Madawaska Subdivision Arnprior, Serviceability Report



Prepared For:

T. Anas Holdings Ltd. 394 Madawaska Boulevard Arnprior, Ontario K7S 3H2

Prepared By:

NOVATECH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS LTD. Suite 200, 240 Michael Cowpland Drive , Ontario K2M 1P6

January 2014

Ref: R-2013-225 Novatech File: 113186

Madawaska Subdivision Serviceability Report

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0. INTRODUCTION ...... 1 2.0. Proposed Development ...... 1 3.0. WATER SERVICING ...... 1


5.0. STORM SERVICING ...... 2

6.0. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT ...... 3 6.1. Stormwater Management Criteria ...... 3 6.2. Stormwater Quantity Control ...... 3 6.3. Proposed Site Quality Control ...... 3 6.4. Overland Flow Route ...... 4 7.0. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES...... 4 7.1. Temporary Measures ...... 4 8.0. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ...... 5

List of Figures Figure 1 Key Plan Figure 2 Concept Plan Figure 3 Proposed Site Plan

List of Appendices Appendix A Water Servicing Information Appendix B Sanitary Servicing Information Appendix C Stormwater Management Calculations Appendix D Oil-Grit Separator Information

Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd. i Madawaska Subdivision Serviceability Report


Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd. has been retained by T. Anas Holdings Ltd. to prepare a Serviceability Report in support of a Draft Plan of Subdivision Application. The site is located on the north side of Madawaska Boulevard between Herrick Drive and Decosta Street (Part Lot 1, Concession C and D) within the Town of Arnprior. Figure 1 is a Key Plan showing the site location.

2.0. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT The property is approximately 23.4 hectares in size and is currently undeveloped consisting of grass, brush and trees. The topography of the site slopes from south to north with an elevation difference of approximately 14.0m across the site. The site is bounded by Madawaska Boulevard to the south, an existing rail line to the north and a small area of existing commercial development by the southwest corner.

It is proposed to construct a subdivision consisting of approximately 111 single family homes, 10 semi-detached homes (20 units), 31 townhouse/attached bungalow blocks (149 units) 1.33 hectares of multi-residential, and 4.42 hectares of commercial/retail development. The development will include an internal road network and can be accessed by two proposed entrances from Madawaska Boulevard. Figure 2 Preliminary Lotting Plan shows the proposed development concept as well as the phases of the proposed development.


There is an existing 300mm diameter municipal watermain located at the intersection of Madawaska Boulevard and Decosta Street. It is proposed to extend this existing municipal infrastructure to service the proposed development. A 300mm diameter watermain is proposed to service the commercial portion of the development, with 200mm watermain servicing the residential portion. The system will be looped with two connections to the existing municipal system.

A Water and Wasterwater Master Plan (WWMP) has been prepared by Stantec (dated June 14, 2013) for the Town of Arnprior. This Master Plan shows the subject site as future development labeled as subarea #4. The Town of Arnprior also provided boundary conditions for the municipal watermain system. A preliminary analysis has been completed for the proposed development and the existing municipal watermain system can provide adequate domestic flow and fire protection for the development. A hydraulic analysis and model would be completed as part of the detailed design process.

A fire flow of 125L/s is available throughout the site. This will meet the needs of the requirements for residential development, and most sprinklered commercial buildings. During the detailed design stage, criteria for the commercial sites may need to be established to ensure adequate fire protection.

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OCT 2013 113186 FIGURE 1 M:\2013\113186\CAD\Design\Figures\Figure1.dwg, Sheet 8x11 portrait, Dec 23, 2013 - 4:17pm, iandric

Madawaska Subdivision Serviceability Report

Figure 3 shows the proposed servicing concept for the watermain system. Relevant figures from the WWMP are provided in Appendix A for reference and supporting preliminary calculations.


There is an existing 600mm diameter municipal sanitary sewer located at the intersection of Madawaska Boulevard and Decosta Street. The WWMP indicates that a 375mm diameter sanitary sewer can be extended to service the proposed development off the existing 600mm diameter sanitary sewer. A 250mm diameter sanitary sewer is proposed to service the development.

The proposed development is labeled as Subarea #8 in the WWMP. The WWMP estimates a total sanitary flow of 27.1 L/s from Subarea #8. Sanitary flows for the proposed development are calculated to be 26.5/s. Therefore, the existing municipal infrastructure can adequately service the proposed development with excess capacity in the downstream sewers.

Phase 1 and 4A will be serviced via gravity connections to the proposed 250mm sanitary sewer. Phase 2, 3 and 4B will drain via gravity to a proposed pump station. The proposed pump station will require a capacity of approximately13 L/s, with standby power and twin forcemains. The pump station forcemains will outlet to the gravity sewer at the limit of Phase 1.

Figure 4 Sanitary Concept Plan shows a proposed sanitary sewer layout for the proposed development and preliminary drainage areas. Relevant figures from the Master Plan are provided in Appendix B for reference and supporting preliminary calculations.

5.0. STORM SERVICING As indicated previously, the site is currently undeveloped. Stormwater currently sheet drains across the property from south to north. There is also an elevation drop of approximately 14.0m across the site. Stormwater currently drains towards the existing ditch along the rail line. There are three culverts crossing the existing rail line that allows stormwater to drain from the subject property to the property to the north of the tracks. Stormwater sheet drains a short distance within the property to the north and then enters a wetland area.

It is proposed to service the development with a storm sewer system with sewers ranging in size from 300mm diameter to 900 mm diameter. The culverts crossing the rail line and the existing wetland area will remain as the storm outlet for the site per existing conditions. Figure 6 Storm Concept Plan shows the proposed storm sewer layout for the proposed development and preliminary drainage areas.

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Madawaska Subdivision Serviceability Report

6.0. STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 6.1. Stormwater Management Criteria The following is the Stormwater Management criteria as established by the Town of Arnprior. • Quantity control is required to pre-development levels unless it can be shown that there are no adverse effects on the downstream wetlands. • Quality control is also required to a normal level of treatment or 70% removal of total suspended solids.

6.2. Stormwater Quantity Control

Existing topographic information was reviewed to determine the pre-development drainage areas and calculate pre-development flows from the site and these areas are shown on Figure 5.

The three existing culverts were also reviewed to determine their capacities in relation to the existing drainage from the property. It was determined that the capacities of the existing downstream culverts do not constrain the storm drainage from the site. These capacities are determined by the MTO Drainage Manual Design Chart 2.31, and are shown in the table below.

Therefore, the allowable release rate from the development is the pre-development flow to each of the existing culverts crossing the rail line.

Culvert 100 Year Allowable Flow Capacity (m 3/s) Culvert #1 0.45 0.75 Culvert #2 0.58 2.6 Culvert #3 0.72 1.9

There are two existing areas to the south of the site, south of Madawaska Boulevard and to the east of the site that currently drain across the site to one of the three culverts. The drainage from these areas has been accounted for in the capacities of the existing culverts and the drainage patterns will be maintained.

Therefore, quantity control of stormwater will be provided by three detention areas prior to outletting stormwater through culverts #2 and #3. Preliminary stormwater calculations are included in Appendix C and conceptual detention areas are shown on Figure 6 Proposed Storm Concept Plan.

6.3. Proposed Site Quality Control Quality control of stormwater is required to a normal level of control or 70% removal of total suspended solids. Quality control will be provided through the use of oil-grit separators which will outlet to the dry detention areas. Preliminary sizing of oil-grit separators has been completed and is include in Appendix D for reference.

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Madawaska Subdivision Serviceability Report

6.4. Overland Flow Route

An overland flow route, for storms in excess of the 100 year storm event, will be provided to the existing culverts crossing the rail line per the existing drainage patterns.

7.0. EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES 7.1. Temporary Measures Temporary erosion and sediment control measures will be implemented during construction. Silt fence, straw bales and filter cloth catches will be used as erosion and sediment control measures.

Filter cloth catches should be inspected daily, and after every rain event to determine maintenance, repair or replacement requirements. Sediments or granulars that enter site sewers shall be removed immediately by the contractor. These measures will be implemented prior to the commencement of construction and maintained in good order until vegetation has been established.

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8.0. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The conclusions of this report are as follows: • Water servicing, including both domestic and fire protection, can be provided by connection to the existing watermain infrastructure at the intersection of Madawaska Blvd and Decosta Street. The existing municipal infrastructure will be extended to the property limits per the Master Servicing Plan. • Sanitary flows for the proposed development have been calculated and there is sufficient capacity within the existing municipal infrastructure to service the development. The existing municipal sanitary sewer will be extended to the property limits per the Master Servicing Plan. • Quantity control of stormwater is proposed to restrict the release of stormwater to the pre-development conditions prior to stormwater outletting to an existing wetland area. • Quality control of stormwater will be provided through the use of oil-grit separators and grassed swales. • An overland flow route will be provided. • Erosion and sediment control measures will be implemented during construction.


Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Cara Ruddle, P.Eng. J. Lee Sheets, CET Project Manager Sr. Project Manager

Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd. Pg. 5 Madawaska Subdivision Serviceability Report

APPENDIX A Watermain Information

Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd.

Alex McAuley

From: John Steckly Sent: October-08-13 2:55 PM To: Alex McAuley Subject: FW: Boundary Conditions Attachments: Arnprior_2011 Fire Flow.pdf

Follow Up Flag: Follow up Flag Status: Completed

John Steckly, A.Sc.T. Civil Engineering Technologist

Town of Arnprior 105 Elgin Street West Arnprior, ON K7S 0A8 Phone: 613-623-4234 ext. 238 Fax: 613-623-9960

From: John Steckly [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Wednesday, September 04, 2013 1:36 PM To: '[email protected]' Subject: FW: Boundary Conditions

Hi Cara,

As requested, please see the information below provided by Stantec pertaining to Peter Anas’s proposed development site on Madawaska Boulevard.

John Steckly, A.Sc.T. Civil Engineering Technologist

Town of Arnprior 105 Elgin Street West Arnprior, ON K7S 0A8 Phone: 613-623-4234 ext. 238 Fax: 613-623-9960

From: Alemany, Kevin [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 2:48 PM To: John Steckly Subject: RE: Boundary Conditions

Good afternoon John,

As requested, please find the boundary conditions for subarea #4 of the Water & Wastewater Master Plan. Using the 2011 hydraulic model scenario, I applied the demand values established for subarea #4 from the master plan. The

1 location of the demands (i.e. the boundary condition location) is along the 300mm diameter watermain at the intersection of Madawaska Blvd and Decosta St.

The 2011 extended period simulation average day demand scenario with a subarea #4 demand of 2.99L/s (+ the diurnal pattern) was used to determine the maximum HGL (i.e. during minimum hour). The elevated tower water level ranged from 40% to 100% full or a hydraulic grade line of 146.6 to 152.5m.

The 2011 extended period simulation maximum day demand scenario with a subarea #4 demand of 5.42L/s (+ the diurnal pattern) was used to determine the minimum HGL (i.e. during peak hour). The elevated tower water level ranged from 40% to 100% full or a hydraulic grade line of 146.6 to 152.5m.

The 2011 steady state maximum day demand scenario + fire flow was used to determine the fire flow boundary condition. Two fire flows were tested 7500L/min (125L/s) & 10,000L/min (167L/s). The elevated water tower was set at 40% full (146.6m) and two pumps were in operation at the plant.

The boundary conditions are as follows:

Maximum hydraulic gradeline (HGL) (i.e. minimum hour): 152.5m

Minimum HGL (i.e. peak hour): 143.0m

Maximum day + fire flow: HGL: 130.9m with a fire flow of 125L/s and 122.7m with a fire flow of 167L/s

As requested, I’ve attached a pdf of the existing available 2011 maximum day demand fire flows per the 2013 water master plan model results.

Trusting this meets your needs, feel free to call to discuss further.

Sincerely, Kevin

Kevin Alemany Environmental Engineer Stantec 400 - 1331 Clyde Avenue Ottawa ON K2C 3G4 Ph: (613) 724-4091 Fx: (613) 722-2799 Cell: (613) 292-4226 [email protected] stantec .com

The content of this email is the confidential property of Stantec and should not be copied, modified, retransmitted, or used for any purpose except with Stantec's written authorization. If you are not the intended recipient, please delete all copies and notify us immediately.

¸ Please consider the environment before printing this email.

From: John Steckly [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Thursday, August 29, 2013 1:24 PM To: Alemany, Kevin Subject: Boundary Conditions

Hi Kevin,

Would you be able to provide me with the boundary conditions for the Subarea #4 on the attached map. The developer’s consultant is requesting this info.

On a similar note, if it is not too difficult , would you be able to send me a pdf shot of the current pressures/flows at each junction (hydrant) in Town.



John Steckly, A.Sc.T. Civil Engineering Technologist

Town of Arnprior 105 Elgin Street West Arnprior, ON K7S 0A8 Phone: 613-623-4234 ext. 238 Fax: 613-623-9960

3 2011 Model Fire Flow (L/s) at 20 psi Residual Pressure


Prepared By: Kevin Alemany, M.A.Sc., P.Eng. Date: Tuesday, September 03, 2013 Madawaska Subdivision Serviceability Report

APPENDIX B Sanitary Calculations

Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd.

Madawaska Subdivision Serviceability Report

APPENDIX C Stormwater Management Calculations

Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd.

Madawaska Subdivision Serviceability Report

APPENDIX D Oil Grit Separator Information


(6.85 hectares) x (0.5) x (2.775) Design Ratio1 = = 2.64 (3.6 m2)

Bypass occurs at an elevation of 0.79m (at approximately 27 l/s/m2) Rainfall Intensity Operating Rate2 Flow Treated % Total Rainfall Rmvl. Effcy4 Rel. Effcy mm/hr % of capacity (l/s) Volume3 (%) (%) 0.5 2.0 4.7 10.7% 98.0% 10.5% 1.0 3.9 9.5 9.3% 98.0% 9.1% 1.5 5.9 14.2 10.3% 98.0% 10.1% 2.0 7.9 19.0 8.6% 97.6% 8.4% 2.5 9.9 23.7 6.7% 96.3% 6.5% 3.0 11.8 28.5 5.8% 95.3% 5.5% 3.6 13.8 33.2 5.0% 93.8% 4.7% 4.1 15.8 38.0 4.4% 91.8% 4.0% 4.6 17.7 42.7 2.3% 89.9% 2.1% 5.1 19.7 47.5 4.2% 88.0% 3.7% 6.4 24.7 59.3 7.4% 85.3% 6.3% 7.6 29.6 71.2 4.0% 82.6% 3.3% 8.9 34.5 83.1 3.5% 80.0% 2.8% 10.2 39.4 94.9 1.8% 76.8% 1.4% 11.4 44.4 106.8 3.7% 71.7% 2.7% 12.7 49.3 118.7 1.3% 65.6% 0.9% 19.1 74.0 178.0 3.6% 45.6% 1.6% 25.4 98.6 237.3 1.4% 10.0% 0.1% 38.1 147.9 356.0 1.1% 8.0% 0.1% 83.8%

% rain fallingfalling at >38>38.1.1 mm/hr or bypassingbypassing treatment = 44.8.8%% Assumed removal efficiency for bypassed flows = 0.0% Estimated reduction in efficiency5 = 6.5% Predicted Net Annual Load Removal Efficiency = 77%

1 - Design Ratio = (Total Drainage Area) x (Runoff Coefficient) x (Rational Method Conversion) / Grit Chamber Area - The Total Drainage Area and Runoff Coefficient are specified by the site engineer. - The rational method conversion based on the units in the above equation is 2.775. 2 - Operating Rate (% of capacity) = percentage of peak operating rate of 68 l/s/m2. 3 - Based on 10 years of rainfall data from Canadian Station 6105976, Ottawa CDA, ON 4 - Based on Contech Construction Products laboratory verified removal of an average particle size of 80 microns (see Vortechs Guide). 5- Reduction due to use of 60-minute data for a site that has a time of concentration less than 30-minutes. Calculated by: JAK 10/10 Checked by:


(7.73 hectares) x (0.773) x (2.775) Design Ratio1 = = 3.53 (4.7 m2)

Bypass occurs at an elevation of 0.67m (at approximately 22 l/s/m2) Rainfall Intensity Operating Rate2 Flow Treated % Total Rainfall Rmvl. Effcy4 Rel. Effcy mm/hr % of capacity (l/s) Volume3 (%) (%) 0.5 2.6 8.2 10.7% 98.0% 10.5% 1.0 5.3 16.4 9.3% 98.0% 9.1% 1.5 7.9 24.6 10.3% 97.6% 10.0% 2.0 10.5 32.8 8.6% 96.0% 8.2% 2.5 13.2 41.0 6.7% 93.8% 6.3% 3.0 15.8 49.2 5.8% 91.8% 5.3% 3.6 18.4 57.4 5.0% 88.8% 4.5% 4.1 21.1 65.6 4.4% 86.8% 3.8% 4.6 23.7 73.8 2.3% 85.7% 2.0% 5.1 26.3 82.1 4.2% 84.3% 3.5% 6.4 32.9 102.6 7.5% 81.1% 6.1% 7.6 39.5 123.1 3.8% 76.8% 2.9% 8.9 46.1 143.6 2.9% 69.0% 2.0% 10.2 52.7 164.1 1.5% 62.9% 0.9% 11.4 59.3 184.6 2.8% 58.7% 1.6% 12.7 65.9 205.1 1.0% 54.0% 0.5% 19.1 98.8 307.7 2.7% 10.0% 0.3% 25.4 131.7 410.3 1.1% 8.0% 0.1% 38.1 197.6 615.4 0.8% 8.0% 0.1% 77.8%

% rain fallingfalling at >38>38.1.1 mm/hr or bypassingbypassing treatment = 88.6.6%% Assumed removal efficiency for bypassed flows = 0.0% Estimated reduction in efficiency5 = 6.6% Predicted Net Annual Load Removal Efficiency = 71%

1 - Design Ratio = (Total Drainage Area) x (Runoff Coefficient) x (Rational Method Conversion) / Grit Chamber Area - The Total Drainage Area and Runoff Coefficient are specified by the site engineer. - The rational method conversion based on the units in the above equation is 2.775. 2 - Operating Rate (% of capacity) = percentage of peak operating rate of 68 l/s/m2. 3 - Based on 10 years of rainfall data from Canadian Station 6105976, Ottawa CDA, ON 4 - Based on Contech Construction Products laboratory verified removal of an average particle size of 80 microns (see Vortechs Guide). 5- Reduction due to use of 60-minute data for a site that has a time of concentration less than 30-minutes. Calculated by: JAK 10/10 Checked by: VORTECHS SYSTEM® ESTIMATED NET ANNUAL SOLIDS LOAD REDUCTION BASED ON AN AVERAGE PARTICLE SIZE OF 80 MICRONS PROPOSED RESIDENTIAL SUBDIVISION ARNPRIOR, ON MODEL 7000 OFF-LINE SITE DESIGNATION OGS #3

(8.8 hectares) x (0.545) x (2.775) Design Ratio1 = = 2.83 (4.7 m2)

Bypass occurs at an elevation of 0.7m (at approximately 24 l/s/m2) Rainfall Intensity Operating Rate2 Flow Treated % Total Rainfall Rmvl. Effcy4 Rel. Effcy mm/hr % of capacity (l/s) Volume3 (%) (%) 0.5 2.1 6.6 10.7% 98.0% 10.5% 1.0 4.2 13.2 9.3% 98.0% 9.1% 1.5 6.3 19.8 10.3% 98.0% 10.1% 2.0 8.5 26.3 8.6% 96.9% 8.3% 2.5 10.6 32.9 6.7% 96.0% 6.5% 3.0 12.7 39.5 5.8% 94.7% 5.5% 3.6 14.8 46.1 5.0% 92.8% 4.7% 4.1 16.9 52.7 4.4% 90.6% 4.0% 4.6 19.0 59.3 2.3% 88.0% 2.0% 5.1 21.1 65.9 4.2% 86.8% 3.6% 6.4 26.4 82.3 7.4% 84.3% 6.2% 7.6 31.7 98.8 4.0% 81.7% 3.3% 8.9 37.0 115.2 3.5% 78.8% 2.8% 10.2 42.3 131.7 1.8% 74.0% 1.3% 11.4 47.6 148.2 3.3% 67.7% 2.2% 12.7 52.9 164.6 1.2% 62.9% 0.7% 19.1 79.3 247.0 3.3% 36.3% 1.2% 25.4 105.7 329.3 1.3% 8.0% 0.1% 38.1 158.6 493.9 1.0% 8.0% 0.1% 82.2%

% rain fallingfalling at >38>38.1.1 mm/hr or bypassingbypassing treatment = 55.8.8%% Assumed removal efficiency for bypassed flows = 0.0% Estimated reduction in efficiency5 = 6.5% Predicted Net Annual Load Removal Efficiency = 76%

1 - Design Ratio = (Total Drainage Area) x (Runoff Coefficient) x (Rational Method Conversion) / Grit Chamber Area - The Total Drainage Area and Runoff Coefficient are specified by the site engineer. - The rational method conversion based on the units in the above equation is 2.775. 2 - Operating Rate (% of capacity) = percentage of peak operating rate of 68 l/s/m2. 3 - Based on 10 years of rainfall data from Canadian Station 6105976, Ottawa CDA, ON 4 - Based on Contech Construction Products laboratory verified removal of an average particle size of 80 microns (see Vortechs Guide). 5- Reduction due to use of 60-minute data for a site that has a time of concentration less than 30-minutes. Calculated by: JAK 10/10 Checked by: