid Kemlep , lell to Ro'tTle 'I h ' in Mondas night s tinal at Roselle Hluaheth .aptured The section tor the fust tuns' sin.e when h deteated 145: Mat) R thbun B.wn«i>n Whose It'a ii'f, ished-Is ( I w 'd i'iii.i' ill. f ki» v k n i tv. p, Tis.it Ighmosun and Harsh Martin ach p « 'i! i 1 mdetl 5* JVin Ihe tinal al Roshurs The Mihutemen wrlh a re. rd ' P'' 152. Dei V'-l ngelK-rgei W Park I li/aheth rn the quarterlinal' I11 points . '■ were scheduled to host the N orth! champion last mghi in ai noup d setmtmal at Ihfl: Jon I al. ru Bivnlon lgtsniosun was Rahwas s leading worer in its quartetli Small voted a game high I ' points tn (he M.rdivn sk ihe Dunn Center The Group 4 fin a l ts ss'hesJulcd to he placed Sunday at Rutgers 171: John Ik'W Parsippans Mill' v u »•(> .c l w-senlh seeded -West I sses.no a>- A fat.h v is wiuic Pnihus added mgf# fahsha Jagksun seven and at 5 VI p m m Dave Ni. Ms Hanover Park J, t:i-,s * m it J 14 Dais l-Martin 1! and('taig AA , ,i ctghi Bauei ms V- Linden finished another out standing season with a lecm dot 22 ' 215 Steve ( artw'ne. ( tanl.nd inv I ,k. I hot South Pla.irilI.-I.l Frosh Caldwell, McCray in states North 2, Group 4 title game (Jl VI IHKRN H>K Earlier this year I HZaK-th hl.-w a mm eel! f. i.rth ‘ ad al l mil,;: V lo t R N V M fN I in Hs Jeff Wollrum . the suth seeded laskson earned ,t measure' I f£*eflgi Jan Ih and wound up dropping a C !>■' decision rth tit; i O't Makvim NtuJT W rite r ■ flu- ijuarterlinai toum l'w hen he defeated third seede,: In rfie v-.ii.iu lin.ci ihe Hi'! .|u,iH - - e- -. *■ i. > i "!■ Ol.n' i ' |A2 ,21 G -Third A mm ' N |i in Ih ihcrtiv ! i s, ms s .. Ci ' • . * hm Gamsain ol Rosette Park ’ ' Gafrisoii had defeated psc ,;s i, - Saturday atwnxxm > Region ‘ finalsai she i oui, i- R “ 1, k. : a inontHkae 'he (mat >1 the I ' ' 1 'uni • held a Ih |i edge • Vftc’i a t.imlen 4 1 run h.s., ,-,! n s ‘e . i i l ' . e a t J c . . it- .fie second quart Par k a it: Se. ond N.. k GymhMwm .ouid he nor of dtffetti# emotion*.:- t Himameni 1 ,1 Elt/afvTh went on a '-o surge to gtah 1 22 2" edge, lire first lour fS-mts in the I to . 12 2 1 Vs on.! Chris Ih v fee lings f.mge.1 Ir-W a g o n n c-.stass appr. a. ■ Jackson then went on -o give secondweeded Deyon on: ,an;e ll.'ilsn. t.-h.,.o,|. .md p "‘.i,i its." HAM to i­ I, |s - am. ul ai 1 .ui| ■ ' ■ I Tigleherger - 21 - l i -of W hippans Park hrv hrsl loss ol (tie TV Mimn UK n •vifteNxmdgd then - f > . ? G Jh margm ls i2t; Fhitd Hanan \ll i those asps’. T' .an he summed up in Hk lot; H ve auso in a 7 5nvc(tiffic vretory in ihe semilinaJs That set AViib I mJen ahead 2'- 2' 'Uidw.i. ihi"uehl' 'periot! I li/afvili hroughi Hi |(H .12 11 Thud Tddir I tiAahelli tlrgh Schis'i semoi grappiets Malcolm Ja>k- i : TIi;' rii.a: -aga'.iisi to u rth w e d e d C«i.'Ne.i.enni T v - iif; , •iH.si lo intertills,ton ,e >f' i i . tin S: r l.ei .1 • . 112 12f»- 2 i and Amin tgKivftr : 1 ‘Th,. .- ; V ; -on r h: ' i|i. N. nd C h a rlie Jackson w.m the T52 pound .to w n while ijueen was re .o ld r.s'k ,sjit n>p seeded Sic*e Pords.e ot S i'liHl Hal! whoTinrshed WTlha gjni,1 high 2 ' [s'uHs .mil l : r. h.s.ind. had .live-fvin’s .ind- if sSrelcJi :, ■' ^ ;-. ;v." - 11' .21 ‘ ■ in. ..tciii, il 2’ Hid i s k (tin I i , s ' m the 'Hhc'i enulioal AV-. dll- ours.-l.;" a. hoi. Wlthoul a donhl Hr,I its mg I pi,IS v al III,:- III: Ne.ond Dan /rka 1X9 Ihe lop ihiee wtestlers in cash weight, lass tn all eight AnsNids ,an he heat on ins gisen d.is. Jackson said regions - ihioughoul the state adv afked to the N JSI A A I was if, sislh seed here. so. ho|selulls I ,a ti go into the againsf a team dial is just a, aihleit, as us not s ery . asy I inden ■> o ' . : < ■«*. l.is ilq u tlM l'll N i. i V la d ■ 1 aiiiijmcm in Vtiani t *i loo -‘i 1- Nu's-ta! .tales and win a couple ol matches Phi! ( oln.ho- .aid S. mor pone gtiafd Jolts W.i-.-i liri'h.,1 wi:f • V ■ < oughlm 2|A 2s 2i R.chwa. wifi als. Iv H'O.lmg!",- eiappier, *■ O' - a.H In ins championshiphout, Ja. ksonTook a 2-0 lead late tn the fifth seeded Mmutemqn defeated ninth seeded Mt>rnslowp -2 m rhii ranfnrd: < l • Third Situ t.Hime. as Ireshmen Darian Calds»ell 1 10.1 and Iddie :b, Pro ivri.sl oil a takedown sc-mifmal* Jast f ndas rnght at Dunn R 'loti put in Ihot hrs2:.iS'iii(sm..ihc fits! 'arhone-215 (HAH: McCray i l 12) qualrtred hs raking ihud pia.. I mi .Ik" II ilieri added an ipe and arm lakedoAcn earlc Hi the . .halt :■ help Eli/aN'lhgrah a 40 ky |ijji;iin , i .id ; A‘ ::! v S'-'n ■ • Caldwell delealed Greg Schses or Millhurr, 2'» < lech vecohd pen.xl to rake a 5-() advantage M ore Scsenm tail ha XT i ami McCray edged Joe Blacklordoi R. , -He Park tdded IXpoims Eh/aN'ih won HI urth so-cWd.l asl-Uraiigc *'• ■ A le 1 5 (REV WREN IT ER> .outgeted with an escape and takedown miJscay through VHO RE V( HEI) SEMIEIWI V 4 ‘ in then (hnd place male he- Hie quail,-rituals ': :; - II I HID NOT Alt' tM T Caldwell was pinned hs Delhartou ffeshman Mike Grey NJSl V V lO t RNVMEM Second seeded 1 indendefeated seserith sealed l nion on 4 N iim Ii, quartf:h iO VJSE4 A TO! R N V M E M m ihe semTIinals in 4 l 2 lor his tirsi loss o t the sc*asi'rt alter at Hoard walk Hall. Vllantic (its hals March 5 its fmivh ' fiagainst the Earmefs this s ir Ti 12: J.e Blaskl.qd R Park 4th a Vl tl start McCras was nipped hs Hano MaiceHt lomorrow; Prelims and prc quarteilmais r> p m Third sc'cdc'd and Iwo-m nc deJcTHlillg y lta ijij'fo it Newark f.asj,S.icii g ' »ir; ihc mished season with 2” 1 record Hanoser Park 4 t m ho

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uarv March and M .i:. Exercise room available Senior dance classes Tuesday Social Club Winkshop' ate SiKTiaJ Aiiwf i to all city residents Social clubs offered Kxk rKnmg. nign 4»h i urn JcronivV \W.!m>d.iv •'< she mon sep rt‘'idctit' .tv." . - f a i IVpanment of Rivu- t aMN'C'.Ug '( Uvsi'N W ' :T 'Tffihrt Thioup'n-Mrty- ‘trrtt-T’- at the John !• 1 1 - ■ f-hv Su m-tde i tbrasv a!u»t! i »vmmuntl\ Services andRuh- be lucnfavs and 1 nurvdaw through nii r(ii> are .11,11 Libit’ t,v ( enter rill Hdcis Si I mij> i Metro- U*navc>.. Sept Uc P ti^ v tjv >pt»nvors social duns tn Matehvff frvm 6 Mi to ' Ul p m Nr- n K 'm tvn ate a ' t il. ! nev t tir lie-, hem io to s •i> 45 am the cilv Ml clubs ate to ah> I m cirisiraiitm w ill take place the fflj! fivtp at the Rev realu>n ( en timid through M.t' \c w den res :dcnf i s v eats or older ;en*ningof'tbe da*N , tec VUIMen Hf m places ami meeting dales are The cla»>c' ate ipon'ored ' vinm* i f t** more tftforTTUtum. cal! the ever) dav I tom ■> am in 4 ’.i Department o! Rev ie.it t ■ t ! •*.- tk«H, v c.;. ^ vtut r ■ *hn 1 Vife^vMh; R<\? canon < etrier at f mng is available three Ja\' a vuvk rv -Servivev .mo t\> . .v". ary bicwfev treadmills -tep rose ferface liu ’sdav S <\i.d C lub, *JK4n4 ? Monday through hr? at the center \ Know edee of pouting ■'.are Treele p.uliOp.mN S S. :\ i\'' and tirlnj; are ptetec|ut'ile' !>*r toinit^j ciimbcfN rovsetv a Vur-station uni­ second I aesdav i>f the nu»mh at \2 4^ w,*\ > m) a m u' 4 X) p m versal weight m.uHtne ami .« kskei i tmien rcviiient K*V4 '4 Su the elub p m I igitJh \Vjrd Recreation tenter, In-viruetionv uvliidt* • Ceramic club schedule the linden t'eramu Club, «huh area %Mth vhtiiuCT'* ! hen* *s a M H Ned c fi.i. c Sfh. Ward Ri\'eah«'r, registration fee tor the year l’n*ot »»! liana'' j ' the rhjtmbj C-iia i h< Fitness exercise classes The i indcn t etatme (Tub has is \poniH>red bv the Linden Depart­ t tfeie. e ven »*thcr luesday at 12 ifr ttsidfflv:y is recurred It is fret4 fPsctv !.ne Janent}! H.'vilo' V.i" v. husiness meeting' on the "VonJ ment ol Reereanon ( onutiunitv Sot. p m Vktistan Park Recreation t entet }<*rs ages fMi and uidcr imptv'v-mg Janie 'let" dan. me tVednesitj' ol the nninih at * p m at v tecs and I’ublu I’topertv. is open to Sum m it lerrace, l ihden Sunshtne H %>t?> utf arcAUamiav u> Hub. h\ ond f hutsdav of {he ex.eilem wa. to eet tu 'iev . •tope i tie John f (iregmit' Rci rtMtioti t rn city tevtilent' age* lb and iddei t all maketnenJ' i ■ Vsti Helen s;. in Noxemhet. Jan .*atS- 4 ’ 4rhb'''lo.r more mfpmiatV:; ' I ndav. % a r«v lt> 4 Tb p m . ami Tyey t

RELIGION ihivvcavon \dm i"iiw ,i» free •' St. Luke's invites all to fish fry tomorrow .ai;M.k;.ili-..’! y\c'W ( !»■•> t ■ A issh irvliim v . u m ” • rejid'anJ ibr \.,idcniv ' A ■•. Vis n 1 . vi" - I p j'io p J - i bn:* '• 1 •. 1 nWi*k Herk v.Y e p c Hal - 1 \i ,- v md V) i • vny - -■ ■ ,;chu! atidc? t*-v: X iV ; ' f copv.d \\, : be hfid U'tTH'itcM •• the ;\t. S l\ >v .ts' \ 1 vtnCv . hail tiom ' to V •' p.m. i he iM'lsu l,.r a! Vhiaham l L,fk High M h.vi li'i w.tiJ includ e ti'h ; p»»fai<* segi't.ibii-. > U‘4fs Rung i fCSSAgli- •!' ifckMfrt xhd bevurajie iiirt.H't in irv'laieaiEiihuahc' lu jifls .re yi and ijiu'f haw •ven " J H y' H .c m v . ( c-K:. j • -re.fie- ptirvhased'b* l ue^diiv lake■» f ■' ' ■ . ■ ■ . . ; vs : v . ,r.iabie h.s •csi-- • .i ■ f.un vC'Hv. . >N V . »V \\ . A ’> ' D ’.’V hi*. ■'' •: ■ ' :Ch ' ; f. 1 • • , J. ihC . * " 'pif!t«.V - fid- aod n.csv •' cfViTC a! ‘M * - 4 ' MX: > IC.'JH*'-'. i -> V l : v t!v»pi’ i hiiTv.h:; ‘/a N *t‘t Fifth Avenue s free . .' ..■■■■■ concert series continues . .. V. ipivlUa ■!''■’> ; : :.i tv ■ . m'-'-B iviilcv; and vichpc' 'n.jMv *v.: v ;j:. -v- .. ■ f :■ -'v a'"'-... y-- ai ’P Suftdav ai > p i t the f n 'l VC ‘ • •' U’CltlC 1 . . v “ Wnaft C hurch ot ko'.-iic kx'diyd the cifrttc'i ot \Ci"t I ■!')•■ Vetj'i l hcvtlWt Mtiv! ■ ■'.■•■" o. pit h,. .cenrv ot n.‘nci"f' ipi'tsoti'd hv 'he iHL.V.iV M ;ii' i ' ' ■ dv V* Volunteers serve seniors

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http://www. local source com WORRALl COMMUNITY NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2003 - SECTION 8 A level of Vendors account for 1/3 of campaign money success By Mark llrywna Thomas Kean jr, S13.05t), and. Democrats lilt documents recent­ Regional Editor Assemblyman 1'ric Munoz. $11.000 ly ist ommunitv ( orrectums of Rose The headline "Hem low Ldilnr's mite: 1 his is the second Pfizer Inc . a pharmaceutical compa land The firm rs listed w ith the same can lhr;, go’ Mortgage rates fall of two parts, ny where Bagger is employed, con- address I ducation and learning Top contributors again '■' It's a xjuestion Count? At least a third ot the contrihutiunv tnbutod $10,000 and another S^s.immi f enter ot America, a muiptofit organ Jon Cor/tnc $37,000 Clerk Joanne Rayoppi often asks to the Croon County Democratic came from Leadership Sew Jersey a izition that, runs a drug treatment DeCotris. Fitzpatrick and( duck* $37,000 In the reverse of effects of a t ’ommittee last vear came from firms, political action committee that lisfs a facility in Newark In Ttltll. lhe non- NJ Carpenters Politic at education Conutliftce 1T7.IKK) poor economy, mortgage rates of profit was awarded a million or people comu-sfcd.to turns, that do Westfield address lhe fluee legisla Sclnu Rosen $37,000 ■M?. percent on a , 10-vcar fixed contract lo house up to 2$fl inmates business with Lnton County govern- tors all represent the 21 s1 Distrtcf. the Howard Rosen $3’ ,000 rate have pushed people to reft merit , from l mon ( oui tv lad lone tions from employees,about '0 in all which as a timi gave $21 ,(JR0 Princi­ I said the two firms are complete:v. drt- * mJn tilt s lh, t,rrn ,/di-i Z-tmit) " .1 ftng ot individual donations and more than tion. as well as legal representation is a for-profit entitv "It’s one ot many the refinancing ends with Rajoppi V o u non from a lesler.il campaign . involving solid waste issues and Run- a ii,i.iiu. we do ’-us w il> It v.hi pass bv mosi,evenings, or, . cotifmittee nells Specialized Hospital, totalling ( lancv said he is an employee o.t ( du ee anything." f reeholder Nicholas ■to other counties, like Bergen. Cam­ on Saturday, you will, probably The; state I it-dio n I aw I ro'ufce . approximately SHOO DIM . calu'ti and Learning i .enters .but is.no! Scutari said den Hudson or Middlesex when il comes lo contributions find the light on in her office I sen ment ( onmnssion requires that indi­ lhe leaneck law firm of Del otns, o n 'lh c board ii.t dirCcfots. o-d is ,i . Several vcildois >aid ‘die' have with new compuler and a web stte, vidual contributions of more than l.rt/patrick and rilusk contributed pruKtple m ( ommumty t om-ctions never been pressured or .oked to con Several vendors also, expressed the uetuaLtecordmg is still done by W i« ! be identified Individuals are Sf.tHai last year while receiving con t r o ’ rot llvil N * lobule me I > ’m v i* , . " , t >ee support for -iew legislation that would (ample '. ' . limited to annual > onmbutions of tracts tot,rllrrrg almost $'!«f/HKi Verona lias been handling the o.’untv ,/ Noel' Musial. president »f The put limits on campaign contributions The boxes of dixumehlx to be $ f ,(KSo "to counts committees but . Other local -law firms or attorneys fail's hc.tith sale contract., about- $ i' -iusiaf (trorip sitrii iu: purohast-s tick. ■ some saying that it actually would filed m the clerk's offices on the there is no lim it on transferring ififids -contributed any where front $1 ,flm> to m dfiiin. a year, and has V e n a con.sis, ctv to fund-raisers when Democrats save them monev first floor of ’the7old-crsiirtfitiu.se in bclvicen counts committees $»'.iHai whoe heriig awarded contracts , tent contributor m recent years i as? ■ matt invitations, but nothing more ■ The so-called "pay-to-play" legis­ 1 b/abeth arc part of the hoom • Ifce. I .-ion .County Republican of jnvwheic rrom $5.iHHl to S’lpOUfl. year, the linn donated $ I/ ' svilem I he program Schwartz is a m.vdero dav Lmon early on Saturday if (hey want l exittown His market is first time is evpey'ted.to fxi fnUy .ipeuiiona.l iti lwo week' . to get a g.H-d Spot along the 2001 "It s I mas k for people, it s that simple." f roehheh said referring to the ano buyers He explains to them how t mon County S; P atrick's Day they can't afford to pass up auto theft device that can triiCk-Cafs onye they are stofen - - : ? Morns ( ounty Sherd! Edward Rochtord. who imfratevl the program last Parade ri utit , : becoming homeowners He ha- a- . i .rand Marshal John 1 angaii said , month in.hts county said the device can not only save lives but also money k nack of turning small piopentes patrons watching the parade which is lhe cost ot overtime for an entire group ot officers and tirefighters to into housing Add the pride in hts scheduled-to start at I p m van look tor someone is eliminated by;using only two b ffke ri eyjufpped with the Project workmanship and vou end up with /forward to/ a continuation and an l ifesaver radio und simtebodv w bo understands how;: improvement on the concept ol j tarn . "Instead oi b i officers working overtime for hours, two officers can find to ibeet demand with supple r * - tlv -s entered parade " stmteone rn 20 to fti minutes . lie even runs.a class.for poten­ fhe parade route stuns on the cor l he unit can track someone within one mile on the gf.nrnd and up to seven tial customers on How to become a tiers nt Savitl Place and < ommeice miles m the an homeowner schwart; vais the Avenue and goes east along Morris On average it lakes about ’ ’ minutes to find someone wdh the help o f ihc ■f’Hi'rl.'i H' K 4lr V% >vlf« ■ money lender and refinancing Avenue !c> the gfandslandon the cor­ radio device I rorhlieh sard-the the'first 24 Hours or. a .search are. critical sfflee Sheriff Ralph Froehlieh holds up a device used as part of tvpes have neve? ( w o hus>er ner of Me .fix jnd Muss exam the Irkelibisd ot finding someone alive is slim after that Project Lifesaver a system to track people suffering from Ihc other ode ot the ev|uation avenues ’ Alzheimer's or dementia; who wander off- HI? . so r , 1 s I s s sav she The parade is well organized, rsi,upti::tVhC'p fi'nd.-sij'Hrei'ne-Whu-'bas w .i’idcu-J away c billiiMO ga;bed;. b?; leimara tug said 1 angjn "It's not oserwhelmed w here disus arc yupju'se to be locked And it’s not tuyt Ai/hetmei s patients or an issue lo wa-t tin a gr.m; .fobdt'piskl ,o I 'lbic p e o p le suflermg fro m s o m e lo'rri! ,if dt".iicii.tia,.hut al'0 autistic v'--i.lron Ihere with sirens and fiielrucks It s a fami­ K c - 1 -a i •' i . i • i i if 11 n:4 the suits to.'pav.-.vff sOtpe of .thy,huge yon-', ly parade with floats dedicated lo'the is aUeasi one (repeat wanderer" which theofUce receives a .all a’vui! at lead g that bic counlv has reached out tanner debt Irish jnd various organizafidns It's j fw n c a year tu Rotary and Kiwnmiciuhs,:local PB As and other betreymesii»- gamzamms to A real diiwner ?s ’Hal even with very civic-minded parade " Morns t ounty started its Protect Lilesavgi program several weeks ago and 'pteehte* wtisfbands and doftate tHettl im people who cannot afford them rates (he demand f« ftrsbttme Dus year Ihc parade will feature has received two applications with dozens mope pending lhe wristbands are An applicatron and interview process js coordinated through ihe lVpanment buyers and -host looking lo move 2’ bagpipe hands from, all over the dlstnbuted '.hroug!. the IVpjitm entot Aging lo Start the county haspurchaied on Aging Jib! fhe A’/hem e> s A-s , i o: ot Greater New Jmey up to better houvng, sont'nues so 20 wrislbaiids two radh'unity and a veal \ suppiv of batteries slate, as well as lhe Niagara Tails By /inis J rinhbsh hopes tht p'oii.'am goes statewide ' < i, .' o-'i'c st-c* grow t nion (liunfy plans to purchase two radi>' units at a cost ot $2.$tto each, Bagpipe Band, which finished second ift’s offices Die SheritTvOifice is cmirdtnatmg thr program through its K v m the Bagpipe W orld t hamptonships l was late (or pty haircut on, w itb the sheriff *s fivrfeiture funds l-roehlish said several w riythands w ill, be di s 1 nit, headvjttarfered in Summit because the unit generally - ihc lead agency in Iasi vear Saturday as an old Iriehd yoro tr-buted imn-edtatelv .'>■■ 'Csjuesi any search situations plained that with Iter new baby it Batfenes for.fhe ami ire changed.nwmthH and generallv cost $ IN and eac?H i serv band we've ever hired in is impossible to bus arc bigger the history o f Ihis parade has sought ■wristband Utltt aisis I2 ? 5 - f-amtlies. or sponsors, interested in the program can call the Luton ( ounty house in l rantord "It s a small pnee to pay tor a .life f riiehirch said 1 his is too !(Tips0rjn t Sheriff's Office at dW-*27 44't) • lo come hac k said I angan - lhe future doesn t look much Stephen Gallagher, lhe- Nl belter Ihc average single family Patrick's Day Parade Committee's house in the stale goes lor general chairman, said lhe pnmarv $2b2.WH> ft's probably mush Kean U. selects new president reason tor a St Patrick's Day Parade higher in our count? is to celebrate the Irish Patron Saint Kuhard (lluchan past chair­ Hi I vnil K Barra J arahi was one of three finalists - rm-msfrated bis c§rmmfmtmt to si Patrick, who brought ( hnsliamty man of the I.and l s< Section of. Niaft Writer for the position lie was .injnimouslv Kean 1 niversitv Board ot I ruxtees to Ireland in lhe i Newark John , ounts dent" . The Iw t p o litical issue seems to the Board -on f rb M - Joseph My ers hethe.calltora constitutional con- fa 'a C wt« teas lies c mrses an lo find a replacement lor fatahi earned a doctorate degree /“Dvrs year in parftcuiar we/rehon- vehtiiin to ihafsgc ihe properly -net.* cjuantitative rtiethods, management Applbaum school offic ials formed an from the I mveiotv of Kansas in system . lh e inference is bice:.. advisors comMicY wh',*- Hided ,-1'i ’ y /1 he s4~y e.tr old has sets ed as. a bring our clergy and whal they stand u':-»rr s-Tv prolessois students and proles cor at Kean since IMgf) and was for.arid I think irV a great staiement/ new tito* will management u Kc.w will replace VoWd the teacher o f the year MV !-V'Ws pup 'ip .I’-vi !.hc s'**fV Ronafd Applbaum effective July 1 trustees follow mg j cer'e-s o f lorunts said I angan . . 'V.'d?o' Appltsaum win. earned yl.X'.ikxf with each of the three, presidential ' and. grada-dc leather et. the .ear in . As lhe slalue o! Si J’alnck comes IWf U vlr.fp dunng his te m irr as president finalists, farahi wax selected to serve down M omt Avenue, il will he fol­ In 2002 I arahi accepted a positron The 1 resigned !n»m the position to become as lhe school s l 'th president which resulted in improvements to lowed hs Myers and then a contingent tv ehiet- operarmg 'ticei and special j eiWTUiugi ng ?rx k > cK ‘pmcnl v f Resident ot (he I niversity ot south Harrs M arlin Dorses president ol the annns-h s scheduling prove ot pnesls and other religious afftli- assistant to V presideni for opera 0 0 $ a f t very ' ijftd: the Lmyerxtly of Rio (irande tn dures fires nmsK 1 arahi served as ales ' lions ai rhe university white continu­ mtenm president, wdl: serve until stnitheasi Ohio, wax one o f three special assistant to. the president for This rs the seventh consecutive ing to reach ai the college t Riin’ipp* 4 ^ SvH’tAift/ ate June M L finadtttt ttyterviewed hy the, itdnwry technology/, y ear the county has held - a St Nome: o' la>ahi s accomplish mmg anv fafiet of W; ‘set?,svl offic air have vet final committee last month fhe cither In (VW faraht additionally served Patrick’s pay Parade The money merits w *: c ti/ef- operating officer/ ikmg hdppe*5 ized the contract for l aiahi. who said fmafist w a s flam e Maimon provost as special assistant for enrollment needed to run the parade is provided include the implementation of an statement that -be pos. at ,Arizona Ntate 1 nnersitv west services and is responsible for creat­ solely by fund-raisers the committee ^ ittidffli #f ( rinfordi turn is the i>nly jo b tn the sountry cam?»us online appl’cdtion program for stu­ ing the ‘One Stop Servibe (/enter" at sponsors throughout the year nk < tprte i% i* i Homey that I would even consider takmg I »r I jriiht ;. a proven leader wh»v dents ;ind the cieatiOn cif a . study the school Lasi. sear's parade coil $10,000 "WORRALI NEWSPAPERS COUNTY NEWS

Surrogate available for estates, among inner ion»mui.otui ■mandated duties speaking engagements I.- contact the suirogate s office . Lnusn t v . .... c.i ■*"' 52? art'’1 Lot one is a. a.-abic to -pea* w.itr menial nesm* community groups and h o c irgin-, Red Cross offers course food to famiiit ind en>e!- ■rations j N h iI the importance *>t a * : . ■ KiTlI fhuc *,m* ■•■ h-i news times each' month as part of iy ■’•t. a- jTiunil\"groups K>* (Hviant’vtt • • > InfortoaiH'n on v ret ojfdflu \ is i i . t'hush. club 4Jvt wcul Thursday live to better educate the puniic .in . Ihi> tw e v o u r*r van be held at :hc ; * ■ c> and the proj* dvaHible at ( 4( these Jh'porfan-! -'sues croup > c.huah. io n u n u f’.-fN ve Tn-i oantv vbjptcf « j|1 he dis I mci.airatient Friday noon As the coufils viirTdgate. l a-, one U'scd W kiPlcf!' j No tjft needed 4t ■ i. * Rah^av RivreatiA^ t ' ' Sport* Monday luvn •\ responsible tor probating ijlU and one of the American Rtsi ( r*»s% i k>od d m e s and :n Health and Satetv i .cuets to' ffte Ediiot M «a!a> *< m t :ct oiTu ts iM anlucnon to l>?N«a*lcr t* Mt'iSon \ve ^esond i .es4.3 appointing executors. admifHsUai.-'s ensues The TM ounts uhapter fiuar#aris and trustees of (fe, extents ■ '

Girl Scouts Celebrate 91st

Above ,n ‘•94 sn we K»iea Bubo' seated andflnanna M iln 6 the r! putty .'e-t* ' !■: A/-!. S p netd a ri Sc.-utr.c i'- 'n aii.i! a". cirS n'O' ' i ’ As>i,h ;i iVc.uil to i.'ici1'. t’fhniC' ?>'!u IPI'IS kgtiMind, reiietnii . t so is . -f.iius (nrIs a:. -. iiMuko.l into ir-.Mfs md B elow i St the iHips cchkh incol ttvsihi houses At cci'Tvhip...yomnumits cenlers. and prn.ite sored by 'irk's Kogistor UhJjs i he» a ( Ltrt Si ,an ,m>i |i'») in a mi oru thiii is tiKUMfd on 'he pto'cnl .oi.i . • • • • ■ (iirt Scout troops are led b\ rme ot more \<>tunteets jlio u in g g irl' to *t»rlc t» partnership \cith adult'..In tho «,n girl' s«i to poMtne female role mivkls l; -np liMilci- nva.>„ teitehgtrH nev. sk ills.. ;i!mt the tfcHap scuim as A di as through tops to lix al museums, science ienter - and cultural institutions lj»il Scouting otters one ciimmuiHis piogram with live different age leads DAIS'! tKmJcigartcn . BROWStl iGrades I K)i;NIOR .Gradevd hi. ( ADI TO (itaJcst. 9) SjEMi iK Grades - i: What can G i r l Scouts do’ : ..■• en.u'ig -a weekends l! the-v pteter girls mas also participate m the Girl Scott! program meeting >n a oh rt-setni hasi' with -ihet girl' with similar interests or hs attending amps arid s[HA!.i! ."-eril' ■ Girl Vouts ’ i"s .- . - • icing game- Hie) learn how t. share and thev explore the exciting world around

G irl Scouts ,im Ir.-n v e - •...c.i-mp make new Iriends ii-ciattk dann-.plac new skill' luni'T (.irl s, (mis .- - . ■ • themscl'.es Junior Gni s,outs take part rn a wide varietc of progrants including camp ( udette and Senior (.irl Scouts ‘ ...... aden the w.-rld ar- und them he e.iramg Interest Project pat> Ih-s and he learning new le.idership 'kills ( adrtte and Seniors have pn ns ,«pen t. 'them including the Wider Oppoftunitc program Leadership iperien.es an r-adahle tna carietc ot uaxs mcludtng working at summer camp1 This message is sponsored by these community minded businesses & organizations

PALERMO PASTRY SHOP CONNECTICUT FARMS POST #35 IRVINGTON GENERAL HOSPITAL THE PAPER PEDLAR M M I > "... Tm £ AMF R ; AS l EG iON H • :i> >•■ I A .,; r ; . 68* Mont#.fmpA jt.oNJ S4f Boulevard K . '•■*• BortS Offy# Union 4 ' • .499 H-X'-C 968-931-0298' 908- 931 -0299 906-688-0826

CALABRIA PIZZERIA COZY CORNER DELI & CATERER STEVEN JUZEFYK COMPANY TONY S SERVICE CENTER Serving Italian .v :/•' l i t Specializing tr> 08 Premise Catering 4?8F nga- B a d Elizabeth 983 l.efiigf' Aye On.,on 215 Centeema- AVe CrAnfoi ■ 558 Raf-»s, **e ‘>08 15? 5?8’ 908 68” 1449 908 ?"?-808C PK<** 908-688-6884 V

CALVARY NURSERY SCHOOL DELAIRE NURSING & KidsPeace FOSTER CARE & TROST S BAKE SHOP 108 Eastman St Crantortf . CONVALESCENT CENTER FAMILY SERVICES f ler t am,,.«$ Needed' 42? SpmxgMU Ave Summti ■ 908 2*. 1962 40Q West SHmpspn Ave L inden Receive getdante training financial suppc-it 9W-277-0014 . - Eic-'i miy deserves a iam.iv /-'L'",;;' ntQOi 637-9102

CAMPUS SUB SHOP ERA VILLAGE GREEN REALTORS MACK CAMERA & VIDEO SERVICE UNION HOSPITAL ;24.2-Mcifrii Ave C.Sc/mglie-iU 96 Brent A.e , Cars - M '• A,- py-vj 0 Galloping m Ro; Uo •. 732-381-7477 •' 973-46.7-229-1


• • • V (1899 ■ ■


\ THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2003 - PAGE B3 WORHALL NEWSPAPERS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Bock extends invite Brook’s ‘Company’ a winner m n fx iw it u> me tn m tm , » in ticpsy.' iub 4s ihe Piitrk'K J ( ur- wrote. If sou se got It. daunt it, * ,U*anne l f to Union ‘Wedding’ On the Icy 'v Robc i Usckb enefg> and ehanv ads icc the tolks at the Brooks Art » bland f ha! »>ne vAondvf'' ( enter in }h>und Brook took to heart Its Hea "smith bong - the !6th .abtoveiNary. ,Yisf c*d !M HK'iude. m their current production ol ihe Boards l‘F ‘ Staff VV file r I nton. w fte people dots t have travel to - u m Stephen Sondheim innovative con By Rum Ros$ Vn engraved wedding ms nation i s , produclum are cept musical,'' "t ompany " TheaterConesDC ' not necessary to attend lofty ft' then own Mats Vlc< I f e - nh,-steal ditectutfl and He poi there.- in the icibhy ii!:a-yendo-k' Tina s Wedding' Oft-Hroadwas in a S driving ,1 . iiM ndl’s outMabd- restored W’ f-yintage vaudeville I’ ersssn l ra/y wni;l e l or o' Masada M s ' -.11 Yew York theater tai.gi'-ss.ak nl compared to what Ynothlet HuncIrcd f’eo- !0! off o i.1 the m arthe'v 4ft big, 'at Italian »cddmg.' accordingto toadwas prodlHltot! o'stitulion of marriage, as ' -cer rcmind> us «!f h o * tmpe t Si > *uti lift* in m fhout dmg with each other, and 11 . • • V it B , v , ‘ m op, '.a :v scrtiing iti-toswri:'. New York ( its. vein he rc'iucfant Hff d ance move- are ftuid and How did n all come about'1 through the ey es of >? seat-old bach- •hcMf memhvt ol the longest running stage .rniphtuf eic'r, Robert I.sum m ing his Inends bride A ins h a ft naturai CtJftttds in Sen Y o ri <- ify ts purchase I joined the -axt in New York t Os unions. Robert goultonb his own expresses h.t doubt'i in l*l ic fting Mar- W ith h'vs demands for scenery a ficket at t osta del Sol, ’ 44'< Voux- m September to play three rotes. Hick ainb's .dense about matrinums tied U lu s pci tor! tied f f S f l r uihcf fiIfSlf ;is less ftm c ib te props hall Road. I won, tor the ceremony De Marco, the vrdeoguy, Joes Vitale, as:»r.j :vk i that iti the dVJiilCtWC - "i yn?ip*itnv S g ' I •••! tile Brook Im j s broths' and Ihmns Duke, me through songs that evplore the coin and reception beginning at ’ pm Wrs. ntcr In tact, the simple 'tag- wedding srnget Origiitfliy, I audi- phcations and intricacies that shape breathless And I’a! ’ Vr! >" f t* March 'f> and A pril <1 and lb Vnd Gregory Allan Bock plus lot it allows the the reality uf manned life Vompans mu*, fmr'ki■ H , i. rca 1 Buck. -tv-producer o! the l nton pro- tusned tor the show two years ago m l o W ho uudtenc ’..ills, on Sondheim's New York l its and the director said I , , • ■ . • r I. 'Cl A '' , I challenges the sanctity ot martugc house in th C is Llltvny duvlion, w ill he on hand to greet the. a's!-assays interesting Hock vod', 1 -Inc: <0 -o n g s jn the S“ : -S'" I'sf'g ■ :-- ;■ d -s' : d k u ftc h - I- w M \ fy ’ . ■ attendees, the special hometown was the second choice lor the role ot shins and the audience slan-es with . with .m.ithe.t is off esseni.iai purf .id s - -Other S’,1!fktoub mci Uill’ K titb n - !lV,jSK', i(N VU r;ic marvelous per- guests Nicole Marlone its the wedding singer And. he said that . . t .■ - ;|I,„ V iitin s 1 ism - Hi - g \ 'sc ’ - anti and- MsrltSM \ •?v!C tortnatic es. 1I i-.:s setsisvn ot '( 1’iiip j- BuikhjMt. Nick Hasile Mike Beiitffit it the first choice turns it down1, he f a V h u 1 -Yd is- I rank Smatr'a'o t Jy ; W it!; energy- and -h u rtlt m spades .. bickering. IT:irrv m ;j Nu . ibvc \i * .> vxinner’ and Darren Meser and the bode and wmdd he calling me W eil," Hosts 1 not to'mention great voices and slanc vlC-SoUSsidfU1 M ei -s4 t C.1 f 1 ’ ' T' ;- . groom laughed, it seems toe he dido t turn Me to the M'loo. to latanteua - Hoik nuTtioned that "the whole -mg ah . it-, the cast plum ps the ,?tv s ■. .»hunt-!t>-be drsols! rttnl ” { IIIhi pa ius" will lie performed , Hock, who produces an annua- it.down I ss s i seats later: I went !st an ■: Susan 1 'tits T H ( Mhct 1 m las a ml Saturday evenings at X . ;• etc sh. w at n e t o r.i e.c s,, .» •• • open lasting call and ! was tn.st Concept c*t the priduition is the inlet' terv ot relationships and what hold' p.iii anil Nunilays a! 2 p.m. through cihftee to pias Rick De Marco, who h Ii. c It - ,,-i a- -t yo u ’re a: a teal them together, from ihe rousing-ppen-' sis'lfTC AiqUifU: lends ,w -i ■•..s stiSfltd ' - Hroaduav sl » V: f \ :, y ; Jft, j It,,, ai, wedding And the meal will - "t ; ' : hush.t; n l pU>cU- M arch hi Jlrook \rtx ( enter > l nton. this seat d e -d e d to do some- understudies toes V itale andDonns , i i 1 , > • t ihai'ip.tgne bs"' Ydam f : liter :As L--’ j'CflVcV: liicated a HI• Hamilton M in Boil ltd thing entire!) different He is a tea Duke However, I’ve actual! x played Heing Vise Highlights r\ ude ■. -a s.r tarn! is sty ie penne w US' , odka ■ fo.tfc’.'u' |v dtppropr \ TV;ii//M"hv Hroiik 1 «»r inlftrm atiiiii’and tickets. lured .member .! the' t i l l Hroadwas t.s ,e a > is I r : Hobby s.tno-.iif girlfnetisis; playcsi: • sawsw- salad,. I'ts.id ■- unx! wesld'.ng 1 Ai’is u iiifti ■ ^ aM fy Otdtfl.igC ' call the box office at ' t3-469-’ ,tjy h .1 ip j s Wedding is ''.'jin . :, .ik'c.\' v; s-tsfi K ir sctiT.'hc .tyaii.fWe : Duma-Kielc/ynski; H fler a-perks ihroughiHJt the -how (or aii bever- (tine and iank^ Maf&m <-< w « w t)ri»«kart>sorg. dass on 4r*th Street " in tin' heart o l I sjsiils pm dusfton. reminded Hock and iwfm onis A •» t -.no It - ■ age', .ilco’iolu and non-alsoholis Time* square," at Vtnhie Mlask s l. u!- l rn still p a ire d the New V is .as: ■. v-.s V oii ( ts Ynd Since l tn um cm bcf o f the s-ast, I - . , -til,.-fit woo he a ixfte, !,0:.opening atrai'gcd to bring the chocs to ! tnott ! night; griaup sfeiotint.- .tVaikibie.'" he; ;fef.;thfteper!dmiatisev ■ . at .tthradskas, Show sji ss'atmg and icgiuar -eating .- Bftc-k explained lhat. ' -Ysided ' OMC : ' vv •. ■ sou sviine to this »eddmg. ;tTI. I he t otlee Vv tit i - '.s-ience t .t .- that this would be a great shoss to I-tilts sifoss: s ' re is .nesc ,i be mote ftin than any; we-lding you yen Seties wifl:present aiv:esemng;ot: hnng ts) l mon 1 have an agreement . " rehearsal : Y oil "go as a sjHMats ’ .tel ever .itteiisled 1 guarantee >! Bock - - Dai i ns-' Pi with the- ptuductffTfor l kwcorran U* - w,i.iY>"orii o 1 s 1 , 'fie ness ■ C*” promised this1 weekend in..Springfield. .Thisis:the.seyemh.csem .this sea- son .Dan Oisvi .and''.several. I'riends. inc luding.ia/7 vocafivt B ill Robinson ‘Laramie’ to visit Union County will perfomt at the Emmanuel l nited Methodist l hurch ot Springfield. -40 llreamcatcher Repertors I heater. tow n: I r,mt the material they collect' Church Mall in downtown Spring- - N?r ,-r Member o l »'■< New tf-rscs ed. they:, wrote this. collage that ns members lerfehcc P Burnett. ' field; Saturday " js n n s ss Hi-be. open' at - Theater Alliance brings its prexfuc explore* -both the svorst and she best Nicole < atlender. (Urty Patrick ’ !ii.- .- inj- the --once'* begow al S io. ' The i wramic Protect to Kean ot humanity : by represen'mg the- t hnvtian I aura Fksfrand, Melissa pm Vdmission - y ' which l ms emits A I ittie Theater on Friday whole panorama o< op n ,'. md Jane Martin. Dave Muulbcck, ianet includes an ever .i c >’ ■ .o- c-’ i and to O im l l'hurvh in Summit on oxperie'wes o f the pe.opie ->f t artmsie N.i os d H.l*'is"t : » „ R *tc” ment. and all manner : tma!' kind Saturday . . follsiwmg this heanbieakirig. eyei'ii A. mg' from "th re e Duxs o f R um " is V reHeshmenik V . , V - ; The play. * high has heen adapted, handful of actors who poftrax 5b % :afk t amiichael. whc> has recently Dan ( nsei. a New /ersesihased fd r MBO, was w ritten by Moises .' .i-.t, 'c:s pc’’ i“ ", ;• . beeriAeirn:,'it the 'iage at the New fer . a / / p.a- w‘ i'i..l s.ii -p. s. ‘-is been N.i ," 'ia r; and the m o i 1 ’ e i.-c . debuted at the Denver I hejtet t' eh.tef . -ex Shakespeare Tektisal. I tnda kes performing in the greater New York tome Theater Pfty.ect F - i- m I ebftisirs doiH.i, and, opened ( '!! who has helmed such past . Dream area since 10X4 His ra // ^uanet has Dan Cnsct f the towt f f arAV s IF idss.is at " A I s , c projects is. Three Dass >■* been featured in various concerts, m .esierhisely in the:Greater New Vox Hi \H f '' r I-s', s. f di.s.ii! .oil \ is the. sear followtng die brutal murder- ate' ■ Mas N<»' Rain ' and its' wear v; Painting New lersey. including the AIDS hen area, and the two team up regularly-' ' Rea si og Ifii'ii'nind'' i so..n' i'-un o1' M.othcw Shepard.: .1 , ege dime:>’!a.ca/i'ic, wrote '‘v - The-.- < d I te e!i! concert. Canricles for l ife, tn ■ptetieilt r g then . ' >, rg'-sfyi- •■>e f nton a: ounjy Hoard s’t t hosen student Ruth Ross; theater ci'tte'pi'n . . . o,t. o 0 'Cs’s d e -N .s v ,• "a- a'so direst . ,'ooti c'nycrhavwmieti miirethwSo: i/afiorts o f tamtluir a/.- standards:-. i • ' :■ dent:!vw.\Vc>rran FdnvfiantS 'ye.vs-.kp'a-i: •N's’ p 'is s ’ ’ . ea ’ p ■ cel a group or students from the m sompsisitusns. some s>f which *re s e, ‘ ■pers praised pfetiPiAtcher »p>. due w '« , ’ ?' teatured on htv CD. title"' g and Kevin H' • s- ar.t > Is -A • ve ."unties, Ihe Iris Jc'hnson tton I sets so often a p a, comes os.;-' ,- ;.cage rht: : The I aranite l’>. ect" for. the I dm- released m Vim)’ .- He ..has Written : l-atfesh ;..w! :' Y.sV> fake ;’ *u;. O,.oy -ind,' - ' ' 1 C ' • si s' > ed Press catted ,t! ."a'sti" ' *■*; bg Not b -o'; f vfw.i r>< it ■ o a-'-si w ijf be arranged :und perfimmed sese-j 'help out .the evening: y,:: . ( s ’io'.c i - r the H obis'I ess . Ha hi I at tor a' ' i"urges s -o' .-ww - ■" once ’ Vngefs m Anteric.i h,tva..)fiay . . . ,;>■ a - pieces tor the triad Arts,! risemhle. . and has. - ,wk om panied the , I "a d : ..Hun-.a.' vis- 'be:New lerses Tskh) Hank , >Vf f f it- k s to t’ acs* -t :d ntempted s,i n . h ? yft | teyit it | ' s ' ’ Y ip e- i ’m ies' 'more cdm.-. ’ proiessionji prisfi.st'o" - we • a" esa'-" ...... ,(he;Amer»i*n pss- ’ e I'-eC. o m i V|orr - t hamher Vocal. I- nvemhle m several v'so ss w w d w - ' -s c.«m? iioiib tjK AIDS Guilt hs'We dfon't.niiss ij t O'':.' ; Aye iffl.tytJMi'on Fndayyai .spin and .'.inserts Ilfs piece. Moods >•’ Ihe ( Fee V\ m t .mss lefts c l o :.: 1 ■ fn .v - in about the in (htobc' io'iv Matthew vep \(-.t New York: n tgaf - rted’ - i st'arge and Bunk tor piano .nut, ’ , ert Sefaev is , ■ i .-'tye VVith'. f oiiHience Concert aid was kidnapped..yesefely beaten iltaf there emerges a .mosaw .aym ox. . Summit ’ bi sprinc'v ,j W ! .vets - liariric!, Way.i'reniiered at svau.se ( tnversitv m Idyx iti 'Neves, ifienipss'tumg esem.Yif ways tied tt; a fence and left, n > Jtc N \ ause nig. and im portant as..ins s .ii-» (I see . re v .'ii tor general aslm ssinn and S I' . •, get ..i.ns.iVryeif ss oh ih e senes .'all * on-the waiis of |Ste.cfiurcSfe* ol the.-. r.d sfodci.it' and sci-s . -n/erfs ’ lo t tUsei will pfesent a diverse TnHn.uiue': I 'li'esl,Me".-.: f Chso-h V Mavos . : Vhrre s ( oltee o f h i' theater company rnasle six trips ssoyd- 'Nodo-'C s iv ir - : kt.e n'ros A..n, nn ot - evening of musts and will be sjtncd Spl I ' R islirs in' Westfield at ‘XlH-232- - set the course' ,i .o r' i w.ii hr held in * 0 M oft \ 'ihe Kcp ! heaterV-s., by seieia: fncnciv ta/e: sosahst HY M ethodist l n ocb. ‘V-estt s d Ihe ' oi visit www ciitleewithcon- r : a hat| ails! s*o* do, ii\' ' > > ” ; af'u.i1-csent.n.d‘-I he n ssch ... pi crams Ya" u ' • Is -..uv f c' i - >. ' , .sfftek is made pos"h-,■ ■ p,,:v H a sUCttCC w'fB ' ' din> interviews with the people or the D'eam catshet s all Ness )e.rse.s., ipiy : -s' u - • »,is .its. per' rns-t: INFOSOURCE FREE INFORMATION BY TELEPHONE • 24 HOURS A DAY BOOK REVIEWS LOTTERY RELIGION

908-686-9898 EXTENSION 3305 EXTENSION 1890 EXTENSION 3180

ENTERTAINMENT MOVIE REVIEWS I SOAPS/TV DRAMAS Press ’"e 4 : EXTENSION 3190 &&& EXTENSION 320i EXTENSION 3270 Call; (is ihe -- •::"*« Irom your touch tone phone want io hear FINANCIAL HOTLINE I MUSIC CHARTS SPORTS irtotocnce ■* a .’4 • . (Hear Unlimited mtormanoft »«'. >> * n ra cailetj EXTENSION 1250 EXTENSION 3550 EXTENSION 3000 get tr*e.'. nidfm'Atidn .'.’em:':the, ^Selections Per Gall Mtlecbons *bown by cauiftg i908'» 9898 Caw FR££ youf local 'va '-yj afua Osrt o’ arua HOROSCOPES N e w s h e a d l in e s TELEVISION - i - t a f da..-*, wolf tie bn'ed as tong distance "o n ;.' - ■">* < EXTENSION 3620 EXTENSION 1600 EXTENSION 3300




1 The D m DJ 5 Fanner tadpole 9 Relieves W1lat's Going On? 14 Skull session exchange 15 Lifelike 16 God. in Mecca FRIDAY, 17 Watkins _ _ .N Y SATURDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY 18 Pay up Match 21st 2003 March 15th 2003 March 21st, 22nd 2003 V if. s l itvpv Basket Bona- 19 Bright light EVENT EVENT Gyansc uvdgor F-ea Marsul EVENT PLACE jAsn«?& th# Apostle SsfV 20'A Little Night Music" PLACE Cranfcva Umtad Melhod si song C^UTCfl PLACE commwwt, ■ ■'' ' M’ " Y " liM E 1 ' jo in i L7k«tfCf3 3v! lahtfilllVU* CH *. 23 As soon as TIME 9am Jom PRICE ■A,t,4 s $9 50 CNSien $€ J>. PRICE fle e -A.; ' •Chestnut-SlrW!-A G w -t Avenue 24 On the other hand , loovt prc.viaed Uv tamous tut#, Clothe* 8*--. A 6-.iv ca Sate for TIME. ■ t m i v m - i m esUuia'itof weamcr N. 1 25 Suffered from P udber into 9C8-216-2 V J6 Saturday 9af’i-2pm * ,i B Y'Jrfi/sr aix3 theme :bi 28 Grade as papers ORGANIZATION ,nfaro Un.leo PRICE Free Aam-SS'i'v*. ; t .• , P-vj. c i# r' 31 Box top Ueirocs-sl Chu'cr . 473.37(5- ■ 34 Madison Square ORGANIZATION : J <' • - ” • ‘ 4 MaB t e w Garden, e g 3 6 ______thumps clumsy 37 PizatTo's conquest 38 "Man of La Mancha" High 5 offers discounts to teens song, with ’"he 42 Yard section 43 Chapter in iistory for area arts events this spring 44 Blood tine 45 Louvre display High 5 Tickets to the Arts entered" per torm aives bv so con space : . I'vvk ,Hit .M OM AY new 46 T he___Brothers ns seventh sea- tn s I f S u n * “ on sale Ian 2' . digV'PtO .fens.'he llia.Lentet,lot the 49 By all means1 she puNiiJiiott' >f'its Spring ;'nov ' No! ,( lee". N. : ■■Mo: . v -V .arid i he Vk h.mo N1 ..sci,;-: of EOPlll«tlWS«»vlCt 50 Tennis, term ( atalog. a hew AAeb site and imp.it Jay through Thursday, you can take > ■■.V.'V.’ . . 1- V ' And: if I s opcr.r.l' d 51 Gung-ho unt new programs designed to foster teen ti> any event w ith iw iM ," S ' l , > r'lfl High. ' s g 53 "The Phantom of the DOWN - 22 Bike 46 Undet wraps turn merest and vRk'iverljem h me tickets As long as a teen h u " me ' '' ■ :0j. ■ the New; Yore I: ih Opera" song, with 25 Israeli seaport 47 Pakistan city ■ aits .. ticket, the second tree livkc1 ..m he HpCra io < its t entet I ncores' and The ' 1 Apartment 26 Sir Galahad s garb 48 The Academy Dedicated to creating v.'ung used t" anvone a 'fellow leefc mr« f ' ‘err s even a section devoted 27 Grand Central ! 6-t Join 1 2 Run m place . Awards; et 3 • he arts. H r. ' -s the lor, teachet or paient < »« weekends :••■• t . epresentmg New York > Station, e g 62 M esad Range 3 Caught in the act 50 Feudal lord only organ/ation ottering teens thkets are S' each buf museum sp.,., sr- .peakmg sontingem 29 African capital product 4 Motto of the 52 Same here1 between she ages of 13 and Ik the admissions are two-tor ' ' arv time 63 Orchard unit 30 Hospital wmg Ihf >sr-s' wav to find .ml *hoo! Seabees 53 Nasty. •' widest variety ot arts and entertain . Or sheck out the lake ' l,,ogf.am, 6 4 Time is money e g ■ 5 f ilm director Zeffirelli ■ 31 Skeptical 54 Nullify •.esen! additions is to visit not |l the t Sl I'*.'. dwO. p it- where teachers student leaders pat . 65 Links rental 5 Lessee 32 F f to be tied 55 Saxophonist Getz h-gfr'tn oig where the listings are act S' a ticket lor come of live hottest ents and mentors v.»r* bus sis tickets 66 Trunk item t. Courtroom pledge 33 The Count 0! Mo-nte 56 Paychecx stub ;V.aied da. ' and v.vu'll know mtme ’ dance shows oil Rroadw.iv pla" ' .fit.$25. with, no'putv base I r t sv> 67 New York Yankees 8 Kind of dub Crtsto author letters dijteiv what . sold out and what s sic 3 5 “Oh bury me concerts, exhibits and pertomiance . iecf to availability, including adult ■■■ -.M -y y 9 Nesting : 57 Cable '■at as a ..Sr '.It ..hscrvhe to the A! 37 He s paid to play / pieces in new V on and Sew Jerses chaperones it's the I best (wav :■> take 68. iowa: State University lOD'Vw jp- ■ ' 58 Bleak Y - .. A..ess I pdates a nee weekly e-mao 39 Argument groups lor arts tun .inmnd tHTT’ity - c ty ' ■ ' ■ 1.1 Chopped Cabbage. •■■ 59 Head count reply '- .High ‘ ■ •■ tfen.hilanoys' , 40 Pension fund for 69 Foretoken 12 Puli d o w " don't hate '• be a '■■<* ’ her. anc* ’’-re ■ i •• ot l.o. soon 60 Adult to-be antidote'!.- an ad too-stuff's an w, fid . 1.1 Cows unc sows eg ■are' no.sem.ice;tees, t he only, fegfnffr' ; ' <0- '"•<.) or send f-marl to 4 ‘ "Spiish Splash" n.iPss' N- online or hv sending t 21 Pianos foes / -H-m is that v.<>; re ateefi: of parenr infinj high'nv org - singer ■' ■ • teaihc ■ who . s ,'eis ’"e .o’. . ■SUsIh.*> ■ mail to »ntv*uh»^5h \ org .And anv ANSWERS • • essential To get tic s c d . not take a , Dance l he- : iteh fnifTCHi tri g atsout the ah' , s lOjr i b ;hce vhauM M v i ahj! (he leen Review,--, available through High '. • call 212.: Sr.tMm 'Vvnj ; And t Yli.v'v I RaK Program, a aasik'vif’ I; ■ as vvelhas' participating , an j ! v gel m on cutlie VNigC $tt1 ■ ; :\i) \u*ck v f!KY.it u f li ng glass that Hcketmasic ouiiets ip all five bo»-.-. g HAM me ( I'rrrv I a the:4tef i.iihI . w-ih somewf the Chorus offers scholarships for musically inclined ■ « (ccHv - i.fv?\Hi\ h 1 . „ghs and selected s tes ib Sew Jcr he New V I, to n I head jh Vikk ■ Hickory free GhfeiL once' ."Hhikiirv.. t.'rc-s-- tijs. been .iwa' d? ui!\ n U>ffr»i'H! 4f! Antics and review ; App; . at t.s :v^s: ■ >e> ri. lading HMA Records, lower ■|s ■ the t e"fer Mac ( 4^tmiwDm . again otter J 5,: Okl'to..>uh.'ia-ruhfp■ ,1 ■; a-vt pv ...... in'- eft -.V/' 4K ^ - Nv-Kio vvf: (he •ape o f.a sk''i;per'C '!m a!K e.den'jm . R e c o rd '.a n d I he VA;,’ at. public ’ ijvhisuse (he f he ♦V ‘ iliCf . musically ■ ttfeaud. .young -worn*# - -■ , o the IRai i’ * g ’ e . . a- \- r * ’ apes biaries. and online at nsemhlr I'Gsw rights ft. Yfl\ : ntefeited m pursuing . the Hi?:-vhvYus- mcp.-rtSf.fs' reside s-. ' ' : . s'oec »»w -high'lix o-g titlering events DCTl nCV the rc.1?-. o’ Ask Tv mus'c ■■>.' ' Ovlaliffcd high sgti6>,i-senior .P ..'i-if:.. vpmpieted afpHgjirwm. ^and ’•orri through Mav II. the new cate •vner i Ns mpt -iv (> 4 N f Vk ' Rehearsing in - New .PfiividfSce. - w t o tapes must Sir .te a vesi bv she ,>g is alneads v»ul and tiskets for 652 York- il!laftriv»fiic an sv.mphv the chom> is j r area chipter .of Sw eet i ei Adelines Internationa.; an orgatiV.M- . . . . .' gt'd rli n o n of MUSMI women W uriitw idr. appV Siudenfs .shoii'd-also have Applications mav he requested by; dedicated to teaching, singing and applicd tor acceptance into, a music saflmg- saw s'') 24,"* r. sending c Classes to begin at Arts Guild performing a cappelli. four-part har . ■ s ets IV ■■ mail to ilickors rCsaaoi kom i ' Match it "c s nr" g ss' ed„ e de-"s ,o a ; e.c . • . v ■ ; 1 ! I . 4 .1. . mom of s lasses w '* begin a? the Aos Lruiid eveept as noted fot intro classes Most ... .Tbi".." Arts. ( i|i !a ' >-t Rai’was ' ,. • R.i-v.iv so iew . asses ■- ,e --. - - , asses carls i HOROSCOPE adde.*■provadi'rg oia'- v ‘ew !ea?»fig ■ t’ s-'*,., -v ! C I V ' s;- ■ ■ifs'o ire ffig;N|.y Rahway, at ’seminars . K H s ‘ f, . . > : ■ ■- • pi s, .i.-ii i , v .‘.1 m h a pier mistake and nw aNne « M 4 Avenue 1 "ng a nine March 17-23 2 2-1 2 Pert Joiand Dan NaWfd and l atoirne o'.-".! C . \ .)! kRIl N tan le t s g been "icleased to 'ho..'' pe- Vfs .. msihth season •• m Neptembe- ' >>■;■... ,■';. ■’■■" sior A: s'-asses nan to- e gb: weeks AA.. beet ' : ifoi . or be prepared tor a Im ancial instruction V't holij: aliveti i»n 1 O' lo Slav calm and, charinel : tension ■ gb sjuaf-ts nsua! arts b* New 'erses * upheaval It ‘ sour choise . • V i v-.iw -ig. V age degrees Ihnwjgh pfivsisal. astivmes ■sh.iip ■ uni*!', a muds series leatunng top ■* ominalc ibcu. ' I'lNClN heh |i March 2t> Rela • ' - ; (ipe- s-,.c ,. | fe fees!,vr scstyary StO(|rir»ts''it!f! voui .oilscm with" e.i.' w.-ik.-r- periormers in j/c and other styles livR V V p t 25 t K> ■ k; noitships are etnphavi/ed Spell mt Draw ng t iVc.itiodels.pose .for arlists -■?fspc,tis‘bk-';l-;-nat '■‘arts! ffialeriiiV- TAl K! s April 2" M' : . . a.-: qufsi! ins, ate,ui; is. ur ;rvln-ts. are v.Hir teelings to a loved one tn no 10 draw S' per session ' to 4 lo vv.epi tr" M and a growing out education program with husJten j i 101 '* « s v I-, i un-J wtthir- Scvk ihh'i t-a aiisi alls) unsenain terms, and itgurc ixit it .v p iv May 11 si. arg av a lible at teg strati isn't .viiLshorts (Of.all iev:: Ion I Pt-iisl the runs w bou N « ' I,mg. v aus» I mu- gets awav during a spi m ■■ ' ■ ■. o ■; ■. ■;■'■'■ ■ If your birthday is this week, d . A; ’ :; TUffirll.m N! • 'm.Kwir-*A\ .■p c ' s.-s .1 ."v:ii vvvish '■■.■'. -.-.■> The Arts I mild id Rjhwav isJedi m ORI’IO Oci 2a .N v 21 Refuse o o u i' ty-sl l.s keepv.Nfr: ltw*ugt}!-' JS-s; A l is t a" ’ . * -Yh M • ateu ihe presentation o f qualiN ViLMIM Mas 2 ’ luiie 2 tl ' up r,., '■".■: I ■ "■‘.■■■...S'"' in:- and upbeat sturmg Ihe-;;imlifry'' : ssgit>'■■'ft,tieiy..'evenings.;.; ■ ‘ ■ ; A ' sou I,- help a sontu-wd and unhappy . vcal■ 'A cm have a fqpxleKv ;ti*wirvf ■ "4 ,iwav ■. >xn The ■ ■ m s . um ilv member find direslion: a t>' see review and ebangs i wnvnmv. I’a "g AcrylK Pamimg Im rir : K.‘ 'cvrvc a hy ■ ■ with log is larmesv and respesi N k i.in \R II s \o.s 22 IV . 21. " n I ace a iimgh sK-si.-i tN . * I 5 .-CASPER June 22 July 22 l >nfide Thi'-n'o -i s . us.- i ‘rpiisravtiiuli.-'ii , : patfirt or elder iv iaffi.il>;; member wjlh ■ ■ i Mi p m tor ages: in o»a. ■ w'u Vr,t?;!T4Slvj.rKj^ si rrveanirtgl diteelion arid purpcise Iti our v our most private thougbtvt- a sibling vk ihe help of a counselor Inloimaikm t asses are appropriate foi stu ■ hi iE'tV- ' ves, v. ■i neighbor and they w t i *v- kept ■ altecting a relationship stimes lo light sat-. .Mak. to attetr-pi i N. m -s’f sjepttndabk kk.ake up and jssepi Ihe lasts gom-g and perhaps hospir.tbis S\ Vlsn burn this week VVi-ini-i V > ll-i'. July 2! Aug 22 i' Hih -V s ■ t l’ -1,ill, i ill itiv flail,' V ; impulsive unplanned y -vsessivelv on;, voui slailv (imfjtK'. and in will Andtevs George Benson ( ar! Rein eVtrav again; sprmhti'g Ik itfi Jet '■< m ■ ; : yueen I alitah and (iarv Niriise LOOK AT THIS A* *• “-rw* 1’^*.-.^4gfciw Let the Bible 51 1 Pet 4 i.i ill? Jesus Said “ Have You Not Read" * RATE!!!!!! [" IhtJftfflBD JOE J3QD

;t Catboiiasm teaches Mary remained a virgin after the bulb of Jesus Th« Bible teaches After pirth of Jesus Mary was mamed to Joseph and bore children Savings Account -1 Mat! 13 54-56 V 4 6 i 2 Gathoiicism leaches Bishops canno! be marn«J The Bible teaches Bishops overseers elders must be mamed having a wide and children no minimum anything ,1 Tim 3 1-7 4 1-3i 3 Catholicism teaches Pnests are catted "father The Bible teaches Jesus said to can no one un earth father. (religious.sensei You nave one father in Heaven (Watt 2 3 9 6 1-5) .4 Catholtcism teaches Baptism is a spnnkhng not a bunai The Bible teaches Baptism is a bunahRom 6 4, Col 2 12) . 5 Catholicism teaches Children mhent am from parents The Bible teaches Sin s NOT heredlanc-Th# individual yvhb sins veil d « for therr own sm Eze 1820 De„ 24 tpi Ana/ev4 Kmg i2 King 16..1-4-'fatherev.Hi. in case you didn’t know it, we He/ekiah good King i2 King 18 * 3i are open to the public 6 Catholicism teaches Pope‘S the head o' the church The Bible teaches hnst •• ■ 1 i • ‘ i • f ; ' s r ■ 1 22 Matt 28 ’8. Advanced Financial Services The Bible cieahy teaches that God s true Out mt irs(Rom 34 Jn 844 Federal Credit Union vVho do you believe^ Mar 785 Central Avenue ■ WheAiiwiei# ■Ra ,'T^# .S#ni*F*Ni 0f_.. New Providence, NJ 07974 T h e C h u r c h o f C h r is t 1-800-AFS-LOAN ■Matt ’6 ig Eph S 23 Rtyn <6 i* ); www afsfcu com Vf.vi, at- MiMeni M all * SaiM.24. Sunday lit A \ l H.-Sk- Study fJ 4 W H.vsbip Sen* 2913 V m ka il Road. Vauxhall. NI - \1 4 , U.v.-.-.wtuv ' « » /? « B ^ lc v VYa offer Bain, Bipie Studios Srea for tha Aakmg ...no' If vo«i be«e • Bible ftaettKMi PI#*** f *11 ( 9 0 8 ) 9 6 4 6 3 5 6 >u-r

Y :Y WORRAll NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, MARCH 13, 2003 - PAGE Alliance releases new Young Liza Minnelli was a gifted enigma ‘Class Act’ guide book


(4iK.ll h o i (i.H-dtno !«• Beilin *« that arts generate extite \A ilh Coban'I." ml Brnjdvvjv aiul in ibe ill*m n 1 i/a had (cached her top c.'jl. ,iik! -Ik- was alt *>l vear-. rdd .Stic. had. in I act. tv e ii ni>miiiait'd d the impact "I the arts m their lives I I hod .till.'''! Ill 1*169 tthl'li itk' * 4- mak ing a ditVercnee in the ennehntenl ■•JJ '.iear-s. oid lot I he Stcriic ■dikaltonai and outreash programming Cutkini. . vt tin- unic .-I >Hti inters ic* l i/.t .la- IS .c.ili old, PM a lea vvalii'ld ■A than !u:i m nlhfl had been •vti-.'ii she had staffed as DoriMhs in the etas Ml him. Hr- V\ i/ard .'I Oz ft a as dm fiif H * * 11 a * net s lit'l-.lvli V , and Prolessional training programs .old irttei Judy I iatlalld did tCicne a spi-iial

m a id Sill- a as llotmn.iU'il l.'l a a , 'll Jcn'iv ,d < >'. it in 1 '■>■'4 I in ' \ Star Is B**ni h*u 11* *si * nil io tiu iC Kelly and agairi iiv I jh j hu Tudgitieitt ai. .Nurdhjberg," ItisBigm Kita U u 'ii* ' 1 had maieed that during out mien v tew m t*)M ns the Jrcssme room at til.- 1‘api'i M ill dunne ( 7iriinai I i/a a nertiHis hvnagci appeared >• ■ lonely W hen she (atked whom hei knits she was animated, happy enlightened She. » J ' a arm and tncndly. her smile - her mother \ her tug round soulful eyes too .expressive t.*i one s.i young were espes tails impressive ’■ I lose I he ifie.iiel" she -a.,f vi'tj I mve (he movies, and all the people I wotk vsilli I especially lose musk and dancing and I Emm I'm going tv* make i t ' ' Bui when ii came lime to talk about hei personal life, she

Alliance offers savings with its Sampler Series’ cf Sampler s fcv-n?!miC t*' vsdct'rH' .ujdicf\c> . . _ 1 I' > .Op'': '' S S' ihrough then diSits as the. (heatersea o; ... ■ .* : A S * y -a! son locks miii high gear .leioss the o.iitse ->rg ‘i*,v.y.v ■late; - . the Sesv letses ■ 1 jyeatei \ rahi'e the imtihantieipaled muiteal .*. recent y*,launched,iis'. iWw'.WelS: " ' V l ’ ..o • ' A A A * . u ,o . I hearer i * " ■ v " ,1 . ' •- ■- s itlilll ■ iUIMM: Ar­ ' .o',.;'.'. ■ Bii'iiuSsniaii ' I tuts lies ouse Si all's the N.-w 1 s''scv P'e • o ' , vv hat's playing by flveatet: date, loan- Early Bird Specials 4 i v • i , - ‘ - V egetariiii: Dishes ieisivi!: ot -''“ .The... Tempest'' ' at; o' ' i ni-.-rtiiminctH ‘ - • i • VV v s si i v , v i Parts •K't.iunis Sero*.-*' the e ng»» e vey an * de- «*"sv . v - : r'JtS” Vld.l A i Vi dlKtris;K,v,rs the•; s -Q - ’ l a - Open " D.ivs Uughammutt musual sOniedy ■ „ . jijjl ...'V*: Ail Oil . ,'O.OlJ ■Rome* md' Berejdehe and wj .n as well as listin g * ot V s it » p l | - v Col. Tot Heverv uieru Ttvdav 649 Chestnut Street ■ D -. ns :•< >5b 1.1't' Theater, t ompaev *•'■ Maple ; • 7 .•iSSSS *».V* \\ .is.’' ' ■'»' <70 >prumfWI4 • Summit NJ O'^Ui 90X-964-X696 O' ■ : " 'vv ' e S to ni,n us' at the. liieaWf this winter ■" v : oo prem e;i o f ; 'Tulls .,( <>mm r ■ ■ v ' - p ■' o ; ■ ■ " eaters«flier a • a»t a rm ; . x ■ 'he s'atew ,te : and. rik " alls c c < ents that w ill aih■» 'heater'season .deJailtrtgdrhcyevvVwv audiences to. see the highest Quality International Buffet and many imvre.ts avadabv iiovv tfortt ...... |(J Mongolian Barbecue Gnll 4 Sushi Bar rOpcn for Lunch & Dinner ie Vv» Jersev I heater \ o • - home ' •' * ■ \: 123? W CHESTNUT ST i ' -.it ,os •' 1 " s ' ' i2J5!.8Gv;TE' 22 WEST].,- , tl iimtait VV V o VvOovvovi: UNISN, •m ii , " th e Sun. Tavern- in Mountainside waits on Route 22 Vhe':! 1-v.oer Vn-plei se-ies a.iH ; I I I y«K f.24 «>K*»8 • ' sevs .t «o . itj's ■< : V;.| ,! an • " 0: westbound for hungry patrons wTh.a taste.for relaxed I AX 908 624 9698 Jill,',.' ' • A ■ «t1oo nitheatreauaii's-- org • ■ V im ! ".me casual dmmg ' t 124 Rt. 22 West, Springfield many , othei prograRit* and, pubiua Sevs Jersey I heater Xlhaise Weh s it 973-467-H688 . -t o o . * *y .;•• ..O’, o. ■ I ‘ -I out more about New Jeisev s proles-; J u s t’ s :,fzf*v offered througb the New feisev 1 he .M lior IXprovided rr pail bs the. S ; k Associate, Editor / n/«'» f AuUiceiu ” 'ipemltief Ihrect from Pktn jt e i' Voi.t;k v'-v ; ' ,. v " NOV ‘ ". W helha it's burgets and.beers With the hoys.or a lantii. night oui lor ■. S»8b at . ■' e .' v . .o ' - ■ . ' ' • Valuta *' FKfttiA Sjko»Ii ol tkt Ihiv • (fuidtt* . ■: CMti'Cttc* - k»*it.ftk* jitict Whf a.U 'i 'SwcAi-tretk*'',' O' ' ■" : o * 1 - ■ \) \in and pop. the Sun Tavern in Mountainside is the place To head lunch Special aft-'Fif-ktaiii • FapfMi" [Midi* ' ■ " Convenienilv located on the vcedKnmd vi.k ■: Route the Sun > i tli fHtaMi‘ ( oflti ihinkt l u K , ,1 s"!i\ li.ym linindal *"'s .orf* Mb., .-v ' CHIPS 4 SALSA Tavern is a comfonahle, lamily lnemily inn teatunng a veealth of hearts tit MmvtfhkiK ^rvmplHiiu ( UIMIBI * FncxJ/s * 6 .7 5 After the movie join ua for * Fabuiou* ‘ *> • 1 P*.. . !>esseyjitid;indiv hkiii ;>■■■■ ■ ' .■ / ' fare, most rnxably a menu that boasts i 8 different styles of ptwaand a list French !>c«scrt or Crepe wrlh Coffey, etc of 24 extra toppings from which one can choose Often Mtm Hun 9 UhMto U J^fun My dimng iompanion and I started our nieal with a hal! rack of; baby Bill Van Sant, Editor 104 Walnut Avenue • Cranford back nbs and a new. menu item, the breaded and fried crab claws, accord';' 908 276 *030______fv •• - - ■ •’ ------panted by a Sam Adams and a Sierra Nesada, two of the more than half- Ofgan./atipns submitting releases to the entefta.nment secUor dozen beers on tap The nbs were perfectly cooked and accented by a \ V .\/ /I K m . - I can mail copy to 1291. StuyveSant Ave P O Box 3309 UmOO delicious sauce, just spicey enough wiihout being toe hot or overpower­ l.atsbito^cii 19flt» . Now Jersey 07083 TzvveitN ing the succulence o f the meal The crab daws were equally tasty, with Sennne Hue feed a CecinaHs ihe meat chopped and mixed in a dough, which was then deep fried n m tlm a m e m t Dipped in the sweet chili sauce accompanying the dish, this appetizer '!! it wii SIX ' ’ 4 m .I 196 ’ M orns Av. too U n io n was a'delightful change of pace from the usual mozzarella slicks and OPEN Z DAYS AW I l K MOK 6X7-4222 potato skins f- ’ ■ RSUXKTXdT I ...... - , , , *aw 'mi 16(0 Kl 27 For our main course, we bypassed the regular menu and opted foe E d is o n choices from among the specials Ms companion selected the T bone ;■ -i /PUNCH : 712 M8A 1664 T; ' • VINNIK. y steak which he described as having excellen texture The flavor s what I07Z Kl 22W you would expect a good steak to have," he said My choice was the 2401 it wood m m au ffl The James W ard-Mpiv. M o u n U m s id c 900 241 8386 Jj! 908 211 1118 broiled swordfish with a creamy ginger basil sauce which perfecils com­ o f Westfield plemented the moist flavor of the fish Both meals were accompanied by a more-than-generous sewing of sauteed vegetables which could have E l T o rito Available for your next Part made a meal on then own W vucan 7\esiaurante \N eddinj* or Special Event While my companion was too stuffed for dessert, l selected a slice of Open for lunch 4 Dinner the Heath Bar Cnmch ice cream pie. one of six such treats Also featured 1100AM To 10 OOPV i j k on the dessert menu are sorbets, tartuffo, cheesecake and a popular brow­ Authentic lu lita < 'uuiac Tuea toSun b, ob Spccisltv Paot* Dishes ■ Sestood nie sundae 1.7 U j , : r ( < .1M- t. ' V l n i - * ( m unnet Psarni The perfect destination for a relaxed good time w ith good food, the * M td ile n tn e u P u u C HII IIKINS M i m • Old WoetdDesserts Sun Tavern is sure to satisfv every taste that visits Authentic Mexican / u n it i sppunino A t xpressv Bsi The Sun Tavern is located at 1072 Route 22 west in Mountainside 7 Voa- 8*) S t*iH s ReKh v n ! ' >'»*)>• .OermrA OyiMWMMf wiih other locations in Union. Fanwoed/Scofeh Plains and Edisons The 1114 South Wood Ave . Linden -62i;N Stile# St • I indcn Mountainside restaurant can he' reached at 908-233 1138 908-523-1144 Contact David Mdq 908 925 1977 908-232-5445 . Maifdw i t.U*. * www eltofito.net ’ Legislation addresses COUNTY NEWS v m se M M j t W - 'pay to play' practice ■a. ^ A - - • ■■’ Freeholders forum

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*********************************************** WORRAU-NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, MARCH 13 ‘Chicago, ’ ‘Hours’ go toe to toe in race for Best Picture Oscar B> M Hill lti %XanSjnt •. ■ l l • .-fcv, , ■ riv. i t h U.iii«I tii’sl I’iviure liifi* ilk V.. 'ttst . -l; ...... » ■ /.n .-K ru lT ' .11...... !’ A "i... *t«i» I V l . i i li. iii, ! fh»- 1 : Xvvnciatt t ilifiir IW v Ms iait I ad> to.A o .0! A fto e " t« i ‘ih< an

ton, offer "utining for (he lie ■ bafloti. he 1: r.f d o r i from "yang r MiirurvSiii \Si ■the Musts Man I vs 0 I wers "' first oi dti the film “Hfl Dolls’ a. secure: a ’ ruiimiRditbUi jtof a seMWU?* Best I M P ee r Jack-Min. and oril> yfd well' n K.IUIU a---. .#.1 Is that the l( was in I'D2 that Oscar had his she \sjd e m V v_ hlS.U.if > f.Utv A cade d mtm>t- Iasi serious fling with a musical, Best If isjure gruic to a film in ihc •Ko 'enetjl \ assardtnc ( aharet eight ot that nt j Iks! I)ijftvior ntni In firs! hue ''‘ ithctif a musical H'af’s prizes, including Best lbrev band ll..tel' pivhcd up thi* Upv /if. *t*v ■ rd annual Best X-raled fet In oftc oi ihc Academy > mure . but bt'asted no v»lhcr fHvnj- How eve ' with (i. fu ilirtits fl, m leresl'fig svseeps. " ( 'aharet" holds Bi-Vt I’l.Ui'C, arid in ;Wt9, "Driving M*w , n't sh\ Hn.jdw.av M v-dv ash a. the ihe dubious distinction of being the m Pat way named Hes? Picture N u M r.1 He* ' S v p v i ,Jlkj |iu. \ )c!. film to ami (he trust ass aids w ilivui rw?i! to the atH • vleNfOc liniee Beu**lofd s iofui! I w? \ ; voie i a! Haft >.. the trim -. Wat w. snne reflected sin.the also lasing Best Picture I hat prize vnag a directing nod tng nominations I he oth h A.adem> .o Htiwevcr Os. nations ime attau went to "Ihc (lodtather. although Viso working .igsirnM ”1 ( i I R Picture nominees ofth is ! Pi'.ture to ntu i -.isisa, round itself '( a b a ie t' director Hob fosse edged i t . t , ,1 1, , the fact that it s a >cut«.*l the ontv » were horu.'»i! dramas and bvpu> Hv the 1‘P(k fraftciN Ford ( onpula out tn .ne lies! other tone the top . seann ( Hm. , Mks Jk „ no "*w 5 of Music," It could be I'ar. ir'ssas honored, as .Is ; freshes!. most fruv^pu the (.teal / cglc jvdme dosvri the pike 5«k | \ fare prize didn’t (TO ; , s s.iufbened and (U sed to that HolKssood has Bnails found a ptedec^o. had been tssu sears prior was of bringing Its oldparamour mto "The Pljnis!" is nofllkels tlifare other. vtHi, have Stepf ?*!ood> Hut e f fe tt le sv 'th e ir •An An ■ , -, ?lstcen!ui) we r the 'top cjtegors \ 1 ! Hours " Vktth both H ip I..,, , jU ei .,sed the buzz greater for '(hicugn' and top p n /es at she t udder des.ade drew fti a vlose < Nv.e -.vt -■ >„.,csstiil pci id at the il»Bdie*pped-»ec*ssilile 'Fhc Hours" hut the film w . base reaiK oruc again •*a \ melodw , ..ikurg ot The ■ I fading the race ssilh 11 mmnna •, .vnend w it'll- the long-stand ng wxH'pro.ir}AameM.tiv^: Hm world not onH take lies’ Hutu? . Best Picture award' Begin- tions, "Chicago" would normalls be scandal surrounding nominated VVhtk iKeyr usudik tea? ssv.v:' tHal \ i the 'ii awards won hv the obvious prediction tor Best Pic- director Roman PolansVi. who faces awards as wen Wes? Side Hfors. the decade t(C, but | 0n statutorv rape chargee Road from NY to LA was long for ’Chicago’ Test your trivia knowledge B> Hilt VanSant In any other season, that combina­ yyas atihosf scrapped lie reefcated the tPfned lb X s s ik late Editor tion would have made n the sensation situation -n the Best Pivture 1 \w.ods :>ie-!oiiovvmg year B. with Best Picture Oscar quiz \ VSiTii a near recoid-breat. I'v of the theater wi.rld. but it was some- Best Pkture (Hear nominations. "I hicago is wtijt upstaged hv another sensation afr/ed autobiographv hu which he -A M.is-.CaMot Walter Hotibie ilc (} f wo Best PuMufi* : r s hold Oh - \ . . i indeed a toddlin' town m 3(»>! j "singular sensation." to be pre- got a Mint a* is. -'.U !;.i ... - - ,si V." v - " - But ihe h-storv ..I "('tricavo' dales 1 vise also done loi iu "4 s ! . - . which Hs ■ ' 0 vv to •• • • *■ w ■ Ih'sf O'v sO > w l ng Hes! f U bark ncarts id searv. withspitie intc-i Ihe landmark musical "A t hv-rus -s.icpistcd -I|’:AII that fazZ’ a V i lie ,'Naughmr ■■ :< • ih song -tops jioitu the was I msf opened at the Mnrbert fhealei. v.itid-l p • c D.-s-."' and .ilv-: (• liereogi iph ( ) t>niv one mosje w .is warded He*1! Oh tu?e w ithvH»i i "( hicago. ' with music by John having mswed I’lssm ,'oseph I’app s v 1/ , ■ natu'ffs m anv other e;«tcV»*r vs W h.t! was, t bander and lyrics by fr'ed l.bh, Public theater, still in its infancy as a dejiyei' an t>.car honhiiaivd inm:a' fosse . --.r-e.-na! sgigmg a ni hvk Q CC hat do Best Pic-tiire-wirmers A n v:. and llsel -O! .ipvtnej «.n Broadwav -at-the -Ibth. developmental stage lor Broadwav wo'kaholiv vv--M.ini/ine ' arsl ovine R-'s . s- s ;-,, ' 11 t's - . " ' , ' bound shows . difecior’-chnre.'-g'.ipher I.H" -ti'nicon. R . Ro,:;-e-s ' i . • t he rest is theater history 1} What IS the on'v \ .-at.-ii ':>» I Us' I’-.' v .dsCvM and ■chpreii.gfitphevfv'iis. .I'Hc wthi rs,rti. (he iiudsT vrf pvIrtiTig "Ihe ■ respivf . •!-- Bi'iailyy-.ry the aiisweis to. last wv-cc s Best ibrevtoi Best v- ' egcndarS ylpb-.hosse. tfntydSyo-years - though fhev were both.nominated Sland-T -p ' amt '(aging 'V \ l A. ’he longest.rm.no.-g v . i . , | . \ nes. a M ■-> - aptH-a' " me A' • ' ' • ■' ' along with the ' jHer setiutc an enfertamment ic v id finis vers.,.i < HEcug.o ’■-■ f cI.iihI life f'liw version,'’. t foeag..- answers iii this week’s Best Pivtarc o.v ia - ' y,, !4|:-1 - h-c- became the;oid> persvihdo: ton's Award, both. Vgtdop and Riveia: Pahnei. w".-vv....y.ituied -v." - -• " llill fun Sun/. -v - i- t ‘ e. a .hinv-ahijraryd-ininv .],vs!,!.i thmiia McKechnic to' '.\CTib it 1 S . , s ! .»< fosse's not .mg vv-.-.. i I vent lure I Jiior -s-; Brtv ibnecftir -tn* a s-uclc veji rus t me.," and the same fjte foll-nsest HrtMdw.iv pays the’ VA i \ .vlt, ,.;v ■ .- It,-v.,. ' v- K-ir e.-. > i id .1 bh >■ ( abate! sssept :n esers other category tflctucbpg and (iideoiV.s e\ wife, and -tiroadw-iv ie.1- cd f. - ■ -i Hear ighl slat- Best Musical. Director. I.’hoteiigtaphv dafiser \i-.1- R.-i'ik-rie pi.,-;. : AinJ,-vviwi Correction tiC "k. UrCUHliflg I • '» •H ’. h«t fail ■tf, u • and Ss.ote. as weli as (ftbach . 'oss essehce hersell -the difeciot-cboteogi rtniHiy d ttttt ,. v t o ’tme’ iisv-w In the March 1’ed-’ -■• -nf, '.ewspajv- ' . \ va. mv \w rd> tvaturV. lake the tvtp pn/c Ptctiirc dbat. (ieorge Ros.e lor a res iva'i’f Ms i rapher's girtfucnd as Reinking 'isicl sovc-i'a.- se-:.,,: ,--- tcy-.’v.f New co me is ami seasoned vetenr-s t-e • . m --- ■ Os, • Vt*df TACflt t»1' \hi : 1' t o ’ I aits ' , one. ul Paly tw i. cafegOfte* been during the rnid- ' rv " - r-eRo\,e liar: v , , have listed Xswni.ite I ’.Mot B -Vat Vi*w-as - . ,u,o # which.it wasn’t votnpetmg with the, V sirCscsslui reviv ; I hw ago . . In ttv same edttion the answers n> the t Hear for 1 Y.'ur (ibitificc cat! cam extra uvomc Advertise them w ith a ciassiited ad b; "to I acts His Own ’ gendary t.vscft 'v'etdon, as the tuft futmarices . calling |.800 SM.*‘>11 **)shis Rosie Mart Shanng the hill as it - was during rehearsals f-’i. Velma'Kelts and Bills f lynn were the ,t hr. Ign i- It fi-ssv siilteicd a lilas .... less stellai t hita Kiveia a: d lens s-U near •" Is.k *i 0 -:1k' i'- e Oil'll i bba. t; ■■ k/it Mitt Atm far tit Btimri? Bill Van Sant. Editor £ $ y v c Mother the Good Home She s WAREHOUSE a 'V Deserves and Have Peace ot Mind ..Qr^dni/anon's su ^ -sectibcv Knowing She Is Well Cared to r ■ 1291 StuyvesamAve P p B.cx:di-09. :Um.on OPEN TO PUBLIC fye $r$ a famtfy rutf home *vf n i ■ Nevs Jersey 0’083 s \ M d d r J T 3 C=f V • ;- ■ -" - ' V i ' y. y_: shifting and the ^mosphe'e U: juhhj <.c c " ->• ;•»»«»•• j. FOR EVERYTHING yfi/f'sit*// . /Xf /A sirf/ ^ f/s/ . XT r//if A siihssTipitoiito >onr tiewcpaper keeps y.>iir college vtudenl close to iK'ttte- ^ TRUCKS • AUTOS • CELLULARS town activities ( alt Wb bXb '? ‘>1 for a special College rale w ■ LAPTOPS • CAMCORDERS *.• .'.i- - ■ -! * • ‘ . * "•-v- •' HOSPICE OF NEW JERSEY Phone (908) 352-7222 * Fax (908) 353-3214 Call For More Inlormalton 971 74A 4141 t Mill A»

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BARNES ANONOBLI c r o s s r o a d s . )M f N S HEADING GROUP BLUES SINGER ROB PAPPAROZZI River Rats will appear ,n concert Sat-..m , in Garwood For u \ .....it t , this page

Mtl'l .r " •' N -.S 1 - B ELA FLECK AND THE FLECK- ()l*KRA TONES - T ' BORIS GUOOUNOV • CHINESE PAINTER HS.U DAN '■>; THE ARTS GUILD OE RAHWAY c l a s s ic a l g u it a r is t C h r is t o PHERKENNIFF .

D a n c e HUBBARD STREET DANCE CHICA- MUSIC ON FIFTH GO . . ■ • , ‘ . P o e n n




•a. • -




BOOKS BY WOMEN. ABOUT Bill Van Sant, Editor WOMEN -w! ^ lirsi WMn*».1dv VIOLINIST SARAH CHANG a t

1 v . ‘V " .’V' ■‘'■■’V-■ . . ’

TMf LORD OF THE RINGS RE AO For- twc^atK^/caH 088.-466- V . * ' V R T' V# \ y . WESTFIELD COMMUNITY AY. ; h n ING GROUP t'*w!5 9m '•Vst Wed.fieS' *$ 9 ' Pi M.» r ■ TAINS "V

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Oia'IS-.. -lit'- ■' i. i. .i -ii-> ’ Tfachtr A»ii»t*nt Substitutt thr u y " n 1 "»■ ■■■ •V w 1 '-II - • f u m ;dr:y >■; R ' ■ ;C '. ■ ’ * '■ T M-t ' f «’•'*$ ' . ... • < . .If '!'•.' '1.- • ' f>©$'dW to< fc* .TWirt^''.;>r,KtK-■-'-I^Le:. "60 credit requirement lor Subedtute Cer­ v / • i -■ -- :*VH , < M tVWU* .* V * 1' s . ' tificate. Experience a plus >4 e mae ' l.l'i.-l we* - ' ill 888 . 1 • ORfVERS. WAN - a w a hufrjkihh >frt' •:: .y - - I 0 ■ . Hour* 8 JO-3 15 wwyy'r'ipa o rj W more ihfoWiatinn .Nation . • Y::'-K0 hy'-uiN a *-’ a ''Ck**5 . \~7i L V- ; ' ■•.y. >" . ■ ■ C ontact , 'wiiie;iiiaceml'i'v!;.-naiiahte- ' Diane Alter Directoi ■A-. ff r N , \4 ' I,'” '' « Mfc At i •>-.'■ ■ i ; - • * >.VA hirifiyj ifT-yCHtr'area*'Since -w© ye'." The Deron School The New Jersey Press Associalion can BRivERS CATO-M.,i^ ;*v'tw;l.iip ffofi. C>; ... ' " .-Mv ; : -m - v.;' ... 320 Second Avenue piace to u t 2*2 Display Ac in over 1J0 NJ vv • ' |hy ■:0 i d?f;f!•. '■' ' . u^tched'''ilfll)*lity'-;ilPd-'!he bcSf drivtiyi-^ Garwood. NJ 0702? ; *• -Ma n A ,?t■W-,.C9''.'tne«ii. l wee*i( newspapers for only $995 Can '•SfTUiie. dF'fl Tearns'.' ‘y - VK-s A4h m - -,b>' •. u -f .r tstfy f «irn*r 4 1 ;**‘f 900-301-0200 **’. >*Tt 51 L Diane Trent at N jP A at 60V-406-Q600 e«ten ACT IVE O N SON ■i .'.XfOtV 'AW firm 5Yie*s''W»c;,i.i. ■ .if i#.r %U*‘ , FIsk *•tfO tll "-A irvt >ltV1. Prf>:JxK 1 FAX 973-301-0256 4 .» e mail ;i!renl(®n||)a org for more . •1Jtr-i m A: ' T fatOfOL). '*!?(>ifA m Caii 1 k i ■ . T i ' iff S' pm MIf" f-f-jA EOE - -I,', on,III, '• .Nil'- ."W In -. . I..*’,’ ...... l-i*n Vito .' WWVt- 'vt . . ! •* 'l*r J-\$ ' ■able:- ! *Ti 7 ^ ' ...... A* i-rfiS V i K jO ' E AR N ) ) ! ■ -more S If per n-iie; .ushori.^erfor i year- ■Ru A 1: A;R F t ; e ... m Of 'i's t.rty-g! .yw ! '< ■ v;c* . PERSONALS : AMI; tW-••-TdOV. • V i : (< ■* trying ' N r ■* , - * .rt-.l •le.trliAtiC i-.r^ i y vMi'y . ’ • ADOPTION ROSIE O OONNE u S Rcsie ,C ';> . . ‘ '■ ,■•0- ‘ ; . An c«vi«re -. e hr i- .va', SNi as.h. Hi'.'ig BrnusVi'nia'aniee-! n. >Vntm.j"1 fee m ' ■ i f * ;i» . • re i ■______•. ' M E S S A G E - ' l .‘) -a «T'7 ", LAS T W O « a; . . i. I ...... i • 2 2 02 6 ••he Bane clearly teaches that. Jesus built ANN N t Mt NT V SV Hrftfvg' ^ ■ $>121 $28 18 s s .v ff»;>55 lHlfit Mi r 16 l6.'Eph5 23 'herelore aitihe arflerpnt i» w' U: t , ■ cy N t , o ,< . • • ' Acceptmg ml* ? D»V* .. . . , T ‘ «f v.-icjs t h in ihe frftte ate ~:hf 1*44 l ilism ioM -tt nlefesN* * *vu.T 1i * if t«- . !»’ ‘ ■ • ' . .;P*rvert*d.',Church*» set ,«■ hy Satan .■• • *8,4 A44 4 5 • * f itenvcfl 50^ Career Se' ■ v - • 4r;- AAA •' 1 . , A * should M* fdsuffte A:?*N iLWyPrlt ■-s Sevants - .ra 11 1.3 15 Matt 7 13- i v-'Mi Ath he *.• > !' .' ' . . ,M i. f • e*ami-ie Roman Catholicism • * ...... *«r ■ * . . •; •' *TTf N t ■ N ►♦OMC BA --FO Suimeks Our R« testae! Denominations 'eievangelisro ■«.' v invenm WfcDSCAt U ’X N 'i.;.AN c>xtf»F i C ^ ’if ■ . .VHA1 RECESSION- Ear". e«lra income f AYf'e • fe;-' the offkye #*very lay e With £61. a ' * , and Perilecoslalism etc e*'sts without Free •f’Eaticei Nf> E H *w w * KtitoWS T0d*v For •„i »-"■ i»«< ■ ' i. ■ i 11 - thus the ...!M av. me ;vet 'J in* .s'i«*Vi test’’ j *V>'f ■ 1 * • rs^.*f. 4 i,» •vhj for j'ftware to make freauehi end-Support 5a6-26!'T37* ; - essential head of every derrominefion A-wvk t om ;*e>f )»w» Fa* feyu};e fcxC'fi.lf.NT 'NGOME Bffeoriie a ' LieosatiOfppMn and full company ,f ■ . N'T ..Qm Ml. v T f x t t e 'Sy■ u S'> «-tay ii» - • ■* >' you want in on the ground fkY>» o f w e«ot from error s Fatal 'fiVWfS Oh VvfHyr £4#%'( Good eppoftindy 4-c-v-’ No tv.e .-nufrexJ rV Hi •rrf a career isn>vtwn ^-8-,272-8708 ,hd' new tyre contact us mme«3»atety ■ We offer' * •*> t M U ,-i,v h film jxtnf f-eA. £)»$*• Oh&hi. . fOf - pfrority . cort$KJ#falien 800-566-1636 extension 1726 BASIC BIBEE STUDIES FREE A, N ['NT«E-WNf:U« wWbbti Mi**! tie tat c •*».«• itSyjf © 1$ ‘ A ••-»49 e.fi-Wrt-' AWA—e*. under .arw^ - vi-. if you have a 8iMe Quest,r,'- : Artfof >a fr- »ftr ■■'A sr PersauC Evangelist hoju yvi ofit-mriec! NO^Th ' 1 ef$ iai : - ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT neVhvi .‘iCj'i ' - y'<' f'r^h A yC H IN '. Woman ..'•«•»5 [xm tion with jocw . ... - s i H' I,unify live -n oul H,)ice«eeping child v N 5 S ui'ln ■fyf&truc tmt& hwwief'i e#c©. iw«> •fc s ki »i.'ttfWf'Y’e v*fV*mrt 6«v noportufi'ty' "• 4 eldei -re Non yrmike* Mr* Bameh 9-73- INSTRUCTIONS 762 17J7- • Mo-| 4{»n«^ce. Sff.nMri - -n; -„u-r >11 .'I'. sTrtjp? ui r* --a* .!>«; M . *■. { s,«.. * '• '*u - j.;*■ y o ted M oda» h> # i as t'ntn 4 . >.$7 ;»s ih v f vale at PORTuGUtSt LADT will clean ,our home 4N.e I 4fts<>? -,i-'i% and Aft' ' 'hrit ffJday.8am ffpm * month ;i«K x©Laix , Mill F045 • C,v«t relerence*. own i-ansj-xlairv' . Call INSTRUCTIONS ___ • . . i| * - - . . y i i \ ' : r V«^uflni '.."-Si ,'. V • ;• ■ S-;' .fsapel 906-151 2436 ’ ■ f .{.•T,'-'N:S'r' fiy 'Mrtv- HIGH SCHOOL Diploma 'our to s* , , ■ | KS wore taking care ol eider , monlhs no classes M6472-#052 Th« * * ■ ■ ■ y{>r>.ri.-. -e? • t ; ,.pf ■ % -t 3 wdi do- wfhat 5#?f C iAt , -r ii.it-,silting h»r transportatioh good ’ iv ” - '(|pU-S, university School 385! Mam Street BP1 ; :'>e;':\'e.- '-L'hI '•-'•hu it tape's 5{>-. m a l* ' it htd avaiWWe Monday ih;-.- i n:-at . B.Ut. •:«'VAN-’ • -• fcttOdiy 1ifnaft.iaoi:, . - '' ' .yrnE ' ' .. ' : Q -e *t. • ■ ■ " TpU TiWf ,x ;yrt time -■A-r-'v*. - , tryi.e a Cat?' 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The Woirtd - ' 4. . . * . ■ekMM hay* EXPfRt CoOY£¥pi4*hve v n a oes C.'ah J m ra t «I.A ■ . f N; f ' tl:-.>*Uff'N".i',h .ovi r t w i v1’- t4d»e*otf" ' 3 , •-.»•*,* », rt0,- W4ct(ftS-‘ . , Thproiighty ScreeneS . j [m*E*i l am up kl$4i» im t" tfaw* I»t«nw6«l Must %*ve owr^ triimoort.4 • 10 Overhill Road, Oakhurst, NJ CAREGIVERS NEEDEO fsg fijl henefrts C'#8 At ^gflt C&tfM&t W - (IR E SO F b e in g LAtE FOR WORA' Ww* tl>t i.fY,? -ii .m .n H a lle m tjtin * oi ric»4 M-f 9^fW:*ipfn Li •eg $ ’ KXi w««*ly Start Th M) (732)493-0339 »,,, lfv# hoyff No C*« 973-^62-0183 « Mud n w w to ,yl A'v'm ’ *i'-■>.11*978? , . v }T,i- j” Wfi'T'f .*%’*• Sr GOVf HNMf NT f*OS m * f i 124 Dunnell Rd f » e - i ■;.■ r*»^ for appitc^ Maplewood NJ 07040 Horn* ln»t»«d S»mo* C»f» . • -1, , • y. or fa* covet letter and resume to »rj-?is-7070 971 275-1692 . ' is the strength behind democracy. Pan ftme for ■upacw© i ADVERTISE Advertise It All no .•««*'v -ty. new* .«u ** 4* MaAi ' V J oil report* On The Internet sr t>t I'ut , LocalSource A ^ t P jrt Tjrpjp ^ c ADVERTISING SALES t2sm Mu fi ! On nr. t.i the Biiarii ot Line Worrall Comiiiunity Newspapers is looking arc the J ear* o f all o f m tor experienced and aggressive salespeople >\ ■ Vewspate)* whiih puhliihc* 1$ newspaper* verttaf 26 town* ha* ifenirfE* ‘—I- riT 'itt’i- ihTt*-E-**c> jrirt ■Hn.'m i:?™nfv ti^ttim--3f-Vvitt rtHRL y«u- lot outside and inside sales I anting m imfiltf* ioTorn Canavan PO H i v- , i. N I ,',!*■■ -i jjv ti -l*i«i, h*f. 4!A« potential commensurate \v ith experience Call Now'! Bt part of a company whose mission is In preserve democracy. in . Hi ( all for appointment (900) 686-7700 Wor-all Vwypapcr* i* an csjuj; opfSMiumt* emplfver 1- 800- 564-8911 www.Ux alsourt e com UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED PAGE BIO - THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 2003 MASONRY RUBBISH REMOVAL BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES INSTRUCTIONS CARPENTRY FINANCIAL SERVICES D O l T Y O l ) r s e l f JOE OOMAN 90* *86 1124 DECKS paul s Masonry ALL DAY HAULING "s - cmn 0y T'Qt^ - HANDS OH SEMINAR Ai!er,4tii>n$ Repair* Kitchens; Atoe* incK & Concrete Specials C o m p le te Clean Up Service inckide* :>0 New o*frams: » r«* «i* ■ .9 ^ ' L:3w.. T;|KM) * * W A Yip> Bemnit AHIce Genge* E llllll A lt TYPES OF SEPA/PS P R ti GRANTS NE.M R .m o.ai of ANYTHING * EVERYTHING CAPPUCCINO iT. CARPETING Low Rite* Si Oieeounle Don AntoncHi Royal Linoleum * Rup Co 90&-964-1554 201-436-7732 ' <** A • ., v . •**. . ***/■* imam F#El>HSUi fEEL YOU.BEST iN .1 Yxsti' MICHAEL JAY STUDIOS MOVING-STORAGE SPECIAL SERVICES All N.'ww, Pc>K*f» VISA »0*-»*4-412r MC STOF> F ^ YOW KANGAROO MEN • Ml'i'jH itef CEILINGS Atm-u 90* 206-0T8? 'ASSr4 e*ten^i^ T it M h*.'i SPRAY TEXTURED wwiwifitrv->ri9e'i9eas5i!.t,wKse com ..MrWY*:i -74M J .* > - We Hop To It INSTALLATIONS 973-228-2653 64771. • -ca?s Ntjs. TILE REPAIRS, CLEANED \ , « REMOVAL START Y O o R. HOMt 8,1^} ViUOi f frwitontfc cew SCHAEFER MOVING fan «?3 4»-«3Po Todav' W t vV-# 17a*rv ta rn $$$ r- 1 800 295 1990 Reliable, Very low rales, mtssiwis T.-^vei Part-T M IS a i I.ANKOl S FLOORS m t n < UK mh«u.. » non » eitwee* , 2 Hour Minimum, CUSTOM FLOOR DESIGN ru « -T ^ fri-Ym S247- AAA EDWARD JONES Same Rates 7 Days CLEANING SERVICE WW W rtryx ' wn Insured Free Estimates MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE V l EASING •HL>W1 •• • *■-»•”> Call Anytime .908-964-1216 !»£! EfAUi’tS FU..I NSLAt: 1 yPAf* t'tuNVi^nc^ i@s i!Ml ’ Lic e v i. SALEM FLOORS , \ f ANiNG '-LW' CES- A - ‘ Set Wood Floors * Sanding PAINTING TREE EXPERTS 30 ApsKlfTVefYl . Offices • Relinishing • Staining : * »* flip i>{ t'w e ittw fo t D«k ABSOUTTE PAJKT1NG i-iftO .. Ki n ■ .,0,10 ^7,v-4#1 • Pickling - Waxing 80YLE TREE SURGERY CO - M a in te n a n c e H u n t ; ESTABLISHED 1922 973-868-8450 ■ur ijn m • •>% i 3 ' i * - TREE * STUMP REMOVAL ,;'fWi toil <'4 Hinycv The Very Best CAU-- UENNYTWANO PRUNING ourself Ideas l »4f- Mf,D*Ai0 SU.PPi KJy iraV ?u It* tn u ttftf. ;.. ( |* .titmn VrViit;r: 906-273-6025 TREE SURGERY IN & ALL US BRANCHES •A w " c u nERS LEADERS BILL S PAINTING 6 CARPENTRY Union Cv’% *T W«F‘ • . • • i.s. Fvme- . 908-964-9358 973-912-0061 GUnERS-LEADERS , -.,•■,,!•! 732-574 973 715-5276 UNDERGROUND DRAINS •v\> Spnngft*i WOODSTACK HOUSE PAIKT1NG ■ TREE SERVICE HOME AND OFFICE AVERAGE HOUSE S 4M ’ 0 Local Tree Company CLEANING ArHfprv.:.H»#*t •* 'f* . Aa R h a . ■ . V \ \ JOB S ’ -1 HKi 'R TOO SMAL. Mark Meise, 973-228-4965 i . *» * i- - : t AN A , , Vi V A 4 RkEY • - ' u iHBHVS PAINTING i HANDYMAN 908-276-5752 ‘ -VE5 TAK a AMNOSfWiXfc j=s] i -M-aiTEs a ,5:. 732-541-5479 ANTHONYS HANDYMAN SER WATERPROOFING VICE Any ' ! tiviuif, f. <;• '* LETICIA S CLEANING SERVICE n . 908-851-9597 908 HILLSIDE PAINTING S PLAS VT FRENCH DRAINS & ' . ‘ 85-1-2355 TERING ' WATERPROOFING ■ ■ ’ ’ 973 ; . ' JOHN S GENERAL REPAIRS O tiw n Vtirtc INwIl a* !t V ; a ,k ■ n . i. i 1. k 908-353-8607 We will take care of alt 'H I* ,i? "Tv Insult* •OutSKlt.' p.Vniif.H* your water problems • CLEANUP RUBBISH REMOVAL* • vjrp ^ls C HOUSE PAINTING S INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR 908-964-8228 ; > u '/ : ' ••. v Fully Insured -No K'vl fiK' \ ,v«l Free Estimates MATTRESSES! BOX SPRINGS Call 908-624-0797 Dumps!*' Rental STEVE R0ZANSKI i IU SINKSS 1,»we»*i Anne IVsk • V» '** lH«k. F*. Aat« Clean-Up Services HEALTH 8 FITNESS 908-686-6455 OITORII M l lh> C4»‘ Demolition A'l FURNITURE 908-688-7354 J . aial..fc '• M iNTf SIOR PAIN,t>NG . D E C K POVyERW a S m iNG, . • - 908 24* J550 WATERPROOFING • s ’ AINiNG “ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES PAULS CLEAN-UP Mi'NpR REPAIRS i fciia fn d m .Wu> iK * 'itAi/* i !■■<>' ,V :> > T it- hi'Yh-1 '1 :. . CAU PH I- 90* Jt:’-6*4* J! .-Of’ 1? n ■ h , . ‘w • v.j. * t a>" S' *P Still t y MlWeP* M •»» W * f»»« tfe 11 * e' •• MARCKETTA PAINTING MOO s: I Mil P

- ’* VfofUY Haii (>U4fintrr v 908-964-1554 ttKVY' M -V 'tW '' * **•■*■* **»•* HEATING SUPPLIES COMPUTER 973-564-9201 WHOLESALE Meatus,; Supp&r- Sonnghek! My M.J -:t*-AS s rf : • A • . !,,i'lift*' :■ *# *' N v T WE1NSTOCKSUPPLY - PLUMBINGHEATING !□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ • * .-•*•••• 1 “*■ NfMfKWHl T->- >V fv*« O***? * *. -•'■ * . HANOVER SUPPLY rivi'%tr ■ *ilv 0£> ^ SivwkJV 4, ax*** ,V8*’ ■ •; : . BLEIWEIS PLUMBING A HEATING • • Get The Facts... ^ COMPUTER SERVICES •08-666-7415 And Get In The J ' M A I SR 6 PAUL SCMOENWAl OER HOME HEALTH CARE Eelablntheo T912 C lassifieds! 3 90i W \ it's the tfusiest wav Ic ...... CONTRACTOR rtiatKi thousands pi I MKO CONTRACTORS In. .■ ■ U ~. »> 4*. 4 " L''te'Mtial truyt*"- ' >!y*?iy’ Vtf>«k . HOME IMPROVEMENTS PLUMBlN&HEAfiNG !• ‘J : i - ' ■ " '- r -! BILL KROPUCK GENtRAl CONTRACTOR .'L i yty sate all tfip'.-t«w'. FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS Li.-! T-i. U Is 1 DECKS SANARTE INC GARAGEYARD SALES Do»» Your H m iu N»vJ A f l u u B dthfoom * Sh#«tfOC>. .... RECYCLING Fim»h#d Attfc Call Bill As; ‘ • • ' »'< tAf«nckm»-Dod#i. imp»ov#m#nt» MAI WEINSTEIN SONS INC ODD JOBS AROUHO Th € HOUSE ■' •«*wa*,**#Mfc*iPtvm . 973-586-4804 - ■ • v n a "‘jv'.-i.M' *.*. cs. t .yi>'.M; • BfK.ii .4. 973-313-9487 Free Estimates f -S’ .S SEKN l(T S «7k E O A N O R tA OIIHUI) 973-218-1991 ROOFING CARLSON BROTHERS ROOFING Cell S0I-241 1ST) iKemlworth! ELECTRICIANS CAPE ! OO E25CC WIiat's Co'mq On AIR CONDITIONING BsitvU **'00 ABLE CLCCTNIC SPt.'iEVEL *2*oe 'if i .4 t w l -vvi't *»«?<<•* i/ghlf W t t t t ' t d o i n g O t l I } .-! cventv I.>t •>.*n Tfca3*f?i 973-239-5235 C alf BOB M B 208 9 I'tiifu iTj!.trli/.i(n*n' It i' PR I P AID j ik I «.i>'t' jti't SJO < n* KREDER ELECTRIC. INC. PLAZA HOME IMPROVEMENTS lor J weeks in i ssex ( im nl) nr 1 hiirn ( ourHV .unl iti'i BATHROOMS RatnMnlial Commarcal. Intfuatr.ai S KHK) (or both ( otinlies Yout mWie e must he in .>ne < >1 FREE ESDMATES TOMMES TILE out Otfiecs h\ 4 Mi I’M on Monday toi.puWkatitin the Call Tom REGROUTING SERVICE followini: I hutsilas Oftiees oui .livateii at if>j Valley Si 973-762-6203 R#t#fe''’-:r -A * A-Mt ’e * S' ’ 32 m 1H 2 UNION - 908-851-9108 M . v jja t k l K ii ( H .ilic e . t>(«-| i l v m M Pro*aaaion«l Service Owner Ooeielor ■ f 1 J D «OOrt»#G CONtBACTOR x.r- yf *N’ ;4 1-800-735-6134 BkstjmlteUi or ! ’**! StuYvesatu Ave 1 moil BUILDING SUPPLIES - . ■* i FENCING 4 AM m** •. *Al firCKy'tHC* ANtl V . ■ NAME ___ _ P hone A PLAIA & SON ’.ties 1 - W6122A637 fence e*pertly installed .ear ADDRESS. round New and 'ppairs Free ROOFING ZIP E shmaies (908) 654-5222 LANDSCAPING CITY _____- TOM'S FENCING D 0N0FRI0 4 SON ESSEX. UNION- COMBO PUZZLE - i j' - : • S ^,^l • f- ALL TYPES Write voUr ad in spaces below and mail In P»# Eftifti^fi lrnwf»d NEW AND REPAIR WORK \l 1 M WSI'VPE RN NO JOB TOO SMALL , MARK MFISf 973-228-4965 1*0 Hus I5S Maplev*othI, \ J t t l o 4 FREE ESTIMATES m STOP LEAKS’ ■ CLARKBmiQlRS'mC' : CALL: 908-272-5692 973-763-8911 : " -v kWits ■- - ■ v FINANCING EXTRA MILE LANDSCAPING , • - -: • -■? • ifSQ V *1S4Mt.7y fjfKff* tjr«o« i Couhl*** *

« »0»- 9*4-0*31 t «•- f 12 311 BOBO 1 800 SHADY PINES LANDSCAPING PRICE RUBBISH REMOVAL . ■ ' \ ■ FINANCIAL SERVICES , ORGANIZATION 908 688 1621 For more information call (800) 564-8911 Ofrtrt :WT!f7 ADVERTISE y CORW> «»vCt UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED THURSDAY, MARCH 13 2003 — PAGE B11 REAL ESTATE

APARTMENT TO RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE SPRING? 1EU) TROY v*»ge NEW JERSEY MORTGAGE RATES apartment includes washer dry «!of heattKM **itef $ t€€ F O R UPDATED RATES CALL INFOSOURCE 908-686-9898 AND DIAL THE LENDER CODE 'All rMl o u t* advtnuac! hartin i> tub- Lease secunty AvaiiaWe April $>§7 LOOK FOR THESE LENDERS ON THE INTERNET ft WWW CMI-MORTGAGEINFO COM |*ct (0 th* F *d » r*lF a ir Housing Act. which make* it illtgal to td v tftix any Su m m it c a r r ia g e housv PRODUCT prufaranca limiut-on. 01 diacrimmatton j«rpge iMvale estate setting. $95 906-879-6800 Invettor* Savings Bk 80D-252-8119 batad on rtca colot, ttligion aai hand­ •utilities No pets Business per icap. lamilial ttatut o< national otigm tarred include references when ,30 YEAR FIXED 0 0 0 5 6 9 APP or Intanhon to meka any tu ch prafar- to P O 6oa #1314 Summit NJ 0; j § YEAR FIXED 3 00 I 5 23 1 p p p UNION 2 8COROC anca. limitation of ditcrlmination “ $ 2 9 5 "Wt will not knowingly accapl any UNION, 2 BEDROOMS: new bathroom rtetghtwfwM $«OS advartiling lor raal aitata which n m vitcfen washer dryer ba-tiwondffews pri­ •nation vitit www fan Credit problalm solution*. Purchase Preapptoval* trig number 10 violation ol 'ha iw All ptrtona art hara- vate entrance walk to new Iran $'175 a Columbia Bank 800-522-4167 Kentwood Financial by informal, hat all dwtllinga advartitad month !- !? month security available Apr# 603 7S54o.4 art availablt on an tquil opportunity 1st 908-6*7-9030 YEAR FIXE b a a it" UNION 1 BEDROOM mobile home vA uXMALE UNION ' bedroom upper cane Estates tivW , park Wyttkept apartment First nssniri »~secunty needed c*uas included $22 iXJO Can witt APARTMENT TO RENT Call for |umbo mortgage rati 20 Year Fined 6 50%. 0 pointy 5 65 APR $'5C including utilities 9Q8-239-5.14G lions ERA Sunda* Realty GrCup in B E u E V iU E LARGE 1 bedroom )900 964-3003 Lighthouse Mortgage 800-784-1331 WINTER SPECIAL Springfield Last month Comnet/Fmr Cmwlth Bk 800 924-9091 Ail utilities and parking metudefl No 'ee free1 t bedroom luxury apartment 2. as hr" 30 V£AR FIXED Can Sdsan 973-429-6444 dryer;AC Nopals 973-376-0770 OUT-OF-STATE y e a r f ix e d Bl o o m fie l d * v i r o o m s 2nd tioor 30 YR JUMBO Pay own u * * * No pets wall 8am-Spm FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT ADJOINS STATE I.AN0 5 A. No Application, commitment oi broker lees' Conyistaritly lower than thy fast1 A.enable A.m. 1st »?J.?4J-»G91 orea-e $19:900. Now $12 900 Must sell' message WEST ORANGE Llewellyn Motel Conve­ round road ewe mins to Water First Saving* Bank 732 7265450 N F O » nient to transportation Rales from $1.10 Great tea hunter or snowmob<« 30 YEAR FIXED MAPLEWOOD ..*. BEDROOMS, new weekly Cats 973-731-8845 or terms won I last1 ' 800- kitchen watt to tram park - Aage Washe' 973-.736-183B www moosenvertaivt tom T5 - E AR FIXED dryer perking avaaaMe $1400 negotiable Cal Dense jerry 973-76J.6394 ‘ HOUSE TO RENT FARM ESTATE Sale 4- Acres Re * 15 year fixed is biweekly WWW lo.ansaaich cbm ------1 " ------$39 900 Field* woods sin at tews1 MAPLEWOOD 3 1 2 ROOMS carpeting $0 DOWN HOMES Go.emmeril and Bans p^neci horse Farm' EZ terms fumy Flagstar Bank 973-726 3218 Synergy Bank no pets parking utilities nbf mduded $900 ■ , A I-*.A V . 30 YEAR FIXED V V2 month.set,unisr--eWkfabta -April 1st. For listings now' 800-501-7777 extension ___- — ------—— 9T3-T62.28W " 15 YEAR'FIXED FREE INFORMATION and hr t",,rr - reunify 55- starting at $22'-.: NEWARK NEAR HILLSIDE Bridge Loans. Construction Financing OPEN 7 DAYS HteM.protducts1.1 v a tlafote piga'se gooiac STUDIO 1 ANO 2 BEDROOMS VACATIONS RENTALS Single * Multi-family homes in South* Very Specious he,* Quiet Budding 4 ------*------Call HeyrTiand Realty Free Union Center NaCI Bk 9066669500 Neighborhood Near 'rantportatmn GOT A TIME SHARE or Campground Mem- t.800-631.5509 30.Y E A R F IX E D ; F 75 i 0 3C 1 .5 8 9 ‘ APP Supenor Service Program bersfkp*5 W e» Take It! Americas Largest compfl#d on March 7 2003 YEAR FiXEC- ' . . J 5 00. i I' 523' FEE ON SITE SECURITY Ciearinghdose Sefkng’ Buying'Rerttirtg' UPSTATE SACRIFICE '5 Acres- $«<•»». SECURE UNDERGROUND PARKING flail RESORT PROPERTY RESALES AT 1 .‘roods views incredible country selling' HIP Not provid#d by institution 5- T 30 Y R • . . r A ' i j - J 0 .0 0 .1 .5 32 1 $ 350 . Call Ms D for appointment 6 JCL423 Aj6? Electric survey terms' Call New' 888-925 LuvaMod Proaiam Available mmmm ’ 9277. www upstate hY tat*) torn. 973-705-8488 ContAv? •4».'xxr» cotXAr''’% ada-l*** '"’-ay at>p-V V . ORANGE o f ST Orange borer,. On.-r 1 -■ D t ’ A I K S T A T F I y To smetoh inkymat^r «nm<5 - bedroom apartment -iewt, Jecorated l \ !-■ 1 s . 1 ..J a /» -< . ■ ADVERTISE • o i t , i ' ,;,tjf * ' A mciudes new ttyg. stove refrigerate* u t*- / ' - ties $850 month nionth security 913-872- St // Your H om o All real estate advertised herein is sub- list* Your C a rd $r/l lour Honui 1 - 8 0 0 * 5 6 4 - 8 ‘> 11 |ect to the Federal 'Fatr Houstng Act. In !'lit, < ><>m UNION which makys it illygal to advertise any UNION preference limitation, pr discrimination ( /ll S sl/lt’t/ \ 11 c i.A ssii ii:i> based, on rice; color, religion, tax hand­ UI.ASSIFIEI> St M ull stnti I.nal I. > 1 s i f ti' i i - icap. familial status, or national origin . it it,.- I*iti-nt * (All, Of mtanb -n to maka any such prefer­ Quick And Convenient CALL XVVVNS Ivu .n -. t.t( ( . . -u- ence, limitation, or discrimlnaltdn:" "We Will not knowingly accept any SPRINGFIELD PiNEVfW Gntoens V arid advertising for reai estate which is :m 1 bedroom i.vwnhoutes from $1 625 Nice violation of the law . All parson* are here­ location Newly renovated Close to mayor by informed that alt dwellings advertised highways Call 973-564-11663 are available on an equal opportunity ■basis."; MOBILE HOMES

G ig a n t ic r v s e l l O f e Nenneasi iargetl Rv to im C M * * huge stWeetxjn of U W m - : / ? new jsea Rv S marked- at; .i tug reduction*'■ Scott Motor Coach fd« free to Quick And Convenient 866 286-.'.'.'.’ www vuttrv com

“ r r " AUTO SPECIAL 20 word* 10 WEEK&flt EKpaturtt kt S3B-00 W UNION LOt v n tir TO WEEKS ut KxpoMire lor 8 5 9 .0 0 HI UNION and ESSEX COUNTY, For More Information

UNION - Cape Cod in excellent condition boasts 4 BR s UNION - Spacious Colonial boasts 4 BR s, 1.1 baths, LR DR 3 FB’s, lacu/zi tub, hw floors, fin bsmt A deck LR, FDR. EIK, huge walk up attic & unfinished U N I9 4 9 9 Offered at $269,000 basement Lots of potential: UNI803S 1Ye buy houses Offered at $249,900 Gel Pre-Approved before you look. Ron Sharpe Realty Coldwell Banker Mortgage make* it easy 1-888-367-6918 3 2 Moms Ave , Springfield, N J 4$r/,lFwv.l/ vw y f* t / ■> * // V* / r/ l.vu.vr kritivo «” J,. I W " • 1., 4..I Irkvii, ,n vtiui,, « " « l » v. -l.i mu -..l-.t-l' 973 - 376-8700 Inion wwwiuldwflltiankrrnmvrvium »»« iiililwfllbanktr.cnm u r ( hcstnut Street '♦te '.2*. as-- k«td»eUh«fkk*' >>•<*' 908.688.3000 IU;viot'VT'wL- iMqtMvf; :tef«y* INiak*'* ^ J tfis. *sii IS. >■■.•■ 1.1 Ul U l Lwtc 'if'-* 4 H >..« f«f««

[II S c f)t ■L S f SPRINGFIELD EAST HANOVER Oh a quiet sheet 3 BR Colonial Bfand new xslinq Bnauiifui 4 BR Another one of new Elk f 5. updated baths home with many, new updates by Jill Guzman ’Our Success Stories’ forma- dining A living 'oom w%e 'Oof. doot maste' * sdting area Congratulations place CA across from ho LR w 5re p lace. 2 >u> bath and Meet Carmen Matos, Proud F ROM CONTRACT TO CLOSING worshij $380 000 mych more $365 000 New Homeowner of 855 “.A SKLLKRS GUIDE TO SUCCESS” f letaLAyemtfi. £iiiabe!tLJU Hy fill (iu/man

\ imi hair in.dr unr nf thv mult impor'ant dmiHihi tuu hair drtidrd In ivll ',i,n h.uriv I'rih .p i ihiv driiiiu n n dur tii a rrliH.aUnn p rrh .p i it 11 din- !<■ •Deat Jitt a nerd tii upyradr p rfh .p i it ii fat rrh rrm ritt \V h . lr i f f the rraiiin the goal 11 am sc ,er> grateful to Jill Gu2man Realty ana Caftos Camacnc for helping me the tarnr arriving at a iiiiuutti and happi iluung every step of the way in m , purchase of my new home ; have deaf! with other Real Estate n the oast ana non* can compare in anyway whatsoever to the I hrrr ifr m.m ktrp* that . muit bf tlimhrd o* thf ruuif to thti gnal service of J i Guzman Realty Carlos was with me t i the closing ana beyona I hnr uuludr The features that most impressed /m was the promptness with which Jill REAL ESTATE SERVICES \ \ thiiniugfi yregiulllkilM of thv tiuirr tl A lunniful kutirnn Hviivw Prnod Guzman and Cartas always responded to my calls ana needs Jill Guzman 'S m all Town Service, Big City Results < Srititing thv 2nd dr|Kinl u» thv propvrti Realty is my Reaito'for tiM.' www homefrontrealestate com It Mimnnui tnipritiuni uuludmg tngiaming. I ryd I’.int, Sincerely Inmitv Vtunuip.l inipritiiuiv, K.ilmi Vppt.iul and a ufithclori walk Carme- Matos Ihruugh. rtt vu vli ■■-■'.'■ In iirdvr in .rrtiv at a lunriiful iliiung raih id thrkr ilrpi and miirv muit br addrrvwd in a prulvHimul fnanhvr WE JAM THE m E R S OUT O f FIRST TIM M IH 6 AMD SC LLm m At Jill t.uynnn ttrah*. Inc a nail u l all full lunr profniiunali ‘SS5 FLORAL AVENUE, *AS USTED THRU 6ARDEN STATE MLS k SOLD drdualr . hundird priivnl in r4«h and nvri ilwnl making rvrtain that vvvn BY CARLOS CAMACHO OF JILL (UZMAN REALTY, INC " purckawr and konwawnrf ihakr hand, and aihwir ihrtr gnat a happi (luting. With m«ir than M ivan „f lull umr vtpvnrncr. Jill 11 m iu lird in ra th and “OUR SUCCESS STORIES’ ARE NEVER EN0IN6 n rn Ir.nniiuin I In ahilit, >4 J iff I .urman Kralti i ilift tn prolidv TfdK >0 ‘ -UST YOUR HOME WITH IIU 6UZMAN REALTY. INC ANO BECOME III I I I 1 'tllu M ll Si HMi F in Ihrrt languagvi h umquv' ONE OF *0UR SUCCESS STORIES" -OUR BEST REFERENCE IS YOUR NEIGHBOR" HILLSIDE I hinking (II Sailing knur Humv ' ( all Ihr prufriiinnali 51 Jill I,urman Kralfi Ini and mu (an hr cvriain uf a vmimth and happi duung •vw.jillguzmanrealty.com Mixed-use comer propertym good condition offers storefront ♦ 3 NOW PROUDLY CELEBRATING OUR 14TH ANNIVERSARY!!! BR apartment ♦ 3 car garage f. ample on street parking H its \M Tit I F « AS W Kit 11 s Kk JII I (it /M 5S B K O kl K OF Excellent location easy access to all (najor highways & airport KFf URIIHlK Jll I (,1,/MkS RMl 13 IM I Realize maximum income potential @ $269,900' ______n r is l.T CU7MAN RFAIH INI Jill (,u:mwn ha* «t ktextd th f ultimate JILL GUZMAN REALTY, INC Glen Volluro, Broker JtUWi turn <»/ bring among the TOf* 1 \ mart than < approx j '$40 Activt Heal 71 EL MORA AVE., ELIZABETH / $tair hrufnuunmh b\ un«^ of tr%hmgi u»M 76 ELM0RA AVENUE, ELIZABETH, NE* JERSEY 07202 HI 1155 Liberty Avenue 908- 353-6611 m t k t w a r *000 . Hillside, New Jersey 07205 FAX; 908-353-5080 (908) 351-7000 fax: (908) 353-0232 www JiltGu/manRealty com W ORRAll NEWSPAPERS PAGE B12 - THURSDAY, MARCH 13. 2003 PEOPLE IN THE NEWS ( I M \ \ M s O'Boyle named president of Wewhi Couto joins RE/MAX Mars i Jen O'Bovle. a sale- MW viak* * \\h Burger!} i‘k \> ttcvtueki t Vseh.1 . wp ' s i ’ll dent of the Boaid Director** tor ihr pam \ \sv4fd< Urvatcr l rnon t ourtv \vM*ojtu»n ol M W Rei aPk* lo o t Rcaliors t) Boy Je ha> a viftHig histo­ '-%um A gf* i i ! 1a)t |f* pfispeftie ry u’ih the a>v^non by ^filing in President's l lut Weschen y annual vale* as^ a iht* bftiftj ffiltiv *199$ u> Z m \ 2 .n s at: ous v hairs The ineater l! mon < oufH ( jw a»dt> w ,s ;ht‘ ’ '•*' n. WticiNwl- B'earfUri & \s v ‘A.uirum »> ime of '4 rv^ofiijJ" hen's 'U r w o ITic

-W >jf Sew Cs \s she vs tfi tv among mosc rnmomi w SSlV \ chruars to* the;* entry into the club T .mi honored 10 >eru’ as pre>| Duong 2(#H. MwaUhs fooched a dim .it .the locuiii i mon i oums v. tfiV* nnU*Mi>nc bv earning a pUve m \v»i,M.i!ii'r) o’ Kcuilots, surd Wc'.chftlw **1H» Market Club bv mar t) Bov!e, !t w vonuoftini! K’ ■•*floVv Acting motc JKimgs than anv other that '■sc have na?s>ifanons arc w ,w .!.w« named the lop selling and list «i raw* v>otv based, ahere we have the ; ng agent m Wenhert s I men oftkt* m .tippurtuiuiv u> stHufUcc.1 and -appt ’ : , our follow jnsvn. a'Cs’ abd H a :c> Kathvts ancvncfwH talented real denfiai communities/ -o.ee professional whose dedication \ vales assoc tale fo? year" and cvpeneiKc can be >ccn in even () Bov c verederumk she mde hold'eg ,s{v-. • her w o rk ,' Sptiiane the Certified Residenua! speuaM Gwaldis in top 1 percent UAj'-dts !' a memberM she COtH and Ciraduale Realtors Institute dev-g -Bob SniljOiK’. the. ^ h muna,$j Nc-.s fcrsscS M ittw n Dollar S a t* und - Mu’Wicd i mb She i> also a nwmPet , ' '.He o *i! I’icMOcm'' (Tub and ihe '.Ciyrwets/icft''--^b:iV k .v ; \ . rv-\car vefc.tarh'f the- real estate ;.nt;'V>v-.>••■}. ( twaidfs in a ionsisfent U»p - -vfaltsr jn avidituvii she is a membe* n? pftvkN\H\nal orgaru/alii^tv s^igh .»> *hc \css t \nma latiiHi vd ReaiUifs thic Natixuy \NvKtalmn of Realtors and the i I-C..U * f asten V hio»t ( «>urt\ , r . ■• • R.m ’ ■ 'tY l* • vNmtavf iY *uidis, caii W eivhert\ Union Office • 1307 Stuyvcsant Avc. • 908 6X7 4800 y S ;m *J \\ s’ tv hen R eai ?^rs based tn ’V|cm s MHI 82“ 22 i : p a..*’> h.»s n-i-re than ,J (i-d->wr j-Upgap,... • . i:iV .'C‘ C\ 'P " Y " ! '£A% •> N e w Jersey { 1 u !jui!im.ii iruinc t’or j Urge njlromil i . - f t i?avh-!'g ffiii C't.iie Properties -..A-:; m >,in.no pails ,it';the.'eoum\ lie ■enunis u member »>! ibe Reu' i state ! VlMni.IlliH! I’ih'r u> thjit. he..'S|ame bachelor s degree m Congratulations To You, Our Award Winners 1v;c itiaeagen'enr and earned !He p .• e '0»!iidte-'ceriiticjt'.ons n ,t.n.r io e .r. .uim an arid boici schrols ( ombvun.tts »ervice >s a targe pari K r.: c'.i! A.- ;. -: I: A . \.t p.Vils liw.i.s .a Hw (ie He recenlty a Thank You ' ■ c : . Vv ' ■ " r " ' O' ;• '* ■ ; I \ f| r ■ I . -'M’l'iiv Ifrsr g.ulb is h\. n Edueaboli ymrdatum, »brcb Exceptional Service < or-- Ha and Congratulations M . -Be goal o) raising funds /of spe . i- . -. i ; ist. . • . i To Int-r.is ,ii\: tairiiifs vtaiprt)ieci!M H ihe schtK>l s.vsieni il at m eredbv the budget He also e Tti*dt^vj'Rif-'Htp-\ie*jf.sif.p.',he'rew-«iri}s - \'C\ ' ' s Vi 1 • pas? m V :. . r .ir,; it-sp.’r'iblliiyTu. .■ jjS.'tn: •:v -v u i; :k. R tjlty 'N'.p»vgran --- ■ • •'... ikv --.fe, sV .>rn: ti-..U VtTv ■ ■ ,'V ib jt-v i 'wt-mpid'er>: ' A.....-- .'I ,i'u -...M e n ots ^ivt*: ■ . 'M ■ : " - : if. av. ...-ot: ■ r t'ra?it:t'vid; Noes iotsos .pi.rJ V t 's' i rrfU vc^r.T pau.v. Exceptional Service i k u liv sis:k-u-U'.uited ' J,, alHl vie - - Oavh,i k S h a v'ommuh'.vN h itko fi ;n'> ■ nupv■ ■. n ktu kn * \v h MCh.\»f Vkhuc Rcai tv > >pi>lihtifi’d S\ Volunteer ir.itnef o f the etbi.s p.-f ■ " Beth Wne Kohbi l Ad In ii nen Mien bc> " e -‘.r He - >- Kathleen Frese .&nm»4 Unrat alve been on the Prote'sitmal star .laids Vommutee. and he is .o'rew it ’(git pfesuiem.eles! Prior io the; PS IP M l I Tt MUJJOS DOUAK ( I LP 'Hfiger ol the Wes|f;e;d Hi r.' iireatri I-astern Boards of Rea'iy'rs .he'also »as on the board nr direco's at i neater I aster, along * d h being .-i the MI S ttcidmdmg .omutHier Weisbrod has beer, an inslrutiot for the V is Jerses AssiViation ot Realtens' Graduate Realtor .Institute I vdld ind»r»rt: H«l*n »«r**t* " KrUtcn ^rrn* ( YT-.tht* Cihiww - program and sened 'it treasurer of " . Sew Jerses ( hap te rof l ertitied Real I stale Brokerage He earned the URI A < RS and t RB desigtiaftons and s a iwmbet of the Resaderuai Sale* ( l U r*)! H* among the first <(*> NrmONMM#4Mt Realtors in the l S to res-eH e- the ness e Pro BHI certification from the National Association of Realtors He htdds a broker's license m txuh Nes* lersey and Florida, where he attends 'es|uired continuing education Weisbrod also wrote a real estate PRUDENT!Al. NF.W JERSEY PROPERTIFJS WFRSITF - www.PruNowJerscy.com column for Comcast < able compa nv 's Web si le eiioilm g the benefits ot Rea tors He. .sac aiso asked to be a. beta-tester for f >»'pers and i s brand Millbum Office - School House Plaza, 374 Millburn Avenue ■ 973/467-3883 Price Waterhouse TU pS real estate^ accounting system and Nuper l M-\ Offices Serving Northern and Central New Jersey - An Independently Owned & Operated Member of The Prudential Real Estate Affiliates, Inc ' Market Ana ssa'ftssare ’


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S L w P in m )0 u « SSSvitoLrr BUZ3 4 OH M «niainin SSUirMPliilini. USaurlHCDII *a *n t* Ws l V a i » , )fi tfW IFi.Vli » 4 0 'm -1 « * l, s#-, * a,* * ; « a **v a n # «s * . M -V; if-. * tR.'i;?#* •Ni-^V rw^”. fi n. he iMre* N 1 'KM IliiW '4o*1 . .«« a»aa»»a' ?«« W .#* #** «.. . **r «-■ ' . w .»4 • * » « * * * »«i! sa* iMiiii .. ««* a*r, ** M?e . . * « ' 9 «»* * dhRU*«rW« .. . i S M K W I * ■ ■ awiiw«; * • ! * : t m t m I ...... M ff

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C H iv e o iiT

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kmm 0 m (Wwokt t. q*M> hi ol Wr«^ who* *» **■»!*t» « « •* ***B '03 * m fWVftosshL lor
