Quantized Refrigerator for an Atomic Cloud
Quantized refrigerator for an atomic cloud Wolfgang Niedenzu1, Igor Mazets2,3, Gershon Kurizki4, and Fred Jendrzejewski5 1Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Innsbruck, Technikerstraße 21a, A-6020 Innsbruck, Austria 2Vienna Center for Quantum Science and Technology (VCQ), Atominstitut, TU Wien, 1020 Vienna, Austria 3Wolfgang Pauli Institute, c/o Fakultät für Mathematik, Universität Wien, 1090 Vienna, Austria 4Department of Chemical Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 7610001, Israel 5Heidelberg University, Kirchhoff-Institut für Physik, Im Neuenheimer Feld 227, D-69120 Heidelberg, Germany June 24, 2019 We propose to implement a quantized ther- a) mal machine based on a mixture of two atomic species. One atomic species implements the working medium and the other implements two (cold and hot) baths. We show that such a setup can be employed for the refrigeration of a large bosonic cloud starting above and end- ing below the condensation threshold. We ana- lyze its operation in a regime conforming to the b) quantized Otto cycle and discuss the prospects for continuous-cycle operation, addressing the experimental as well as theoretical limitations. <latexit sha1_base64="xPORfqE4jiv0WYJsIrI5dlUB7fE=">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</latexit>Beyond
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