r j r ) Spectator $ i Id-TJ Serving Linden and Roselle LINDEN, N.J., VOL. 86 NO, 09 THURSDAY, MARCH 13. ?003 TWO SECTIO Mayor’s new Caddy stirs up political opponc (rregono changes curs evers two years when Gray I,mo. w bo serves on the council - Vehi­ should set an example Hx A linh a j Hassan . enter and ulttvewol garage door opener cles and Equipment < omnuttee, -aid ibe city In :<Ki; the cits spent VI’-’ ' It also tcaturcs a DVD navigation system, the lease empires \s a practice, the cite then s ta ff \A rite r changes tor the 2t*U i adillav andS ’’o' 5b .toi purchases the .ai outright, and it is used by has always provided .1 vehicle lor Hs lop otli I mtj«< M,nin lobr- Gregorio j'offj; * *! tor tae continental lanted States jnd pait' pt gasviline. according to (he cuc hudgel depan-. amvther ,ilx official . : l , several nihci .My officials will he ruling ip Canada that is mounted on a n fonch touch "When Paul Wcrhimestet was mayor. vie. me.m s.reen and can be voice activated The policy of the mayor getting a luxury luxury (banks to the city RiM tim a>lcr wh:iv h " Hutik .used.; rear even -two sears was , Mu.-cc he .* ) got bun j car loo," she said (he mayor the The Ci!;. Council. K> an S-2 sole receniK . Ibe cos has been led during the past; week deserves a car in w hich he cun be proud, to requirCv1 i (1k* bti n)t eare •About be Acting Mayot ( buries Crane. ac Ciregono ,. .i'K ’I members as c.itv'ess upending Ros' approved a rtiwilultoi' to lease a 2tX*5 (, adillav W \\ ,|N speui on 'mailLteircini.e and dents base expressed their dismay with ibe sit­ dove state officials in It M were .molHer A i . ' ' * ; IVV(He DHS for the mavnr ll o a two-veai vc,is hosptiali/ed With buck problems I low ev >T;ta >4 mayor we would do the same thing A»AI 25 h >ward i ’ta! i X2 Alt er, he wus discharged from t ornell Medical uation in letters and phone c alls to this ne w ■ ; agreement, costing the city V*1'* monthly ..t the w etV ts jft.e a! ihe -e-i■ P.iMgt ivs'iXd paper - W etkn ester, w n -.w a s * . ■*.*• • (KCgiri.-s i'K'l.sis automobile. .1 ’ **>' : t enter in Sew York ( tty on March ft Repie. : -Ufl HhJrgw- II v ,,,n vveity.t.o reduce spending s(;;"i I'l'H and now is a trustee ol the local ( t >j |i •tig to. ! f-inarvr.'; l avliiu DeV.lie wit*. sl.gMU <u>u ’nan scntatives from hi* office said he was “reeu we do *> 'cud by > x implt she. >.he .... , i Hon toi P o o r, a! \C tii m s .i,! •> - t . it o'*, was Salmon I m k h i miles, will be used by CtKmsil frtti ;vra : (' " ... mere considerate of the community s needs. Ace. >rdmg 10 the state I hfpart:mciv t to m /lem ian said he was given the Road mallet spends monev tnxoliyusly." Kith Ward ( o Mi dent Robert Hufk It had been pun based toi "Thcv used to get Pontiac s tor iliem.tywf mutiny AOairs. a gov e r'o ilm t'm a i cannot which has more than IOO.ihni miles on it cilman Richard tiefbounka, an independent i5 ? ■ r pOMtKHt ttf'H V tife UOYVarfaim *d ptiv and regular critic ot the mayor who voic’d and then thev switched.over to Oldsmohiles use thee H„nk bid piestous's d :n ,'. ■ .‘Wh Hi-’ck because his previous car, u l*nD Chevy Werkmiester s.iij "We received -’tie even ( apnee police cruiser .us in bud condition aguirist the resolution, said ■ ; 'Rdadmaste'. which w-T '< Iw d h' Oty- tvvur years, not two He insisted on a t .niillav Hunk said the m u..n s car fs priina.td.s ' Ibe mayor justifies u be saving it is a - I ngtnecr John/lemtan ■pm n n the mattei. as any com p'.im ts thev perk That tsTi lot tor someone who alreudv, It is ridiculous and outrageous ' the city pu ke up all o i'th e expenses for the ttscJ lor business purposes in.iv receive must he lec-iexced before they can makes MiKv.otsi a year It is absurd " ■ The former max or said the-car. prcfmmee vehicle*. including insurance, gas. repairs etc “We go out with dttherent digmlanes state .should be, more indicative o f the, city cine rep- ptiwide 'nsight The local girytfttimenf.ethi.es and business officials, lhal come into the cits fellow independent. Rth Ward ( ouneilmun i hiet Financial QITicer Joseph Suhga said (he ,i"> ,.,i:sisi .a codes.' ..* p .";o o ft, a s must Hob Fta/ter. also soled against the,resolution tesenix automobiles ire ourned and maintained hx (he i,, do business Hunk said Tie should have a reasonable vat. he said follow, to ax old peiiaitiv ' Bunk cited an example front' last summer, 'I ihmk i! was ludicrous: he said "W e -c ity ■ ■ ( ti\ Mtotnev I'dwald h- ; iv said the have a budget crunch It is at)insult fo the res He doesn’tneed a ( udrllac Ihiv is a blue liregortoV new ,ai includes such reline when New York t ux officials came to i mden collar town When the lav rate goes .u p -i!1 issue has .more to dc\ vvtlh policy, .than with lo examine the nieriis o f proposed trash Harts idents to l inden We are going to spend S’ 4. incnts as a leather interior. # si* dnt > b. points, tins is not necessary'Tt is nke people', ethos 'H e added that the ( tv < oundf ter station in Trcmley Point. motion more this seat" - -■•■ ■■ .hanger,, an \M satellite radio.-programmable - reviewed pw fewilimon and 'they approved tt Second Ward Council woman Virginia on welfare having a t avhilav I he navor auto d*s" . lock settings- dmer mjosmutioii ' l it) olTui.ils s.iid Ibis is n'olhmg new as Teacher contract will go back to mediation• a • Hx Nicholas I utTredu new contract for the mcmbc's - if the longer than the state icqairx"* sa > 0H* Mv'i-vlu ■ a! the Hoari! o!'Education Managing J ditor RF A I he teachers and support staff dav would not have to .fie .;Vuule up v.'e ::a- nice* .- be..'use there appa ihe long standing impasse who comprise the union have heen But. she dtvl .as that K-th . \vefe ently is tnxt .'*'■ accer•table agreeme between the Roselle Board of I duca- working under the lertiis ot their old able to agree o'- a Tav a tm p; .the : as to when the-dav wd i he tivade tip; tum and the Rosehc Pdueation Asso­ contract since it lapsed l.ts( summer mediation sessron hu'Hs did -that ■".!t vse si'/eed ciation appeared to culmm.ue in .1 let' Tt is a hie weight that has been She characterteed the ci.mi s-*n.'->' -hun!d s? . k with n lalise agreement in the wee hours.ol lifted oil ,n me shoulders.' Burns iis j show of iHnni' taitb, flUhU: or 'hv M arch 5 said at thg time mterc-■? ol ci^tprw m #- However, it seems as it K ith sides Hut a logjam has developed con­ ‘ J here should be some- norm will he forced to go h.uk into media cerning the Rl A s decision to not here." she c.ud - mg the dispute sma- turn with l omtinc Tcsauro of the Puh repo't to work on Nov A t lection Both sidex have b'eem u n a b le ■ he Emplovees Relations Commission Dav they had held that t w.,s withm ptoeije cunuucfuu! derajis its ihe xlti'Acfopnxcn! siVifij; UkU suic‘' due to a sucking p oint relating to ,i .oh their right* to not come to work oh agreement itiusChe separtdefy ratified' ' ad .agreed, on the make-up dax the action that the Rl A staged Ml Nos em­ w ‘,al is a public holiday . by bbth the nieitlhets vm the k f X m i date o t.w jltch she c.-nid me po v .Me ber Nupc mendem of Schools Darlene the hoard - "Thu is very upsetting R! A Roberto acknowledges that the Rl A She worried that the dove! ■pment Prcsidem (iem Hum* said was w ithin Ms rights to do so, but that The m cirtvrs arc vefv.ah.x.ous to X.otrxf w ind up 'topping the m e" hers Representatives from both sides legally (he day must be made up ratify ." Hums s.nd tr >m vv. fki'-c in 'he .ippn-pnjie tjsh left tJte nine-hour session w ith what Hum- contends that the members I he . omray‘t wo,' deemed unac­ i : sec ( ( IN I k A< I Page ’• they thought was an agreement on a ot the Rl A .dreads "work ox daxs ceptable and unable to. he ra H 'cd on Borough taxpayers face $438 school hike Hx A lu ih a j H aw aii Among the usual expo .. there has been a T 5 t 2(1 percent tnc * v*.t v- ■staff AAriler mextieal benefit* and corffractu.il salary mereits The average property owner m Roselle max hevuhieettoa Y4>' lax increase I here, were cuts modi' y the budget.
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