Geographia Polonica 2021, Volume 94, Issue 2, pp. 267-282



Bartłomiej Miszuk Institute of Meteorology and Water Management National Research Institute ul. Parkowa 30, 51-616 Wrocław: Poland e-mail: [email protected]

Abstract The region of Western Sudetes is one of the most popular tourist areas in Poland. Simultaneously, it is also characterized by significant variability in terms of climate conditions. Therefore, the main goal of the analysis was to evaluate variability in heat stress frequency according to UTCI and examine how it corresponds to the results of the tourism-climate index (WSI). The results for both indices, for 1971-2015 data, showed significant differences between the summit and the lower located mountain zones. Analysis on multiannual trends of UTCI classes showed significant increase in the frequency of thermoneutral conditions and decreasing tendency for cold stress categories.

Key words bioclimate • Sudetes • UTCI • WSI

Introduction wind speed, noticed especially in the sum- mit zone of the mountains. Analysis focused The Western Sudetes are one of the most out- on wind conditions of the discussed region standing regions of Poland in terms of climate showed that the highest parts of the Giant conditions. They are located in the south-west Mts. is one of the most windy regions in whole Poland (Lower ) and include the Giant Europe (Błaś & Sobik, 2005). Mean annual Mts. and Isera Mts. Such a location makes wind speed on Śnieżka reaches 12.7 m·s-1 them exposed to frequent advection of polar (Otop & Miszuk, 2011; Błażejczyk, 2019), air masses from the Atlantic Ocean. Conse- significantly exceeding values noticed in the quently, it results in specific precipitation and surrounding areas. In terms of thermal condi- fog conditions that are significantly different tions, mean air temperature in the Western from other regions of Poland. In terms of the Sudetes varies from about 7.5°C in their low- influence of weather on human organism, the er parts to 0.8°C on Śnieżka Mtn. It should most crucial aspect is related to very high be also emphasized that over 300 foggy days 268 Bartłomiej Miszuk are noticed on Śnieżka throughout the year Matzarakis et al., 2010, 2012; Amiranash- what additionally intensifies thermal senses vili et al., 2015), where strong impact of cold because of specific humidity conditions. stress during the cold season is one of the Therefore, the summit zone of the mountains most crucial factors. On the other hand, is characterized by very severe conditions. many of these regions are characterized The Western Sudetes are also the most by favorable snow conditions and are popular important tourist area in the for ski recreation. In summer season, number and one of the most popular tourist region of days with cold stress is still high, however in Poland. Over 90% of visitors usually stay increased frequency of thermoneutral condi- there for at least three days (Rogowski, tions is noticed. Heat stress is rarely observed. 2015). In case of the summit zone (Śnieżka), In the highest alpine zones, cold stress pre- the number of entries in 2015 reached vails while heat stress does not occur at all. 650,000, making Śnieżka the most popular The main goal of the article is to evaluate destination of the region (Rogowski, 2018). the impact of weather conditions on tour- One of the most important tourist aspects ism and recreation in the region of Western is skiing. The Western Sudetes are very popu- Sudetes. In these purpose WSI (Weather lar for both downhill and cross-country skiing. Suitability Index), was used. Additionally, The most important factor affecting useful- the results obtained with use of WSI were ness of weather for ski tourism is snow cover. compared to UTCI (Universal Thermal Cli- In the summit zone of the Giant Mts. snow mate Index) to examine how the results cover is characterized by the highest depth of climate-related index correspond to the and the longest duration. Mean annual fre- modern human heat load index. The results quency of snow cover on Śnieżka is 185 days of the analysis can be a supplement for tour- (Głowicki, 2005; Błażejczyk, 2019). High num- ist guide-books and contribute to increase ber of days with snow cover is also noticed knowledge on the impact of severe climate in the Isera Mts., mainly because of very high conditions in the mountains on both human winter precipitations (Błaś & Sobik, 2005). health and tourism issues. Snow cover suitable for skiing (> 10 cm) in the summit zone occurs during over 80% Data and methods days from November till April. The highest parts of the mountains are also character- Meteorological data from IMGW-PIB stations ized by the most favorable snow conditions in the region was the basis for the characteris- for downhill skiing (Miszuk et al., 2012) also tics of bioclimate conditions and their impact are characterized by very high tourist traffic. on human organism and tourism. Three sta- Therefore, high number of tourists is exposed tions were taken into consideration: Śnieżka, to negative impact of extreme weather con- Jelenia Góra and Legnica. The first two are ditions, especially in the cold season. Pre- located in the mountain area of Western vious analysis on biometeorological condi- Sudetes. The summit zone is represented tions of the highest parts of the Western by Śnieżka (1603 m a.s.l.) while Jelenia Góra Sudetes (Miszuk, 2008; Miszuk et al., 2012, (342 m a.s.l.) signified its lower parts. Legnica 2016) and the Tatra Mts. (Błażejczyk & (122 m a.s.l.) represents lowlands located Kunert, 2010; Błażejczyk et al., 2013; Pełech, north from the Sudetes Mts (Fig. 1). The data 2013a, b) showed, that especially during cold concerned the period of 1971-2015 and was season, negative impact of intensive cold mainly related to 12.00 UTC. It included air stress is noticed. Similar biometeorological temperature, relative humidity, wind speed features are also observed for the Alps and and cloudiness. In terms of evaluation of radi- other European mountain regions (Zaninović ation conditions, sun angle data was also con- et al., 2006; Oehler & Matzarakis, 2007; Ket- sidered. In order to assess tourism-climate terer & Matzarakis, 2010; Matzarakis, 2010; conditions, additional daily data on maximum

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 Tourism climate conditions in the Western Sudetes (Poland) in relation to UTCI 269

Figure 1. Location of measuring stations in the Western Sudetes and adjacent lowlands and minimum air temperature, precipitations and intensive recreation are related to differ- and snow cover was taken into consideration. ent types of activities (walks, trekking, cycling), In case of tourism and recreation, the characterized by different metabolic rates. impact of weather conditions was evaluated Calculation of WSI for ski tourism is focused with the use of WSI (Weather Suitability Index). on assessment of favorability of weather It is calculated on the basis of MENEX model conditions for cross-country skiing. Such (Błażejczyk, 2004, 2006; Błażejczyk & Kunert, various spectrum of climatotherapy, tour- 2011) and takes into consideration both ther- ism and recreation is extremely important mal sensations and the impact of selected as the Western Sudetes are known as the meteorological variables (daily air tempera- region of health resorts (i.e. Cieplice-Zdrój, ture amplitudes, precipitation, snow cover). Świeradów-Zdrój, etc.) as well as are popu- The calculations of WSI were carried out with lar for tourism and sports activity, including the use of BioKlima 2.6 software package skiing. WSI for each of the mentioned forms and were based on the results of bio-thermal was calculated as mean values for each day weather classification. According to WSI set- in a year (WSIavg). Subsequently, the values tings, values of this index were calculated for of WSIavg were summarized and presented five types of climatotherapy, tourism and rec- as overall favorability of weather conditions reation: sun baths, air baths, mild recreation, for climatotherapy, tourism and recreation intensive recreation and ski tourism. The first (WSI-TOT). The categories of both WSIavg and two forms concern climatotherapy, while mild WSI-TOT are presented in Table 1. Frequency

Table 1. Categories of WSIavg and WSI-TOT (according to Błażejczyk, 2004)

Favorability of weather conditions WSIavg WSI-TOT Unfavorable conditions < 0.5 < 3.5 Moderately favorable conditions 0.5-1.2 3.5-5.0 Favorable conditions 1.2-2.0 5.0-6.5 Very favorable conditions > 2.0 6.5-8.0 Extremely favorable conditions - > 8.0

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 270 Bartłomiej Miszuk of favorable and very favorable conditions for lower located zones are characterized by sig- tourism and recreation in particular decades nificantly better conditions if compared was presented using Climate-Tourism-Infor- to the summit zone (Fig. 2-7). Such a situation mation-Scheme (Matzarakis, 2007). is noticed for sun baths. In the region of West- For of evaluations of thermal stress, ern Sudetes, WSI for sun baths (heliotherapy) UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index) was is characterized by higher values in the lower taken into consideration. It bases on Fia- hypsometric zone than at summit (Fig. 2). la’s multi node model (Fiala et al., 2001). In Jelenia Góra and Legnica, the most fre- Regarding UTCI, values are classified into quent class of WSI is ‘moderately favorable various thermal stress categories (Tab. 2). conditions’. Sun baths in this area are pos- Mechanism of UTCI and its detailed descrip- sible from the second decade of March till tions is presented in numerous publications the beginning of November. In the reiaminng devoted to the methodology of this index period of the year, significantly worse ther- (i.e. Błażejczyk et al., 2010, 2012; Jendtritzky mal, solar, wind and precipitation conditions et al., 2012). are observed what conseqently diminishes favorability of weather for sun baths. Optimal Table 2. Thermal stress categories according conditions for this type of climatotherapty are to UTCI noticed in the first decade of May and from August till the beginning of October (‘favora- Thermal stress category UTCI [°C] ble conditions’). It is a consequense of com- Extreme heat stress > 46.0 fortable solar and thermal conditions, with Very strong heat stress 38.1 to 46.0 low frequency of heat and cold stress, as well Strong heat stress 32.1 to 38.0 as relatively low number of days with precipi- Moderate heat stress 26.1 to 32.0 tations. In Jelenia Góra, October is the month No thermal stress 9.1 to 26.0 with high number of sunny days (Szyga-Pluta, 2017), what significantly improves weather Slight cold stress 0.1 to 9.0 for this type of climatotherapy. Frequency Moderate cold stress -13.0 to 0.0 of the most valuable weather types (classes Strong cold stress -27.0 to -13.1 of ‘favorable’ and ‘very favorable’ conditions) Very strong cold stress -40.0 to -27.1 in the lowlands can reach 40-50% in April/ Extreme cold stress < -40.0 May and 30-40% in August/September, while in the first decade of October the frequency UTCI values were calculated for each day of days with the best weather conditions for of the studied period for 12.00 UTC. Similarly sun baths is equal to 20% (Fig. 7). On the to WSI, calculations of UTCI were carried out other hand, favorability of weather for sun with the use of BioKlima 2.6 software package. baths is noticeably diminished in June and The calculations were the basis for evaluation July. It results from increase in frequency of frequency of particular categories of ther- of cyclonic weather, characterized by high- mal stress. In order to check out multiannual number of days with strong wind, high cloudi- changes in bio-thermal conditions, analysis ness and precipitations. Additionally, frequent concerning trends of the UTCI categories heat stress is also limiting factor in this period. were carried out using linear regression. In case of Śnieżka, favorability of weather for sun baths is significantly worse if compared Results to the lower mountain zones and the lowlands. Possible period of having sun baths (‘moder- Sun baths ately favorable conditions’) is quite short and The results of the research showed that lasts from the middle of May till the second from the point of view of weather suitability decade of September with the best conditions for climatotherapy, tourism and recreation, noticed at the break of July and August.

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 Tourism climate conditions in the Western Sudetes (Poland) in relation to UTCI 271




1.5 WSI-SB



0.0 1.01 9.04 7.05 2.07 8.10 5.11 3.12 4.06 15.01 29.01 12.02 26.02 12.03 26.03 23.04 21.05 18.06 16.07 30.07 13.08 27.08 10.09 24.09 22.10 19.11 17.12 31.12 unfavorable cond. moderately favorable cond. favorable cond. very favorable cond. Figure 2. Favorability of weather conditions for sun baths in Śnieżka (brown), Jelenia Góra (red) and Legnica (blue) for 1971-2015 (11-day moving average)




1.5 WSI-AB



0.0 1.01 9.04 7.05 2.07 8.10 5.11 3.12 4.06 15.01 29.01 12.02 26.02 12.03 26.03 23.04 21.05 18.06 16.07 30.07 13.08 27.08 10.09 24.09 22.10 19.11 17.12 31.12 unfavorable cond. moderately favorable cond. favorable cond. very favorable cond. Figure 3. Favorability of weather conditions for air baths in Śnieżka (brown), Jelenia Góra (red) and Legnica (blue) for 1971-2015 (11-day moving average)

decade of June till the beginning of Septem- Air baths ber when more than 80% of days are char- In case of air baths (aerotherapy), the lower acterized by ‘favorable’ and ‘very favorable located areas are characterized by better conditions’. In the lower mountain zones weather conditions comparing to sun baths (Jelenia Góra) this period is shortened and (Fig. 3). In the lower located areas, weather lasts from the third decade of July till the end conditions related to at least ‘favorable con- of August (Fig. 7). Such conditions are caused ditions’ usually occur from the end of April by higher air temperature, low frequency till October (Fig. 7). Optimal period for air of precipitations, decrease in wind speed and baths in the lowlands lasts from the third good solar condition (August is characterized

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 272 Bartłomiej Miszuk as the month with one of the lowest cloudi- conditions’, in both lowlands and the lower ness rate). The summit zone of the mountain mountain zones, is observed from February (Śnieżka) is characterized by lower favorability till the beginning of November when usually of weather for air baths if compared to the 90-100% of days is classified as ‘favorable’ lower located areas. In the period from the or ‘very favorable’ (Fig. 7). In case of mild third decade of April till the middle of October, recreation heat stress can cause overheat- ‘moderately favorable conditions’ are noticed ing of human organism. During the summer (Fig. 3) while days with at least ‘favorable con- months, WSI values for mild recreation are ditions’ can occur (frequency of 10%) in the diminished because of increased intensity first decade of August only (Fig. 7). of heat stress (however it does not change the class of favorability). In the summit zone, Mild forms of recreation weather related to ‘moderately favorable con- ditions’ is predominant from the beginning Mild recreation is connected with outdoor of November till the middle of April. In warm activities of moderate metabolic rate (i.e. season, ‘favorable conditions’ are noticed. walks). Therefore, the aspect of metabolism The most optimal period is shorter than in the plays in that case more important role than lower located areas. Frequency of days with for sun and air baths. The most noticeable dif- at least ‘favorable conditions’, reaching 90% ference between favorability of weather condi- and more, is noticed from the third decade tions for mild recreation and sun/air baths are of April till the beginning of September, except noticed in the cold season (Fig. 4). In the lower some decades in May and June (Fig. 7). parts of the Western Sudetes and the neigh- boring lowlands, the lowest values of WSI are Intensive forms of recreation observed form the second decade of Decem- ber till the beginning of January when they Intensive forms of recreation, like trekking are classified as ‘moderately favorable con- or cycling, are concerned with very high metab- ditions’ (Fig. 4). All the remaining days in the olism rate. Such intensity can lead to organism year are characterized by weather conditions overheating. Thus, in case of intensive form of adequate to ‘favorable conditions’. The high- recreation, winter cold stress does not affect est frequency of classes of at least ‘favorable usefulness of weather conditions and very




1.5 WSI-MR



0.0 1.01 9.04 7.05 2.07 8.10 5.11 3.12 4.06 15.01 29.01 12.02 26.02 12.03 26.03 23.04 21.05 18.06 16.07 30.07 13.08 27.08 10.09 24.09 22.10 19.11 17.12 31.12 unfavorable cond. moderately favorable cond. favorable cond. very favorable cond. Figure 4. Favorability of weather conditions for mild recreation in Śnieżka (brown), Jelenia Góra (red) and Legnica (blue) for 1971-2015 (11-day moving average)

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 Tourism climate conditions in the Western Sudetes (Poland) in relation to UTCI 273 high WSI values in the lower located regions are observed in the cold half-year (Fig. 5). Ski tourism In Legnica and Jelenia Góra, from the sec- In terms of evaluation of weather for skiing, ond decade of September till the first decade snow cover is not the only meteorological of May, WSI is classified into the class of ‘very variable that affects its usefulness. The results favorable conditions’. In the warm season, showed that the summit of Śnieżka, is charac- favorability of weather conditions for intensive terized by the most favorable conditions for ski- forms of recreation is diminished, because ing, and best period for this type of recreation of high metabolic rate that significantly is shifted from winter to spring months (Fig. 6). increases the risk of overheating. In case of the Such course of WSI on Śnieżka is caused by dif- summit zone, heat stress does not play that ferent bio-thermal and precipitation conditions. important role. On the other hand, cold stress In the wintertime, low air temperature and during the cold season is still very important high wind speed cause intensification of cold factor consequently results in totally differ- stress that negatively affects human organ- ent annual course of WSI if compared to the ism. Additionally, increased frequency of pre- lower regions. On Śnieżka, in spite of cold cipitation is noticed during winter months. Dur- stress, sever winds and precipitation in the ing spring, bio-thermal conditions are not that period between the first decade of November harmful while number of days with precipita- and the middle of March, class of ‘favorable tions decreases. Simultaneously, snow cover conditions’ is usually observed. In the warm depth is still sufficient for skiing. Therefore, tak- season, optimal conditions (‘very favorable’) ing into consideration all weather components, are noticed in the third decade of April and the ‘favorable’ conditions for ski tourism in the from the end of September till the first half summit zone are noticed between the third of October. Unlike in the lower located areas, decade of February and the beginning of May. heat stress is not a crucial factor in the summit The highest frequency of days with ‘favorable’ zone. Taking into consideration classes of at and ‘very favorable conditions’ is observed least ‘favorable conditions’, all the stations in April (when it is equal to 90-100%) as well representing whole hypsometric profile are as from third decade of February till the end characterized by frequency exceeding 90% of March and in the beginning of May (50- almost throughout the year (Fig. 7). 80%) (Fig. 7). ‘Moderately favorable conditions’




1.5 WSI-AR



0.0 1.01 9.04 7.05 2.07 8.10 5.11 3.12 4.06 15.01 29.01 12.02 26.02 12.03 26.03 23.04 21.05 18.06 16.07 30.07 13.08 27.08 10.09 24.09 22.10 19.11 17.12 31.12 unfavorable cond. moderately favorable cond. favorable cond. very favorable cond. Figure 5. Favorability of weather conditions for intensive recreation in Śnieżka (brown), Jelenia Góra (red) and Legnica (blue) for 1971-2015 (11-day moving average)

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 274 Bartłomiej Miszuk




1.5 WSI-ST



0.0 1.01 9.04 7.05 2.07 8.10 5.11 3.12 4.06 15.01 29.01 12.02 26.02 12.03 26.03 23.04 21.05 18.06 16.07 30.07 13.08 27.08 10.09 24.09 22.10 19.11 17.12 31.12 unfavorable cond. moderately favorable cond. favorable cond. very favorable cond. Figure 6. Favorability of weather conditions for ski tourism in Śnieżka (brown), Jelenia Góra (red) and Legnica (blue) for 1971-2015 (11-day moving average)

LG JG SB SN Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

LG JG AB SN Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

LG JG MR SN Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

LG JG AR SN Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

LG JG ST SN Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec % 0-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100

Figure 7. Frequency of ‘favorable’ and ‘very favorable’ conditions in particular decades, according to WSI (WSIavg≥1,2), for sun baths (SB), air baths (AB), mild recreation (MR), intensive recreation (AR) and ski tourism (ST) in Legnica (LG), Jelenia Góra (JG) and Śnieżka (SN) for 1971-2015 are noticed from the second decade of Novem- ‘moderately favorable conditions’ occur only ber till the second decade of February and in the second and third decade of January and in the second decade of May (Fig. 6). In the at the end of February. In case of the lowlands lower located areas, usefulness of weather (Legnica), ‘unfavorable conditions’ are noticed for skiing is significantly lower. In Jelenia Góra throughout the year.

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 Tourism climate conditions in the Western Sudetes (Poland) in relation to UTCI 275

for skiing. In August, the most favorable Overall weather favorability conditions for climatotherapy (sun baths, for climatotherapy, tourism air baths) and mild recreation are noticed, and recreation what consequently increases total usefulness Annual course of WSI considering all the of weather in this period. discussed forms (WSI-TOT) shows that the lower mountain areas and the lowlands are Bio-thermal conditions characterized by the most favorable weather according to UTCI conditions in the warm season, especially in spring and autumn (Fig. 8). From March Presented above analysis showed that weath- till the beginning of November values of WSI- er favorability for tourism is strongly depend- TOT are adequate to ‘very favorable condi- ent on bio-thermal conditions. It concerns all tions’. The highest WSI-TOT occurs at the end the discussed forms of tourism and recrea- of September. and at the break of April and tion. One of the most popular index used for May During wintertime, the most important evaluation of bio-thermal conditions is UTCI. limiting factors are cold stress (resulting from In the discussed region, annual structure thermal, wind and solar conditions) and high of thermal stress in the lowlands and lower frequency of precipitations. Diminishing val- mountain zones is similar (Fig. 9-10). No ther- ues of WSI-TOT in the summer months is an mal stress class is the most frequent, it pre- effect of heat stress and increased frequency dominates especially in the warm season. of cyclonic types of weather in the first weeks During summertime, moderate and strong of the summer. heat stress can occur, whereas very strong In case of the summit zone, the best over- heat stress can occasionally appear in Leg- all conditions are noticed during two periods: nica. In case of the cold season, the classes from the second decade of April till the sec- of slight and moderate cold stress are the ond decade of May and from the last days most frequent. The summit zone is charac- of July till the second decade of August (‘very terized by different conditions (Fig. 11). Cold favorable conditions’). In spring high WSI-TOT stress prevails throughout the year, while heat results from relatively comfortable thermal stress does not appear at all. Weather types conditions as well as very good conditions of moderate, strong and very strong cold








0 1.01 9.04 7.05 2.07 8.10 5.11 3.12 4.06 15.01 29.01 12.02 26.02 12.03 26.03 23.04 21.05 18.06 16.07 30.07 13.08 27.08 10.09 24.09 22.10 19.11 17.12 31.12 unfavorable cond. moderately favorable cond. favorable cond. very favorable cond. Figure 8. Overall favorability of weather conditions for tourism and recreation in Śnieżka (brown), Jelenia Góra (red) and Legnica (blue) for 1971-2015 (11-day moving average)

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 276 Bartłomiej Miszuk

[%] 100



Frequency 40


0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Figure 9. Frequency of UTCI categories in Legnica in 1971-2015. Thermal stress categories: extreme cold stress (-5), very strong cold stress (-4), strong cold stress (-3), moderate cold stress (-2), slight cold stress (-1), no thermal stress (0), moderate heat stress (1), strong heat stress (2), very strong heat stress (3) stress (also no thermal stress in the summer) for trends concerning thermoneutral condi- are the most frequent in the warm season, tions (for all of the cosidered stations), strong while significant number of days with extreme cold stress (Jelenia Góra), very strong cold cold stress is noticed between November and stress (Jelenia Góra) and extreme cold stress March. Such bio-thermal conditions result (Śnieżka). The results of the analysis show from very low values of air temperature, high that the rate of increase in frequency of no wind speed and higher cloudiness than in the thermal stress category varied from 3 days lower located areas. Therefore, differentia- per 14 years on Śnieżka to about 4 days tion in bio-thermal conditions between the per 11 years in Legnica and Jelenia Góra. summit zone and the lowlands and lower In terms of cold stress, the most intensive mountains zones has a significant impact changes have been observed for extreme on variability in favorability of weather condi- cold stress on Śnieżka. The rate amounted tions for tourism in these hypsometric zones. also to 4 days per 11 years. In Jelenia Góra, Analysis focused on climate changes frequency of two categories characterized showed that significant changes in air tem- by statistical significance has decreased perature had been noticed over the last dec- about 2 days per decade (strong cold stress) ades in the discussed region (Migała et al., and 1 day per 16 years (very strong cold 2015; Błażejczyk, 2019). Thus, such changes stress). The remaining categories of cold could also modify bio-thermal conditions stress were in most cases also characterized and consequently usefulness of weather for by decreasing trends, however no statistical tourism and recreation. Analysis concerning significance was noticed. No statistical sig- changes in frequency of paticular classes nificance was also observed for trends relat- of thermal stress, according to UTCI in 1971- ed to heat stress categories. Such changes 2015, showed that the number of days with in thermal stress categories can influence thermoneutral cinditions in all hypsometric usefulness of weather for climatotherapy, zones has increased in the last decades, while tourism and recreation. This concerns espe- weather situation related to cold stress has cially the forms that are strongly dependent been characterized by decreasing tendency on bio-thermal conditions. (Tab. 3). Statistical significance was noticed

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 Tourism climate conditions in the Western Sudetes (Poland) in relation to UTCI 277

[%] 100



Frequency 40


0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Figure 10. Frequency of UTCI categories in Jelenia Góra in 1971-2015 (thermal stress categories as in Fig. 9)

[%] 100



Frequency 40


0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3

Figure 11. Frequency of UTCI categories on Śnieżka in 1971-2015 (thermal stress categories as in Fig. 9)

Table 3. Changes rate (per decade) of annual frequency of days with particular UTCI categories in Leg- nica (LG), Jelenia Góra (JG) and Śnieżka (SN) in 1971-2015 (statistical significance at 0.05 marked in bold)

Very Very Extreme Strong cold Moderate Slight cold No ther- Moderate Strong strong cold strong cold stress stress cold stress stress mal stress heat stress heat stress stress heat stress LG - -0.3 0.4 -2.2 -1.8 3.7 -0.6 0.6 0.2 JG - -0.6 -2.2 -0.9 -0.8 3.6 0.1 0.8 0.0 SN -3.6 -1.1 -0.7 1.8 1.2 2.4 0.0 - -

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 278 Bartłomiej Miszuk

Discussion and conclusions of thermal comfort is observed. Furthermore, in the discussed period, cloudiness and wind The presented analysis on the impact of weath- speed are also characterized by low values er conditions on climatotherapy, tourism and what increases WSI on Śnieżka. The most recreation in the Western Sudetes showed favorable conditions on Śnieżka for most significant differences between the summit forms of recreation occur in April-October zone and the lower located areas. It concerns period when the lowest frequency of cold all of the considered forms of recreation. Com- stress is observed. It is also adequate to the paring these two zones, the summit zone of the period with the lowest frequency of cold mountains is in some periods characterized stress, assessed with the method of CTIS, by more favorable conditions for very active noticed for other high european mountains tourism in months when heat stress can often (Oehler & Matzarakis, 2007; Ketterer & Mat- occur in the lower parts. On the other hand, zarakis, 2010; Matzarakis 2010; Matzarakis the highest parts of the Western Sudetes are et al., 2010, 2012). Similarly to Śnieżka, the characterized by lower usefulness during cold highest number of days with thermal com- season. In case of climatotherapy (sun baths, fort in these regions is also observed in the air baths), the lower parts of the mountains summer season while heat stress hardly ever and the lowlands are more favorable regions occurs. Optimal weather conditions for tour- in comparison to the summit zone throughout ism in the summer season in the high moun- the year. In terms of ski tourism, altitude is the tains are also noticed in terms of TCI index most important factor due to higher frequency (Perch-Nielsen et al., 2010; Amiranashvili and depth of snow cover. et al., 2015). Considering all the discussed forms of cli- Comparing the results for the summit zone matotherapy, tourism and recreation, annual between the Western Sudetes and the Tatra course of weather suitability in the lower Mts., favorability of weather conditions for located area in the Western Sudetes is simi- considered tourist forms is similar (Błażejczyk lar to other lowland (Koźmiński et al., 2007; & Kunert, 2010; Błażejczyk et al., 2013; Radzka & Dragańska, 2015; Mąkosza, 2016; Pełech, 2013b). It also concerns ski tourism. Wereski, 2018) and mountainous regions Optimal conditions for this type of recrea- of Poland (Błażejczyk & Matzarakis, 2007; tion are shifted from winter to spring months. Wereski, 2012; Wereski & Demczuk, 2015). In these terms, Śnieżka is similar to Kasprowy Comparable results were also noticed in the Wierch (1987 m a.s.l.) and Hala Gąsienicowa case of the lowlands and mountainous areas (1520 m a.s.l.) in the Tatra Mts. where opti- of (Miszuk et al., 2016). The most mal weather conditions for skiing are noticed favorable weather conditions for sun and in the spring season (Pełech, 2013b). Favora- air baths are noticed there in the warm sea- ble conditions for skiing during spring months son while the optimum for active recreation are also observed in the higher zones in other is shifted to spring/autumn (mild recreation) European mountains, i.e. in the Alps or in the or to the cold season (intensive recreation). Black Forest (Ketterer & Matzarakis, 2010; In case of the summit zone of the Giant Mts., Matzarakis et al., 2010). significantly lower WSI for sun and air baths, Resemblances between the lower parts in comparison to the lower located areas, of the Western Sudetes and other Polish are a result of high frequency of cold stress, regions are also noticed for UTCI. The struc- frequent precipitations as well as high cloudi- ture of frequency of UTCI categories in the ness and wind speed (Szczepankiewicz-Szmyr- lower parts of the Western Sudetes is similar ka & Mielcarek, 1997; Dubicka & Głowicki, to other lower located regions (Lindner-Cend- 2000; Błaś & Sobik, 2005). Therefore, the rowska, 2013; Nowosad et al., 2013; Dobek best conditions for sun and air baths are & Krzyżewska, 2015; Bryś & Ojrzyńska, 2016; noticed in the period when high frequency Półrolniczak et al., 2016). However, it does not

Geographia Polonica 2021, 94, 2, pp. 267-282 Tourism climate conditions in the Western Sudetes (Poland) in relation to UTCI 279 concern the summit zone that is characterized of climatotherapy and recreation. Decreas- by severe bio-thermal conditions that are sig- ing trends of cold stress categories were also nificantly different from the lower parts of the observed for the coastal region of Poland discussed area and other mountain regions in 1981-2010 (Półrolniczak et al., 2016). of Poland (Nowosad et al., 2013). Frequency It should be emphasized that such a tendency of the most extreme cold stress on Śnieżka is also projected for the future period, includ- is even higher than on Hala Gąsienicowa ing discussed area (Schwarzak et al., 2014; in the Tatra Mts. (Błażejczyk & Kunert, 2010; Miszuk et al., 2016) and other European Błażejczyk et al., 2013). The most noticeable regions (Matzarakis et al., 2007; Oehler & Mat- feature is very high frequency of weather zarakis, 2007). On the other hand, no statisti- types that are concerned with extreme cold cally significant trends for heat stress were stress. That makes this area very uncomfort- observed for the discussed area, whereas able in terms of the influence of weather such tendencies occurred in some other Pol- on human organism. It is very important con- ish regions for previous periods (Półrolniczak sidering high popularity of this area as a tour- et al., 2016; Krzyżewska et al., 2020; Tomczyk ist region, especially during wintertime when & Owczarek, 2020). cold stress is most intensive. Consequent- The information of biometeorological con- ly, each year very high number of tourist ditions, concerning the risk caused by extreme is vulnerable to cold stress impact. weather, could be included in tourist folders In terms of changes in particular catego- and book-guides in order to increase aware- ries of thermal stress assessed with the use ness among the persons visiting the region. of UTCI, decreasing tendency of cold stress Additionally, information on bio-thermal and increasing frequency of thermoneutral conditions and favorability of weather for conditions have been noticed over the last various types of climatotherapy, tourism and decades. If such trends continue, weather recreation can be published as weather cal- favorability for tourism and recreation can endars that could show various usefulness be improved in the future. It concerns espe- of weather conditions for particular periods cially the forms of recreation that are strongly of the year. affected by cold stress in the cold season: mild recreation and ski tourism. Increase Editors‘ note: in frequency of no thermal stress category Unless otherwise stated, the sources of tables and can contribute to prolongation of the period figures are the authors‘, on the basis of their own suitable for performing particular forms research.

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© Bartłomiej Miszuk Article first received • February 2020 © Geographia Polonica Article accepted • Setpember 2020 © Institute of Geography and Spatial Organization Open acces article under the CC BY 4.0 license Polish Academy of Sciences • Warsaw • 2021