A-20 *• THE EVENING STAR, Washington, D. C. PaiDAY, JANUAEV *6, 10*7 WHERE THE PASSING SHOW AND WHEN 7 Current Theater Attractions Brilliant'Oedipus and Time of Showing I "SPECTACULAR AND AWESOME...THIS I Stage ’t ,v~' j, | Arena Stage—" The Girl on the Comes Via Flamlnia”; 8:30 pm. I FILM IS A JEWEL OF GREAT PRICE!” I toM'Arthur Mow Vork Timo, National—“The Chalk Gar- > letter CrowMtof. By JAY CARMODY den”; 8:30 p.m. tragedy mMm Bhubert—Dark. The of "Oedipus Rex" will be intensified if the film "Tim. ho. not blunt.* it. I ,rf |#w, comp(mieß I version which opened last night at the MacArthur Theater ia not Theaters ov wish as popular as it deserves to be. Ambassador “The Wrong prim.vo powor. It sti j As directed by , Sophocles’ immortal play is KT* Man”; 1, 3:06. 6:18, 7:25 and an grond.ur and b.auty merely M not a work of classic grandeur but also an incredibly 9:40 p.m. hvP»®««« «*¦” gripping piece ondh.ortbf.ok” of entertainment. With all due respect to its Capitol “Anastasia”; 11:30 ;-/§pI WHsom K Zmiitr. Harold TnmiM mIJI stature as the greatest play ever am., 1:30, 3:35, 5:40, 7:40 and written. Director Guthrie has •OEDIPUS Rax." a Motion Picture 9:45 pm. made it not Dto'rlbutor, Inc., releaet, ot an Irvins for the elite but for M Lesser presentation, produced by Colony “Wee Oeordie”; 8. the masses. Leonard KipnU. directed by Tyrone ''SPLENDIDLY ACTED, " Outhrle. script by W. B. Yeats' trans- 7:65 and 9:50 p.m. I It is course, lation ot the Sophocles tragedy. In Columbia A BRILLIANT, ARRESTING inescapable, of Eastman color at the MacArthur “The Girl Can’t I thea- this “Oedipus - that Rex," in color ter. 1 Help It”; 11:15 a.m., 1:20. 3:25, and in large screen dimensions, The CMt. 5:80, 7:85 and 9:46 pm. tollman Calor." ACHIEVEMENT...On. .1 th. will be compared oou JM-Ml Dupont—“ World”; I with that on H The Silent Omnibus a fortnight ago. odi” 1. 2:45, 4:30, 8:20, 8:10 and jjP -Juitm Grib#*. Daily Mirrs> haunting film txpariancßs of I T1resits Donald Davis It could not be more unfor- Eleanor 10 pm. WanJpcmsta Btuart ••a I tunate that the two should have Prom Corinth Keith’s—“Tho Ten Command- a, .a tha season Tho total offod so coincided in time. This, be- u d ir f •' ments”; 10 a.m.. 2 and 8 pm. if ' ’ £ |h orW .r ’JBJ& •'-J 'fef:. 'IK' f "Oedipus Rex”; A // i* ovorwhtlming." I treatment, ,• % cause in they are so ¦urea - Oertrude Tyat -r a / / m&. . MacArthur Osmene and X different; Antleone Noml Cameron. pm. . 7:40 and 9:46 - the television version Barbora Franklin // . (HIGHEST RATING) Alton Cook. W.r/d-r./.p/.m t Sun so lean and stream-lined; that K m Metropolitan "The Wrong Man”; 1:25, at the MacArthur in the awe- bronze, eagle-beaked; 11:25 am.. 3:30. Stunning, imaginativo Smmm| some, exciting Queen Jo- 5:35, 7:40 and 9:45 pm. storminess of the the basic play. casta. silvered statue of a Man”; production Comoro. woman hard-used by life; Ontario—“Hie Great I r'-itot. The and 1:10, 3:10, 6:10. 6:55. 8:90, rqp^ MacArthur "Oedipus" is the prophet Tiereslas, whit- and I of sige the 10:26 pm. the and in the form of ened skelton of a huge bird. ritual . mI Palace—" Teahouse of the Au- drama. Its actors are fas- Human £ cinatingly masked and magni- and more than human gust Moon”; II am., 3:30, 6:50. principals play fied, Its narrative blazes with are these of the 8:05, and 10:25 pm. the tragedy of man’s fate and the same individualization Playhouse “Written on the as of the and Sophocles saw it 24 centuries Inward outward crea- Wind”; 11 am., 12:45, 2:35, 4:20, M Th. Tyrone Guthn. Production o' ¦ ago. ture is carried down to the least tew. fl 6:10, 8 and 9:45 pm. well defined member of the chorus. Plaza “Lady Chatterley’s Years as as some of en- * ** * Lover’’; 12:16, 2:15, 4:15, ‘ ' 6:15. dazzling * " * tertainment's most M> * S' ¦‘, genius went into the making of Thus extravagantly identified -WIP m. 8:15 and 10:15 pm. this film. Under Dr. for what they are. Dr. Guthrie’s i Trans-Lux “Full of Life”: Guthrie’s 1:15, 8:05, 4:50, direction, it was played by the performers are free to play their ' 11:30 am., 6:35. Stratford, Ontario, Festival com- melodramatic roles to the hilt.j and 10:15 p.m. Uptown—“Oklahoma!"; pany for three seasons, its every concerned, course, 2. 5. The are of 1 and 8:30 pm. starring Stratford, Ontario, inflection and movement brought j with acting out the narrative of Thi Shakespaaraan Fistival Playtri to a fascinating perfection. |the King who was at once the: Warner—'“Seven Wonders of ** * the World”; 2 and 8:30 p.m. * i most reinous of criminals, the one wi!i be admitted into the theatre once ¦¦ : Using W. B. Yeats’ powerful most heinous of criminals, the the m3 jn ( g3 t ure has begun. most savage victim Gods, ImSMNRHHH and melodic translation of the of the RETURNING IN A HURRY Dancer Franklin ¦ TONIGHT Short Subiccti at 715 and 9:15 PM. play as text. Dr. Guthrie has bril- or fate. This man. Oedipus, has Gogi Grant, recording star who was one of "Oedipus never been more vividly the beauteous m Rex" at 7:40 and 9:45 P.M. PMAiiaaMiAMliLiiM liantly defied convention to film visible the singing decorations of the inaugural festivals, will make Will the play produced than in Mr. Campbell's per- Rehearse as it was on a quick to Washington for a spot of nonpolitical Stratford’s stage. In form, formance. return SATURDAY and "Oedipus Rex" at 2:00. 8;00 that entertaining. opens a three-week engagement the 'Les Sylphides' SUNDAY. 4:00. 6:00. and 10 P.M. it had both the simplicity and He is the man who set out She at majesty to hold audiences en- to escape Apollo's dire prophecy Hotel Statler’s Embassy Room Monday night. Miss Grant Frederle Franklin, one of the thralled. that he would kill his father, recently was voted “the most promising female vocalist of world’s top ballet stars, will be LET’S HAVE A It offers these same qualities marry his mother, and sire his 1956” In Billboard magazine’s annual poll. It is her voice the week-end guest of Lisa Gar- diner and Mary Day, now to what, in simple justice, own half-sisters. All these he you will hear singing for Ann Blyth In Warner Bros.’ forth- artistic di- WINTER j Washington 1 BAR-B-Qf should be the vastly larger does because he Is unaware of Morgan Story.” rectors of the Ballet. audi- 1 coming “Helen During I i ences for the picture. his own identity and that of his visit Mr. Franklin The latest news for Charcoal :f motion I | will As befits a play of its majesty,! the man he kills and the woman L production in which Sir Laurence conduct the final rehearsal Briquet flavor lovers is that tonight and tomorrow night.... of Sylphides,” he i j| J if n Dr. Guthrie's “Oedipus" is like*he marries. j. “Les which the barbecue has moved :| iibirv no other Zelda Flchamdler, who has been costars with Marilyn Monaoe. staged for the Washington Ballet || movie—and the better In a foreword to the film, an ‘ | indoors for the winter Length . . . Sylphides” | for its uniqueness. It is an unmasked actor points out that too busy with her other chores of visit: 24 hours. last June. “Les is 1 Washington's Ballet will being repeated the request month. . . . extravagantly styled produc- i play is “the * as managing director at Arena Civic at of BRANDO'The Teahouse the re-enactment hold auditions on Sunday for its the National Symphony, for per- tion, but at no cost to its narra- i of a sacuflee.” Mr. Campbell!: Stage, go back play tion ! will to di-jforthcoming production of Cop- at Constitution Hall ford i tension. L as Oedipus, Robert as , formances Au* %Mwm Goodier recting soon. . . . KtMoon She will take pella. . . . p.m., February Its actors are men and worn-< Creon, Eleanor Btuart The time is 1 on 16. o KYO as Jocasta.i the job in connection and the place 5612'Connecticut Mr. Franklin will conduct VI en dressed for combat with the 1 Donald Davis as the old seer and fover with!: an CINEMASCOPE A METDOCOLOD gods. But they are ( “Dream Girl,” the Elmer Rice avenue.... Auditions also will be open rehearsal for the Washing- : not uni-! others of the company make the formed. Each , comedy, scheduled to follow held February 3 at 2:30 p.m., ton Guild, Inc., Sunday wears the robe sacrifice blood-curdlingly worthy . on Ballet . . . place. and the mask that identifies him , of Sophocles. “Girlon the Via Flaminia.” same afternoon at 4 o’clock. or her. These are the cSefton Darr, recently returned Sbß!?i work of! ** * * Tanya Moiseiwitsch and a stun-1 to Washington from a road tour ning surface feature of the pro- 1 BULLETIN BOARD: Fort Bel- i in “Anastasia, 1 ’ will play the duction. j voir’s 93 - year -old Essayons ttitle r01e.... In New York today Towering above the others, of ] Dramatic Club last night ffor a session with Warner Bros, course, is Oedipus, played by l presented its 1957 play, "My'cexecutives is Sir Laurence Douglas Campbell. Oedipus is »j' Three Angels," at the post's (Olivier. . . . The subject: "Hie figure of surpassing nobility, theater. ... It will be repeated Sleeping Prince,” a Warner clothed in gold, crowned and! '%(. adorned with the mask of all JO7 is a man of j OPENS THIS COMING THURS. #MIINNUI% j WASHINGTON MUSICAL I j**mathe rrtrK^i«How»> ; INSTITUTE '?¦ 1 ft*"-f; ; o m "JEST MESS 1, CHARCOAL BRIQUETS I INC.—lltl Enroll now for Second Semester and Summer Term m of tie my: M 1 MSSSk I For your complete musical edu- nut comet cation or for creative recreation. -* BM. and MM. Degree authorized by ®* JRv D. C. Board of tducation T' Otamptont and Olympic Chorppton 1 tOM NOBIKTSM NATIONAL—LAST 3 TIMES! N.W., 1 - 1730 16th St. OE. 2-6006 n stpnS "35?” "AMERICA’S FIRST THEATRE’* e groat and hi* Twin-mat* tves. M JO. Matinee tomorrow i:SO Jh vi a UIMMACaAM * O' PATKICK HAVES CONCCBTS I 2 IN CONSTITUTION HALL , JUDITH ANDERSON

SUN.. FEB. 3-3:00 P.M. ... CATHLEEN in NESBITT EVELYN SWARTHOUT , INI UIUIANT NEW YORK MARGARET TOLSON *ND SMASH HIT EMERSON MEYERS THE PUnisto, end CHALKGARDEN RICHARD BALES Box Offer Open lo m.m. to » it) p.m. Conducting the NATIONAL 2 WKS. ONLY, BEG. MON. GALLERY ORCHESTRA E Mr9o* Mrt. WVtf. pnd Sat. 2:30 In t program (eaturing Beethoven j Double Jhtw'l 2nd • COLUMBIA Concerto. Mozart Con. •m JSRi' I2tb~a|«,bl« 7 1000 certo. Bach Triple Concerto. AMNrWfWmwMlmm. Wreet at GOOD SEATS AVAILABLE 12 NIGHTS \* W Wmmßuum *1.26, *1.65, *2.20, *2.75 m. Sa.aO. 5H.86 1 ". ¦owtmaisou Hayes Concert Bureau 6 MATINEES \V ; Ou>Vic NA 8-7151 ** (In Campbell's) 1108 O St. N.W. | % *rf Th. ion. 21-30: RICHARD II . / Own Mac. M_ fcl AVliiidkata;.-.„ TW |^_ fek' .PM S J Jan. 31-Feb. 2: MACBETH MATINEES r BtiMiW uwgi^g Feb. 4-6: ROMEO fr JULIET J This story is taken from life Sat., 2:30 p.m. v: _. TW ?*T’r*“‘L’i* Feb. 7-9: TROILUS b CRESSIDA Sun., 1 :|0 and 5:30 <¦>»:»<¦¦>? CEWME, lEEEt > *RE—W HENRY FONDA P* m> ¦*(* ¦' Tk.lmmcmpMlt/Omlm SEATS ON SALE NOW! Nigliti, 8:30 p.m. t* RBW BIES. 81.15 S4.«t 55.5 - ft.St fJ.lt t VERA MILES wf WED MATS. 11.(5 ll.lt 12.75 f.1.3t 13.83 tAT. MATS. 11.15 fl.ll SS.lt 83.85 14.48 \ iw>y»mmiu mit mur Alfred Hitchcock's GET CHOICE AND final FIRST REAL LIFE THRH.IER SEATS NOW! i X&L r noxowaowiOar llsn-t:lSsn ] J mmumwmtt^TwmwuEX CHOKE SUTS NOW AVAILABLE Oth WEEK! iu THE Ratarvtd Seat!: Tlckati on lala at tha Pair- snows: WRONG s2.oo, $2.50, $3.00, way, 1328 G St. N.W. and 2 M. -J1.20 J1.50 IMAM $3.75, $4.25 tax incl. tha Arana. SHOWS IVIHll NMMtRIIOI Arana 6a« Office Opan Daily 10:00 A.M.-9ioo P.M. o"°r« jiowi TODAY 1.10 sm} 51.50-J2.00 ~To) ion, . Hi 7 . Open llom 3f»bsn4 0517 UUNE ARENA DODGERS HAMMEDSTEIN'S CAPITOL9 t4H>~R| L Strati at MM« iHTwma'itf / mmmTHt tfll motion picture produced m "Absolutely First Rote" TODD-AO —Cor. Pott-T. H. EXCLUSIVE Exclusive Washington Engagement GIRL ON ENGAGEMENT!* lannel be Seen la Any Other Theatre in THE THE HMNE" IJPBB— (THIS PICTURI CANNOT IE MIN Vednnftan er Senewndinf Arte in This ftotm : W AT ANT OTHII THIATRI) Neil Oretrs Filled Freeiptly VIA FLAMINIA : stunt weenie BY ALFRED HAYES wSfroSlßi With Margot Hartman Si Del Tenney UPTOWNS Directed by John O'Khaughnnsy 341A (enn. Are. et Newark SI, N.W. Soati Now Through Feb. 10 Tickets In Ballantyne «. 15th nr. P. "ONE OF YEAR'S 10 BEST" VIA IUS .. Take the 12 er L Mall and phone 4 ordera D1 7-40*0 # DlV Jt Woll«r Winch*// Out at 13th St. 1 Pennsylvania WFYfIW Hittfftf J Ave., N. W. Direct ft Theatre Twenty-tiilh end D Sft. N.W. WEEK CHATTERLEY’S r 7— liftMagazine LOVER QcilßbcSiilte si&eg Vitk Trant-Lux PLAZA PRODUCTION ICE SKATING WRUNG MW ft. V «t 14M IT _ ~ Che Cea UUNE°ARENA jA A PARAMOUNT Ommandments 1 Public Skating PICTUHN VIBTAViaiON TIC HNICO LOU TOMORROW W\ NOTE: 10a.m. tn *. Snows Tdmy »SOLD OUT lioo-Bioo p.m. gs Wtruilf Thu Vggf * Ctnntt r#|l-v»l T op Awtrd. Th* Cgldtn Fglm JKM ¦ Rottrvod tj|uMjOjGioiGii*iii(vi 1 VI o,< " *" \\ a ram p, JACQUES-YVTS COUSTEAU w* LOUIS MALLE *Tf Moil Ordtri promptly f.lltd M SUNDAY f Ivory Ironing at -,.n FRfDERIC DUMAS, ALBERT fALCO, tn. a W I P.M. $2.20 }| «0 $| }« tiM-lOilO p.n. SAT Morning at V\ • 4 unr > » f;3O aieJi d It*Cdt!W CHUMI*riCTIIM A.M. SI.M 11.40 *llO BILL TRAVERS ALASTAHt SIM lyTyffi SAT Matinoo ot 2:30 P.M $2.00 JI.7J }| go H,T SUN. and Holiday, -at 2:30 P.M rinnnnt 6th WEEK $2.20 *1 »0 *1 50 ULINE 1 » ' OJOm§mUiii nn cowq avi. ou y-yaoo-oriM u,*>, BURLESQUE' , ARENA . I¦MUkumaaarnMßl j "s RKO KEITH’S THEATRE v