December 3, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6061 Kustoff (TN) Pence Stewart The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- is a bill that deals with the unequal en- LaHood Perry Stivers lows: forcement of our drug laws where peo- LaMalfa Posey Taylor Lamborn Reed Thompson (PA) H. RES. 1244 ple are treated differently and more Latta Reschenthaler Thornberry Resolved, That upon adoption of this reso- negatively because of the color of their Lee (CA) Rice (SC) Tiffany lution it shall be in order to consider in the skin. Really? Lesko Richmond Timmons House the bill (H.R. 3884) to decriminalize My distinguished Republican friend Lipinski Riggleman Tipton Long Roby and deschedule cannabis, to provide for rein- did not object to any of the bills we are Turner Loudermilk Rodgers (WA) vestment in certain persons adversely im- bringing up today sponsored by Repub- Upton pacted by the War on Drugs, to provide for Lucas Roe, David P. licans—five different bills—but he Luetkemeyer Rogers (AL) Van Drew expungement of certain cannabis offenses, Marchant Rooney (FL) Vela and for other purposes. All points of order chose to object to a bill that is address- Marshall Rose, John W. Visclosky against consideration of the bill are waived. ing the issue of racial justice. Wagner Massie Rouzer In lieu of the amendment in the nature of a Now, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised Walberg Mast Roy substitute recommended by the Committee McCarthy Rutherford Walden because it is consistent with the atti- McCaul Scalise Walker on the Judiciary now printed in the bill, an tudes that come out of this White McClintock Schweikert Walorski amendment in the nature of a substitute House, but it also makes clear to me McHenry Scott, Austin Waltz consisting of the text of Rules Committee that the Republican Party is no longer McKinley Scott, David Watkins Print 116–67, modified by the amendment Meuser Sensenbrenner Weber (TX) printed in the report of the Committee on the party of Lincoln. It is the party of Miller Shimkus Webster (FL) Rules accompanying this resolution, shall be some of the most intolerant voices on Mitchell Simpson Wenstrup considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, the rightwing and those who dabble in Moolenaar Smith (MO) Westerman shall be considered as read. All points of conspiracy theories. It really is sad. Mooney (WV) Smith (NE) Williams Mullin order against provisions in the bill, as The Republicans made a motion that Smith (NJ) Wilson (SC) Murphy (NC) Smith (WA) amended, are waived. The previous question Wittman the House do now adjourn to highlight Newhouse Smucker shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as Woodall the fact that we are able to vote re- Norman Spano amended, and on any further amendment Nunes Stauber Wright thereto, to final passage without intervening motely in this Chamber in the midst of Yoho Olson Stefanik motion except: (1) one hour of debate equally a pandemic. The leader said that near- Palazzo Steil Young ly one-third of the Democratic Caucus Zeldin divided and controlled by the chair and rank- Palmer Steube ing minority member of the Committee on didn’t vote yesterday, which, by the b 1355 the Judiciary; and (2) one motion to recom- way, they did because we do have re- Messrs. BROWN of Maryland, YAR- mit with or without instructions. sponsible voting rules in place in the MUTH, JOHNSON of , and Ms. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- middle of this pandemic. Now, get this, TLAIB changed their vote from ‘‘yea’’ tleman from Massachusetts is recog- Mr. Speaker. But then, right after say- to ‘‘nay.’’ nized for 1 hour. ing that, 95 percent of the Republican So the motion to adjourn was re- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, for Conference didn’t even show up to vote. jected. the purpose of debate only, I yield the You can’t make this stuff up, Mr. The result of the vote was announced customary 30 minutes to the gen- Speaker. as above recorded. tleman from Georgia (Mr. WOODALL), They didn’t vote in person, and they my good friend, pending which I yield MEMBERS RECORDED PURSUANT TO HOUSE didn’t vote remotely—nothing. Maybe I RESOLUTION 965, 116TH CONGRESS myself such time as I may consume. am missing something here, but I don’t During consideration of this resolu- Barraga´ n (Beyer) Kaptur (Dingell) Payne think the strategy was very well Bera (Aguilar) Kennedy (Kuster (Wasserman tion, all time yielded is for the purpose thought through. Bonamici (Clark (NH)) Schultz) of debate only. The distinguished minority leader is (MA)) Kim (Davids Peters (Kildee) GENERAL LEAVE Boyle, Brendan puzzled why we have passed rules that (KS)) Pingree (Kuster Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I ask F. (Jeffries) Kirkpatrick (NH)) allow people to vote remotely during Brownley (CA) (Stanton) Pocan (Raskin) unanimous consent that all Members this pandemic. I have a news flash for (Clark (MA)) Lamb (Golden) Porter (Wexton) be given 5 legislative days to revise and him: Close to 275,000 people are dead. Carson (IN) Langevin Pressley extend their remarks. (Cleaver) We have colleagues, both Democratic (Lynch) (Trahan) Castor (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there colleagues and Republican colleagues, Price (NC) (Demings) Lawson (FL) objection to the request of the gen- (Demings) (Butterfield) who have been infected by this virus. Cohen (Beyer) tleman from Massachusetts? While many Republicans are rushing Costa (Cooper) Lee (NV) Roybal-Allard There was no objection. Dean (Scanlon) (Kuster (NH)) (Garcia (TX)) to attend maskless superspreader DeSaulnier Lieu, Ted Ruiz (Dingell) b 1400 Christmas parties at the White House, (Matsui) (Beyer) Rush we in the Democratic majority are fol- Deutch (Rice Lofgren (Underwood) Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, before (NY)) (Jeffries) Schneider I begin, I feel I need to respond to the lowing the guidelines by the Attending Doggett Lowenthal (Casten (IL)) meltdown that occurred right before Physician in the Capitol, by the CDC, (Raskin) (Beyer) Schrier the vote on the Republican side. by Dr. Fauci, and by every reputable Doyle, Michael Lowey (Tonko) (DelBene) F. (Cartwright) As the distinguished minority leader medical expert in the world. McEachin Serrano Operating remotely during a pan- Escobar (Garcia (Wexton) (Jeffries) knows, House Democrats have sent two (TX)) McNerney Sherrill major coronavirus relief bills over to demic, I want to tell my friend, is not Frankel (Clark (Raskin) (Pallone) the Senate. Sadly, those bills have radical, it is not unique, and it is not (MA)) Meng (Kuster Sires (Norcross) Garamendi been gathering dust on MITCH MCCON- unprecedented or lazy. It is respon- (NH)) Speier (Scanlon) (Sherman) NELL sible. It is constitutional. The Supreme Moore (Beyer) Thompson (CA) ’s desk. He has refused to schedule Grijalva (Garcı´a Mucarsel-Powell (Kildee) a vote and a debate on those bills. Court is working remotely, as are leg- (IL)) islators around the country and around Hastings (Wasserman Titus (Connolly) But the good news is that today, at (Wasserman Schultz) Watson Coleman 12:45, we find out that Leader MCCON- the world. Schultz) Nadler (Jeffries) (Pallone) NELL and Speaker PELOSI have spoken We aren’t doing this because it is Jayapal Napolitano Welch about their shared commitment to convenient, Mr. Speaker. We are doing (Raskin) (Correa) (McGovern) Johnson (TX) Pascrell Wilson (FL) completing an omnibus and COVID re- it because it is necessary, and we are (Jeffries) (Pallone) (Hayes) lief package as soon as possible. I take doing it because we want to save lives. f that as good news. So, we invite our Republican col- We can walk and chew gum at the leagues to join us, to be responsible, PROVIDING FOR CONSIDERATION same time in this Democratic-con- and to understand why these rules are OF H.R. 3884, MARIJUANA OPPOR- trolled House of Representatives. That so incredibly important and maybe set TUNITY REINVESTMENT AND means we need to deal with not only an example for others in this country, EXPUNGEMENT ACT OF 2019 passing an omnibus bill and a COVID especially those who operate in 1600 Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, by di- relief bill, but we have other work that Pennsylvania Avenue. rection of the Committee on Rules, I needs to be done as well. Mr. Speaker, on Wednesday, the call up House Resolution 1244 and ask I find it curious, Mr. Speaker, that Rules Committee met and reported a for its immediate consideration. the bill the minority leader objected to rule, House Resolution 1244, providing

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:25 Dec 04, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03DE7.003 H03DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H6062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 3, 2020 for the consideration of H.R. 3884, the This is what beginning to reverse the cause I have gotten to do some hum- Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment failed war on drugs looks like, Mr. dingers. We have done some serious and Expungement Act, under a closed Speaker. It is a testament to all of legislating in the 10 years I have been rule. The rule provides 1 hour of debate those who have fought for a fresh and in Congress. We have done some serious equally divided and controlled by the more effective approach year after year rulemaking in the 2 years Mr. MCGOV- chair and ranking member of the Com- after year. ERN has been chairman of the Rules mittee on the Judiciary. It self-exe- Now, I have worked side by side with Committee. cutes a manager’s amendment by many of them in this effort since I was Mr. Speaker, you can always tell Chairman NADLER, and it provides for first elected to Congress back in 1996. when we have been burning the mid- one motion to recommit with or with- For so long, we were told the same night oil in the Rules Committee be- out instructions. thing. We were told to wait, to wait, to cause the rule will take a good 7, 8, or Mr. Speaker, we are here today to wait. Well, cannabis-related amend- 9 minutes to read here on the floor of continue our effort to reform our Na- ments couldn’t even get a fair fight on the House. Why? Because getting good tion’s failed approach to the war on this floor under the prior Republican legislation done is a complicated, dif- drugs, to put racial justice at the heart Congresses. Not a single one was ever ficult thing to do. It involves a lot of of our Nation’s Federal cannabis pol- made in order in the 112th, 113th, or give and take; it involves a lot of icy, and to make restorative justice a 114th Congresses—not one. We could voices at the table; and it involves a reality for so many Americans. This is bring no bill to the floor related to can- lot of time in the Rules Committee to what the public has demanded for so nabis. The only one made in order last make that happen. long, that Congress address the broken Congress was an amendment to eradi- Mr. Speaker, we are down here today status quo that allows the color of cate illegal grow operations on Na- surrounded by Purell wipes, hand sani- someone’s skin to dictate the repercus- tional Forest System land. tizer, and social distancing, and we are sions of their actions. Congress has stood idly by for too not here to talk about that COVID This is not hyperbole, Mr. Speaker. long as communities of color, in par- package that my friend from Massa- Cannabis accounts for almost half of ticular, were being torn apart. This chusetts referenced. We are here to, all drug arrests in our country—half. majority, Mr. Speaker, is committed to sadly, participate in what has become a Most are arrested for possessing small doing something about it. The House theme in this Congress, and that is amounts, not for selling or manufac- has debated more amendments on can- folks will have the germ of a wonderful turing anything. nabis policy last year than it did dur- idea on the Democratic side of the That is bad enough. But today in ing my entire 20 years in Congress, and aisle. They will nurture that idea in America, Mr. Speaker, you are nearly now we are moving forward with the their Democratic Caucus, and they will four times more likely to be arrested most sweeping reforms in generations. put together all the parts of that idea for cannabis if you are Black. Commu- This is what a more responsive Con- they believe need to come together in nities of color use cannabis at roughly gress looks like. their Democratic Caucus. Then, we will the same rate as their White counter- Now, some, particularly on the other come to the House floor, and we will parts, but if you look like me, Mr. side, have wondered why we are moving pass that idea with Democratic votes. Speaker, you are far less likely to face forward with these reforms now. We Then, we will be vexed, truly vexed, the same penalties. must soon fund the government for the about why that idea goes to the United I am not okay with that, and nobody next fiscal year and pass the annual de- States Senate and dies. should be. I am not okay with a system fense bill. We are also trying to prod I say truly vexed, Mr. Speaker. I have that treats those who have been con- the Senate to get serious about a true been here a long time. We have seen victed of minor cannabis offenses like COVID relief bill. this happen. Leadership of both parties they are some kind of drug kingpin. Again, as I said earlier, we have a lit- knows, when you put together an idea And I am not okay with a system that tle bit of hopeful news, based on the all by yourself, when you don’t take sends people to prison for cannabis-re- conversation between the Speaker and the time to get all the voices in the lated offenses even in States where rec- the Senate majority leader. We have a room together, and when you don’t reational cannabis use has been legal- lot to do in the waning days of this take the time to build the strategic ized. Congress, and I get that. But the an- partnerships, then good ideas do die. To do nothing about this is intoler- swer is simple. This is not an either-or Sometimes it is on the way to the able, and to pretend like this is a prob- proposition. Congress, as I said before, other Chamber; sometimes it is in con- lem for communities of color to solve can walk and chew gum at the same ference; and sometimes it is on the alone is inexcusable. time. President’s desk. America’s failed war on drugs helped A recent survey found that nearly 60 We had numerous amendments of- create this problem. It will take a na- percent of Americans support this un- fered to this bill. None but the man- tional, holistic approach to resolve it. derlying bill. That includes a majority ager’s amendment was made in order. H.R. 3884 represents a major step for- of both Democrats and Republicans. We had Republican advocates for many ward. It complements other bipartisan The facts are clear, and the public of the provisions in this bill speak of criminal justice reform bills passed in wants Congress to act. the opportunity to do something to- this Congress and in the 115th Con- The question is, what are we going to gether but that those opportunities gress. do about it? were missed along the road in the Judi- This underlying bill removes can- I think it is time for us to take a ciary Committee. nabis from the Controlled Substances stand, to stand for restorative justice, I take my friend from Massachusetts’ Act, decriminalizing it at the Federal to stand for racial justice, to stand for comments to heart when he is so en- level so States can set their own laws. criminal justice reform, and to stand thusiastic by a conversation that our It also puts a process in place to ex- with the majority of Americans de- Speaker has had with the majority punge prior convictions made in Fed- manding reforms to our Nation’s can- leader in the Senate. I, too, am excited eral courts and establishes services to nabis policy. about that because talking about what help those convicted of cannabis-re- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of we have done all by ourselves in a par- lated crimes whose lives have been my time. tisan way doesn’t lead to positive out- harmed by the war on drugs, because Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield comes for my constituency. Our leader- no lives should be destroyed by this myself such time as I may consume. ship in the Democratic-led House get- failed policy. I appreciate my friend from Massa- ting together with the leadership in Finally, this bill also makes Small chusetts yielding me the customary 30 the Senate, the Republican-led Senate, Business Administration funding avail- minutes. that kind of bipartisan partnership able for legitimate cannabis-related Mr. Speaker, this may very well be does lead to good outcomes for our con- businesses while helping ensure people the last rule I do down here on the stituents back home. I am hopeful that of color can participate in this thriving floor of the House, and I was sad when we will be able to see that come to fru- industry. SUSAN was reading from the rule be- ition.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:25 Dec 04, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03DE7.028 H03DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE December 3, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6063 Today, however, we do not have the Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to with common sense to support this rule COVID package. We have the Mari- defeat this rule and give us a chance to and the underlying legislation. juana Opportunity Reinvestment and do better. In the absence of that, I also Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, it is Expungement Act. Mr. Speaker, I have will have an opportunity to defeat the now my pleasure to yield such time as long said that we needed to have a bill previous question and bring up some of he may consume to the gentleman like this on the floor of the House. My those COVID packages that really can from Oklahoma (Mr. COLE), one of our friend from Massachusetts tells me we make a difference for our friends back former colleagues on the House Budget have debated more marijuana amend- home. Committee, currently the leader of the ments in the past 2 years than we have Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of Republican side of the House Com- in the past 20 years. I take him at his my time. mittee on Rules. word that that is true. I don’t think Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I am Mr. COLE. Mr. Speaker, I thank my this is a topic that we have not been happy to yield 2 minutes to the gentle- very good friend from Georgia for woman from Pennsylvania (Ms. SCAN- spending enough time on. I think it is yielding. LON), a distinguished member of the a topic that has received more than its Normally, when I come down to this Rules Committee. fair share of attention in this Congress. floor, it is to debate the rule with my The racial equities that my friend Ms. SCANLON. Mr. Speaker, like my colleague, the distinguished member of good friend, the distinguished chair- talks about deserve better than to be man of the Committee on Rules, and it part of a partisan package that goes the Committee on Rules from Georgia, I, too, hope that the renewed interest is to disagree with the legislation, in nowhere. The generational disparities many cases. And at least that is true: that my friend from Massachusetts in both Houses in passing COVID relief yields fruit sooner rather than later. It I am opposed to the rule and opposed to talks about deserve better than to be the underlying legislation. part of a package that has been cobbled does require that the Senate make it a priority, and I have been advised that Mr. Speaker, the real purpose that I together for the floor rather than built the Senate’s priority this afternoon am here today is something that my together for the President’s desk. once again is confirming another con- friend from Georgia referred to oft too b 1415 servative judge. So we will both have fleetingly in his opening comments, I agree with absolutely every heart- to hold out hope as we move forward. and that is that this may be his last felt comment my friend from Massa- Mr. Speaker, I am here today, appearance managing a rule of the chusetts shared, from the time being pleased to rise in support of today’s floor of the House. now, to the opportunities that have rule and the underlying legislation, the Now, I had the good fortune to serve been wasted, to the inability to have MORE Act. in Congress throughout my friend’s dis- these discussions when we need to and It becomes clearer by the day that tinguished 10-year career. We served, as the ability that we have had recently the time is long overdue for the Fed- he said, on the Committee on Budget to have them more. eral Government to bring its mari- together. We have had the opportunity So to have all of that truth there to juana policy into the 21st century. to serve on both the majority and the The current approach has failed our be wasted on a December 3 package minority on the Committee on Rules youth, has failed to stem more harmful that will not be moving anywhere, I together. I was very proud to be a drug usage, and, most notably, has would say to my friend, I believe hurts member of the Republican Study Com- failed communities of color across the me as much as I know it will hurt him. mittee—still am—during his tenure as . That is because, when it He does not go through these efforts to our chairman. comes to marijuana, there are two jus- simply be a part of the motion; he goes Mr. Speaker, I have to say, probably tice systems in the United States: a through these efforts because he be- something that my good friend, the gentler, more understanding system lieves in the goal. I regret that this ap- chairman, will agree with, we regret mostly available to White Americans, pears to be another messaging exercise very much that my friend has made the and a punitive, less-forgiving system in front of us today. decision to leave Congress and go pur- primarily enforced against Black and NDAA, Mr. Speaker, National De- sue—and, I am sure, successfully— Brown Americans. other things. fense Authorization Act, a bill that we Mr. Speaker, this isn’t justice. This We regret it because ROB WOODALL have come together as Republicans and is not who we must be as a nation. Democrats to speak with one voice on Thousands of people, mostly younger has been, throughout his 10 years, a for over 60 years, still hangs out there, Black and Brown men, remain incar- Member’s Member, a person whom I needs to be done by this year; funding cerated, while a growing number of have never heard say one ill word of the Federal Government, not just States, including Pennsylvania, have about anyone on either side, even while because of all the healthcare items, but decriminalized and legalized marijuana vigorously disagreeing with that per- because of those more mundane items, for medicinal and recreational use. son; a person who has made us proud from transportation to education to The question is no longer whether we with the civility and the decency with our veterans—all of those dollars need are living in a world if we will legalize which he has conducted his office and to be provided. cannabis. States across the country are discharged his duties; somebody that I Reauthorization of program after leading the way and demonstrating think everyone on the Committee on program, like the United States Coast how to safely, responsibly, and effec- Rules not only likes and admires, but Guard, for example, we have priority tively regulate cannabis for medicinal considers an invaluable part of the after priority after priority that this and recreational use. Committee on Rules because he man- House still has left to accomplish, not Mr. Speaker, the MORE Act will de- ages to make his points and bring out in a partisan way, but in a unified way criminalize marijuana by removing it the best in our committee and, again, that can move through the United from the Controlled Substances Act do so in a way that is always civil, that States Senate and on to the President’s and apply retroactively to prior and is always appropriate, and, frankly, desk. I know we are going to get to pending marijuana-related convictions. that is quite often humorous and dif- these priorities, but it is not without The bill will also require Federal fuses difficult situations. some frustration that I find myself on courts to expunge prior convictions If we had more Members in the the floor here again talking about bills and require courts to consider resen- United States House of Representatives that will not be on their way to the tencing hearings for those still under like ROB WOODALL, we would be a bet- President’s desk. supervision. ter body than we are—and I think both I find myself talking in a dis- The MORE Act will not fix all of the sides would agree on that. He knows appointed tone with my friend from injustices caused by the obsolete and how to conduct debate and argument. Massachusetts about opportunities ineffective approach of the Federal He knows the process. He knows how to that we have to make a difference for Government towards cannabis, but it is work through the process in a civil families, but opportunities that are a good and long-overdue start. manner. I have seen him do it in the going to be missed because of the way Mr. Speaker, I urge all of my col- majority. I have seen him do it in the we have crafted it. leagues to side with justice and side minority.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:25 Dec 04, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03DE7.030 H03DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H6064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 3, 2020 I could not be prouder of him and the But the bottom line is I have had Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I service he has rendered to this institu- some of my best fights with you, and thank the gentleman from Massachu- tion. I could not be, frankly, sorrier we have disagreed on a lot of issues, setts as chair of the Committee on about losing a colleague who I think but we have disagreed without being Rules, and I collectively thank the has contributed each and every day. disagreeable. Committee on Rules for its diligent Now, ROB was the chief of staff, Mr. The Committee on Rules has to deal work on the MORE Act, and that is Speaker, before he came here, to one of with a lot of contentious issues. We H.R. 3884. our predecessors, , who have dealt with our share of conten- Let me, as well, thank JERRY NAD- also was a member of the Committee tious issues in this last Congress, but I LER, chairman of the Committee on the on Rules. So he came to this com- have really taken great comfort and Judiciary, for his great work and, of mittee really understanding how it great inspiration by the example of course, two outstanding members, BAR- works, much like the chairman, who you, Mr. WOODALL and Mr. COLE and BARA LEE and EARL BLUMENAUER, for had a very similar career pattern him- others who understand the incredible their consistent and persistent deter- self, working as a staffer then coming nature and the incredible majesty of mination. on and now, obviously, rising to the this institution that we get to serve in. Mr. Speaker, this morning I spoke to preeminent position on the committee So even among these contentious de- a representative of the law enforce- as our distinguished chairman. He has bates, you have never, ever drawn us ment community, and I indicated to seen a lot of Members work through down. It has always been in a way that him that we are about to move forward this process as well, just as I have, and is respectful and that honors your con- on the decriminalizing of marijuana at I suspect he values my friend, even victions and your beliefs. the Federal level, eliminating, feder- though he is on the other side, as deep- We have been together early in the ally, the criminalization of marijuana ly as I do. morning; we have been together in the and cannabis. I indicated that it was Mr. Speaker, I just want to say, for middle of the afternoon, late at night. not to undermine law enforcement and the record, to my friend, ROB: We are We meet a lot in the Committee on not to promote drug use but, in es- going to miss you. We are going to Rules, but Mr. WOODALL’s good nature sence, to bring about justice and to miss you on the committee. But much and his sense of humor, whether it is provide for the right kind of roadway more importantly, this institution is intentional or unintentional, makes it for what over a majority of Americans, going to miss you. It is going to miss a little more interesting and, I dare Republicans and Democrats, want. your civility. It is going to miss your say, makes it a lot more fun. It is an important legislative initia- decency. It is going to miss your indus- So I want to take this opportunity to tive. It provides a vehicle for sales tax try. It is going to miss the manner in thank you for the many years of distin- and a vehicle that allows businesses in which you represent all of us to your guished service, both your near decade the marijuana business to be able to constituents and, frankly, when you of service as a Member of Congress and bank legally. It provides for a reinvest- speak on this floor to the people of the before that, as Mr. COLE pointed out, ment program, an opportunity grant United States of America. You have your service working for Congressman program, and, as well, an expungement every reason to be proud of the career John Linder, who was also on the Com- program governed by Federal courts. that you have built here. You could mittee on Rules. b 1430 never be as proud of your career as all You have brought with you some in- of us are of you and the manner in credible people as well. I see your long- It ensures that there are no sales which you have conducted yourself. time Committee on Rules staffer Janet made to those under 21. It deals with My friend, this may be the last rule; Rossi on the floor here today. She is substance abuse. This is a real step for- although, I have got to tell you, if I here to honor your service, as well as ward in bringing America together, and can sneak you in one more time, I the others who are here today. And I I know that my colleagues tomorrow would. It is like we are losing, I think, just want to thank her for all of her on the floor of the House will recognize our best pitcher, and if I can find one work in the Committee on Rules as that is what we are doing. more game to stick him in, believe me, well over these years. As many people know, the States I will. But I want to tell you how much I always think it is really hard to be that have decriminalized can continue; I admire you, how much I like you, a staff member and work for us on the those who have not can continue their how much I revere your career, how Committee on Rules because you have laws as well. much I will miss you as a Member and to listen to all of us go on forever and So I ask my colleagues to support a friend. ever and ever. H.R. 3884 when it comes to the floor. Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, let me just close with Let us do it in unity. myself such time as I may consume. this, and that is I think you and I come I, too, want to take the opportunity, Mr. Speaker, I associate myself with from different parts of the country and very briefly. Mr. WOODALL, I think we the remarks of the distinguished rank- we have very different points of view have seen each other quite frequently, ing member, Mr. COLE. on our politics, but to me, politics either on this floor in debate or in the We are going to miss you, ROB, and should be about conviction, not about Rules Committee. Let me echo the gen- this may be my final opportunity to be political opportunism or flip-flopping erosity and cordialness of your per- able to yield to you during a rules de- with whatever way the prevailing sistent intellect in challenging each bate. The end of Congress is obviously winds are going. and every one of us who came to make rapidly approaching, and you have de- What I have always admired about our case. That is all we can do as cided to retire from Congress after a you is that you feel strongly about Americans and Representatives, is to very distinguished career. We have what you believe in. You know what make our case. spent countless hours not only up in you believe in and you fight for your I join you. Let us work together for a the Committee on Rules, but together convictions, whether it is popular or COVID–19 relief package and have that on this floor debating many conten- not popular. And I agree with Mr. COLE as our legacy as we leave this place. tious issues. My distinguished friend when he said that this institution But I wanted to make sure you knew from Georgia is always very focused, would be better served if we had more that Texans appreciate your great and he is always right on message and Members like you. leadership. Georgians and Texans have he is really quite impressive. Mr. Speaker, I want to say thank a good relationship. Congratulations to Mr. Speaker, every once in a while, you, and I hope you come by the Com- you. Thank you for your service. my mother watches these proceedings, mittee on Rules next time you come Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield and she will always say: You know, back to Washington, and maybe if I get 4 minutes to the gentlewoman from Ar- that WOODALL guy, he is a very good lost and I am in Georgia, I will stop by izona (Mrs. LESKO), a member of the debater. your firm and we can reminisce. Judiciary Committee and the Rules And I always say: Well, what about Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the Committee. me? I mean, do you have anything nice gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON Mrs. LESKO. Mr. Speaker, first, be- to say about your son? LEE). fore I talk about the bill at hand, I

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:25 Dec 04, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03DE7.032 H03DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE December 3, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6065 want to say just what an honor it has relief bill. This notwithstanding the destroyed hundreds of thousands of been serving with you on the Rules fact that for the last over six months, young Black lives. Black people use Committee, Mr. WOODALL. he has held everything up. We have ac- cannabis no more frequently than You know, I didn’t know Mr. tually sent two major COVID relief Whites, but they are arrested about WOODALL, really, before I served on the bills over to the Senate. So I am hope- four more times, and in some parts of Rules Committee with him, and I found ful. I am going to try to be hopeful the country, it is much, much greater. him to be very witty, a very good de- that, in fact, this is for real. We are still arresting or citing 600,000 bater as well. You do it in such a nice I would also say that the focus of this people a year for something that the way. You really win the debates, but bill is on unfair, unequal, and racist majority of Americans now think you do it with a smile, and you do it in drug laws. I mean, as I said in my open- should be legal. That is why the voters a friendly way. I really appreciate the ing statement, if people want to know in this country took it into their own way you conduct yourself and how you what systemic racism is, look at how hands. That is why today, 99 percent of actually win arguments, but you are our drug laws are enforced in this the American population have some ac- very friendly about it. country. cess to legalized cannabis. I don’t know what your future holds, If you look like me and you were This will help us set up a system but I wish you all of the best. You are caught with a small amount of can- moving forward. It will stop the inter- extremely talented, and it really is an nabis, you would probably get off with ference by the Federal Government for honor to serve with you. a very, very light sentence, if any- research, for banking, for being able to Mr. Speaker, let me talk about the thing. But if the color of your skin promote an opportunity to make this bill. I find it crazy, quite frankly, that were black or brown, it is a whole dif- work properly and not interfere with the American people and small busi- ferent story. what voters in States have decided to nesses are hurting, because of the I mean, our system of drug laws is do in the best interest of their public. COVID crisis, and they need COVID re- what systemic racism is in this coun- I really appreciate our being at this lief, and we are not concentrating on a try. No matter what you think about, point. The legislation was carefully bipartisan COVID relief stimulus pack- you know, States legalizing marijuana crafted over the course of two years age right now that will actually be or not legalizing marijuana, or what- with the Judiciary Committee. It signed into law. ever, I think we all ought to be com- comes on the heels of other legislation, I find it just incredulous that, in- mitted to making sure there is equal like the Safe Banking Act, and we have stead, my Democratic colleagues are justice under our laws. research legislation that is moving for- focusing on legalizing marijuana na- People’s lives were ruined because of ward. Five States, including Arizona, tionwide. the color of their skin and how our just approved it. Sometimes I think that the world is drug laws were enforced. It is wrong. Mr. Speaker, this is a historic mo- turned upside down, when you have a The time has long since passed for us ment. It is an important step towards State—I think Oregon—that bans plas- to do something. That is what this is rationalizing the policy, towards racial tic straws but legalizes cocaine and all about. justice, towards health, so that maybe heroin. It is just insane to me and I So we will work on the COVID relief the parents in my neighborhood don’t think to a majority of my constitu- bill, and I hope that MITCH MCCONNELL have to formulate cannabis medicine ents, whether they be Republican, is sincere in what he said to Speaker to stop their babies from being tor- Independent, or Democrat, quite frank- PELOSI. I believe we will come together tured by extreme seizure disorder. ly. on an omnibus bill to keep our Govern- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. It is interesting to me—I sit on the ment running, but we also need to ad- YARMUTH). The time of the gentleman Rules Committee and the Judiciary dress issues like this. has expired. Committee—that on a lot of these to- Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield bacco bills that the Democrats have gentleman from Oregon (Mr. BLU- an additional 1 minute to the gen- been promoting, it says, okay, we don’t MENAUER). tleman from Oregon (Mr. BLU- want flavored tobacco. But yet on Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, I MENAUER). marijuana, they don’t seem to care appreciate the gentleman’s comments Mr. BLUMENAUER. Mr. Speaker, about that. They don’t care. and his courtesy. that is why a number of States that In this bill, there is nothing about we Listening to my colleague from Ari- haven’t yet legalized cannabis have shouldn’t have flavored edibles or zona sort of made my head hurt. This passed legislation to legalize that. candies or brownies that would be en- legislation does not legalize cannabis This is an opportunity for us to right ticing to children. As far as I know, across the country. What it does is it this historic wrong. This is an oppor- that is not in this bill at all. Yet, we stops the Federal Government from tunity for us to turn the page and move want to ban that with tobacco. This interfering with what States have de- forward without Federal interference makes absolutely no sense to me and cided to do. so that we are not outsourcing the no sense, I think, to the American pub- No small amount of irony, her State product development to Canada or lic. just approved legalizing cannabis. And Israel. It is an opportunity for us to re- At a time when parents are trying to this legislation would prevent the Fed- alize the promise while we realize the get their children back into school eral Government from interfering with notion of racial justice. with an in-person option, because their what her voters decided. I urge, in the strongest possible children are falling so far behind be- I have been waiting for this historic terms, for my colleagues to get in step cause of the lockdowns of schools, here moment for a long time. I was in the with the vast majority of the American we are with a bill that will make it Oregon legislature when we were the public, with what has happened at the easier for these same children to get first State to decriminalize cannabis. I State level, to be able to make this marijuana products. have been working from Bangor, safe, affordable, and healthy, some- I am sorry. I just don’t get it. I don’t Maine, to Santa Barbara ever since thing that will make a big difference understand the motivation. I am abso- trying to end the failed prohibition of for people across the country. It is lutely opposed to this bill. cannabis. something for which time is long over- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield It is happening today, because it has due, and I herald the day and hope that myself such time as I may consume. been demanded by the voters, by facts, my colleagues will vote for it. Mr. Speaker, I want to respond to my by the momentum behind this issue. Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, if we good friend from Arizona. I am not sure It is now a $17 billion industry. It em- defeat the previous question, I will she was on the floor earlier when I an- ploys 250,000 people. It is powerful in amend the rule to allow for consider- nounced that, finally, MITCH MCCON- terms of economic development. ation of a bill that will assist our NELL seems willing to want to nego- More important, as my friend from struggling small businesses as we enter tiate a deal, not only on an omnibus Massachusetts said, this is an oppor- the winter months and folks are antici- bill, but he seems to be interested in tunity to strike a blow against the pating increased risks of having to talking about how we can get a COVID failed war on drugs that has literally shut their doors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:25 Dec 04, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03DE7.034 H03DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H6066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 3, 2020 Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- It was bicameral, the House and the help with PPE for people who, quite sent to insert the text of my amend- Senate working together, and then the frankly, are running short right now as ment in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD administration, obviously, signing it we see another surge; help support our immediately prior to the vote on the into law. And that program has proven cities and towns that are struggling; previous question. to be overwhelmingly successful and and help support our restaurants. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there saved so many jobs all over this Na- Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of objection to the request of the gen- tion, including in my district back in my time. tleman from Georgia? Cincinnati. Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield There was no objection. So I introduced a bill that would do myself the balance of my time. Mr. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, I yield just that and provide targeted assist- Mr. Speaker, I think about how many 5 minutes to the gentleman from Ohio ance to small businesses that truly times the gentleman from Ohio has (Mr. CHABOT), the ranking Republican still need help. Unfortunately, the been down here to do exactly what he on the Small Business Committee, a Democratic leadership in this body has has just done, which is to say: I have a gentleman who has had great experi- blocked efforts to even have a vote on bill that is ready to go, a bill that I ence bringing together bipartisan this legislation, not just once or twice know will get bipartisan support here groups in an effort to make a difference or three times or a dozen times, but 40 on the floor of the House, a bill my for families back home. times, 4–0. Forty times the Democratic friends in the Senate will be anxious to Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I want to leadership has blocked consideration or move, and a bill that I know the Presi- reiterate the comments of the previous having a vote on this. dent will put his signature on. speaker on our side, the gentlewoman Because the Democrats would also I appreciate his efforts in that, and I from Arizona. Mr. WOODALL has made support this. You would have Demo- know it is not a Johnny-come-lately great contributions to this body in the crats and Republicans, once again, commitment to these struggling busi- decade that he has served here. working together and passing this and nesses. I remember when we were sit- He happens to be a classmate of helping small business people all across ting down trying to work out that very mine. We came together in 2010. That the country and, most importantly, the first package in the spring, and the was his first time as a Member of Con- people and families that are supported very productive role that the gen- gress. It was my second time around, by them. tleman from Ohio played in bringing because I lost back in ‘08 after being As we all know, many small busi- people together to get that done. here 14 years. So I have seen Mr. nesses are still uncertain about their You remember that, Mr. Speaker. WOODALL in operation here for the last future. Many are on the verge of clos- We didn’t have a bunch of debates on decade. He has done a tremendous job ing their doors permanently. If that the floor of the House, a bunch of pre- on behalf of not only his constituents continues to happen, communities all vious questions to defeat, a bunch of but for the people of this great Nation. across our great Nation will be abso- amendments designed to confuse or dis- I want to thank him for his dedication lutely devastated. tract. No. We worked it all out to- and hard work for the people that he This should have been dealt with gether, both sides. Both sides, politi- represents and for the people of this months ago. But apparently our Demo- cally here in the House, both sides bi- Nation overall. cratic leadership feels it is more urgent camerally here in the Congress, both Mr. Speaker, 2 weeks ago, I spoke on to vote on legislation to legalize pot ends of Pennsylvania Avenue. this very floor urging action on behalf and to deal with lions and tigers than Why? of our Nation’s 31 million small busi- they do to help those small businesses Because we all felt that sense of ur- nesses, as the ranking member of the that really need the help. That is just gency to get something done, and we House Small Business Committee, for- a shame. did it. merly the Chair of that committee for Today, if we defeat the previous ques- Mr. Speaker, I tell constituents back two terms. tion, we make improvements to the home that the thing most freshmen are I said then that there was no better Paycheck Protection Program, and fi- going to learn in the first 6 months way to celebrate Small Business Satur- nally get additional targeted relief to that they didn’t know when they got day than to deliver much-needed aid, the small businesses all across this here is how hardworking and conscien- again, to the small restaurants and country that are counting on us. Let’s tious all of their colleagues turn out to manufacturers and shops that are not let them down. be. All you see are these faces on FOX many of them just hanging on by a Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield News or MSNBC fussing with one an- thread. myself such time as I may consume. other, but the truth is that behind the That assistance could come in the Mr. Speaker, let me just say to the scenes it is a very powerful orchestra form of the Paycheck Protection Pro- gentleman from Ohio, I think we all of men and women trying to get the gram, the PPP. That program has sup- know what needs to happen, and that is people’s business done. ported over 50 million jobs across this that the Senate majority leader needs Mr. Speaker, I want to say to my great Nation. That is over 50 million to be willing to come to the table and friend from Massachusetts, first and people who didn’t have to worry about sit down and work out a deal. probably most importantly, I wish he how they were going to pay their bills We heard today that the Speaker has was not chairman of the Rules Com- or how they were going to support had a constructive conversation with mittee. I wish a Republican was chair- their families, because of this bipar- him. Hopefully we will end up with man of the Rules Committee because tisan program that we passed here in something that, quite frankly, is going the American people felt in their wis- this body. to help a lot more people than what the dom that Republicans should be run- gentleman is suggesting here. What we ning this institution. There are a lot of b 1445 do know is that nobody has been work- reasons why it didn’t happen. I am not Unfortunately, that program stopped ing harder than the Speaker of the here to place blame on that today. accepting applications almost 4 months House to try to get a COVID relief bill. But I will say to the gentleman that ago, back on August 8, but still has She met around the clock with Sec- if it cannot be a Republican who leads over $130 billion remaining in its cof- retary Mnuchin, with anybody in this the Rules Committee, how pleased I am fers. Millions of small firms across the administration who would be willing to that the gentleman has led the Rules country have utilized the PPP program come to the table. Committee, because his love for this to keep their shops open, to keep pay- Our problem has been the Senate. institution far transcends whatever the ing their employees, and to keep serv- Now, that may be changing today. I political passions of the day are. ing their communities. hope it is. But I would also say that we The Rules Committee has had to do a To me, it seems like common sense have sent over two major COVID relief lot of difficult decisionmaking in this to open the program back up. After all, bills, which, unfortunately, the gen- Congress, Mr. Speaker. I wish we did it was initially crafted, as I mentioned, tleman voted against, which would not have proxy voting in this institu- in a bipartisan way, Republicans and help not just small businesses, but help tion today. We do. That is the product Democrats actually working together. our schools, help our first responders; of a Rules Committee effort. In many

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:25 Dec 04, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03DE7.035 H03DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE December 3, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H6067 cases, the effort of the wisdom of Sol- first time is a step in the right direc- because you are passionate, you are omon trying to figure out how to pro- tion. Having this conversation end smart, and you are effective. You have tect an institution and all of its prac- today, because it is a partisan package served your constituency incredibly tices, where we are just caretakers of that is not well thought through serves well, and you have served this institu- this institution, going to pass it on to none of us. tion incredibly well. the next generation, while we have had Mr. Speaker, I would again encourage Mr. Speaker, going back to what Mr. to grapple with some challenges that my colleagues to defeat the rule so we COLE said at the very beginning, I we never anticipated grappling with, don’t go down that road. think this place would benefit from and hopefully will never have to grap- Mr. Speaker, my friend from Massa- more people of your caliber. And even ple with again. chusetts mentioned Janet Rossi on my though you would like to demote me to Mr. Speaker, the gentleman from team. I have Nick Scoufaras on my ranking member instead of chairman, I Massachusetts has brought an incred- team, sitting beside me. We all are sur- am still going to miss you, and I thank ible amount of not just leadership, but rounded by great people that we get to you for your friendship. You are a good a great amount of love for this institu- work with day in and day out. man, and we are going to miss you a tion, and for the members of his com- When you go to work for a member lot. on the Rules Committee, that means mittee. And I don’t want to embarrass b 1500 the gentleman by pointing out some of you will work early, and you will work these circumstances, but I can go late, and you can work often. It is an Mr. Speaker, the underlying bill de- through a list of times this year where amazing opportunity that we have to serves to be considered and passed. As the gentleman from Massachusetts serve in this institution. It is also an I said earlier, nearly 60 percent of the stood not on behalf of the Democratic amazing opportunity that folks that American public supports this bill. A Caucus, but on behalf of the Rules we get to surround ourselves with have majority of Democrats and a majority Committee against some other under- to serve in this institution. of Republicans throughout the Nation currents in the , There is no more humbling space want this bill passed. Prior Republican Congresses were ap- to stand up on behalf of his 13 members than having someone who can do any- parently fine with turning a deaf ear to and the work that we have to get done thing they want to with his or her life the will of the people. They blocked there together. That’s never an easy say, Rob, I will join you; I will sit here virtually all cannabis-related measures thing to do, and I want to tell the gen- with you; we will work side by side and from getting a vote on the floor year tleman how much I appreciate and no- we will accomplish things together. after year. tice those efforts. While I appreciate the very heartfelt But this majority is not. We believe Mr. Speaker, to do the really big comments from my friend from Massa- in listening to the people we represent. things that we all know need to get chusetts and my friend from Okla- We believe in actually doing something done, not the least of which are on the homa, one thing that occurs to me on about the war on drugs. Its failures committee you and I serve on, the my way out the door is how much less have been staring us in the face for a Budget Committee, it takes strong one would be able to do without all the greatness that folks are surrounded by. very long time. men and women, men and women of Americans came together in record conviction, but also men and women of Mr. Speaker, I get to thank Nick be- cause he is here. I can thank Janet be- numbers following George Floyd’s faith, not just faith in their Lord, but death to fight against systemic racism. faith in this institution that we can cause she is here. But I would just say to each of my colleagues who are here, Combating that means, among other bring out the very best in one another things, reforming our policies toward as opposed to bringing out the very we are all so lucky folks are sur- rounding us in order to help us all lift cannabis. These laws have been used to worst. disproportionately lock up people of Far too often we have bills like the this great Nation up. We often get color for decades. It is past time we one before us today that could be bills sucked into the drumbeat of whatever showed the moral courage to do some- that we were talking about with one the activity of the day is if you have not had an opportunity to recognize thing about it. voice. This is a historic moment. Let us When is the right time to decide that the greatness of those staffers around seize this chance. Let us pass this bill. edible marijuana for our children you, and occasionally even the Mem- I urge everyone to vote ‘‘yes’’ on the should be banned at the Federal level? bers around you, even those who sit on previous question, and I urge a vote of Is it after 50 States have grappled with the other side of the aisle. ‘‘yes’’ on the rule. these decisions? Is it before? Mr. Speaker, there is a lot to be con- The material previously referred to Well, we have made that decision in cerned about in America today, but a by Mr. WOODALL is as follows: terms of alcohol. We have made that lot of opportunities for optimism. And AMENDMENT TO HOUSE RESOLUTION 1244 decision in terms of tobacco. It seems many of those opportunities sit here, At the end of the resolution, add the fol- like the easy time to make that would and sit here, and sit there, and sit here. lowing: be now. But we have not made that de- I am grateful to be a part of that. SEC. 2. Immediately upon adoption of this cision in the underlying bill. We have Mr. Speaker, I would ask my col- resolution, the House shall proceed to the not made those amendments in order. leagues to defeat the previous question consideration in the House of the bill (H.R. Mr. Speaker, I said at the beginning, so that we can bring the Chabot legis- 8265) to amend the Small Business Act and and I will say here at the end: I am lation to the floor. If we can’t defeat the CARES Act to establish a program for glad we are taking up this legislation. the previous question, defeat the rule second draw loans and make other modifica- It offends me, as one who loves the so that we can go back and make sure tions to the paycheck protection program, law, that we ask Federal law enforce- and for other purposes. All points of order all voices are heard. against consideration of the bill are waived. ment officers to enforce one set of rules Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance The bill shall be considered as read. All while the State and local law enforce- of my time. points of order against provisions in the bill ment officers may be enforcing a com- Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield are waived. The previous question shall be pletely different set of rules. It offends myself such time as I may consume. considered as ordered on the bill and on any me that we would put Federal law en- Mr. Speaker, I thank the gentleman amendment thereto to final passage without forcement officers in harm’s way for an from Georgia for his kind words. I al- intervening motion except: (1) one hour of industry that, as my friend from Mas- most feel like I want to yield him more debate equally divided and controlled by the sachusetts pointed out, is a multibil- time to have the compliments keep chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Small Business; and (2) one lion-dollar cash cow legalized by State coming. motion to recommit. jurisdictions across the country. The bottom line is that even though SEC. 3. Clause 1(c) of rule XIX shall not I am troubled by having two sets of we disagree on a lot of issues, and apply to the consideration of H.R. 8265. laws in this country. Laws we choose sometimes in our debates you make me Mr. MCGOVERN. Mr. Speaker, I yield to follow and laws we choose not to fol- want to pull the remaining last two back the balance of my time, and I low. This is the institution to solve strands of hair out of my head, the rea- move the previous question on the res- that. Having this discussion for the son why I sometimes feel that way is olution.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 11:25 Dec 04, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03DE7.038 H03DEPT1 dlhill on DSK120RN23PROD with HOUSE H6068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 3, 2020 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The ‘‘(37) COMMUNITY ADVANTAGE LOAN PRO- as mostly rural or completely rural in the question is on ordering the previous GRAM.— most recent decennial census; question. ‘‘(A) PURPOSES.—The purposes of the Com- ‘‘(vii) the term ‘service-connected’ has the The question was taken; and the munity Advantage Loan Program are— meaning given the term in section 101(16) of Speaker pro tempore announced that ‘‘(i) to create a mission-oriented loan guar- title 38, United States Code; the ayes appeared to have it. antee program that builds on the dem- ‘‘(viii) the term ‘small business concern in MR. WOODALL. Mr. Speaker, on onstrated success of the Community Advan- an underserved market’ means a small busi- tage Pilot Program of the Administration, as ness concern— that I demand the yeas and nays. established in 2011, to reach more under- ‘‘(I) that is located in— The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- served small business concerns; ‘‘(aa) a low- to moderate-income commu- ant to section 3 of House Resolution ‘‘(ii) to increase lending to small business nity; 965, the yeas and nays are ordered. concerns in underserved and rural markets, ‘‘(bb) a HUBZone; Pursuant to clause 8 of rule XX, fur- including veterans and members of the mili- ‘‘(cc) a community that has been des- ther proceedings on this question are tary community, small business concerns ignated as an empowerment zone or an en- postponed. owned and controlled by socially and eco- terprise community under section 1391 of the f nomically disadvantaged individuals, Internal Revenue Code of 1986; women, and startups; ‘‘(dd) a community that has been des- COMMUNICATION FROM THE ‘‘(iii) to ensure that the program under ignated as a promise zone by the Secretary CLERK OF THE HOUSE this subsection (in this paragraph referred to of Housing and Urban Development; The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- as the ‘7(a) loan program’) is more inclusive ‘‘(ee) a community that has been des- fore the House the following commu- and more broadly meets congressional intent ignated as a qualified opportunity zone nication from the Clerk of the House of to reach borrowers who are unable to get under section 1400Z–1 of the Internal Rev- credit elsewhere on reasonable terms and enue Code of 1986; Representatives: conditions; ‘‘(ff) a rural area; or OFFICE OF THE CLERK, ‘‘(iv) to help underserved small business ‘‘(gg) any area for which a disaster declara- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, concerns become bankable by utilizing the tion or determination described in subpara- Washington, DC, December 3, 2020. small-dollar financing and business support graphs (A), (B), (C), or (E) of subsection (b)(2) Hon. NANCY PELOSI, experience of mission-oriented lenders; has been made that has not terminated or The Speaker, House of Representatives, ‘‘(v) to allow certain mission-oriented expired more than 2 years before the date (or Washington, DC. lenders, primarily nonprofit financial inter- later, as determined by the Administrator) DEAR MADAM SPEAKER: Pursuant to the mediaries focused on economic development on which a loan is made to such concern permission granted in Clause 2(h) of Rule II in underserved markets, to access guaran- under the program; of the Rules of the U.S. House of Representa- tees for loans under this subsection (in this ‘‘(II) for which more than 50 percent of the tives, the Clerk received the following mes- paragraph referred to as ‘7(a) loans’) of not employees reside in a low- or moderate-in- sage from the Secretary of the Senate on De- more than $250,000 and provide management come community; cember 3, 2020, at 11:44 a.m.: and technical assistance to small business ‘‘(III) that is a startup or new business; That the Senate agrees to the House concerns as needed; ‘‘(IV) owned and controlled by socially and amendment to the bill S. 910. ‘‘(vi) to provide certainty for the lending economically disadvantaged individuals, in- That the Senate agrees to the House partners that make loans under this sub- cluding Black Americans, Hispanic Ameri- amendment to the bill S. 1069. That the Senate passed S. 434. section and to attract new lenders; and cans, Native Americans, Asian Pacific Amer- That the Senate passed S. 496. ‘‘(vii) to encourage collaboration between icans, and other minorities; That the Senate passed S. 578. mission-oriented and conventional lenders ‘‘(V) owned and controlled by women; That the Senate passed with an amend- under this subsection in order to support un- ‘‘(VI) owned and controlled by veterans; ment H.R. 1044. derserved small business concerns. ‘‘(VII) owned and controlled by service-dis- That the Senate passed without amend- ‘‘(B) DEFINITIONS.—In this paragraph— abled veterans; ment H.R. 3349. ‘‘(i) the term ‘covered institution’ means— ‘‘(VIII) not less than 51 percent owned and That the Senate passed without amend- ‘‘(I) a development company, as defined in controlled by one or more— ment H.R. 3465. section 103 of the Small Business Investment ‘‘(aa) members of the Armed Forces par- With best wishes, I am, Act of 1958 (15 U.S.C. 662), participating in ticipating in the Transition Assistance Pro- Sincerely, the 504 Loan Guaranty program established gram of the Department of Defense; CHERYL L. JOHNSON, under title V of such Act (15 U.S.C. 695 et ‘‘(bb) Reservists; Clerk. seq.); ‘‘(cc) spouses of veterans, members of the f ‘‘(II) a nonprofit intermediary, as defined Armed Forces, or Reservists; or in subsection (m)(12), participating in the ‘‘(dd) surviving spouses of veterans who ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER microloan program under subsection (m); died on active duty or as a result of a serv- PRO TEMPORE ‘‘(III) a non-Federally regulated entity cer- ice-connected disability; or The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- tified as a community development financial ‘‘(IX) that is eligible to receive a veterans ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair institution by the Community Development advantage loan; will postpone further proceedings Financial Institutions Fund established ‘‘(ix) the term ‘small business concern today on motions to suspend the rules under section 104(a) of the Riegle Commu- owned and controlled by socially and eco- nity Development and Regulatory Improve- nomically disadvantaged individuals’ has the on which the yeas and nays are or- ment Act of 1994 (12 U.S.C. 4703(a)); and meaning given the term in section 8(d)(3)(C); dered. ‘‘(IV) an eligible intermediary, as defined ‘‘(x) the term ‘startup’ means a business The House will resume proceedings in subsection (l)(1), as in effect on the day that has not yet opened; and on postponed questions at a later time. before the date of enactment of this para- ‘‘(xi) the term ‘veterans advantage loan’ f graph, that participated in the Intermediary means a loan made to a small business con- Lending Pilot Program established under cern under this subsection that is eligible for COMMUNITY ADVANTAGE LOAN subsection (l)(2); a waiver of the guarantee fee under para- PROGRAM ‘‘(ii) the term ‘existing business’ means a graph (18) or the yearly fee under paragraph Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ. Mr. Speaker, I small business concern that has been in ex- (23) because the small business concern is a move to suspend the rules and pass the istence for not less than 2 years on the date concern described in subclause (VI), (VII), or bill (H.R. 7903) to amend the Small on which a loan is made to the small busi- (VIII) of clause (viii). ness concern under the program; ‘‘(C) ESTABLISHMENT.—There is established Business Act to establish the Commu- ‘‘(iii) the term ‘new business’ means a a Community Advantage Loan Program nity Advantage Loan Program, as small business concern that has been exist- under which the Administration may guar- amended. ence for not more than 2 years on the date on antee loans made by covered institutions The Clerk read the title of the bill. which a loan is made to the small business under this subsection, including loans made The text of the bill is as follows: concern under the program; to small business concerns in underserved H.R. 7903 ‘‘(iv) the term ‘program’ means the Com- markets. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- munity Advantage Loan Program estab- ‘‘(D) PROGRAM LEVELS.—In each of fiscal resentatives of the United States of America in lished under subparagraph (C); years 2021 through 2025, not more than 10 Congress assembled, ‘‘(v) the term ‘Reservist’ means a member percent of the number of loans guaranteed SECTION 1. COMMUNITY ADVANTAGE LOAN PRO- of a reserve component of the Armed Forces under this subsection may be guaranteed GRAM. named in section 10101 of title 10, United under the program. Section 7(a) of the Small Business Act (15 States Code; ‘‘(E) NEW LENDERS.— U.S.C. 636(a)) is amended by adding at the ‘‘(vi) the term ‘rural area’ means any coun- ‘‘(i) FISCAL YEARS 2021 AND 2022.—In each of end the following: ty that the Bureau of the Census has defined fiscal years 2021 and 2022—

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