INDEX for VOLUME 53 (New Names in Boldface)

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INDEX for VOLUME 53 (New Names in Boldface) Juurnal of the Lepidopterists' Society 5.3(4),1999,173-176 INDEX FOR VOLUME 53 (new names in boldface) Abies, 26 Asia, 7 oberthurii aberthurii, 148 Accuminulia,60 Attacini, 50, 133 oileus, 148 buscki,60 Attacus oileus scamander, 148 longiphallus,60 atlas, 134 placidianus, 14k Achillea Australia, 1 praxsiodus, 148 lanulosa, 74 prometheus epirnetheus, 148 millefolium , 74 Balcazar-Lara, M. A., 45 teucer, 148 Actias Basilarchia Callophrys selene, 134 archippus archippus, 1.04 xami, 170 luna, 134 arthemis astyanax, 104 Callosamia, 22, 49 Adamski, D., 29 arthemis arthemis, 104 angulifem, 26, 134 Aglossa,8 Berenbaum, M., 104 promethea, SO, 134 capemlis, 2 Bicyelus, 26 securifera, 26, 134 Agmulis, 17 Bidens pilosa, 15 Calvert, W. H., 37 Aiello, 142 bi ennialism, 127 Cammisonia, 171 Alberta, Canada, 127 biodiversity, 65, 153 bistorta, 172 Albu, V , 45 bird dropping, 104 strigulosa, 172 allelochcmicals, 104 Biston Carceiia alpine habitat, 32 betularia, 99 reelinata, 72 Arnathes betularia cognataria, 101 catchability, 138 glareosa, 99 black swallowtail, 104 caterpillar, 22 Amazonia, 65 Blastobasinac, 29 Catoblepia Anopheles, 106 Blastobasini, 29 amphirhoe, 148 Anthemea, 134 Blepolenis orgetorix championi, 148 hartii, 134 batea,146 Cotoemsis,8 pemyi, 134 Bolivia, 65 Ceanothus polyphemus, 134 Bolaria integurri'mus) 22 antioxidant, 104 acrocnema, 32 Ceanothus silk moth, 22 anti-predation, 130 improba, 32 Celtis, 130 apricot, 60 Brassolinae, 142 censusing, 13R Arbutus Brassolis Central Am erica, 142 menziesii, 22 astyra, 142 Cephise,77 xalapensis, 27 astyra astyra, 142 nuspesez, 77 Archipini, 114 isthmia, 142 Chao, 65 Arctiidae, 72 sophome,142 Chiapas, Mexico, 153, 155 Arctonotus Brazil, 11 , 65, lOR Chile, 60 lucidus, 171 British Columbia, 22, 74 Chileulia, 64 Arctostaphylos Brown, J. w. , 60, 114 Chrysanthemum patula,22 Burns, J. M., 77 leueanthemum, 74 Area de Conservation Guanacaste (ACG), Byrsonima Chrysauginae, 1 77 crassifolia, 89 Chrysobalanaceae, 77 A recaceae, 142 Citheronia Arescoptem , 7 Cacotherapiini, 4 regalis, 1.34 Argema Calathea Clark, R. M., 49 mittrei, ] 34 latifalia, 142 Clarke, C. A. , 99 Argentulia,61 California, 22 Clarkia Argyrotaenia, 114 Caligo breweri, 171 bialbistriata, 114 amphirhoe, 148 gracilis, 172 coconinana, 115 arisbe, 147 modesta, 171 octavana, 114 atreus, 147 purpurea, 172 ponem, I1.5 atreus dionysos, 147 unguiculata, 1.71 spinacallis, 114 beltrao, 147 Cleo':a unda, 114 eu rilochus, 147 repandata, 99 Arispe, 8 euriloehus brasiliensis , 147 Clepsis Asclepiadaceae, 37 eu-rilochus sulanus, 147 consimilana, 74 Asclepias, 37 illaneus, 142 climate change, 32 aspemla, 38 illioneus oberon , 147 Cocytius cumssivica, 15, 38 illioneus pampeiro, 147 antaeus, 129 latifolia, 38 idomeneus, 142 cognataria, 99 oenotheroides, 38 martia, 147 Coliadinae, 159 syriaca,43 memnon, 142 collecting activity, 32 texana.38 memnon memnon, 148 CojHns, M. M., 22 vi ridis, 38 mernnon telamonius, 148 Colorado, .32 174 JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS' SOCIETY Combretaceae,77 Endotrichini, 1 Heliconiini, 11 Conium Epidendrum Heliconius,165 maculatum, 72 fulgens, 15 besckei,20 copulation, 170 epipaschiine, 1 erato, 108 Cordero, 171 Erynnides,78 erato phyllis, 11 Coscinocem Erynnis,78 ethilla nacaea, 17 hercules, 134 Eryphanis melpomene nanna, 19 Costa Rica, 29, 65, 77 aesacus bubocula, 148 nattereri, 19 Cotesia,24 automedon, 148 nurnata robigus. 17 Crambinae, 1 polyxena lycomedon, 148 sara apseudes, 17 Crambini,7 reevesii, 148 Hemiceras,65 Cramer, A., 114 Eudamus,78 Hemileuca , SO crypsis,22 helixus,78 Hepialidae, 127 Cucullinae, 55 Eueides, 16 Herculia , 8 Cupressaceae, 55 Euliini,60 psammioxantha, 2 Curatella Eumorpha, 26 Hesperiidae, 77 americana, 89 Eupackardia Heterocera, 15:3 Curena,7 calleta, 133, 134 Heyda Cynanchum, 38 Eupatorium salicella, 169 barbigerum, 40 laevigatum, IS hibernacula, 126 Cyrtostachys,142 Euproserpinus Hinsdale County, Colorado, 32 euterpe, 172 Hirtella, 77 Danaus plexippus, 37 phaeton, 172 racernosa, 77 gilippus,38 Eurasia, 74 holarctic, 74 Dasyophthalma Eurema host records, 142 rusina,148 elathea, 159 host-plant selection, 108 developmental plasticity, 22 hecabe,16S hostplant, 133 developmental rate, 72 Euryalus Hyalophora, 49 Dichrorampha cedrosensis, 49 cecropia, 49, 134 gueneeana, 74 columbia, 134 sedatana, 74 Fabricius, 108 columbia columbia, 24, 49 vancouverana, 74 f. carbonaria, 102 columbia gloveri, 24, 49 Dione, 17 feeding preference, 108 euryalus, 22, 49, 134 Diptera,72 female remating, 170 gloveri, 134 distribution, 133 fire ant, 37 Hypatopa Dolichomia, 8 Flaim, D., 127 interpunctella, 31 Douglas-fir, 22 Florida viceroy, 126 tapadulcea, 29 Drephalys, 77 Forestiera Hyles alcmon,77 angustifolia, 134 lineata, 172 eous,79 frass chains, 130 Hypolimnas helixus,78 Fraxinus bolina,138 heraclides, 78 greggii, 134 Hypsopygia, 8 kidonoi,77 Freitas, A. V. L., 11, 131 miersi,79 f. swettaria, 102 Ichneumon sp., 72 mourei,79 iuranocoumarin, 104 immigrant, 169 olva,79 Impatiens olvina, 79 Galapagos, 129 walleriana, IS opifex,79 Galium, 171 Inape,61 phoenice,79 aparine, 171 industrial melanism, 99 phoenicoides, 79 Galleriinae, 2 invertebrate inventory, 153 Drosophila Gauna,7 island colonization, 129 melanogaster, 49, 106 Gayophytum, 171 Ithomiinae, 16 Dryas, 17 genitalia, J, 80, 114 Dynastor morphology,S jackknife, 65 darius, 148 Geometridae, 99 Janzen, D. H ., 77 darius mardonius, 148 G6mcz- Nucamendi, O. L., IS3 Jones, R. w. , 1S3 rim'ius stygianus, 148 Gonodontis macrosiris, 148 bidentata, 99 Karban, R. , 73 napoleon, 148 Grant, B. S., 99 Kemp, D. J., 138 grape, 60 Kruger, M., 47 Ecuador, 65 Grapho1itini,74 El Ocote Reserve, 153 Guanacaste, 29 Lantana Emilia Gurania,15 camara, IS sonchifolia, IS Larix, 26 Endotricha,l Heliconia laricina, 50 fiammealis, 2 latispatha, 142 larval cliapause, 126 Endotrichinae, 2 heliconian butterflies, 108 larval food plants, 142 VOLUME53,NuMBER 4 175 larval integument, 104 Musa Papilionidae, 16, 104, 16.5 leaf age effects, 108 saientum, 142 Paradrephalys, 77 Leschenaultia .\1 usaceae, 142 croceus, 79 adusta, 72 clumeril, 79 LClicophyllum Narope oria, 79 Jnttescens , 134 cyllastros, 149 oriancler, 79 Lihytheana cyllastros cyliastTos, 149 talboli, 79 carinenta, 130 cyllastros testacea, 149 t01tus,79 Libytheinae, 130 natural regions, :37 Parad-ros, 77 life cycle, 22 Nemophila, 72 parasitism, 72 life history, 171 Nemoris, 26 Passiflora light traps, 129 N eoclavisiai, 8 alata, 15 Ligustrum, 133 neotropical region, 153 capsularis, 1.5 Limenitis Neotropics, 1,29, 60 edulis, 15 archippus jloridensis, 126 New Brunswick, .5.5 jileki, 1.5 Lithophane New Hampshire, 74 suberosa, 108 leautieri, 59 New York, 60, 74 Passiiloraceae, lJ lemmeri,5.5 Noctuidae, 1, .5.5, 129 passion vines, 108 longior, .59 Nola Passoa, S" 133 suhtilis, 59 pygmaea , 1 Passoa, V, 13.3 thujae, 55 J\olinae,1 Pastinaca Los Tuxtlas, Veracruz, 1.5,5 North America, 37, 74, 171 sativa, 10.5 lupine, 72 northern white cedar, .55 peach,60 Lupinus Notodontidae, 6.5, 133 Peclaliocles, 90 albicaulis, 72 Nymphalidae, 108, 130, 138, 142, 165 chaconi,9.5 albifrons, 72 clannarmelsi, 9.5 arboreus, 72 Ocrasa, 8 clejecta, 96 Lycaenidae, 170 Oenothera, 172 manis, 9.5 Olethreutinae, 74, 169 napaea, 96 Macna, 1 Onagraceae, 171 prytani s, 95 madrone, 22 ontogenetic development, 1.33 roraimae, 9.5 Maine, 74 Opodiphthera terramaris,90 Malphighiaceae, 77 eucalypti, 1.34 yutajeana, 90 mandibular morphology, 133 Opotera Peigler, R. S., 47 manzanita, 22 aorsa , 149 Penz. C. M,. 142 Mapeta , 8 stauclingeri, 149 peppered moths, 99 Marantaceae, 142 syme,149 Peiforad-ix, 1 mark-release-recapture, 11, 138, 159 Opsiphanes, 142 sacchari, 1 Matelea, 38 bogotanus. 149 Perisseretma, 7 reticulata, 38 bogotanus bogotantls, 149 Peru, 6.5 mating frequency, 170 cassieae, 149 Perula , 7 mating system, 170 cassieae cassiL-ulus , 149 pest species, 60 Melanargia cassieae lucullus, 149 Petroselinum galatitea , 140 cassin" {liellae, 149 crispum, 10.5 Mexico, 37, 114 cassina Jabricii, 149 Phacelia , 72 Michigan, 5.5 invirae, 149 phenotypiC plasticity, 22 Micromasta, 1 invirae amplificatus, 1.50 Pitigalia isoldalis, 7 invirae cllspiciatus, 1.50 titea, 99 Micronix merianae, 150 photoperiod, 126 amsel, 1 quiteria, 150 Phycitinae, 2 nivalis, 7 quiteria baclius, 1.50 phylogeny, 49.114 migration, 37 quiteria meridionalis, 1.50 Pieridae, 16, 1.59 Mikania quiteria quirinus, 150 Pieris lundiana, 1.5 tamarincli, 150 brassicae, 104 mil foil , 74 tmnarindi sikyon, 1.50 pigmentation, 104 milkweeds, 37 tamarincli tamorincli, 1.50 Plagiohothrys, 72 Miller, W. E" 75, 169 Osborne, K. II, 173 Plantago, 72 Monarch butterfly, 37 oviposition, 37 Platt, A. E, 127 monocotyledonous plants, 142 ox -eye daiSY, 74 Platyprepia Mor6n-Hios, 1.53 virginalis, 72 morphological characters, 1 Palaearctic species, 169 Pleistocene, 90 morphology, 1, 114 Panama, 142 plum. 60 Morro Pantepui, 90 Poaceae, 142 de Japni, 11 Papilio,26 Pococera complex, 4 dc Vorturua, 11 polyxenes, 104 Pogue, M. G" 65 Mount Uncompahgre, 32 xuthus, 104 Po liard transect, 32 176 JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOITERISTS' SOCIETY polymorphism, 22 Roupalla Sufetula, 1 polyphenism, 11, 159 m<Jntana, 77, 89 grumalis, 7 ponera group, 114 Rubiaceae, 171 pygmaea, 1 population biology, 159 Rubus systematics, 60 population estimation, 138 rosaefolius, 15 Populus, 169 ursinus, 72 Taboga, 1 Praepronophila, 93 Rudinei Pires Moriera, 108 inis, 7 Proeulia, 60 Rumex, 72 Tachinidae 72 Pronophiline, 90 Tanyethira, 7 Proserpinl1s Sabourin, M., 169 taxonomy, 49 clarkiae, 171 Saccharum tepuyes,90 Proteaceae, 77 spontaneurn, 142 Texas, 37, 133 ProtopedliliodRS,
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