The Politics of English Studies in World Language Problems
The Politics of English Studies in World Language Problems Studies in World Language Problems (WLP) focuses on political, sociological, and economic aspects of language and language use. It is especially concerned with relationships between and among language communities, particularly in international contexts, and in the adaptation, manipulation, and standardization of language for international use. It aims to publish monographs and edited volumes that deal with language policy, language management, and language use in international organizations, multinational enterprises, etc., and theoretical studies on global communication, language interaction, and language conflict. Published in cooperation with the Centre for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems. For an overview of all books published in this series, please see General Editor Humphrey Tonkin University of Hartford Editorial Board E. Annamalai François Grin Central Institute of Indian Languages University of Geneva Richard B. Baldauf, Jr. Kimura Goro University of Queensland Sophia University, Tokyo Ina Druviete Timothy Reagan University of Latvia Nazarbayev University, Kazakhstan Mark Fettes Simon Fraser University, Vancouver Volume 4 The Politics of English. South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Asia Pacific Edited by Lionel Wee, Robbie B.H. Goh and Lisa Lim The Politics of English South Asia, Southeast Asia and the Asia Pacific Edited by Lionel Wee Robbie B.H. Goh National University of Singapore Lisa Lim University of Hong Kong John Benjamins Publishing Company Amsterdam / Philadelphia TM The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of 8 the American National Standard for Information Sciences – Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials, ansi z39.48-1984.
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