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Sports Opinion Ski for Light Let’s call it « Kunst og kultur – det er turns 40 hjertets sunne galskap. » “inheritance” Read more on page 5 – Tor Åge Bringsværd Read more on page 6 Norwegian American Weekly

Vol. 126 No. 6 February 13, 2015 Established May 17, 1889 • Formerly Western and Nordisk Tidende $2.00 per copy Harriet Backer, gifted, determined artist

Jill Beatty Daughters of

Harriet Backer (January 21, 1845— March 25, 1932) was a Norwegian painter who achieved recognition in her own time and was a pioneer among female artists both in the Nordic countries and in Europe gener- ally. She is best known for her detailed inte- rior scenes, communicated with rich colors and exquisite lighting. Harriet Backer was one of four daugh- ters born to Nils and Sophie Backer. They resided in Holmestrand, Vestfold, Norway. Her father Nils was a ship merchant, and her mother had come from a wealthy family. Their status in life enabled the girls to have a cultured upbringing, an education with fo- cus in music and the arts. Each of the sisters was gifted. Harriet’s younger sister Agathe (Backer Grøndahl), became a well known concert pianist, and is considered Norway’s greatest female composer. The eldest sister Inga was educated as a singer in , but she only shared her talent with the family, and not professionally. Her youngest sister Margrethe was a painter. She also was the Senior Matron at the Royal Palace, and in addition to her work, she had eight children, which allowed little time to pursue an artistic career. Harriet started her career differently than her sisters. Initially she had a great in- terest to write novels and tales and become an author. When her family moved to Chris- tiania () in 1856, she attended the Nis- Photo: Wikimedia Commons Harriet Backer’s “Aften, interiør” (Evening, interior). See > backer, page 14 What’s inside? News 2-3 Business 4 E-reading probed: is it effective? Sports 5 M. Michael Brady ter for Reading and Language Research at Opinion 6-7 , Norway Tuffts University, recently discovered wide- Taste of Norway 8 spread concern about the impact of the trend As we all know, reading is one of the on comprehension. After publishing Proust Travel 9 three R’s that we pick up in primary school. and the Squid: The story and Science of the Roots & Connections 10 “Reading, and ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic” in the Reading Brain (Further reading) in 2008, she Obituaries & Religion 11 chorus of School Days, a 1907 pop song, received hundreds of letters from academics In Your Neighborhood 12-13 lauds the teaching of them that was first who agonized over the effects of diminish- mentioned in print in 1818, in an annual sup- ing reading skills on the professions. Evi- Norwegian Heritage 14 plement of The Lady’s Magazine, a British dence suggests that the more reading shifts Arts & Entertainment 15 monthly. The foundation of that teaching is Back Page 16 older still, having been mentioned in AD 401 See > e-reading, page 15 in The Confessions of Saint Augustine. $1 = NOK 7.598 Despite being ingrained, reading now Photo courtesy of Dr. Jeannie Batchelor, updated 02/09/2015 apparently is an endangered skill, ever more University of Kent so as much of our daily reading has shifted First mention in print of “the three R’s,” in an- In comparison from paper to screen. Cognitive neurosci- nual supplement of British monthly The Lady’s 01/09/2015 7.6711 entist Maryanne Wolf, Director of the Cen- Magazine for 1818 (Vol. XLIX). 08/09/2014 6.2336 02/09/2014 6.1767 2 • February 13, 2015 norwegian american weekly Nyheter fra Norge Nyheter Bro kollapset på E18 Blir ingen Omgjør sykehusplanene i Oslo Mannen Administrerende direktør E18 ved Bentsrud i Holmestrand er stengt for Bjørn Erikstein ved Oslo univer- tiggeforbud sitetssykehus sier til TV 2 at det på all trafikk etter at broen delvis har kollapset nåværende tidspunkt er lite realistisk å Senterpartiet vil likevel finansiere prosjektet, det såkalte Cam- pus Oslo. — Vi har hatt en omfattende ikke stemme for et høringsrunde og lyttet til innspillene nasjonalt tiggeforbud vi har fått. Vi har også gjennomført en grundig, ekstern kvalitetssikring av alle alternativer i den første rapporten. NRK Vi ser nå at full samling på Gaustad — Stortingsgruppen har bestemt at vi på det nåværende tidspunkt synes lite ikke vil støtte forslaget om et tiggeforbud realistisk å finansiere, sier Erikstein. som nå er sendt på høring, sier parlamenta- Planen var å få til en samlokalisering risk leder til NTB. på Gaustad-området, noe som også Regjeringen var avhengig av støtte fra skulle innebære å legge Ringveien i Senterpartiet for å få vedtatt tiggeforbudet. tunnel. Prislappen ville komme på om Justisdepartementet kommer nå til å droppe lag 40 milliarder kroner. I stedet er hele forslaget om tiggeforbud. planen å gå for flere mindre alternativ, Peter Christian Frølich (H) i justiskomi- blant annet et eget sykehus til Oslo. Foto: Frode Hansen / VG teen bekrefter dette. Hvor dette skal ligge er uklart, men En del av Skjeggestad bro har kollapset etter jordmassene under sklidde ut. — Vi har trukket forslaget, som opprin- både Aker og en sentral plassering på nelig kom fra et stortingsflertall, om å inn­ Oslo Øst har tidligere vært lansert. — Det er ingen meldinger om skadede føre et nasjonalt tiggeforbud, sier Frølich til (NRK) VG mennesker eller biler. Slik sett har det gått NRK. Tyrkia lar flyktninger reise til Norge Skjeggestad bro har fått seg en alvorlig bra, men det er store materielle skader og Landsmøtet i Senterpartiet vedtok for to knekk. Broen ligger noen hundre meter nord veien er stengt på uvisst tid, sier Reinhartsen. år siden å støtte forslaget fra Høyre og Frp, Både 184 syriske flyktninger som for Bentsrudkrysset i sørgående retning. Avdelingsdirektør i Statens vegvesen selv om det var delte meninger blant dele- Tyrkia har holdt igjen, har endelig Ved 15-tiden på 2. februar kollapset Ingunn Foss forteller til VG at det ikke var gatene. Det ble et knapt flertall for å støtte fått reisedokumenter og får komme deler av broen. VGs reporter og fotograf fløy noe forvarsel til hendelsen. tiggeforbudet. til Norge. Av de til sammen 207 flykt- i helikopter over stedet kort tid etter hen- — Det ser ut som om det har vært et Nå har altså partiet snudd, og det setter ningene som tyrkiske myndigheter har delsen. grunnbrudd, altså at fundamentet på en av en stopper for regjeringens ønske om å forby holdt tilbake, er det nå bare 23 som ikke På bildene ser man tydelig at broen har pilarene har sklidd ut, sier Foss. både tigging og såkalt medvirkning til tigg­ har fått reisedokumenter. Det er uklart fått seg en skikkelig knekk, samt at jordmas- Statens Vegvesen kan foreløpig ikke si ing. når disse får reise, sier statssekretær sene under har sklidd ut. En av broens pilarer noe om årsaken til at broen er skadet. Geo- — Å straffe medvirkning til tigging er Jøran Kallmyr i Justisdepartementet til har endret sin stilling. teknikere og brospesialister er på stedet for ikke akseptabelt. Det kan ikke være straff- Vårt Land. Flyktningene ble plukket VG snakket med vaktleder Arild Rein- å undersøke nærmere, opplyses de i en pres- bart å gi folk klær, mat og husly, sier Arnstad. ut av en norsk kommisjon i sommer, hartsen ved Vestviken 110-sentral like etter semelding. Arnstad understreker at det heller ikke og nesten 150 av de rundt 320 som hans mannskap kom til stedet. blir aktuelt å støtte et nytt forslag om nas- Norge ga asyl på fjorårets flyktning- — Broen henger delvis i luften fikk jeg English Synopsis: Part of the Skjeggestad bridge in jonalt tiggeforbud dersom regjeringen skulle kvote, fikk dra uten problemer. Resten Holmestrand collapsed on February 2; the cause of the nettopp beskjed om, sier Arild Reinhartsen. legge et slikt. ble stanset på flyplassen, og har ventet collapse is currently being investigated. There are no Trafikken er stengt på ubestemt tid, og reports of injured people or cars. — Jeg kan ikke se for meg at vi vil støtte siden. Det er uklart hva som har ført det vil være omkjøringer via Holmestrand. et forbud uansett hvordan det utformes. Et til at de fleste av kvoteflyktningene nå generelt forbud uten medvirkning er å gå får komme til Norge. Flyktningene har lenger enn vi åpnet for i fjor. Et forbud mot ikke bodd i flyktningleirer, men ofte i organisert tigging argumenterer Justisde- overfylte leiligheter hos slektninger. partementet selv imot i høringsnotatet, blant Totalt har Tyrkia tatt imot rundt 1.7 Politiet får internett data annet fordi det er vanskelig å avgrense. millioner flyktninger fra Syria. Regjeringens forslag om å forby tigging (Aftenposten) I løpet av seks måneder i fjor ba norsk politi skulle ligge ute til 15. februar. Slik blir det likevel ikke. 523 broene skal undersøkes om tilgang til data for 483 norske brukere — Regjeringen trekker tilbake hørings- Statens vegvesen melder at de vil forslaget, sier statssekretær i Justisdeparte- sjekke 523 broer som er bygget i om- Aftenposten mentet, Vidar Brein-Karlsen (Frp) til NRK. råder med kvikkleire i grunnen. — Debatten har rast etter at NRK satte Norsk politi har begynt å vise langt Dette betyr ikke at det er utrygt å kjøre søkelys på at også velmenende privatper- større interesse for hva vi gjør på internett og på disse broene. Vi anser norske broer soner kunne rammes dersom forslaget ble sosiale medier. I første halvår 2014 mottok for å være generelt trygge. Det som vedtatt, og havne i fengsel i inntil ett år for Facebook, Google, Apple, Yahoo, Microsoft skjedde med Skjeggestadbroen på E18 å hjelpe tiggere med mat, husly eller penger og Skype utleveringsbegjæringer fra norsk mandag ser vi på som en ekstraordinær til transport. politi om å få innsyn i 483 brukerkontoer. hendelse, sier Jane Bordal, direktør for Regjeringen har ønsket å straffe tigging, Dette er en økning på 136 prosent fra vei- og transportavdelingen i Statens og hjelp til tiggere, blant annet for å få bukt første halvår 2013. vegvesen, i en pressemelding.Veg- med eventuelle bakmenn. vesenet har laget listen med de 523 Politiet fikk innvilget kravet helt eller delvis i 330 brukerkontoer, noe som utgjør etter kollapsen ved Skjeggestadbroens English Synopsis: The Center Party announced that it sørgående løp på 2. februar. De 523 68 prosent av sakene. will not support the national ban on begging, resulting broene går over Norges vassdrags- og Dette er data som er krevd utlevert på in a minority of the parliament supporting the ban. The energidirektorats (NVE) kartlagte om- grunnlag av stevninger, rettslige kjennelser Justice Department therefore dropped the proposal. råder med kvikkleire. Bordal opplyser eller ransakelsesordre fra Norge. til VG at arbeidet med de 523 broene Norsk politi viste størst interesse for å få har høy prioritet, men etaten kan ikke data fra Microsoft og Skype-brukere. Micro- gi en tidsfrist for når broene er ferdig soft sier også oftest ja. inspisert. — Selve kartleggingen må vi Norsk politi krevde å få data for 50 Abonner få gjort rimelig raskt. Og så må vi se Facebook-brukere, noe som er en tredobling Foto: Anne Gjertsen / Aftenposten på om det må gjøres tiltak, sier Bordal. fra 2013. Dette utgjør likevel bare 0.001 av på norsk Vi mener det er generelt trygt å ferdes alle norske Facebook-brukere. lage egne rapporter som viser hvor ofte de på norske broer. Vi gjør dette veldig Twitter, med sine 900,000 norske bruke- utleverer data til myndigheter. amerikansk ukentlig! preventivt, og velger også å gå ut med re, fikk bare ett krav fra Norge, og det ble Ring til (800) 305-0217 denne kartleggingen, sier han. avslått. English Synopsis: Norwegian police asked for in- (VG) Tallene Aftenposten presenterer er et re- ternet data from Facebook, Google, Apple, Yahoo, Send e-post til sultat av Snowden-avsløringene, som førte Microsoft, and Skype on 483 Norwegians within six months last year, a drastic increase from 2013. [email protected] til at alle de store nettselskapene begynte å Norwegian american weekly February 13, 2015 • 3 news page Former CIA man tells Pollution prop. This week in brief Sami National Day celebrated in Parliament Friday, February 6 is celebrated as Sami of Norway connection People’s Day in Norway and other The Liberals (V) suggest Scandinavian countries. The Sami flag is flown on all official buildings. Retired Bank of granting municipalities The Nordic Sami Council decided Chairman emissions-lowering in 1992 to celebrate a joint Sami Nation- powers as European al Day, and the day was first celebrated Edwin causes a stir, in 1993. It marks the date of the first authorities get tough Sami National Convention in Trond- revealing that he had heim in 1917. This was the first time the Sami gathered around common interests, worked for the CIA Michael Sandelson across national Nordic boundaries. The Foreigner After 100 years of “Norwegianiza- Sarah Bostock tion,” Sami spokesmen started work- The Foreigner One of the measures considered is ban- ing for a recognition of Sami culture, ning diesel-driven cars from the centers of language, and rights around the turn of In a recently published biography, Hale larger cities on winter days with high pol- the century. The Sami language is again Storm, Edwin Hale revealed his tenure at lution levels, creating low emissions zones. used in local schools, and a Sami Parlia- “The Firm” was during the 1990s and early The motion will give municipalities increased ment has been established in Norway. 2000s. powers, as well as allow parliamentarians and Around 40,000 Sami live in Nor- Hale has installed video surveillance on officials to cooperate on reducing pollution, way, 20,000 in , 7,000 in Fin- his 186-acre farm and sleeps with a sawn-off according to Committee leader and proposer land, and an estimated 2,000 in . shotgun by his bed and always within reach. for the Liberals, . (Norway Post / NRK) In a Q&A in Baltimore Magazine, However, the decision to implement 68-year-old Hale reports that he was re- these ultimately rests with the municipalities. Record-high number of criminals cruited in 1992 by Alvin Bernard “Buzzy” “Should municipalities choose to adopt low Krongard. Krongard was Executive Director trucking companies, which Hale ran whilst emission zones and ban diesel vehicles on the deported in 2014 of the CIA from 2001 to 2004 and a former leading the bank. most polluted days of the year, it may contrib- 3,700 criminal foreigners were deported chairman of Alex. Brown and Sons, a Balti- Hale travelled extensively to countries ute to enabling children, people with asthma, from Norway in 2014, the highest num- more investment bank. such as Saudi Arabia, Israel, , Den- with respiratory diseases or others who suffer ber in history. According to department After being recruited, Hale says he mark, and Norway. This was in order to pro- from [the effects of] excessive air pollution to head Magne Løvø in the National Po- helped run a fake company created under a vide cover to operatives supposedly working be outside throughout the year, as well as on lice Immigration Service, prevention is legitimate corporation the Agency created. the main reason. The fake company included shipping and See > hale, page 6 See > emissions, page 7 “With good help from the different police districts we have managed to de- port a record-high number of foreigners. Many of these have committed crimes, Russian intelligence “biggest threat” and by deporting them we can also en- sure that they do not return to Norway. Especially the amount of crimes com- PST believes the mitted for profit decreases as a of Federation’s espionage this,” Løvø tells NRK. Criminal citizens from within the poses the greatest EU comprise the largest share of the danger to Norway foreigners deported, says Karin Næss, head of the foreign department of Søn- dre Police District. Michael Sandelson “Most of those who are arrested in The Foreigner our district have committed drug-related crimes, theft, and break-ins. Once they “The two states which Norway has no end up in prison we try to deport them security policy cooperation with, and that as soon as possible in order to prevent also have the largest intelligence capacity them from committing more crimes.” by far, are Russia and China. Of these, we (Norway Post / NRK / Aftenposten) consider Russian intelligence to possess Photo: Sergey Krivchikov / Russian AviaPhoto Team / Wikimedia Commons the greatest potential for damaging Norwe- This type of aircraft, a Russian Air Force Tupolev Tu-95, was recently spotted near the Norwegian Norway wants to enter climate gian interests. The most serious intelligence border carrying a nuclear warhead. agreement with the EU activities in 2015 will be directed against Prime Minister (Høyre/The Norway's ability to protect the country and rity agencies and calls for updating the net- potential midair collision. Conservative Party), Minister of Finance political decision-making,” says Benedicte work from the telecoms authority. Shocked Iran is expected to continue to be “the (Frp/The Progress Party), and Bjørnland, Police Security Service director. MPs also demanded action. main player behind illegal procurement ac- Minister of Climate and Environment, Bjørnland makes her comments in the The Norwegian Air Force has also been tivities to support the production of weapons Tine Sundtoft (Høyre/The Conservative PST’s Annual Threat Assessment release. tested. Last week saw two F-16s scrambled of mass destruction,” says Bjørnland. Party) presented the government’s pro- Security personnel say they expect the nega- in order to identify a fleet of six Russian air- The director also views Islamist extrem- posal for Norway’s climate commitment tive threat situation to continue this year. craft, one of which was carrying an unarmed ism as a threat, both at home and abroad. on Wednesday, Feb. 4. Four notable incidents involving both nuclear missile. The Russians subsequently Security personnel warned the public of a The government also wants Nor- unknown and foreign powers have occurred denied the payload was aboard. potential terror threat against Norway last way to commit to the EU’s climate recently. The first regarded potential espio- Russian fighter jets were also identified summer. Five people were arrested in May agreement. This means that Norway nage. Mobile spying equipment was discov- flying close to Norwegian air territory, with with suspected links to ISIL. will be committed to the EU’s goal of ered in Oslo before Christmas 2014. This another incident seeing one Norwegian F-16 reducing climate gas emissions by 40 prompted investigations by Norway’s secu- having to take evasive action to avoid a See > russia, page 7 percent compared to the level from 1990, by 2030. theforeigner.no is one of the top sources for English-language news The goal will be for the EU as a There are no foreign and features from Norway. Subscriptions start at NOK 49 per month whole, and it is not yet clear how the level of responsibility will be distrib- «lands. It is the traveler uted. The size of each country’s own re- duction will be negotiated with the EU only who is foreign. in 2016. – Robert Louis Stevenson » (Norway Post / Aftenposten) 4 • February 13, 2015 norwegian american weekly Business Business News & Notes Statoil’s earnings for 2014 down by nearly high, our work to improve safety continues A better battery for NOK 30 billion to show good progress, and our project de- Norwegian energy provider Statoil reports velopment portfolio is progressing as ex- that for the full year 2014, adjusted earnings pected,” says Sætre. were NOK 136.1 billion, compared to NOK Statoil was among the leading explor- a cleaner future 163.1 billion in 2013. ers in 2014. The company added 540 million Statoil’s net operating income for the barrels of oil equivalents to the resource base A Norwegian entrepreneur’s battery full year 2014 was NOK 109.5 billion. from exploration in 2014. Fourth quarter 2014 net operating income (Norway Post / NRK / Statoil) technology could reduce waste and was NOK 9.0 billion. Adjusted earnings in the fourth quarter of 2014 were NOK 26.9 Oil fund sells out of 49 companies due to revolutionize the energy storage industry billion, compared to NOK 42.3 billion in the sustainability concerns fourth quarter of 2013. The oil fund sold its ownership in 49 differ- “Statoil’s quarterly earnings were af- ent companies last year due to a high level fected by the sharp drop in oil prices. Our of uncertainty concerning the companies’ net income was also impacted by specific ac- sustainability. counting charges. Underlying performance “Gradually, we have expanded the ex- and cash flows were solid in 2014, supported tent of our divestment, both geographically by profitable growth, strong operational im- and thematically. In total, we have sold provements, and solid marketing—and trad- out of 114 companies during the past three ing results. Our financial position is robust, years,” explains the head of the oil fund, Yn- and we maintain a stable dividend. Through gve Slyngstad. our significant flexibility in our investment The estimated value of the government program we are well prepared for continu- pension fund is now NOK 6,500 billion. ous market weakness and uncertainty,” says “The goal is to achieve the highest pos- Eldar Sætre, and CEO of Statoil sible return with an acceptable level of risk. ASA. Our work with responsible management “We continue to deliver in accordance supports this goal,” says chief of the central with our cost and capital efficiency pro- bank, Øystein Olsen. Photo: alevo.com grams. Our operational efficiency has been (Norway Post / NTB / Aftenposten) Alevo’s technology could reduce waste from our electrical grid by distributing stored power between where it’s generated and where it’s used.

Rasmus Falck ergy companies. They will also provide mo- Oslo, Norway bile energy storage solutions for truck and bus fleets as well as the marine and offshore A Norwegian entrepreneur was behind markets. one of the top energy stories in Forbes last The new battery startup has, reportedly, year. Just listen to this fantastic story: The raised over $1 billion in funding from anon- Philip Morris plant in Concord, North Caro- ymous Swiss investors, and is now aiming lina, used to manufacture a billion cigarettes to revolutionize the U.S. energy storage in- a year. But Americans are smoking less, and dustry. The company has created a new bat- the tobacco giant shuttered the factory’s tery that lasts notably longer than the current doors years ago and announced plans to sell industry standard, as well as being consider- the 2,100-acre, 3.5 million square foot facil- ably cheaper to manufacture. ity. In a sure sign that the U.S. economy is Typically high-tech manufacturing com- changing for the better, the empty space is panies use pilot projects to prove their tech- not being turned in an outlet mall or water nology to investors and potential customers park but into a giant manufacturing site for before ramping up. That’s not how Jostein utility-scale batteries that will store wind and is proceeding. According to Reuters, he said solar electricity. Within three years they will that “building as big as we do, it might seem create 2,500 high-paying jobs. a little bit risky. Producing on a mass scale After a decade in secrecy, Jostein Eike- will make Alevo’s technology cost-effective land, entrepreneur and CEO of Alevo, has from the start. The high cost of grid storage launched a battery that he claims will last has prevented it from being developed more longer and cost less than current options. widely.” Jostein is a serial entrepreneur. He was an The plan is to deliver 200 megawatts of early internet entrepreneur who went public batteries—roughly enough to power 100,000 with his startup company on the Oslo Stock homes—into the U.S. market this year. They WHEN IT COMES TO RETIREMENT, Exchange during the dot coms. He could be are in talks with big utilities, which he hopes ARE YOU READY TO ROLL? considered one of the earliest promoters of will become customers. This could be a Thrivent Financial offers solutions that can cloud computing. Later he invested in soft- game changer. help you protect retirement assets, defer taxes ware and IT startups, as well as magnesium or enjoy a guaranteed stream of income for die casting and other high-tech manufactur- Rasmus Falck is a strong life. Plus, you may be able to take advantage of ing, and now batteries. innovation and entrepre- recent tax law changes that offer more Jostein started the Swiss-based Alevo choices for your retirement income strategy. neurship advocate. The group of companies in 2009. Through its author of “What do the Find out how a rollover can help! nine subsidiaries, the group has established best do better” and “The Contact a Thrivent Financial representative operations in the Americas, Europe, and or visit Thrivent.com/ready2roll. board of directors as a Asia. Alevo is building a vertically inte- resource in SME,” he re- grated manufacturing and development or- ceived his masters degree ganization, creating a global energy storage from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He business to work with the world’s largest en- currently lives in Oslo, Norway.

Exchange Rates Oslo Børs: Week at a Glance (Feb. 9, 2015) Winners Losers Guarantees backed by the financial strength and claims-paying ability of Thrivent Financial. Norsk Kr. 7.5980 Name NOK Change Name NOK Change Thrivent Financial and its representatives and employees cannot provide legal, accounting, or tax advice or services. Work Dansk Kr. 6.5638 Atlantic Petroleum 52.00 18.18% Asetek 15.00 -11.76% with your Thrivent Financial representative and, as appropriate, your attorney and tax professional for additional information. I.M. Skaugen 3.22 15.00% Oceanteam Shipping 5.32 -9.68% Insurance products issued or offered by Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Appleton, WI. Not all products are available in Svensk Kr. 8.3486 Havfisk 20.60 6.74% Polaris Media 19.30 -8.96% all states. Securities and investment advisory services are offered through Thrivent Investment Management Inc., Eitzen Chemical 4.55 6.31% Petrolia 9.15 -8.50% 625 Fourth Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55415, a FINRA and SIPC member and a wholly owned subsidiary of Islandsk Kr. 132.40 Thrivent Financial for Lutherans. For additional important information, please visit Thrivent.com/disclosures Canadian $ 1.2438 InterOil 0.38 5.56% Seabird Exploration 0.22 -8.33% Appleton, Wisconsin • Minneapolis, Minnesota • Thrivent.com • 800-847-4836 • Euro 0.8819 For detailed information about the Oslo Børs, visit www.dn.no. 28358NB N12-14 norwegian american weekly February 13, 2015 • 5 sports Magic to last a lifetime: 40 years of SFL Ski for Light celebrates 40 years of empowerment for visually and mobility impaired skiers

Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho

A 93-year old cross-country skier. A cyclist severely injured by a car last August who recovered enough to do his 21st New York City Marathon in December, this time with the help of a wheelchair, then spent a week cross-country skiing in January. A newcomer to Nordic skiing who never man- aged over one kilometer during her introduc- tory week but pushed herself for over three hours to finish the 5K rally on her last day. Charlie Wirth, Harald Vik, and Teresa Stockton each participated in the 2015 Ski for Light Week January 25-February 1. All three are totally blind; Vik is also deaf. They were among the 260 people gathered at Snow Mountain Ranch, Colorado, to cel- ebrate the 40th anniversary of a program de- signed to teach cross-country skiing to visu- ally and mobility impaired individuals. Each is a testimony to the Ski for Light Photos: Ski for Light / Facebook motto, “If I can do this, I can do anything.” In Ski for Light, skiers with visual or mobility impairments are paired with And each of their stories offers in a nutshell guides, and big smiles result. the nitty-gritty of what this program does to change lives. Charlie lost his wife twenty years ago, to half or more of those 40 weeks. heart.” was especially pleased about the deeper, but found new purpose when he came to Ski Ski for Light has had only nine presi- It’s not a new view; in 1985 she shared easier tracks. for Light. dents since its inception. Bud Keith, now that “Ski for Light offers magic that will last Due to surplus guides this year, he Vik, who sees sports as a way out of a skiing in the clouds with two other past a lifetime. Magic is what I feel. Ski For Light shared duties with dedicated Ski for Lighter potentially isolated world, wants people to presidents, filled this leadership role for has a snowball effect: the more involved you Dale Severson, a few years behind Leif in realize that “even with a handicap like mine, nine years. Another telling example of the become, the more friends and experiences age. Together they guided Deb Weise, 62, to it is possible to have a great life.” Teresa re- enduring commitment people make to Ski envelop you as you move through the mag- a gold medal for women 59 and over in the fused to give up when offered the option of For Light is that of those six still living, five ic.” 5K Rally. She made the best estimate of her riding back from the 3K mark. were present for the 2015 event; four of them Ski for Light’s overarching principle time to complete the 5K course. Erling Stordahl, who founded the parent skied all week, including current president is working with, not for, persons with dis- Once racing was the only option on the program of Ski for Light in Norway in 1964, Scott McCall. abilities. And then there’s past Ski for Light final day, but now for the Olav Pedersen would be proud of all three. Blind himself, Both guides and participants pay their President Bjarne Eikevik’s simple directive, Race and Rally, participants may choose ei- Stordahl wanted to share with other visu- own way with some scholarship help avail- “Take a good thing and make it better.” ther a 10K race or a 5K rally, each with sev- ally impaired persons the pleasure he de- able to a few. Other funding comes from Sharing meals, early morning exercises, eral categories based on age, sex, and level rived from Nordic skiing. The Ridderrenn, both the corporate world and from groups and evening interest sessions, plus the ever- of disability. or Knight’s Race, which he established, cel- like Sons of Norway, which has also pro- popular Norway Night and Talent Night all Awards are given in both race and rally ebrated 50 years in 2014. vided many of the guides, particularly in the promote interaction beyond the ski trail. for divisions within each. This year’s top Norwegian-born Olav Pedersen, who early years. But the fundraising, publicity, This year’s Norway Night featured its native speed in the 10K race was achieved by Wal- emigrated at midlife to the U.S., wanted to and training are all done gratis by an ever- Harald Vik, 71, speaking on determination. ter Raineri, 45:46, followed by Jerry King, bring such a program to his new country. longer list of volunteers. There were 15 Norwegians in this year’s 52:50, and third was Anne Mette Bredahl, With Stordahl’s help plus aid from Lions Why would a guide take vacation time delegation. Norway was also represented by Vice President of the Ridderrenn organiza- Clubs and Sons of Norway, the first Ski for from work and pay to have a week cross- Ivar Engan, Counselor, Trade & Industrial tion, 55:59, the top female skier across all Light took place at Breckenridge, Colorado country skiing with someone who can’t see? Affairs, Norwegian Embassy. 10K divisions. ,in 1975. Or who has mobility issues? The 2015 event boasted great weather Charlie Wirth, 93, made the best es- Forty years later, this program, sus- Because Ski For Light is far more than a with blue skies and plenty of snow, excellent timate of his time for men in the 5K rally, tained entirely by volunteers without a sin- sports program. tracks, and delicious food. These elements giving him a first place. Teresa Stockton re- gle paid professional, has offered a week of According to Leslee Lane Hoyum, who create “happy campers” at Ski for Light, and ceived special recognition as well, a spur-of- training in cross-county skiing every year to has guided often since her first event in 1976, Snow Mountain Ranch had all three, leading the-moment Courage Award to acknowledge visually and mobility impaired people. Its served as secretary on the Ski For Light to its ranking as one of the best Ski for Light her perseverance. (A full heartfelt descrip- attraction is so powerful that about two doz- Board, and attended the 40th Anniversary, weeks ever. Veteran tracksetter Leif Andol, en folks attending the anniversary had been “Ski for Light now and forever lives in my 85, appearing as a guide for the 37th time, See > ski for light, page 13

LEWIS O. TITLAND Quality Accounting & Tax Services for: Sports News & Notes Certified Public Accountant Small businesses Alpine skiing: Jansrud 4th with injury Biathlon: Mixed relay win for Norway (206)789-5433 Individuals 221 1st Ave. W. Ste. 400 Specialized Assistance At the alpine ski world championships on Norway’s team won the Biathlon mixed re- Seattle, WA 98119 Thursday, Feb. 5, Norwegian Kjetil Jansrud lay event at Nove Mesto, Czech Republic, finished fourth in the Super-G, after hitting on Friday, Feb. 6. The Czech Republic team the first gate and injuring his left shoulder. had to settle for second, 4.1 seconds further However, International Ski Federation back, while Ukraine placed third. officials said Jansrud’s injury was not seri- Norway’s quartet: Fanny Welle-Strand The Scandinavian Hour ous and the 29-year-old is expected to com- Horn, Tiril Eckhoff, Johannes Thingnes Bø, Celebrating over 50 years on the air! pete in the downhill later this week. and Tarjei Bø. Jansrud, Olympic champion, had been Norway now leads the World Cup KKNW – 1150 AM gold medal favorite after twice winning this standings with 108 points, ahead of France season in World Cup Super-G. and . Saturdays 9 – 10 a.m. PST Austria’s Hannes Reichelt won the (Norway Post / NRK / Aftenposten) race, ahead of Canadian Dustin Cook, while Streaming live on the internet at: Frenchman Adrien Theaux took third. www.1150kknw.com (Norway Post / NRK) 6 • February 13, 2015 norwegian american weekly opinion An opinion column about current issues in Norway and the United States < hale Join the conversation! From page 3 On the EDGE for the company. In turn, these operatives My Norwegian inheritance were given business cards by the company when traveling the globe. He told publication Baltimore that the Elsa Lund Agency would either send him a CV, or the Skogfjorden handlers and people operatives would travel to him so he could issue them with creden- Recently, my friend Ross “Odin” tials: HaleTrans, Baltimore Blast. Dybvig wrote a piece about the relevance “I would hand them shirts, hats, cards, of as a skill in to- and they were sent on their way. They were day’s world. I want to try to convince you not [my] employees. They were, in fact, paid of the value of your Norwegian heritage by the Agency. That’s how their compensa- in today’s world, and explain why I value tion was, so it didn’t get too complicated. mine. I would just give them identities that these The word heritage, in addition to people were employed by me, as opposed being a bulky word, is a little cumber- to somebody who was a ‘military attaché’ some as a reason for learning a language. or a ‘cultural attaché’ to an embassy over in As Norwegian language learners, it is Libya.” often the first justification we grasp for. Hale would only know the agents’ “Heritage!?” we are challenged, both by names and destinations during any opera- our friends and our own nagging doubts, tions, often communicating with a handler “how exactly will a connection to your from the Agency. heritage help you in today’s job market?” The former CIA employee also said that “What does it entail besides sentimental- Photo: Elsa Lund he worked under “nonofficial cover.” This ity and nostalgia for family history you A Skogfjorden Navneskilt (name tag). meant that his identity would not be associ- have only the thinnest threads of hear- ated with the United States Government. say as access to?” It’s true that most of gian filled my eyes and ears growing up, and removed” are related to me. My great- Hale’s role was key during the 1990s, us Norwegian Americans have lost track eventually led me to a wonderful close re- great-great grandparents (x3) are their when the CIA was conducting early investi- of our Norwegian relatives and adorn our lationship with my Norwegian fifth cousins. great-great grandparents (x2). They’re gations on Osama bin Laden. dwellings with plaques shrining lutefisk So, about those prolific letter-writing one generation behind the one I’m in, He added that he no longer worked for and “Uff da” to show our affiliations of ancestors: my great-great-great-grandfather and we are five branches apart on the tree “The Firm” after September 11, 2001. The yore. Is this Norse blood gradually dilut- Christian and his son Olaf, with his bride stemming from Christian and his wife. I Agency was no longer in need of his servic- ing within us still a reason for us to em- Petrine, came to the U.S. around 1870, but really wish it were more common for all es, but he kept contact with two of the agents bark on the arduous and time-consuming for reasons we don’t know, Christian’s wife the great Norwegian-Americans and Nor- he worked with journey of learning an entire new lan- and the rest of her children never came to wegians I know to be united with their The biography, called Hale Storm, writ- guage? join them. Since this immediate family was relatives so that the term “fifth cousins” ten by Baltimore journalist Kevin Cowherd, As a child, I always found the idea essentially split down the middle, the sib- would be met with a little less confusion. was commissioned as a means of Hale ex- of my heritage a hard one to connect to. lings proceeded to write letters and keep in In my case, they happen to be a family plaining the absence in his children’s lives. Abstract, too far away. The idea of my touch. This continued with first cousins cor- called the Torps. The book has sold around 600 copies so far. family’s past immigration and tradition responding in the early 1900s, and though The mother, Tove Torp, is related to Hale Storm may have helped improve never really interested me the way the the contact eventually tapered off, my great- my father and grew up in the Romerike the bonds between Hale and his two daugh- world in front of my face, in my eyes and grandfather Will was able to find contact in- area of Norway north of Oslo, where my ters, but the published book has received ears, did. I think the same is true for most formation and resume contact in the 1970s. Norwegian ancestors also lived. Her sib- negative feedback. “I am disappointed and kids. Lucky for me, that immediate world This led to a strong bond between my imme- lings, Bjørn and Inger-Betsy, also live upset that Ed would violate his agreement happened to include quite a few Norwe- diate family and that of my fifth cousins, de- nearby with their respective families. and understanding with the Agency,” said gian elements as well. Thanks to prolific scendants of the siblings who stayed home, Tove’s husband Octavio comes from Krongard in a phone interview. letter-writing ancestors, some luck con- through visits that began when my father’s Chile. The two of them met when they Hale has said that he expects Krongard cerning my Dad’s career, and a great career momentarily led him to , attended Åsane Folk High School near will “get over it.” summer camp called Skogfjorden, which Norway, in the 90s. . Their four gregarious, trilingual A CIA spokeswoman declined to com- I attended for eight summers as a camper Now, full disclosure, I get a little tired ment on Hale’s statements or any assistance and have now worked at for six, Norwe- of explaining how my “fifth cousins once See > inheritance, page 13 he may have provided the Agency. An expanded version of the interview The opinions expressed by opinion writers featured in “On the Edge” are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not can be found in the Wall Street Journal. an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions expressed by the paper’s editorials should be directed to the editor. Enjoy Norway all year long.

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Norwegian American Weekly (USPS 679-840) (ISSN 1942-1389) is published weekly except the last two weeks of July, the first two weeks of August and the last week of Dec. by Norwegian American Weekly Inc, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Periodicals postage paid at Seattle, WA and at additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Norwegian American Weekly 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115. Phone: (206) 784-4617 • Email: naw@na- Proud to bring you the Norwegian American Weekly weekly.com • Website: www.na-weekly.com. Annual subscription cost: USD $70 domestic; USD $94 to Canada; USD $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. norwegian american weekly February 13, 2015 • 7 opinion Norwegian American Weekly Letters to the Editor Published since May 17, 1889 7301 Fifth Avenue NE Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115 Do you have something to say? Toll-free: (800) 305-0217 • Local: (206) 784-4617 Fax: (206) 448-2033 • Email: [email protected] Write to us at Norwegian American Weekly, Letter to the Editor, 7301 Fifth Avenue NE, Suite A, Seattle, WA 98115, or email us at [email protected], subject line Publisher: Norwegian American Foundation Letter to the Editor. Letters may be edited for style, clarity, or length. Editor-in-chief Emily C. Skaftun [email protected] Copy Editor Harry Svenkerud [email protected] NAW will go on! < pollution crometers in size) and SO2 (Sulfur Dioxide) Advertising From page 3 in the air are higher than laid down in the Drew Gardner [email protected] EU’s Ambient Air Quality Directive. The mood in NAW headquarters is one Subscriptions of cautious optimism. In fact, the news is days with a significantly higher risk of high The EFTA Surveillance Authority (ESA) John Erik Stacy [email protected] good; we are cautious only because our little air pollution,” Elvestuen says. had sent Norway a letter of formal notice, and Editorial Assistant Liberal politicians’ proposal has the sup- has now referred the matter to the Court in hearts have been through so much. Molly Jones [email protected] NAW will go on. It’s unclear at this time port of Rightist bipartite coalition party the Luxembourg. who will own the paper—and I cannot give Conservatives (H). Labor (Ap), the largest Nils Sødal, press spokesperson at motor- Contributors you any more info than that at this time— Party in parliament, also supports the motion, ists’ interest organization NAF, tells The For- Larrie Wanberg Grand Forks, N.D. Patricia Barry Hopewell Junction, N.Y. but it seems clear that one way or another we having done a policy volte face on low emis- eigner the pollution-reducing proposal’s solu- Melinda Bargreen Everett, Wash. will find a way. sions zones. tions are “short-term.” Carla Danziger McLean, Va. / Albany, Calif. Daughters of Norway Members Various Thank you to everyone for your support This is not the first time Labor has done “Other measures are needed to solve the Gary G. Erickson Sunburg, Minn. and patience during this scary and frustrating a U-turn on transport and environmental is- cities’ bad air quality, such as improved fuels Rasmus Falck O oslo, Norway Marit Fosse G geneva, Switzerland time. Please watch this space to learn more sues, however. The Leftist government also and public transport. The quality of synthetic Sunny Gandara Beacon, N.Y. about how you can help us as we take mea- reversed tax breaks on biodiesel while in diesel, or so-termed GTL (gas-to-liquid) fuel, Shelby Gilje Seattle, Wash. sures to get onto firmer ground financially. power. A parliamentary debate, Prime Minis- is also getting better.” Heidi Håvan Grosch Sparbu, Norway Line Grundstad Hanke Seattle, Wash. For now, I can tell you not to fear. If you terial scaremongering, then a vote in favor of According to him, park-and-ride schemes Victoria Hofmo Brooklyn, N.Y. were waiting to renew your subscription or taxes ensued. Then Labor (Ap) Prime Minis- are another option. “You can construct these Leslee Lane Hoyum R rockford, Minn. Inger-Torill Kirkeby Miami, Fla. start a new one, please do! We’ll do every- ter ’s popularity plummeted, incentive parking schemes near all the ma- Scott Larsen New Westminster, B.C. thing in our power (and we have more power he denied arrogance, and 2010 saw a rematch jor main roads that take traffic into the cities. Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Solveig M. Lee Seattle, Wash. than we thought) to stick around and bring on the biodiesel matter. Signs showing the length of journey using this Whitney Love Stavanger, Norway you all your issues. The government presented its climate method versus that of sitting in your car can Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C. It’s been a hard, hard couple of weeks, white paper in 2012, following its 2011 Na- be erected too,” says Sødal. David Nikel Trondheim, Norway Roy Jorgensen Hopewell Junction, N.Y but we think we see a light at the end of the tional Budget presentation. Politicians warned Moreover, Oslo and Stavanger, two of Jerry Larson Zimmerman, Minn. tunnel, and it doesn’t look like a train. they would take measures to cut Norway’s Norway’s five major cities, are the fastest- Richard Londgren Thousand Oaks, Calif. Donald V. Mehus New York, N.Y. emissions and make it a low emissions society growing ones in Europe, he explains. David Moe Sun City, Calif. Sincerely, by the middle of the 21st century. “While things are improving price and Ken Nordan Batavia, Ill. Barbara K. Rostad Coeur d’ Alene, Idaho Editor (with help from Nils Anders Wik) The Mongstad Carbon Capture and Stor- tax-wise regarding low-emission vehicles, Rolf Kristian Stang New York, N.Y. age (CCS) facility in opened we need new solutions, long-term ones. More Daytona Strong Seattle, Wash. in 2012. Full-scale CCS plans came to a full cycle paths should be built, and there should Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles, Calif. stop the following year after Labor threw the be more focus on electric and plug-in hybrid Norwegian American Weekly strives to make project out of the window. cars.” its news report fair and accurate. If you have a question or comment about news coverage Last week’s vote comes at a time when Sødal thinks that NAF’s suggestions call (206) 784-4617. • Norwegian American Norway faces an appearance in the EFTA about pollution have been falling on cloth Weekly reserves the right to edit any and all submissions for style, grammar, accuracy, and/ Court for breaching set levels of health haz- ears, though. “The pollution debate comes or space, and the right not to print submissions ardous airborne pollutants in cities. to the fore every now-and-then, but no long- deemed libelous, in poor taste, or not suited for publication in this newspaper. • The opinions Concentrations of NO2 (Nitrogen Diox- term results arise from the discussions. And expressed by opinion writers and letter writers ide), PM10 (Particulate Matter up to 10 mi- nobody wants to sit in traffic,” he concludes. are not necessarily those of Norwegian American Weekly, and our publication of those views is not an endorsement of them. Comments, suggestions, and complaints about the opinions < russia countries could influence individuals to carry expressed by the paper’s editorials should be From page 3 out acts of violence in Norway.” directed to the publisher. • Norwegian American Weekly is published weekly except the first week She does not believe that Norway’s of the calendar year, the week after Easter, the “There are active extreme Islamist Extreme-Left or -Right groups will pose a last week of July, and the first two weeks ofA ugust groups in Norway that attract new follow- significant threat to society in 2015. How- by Norwegian American Weekly, INC. • Please send address changes to 7301 Fifth Ave. NE ers and recruit foreign fighters. Norway is an ever, any potential threat will be connected Suite A Seattle, WA 98115 • Annual Subscription enemy for several of these. Norwegian mili- to individuals capable of acting alone or in Cost: US $70 Domestic, US $94 to Canada, US tary participation against ISIL and al-Qaeda small groups. $212 to Norway and all other foreign countries. (AQ) will help to reinforce this enemy im- “Increased activity in certain local SINCE MAY 17, 1889: Formerly Norway Times age,” Bjørnland comments. Extreme-Right groups is expected. This is Western Viking & Washington Posten “People inside and outside the known mainly due the influence of Right-Wing ex- Comprising Nordisk Tidende, Decorah-Posten extreme Islamist groups, as well as many tremists abroad. Preventive countermeasures og Ved Arnen, Minneapolis-Tidende, Minnesota without foreign war experience, sympathize by police and other local stakeholders are Posten, Norrona, and Skandinaven with ISIL and AQ. Calls by ISIL and AQ for essential to prevent the emergence of large NORWEGIAN AMERICAN WEEKLY, INC. retaliation and terrorist incidents in Western organized milieus,” states Bjørnland.

Han Ola og Han Per with new translations by John Erik Stacy

No dear mother, you It pains me to the heart to shouldn’t have to tend the see you toil and slave day pigs. It is a great shame. after day, year after year. 8 • February 13, 2015 norwegian american weekly Taste of Norway An old Norwegian recipe gets a lift You won’t miss the meat in this kålruletter

Sunny Gandara Arctic Grub

In my constant quest of veganizing the across northern Europe into Germany, Po- Norwegian cuisine, I’m updating an old, land, and Russia, where it became a very classic Norwegian recipe called “kålru- popular vegetable in local food cultures. The letter” or “kålruller,” which in the traditional Italians are credited with developing the Sa- way, are Savoy cabbage leaves stuffed with voy cabbage.” ground pork and baked in the oven, served The same source tells us that cabbage with a white, creamy sauce. My version has can provide some cholesterol-lowering ben- cooked rice, lentils, sauteed shallots, garlic, efits if you cook it by steaming (as in the first and red bell pepper seasoned with freshly step of this recipe). The fiber-related compo- ground nutmeg and spiced paprika. I have to nents in cabbage do a better job of binding say… my version is a lot more flavorful—of together with bile acids in your digestive course I’m not biased at all! I still challenge tract when they’ve been steamed. When this you to try my version, as I feel it’s packed binding process takes place, it’s easier for with deep, layered flavors from all the dif- bile acids to be excreted, and the result is a ferent ingredients and also incredibly satis- lowering of your cholesterol levels. fying. Cabbage is an excellent source of vi- For those hard core old schoolers, you tamin C, and has great antioxidant-related Photo: Sunny Gandara can check out my old post about kålruller properties, which is partly responsible for its Serve kålruletter with potatoes and a creamy sauce. at arcticgrub.wordpress.com/2013/06/03/ cancer prevention benefits. kalruletter-a-forgotten-spring-classic. Even If you have not been convinced yet by if you prefer the vegetarian version, you can the amazing health benefits of cabbage (and Kålruletter get some additional information about the vegetables in general), then at least try this dish and its background there. recipe for its amazing flavor! The meat will 2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil 1 tsp. vegetable bouillon powder According to World’s Healthiest Foods, not be missed, I promise! :) 1/2 cup white rice 1/3 cup water “cabbage has a long history of use both as a 1/2 cup green lentils 1/2 cup rolled oats food and a medicine. It was developed from Sunny Gandara has over 3-4 shallots, sliced thin 1/2 cup toasted walnuts, chopped wild cabbage, a vegetable that was closer in 15 years experience in 2-3 garlic cloves, chopped 1 head of Savoy cabbage, whole leaves marketing and PR, both appearance to collards and kale since it was 1 red bell pepper, chopped picked apart in the music and bever- composed of leaves that did not form a head. 1 tsp. smoked paprika 1 cup vegetable broth age industry. In 2008 she 1 tsp. freshly ground nutmeg “It is thought that wild cabbage was founded her own company, brought to Europe around 600 B.C. by groups Fork and Glass, a food and of Celtic wanderers. It was grown in Ancient wine event and consulting Oil an ovenproof dish that will fit eight to 10 rolled-up cabbage leaves, and set aside. Greek and Roman civilizations that held it in company, located in the Hudson Valley of New Preheat oven to 400 F. high regard as a general panacea capable of York. She now focuses on education, giving Rinse the rice and the lentils separately. In two different small pots, cook the rice and treating a host of health conditions. seminars and classes to private and corporate lentils with 1 1/2 cups of water each for about 15-20 minutes until done. Set aside. “While it’s unclear when and where the groups. Sunny, a native of Norway, is a profes- Heat the olive oil in a saute pan over medium-high heat. Add shallots, garlic, and bell headed cabbage that we know today was sionally trained cook and holds a diploma in peppers and season with salt. Saute for five to seven minutes, then add nutmeg and paprika, developed, cultivation of cabbage spread Wines & Spirits from the WSET. saute for another 30-40 seconds until fragrant. Add the rolled oats and toasted walnuts, and saute for another minute. Add the lentils, rice, and onion mixture in a food processor along with bouillon powder and the 1/3 cup of water and pulse a few times until a rough farce is formed. Place in a bowl and place in fridge while you prepare the cabbage leaves. In a large pot, bring a generous amount of salted water to a boil. Place the separated cab- bage leaves in the water, and simmer for three to four minutes, until just starting to soften. Be careful not to overcook, as you want the vibrant color of the cabbage to remain. Scoop the leaves out of the water and place on clean dish towels so the water dries off. Place one big spoonful of the lentil rice filling into each cabbage leaf, and roll up like a spring roll. Place the stuffed roll with the seam down into the prepared ovenproof dish. Fill with the vegetable broth; it should only cover the bottom of the pan. Bake in oven for 25-30 minutes, the cabbage rolls should be golden brown on top. Serve with potatoes and bechamel sauce (recipe for vegan sauce at arcticgrub.wordpress. com/2015/01/21/kalruletter-an-old-norwegian-recipe-gets-a-lift).

Photo: Sunny Gandara This article is reprinted with permission from Sunny Gandara’s blog, arcticgrub.wordpress. Kålruletter just prior to being rolled up. com. Connect with her on facebook (facebook.com/forkandglass) or twitter (@forkandglass).

Welcome to Ballard’s favorite community bar This week’s recipe brought to you by Scandinavian Specialties the premiere Scandinavian marketplace in the Northwest 6301 24th Ave NW • Seattle, Washington • (206) 297-6122 Find us on Facebook! (877) 784-7020 • 6719 15th Ave NW, Seattle, WA 98117 Order online at www.scanspecialties.com norwegian american weekly February 13, 2015 • 9 travel Progress along St. Olav’s Way: Our virtual pilgrim reaches Lake Mjøsa

Christine Foster Meloni Washington, D.C.

I am still virtually walking along St. Olav’s Way, and I am gradually draw- ing closer to my final destination, (Trondheim). In my last progress report I had completed Leg A from Oslo to , a total of 48.6 miles. Now I have completed Legs B, C, and D for a grand total of 171 miles. (See the map for my exact location.) Let me share with you some of the highlights on Leg B between Eidsvoll and .

Lake Mjøsa Being a native of the great state of Min- nesota, I am a lover of lakes. Therefore, I was thrilled to see Lake Mjøsa come into view. It is Norway’s largest lake and stretch- es 65 miles from Eidsvoll in the south to in the north. It is one of the deepest lakes in Europe. Photos: (above) Colin Dobinson / Oplandske Dampskibsselskap, It is very popular with fishermen as it (left & below) Wikimedia Commons has over 20 species of fish including pike Above: on Lake Mjøsa. Inside it boasts a saloon and a fine estaurant.r and European perch. It is also popular with Left: An epitaph inside Kirke in Stange, Norway. Below: The ruins of Hamar’s ancient cathedral are now protected by a glass enclosure. sunbathers in the summer. At this point in the pilgrimage I had a choice. I could follow the path along the right side of the lake or the one along the left. I chose the right and therefore went through the cities of Hamar and Moelv. If I had chosen the other side, I would have passed through Bønsnes, , Gran, Gjøvik, and Vingrom. I don’t like to only look at lakes. I like to be on them. I think being on them is much better than being near them or in them. So I decided that I could not pass up the oppor- tunity to have a ride on the Nordic Explorer, the oldest paddle steamer (skibladner) still in operation in the world. It was built in 1856. Onboard it has an elegant saloon and a very fine restaurant. To share this experience with me, go to the following online video: www.youtube. com/watch?v=DpkRskry_Ps For complete information, go to the skibladner website: www.skibladner.no/en- watch?v=R7blFqE35bY. gelsk/index.htm The Morskogen area is particularly • Percent of women who own one: 55% ful view of the lake. For more beautiful views of the lake, known today for having one of Norway’s • Percent of men who own one: 7% After my tour, I rented some golf clubs you can access two online videos: most dangerous roads. A high frequency of • Price range: 8,000 to 70,000 NOK and played a game of golf on the Atlungstad • HDR Time Lapse Lake Mjøsa: vimeo. deaths in car accidents occurs here on High- • Average times worn per year: 2.5 18-hole golf course. Then I walked over to a com/23726957 way E6. nearby farm and went horseback riding. Be- • Kayaking and fishing on Lake Mjøsa: Fokhol Farm (overnight location) ing active outdoors in such a lovely location www.youtube.com/watch?v=_BWMsi- Stange This farm, just outside of Stange, re- was exhilarating! 7BurQ Stange is mentioned in the 1225 saga ceives visitors throughout the year. Pilgrims I spent the night at the Finnsbråten in of Håkon Håkonsen (then called Skaun) and are always welcome. It is an 1,125-acre farm Cultural History Museum Espa. It is an unstaffed, no-service cabin just is described as “a large village with many with cattle, horses, grains, vegetables, hay- I enjoyed visiting this interesting mu- south of Lysjøen Lake. I reserved a bed in churches and large farms.” fields, and pastures. It is one of Norway’s seum very much. I toured its many open-air advance and then paid when I arrived. Pay- I visited the very beautiful medieval largest biodynamic/organic farms. exhibits. The most spectacular was the ruins ing is on the honor system because no one is church here that dates back to 1250. It is an Many farmers in Norway and through- of Hamar Cathedral, which is now covered there to collect the money. Norwegians are important church because it is located on one out Europe are opening up their farms to with a glass shield to protect it. Church ser- exceptionally honest people, and they expect of the main roads traveled by St. Olaf many guests who can learn about the daily opera- vices, concerts, and plays are held here. The foreign tourists to be so as well! years ago. tions of the farm and can also do some work. museum has 65 other historic buildings that Hulda Garborg (1862-1934) was born in one can explore. Morskogen Stange. She wrote novels and plays. What I Atlungstad Distillery Morskogen is a forest on the Mjøsa will especially remember about her, howev- This distillery calls itself “a cultural Hamar Lake located between Eidsvoll and Stange er, is her role in inspiring keen interest in the monument of national value” on its web- Hamar is the most important city in in Hedmark County. It is historically signifi- bunad, Norway’s national costume, during site. It was built next to Lake Mjøsa by local Hedmark County, with a population of cant as the battlefield where the Norwegian the Romantic National Movement in Nor- farmers in 1855. After 150 years, it was fi- 30,000. When Bishop Nicholas Break- Army fought the invading German Army in way. She was even knighted by the Royal nally placed on Norway’s Cultural Heritage speare, an Englishman, was sent to Norway 1940. The Germans won the battle and oc- Order of St. Olav in 1932. List of Historic Sites. as a papal legate in the late 11th century, he cupied Norway for five years. Interesting facts about bunads from the I took a tour and had a sample of its re- established a diocese in Hamar. The famous You can see actual footage from Viking magazine (May 2013): nowned akevitt. In addition to the distillery, cathedral was built here along with a mon- the Battle for Norway in videos posted • Types of bunads: 450 its historic brick building includes a museum on YouTube. Go to www.youtube.com/ • Number of bunads owned: 2.5 million and a large dining room and offers a beauti- See > pilgrim, page 16 10 • February 13, 2015 norwegian american weekly Roots & Connections An American archaeologist from Moss, Norway The Pueblo Grande Museum in Phoenix, Arizona, is Odd Halseth’s unlikely legacy

Thor A. Larsen Fishkill, N.Y. Photos: (right) Thor A. Larsen, (below and A must for visitors to Phoenix, Arizona, below right) courtesy of University of Arizona is the Pueblo Grande Museum, the largest Right: Replicated pre-historical homes at the preserved Hohokam American Indian ar- Pueblo Grande Museum. Below: Odd Halseth is honored by the Phoenix chaeological site in the Phoenix area. The Chamber of Commerce. site was a bustling Indian community 1,500 Below Right: A spotlight on Halseth printed in years ago. The Hohokums developed an ex- the Nov. 7, 1954, Arizona Republic. tensive irrigation system of canals drawing water from the Salt River, which enabled them to settle there and farm the land. The archaeological site provides a 2/3- mile trail through the ancient village, which includes a partially excavated platform mound, ball court, and replicated prehistoric houses. The museum contains a changing gallery of exhibits on Indian archaeology and Southwest history and culture. When we visited the museum for the second time in 12 years, I noticed a plaque on a stone outside the entrance with the following inscription: “In memory of Odd Halseth, First City Archaeologist and Direc- tor of the Pueblo Grande Museum from 1929 to 1960.” Well, that name must be Norwe- gian! (The person manning the gift shop then also happened to be a Norwegian American, Jan Midtskog). So, with Arlene’s help, we explored the libraries in Phoenix area on this Norwegian archaeologist. Based on accolades Odd Halseth re- ceived on his 25th service anniversary testi- monial dinner, Halseth was much more than and he sought to join the armies of England an archaeologist to the people of Phoenix. and France but was rejected. He was accept- Not only did Halseth pioneer the develop- ed as a pilot for the “infant” U.S. Air Corps ment of the pre-historical Indian dwelling in France for 18 months. into a significant archaeological site, but he Halseth arrived in the U.S. in 1916, ob- literally built the initial museum with his tained more education (in archaeological sci- wife, Edna, drawing no salary due to the lo- ence, I presume), and was hired at the San cal economics of the WWII years. As presi- Diego Museum. Subsequently, he had posi- dent of the Arizona State Park Association, tions in other museums in the Southwest, fi- Halseth helped form a separate non-profit nally settling in Phoenix in 1927. organization to raise funds to purchase de- Halseth led many archaeological digs on sirable park or monument sites throughout Pueblo Grande sites over the years. In fact, Arizona with the intent to turn them over to he did many archaeological digs through- the state parks board when they had adequate out the Southwest and wrote many technical funds to take them over. We certainly have journal articles on his findings. The focus of been thankful for this early work since we his work was on the Southwest Indians. A have explored a number of these sites during few samples of articles I found were “Ven- the two visits we had to Arizona. erated Women in Early American Art,” “Re- Before delving into more of Odd’s rich cord Absence Complicates American Ar- archaeological career, I would like to pro- chaeological Study,” and the superb article, vide some background to his earlier years. “Arizona’s 1500 Years of Irrigation History” He was born in Moss, Norway, and his ap- that appeared in the Reclamation and Ari- petite for archaeology began in his child- zona publication. The University of Arizo- as a representative of Arizona at a world con- son? A quote from his newspaper obituary hood when visiting excavation sites in Italy, na has the bulk of his archives. They were gress of anthropologists. He was also award- summed it up very nicely: “The shrewd, Greece, and Egypt (presumably with his par- mostly photographs of his large number of ed the Order of St. Olaf by King Haakon kindly eyes, with their irrepressible twinkle ents). He earned an Engineering degree in excavations. VII for services to Norwegians visiting the of gentle humor are closed now forever, but Germany before WWI. His intention was to Throughout his life, Halseth maintained United States! (So, he certainly remembered the vision they saw become a reality at Pueb- travel around the world as a marine engineer. ties with Norwegians and Norway. One ref- his Norwegian heritage!) lo Grande stands imbued with his spirit as When WWI broke out, he had been in India erence indicated that he visited Oslo in 1936 But what was Odd really like as a per- his enduring monument.” MULLAVEY, PROUT, GRENLEY & FOE

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Have you found Jesus? I have been Beatrice Doris (Sveen) Carter asked that question several times and my February 7, 1920 – February 1, 2015 answer is: I didn’t know he was lost. Any- way, it raises the question: who was Jesus? Beatrice was born Feb. 7, 1920, near When not on the road, Bea loved to Jesus was a radical non-violent revo- Thompson, Iowa, of parents Bert and Dena fish and garden with Harvey. Bea had a spe- lutionary who hung out with lepers, hook- Sveen. She was the second to the youngest cial passion for raising roses and sewing. ers, and crooks. He was not American and of five brothers and five sisters, and the lone Many relatives received quilts and multiple never spoke English. He was anti-wealth, survivor. Bea was very proud of her family’s churches have banners in their sanctuaries. anti-death penalty, anti-public prayer, but Norwegian ancestry. Hundreds of hours of her life were well spent was never anti-gay, never mentioned abor- Bea graduated from Forest City, Iowa, volunteering with the Metropolitan Lutheran tion or birth control, never called the poor High School in 1939. After school she Ministries Christmas Store; the Cancer Soci- lazy, never justified torture, never fought worked as a maid and helped mothers with ety, making bed pads; and Children’s Mercy for tax cuts for the wealthiest Nazarenes, their newborn babies. In 1942 Bea went to El Hospital, making baby blankets. never asked a leper for a co-pay, and was Segundo, Calif., to work at Douglas Aircraft. Beatrice was known for giving and re- a long-haired, brown-skinned, homeless, There she proudly became one of the famous ceiving hugs, loving to be with all kinds of community organizing, anti-slut-shaming “Rosie the Riveters,” helping arm our coun- people. She was a neighborhood mother to Middle Eastern Jew. Photo: Wikimedia Commons try for the war. Later she was a supervisor many children: removing slivers, treating Are you sure you want to find Jesus? There is no historical consensus on what Je- over a Navy fighter plane production line. sunburns, and handing out Band-Aids. She By the way, I also believe He was sus might have looked like. All of the above Bea left California in May 1946, mov- made snow angels with anyone willing to lie the Son of God, Redeemer of the world, are portrayals. ing to Raytown, Mo. She cared for her fa- down in the fluff. She always kept M&Ms and did for us what we could not possi- ther, Bert, and was employed at Hallmark in her home, as well as many baked goods. bly have done for ourselves. He did this may become more like him. Is this what Cards and Singer Sewing Machine Co. In Beatrice remained an active member of for ALL of us out of love and compassion, you want? 1951 Bea started working for the Bendix the Overland Park Lutheran Church until she in order to establish a relationship with us. Do you prefer to keep your present Corporation, where she was a supervisor could no longer drive. She recently told her Do you really want a relationship with this ideas or take your chances? The choice is over secure documents. She retired from loved ones, “I have had a good life and I am man? Be careful, because if you do, you yours. Bendix in 1975. ready to meet my maker.” The world lost a She married Harvey Carter in April of dear wife, caring stepmother, dedicated vol- 1973 and acquired three stepchildren. Prior unteer, and good Norwegian. She passed Community Connections to that time, Bea had always said, “If I ever from this life to her eternity in the early get married, he will be tall, blond, and smoke hours of February 1, 2015. Gratulerer med Dagen! a pipe.” Harvey was her man for over 41 She is survived by husband, Harvey years. Bea loved to travel. She and Harvey Carter; stepchildren, Michael Carter (Sue) went to all 50 United States and visited five of Broomfield, Colo., Janette Brady (Jerry) Happy birthday / continents. She documented these travels in of Augusta, Kan., and Katherine Carter of 50 photo albums! Kansas City; grandson, G. Kyle Brady of engagement / etc! Wichita; loving nephews and nieces; and their children. Your name and 16. februar Liz Gjellstad Minot ND special message Odin Gjellstad Minot ND Bertha Haukaas Sveio Norway Tore B. Heskestad Carmel NY here! Mrs. John Kjelden Hendricks MN Mrs. J. B. Kvinlog Volga SD For more information, call Norma Lind Chicago IL Emil Stone Grandview WI us at (800) 305-0217 or email [email protected]. 13. februar 17. februar Kalmer Berg Freeport ME Scott Gehsmann Morristown NJ Martin Ellefson LaFarge WI Olga Hinderlie Sveio Norway Edith Strom Hall Federal Way WA Alf Kallerud Eau Claire WI Kari Hammon Seattle WA Ida T. Wheeler Castro Valley CA Funeral Home Laura Hanson Seattle WA SOlie and Crematory Labial Zither Jacobean 18. februar Hilands Ranch CO Leona Hanson Gordon Wauwatdsa WI Honoring • Caring • Serving Sigurd Rognebakke Milwaukee WI Ernest Haugen Coon Valley WI 3301 Colby Ave. Everett, WA 98201 (425) 252-5159 Lars H. Hydle Glendale CA 14. februar Knut Lunden Grimstad Norway Alice Myhre Bremerton WA Signe A. Oian Overland Park KS Lawrence Piontak Little Falls MN SCANDINAVIAN SHOP 19. februar WOODEN SPOON 15. februar Anna Alquist Santa Cruz CA 1617 Avenue K, Plano, TX 75074 Alfred Anderson Minot ND Alfred Bauch San Francisco CA (972) 424-6867 Selmer Birkelo St Petersburg FL Berdines Froyland Sauda Norway Julia T. Gronland LaCrosse WI Martha Halseth Outlook Sask Can Inger Ramsfjell Haave Hanford CA Florence Johnson Running Springs CA Order all your lefse Marie Hanson Glenwood MN Agnes Larson Porterville CA equipment by calling us Mrs. Lowell Leach Ada OK Arild N. Reines Pt Orchard WA Clarence O. Steen Bottineau ND Ann C. Somdahl Lake Park MN or ordering on line. Alfhild Syversen CA Justin Sund Olympia WA Sue Waldrop Lynnwood WA Henry Syvertsen Gilford CT Kari Megan Virding Tigard OR Mention this ad and Judith Wood South Colby WA shipping is free! Want to see your birthday in the Norwegian American Weekly? “Rolling in the Dough” apron $22.95 Email [email protected] or call (800) 305-0217. Must be submitted one month in advance. NB: Has someone on our birthday list passed away? Please notify us! [email protected] • www.woodenspoon.ws 12 • February 13, 2015 norwegian american weekly in your neighborhood What’s going on in your neighborhood? Calendar of Events california florida rick Delius, and songs in every other language by Festdrakt Class Nordic Voices First Annual Mary Larsen Regatta Edvard Grieg. At Christiansen Hall of Music, 100 March 7—8 Feb. 20, 8:00 p.m. Feb. 20—21 Urness Recital Hall. Fairfax, Va. San Francisco, Calif. Sarasota, Fla. Learn to sew a festdrakt for you or your child/ Acclaimed for the depth of its programming This Viking Boat Regatta will be the first Sons of new york grandchild, sew a bunad blouse, or alter a bu- and extraordinary vocal skills, this stunning, Norway regatta at the new world-class Benderson Fastelavn nad or drakt. The class is easy instruction with six-voice a cappella ensemble from Oslo, Nor- Rowing Park. It will be a memorial race held each Feb. 22, 2:00—6:00 p.m. fabric and supplies available in class. Cost is way, presents a delightful repertoire ranging year to honor long-time Lodge President Mary Brooklyn, N.Y. $35/day plus supplies. Taught by Deb Mc- from medieval to contemporary works, all Larsen, who died this spring. Visit www.sofn.com/ Come celebrate Danish Mardi Gras, sponsored Conaghy and sponsored by the Washington performed with superlative music-making Events/public/show/1547 for more info. by Scandinavian East Coast Museum and Sons Lodge. Sign up today; space is limited. Contact and stylistic panache. Free. Visit morrison. of Norway Lodge Brooklyn! Dress in costume, [email protected]. At Norway House. sfsu.edu/events/301 for more information. illinois hit the barrel, and eat delicious Danish food. The Vikings exhibition all-inclusive price is $35 for adults, $20 for ages Washington Scandinavian Brunch Feb. 27—Oct. 4 seven to 17, and $15 for those under seven. At Imaging the Arctic: Communicating Climate Feb. 21, 12:00 p.m. Chicago, Ill. the Danish Athletic Club. For reservations call Vic- Science through Art Santa , Calif. Were the Vikings seafaring invaders and plunder- toria at (718) 748-5950. now—Feb. 22 Enjoy a traditional Scandinavian brunch of ers? Or were they also innovative explorers, trad- Seattle, Wash. eggs and smoked salmon, homemade breads, ers, and craftsmen? Through new archaeological Northeast Pennsylvania Ski for Light This exhibit explores the impact of climate coffee, and juice. The guest speaker -is Nor discoveries and hundreds of rare artifacts, ex- Feb. 22—March 1 change on West Greenland’s ecology and cul- wegian Consul General Hilde Janne Skorpen, plore the symbolism of Viking ships, gain insights Windsor, N.Y. ture through the work of three women: ma- who will speak on “The Relationship between into domestic life and death rituals, and under- The NEPA Ski for Light event will be held at Sky Lake rine mammal biologist Dr. Kristin Laidre, - ex Norway, Sweden, and through the stand the importance of travel and trade. View Camp and Retreat Center. SFL pairs a sighted person peditionary artist Maria Coryell-Martin, and years.” $17 for members or $22 for non-mem- Viking workmanship in jewelry, metalwork, and with a visually impaired (VIP) person to do cross- Finnish photographer Tiina Itkonen. The ex- bers. RSVP to Karen Larson at (707) 996-9889. objects made from glass, bone, and amber; and country skiing, snowshoeing, sledding, and other hibit will center around the impact of climate At Freya Lodge. Visit www.freyalodge.org/im- marvel at swords and armor from 750-1100 AD. winter activities. If you think you would like to be change in the Arctic and sea ice loss on nar- ages/Brunch2015.pdf for more info. Virtually excavate a boat grave, and play a Viking a guide, or know a VIP who might like this program, whals and polar bears. These iconic species of game. Uncover the complexities of Viking reli- join us and see firsthand the fun we have. For more the Arctic are highly adapted to the extreme Nordahl Grieg Lodge Anniversary Dinner gious practices. The exhibition was organized by info, visit www.nepasfl-sfh.org or www.sfl.org, or polar environment, and are also an integral Feb. 21, 6:00 p.m. the Swedish History Museum in Sweden, in part- email Ken Mullen at [email protected]. part of Greenlandic culture as subsistence re- Los Gatos, Calif. nership with MuseumsPartner in Austria. At the sources. At the Nordic Heritage Museum. Celebrate the anniversary of the Sons of Nor- Field Musuem. The Age of the Vikings Lecture by Professor way Nordahl Grieg Lodge with a social hour at Anders Winroth Norwegian Inspiration for Disney’s Frozen 6:00 p.m. and dinner at 7:00 p.m. Member- Passport to Scandinavia, an exhibition opening Feb. 24, 6:30 p.m. now—March 1 ship Pins and Special Awards will be presented for Vikings New York, N.Y. Tacoma, Wash. immediately following dinner. At Nordahl Hall. March 18, 6:00—9:00 p.m. Yale University Professor Anders Winroth sheds Disney’s Frozen is a world-wide success, but Chicago, Ill. new light on the complex society and culture of did you know the film makers studied - Nor Norwegian Pea Soup Dinner Experience a curated viewing of Vikings—enjoy the legendary seafarers in his recent book The wegian history and culture extensively while Feb. 27, 6:30 p.m. live Scandinavian music—sample appetizers from Age of the Vikings. Winroth explains Viking at- working on the film? And did you know it is Citrus Heights, Calif. local Scandinavian restaurants. Tickets: $35 ($30 tacks, looks at Viking endeavors in commerce, based on a Hans Christian Andersen tale? Roald Amundsen Lodge invites you to a pea for members) until March 11. $40 ($35 for mem- politics, discovery, and colonization, and reveals Come find out these tidbits and many more at soup dinner at San Juan Masonic Center. Free bers) until March 17. $45 ($40 for members) at how Viking arts, literature, and religious thought the Scandinavian Cultural Center! The exhibi- to lodge members, $7 for other lodge mem- the door. The Field Museum’s presentation of evolved in ways unequaled in the rest of Europe. tion is open through March 1. bers, $8.50 for non-members, $3 for children Vikings is the only U.S. stop on an international Copies of The Age of Vikings will be available for under 10, and free for children under five. tour. Visit www.fieldmuseum.org/at-the-field for purchase and signing following the program. At Leikarringen Celebration Make your reservations with Carol Lee Sol- more information. Scandinavia House. Free. March 1, 1:00—4:00 p.m. heim at (530) 677-2006. Visit www.sonsofnor- Seattle, Wash. waysacramento.com for more information. iowa Flagstad—Triumph and Tragedy Leikarringen of Leif Erikson Lodge invites you Feb. 26—28 to celebrate 55 years of Norwegian dancing, Scandinavian Bowl Turning New York, N.Y. music, and Norwegian culture at Leif Erikson Rosemaling Workshop Feb. 16—18 Watch this one-woman play that presents an in- Hall! Please RSVP by calling (310) 990-2274, March 7, 9:00—4:30 p.m. Decorah, Iowa timate portrait of the world famous Norwegian or email [email protected]. The Santa Cruz, Calif. Learn Scandinavian Bowl Turning using a Spring soprano Kirsten Flagstad (1895-1962) written and afternoon will feature a variety of local musi- This rosemaling workshop, with instructor Pole Lathe with Roger Abrahamson. There will directed by Einar Bjørge (Norway, 2013). Featur- cians; food from our fabulous cooks, Tom and Mardelle Probasco, is sponsored by The Scan- also be lively discussions on the design, function, ing Norwegian co-producer and actress Nina Ben- Bonnie; our favorite dances; and visiting with dinavian Cultural Center of Santa Cruz (SCC- and culture surrounding these objects, as well diksen, Flagstad—Triumph and Tragedy utilizes all the people who have been a part of our or- SC). The project is a 12-inch scalloped edge as the history of woodworking. Cost is $192 for rare live recordings and newly released source ganization over 55 years. We have lost many plate in the Rogaland design. Cost is $45 by members or $242 for non-members. All levels material, including personal correspondence, to of our charter members just since our 50th February 27; $50 after that date. An addition- welcome, but students should be prepared for a portray the woman considered to be the voice of anniversary so it will be a time to remember al $22 materials fee is due to Mardelle in class physically strenuous experience. At Vesterheim. the century. Showing at 7:30 p.m. on Thursday them, too. Please bring potluck desserts to ($2 discount if you bring you own paints). Call (563) 382-9681 to register. There is a $5 discount for current SCCSC mem- and Friday and 5:30 p.m. on Saturday. Cost is $20 share! Donation at the door. All are welcome. bers. Visit www.scc-santacruz.org under the massachusetts or $15 for ASF members. At Scandinavian House. events tab for more info and a list of supplies Wisconsin Norumbega Lodge Cultural Meeting to bring, or call (831)464-3310. At Viking Hall. TEXAS When Disney Called, Luncheon, and March 8, 3:00 p.m. Launch for Charles H. Russell’s book Wilhelm Presentation West Newton, Mass. Feb. 26, 6:30—9:30 p.m. Feb. 22, 11:30 a.m.—1:30 p.m. connecticut Join Norumbega Lodge for a cultural meeting fea- Houston, Texas La Crosse, Wis. Odd Andersen Art Exhibit turing the Norwegian film Doctor Proctor’s Fart Celebrate the release of Wilhelm, Russell’s third Everyone is invited to join Vesterheim in La now—spring 2015 Powder, based on a children’s book by Jo Nesbø. book on the Wærenskjolds. Refreshments are Crosse as they share how the museum arti- Fairfield, Conn. At the Nordic Hall. View the Odd Andersen Art Exhibit at the sponsored by the Consul General Dr. Jostein facts are connected to the Disney film Frozen Scandinavian Club of Fairfield. The exhibition Mykletun and wife Sonia. Please RSVP at www. with the entertaining presentation, When Minnesota norwegiansocietyoftexas.org/events/snorre- Disney Called. A delicious luncheon will be will remain open through spring 2015. Call Norwegian Immigration in Minnesota: 1825- (203) 259-1571 for more information. book-launch-charles-h-russell/. Complimentary served. The event will be at the La Crosse 1925 valet parking! Radisson Hotel. The cost is $30 per person. now—March 22 Contact Stephanie Johnson at snjohnson@ district of columbia Winona, Minn. virginia vesterheim.org or (563) 382-9681 for more Reading Circle: Only the Dead This traveling exhibit highlights the history of Norwegian & Swedish Folk Art information or to make reservations. Feb. 17, 7:30 p.m. Norwegian immigration to Minnesota. Many im- Feb. 20, 7:00 p.m. Washington, D.C. migrant and cultural artifacts will be exhibited Fairfax, Va. Fosselyngen Lodge Meeting & Dinner The D.C. Sons of Norway Reading Circle’s se- from local families with Norwegian heritage. At The program for this Sons of Norway D.C. lodge March 9, 6:00 p.m. lection for February is Only the Dead, the the Winona County Historical Center. meeting is Norwegian and Swedish Folk Art, pre- Milwaukee, Wis. second book in Vidar Sundstøl’s wonderful sented by Tina Keune. There will also be a sale Join Fosselyngen Lodge for a light dinner at Minnesota Trilogy. They discussed The Land of Recital: Breaking the Language Barrier on merchandise from our December Norwegian 6:00 p.m., a short meeting at 7:00 p.m., fol- Dreams, the first book, at the June meeting. If Feb. 17, 7:00 p.m. Festival & Bazaar: 2015 calendars offered at 30% lowed by a program on fjord horses and a DVD you plan to attend the discussion, it is highly Northfield, Minn. discount and boxed chocolates at 25% discount. on the Hurigurten, presented by Judy Mathi- recommended that you read both books. The Enjoy this concert at St. Olaf College featuring At Norway House. son and Lucille Walker. At Norway House. second book will not make much sense if you a song cycle in Norwegian for soprano, piano, haven’t read the first. Contact Christine Melo- and clarinet by Abbie Betinis, songs in Danish by Send your event to [email protected] or call (206) 784-4617 ni at [email protected] for the location. Robert Schumann, songs in Norwegian by Fred- to be added to the Norwegian American Weekly! Check www.na-weekly.com/events for complete listings Event listings are free, but space is limited. Please contact us at least one month prior to event. norwegian american weekly February 13, 2015 • 13 In your neighborhood Rediscovering Iceland at CLU’s symposium California Lutheran University’s Nordic Spirit Symposium focused on the land of “Fire, Ice, and Vikings”

Judith Gabriel Vinje Los Angeles

A larger than usual turnout for the 16th annual Nordic Spirit Symposium at Califor- nia Lutheran University over the weekend of Feb. 6-7 reflects the growing popular- Photos: Ernst F. ity of and interest in the symposium’s focal Tonsing point—Iceland. Left: Archaeologist and An audience of about 200 people sat saga expert Jesse Byock opens the Saturday ses- spellbound throughout the two-day session sion of the Nordic Spirit to hear about Iceland and the Vikings, Ice- Symposium with updates land and the volcanoes, and Iceland as a vital on the Mosfell dig in part of Scandinavia, dating back to its settle- Iceland. ment in the 10th century by Norwegians and Right: Parallels be- Celtic sojourners. tween ancient Greek “Iceland: Land of Fire, Ice, and Vikings” culture and the Norse brought a slate of international experts to the sagas are highlighted by podium, ranging from Ásgeir Margeirsson, Apostolos Athanassakis, right, who traveled from CEO of HS Orka, Iceland’s largest privately Athens to CLU. Left, owned energy company, to Apostolos Atha- Howard K. Rockstad, nassakis, professor emeritus of UC Santa founder and director of Barbara, who raised intriguing parallels be- the Nordic Spirit Sym- tween ancient Greek and Norse cultures. posium for 16 years. Whereas Iceland has preserved much of the original language, and is in the fact that the number of tourists to Ice- University in Tacoma, Washington. Speak- Lodge of Thousand Oaks, were on hand to responsible for documenting Viking mythol- land has increased dramatically, particularly ing as the daughter of an American soldier staff the registration table and to serve re- ogy and history in its Icelandic sagas, the since its recent volcano eruption. The vol- and an Icelandic woman, she discussed the freshments at coffee breaks. island nation is far enough away from the canic nature of the land has resulted in geo- role of the U.S. and NATO in post-World Next year’s symposium will focus on shores of Scandinavia that the centuries-old thermal energy that is unexcelled anywhere War II Iceland, and how Icelanders related Scandinavia during the Reformation, ac- links are often forgotten. else. “Iceland produces more electricity per to the wider Scandinavian and European are- cording to Howard K. Rockstad, founder and Iceland was the last country in Europe capital than any other country,” according to nas, especially through literature. director of the series. to be settled, and to this day remains the con- Margeirsson, “and it’s still the cleanest.” In keeping with the Symposium’s frame- tinent’s most sparsely populated state. With a population of only 320,000, Ice- work of blending lectures with entertainment The Nordic Spirit Symposium is made pos- “I had never really thought of Iceland as land is also a leader in human genomics re- and fine food, music by The Evening Guests, sible by a grant from the Barbro Osher Pro- being so closely linked with my Norwegian search, noted Eirikur Steingrimsson of the an indie/folk band formed by Icelandic song- Sueciav Foundation. Osher is Consul Gener- heritage,” observed Norwegian-American University of Iceland Biomedical Center. writer Jókull Jönsson, and a dinner perfor- al for Sweden in San Francisco, and is former Patricia Savoie of Pasadena, retired litera- Other speakers included Elisabeth J. mance by jazz vocalist Anna Mjöll, singing owner and publisher of Vestkusten, a Swed- ture professor and world traveler. “Iceland Ward, who co-edited the book “Vikings: The in her native Icelandic language. ish-American newspaper. Additional support was always just that place you flew over on North Atlantic Saga” during the millennium Members of the Scandinavian Ameri- comes from the Norway House Foundation, your way to Oslo.” And now? “Definitely on celebration of Viking arrival on North Amer- can Cultural and Historical Foundation (SA- an organization dedicated to honoring the my bucket list,” she said. ican soil. She is the director of the Scandi- CHF), co-sponsors with CLU of the sympo- Norwegian seafarers who risked their lives The popularity of the subject is reflected navian Cultural Center at Pacific Lutheran sium, and of the Norsemen Sons of Norway for the Allied cause in World War II.

< inheritance be a different person if I hadn’t met them and From page 6 been able to communicate with them in their mother tongue. children named Thea, Christian, Victor, and These people are my heritage. They are Elise, were always encouraged to travel and what my heritage has grown to be, a color- were exposed to countless exchange students ful and fascinating family. I have found that and visitors. Because of the multilingual, access to my heritage in the present has af- multicultural nature of this family, they were forded me not only joy and satisfaction but exceptionally welcoming and suited to host free travel accommodations and a cultural me again and again. I have spent two Christ- education as well. I am so grateful for my mases and a 17th of May there, in addition to ancestors who held onto relationships that other visits. I’ve had many thought provok- would later benefit me. ing conversations with Tove about anything So let’s say I want to shed the cumber- from immigrant integration in Oslo to the some nature of that word heritage. Hard to benefits of Norwegian Folk High Schools explain, hard to connect to. I think I’d like to the strange, irresistible appeal of “Alt for to call my “Norwegian heritage” instead my Norge” (Everything for Norway), the reality “Norwegian inheritance.” It’s a privilege that program where Americans compete to meet was handed down and dropped into my lap. their long-lost relatives. I’ve been inspired What makes it even better than a regular in- Photo: Ski for Light / Facebook by the way that Thea, the same age as me heritance though, like an heirloom painting Participants say farewell to 2015’s week, while being menaced by a yeti. (23), travels all over the world on several- or a pile of cash, is that I can take it every- month-long trips with explorative abandon where, get it messy, and share it with friends < ski for light But perhaps past president Bud Keith, and a tiny amount of luggage. I can’t wait for and strangers, which only makes it better. From page 5 blinded about age 10 by fireworks exploding the day I see 12-year-old theater-lover Elise Now I own it, I use it and I take care of it, in a can, said it best. He believed you could perform onstage. I have so much respect for and I owe it to whoever comes next in my tion of Teresa’s journey by David Fisichella boil down the magic of Ski For Light to one 16-year-old Victor’s decision to tackle Jap- family to keep and cherish it so that he or can be read at www.facebook.com/Skifor- word: Love. anese as his fourth language by moving to she can enjoy and learn from it too. Speak- Light/posts/898822226829470.) Elaborating, he explained back in 1985 Japan for an exchange in March 2015. I’m ing Norwegian is one of the ways I take care The 40th anniversary song written by when writing about the first 10 years, “The hoping to recruit those last two for a summer of my Norwegian inheritance, and Skogfjor- Jim Salestrom, a Colorado native who also warmth, trust, and love we create shouldn’t at Skogfjorden in the near future, the first as den, the Norwegian camp at the Concordia composed a 10th anniversary song, has in the be limited to only a week or two each year. a dual-immersion camper and the second as Language Villages helped me achieve that. new lyrics this phrase: “Everybody knows Let us take whatever we have learned and a counselor. Every member of this family I want to encourage you to take care of your when love is shared, it grows.” share it with the rest of the world.” has made such an impression on me, and I’d Norwegian cultural inheritance too. 14 • February 13, 2015 norwegian american weekly norwegian heritage Norwegian & American Women of Distinction

• Harriet Backer (January 21, 1845 – March 25, 1932)

< BACKER From page 1 sen School for Governesses, which at the time, was the highest form of education open to women. She excelled in languages, and became competent in German, French, Italian, and English. She attended a class in a local painting school, which introduced her to the world of art. Her sister Agathe’s career as a concert pianist overshadowed Harriet’s accomplish- ments. In fact she began to accompany her as a chaperone during her travels abroad. Dur- ing these travels, she had time to visit muse- ums. The exposure to such famous paintings inspired a new interest and she would spend hours copying them in her sketch book. With a desire to improve her skill, she arranged for private art lessons from a variety of teachers. Gradually, this hobby helped her to decide she wanted to be educated as a painter. She Photos: Nasjonalbiblioteket / Flickr returned Christiania (Oslo) and between the Above: Backer in her studio c. 1920. years of 1870-1874, she was a pupil at Knud Left: Portrait of Harriet Backer, date unknown. Bergslien’s painting school. At the age of 29 (1874), she decided instruction from a variety of resources. painted “Avskjeden” (“the Farewell”) which aging and teaching female artists, as she on more formal study in Munich, Germany. When her father died in 1877, most shows a grown daughter leaving her father, probably recalled how hard it was for her to Her determination to excel had grown as she likely her mother wanted her to come home. while her mother weeps in the background. obtain instruction. continued to focus on copying the Old Mas- One year later she wrote to her mother say- The young woman in the painting looks like During the summers she always trav- ters and historical subjects. In those years, ing that she would not be returning home to Harriet. After spending sometime develop- eled, in search of new subject matter. She Munich was the place the elite Norwegian care for her. This was not the expected be- ing her paintings in Munich, she moved met many of the Norwegian Nationalists, painters gathered, and here she became a havior of the time, but she indicated in her to , where she continued to study and and spent time in their homes. lifelong friend with Kitty Kielland. How- letter to her mother that art was her calling, paint, mostly historical interiors. Greatly in- She always staged her interiors, using ever, being a woman, she had no rights to and simply must take precedence over her fluenced by impressionist painting, she was models and choosing props for the scenes, attend regular courses, but received private duties as a daughter. That same year she always regarded as more of a realist. She including those in churches. In her career paid great attention to the light in her paint- she painted 180 paintings, mostly of farm ings. With her painting “Blue Interior,” in and church interiors. It is interesting to note Norwegian loanwords: ombudsman 1883, she achieved the colors like those of she never did paint her sister Agathe at the the Impressionists. The model in the painting piano, although she did use her as a model in M. Michael Brady was Asta Nørregard, another famous Norwe- some of her paintings. gian painter. This painting is regarded as one Even into her advanced age, Harriet Asker, Norway of Harriet’s masterpieces. One can imagine would travel the summer in pursuit of new Ombudsman is a loanword from the those days in Paris with her friends Kitty subject matter. Her last interior painting was Scandinavian languages, in which it is and Asta, studying in classes and developing completed in 1924. The National Gallery one of the oldest designations of an of- their own unique style. They probably did commissioned her to paint several still-lifes, ficial position, spelled umboðsmanðr in not realize at the time the significance they the last one titled “Evighetsbildet” (the Eter- Old Norse. It first appeared in print in would play in history. nity painting), which was never completed. English in the 1911 edition of the Ency- Harriet spent her summers in Norway She received many awards including being clopedia Britannica as the title of the fi- and began to focus on the farm interior as honored with the Order of St. Olav. In her nancial controller in the Swedish Riksdag a new subject matter. At the time many Na- hometown of Holmestrand, Ada Madssen (“Parliament”); at the time there were Photo: Enricokamasa / Wikimedia tionalist ideas were developing. Art critic erected a bronze statue of Harriet and her similar posts in the Norwegian and Dan- Georgetown University Ombuds Office sign. Andreas Aubert observed that the artist’s sister Agathe in 1982. ish legislatures. technical skills could be learned abroad, but Harriet was considered one of the great- An ombudsman is an official ap- wegian Armed Forces”) the deep personal involvement and under- est Norwegian painters, and one of the few pointed to investigate complaints made • Sivilombudsman (“Parliamentary standing of Norwegian ways could only be female artists who achieved recognition by the citizenry against the authorities. In Ombudsman for Public Administration”) attained if the artist returned to study in his/ while she was still alive. Harriet Backer Scandinavia, an ombudsman also may be Regional and local authorities also her own country. showed us that even if your life’s passion is a deputy of a group, such as a trade union, have ombudsmen. In 1888, she moved back to Norway discovered later in life, you can always, with appointed to handle its legal affairs. In In the U.S., there are ombudsman of- permanently and settled in Sandvika, out- determination, learn and pursue your calling. Norway, there now are five ombudsmen fices in six federal-level entities: the De- side of Christiania (Oslo). Some of her fin- at the national level: partment of Education, the Department est paintings were created over the next five References: • Barneombudet (“Ombudsman for of Homeland Security Citizenship and years. She began to paint interiors by lamp- , Arvid (translated by Jean Aase). They Children”) Immigration Services, the Environmen- light, resulting in long shadows which gave painted Norway Glimpses of Norwegian • Forbrukerombudet (“Norwegian tal Protection Agency, the Food and Drug the rooms a sense of mystery. At this time nature and Norwegian artists. Consumer Ombudsman”) Administration, the Internal Revenue Ser- she began to paint church interiors. This was Andresen & Butenschøn AS, 2004 Print. • Likestillings- og diskriminerings­ vice, and the United States Navy. There a new subject for her. She spent several years Lange, Marit. Harriet Backer. Oslo, Norway. ombudet (“Gender Equality and Anti- also are ombudsmen at the state level in completing the painting “Christening in Ta- Gyldendal Norsk Forlag, 1995. Print. Discrimination Ombud”) at least five states and as well as in the num Church” (1892). Henie-Onstad Art Center. At Century’s End: • Ombudsmannen for Forsvaret administrations of many cities, counties, Harriet began to give private painting Norwegian Artists and the Figurative (“Parliamentary Ombudsman for the Nor- and educational institutions. lessons and in 1892 developed into a school Tradition 1880/1990. she had until 1910. She focused on encour- Hvikodden, Norway. 1995. Print. norwegian american weekly February 13, 2015 • 15 arts & entertainment International research in e-reading Book review: led by University of Stavanger A lyrical debut novel

Vicki Gundrum Denver, Colo.

Rebecca Snow’s debut novel Glass- music is lovely to read, lyrical as the songs the blind father plays in the story on water- filled glasses. The novel is set in 1920s Nor- way from a village girl's point of view. Ingrid is the youngest daughter of Oskar Solheim, a traveling musician and minister. The rural setting, community, and family dynamics create a powerful presence against which Ingrid must struggle to become her own person. Both good and evil play disturbing parts. The novel is not a traditional moral- Photo: Svartling / Flickr ity tale—it portrays an astute perspective of E-reading is convenient, but is it effective? present-day empathy, set back in time. Snow’s mother immigrated as a young < e-reading child from Norway to Ballard in 1948. From page 1 Glassmusic is very loosely based on Snow’s family history in Norway. Her great-grand- to screens, the less students understand. well as of other phenomena involved in read- father, Matias Orheim, received the king’s In multicultural Europe, the ongoing de- ing. An overall measure of reading may in- gold medal of merit for his work as a blind cline of reading skills has caused alarm at the volve ergonomics (all interactions involving musician, composer, writer, and minister. novel is wonderful, appropriately lacking international level. The OECD’s Program touch), visibility (detection of what is seen), He inspired the character Oskar Solheim, American idioms and typical phrasings. The for International Student Assessment (PISA) legibility (color, fonts), attention (including and Ingrid is based largely on Snow's grand- dusting of Norwegian words are comprehen- and other comparative evaluations have distraction of multitasking), comprehension mother. As Snow clarifies in her author's sible in context and add to the authenticity ranked European students below their peers (span and depth), memory (short- and long- note, however, all the characters along with of a different time and place, as do the men- in Asia, Canada, and Oceania, and one in five term), metacognition (higher-level thinking the story are a work of fiction with hints of tions of Ibsen, Rilke, and trolls. The book is a lack adequate reading skills. Speculation is that enables understanding), emotions, and true history here and there. quick and beautiful read, with good doses of rife on the underlying causes, though evi- phenomenology (consciousness as experi- The simplicity of the language in the humor, delight, and long-lasting resonance. dence to date suggests that the ongoing shift enced from the first-person point of view). to reading on screen is the most significant Though we cannot measure it in the here and trigger of the decline. The European Union now, evolution may play a significant role. (EU) accordingly has initiated Europe-wide The invention of reading a few thousand research on the impact of digitization on years ago triggered an evolutionary process reading. The research is organized through of brain reorganization that broadened think- the European Cooperation in Science and ing and in turn contributed to the evolution Technology (COST) framework of actions of the human species. involving scientists and researchers across The main objective of E-READ is to de- Europe, in a dedicated action called the Evo- velop a comprehensive model of reading that Flagstad lution of Reading in the Age of Digitization together with this overall measure will lead t r i u m p h a n d t r a g e d y (E-READ). to scientific understanding of the digitization Anne Mangen, an Associate Professor at of reading. In turn, this understanding will the National Center for Reading Education help people, disciplines, societies, and sec- and Research at the University of Stavanger tors to cope with the effects of digitization. Performances @ scandinavia House, new York on Norway’s west coast, initially proposed When E-READ was first envisioned as a Thursday, February 26, 7:30 pm and now chairs the E-READ action. In the COST action, 15 European countries and two cyberspace lingo of our time, she observes non-COST countries, Canada and the U.S., Friday, February 27, 7:30 pm that the process of reading always has taken were interested in participating. By the time place at an interface between a person and a the E-READ kick-off meeting was held in saTurday, February 28, 5:30 pm technology, be it print on paper or characters Brussels, Belgium, on November 28, 2014, a and images on a screen. So the research task total of 26 countries had agreed to participate $20 ($15 ASF MeMberS) then is to explore how changes at the inter- in the four-year program, from the spring of face affect the reading experience. 2015 to the autumn of 2018. At this writing, The task is more complex than it might the first two working meetings are sched- A theatrical portrait with the music of the Norwegian soprano called “the voice of the century.” seem at the outset. We don’t read the same uled for April 2015 in Ljubljana, Slovenia, way on screen as we do on paper, even for and for October 2015 in Szeged, Hungary. this one-woman play that presents an intimate portrait of the world famous Norwegian soprano seemingly identical texts, such as a page of You can follow the progress of E-READ on an E-book compared to the same page of a its website at www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ Kirsten Flagstad (1895-1962) is written and directed by Einar Bjørge and features Norwegian actress paper book from which it was scanned. Our isch/Actions/IS1404 Nina Bendiksen. Flagstad – Triumph and Tragedy utilizes rare recordings and newly released source processing abilities depend on more than material, including personal correspondence, to portray the woman called “the voice of the century.” the format in which reading material is pre- Further reading: sented. In short, there’s more to reading than Proust and the Squid: The Story and Sci- what meets the eye. The physical nature of ence of the Reading Brain, by Maryanne Highlighting key moments in Flagstad’s life and career, the play presents, in her own words, confes- a book, magazine, newspaper, or printed re- Wolf, (New York, 2008, Harper Perennial sions and reflections never shared during her lifetime. Acclaimed when first performed June 2013 at port—its weight and dimensions, the way Edition, 336 page paperback, ISBN 978-0- it feels in our hands, the arrangement of its 06-093384-5); several other editions and the Flagstad Festival in Hamar – the soprano’s birth place – and later at the Oslo Opera Festival the pages—give it tangibility that in turn may af- formats available; translated into 13 lan- play has since been performed at numerous venues in Norway. the New York premiere of Flagstad fect comprehension. guages. th One of the goals of the E-READ action University of Stavanger Reading Center – Triumph and Tragedy marks the 80 anniversary of Flagstad’s February 1935 debut at the Metro- is to develop a measure of this tangibility as website: lesesenteret.uis.no/frontpage politan Opera, which launched her into international stardom.

For reservations, call 212.847.9740 or email [email protected] thank you for reading the Weekly! SCANDINAVIA HOUSE | 58 PARK AVENUE @ 38t H StREEt | NYC | SCANDINAVIAHOUSE.ORG 16 • February 13, 2015 norwegian american weekly back page < pilgrim attractions: the Kirsten Flagstad Museum, Norwegian Language Corner From page 9 Lake Mjøsa’s Skibladner, the Norwegian Railway Museum, and the Olympic arena NORWEGIAN FOLK TALES, FAIRY TALES and TROLLS astery and a school. Nicholas later became that was used during the 1994 Olympics in Pope Adrian IV. Lillehammer. The city is located on the lake, about This brings me to the end of Leg B. I halfway up on the eastern side. In addition have much more to share with you but I have to the cathedral, this city has other tourist run out of space!

Volume 2 With 21 classic folk tales, fairy tales, and trolls from Norway in Norwegian and English, “Tuss og Troll” is now

serialized in the Norwegian American Weekly’s Norwegian Language Corner. The stories are from the collections of Peter Christen Asbjørnsen and Jørgen Moe, and retold by Øyvind Dybvad, Gard Espeland, Velle Espeland, Come to Norway, Meet the World! Johannes Farestveit, and Nana Rise-Lynum. Translated by Alexander Knud Huntrods and Odd-Steinar Dybvad Raneng. Illustrated by Solveig Muren Sanden, Jens R. Nilssen, and Ralph A. Styker. “Tuss og Troll” was edited, designed, and published by Deb Nelson Gourley of Astri My Astri publishing. Copyright © Norsk Barneblad. [email protected]

l July 31, 2015

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NATIONAL AWARD WINNING 3-VOLUME-SET SAVE $20 Norwegians in America, their History and Record: on 3- A translated version of the 1907 and 1913 vol-set Nordmændene i Amerika, deres Historie og Rekord Written by Martin Ulvestad Volume 1 — 480 pages, years 1825-1907 • Pioneer sagas, maps & immigration • USA (41 states, 500 counties) & Canada Volume 2 — 640 pages, years 1825-1907 • Norwegians in American Wars incl. Civil War Den lure reven The clever fox • 25,000 pioneers by 1,700 locations in Norway del 1 part 1 Volume 3 — 704 pages, years 1825-1913 • GENEALOGY, biographical sketches • Where emigrated from, year, where to Det var ein gong ein mann som Once upon a time there was a man Price = $39.95 for each book hadde vore ute og fiska. Han hadde gjort who had been out fishing. He had a good or $99.95 for the 3-volume-set god fangst, og kom køyrande heimetter catch and came driving home with a Hardcover, 7″x10″, Smyth sewn med eit heilt lass med fisk. Best som han whole load of fish. As he sat in the cart, Call, send a check, or order from website Plus FREE shipping in USA sat der i kjerra, fekk han sjå ein rev som he saw a fox that lay curled up beside the låg ihopkrulla attmed vegen, still og stiv road, still and stiff as if he was dead as a Astri My Astri Publishing www.astrimyastri.com Deb Nelson Gourley Phone: 563-568-6229 som han var steindaud. stone. 602 3rd Ave SW, Waukon, IA 52172 [email protected] — Der har eg ei bra gåve til kona, “Now I have a good gift for my wife,” tenkte mannen. Han tok og slengde den thought the man. He took and threw the daude reven bakpå lasset. Så køyrde han dead fox on the back of the load. Then he the av stad att. Men då kom det liv i reven. drove off again. But then the fox came to Stilt og varsamt kasta han den eine fisken life. Quietly and cautiously he threw one etter den andre av lasset, og då kjerra var fish after the other off the cart, and when Hearthstone tom, hoppa han sjølv etter. the cart was empty, he hopped off. Då mannen kom heim, ropa han inn When the man came home, he til kona. — No, kjerring, vil du sjå den fine called inside to his wife. “Now mother, skinnkragen eg har med til deg? would you like to see the fine fur stole I — Kvar har du han då? spurde kona. have with me for you?” — Her på lasset. Mykje fisk og ein “Where do you have it then?” asked skinnkrage på toppen! sa mannen. Då the wife. kom kjerringa ut og ville sjå. “Here on the load. A lot of fish and Men ikkje såg ho snerten korkje av a fur stole on the top!” said the man. So fisk eller reveskinn. — Din gamle kallkrok! his wife came out wanting to have a look. Sa ho og gav mannen ein øyrefik. — Kvi- But she did not see a hint of either for prøver du å narra meg slik? the fish or the fox pelt. “You twisted old — Au, au, revefanten var nok ikkje fool!” she said and gave her husband a daud, sutra mannen. Men det er for seint cuff on the ear. “Why are you trying to å tenkja på det no. fool me?” Reven sanka i hop att all fisken, og så “Ow, ow, that rascal fox must not Welcome to the Neighborhood! sette han seg til å eta i ro og mak. Då kom have been dead,” whimpered the man. det ein ulv framom. — God dag, kjære But it is too late to worry about this now. ven! Gje meg litt fisk! sa ulven. The fox gathered up all the fish into — Du får gå ned på elveisen og fiska, a pile and set about eating in peace and du som eg, så får du nok kveldsmat, svara harmony. Then a wolf came along. “Good Mikkel. day, my dear friend! Give me some fish!” Stikk berre svansen din i ei råk, så said the wolf. kjem fisken og bit seg fast, sa reven. Ja, “You should go down to the ice on ulven gjekk ned til elva og sette seg til the river and fish, as I did, then you will med svansen i råka, og beit gjorde det, for get supper, for sure,” answered Reynard det var midt på smellkalde vinteren. Det the fox. gjekk ikkje lenge før rova fraus fast i isen. “Just stick your tail into a hole and then the fish will come and bite them- selves fast,” said the fox. Aye, the wolf went down to the river and sat with his tail in a hole, and bite it did, as it was in the the middle of the extremely cold winter. Hearthstone And it did not take long before his tail was frozen firmly to the ice. Retirement Living 6720 E Green Lake Way N Seattle, WA 98103 at Seattle’s Green Lake www.hearthstone.org $29.95 with FREE shipping in the U.S.A. www.astrimyastri.com (206) 517-2213