D ECEMBER 2 017, VOL .1 9, N O . 3 ANCHORAGE: So many memories: NSAA Photo Contest 4 EAGLE RIVER: Youthful enthusiasm from skiers, volunteers 9 MAT-SU: Twice the racing fun with Icicle Double 10 FAIRBANKS: Wax up and explore the Trails Challenge 16 BONUS SECTION! Visit anchoragenordicski. com/newsletter/ for four extra pages of fun photos, Olympic athlete profiles and Alaska Nordic news! Anchorage . 2 Eagle River . 9 Fairbanks . 14 Girdwood . 11 PHOTO BY ANDY KUBIC Kachemak . 12 Mat-Su. 10 2 DECEMBER 2017 203 W. 15th Ave., #204 Anchorage, Alaska, 99501 Phone — 276-7609 Fax — 258-7609 Anchorage Nordic Skier Hotline — 248-6667
[email protected] Newsletter Of The Nordic Skiing Association Of Anchorage, Inc. BOARD MEMBERS Snow on the ground, skiers on the trails PRESIDENT Joey Caterinichio VICE PRESIDENT Sara Miller Message from NSAA staff and Board of Directors SECRETARY Josh Niva ‘Tis the season for Nordic skiing! dreds of kids and coaches are canvas- – you won’t want to miss it! Along TREASURER We are excited that December wel- ing Anchorage’s trails each night, with Santa’s elves, Nordic volunteers Karl Garber MEMBERS comes us with snow on the ground, staying active and healthy. are also working especially hard this Molly Brown Alex Grumman both manmade and the natural kind. Our December issue of the Nordic season prepping for a big event: U.S. Elizabeth Arnold Snowmaking guns at Kincaid Park Skier is packed with great stories Nationals starting January 3 at Kin- Mike Miller Tim Miller got a lot of skiers excited in early and updates including the unveil- caid Park.