ST PETER’S CHURCH, HAMMERSMITH ANNUAL REVIEW AND REPORT 2018 St Peter’s Church is a Registered Charity No: 1135462 The Annual Report contains informal reports from the various church groups, including some of the events and activities that took place in 2018. It also contains the Treasurer’s Report, as well as the Independent Examiner’s Report and the Financial Statements. We hope you will find it of interest. The document is available in printed form and on St Peter’s website: St Peter’s Church Parish Office Black Lion Lane, W6 9BE. 020 8741 4848 or
[email protected] Office hours: Mon, Tues & Fri 9am-2pm Website: Churchwardens: Jane Fryer Richard Woods Vicar’s Report When I’m asked to describe St Peter’s, I talk about it as a church which aspires to be a generous, inclusive, all-age community, with a commitment to mission and growth. Each element of this description seems to me significant. In terms of generosity, we are committed as a church to giving strong support (financial and practical) to two specific local projects which work with refugees, the homeless, and those in need; as well as our link church in Messumba. Many of the congregation also give time and expertise in various capacities as governors, trustees or volunteers in a variety of charitable or educational projects. With regard to inclusion, we want to be a church where everyone – rich and poor, black and white, straight and gay, the devout and the sceptical – can find a welcome, and where we can provide worship, learning and social activities for all ages.